Fresh carrot salads: simple and dietary. Carrot salads - simple recipes for sunny snacks! Simple carrot salads with meat, apples, nuts, vegetables

fresh carrot salad we would agree to eat, even if we did not know about all its many beneficial properties. It's very fresh, delicious. The natural sweetness of carrots allows you to make sweet dessert salads, and light vegetable salads with it are generally delicious. The collection of popular recipes in today's article will help you decide on a salad menu for the upcoming summer, which will definitely include - it's very tasty).

Fresh carrot and beetroot salad

You probably noticed that all salads with carrots must have a fatty dressing, be it butter or sour cream. Vitamin A, which is found in large quantities in orange root crops, is fat-soluble, which means that without fat it will not bring any benefit to your body. Even if you want to do it, it's still worth adding at least a drop of fat. Otherwise, carrots are just an ideal product for everyone who adheres to the principles of a healthy diet, monitors their weight. And for those who just love to eat deliciously, do not forget about carrots, and in our today's article there is a whole lot of evidence of this.

There are legends among carrot salads. For example, salad of fresh carrots, beets and cabbage was called "Brush", due to its cleansing effect on the intestines. Those of you who have been on a diet probably know more than one recipe for such a salad. Additional ingredients are often added to it, which balance the taste in one direction or another. - one of the varieties of "Brushes" with celery root, nuts and seeds.

We clean and wash vegetables, rub on a coarse grater. We lay it in layers so that the salad looks beautiful: carrots, grated celery on it, grated beets on it. Sprinkle each layer with lemon juice and pour vegetable oil. Pour seeds, chopped nuts on top of the salad, decorate with herbs.

Carrots, of course, are not an invention of our latitudes. This root crop is loved in many countries and has become part of the national different countries and peoples. The recipe for a Mediterranean carrot snack is very simple - carrots are grated on a coarse grater and seasoned with a dressing of olive oil, lemon juice, salt and crushed garlic. Add a bunch of finely chopped mint to the carrots, season with sauce and mix thoroughly. It is better to bring the dressing to taste in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes so that the carrots absorb all the flavors. This appetizer is perfect for fried meat or with potato dishes.

Fresh carrot salads: recipes

As we have already said, they are included in the variety fresh carrot salad recipes sweet, perfect as desserts for children and adults. It is not easy to get children to eat healthy foods. Therefore, it is better to make carrot salad sweet for them and serve it in an unusual form, for example, in bowls or glass glasses.

Carrots will need to be rubbed on a coarse grater, sweet apples coarsely chopped along with the skin. To prevent the apples from turning brown, cut them last, just before dressing, it will be citrusy and will not allow the iron contained in the fruit to oxidize. We also add raisins steamed in hot water to the salad, it becomes soft and sweet. For that very citrus dressing, mix orange fresh, add lime juice, a pinch of cinnamon and vegetable oil to it. Mix the vegetables with dressing, put the salad in bowls, sprinkle with nuts on top and garnish with a bright orange slice.

Fresh cucumbers also make great friends with carrots as part of a vitamin salad. Cucumbers must be cut into thin, thin circles, to match the grated carrot. Red onion rings will complement a simple salad. But the dressing is quite complicated: a quarter cup of olive oil, the same amount of wine vinegar, two teaspoons of honey and two teaspoons of grated ginger root. A pinch of dry mint will add a special piquancy to the sauce. We mix all the ingredients and pour our salad.

We have already cooked carrots in the Mediterranean style, it is time to cook it according to an oriental recipe. In Japan, the daikon radish often becomes a companion of carrots. Like all the cuisine of the country rising sun, this salad is brilliant in its simplicity, all the ingredients in it are in their place and play their roles perfectly. We arm ourselves with a sharp knife and cut the carrots along with the daikon into thin strips. If you rub vegetables, they will give extra juice, and this is undesirable for us. Therefore, cutting is done as follows: first, vegetables are cut into thin plates along, and then each plate is cut into sticks. Salt carrots and radishes and set aside for half an hour. At this time, we are engaged in dressing, mix rice vinegar with powdered sugar. After half an hour, you will see that the vegetables have released a lot of juice, you need to drain it or squeeze the vegetable mixture, pour it with marinade and send it to the refrigerator overnight. Toss before serving, arrange in pretty bowls and sprinkle with sesame seeds. If you are marinating during the day, you can stir the vegetables from time to time so that they marinate evenly.

