Olga Buzova's official blog. Olga Buzova and her pages in social networks

If you want to know more about Olga Buzova, Instagram will help you with this! It is on the page on the social network that you can see last news from the life of a super popular presenter and singer.


The future star was born in St. Petersburg in a military family. Since childhood, Olga Buzova was interested in creativity - she began performing early in various groups, entered a modeling agency. Parents insisted on graduating from the university - the girl obeyed and entered St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Geoecology and Geography.

However, Olga graduated from the university already in the status of a participant in the Dom-2 project. In 2004, she passed the casting and quickly became one of the most popular participants in the TV show, forming a couple with Roman Tretyakov.

In 2015, Olya and Roma started their show on TNT, which was called "Romance with Buzova". The relationship lasted four years, during which she became the real star of the project, so the producers offered her to take the chair as co-host Ksenia Borodina and Sobchak.

Then, in 2008, two books by Olga Buzova were published, and by 2011 she began to actively build a musical career and develop as a singer. Now Olga Buzova's Instagram is full of pictures from performances and concerts.

The official Instagram page of Olga Buzova confirms that Olga Buzova leads active life she travels with concert program in the cities of Russia, releases fresh songs, opened her own cafe and even announced the creation of a cryptocurrency. She has acted in several films and takes part in theatrical performances which is also reflected in Instagram. In the photo she is with her sister Anna Buzova - see her Instagram at the link.

Personal life

But what about personal life? In 2011, Olga met footballer Dmitry Tarasov, and a year later the couple joined the knot. However, happiness was short-lived - in 2016 followed scandalous divorce, which was vigorously discussed on Instagram. Now her ex-husband lives with Anastasia Kostenko - see the girl's Instagram at the link.

Girl's biggest fan film set show - Roman Gritsenko. The press attributed to them a possible stormy romance, however, the relationship did not continue. Today, the name of Olga Buzova is associated with the performer Lesha Svik - he often flashes in the photo and in the story on the girl's Instagram Internet blog.

On the official website of Instagram, Olga Buzova can be found at the link https://www.instagram.com/buzova86/. In her Instagram account, the girl posts pictures from performances, advertising publications. She generously shares her plans and thoughts with subscribers, exposes personal photos from vacations and trips. You can watch for free a demonstration of the amazing performance of the artist - she does not get tired of recording songs and constantly advertises her activities on Instagram and beyond.

By the way! The very first publication appeared on the page in December 2012 - the photo on Instagram of Olga Buzova buzova86 shows the singer with her then husband, Dmitry Tarasov. The post collected only 2.5 thousand likes – but now the star boasts hundreds of thousands of “hearts. How many followers does the account have now in 2019? You will be surprised - more than 15,000,000 people subscribed to Olga's new photos and videos on Instagram. Look further Instagram Alena Vodonaeva - a former member of Dom2.

Olga Buzova is an incredibly versatile media person. The celebrity has successfully proved herself on television, radio, in the fashion industry, cinema, music, and even in publishing.

She became known to the general public in 2004, becoming a member of the Dom-2 television project. And in 2008, she "retrained" as its presenter.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Olga Buzova originates in the city on the Neva. The future TV star was born in January 1986. By nationality - Russian. Her parents are far from show business. Igor Dmitrievich and Irina Alexandrovna were military personnel at that moment.

Little Olga Buzova developed very rapidly: her reading and writing skills appeared by the age of three. At the same age, the girl began to study English language. Olga's abilities prompted parents to send their child to school at the age of 5. The little girl brilliantly coped with all the difficulties of her studies, brought home fives and quickly found mutual language with classmates.

Already at the age of 13, Olya worked as a counselor in a children's camp, and at the age of 15 she got a job in a modeling agency.

In 2002, the girl graduated from silver medal gymnasium. She dreamed of becoming an actress, but strict parents asked her to put this "frivolous profession" out of her head. Soon she entered St. Petersburg University, where she chose the faculty of geoecology and geography. During these years, the blonde plunged headlong into the world of show business.

"House 2"

On the television project "Dom-2" Buzova appeared in 2004 as a participant. Here she was engaged in "building her love" for 4 years. At the same time, the parents insisted that their daughter receive higher education. And Olya managed to do it with honors.

