Normative bases of conducting personnel records management. Stages of hiring

Quite often there is a situation when a company has just opened, has a small staff, but there is nothing other than employment contracts. Often this happens in a company that has been on the market for several years, but nevertheless does not pay due attention to documenting labor relations. However, the absence of documents prescribed by labor legislation may lead to the imposition of administrative fines. This article will be useful for novice personnel officers or accountants who, in addition to their work, were also assigned to conduct personnel records management.

Normative base

For the proper organization of personnel records management, it is necessary to stock up on laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of labor law as well as specialized literature. A specialized software product will greatly facilitate the maintenance of personnel records: it contains almost all the necessary forms of documents. In any case, you will need, in particular:

Labor Code;

- Rules for maintaining and storing work books, making blank work books and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for maintaining and storing work books);

- Instructions for filling out work books, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 N 69;

— Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Personal Data);

— Federal Law No. 98-FZ of July 29, 2004 “On Commercial Secrets” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Commercial Secrets);

- Regulations on the specifics of sending employees on business trips, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 N 749;

- Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 N 1 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment" (hereinafter - Decree N 1);

- A list of typical managerial archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating the periods of storage, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of 08.25.2010 N 558;

- The procedure and forms of accounting for employees leaving on business trips from the sending organization and arriving at the organization to which they are seconded, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of September 11, 2009 N 739n;

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2008 N 554 "On minimum size increase wages for night work”;

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 N 922 "On the peculiarities of the procedure for calculating the average wage";

- Lists of positions and works substituted and performed by employees with whom the employer can conclude written agreements on full individual or collective liability, as well as standard forms of such agreements, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2008 N 85;

- Regulations on military registration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 719, and Guidelines of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated 04/11/2008 on maintaining military records in organizations.

In addition to regulatory documents, it would not hurt to study the constituent documents of the company. It is in them that the procedure for hiring the head of the organization and setting his salary can be determined. Quite often, it is in the charter that the procedure for hiring key executives is prescribed.

We determine the list of required documents

After you study the regulatory documents in the field of labor law and personnel records management, you will get an idea of ​​the necessary minimum, which must be drawn up and maintained in any organization. This:

- internal labor regulations (Articles 189, 190 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- staffing (Art. 15, 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- vacation schedule (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- Regulations on the protection of personal data (Articles 86-88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- employment contracts (Art. 16, 56-59, 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- work books (Articles 65, 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- job descriptions (if official duties employees are not specified in labor contracts);

- a book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts to them, an income and expense book for accounting for forms of a work book and an insert to it (paragraphs 40-41 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books);

- personal cards of employees (clause 12 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books);

- payslip (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- orders (on hiring, dismissal, granting holidays, sending on a business trip, etc.) (Articles 62, 68, 84.1, 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, etc.) and the grounds for issuing them (statements, acts, memos, agreements etc.);

- regulation on remuneration and bonuses (part 2 of article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- statements, notes-calculations and other documents related to the calculation and payment of wages, vacation pay, compensation for unused vacations, "settlement" upon dismissal.

It is clear that the documents required by law will have to be drawn up in any case. But regarding other documents, you should ask the management (which of the optional documents may be needed for the company). You can also clarify with the manager in advance which special conditions he wants to see in the internal labor regulations, other local regulations, forms of employment contracts.

Note!According to Art. 16 of the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N 294-ФЗ “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Implementation of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control”, the organization must keep a register of inspections of a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur, conducted by state, municipal control bodies and supervision.

Of course, the above list is incomplete and, under certain circumstances, other documents must be developed and executed. For example, if it is planned that individual employees will sometimes work outside the normal working hours, it is necessary to approve the list of positions of employees with irregular working hours (Article 101 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, taking into account the specifics of the organization's activities, it may be necessary to:

- Regulations on certification and related certification documents, if the employer conducts certification of employees (part 2 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- a provision on trade secrets, if labor contracts with employees establish their obligation to keep trade secrets (Articles 10, 11 of the Law on Trade Secrets);

- agreements on full liability (if such liability was established for employees in a contractual manner);

- a collective agreement (if at least one of the parties (employees or employer) takes the initiative to conclude it).

Compiling separate documents

Since all labor relations must be documented, when developing local regulations and other personnel documents, it should be remembered that their provisions should not worsen the position of the employee in comparison with the established labor legislation. The norms of local regulations that worsen the position of employees or adopted without complying with the provisions of Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of the procedure for taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees (if any), are not subject to application. This is emphasized in Art. 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

So, first of all, you need to draw up a staffing table. This document is used to formalize the structure, staffing and staffing of the organization in accordance with its charter, which contains a list of structural units, job titles, specialties, professions indicating qualifications, information on the number of staff units. It is drawn up according to the unified form T-3, approved by Resolution No. 1.

For your information.In connection with the entry into force in 2013 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ “On Accounting”, the forms of documents contained in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation are not mandatory for use and employers can independently develop the necessary forms. If the organization decides to introduce its own forms of documents, we still recommend taking the previously approved unified forms as a basis and making changes to them by including or removing additional lines or columns. Do not forget to fix the use of new forms of primary accounting documentation in the accounting policy.

Taking into account the wishes of the management, it is necessary to fill in all the necessary columns in the staffing table, check it for compliance with labor legislation and submit the finished version to the management for approval. Usually, a local act is approved by an order or instruction, to which a reference is made in the corresponding attribute. Also, a local normative act can be approved by affixing the stamp of approval to the document with the personal signature of the head of the organization or a person authorized by him.

The next important document is the internal labor regulations. According to Art. 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this local regulatory act regulates the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, the basic rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties employment contract, working hours, rest time, incentives and penalties taken against employees, as well as other issues of regulating labor relations with this employer. The document may include the following sections: employment, basic rights and obligations of employees, rights and obligations of the employer, work time and rest time, incentives, responsibility for violation of labor discipline.

After agreeing with the management of all the nuances and checking the provisions of the internal labor regulations for compliance with the current labor legislation, this local act is also submitted for approval to the head.

The regulation on the protection, processing and storage of personal data also needs to be developed and put into effect as soon as possible. This is due to the fact that the employer is obliged to take measures necessary and sufficient to protect the personal data of employees, and regulate the mechanism for their receipt, processing, storage and protection. This follows from Chap. 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Law on Personal Data.

