Organizational conflicts and methods of their resolution. Coursework: Conflicts in the organization and methods for their resolution

Introduction 2

Conflicts in organizations.3

1 What is conflict.3

2 Causes of conflicts.4

3 Causes of conflict in an organization6

4 Types of conflicts in an organization8

Conflict resolution.11

1 Methods permissions conflicts in the organization11

2 Examples of conflict management in an organization.17

Conclusion. 22

Bibliography 24


Relevanceof this topic is that at present in organizations, leaders of many levels lack knowledge about conflicts and ways to prevent them. Many leaders simply do not know how to get out of a conflict situation, they do not know that there are peaceful and constructive methods. Conflict is part of the process of interaction between people. This paper discusses: what is a conflict, what conflicts are, the causes of conflicts, methods of conflict resolution. All people are different. We all perceive different situations differently. Which leads to the fact that we simply do not agree with each other. Conflicts in organizations arise not only during negotiations, but also during any business and personal contacts. There are a lot of reasons for conflicts, but the main one is not right attitude managers with subordinates or psychological incompatibility of people.

Of course, most conflicts will negatively affect the activities of the organization. But sometimes the conflict benefits the company. It can stimulate more effective and constructive problem solving, and it can also identify alternatives for solving various problems. contentious issues. It can also encourage employees to express their ideas and suggestions.

Taskscourse work is as follows:

· Find out what is conflict, causes and types of conflict situations.

· Give detailed description conflict resolution methods.

It is possible to lead without conflict if one learns such management, in which everything destructive is eliminated in purposeful cooperation with others. This is a very difficult task. But today we have the knowledge and experience to get closer to the goal.

1. Conflicts in organizations

1.1 What is conflict

conflict dispute psychological organization

What is conflict? It is a process in which one individual, group of people, or department of a firm interferes with the plans of another. The concept of conflict is often associated with negativity, quarrels, threats, warriors, and the like. There is an opinion that conflict is an undesirable phenomenon that should be avoided.

Conflict (from lat. conflicts) - clash, struggle, hostile attitude. Conflict situations are studied by conflictology.

The subject of the conflict is the imagined or existing problem underlying the conflict.

The subject of the conflict is an active party capable of creating a conflict situation and influencing the conflict.

The object of the conflict can be a material or spiritual value, the possession or use of which is sought by both parties to the conflict.

An organization is a complex whole that includes not only individuals with different statuses, social attitudes and interests. But also different social education who seek to take a higher place in the structure of the organization, change the existing norms of activity or the system of relations within the organizational structure.

Organizational conflict. Who among us has not experienced this, which has a bad effect on every person in the firm? Who has not been drawn at least once into the cycle of intrigue, corporate conspiracies, sidelong glances, whispered conversations behind their backs? Any employee of the company, regardless of rank, can become a victim of conflicts. Moreover, if the company is rapidly fluttering, the more conflicts appear.

At the heart of any conflict is a situation that includes:

1.Contradiction of the position of the parties to any pretext.

2.Different goals or means of achieving them.

.Or a mismatch of interests, desires.

In textbooks on conflictology, you can find that conflicts are necessary and useful. We can highlight the positive features, such as:

Ø Informational and educational. This function has two sides: signaling and communicative. The signaling side is that the administration pays attention to intolerable working conditions, various abuses. The communicative side is that opponents need to have information that allows them to draw conclusions about the strategy and tactics of their opponent, the resources that he has. Any conflict gives a signal to the manager that there is a problem that needs to be solved. Allows you to know it, because the totality of facts perceived by people is revealed.

Ø Integrative. Conflict tends to bring people together in groups against another group or person in the same firm. This effect can operate in the most different situations. As a result, a boundary is established between those people who, according to some criteria, are considered to be their own or others.

Ø The function of stimulating adaptation to a changing environment.

1.2 Causes of conflicts

We are all different and it is quite natural that we differ in opinions, assessments, goals and methods of achieving them. All these disagreements contribute to the development of conflicts.

Conflict is a very complex and psychological phenomenon, the study of which depends on the quality of the methods used.

In psychology, conflict is defined as a collision of oppositely directed, incompatible tendencies, a single episode in consciousness, in interpersonal interactions or interpersonal relationships of individuals or groups of people associated with negative emotional experiences.

The cause of the conflict is an event, situation, facts, phenomena that precede the conflict and cause it under certain conditions of the activity of subjects. social interaction.

The emergence and development of conflicts is due to the action of four groups of factors:


2.Organizational - managerial

.Socio - psychological


The first two groups are objective, while the third and fourth are subjective.

Objective reasons are those circumstances of social interaction of people, leading to a clash of their thoughts, interests, values.

The subjective causes of the conflict are due to individual psychological characteristics and direct interaction of people during their unification into social groups.

The most important thing is to find out the cause of the conflict - this is the very first step in resolving the conflict. There are five main reasons for the conflict situation.

1.different life values. This may lead to a collision. For example, for you the family is the most important thing, and for your manager the success of the company is more important. The conflict arises when the manager asks you to work more than the norm, thereby you spend less time with your family.

2.Wrong assumptions can cause conflicts. For example, a husband, having come after work, assumes that a warm dinner is waiting for him at home, and his wife has not cooked food and has not cleaned the house, this can lead to a quarrel.

.Expectation. We expect other people to know what we think and what we want. These expectations give rise to resentment, quarrels, misunderstandings. Therefore, we must forever remember that we cannot read each other's thoughts. What is clear to us today may be completely incomprehensible to others. If we expect some certain actions from another, this absolutely does not mean that the other thinks the same way.

.Different upbringing. Our upbringing, religions, status in society, age, gender, nationality, skin color can cause conflicts. For example, a man behaves confidently and sometimes aggressively at work, then this is considered in the order of things, but if a woman behaves this way, then she will be condemned.

.The difference in goals desires and of course the inability to compromise. For example, you want to go to the theater and your friend wants to go to the cinema. A conflict may arise if everyone insists on their own version. In this situation, you need to be able to find a compromise.

1.3 Causes of conflict in the organization

According to research, a manager spends approximately 25% of his time on conflict resolution. Naturally, conflict in the workplace has a bad effect on team productivity. There are two typical reactions to conflict: avoiding conflict or fighting. Of course, both options lead to the desired results. It is very important to learn how to resolve disagreements. Disagreements, with the right approach to them, can contribute to the development of mutual understanding and mutual assistance in order to more effectively solve the problem. But first you need to find out the cause of the conflict. The reasons may be different. Let's highlight these reasons:

1.Allocation of resources - the need to share resources almost always leads to various types of conflict. For example, unfair assessment of the work of personnel and also remuneration, undeserved privileges of some and underestimation of other employees.

2.The interdependence of tasks on another person or group. Certain types organizational structures increase the potential for conflict. For example, the matrix structure of the organization, where the principle of unity of command is specifically violated.

.Poor communication can act as a catalyst for conflict, making it difficult for individuals or groups to understand a situation or the point of view of others. For example, an inaccurate job description.

.Various life principles and values. For example, a leader will forgive a subordinate to do something that is at odds with their moral principles.

.conflicting goals. For example, when managers set a goal for employees, opposite each other. One manager says that the most important thing is for a short time make a plan, and the other says that the most important thing is the quality of work.

Fig.1 Scheme of the development of the conflict.

1.4 Types of conflicts in the organization

There are four main types of conflicts: intrapersonal, interpersonal, between an individual and a group, intergroup.

Consider the types of conflicts in the organization. intrapersonal conflict. The participants are not people, but various psychological factors. Intrapersonal conflicts associated with work in the organization, they can take various forms. One of the most common is role conflict, when different roles of a person make conflicting demands on him. Internal conflicts may occur in production, this may occur due to work overload or, on the contrary, lack of work.

Interpersonal conflict. The most common type of conflict. Conflict manifests itself in organizations in different ways. Many managers assume that the reason is the dissimilarity of characters. Indeed, due to differences in character, attitudes, behaviors, it is very difficult to get along with each other. But a deep analysis shows that the foundations of such conflicts are, as a rule, objective reasons. Conflicts occur between the subordinate and the leader. For example, when a subordinate is convinced that the leader makes exorbitant demands on him, and the leader believes that the subordinate does not fulfill the norm.

Interpersonal conflicts can be divided into the following types:

· Conflicts between employees;

· Management-level conflicts, that is, a conflict between leaders of the same rank.

Conflict between the individual and the group. They are mainly due to the discrepancy between individual and group norms of behavior. Anyone who does not perceive them becomes in opposition, risks being left alone.

Intergroup conflict. The organization consists of many formal and informal groups, between which, one way or another, conflicts arise. For example, between informal groups within departments, between managers and subordinates, between employees of different departments, between the administration and the trade union.

The whole set of conflicts, one way or another, is connected with the method of managing the organization. Since management is nothing more than an activity to resolve conflicts for the sake of those goals and objectives that determine the essence of the organization. The manager must resolve conflicts that arise in the organization between departments, between managers and subordinates, between producers and consumers of products, suppliers and manufacturers and suppliers in the name of the more general interests of the organization, which he considers as the goals of his management activities.

Also, conflicts are classified according to the degree of manifestation: hidden and open.

Hidden conflict usually involves two people who, for the time being, try not to show the appearance that they are in conflict. But as soon as one of them loses his nerve, the hidden conflict turns into an open one. There are also random, spontaneously arising and chronic, as well as deliberately provoked conflicts. As a kind of conflict, intrigue is also distinguished. Intrigue is understood as a deliberate dishonest action, beneficial to the initiator, who is forced by the collective or the individual to certain negative actions and this causes damage to the collective and the individual. Intrigues, as a rule, are carefully thought out and planned, have their own storyline.

The main types of conflicts, their causes and methods of resolution Table 1

Types of conflicts Causes of conflicts Methods for resolving conflicts Intrapersonal Mismatch of external requirements and internal positions, a mismatch between various kinds of interests Getting out of a state of discomfort by changing one's thoughts, dispositions, values ​​and behavior and by obtaining more information about the problem Interpersonal Clash of interests (mismatch of characters, personal views or moral values) Conflict resolution by force; conflict resolution through cooperation (taking into account the interests of each party); avoidance of conflict (lack of personal perseverance and desire to cooperate), style of compromise (interests of each side are moderately taken into account, quick resolution of the conflict)

2. Conflict resolution

2.1 Conflict resolution methods in the organization

Currently, experts have developed many different recommendations regarding various aspects of people's behavior in situations of conflict. Selection of appropriate strategies and means of their resolution, as well as their management.

