Presentation "Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev - Russian Soviet writer and public figure". Presentation on the topic "Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev" The concept of world revolution

A.A. Fadeev ( real name Bulyga) was born on December 24, 1901 in the village of Kimry, Korchevsky district, Tver province. The son of a teacher, a professional revolutionary. In 1908, his family moved to the South Ussuri region, where Fadeev spent his childhood and youth. From 1912 to 1918, Fadeev studied at the Vladivostok Commercial School, but did not finish his studies, deciding to devote himself to revolutionary activities. In 1918 Fadeev joined the RCP(b).

The second wife of the writer was the Moscow Art Theater actress Angelina Stepanova. They met in Paris in 1937. A year after they met, they got married. A few years after the wedding, a child appeared in the family - son Mikhail. The second wife of the writer was the Moscow Art Theater actress Angelina Stepanova. They met in Paris in 1937. A year after they met, they got married. A few years after the wedding, a child appeared in the family - son Mikhail. Fadeev and Stepanova lived together for twenty years, with numerous betrayals of the writer, infatuation with Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova, even the birth illegitimate daughter Masha from the poetess Margarita Aliger could not destroy their union.

During the Civil War, Fadeev took an active part in the fighting on Far East, was injured. In 1921 he was elected a delegate to the Tenth Congress of the RCP (b). Participating in the storming of Kronstadt, he was wounded a second time. During the civil war, Fadeev took an active part in the hostilities in the Far East, was wounded. In 1921 he was elected a delegate to the Tenth Congress of the RCP (b). Participating in the storming of Kronstadt, he was wounded a second time. During the years of the Great Patriotic War Fadeev worked as a publicist. In the autumn of 1943, the writer traveled to the city of Krasnodon. The material collected there formed the basis of the novel The Young Guard.

In 1946 - 1954, Fadeev was elected chairman of the board of the Writers' Union. By order of Stalin, Fadeev expelled Anna Akhmatova and Mikhail Zoshchenko from this organization. Participates in repression and persecution of other writers, writes denunciations. Around the same time, he begins to drink, gradually turning into an alcoholic. Able deep depression committed suicide, leaving a suicide letter addressed to the Central Committee of the CPSU. In 1946 - 1954, Fadeev was elected chairman of the board of the Writers' Union. By order of Stalin, Fadeev expelled Anna Akhmatova and Mikhail Zoshchenko from this organization. Participates in repression and persecution of other writers, writes denunciations. Around the same time, he begins to drink, gradually turning into an alcoholic. In a state of deep depression, he committed suicide, leaving a suicide letter addressed to the Central Committee of the CPSU. Contrary to his last wish to be buried next to his mother, Fadeev was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

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IV International competition presentations "Great people of Russia" Site "Community of mutual aid of teachers "site" Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev-Russian Soviet writer and public figure Presentation author: Egorova Svetlana Anatolyevna teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Yelnatskaya high school

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Poets of the evening  . Community "Young Poet"  Union "Green Lamp"  Commonwealth "Scarlet Sails"  Sat. "New Names"  Sat. "Fresh Air"  Sat. "Watchmaker"

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Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev was born on December 24, 1901 in the village of Kimry, Korchevsky district, Tver province. His father Alexander Ivanovich was a man with an interesting biography. He was born into a poor peasant family in the Tver province, worked hard to get an education and become a teacher, joined the organization " People's Will". He taught at a school in the village of Antonovsky, where he also created a People's Volunteer circle. For the notes found during the search, containing the phrase: “The men bear the yoke, and the rest of the estates vegetate” and the verses “Stenka Razin’s Rock”, Alexander Ivanovich was fired from school without the right to teach, after which the local authorities forced him to leave the village. Alexander Ivanovich went to St. Petersburg, on the way he blabbered on the Volga and Kama, was a laborer, and when he reached St. Petersburg, he began working as a paramedic in a barracks hospital. In 1894 he was arrested in the case of the Narodnaya Volya.

