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Kumaeva Maria Vladimirovna

graduate student of YuGU, G. Khanty-Mansiysk

E- mail: kumaeva [email protected] yandex . en

Anna Mitrofanovna Konkova is a Mansi storyteller and writer. She is known for such literary works as "And the moons of the slow stream ..", a novel-tale written by her in co-authorship with Sazonov G.K. Also such books as "Date with childhood", "Tales of grandmother Anna", "Leader Ivyr". “A long time ago, when deer were not friends with people, when the Khanty and Mansi did not travel, did not fly, but walked through forests and swamps, they got their own food, and the wise ancient old people used to say: “If you don’t go, you won’t chew”, at the top there was a camp of the ancient Mansi on the river Naydenaya ... "So begins one of the tales of Anna's grandmother - Anna Mitrofanovna Konkova about her people - Mansi.

In the children's fairy tales of A. M. Konkova, simple turns of speech, brevity, small texts prevail, the characters of fairy tales are small forest animals. Each text has a theme of the struggle between good and evil. The national specificity of the animal tale genre permeates the text at all its levels. Such works give every child, listener and reader of A. M. Konkova's fairy tales the opportunity to comprehend wealth cultural diversity Mansi people. In the works of Anna Mitrofanovna, the cultural component is preserved, in particular, the Mansi names of the characters (Masne, Petos, Tuytsam-Snezhok, etc.), as well as images of animals that convey national character, the space where events take place in fairy tales, for example, in the fairy tale “Every other is strong” we read: “As soon as they subsided (the Hare and the Otter), a fisherman appeared because of the turn of the river. He floats on his dugout boat and sings songs .. ”, here the events take place in the river. In another fairy tale “I want to, I don’t want to”, we read: “.. the father (Hare) rushes through the forest without rest, collects succulent leaves ..”, here the events take place in the forest. The storyteller Anna Mitrofanovna Konkova, through folklore, acquaints readers with the peculiarities of life, life, and the Mansi people. In the collection of fairy tales, Anna Mitrofanovna at the end of the book gives additional explanations, interpretations of the Mansi words that are used, published in texts, words that are unfamiliar or incomprehensible to readers, the meaning of which needs clarification.

In the tales of A.M. Skate characters are small animals, since the narrator wrote texts intended for young children, let's call the characters: Rabbits, Foxes, Sables, Ducklings, Mice, Otter, Chipmunk, etc. And rarely in her fairy tales there are large animal characters, such like Elk, Bear. A. V. Gura notes: “As for fairy tales, for all their fantasticness, for the most part, they are weakly connected with the deep mythological layers of folk beliefs. Moreover, this is especially characteristic of fairy tales about animals, in which the relationship between animals serves, as a rule, as an allegory of human relationships in various everyday situations. Children, using the examples of the behavior and actions of characters in fairy tales, learn to understand, evaluate, reason about which hero of a fairy tale did the right thing, and which one did the wrong thing in a given situation.

We agree with L. V. Ovchinnikova’s statement that “authors… often create an artistic model of life in a magical land in the form of a series, stories with a continuation with a “through” hero, a special chronotope, a “single” view of the author on events and characters, as well as focusing on “your” reader. The time of a literary tale-series has been fundamentally changed compared to the closed, “eventful” time of a folk tale, and the artistic space has been expanded to the maximum and described in detail, which affects the principles of plot construction. In A. M. Konkova, we consider the Hare to be such a character, who is the main one, central character in the fairy tale “I want I don’t want”, the story of events from the life of the Hare continues and in the fairy tale “How the Perch became striped”, then comes the story of the Hare and in the fairy tales “Every other is strong”, “Masnay ​​and the Hare”, “The Hare and Compolin” . Application affectionate form Hare, Otter, Little Foxes, Sables and the use by the author of such linguistic forms as “Aunt Fox”, “persuases son”, “mosquitoes will brush away”, “tails”, “from belly to ear”, etc., allows you to make the conclusion is that fairy tales are meant for young children. The characters of fairy tales are used in relation to each other and such words as “Cute Hare”, “My friend Otter saved me”, “Sables! Foxes! Run, help me! ”, These words emphasize how the heroes of fairy tales value their friends, how they help each other in trouble, which creates a positive impression, educational, educational for young listeners and readers of these fairy tales. In the texts of A. M. Konkova, the main characters also use instructive sayings: “No, even though the tail is small, but mine. A big tail, but a stranger ”(says the Hare), “Son, you are doing good - do not repent, but do not boast of bad things," the mother of the Hare says such instructive words to her son. “Grandma looked at the needle in the needle bed and said: “It is both small and fragile, but the strength in it is great,” Elk says to the Hare: “Earth and sky live with one mind. They know who gets what." The "Wise Elk" says instructive words to the Fox: "It turns out, redhead, your cunning is not of great intelligence." The wise words of Valezhina also sound in the fairy tale: “On earth, everything is in place, everything is in place and with great benefit.”