Conflict resolution is the activity of the participants aimed at ending opposition and solving the problem that led to the disagreement. Conflict resolution involves the active participation of both parties to transform the conditions in which they interact, to eliminate the causes of the conflict.

The resolution of conflicts that arise in the organization may be part of the overall management process in the team, and then they are included in the responsibilities of the leader. The leader has the ability to use his power to resolve conflicts, and this allows him to influence the conflict and take timely measures to resolve their relationship. But at the same time, the leader cannot be objective enough.

Conflict resolution is a multi-stage process that includes the analysis and assessment of the situation, the choice of a way to resolve the conflict, the formation of an action plan, its implementation, and the evaluation of the effectiveness of their actions.

The main conflict resolution strategies are competition, cooperation, compromise, accommodation and avoidance.

· Rivalry consists in imposing a preferred solution on another opponent.

· A compromise consists in the desire of the parties to end the conflict with partial concessions.

· Adaptation, or concession, is seen as a forced or voluntary refusal to fight and surrender of one's positions.

· Avoidance or avoidance is an attempt to get out of a conflict situation at a minimum cost.

· Cooperation is considered the most effective strategy for conflict resolution. It implies the direction of the parties to a constructive discussion of the problem, considering the other opponent not as an adversary, but as an ally in the search for a solution.

Conflict management is a targeted impact on arranging the causes of the conflict, or on correcting the behavior of the participants in the conflict.

There are many methods of conflict management. Several groups, each of which has its own scope:

1.intrapersonal methods.

2.Structural methods.

.interpersonal method.


.retaliatory aggressive action. This method is used in extreme cases, when the possibilities of all previous groups have been exhausted.

Intrapersonal methods consist in the ability to correctly organize one's own behavior, express one's point of view without causing a defensive reaction from the other person. Several authors suggest using the “I am a statement” method, that is, a way of conveying your attitude to another person to a certain subject, without negativity, but in such a way that the other opponent changes his attitude.

This method helps a person to hold his position without turning the opponent into his enemy, "I - statement" can be used in any situation, but more effectively when a person is aggressive.

Structural method, affects mainly organizational conflicts that arise at the organizational level, arising from the incorrect distribution of responsibilities. These methods include:

1.Clarification of requirements;

2.Use of coordination and integration mechanisms;

.Creation of a reward system.

Clarifying job requirements is one of the popular methods of managing and preventing conflicts. Each specialist must clearly understand what results he should provide, what his duties, responsibilities, limits of authority, stages of work are. The method is implemented in the form of compiling the corresponding job descriptions, distribution of rights and responsibilities by management levels.

Coordination and integration mechanisms.

This is another method. It is one of the most common mechanisms - it is a hierarchy of authority. Which regulates the interaction of people, decision-making and information flows within the organization. If two workers have disagreements, on any issues, you need to contact the manager to resolve the conflict.

Interpersonal conflict resolution styles.

Interpersonal method - the choice of the style of the participants in the conflict, to minimize the damage to their interests. These include:

Evasion or withdrawal. This style means that a person tries to get away from a conflict situation with minimal losses. One way to resolve conflicts is to avoid situations that provoke conflict. Evasion is aimed at getting out of the situation without yielding, but also without insisting on one’s own, not expressing one’s opinion, transferring the conversation in a different direction.

Smoothing. This style is characterized by behavior that is dictated by conviction, which is aimed at maintaining or restoring good relations, at ensuring the interests of the other side through concessions. Such a "slicker" tries not to let the conflict out, appealing to the need for solidarity. But at the same time, you can forget about the very problem underlying the conflict. In this case, peace may come, but the problem remains. This leads to the fact that eventually there will be an "explosion" of emotions, and the conflict will again become relevant.

Compulsion. Within the framework of this style, attempts to force people to accept their point of view at any cost predominate. A person who tries to apply this style is not interested in the opinion of other people, behaves aggressively. This style is effective where the leader has power over subordinates. But this style suppresses the initiative of subordinates.

Compromise. The essence of this style is that the parties seek to resolve differences by partial concessions. It is characterized by the rejection of part of the requirements that were put forward earlier, to accept the claims of the other side, and the willingness to forgive. The style is effective in cases where the opponent understands that the opponents have equal opportunities, the presence of mutually exclusive interests, satisfaction with a temporary solution, the threat of losing everything.

Solution to the problem. This style is considered the most effective strategy for dealing with conflict. This style is an acknowledgment of differences of opinion and a willingness to listen to other points of view in order to determine the causes of the conflict and find a solution for all parties. The one who operates with this style does not seek to achieve his goals at the expense of others, but rather seeks the best option solutions. This style is most effective in solving organizational problems.

The main positive method of conflict resolution is negotiation. Negotiation is a broad aspect of communication, covering many areas of human activity. Negotiation is the process of finding an agreement between people through the satisfaction of their interests. This method of conflict resolution is a set of tactics aimed at finding mutually acceptable solutions for the conflicting parties.

The use of negotiations to resolve the conflict is possible under certain conditions:

· The existence of interdependence of the parties involved in the conflict.

· Lack of significant development in the capabilities of the subjects of the conflict.

· Correspondence of the stage of development of the conflict with the possibilities of negotiations.

· Participation of the parties who can actually make a decision in the current situation.

The main function of negotiations is the joint discussion of the problem and the adoption of a decision. The decision taken can be constructive, entailing a change in the situation for the better.

There are two types of negotiations:



The subject of positional negotiations is the identification of the position of the parties, that is, the discussion of the subjective views of the parties on the solution of the problem. Positional negotiations can take place in soft and hard form. The essence of the soft form is that the parties are ready for the sake of reaching an agreement and maintaining relations. Tough negotiations represent insisting on one's own at any cost, most often ignoring the interests of other parties.

The subject of rational negotiations is the deep interests of the parties, and not the positions they occupy. The goal of rational negotiation is to find the optimal solution.

Negotiation methods.

Here are some negotiation methods:

· variational method.

· integration method.

· best alternative method.

· Position balancing.

· Step by step method to reach an agreement.

The variational method lies in the fact that partners are offered pre-developed solutions, which are based on the idea of ​​​​the optimal solution to the problem in combination with the others.

The integration method puts the interests of the parties at the forefront, which pushes the negotiating partners to unite them. The main emphasis is on the existing points of contact. Opportunity to obtain mutual benefit with a reasonable combination of efforts.

The best alternative method is that any negotiation can end unsuccessfully, not be effective as expected. Therefore, it is always necessary to have alternative solutions.

The method of balancing positions is a careful study of the views of opponents. If they are acceptable, then on their basis a working solution to the problem is developed, which is proposed for discussion by the partner.

IN difficult situations refusing to negotiate entails great losses, a step-by-step method of reaching an agreement can be used. The essence of this method is to achieve agreement in the conditions of a gradual complete or partial review of requirements, depending on the emergence of new circumstances and the discovery of new opportunities.

In practice, many various ways, with the help of which managers resolve conflicts between subordinates.

2.2 Examples of conflict management in an organization

· Between employees as a result of receiving false information.

· Between buyers and sales managers.

· between subordinates and leaders.

· between firm and suppliers.

· Between the firm and the city administration.

· Between the firm and competitors.

· Between the company and the tax office.

This company specializes in the sale of sugar. It has been on the market for 11 years. It also exports its products to such countries as Holland, Japan, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Estonia. Its products are considered one of the environmentally friendly food products that do not include chemical additives. In 2012, it delivered more than 3,500 tons of sugar. It can be concluded that this company maintains its reputation at a high level for many years.

In order to resolve the conflict, the leader or mediator must know or have an idea of ​​the psychological portrait of each employee of the company, that is, to know his weak and strengths. Thus, to anticipate his possible behavior in the conflict.

Let us briefly characterize the personnel of this company in terms of behavior in conflict situations and out of them.

The head of the company Inkov Alexander Anatolyevich is quite patient and restrained for the head of the company. It's very hard to get him out of it. Very rarely comes into conflict. If there is no way to avoid conflict, the leader tries to quickly and constructively find a way out of the conflict situation, using various methods of resolution. Alexander Anatolyevich always tries to find a compromise solution. He gets along well with people, gets into the situation of others and is always ready to help. The team tries to create a favorable environment. But, like any living person, he can break down as a result of any troubles at work and in his personal life.

Deputy Head Maykov Oleg Evgenievich. He is very responsible, strict, likes everything to be done as he wants, likes to find fault, but at the slightest failure he starts to panic and develop a conflict. He is sensitive to the words of others. Starts up fast, but goes off just as fast. In a conflict with subordinates, he tries in every possible way to impose his opinion.

Seller Baskakov Maxim Nikolaevich. The best seller of the company. Purposeful in work, a professional in his field. Always communicates well with people, very kind. But it has one negative trait, like spinelessness. With such a person it is easy to resolve conflicts and disagreements if they arise.

Sales Manager Tretyakov Eduard Romanovich. A very complex person, likes to argue, to insist on his own, even if he is not right. This employee always has conflicts with clients, but despite this, Tretyakov does an excellent job with his duties and always fulfills the set plan. When working with clients, he does not tolerate rudeness and disrespect for himself. In the event of a conflict, it “explodes” strongly and it is very difficult to stop it, you have to resort to the participation of a third party.

Consider the conflict that arises in the company between employees in the course of their activities.

· shortage Money leads to conflict. The head undeservedly accuses the sales manager of the shortage, later it turned out that the head made a mistake in the calculations.

· The director of the company very often travels on business trips, respectively, his powers are performed by the deputy. In the absence of the leader, the deputy gives his instructions to subordinates, not paying attention to the fact that the director has given other instructions.

· The sales manager is fond of basketball, as a result of which he often asks for a day off, if the manager leaves earlier, he also leaves the workplace, shifting authority to other employees. In this case, a conflict occurs.

As a result, for normal operation, the head took the following measures:

One of these measures is to get rid of idlers, as they themselves do not bring benefits to the enterprise and set a bad example for other workers. The manager oversees the work of the staff, if during the work it turns out that the person does not have the desire to work efficiently and efficiently, he is fired.

The next condition for preventing conflicts in the firm is concern for fairness. The leader treats employees fairly, without punishing the innocent, before doing something, thinks through well what the consequences may be.

The head is very fair about the payment of wages, as well as bonuses. Pays only those who really did a good job. There is a rule in the company: the work that is done qualitatively and on time is well paid. Salary is based on % of total sales.