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The writer's mother Antonina Vladimirovna Kunz was born in Astrakhan. Her father was a Russified German, titular adviser Vladimir Petrovich Kunz, and her mother was the daughter of a Caspian fisherman. She studied at the Astrakhan gymnasium, and then moved with her mother to St. Petersburg, where she entered the Christmas paramedic courses. During her studies, Antonina Vladimirovna became close to the Social Democrats. Soon she was instructed to visit a political prisoner who had no relatives in the city, find out about his needs and deliver a package. Antonina Vladimirovna pretended to be a bride. The “groom” was the Narodnaya Volya Alexander Ivanovich Fadeev. Over time, the "fake" bride became the real one. In 1896, Alexander Ivanovich was exiled for five years to the city of Shenkursk. Antonina Vladimirovna came to him, and in 1898 they got married. Since 1899, Antonina Vladimirovna Fadeeva worked as a paramedic in Putilovo, Shlisselburg district, where in 1900 her daughter Tatyana was born. After the release of Alexander Ivanovich, the family moved to Kimry near Tver, where their son Alexander was born. Then followed a move to Vilna, where another son, Vladimir, was born.

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Alexander Fadeev always spoke about his mother with big love and tenderness. After her death, he wrote: “She was not only a good mother, but in general a very outstanding person, a great personality ... Only now I fully understand what a huge moral force and support my mother was for me - not only in by virtue of her personal qualities, and even simply by virtue of her maternal existence. During her life, I always felt somehow younger, there was always the opportunity to hide behind someone, and this need happens even to more strong people than I (and at any age!) - and the very concern for the mother, the necessity and need for this care, evoked her best qualities in the soul, was a natural guarantee against hardening.

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Childhood of Sasha Fadeev Alexander grew up as a capable child - he was about four years old when he independently learned to read. He watched how his sister Tanya was taught and thus learned the entire alphabet. During their studies, the Fadeev children lived with relatives of the Sibirtsevs. Maria Vladimirovna was the director of the gymnasium, which she herself created, and her husband Mikhail Yakovlevich, the grandson of the Decembrist, taught at the men's gymnasium and led the drama club. In his youth, he was a member of the Narodnaya Volya circle, and this almost prevented him from graduating from St. Petersburg University. Fadeev found himself in an unusual atmosphere. In his family, children were obliged to unquestioningly fulfill the will of their parents, not only was it impossible to disobey, but even arguing with their mother was unthinkable. Everything was different with the Sibirtsevs. It seemed unbelievable to Fadeev that parents gave their children freedom of choice, cultivating will and self-discipline in them by their own example. Subsequently, he wrote: "I was brought up in this family no less than in my own family."

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In 1919-1921 he took part in the fighting in the Far East, was wounded. Held posts: commissar of the 13th Amur Regiment and commissar of the 8th Amur Rifle Brigade. In 1921-1922 he studied at the Moscow Mining Academy. In 1921, as a delegate to the Tenth Congress of the RCP(b), he left for Petrograd. He took part in the suppression of the Kronstadt uprising, while receiving a second wound. After treatment and demobilization, Fadeev remained in Moscow.

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Creativity Fadeev 1922-1923 Alexander Fadeev wrote his first serious work - the story "Spill" in 1922-1923.

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1925-1926 In 1925-1926, while working on the novel "The Rout", he decided to become a professional writer. The “rout” brought fame and recognition to the young writer, but after this work he could no longer pay attention to literature alone, becoming a prominent literary leader and public figure. One of the leaders of the RAPP.

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“In mid-February 1943, after the liberation of Donetsk Krasnodon by Soviet troops, several dozen corpses of teenagers tortured by the Nazis, who during the occupation period were in the underground organization Young Guard, were recovered from a pit located near the city of mine No. 5. And a few months later, in “ Pravda, an article by Alexander Fadeev, Immortality, was published, on the basis of which the novel The Young Guard was written a little later. In 1951, the novel The Young Guard was published in a new edition. Stalin was pleased with the content, and Fadeev was awarded the Order of Lenin.

