How anabolic steroids work and the choice of optimal drugs. How steroids affect the body: the harm and benefits of anabolic steroids

- regular intake of steroid hormones, which are derivatives of the natural hormone testosterone. Widespread among athletes, especially professional ones. Often occurs in people involved in bodybuilding (including at the amateur level). Anabolics stimulate the growth of muscle mass, increase muscle strength. With constant use, they negatively affect the liver and endocrine system. There are studies confirming the development of psychological dependence on anabolic steroids.

Anabolic steroid

Anabolic steroids are a group of drugs made on the basis of testosterone. Testosterone is the main male hormone. It affects the development of male genital organs and the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics (hair growth, including the appearance of facial hair, the formation of a noticeable Adam's apple, baldness, a small amount of fat, a male body type with a narrow pelvis and broad shoulders). All of these effects are called androgenic action. In addition, testosterone has an anabolic effect, slowing down the excretion of nitrogen and stimulating protein synthesis in the muscles.

In clinical practice, anabolic steroids in men are used for delayed puberty, insufficiency of gonadal function due to testicular hypoplasia or their removal (for example, for malignancy). In women, small doses of anabolics are used for fibrocystic mastopathy, endometriosis, and some postmenopausal disorders. In addition, drugs of this group are prescribed to patients of both sexes in the treatment after severe injuries, major operations, extensive burns, chronic infections, etc.

The most common anabolics are retabolil, phenobolin, silabolin, methylandrostenediol, and methandrostenolone. Slang names - feed or AC. All of these drugs are synthesized on the basis of testosterone, but testosterone itself is not used for therapeutic or non-medical purposes due to the very rapid destruction during metabolic processes. Strengthening the effect of testosterone derivatives results in more pronounced side effects. The drugs not only activate muscle growth, but also increase aggressiveness, increase libido, cause retention of potassium, sodium, phosphates, sulfates and water in the body. In addition, synthetic anabolics affect the testicles, pituitary gland and hypothalamus, inhibiting the production of endogenous hormones and disrupting (sometimes irreversibly) hormonal balance.

Distribution and reasons for taking anabolic steroids

Among athletes, anabolics became popular in the 50s of the last century. At first, only male weightlifters took drugs, then other athletes, including women, joined them. Uncontrolled reception continued until 1964. Then the use of hormones gradually began to be limited, and in 1974 they were officially included in the doping list. Nevertheless, anabolics continue to be used, often in amateur sports, where there are no such strict checks and restrictions. Preparations of this group are especially popular among fans of bodybuilding. Testosterone derivatives are bought in gyms (including in the form of dietary supplements), prescribed via the Internet, etc.

Steroids are taken orally, intravenously or intramuscularly. Means for oral administration have a more pronounced destructive effect on the liver. They are more quickly excreted from the body, so athletes choose them during the preparation for the competition, so that later they can safely pass doping control. Solutions for intravenous and intramuscular administration have less effect on liver cells, but when they are taken, the risk of infection through an unsterile syringe increases. Phlebitis, abscesses and other complications are possible.

For the first time, anabolics are used, as a rule, in adolescence. The incentive to take the drug is the example of peers, the impatience inherent in age and the desire to find an attractive athletic body as soon as possible. In groups of people involved in bodybuilding, the "philosophy" of taking anabolic steroids can be common, as a prerequisite for a good effect from training. Young people with a fragile psyche adopt this "philosophy", which leads to a sharp increase in the importance of anabolic steroids in the personal worldview system. With prolonged use, psychological dependence occurs.

The effect of anabolic steroids on the body

Steroids contribute to the rapid growth of muscle mass and increased muscle strength. However, these effects are achieved only with constant, well-organized training. Taking anabolic steroids without exercise leads to some reduction in fat content and slightly activates muscle growth, but these changes are subtle and practically do not affect appearance. Even during training, to achieve a noticeable effect, doses of drugs are required that are many times higher than the level of natural testosterone in the body. Such a gross intervention in the metabolism turns into a number of side effects.

Taking anabolic steroids during adolescence leads to premature cessation of growth. Increases the likelihood of acne. Baldness can develop (both in boys and girls). Sometimes alopecia persists even after the drug is discontinued. In adult men, steroids inhibit testosterone production by the testicles. With prolonged use, sterility and a decrease in the size of the testicles are possible. Usually these processes are reversible, with the complete abolition of anabolics, the synthesis of natural hormones and sperm production are restored, spermatozoa acquire the ability to fertilize within about six months. Some men develop irreversible gynecomastia (breast enlargement).