The narrator turns to the Russian language in her work, this is due to the fact that A. M. Konkova comes from the Kondinsky Mansi. It is known that the Mansi language of the Kondinsky Mansi began to be lost more than a hundred years ago, in connection with the settlement of the Mansi lands by other peoples. It should be noted that when publishing works in Russian, “...there was a larger circle of readers. Indeed, the books mother tongue were read by a small number of people, they (books) reached only libraries located in large villages, while books could be purchased on free sale only in cities. The speakers of the Mansi language lived in small settlements. Anna Mitrofanovna also uses the Mansi words of the Kondinsky Mansi in fairy tales, for example: “Tuitsam - Snowball”, “Niram, niram! – I want, I want-u-u!”, “At niram! I don't want to!" We find in this collection of fairy tales such Mansi words with a translation into Russian by the storyteller herself: “Tuitsam - Snowball”; "apu - shakes the cradle"; "Vitkas - evil spirit Water"; "evil Swamp Spirit Compolen"; "Soytyn - Mouse"; "Respond, Men Pel - a small ear!"; "Sornin Kanyas - Golden Prince". In the sentence ".. Grandma Petos lived with her granddaughter Masne", they use female names in the Mansi language - Petos (Fedosya), and the name Masne, apparently, goes back to archaism, which is not used in our time.

Tales about animals are often built on the motives of the tricks of cunning, evil characters above others, in the tales of A. M. Konkova, this is Fox, Perch, Eagle, Sable. Propp V. Ya. notes: “The victory of the weak over the strong has, apparently, very ancient roots and ancient origin. Stories about the tricks of the fox were told by women and children among the hunting peoples when the father was on the hunt. The luck of the weak and his victory over the strong in the story should have contributed to luck in reality.

In fairy tales, the moral laws of the people are given. Life is based on work, and no matter how small and weak you are, work: maybe it is your tiny strength that is not enough to complete the common task. No matter what kind of tribe people belong to, one must live in peace with them. Collective friendship is the basis of prosperity. The word of the elders carries folk wisdom, obedience saves children from many troubles. Be faithful to friendship, do not leave the weak in trouble, be brave and honest, do not lie, do not harm others, etc.

In children's fairy tales mythological creatures as Vitkas - the evil Spirit of Water, the evil Swamp Spirit Compolen - are the personification of evil. Many fairy tales still retain the remnants of some of the most ancient pagan ideas, belief in the owners of forests, rivers, mountains, and the elements.

In the fairy tales of Anna Mitrofanovna, we find Mansi beliefs, so in the fairy tale “I Want It, I Don’t Want It”, we read: “The son is growing quickly - the forest animals have already given him legs, the birds that have returned from the south brought him a tongue on their wings.” For a long time old people say that Small child who has not learned to speak in the first years of his tiny life, in the winter, spring season, will definitely start talking after they arrive migratory birds from the south, "they will bring him a language."


    Algadiev A.P. The second stage of Yu. Shestalov's work is the stage of turning to Russian-language prose // Languages ​​and culture of the peoples of Yugra: Materials of the region, stud. Scientific-practical. Conf. - Yekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. Univ., 2008. - 404 p.

2nd grade students


Rakhimova I.A., teacher primary school,

MBOU "Average comprehensive school№5"

"Tales of Grandma Anna"

(to the 100th anniversary of the birth of A.M. Konkova)

project work





Introduction ................................................ ................................................. .................................3 –5

Main part

1. The life and work of Anna Mitrofanovna Konkova. …………………....................5 – 6

2. The meaning of the fairy tales of Anna Mitrofanovna Konkova …………………………………...6 - 7

3. What is a fairy tale for the peoples of the Khanty and Mansi…………………………………………..7– 8

4. Practical work…………………………………………………………………………8

Conclusion................................................. ................................................. ...........................9

Bibliography ………………………....................................... .....................................10



Being a patriot means feeling like an integral part of the Fatherland.

