Games for children of the early age group. Card file of games - fun for young children


A game: "The goat was walking along the bridge"


A goat walked along the bridge. An adult shakes his knees.

Up down.

And wagged her tail, the adult turns the child out

Side to side.

Caught on the railing. Shakes again.

I landed right in the river, plop! Simulates falling into a hole.

Card number 2

A game: "On a horse"

Target: development of trusting, partnership relations.

Over bumps, over bumps, the Adult sharply raises and

On small bushes, knees down.

On a young horse

Up the hill, thump, thump, thump! Adult pulls forward

And on the old nag legs and rolls a child over them.

From the hill - boom!

Card number 3

A game: "Carousels"

Target: learning to coordinate movements with each other and the rhythm of the text, creating an atmosphere of joy that brings children together.

And then, then, then - All run, run, run!

Hush, hush, take your time, the pace is slowing down,

Stop the carousel. gradually moving to walking.

One, two, one, two (pause) Children stop and

So the game is over! bow to each other!

Card number 4

A game: "Small bird"

Target: development of active speech and attention of the child.

Small bird

She flew to us, to us!

little bird

I will give grains, ladies, ladies!

The bird sat on the window

Sit a little longer

Wait don't fly away

Card number 5

A game: "Geese are flying"

Target: auditory perception, attention, speed of reaction, skills of interaction with adults, with children, creating a good mood.

The geese are flying! - and raises his hands up, showing how the geese fly.

Fly! - children answer, and also raise their hands.

Ducks are flying! - They're flying!

Flies are flying! - They're flying!

Sparrows are flying! - Flying!

Pikes are flying!

Carried away, children often answer: - Fly!

And they raise their hands.

The leader slaps lightly on the hands and speaks:

They don't fly! They don't fly!

A game: "The deer has a big house"---Card #6

Card number 6

A game: "Bunny"

Target: development of spatial representations (up-down, left-right)

One two three four five toy up down

The bunny came out to jump.

Looked around, turned, Left, right.

Looked up and down

I ran, I was afraid ...

Where are you, bunny, respond? Hide the toy behind your back.

Card number 7

A game: "Jump"

Target: development of positive interaction between an adult and a child, the ability to imitate the actions of an adult.

Stands in the field Teremok. While squatting, cover your head with your hands.

The door opens. Slowly raise your arms above your head.

Who appears there?

Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh, ba-bam! Jumps up, arms outstretched.

The jumper is there!

Card number 8

A game: « sun bunnies»


sun bunnies

Playing on the wall

I beckon them with my finger

Let them run to me.

Well, catch it, catch it soon.

Here it is, a bright circle,

Here, here, here, left, left!

Ran to the ceiling.

Children catch a bunny on the wall. It’s good to send it higher so that the children bounce, get it.

Card number 9

A game: "Tsap»

Target: relieve emotional stress, improve mood.

Hares stood on the mountain, Drive on the palm of your hand

And they shouted - hide your fingers: tap! "tsap" squeeze the baby's hand.

Card number 10

A game: "Cuckoo"

Target: develop imagination, improve mood.

The cuckoo flew past the garden, they wave their hands

She pecked all the seedlings, pecked with her hands, on the other hand

And she screamed - ku-ku poppy! Beak from a finger

Clench one fist 2-3 times, repeat.

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The manual discusses the principles of organizing outdoor games; the methodology for conducting games and game exercises is presented, developed taking into account the age characteristics of children 3-4 years old and the requirements of the "Program of education and training in kindergarten”, shown educational value games.

Methodology for outdoor games

Children 2-3 years old are extremely active. They show their activity in repetitive movements: they run from one place to another, carrying toys or any objects, climb and get off low benches, sofas, walk and run, carry cars, wheelchairs, turntables, throw and roll balls, catch up them, etc. Independent motor activity is an important condition for the overall development of the child, so the teacher of the younger groups should make sure that both on the site and in the room there is a lot of free space, a sufficient number of toys that stimulate the movement of children, benefits needed for movement development.

The educator needs to be able to indirectly direct the independent games of children. Watching them, he must note for himself who does not know how to play with this or that toy, who is inactive or, conversely, moves too much. Taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of the kids, the teacher carefully guides their activities. One helps to master the actions with new toy, others will offer to play ball with him, the third, on the contrary, will find something calmer. Knowing that kids, especially in the first younger group, like to play alone, he should give them such an opportunity, but at the same time he should try to involve children in joint games. In working with kids, specially organized outdoor games and exercises that take place under the direct guidance of an adult are very important.

Game selection

Outdoor games should ensure the versatile development of the motor sphere of children, as well as contribute to the formation of their skills to act in a team, navigate in space, and perform actions in accordance with the rules or text of the game. Therefore, it is necessary to use outdoor games and exercises that are not only diverse in content, but also in the organization of children, in the complexity of coordinating movements.

The content of games should correspond to the level of development and preparedness of the players, be accessible and interesting for them. The difficulty of outdoor games and game exercises for children from 2 to 4 years is not the same, it depends on their saturation with various motor actions. For example, games based on throwing and jumping are more difficult for children of this age than those based on walking, crawling and running. More harder game, built on a combination of several types of movements (running and jumping, walking and stepping over, etc.). Therefore, games should be selected in such a way that motor tasks in them, even those based on the same movement, become more complicated gradually. Suppose children are being exercised in balance. First, they are offered to walk, maintaining balance, between two lines (along the path), then along a board lying on the floor, along a bench, along an inclined board, along a board raised horizontally, along a narrow rail of a bench, etc. You can complicate the task and changing the nature of movements - to walk quickly, run, walk silently on toes, taking a certain position of the hands (to the sides, behind the head), etc. Such a system of game exercises gradually leads children to the correct execution of basic movements, ensures repetition and consolidation of previously skills and abilities.

So, the first requirement that must be followed in the selection of outdoor games is the correspondence of the content of game actions, rules to the age characteristics of children, their ideas, skills, knowledge about the world around them, their capabilities in learning new things.

We must strive to ensure that game images are understandable and interesting to children. These may be already familiar images (cat, bird); it is easy to introduce kids to unknown characters using a picture, a toy, a fairy tale, a book (a bear, a fox, a hare, etc.). It is important that the movements of the characters in the games are varied, but accessible to young children. Therefore, it is necessary that they are well acquainted with the character they imitate.

It is very important to keep in mind that the variety of motor tasks is ensured not only by the fact that in each game a new movement is used, but also by the fact that in several games the same movement is performed with different formations and in different situations. In one game, walking in a group is given, in another - walking in a circle, holding hands, in the third game, children are taught to walk in pairs or scattered. You can also diversify and run. Children can run in one direction, in all directions, run away from the catcher to their places, etc. Performing movements in different game situations has great importance for the development of coordination of movements of babies, their orientation in space, and also contributes to the education of their activity and independence.

The pedagogical effect of an outdoor game largely depends on its compliance with a specific educational task. Depending on what skills and abilities the educator seeks to develop in children at the moment, he chooses games that help develop these particular skills. So, if the teacher is faced with the task of teaching children to act in a coordinated manner in a team, to move over a large area, then plot games, such as “Sun and Rain”, “Sparrows and a Cat”, are most suitable for this purpose. If, however, the task is to develop, for example, balance in children, then in this case, the game exercises “On the path”, “Through the stream”, etc., are most suitable.

When choosing games, the teacher must take into account the composition of the group of children. It can be different in different children's institutions. Some of the children at the beginning of the year come to kindergarten for the first time. Such children do not yet have the skill of joint actions in a group of peers, some cannot get used to the regime for a long time. According to their motor experience, these children differ from children who previously attended nursery groups. Therefore, at the beginning of the year, it is necessary to organize game exercises for a small number of children, as well as outdoor games that are simpler in content and do not require a clear coordination of the movements of the players.

It should also be taken into account general state groups. If the children are excited, it is better to play a calm, sedentary game, the rules of which require some attention from them (“Where does the bell ring?”, “Find the flag”, “Come quietly”, etc.). If the children have been sitting in class for a long time, they need active actions. In this case, you need to choose a game in which the movements are varied, often changing in accordance with the plot and rules (“My cheerful ringing ball”, “Sparrows and the cat”, etc.).

The choice of play also depends on the time of year, weather, temperature (indoor or outdoor), children's clothing, equipment available, etc.

When choosing a game, you need to consider what time of day it takes place. Outdoor games of a different nature should be combined with games and activities that take place during the day. At the end of the day, shortly before bedtime, games should be more relaxed.

Mobile games during the day

Outdoor games are held with the kids every day. In the morning, before breakfast, it is advisable to give children the opportunity to play on their own. To do this, you need to take out various toys, help the kids find something to do, encourage, joke to help create a cheerful, joyful mood in them.

The teacher can conduct game exercises with simple tasks, simple games of a calm nature with small groups of children or with some children individually. A more active game, organized with the whole group of children, can replace morning exercises. Such a game form of morning exercises can be used at the beginning of the year and in the first and second junior groups, when there are many new children in the team who first came to kindergarten. The game attracts them with its emotionality, the ability to act actively, to perform movements to the best of their abilities. Over time, when children get used to acting in a team, morning exercises are introduced, consisting of separate exercises.

Inappropriate physical activity and immediately after breakfast.

Before classes, games of medium mobility are appropriate; for kids, these are games most often of an individual order.

The most useful and expedient outdoor games on fresh air, while walking. Only in inclement weather (heavy rain, wind, cold) should games be organized indoors, but it is advisable to use the hall, since in group rooms it is not always possible to fully conduct an outdoor game with a large number of children.

On the morning walk after classes, outdoor games of various nature are held. Their number and duration on individual days of the week are not the same.

When selecting games, previous lessons are taken into account. So, after class mother tongue, drawing, modeling, it is advisable to play a game with more active actions. However, after classes that require concentrated attention from children, it is not recommended to learn new games.

Outdoor games are not excluded on days when there are music and physical education classes. On such days, they pick up outdoor games with less active actions and spend them not at the beginning, but in the middle of the walk.

During the day, outdoor games can be organized both with the whole group and in subgroups. It depends on the nature of the game actions, the number of players, their preparedness, conditions and other factors. So, if there are a lot of children in the group, and there is not enough space in the room or on the playground, they organize games in subgroups. Play exercises are also carried out most often in small groups or with individual children.

To ensure sufficient physical activity of children in the daily routine, the program for physical culture (Program of education and training in kindergarten, - M., 1985) provides for a certain duration of not only physical education classes, but also daily outdoor games for walks (both in the morning and in the evening).

On the days when physical education classes are held, the duration of outdoor games can be 6-8 minutes. On other days (without physical education), outdoor games should be carried out in combination with various physical exercises. Their total duration can be up to 10-15 minutes.

With children of the fourth year, the duration of outdoor games and physical exercises during a walk on the days of physical education is 6-10 minutes. On other days, when physical education classes are not held, the time for outdoor games increases to 15-20 minutes.

On an evening walk, outdoor games can be played, both with the whole group of children and with small subgroups, but games of low mobility are desirable. For this time, games with text, with singing, round dances are good. Their duration is from 5 to 10 minutes.

The most favorable seasons for outdoor games are late spring, summer and early autumn. At this time, games with a wide variety of motor tasks can be used. However, during the cooler weather in the summer, there are games in which the children should be active; on hot, stuffy days, calmer games are desirable, as babies quickly overheat, sweat, get tired more likely, and they lose their desire to participate in these games.

Significant difficulties are caused by outdoor games with kids on the site in winter time, early spring and late autumn. Heavy clothing and shoes impede their movements, make them clumsy, awkward. Even children of the fourth year of life, who have a slightly greater motor experience than children of the third year, find it difficult to play in such clothes. During this period, the simplest games with simple movements are possible, most often with walking and not too fast running. A large amount of snow on the site limits the free space, so it is more convenient to play games with kids in small subgroups.

Since in winter many games cannot be held on the site with sufficient efficiency, it is necessary in the afternoon, in free time, to sometimes hold outdoor games indoors - in the group room, freeing up more space for this; if possible, you should strive to go out with the children to the hall, where there is more space and there are various aids that can be used in the game.

On the site in winter, more attention should be paid to creating conditions for independent motor activity of children. To do this, you need to clear a fairly spacious area - make buildings out of snow (snow ramparts, low hills, gates, labyrinths), as well as provide children with toys and aids that will enhance their activities (take out sleds, shovels, sleds for rolling dolls, dolls in winter clothes, etc.). All this will contribute to the activation of children's independent activities, enrichment of their motor experience, increase their interest in walking and staying outdoors for a longer time.

If the kindergarten goes to the country or is located near a forest, park, lawn, then when conducting outdoor games during walks, you should use the features of the surrounding area: hillocks, stumps, grooves, fallen trees. They can serve as obstacles, overcoming which children acquire many useful skills, learn to control their movements in various situations. Toddlers learn to deftly run between trees, walk along a narrow path, climb stumps, get off them, and step over low obstacles. Motor experience of children is enriched, improved functionality child's body.

Outdoor games are necessarily included in physical education classes. They are carried out after exercises in the main movements in order to increase the physiological load and emotionality of the lesson. For this purpose, games are selected that require the active actions of all children at the same time. Due to the fact that the time of outdoor games is somewhat limited by the scope of the lesson, it is better to select games that do not require a long explanation or are already familiar to children so as not to spend a lot of time waiting for the start of actions. The same game can be repeated for 2-3 lessons in a row, then a new one is used, and after a few lessons you can return to the first game again.

In physical education for younger preschoolers two games can be included. One, more mobile - in the main part, the second, more calm - in the final part of the lesson; the purpose of the latter is to calm the children, to somewhat reduce the physiological load they received in the main part. For example, in one lesson, two such games can be held: “Sparrows and a cat” (where all children actively run, squat, depicting flying and pecking birds, where there is a moment of catching, which especially increases the activity and emotionality of children) and “Find a flag” ( in which children calmly walk, looking for a flag previously hidden by the teacher).