Grated fresh carrot salad

Did you expect to see gooseberries as an ingredient in carrot salad? But he is the star of our next grated fresh carrot salad.

We cut off the tail of each gooseberry berry, cut it in half. Grated on a coarse grater, mix carrots with gooseberries and season with a spoonful of sour cream and half a spoonful of liquid honey. Five minutes after dressing, when the carrots start to juice, the salad can be served at the table, put in a beautiful salad bowl. The combination of sweetness and acidity both in the dressing and in the salad makes the taste very interesting.

We have already prepared a salad of fresh cabbage, carrots, beets, celery root, and for the next salad we will need celery stalks. Petioles are not difficult to find in stores and on the market, they are very useful if you want to lose weight. This salad can be called a carrot variety of the famous American Waldorf salad, which has been enjoying well-deserved popularity for many years. For him, an apple is cut into strips, sprinkled with lemon juice, carrots are cut into cubes, celery is cut across the stem, such semicircles are obtained. Grind the walnuts, mix everything in a salad bowl and season with a mixture of mayonnaise and mustard. You can also replace high-calorie mayonnaise with low-fat yogurt.

Looking at the photo, you could imagine a banal grated carrot with raisins. But this is an exquisite French appetizer. We soak raisins for her, but not in water, but in cognac or bourbon for an hour. During this time, the raisins have time to soak in flavors and swell. Three carrots on a grater and season with dressing. It, in addition to olive oil, also includes the juice of one lemon, a pinch of cinnamon, a few drops of the same bourbon and salt. We fill the carrots, add the squeezed raisins into it, mix well. With a beautiful presentation, for example on croutons, you will impress your guests.

Delicious fresh carrot salad

In oriental cuisine we can find many recipes delicious fresh carrot salads. At one time, spicy Korean-style pickled carrots simply turned our idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcarrot salads upside down. In Chinese and Korean cuisine, carrots are valued and respected, emphasizing its taste with a set of special spices. Let's prepare another salad of carrots and cucumber in Korean, so to speak, gangnam style.

A special device similar to a vegetable peeler is very useful for such a salad. But he cuts not one plate, but cuts it into many thin vermicelli. With it, we will cut a sufficient amount of carrot and cucumber shavings. If you don’t have such a thing, then cut it into thin strips as in the Japanese recipe. In a separate container, we conjure over the dressing: mix soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, rice vinegar, ground red pepper and garlic, passed through a press. Mix thoroughly into a homogeneous mass. Add the chopped onion to the vegetables, pour over the dressing and mix. A nutty note will be added by sesame seeds sprinkled on top of the salad.

We present to your attention an exquisite salad of carrots, pineapple, fresh cheese and celery. We take fresh juicy carrots, cut them into slices using an ordinary potato peeler. Mix it with chopped white celery stalks, lettuce or spinach () and a few small balls of mozzarella. Be sure to also toasted almonds in a dry frying pan. Even a few pieces will literally transform our salad. For exquisite taste carrots and celery are pre-marinated in pineapple juice. Then the vegetables are taken out, and the juice becomes the basis for dressing, lemon juice, honey, powdered almonds, natural yogurt, pepper and salt are added to it.

fresh carrot salad recipes

There are such fresh carrot salad recipes which are in notebook every self-respecting hostess. This, along with Russian salad, herring under a fur coat and vinaigrette, forms our national festive cuisine. Over time, these get less and less, but this does not mean that you cannot cook them every day for your family.

Carrots with garlic and mayonnaise are cooked in record time, as they say, when a guest is on the doorstep. And, nevertheless, such a salad is eaten completely, it is very good. The taste of a salad always depends on additional ingredients, they are not there right there, so there is nothing to spoil. Just rub fresh carrots, add squeezed garlic, salt and season with mayonnaise. All. Well, really, everything. Well, if it's very simple for you, then you can add a small pickled cucumber, cut into small cubes.

And the last salad in our today's review is a salad with carrots and tangerines. This combination is perfect for a festive table and as a side dish for meat. Carrots are cut on a special grater to make thin sticks. If you don’t have such a grater, but you don’t want to buy for the sake of one salad, you can cut it into strips. Also cut the sour apple, pour it with lemon juice. Put the carrots mixed with apples in a salad bowl and pour over the dressing: olive oil, lemon, juice, tangerine juice, grated ginger, pepper, salt. Top with mandarin slices for decoration and sprinkle with peeled and toasted green pistachios, as well as any greens you like.