So that the words "I love my Motherland" do not turn into an empty phrase, it is important

so that a bright, capacious image of the Motherland arose already among primary school students. To love the Motherland, wrote Academician D.S. Likhachev, you need to know whyelove, you need to knowehistory, to know the heroes and their great deeds. Only giving rebenku this knowledge, we

we can create the necessary conditions for continuity, spiritual connection

generations, upbringing in every childenke patriot, citizen.

The North is an amazing land with amazing peoples. northern man by

its essence is spiritual. His views were formed on the basis of the cult of nature and

harmonious interaction with environment by communicating directly with

which he learned to understand it, adapted to life in it and worked,

supporting nature in the interests of self-preservation.

The peoples of the North Khanty and Mansi had their own concepts and ideas about secrets

of the universe, about life and death, about good and evil, about essence and purpose

human, flora and fauna. In the bitter struggle for existence,

continuation of their kind and tribe, they developed peculiar laws of life in

harmony with nature, moral and ethical standards of behavior among people,

a variety of customs and holidays, carefully preserved and transmitted from

generation to generation. Most importantly, they were able to survive in harsh conditions,

maintaining a unique way of life and culture. And folk tales play a big role in this. After all folk tale- an encyclopedia of the spiritual life of the people, because it tells about the life of their ancestors, life, traditions, ideals.From ancient times to the present day, the peoples of the Khanty and Mansi brought stories and legends about the Sun, about peace on earth, about honest and hardworking people. These legends warmed hearts during the long polar nights. Life is beautiful, say the heroes of fairy tales, you just need to be able to make it so. It is necessary that your heart wants and can serve people; we must protect the world, because we all live under the same Sun.

Participating in school project"Myths, legends and tales of the peoples of the North" we got acquainted with the legends and myths different peoples North, but most of all we were interested in the tales of the Mansi storyteller Anna Mitrofanovna Konkova. We decided to learn more about her, tell other children and even put on a puppet show based on the fairy tale “Everyone else is strong”.

This project allows, in the context of the educational process, to expand, enrich, systematize and creatively apply children's knowledge of northern fairy tales, learn more about outstanding fellow countrymen.Relevance of our work is determined by the need to study artistic culture the Khanty people, because this will help increase interest in its culture, enrich spiritual world person indifferent to native land to the people who inhabit it.

Our goal design work: through the study of the life, work and work of the Mansi storyteller Anna Mitrofanovna Konkovarevival of interest in the culture of the indigenous peoples of Yugra.

To achieve the goal, we have set the following tasks:

Select literature on the topic;

To study the life and work of the great storyteller;

To study the culture of the peoples of the Khanty and Mansi;

Get acquainted with the tales of A.M. Konkova;

Create a puppet show based on the fairy tale "Everyone else is strong";

Organize a performance in front of a children's audience.

About what is the mainThe devoted keeper of Mansi culture was the folk storyteller Anna Mitrofanovna Konkova, whose 100th birthday was celebrated in Ugra this summer, we learned by reading A. Mishchenko’s article “Anne of the Seagulls”, V. Kopnov’s articles in Leninskaya Pravda - 1987 "Goddesses live nearby" andalso analyzing publications fromweb- sites on the Internet.

The fate of Anna Mitrofanovna, her boundless love for Ugra became guiding star for thousands of residents autonomous region who came here from different parts of our vast country to develop the oil expanses. Many of them considered Yugra only a land of marshes and frosts. Thanks to the creativity and enlightenment of Anna Konkova, for people from Kazan and Ryazan, Ufa and Makhachkala, the homeland of the indigenous peoples of the North became close, full of love and warmth.

By the nature of the dominant activity  this is a creative practice-oriented project; by the number of participants - collective, carried out by students of the 2nd grade and their parents. To implement the project in the team of parents were organized creative groups who, under the guidance of a teacher, organized the work on the project. After reviewing the literature on this issue, visiting various cultural events to study the culture of the peoples of the Khanty and Mansi, it was decided to create puppet show based on the tale of the Khanty writer Anna Mitrofanovna Konkova "Every friend is strong" from the collection "Tales of Grandmother Anna". Then the preparation work was distributed among microgroups of initiative parents (sewing dolls, making scenery, distributing roles in staging, learning roles with children).

This topic helps to expand the circle of knowledge of students, that is, to educate an enlightened generation that knows and is able to appreciate cultural heritage the edges. The performance we created gives an idea of ​​the relationship of children among themselves, of the rules of behavior.After all, the moral laws of the people are given in fairy tales.