With the second younger group (fourth year of life), the program provides for 3 physical education classes per week. One of them is recommended to be carried out during the whole year outdoors during a walk. The content of these classes depends on the time of year and the weather. In the warm season, such classes include exercises in basic movements and outdoor games. In winter, the simplest sports activities are most often included, such as sliding on ice paths, sledding, skiing, and in combination with them - outdoor games.

In less favorable weather (spring, late autumn), classes can be built mainly from game exercises and outdoor games.

Preparing for the game

Preparation for the game consists of several important points. One of them is the preliminary familiarization of the educator with the content of outdoor games, and it is necessary to know the games not only of your own group, but also of adjacent age groups, especially those preceding this age.

A good knowledge of the practical material will allow the teacher to more easily cope with the selection of games in accordance with the age characteristics of children, their preparedness, choose the right game depending on the conditions of the game, the number of children, the availability of benefits, weather conditions, educational tasks, etc.

The second point is the preparation for holding a specific game. Here it is necessary first of all to know in what conditions the game will be played: on the site or indoors, in a group room or in the hall, with how many children. This will help the educator to think in advance how to place the players in the available space so that they can move freely. In advance, you need to clarify the content of the game, its rules, repeat the text (if it is in the game), think over methods for activating children, using individual manuals, toys. Before the game, kids should be introduced to characters unknown to them with the help of pictures, toys, fairy tales. This will help them quickly master the game actions.

The third point of preparation immediately before the game is to pay attention to the hygienic condition of the room or site where the game will take place: in the group room or hall it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning, open transoms, vents or windows.

When conducting outdoor games in the fresh air, the site should be freed from foreign objects, swept, and if necessary, pre-water so that there is no dust! It should not be limited to the group platform. You can also use the areas adjacent directly to it, the path around the kindergarten building.

The clothes and shoes of the players are important. The suit and shoes should not restrict movement, therefore, before the game, it is necessary to lighten the children's clothes as much as possible, invite them to remove excess warm clothes, change their shoes into slippers if the game is played indoors. Dressing children completely in physical education is not advisable, as it will take more time than the game itself.

When conducting outdoor games on the site during the cold periods of the year, it is necessary to ensure that children are not wrapped up too warmly: during the game, this restricts movement and quickly leads to overheating, which can cause colds.

Immediately before the game, the teacher prepares the required number of benefits (flags, cubes, rattles, etc.), arranges them so that it is convenient for children to use them, marks out places for the players (houses, nests for birds, minks for mice, a place where a cat sits or a garage for a car is located, etc.).

Young children, especially the third year of life, must first be familiarized with the objects and movements that will be used in the game. We must give them the opportunity to examine aids, toys, try to act with them, lift them up, play, so that when doing exercises or during play, children are not distracted from their main goal. Such preparation provides a joyful and active attitude of the child to the task, helps him more quickly assimilate the basic meaning and rules of the game or game exercise.

It is also very important to familiarize yourself with the environment in which the game will take place. Sometimes it may be necessary to introduce children in advance to the characters in the game and their movements, which they will imitate. Preliminary preparation of children to perform tasks in the game or game exercises can be carried out within a few days or on the eve of the game.

Just before the start of the game, kids can be involved in the arrangement of toys and aids. Such active participation in the preparation increases their interest in the game, in the performance of game tasks. So, for example, before the games “Train”, “Birds in the Nests”, “Sparrows and the Car”, the teacher cannot always arrange the chairs in advance. He addresses the children with an offer to play and begins to arrange chairs in the way it is necessary for the game; explaining to them that these are wagons or nests, he asks older children to bring chairs. The kids, imitating the elders, also follow the chairs. The teacher should encourage the little ones, help them put the chairs straight, and also remind the older ones to help the little ones bring and put the chairs and sit on them.

When everything is thought out and prepared in advance, the educator can conduct the game with greater benefit for the children, directing all his attention when guiding the game to the fulfillment of the tasks set by it.

Mobile Game Guide

Despite the fact that children are very fond of playing outdoor games, they cannot organize a game, even a game they know well, on their own. This is typical for the entire period of younger preschool childhood.

Outdoor games with kids are always organized by the teacher, although they can often be started at the request of the children.

When conducting an outdoor game, it is necessary to remember the implementation of the main educational tasks. One of these tasks is the development and improvement of children's movements. Toddlers must comply, at least in in general terms, due to the plot and rules, the way of performing movements. As children acquire motor experience, the requirements for performing movements should increase. The second task is to teach children to act in a team in accordance with the rules of the game. At the same time, much attention is paid to educating children in organization, discipline, the ability to restrain oneself, to perform motor tasks on a signal.

The fulfillment of these tasks depends on how the teacher will be able to attract the kids to the game, to interest them. One of the most important conditions for this is the communication of children with adults and with each other.

For the development of the child's personality in the third year of life, the enormous role of the child's constant contacts with adults, which is so clearly manifested at the previous stages of development, still remains. At an early age, all the variety of emerging relationships can be realized only in joint activities with adults. By the age of 2-3, the relationship between an adult and a child develops, changes, and becomes more complicated. The adult becomes the leader of the child's independent activity. This guidance is carried out by showing, as well as through verbal storytelling, explanations and directions.

In the development of new movements by children, in the development of independent motor activity of the child, the educator plays a leading role.

It is very important that the educator in the game is not only the performer of a responsible role, but also just an ordinary participant (a bird, a hare, etc.). Toddlers play with pleasure when adults show interest in all their actions in games and actively participate in them themselves, showing an example of the correct execution of movements. The cheerful, affectionate tone of the teacher captivates the kids, his joyful mood is transmitted to them. In such cases, children listen very carefully to every word of the teacher, fulfill all his requirements, willingly repeat the games, and learn them well.

Outdoor games, preparation for them are of great importance for the development of children's communication: the execution of movements, tasks by the elders is an example for the kids, an important condition for their activation; at the same time, the elders get used to helping the little ones, taking care of them. Children 2.5-3 years old are very responsive and more willing to help the little ones. But this responsiveness is manifested in the event that the teacher tactfully indicates to the child in time that it is necessary to help a friend, reminds him how to behave.

When organizing outdoor games, both in the first and second junior groups at the beginning of the school year, one can observe how some children do not want to take part in a common game. Most often, these are children who have recently come to kindergarten and have not yet settled down in the team. They stand aside, watch how others play, and at the same time emotionally express their attitude to what is happening: they smile, clap their hands, jump, standing still. The teacher should not require the mandatory participation of all children in the game from the first days; having gradually mastered, they themselves will be included in the games and play with pleasure. But there are shy children, they would like to play, but they are afraid. Such people need to be helped, taken by the hand, offered to run together, hide, cheer them up. With the attentive and sensitive attitude of the educator, such children become active participants in outdoor games in a few days.

The crucial moment influencing the course of the game is the explanation by its educator. It is necessary to explain the game to kids emotionally, expressively, trying to characterize the characters with the intonations of your voice. For example, about bunnies, birds, you need to speak gently, affectionately, but about a bear that scares bunnies - low voice, somewhat rougher. When explaining, it is necessary to pay attention to the signals by which children change their actions during the game. It is necessary to pronounce words accompanied by certain movements clearly, without haste: the last phrase of the text should be spoken a little louder if it serves as a signal to change movements.

Explaining story games to younger children preschool age should be a short figurative story and evoke vivid ideas in the child about the characters that he will portray in the game. Such an emotionally figurative presentation of the content, the plot of the game, devoid of didacticism, characteristic of explanation in direct teaching, in exercises, and corresponding to the specific nature of the thinking and perception of children, is very easy and helps the child to better imagine the game situation, enter the image and more expressively reproduce characteristic for this movement pattern.

Explanation of outdoor play to children of primary preschool age often coincides in time (goes almost in parallel) with the beginning and deployment of the game itself. For example, the teacher says that now everyone will play the game "Birds in the Nests", and immediately invites the children to take the nests (pre-drawn circles or set benches). Then, continuing the explanation, he says that at the signal “Sunshine!”

all the birds will fly out of their nests and fly, while he shows how they will fly, and invites the bird children to fly with him. After a while, the teacher announces: “It’s raining, all the birds are hiding in their nests,” and explains that everyone should run away and stand in their circles. Older children, from the second younger group, can listen to the explanation of some simple games from beginning to end, but during the game, the teacher all the time gives explanations, clarifies movements, and achieves greater accuracy in performing movements and rules.

When explaining the game, the teacher uses a fairly large number of words, different intonations, which greatly enriches the speech of children. Children, even the smallest, who do not take an active part in the game, always listen with great attention to the words of the teacher.

Game exercises are also accompanied by explanations, sentencing from beginning to end. Such explanations, a kind of prompting in the course of action, help the child achieve a certain result in the performance of the movement. For example, guiding the actions of children in the game exercise “From bump to bump” (Option I), the teacher says: “Now Kolya will cross the stream. Go, Kolya, don't be afraid, the stream is not deep. “Be careful, Kolya, don’t rush,” the teacher warns, “or you’ll get into the water, you’ll get your feet wet. Well done! Now you are walking well, you are stepping right on the bumps. Now take a step wider to get to the bank. Along the way, the teacher talks to other children, preparing them to complete the task, “Olga, do you want to cross the stream?” he asks. The girl smiles embarrassedly and does not answer. One of the guys says that she is afraid. The teacher encourages the child: “Olya and I will go through the stream together, hold hands, so we won’t be scared. Yes?"

Constant verbal communication with adults gives children joy and is of great benefit to the development of their speech and imagination.

An important condition that arouses children's interest in the game is the direct participation of the educator in the game, the manifestation of his interest. The educator often has to combine the leadership of the game with the fulfillment of a responsible role, since even the children of the second younger group do not. can still perform these duties well, although they show great interest in them. The kids are not embarrassed by the fact that the teacher, being, for example, a bear, makes them comments on the performance of movements, reminiscent of the rules of the game. They willingly obey his instructions and at the same time perceive him as an active participant in the game.

Children 2-3 years old try to imitate the teacher in performing movements.

However, the kids still do not have enough control over their bodies and cannot accurately perform the movement proposed by the teacher. For example, when walking along a bridge (along the board or between parallel lines), children step past its edges, not paying attention to it. You should not persistently point out the child to his mistakes, not allowing him to get used to the new movement.

The teacher must be very tactful with the kids. Presenting them with certain requirements and seeking their fulfillment, he should not be intrusive and often repeat remarks that emphasize the shortcomings of the child. It is impossible, for example, to endlessly remind the child that he did not complete this or that task, because he is awkward, cowardly, inept. Small children are offended by such remarks, they lose their desire to participate in collective games and exercises. To improve the movements of children, the teacher during the game can use different techniques: showing, explanations, instructions, game images. For example, in the game “My cheerful sonorous ball”, the teacher invites children to jump higher, like balls, can show how to jump higher and land softly, encourages kids who perform the movement well.

The active, interested participation of the teacher in the game gives the kids great joy, creates a good emotional atmosphere, contributes to the involvement of all children in the game, and activates their actions.

In the process of an outdoor game, the teacher monitors the implementation of the rules, the relationship of children, their condition. All this is very important, since the violation of the rules, for example, by most children, or their too excited state, are signs of fatigue. In this case, the game must be stopped, the children should be switched to a quieter activity.

Individual approach to children during games

Individual approach to each child during games and exercises is an indispensable condition for the correct management of children's activities. The plots, rules and organization of the proposed games are simple, moreover, they fully allow the execution of tasks in accordance with the capabilities and desires of each child. For example, during the game, children must crawl on all fours a certain distance to a specified place where a rattle, a flag, etc. lies. On the way to the toy, one must crawl under a wooden arc. Some kids, carried away by the game task, cannot immediately crawl the whole distance, and after crawling under the arc, they get up and walk or run to the toy, which must be raised above their heads and shown to the others. You should not demand from the child, especially at first, be sure to crawl the entire distance. The main thing is to involve children in active and useful activities for them, and this goal has been achieved: children practice crawling, obeying a certain rule when performing the task.

The mobility of children of younger preschool age is extremely diverse, but many of them do not yet have the necessary motor skills and abilities, their movements are limited and monotonous. They do not know how to organize their independent activities, do not know how to use different toys. The educator must constantly keep such children in mind, encourage them to be active, select special tasks and assignments for them. Some children at the age of 2 watch the players with interest, experience their successes and failures, but they themselves prefer not to be included in the game. To the teacher’s question: “Do you like how children play?” - they answer in the affirmative, and the offer to go play with everyone is answered with a categorical refusal. The teacher tries to pick up for each such child interesting task, an exercise that he would like to do on his own in front of all the children. Only after a long individual work is it possible to attract a child to joint games.

At the same time, in any kindergarten group there are always overly active children who often change the types of motor activity. The child does not sit still for a minute: he either runs after the ball, then picks it up and immediately throws it on the floor, then climbs onto a chair, and then starts running around the room without any purpose. Such erratic, inappropriate actions excite the child excessively. He quickly gets tired, becomes capricious and naughty. The restless behavior of one child is often passed on to other children. Imitating him, they too get involved in chaotic noisy activities. In such cases, it is advisable for the teacher to switch the attention of children to a more relaxed activity, a game. You can offer, for example, one of the children to walk along a narrow board lying on the floor, to carry a small rubber ball in the palm of their outstretched hand. Kids quickly respond to an offer that is interesting to them and switch to performing a game task organized by the teacher - some as performers, others as spectators.

But one should not think that the teacher should constantly interfere in the activities of children. A child of the second and third years of life tests his abilities and possibilities in every new movement available to him. The repetition of such a movement, being a kind of game for him, gives him great pleasure.

It is typical for a child of this age that his activities are often determined by the objects around him. Having discovered, for example, that a chair or box with cubes can be moved from place to place, the baby immediately begins to push this chair or box, rejoicing that he is moving. Such manifestations are quite natural for younger preschoolers, and they should not be constantly suppressed. It is only necessary to ensure that interest in such monotonous actions does not take hold of the child for too long.

Although children of the third year of life develop intensive communication skills with peers, a child of this age, as a rule, likes to play alone, does not look for a partner, and performs motor tasks with pleasure together with the teacher. The teacher should from time to time deal individually with each child, developing his movements. This is especially important for shy children.