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Social and political activities For many years Fadeev led writers' organizations at various levels. in 1926-1932 he was one of the organizers and ideologists of the RAPP. In the SP of the USSR: in 1932 he was a member of the Organizing Committee for the creation of the SP of the USSR after the liquidation of the RAPP; 1934-1939 - Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee; 1939-1944 - secretary; 1946-1954 - general secretary and chairman of the board; 1954-1956 - secretary of the board. Vice President of the World Peace Council (since 1950). Member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1939-1956); at the XX Congress of the CPSU (1956) he was elected a candidate member of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Member of the USSR Supreme Council of the 2nd-4th convocations (since 1946) and the RSFSR Supreme Soviet of the 3rd convocation. In 1942-1944, Fadeev worked as the editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya Gazeta, was the organizer of the Oktyabr magazine and was a member of its editorial board. During the Great Patriotic War, Fadeev was a war correspondent for the Pravda newspaper and the Soviet Information Bureau. In January 1942, the writer visited the Kalinin Front, collecting materials for reporting on the most dangerous sector. On January 14, 1942, Fadeev published in the Pravda newspaper an article entitled “Destroying Fiends and Creators”, where he described his impressions of

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Recent years Standing at the head of the Union of Writers of the USSR, Alexander Fadeev carried out the decisions of the party and government in relation to his colleagues: M. M. Zoshchenko, A. A. Akhmatova, A. P. Platonov. In 1946, after the historic decree of Zhdanov, which effectively destroyed Zoshchenko and Akhmatova as writers, Fadeev was among those who carried out this sentence. In 1949, Alexander Fadeev became one of the authors of a programmatic editorial in the organ of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the newspaper Pravda, entitled "On an anti-patriotic group of theater critics." This article was the start of a campaign known as "The Fight Against Cosmopolitanism". But in 1948, he was busy allocating a significant amount from the funds of the USSR Writers' Union for MM Zoshchenko, who was left penniless. Fadeev showed sincere participation in the fate of many writers unloved by the authorities: B. L. Pasternak, N. A. Zabolotsky, L. N. Gumilyov, several times slowly transferred money for the treatment of A. P. Platonov to his wife.

A.A. Fadeev (1901 -1956)

His life is full of contradictions of the era. A man of great courage, he chose the same heroes. Courage, feat, selfless devotion the cause of the revolution and the readiness to die distinguish its heroes.

  • Alexander Fadeev was born in the village of Kimry, Tver province.
  • Alexander Ivanovich Fadeev - the father of the writer

The first Russian revolution found the writer's mother and his stepfather in Vilna, where they conducted propaganda among the population. In 1907 they moved to Primorye.

The writer's mother and his stepfather

  • House in Chuguevka, near the mountain spurs of Sikhote-Alin. Right - Sasha Fadeev
  • The formation of the future writer was greatly influenced by the Sibirtsev family, the writer's relatives.

Maria Vladimirovna Sibirtseva Vsevolod and Igor Sibirtsev.

  • Full of youthful hopes, with volumes of Maxim Gorky and Nekrasov, we entered the revolution

Vladivostok commercial school.

Russian language teacher and literature

S. G. Pashkovsky

Alexander (standing first from the left)

  • Partisan detachment
  • Alexander Fadeev - partisan
  • Sergey Lazo - commander of the partisan army of Primorye. Executed by the Japanese. Together with him, Vsevolod Sibirtsev died.

  • Gubelman, Commissioner partisan detachment, one of Levinson's prototypes
  • Commissar Pevsner - the prototype of Levinson in the novel
  • Baranov is Pevzner's assistant. Baklanov's prototype

  • In the spring of 1921, together with other delegates to the 10th Congress of the RCP (b), Fadeev suppressed the Kronstadt uprising.
  • Since February 1924, Fadeev has been at party work in the North Caucasus. At this time (1925 -1926) he creates the novel "The Defeat"

A. Fadeev among the students of the Mining Academy (standing first from the left)

Fadeev in 1925

Writers of the Lost Generation

- Remarque, Hemingway ("Farewell to Arms"), Aldington and others.

Their heroes are people, most often young people, traumatized by the war. Mental and physical wounds do not give them the opportunity to truly enter a peaceful life.

The heroes of these writers do not think about the goals of the war, do not hate the enemy, do not remember him.

In the works about the “lost generation”, the theme of heroism was not needed.

Are there heroes in Rout who accomplish the feat?

What did the Reds fight for?

Why were the whites fighting?

What did the Cossacks fight for?

What is social justice?

The concept of world revolution.

Konstantin Yuon.

"New Planet"

Utopian features in revolutionary ideology.

Where are they from?

From a great desire to build a new, just world.