In this provision, it is necessary to establish in what ways personal data is obtained, in what order the personal files of employees are formed and maintained, as well as to determine the rights and obligations of employees, methods of accounting, storage, transfer and protection of their personal data.

Note!It is necessary to resolve the issue of who will keep work books. If there is no personnel officer yet, the head of the company must take responsibility for maintaining, storing, accounting and issuing work books by issuing an appropriate order. Subsequently, the director may transfer these powers to the accepted personnel officer (also by issuing an order). Such an appointment is required by paragraph 45 of the Rules for the maintenance and storage of work books.

In addition, it is desirable to develop a standard form of an employment contract that will be concluded with employees. Recall that art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which defines the list of information and mandatory conditions to be included in it, as well as other articles of the Labor Code (for example, articles 58, 59, 64.1, 70, 282, etc.).

In addition to the development of local acts, staffing, vacation schedules, etc., you need to prepare other documents that will be needed in the future for personnel work. These are various accounting books, registration journals, timesheets, order forms, liability agreements, etc.

Separately, let's talk about documents on labor protection, since this is an important part of labor legislation. In the future, when the organization grows to ensure compliance with labor protection requirements, to monitor their implementation, an occupational safety service may be created or a position of an occupational safety specialist with appropriate training or experience in this field may be introduced. In the meantime, the company is small, the responsibility for ensuring safe conditions and labor protection is assigned to the head.

Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation enshrines the provision that it is the employer who is obliged to ensure the development and approval of rules and instructions on labor protection for employees. On May 13, 2004, the Ministry of Labor approved Methodological recommendations for the development of labor protection instructions to help employers, according to which labor protection instructions for an employee should be developed based on his position, profession and type of work performed by him.

Normative acts introducing any new forms of documents in this area, in Lately was not accepted, so we list the main ones that should be in every organization:

— regulation on labor protection in the organization;

- an order to appoint a responsible person in the organization (in the absence of a labor protection engineer);

— instructions for labor protection;

— registers for the registration of briefings on labor protection;

— programs of carrying out different kind labor protection briefings;

— production control program;

- other documents.

Organizing and storing documents

Article 17 of the Federal Law of October 22, 2004 N 125-FZ "On Archival Affairs in Russian Federation» obliges companies to ensure the safety of documents generated in their activities, including documents on personnel. We believe that the safety of documents without the organization of their storage is impossible. To store and use documents generated in the personnel department, you need to systematize them.

In order to streamline the documents generated in the process of personnel records management, a nomenclature of cases is compiled - a systematized list of the names of cases filed in the organization, indicating the periods of their storage in the prescribed form. Such a definition is contained in GOST R 51141-98 “Office work and archiving. Terms and Definitions”, approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of February 27, 1998 N 28, and the Basic Rules for the Operation of Archives of Organizations, approved by the Decision of the Collegium of the Federal Archives of February 6, 2002. The form of the nomenclature both for structural divisions and for the entire organization is given in the named rules for the work of the archives of organizations.

Making a job offer

First of all, you need to formalize an employment relationship with the head of the organization. For this, an employment contract is concluded with him. It is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with the head, and the other - in the organization (this is noted on the copy of the employer).

On the basis of an employment contract, an order is issued, since in accordance with Art. 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employment is formalized by order (instruction) of the employer. The form of the order is approved by Resolution N 1. However, if the head is sole member organization, then hiring is formalized by an order on taking office, which is issued by the director himself on the basis of a concluded employment contract. In the future, he also issues orders on the assignment of the duties of the director to the deputy (another employee) in case of departure on a business trip or vacation. These are the explanations of Rostrud given in the Letter dated 12/19/2007 N 5205-6-0.

The work book for the head is filled in by the person responsible for maintaining work books. At the same time, a job entry must be made after five days of work of the head (clause 3 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books). The basis for making an entry is an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, according to which the employee was hired (for example, the minutes of the meeting of participants).

Do not forget to get a personal card, enter information into the book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts to them and (if necessary) to the income and expense book for accounting for forms of work books and inserts to them.

In addition, it is necessary to send to the appropriate military commissariat and (or) local government information about the citizen being hired, who is subject to military registration (clause 32 of the Regulation on military registration). A document that is sent to the military commissariat and (or) local governments is registered in the manner prescribed by the employer (for example, in a journal (book) for registering outgoing documentation).

Now you can hire other workers. The procedure is similar, just recall that the employee must be familiarized with the local regulations relating to his labor activity(this is indicated in article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). We recommend documenting the acquaintance. For this, accounting books, registration journals or familiarization sheets will come in handy.


Summing up, we note that after the proper organization of office work, paperwork will not take much time and a phase of everyday work will begin for a personnel worker: you will need to keep a time sheet, draw up a vacation schedule, take incentives and penalties, arrange business trips, transfer, combine , dismissal and much more. And on the pages of the magazine we will tell you how to do it right.

Successful leadership and personnel management of any enterprise begins with the correct operation of personnel production, organization and regulation of work with documents and information about employees.

HR management is special kind activities, specializing in the registration of labor relations, maintaining and registering employee records and compiling a report on the movement of personnel. In fact, this type of activity is narrowly focused and deals exclusively with the employees of the enterprise, their employment, dismissal, leave arrangements and wage formation.

Record keeping is an integral and important part of the work carried out in any enterprise or organization, regardless of its form of ownership and the number of employees. Unfortunately, some enterprises neglect such an important process, or it is performed unskillfully, with errors in the documentation, which can lead not only to penalties from public services, but also to lawsuits from the employees of the enterprise.

HR records management and the importance of maintaining it

The structure of almost any enterprise or organization presupposes the presence of personnel. The relationship between the manager and the employee in the course of production activities is not limited to wages. Proper distribution of duties, solving current issues and organizing the work of subordinates is the basis of administrative personnel management, which in turn requires record keeping. On the basis of personnel documents, remuneration of labor, bonuses to employees, provision of social assistance and prescribed benefits. Copies of documents may be required by an employee to be submitted to the Pension Fund or the court, in addition, they can be checked by the tax office at any time.

Personnel records management is carried out in accordance with legal norms and the Labor Code, and reporting forms and documents are filled out using unified forms. Federal laws on labor protection, protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and trade secrets are the guiding framework for the work of employees of the personnel department. The presence of many state standards in each area of ​​economic activity and the availability of regulations regarding the preparation of reporting documentation is the basis for organized record keeping in each organization.