There is an agreement in the firm to make all decisions collectively. All amendments are all negotiated together with everyone.

The relationship between buyer and seller is very complicated. A trading company always makes concessions to the client, as a result, the company suffers, since the decision made or some kind of agreement is always violated by the buyer.

The client purchased a consignment of goods and took over the transportation. But as the goods arrived at the warehouse, the buyer makes a claim for the quality of the goods. Although the product is of good quality, the company strictly monitors this. Accordingly, a conflict arises between the firm and the client. There are three versions of low-quality goods:

· Bad transportation.

· Storage in the warehouse is not up to standard.

· Lab error requested by the customer.

The client ordered a batch of the product, but when the goods arrived at the warehouse, it turned out that all the goods did not match the weight and type of the product. Although the company says that this is the product that the client ordered. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the production of the buyer depended on that order, and due to the fact that the order was not fulfilled, production was suspended. Reasons put forward:

· Misinformation within the firm.

· Poor communication within the client firm.

· Bad connection.

The manager takes action to check all storage facilities for compliance with the standard; rechecking, confirmation of orders.

Preventing conflict within a firm is always easier than outside it. To prevent conflict in the company, the principle of objectivity and compliance is used. The principle of clarity and benevolence is also used.

If there were disagreements in the process of activity, then, first of all, it is necessary to analyze the situation critically in order to present the main and initial positions, both one’s own and one’s opponent. Employees analyze the position of the enemy. As a result, misunderstandings may appear, and the conflict will lose its basis. This will avoid erroneously attributing a hostile position to your opponent, as well as neutralize the situation.

To resolve the conflict between the client and the seller, the following techniques are used:

separation of conflicting parties.

This option is effective in the conflict between the client and the sales manager. In these cases, a hidden disconnect is used. A manager who cannot cope with the situation is replaced by one of the employees of the enterprise, who does not annoy the opponent.

A variety of factors and ways of resolving conflicts are used in the course of a trading company. The resolution of the conflict begins with the fact that the opponents stop seeing each other as an adversary. To do this, you need to analyze your own positions and actions. Admitting one's own mistakes reduces the negative perception of the opponent. Also, the opponent tries to understand the interests of the other. This expands the idea of ​​the opponent, making it more objective. In any person there is something positive that you can rely on when resolving a conflict. Then employees reduce negative emotions.

Then the optimal style of conflict resolution is chosen: evasion, smoothing, coercion, compromise, problem solving.


Conflict can be understood as a temporary emotional change in mood, due to non-receipt or receipt of information, leading to a lack of agreement between individuals, groups and a violation of the normative activities of these individuals and groups.

Conflict can be beneficial for employees and the organization as a whole, and not beneficial, reducing productivity, personal satisfaction and liquidating cooperation between employees of the organization.

Having considered the causes of the conflict situation, it should be noted that in certain situations, the leader himself can be the source of the conflict. Many unwanted conflicts are generated by the personality and actions of the leader himself, especially if he allows himself personal attacks, incorrectness, publicly shows his likes and dislikes. Incontinence, the inability to correctly assess the situation, cannot find the right way out of it, the inability to take into account and understand the way of thinking and feel other people and give rise to a conflict situation.

Conflict in an organization can be managed. The manager always has the opportunity to anticipate the conflict and intervene, make adjustments and optimally resolve the conflict situation. The leader must first find out the cause of the conflict, find out the goals of the conflicting parties, and find optimal solution. It is important to remember that just as no leadership style can be effective in all situations, so no one style of conflict resolution (be it evasion, compromise, smoothing, problem solving, coercion) can be singled out as the most best.

In my opinion more effective method conflict resolution are negotiations. This is a very constructive way. Effective strategy negotiations is, first of all, a strategy of consent, the search for common interests and the ability to combine them so as not to subsequently cause a desire to violate agreement reached.

In life, leaders often simply lack knowledge and experience, negotiation skills, and the desire to communicate with conflicting parties. Therefore, it is necessary to study conflict situations based on the experience of specialists. The ability to manage conflicts in an organization is the key to the success of a leader in his activities.


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1. The concept of conflict, its types

2. Styles of conflict resolution

3. Stress and ways to prevent it


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1. Memories of conflicts, as a rule, evoke unpleasant associations: threats, hostility, misunderstanding, attempts, sometimes hopeless, to prove one's case, resentment ... As a result, there was an opinion that conflict is always a negative phenomenon, undesirable for each of us especially for leaders, as they have to deal with conflicts more often than others. Conflicts are seen as something that should be avoided whenever possible.

Representatives of the early schools of management, including supporters of the school of human relations, believed that conflict is a sign of ineffective organization and poor management. Nowadays, management theorists and practitioners are increasingly inclined to the point of view that some conflicts, even in the most effective organization with the best relationships, are not only possible, but also desirable. You just need to manage the conflict. The role of conflicts and their regulation in modern society so great that in the second half of the XX century. a special field of knowledge - conflictology - was singled out. A great contribution to its development was made by philosophy, political science, sociology and, of course, psychology.

Conflicts arise in almost all areas human life. Here we will consider only those that occur in organizations.

In psychology, conflict is defined as a collision of oppositely directed, incompatible tendencies, a single episode in consciousness, in interpersonal interactions or interpersonal relationships of individuals or groups of people associated with negative experiences.

Based on the definition in the conflict, three parameters can be distinguished:

In a conflict, there is always a contradiction, a clash of positions, behind which there are differences in interests, values, norms of the parties. Those. participants in the conflict feel that the gain of the first side is the loss of the other side;

The conflict affects interests or ideas that are significant for a person, which causes pronounced negative emotions among the participants and this becomes an obstacle in finding a reasonable way out of the situation;

The conflict necessarily implies the presence of elements of conflict behavior - the counteraction that occurs when trying to resolve the contradiction.

Conflicts are an integral part of human relationships. They can arise for psychological reasons, namely the difference in interests, desires, goals of behavior, personal characteristics.

An essential element of conflict is an object, which creates a conflict situation. The object is a specific reason, motivation, driving forces conflict. It is far from easy to determine the object in each specific case, since real or imaginary goals can be hidden, disguised, replaced by the desired motives that prompted the subjects and participants in the conflict to confrontation. The definition of the main object, i.e. causes, is an indispensable condition for the successful resolution of any conflict.

Conflict = conflict situation (accumulated contradiction containing true reason conflict) + incident (coincidence of circumstances that served as a pretext for the conflict).

The dynamics of the development of the conflict is as follows.

1. The emergence of a conflict situation, disagreements (incompatibility of interests, situations, goals, opinions, when the achievement of the goals of one interferes with the achievement of the goals of another person) - the emergence of the subject of the conflict (the main contradiction, for the resolution of which the parties enter into a struggle);

2. Increasing tension in relations, awareness of the conflict situation (i.e. assessment of other people's actions as deliberately hostile in order to interfere with the achievement of desired goals or humiliate;

3. Actually conflict behavior - mutually directed and emotionally colored actions to make it difficult to achieve the goals of the enemy and realize their own interests to the detriment of the other side;

4. Deployment of the conflict or its resolution.

According to experts, in 80% of conflicts a solution can be found that fully satisfies both parties. But in real life this happens much less often. Frequent obstacles to an effective search for a way out of a conflict situation are the following points. The parties to the conflict see a way out only in the form of their victory. Substituting the search for a solution that satisfies both sides with the struggle for their own interests. Emotional aspects that prevent compromise or concessions. Lack of an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation, lack of open communication.

In a conflict situation, its participants are faced with a choice of one of three options for their actions in this situation:

The way of "struggle" with available means to achieve what you want;

Avoiding conflict;

Conducting negotiations in order to find a solution to the problem that is acceptable to both parties.

The causes of conflicts can be the so-called conflictogens(i.e. words, actions that can lead to conflict beyond the desire of the person).

Types of conflictogens - the desire for superiority (criticism, threats, accusations, ridicule, mockery, an attempt to deceive, withholding information, interrupting, ignoring the interlocutor); manifestation of aggressiveness; manifestation of selfishness.

The escalation of conflictogens is an increase in reciprocal aggressiveness.

To prevent conflict from recurring, it is important to understand the reasons that led to it. Knowing them can prevent the situation in the future. You should understand what is completely unacceptable for you in the behavior and actions of your partner, and also realize what actions your partner does not accept. And it is necessary to understand what caused the conflict.

Thus, the conflict takes place where there are contradictions, differences of interests, needs and goals, disrupting the normal interaction of people, preventing the achievement of their goals, leading to confrontation.

2. In social psychology there is a multivariate typology of conflict depending on the criteria that are taken as a basis. Any conflict can be described using the basic interaction parameters.

Interaction values ​​(i.e. the participants in the interaction always have dominant values ​​that guide their actions, i.e. the question is “why” or “for what”);

Interests (each person enters into a situation of interaction with their own interests);

Means of achieving the goals (i.e. the question is raised about how this is done);

The potential of the participants in the interaction (i.e. a certain level of competence of the participants);

Rules of interaction (the contribution of each participant to the overall interaction, their role responsibilities, the degree of participation in decision-making).

For each of these parameters of interaction, contradictions and conflict situations can arise.

The characteristics of the conflict can also be given depending on:

A) the subjects involved in it:

Intrapersonal (the basis is psychological factors inner world personality);

Interpersonal (dissimilarity of the characters of the members of the team);

Intergroup (this is a conflict between groups);

Between an individual and a group (a deviation from accepted norms is regarded as a negative phenomenon);

Inter-role (one person is the bearer of different roles that come into conflict with each other).

B) outcome:

Destructive (expansion of the conflict, the conflict continues even if its causes are eliminated, the growth of aggressive actions);

Constructive (denial of old relationships, formation of new relationships, correction of interaction, means of preventing future conflicts are found);

B) the duration of the course:



D) source of occurrence:

Subjective (personal qualities, individual characteristics of the participants in the conflict);

Objective (economic, technological, organizational factors);

One should also distinguish between realistic and non-realistic.

The conflict is called realistic if it is associated with the pursuit of certain goals by the participants. IN unrealistic conflicts the goal of the participants is to openly express accumulated emotions and hostility. The conflict ceases to be a means to achieve goals, but becomes an end in itself, sometimes a way to discharge the accumulated emotional tension. To resolve it, you need to convert it to realistic.