In women, hair growth on the face and body is often observed, with a long "experience" of use, an irreversible increase and coarsening of the clitoris may occur. The use of anabolic steroids by both sexes leads to impaired liver function. With prolonged use, steroid toxic hepatitis develops, the outcome of which can be cirrhosis of the liver and progressive liver failure. The likelihood of developing diabetes increases. The skin becomes oilier and more likely to become infected. Hair loss on the head is possible.

Steroids negatively affect the immune system, leading to a decrease in the level of globulins in the blood. The patient's body becomes more susceptible to infections, frequent colds occur, often with complications (bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis). Accidental wounds and abrasions suppurate more often. When taking anabolics, the heart increases, but the growth of the heart muscle outstrips the growth of blood vessels. In the thickness of the muscle tissue that does not receive enough nutrients, there are foci of necrosis. Cases of sudden death as a result of a heart attack have been described.

The intake of anabolics provokes an increase in the level of collagen and a decrease in the level of elastin in the vascular wall. Vessels become less elastic. The level of cholesterol rises. All of the above increase the risk of developing vascular complications. Connective tissue "lags behind" in growth from muscle tissue, which entails high level traumatization. Patients who regularly use anabolic steroids are more likely to experience torn ligaments and tendons.

Steroids do not have a direct damaging effect on brain cells, but they do affect the patient's behavior in a certain way. Marked mood swings are possible - from joy to apathy and despondency. Often there is an increase in the level of aggression, a tendency to argue, outbursts of irritability. Often there is a craving for violence or risky behavior. Some patients develop depressive disorders and steroid psychoses.

The withdrawal syndrome with the use of anabolic steroids is not yet well understood. It has been found that discontinuation is often accompanied by subdepressions, depression and suicidal thoughts. There are two phases of the withdrawal syndrome. The duration of the first phase is about 1 week. You may experience fever, joint pain (arthralgia), runny nose, and other cold-like symptoms.

The second phase lasts up to six months. Acute somatovegetative manifestations are not expressed, mood disorders, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, fatigue and dissatisfaction with oneself prevail. There is a need to take anabolic steroids. Athletes often use anabolics in cycles. To avoid the withdrawal syndrome, even during the break, patients continue to take small doses of the drug, motivating this by the need to prevent the body from weaning, which supposedly will entail a decrease in the effects of steroids.

Treatment and prognosis for anabolic steroid abuse

Severe mood swings, suicidal thoughts and the need for steroids when trying to stop taking the drug are the reason for contacting a narcologist. Due to the risk of developing depression, the anabolic steroid withdrawal plan is determined individually for each patient, either a one-time or a gradual cessation of use is possible. Drugs are canceled against the background of supportive psychotherapy. usually not required, sedatives and antidepressants may be prescribed if necessary.

The prognosis for the abuse of anabolic steroids depends on the state of the patient's body and the level of his motivation. Cancellation of the drug does not entail pronounced physical suffering, psychological disorders are usually corrected within six months. Most somatic and endocrine disorders are transient and gradually disappear after drug withdrawal. The greatest danger is liver damage. In the presence of toxic hepatitis, treatment by a gastroenterologist is necessary. In the absence of motivation, the prognosis worsens, disruptions are observed.

Steroids are extremely popular today, so every person should know the harm and consequences of use.

Steroids are substances that are characterized by extremely bright biological activity. They have a strong effect on the metabolic processes occurring in the human body, and also significantly enhance muscle growth. Under natural conditions, these substances are produced in small amounts in the human adrenal glands, and such a small amount is not capable of harming a person.

But some people, especially athletes and bodybuilders, who want to achieve high results in the shortest possible time, use the synthesized substance for personal purposes.

The consequences of taking steroids can be extremely unpleasant if such substances are used for a long period of time or their amount is greatly exceeded. In this case, the victims of steroids, as a rule, receive serious problems with health and diseases, from which it is extremely difficult to recover.


The types of steroids are directly dependent on the body that produces them.

In this regard, this substance can be divided into several main categories, each of which has its own characteristics and impact on the body.


This substance is normally produced by the human adrenal glands. Today, the following varieties of this substance are extremely popular:

  1. Cortisol.
  2. Corticosterone.
  3. Aldosterone.

Cortisol is produced at times when the human body is under stress, while this substance affects blood pressure and the human immune system. With an overdose of this substance, malfunctions appear in the human body, while immunity is greatly weakened, which serves as the basis for the emergence of many serious diseases, which are often quite difficult to cope with.