Works of outstanding Soviet artists OST groups

It was about such a life that the heroes of A. Fadeev and N. Ostrovsky, A. Gaidar and D. Furmanov dreamed

Deineka. Future pilots. OST. GTG

Pimenov. New Moscow OST. GTG

But for this life you will have to fight a lot, long and cruelly.

M. B. Grekov

Deineka "Defense of Petrograd" OST GTG

Trumpeters of the First Cavalry.


For the sake of a new life, the heroes of "Rout" go to fight.

They leave voluntarily.

Name them.

Among them is one ideologist - Levinson.

The rest are spontaneous fighters for a new life.


These writers became an example for a young author

The main theme of the novel, as the writer himself defined it, is the image of the selection of "human material" during the civil war.

  • Fadeev managed to give lively and plastic images of the characters. For the most part, they are not schematic, full of passions and emotions. Each of them has their own life behind them, which forced them to come to the detachment.
  • Fadeev singles out the commander of the Levinson detachment, outwardly so little resemblance to the "iron commissar" with which young proletarian literature was filled at that time.
  • Levinson has a difficult inner world, family in dire straits. But he hides all this so that no one in the detachment doubts his right to command

Name the young heroes of "Rout".

Who were they before the revolution? Why did they go to war?

  • Levinson is not just commanding a detachment. He also educates his undisciplined fighters. Frost is especially distinguished by the carelessness.
  • Levinson must improve relations with the peasants, otherwise the partisans in the taiga will not survive.
  • Therefore, he arranges a trial for Morozkaya, who committed the theft.
  • The images of young heroes have always been the main ones in Fadeev's work.

  • Next to the expressive native of the Morozka mines, the image of the Mechik is somewhat schematic. He rushes about, he lacks ideological conviction and revolutionary hardening. Simplifying his task, Fadeev makes Mechik an intellectual who got into the detachment only because of revolutionary romance. But the collision with life breaks the Sword.
  • The past of the heroes determines their ideological choice - such a conclusion is made by the Soviet writer, who professes the principle of a class approach in assessing people.

  • Remarkable is the image of the shepherd Metelitsa, who, despite his youth, became the commander of a cavalry reconnaissance platoon. He, like Morozka, did not receive an education, but there is no rudeness, cruelty, or slovenliness in him.
  • The snowstorm dies like a real hero, without saying anything to the enemy and trying to protect the shepherd boy, in whom he saw not only his past, but also his future.

Boris Ioganson.

"Interrogation of communists" State Tretyakov Gallery Socialist realism.

If Fadeev's heroes had stayed alive - would they have become people of a new society

Boris Ioganson "Rabfak is coming" GTG

Rabfak is a working faculty that prepared working youth for entering a university.

Socialist realism

  • There are two scenes in the work, in which the future tragedies of the Soviet state and its inhabitants are guessed.
  • This is the scene of the seizure (requisition) of a pig from a Korean and the scene of the poisoning of the fighter Frolov by Dr. Stashinsky.
  • In these scenes, Fadeev, without hiding anything, shows that not only innocent people, but even their own people can suffer in the revolutionary struggle.
  • It is important to understand why the commander decides to take such actions and does the author of the novel justify him? How did the classical literature XIX V.?

  • The novel ends with the almost complete death of the detachment, but Levinson fulfills the task set for himself: he leads the detachment out of the swamps as a combat unit.
  • At the end of the novel, the essence of the characters of Frost and Sword is clarified. Following the class approach, Fadeev makes a hero of a former miner and a traitor of an intellectual.
  • The novel "The Rout" was a great achievement precisely Soviet literature, created by those who went through the fronts of the Civil War. These are Alexander Fadeev, Arkady Gaidar, Nikolai Ostrovsky.

A. Deineka. “At the construction of new workshops” 1926 OST

They dreamed of labor as the joy of creating a new life

  • Since the autumn of 1926, Fadeev settled in Moscow and became one of the leaders Russian Association proletarian writers.

In the 30s, Fadeev became one of the organizers of the Writers' Union of the USSR. At this time, a mass persecution of all those who somehow did not agree with the policy of the party began.