After 2.5 years, the child's independence in the performance of game tasks increases more and more. He begins to be interested in the result of his actions. “I myself” - this expression is firmly included in the vocabulary of the baby. Where it is safe, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to show his strength, not to overprotect him, to teach him to overcome difficulties.

Children of 3 years old are happy to join the outdoor games organized by the educator, but even at this age they have significant individual differences in the manifestation of motor activity both in independent and in organized activities. The activity of children in outdoor games depends to a large extent on the level of general and physical fitness, as well as on the degree of adaptation of the child to the conditions of life in kindergarten.

Children who have recently come to kindergarten from a family, as a rule, and at this age are often timid, do not know how to act in a peer group, and are characterized by lower physical fitness. The behavior of such children in outdoor games at first is characterized by the fact that they do not start moving at the same time as everyone else, during the game they often stop, look closely at what and how others are doing. The kids are afraid of being caught, so they try not to go far from the conditional house, the nest, they keep tense, wary, afraid to miss the signal, often return to the house without waiting for the signal. Their movements are awkward, uncoordinated. The noted features of behavior indicate insufficient life experience children, including motor Naturally, their motor activity in outdoor games is much lower than that of children who previously attended children's institutions. However, this is typical for them only in the first months, while they are getting used to the team, getting used to the kindergarten regime, gaining strength and motor experience. Gradually, as they adapt, in the second half of the school year, the motor activity of children who have come from the family increases and levels out with the motor activity of other children. At the beginning of the year, when conducting outdoor games, the teacher should show more attention to these children, encourage them to vigorous activity, cheer. The teacher attracts more experienced children to help kids who find it difficult to complete tasks, to be attentive to them during the game, try not to push them, help them find their place, follow the rules, etc. .

At this age, the opposite phenomenon is also noted. In some children, motor activity in outdoor games at the beginning of the year is quite high, and by the end of the year there is a slight decrease in it. This happens with children somewhat older and more prepared. Such children are very active at the beginning of the year, willingly respond to the offer of the teacher to play, play with interest. In the second half of the year, when they master more complex movements, know how to ride a bike, organize games themselves, and do not always readily respond to an offer to play an outdoor game.

The teacher should take into account the interests of the children. Participation in the game without interest does not cause sufficient activity and initiative in children, but, on the contrary, leads to their decrease. Children who have joined the game at the insistence of the teacher are often distracted, looking at the toys they left; their movements in these cases are lethargic, not energetic, they are indifferent to the plot, the rules, the course of the game, and at the first opportunity they try to get out of it. Under such conditions, an outdoor game, of course, cannot have the proper impact either on the development of the child's motor sphere or on his upbringing. The motor activity of children who do not participate in the general game can be compensated by organizing small-group games and game exercises at another, more convenient time for this.

Repetition and complication of outdoor games and exercises

The systematic repetition of outdoor games, each of which is based on some movement, contributes to the assimilation and improvement of this movement, leads to the development of good orientation in children in a game situation, the formation of a quick and meaningful reaction to the actions of the players. The repetition of games and exercises also contributes to the development of the child's mental abilities, the education of organization, the ability to subordinate their actions to the rules common to the team.

Young children (the third year of life) learn the necessary skills rather slowly. Therefore, the teacher can repeat the games they know without fear that they will get bored with them. The gradual assimilation of the content of the game, its rules and, as a result, increasing independence bring joy to the kids, maintain interest in the game. With children of the third year of life, it is advisable to repeat a new game 3-4 times in a row, after which they switch to some other game they already know, and then they should return to repeating the game they are learning.

The upbringing and educational side of outdoor games will be enhanced if, when repeated, they are somewhat modified and complicated. This can be achieved in different ways. The game can be made more difficult by slightly changing the rules, increasing the requirements for their implementation, including new movements (pass or run, step over or climb), change their pace, requiring more accurate performance of the motor task. The number of children simultaneously acting in the game, the form of their relationship between themselves and the teacher also give the game a different character. For example, in a small team little child it is easier to navigate, it is easier to find its place; the game is more interesting if the teacher plays the role of the driver.

It is especially important to slightly change the games when they are repeated in groups of children of the fourth year of life. The experience of children of this age, their capabilities are much wider, so they quickly learn the content and rules of the games offered to them, master the movements, act more boldly in a group of peers. At this age, kids are already familiar with many games. For games that are repeated often and without changes, they quickly lose interest.

The creation of variants of outdoor games for children of the fourth year of life is possible due to some changes in the conditions for conducting them, making additions to motor tasks. For example, when repeating the outdoor games “Birds in the nests”, “Sparrows and the cat”, you can make the following changes: first, you can place the children on chairs (in the nests) placed in one row; after some time, when the game is repeated, bird nests are arranged from the same chairs, but placed 4-5 in different places in the hall. This makes it possible to increase the distance for running, complicates the orientation of children in space. If in the first version, the kids, who play the role of birds, sparrows, after a signal of danger threatening them, run away in one direction, then in the second they will need to remember the location of their houses and, after the signal, run in different directions, trying not to confuse the houses and not be caught . In the following versions of these games, other aids can be used to designate houses, nests: hoops, low benches, cubes, cords, etc. The new aids themselves attract the attention of children and make them want to play; in addition, using them in games makes it possible to complicate movements and change their character. If in the first versions of the game "Sparrows and the Cat" children rise from their chairs and run out to the middle of the room, the hall, imitating the flight of birds, then when using large or small hoops as nests, they jump out of them and then fly. The use of low benches makes it possible to exercise the kids in jumping, to teach them to land softly at the same time (“You need to jump quietly, like birds”). Thus, the replacement of equipment increases the effectiveness of games familiar to children.

Making some changes and additions to games does not change their content and rules, however, elements of novelty increase children's interest in the game, encouraging them to be more active, take initiative, independence, and often creativity, invention. So, the following additions can be made to the game "Train": at first, the children simply move one after another in a column one at a time - they ride the train, the train makes stops along sound signal or when the teacher waves a red flag; then, at the direction of the teacher, the train can move either faster or slower; with the following repetitions of the game, the teacher invites the children to go for a walk on the lawn during the train stop, pick flowers, berries, etc. Imitating these actions, the kids make a series of movements: run, bend over, squat, bounce, etc. Often the children themselves complete and expand the plot of the game. Collecting imaginary flowers, berries, they bring them to the teacher and say: “It’s like you have a basket. We'll fill it up and go home." So the invention, the ingenuity of the players can sometimes tell an adult an interesting direction in guiding the game. The next time the game is repeated, the teacher invites the children at the bus stop to jump over the groove (the ropes laid on the floor), play ball, etc. Thus, thanks to some additions, simple games familiar to the kids can be repeated many times throughout the school year, achieving from them more precise execution of movements and rules. This allows you to limit yourself to a relatively small number of games.

When conducting outdoor games with children of primary preschool age, it is important to ensure that children do not overwork or get too excited.

During the game, the physical load is constantly changing. The structure of the games, their rules provide for the expedient alternation of active actions of children with rest. However, their duration and intensity are not stable. Using the plot and rules of the game, the teacher, at his own discretion, can increase or shorten the duration of the game episodes, set their change, increase the intensity of movements. The increase in physical activity is also affected by the number of repetitions of a game or exercise in one session.

When conducting the game, the educator should strive to increase its effectiveness and at the same time ensure that excessive physical activity does not adversely affect the child's body that has not yet become stronger. Strong reddening of the face in children (and in some, on the contrary, excessive pallor), sweating, sharply rapid breathing, excessive excitability, distracted attention indicate that the game must be stopped or suspended so that the children can rest. During pauses, you can talk with the kids, clarify the rules, repeat the text, etc. As experience shows, outdoor games with children of the fourth year of life can be played 4 to 6 times in a row.

The repetition of the same game during the year should take place in different conditions: in a group room, in a hall, on a group site, in a clearing. Need to use more natural conditions. This also helps to increase the effectiveness of the impact of outdoor games on the comprehensive development of the child.

New games with kids should be repeated 2-3 days in a row. In the future, the games must be alternated with others, using their various options when repeating. Well-known games for children can be repeated after 7-10 days. In this case, the children again show interest in them.

The teacher should strive to ensure that the kids love outdoor games and show a desire to play them on their own.

Creating conditions for games and exercises

To conduct outdoor games and exercises in each preschool institution, it is necessary to have a variety of physical education equipment that can be installed both on the site (in group playgrounds) and in group rooms. It is widely used in organized physical education classes and outdoor games, and also stimulates the independent motor activity of children.

For exercises in walking and running, in walking with balance, you must have the following aids: a platform with ladders on both sides, a platform with a ladder and a ramp, gymnastic benches, logs (round or with a hewn top), simple boards and with hooks for attaching them to gymnastic walls, stands, boxes, wooden bars not more than 20 cm high, swings and rocking chairs of various designs, racks (130-140 cm high), planks or ropes with weights at the ends for hanging them on racks.

On the site and indoors there should be aids for climbing exercises. Since these exercises are rather monotonous, it is important that the manuals are different; performing exercises on different aids will make them more interesting and useful for kids. Climbing aids: gymnastic wall, step-ladders, ladder with hooks, ramp with hooks.

For crawling and crawling, arcs, hoops, gymnastic benches, logs, wooden boxes, horizontal and inclined boards, etc. are used.

For throwing, rolling, catching, hitting the target, children use balls of different sizes, wooden and celluloid balls, sandbags (weight 150-200 g), as well as cones, pebbles and other objects. Hoops, baskets, various nets can be used as targets.

When jumping, you need cords, flat hoops, low benches or boxes.

In winter, a playground is cleared of snow for outdoor games, low snow ramparts, small slides, ice tracks for sliding, snow figures for hitting a target, snow labyrinths (for walking, running, climbing) are built.

In spring and summer, during walks in the games and exercises of children, it is necessary to use the natural conditions of the surrounding area. Grooves, hillocks, fallen trees, stumps, streams, trees, bushes are excellent "allowances" for children to acquire the necessary and useful skills of natural movements. They can serve as obstacles to be overcome during games or exercises. Toddlers learn to move correctly in various situations: deftly run between trees, maintaining balance; walk along narrow paths in the forest and in the field; bending over to make his way between the bushes; climb stumps; step over bumps; crawl over logs, etc. The motor experience of children is enriched, the functional capabilities of the child's body are improved.

In the fresh air, it is important to play games with movements such as running, throwing balls, throwing stones, cones, etc., i.e., those that require space.

Indoors, as well as on the site, it is desirable to have manuals for exercising in different types of basic movements. In addition, various furniture can be used for indoor games: tables, chairs, stools, sofas. So, through the rail placed on the seats of the chairs, children can step over or crawl under it, roll balls, balls, etc. between the legs of the chair.

In addition to the benefits and items listed above, for games and game exercises, you must have a sufficient number of various small benefits and toys that can be used both indoors and on the site. These are sets of flags, rattles, balls of different sizes, balls, colored ribbons, jump ropes, long and short cords, reins, hoops, small rings, plywood or cardboard circles, cubes, sticks, skittles.

All this allows diversifying game exercises, changing the conditions for performing motor tasks in games.

For the convenience of using small benefits, stands, nets, and baskets corresponding to each of them are needed. They are installed so that the kids themselves can take from them what they need for the game and put it back when it is over. This is important for educating children of independence, respect for benefits, and compliance with a certain order.

When conducting plot outdoor games with kids, for a child who plays a responsible role (cat, bear, wolf, rooster, etc.) as a driver, you can use hats, some elements of costumes that emphasize the characteristics of the characters. The rest of the children participating as mice, birds, chickens, caps are not required. But if the game is held at a festive matinee or at an evening of leisure, then all children can wear hats to create a certain festive mood in them.

Preparation of a room or site, selection of appropriate equipment, manuals are necessary conditions for the proper organization of outdoor games.

Description of outdoor games and game exercises

Story games

For children of the third year of life

Sparrows and car

Target. Teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place.

Description. Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the playground or room. These are sparrows in nests. On the opposite side is the teacher. He represents a car. After the teacher’s words “Fly, sparrows, onto the path,” the children rise from their chairs, run around the playground, waving their winged arms.

At the signal of the educator, “The car is driving, fly, sparrows, to your nests!” the car leaves the garage, the sparrows fly into the nests (sit on chairs). The car is returned to the garage.

Instructions for carrying out. At first, a small group (10-12) of children takes part in the game, over time there may be more playing. It is necessary to first show the children how sparrows fly, how they peck grains, do these movements with the children, then you can enter the role of a car into the game. Initially, this role is assumed by the educator, and only after repeated repetitions of the game can it be entrusted to the most active child. The car should not move too fast to allow all children to find their place.


Target. Teach children to walk and run one after another in small groups, first holding on to each other, then not holding on; teach them to start moving and stop at the signal of the teacher.

Description. The teacher invites several children to stand one after another, he himself stands in front of them and says: “You will be trailers, and I will be a locomotive.” The locomotive gives a whistle - and the train starts moving slowly at first, and then faster. The movement is accompanied by the sounds that the players make. From time to time the locomotive slows down and stops, the teacher says at the same time: "Here is the stop." Then the locomotive again gives a whistle - and the train moves on.

Instructions for carrying out. First, a small group of children is involved in the game. If repeated, there may be a larger number of participants (12-15). At first, each child holds on to the clothes of the person in front, then the children freely walk one after another, move their arms, imitating the movement of the wheels of a steam locomotive, and say to the beat: “Chu-choo-choo.”

The role of the locomotive is initially performed by the teacher or the child of the older group. Only after repeated repetitions, the role of the leader is entrusted to the most active child. The locomotive must move slowly so that the child wagons do not lag behind.

The players line up randomly one after the other. With repeated repetition of the game, you can invite the kids to go for a walk at the bus stop, pick flowers, pick berries, play, jump. Upon hearing the whistle, the children should quickly line up behind the locomotive.


Simplified version

Target. Teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other; teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving on the verbal signal.