Corticosterone helps to synthesize carbon, while the body receives the necessary energy reserves and can function normally. In this case, a large amount of glycogen accumulates in human muscle tissue.

Aldosterone is a steroid that is considered essential for human life, since it is he who regulates the amount of potassium, sodium and electrolytes. Due to this, the distribution of fluid in the body occurs in a normal mode.

Androgen and estrogen

This substance is also completely naturally produced in human body. At the same time, in men, the release of the hormone occurs in the testicles, and in women in the ovaries.

It is the main male hormone estrogen - testosterone that is responsible for the brutality of a man, his low voice, strong physique and an abundance of hair all over the body. The female hormone is estrogen, and it is he who is responsible for the normal course of the menstrual cycle in an adult woman from the onset of puberty.

Anabolic steroid

The functions of this element are very similar to the effects of testosterone on the body, while this hormone can also be present in female body after oral administration.

The harm from steroids is much greater than their benefits, even though this element provides the synthesis of some essential vitamins and promotes accelerated muscle growth.

Synthetic steroids

These substances include steroids that are not produced in the human body. naturally, but are used as a medicine and are taken orally. Representatives of the weaker sex use such substances to restore and normalize the menstrual cycle, and men to gain muscle mass and treat certain inflammatory processes and diseases.

Note! The consequences of using steroids can be extremely unpleasant, so you should not engage in self-treatment without recommendations from a medical specialist and strict indications for the use of any of the synthetic steroids.

Expected and actual result

The use of steroids, despite the wide distribution and a large number of types of these substances, as a rule, involves the use of a means for the rapid build-up of muscle mass.

It is this type that is especially common, since many athletes want to quickly return to form after injury or illness, start competitions, or just make an impression. At the same time, few people are interested in the harm of steroids, the main goal is to achieve results at any cost.

Often the expectation of use turns into a completely unexpected result. Taking these substances, a person expects that in the shortest possible time muscle mass will increase, as a result of which the formation of a beautiful relief will be simple and convenient. In fact, the danger of taking is extremely high, especially for those people who do not know whether anabolic substances are harmful.

Failures in the body

Steroids, the consequences of which can be extremely unpleasant, cause a restriction in the production of the natural hormone testosterone, which affects the further state of health. Often this problem manifests itself in young and novice athletes whose body resources are not used to their full potential.

At the same time, an artificially taken steroid provokes certain changes in the body, addiction occurs, the systems understand that the substance is able to enter the body without natural work. The danger lies in the fact that after stopping the use of steroids, the release of the hormone is not restored, as a result of which serious and long-term treatment may be necessary.

The consequences of such problems can be the following phenomena:

  • The voice of a man taking steroids becomes higher and more feminine.
  • Appearance becomes feminine.
  • Sexual attraction to opposite sex significantly reduced or disappeared altogether.
  • Potency becomes lower, and in some cases disappears altogether.

Regardless of whether steroids continue to be taken or not, these unpleasant symptoms can greatly ruin a person’s life, hit not only his physical, but also moral health, therefore, taking such substances should be taken with the utmost care. It is not recommended to use them without special need and without the testimony of a medical specialist, while monitoring the intake should be carried out regularly.

deflated muscles

One of the most unpleasant consequences of taking anabolic steroids is the disappearance of muscles after refusing to take these substances. The fact is that the most dangerous steroids are taken in large quantities, due to which muscle mass grows in an enhanced mode. A sharp refusal to take these substances causes the muscles to gradually deflate, resulting in an unpleasant-looking skin.

It will be quite difficult to return to the previous form, for this you will have to revise the diet, return to taking steroids. If you want to keep fit with the help of steroids and not get such a side effect, you will have to take these substances for almost a lifetime.

Note! It is the need to take steroids for many decades that is the reason to refuse to take them initially. The damage to the body caused by the use of these substances can be irreversible, and withdrawal after long-term use can also cause serious harm.

Hormonal explosion

Every professional and experienced athlete is well aware that the action of steroid substances occurs up to a certain point. One day, hormones stop working for good and can cause a lot of unpleasant consequences, resulting in a serious risk of developing dangerous diseases.