Main part

1.1 The life and work of Anna Mitrofanovna Konkova.

Anna Mitrofanovna Konkova was born in Evre, a village of fishermen and hunters lost in the ancient Mansi forests, in the family of Gulls, light and cheerful, gull people. She lived with her grandmother Okol. The old woman knew many fairy tales. In the evening, when the pearls of the stars begin to shine, the grandmother sends Anna to sleep. Soon, having extinguished the candle, he settles next to her and, clutching her warm little body, tells her legends and tales. Childhood was difficult, young Anya experienced a lot before she got into a pedagogical school. She was warm and reliable only with her grandmother, who knew many fairy tales and legends, riddles and sayings. More than once in her life, Anya recalled these pearls of folk wisdom, telling them to everyone with whom her fate brought her. In this regard, Anna Mitrofanovna recalled: “The tales that I tell, our generic tales, have been preserved by the memory of our grandmother. Mother of Mothers was called grandmother Okol in the camp, and Mother of Mothers is the high title of a Mansi woman. And Anya herself, still in her maidenhood, was named so for her early wisdom, for her memory, for her ability to hunt fish and animals. Anna Mitrofanovna becomes the keeper of the memory of her people. Anna's career began in the distant thirties of the last century by working in the national schools of the Berezovsky district, and then in a nomadic school on Lake Pyzhyan of the Khanty-Mansiysk district. She has devoted more than 30 years to children.

But she could only take up her recordings seriously when she stopped working at the school. In 1967, Konkova retired. But he cannot sit without something important for people. Then the storyteller began to come to schools and kindergartens and tell Mansi tales and legends to children. The pedagogical gift was combined with the gift of the storyteller. Her tales are heard by both children and adults. There is time to write down your memories.

Since 1976, Anna Mitrofanovna began to be published in the district newspaper. And the first book - a collection of fairy tales "Fire-Stone" - was published in 1981. In 1989 A.M. Konkova is accepted into the Writers' Union of the USSR.

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the writer, the miniature "Leader Ivyr" was published with illustrations by the artist Gennady Raishev, which became a bibliographic rarity immediately after its publication. Anna Mitrofanovna called the last lifetime edition "Date with Childhood".

The talent and work of Anna Mitrofanovna was awarded with the Order of Honor, the title of Honored Worker of Culture of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, in 1988 she became the owner of the title of Honorary Citizen of the city of Khanty-Mansiysk.

The storyteller died on December 3, 1999. In 2000, posthumously, she was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug."

1.2 The meaning of the fairy tales of Anna Mitrofanovna Konkova

In the children's fairy tales of A. M. Konkova, simple turns of speech, brevity, small texts prevail, the characters of fairy tales are small forest animals. Each text has a theme of the struggle between good and evil. The national specificity of the animal tale genre permeates the text at all its levels. Such works give every child, listener and reader of A. M. Konkova's fairy tales the opportunity to comprehend the wealth of the cultural diversity of the Mansi people. In the works of Anna Mitrofanovna, the cultural component is preserved, in particular, the Mansi names of the characters (Masne, Petos, Tuytsam-Snezhok, etc.), as well as the images of animals that convey the national character, the space where events take place in fairy tales, for example, in In the fairy tale “Everyone else is strong,” we read: “As soon as they lay down (the Hare and the Otter), a fisherman appeared from behind a turn in the river. He floats on his dugout boat and sings songs ... ", here the events take place in the river. In another fairy tale “I want to don’t want”, we read: “.. the father (Hare) rushes through the forest without rest, collects succulent leaves ..”, here the events take place in the forest. Children, using the examples of the behavior and actions of characters in fairy tales, learn to understand, evaluate, reason about which hero of a fairy tale did the right thing, and which one did the wrong thing in a given situation.
In fairy tales, the moral laws of the people are given. Life is based on work, and no matter how small and weak you are, work: maybe it is your tiny strength that is not enough to complete the common task. No matter what kind of tribe people belong to, one must live in peace with them. Collective friendship is the basis of prosperity. The word of the elders carries folk wisdom, obedience saves children from many troubles. Be faithful to friendship, do not leave the weak in trouble, be brave and honest, do not lie, do not harm others.

1.3 What is a fairy tale for the peoples of the Khanty and Mansi.

Northern fairy tales are exactly what allows children and adults to plunge into the distant world of the culture of the peoples of the North and take a slightly different look at the life around us. These fairy tales express the idea very accurately. They condemn laziness, selfishness, greed. These negative traits character are unacceptable for a northern person who takes all the blessings of life from nature with his diligence and ingenuity.