There are 4 main types of conflicts: intrapersonal, interpersonal, between an individual and a group, and intergroup.

intrapersonal conflict. This type of conflict does not fully correspond to our definition. Here, the participants in the conflict are not people, but various psychological factors of the inner world of the individual, often seeming or being incompatible: needs, motives, values, feelings, etc. “Two souls live in my chest...” - wrote Goethe. And this conflict can be functional or dysfunctional, depending on how and what decision a person makes and whether he makes it at all. Buridan's donkey, for example, could not decide which bag to eat from - from the one on the left, or from the one on the right. Sometimes in life, not knowing how to resolve internal conflicts, we become like Buridan's donkey.

Intrapersonal conflicts associated with work in an organization can take various forms. One of the most common is role conflict, when different roles of a person make conflicting demands on him. For example, being a good family man (the role of a father, mother, husband, wife, etc.), a person must spend the evenings at home, and the position of a leader often obliges him to stay late at work. Or: the head of the workshop instructed the foreman to release a certain number of parts, and the technical manager at the same time - to carry out a technical inspection of the equipment. The reason for the first conflict is the mismatch of personal needs with the requirements of production, and the second - a violation of the principle of unity of command. Internal conflicts in the workplace can arise due to work overload or, on the contrary, lack of work, if you need to be at the workplace.

Interpersonal conflict. This is the most common type of conflict. It manifests itself in organizations in different ways. Many leaders believe that its cause is the dissimilarity of characters. Indeed, there are people who, due to differences in characters, attitudes, behavior, are simply not able to get along with each other. However, a deeper analysis shows that such conflicts are based on objective reasons. Most often, this is a struggle for limited resources: material assets, production space, equipment use time, labor, etc. Everyone believes that it is he who especially needs resources, and not the other. Conflicts arise between the leader and subordinates, for example, when the subordinate is convinced that the leader makes exorbitant demands on him, and the leader believes that the subordinate is a loafer who cannot or does not want to work.

Conflict between the individual and the group. As you already know, informal groups (organizations) set their own standards of behavior and communication. Each member of such a group must comply with them. Deviation from the accepted norms is regarded by the group as negative, a conflict arises between the individual and the group. Another common conflict of this type is the conflict between the group and the leader. The most difficult such conflicts occur with an authoritarian leadership style.

Intergroup conflict. The organization consists of many formal and informal groups, between which conflicts can arise. For example, between management and executors, between employees of various departments, between informal groups within departments, between administration and the trade union.

Unfortunately, disagreements between higher and lower levels of management, that is, between line and staff personnel, are a frequent example of intergroup conflict. This is a prime example of dysfunctional conflict.

2. There are various strategies for the behavior of the participants in the conflict. One of the practical approaches used in conflictology to classification of conflict interaction strategies(authors W. Thomas and R. Kilman) takes as a basis the degree of orientation of the participants in the situation to their own interests and to maintaining relationships, and on the basis of these two variables identifies five types of strategies.

domination- the desire to achieve satisfaction of their interests to the detriment of maintaining relationships.

Compliance- sacrificing one's own interests for the sake of maintaining relationships.

Care which is characterized by both the lack of desire for cooperation and the lack of a tendency to achieve their own goals, because of which, in fact, there was a conflict.

Compromise- mutual concessions, half-hearted solutions.

Cooperation- when the participants in the situation come to an alternative that fully satisfies the interests of both parties and preserves the relationship between them.

The choice of a particular strategy of behavior by a participant in the conflict is determined by the characteristics of the situation, the behavior of his partners, as well as his own personal characteristics. It would be wrong to unambiguously consider some strategies as ineffective. In specific circumstances, any of them may be an adequate way out of the conflict situation. In essence, only the negotiation process, aimed at developing compromise or integrative solutions, is now considered by experts as an effective process for resolving a conflict situation. An integrative-compromise approach, when implemented effectively, makes it possible to simultaneously solve the problem and maintain relationships, which is considered genuine. successful decision conflict.

So, between two people who work in the same library room, disagreements arise about the fact that one of them wants to open the window because of stuffiness, and the other is afraid of catching a cold. Is this situation a situation of conflicting interests? Yes and no, depending on the level at which we consider it. If we see this situation “at the level of the window”, then the interests of the participants are incompatible, since the window cannot be opened and closed at the same time. But is it the interests of partners in this? The position of the first participant in the situation is “open the window”. But his interest is not in opening a window, but in providing access fresh air. The position of the second participant is not to open the window, and his interest is to prevent physical discomfort. The same interest may allow different ways of satisfying it, but each of the partners in this case sees only one possibility, and they are incompatible.

The task of integrative conflict resolution is to reformulate the subject of the conflict, moving from the positions presented by the participants in the situation to the interests behind them. In accordance with them, the problem of conflict will not consist in opening the window - not opening the window, but under what conditions can fresh air be provided (interest of 1 participant) so as not to allow physical discomfort (interest of 2 participant) and will be reduced to a subsequent search possible options.

So, conflicts undoubtedly create tensions, shift the attention of employees from the immediate concerns of production to clarifying the relationship, and have a severe effect on their neuropsychic state. However, conflict is also an undoubted condition for the development of the organization. Conflict management requires a leader to be highly competent not only in organizational, economic and legal issues of management, but also in special sections of psychological knowledge that provide solutions to the problems of self-organization and organization of rational interaction between people in conditions that provoke opposition and psychological tension.

So it is necessary not once and for all to destroy all the conditions for the emergence of conflicts, but to learn how to manage them correctly. To do this, you need to understand their causes, be able to analyze them.

There are several main causes of conflict in organizations.

Resource allocation. Even in the largest and richest organizations, resources are always limited. The need to distribute them almost inevitably leads to conflicts. People always want more, not less, and their own needs seem more justified.

Interdependence of tasks. The possibility of conflict exists wherever one person (or group) depends on another person (or group) for a task.

For example, the head of a production unit may attribute the low productivity of his subordinates to the inability of the repair service to quickly and efficiently repair equipment. The head of the repair service, in turn, can blame the personnel department for not hiring new workers that the repairmen so badly need.

Several engineers involved in the development of the same product may have different levels of professional qualifications. In this case, higher-qualified specialists may be dissatisfied with the fact that weak engineers slow down the work, and the latter are dissatisfied with the fact that the impossible is required of them. The interconnectedness of tasks with unequal opportunities here leads to conflict.

The mentioned example of conflict between line and staff personnel also arises from the interconnectedness of tasks. The foremen depend on the main specialists, as they need their help in implementing technical solutions, and the higher managers depend on the foremen, as the latter implement the ideas of a higher level of management.

Differences in purpose. The likelihood of these conflicts in organizations increases as the organization grows larger, when it is broken into specialized units. For example, the sales department may insist on the production of more diverse products, based on demand (market needs); at the same time, production units are interested in increasing the volume of output at minimal cost, which is ensured by the release of simple homogeneous products. Individual workers, too, are known to often pursue their own goals, which do not coincide with the goals of others.

Differences in views and ideas. Managers and direct executors may have different views on the ways and means of achieving even common goals, that is, in the absence of conflicting interests. Even if everyone wants to increase productivity, make work more interesting, people may have different ideas about how to do this. The problem can be solved in different ways, and everyone believes that his solution is the best.

Conflicts in organizations are very often associated with poor communication. Inaccurate or incomplete transmission of information, or lack of necessary information at all, is not only a cause, but also a dysfunctional consequence of conflict. Poor communication hinders conflict management.

Another major cause of conflict is differences in psychological characteristics(temperament, character, needs, motives, etc.). These differences increase the likelihood of any conflicts and are especially often the causes of interpersonal conflicts. There are people who constantly show aggressiveness, hostility, they are always either defending or attacking, ready to challenge every word and unable to listen to their opponent. Studies show that such people are characterized by a low level of self-esteem and compensate for this by ostentatious self-confidence, the desire to demonstrate their power. People who have an adequate level of self-esteem do not enter into aimless dysfunctional conflicts over trifles. According to psychologists, people with an adequate level of self-esteem tend to:

1. Loyalty to one's principles, despite the opposing opinions of others, combined with sufficient flexibility and the ability to change one's opinion if it is wrong.

2. The ability to act on one's own without feeling guilty or remorseful in the event of disapproval from others.

3. The ability not to waste time worrying too much about tomorrow and yesterday.

4. The ability to maintain confidence in one's abilities, despite temporary setbacks and difficulties.

5. The ability to appreciate in each person a personality and a sense of usefulness for others, regardless of their level of ability and position.

6. Relative ease in communication, the ability to both defend one's innocence and agree with the opinions of others.

7. The ability to accept compliments and praise without feigned modesty.

8. Ability to resist.

9. The ability to understand one's own and other people's feelings, to suppress one's impulses.

10. The ability to find pleasure in a wide variety of activities, including work, play, socializing with friends, creative expression or recreation.

Conflict Management.

The existence of the listed sources or causes of conflicts increases the likelihood of their occurrence, however, even with a high possibility of conflict, the parties may not want to enter into a conflict interaction. Sometimes potential benefits conflict is not worth the cost. Having entered into a conflict, as a rule, each side does everything so that its point of view is accepted, its goal is achieved, and prevents the other side from doing the same. This is where conflict management comes into play. Depending on how effective it is, the consequences of the conflict will become functional and dysfunctional. This in turn will affect the likelihood of subsequent conflicts.

At effective management conflict, its consequences can play a positive role, that is, be functional, contribute to the further achievement of the goals of the organization.

There are the following the main functional consequences of conflicts for the organization:

1. The problem is solved in a way that suits all parties, and as a result, people feel involved in solving an important problem for them.

2. A jointly and voluntarily adopted decision is implemented faster and better.

3. The parties acquire experience of cooperation in resolving disputes and can use it in the future.

4. Effective resolution of conflicts between the leader and subordinates destroys the so-called "submission syndrome" - the fear of openly expressing one's opinion that differs from the opinion of seniors.

5. Relationships between people improve.

6. People stop viewing the existence of disagreements as an "evil", always leading to bad consequences.

The main dysfunctional consequences of conflicts:

1. Unproductive, competitive relationships between people.

2. Lack of desire for cooperation, good relations.

3. The idea of ​​the opposite side as an "enemy", of one's own position - as an exclusively positive one, of the opponent's position - only as a negative one.

4. Curtailment or complete cessation of interaction with the opposite party, which impedes the solution of production problems.

5. The belief that "winning" a conflict is more important than solving the real problem.

6. Feelings of resentment, dissatisfaction, bad mood, staff turnover.

There are structural (organizational) and interpersonal ways conflict management.