Athletes who have ceased to feel the effect of taking the usual dose of the drug often increase the dosage, wanting to return to their usual results, but such an amount of the hormone entering the body can lead to the development of the following diseases:

  1. Oncological diseases.
  2. Diseases associated with dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.
  3. The occurrence of depression, increased irritability.
  4. Changing the color of the skin, their yellowing.
  5. The occurrence of bad breath.
  6. Life-threatening heart attacks.
  7. The risk of impotence in men.
  8. Violation or complete cessation of the menstrual cycle in women.

You need to understand that steroids are Chemical substance, which a person uses voluntarily to achieve the desired result.

It is known that almost all synthetic substances produce a uniform effect - at first there is an obvious benefit from this drug, and after a short period of time the positive effect disappears, the person taking the substance increases the dosage and poisons his body even more.

It is interesting that the negative impact of anabolic steroids manifests itself differently in people of different sexes - men become extremely feminine, their voice and figure change, and in women male hormones dominate, the oval of the face changes and menstruation gets lost or disappears altogether. All this poses a serious danger to humans, therefore, it is necessary to be careful about the use of such stimulants.

Steroid victims

Anyone who wants to quickly change their body for the better can become a victim of such a common stimulant. Trouble does not pass famous people, and today dozens of cases are known when a career, and even the life of a celebrity, was cut short because of such seemingly useful, at first glance, substances.

One of the most famous in this light is the American Ronnie Kopeman, who is the winner of many sports awards. As a result of taking anabolic steroids, by the age of fifty, he had formed a real female breast, and one of the unpleasant additional diagnoses was intestinal disease, which the athlete is still struggling with.

One of the most common among the general public is the case when the famous Australian bodybuilder got into serious condition to the hospital straight from the competition. A lot of serious diseases, which led to the use of anabolic steroids, ended in death, while the victim had no chance of salvation.

Candice Armstrong is one of the most famous personalities, whose case still surprises many people. The fragile and sweet blonde became interested in bodybuilding, as a result of which today it is difficult to recognize a woman in her - her appearance has completely changed, the characteristic features of a woman have remained in the past, and her figure resembles a figure strong man.

Video: the harm of steroids.


The danger from taking steroids arises not only during long-term use of drugs, but also when the allowable rate of the drug is exceeded. Providing first aid in this case is vital, as thousands of cases with a sad end are a living example of the harm these substances cause.

If the allowable amount of the substance is exceeded, the victim may experience the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • discomfort in the abdomen;
  • pain in the liver;
  • complete loss of consciousness.

It is important to understand that poisoning occurs not only when taken orally, but also when the substance is injected intramuscularly. If the poisoning occurred due to the use of the drug inside, it is necessary as soon as possible to induce vomiting in the victim and remove the toxic substance from the body.

In this case, it is mandatory to call a medical specialist who will help the victim return to a normal lifestyle and eliminate the likely consequences.

The desire to look slim and strong is characteristic not only of professional athletes, but also of the most ordinary people far from power sports and the gym. It should be understood that taking steroids, despite the simplicity and initial positive effect, does more harm as a result.

If you want to gain muscle mass, pay attention to healthy food and nutrition, and completely abandon synthetic drugs. Only in this way sports will create not only a good figure, but also good health.

IN last years hundreds of young people filled the sections and clubs of shaping and Wanting to quickly have the same figure as famous athletes, some begin to accept what can be deplorable.

Many people think: why long months of hard training, adherence to the regimen, expectation of slow progress, if magic ampoules and pills are at hand that will help you get the expected result in the shortest possible time. The most dangerous and common drugs are anabolic steroids.

Chemical formula of these compounds is very close in composition to the male sex hormone testosterone, which is produced by the human gonads. It is known that in a person taking steroids, the effects appear in the form in diameter, which is due to the accelerated absorption of proteins and water retention in muscle tissues. But in addition to the stimulating effect, any anabolics have an active hormonal effect on the body.

Of course, adverse side effects from taking steroids do not immediately appear. Perhaps, from a dozen tablets of irreversible changes in the body will not occur. But it is not for nothing that unsafe steroids are called sports drugs. The thing is that having achieved doping as a result, a person cannot ensure its safety in harmless ways.

And in order to maintain the muscles in this state, ever-increasing infusions of steroid drugs are required. There is a kind of human dependence on the intake of anabolic steroids. According to some bodybuilders, in order to be normal, they subsequently required several daily doses for one session. It is against the background of the fact that a person in large quantities long time takes steroids, the consequences are manifested in the form of severe and formidable complications, representing a huge danger to health.