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Carrots are a source of carotene, which, when it enters our body, turns into vitamin A. Only two root crops contain its daily dose. Everyone knows that our eyes love vitamin A: it is useful for visual impairment and perfectly supports this organ. But also, carrots have a long list of useful qualities: it cleanses the blood, supports the immune system, removes harmful substances from the body, fights microbes, helps lower blood pressure, is useful for diabetics, and is also good for the kidneys and liver.

It is believed that fruits weighing up to 150 grams have greater benefits. Therefore, when choosing carrots for cooking, pay attention to smaller specimens. Not only are they healthier, but their taste is sweeter. large size carrots may seem completely tasteless and watery.

When cooking from carrots, it should be borne in mind that vitamin A is fat-soluble, so it should be eaten with butter or sour cream, otherwise it will not be absorbed.

In addition to adding to soups, main dishes and a variety of dressings and snacks, carrots can be used to make a fresh and nutritious salad. There are really many options and what to add to this orange vegetable is up to you. There is a recipe for every taste.

How to cook carrot salad - 15 varieties

One of the popular winter salads with carrots that will delight you and your household. It will take no more than half an hour to prepare.


  • Carrots - 4 pcs.
  • Apple - 1-2 pcs.
  • Raisins - to taste
  • Sour cream - 100 ml
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons

Cooking method:

Rinse the raisins first, and soak in warm water for 20-15 minutes.

Peel carrots and apples. Remove core from apples.

Cut the apple and carrot into small strips.

You can use a large grater. It will be more comfortable and thinner.

Dress the salad with sour cream, sugar and sprinkle with lemon juice.

An unusual, vitamin-rich combination.


  • Carrots - 200 g
  • Oranges - 1 pc.
  • Walnut - 100 g
  • Sour cream - 200 g
  • Dried apricots - 200 g
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp

Cooking method:

Grate carrots.

Cut the peeled orange into slices and cut into pieces. Add to carrots.

Rinse dried apricots and pour water for 20-25 minutes,

Cut the dried apricots into pieces and add to the salad.

Season with sugar and sour cream, garnish with chopped walnuts.

In details:

Spicy salad recipe in 20 minutes. Delicious and satisfying, besides it is useful!


  • Carrots in Korean - 300 g
  • Pickled mushrooms - 250 g
  • Canned green peas - 100 g
  • Boiled pork (you can take carbonate) - 150 g
  • Jacket potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 150 g
  • Pepper

Cooking method:

Rinse mushrooms in a colander.

Cut the ham into thin strips.

Peeled potatoes, cut into strips.

Combine carrots in Korean, potatoes, boiled pork, mushrooms, peas without liquid in one bowl and mix, season with mayonnaise.

Decorate with greens as desired.

A very simple and well-known salad. Its refreshing taste is filled with vitamins. And despite the ease of preparation and a small amount of ingredients, you should not forget about it. Delight your household with a healthy snack


  • Fresh cabbage - 600 g
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil, not refined - 5 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice -2 tbsp.
  • Mustard - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Greens as desired

Add salad ingredients according to your taste.

Cooking method:

Grate carrots on a Korean grater or chop in a food processor.

Finely chop the cabbage into strips.

Mix carrots and cabbage.

In a separate bowl, make dressing: mix lemon juice, oil, mustard, sugar and salt.

Dress the salad and garnish with herbs.

More detailed cooking process and tips here:

Carrots in Korean are familiar to everyone and loved by many. Without much hassle, this dish can be prepared in your kitchen.


  • Carrots - 1 kg
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Sunflower oil - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Table vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Ground coriander - 1 tsp
  • Ground pepper - 1 tsp
  • Red hot ground pepper - 1 tsp
  • Carnation (buds) - 3 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

Peel and grate the carrots on a Korean grater.

If you have a combine, you can use it by chopping carrots with long threads.

Crush the peeled garlic in a garlic press.

Mix garlic, carrots and all remaining ingredients.

Place in a convenient bowl, press to the bottom and put a press on top.

Keep carrots for 3 days in a cool place under oppression.

After decomposing into banks or containers.

An unusual dish that will delight squid lovers with its taste. By the way, they go well with spicy carrots.


  • Squid — 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 5 pcs.
  • Coriander
  • Pepper
  • Sugar
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Soy sauce
  • Sunflower oil

Cooking method:

Boil squid.