Conflict management should begin with an analysis of its causes. As already mentioned, one should not consider the simple dissimilarity of characters as the main cause of conflicts - this is just one of the factors that can cause a conflict.

Structural Methods

Works on management, especially early ones, emphasized the importance of the harmonious functioning of the organization. Representatives of the administrative direction believed that if a good management formula was found, then the organization would act as a well-oiled mechanism. Within the framework of this direction, structural methods of conflict management were developed:

1. Clear statement of requirements. One of the best management methods that prevent dysfunctional conflicts is to clarify the requirements for the results of the work of each individual employee and the unit as a whole; the presence of clearly and unambiguously formulated rights and obligations, rules for the performance of work.

2. Use of coordinating mechanisms. Strict adherence to the principle of unity of command facilitates management big group conflict situations, since the subordinate knows whose orders he must follow. If employees have disagreements on some production issue, they can turn to the "arbitrator" - their common boss. In some complex organizations, special integration services are created, the task of which is to link the goals of various departments.

3. setting common goals, the formation of common values. This is facilitated by the awareness of all employees about the policy, strategy and prospects of the organization, as well as their awareness of the state of affairs in various departments. It is very effective to formulate the goals of the organization at the level of the goals of society. For example, employees of the McDonald's company consider the main goal of their hard work to be delicious and quick to feed Americans with limited means (and they make up a large part of society). Awareness of this "social mission" unites the team, which naturally leads to a reduction in dysfunctional conflicts. The presence of common goals allows people to understand how they should behave in conflict situations, turning them into functional ones.

4. Reward system. Establishment of such performance criteria that exclude the clash of interests of various departments and employees. For example, if you reward safety personnel for the number of identified safety violations, this will lead to an endless dysfunctional conflict with production and maintenance services. Encouragement of all employees to eliminate identified violations will lead to cooperation and reduce injuries.

Working with conflicts, of course, is not limited to the listed methods. Other effective structural methods of conflict management can be found according to the situation.

Interpersonal conflict resolution styles

Conflict management also includes interpersonal ways of resolving conflict situations.

There are 5 main conflict resolution styles, or strategies of behavior in conflict situations.

Evasion. A person who adheres to this strategy seeks to get away from the conflict. This strategy may be appropriate if the subject of disagreement is not of great value to a person, if the situation can be resolved by itself (this is rare, but still happens), if there are no conditions for effective conflict resolution now, but after a while they will appear.

Smoothing. This style is based on the theses: “Don't rock the boat”, “Let's live together”. The "smoother" tries not to let out the signs of conflict, confrontation, calling for solidarity. In this case, the problem underlying the conflict is often forgotten. As a result, there may be temporary peace. Negative emotions do not appear, but they accumulate. Sooner or later, the problem left unattended and the accumulated negative emotions will lead to an explosion, the consequences of which will turn out to be dysfunctional.

Compulsion. The one who adheres to this strategy is trying to force him to accept his point of view, by all means, he is not interested in the opinion of others. This style is associated with aggressive behavior, using coercive power and traditional power to influence other people. This style can become effective if it is used in a situation that threatens the existence of the organization or prevents it from achieving its goals. The leader defends the interests of the cause, the interests of the organization, and sometimes he simply has to be persistent. Main disadvantage the use of this strategy by managers is the suppression of the initiative of subordinates and the possibility of repeated outbreaks of conflict.

Compromise. This style is characterized by taking the other side's point of view, but only to a certain extent. The ability to compromise in managerial situations is highly valued, as it reduces hostility and allows you to quickly resolve the conflict. But after some time, the dysfunctional consequences of a compromise solution may also appear, for example, dissatisfaction with "half-hearted" solutions. In addition, a conflict in a somewhat modified form may arise again, since the problem that gave rise to it remains unresolved.

Problem solving (collaboration). This style is based on the belief of the participants in the conflict that the divergence of views is the inevitable result of the fact that smart people have their own ideas about what is right and what is not. With this strategy, the participants recognize each other's right to their own opinion and are ready to understand it, which gives them the opportunity to analyze the causes of disagreements and find a way out acceptable to everyone. The one who relies on cooperation does not try to achieve his goal at the expense of others, but seeks a solution to the problem.

3. A special form of experiencing feelings, close in its psychological characteristics to affect, but in duration approaching moods, are stressful conditions or emotional stress.

This is the most common affect these days. Stress is a state of excessively strong and prolonged psychological stress that occurs in a person when nervous system gets emotional overload. Emotional stress is a complex process that includes physiological and psychological components. Stressors can be both unexpected, adverse effects: danger, pain, fear, cold, humiliation, overload, and difficult situations: the need to quickly make a responsible decision, drastically change the strategy of behavior, make an unexpected choice, respond to offenders. Under physiological stress, the human body not only responds with a protective reaction, but also gives a complex generalized reaction, often little dependent on the specifics of the stimulus.

Translated from English, “stress” is pressure, pressure, tension, and “distress” is grief, unhappiness, malaise, need. According to the creator of the theory of stress, Hans Selye, stress is a non-specific response of the body to any requirement presented to it, which helps it to adapt to the difficulty that has arisen, to cope with it. Any surprise that disrupts the usual course of life can be a cause of stress. It does not matter whether the situation we are faced with is pleasant or unpleasant. What matters is the intensity of the need for restructuring or adaptation. For example, a mother was informed of the death of her only son in battle. She experiences a terrible mental shock. If many years later it turns out that the message was false, and the son suddenly enters the room unharmed, she will feel the greatest joy. The results of the two events - grief and joy - are different, but the stressful action is the same.

The emergence and experience of stress depends not so much on objective as on subjective factors, on the characteristics of the person himself: his assessment of the situation, comparing his strengths and abilities with what is required of him, etc.

Suppose there was a quarrel or some unpleasant event: a person is excited, cannot find a place for himself, he is gnawed by unfair resentment, annoyance due to the fact that he could not behave correctly, he could not find words. He would be glad to be distracted from these thoughts, but again and again scenes of what happened appear before his eyes and again a wave of resentment and indignation rolls over. There are three physiological mechanisms of stress.

1. In the cerebral cortex, an intense persistent focus of excitation has formed, the so-called dominant, which subjugates all the activity of the body, all the actions and thoughts of a person. So you need to eliminate this dominant or create a new one. The more exciting the activity that the frustrated person switches to, the easier it is to create a competing dominant (reading a novel, watching a movie, doing what you love).

2. After the appearance of the dominant, the deep structure of the brain, the hypothalamus, is excited, which causes the pituitary gland to secrete the hormone cortisol into the blood. Under the influence of cortisol, the adrenal glands release adrenaline and stress hormones, which cause the following effects: heart palpitations, increased blood pressure. In this phase, conditions are prepared for intense muscle load. But a person does not release the accumulated muscle energy, so stress hormones circulate in the blood for a long time. In order to neutralize them, an intense muscular load is needed, i.e. physical training.

3. Because stressful situation has not resolved, impulses continue to flow into the cerebral cortex, supporting the activity of the dominant, and stress hormones continue to be released into the blood. To help yourself, you need to reduce the significance of an unfulfilled desire or find a way for its realization. The best way to get rid of stress is to completely resolve the conflict, resolve differences, make peace.

Ways to reduce the significance of the conflict:

1. take the positive out of failure;

2. prove to yourself that "it could be worse";

3. compare your own hardships with those of others;

4. communication with a loved one;

5. switch to an interesting topic.

In order to quickly normalize your condition after troubles, it is useful to give yourself increased physical activity. For an emergency lowering of the level of tension, general relaxation of the muscles can be used: muscle relaxation is incompatible with a feeling of anxiety. Relaxation methods, autogenic training are very useful when you need to quickly, in 5-10 minutes, bring yourself to a calm good state. Emotions can also be controlled by regulating their external manifestation: if you want to endure pain more easily, try not to demonstrate it.

An important way to relieve mental stress is to activate a sense of humor. You need to be able to smile or laugh in difficult situation. Laughter leads to a drop in anxiety; when a person laughs, his muscles are less tense (relaxation) and his heartbeat is normal.

Scientists have developed a list of typical life situations that cause stress. The most stressful situation was the death of a spouse (100 points), imprisonment(63 points), trauma (53 points), marriage (50 points), childbirth (40 points). The most important factor in successfully coping with stress is the confidence that the situation remains under control.

For example, employees who were allowed to organize their office space as they saw fit experienced less of the ravages of distress than those who worked in a once-and-for-all created environment.

The most destructive stressor is recognized as mental stress, the result of which are neurotic states. Their main source is the information deficit, the situation of uncertainty, the inability to find a way out of critical situation, internal conflict, a sense of guilt, attributing responsibility to oneself even for those actions that did not depend on the person and which he did not commit.

Various types of organizations function in society, which perform various functions and differ from each other in the type of activity of their members, the level of organization and cohesion, and the structure of the team. People are united by common interests, ideas, goals, moral norms and principles. However, along with solidarity in the labor collective, conflicts also arise.

Conflict is an open confrontation, a confrontation as a result of mutually exclusive interests, positions, norms of behavior, values ​​of people that arises in the process of their interaction in solving production and personal issues.

Conflict is characterized by the presence of a conflict situation and an incident.

The conflict situation is the accumulated contradictions containing the true cause of the conflict.

An incident is a set of circumstances that give rise to a conflict.

The main types of conflicts in enterprises: organizational, production, labor, innovative.

Organizational conflict- the conflict connected with the organization and conditions of activity. For example, when an employee does not comply, ignores the requirements placed on him by the organization; the requirements for the employee are contradictory, non-specific; there are job descriptions, functional duties, but their implementation involves employees in a conflict situation.

Industrial conflictspecific form expression of contradictions in the production relations of the labor collective. Industrial conflicts are: intra-group - between ordinary workers, between managers and subordinates, between workers of different qualifications, age; intergroup - the struggle between groups for the distribution of various kinds of resources, for specific interests and goals, for leadership, etc.; between production groups and administration - incorrect management decisions, unsatisfactory attitude of management personnel towards employees, and so on.

Labor conflict- this is a clash of interests and opinions, assessments between representatives of various groups regarding labor relations (conditions, content, organization of labor and its remuneration).

innovation conflict- the conflict that arose due to the introduction of innovations; the contradiction that arose between supporters and opponents of innovations. The main reasons are: workers fear the worsening of their social and economic situation; shortage of material and technical resources; available resources are of lower quality than required; deterioration in the relationship between the heads of the organization and the heads of departments due to the need to restructure their work.