  • Heroes of Fadeev's second novel
  • In the spring of 1943 Soviet army released a small mining town Krasnodon. Soon it became known about the heroic struggle and death in the city during the fascist occupation of young guys - Krasnodon

Fadeev arrived in Krasnodon as part of a commission to clarify the activities of the youth underground. What he learned shocked him. He wrote an essay "Immortality" and placed it in the newspaper "Pravda" with photographs of five dead Komsomol members.

Hero of the Soviet Union

Sergei Tyulenin

Hero of the Soviet Union Ulyana Gromova

Hero of the Soviet Union

Ivan Zemnukhov

Hero of the Soviet Union

Lyubov Shevtsova

Commander of the "Young Guard" Ivan Turkenich.

He died during the liberation of Poland.

The most tragic figure

"Young Guard"

organization commissioner

Viktor Tretyakevich.

Hero of the Soviet Union

Oleg Koshevoy.

It is around his personality

there have been and are disputes.

Shaft of mine No. 5 - the place of execution of the Young Guards

This place is in the 50s.

This is the place today

A few of the surviving young guards:

Vasily Levashov

Georgy Arutyunyants

Valentina Borts

Anatoly Lopukhov

  • Fadeev started writing a novel about the activities of an underground youth organization.
  • This is how the novel "The Young Guard" appeared.

Monument "Oath" in Krasnodon

  • Monument to Fadeev in Moscow on Miusskaya Square.
  • The writer stands in front of the former building of the Shanyavsky University, where Yesenin studied, then in this building there was a communist academy, and now the Russian State University for the Humanities. To the right and left of Fadeev are the heroes of two of his famous novels.

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Presentation on the topic: Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev 1901 - 1956

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YouthFadeev was born in the village of Kimry, Tver province. From childhood, he grew up as a gifted child. He was about four years old when he independently mastered the letter - he watched from the side how his sister Tanya was taught, and learned the entire alphabet. From the age of four, he began to read books, striking adults with an indefatigable imagination, writing the most extraordinary stories and fairy tales. His favorite writers since childhood were Jack London, Mine Reid, Fenimore Cooper. In 1908, his family moved to the South Ussuri Territory (now Primorsky), where Fadeev spent his childhood and youth. From 1912 to 1918, Fadeev studied at the commercial school of Vladivostok, but did not finish his studies, deciding to devote himself to revolutionary activities.

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Revolutionary activity In 1918 he joined the RCP (b), in 1919-1921 he participated in hostilities in the Far East, was wounded. In 1921, as a delegate to the Tenth Congress of the RCP(b), he left for Petrograd. He took part in the suppression of the Kronstadt uprising, while receiving a second wound. After treatment and demobilization, Fadeev remained in Moscow.

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The beginning of literary activity Alexander Fadeev wrote his first serious work - the story "Spill" in 1922-23. In 1925-26. while working on the novel "The Rout" decided to become a professional writer. The “rout” brought fame and recognition to the young writer, but after this work he could no longer pay attention to literature alone, becoming a prominent literary leader and public figure.

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During the Great Patriotic War, Fadeev was a war correspondent for the Pravda newspaper and the Soviet Information Bureau. In January 1942, the writer visited the Kalinin Front, collecting materials for reporting on the most dangerous sector. On January 14, 1942, Fadeev published in the Pravda newspaper an article entitled “Destroying Fiends and Creators”, where he described his impressions of what he saw in the war. In the essay "Fighter" he described the feat of the Red Army soldier Yakov Paderin, who received the title of Hero Soviet Union posthumously.

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Immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945), Fadeev sat down to write a novel about the Krasnodon underground organization "Young Guard", which operated in the territory occupied by the Nazis, many of whose members died heroically in the Nazi dungeons. The book was first published in 1946.

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Social and political activities For many years, Fadeev led writers' organizations at various levels. in 1926-32 was one of the organizers and ideologists of the RAPP. In the Union of Writers of the USSR: 1932 he was a member of the Organizing Committee for the creation of the Union of Writers of the USSR after the liquidation of the RAPP. 1934-1939 - Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee 1939-1944 - Secretary .Vice-President of the World Peace Council (since 1950). Member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1939–56); at the 20th Congress of the CPSU (1956) he was elected a candidate member of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd–4th convocations and the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of the 3rd convocation. Stamp of the USSR, 1971. In 1942-1944, Fadeev worked as the editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya Gazeta, was the organizer of the Oktyabr magazine and was a member of its editorial board.