Remember that squids are cooked for a very short time! Don't miss the moment when they stop being soft.

Grate carrots and add to finely chopped squid.

Add chopped onion.

Add coriander and pour boiling water over.

Add the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly. Let the salad stand. Decorate with herbs before serving.

See here for more details:

Spicy carrots are not only Korean carrots. Garlic lovers will like this version of the salad and can even become a table decoration.


  • Carrots - 500 g
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Soy sauce - 50 ml
  • Cucumbers - 200 g
  • Sesame - 20 g
  • Fresh ginger - 1 tsp
  • Sesame oil - 40 ml

Cooking method:

Grate carrots.

Cut the cucumber into strips and add to the carrots.

Finely chop the garlic.

Finely grate the ginger.

Grind ginger and garlic until smooth. Add oil and soy sauce.

Mix carrots and cucumber, pour dressing. Leave to brew for 1 - 1.5 hours.

Garnish with sesame seeds.

Spicy lovers will love this dish. The savory taste of eggplant combined with spicy carrots can be a complete dish for a picnic or a festive dinner. It will especially please men. Prepares simply and quickly.


  • Carrots - 6 pcs.
  • Eggplant - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Sunflower oil
  • Spices

Cooking method:

Grate carrots.

Cut the eggplant into pieces and fry.

Fry the onion separately.

Finely chop the garlic.

Mix all ingredients.

Decorate with herbs before serving.

You can see a more detailed cooking process and chef's tips here:

Prepares simply and quickly. Usually this combination is prepared not with carrots, but with beets. However, the salad with carrots is very tasty. And it is in no way inferior to the familiar salad with beets.


  • Carrots - 300 g
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Mayonnaise - 3-4 tablespoons
  • Pepper

Cooking method:

Grate carrots on a coarse grater.

Finely chop the garlic and add to the carrots.

Season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

Very tender and nutritious salad. A good option for a healthy dinner.


  • Carrots - 5 pcs
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

Finely grate the carrots.

Hard boil the eggs and let cool. Grate or finely chop, mix with carrots.

Season with sour cream, salt and pepper.


Radish is known for its beneficial properties. And its combination with carrots makes the dish a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.


  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Radish - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp
  • Pepper

You can use sour cream. Then the salad will turn out lighter and fresher.

Cooking method:

Grate radishes and carrots on a coarse grater.

Finely chop the garlic and add to the grated vegetables.

Sprinkle with lemon juice and let it brew in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Top with mayonnaise before serving. If desired, you can decorate with greens.

Such a dish is quite independent. The combination of carrots and pork gives the meat a fresh taste, while the salad is very satisfying and nutritious.


  • Carrots - 1 kg
  • Onion - 200 g
  • Pork - 150 g
  • Sesame - 10 g
  • Black pepper
  • Red pepper
  • Vegetable oil
  • Sugar
  • Soy sauce - 20 g

Cooking method:

Fry the pork, cut into thin sticks.

Fry finely chopped onion, fry with pork.

Finely grate carrots, add soy sauce, salt, red and black pepper.

Boil syrup from 2 tbsp. water and 1 tbsp. Sahara.

Mix carrots and pork with onions, add sesame seeds and sugar syrup.

Finely chop the garlic and add to the salad.

Mix all ingredients.

Carrots go well with dried apricots, especially if you add a little lemon.


  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Dried apricots - 100 g
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 100 g
  • Sugar - to taste

Cooking method:

Rinse dried apricots and soak in warm water for 20-25 minutes.

Cut dried apricots into small pieces.

Grate carrots on a fine grater and mix with dried apricots.

Finely chop the lemon and mix with dried apricots and carrots.

Dress the salad with sugar and sour cream.

If desired, you can decorate with greens.

Carrots have an amazing ability to pair with just about anything and be delicious at the same time. Another option for a salad is its combination with cheese. This dish does not take much time to prepare, but it will turn out delicious.


  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Cheese - 250 g
  • Mayonnaise - 150 g
  • Pepper

Cooking method:

Grate carrots and cheese.

Finely chop the garlic and add to the cheese with carrots.

If desired, season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Decorate with greenery.


You can endlessly experiment with carrot salad. It can combine completely different components. Be sweet and be salty. But it always turns out tasty and healthy.


  • Carrots - 500 g
  • Canned peas - 300 g
  • Feta cheese - 200 g
  • Pistachios - 100 g
  • Leaf spinach - 2 handfuls
  • Mint - 2-3 sprigs
  • Lemon juice (half a lemon)
  • Light honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Olive oil

Pistachios can be omitted from this recipe.