You should not listen to acquaintances who do not understand medicine and believe that since they have been swallowing pills for a long time, and there are no bad consequences, then nothing will happen. Retribution for rash acts will surely come. The most serious changes will begin to manifest from the genital area. In men, at first there is some increase in potency, which is replaced by a long decrease in it, up to the onset of complete impotence. In girls, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle, coarsening of the voice, an increase in hairline, pregnancy often ends in miscarriage, and childbirth begins prematurely and wears

Also sad for those who take steroids, the consequences are that the liver is seriously affected. There is a violation of the functions of its cells and the synthesis of various substances necessary for the body changes. The excretion function of the kidneys is also damaged.

Long-term use of anabolic drugs causes the occurrence of psychosis, unmotivated reactions, increased aggressive behavior. The character of a person can change beyond recognition.

Side effects of steroids are furunculosis, numerous acne, normal functioning is disrupted, as a result of which the skin becomes grayish-greasy.

Despite the fact that anabolics stimulate the growth of muscle mass, its hypertrophy, while they do not have any effect on the ligaments. As a result, there is a rupture of tendons and ligaments, muscle strain and other injuries.

There is also a risk of contracting AIDS and other diseases as a result of the use of a single injection syringe in a company of beginner bodybuilders.

Today, there are various non-steroidal anabolics that are supposedly harmless. But still, it is worth giving up various drugs and not risking your health and the future of your children, but achieving the beauty of the body with perseverance and hard training.

The vast majority of the positive effects of anabolic steroids have long been used in medicine. However, one should not be deceived only by these properties of steroids. Consider just some generalized data on the possible dangerous side effects of steroid use:

1. Taking steroid drugs can lead to liver damage.
According to renowned sports physiologist Dr. José Antonio, there is ample evidence of adverse effects of steroids on the liver, especially when taken orally. This is understandable, since the assimilation of androgenic drugs occurs mainly in the liver. There is also evidence that liver tumors are commonly caused by anabolic steroids containing a 17 alpha alkyl group. There are 23 known cases when taking steroids led to serious liver diseases (according to Altsyvanovich K.K.). Although, as a rule, benign tumors resolve after cessation of steroid use, the use of steroid drugs can lead to hepatic carcinoma. It should be noted that often such changes go unnoticed, since hepatitis and tumors in the liver do not always cause changes in the blood, which is usually used to judge the state of this organ. Which, in turn, is fraught with late diagnosis of such a disease.

2. The negative effect of steroids on the reproductive system:
In various popular science publications, it has been repeatedly mentioned that prolonged use of high doses of anabolic steroids leads to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with a reduced concentration of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, testosterone in plasma, etc. and so on.
Not trying to get stuck in scientific terms, consider only the fact that the use of steroids affects the concentration of gonadotropins in the plasma (It is no secret that the use of steroids increases the concentration of testosterone and its derivatives in the human body, which, in fact, "unbalances" the hormonal system. At the same time, obtaining testosterone "from the outside" reduces own secretion of this hormone. In turn, a slight decrease in gonadotropins causes a decrease in sperm production and testicular atrophy. In this regard, the number of degenerative spermatozoa increases, which reduces the ability to fertilize (Draw your own conclusions!). Full recovery of these functions may take up to several months after discontinuation of the drug.
In addition, a long-studied side effect of steroids is breast development along female type(gynecomastia), i.e. fatty tissue accumulated around the nipples. This, alas, is a widespread side effect of steroid use, which makes it possible to determine who uses or has used steroids without doping control. As has been repeatedly covered in various publications, this is due to an increase in the level of the female sex hormone estrogen in the body. As you may have read in B. Phillips' famous manual, the estrogens estradiol and estrone are formed in men by peripheral aromatization from anabolic steroids. Elevated levels of estrogen stimulate the growth of breast tissue. Breast changes are usually irreversible (according to L.A. Ostapenko), and sometimes it is even accompanied by milk secretion!
IN female body an increase in androgens suppresses the production and release of other hormones (estrogens and progesterone, etc.), which leads to menstrual irregularities. In this case, there is also often an increase in the size of the clitoris, acne, baldness, the formation of male pattern bald patches, a decrease in the timbre of the voice, increased facial hair growth, and sometimes breast atrophy. Moreover, lowering the timbre of the voice, reducing the size of the breast, hypertrophy of the clitoris and hair loss are usually irreversible changes.