Conflicts can be constructive or destructive. In the case of the latter, a negative emotional background arises, social ties are disrupted, and the health of the participants in the conflict worsens. Therefore, conflict management is a key aspect of the leader's activity.

Conflict management is a purposeful impact on the elimination (minimization) of the causes that gave rise to the conflict or on the correction of the behavior of the participants in the conflict at all stages of its development. Conflict management includes two areas of activity of the leader:

1) prevention of conflicts (prediction, prevention, prevention, suppression).

2) conflict resolution (overcoming, settlement, weakening).

The main areas of conflict prevention work are:

Psychological selection of leaders;

Correct placement of deputies;

Optimization of organizational and managerial conditions;

Clear organization of work;

Creation of stable teams;

Knowledge by the head of the individual characteristics of subordinates;

Psychological characteristics of team members;

Carrying out explanatory work by the head (showing tomorrow's joys);

Creation of a healthy (favorable) socio-psychological climate.

There are two areas of conflict resolution - pedagogical and surgical. The first is more preferable, positive, but requires more effort than the second.

Its implementation is associated with the use of interpersonal, structural, intrapersonal methods, as well as the method of negotiations.

Interpersonal methods consist in choosing a style of behavior without prejudice to the interests of the participants in the interaction. There are the following styles of conflict interaction:

Competition (competition, confrontation, rivalry) - the desire to achieve the satisfaction of one's interests to the detriment of another;

Adaptation - sacrificing one's own interests for the sake of the interests of another;

Avoidance (withdrawal), which is characterized by both the lack of desire for cooperation and the lack of a tendency to achieve one's own goals;

Compromise, characterized by the tactics of mutual concessions;

Cooperation, when the participants in the situation come to an alternative that fully satisfies the interests of both parties.

Structural methods of conflict management are associated with changing the structure of the organization to resolve conflicts that have already developed. They include methods related to the use by the head of his position in the organization (order, order, etc.), separation of the participants in the conflict or reduction of their interdependence (subdivided autonomization), the introduction of a special integration mechanism for conflicting units (common deputy, coordinator, etc.). ), with the merger of different departments and endowing them with a common task (combining the labor and salary department and the personnel department into the personnel development department).

Intrapersonal methods consists in the ability to properly organize one's own behavior, taking into account the reaction from another person. This group of methods includes: setting up a positive attitude towards the opponent, switching from the emotional to the rational mode of the psyche, avoiding the characteristics of the opponent’s emotional state, giving the opponent the opportunity to “let off steam”, etc.

The negotiation method acquires special significance as one of the effective methods of conflict resolution.

The surgical way of resolving conflicts is to remove the conflicting person from the team or transfer him to another team. This is the easiest way to resolve the conflict, used by the leader when he sees no other way out.

Identification of ways to prevent and resolve conflicts is relative, conditional. In the practice of conflict management, they are closely intertwined, interact, mutually condition each other.

The concept of conflict does not have one single definition. This phenomenon causes tension, which can be viewed from three positions: negative, positive and neutral. In most cases, conflict is perceived as a negative phenomenon.

For example, if two people do not agree, this does not mean that one of them is wrong. This conflict that is not emotionally colored in any way can become negative in the future. There are different ways to resolve conflicts in an organization.

Reasons for disputes

The causes of conflicts may relate to the following aspects:

  1. Limited resources. They can be human, capital, material (equipment, tools).
  2. Habit to the old way within the organization. For example, some innovations can cause a wave of negative emotions in the team.
  3. Failure to achieve the set goals. If a person expected something from the organization, for example, a promotion, but did not receive it, then he may be disappointed in the company.
  4. "Disordered" cooperation. Here we can say that in many respects the success of the company depends on maintaining team spirit team. If everyone works harmoniously, then the company develops successfully.
  5. Different goals of departments and (or) employees individually. This situation can arise if the company grows, and control over it is gradually lost.
  6. If people's values ​​differ, then, most likely, conflicts cannot be avoided either. Everyone's opinion will be based on his life experience, philosophy of life and system of values. From here comes the manner of behavior, conversation.
  7. Bad communication. Incorrect or misunderstood information can be a source of tension in an organization.

There is a broad classification of conflicts. For example, there are constructive and destructive conflicts. The former are beneficial, the latter destroy the relationship.

Also, according to the degree of spread of tension in the company, the following conflicts are distinguished:

  • Intrapersonal (concerns one person, his inner world, which is trying to resist the external environment).
  • Interpersonal arises for any of the above reasons.
  • Intra-group involves the opposition of the entire team to one of its representatives. The reasons may be the same.
  • Intergroup. When the goals, values ​​and beliefs of one and the other group do not coincide.
  • General tension within the organization. It can occur vertically (between management at different levels), horizontally (for example, between subordinates) and in parallel (between managers and specialists in certain areas).
  • The company's conflict with the external environment.


To resolve a tense situation in an organization, one must be able to choose the right method that would become effective. All methods are divided into structural and interpersonal. The first relate to the establishment of order in the company, and the second - the relationship between management and employees.

Structural methods include:

  • coordination mechanisms. This is about subordination. Each of the employees must clearly understand who he is, who his leader is (and vice versa).
  • integration mechanisms. Thanks to such mechanisms, all elements of the organization are connected, which makes the work harmonious.
  • Reward system. For the interest shown in the problem, it is necessary to encourage employees. A financial reward or promotion would be a great gift.
  • Setting goals and explaining the tasks of work for each employee.

Definition of the specific purpose of the organization. This method allows you to direct the forces of the entire labor collective in one direction to achieve a common goal.

Interpersonal methods are:

  • Evasion. With this behavior, a person avoids controversial situations. He tries to behave in such a way that his behavior does not cause negative manifestations on the part of the company or department.
  • Smoothing. This method, like the first one, does not solve the problem. Through various persuasions, an opinion is imposed on a person.
  • Compulsion. This method also cannot be called effective. With this method, it turns out that a person is forced to accept the point of view of another person. Coercion always causes negative emotions.
  • Compromise. Here we are talking that one participant in the conflict voluntarily accepts, in whole or in part, the side of the other participant.


Thus, the most common interpretation of the conflict is the disagreement of each of the parties with the opinion of the other. There is a clear confrontation, accompanied by evidence based on their experience or available information.


What if the relationship in the team does not add up? A business coach will give advice.

Introduction 2

Conflicts in organizations.3

1 What is conflict.3

2 Causes of conflicts.4

3 Causes of conflict in an organization6

4 Types of conflicts in an organization8

Conflict resolution.11

1 Methods permissions conflicts in the organization11

2 Examples of conflict management in an organization.17

Conclusion. 22

Bibliography 24


Relevanceof this topic is that at present in organizations, leaders of many levels lack knowledge about conflicts and ways to prevent them. Many leaders simply do not know how to get out of a conflict situation, they do not know that there are peaceful and constructive methods. Conflict is part of the process of interaction between people. This paper discusses: what is a conflict, what conflicts are, the causes of conflicts, methods of conflict resolution. All people are different. We all perceive different situations differently. Which leads to the fact that we simply do not agree with each other. Conflicts in organizations arise not only during negotiations, but also during any business and personal contacts. There are a lot of reasons for conflicts, but the main one is the wrong attitude of managers with subordinates or the psychological incompatibility of people.

Of course, most conflicts will negatively affect the activities of the organization. But sometimes the conflict benefits the company. It can stimulate more effective and constructive problem solving, and it can also identify alternatives for resolving various contentious issues. It can also encourage employees to express their ideas and suggestions.

Taskscourse work is as follows:

· Find out what is conflict, causes and types of conflict situations.

· Give a detailed description of the methods of resolving conflict situations.

It is possible to lead without conflict if one learns such management, in which everything destructive is eliminated in purposeful cooperation with others. This is a very difficult task. But today we have the knowledge and experience to get closer to the goal.

1. Conflicts in organizations

1.1 What is conflict

conflict dispute psychological organization

What is conflict? It is a process in which one individual, group of people, or department of a firm interferes with the plans of another. The concept of conflict is often associated with negativity, quarrels, threats, warriors, and the like. There is an opinion that conflict is an undesirable phenomenon that should be avoided.

Conflict (from lat. conflicts) - clash, struggle, hostile attitude. Conflict situations are studied by conflictology.

The subject of the conflict is the imagined or existing problem underlying the conflict.

The subject of the conflict is an active party capable of creating a conflict situation and influencing the conflict.

The object of the conflict can be a material or spiritual value, the possession or use of which is sought by both parties to the conflict.

An organization is a complex whole that includes not only individuals with different statuses, social attitudes and interests. But also various social formations, striving to take a higher place in the structure of the organization, to change the existing norms of activity or the system of relations within the organizational structure.

Organizational conflict. Who among us has not experienced this, which has a bad effect on every person in the firm? Who has not been drawn at least once into the cycle of intrigue, corporate conspiracies, sidelong glances, whispered conversations behind their backs? Any employee of the company, regardless of rank, can become a victim of conflicts. Moreover, if the company is rapidly fluttering, the more conflicts appear.

At the heart of any conflict is a situation that includes:

1.Contradiction of the position of the parties to any pretext.

2.Different goals or means of achieving them.

.Or a mismatch of interests, desires.

In textbooks on conflictology, you can find that conflicts are necessary and useful. We can highlight the positive features, such as:

Ø Informational and educational. This function has two sides: signaling and communicative. The signaling side is that the administration pays attention to intolerable working conditions, various abuses. The communicative side is that opponents need to have information that allows them to draw conclusions about the strategy and tactics of their opponent, the resources that he has. Any conflict gives a signal to the manager that there is a problem that needs to be solved. Allows you to know it, because the totality of facts perceived by people is revealed.

Ø Integrative. Conflict tends to bring people together in groups against another group or person in the same firm. This effect can operate in a variety of situations. As a result, a boundary is established between those people who, according to some criteria, are considered to be their own or others.

Ø The function of stimulating adaptation to a changing environment.

1.2 Causes of conflicts

We are all different and it is quite natural that we differ in opinions, assessments, goals and methods of achieving them. All these disagreements contribute to the development of conflicts.

Conflict is a very complex and psychological phenomenon, the study of which depends on the quality of the methods used.

In psychology, conflict is defined as a collision of oppositely directed, incompatible tendencies, a single episode in consciousness, in interpersonal interactions or interpersonal relationships of individuals or groups of people associated with negative emotional experiences.

The cause of the conflict is an event, situation, facts, phenomena that precede the conflict and cause it under certain conditions of activity of the subjects of social interaction.