Cooking method:

Cut carrots into small strips. Place on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil and bake for 30 minutes.

Rinse the peas in a colander and add to the carrots.

Lemon juice, honey, 1 tbsp. mix oils. Season the still hot carrots with this sauce.

Chop the mint and spinach leaves. Chop the pistachios. Add everything to the salad.

Grind the feta into pieces and add to the dish.

Carrots are a versatile root vegetable. It is used in different salads: sweet, salty or spicy. Moreover, many of them can be prepared literally in a matter of minutes from ingredients that are always at hand. Salad made from fresh carrots is especially useful. There are about a thousand recipes in world cuisine. Of course, many of them are just modified versions of classic combinations.

General principles

From raw carrots you can quickly prepare a simple snack, as it does not require additional heat treatment. Most often, the vegetable is simply grated, less often it is cut with a knife into thin strips or cubes. Carrots do not let a lot of juice, so it can be salted immediately. Sometimes even it is specially ground for additional moisture.

Many housewives are concerned about the question of what and how to cook carrot salad. This vegetable goes well with almost all vegetables and herbs, dried fruits and fruits, dairy products, seafood, sausages and canned goods.

Mayonnaise for carrot salad is often used as a dressing. There are recipes with more interesting dressings: based on vegetable oil, mustard, table vinegar or lemon sauce. Such a salad will turn out to be more dietary and suitable for weight loss.

This combination is known to many. Any cheese is used: hard or processed. You can supplement a salad with fresh carrots with granular cottage cheese, in which case you will need a little more dressing. And so it is required standard set ingredients:

  • five carrots;
  • cheese - about 120 g;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream, herbs, salt.

Carrots are peeled, rubbed. Add grated or diced cheese and minced garlic. Topped with your chosen sauce. If you have time, you can lay out all the ingredients in layers.

Orange vegetable goes well with sour apples. In addition to apples, you need to take fresh lemon juice, but you can replace it with apple or wine vinegar. Before learning how to make carrot salad, you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients:

  • four carrots;
  • a couple of apples;
  • half a lemon;
  • vegetable oil, parsley, salt.

Apples are better to choose sour varieties of green color and with fairly dense pulp. They are cleaned and sprinkled with lemon juice or vinegar so that they do not darken. Carrots and apples are rubbed, seasoned with oil and salted to taste. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs. It is recommended to eat such a salad immediately after preparation, so it is not stored for so long.

Often such a salad is called "Lose Weight". This is explained by the presence of beets in the composition, which is able to gently cleanse the intestines. As a dressing, take high-quality oil - linseed or olive. You don't need a lot of ingredients:

Vegetables are peeled, coarsely rubbed and mixed. It is better to use a grater for cooking Korean carrots - this way the dish will look more appetizing. Everything is seasoned with oil mixed with fresh juice, the vegetable mass is lightly ground. Garlic is added to taste, as is salt.

With nuts and honey

If you want some healthy dessert, you can make a sweet carrot snack, which is often served to children. Ideal for breakfast, as the dish is able to energize for the whole day.

  • three carrots;
  • a couple of tablespoons of nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts or walnuts), liquid honey;
  • whole apple;
  • half a lemon;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

If the honey is sufficiently candied, then it is first melted in a water bath. It is impossible to heat it strongly so that all the vitamins do not evaporate. Carrots and apples are peeled, rubbed with large chips. The nuts are fried in a dry frying pan for a couple of minutes and sent to the salad. You can even grind walnut kernels to a state of flour. Honey is mixed with lemon juice and the salad mass is seasoned with this mixture. Add sugar and cinnamon to taste.

With cabbage and vinegar

White cabbage is taken for the recipe, but no one has canceled culinary experiments, so red or Beijing cabbage is also suitable. The set of ingredients is very modest:

  • cabbage - 300 g;
  • three carrots;
  • 9% vinegar, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, pepper, herbs.

Thinly chop the cabbage, grate the carrots. Vinegar with sugar and salt is added to the prepared vegetables, frayed. If the cabbage is summer, young, then you can just mash it a little, but the hard vegetable needs to be ground until the juice is released. Add chopped herbs, season with oil and season with ground pepper. Serve immediately after preparation.