3. The negative effect of steroids on the cardiovascular system.
Anabolic steroids increase the risk of heart disease due to the fact that steroid use negatively affects the cholesterol levels and profile of the steroid user: total cholesterol levels rise, high-density lipoprotein (HDL - "good" cholesterol) levels fall below normal levels and levels rise slightly low density lipoproteins (LDL). Theoretically, this can lead to the formation of "cholesterol plaques" on the walls of the arteries, and later to a complete blockage of the vessels. Bob Zakow also gives examples of cardiac arrest, myocarditis in steroid users. Myocardial infarction with ventricular tachycardia, venous sinus thrombosis, myocardial infarction with cerebral hemorrhage, increased platelet aggregation, etc. have been documented. (Altsyvanovich K.K.).
Hypertension (high blood pressure). High blood pressure in many athletes who use steroids occurs simultaneously due to water retention in the body and rapid body weight gain. The initial symptoms of high blood pressure may be headaches, insomnia, and difficulty breathing. This condition is also fraught with gradual degeneration of blood vessels, which leads to aneurysms, heart attacks, and even progressive heart disease. It is no secret that chronic high blood pressure is the cause of many diseases of the cardiovascular system that kill the most people on the planet.

4. The use of steroids can negatively affect your psyche.
An increase in the concentration of testosterone in the body can lead to an increase in aggressiveness and increased sexual desire, euphoria, excitability, sleep disturbance, pathological anxiety, paranoia and hallucinations.
A relatively long time ago, two psychiatrists from Harvard Medical School, Dr. Harrison Pope and David L. Katz, discovered mental abnormalities in anabolic steroid users: depressive and manic episodes, visual and auditory hallucinations, and uncontrollable temper tantrums. In the West, some psychiatrists and psychologists are already widely using the term "steroid rage" due to the fact that the manifestations of this side effect are becoming more frequent and fixed. When using steroids, the effect of emotional instability is classically manifested. Dr. Kitzman believes that steroid users develop a certain type of psychological dependence on them.

5. The use of steroids lead to disturbances in the immune system.
It is known that with an increase in the level of sex hormones in the body, the activity of the so-called T-suppressor link of immunity decreases. In parallel, the function of B-cells increases. In the process of immunological examinations of athletes, corresponding changes were found. Such changes threaten with serious consequences: from the development of immunodeficiency states and a decrease in the body's immunoreactivity to the most serious diseases (Altsyvanovich K.K.).

6. Taking steroids leads to cosmetic problems.
There is a theory that human skin has the ability to destroy androgenic hormones, which are found in it in very small quantities. When exogenous steroids are used, the concentration tends to rise beyond what the skin can handle, and this allows bacteria to multiply. When this is combined with increased oiliness of the skin, which is inevitable with steroid use, acne (blackheads) is inevitable.
Sodium retention causes edema (tissue swelling due to excess water retention). For most athletes, this is expressed in a slight increase in body volume and smoothing of the relief. In addition to this cosmetic inconvenience, sodium and water retention, as a result, can lead to acute attacks of high pressure. Sometimes such water retention is a sign of an underlying heart or kidney disease.

7. The use of steroids can provoke cancer.
In principle, the use of anabolic steroids is very rarely associated with cancer. The consequence of taking steroids is usually tumors in the liver, suspected of cancer. It must be said that in most cases these deviations were recorded in persons who used alpha-alkylated oral drugs for a long time. No less rare is "peliosis hepatitis", that is, blood-filled cysts in the liver. This condition is reversible, i.e. they disappear with discontinuation of steroid use, but it is nevertheless associated with the development of liver cancer. However, there are other examples as well. Former professional football player Lyle Alzado admitted to using anabolic steroids and growth hormone for 26 years, which, in his opinion, caused brain cancer. Well-known bodybuilder Dennis Newman was also diagnosed with cancer after using the same combination of medications (Altsyvanovich K.K.).
Draw your own conclusions...

Not only women want to have a beautiful body - many men are also kind to their appearance and work hard in the gyms. In order not only to get a toned figure, but also to increase muscle mass, to acquire relief forms, some men take special supplements, in other words, anabolics. Anabolic is actually any drug that promotes muscle growth.