The fairy tale is the social memory of the people. For a child, the question “Who am I? Where? And what kind, tribe? A fairy tale plunges into a bright, colorful world ethnic culture, reveals the everyday way of life. Introduction to the culture of the peoples of the north is successful only when a child from childhood has the opportunity to perceive his native national culture. The harsh land formed in people not only physical strength, endurance, hardening, dexterity, but also a deep respect for each other, for the elders. One of the important folk educational traditions was respect for neighbors, family members, and the world around. Of particular importance for the upbringing of children northern peoples gave oral folk art- fairy tales, legends. Through fairy tales, children learn the traditions of their people, moral standards get acquainted with customs, holidays. Fairy tales have great importance in moral - aesthetic, labor and aesthetic education of children. A fairy tale brings up an aesthetic attitude to reality. Northern fairy tales are traditionally divided into: magical, everyday, about animals.

The ideas of everyday fairy tales were directed against social oppression. The plots of these fairy tales are very entertaining, full of various moralizing. This is the realism of everyday fairy tales and its great cognitive value.

Tales about animals are usually not large in volume. Her heroes are animals that are endowed with reason, the gift of speech. Various traits of human character are transferred to the characters: loyalty to the word, friendliness, greed, cunning, treachery, stupidity, intelligence. Morality reflected in fairy tales about animals working man they are entertaining and moral.

INIn fairy tales, elements of fantasy prevail over the real depiction of life. They often talk about clash and struggle ordinary people with monsters, but the character, the appearance of the characters is national. Their images show a modest way of life, steadfastness, honesty, truthfulness of the people. With intelligence, cunning, rightness, they surpass their enemy and triumph after long hard trials.

    1. Practical work

A lot of work has been done to implement the project. Parents were active helpers. They organized master classes on the study of ornaments. With the class we went to the Children's and Youth Center "Prometheus" to participate in the master class " Dance moves peoples of the North. Representatives of the Ugra Polytechnic College were invited to the class to study the technology and manufacture of the Khanty doll "Berry". The theater studio "Nord" invited us to watch the play "Legends of the North". A group of children, under the guidance of Elzhasova E.G., sewed dolls. Another group of children learned the roles for staging the play “Everyone else is strong” from the collection “Tales of Grandmother Anna” by Anna Mitrofanovna Konkova. The rest of the children prepared the scenery. And the greatest joy was the recognition of our performance by the public. This topic contributes to the expansion of the circle of knowledge of students, that is, the education of an enlightened generation that knows and is able to appreciate the cultural heritage of the region.


In the process of working on the project, we came to the conclusion thatAnna Mitrofanovna Konkova, a Mansi storyteller and writer, made a significant contribution to the development of the Ob-Ugric culture with her work.

One of the researchers of Mansi (Vogul) folklore I. Avdeev noted that “Mansi singers and storytellers are not professionals. However, the performance of folklore works requires great skill. A. M. Konkova is a storyteller of great talent, who inherited this gift from her grandmother. Anna Mitrofanovna transformed everything she heard in childhood, creating her own new works. She in art form introduced readers to the historical past of the Mansi people of the eastern region (Kondinsky Mansi), to their way of life and culture. The works of the writer are a kind of "Mansi encyclopedia" - this is how connoisseurs speak about the work of A. Konkova traditional culture Mansi people.The Khanty people in fairy tales reveal their understanding of nature, the origin of animals, their appearance explains various phenomena. In fairy tales, animals are frequent heroes, and how could it be otherwise, because the life of the people is closely connected with nature: the taiga and the river feed a person in our land. Khanty tales not only interest the reader, but also educate him on the example of kind, smart, brave heroes.

During the work, we found out that folklore, ornamental art, and dances of the peoples of the Khanty and Mansi are very closely related. Together they form the culture of the Khanty and Mansi peoples.

Currently, much attention is paid to the revival of the culture of the indigenous peoples of Yugra, the preservation of their traditions. Ethnocultural centers are being created, national schools ethnotourism is developing. We believe that this is right, because for the successful interaction of people living in one territory, it is important to know the culture, traditions and customs of another people.And we really hope that with our work we have made a small contribution to increasing interest in the culture of our native land.

We believe that this work has both theoretical and practical significance.


Publications about life and work

    Seburova T. S. A. M. Konkova / T. S. Seburova // Lenin.pravda. - 1977. - May 5.