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civil position. Recent yearsBeing at the helm of a writers' organization, Alexander Fadeev carried out the repressive decisions of the party and government in relation to his colleagues: Zoshchenko, Akhmatova, Platonov. In 1946, after the historic decree of Zhdanov, which effectively destroyed Zoshchenko and Akhmatova as writers, Fadeev was among those who carried out this sentence. In 1949, Alexander Fadeev became one of the authors of a programmatic editorial in the organ of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the newspaper Pravda, entitled "On an anti-patriotic group theater critics". This article served as the beginning of a campaign that became known as the “Fight against Cosmopolitanism.” But in 1948 he was busy allocating a significant amount from the funds of the Union of Writers of the USSR for Mikhail Zoshchenko, who was left without a penny. Fadeev showed sincere participation and support in the fate of many writers unloved by the authorities: Pasternak, Zabolotsky, Gumilyov, several times slowly transferred money for the treatment of Andrei Platonov to his wife. Hardly experiencing such a split, he suffered from insomnia, fell into depression. IN last years Fadeev became addicted to alcohol and fell into long binges. Ilya Ehrenburg wrote about him: Fadeev was a brave but disciplined soldier, he never forgot about the prerogatives of the commander in chief. Fadeev did not accept the Khrushchev thaw. In 1956, from the rostrum of the XX Congress, the activities of the leader of Soviet writers were severely criticized by Mikhail Sholokhov. Fadeev was not elected a member, but only a candidate member of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Fadeev was directly called one of the perpetrators of repression among Soviet writers. After the 20th Congress, Fadeev's conflict with his conscience escalated to the limit. He confessed to his old friend Yuri Libedinsky: “Conscience torments me. It's hard to live, Yura, with bloody hands."

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Death On May 13, 1956, Alexander Fadeev shot himself with a revolver at his dacha in Peredelkino. In the obituary official reason suicide was indicated alcoholism. In fact, two weeks before his suicide, A. A. Fadeev stopped drinking, “About a week before his suicide, he began to prepare for it, wrote letters different people"(Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov)

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I see no possibility of continuing to live, because the art to which I gave my life has been ruined by the self-confidently ignorant leadership of the Party, and now cannot be corrected. The best cadres of literature - in a number that the tsarist satraps did not even dream of - were physically exterminated, or died thanks to the criminal connivance of those in power; the best people literature died at a premature age; everything else, more or less valuable, capable of creating true values, died before reaching 40 - 50 years. Literature is the holy of holies - given to be torn to pieces by bureaucrats and the most backward elements of the people, from the most "high" tribunes - such as the Moscow Conference or the 20th Party Congress - a new slogan "Atu her!" The way in which they are going to "correct" the situation causes indignation: a group of ignoramuses has been assembled, with the exception of a few honest people who are in the same state of persecution and therefore unable to tell the truth - and the conclusions are deeply anti-Leninist, for they proceed from bureaucratic habits, accompanied by the threat of the same "club". With what feeling of freedom and openness of the world my generation entered literature under Lenin, what boundless forces were in the soul and what beautiful works we created and could still create! After Lenin's death, we were reduced to the status of boys, destroyed, ideologically frightened and called it "party". And now, when everything could be corrected, the primitiveness, ignorance - with an outrageous dose of self-confidence - of those who should have corrected all this has affected. Literature has been given over to untalented, petty, vindictive people. A few of those who have kept the sacred fire in their souls are in the position of pariahs and - due to their age - will soon die. And there is no longer any incentive in my soul to create ... Created for great creativity in the name of communism, from the age of sixteen associated with the party, with workers and peasants, endowed by God with an outstanding talent, I was full of the highest thoughts and feelings that could be give rise to the life of the people, united with the beautiful ideals of communism. But I was turned into a draft horse, all my life I trudged under a load of incompetent, unjustified, innumerable bureaucratic affairs that could be performed by any person. And even now, when you sum up your life, it is unbearable to recall all the shouts, suggestions, teachings and simply ideological vices that fell upon me - whom our wonderful people would have the right to be proud of because of the authenticity and modesty of my deep inner communist talent. Literature - the highest fruit of the new system - is humiliated, hunted down, ruined. The complacency of the nouveaux riches from the great Leninist teaching, even when they swear by it, by this teaching, has led to complete distrust of them on my part, for one can expect even worse from them than from the satrap Stalin. He was at least educated, and these - ignoramuses. My life, as a writer, loses all meaning, and with great joy, as a deliverance from this vile existence, where meanness, lies and slander fall upon you, I am leaving this life. last hope I even wanted to say this to the people who rule the state, but for the past 3 years, despite my requests, they can’t even accept me. Please bury me next to my mother.