A bit of physiology

IN ordinary life The human body continuously destroys and eliminates old cells and tissues, replacing them with new ones. This process is called catabolism. The opposite process to catabolism is called anabolism, it is characterized by the production of young, new cells. Special nutritional supplements have a similar effect and contribute to fast These are anabolics for fast They are made on the basis of the hormone testosterone, the production of which is more characteristic of men. These drugs are produced in the form of tablets or capsules, and are taken orally according to a special scheme. There are also anabolics for muscles that need to be taken for a long time. They are produced in the form of injections.

What are anabolics for?

Anabolic is a drug that enhances metabolism, and also helps to quickly assimilate those substances that are responsible for renewing body tissues. First of all, it improves protein and mineral metabolism. Given that anabolics are based on testosterone, this type of supplement contributes to the formation of a muscular male figure. Anabolics for muscle growth are sometimes prescribed by specialists for medical purposes, for example, with a severe exhaustion of the patient, after serious injuries and serious illnesses. Doctors prescribe these substances when the human body itself cannot cope with the production of new cells. But most often anabolics for muscles acquire absolutely healthy people- athletes and bodybuilders. And they take these substances not for medical purposes, but to obtain relief muscles and increase physical strength.

Why do athletes take anabolics?

Anabolic is, in fact, doping, and in big sport he is banned. But still, bodybuilders, bodybuilders, sprinters and other athletes actively use the mentioned substance to improve their results. At the same time, the dosage of anabolic steroids taken by athletes differs significantly from those doses prescribed by doctors for medicinal purposes. When these supplements only began to appear (in the 60s of the last century), they were not yet able to determine their presence in human blood, so there was no ban on anabolics at that time. Now they are included in the list of drugs prohibited in sports, and the test for the use of anabolic steroids is carried out not only in competitions, but also during training.

What is the danger of taking anabolic steroids?

Regular intake of anabolic steroids ensures the formation of a beautiful muscular body and rapid growth of muscle mass. But these substances are not at all harmless, because it is not in vain that they are included in the list of prohibited substances. As we have already mentioned, anabolics are doping, so their use to improve athletic performance is prohibited. In addition, they fundamentally undermine human health and lead to disruption in work. internal organs and systems. The insidiousness of anabolic steroids lies in the fact that a malfunction in the work of one or another organ is not detected immediately, but after some time. Therefore, in most cases, the disease is detected when it is already running, and its treatment requires considerable effort and money.

Consequences of taking anabolic steroids

Regular intake of anabolics leads to the following side effects:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomiting, loss of appetite up to refusal to eat;
  • irritability, aggression.

Males often experience impotence, inflammation of the prostate gland, decreased sperm activity, and difficulties with conceiving a child. The intake of anabolic steroids by women leads to menstrual irregularities and increased hair growth (the effect of the male hormone on In addition, the fair sex often has a rougher voice. It is especially dangerous for adolescents to take anabolic steroids, because, in addition to disturbances in the functioning of all systems and organs, this leads to the termination growth.Often the influence of the substances in question on a fragile young organism is so strong that there is a delay in its development.Very often, eating anabolics leads to an increase in injuries.The reason for this phenomenon is that from the abuse of steroids, the muscles rapidly increase in size, but ligaments and bones remain in the same state and cannot withstand such a load.The faster the muscles grow, the more the risk of tendon rupture increases, but this back side medals. As a rule, in pursuit of a muscular body, people do not think about it. Or they simply do not know about all the consequences of taking anabolic steroids. The insidiousness of these substances also lies in the fact that performance, a surge of strength and muscle growth occurs only with the use of the mentioned supplements. If you stop taking them, then everything returns to its original position, which forces a person to take drugs again and again and even increase their dosage. And giving up anabolics can be difficult, as a person simply becomes addicted to the drug.

Is there an alternative?

But not all anabolics are harmful. There are plants that have a slight anabolic effect. Due to their natural origin, they do not disturb the balance of the body, but contribute to the growth of muscle mass. Natural anabolics for muscle growth are celery, dill, wild garlic, parsnips and horseradish. Let muscle mass increase from their use not as quickly as from synthetic drugs, but they do not undermine human health, do not lead to side effects and are not prohibited for use on sports competitions. Therefore, before taking anabolic steroids in order to build muscle as soon as possible, carefully weigh the pros and cons, and also consult your doctor about possible consequences the use of such drugs. After all, anabolic is not harmless vitamins or whey protein, but substances that have a strong effect on the body and therefore require strict control and use in recommended dosages, which are strictly not recommended to be exceeded.