    Mishchenko A. Main character- life / A. Mishchenko // Tyum. Truth. - 1979. - July 28.

    Derkach G. The same age as October / G. Derkach // Lenin.pravda. - 1979. - 7 Nov.

    Tereb N. My years are my wealth: [About the folk storyteller from Khanty-Mansiysk] / N. Tereb // Tyum. Komsomol member. - 1981. - March 8.

    Mishchenko A. Anne from the clan of Gulls: A Tale / A. Mishchenko // Ural. - 1983. - No. 12.

    Pritchina I. Visiting grandmother Anna / I. Pritchina // Lenin.pravda. - 1986. - 23 Aug.

Individual editions

    And moons slow flow ...: Novel-legend; Artist. E. Berdnikov. - Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural. book. publishing house, 1982.

    Grandmother Anne's Tales: Tales, Legends. - Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural. book. publishing house, 1985.

    Eltminyp Ivyr = Leader Ivyr: Legend of the Kondinsky Mansi / Khudozh. G. Rayshev. - Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural. book. publishing house, 1991. - On the mans. and Russian

Vera Kanygina

Grandma's fairy tales

(Poems and stories for young children)

Nizhny Novgorod 2009

Was born in Nizhny Novgorod in 1935, in a family of hereditary Sormovichi.

She began to write according to the recollections of her grandmother, a personal pensioner Klavdia Fedorovna Larionova. Later, everything that was told to her was documented in the archives. Thus, a whole series of essays and stories dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the Sormovo plant saw the light of day, and soon the revolutionary heroism of Leonid Komandin was reflected in the collective collection “Soldiers of the Lenin Guard”.

In retirement, she began writing for her grandchildren. Many poems and fairy tales were heard from the TV screen in the children's programs "Cuckoo Clock" and "The Lark".

ABOUT Vera Kanygina, 2009

Creativity of labor veteran V.M. Kanygina nourishes deep folk origins. Her poems and prose are the naturalness in which the originality of thoughts and feelings is hidden. Probably, all this comes from an interesting difficult biography author.

V.M. Kanygina finds like a sip fresh air, her inspiration in the everyday today, and the heroine of the past to share her joy and pain with people. Kanygina's work resonates with readers of different generations, especially children. For her stories, poems and essays, which were published and published in the periodical press, she still receives grateful and enthusiastic reviews from readers who follow her work, therefore, despite her advanced age, Vera Kanygina continues to write and she has something to say .

About grandma and baby

Beyond the Volga River

in a remote village

Maria lives alone - an old woman.

But they live together with her

and Murochka cat,

The dog is a minx named Kroshka,

Three hens - clever, noisy rooster,

Goat Squirrel and goose Winnie the Pooh.

Grandma was good at looking for mushrooms.

With her, Little, a dog, ran boldly into the forest. Dog habits are known for a long time,

Intuition as a gift to a dog is not without reason given.

In the forest, the brave Baby does not bark in vain,

The hostess, like a guard, guards.

Grandma gets lost

get tired, breathe a little,

And Baby home

will find the path.

Satisfied grandmother

Squeeze a little

Forget about fatigue

will go faster.

Picking mushrooms on the way back

And she sings softly.

Here is a boletus mushroom,

butterflies under the pine.

But places in the basket

not enough for them.

Putting her at the stump,

apron - in an armful,

I went for the mushroom

which is as big as a hat.

And next to the ravine

the other is even better...

Grandma tears them into an apron,

going down the slope.

Oh, God, loss, where is the stump, where is the basket.

But Baby is not new to this for a long time.

Leads the hostess to the basket,

barking loudly and proudly with a tail

while wiggling.

But it was once in the forest and something else, For a long time I remember

grandmother like this:

Typing strawberries

with a campaign basket, Granny sat down, tired, by the path.

When on a basket

she looked back

Look, little face

sunk into a bowl!

"Oh, you sweet tooth, -

the hostess cried out, - What, did I pick berries for you?

No, I collected them for my daughter and grandchildren.

Get me now


That time I got angry

granny a little, but still forgave

beloved Baby ... And you are in the Zavolzhsky region,

friends, come. Visit grandmother's paths in the forest.

Tiny will meet you where Linda flows,

Grandma will read her fairy tales to you.

Fairy tale

Santa Claus got angry Not in jest, but seriously. He sent snowballs

To keep the animals quiet.

Frost bound the water in the ice - There is nowhere for the hare to get drunk,

Where was the fox house?