Description. The teacher calls the names of 3-4 children and invites them to prepare for the flight, showing them in advance how to start the engine and how to fly.

The named children go out and stand randomly on one side of the playground or room. The teacher says: “Get ready for the flight. Start the engines!" Children make rotational movements with their hands in front of their chest and pronounce the sound “rrrr”. After the teacher’s signal “Let’s fly!” children spread their arms to the sides (like the wings of an airplane) and fly - scatter in different directions. At the signal of the educator "To land!" they go to their chairs and sit on them. Then another group of children play.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher must show the children all the game movements. When playing the game for the first time, he performs movements with the children.

When the game is repeated, more children can be called, and after repeated repetitions, all children can be invited to fly on airplanes.


Target. To teach children to become in a circle, to make it wider, then narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words.

Description. Children, together with the teacher, hold hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other. The teacher says:

Blow up, bubble
Blow up, big one
stay like this
Don't crash.

The players step back and hold hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!” Then they lower their hands and squat down, while saying: “Clap!” You can also invite the children after the words "bubble burst" to move to the center of the circle, still holding hands and pronouncing the sound "shhh" - the air comes out. Then the children inflate the bubble again - step back, forming a large circle.

Instructions for carrying out. At first, a small number of children (6-8) take part in the game. When repeated, 12-15 people can play at the same time. The teacher should pronounce the text slowly, clearly, clearly, involving the players in this.

Before the game, you can show the kids real soap bubbles.

Sun and rain

Target. To teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the signal of the teacher.

Description. Children sit on chairs or benches. The teacher says: “Sunshine! Go for a walk! Children walk and run around the playground. After the words "Rain! Hurry home!” they run to their places. When the teacher says again: “Sunny! You can go for a walk, ”the game is repeated.

Instructions for carrying out. At first, a small number of children participate in the game, then 10-12 people can be involved. Instead of chair houses, you can use a large colorful umbrella, under which children hide at the signal “Rain!”. During the walk, you can invite children to pick flowers, berries, jump, walk in pairs.

When repeated, the game can be made more difficult by placing houses (3-4 chairs each) in different places in the room. Children must remember their house and, at a signal, run into it.

My cheerful sonorous ball

Target. Teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken.

Description. Children sit on chairs on one side of the room or playground. The teacher stands in front of them at some distance and performs exercises with the ball; he shows the children how easily and high the ball jumps if you hit it with your hand, and at the same time he says:

Where are you going
Can't keep up
Behind you!

S. Marshak

Then the teacher calls 2-3 children, invites them to jump at the same time as the ball and repeats the exercise, accompanying it with words. Having finished, he says: “Now I’ll catch up!” The kids stop jumping and run away from the teacher, who pretends to catch them.

Instructions for carrying out. When the game is repeated, the teacher calls other children and in larger numbers. The last time you can offer to be balls to all children at the same time. The teacher must make movements and pronounce the text at a fast pace, corresponding to the jumps of the children, but the jumps are quite frequent.

If the children cannot reproduce the movements of the ball, they need to be shown again how the ball bounces.

Little white bunny sits

Target. Teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text; teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words of the text. Bring joy to children.

Description. Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the room or playground. The teacher says that they are all bunnies, and invites them to run out into the clearing. Children go to the middle of the room, stand near the teacher and squat down.

The teacher says the text:

Little white bunny sits
And wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this
He moves his ears.
Children move their hands, raising them to their heads.

It's cold for a bunny to sit
You need to warm up your paws.
Clap, clap, clap, clap,
You need to warm up your paws.
From the word "clap" to the end of the phrase, the children clap their hands.

It's cold for a bunny to stand
Bunny needs to jump
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Bunny needs to jump.

From the words "skok-skok" to the end of the phrase, the children bounce on both legs in place.

Someone (or a bear) scared the bunny,
Bunny jumped ... and galloped away.

The teacher shows a toy bear - and the children run away to their places.

Instructions for carrying out. The game can be played with any number of children. It is imperative that before the start of the game it is necessary to prepare the places where the bunnies will run away. At first, you can not single out the driver, all children simultaneously perform movements in accordance with the text. After repeating the game many times, you can select a child for the role of a bunny and put him in the middle of the circle. Having finished reading the text, one should not quickly run after the children, one should give them the opportunity to find a place for themselves. It is not necessary to demand from the kids that they must sit down in their place; each takes a free place on a chair, bench, carpet. But with the systematic repetition of the game, children remember their places well and quickly find them.

The birds are flying

Target. To teach children to jump from low objects, to run in all directions, to act only on a signal; teach kids to help each other.

Description. Children stand on a small elevation - a board, cubes, bars (height 5-10 cm) - on one side of the room or playground. The teacher says: “The sun is shining outside, all the birds fly out of their nests, looking for grains, crumbs.” Children jump off elevations, fly (run around waving their arms), squat, peck grains (knock their fingers on their knees or on the floor). With the words of the educator “The rain has gone! All the birds hid in their nests! the children run to their places.

Instructions for carrying out. Before the game, the teacher must prepare low benches or such a number of cubes, bars, so that everyone who wants to play is enough. They should be placed on one side of the playground or room at a sufficient distance from one another so that the children do not push and can freely take their places. You need to show the kids how to gently jump off, help them climb to the dais after running. When repeating the game, the signal can be given in one word: "Sun!" or "Rain!". Children need to know what to do at what signal.

For children of the fourth year of life

At the beginning of the year, the games described above are held in the second junior group, which are recommended for children in the first junior group. However, due to the fact that the horizons of children have expanded significantly, the movements have become more confident, coordinated, the plots of the games, their rules and motor tasks are becoming more complex and diverse.

Birds in nests

Target. Teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other; teach them to act quickly on the signal of the educator, to help each other.

Description. Children sit on chairs placed in the corners of the room. These are nests. At the signal of the teacher, all the birds fly out to the middle of the room, scatter in different directions, squat, looking for food, fly again, waving their wings. At the signal of the educator "Birds, in the nests!" children return to their seats.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher makes sure that the bird children act on a signal, fly away from the nest as far as possible and return only to their nest.

For nests, you can use large hoops laid on the floor, and in the area it can be circles drawn on the ground in which children squat.

The teacher teaches children to be attentive while running, to give way to those running towards them so as not to collide; teaches children to jump out of nests (hoop).


Target. To teach children to move together one after another, to coordinate movements, not to push the one running in front, even if he is not moving very fast.

Description. Children are divided into pairs at will: one is a horse, the other is a coachman who harnesses the horse (puts on the reins) and rides around the site from one side of it to the other and back. Then, at the suggestion of the teacher, the children change roles and the game is repeated.

Instructions for carrying out. At first, the teacher helps the children put on the reins and directly participates in the game as a coachman. It is advisable at first to help pick up a pair of children approximately the same in terms of the level of motor fitness. Instead of reins, colored cords or jump ropes can be used. As the children learn to harness the horse and ride around the playground, several couples can be allowed to play at once, not only on the playground, but also on the adjacent track.

Mice and cat

Target. To teach children to run easily, on their toes, without bumping into each other; navigate in space, change movements at the signal of the educator.

Description. Children sit on benches or chairs. These are mice in burrows. A cat is sitting on the opposite side of the room or playground, the role of which is played by the teacher. The cat falls asleep (closes his eyes), and the mice scatter all over the room. But then the cat wakes up, stretches, meows and starts catching mice. Mice quickly run away and hide in minks (take their places). Caught mice the cat takes to itself. When the rest of the mice hide in their holes, the cat once again walks around the room, then returns to its place and falls asleep.

Instructions for carrying out. Mice can run out of holes only when the cat closes its eyes and falls asleep, and return to the holes when the cat wakes up and meows. The teacher makes sure that all mice run out and scatter as far as possible from the minks. Minks, in addition to chairs, can serve as crawling arcs, and then children - mice - crawl out of their minks. When the mice come back, they can simply run behind their chair or arc and hide by crouching behind them.

shaggy dog

Target. Teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change direction, run, trying not to get caught by the catcher and not pushing.

Description. Children sit or stand on one side of the hall or playground. One child, located on the opposite side, on the carpet, depicts a dog. The children in a crowd quietly approach him, and the teacher at this time says:

Here lies the shaggy dog,
Burying your nose in your paws,
Quietly, quietly he lies,
Not dozing, not sleeping.
Let's go to him, wake him up
And let's see: "Something will happen?"

Children approach the dog. As soon as the teacher finishes reading the poem, the dog jumps up and barks loudly. The children run away, the dog chases after them and tries to catch someone and take them to him. When all the children hide, the dog returns to its place and again lies down on the mat.

Instructions for carrying out. The place where the dog is and the place where the children run away should be located away from each other so that there is room for running. The teacher makes sure that the children do not touch the dog when approaching him and do not push each other, running away from him.


Target. To teach children to run without bumping into each other, to speed up or slow down movements, to navigate in space.

Description. A group of children (5-6 people) stands at one edge of the playground. The teacher gives each stick a length of 50-60 cm. Children sit on a stick and jump to the opposite side of the site, depicting horsemen, trying not to bump into each other and not to touch objects, equipment located on the site.

Instruction to carry out. During the game, the teacher can invite the horsemen to ride fast and slowly, as well as in different directions. When children learn to run fast, you can arrange competitions. The task is given, who will most likely ride a horse to a certain place on the site or track.


(Complicated version)

Target. To teach children to walk and run in a convoy one at a time, speed up and slow down, make stops on a signal; to teach children to find their place in the column, not to push comrades, to be attentive.

Description. Children stand in a column one at a time (not holding each other). The first is a locomotive, the rest are wagons. The teacher gives a whistle - and the train starts moving forward at first slowly, then faster, faster, finally the children start running. After the words of the educator “The train is approaching the station”, the children gradually slow down the movement - the train stops. The teacher invites everyone to go out for a walk, pick flowers, berries in an imaginary clearing. On a signal, the children again gather in a column - and the train begins to move.

Instructions for carrying out. At first, the children form a column in any order, and by the end of the year they already remember their place in the column - they find their car. The train can move, then accelerating, then slowing down, make stops on a signal. A signal, in addition to the words of the educator, can be a red flag that he raises.

When repeating the game, it is advisable to make changes to its plot. For example, you can invite children to play ball at stops, catch butterflies (bounce, making claps above themselves), collect cones, acorns, etc.


Target. To teach children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize colors and change their movement in accordance with them.

Description. 3-4 pairs of children stand in a column, holding each other's hand. With their free hands, they hold on to the cord, the ends of which are tied, that is, some children hold on to the cord with their right hand, others with their left. This is a tram. The teacher stands in one of the corners of the room, holding three flags in his hands: yellow, green, red. He explains to the children that the tram moves on a green signal, slows down on a yellow signal, and stops on a red one. The teacher raises the green flag - and the tram goes: the children run along the edges of the hall (platform). If the teacher raises a yellow or red flag, the tram slows down and stops.

Instructions for carrying out. If there are many children in the group, you can make two trams. The plot of the game can be more detailed: during stops, some passengers get off the tram, others enter, while lifting the cord. The teacher introduces the children to the rules of the road. He makes sure that all the players are attentive, do not miss stops, follow the change of flags and change the movement.

Sparrows and cat

Target. To teach children to jump gently, bending their knees, run without hitting each other, dodge the catcher, run away quickly, find their place; teach children to be careful when taking a place, not to push comrades.

Description. Children stand on low benches or cubes (10-12 cm high) placed on the floor on one side of the playground or room. These are sparrows on the roof. On the other side, away from the children, the cat is sitting, he is sleeping. “The sparrows fly out onto the road,” the teacher says, and the children jump off the benches, cubes, and scatter in different directions. The cat wakes up, he stretches, says "meow-meow" and runs to catch sparrows that are hiding on the roof. The cat takes the caught sparrows to his house.

Instructions for carrying out. Benches and blocks should be laid out away from one another so that it is convenient for children to stand and jump off without interfering with each other. The teacher makes sure that the children, jumping down, land softly, shows how to do it. At first, when the teacher acts as a cat, the cat does not catch sparrows, but only scares, pretending to catch them. When a child is chosen for the role of a cat, he can catch children.


Target. To teach children to jump on two legs, moving forward, crawl under the legs of chairs, develop dexterity, confidence.

Description. On one side of the room, chairs are arranged in a semicircle, with the seats inside the semicircle. These are rabbit cells. On the opposite side is the caretaker's house. In the middle is a lawn where the rabbits are let out for a walk. Children (2-3 each) stand behind the chairs, at the direction of the teacher, they squat down - the rabbits sit in cages. The caretaker approaches the cages and releases the rabbits into the meadow: the children crawl one by one under the chair, and then jump, moving forward across the lawn. At the signal of the educator “Run into the cages!” the rabbits return to their places, crawling under the chairs again.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher must ensure that the children, crawling under the chairs, try not to touch them with their backs. Instead of chairs, you can use arcs for crawling or sticks or slats placed on the chair seats.

Mother hen and chicks

Target. To teach children to crawl under the rope without touching it, to dodge the catcher, to be careful and attentive; to teach them to act on a signal, not to push other children, to help them.

Description. Children depicting chickens, together with a hen, are behind a rope stretched between chairs at a height of 35-40 cm. This is their home. On the opposite side of the site or room sits a large bird. The mother hen leaves the house and goes in search of food, she calls the chickens: "Ko-ko-ko-ko." At her call, the chickens crawl under the rope, run to the mother hen and walk with her, looking for food. At the signal "Big bird!" the chickens are running fast.

Instructions for carrying out. At first, the role of a mother hen is performed by the educator, and then children can be assigned to this role, first at their request, and then at the direction of the educator.

When the chicks return to the house, running away from a large bird, the caregiver can raise the rope higher so that the children do not touch it.


Target. To teach children to move together, to measure movements with each other, to change the direction of movements, to be attentive to partners in the game.

Description. Children stand inside a large hoop (1 m in diameter), hold it in lowered hands: one on one side of the rim, the other on the opposite side, one after another. The first child is a taxi driver, the second is a passenger. Children run around the playground or along the path. After a while they switch roles.