HR records management documents

Since all personnel documents are of great legal importance, they must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and in a single form. The main documents of personnel records management of any enterprise, drawn up in the first place, are the following:

Documents of internal labor regulations;

Documents on the protection of the rights of the employee;

Documents related to labor protection and fire safety.

Another important area in the work of the personnel department is the preparation of the staffing table of the enterprise, the execution of orders for hiring employees, making entries in work books and maintaining personal files drawn up for each of the employees.

One of the very important documents of personnel records management is also the time sheet, which reflects the time actually worked or not worked by the employee. The time sheet is the basis for calculating wages for employees, and, accordingly, the basis for calculating tax deductions.

Vacation schedule, payroll, orders regarding the movement of personnel, work books and documents related to the personal data of employees - all this is at the disposal of the personnel department, is subject to strict reporting and safety.

To illustrate the work done by the HR department, consider the registration of a new employee. When applying for a job, documents are drawn up in the following order:

1. conclusion of an employment contract, with full description working conditions;

2. signing the order concerning employment;

3. filling out a personal card of a new employee;

4. making entries in the work book and in the register.

Another example of the work done by employees of the personnel department can be a vacation schedule, which is usually drawn up in advance, agreeing on dates with employees and taking into account the specifics production processes enterprises.

Organization of personnel records management

The correct organization of the functioning of the personnel department and its conduct of personnel records management helps to properly organize all the activities of the enterprise, as well as to avoid unwanted fines in case of inspection by government agencies. Depending on the structure of the enterprise and its size, the number of employees in the personnel department may be different. The qualifications of these people and their competent organization of personnel records management affect the smooth operation of the enterprise and the management of the organization as a whole.

The personnel department may be directly supervised or report in full force directly to the head of the enterprise. Regardless of the structure, the work of the department is strictly regulated by labor standards, according to which office work is organized and carried out.

Ensuring the competent distribution of specialists, the design of the work schedule and the working hours of employees, that is, measures that ensure the smooth and uninterrupted operation of the enterprise - this is the main task assigned to the personnel department. In order to develop the enterprise and to fulfill the tasks facing it, the personnel department develops plans to improve the efficiency of employees' work by improving their qualifications, analyzes the suitability of the position held.

HR records management allows you to solve the following tasks at the enterprise:

Maintaining documentation related to labor relations and having a great social significance for each employee;

Development and creation of a personnel management system, which ensures the achievement of goals and strategic objectives enterprises;

Permission conflict situations, providing documents to various state authorities, including the court.

How HR is handled

First of all, record keeping should be based on a legislative framework that correlates with the direction of the enterprise. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation is the main guide for a personnel officer, but forums and record keeping websites, which are especially interesting for aspiring entrepreneurs, can be very useful.

1C is recognized as the most common and accessible HR record management program, widely used by most HR workers in their practical activities. In the process of work, each employee of the personnel department is assigned big number responsibilities associated with the performance of specific tasks. Proper organization of their work allows you to make the work of the entire department more efficient. In particular, storing work books, personal files and personal cards in alphabetical order greatly simplifies and speeds up the search. required document, and doing business in chronological order helps compose complete picture staff movements.

Undoubtedly, the decision on how to conduct personnel records management is made directly by the head of the enterprise, however, he must do this taking into account the legal requirements and regulatory documents relating to this type of activity.

Summing up, it should be noted that the presence of a personnel department or a personnel specialist, as well as their qualified management of the relevant office work, is one of the indispensable conditions for the success of any enterprise. It is impossible to ignore such an important direction that affects the work of any organization.

is an activity aimed at systematization of personnel documents and work with them.

The personnel department exists in all organizations and ensures uninterrupted work with documents, as well as timely accounting of all changes on the part of the enterprise and its employees.

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Required literature

In order to quickly conduct training in office work and apply knowledge in practice, experts recommend paying attention to the following printed publications:

Organization of personnel records management from scratch

The organization of personnel records management from scratch should be built in stages as follows:

  • Installation special programs for a computer, designed to carry out competent documentation and other matters related to personnel records management.
  • To date, there are many programs designed for these needs. However, organizational leaders traditionally choose 1C.

    This is due to the fact that there are specialists in the installation and maintenance of this program in any large or small city, but those who could serve innovative developments cannot always be called by phone.

  • Studying important documents of the organization.
  • All submitted contracts and documents must comply with, and not contradict, the charter of the organization. This carries an important part, first of all, to eliminate disagreements with the management or with employees.

  • Acquisition or independent production registration log.
  • The documents that will be contained in the office work of the company must be agreed with the higher management.

    It is necessary to clarify which of them will be mandatory, and which can be postponed, because they will be invoked in rare cases. It is important to know which of them will be located in the work schedule, and which in forms.

  • Director's form. It is necessary to check the correct filling of all papers, which should reflect the date the head has been working in the company.
  • Creation of a staffing table and internal regulations that apply to all employees without exception.
  • If they are not in the company, you need to create these documents. These documents must be fully agreed with the head of the organization and checked against the regulatory framework. That is, you need to find out whether the innovations are contrary to the law.

  • Creation of a standard employment contract that will be beneficial to the organization, but will not contradict legislative norms.
  • Then the main documents are needed.
  • Human Resources can't get by without creating the following papers:

  1. order forms;
  2. liability agreements;
  3. registration log;
  4. accounting books;
  5. work time sheet.
  6. After the documents, you need to take care of who and how should lead.

The issue of their storage and filling out documents should be decided on time and in advance. On initial stage when there are very few staff at work, this may be the founder of the company. On this occasion, a special order should be issued. Failure to do so will result in a serious fine.

If in the future a person appears whose duties will include working with documents, then a new order will be issued to appoint a responsible person.

  • The last stage is the recruitment of employees for employment.
  • For this procedure you will need:

    1. job orders;
    2. registration of labor contracts;
    3. availability of work books;
    4. cards for employees;
    5. book in order to take into account work books.

    This is far from everything that an employee starting from scratch needs to know, but such actions are only first basics V large volume information to be explored in the future.

    You can find instructions for personnel records management.

    Responsibilities of the Human Resources Specialist

    The office worker has a broad field of activity, covering all aspects of the organization related to employees and their work. So, the main tasks of the office worker are:

    • Preparation of documents related to sick leave and other certificates.
    • Formation of a personal file for each of the employees.
    • Preparation and development of time sheets.
    • Conducting and preparing personnel orders.
    • Calculation and subsequent accrual.