He piled up a snowdrift.

Frost rushes about, rages, The light itself has become not nice.

And at dawn the forester came to the house to warm himself.

He will take off his boots at the entrance,

Will blow the frost from the beard,

He will say: "Well, bad weather.

Don't invite trouble!"

First snow

Spinning over the ground powder And sweeps someone's trail.

Alenka, holding out her hands, Laughs, catches the first snow.

Children are clamoring on the hill, Snowflakes lead a round dance.

A little tap-dancing bird Chirps joyfully: “Winter is coming!”


As under a white hat

small houses are visible from a distance;

And all around in crimson shirt-fronts Bullfinches stuck around.

The path to the river is powdered. An old oak stands on the shore.

Winter evening. Everything, as in the picture, Snow flakes flies to the ground.

In the woods underneath New Year

(winter tale)

Lunar midnight.

Frost scattered sparkles near the birches.

Dressed in icicles spruce.

The blizzard ordered to subside,

Because the New Year is rushing towards them, coming.

The animals all fussed

Dressed up festively

And to celebrate the New Year,

They got up together in a round dance.

Oooh, - the sleigh suddenly creaked.

The coachman in them is Frost with a mustache,

With a snow-white beard - Not an old man, but a young one.

And in the sack at the novgodishka For animals there are gifts, books. An all-terrain vehicle rides nearby - it carries sweets into the forest.

Whoa! the sleigh stopped.

And Frost, twisting his mustache,

He began to congratulate all the animals And distribute gifts.

There are nuts and toys

Fruit, chocolate, crackers. There were songs, laughter,

That's the joy of all.

The sound of stars was above the forest. The old grandfather threw into the sky, Carrying last year, - The turn has come for the new.

Forest infirmary

(fairy tale)

The blizzard howls, knocks on the door.

Smoke swirls over the hut.

Cattle and children sleep in the village.

Only in the forestry can not sleep.

There is a big deer under the pine tree.

The wolf groans, thin as a shadow.

And there's a girl at the window

The granddaughter of the forester - Alenka.

She whispers, not hiding her tears:

"It's bad for the animals, Santa Claus.

They need help in the forest.

Everyone should live together with the animals.

Everyone is responsible for them.

Do not allow evil and misfortune into the forest."

Her cry and surge of worries

Heard the young stargazer.

He could not disagree with the girl

And the cry was given: to unite!

The dog Tishka was the first to respond.

Then the goat Nikishka came.

Headed a goose turkey platoon,

The cat goes to the forest as a nurse.

The forest is dense. Zgi is not visible.

The Hare and the Hare lived well. And they had something to eat, and there was enough to drink spring water. Only they didn't have children. Every day they brought other people's children to them, washed them, combed them, smoothed them and treated them to the most delicious treats.

Somehow they invited grandmother Ryabchikha with her grandchildren to visit. Grandma Ryabchikha looked at the Hare and the Hare, how they love and dove other people's children, and said:
- You will have, 3rd and Zaychikha, son, you will definitely have.

Indeed, soon the Hare and the Hare gave birth to the Hare Tuytsam - Snowball.

The parents were delighted: the mother does not leave her son, does not sleep at night, shakes the apu¹, sings lullabies.

The son is growing rapidly - the forest animals have already given him legs, the birds that have returned from the south have brought him a tongue on their wings. But the trouble is: the son does not play, and does not eat, everything is capricious, to everything that he sees, he pulls his paws and shouts:
- Niram, niram! I want, I want-o-o!

They will give him what he asks, he will hold it, look and shout again:
- At niram! I don't want to!

The mother tirelessly persuades her son, the father rushes through the forest without rest, collecting succulent leaves. He will come from the forest with a full burden, he will get tired, he can barely stand on his feet and - to his son:
- Snowball, look what delicious sorrel leaves I brought you, try it.

Snowball will try sorrel leaves and shout:
- At niram! I don't want to!

The father will peel the young stems of angelica from the skin, give it to his son:
- Na-ko, son, these are the most delicious stalks: even moose eat them to the top to be big and strong.

The hare bites off, does not chew and swallow, but screams again:
- I don't want to!

Once the father says:
- Well, that's what, tomorrow we'll all go to the forest. You, Snowball, will take a walk, play with animals, look for food according to your taste and eat appetizingly.

They went to the forest. Snowball does not play with the animals and does not look for food for himself, but keeps shouting:
- I don't want to go for a walk! I want to go home, I want-u-u!