The salad will turn out more satisfying if you take mayonnaise or sour cream as a dressing, but then you need to be careful with vinegar.

Sweet with a twist

In addition to raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dates are often put in this salad, not forgetting to remove possible seeds from dried fruits. This sweet carrot snack can also be safely served as a dessert or included in the children's menu. Prepared from the following components:

  • three carrots;
  • 30 g of nuts, raisins;
  • sour cream or heavy cream, sugar, cinnamon.

Raisins are washed and poured with warm water to swell. If you plan to add other dried fruits, they also need to be steamed first. Carrots are peeled, rubbed. The nuts are simply dried or fried, then rolled with a rolling pin to the state of small pieces, flour is not required.

Raisins are squeezed, mixed with nuts and carrots. Sour cream is mixed with a pinch of cinnamon and sugar to taste. Next, this mass is filled with a sweet and healthy dessert.

With the addition of seafood

According to the recipe, they take fresh carrots, although its Korean version is also suitable. They cook with squid, but you can add them with any other seafood or take a sea cocktail right away. So, all you need is a couple of carrots, a squid carcass and an onion, as well as oil and various spices.

Carrots are rubbed and mixed with pepper and salt, mashed with hands and left for half an hour. You can add a few drops of table vinegar to it. The onion is peeled, cut into rings and fried for a couple of minutes in oil, then chopped squid is added and fried together for no more than four minutes. If you cook seafood for longer, it will become tough, it will resemble rubber.

It remains to mix carrots with squid and onions, and serve! At the same time, you can not wait for the cooling of seafood, a warm appetizer is much more aromatic than an already cooled one.

Hearty meat

This ham salad is often prepared with the addition of Korean carrots, but raw will also be appropriate. Despite the apparent simplicity, the dish turns out fragrant and tasty. Ideal for holiday menu, although it is prepared from a minimum of ingredients:

  • 200 g of carrots, ham;
  • canned corn, garlic, mayonnaise, dill.

The ham is cut into thin strips, mixed with grated carrots. Add a couple of tablespoons of canned sweet corn, chopped garlic and dill. Mix with mayonnaise and serve immediately.

No less hearty salad will turn out with hunting sausages. If there are none, then any smoked sausage will do. From the ingredients take:

  • a couple of carrots and sausages;
  • bell pepper, cucumber;
  • soy sauce, mustard, vegetable oil, pepper.

The peeled red vegetable is rubbed, mixed with soy sauce and pepper. You can add Italian herbs for flavor or seasoning for Korean snacks. Rubbed with hands. Then add chopped cucumber and pepper. Next add sausages, which can be cut into thin circles. As a dressing, mustard is mixed with oil.

With the addition of beef, it also turns out delicious. If desired, it can be replaced with any other meat, including dietary - chicken or turkey. The ingredients required are the following:

  • five carrots;
  • a piece of beef;
  • two onions;
  • oil, 9% vinegar, parsley, pepper.

The onion is cut into thin half rings. A glass of water is mixed with two tablespoons of vinegar and the onion is poured with this mixture for half an hour. The meat is cut into strips and fried in oil with the addition of your favorite spices. Carrots are rubbed, mixed with hot meat and onions squeezed out of the water. It is advisable to let the salad brew in the refrigerator for a couple of hours before serving - this way it turns out much tastier.

Culinary Secrets

If you resort to some tricks, then the carrot salad will turn out even tastier and it will be somewhat easier to cook it. To do this, follow the general recommendations:

In general, by choosing the recipe you like, you can quickly prepare a delicious snack from a bright and healthy vegetable. Such salads should be included more often in the children's diet and in the adult. The product is considered affordable, and its compatibility with other ingredients makes it versatile. By experimenting with different salads, you can learn how to create your own successful combinations.

Attention, only TODAY!

Ingredients for one serving:

  • 50 grams of carrots;
  • 40 grams of apples;
  • 20 grams of walnuts;
  • 10 grams of parsley;
  • 5 grams butter;
  • 10 grams of lemon juice.

The benefits of carrots

The attitude towards raw carrot salads in our country has always been deeply positive. It has to do with many things. The main factor - it is very tasty! But in addition to taste, there are a number of other important qualities. For example, excellent compatibility with almost all products and low calorie content.

ABOUT healing properties carrots, entire volumes of various literature have been written. Its main property is the content of a large amount of vitamin A. It is so useful for good vision. In addition, it is recommended in the treatment of respiratory organs, the immune system and even infertility.