    Download a sample job description for a personnel officer-clerk for free.

    In addition to the main tasks, employees in this field of activity also have additional tasks , such as:

    • tracking the market for wages;
    • tracking and inviting candidates for employment;
    • compiling a list of open vacancies in the organization;
    • development of regulations on and recruitment of employees of the company.

    Sometimes an employee of this department is engaged in evaluating the work of employees and compiling a report on this topic.

    It is important to know that in accordance with applicable law, the personnel officer cannot disclose the employee's personal data to third parties. This responsibility lies entirely with him.

    Mistakes made in the HR department

    Mistakes can be made in any work. So HR is no exception. Since this is a complex process and it is difficult for many novice employees to remember a large amount of information, the main ones are as follows:

    1. When registering and dismissing an employee.
    2. First of all, it refers to the design. The order may not specify the conditions for or the nature of the work performed. Sometimes mistakes are made in the initials or surname of the employee, as well as his working unit. It is important to consider here that an order executed with errors or issued by an unauthorized person is invalid.

    3. Work with workbooks. According to the rules, the series and number of this document must be entered in the book of accounting for the movement of labor books, which not everyone does.
    4. When concluding an employment contract. The main omissions are the absence of any of the documents required for this procedure, or the employment of citizens who are unable to engage in this type of activity for health reasons.
    5. Orders. A local regulatory act at the enterprise can be issued, but it does not contain the signature of the head of the company. This gross violation and such document is not valid.

    Restoration of order in personnel records

    Sometimes in small company it happens that a lot of violations accumulate, and there is no specialist capable of resolving this issue. If, nevertheless, such a person was found, and he was entrusted with putting things in order in the documentation, then he needs to follow following step by step instructions:

    1. Will be required regulations the latest edition, which will help solve many legal issues, as well as special literature on personnel topics and programs that make life easier in personnel office work.
    2. Revision of documents and verification.
    3. All must be available Required documents that are related to business. These include mandatory, special and optional.

      It is important that everything is in its proper form and in its place.

      Optional ones should also be acquired in order to protect yourself when conducting checks in the office.

    4. Studying the wishes of the manager, as well as how things are in the company and whether they comply with the declared orders and local regulations. This stage also includes a careful study of the constituent documents of the organization.
    5. Determination of the circle of persons involved in the development of the missing documents and those employees who will be responsible for the document flow and its safety in the future.
    6. Analysis of the staffing table, which must be performed in a unified form.
    7. Checking the execution of the head, employees and employment contracts in the company.
    8. An important part is the study of previous employment orders and personal cards for employees, there should be no errors in them.
    9. Checking work books.
    10. Checking transfers and movements of employees in the company, layoffs, both past and current.
    11. The final step is to check the working hours for each employee.

    Office automation

    HR records management is becoming more and more complex over time, and companies are getting bigger. Therefore, the way out of this situation is HR automation. Today, in almost every organization, personnel issues are resolved using automatic devices.

    Establishing the automation process should take place in several stages:

    • The first step is to set a goal for automation. Most often, this is the smooth operation and efficiency of the installed system.
    • After determining the effectiveness, you need to start implementing the system, that is, creating an automatic database.
    • Next, you need to train employees to work on the provided equipment.
    • The introduction of data from all documents of the organization into the system is the main stage. At this time, you need to create templates for reports.

    For correct personnel office work, you will need following programs:

    1. pre-systems, that is, programs that provide accounting;
    2. HRM systems. This is a system that solves the problem with the automation of personnel. This is a system that stores information on each of the employees;
    3. WFM system. These programs have more features than conventional automation programs;
    4. HCM-systems are decisive issues not only in terms of the quantitative indicator of personnel, but also in terms of quality. Such programs improve the performance of large firms by about 15 percent.

    Of course, you can abandon new technologies and carry out work according to the old methods. However, progress does not stand still, and in the future it may turn out that due to improper automatic equipment, a violation of the document flow may occur, which can entail a fine.

    How to organize personnel records in a newly created company - see the video seminar:

    The general definition says that personnel records management is the process of registration and maintenance of personnel papers. This topic is relevant for both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. Paperwork has strict legislative norms, and the described rules must be taken into account by all managers, personnel departments at enterprises. With the help of personnel records management, it will be possible to optimize the process of personnel management, improve the work of each team, and simplify the reporting procedure.

    What is HR management

    The basics of personnel records management include the entire process of preparing papers, filling them out, reporting on the personnel who work in the company. Each issued is legally binding, including those that are formed on the basis of an employee's application. Personnel production is often carried out by the personnel department, whose functions are such personnel work:

    • payroll;
    • registration of holidays, sick leave;
    • issuance of references.

    Goals and objectives

    Tasks and objectives of this HR department:

    Direction of work

    Employee tasks

    Accounting, registration, control

    Keeping records of the number of employees, registration for work, dismissal

    Work regulation

    Familiarization with duties, choice of workplace, premises

    Coordination, training

    Conducting courses, training, advanced training, retraining, verification of performance

    Work with documents

    Specialists of this department are engaged in the preparation of papers, books, work schedules, register, reporting


    Organization of activities according to instructions

    Legal regulation

    Work on personnel is regulated by a number of regulatory laws, orders and a set of rules at the regional or state level. Failure to comply with the requirements specified in the regulatory framework is a violation. The main regulations for conducting personnel production:

    • state regulation on work books (2003);
    • rules of office work and document management from 2009;
    • federal instructions for maintaining paperwork regarding employees;
    • general requirements, which are approved by the order of the ministries.

    Legislative base of the enterprise

    Each enterprise uses a number of documentation that regulates the work of all personnel. The movement of documents and their preparation is carried out according to the instructions, the regulatory framework prescribed above. The legal framework of the enterprise is divided into five key categories, regulated by the internal orders of the enterprise:

    • company charter;
    • work schedule;
    • regulations on the protection of personal data;
    • labor protection (regulated by federal archival decree);
    • staff work schedule (and documents on staffing).

    Personnel document flow in the organization

    Unified accounting systems for papers in enterprises are divided into three main categories, among which are internal regulations, staffing, and regulations on remuneration. The first category includes the turnover of papers according to the vacation schedule, filling out documents about the work schedule. The second paragraph is more global and contains a provision on the preparation of contracts and accounting policy papers. The regulation on remuneration regulates all issues regarding the payment of wages, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and severance pay upon dismissal.