Aunt Fox heard him, inaudibly approached him, stands, smiles, plays with her tail: either she turns it like that, or that, or brushes mosquitoes from her muzzle.

Snowball saw the tail of Aunt Fox and stopped roaring. It is worth looking at the bushy tail. I looked and looked, took off, ran to my father and mother. He ran, looked at their ponytails and said:
- Ai-e-has, oh-yo, my dad and mom are tailless.

And, in order to examine his tail, he began to circle around him. Circling, circling - did not see his tail. He sat down, pulled with his paw, felt for his button tail and roared:
- I don’t want, I don’t want such a ponytail! I want a tail like Aunt Lisa's.

His father and mother persuade him, but he does not want to listen to his parents, he shouts to the whole forest:
- Niram! Niram! I want-u-u! I want-u-u!

Aunt Lisa came up to him and said:
- Well, it's enough to scream, so be it, I'll give you my old tail.

She brought her old, tattered tail and sewed a crumpled cedar root to the tail of the Bunny, slapped it lightly, then nudged it and said:
- Well, run around, show off your new tail.

Snowball rushed off, ran to his father and mother, ran around them, then spun around himself, played with his tail and ran with a joyful cry into the forest:
- Hey, animals-and-and, look how big and beautiful my tail is! You have never seen such tails in hares!

And the animals only laughed at the braggart.

Hungry Bunny, grabbed a sorrel along the way. Tasty. It runs further, only the tail flickers between the tree trunks. The vigilant Eagle saw him in the sky, descended, grabbed Snowball by the tail and carried him to dinner.

The hare was frightened and shouted:
- Ai-ee, oi-ee³, what is it? Tail, where are you taking me?

The Hare beats with its paws, spins on its tail. He fluttered and fluttered and fell to the ground. Sits, rubs bruised places and says:
- No, even though the tail is small, but mine. Big tail, but a stranger.

Our old people tell the truth that they are dear,
wherever they lie - on the ground, whether on the water - they teach a person a lot.

A.M. Konkova

October 24, 2016 Tyumen Regional Children's science Library K.Ya. Lagunova, DNA "Stroitel" and the literary theater "Novella" in a single creative impulse organized an acquaintance with the "Tales of Grandmother Anne" for the students of the correctional school-kindergarten No. 76.

On behalf of grandmother Anna, the book presents the tales of the peoples of the Tyumen north. The author of the book is the Mansi storyteller Anna Mitrofanovna Konkova (1916-1999).

Tyumen Regional Children's Scientific Library. K.Ya. Lagunova is always happy to offer young readers books by Tyumen authors from her rich local history fund. But in order to read Mansi tales, you need to know the special way of life of indigenous peoples, their culture and attitude to nature. A.M. herself Konkova writes in her fairy tale: “... And the earth is not a single grain of sand, not a single blade of grass is superfluous. On earth, everything is in its place, everything is in its place and with great benefit ... ".

To better understand the unique image of wildlife in the culture of the Khanty and Mansi peoples, L.D. Sobyanina, Head of the Indigenous Department small peoples Severa GAUK TO "DNA" Stroitel ", read out several local riddles. For example: “Half of the bread lies on the roof of the house” (Incomplete moon); “A crooked spruce stands on the banks of the Ob River” (Man); “Thirty men cut, one turns” (Teeth and tongue). Told L.D. Sobyanin and about the life of the writer Anna Mitrofanovna Konkova herself. The literary conversation was called "Anna of the genus of seagulls." Her granddaughter Kospolova Marina Emilyevna told the children even more about the writer.

Most of all, the children were impressed by the performance. The literary theater "Novella" presented one of the "Tales of Grandmother Anne" - "Everyone else is strong." The fairy tale, despite its small volume and apparent simplicity, contained a special, in its own way unique way of thinking. In a world where the river, deadwood (a new word for children!) and the evil Spirit of Water are talking, there cannot be deep meaning. Even a fisherman on a boat, whom the deadwood frankly interferes with, only pities her and philosophizes. Well, Otter (also a rare word for children!) And Hare, puppet characters, skillfully made by the Novella decorator, did not leave children indifferent. The special charm of the performance was given by the sounds of nature, played on the Mansi folk instruments, such as, for example, "the staff of the rain."

Events created with passion and passion pure heart, always have great sincerity and warmth. Creativity A.M. Konkova - just like that. It was it that gathered so many connoisseurs under one library roof literary heritage Yugra.