To grow this wonderful root crop, people began long before the beginning of our era. It appeared somewhere in the south of Europe and since then it has been widely used in many cuisines of the world.

salad preparation

All carrot salads are quite easy to prepare.

To do this, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, moistening it first in cold water. But if you are preparing it for your breakfast, it is better to use a finer grater. Since the salad will be more juicy, and therefore healthy.

Next, the apple is rubbed or cut into small cubes. This combination of products, in one dish, can be equated to a powerful vitamin cocktail. Apples are better to choose with sourness. This will add a delicate flavor accent and make the salad gourmet.

This recipe is taken from Jewish cuisine, although the fact has not been proven. Many cuisines of the world want to claim the primacy of inventing carrot dishes, because it is truly a wonderful root vegetable. There are thousands of options for raw carrot salads, many of them are light, undoubtedly tasty and healthy. The walnuts that are included here definitely need to be fried a little. This will enhance the taste of the nut, and the dish will not be sweet and sugary.

The holiday season is coming soon and the fair sex is rapidly losing weight. Dear beauties, various recipes carrot salads will make this process pleasant and easy. Especially nutritionists advise a salad that will contain not only raw carrots, but also cabbage and raw beets. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and very few calories. You will also enjoy a salad with chicken, carrots and cheese.

Combine apples, carrots, and chopped nuts and mix. So that the apples do not darken and spoil appearance lettuce, sprinkle them with lemon juice.

By the way, carrots are widely used not only in cooking, they are also used in folk medicine. Basically, like apples and nuts. Face masks from this root vegetable work wonders. After such manipulations, the skin on the face becomes more elastic and fresh.

The choice of honey must be approached very responsibly. Since the poor quality of this product can easily ruin everything. It is best to choose honey with a liquid consistency. It blends easily with other products. If there is only thickened, then it must be melted in a water bath.

Don't be afraid to experiment!

IN Lately Korean cuisine has become very popular. And it also uses carrots. Salad with Korean carrots and cheese will appeal to lovers of spicy, savory dishes. Although with ordinary carrots and hard cheese you get an excellent salad.

Add an apple to it, and there will be a salad with cheese, carrots and an apple. This root crop is absolutely unique in its compatibility. Replace hard cheese with its processed version, you get a completely new dish - salad "carrots with processed cheese."

Having mixed all the ingredients, any dish must be decorated. For this we need parsley. Her rich green color favorably dilute the bright orange color of the main product. In addition, it will add its own shade to the overall range of taste colors and sensations. Adding some unusual notes to the sweet-sour range.

It should be noted that such taste sensations may not always please those who do not like sweetish dishes. Therefore, the salad option, with sausage cheese and unsweetened carrots, is definitely suitable for them. Or, for example, mimosa - a salad with raw carrots.

If you have already rubbed, cut, fried, mixed and decorated everything, then everything is ready and you have succeeded delicious salad! It is very important to serve it on the table immediately so that it retains its juiciness and freshness as much as possible. It will look good both as a festive table decoration and as a dietary breakfast. Eat for health!

Carrots are the most useful root vegetable, which is included in myriad dishes. However, the most extensive category where young carrots could bring maximum benefit to humanity is salads. This vegetable goes well with meat ingredients, with seafood, as well as with the rest of the group of vegetables that are actively included in salad recipes.

A little from the medical industry - carrots are recommended for everyday use with weak immunity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, beriberi, anemia and many other diseases. All this thanks to the group of vitamins E, B, D, C, as well as an endless list of trace elements.

When preparing salads from fresh carrots, the emphasis is on the usefulness of the dish, but the taste of the salad is in no way inferior. It is better to fill salads from fresh carrots with vegetable oil, which, in turn, will help the body absorb carotene - this element is also quite abundant in carrots.

Salads from raw carrots. Food preparation

It just so happened that in our country, when preparing salads, boiled carrots are more often used. This may be due to the fact that in boiled carrots the amount of useful trace elements is reduced. However, raw carrot salads are more appetizing. It is the most interesting recipes from raw carrots, we will consider today. The taste of these salads can be different - spicy, spicy, sweet, unsweetened, etc. All this is due to the ingredients with which raw carrots go well - nuts, raisins, peanuts and more. Also, a good combination can be achieved by combining carrots with vegetables, for example, with cranberries, gooseberries, etc.