Instructions for carrying out. 2-3 pairs of children can play at the same time, and if the area allows, then more. When children learn to run in one direction, the teacher can give the task to move in different directions, make stops. You can mark the stopping place with a flag or a taxi rank sign. At the bus stop, the passengers change, one gets out of the taxi, the other sits down.

Hares and wolf

Target. Teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text. Learn to navigate in space, find your place (bush, tree).

Description. Rabbit children hide behind bushes and trees. To the side behind the bush is a wolf. Hares run out into the clearing, jump, nibble grass, frolic. At the signal of the teacher: “The wolf is coming!” - hares run away and hide behind bushes, under trees. The wolf is trying to catch up with them.

You can use small text in the game:

Bunnies jump: lope, lope, lope,
To the green meadow.
Grass is pinched, eaten,
Listen carefully
Is the wolf coming?

Children perform the actions described in the poem. With the end of the text, a wolf appears and begins to catch hares.

Instructions for carrying out. The child playing the role of the wolf should be away from the bushes where the children are hiding. At first, the teacher plays the role of a wolf, while he is in no hurry to catch the hares, giving the children the opportunity to run away and hide. Then you can offer to play the role of a wolf to children if they wish.

Plotless games

The purpose of the games below is to teach children to act quickly on a signal, to teach them to navigate in space, to develop dexterity.

catch up with me

Description. Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the playground or room. The teacher invites them to catch up with him and runs in the opposite direction. Children run after the teacher, trying to catch him. When they run up to him, the teacher stops and says: “Run away, run away, I’ll catch up!” The children run back to their seats.

Instructions for carrying out. At first, it is advisable to play the game with a small group of children (4-6), then the number of players increases to 10-12 people. The teacher should not run away from the children too quickly: they are interested in catching him. You should also not run too fast after the children, as they may bump into the chairs. At first, the run is carried out in only one direction. When the kids run up to the teacher, they need to caress, praise that they can run fast. When the game is repeated, the teacher can change directions, running away from the children. A simplified version of this game is the “Run to me” game, then the children run in only one direction, to the teacher, and return back to their places.

Find your color

Description. The teacher gives the children flags of three or four colors: red, blue, yellow, green. Children with flags of the same color stand in different places in the room, near the flags of certain colors. After the teacher’s words “Go for a walk,” the children disperse around the playground or around the room in different directions. When the teacher says: “Find your color”, the children gather at the flag of the corresponding color.

Instructions for carrying out. Instead of flags, each child can be given squares, circles of different colors, by which they will find their flag. The teacher makes sure that the children move away from their flags, disperse throughout the site, the hall "

Take care of the item

Description. Children become in a circle. At the feet of each child is a cube (or rattle). The teacher is in a circle, he tries to take the object from one or another child. The player, to whom the teacher is approaching, crouches, closes the cube with his hands and does not allow him to touch it. As soon as the teacher leaves, the baby gets up, leaving the cube in its original place.

Instructions for carrying out. At first, the teacher does not take cubes from the children, but only pretends to take them now. Then, when the game is repeated, he can take the cube from the child who did not have time to close it. This child is temporarily out of the game. When the driver manages to take the cubes from two or three players, he returns them to them and tells them to quickly close the cube and not give it away.

In the second younger group, you can choose one of the children to be the driver. The teacher in this case tells how to play, and together with the children he becomes in a circle.

Do not be late

Description. The teacher lays out cubes (or small rings, or rattles) on the floor in a circle. Children stand at the cubes. At the signal of the teacher, they scatter throughout the room, at the signal “Don’t be late!” run to the cubes.

Instructions for carrying out. Initially, children can run up to any free cube, gradually they get used to taking their place. When repeating the game, you can invite the kids to run like horses, raising their knees high, or like mice, quietly, on tiptoes. After the signal "Don't be late!" the teacher runs with the children, pretending to want to take the cube. If the children quickly take their places, the teacher should praise them.

During the game, the teacher makes sure that the children run away from the cubes, do not bump into each other, help each other find their cube when the signal sounds.

The purpose of the games below: to teach children to navigate by sound, determine by ear where the sound came from, move in the direction of the sound; to teach to act on a signal, to move without bumping into each other; teach children to find a certain object.

Find your house

Description. With the help of a teacher, the children are divided into groups, each group stands at a certain tree. These are their houses. At the signal of the teacher, the children scatter across the clearing in different directions. Then, on a signal: “Find your house!” - children should gather in groups to the trees where they stood before the start of the game.

Instructions for carrying out. The game can be played near trees familiar to children. Before starting the game, the teacher draws the attention of the children to which tree they are standing by, asks them to name it. The game can be called "Find your tree."

Where does the bell ring?

Description. Children sit or stand on one side of the room. The teacher asks them to turn to the wall and not turn around. At this time, a nanny with a bell hides from them, for example, behind a closet. The teacher invites the children to listen to where the bell rings and find it. Children turn and go to the sound, find it, then gather around the teacher. Meanwhile, the nanny moves to another place - and the game is repeated.

Instructions for carrying out. Children should not look where the nanny is hiding. To do this, the teacher gathers them around him and diverts their attention. Ring the bell first quietly, then louder.

With repeated repetition of the game, at the end of the year, you can instruct the child to hide and ring the bell.

Find the flag

Description. Children sit on chairs on one side of the room, hall or playground. The teacher asks them to close their eyes, and at this time he lays out the flags in different places in the room. Then he says, "Look for the flags." Children open their eyes, walk around the room, looking. Those who find the flag come to the teacher. When all the children find a flag, the teacher offers to walk around the room with them, then collects the flags again and lays them out. The game is repeated.

Instructions for carrying out. Instead of flags, there may be other small items: cubes, sultans, rattles. There should be as many objects as there are children. It is better if the flags or cubes are of the same color, otherwise the child chooses the one that he likes best, causing discontent among other children. It is necessary to lay out flags or objects so that the kids do not look for them for a very long time and can easily get them.

Game exercises

For children of the third year of life

Walking and running exercises

Target. To teach children to walk and run in small groups, and then the whole group in a certain direction, one after another, scattered, in a limited area; develop their sense of balance, dexterity, coordination of movements.

Bring a toy

The teacher asks one of the children to bring a toy that was placed in advance on a chair at the opposite end of the room. When the child brings the toy, the teacher thanks him, offers to consider and name the toy, and then asks him to take it to its place. The next child is invited to bring another toy.

Instructions for carrying out. The exercise can also be organized for a group of children. In this case, the teacher lays out various toys (rings, cubes, flags) on the opposite side of the room according to the number of children participating in the game and asks all the players to go and bring one toy at a time, and then take them to their place. Items should be placed in prominent places, not too close to each other, so that the kids, approaching them, do not collide. You can complicate the task by inviting each player to bring a certain toy.

The teacher must ensure that his requirement is met.

Children can walk or run after a toy only at the direction of the teacher.

Visit the dolls

Children sit on chairs placed along one of the walls of the room. The teacher tells them that now they will go to visit the dolls. Children get up from their chairs and, together with the teacher, slowly go to the puppet corner. They greet the dolls, talk to them, and when the teacher says: “It's late, it's time to go home,” they turn and leave, everyone sits in their chair.

Instructions for carrying out. Several dolls before the start of the game can be placed elsewhere in the room. When the game is repeated, the children also visit these dolls. With the permission of the teacher, they can take them, walk with them, dance, then put them in their place and return to their chairs.

catch up with the ball

Children play in the room or on the playground. The teacher calls a few to him and invites them to run after the ball, play with it. He rolls the balls in different directions, and each child runs after the ball, catches it and brings it to the teacher, who throws the balls again, but in a different direction.

Instructions for carrying out. From 1 to 6-8 children can play at the same time. Instead of balls, you can use multi-colored plastic balls, rubber rings, small hoops.

The teacher, having given the task to several children to run after the balls, rolls out all the balls at once. Toddlers are able to enthusiastically run after rolling balls many times in a row, so the teacher should involve groups of children in turn in the exercise. The number of children playing at the same time increases gradually.

Along the path

On the floor or on the ground (asphalt) at a distance of 25 - 30 cm from each other, two parallel lines(or put two ropes, cords) 2.5-3 m long. The teacher tells the children that this is a path along which they will go for a walk. Children slowly walk one after another along the path back and forth.

Instructions for carrying out. Children should walk carefully, try not to step on the lines, not interfere with each other, not run into the one walking in front. The teacher can increase or decrease the width and length of the path, depending on the capabilities of the children.

Down a long winding path

The teacher lays out a 5-6 m long cord in a zigzag pattern on the floor - this is a path along which you need to go to the end.

Instructions for carrying out. It will be more interesting for children to perform the exercise if at the other end of the path they put some object of interest to them: a bear, a doll, a rattle, a bird, etc. The task will also depend on what is at the end of the path: go pet the bear, feed the bird, rattle the rattle.

The teacher makes sure that, while walking, the children try to step on the cord, rope. If any of the kids is having difficulty, the teacher should help him, support him by the hand, cheer him up. Children should walk slowly, slowly.

Through the stream (Bridge)

The teacher draws two lines on the ground (a cord can be used indoors) - this is a river. Then he puts a board through it (2-3 m long, 25-30 cm wide) - this is a bridge. Children must cross the bridge to the other side of the river.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher tells the children to walk along the bridge carefully, not to stumble and not to wet their feet. When all the children have moved to the other side, you can invite them to take a walk there, collect flowers - multi-colored shreds scattered on the floor. At the signal of the teacher, the kids should return back along the bridge.

When repeating, the exercise can be made more difficult by raising the board to a small height or by making a bridge of 2-3 boxes 10 cm high. You can invite children to run along the bridge.

Who is quieter?

Children go in a crowd together with the teacher from one end of the room (platform) to the other. The teacher invites them to walk quietly, on tiptoes, so that they cannot be heard. The kids continue to walk on their toes, trying to walk as quietly as possible.

We carefully walk along the bridge so as not to stumble and not to wet our feet.

Instructions for carrying out. Walking on toes is beneficial as it strengthens the arch of the child's foot. However, this exercise is quite difficult. Many children, when performing it, draw their heads into their shoulders - it seems to them that in this case they walk more quietly. The teacher should monitor the correct posture of the kids and ensure that they do not get tired.

Step over the stick

2-3 sticks are placed on the floor in the middle of the room at a distance of 1 m from one another. Children become 2-3 steps away from the sticks facing them. On the opposite side of the room is a chair with a flag or rattle on it. At the direction of the teacher, the child goes, stepping over the sticks, to the chair, raises the flag and waves it, then puts the flag on the chair and comes back.

Instructions for carrying out. The children take turns doing this exercise. If, after several repetitions, the kids quickly and confidently perform the exercise, it can be complicated - increase the number of sticks to 5. You can use hoops, flat bars, and bars for stepping.

On pebbles through a stream

Put a wooden box on the floor (40 cm wide, 60 cm long, 10-15 cm high). This is a pebble on which you need to cross a stream so as not to wet your feet. The teacher offers the child to reach the box, stand on it, then get off, but on the other side, and come back.

Instructions for carrying out. When repeating the exercise, you can put 2-3 boxes on the floor at a distance of 1 m from one another. The child must climb each box and descend from it calmly, do not jump off. The exercise is performed by the children in turn.

For a walk

The teacher invites the children to become pairs, whoever wants with whom, and go for a walk around the playground, the room. Children, holding hands, walk in pairs, in different directions. At the signal of the teacher, they return to a certain place.

Instructions for carrying out. On the playground or in the room, you can put two chairs at a short distance from each other - these are the gates through which the kids must pass when going for a walk. Walking in pairs requires children to be able to coordinate their movements with the movements of the next person. The teacher helps the children become pairs, shows how to go in pairs: do not pull each other, keep up.

Target. Improve crawling skills in children, encourage them to this movement, teach them to crawl over an obstacle, crawl under it without touching; exercise in crawling over a limited area; develop climbing skills, cultivate courage and dexterity.

Crawl to the rattle

Children sit on chairs placed along one of the walls of the room. In front of them, at a distance of 3-4 m, a flag or a rattle is placed on the floor. The teacher calls one of the children and invites him to crawl on all fours to the rattle, take it, stand up and rattle (or wave the flag over his head), then put the rattle on the floor and return to his place.

Instructions for carrying out. Several children can perform the exercise at once. Then the number of toys should correspond to the number of children. The task of rattling a rattle, waving a flag makes the kids want to crawl to the goal as quickly as possible. But in this case, the quality of movements often decreases: the child is in a hurry, coordination of movements is disturbed; therefore, the teacher should not specifically direct the attention of children to the speed of movement.

Since crawling occurs with a bent position of the body, active extension is useful after it.

It is advisable to complete the crawling exercise with such tasks that make straightening necessary, for example: wave a flag over your head, rattle a rattle, put the ball in a net suspended slightly higher than the child’s height, put a ring on a stick raised by the teacher.

In collars

Children sit on chairs. Ahead at a distance of 2.5 m is an arc - gates. Further, at a distance of another 2 m, there is a rack with a net, a ball lies on the floor at the rack. The teacher calls one of the children and offers to crawl on all fours to the arc, crawl under it, crawl to the ball, then stand up, pick up the ball with both hands and lower it into the net.

Instructions for carrying out. The collars can be: an arc, a chair, a table (to crawl between the legs), a hoop fixed between the chairs, a stick placed on the backs or seats of the chairs.

Children should be taught to crawl and climb in different ways, crawl on all fours, go under an obstacle, crouching, but not touching the ground with their hands (“Walk under an arc”). At the same time, babies learn different concepts: crawl and pass.

Climb over the log

The organization of children during this exercise is similar to the previous ones. The obstacle that the child has to overcome is the log: he must climb over it on all fours on his way to the toy.

Instructions for carrying out. A bench, an oblong box, bars of large building material can also serve as an obstacle. Exercise can be performed simultaneously by several children.

The teacher makes sure that the children, approaching the obstacle, do not get up, but crawl over it on all fours.