    Staffing in the form of T-3

    The staffing table in the T-3 form is a single type of paper that describes the entire structure of personnel in an enterprise or company. The columns contain data on the full name, position of the employee, the unit where he is listed. According to regulatory and legislative norms, the official salary of a specialist is prescribed there. Any change in the registration process must be registered by the accounting department in this staffing table on the T3 form. The instructions for filling out always contain recommendations for each column. In total, the document includes 5 information points.

    Working schedule

    The work schedule is a document that approves the daily routine of a specialist. The workflow regulates the manager's schedule. It includes items on the need for an inspection under current legislation, about lunch and breaks, and about reporting. In some companies, the clerk requires a report to be drawn up every week or month (the document must be confirmed by the signatures of the employee and the clerk after verification). The plan, the schedule of the schedule are formed for the future working period. Recording of employees' working hours.

    Contract of employment

    An employment agreement is a civil law document that is drawn up between a future employee and an employer. Standard forms for this type of document are not expected, and the agreement is filled in free form indicating the qualifications (position) and period of work. The desired result is also written there. By legal regulations, this type of document is very similar to a contract document, as it prescribes the final result of the work, and not its structure. To dismiss employees, you only need to finalize before the expiration of the contract.

    Personnel orders

    The reinstatement of employees in positions, the hiring of specialists are carried out according to personnel orders. This type of document prescribes the appointment of personnel to the position and other movements of specialists in departments. Employees of the personnel department and the management team take part in the development of instructions and orders. Managers/administrators of the company make local decisions. Orders have a single form, it is established by the regulatory framework. According to the shelf life of the paper, they must be kept in the accounting department or in the personnel department for up to five years or more (depending on the type of order).

    Job Descriptions

    Job Descriptions- this is a document that prescribes the responsibility of the parties (employee and employer), and also contains data about the instructions and duties of a particular specialist in his position. They are confirmed by the seal of the organization and the signature of the responsible person. Three copies are required for this document. One remains in the personnel department, the other with the performer himself, and the third with the manager or administrator of a particular department. The purpose of this order is to optimize the processes of personnel management in the enterprise.

    How to organize office work in the personnel department

    Proper HR administration involves high level responsibility. Human Resources staff must ensure that the dates of signing correspond to the actual ones. You can entrust the maintenance of work books and other personnel documents to outsourcing companies. Responsibilities of HR Officers:

    • form a work schedule, accounting documentation related to vacations;
    • draw up documents for labor protection (required for state bodies);
    • prepare and issue orders;
    • Calculate payroll and control the payment of bonuses.

    HR department

    The full-time personnel service is carried out when all accounting and all registrations are carried out only by hired full-time people from the personnel department. This mode of paperwork is relevant for enterprises and companies with a staff of 20-30 people. State standards require strict adherence to the form of all orders and other requirements, otherwise entity may receive a fine. In the service sector, where one legal entity has up to 30 people, it is more profitable to use the services of outsourcing companies.

    Involvement of specialists of an outsourcing company for personnel work

    Involvement of specialists of an outsourcing company for personnel work save money and reduce the overall headcount. Independent specialists carry out the entire volume of necessary work on the preparation of orders, schedules. They also keep a special journal and regulate the work of each specialist in the company. Outsourcing of personnel records management is marked by the fact that a legal entity does not have its own personnel department, but entrusts this task to a separate team for a moderate fee.

    Personnel accounting from scratch step by step

    To keep records of documents of the personnel department, office equipment and an office are needed. It is important to have a strong safe. The order should appoint the head of the document management system. After that, internal acts are formed. For each employee in the company, you must create a separate folder where it will be stored employment history. Personnel records management requires the preservation of this documentation during the entire period of work of a specialist in a position. Throughout the entire activity of the department, information is entered into books, orders are drawn up.

    Requirements for HR employees

    Personnel records management is a relatively complex process that requires certain theoretical and practical skills. The regulatory framework for this position contains a list of conditions under which a specialist can hold this position. Educational establishments do not single out a separate profile as personnel office work. Managers and administrators are suitable for activities in the personnel department. So employers appoint people with a legal education, information protection or document management.

    Rights and obligations of a personnel officer

    The first obligation of such officials is to know legislative framework compliance with established accounting rules. Above were the articles, federal laws that should be followed when conducting personnel records management. The personnel officer has the right to receive information from employees, view personal folders, see the accounting book (salary). The powers of specialists of this profile include affixing signatures, working with employers to improve the efficiency of staff.

    Managing personnel records

    Today, HR records management is conducted both in writing and in digital format. Documentation is signed personally by authorized employees. For documentation, state standards are used, which unify all templates and forms. It is necessary to take into account the norms of GOST R 6.30-2003 and GOST R 7.0.8-2013. Important papers are stored in special folders or metal safes. Depending on the scope and size of the company, specialists need to adhere to different requirements for the frequency of reporting.

    Search and registration of personnel

    Initially, before registering employees, you need to find specialized personnel that would meet strict criteria (they must be related to the specifics of the work). To do this, use specialized bureaus, agencies, job search sites, labor exchange or private ads in newspapers, in the media, on websites. After that, mandatory personnel documents are drawn up, registration is carried out, an employment contract or a work contract is signed.

    Stages of hiring

    The procedures for registering people for a position begin with entering data about the job seeker in a special journal. The report card records information about experience, length of service, and previously held position. Upon approval, an order is drawn up to appoint a person to a particular post. The final stage is the formation of a personal folder, drawing up a case in a company, department. The contract contains information about the duties, about the salary in the post.

    Personal cards and the formation of an employee's personal file

    Types of personnel documents include an employee's personal card. It contains all information regarding marital status, full name, a photograph is pasted there, the date of birth is prescribed. All this is done by employers in order to form a data package about each member of the company's staff. According to the law, this data cannot be transferred to third parties. Folders, cabinets or even metal safes are used to conduct a personal file (depending on the level of equipment of the company's office).

    HR magazines

    Paper printed products help to systematize reporting, simplify document flow. Documentation in the form of business journals includes the following types:

    • for the control of documents, papers that are delivered to a company or enterprise;
    • to control time, periods of business trips;
    • to control any notes, statements;
    • records to ensure the safety of work books.