The emergence and development of conflicts is due to the action of four groups of factors:


2.Organizational - managerial

.Socio - psychological


The first two groups are objective, while the third and fourth are subjective.

Objective reasons are those circumstances of social interaction of people, leading to a clash of their thoughts, interests, values.

The subjective causes of the conflict are due to individual psychological characteristics and direct interaction of people during their unification into social groups.

The most important thing is to find out the cause of the conflict - this is the very first step in resolving the conflict. There are five main reasons for the conflict situation.

1.different life values. This may lead to a collision. For example, for you the family is the most important thing, and for your manager the success of the company is more important. The conflict arises when the manager asks you to work more than the norm, thereby you spend less time with your family.

2.Wrong assumptions can cause conflicts. For example, a husband, having come after work, assumes that a warm dinner is waiting for him at home, and his wife has not cooked food and has not cleaned the house, this can lead to a quarrel.

.Expectation. We expect other people to know what we think and what we want. These expectations give rise to resentment, quarrels, misunderstandings. Therefore, we must forever remember that we cannot read each other's thoughts. What is clear to us today may be completely incomprehensible to others. If we expect some certain actions from another, this absolutely does not mean that the other thinks the same way.

.Different upbringing. Our upbringing, religions, status in society, age, gender, nationality, skin color can cause conflicts. For example, a man behaves confidently and sometimes aggressively at work, then this is considered in the order of things, but if a woman behaves this way, then she will be condemned.

.The difference in goals desires and of course the inability to compromise. For example, you want to go to the theater and your friend wants to go to the cinema. A conflict may arise if everyone insists on their own version. In this situation, you need to be able to find a compromise.

1.3 Causes of conflict in the organization

According to research, a manager spends approximately 25% of his time on conflict resolution. Naturally, conflict in the workplace has a bad effect on team productivity. There are two typical reactions to conflict: avoiding conflict or fighting. Of course, both options lead to the desired results. It is very important to learn how to resolve disagreements. Disagreements, with the right approach to them, can contribute to the development of mutual understanding and mutual assistance in order to more effectively solve the problem. But first you need to find out the cause of the conflict. The reasons may be different. Let's highlight these reasons:

1.Allocation of resources - the need to share resources almost always leads to various types of conflict. For example, unfair assessment of the work of personnel and also remuneration, undeserved privileges of some and underestimation of other employees.

2.The interdependence of tasks on another person or group. Certain types of organizational structures increase the potential for conflict. For example, the matrix structure of the organization, where the principle of unity of command is specifically violated.

.Poor communication can act as a catalyst for conflict, making it difficult for individuals or groups to understand a situation or the point of view of others. For example, an inaccurate job description.

.Various life principles and values. For example, a leader will forgive a subordinate to do something that is at odds with their moral principles.

.conflicting goals. For example, when managers set a goal for employees, opposite each other. One manager says that the most important thing is to make a plan in a short time, and another says that the most important thing is the quality of work.

Fig.1 Scheme of the development of the conflict.

1.4 Types of conflicts in the organization

There are four main types of conflicts: intrapersonal, interpersonal, between an individual and a group, intergroup.

Consider the types of conflicts in the organization. intrapersonal conflict. The participants are not people, but various psychological factors. Intrapersonal conflicts associated with work in the organization, they can take various forms. One of the most common is role conflict, when different roles of a person make conflicting demands on him. Internal conflicts can arise in production, this can happen due to work overload or, on the contrary, lack of work.

Interpersonal conflict. The most common type of conflict. Conflict manifests itself in organizations in different ways. Many managers assume that the reason is the dissimilarity of characters. Indeed, due to differences in character, attitudes, behaviors, it is very difficult to get along with each other. But a deep analysis shows that the foundations of such conflicts are, as a rule, objective reasons. Conflicts occur between the subordinate and the leader. For example, when a subordinate is convinced that the leader makes exorbitant demands on him, and the leader believes that the subordinate does not fulfill the norm.

Interpersonal conflicts can be divided into the following types:

· Conflicts between leader and subordinate;

· Conflicts between employees;

· Management-level conflicts, that is, a conflict between leaders of the same rank.

Conflict between the individual and the group. They are mainly due to the discrepancy between individual and group norms of behavior. Anyone who does not perceive them becomes in opposition, risks being left alone.

Intergroup conflict. The organization consists of many formal and informal groups, between which, one way or another, conflicts arise. For example, between informal groups within departments, between managers and subordinates, between employees of different departments, between the administration and the trade union.

The whole set of conflicts, one way or another, is connected with the method of managing the organization. Since management is nothing more than an activity to resolve conflicts for the sake of those goals and objectives that determine the essence of the organization. The manager must resolve conflicts that arise in the organization between departments, between managers and subordinates, between producers and consumers of products, suppliers and manufacturers and suppliers in the name of the more general interests of the organization, which he considers as the goals of his management activities.

Also, conflicts are classified according to the degree of manifestation: hidden and open.

Hidden conflict usually involves two people who, for the time being, try not to show the appearance that they are in conflict. But as soon as one of them loses his nerve, the hidden conflict turns into an open one. There are also random, spontaneously arising and chronic, as well as deliberately provoked conflicts. As a kind of conflict, intrigue is also distinguished. Intrigue is understood as a deliberate dishonest action, beneficial to the initiator, who is forced by the collective or the individual to certain negative actions and this causes damage to the collective and the individual. Intrigues, as a rule, are carefully thought out and planned, have their own storyline.

The main types of conflicts, their causes and methods of resolution Table 1

Types of conflicts Causes of conflicts Methods for resolving conflicts Intrapersonal Mismatch of external requirements and internal positions, a mismatch between various kinds of interests Getting out of a state of discomfort by changing one's thoughts, dispositions, values ​​and behavior and by obtaining more information about the problem Interpersonal Clash of interests (mismatch of characters, personal views or moral values) Conflict resolution by force; conflict resolution through cooperation (taking into account the interests of each party); avoidance of conflict (lack of personal perseverance and desire to cooperate), style of compromise (interests of each side are moderately taken into account, quick resolution of the conflict)

2. Conflict resolution

2.1 Conflict resolution methods in the organization

Currently, experts have developed many different recommendations regarding various aspects of people's behavior in situations of conflict. Selection of appropriate strategies and means of their resolution, as well as their management.

Conflict resolution is the activity of the participants aimed at ending opposition and solving the problem that led to the disagreement. Conflict resolution involves the active participation of both parties to transform the conditions in which they interact, to eliminate the causes of the conflict.

The resolution of conflicts that arise in the organization may be part of the overall management process in the team, and then they are included in the responsibilities of the leader. The leader has the ability to use his power to resolve conflicts, and this allows him to influence the conflict and take timely measures to resolve their relationship. But at the same time, the leader cannot be objective enough.

Conflict resolution is a multi-stage process that includes the analysis and assessment of the situation, the choice of a way to resolve the conflict, the formation of an action plan, its implementation, and the evaluation of the effectiveness of their actions.

The main conflict resolution strategies are competition, cooperation, compromise, accommodation and avoidance.

· Rivalry consists in imposing a preferred solution on another opponent.

· A compromise consists in the desire of the parties to end the conflict with partial concessions.

· Adaptation, or concession, is seen as a forced or voluntary refusal to fight and surrender of one's positions.

· Avoidance or avoidance is an attempt to get out of a conflict situation at a minimum cost.

· Cooperation is considered the most effective strategy for conflict resolution. It implies the direction of the parties to a constructive discussion of the problem, considering the other opponent not as an adversary, but as an ally in the search for a solution.

Conflict management is a targeted impact on arranging the causes of the conflict, or on correcting the behavior of the participants in the conflict.

There are many methods of conflict management. Several groups, each of which has its own scope:

1.intrapersonal methods.

2.Structural methods.

.interpersonal method.


.retaliatory aggressive action. This method is used in extreme cases, when the possibilities of all previous groups have been exhausted.

Intrapersonal methods consist in the ability to correctly organize one's own behavior, express one's point of view without causing a defensive reaction from the other person. Several authors suggest using the “I am a statement” method, that is, a way of conveying your attitude to another person to a certain subject, without negativity, but in such a way that the other opponent changes his attitude.

This method helps a person to hold his position without turning the opponent into his enemy, "I - statement" can be used in any situation, but more effectively when a person is aggressive.

Structural method, affects mainly organizational conflicts that arise at the organizational level, arising from the incorrect distribution of responsibilities. These methods include:

1.Clarification of requirements;

2.Use of coordination and integration mechanisms;

.Creation of a reward system.

Clarifying job requirements is one of the popular methods of managing and preventing conflicts. Each specialist must clearly understand what results he should provide, what his duties, responsibilities, limits of authority, stages of work are. The method is implemented in the form of drawing up appropriate job descriptions, distribution of rights and responsibilities by management levels.

Coordination and integration mechanisms.

This is another method. It is one of the most common mechanisms - it is a hierarchy of authority. Which regulates the interaction of people, decision-making and information flows within the organization. If two workers have disagreements, on any issues, you need to contact the manager to resolve the conflict.

Interpersonal conflict resolution styles.

Interpersonal method - the choice of the style of the participants in the conflict, to minimize the damage to their interests. These include:

Evasion or withdrawal. This style means that a person tries to get away from a conflict situation with minimal losses. One way to resolve conflicts is to avoid situations that provoke conflict. Evasion is aimed at getting out of the situation without yielding, but also without insisting on one’s own, not expressing one’s opinion, transferring the conversation in a different direction.

Smoothing. This style is characterized by behavior that is dictated by conviction, which is aimed at maintaining or restoring good relations, at ensuring the interests of the other side through concessions. Such a "slicker" tries not to let the conflict out, appealing to the need for solidarity. But at the same time, you can forget about the very problem underlying the conflict. In this case, peace may come, but the problem remains. This leads to the fact that eventually there will be an "explosion" of emotions, and the conflict will again become relevant.

Compulsion. Within the framework of this style, attempts to force people to accept their point of view at any cost predominate. A person who tries to apply this style is not interested in the opinion of other people, behaves aggressively. This style is effective where the leader has power over subordinates. But this style suppresses the initiative of subordinates.

Compromise. The essence of this style is that the parties seek to resolve differences by partial concessions. It is characterized by the rejection of part of the requirements that were put forward earlier, to accept the claims of the other side, and the willingness to forgive. The style is effective in cases where the opponent understands that the opponents have equal opportunities, the presence of mutually exclusive interests, satisfaction with a temporary solution, the threat of losing everything.