Crawl through the corridor

The teacher draws on the floor two parallel lines 3-4 m long at a distance of 40-50 cm from one another. Children alternately crawl on all fours between the lines, trying not to touch them. At the end of the corridor, the child should stand up, raise both hands up, stretch or clap their hands over their heads, then return to their place.

Instructions for carrying out. For the exercise, you can use the board laid on the floor.

Be careful

Children sit on chairs. In front of them is a gymnastic bench. The teacher invites one of the children to come to the end of the bench, stand on all fours (leaning on his knees and palms) and crawl to the end, holding on to its edges. At the end of the bench, the child should get up and get off it.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher helps the children, encourages, supports them. The exercise can also be carried out on an inclined board, and you can crawl up and down.


The teacher invites the children - monkeys - one or two to go to the gymnastic wall, stand facing it and climb the 3rd-4th rail, starting from the first - climb the tree for fruits or nuts. The rest of the children sit or stand and watch. Then others climb up.

Instructions for carrying out. For climbing, at first it is more expedient to use a stepladder, since it is more convenient for kids to climb an inclined ladder. Then you can offer climbing on a vertical gymnastic wall. When the children learn to confidently climb the ladder and the wall and go down, it is necessary to complicate the task by inviting them to move from span to span of the wall (“from tree to tree”).

It is impossible to demand from kids a clear distinction between the climbing method, since they still have difficulty distinguishing between side and variable steps. But you need to make sure that during climbing the children do not miss the rails, stand on each, transfer their hands from rail to rail higher and higher. During the descent, children should not be allowed to hang on one hand without support on their feet.

With alternating steps, children learn to climb gradually. In order to teach kids to climb with variable steps, the teacher should more often pay attention to those children who well and correctly carry their arms and legs forward in turn.

Climbing exercises are quite monotonous, but children do not get bored, and they do them with pleasure. Nevertheless, tasks should be diversified, new images and plots should be introduced (“For nuts”, “Let's catch a bird”, etc.).

Throwing and catching exercises

Target. To teach children to roll balls, balls, hoops in the right direction, to improve the skill of repelling the ball when skating; to teach to throw the ball in a certain direction and catch it, to develop elementary skills of hitting the target, to develop an eye, dexterity, coordination of movements; teach to navigate in the room, on the site; improve the ability to act with various objects: carry them, roll them, throw them, catch them, strengthen the small muscles of the hands.

Ball in a circle

Children sit on the floor in a circle and, first, at the direction of the teacher, and then, at will, roll the ball from one to another.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher stands outside the circle and tells who to roll the ball to, explains that the ball must be pushed away with both hands harder, shows how best to do this, gives the ball to the children if it rolls out of the circle.

roll the ball

Children sit on the floor in a circle or semicircle; the teacher, holding the ball in his hands, becomes in the center of the circle or opposite the children sitting in a semicircle. He rolls the ball to each child in turn. Children catch the ball, then roll it to the teacher.

Instructions for carrying out. When the children have mastered this exercise well, one of them may be in the center of the circle instead of the teacher. Toddlers, sitting on the floor, can keep their legs apart or cross them in front of them.

Take the ball

Children stand in a circle at a distance of arms extended to the sides. The exercise is to pass a large ball from hand to hand to a neighbor. The ball must be passed and taken with both hands.

Instructions for carrying out. Children of the third year of life are still not sufficiently oriented in the direction of movement, so the teacher tells them: “Olya, turn to Shurik and give him the ball. And you, Shurik, give the ball to Vova, ”etc. The teacher makes sure that the children, turning, stand still, do not step over their feet.

Roll the hoop

The child stands facing the teacher at a distance of 3-4 steps from him and holds a hoop. He rolls the hoop to the teacher, and then catches the hoop sent by the teacher.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher first shows how to put the hoop on and how to push it away so that it rolls. First, the child performs the exercise in tandem with the teacher, and then two children can do the same exercise. If they cope with the task, the teacher can only observe, occasionally giving instructions on how to complete the task even better.

Get into the gate

The children are sitting on the bench. In turn, they get up and approach the place designated by the teacher, in front of which, at a distance of 2-3 steps, there are gates - arcs. The child bends down, takes one of the balls lying on the floor and rolls it, trying to get into the gate. Having rolled 3-4 balls, the child goes and collects them.

Instructions for carrying out. The ball can be pushed with one or two hands. At the same time, 2-3 children can perform the exercise, for this you need to have 2-3 arcs. When the children have mastered hitting the gate, you can complicate the task, for example, offer to knock down skittles, etc.

Roll down the hill

On a cube or a seat of a high chair, you need to put a board at one end - it turns out a hill. At the raised end of the board (on the floor or on the seat of a chair), prepare 3-4 balls or small balls. The child takes them and rolls them down the slide in turn, one after the other, then he goes, collects the balls and rolls them up again.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher can involve no more than 2-3 children at the same time in the exercise.

Aim better

Children stand in a circle, each child holds a small ball or a bag of sand in his hand. In the center of the circle there is a box or a large basket (the distance from the target to the children is no more than 1.5-2 m).

At the signal of the teacher, the children throw the objects that are in their hands into the box, then approach it, take out the thrown objects, return to their places and repeat the exercise several times.

Instructions for carrying out. No more than 8-10 children can perform the exercise at the same time.

If the child does not hit the target, he picks up only the object thrown by him.

When throwing at a target, most children throw the object with one hand from the shoulder. They should also be shown another way of throwing - with one hand from below, since this way it is easier for them to hit the target.

Children like it when the object they throw hits a real, and not a conditional target. It is best if the object can linger in it (basket, mesh).

For throwing exercises on the site during a walk, you can use pebbles, cones, throwing them into grooves, pits, etc.

Target. To teach children to bounce on two legs, landing softly, jump over a cord, jump off low objects, listen carefully to signals, perform movements in accordance with the signals or text that the teacher says.

Jump up to the palm

The teacher calls one or the other child to him and offers to jump higher in order to reach his palm with his head.

Instructions for carrying out. The exercise is performed individually with each child. The hand should be kept at a small distance from the child's head. If the baby jumps up to the palm without difficulty, the teacher can raise it higher. Jumping exercises should be performed in light shoes (slippers, Czech shoes).

You can invite the kids to jump like balls or like bunnies. Several children can participate in this exercise. The teacher shows and suggests that it is necessary to jump higher and gently fall to the floor.

Jump over the cord

Children sit on chairs. The teacher puts a colored cord (3-4 m long) on ​​the floor. Children (6-8 people) approach the cord and, at the signal of the teacher, try to jump over it.

Instructions for carrying out. You can put 2-3 cords of different colors at a short distance from one another. Children, having jumped over one cord, approach another, jump over it.

However, babies of this age should not be offered more jumping exercises. Children of the third year of life perform the simplest jumps and jumps with great interest in story games. In the course of the game, the child can easily jump up and down several times without focusing on these movements.

For children of the fourth year of life

With children of the second younger group at the beginning of the year, the same game exercises are carried out as with children of the third year of life. At the same time, in accordance with the increased capabilities of children, more complex exercises are gradually being introduced; greater requirements are placed on the quality of their performance than in the previous age group.

Walking and running exercises

Target. Develop coordination of movements of arms and legs, teach to walk and run freely, in small groups, as a whole group, in a column one by one, in pairs, in a circle, in all directions; teach children to change movements at the signal of the teacher; develop a sense of balance, dexterity, courage, orientation in space.

Bring the flag (dice)

Children sit or stand on one side of the room (platform). On the opposite side, at a distance of 6-8 m from them, flags (cubes) are laid out on chairs or on a bench. A group of children, at the suggestion of the teacher, goes to the flags, takes them and goes to the teacher. Then, at his signal, the children run to the chairs, put flags (cubes) and come back.

Instructions for carrying out. Flags need to be laid out not too close to one another, so that it is convenient for kids to take them. The teacher makes sure that the children walk in a certain direction, in an organized manner, without bumping into each other, encourages those who walk with a flag nicely, evenly.

When the exercise is carried out in warm weather on the site, more children can be involved in the exercise, as well as increasing the distance for walking and running.

On holiday

Children become pairs, holding hands. Each of them has a checkbox. Children walk in pairs, holding flags in their hands.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher helps the kids to get into pairs, gives each a flag and explains how to walk beautifully and evenly in pairs, not to pull each other, to keep up.

At the signal of the teacher, the children can disperse in different directions, and then find their mate again.

From bump to bump

The children are on one side of the room. The teacher lays out hoops on the floor at a small distance (20 cm) from one another. At the signal of the teacher, the kids move to the other side of the hall, stepping from hoop to hoop.

Instructions for carrying out. Instead of hoops, you can use small plywood circles with a diameter of 30-35 cm. If the exercise is carried out on the site, you can draw small circles on the ground. When the children learn to step over well, you can invite them to move to the other side, running from circle to circle.

Along the corridor

Skittles (maces) are arranged on the floor in two rows. The distance between them is 35-40 cm, and between the pins of one row is 15-20 cm. Children must walk or run along the corridor without touching the pins.

Instructions for carrying out. Children pass along the corridor, first one at a time, and then several people one after another. You can give the task to one child to go along the corridor back and forth.

Pass and don't crash

Several pins are placed in one row on the floor or cubes are placed at a distance of at least 1 m from one another. Children should go to the other side of the room, bending around the skittles (snake) and not touching them.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher first puts only 3 skittles, shows how to pass, and then offers the children to do this exercise, helps them pass. When repeating the exercise, you can increase the number of pins or cubes and invite the children to run between them.

On a difficult path

The teacher puts a board 25-30 cm wide on the floor, and then lays out cubes, bars at a distance of 25-30 cm from one another. The teacher invites the children to walk along a difficult path, first along the board, trying not to stumble, then stepping over cubes, bars, without bothering them.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher helps children who have difficulty completing the task, encourages them, and supports some by the hand. It is necessary to ensure that the kids walk calmly, not in a hurry.

In the exercises “From bump to bump”, “Along the corridor”, “Go and don’t knock down”, “Along the difficult path”, to increase the interest of children in their implementation, you can use toys, flags, rattles, which children are invited to walk to. For example, go down the corridor to the flag, raise it and wave it over your head. Or pet a bear, cat, etc. Exercises such as “From bump to bump”, “On a difficult path” are good to do in the air, choosing the appropriate conditions for this.

On the snow bridge

Children one by one climb the snow rampart (20-25 cm) and walk along it to the end, trying to keep their balance. Having reached the end of the shaft, they jump off it and return back to walk along the shaft again.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher makes sure that the children do not interfere with those who walk along the rampart, do not rush them, help timid and insecure children.

Run and ride

First, the children are invited to walk along the ice path, keeping their balance, and then try to run up and ride a little.

Instructions for carrying out. At first, the teacher supports the children by the hand, especially the timid ones, helps them to ride along the icy path.

Crawling and climbing exercises

Target. To teach children to crawl in different ways (leaning on their knees and palms, on their feet and palms), and also to teach them to climb over an obstacle, to crawl without hitting an obstacle; to improve skills in crawling on a limited area, straight and inclined, in climbing vertical stairs, to develop coordination of movements, dexterity, to cultivate courage.

Crawl - not back

Children are located on one side of the room, hall. At a distance of 3-4 m from them, chairs are placed, on the seats of which gymnastic sticks or long slats are placed. Two or three children should crawl under the sticks, trying not to hit them, crawl to the bench on which the flags lie, stand up, take the flags and wave them, then run back.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher can increase the distance for crawling, and also, at his discretion, put the sticks higher or, conversely, lower. Make sure that the children, crawling, do not touch the sticks, slats, bend their back well and do not rise before they crawl to the bench.

Walk with a bear, crawl with a mouse

Children are located at one wall of the room. The teacher puts two arcs of different sizes in front of them one after the other. The first arc is 50 cm high, at a distance of 2–3 m from it the second arc is 30–35 cm high. , and under the second arc - crawl like a mouse (on your knees and palms), then get up and run to your place.

Instructions for carrying out. To carry out this exercise, you can also use slats placed on cubes or seats (backs) of chairs. The teacher makes sure that the children crawl in different ways, encourages them, tells them how to do the exercise.

Crawl through the hoop

The teacher puts the hoop with a rim on the floor, holding it with his hand from above. The called child must crawl on all fours through the hoop without touching it, then stand up and clap his hands over his head.

Instructions for carrying out. Children do the exercise one after another. The teacher can complicate the exercise by inviting the children to climb through the hoop without touching the floor with their hands. In this case, the child, approaching the hoop, must sit down and, moving only on his feet, climb through the hoop. For a good straightening, you can then invite the children to reach the ball suspended in the net, the bell.

Get on the hill

Children sit on chairs or stand. The teacher sets the board at an angle, strengthening one end of it with hooks for the rail of the gymnastic wall or stands - it turns out a hill. The child called by the teacher must climb the hill. The child comes to the end of the board, bends over, grabs its edges with his hands and climbs on all fours along the inclined board to the gymnastic wall or platform, then the kid straightens up, grabs the rail and goes down the ladder.

Instructions for implementation. The board is installed first with a slight slope, then, as the children master the movements, the teacher can raise its end higher, to the next rail - the slope will become larger. Exercise requires sufficient dexterity and courage from children, so the teacher encourages them, helps those who are at a loss, supports them. This exercise is good to perform in the summer in natural conditions.

Rolling, throwing and catching exercises

Target. Improve the ability of children to act with various objects (balls, balls, hoops); continue to develop the ability to roll balls and throw them in a certain direction with both hands and one hand; to teach to hit the target, to develop an eye, coordination of movements, dexterity.

Children stand on one side of the hall or playground behind a drawn line or a laid rope. Everyone receives bags and, at the signal of the teacher, they throw them into the distance. Everyone should notice where his bag fell. At the signal of the teacher, the children run to their bags and stop near them; with both hands they raise the bags up over their heads. The teacher marks those who threw the bag the farthest. After that, the kids return back to the line.

Instructions for carrying out. Children throw bags at the direction of the teacher with their right and left hands. The number of players can be different, but no more than 10-12 people. Bag weight 150 g.