Raw Carrot Recipes

Recipe 1. Salad of raw carrots and bananas

Tasty and healthy - you can prepare such a salad from a minimum set of products. In general, it should be noted that almost all raw carrot salads consist of 2-3 main ingredients, but this does not impoverish the taste of the dish at all.

Required Ingredients:

350 g - carrots;

3 pcs. - banana;

3 art. l. - sour cream;

1 bunch of parsley;

1 lemon - for juice.

Cooking method:

The salad is famous not only for the minimum set of ingredients, but also for the quick cooking process. So, carrots are grated, you can take with any interesting pattern, and a layer fits into a salad bowl. Bananas are peeled and cut into half rings. Lay the bananas on top of the grated carrots. Prepare the sauce, and for this you need to strain lemon juice into sour cream. Immediately add a little salt and pepper to the sauce - to the taste of the cook. Mix and spread the sauce over the ingredients. Sprinkle the top of the white hill with chopped herbs. Light and original salad.

Recipe 2. Salad of raw carrots and pork

As mentioned above, fresh carrot creates an interesting combination not only with fruits and vegetables, but also with meat ingredients. So let's prepare an amazingly delicious salad with pork.

Required Ingredients:

500 g - carrots;

2 pcs. - onion;

150 g - pork;

3 art. l. - vegetable oil;

1 st. l. - sesame;

Sugar, salt, red and black pepper to taste;

1 st. l. - soy sauce.

Cooking method:

First of all, we grate the carrots, since the vegetable still has to absorb spices and peppers. So, carrots are rubbed on a grater and lightly seasoned with both types of pepper. Mix everything, leave the carrots aside.

The second stage is the preparation of the syrup. Mix a teaspoon of sugar with a tablespoon of water and prepare a little syrup.

The third stage is meat preparation. We cut the pork into small sticks, and the onion into half rings. Fry these two ingredients in hot oil until tender. Let the meat cool, then dress the salad. So, we send meat with fried onions to carrots, add sugar syrup and sprinkle everything with sesame seeds. Original and amazingly beautiful.

Recipe 3. Puff salad with raw carrots and beets

Many chefs are sure that for a real dish it is not enough to have only an amazing taste, it must also be unsurpassedly beautiful. It is precisely this instruction that we will adhere to when preparing the next raw carrot salad.

Required Ingredients:

3 pcs. - carrot;

1 PC. - beet;

200 g - cheese;

50 g - walnuts;

3 tooth - garlic;

50 g - raisins;

100 ml - mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Another important advantage of salads made from raw ingredients is that you do not have to spend time preparing food. In addition, many vegetables, including beets, lose a larger supply of useful components during cooking.

So, carrots, garlic, cheese, beets are rubbed on a coarse grater. Walnuts can be crushed by hand. Put the grated ingredients in separate plates, and then carefully drain the accumulated juice from the beets. We mix beets with walnuts, raisins with carrots, and garlic with hard cheese.

Lettuce is layered. To do this, you can take a deep salad bowl, moisten with water, and lay cling film on the bottom to the brim. It's time to lay all the layers in the following order: first the beets with nuts, then the carrots, and then the cheese mixed with garlic. Please note that each layer should be no more than 3 centimeters. We also coat each layer of ingredients with mayonnaise. Carefully ram the layers. Now it remains to turn our salad over. To do this, lay out a plate on top of the salad bowl, hold it and quickly turn the vessel over. Carefully take out the salad bowl, remove the cling film and get a beautiful puff slide. We decorate the dish at the discretion!

Recipe 4. Raw carrot salad with dried fruits

It is possible to list endlessly not only beneficial features carrots, but also dried fruits. These products allow winter time ensure the supply of essential micronutrients to the body. Combining carrots with dried fruit creates a killer wellness cocktail.

Required Ingredients:

300 g - carrots;

200 g dried fruits (prunes, raisins, dried apricots);

2 pcs. - apples;

50 ml - liquid honey.

Cooking method:

The carrots are rubbed on a grater, and then mixed with honey. It is better to pour boiling water over raisins, and finely chop prunes and dried apricots. Apples are also grated. All the ingredients are ready, it remains to mix and serve the salad on the table.

Raw carrot salads - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

So, there are a lot of carrot salads. Since the main ingredient here is carrots, it should be a juicy and tasty root vegetable, which will decorate the dish to a greater extent. In winter, it is especially difficult to find delicious vegetables, so first find worthy ingredients that can participate in an interesting and healthy culinary creation.