    Maintenance of work books

    Personnel records management obliges specialists to keep records of the work book. All records are kept if the person at the enterprise is formally registered. The work book is issued to the employee upon dismissal. This documentation records all changes regarding the position, awards. Training in personnel records management from scratch includes mandatory items on the correct design of work books. Any errors are corrected by members of the Human Resources staff. If they are found, specialists may be charged with an administrative violation.

    Organizing and storing documents

    Separate legislative norms have been created for the audit and storage of documents. It is important to mention Article 17 of the Federal Law on archiving. It prescribes the need for the management of companies and enterprises to take care of the safety of archival documentation within the prescribed period. The storage period is prescribed by law and complies with state standards. To ensure the integrity of paper documentation, metal fireproof safes and cabinets are used.

    If necessary, the data from the documents are transferred to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. Automation, digitization of the circulation of papers is one of the priority areas in optimizing the process of managing the work of the state. Today, most reporting is not done on paper. This does not remove the obligation from the heads of enterprises, managers to preserve the archive for one, three, five or more years.

    Electronic personnel records

    When using electronic personnel records, it is important to comply with the security conditions of documents, to reduce access to the archive by virtue of the law on the protection of personal data. Electronic accounting of documentation has a number of advantages:

    1. quick access to documents;
    2. file password protection;
    3. there is no need to purchase safes to save papers;
    4. saving space in the office - the hard drive can store 10,000 documents or more;
    5. saving time - you can sign, find any document in 1-2 minutes in the hard disk archive on your computer.


    Livena S.V. / "Human Resources Package"
    You were instructed to set up a personnel business from scratch. And you have little experience in this area. Maybe you are a novice personnel officer, or in general an accountant or an office manager who has been “hung up” with personnel, or a novice entrepreneur. Then our guide will surely help you. It is made simple and accessible, especially for beginners in the personnel business.

    So, you have been assigned personnel. Where do we start?

    1. Let's stock up on the necessary laws, special literature and programs. All this you will need in your work.
    Discuss with management the issue of acquiring a program in which to keep personnel records. There are many such programs, and many specialized ones are very, very convenient. Some bypass the functionality of 1C. But most companies keep personnel records according to tradition in 1C. The fact is that there are plenty of 1C support specialists in any city, but you will not find specialists in supporting other programs everywhere.

    2. We take copies of the organization's constituent documents from the management and carefully study them. All documents in the personnel section must comply with the constituent documents of the company, and not contradict them in any way. Read in the Charter the procedure for accepting a director (you will draw it up) and setting his salary, the period for which you can conclude an employment contract with him, some features may be prescribed in the Charter. Sometimes the Charter prescribes the procedure for hiring key executives and establishing remuneration systems for them (for example, with prior approval general meeting founders), and even the procedure for approving the staffing table.

    3. We determine the list of documents that should be in the area of ​​personnel work, and which we will draw up. The list of such documents is here -
    It is clear that you will draw up the documents required by law in any case. Check with the management which of the optional documents you will draw up for the company. Also, you can clarify with the director in advance what special conditions he wants to see in the Internal Labor Regulations, other local regulations, in the forms of employment contracts.

    Required Documents:

    Constituent documents
    - Employment contracts
    - Staffing table (T-3 form) *
    - Time sheet (form T-13)* or Time sheet and payroll (form T-12)*
    - Internal labor regulations
    - Document on the protection of personal data of employees (regulation)
    - Vacation schedule (T-7 form) *
    - Personal cards (T-2 form)*
    - Orders. For example, on the hiring of an employee (form T-1) *, on the hiring of employees (form T-1a) *, on the provision of leave (form T-6) *, on the provision of holidays (form T-6a), on the promotion of an employee (form T-11)*, on incentives for employees (form T-11a)*, on a business trip of an employee (form T-9)*, on a business trip of employees (form T-9a)*, on the transfer of an employee (form T-5)*, on the transfer of employees (form T-5a)*, on the termination of an employment contract with an employee (form T-8)*, on the termination of employment contracts with employees (form T-8a), on the application disciplinary action, on the removal of a disciplinary sanction, on combining, on replacement, on suspension, on termination of suspension, on the postponement of vacation, on recall from vacation, on staff reduction, etc.
    - Grounds for orders (memorandums, statements, acts, employment contracts, explanatory notes)
    - Magazines (books) for registration of travel certificates, it is very desirable - orders, employment contracts.
    - Book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts to them. Income and expense book for accounting for forms of work books and inserts to them
    - Employment books
    - All statements, notes-calculations and other documents related to the calculation and payment of wages, vacation pay, compensation for unused vacations, "settlement" upon dismissal, the approved form of the payslip.

    Documents that become mandatory under certain circumstances:
    - A collective agreement is mandatory if at least one of the parties (employees or employer) came out with the initiative to conclude it.
    - The regulation on remuneration and bonuses is mandatory if any of the terms of remuneration and bonuses that apply to the employer are not regulated in any other document, for example, neither in the employment contract, nor in the staff list.
    - Job descriptions - mandatory if all job duties of employees are not regulated in employment contracts.
    - Regulations on attestation and accompanying attestation documents - mandatory if the employer conducts attestation of employees.
    - Shift schedule is required if there is shift work.
    - Regulations on trade secrets - mandatory if the employment contract states that the employee is obliged to keep trade secrets.
    - Lists of underage workers, disabled workers, pregnant workers, women with children under the age of three, single mothers; persons caring for children with disabilities and those disabled since childhood, workers employed in jobs with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions - if there are underage workers in the staff, disabled workers, pregnant workers, women with children under the age of three years, single mothers, persons caring for children with disabilities and disabled since childhood, workers employed in jobs with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions

    4. We make out the director
    Check if the director is registered ( CEO) properly. If not, then first of all we draw up a director. He is the first worker! From the documents it should be clear from what date the director has been working. A step-by-step procedure for applying for a director's job is in the "Package of Personnel Officer", the necessary sample documents are also there. Also in the Package you will find a seminar "Arrangement of labor relations with a hired director" and a lot of consultations on the topic in the corresponding section of consultations.

    5. We draw up a staffing table, Internal labor regulations, other local regulations (see table from paragraph 3).
    Surely the company does not yet have a staffing table and internal labor regulations and other local regulations. We compose them. All these documents are coordinated with the director. We take into account the comments and wishes of the director, check whether they contradict the law. The director approves ready-made versions of the named documents.
    Please note that staffing has unified form, not arbitrary. You can download this staffing form here -. If there are difficulties with the staffing, then in the "Package of Personnel Officer" look at the samples of filling out the staffing table, the step-by-step procedure for developing and approving the staffing table, the thematic seminar and the corresponding section of consultations on the staffing table. Also in the Package you can find samples of various local regulations, step by step procedures their adoption, consultations, drafting advice, etc.