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Russian Soviet writer and public figure. Brigadier Commissar (since 1942 colonel). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1946).

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Youth A. A. Fadeev was born on December 11 (24), 1901 in the village of Kimry (now a city in the Tver region). Growing up since childhood gifted child. He was about four years old when he independently mastered the letter - he watched from the side how his sister Tanya was taught, and learned the entire alphabet. From the age of four, he began to read books, striking adults with an indefatigable imagination, writing the most extraordinary stories and fairy tales. His favorite writers since childhood were Jack London, Mine Reid, Fenimore Cooper.

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Revolutionary activities While still studying at the Vladivostok Commercial School, he carried out the instructions of the underground committee of the Bolsheviks. In 1918 he joined the party and took the nickname Bulyga. Became a party agitator. In 1919 he joined the Special Communist Detachment of Red Partisans. In 1919-1921 he took part in the fighting in the Far East, was wounded. Held posts: commissar of the 13th Amur Regiment and commissar of the 8th Amur Rifle Brigade. In 1921-1922. studied at the Moscow Mining Academy.

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The beginning of literary activity Alexander Fadeev wrote his first serious work - the story "Spill" in 1922-1923. In 1925-1926, while working on the novel Defeat, he decided to become a professional writer. The “rout” brought fame and recognition to the young writer, but after this work he could no longer pay attention to literature alone, becoming a prominent literary leader and public figure.

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Further literary work early works- The novels "The Rout" and "The Last of Udege" take place in the Ussuri region. The problematics of "The Defeat" refers to the issues of party leadership, the novel shows the class struggle, the formation of Soviet power. The main characters are red partisans, communists (for example, Levinson). civil war dedicated to the next novel by Fadeev "The Last of Udege"

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The "writer's minister," as Fadeev was called, actually led literature in the USSR for almost two decades. For creativity, he almost did not have time and energy. The last novel "Black Metallurgy" remained unfinished. The writer planned to create a fundamental work of 50-60 author's sheets. As a result, for posthumous publication in Ogonyok, it was possible to collect 8 chapters on 3 printed sheets from drafts.

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Civil position. Last years.

Standing at the head of the Union of Writers of the USSR, Alexander Fadeev carried out the decisions of the party and government in relation to his colleagues: M. M. Zoshchenko, A. A. Akhmatova, A. P. Platonov. In 1946, after the historic decree of Zhdanov, which effectively destroyed Zoshchenko and Akhmatova as writers, Fadeev was among those who carried out this sentence. In 1949, Alexander Fadeev became one of the authors of a programmatic editorial in the organ of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the newspaper Pravda, entitled "On an anti-patriotic group of theater critics." This article was the start of a campaign known as "The Fight Against Cosmopolitanism".

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But in 1948, he was busy allocating a significant amount from the funds of the USSR Writers' Union for MM Zoshchenko, who was left penniless. Fadeev showed sincere participation in the fate of many writers unloved by the authorities: B. L. Pasternak, N. A. Zabolotsky, L. N. Gumilyov, several times slowly transferred money for the treatment of A. P. Platonov to his wife.

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Fadeev did not accept the Khrushchev thaw. In 1956, from the rostrum of the XX Congress of the CPSU, the activities of the leader of Soviet writers were severely criticized by M. A. Sholokhov. Fadeev was not elected a member, but only a candidate member of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Fadeev was directly called one of the perpetrators of repression among Soviet writers.

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On May 13, 1956, Alexander Fadeev shot himself with a revolver at his dacha in Peredelkino. The obituary listed alcoholism as the official cause of suicide. In fact, two weeks before his suicide, A. A. Fadeev stopped drinking, “About a week before his suicide, he began to prepare for it, wrote letters to different people” (Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov). Contrary to the last will - to be buried next to his mother, Fadeev was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery site

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