Get in the circle

Children stand in a circle at a distance of 2-3 steps from a large hoop or circle lying in the center (from a rope or drawn on the floor, ground, with a diameter of 1-1.5 m). They have sandbags in their hands, at the signal of the teacher they throw the bags into a circle, on a signal they come up, pick up the bags and return to their places.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher, at his discretion, can increase or decrease the distance from which the children throw the bags. Bags must be thrown with the right and left hand.

Throw it up

One child or several children take the ball and stand in an empty place in the room or on the court. Everyone throws the ball up, directly overhead with both hands and tries to catch it. If the child cannot catch the ball, then picks it up from the floor and throws it up again.

Instructions for carrying out. Children of the fourth year of life should be given balls with a diameter of 12-15 cm. Up to 10-15 people can perform the exercise at the same time. The teacher tells the children to try to catch the ball with their hands, without pressing it to their chest.

catch the ball

Opposite the child, at a distance of 1.5-2 m from him, the teacher becomes. He throws the ball to the child, who returns it.

Instructions for carrying out. The child should start throwing the ball from a shorter distance. When he masters the skills of throwing and catching, the distance can be increased. The teacher teaches children to throw balls to each other and catch them. He makes sure that they throw the balls from the bottom up with both hands, do not press them to their chest when catching.

Throw through the rope

Children sit on chairs along one wall of the hall. At a height of about 1 m from the floor, a rope is pulled. (A rope 3 m long with weights at the ends can be placed on the backs of two adult chairs or jumping stands.) At a distance of 1.5 m in front of the hanging rope, a cord is placed on the floor. 1-2 balls with a diameter of 12-15 cm lie near him. One or two children approach the cord, pick up the balls and throw them with both hands over their heads through the rope, then catch up with them, running under the rope; having caught up with the balls, they return back.

Instructions for carrying out. Instead of a rope, you can use a long rail, which is also placed on the backs of chairs. The height at which the rope is pulled, and the distance from it, the teacher reduces or increases at his own discretion, depending on the capabilities of the children. On the site, the rope can be stretched between jumping posts or closely spaced trees.

knock down the skittle

A line is drawn on the floor or ground or a string is laid. At a distance of 1-1.5 m from it, 2-3 large pins are placed (the distance between the pins is 15-20 cm).

Children take turns approaching the designated place, pick up the balls lying nearby and roll them, trying to knock down the skittle. Having rolled 3 balls, the child runs, collects them and passes them to the next player.

Instructions for carrying out. To perform the exercise, you first need to give balls with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Then, when the children learn to roll the ball vigorously, hit the skittles, they can be given smaller balls and increase the distance for rolling them.

Bouncing and jumping exercises

Target. Continue to teach children to jump on two legs, jump off low objects, landing softly, bending their knees; improve jumping skills, leading children gradually to perform long jumps from a place.

Through the stream

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 15-20 cm - this is a stream. Indoors, you can put two cords on the floor at the same distance. Several children are invited to come closer to the stream and jump over it, pushing off with both legs at once.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher can tell the children that the stream is deep, so you need to jump as far as possible so as not to fall into it, not to wet your feet.

At the same time, 4-5 children can perform the exercise. The distance between the lines should be gradually increased to 30-35 cm. The teacher makes sure that the children push off harder and land softly, bending their knees.

From bump to bump (II option)

On the playground, the teacher draws small circles with a diameter of 30-35 cm. The distance between the circles is about 25-30 cm. These are bumps in the swamp, along which you need to get over to the other side. The child called by the teacher approaches the circles and begins to jump on two legs from one circle to another, moving forward. Having thus moved to the other side of the site, he walks back. Then the next exercise is performed.

Instructions for carrying out. When doing this exercise indoors, you can use cardboard mugs or flat plywood hoops of the same diameter. At first, the children perform the exercise in turn, and then you can give the task to jump from bump to bump at once to 2-3 children.

Touch the ball

An adult holds a small ball in the net. He invites the child to jump up and touch the ball with both hands. One child jumps up 3-4 times, then the teacher offers other children to jump up.

Instructions for carrying out. Instead of a ball, the teacher can hold a bell, a rattle in his hands. Depending on the height of the children and their capabilities, the adult adjusts the height of the ball, the bell. A bell or rattles can be hung on a stretched cord so that they are slightly higher than the child's outstretched arms. The teacher makes sure that the children, bouncing, try to touch the object with both hands, this will ensure the uniform development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Catch a mosquito

Children stand in a circle at arm's length, facing the center of the circle. The teacher is in the middle of the circle. In his hands he has a rod 1-1.5 m long with a mosquito tied on a cord made of paper or cloth. The teacher circles the cord a little higher than the heads of the players - a mosquito flies overhead; the children jump up and down, trying to catch it with both hands. Whoever catches a mosquito says, "I caught it."

Instructions for carrying out. It is necessary to ensure that the children do not reduce the circle when bouncing. Rotating the rod, the teacher then lowers it, then raises it, but to such a height that the children can get the mosquito.

turn around you

The teacher offers one child or several children to jump on two legs in place with a turn. Children stand at a short distance from each other facing the teacher and, at his signal, begin to jump. With each bounce, they make a small turn in one direction (left or right) so that after a few bounces they return to their original position. Then the exercise can be repeated, turning to the other side.

Instructions for carrying out. Before the children begin to perform this exercise, the teacher must show how it is performed. It is necessary to ensure that the children bounce higher and gently fall on their toes. They hold their hands freely, while bouncing they can wave them. When the kids learn to bounce well, they can be offered to put their hands on the belt. This exercise can be done in small groups or with the whole group of children at the same time.

Jump to the flag

The teacher draws a line on the site, puts stands with flags at a distance of 2-3 m from it. Then he invites two or three children to come up to the line and jump on two legs, moving forward, to the flags. When the children are at the flags, they should pick them up, wave them, and put them back in place. They come back running.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher first shows how to perform the exercise. He makes sure that when jumping children push off with both legs at the same time and land softly, he encourages those who are not yet very good at jumping. The teacher can, at his discretion, increase or decrease the distance for jumping.

Jump into the circle

The teacher puts a low bench (10-12 cm), and in front of it draws circles on the ground (30-35 cm in diameter). He invites the children (by the number of circles) to stand on a bench and jump from it into circles. Others are on the bench.

Instructions for carrying out. It is necessary to ensure that the children, standing on the bench, do not interfere with each other, when jumping, they land immediately on both legs from their toes and bending their knees. You can invite them to jump so quietly that no one can hear. This will encourage them to perform the jump more correctly.

The duration of jumping exercises for kids should be short, since in children of this age the muscles of the foot have not yet strengthened (this should be especially remembered when jumping). Gradually, by the end of the children's stay in the second younger group, the number of jumps should increase.

Through the rope

The teacher with one of the older children hold the rope or a small rope by the ends so that its middle touches the ground. Several children are offered to jump over the rope. They take turns approaching and jumping over the rope, pushing off with both legs.

After everyone jumps over the rope lying on the ground, it can be raised first by 2-3 cm, and then higher.

Instructions for carrying out. One end of the rope can be tied to a rack, to a tree, the other should not be held too tightly in your hands. If the jumper touches the rope, then its end must be released from the hands so that the child does not fall.

When the rope is lifted, the teacher should tell the children that now, in order to jump higher and not hurt her, you need to push harder.

The height of the rope should be increased gradually in accordance with the capabilities of the children.

Walking on one leg

On the playground, the teacher draws two lines 2-3 m long at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. This is a track. Indoors, you can put two slats or two cords on the floor at the same distance. The teacher invites several children to jump along the track on one leg. Children take turns approaching one end of the track and try to jump to its end on one leg.

Instructions for carrying out. Jumping on one leg for children of the fourth year of life is a rather difficult exercise, but in the second half of the year it is already possible to give them such a task. However, you should not require that the kids necessarily jump to the end of the track. Children jump arbitrarily, in the middle of the track they can change their foot. It is important that they begin to practice this type of movement.

At the end of the path, you can put a chair and put a rattle or other toy on it to make it more interesting to complete the task. On the way back, the children return with the usual step or run.

fun games

Target. To entertain children, to help create a good, joyful mood for them, to have fun.

hide and seek

Description. The teacher invites the children to hide with him from the nanny, who at this time should turn away and not look where they are hiding. Children, together with the teacher, go behind the closet or squat on the carpet, and the teacher covers them with a transparent scarf. The teacher asks the nanny: “Where are our children? Aunt Katya, have you seen them?” The nanny starts looking for the children, deliberately looking into other places. The little ones jump out of their hiding place with delight and run up to her with a cheerful laugh. The nanny hugs them and says affably: “Where did you hide so that I couldn’t find you?”

Instructions for carrying out. After the children have been hiding with the teacher several times, they will be able to hide on their own, and the teacher will look for them. The teacher can also hide, then the children look for him. It gives them great pleasure. After repeated repetitions of the game, the child will be able to look for children.


Description. The teacher invites the children to disperse around the room. He himself closes his eyes or ties them with a scarf and pretends to try to catch the children: he carefully moves around the room and catches the children where they are not. Children laugh. The teacher asks: “Where are our children?” Then he removes the bandage, turns towards the children and says: "That's where our children are!"

Instructions for carrying out. In this game, the teacher plays an active role. He acts carefully so as not to frighten the children, but only to amuse them.

Instead of a bandage during the game, you can use a bright paper cap (cone), which is worn deeply, covering the upper part of the face.

Blinders with a bell

(Complicated version)

Description. One of the children is given a bell. The other two children are morons. They are blindfolded. The child with the bell runs away, and the buffaloes catch up with him. If one of the children manages to catch a child with a bell, then they change.

Instructions for carrying out. For this game, you need to limit the place, since in a large space it is difficult for kids to catch children, especially with their eyes closed.

Give the rabbit a carrot

Description. Children sit on benches on the veranda or playground. One of them, more prepared, is given a carrot in his hands, which he must give to a toy rabbit. The child stands at a distance of 3 m from the rabbit, he is blindfolded. The kid should go up to the rabbit and give him a carrot (bring the carrot to the rabbit's muzzle).

Instructions for carrying out. Usually the child is not able to immediately complete the task accurately and his actions cause laughter in the rest of the children. Therefore, the driver in this and similar games is appointed at will.


Description. To play, you need to prepare plastic tubes or straws (ripe rye or wheat) according to the number of children, dilute soapy water in a small saucer, bowl. All children receive straws and make attempts to inflate a soap bubble. If this succeeds, they blow bubbles with enthusiasm, watch how they fly, run after them, follow whose bubble flew longer and did not burst.

Instructions for carrying out. First you need to show the children how to make a soap bubble: lower one end of the straw into soapy water, then, removing it from the water, gently blow it from the other end.

Water the horse

Description. The conditions of the game are the same as in the game "Give the rabbit a carrot."

The child stands behind the line at a distance of 2-3 m from the toy Horse. The teacher gives him a bucket in his hands and blindfolds him.

The kid should go up to the horse and give it a drink (bring a bucket to the horse's face).

Instructions for carrying out. For the game it is desirable to take a horse big size on which children can sit. This will make it easier for them to complete the task - it will be possible to water the horse without bending down.

The teacher calls the children only at their request. If none of them expresses a desire to start first, then the teacher can try to complete the task himself. You can offer to participate in the game to one of the children of the senior or preparatory group for school. Let the younger children first look, laugh at the loser, and then try to play themselves.

hit the ball

Description. The game is played in the hall or on the court. You need to hit the ball blindfolded. The teacher puts a big ball on the floor (on the ground), draws a line at a distance of 2-3 m from it. The child who agreed to complete the task approaches the ball, stands with his back to it, then moves away to the line and turns to face the ball. The teacher blindfolds him. The driver must approach the ball and kick it with his foot.

Instructions for carrying out. If the task is completed successfully, then another child is called. If the hit on the ball was unsuccessful, then you can offer the same child to repeat the task. If failure upsets the child, you need to cheer him up, say that next time he will definitely succeed.

The driver in this game is appointed at his request.

According to the number of participants, object games are divided into:


observation game(child watching others play)

game alone

(the child plays with toys alone, only occasionally talking to other children)

parallel game

(the child plays alone, but in close proximity to other children)


joint game(children unite in groups to achieve some common goal - build a house out of cubes or sand, etc.)

related game(the child communicates with peers engaged in a similar game, but everyone does as he wants; here there is only an exchange of toys)


creative games games

Games with rules

Role-playing game

mobile game

Construction and constructive game

Didactic game

Main content of games

  • Image of domestic work (children feed the dolls, dress them, put them to bed, cook dinner for them);
  • Treatment of dolls, little animals (lubricate with an imaginary ointment, give an injection, listen, give medicine);
  • Transport trips (make chairs, pick up bars, rings from the pyramid - drive the car);
  • Image of an animal (kids run, bark like dogs, jump like bunnies);
  • Sand games (they form Easter cakes, bury toys in the sand, and then dig them out);
  • Games with building material (children build a slide, a house, furniture).

  • Toys in children 1-2 months. life, should contribute to the development of vision and hearing. This is a bright large light ball, ball, other bright large toy (suspended above the crib at a distance of 50 cm from the baby's eyes)
  • From 2-2.5 months. large plot toys (doll, bear) are added, which are placed near the crib, playpen. At the same time, sounding toys are needed (rattles, bell, tumbler). In addition, they pick up and hang small toys over the child’s chest that can be grabbed by hand - rattles with rings, pendants.
  • Beginning from 5-6 months. give a variety of toys: plastic, rubber with squeakers, wooden Toys, balls and balls of different sizes. Among the toys various materials must be figurative: a tumbler doll and others

Toys for children from birth to a year

  • From 7-8 months. toys and items for insertion are added (bowls, cubes, baskets with toys). There are plot-transport toys (wheelchairs, cars)
  • From 8-9 months. The child is shown beautiful, pleasant to the touch soft toys, taught to handle them. Detachable toys (bochata, eggs, mushrooms), rings for putting on an arc are useful.
  • From 10-12 months. The child masters object actions when folding pyramids, nesting dolls, rolling a ball or ball along a groove, playing with collapsible toys, including cubes, bricks, prisms. In addition to these toys, soft toys with enlarged parts, strollers, sheets, blankets for playing with a doll are added. To develop walking skills, wheelchair toys are used, which the child either rolls in front of him or carries by a rope.