    6. We develop a standard form of an employment contract that will be concluded with employees. We include in it all the conditions that are beneficial and necessary for the company. The “Package of Personnel Officer” has good templates for an employment contract and the book “Employment: registration of labor relations in favor of the employer”. Here in parts 2 and 3 of this book, it is useful and accessible to tell you how to draw up a legal, but at the same time profitable employment contract.

    7. We prepare other documents that we will need to conduct personnel work in the future: accounting books, registration logs, timesheets, order forms, an agreement on liability, etc. In the “Package of Personnel Officer” in the “Sample Documents” section, you can take the forms of these documents, print them if necessary, familiarize yourself with the samples of their completion , advice on design and books, seminars on the topic. If you do not have the Package, then some documents can be downloaded here -

    8. We decide with the management the question of who will keep work books. Since the workers have not yet been hired, the director will have to keep work books first. We issue an order for the director to take responsibility for the maintenance, storage, accounting and issuance of work books. The form and sample order can be taken in the "Package of the Personnel Officer" in the "Sample Documents" section. Subsequently, the director may transfer these powers to the accepted personnel officer, also by order.

    9. We arrange for the work of employees.
    At this stage, you will draw up a lot of documents: employment contracts, employment orders, personal cards, work books, the Book of accounting for the movement of work books, etc.

    Then the employees will begin to work and the phase of everyday work will begin for the personnel worker, it will be necessary to keep a time sheet, draw up a vacation schedule, arrange vacations, apply incentives and penalties, business trips, combinations, dismissals and much more ...

    Read also

    • men in submission

      “Most of my employees are men. They behave differently with me. Some flirt, others communicate in a purely businesslike way. I am a director, and I have to manage them. Sometimes I get lost, not knowing what to do and how to behave, but in no case should I show my insecurity. Elena, Pskov ""

    Articles in this section

    • How to organize the verification of candidates for microbusinesses without outsourcing?

      The efficiency of microbusiness is directly related to the high labor motivation of employees. Therefore, it is so important to correctly select and screen candidates. We tell you how to solve this problem on your own, without resorting to outsourcing personnel specialists.

    • What do you need to know about hiring teenagers?

      Today's youth often start working as early as school age wanting to become independent. They go through internships, training and then get a job. What is important to know at the beginning of a career and what risks should employers consider?
      Recruitment of teenagers is fraught with many difficulties. Labor law establishes clear requirements that an employer must comply with, but they are often overlooked.

    • The appearance of an employee at work in a state of intoxication must be correctly proved

      Coming to work in a state of intoxication is a seemingly obvious situation that does not require additional evidence. Fortunately, such stories are rare, but perhaps that is why not all HR specialists know exactly how to act correctly. For example, is it possible to use a breathalyzer and allow an employee to enter the company?

    • Deductions on writ of execution

      When receiving a writ of execution for an employee, you need to remember which types of income cannot be levied, take into account the maximum possible percentage of retention on the writ of execution and the sequence of repayment of several writ of execution. …

    • Geolocation - to protect the interests of employers?

      How to effectively supervise regional employees? The question is not idle: they are not under constant supervision, but they are responsible for an important part of the business. This affects labor relations. It is necessary to trust a person, and always know how he works. Alas, freedom of action often leads to irresponsibility, and conflicts to courts.

    • Facsimile on employment contracts and combination agreements

      A facsimile is a cliche, an exact reproduction of a manuscript, document, signature by means of photography and printing. Let's figure out whether it is allowed to use a facsimile instead of a handwritten signature in employment contracts and agreements on additional work.

    • social tax deduction

      A social tax deduction for treatment and training can be granted to an employee under certain conditions. Consider the features of providing a social tax deduction.

    • Professional standards will become mandatory in some cases

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    • Death of an individual entrepreneur, employee, founder

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    • Bankruptcy of an employer for wage arrears

      Employees have the right to apply to the court to declare the employer bankrupt in cases of non-payment of wages. We figure out when an employer may go bankrupt for wage arrears and what employees need to do to start bankruptcy proceedings.

    • Local regulations of the company - how to avoid liability during inspections

      The absence of some local regulations may be regarded by inspectors from the labor inspectorate as a violation of labor laws. In the article we will tell you how to avoid such consequences.

    • Substitution of positions and internal combination

      The concept of "acting." or "acting" by the current legislation are not established. Therefore, in order to avoid disputes with employees, the employer must know how to properly fill in positions and what is the procedure for paying for it.

    • Local regulations of the company

      The end of the year is the time after the submission of quarterly reports without haste to start preparing for the coming year: think over the staffing table, prepare a vacation schedule for next year. Also, if necessary, amend other local regulations.

    • Job vacancies for downsizing employees

      The legislator established the obligation of the employer to offer the employee vacant positions in case of staff reduction. This position must be free, correspond to the qualifications of the employee, and may also be lower paid or lower. In addition, the vacancy must be located in the same locality. …

    • We make changes to the personal data of an employee

      Personal (personal) data of employees are contained mainly in personnel and accounting documents. It is important to follow the sequence of actions when making changes to them.

    • When and how to conduct a HR audit

      Maintaining personnel records in strict accordance with the letter of the law is necessary, since these documents are used not only by the personnel department, but also by accounting for payroll. They can be checked by the labor inspectorate and tax, employees may need extracts and certificates.

    • Personnel audit. What documents does your company need to have?

      An audit of personnel records management is one of the most important components of the procedure for assessing the effectiveness of the entire personnel management system and human resources of an organization or an independent procedure as part of measures to reduce the company's fiscal and reputational risks, including when resolving labor disputes in court.

    • Organization of HR administration from scratch

      The need to set up personnel records management is not such an exotic task, not an easy one for novice personnel officers, private entrepreneurs and accountants, whose duties included personnel management. However, the whole process can be described as a simple step-by-step guide to action.

    • Work during maternity leave: we analyze possible situations

      Often, a young mother, while on parental leave, works part-time or at home.
      Some mothers manage to work on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work issued in accordance with the established procedure during maternity leave, which is not expressly provided for by law. In practice, documenting such a situation raises many questions among personnel officers.