Solution to the problem. This style is considered the most effective strategy for dealing with conflict. This style is an acknowledgment of differences of opinion and a willingness to listen to other points of view in order to determine the causes of the conflict and find a solution for all parties. The one who operates with this style does not try to achieve his goals at the expense of others, but rather looks for the best solution. This style is most effective in solving organizational problems.

The main positive method of conflict resolution is negotiation. Negotiation is a broad aspect of communication, covering many areas of human activity. Negotiation is the process of finding an agreement between people through the satisfaction of their interests. This method of conflict resolution is a set of tactics aimed at finding mutually acceptable solutions for the conflicting parties.

The use of negotiations to resolve the conflict is possible under certain conditions:

· The existence of interdependence of the parties involved in the conflict.

· Lack of significant development in the capabilities of the subjects of the conflict.

· Correspondence of the stage of development of the conflict with the possibilities of negotiations.

· Participation of the parties who can actually make a decision in the current situation.

The main function of negotiations is the joint discussion of the problem and the adoption of a decision. The decision taken can be constructive, entailing a change in the situation for the better.

There are two types of negotiations:

1. Positional.

2. Rational.

The subject of positional negotiations is the identification of the position of the parties, that is, the discussion of the subjective views of the parties on the solution of the problem. Positional negotiations can take place in soft and hard form. The essence of the soft form is that the parties are ready for the sake of reaching an agreement and maintaining relations. Tough negotiations represent insisting on one's own at any cost, most often ignoring the interests of other parties.

The subject of rational negotiations is the deep interests of the parties, and not the positions they occupy. The goal of rational negotiation is to find the optimal solution.

Negotiation methods.

Here are some negotiation methods:

· variational method.

· integration method.

· best alternative method.

· Position balancing.

· Step by step method to reach an agreement.

The variational method lies in the fact that partners are offered pre-developed solutions, which are based on the idea of ​​​​the optimal solution to the problem in combination with the others.

The integration method puts the interests of the parties at the forefront, which pushes the negotiating partners to unite them. The main emphasis is on the existing points of contact. Opportunity to obtain mutual benefit with a reasonable combination of efforts.

The best alternative method is that any negotiation can end unsuccessfully, not be effective as expected. Therefore, it is always necessary to have alternative solutions.

The method of balancing positions is a careful study of the views of opponents. If they are acceptable, then on their basis a working solution to the problem is developed, which is proposed for discussion by the partner.

In difficult situations, the refusal to negotiate entails great losses, and the method of reaching an agreement in stages can be used. The essence of this method is to achieve agreement in the conditions of a gradual complete or partial review of requirements, depending on the emergence of new circumstances and the discovery of new opportunities.

In practice, there are many different ways in which managers resolve conflicts between subordinates.

2.2 Examples of conflict management in an organization

Consider conflict situations on the example of the trading company Edelweiss LLP. Trade is considered a conflict area. Every day in the process of activity there is a large number of disagreements that develop into conflicts. Conflicts appear between:

· Between employees as a result of receiving false information.

· Between buyers and sales managers.

· between subordinates and leaders.

· between firm and suppliers.

· Between the firm and the city administration.

· Between the firm and competitors.

· Between the company and the tax office.

This company specializes in the sale of sugar. It has been on the market for 11 years. It also exports its products to such countries as Holland, Japan, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Estonia. Its products are considered one of the environmentally friendly food products that do not include chemical additives. In 2012, it delivered more than 3,500 tons of sugar. It can be concluded that this company maintains its reputation at a high level for many years.

To resolve the conflict, the leader or mediator must know or have an idea about the psychological portrait of each employee of the company, that is, know his strengths and weaknesses. Thus, to anticipate his possible behavior in the conflict.

Let us briefly characterize the personnel of this company in terms of behavior in conflict situations and the way out of them.

The head of the company Inkov Alexander Anatolyevich is quite patient and restrained for the head of the company. It's very hard to get him out of it. Very rarely comes into conflict. If there is no way to avoid conflict, the leader tries to quickly and constructively find a way out of the conflict situation, using various methods of resolution. Alexander Anatolyevich always tries to find a compromise solution. He gets along well with people, gets into the situation of others and is always ready to help. The team tries to create a favorable environment. But, like any living person, he can break down as a result of any troubles at work and in his personal life.

Deputy Head Maykov Oleg Evgenievich. He is very responsible, strict, likes everything to be done as he wants, likes to find fault, but at the slightest failure he starts to panic and develop a conflict. He is sensitive to the words of others. Starts up fast, but goes off just as fast. In a conflict with subordinates, he tries in every possible way to impose his opinion.

Seller Baskakov Maxim Nikolaevich. The best seller of the company. Purposeful in work, a professional in his field. Always communicates well with people, very kind. But it has one negative trait, like spinelessness. With such a person it is easy to resolve conflicts and disagreements if they arise.

Sales Manager Tretyakov Eduard Romanovich. A very complex person, likes to argue, to insist on his own, even if he is not right. This employee always has conflicts with clients, but despite this, Tretyakov does an excellent job with his duties and always fulfills the set plan. When working with clients, he does not tolerate rudeness and disrespect for himself. In the event of a conflict, it “explodes” strongly and it is very difficult to stop it, you have to resort to the participation of a third party.

Consider the conflict that arises in the company between employees in the course of their activities.

· Lack of funds leads to conflict. The head undeservedly accuses the sales manager of the shortage, later it turned out that the head made a mistake in the calculations.

· The director of the company very often travels on business trips, respectively, his powers are performed by the deputy. In the absence of the leader, the deputy gives his instructions to subordinates, not paying attention to the fact that the director has given other instructions.

· The sales manager is fond of basketball, as a result of which he often asks for a day off, if the manager leaves earlier, he also leaves the workplace, shifting authority to other employees. In this case, a conflict occurs.

As a result, for normal operation, the head took the following measures:

One of these measures is to get rid of idlers, as they themselves do not bring benefits to the enterprise and set a bad example for other workers. The manager oversees the work of the staff, if during the work it turns out that the person does not have the desire to work efficiently and efficiently, he is fired.

The next condition for preventing conflicts in the firm is concern for fairness. The leader treats employees fairly, without punishing the innocent, before doing something, thinks through well what the consequences may be.

The head is very fair about the payment of wages, as well as bonuses. Pays only those who really did a good job. There is a rule in the company: the work that is done qualitatively and on time is well paid. Salary is based on % of total sales.

There is an agreement in the firm to make all decisions collectively. All amendments are all negotiated together with everyone.

The relationship between buyer and seller is very complicated. A trading company always makes concessions to the client, as a result, the company suffers, since the decision made or some kind of agreement is always violated by the buyer.

The client purchased a consignment of goods and took over the transportation. But as the goods arrived at the warehouse, the buyer makes a claim for the quality of the goods. Although the product is of good quality, the company strictly monitors this. Accordingly, a conflict arises between the firm and the client. There are three versions of low-quality goods:

· Bad transportation.

· Storage in the warehouse is not up to standard.

· Lab error requested by the customer.

The client ordered a batch of the product, but when the goods arrived at the warehouse, it turned out that all the goods did not match the weight and type of the product. Although the company says that this is the product that the client ordered. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the production of the buyer depended on that order, and due to the fact that the order was not fulfilled, production was suspended. Reasons put forward:

· Misinformation within the firm.

· Poor communication within the client firm.

·Bad connection.

The manager takes action to check all storage facilities for compliance with the standard; rechecking, confirmation of orders.

Preventing conflict within a firm is always easier than outside it. To prevent conflict in the company, the principle of objectivity and compliance is used. The principle of clarity and benevolence is also used.

If there were disagreements in the process of activity, then, first of all, it is necessary to analyze the situation critically in order to present the main and initial positions, both one’s own and one’s opponent. Employees analyze the position of the enemy. As a result, misunderstandings may appear, and the conflict will lose its basis. This will avoid erroneously attributing a hostile position to your opponent, as well as neutralize the situation.

To resolve the conflict between the client and the seller, the following techniques are used:

separation of conflicting parties.

This option is effective in the conflict between the client and the sales manager. In these cases, a hidden disconnect is used. A manager who cannot cope with the situation is replaced by one of the employees of the enterprise, who does not annoy the opponent.

A variety of factors and ways of resolving conflicts are used in the course of a trading company. The resolution of the conflict begins with the fact that the opponents stop seeing each other as an adversary. To do this, you need to analyze your own positions and actions. Admitting one's own mistakes reduces the negative perception of the opponent. Also, the opponent tries to understand the interests of the other. This expands the idea of ​​the opponent, making it more objective. In any person there is something positive that you can rely on when resolving a conflict. Then employees reduce negative emotions.

Then the optimal style of conflict resolution is chosen: evasion, smoothing, coercion, compromise, problem solving.


Conflict can be understood as a temporary emotional change in mood, due to non-receipt or receipt of information, leading to a lack of agreement between individuals, groups and a violation of the normative activities of these individuals and groups.

Conflict can be beneficial for employees and the organization as a whole, and not beneficial, reducing productivity, personal satisfaction and liquidating cooperation between employees of the organization.

Having considered the causes of the conflict situation, it should be noted that in certain situations, the leader himself can be the source of the conflict. Many unwanted conflicts are generated by the personality and actions of the leader himself, especially if he allows himself personal attacks, incorrectness, publicly shows his likes and dislikes. Incontinence, the inability to correctly assess the situation, cannot find the right way out of it, the inability to take into account and understand the way of thinking and feel other people and give rise to a conflict situation.

Conflict in an organization can be managed. The manager always has the opportunity to anticipate the conflict and intervene, make adjustments and optimally resolve the conflict situation. The leader must first find out the cause of the conflict, find out the goals of the conflicting parties, and find the best solution. It is important to remember that just as no leadership style can be effective in all situations, so no one style of conflict resolution (be it evasion, compromise, smoothing, problem solving, coercion) can be singled out as the most best.

In my opinion, the most effective way to resolve conflicts is through negotiations. This is a very constructive way. An effective negotiation strategy is, first of all, a strategy of consent, the search for common interests and the ability to combine them so as not to subsequently cause a desire to violate agreement reached.

In life, leaders often simply lack knowledge and experience, negotiation skills, and the desire to communicate with conflicting parties. Therefore, it is necessary to study conflict situations based on the experience of specialists. The ability to manage conflicts in an organization is the key to the success of a leader in his activities.


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