Toys for children from 1 to 3 years old

Objective activity, in which the mental and technical development of the child occurs at an early age, has several lines of development, including:

  • formation of gun actions;
  • development of visual-effective thinking;
  • development of cognitive activity;
  • formation of purposefulness of the child's actions.

Gun actions

  • ordinary household items - spoons, cups, combs, brushes, pencils, etc.
  • scoops, spatulas;
  • panicles, rakes;
  • nets for "catching" toys from the bath;
  • fishing rods with a magnet for "fishing";
  • toy phone, watch, handbag, etc.;
  • doll utensils, dishes, clothes, combs, etc.

Visual Action Thinking

  • pyramids, various in color, shape and material;
  • liners different shapes and sizes for insertion and overlay;
  • nesting dolls 3-4-seater;
  • "form boxes", i.e. game aids for inserting geometric shapes and subject images into cells;
  • tables with holes, pegs, flowers for sticking;
  • large puzzles and mosaics ;
  • large cubes plastic and wooden;
  • lace and beads for stringing;
  • folk toys with moving parts ;
  • groove and rolling ball .

cognitive activity .

  • secret boxes;
  • children's music centers;
  • mechanical toys;
  • keyboard toys;
  • surprise toys that require a connection between their movement and the appearance of something new;
  • materials for playing with water and sand: sprinklers, molds, scoops, etc.

Purposefulness and perseverance .

  • curly pyramids, involving the creation of an object - dogs, Christmas trees, a snowman, etc .;
  • allowances that composing an image from several parts(cubes, split pictures and etc.);
  • composite toys- cars, houses, etc.;
  • building kits, involving actions according to a visual pattern;
  • beads for stringing ;
  • laces and fasteners .

Social and personal development .

1. Speech development

  • pictures depicting animals and people;
  • plot pictures depicting actions;
  • sets of pictures with different spatial positions of the same characters;
  • elementary types of children's domino and loto;
  • sequences of pictures depicting the plots of children's fairy tales;
  • sets of figures (wooden or cardboard) depicting characters from famous fairy tales;
  • sound recording (slow and distinct) of children's folk tales;
  • filmstrips;
  • toy phone.

2. Subject (process) game .

  • rag dolls - flexible (height 30-40 cm);
  • plastic dolls - flexible;
  • naked doll with a set of clothes;
  • doll in clothes;
  • little "babies" in different poses.
  • a set of doll utensils (stove, kettle, saucepans, etc.);
  • furniture and equipment for dolls (crib, bath, high chair);
  • "food products" - sets of vegetables, fruits;
  • "hygiene items" for dolls - combs, brushes, soap, etc.;
  • toy animals - small and medium sized with expressive appearance.

2. Physical development .

  • Balls (various sizes).
  • Hoops.
  • Sports equipment for kids (swings, slides, rings, ladders, wall bars).
  • Benches for walking.
  • Rugs with different surfaces.
A complex of communicative games with young children in the adaptation period

for group children early age

Prepared by: Bolshakova E.S.,

early childhood educator

No. 2 "Ladushki"

The admission of a child to a preschool is a strong stressful experience that needs to be mitigated.

Games aimed at the emotional interaction of a child with an adult will help smooth out the adaptation period.

Emotional communication arises on the basis of joint actions, accompanied by a smile, affectionate intonation, and a manifestation of care for each baby.

Main task games with children during the adaptation period - to establish a trusting relationship with each child, to give moments of joy to kids, to cause a positive attitude towards kindergarten. During this period, both individual and frontal games are needed so that not a single child feels deprived of attention.

Purpose of games- this is not the development and education of the child, but emotional communication, establishing contact between the child and the adult.

Hand contact;

Body contact.

In addition, games aimed at the formation of communication require

meeting several conditions:

Firstly, the adult shows great interest in the game, actively organizes interaction with the child, makes efforts to captivate the child game;

Secondly, an adult accompanies game actions with comments, describing in words all the stages of the game. Many games use poems and nursery rhymes.

Third, an adult does everything to create a comfortable, warm atmosphere during the game.

Fourth, an adult closely monitors the progress of the game, controlling its beginning, continuation and end.

Fifthly, emotional games aimed at developing communication with an adult and establishing contact with him, carried out individually(one adult - one child).

-I'll clap my hands, I'll be good, We'll clap our hands, we'll be good!

Then he invites the baby to clap his hands with him:

-Let's clap our hands together.

If the baby does not repeat the actions of the teacher, but only looks, you can

try to take his hands in yours And make claps with them. But if the child resists, you should not insist, perhaps next time he will show more initiative.


Equipment: Petrushka doll.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the baby a toy (Petrushka hid).

- Oh! Who is it hiding there? Who's there? Then Parsley

shown with the words:- Ku-ku! It's me, Petrushka! Hello!

Parsley bows, spins in different directions, then again

is hiding. The game can be repeated several times.

Catch the ball!

Equipment: small rubber ball or plastic ball.

Game progress: The teacher picks up the ball, invites the child to play with it. It is better to organize a game on the floor: the teacher and the child sit opposite each other, legs wide apart so that the ball does not roll past.

__Let's play ball. Catch the ball!

The teacher rolls the ball towards the child. Then he encourages him to roll the ball in the opposite direction, catches the ball, emotionally comments on the course of the game.

-Roll the ball! On! Caught the ball!

The game is played for some time, the game should be stopped at the first sign of fatigue or loss of interest on the part of the child.

Equipment: Petrushka doll.

Game progress: Unnoticed by the child, the teacher puts a toy on his hand, then starts the game. Parsley approaches the baby, bows.

- I am Petrushka- fun toy! Hi Hi!

Then Petrushka invites the baby to say hello, takes his hand in hers.

-Let's say hello! Give me a pen!

After that, Petrushka performs various activities: claps, dances and sings, inviting the child to repeat these actions.

Soft Paws.

On the third and fourth lines, he either squeezes or unclenches his fingers - the kitten “releases” claws-scratches.

But on every paw

Scratchy claws!

Then he invites the child to portray a kitten. After the child learns to portray a kitten, you can offer a game in pairs: the teacher first strokes the child’s hand, then pretends to want to scratch it with “claws” (at this moment the child can quickly remove his hands). Then the teacher and the child switch roles:

the child first strokes the teacher’s hand, then “releases its claws” and tries to lightly scratch it.

Kisa, Kisa! Shout!

Target: development of emotional communication of a child with an adult, establishing contact; learning to switch from one! game action to another.

Game progress: The teacher invites the child to play cat. To do this, an adult explains and shows how a cat is stroked, with the words "Kitty, kitty!" how they drive a cat away, with the word "Shoot!" At the same time, at first, the adult gently strokes the child’s palms stretched forward, and then tries to hit them lightly - while the baby must quickly hide his hands behind his back.

-Let's play cat! When a cat is stroked- “Kisa! Kitty!- hold your palms. And when they say "Shoot!"- quickly hide your hands behind your back. Like this.

Kitty, kitty! Shout!

When the child learns to play this game, you can offer to switch roles.

Tritatushki - three-ta-ta!

Game progress: An adult sits the child on his knees, facing himself, holding the child by the belt. Then he performs rhythmic bodily shaking (left-right, up-down), accompanying the movements with repeated pronunciation of the words:

- Tritatushki- three-ta-ta! Tritatushki-three-ta-ta!

On a flat path!

Game progress: The teacher sits the child on his knees, then begins to rhythmically toss him up, accompanying the movements with a nursery rhyme. At the end of the game, the teacher pretends to drop the child.

On a flat path

On a flat path

Over the bumps, over the bumps

Over the bumps, over the bumps

Straight into the hole- Wow!

Game progress: The teacher sits the child on his knees, then begins to rhythmically throw the child up, accompanying the movement with a nursery rhyme. At the end of the game, the teacher pretends to drop the child.


Sit on pillows.

The girlfriends came

Pushed off the pillow-



Game progress: The teacher invites the child to play in the swing.

- Do you like swinging? Let's play swing! The teacher sits on a sofa or a comfortable chair, puts the child on his knees, face to face. Then he takes the child's hands in his own and spreads them to the sides, after which he imitates the rhythmic movements of the swing - sways from side to side, dragging the child with him.

-The swing is swinging: swing, swing! Kach-kach!

You can also play standing up. An adult and a child stand opposite each other, legs wide apart, they hold hands and scatter them to the sides. With the words “kach-kach”, swing movements are imitated - together an adult and a child swing from side to side, alternately tearing off the right and then the left legs from the floor.


Game progress: At the beginning of the game, the teacher draws the child's attention to the wall clock, then offers to play the clock.

-Look at the clock on the wall. The clock is ticking: “tick-tock!” - Let's play clock!

The teacher sits on the floor, sits the child on his knees face to face, takes the child's hands in his (arms bent at the elbows) and begins to imitate the clock - performs rhythmic movements back and forth, dragging the child along.

- The clock is ticking: “tick-tock! Tick-tock!"

The same game can be played by alternately changing the rhythm - watch | can tick slowly and quickly.
I'll catch up!

Target: development of emotional communication of a child with an adult, establishing contact; movement development.

Game progress: The teacher invites the child to play catch-up.

-Let's play catch-up: you run away, and I'll catch up with you!

I'll catch up!

The child runs away, and the adult catches up with him. At the same time, do not rush - let the baby run, feel fast and dexterous. Then the teacher catches the child - hugs him, shakes him. It should be noted that this game is emotionally intense and contains an element of risk for the child. In addition, during the game there is a close bodily contact.

Therefore, you can offer the kid such a game when there is already a certain degree of trust between him and the adult. And if the baby is frightened, no need to insist - try another time.

Game progress: The teacher invites the child to listen to the nursery rhyme and clap their hands.

-Let's clap our hands like this.

Sweeties! The teacher and the child claps their hands.

-Where were you?

- By Grandma!

- What did they eat?


- What did they drink?


Ate the porridge

They drank the brew!

Sh-u-u-u, flew,

Sat on the head! On the last lines, wave your hands like

wings, then gently place your palms on your baby's head.

white-sided magpie

Game progress: The teacher takes the child's hand in his hand and begins to read the nursery rhyme, accompanying the text with movements.

white-sided magpie

cooked porridge,

Feeding children:

I gave it, I gave it

I gave it, I gave it

But she didn't give it:

You, son, are small,

Didn't help us

We won't give you porridge.

The teacher in a circular motion leads the child's finger along his

palm - "interferes with porridge." At the words "gave it" bend

alternately the child's fingers, starting with the little finger. At the words “but she didn’t give it,” turn the child’s thumb and tickle his palm.

Goat horned

Game progress: The teacher pronounces the text of the nursery rhyme, accompanying it with movements.

There is a horned goat

There is a butted goat

Top-top legs!

Clap-clap eyes:

"Who does not eat porridge,

Who does not drink milk

I gore him

I gore, I gore!”

Squeeze the fingers of your right hand, putting forward only forefinger and the little finger - it turned out a "goat" with horns. When saying, then bring closer, then remove the “goat”. At the words “gore”, “gore” the child.

The development of the child in the game occurs, first of all, due to the diverse orientation of its content. There are games that are directly aimed at physical education (moving), aesthetic (musical), mental (didactic and plot). Many of them at the same time contribute moral education(plot-role-playing, dramatization games, mobile, etc.).

All types of games can be combined into two large groups, which differ in the degree of direct participation of an adult, as well as in various forms of children's activity.

First group - these are games where an adult takes an indirect part in their preparation and conduct. The activity of children (subject to the formation of a certain level of game actions and skills) has an initiative, creative character - the guys are able to independently set a game goal, develop the game plan and find the necessary ways to solve game problems. In independent games, conditions are created for children to show initiative, which always indicates a certain level of intelligence development.

Games of this group, which include plot and cognitive games, are especially valuable for their developmental function, which is of great importance for the overall mental development of each child.

Story games are the basis for the formation of play activities in early and preschool childhood. In story games, a child, with the help of an adult, learns:

features of objects - toys (introductory games);

ways of acting with them (illustrative games);

gaining experience practical activities and reflects the purpose of objects (plot-display games);

reflects the role-playing relationships of people (role-playing games);

reflects labor and public relations(role-playing games).

Educational games are aimed at:

self-examination of toys,

recognition of their physical properties,

realization of the opportunity to act with them in various ways.

Second group - these are various educational games in which an adult, telling a child the rules of the game or explaining the design of a toy, gives a fixed program of actions to achieve a certain result. In these games, specific tasks of education and training are usually solved; they are aimed at the assimilation of a certain program material and the rules that the players must follow. Educational games are also important for the moral and aesthetic education of preschoolers.

The activity of children in learning to play is mainly of a reproductive nature: children, solving game problems with a given program of actions, only reproduce the methods for their implementation. Based on the formation of skills and abilities, children can start independent games, in which there will be more elements of creativity.

The group of games with a fixed action program includes mobile, didactic, musical, games - dramatization, games - entertainment.

Outdoor games contribute to the improvement of basic movements, the development of moral and volitional qualities, indirectly affect the mental and aesthetic education of preschoolers. They can be plot and plotless.

Didactic games (with toys, didactic material, verbal, plot-didactic, desktop-printed) are used by teachers for the mental development of children. At the same time, in these games, the children learn to coordinate actions, obey the rules of the game, and regulate their desires depending on the common goal.

Musical games can be choral, plot and plotless, often combine elements of didactic and outdoor games. Affect the aesthetic, physical, mental development of children.

Games - dramatizations affect the speech, mental development of children and educate aesthetic feelings.

Games - entertainment increase emotionally positive tone, promote the development of physical activity, nourish the child's mind with unexpected and vivid impressions.

In addition to the games themselves, it should be said about the so-called non-gaming activities that do not take place in a playful form. These may be in a special way organized initial forms of child labor, some types of visual activity, familiarization with the surroundings on a walk, etc.

a game younger age parent