    • How to make an external part-time worker the main worker

      The transition of a part-time worker to the main position in the same company can be formalized through dismissal or through the conclusion of an additional agreement to an employment contract. Filling out the work book depends on when and by whom the entries were made on the hiring of a part-time worker and his dismissal.

    • Documents to be submitted by the employee

      Based on the materials of the reference book "Salary and other payments to employees" edited by V. Vereshchaka Before an employment contract is concluded with an employee, he must submit a number of documents. They are listed in article 65 of the Labor ...

    • Regulations on wages

      The main objective of this provision is to establish the procedure for remuneration of all categories of employees of the company.

    • Changing the job title of an employee

      If the employer decides to change the name of the position, he must notify the employee working in it. Further actions of the parties to the employment contract depend on the consent of the employee to change the name of the position.

    • Application of a tariff-free system of remuneration. Features of payroll

      This system provides for the distribution of the total payroll for the company (or its division) among the relevant employees. At the same time, the general fund depends on the results of the company (division) in a particular period of time (for example, a month). At its core, the salary of a particular employee is his share in the payroll of the entire team. Wages are distributed among employees on the basis of certain coefficients (for example, labor participation). And there may be several of them.

    • Calculation of wages with a piecework wage system
    • We are hiring a driver

      When concluding an employment contract with a driver, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances that are associated with this position. Some of them must be spelled out in the employment contract, for others it is enough to make a reference.

    • Changes and corrections in the work book

      The article was published within the framework of cooperation between the journal "Actual Accounting" and HRMaximum. The employee's work book is the main document that confirms the length of service and gives guarantees for receiving a pension. That is why it is necessary to draw up work books correctly, ...

    • Storage of documents. Terms of storage, destruction and disposal of primary accounting documents

      The procedure and terms of storage of accounting and tax accounting documents, personnel documents

    • Orders: form, numbering, corrections

      The author focuses in the material on the nuances of issuing orders, making changes to them, etc. Since some errors can lead to the loss of legal force by the order, they cannot be considered trifles.

    • In what order are copies of documents provided to former employees of the organization?

      According to the Rules for the maintenance and storage of work books, approved. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/16/2003 N 225 (as amended on 05/19/2008, hereinafter referred to as the Rules), a work book is issued to an employee only upon dismissal, but there are times when an employee ...

    • Who is on the staff list... Director of Human Resources, Head of Human Resources, Head of HR?

      How to define the functions and powers of the HR director and separate his duties from the duties of other personnel workers, the author tells in a material prepared on the basis of questions from personnel officers

    • Calculation of work schedules (Program based on Microsoft Excel)
    • How to staple documents

      The article tells about all the nuances of the rules for flashing documents. Readers will get acquainted with how to correctly number, draw up an inventory, transfer personnel documents to the archive

    • How to register the absence of an employee if he performs state duties?

      Imagine a situation: an employee of the organization is a specialist of a narrow profile and is involved as an expert in the investigative process. Or: a person liable for military service who is in reserve is called up for military training. Or maybe one of your subordinates needs to be present in court as a juror. What are all these cases talking about? The fact that the employee must be released from work for the duration of the performance of state duties and his absence must be formalized in a special way.

    • Features of labor regulation of employees working for employers-individuals

      A number of features has work for employers - individuals. In principle, all employers - individuals are divided into two groups: individual entrepreneurs and individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs. The former use workers to carry out entrepreneurial activity

    • What personnel documents should be in the enterprise

      The responsible officer needs to know which documents are mandatory for the company, which become such only under certain conditions, and which papers can be omitted, since they are advisory in nature. This will allow you to prepare well for a meeting with ...

    • Rights of an employee upon sale of a debtor company

      The Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" does not contain norms that ensure the protection of the labor rights of employees in the event of the sale of a debtor enterprise. The specificity of the labor relations that arise in this case requires a special analysis.

    • Employment confirmation

      When calculating the length of service, the periods of work or other activities that are included in it that took place before the registration of a citizen as an insured person in accordance with federal law dated April 1, 1996 “On individual (personalized) accounting ...

    • Temporary transfer to another job

      In N 8 of the magazine "Personnel Department budget institution"For 2009, we wrote about the permanent transfer of an employee to another job with the same employer, in which it is not planned to return to his previous position. In addition, the legislation provides for the possibility of a temporary transfer. How does it differ from a permanent one, in what cases and in what order it is produced, we will tell in this article.

    • How to prepare for the arrival of the labor inspectorate?

      Checking the organization of the state labor inspectorate often takes management by surprise. Especially taking into account the fact that, according to the law, a labor inspector has the right to visit the organization at any time of the day and without warning. According to the results of the audit, not only the head of the organization or his deputy, but also the head of the personnel service, as well as the chief accountant, can be held accountable.

    • Notification to the employee: how and in what cases to send

      Often in the work of personnel officers, a document such as a notification is used. With the help of this paper, the employer notifies employees of legally significant points. For example, about downsizing. There is no single form of notification. For each case, a different version is developed. We will tell you how to draw up a notice of company reorganization and branch liquidation. How to notify employees about changes in the terms of an employment contract. How to notify an employee of the need to appear for a work book.

    • Visit of the labor inspectorate

      Any employer should be prepared for the fact that sooner or later the labor inspectorate will visit him. Unfortunately, in the current situation, which is characterized by massive staff cuts, an unexpected visit can occur at any time. Let's talk about what reason an inspector can come for, what his powers are and what the employer's actions are when carrying out control measures.

    • Freelance worker: "Dangerous" moments for employer and employee

      In the days of the USSR, "freelancers" meant citizens who did work for the organization and were not on the staff. With the development of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the concept and status of a "freelance worker" has changed. The thinking of some of the leaders of organizations remained at the level of legal regulation of the labor of "freelancers" in the USSR. The employer does not always think about the consequences of such relationships.

      Is it possible to get rid of the cunning "ballot" by legal means? Can. The main thing is to recognize it.

    • What to do with documents during the liquidation of the organization

      The issues of ensuring the safety of documents of joint-stock companies during their liquidation are reflected in the resolution of the Federal Market Commission valuable papers. Let us quote the most important fragments for us.

    • Office work in the personnel department

      Answers of Andreeva Valentina Ivanovna, Professor of the Department of Labor Law of the Russian Academy of Justice, to questions about the Documentation of the activities of the personnel service and the vacation schedule in the organization.

    • Common misconceptions

      The most common misconceptions about employment relationships