At Dom-2, Buzova began dating a showman. Charming girl received from young man nickname Buzyonysh and an army of fans. The affair with Tretyakov lasted two years. In 2005, Olga, together with Roma, began hosting the talk show Romance with Buzova on TNT.

In 2006, Roman Tretyakov said that he was tired of the "aquarium" life and left the project. The young man settled in Moscow, rented an apartment and waited for his Buzyonysh to join him. But Olga was in no hurry to leave the show, where she was still comfortable. Relations Buzova and Tretyakov soon came to naught. And the girl decided to pursue a career in television.

In 2007, two wax copies of Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov appeared in the Moscow Wax Museum. Such an honor was given to them as the most popular couple of the project.

The girl remained in Dom-2 until 2008. At this time, she had short romances with Stas Karimov and Alessandro Materazzo. But in December, she announced that she wanted to leave the show. The producers highly appreciated the last star from the "golden composition" of the show, so they offered Olga Buzova to become the co-host of "House-2". At that time they were and. Olga accepted the offer.

Olga Buzova in the show "Dom-2"

Thus, in December 2008, Olga Buzova not only changed the status of a project participant to the host of this reality show, but also acquired an additional position as editor-in-chief of Dom-2 magazine.


On this wave, the celebrity became interested in writing and released two author's books: “It's about the hairpin. Tips for a stylish blonde "and" Romance with Buzova ". The pages of the latter were saturated with the beauty's favorite fragrances.

In addition to literary talent, the blonde discovered her love for singing: since 2011, Olga Buzova began to actively develop as a singer, and her songs were included in the collection “Stars of the House-2. Laws of love. Her first work as a singer was the single "Don't Forget", released together with a popular rapper. There was a video for the song.

With the growth of popularity, Buzova began to be regularly invited to various television shows. In 2011, Olga appeared as a bride on the Let's Get Married show on Channel One. And in 2012, the girl competed in flexibility and plasticity at the Dancing with the Stars project. Her partner was a professional dancer. But for a long time the contestant in the show did not last. She left the project with a scandal, saying that the jury members were too biased towards her and put underestimated marks.

On the popular TV shows "Dancing on TNT" and "Comedy Battle" Buzova was repeatedly present as a member of the jury, becoming a kind of "voice of the people."

Olga Buzova on the TV show "Dancing with the Stars"

The charismatic Petersburger also took place as an actress. In 2008, she made her film debut in episodic roles. Appeared in the projects "Zaitsev +1", "Bartender", "Elena from polypropylene" and "Univer".

Acting biography Olga Buzova has a continuation on the stage. On stage, the artist made her debut in 2010 in the play " Honeymoon"With the participation of Tamara Tsatsanashvili and.

In 2016, Olga Buzova starred in the TNT series Poor People as herself. In the same year, the star played along with and in Ara Hovhannisyan's comedy "Take the hit, baby!".

In the same period, Olga Buzova's fans were able to read her new book called The Price of Happiness.

As it should be socialite, a celebrity is keenly interested in the fashion industry. Therefore, the girl tried her hand as fashion designer. Olga Buzova's clothing collection was shown at the Estet fashion week, where the telediva demonstrated not only her design, but also DJ talents - she played a DJ set for the show on her own.

It is known that Buzova worked on this clothing line together with the Italian company C&C.

Since 2013, Olga Buzova and her sister have been the owners of the Bijoux jewelry brand and the Bijoux Room chain of stores.

Personal life

The personal life of Olga Buzova for many years was built publicly, under the guns of television cameras. But after the girl changed the status of a participant to a TV presenter, she began to decide for herself what to talk about and what it is better to keep silent about. True, to a greater extent, she still “spoke”.

In 2011, rumors spread that the blond beauty was having an affair with a Lokomotiv football player. The piquancy of the situation was given by the fact that at the time of his acquaintance with Buzova he was married. A daughter grew up in the marriage.

Soon the lovers stopped hiding their relationship. It is noteworthy that the football player tried to protect the girl from attacks and accusations that Olga Buzova allegedly “took” Tarasov from the family. The young man stated that no one “took him away”, allegedly the prerequisites for a divorce arose long before meeting with Olga.

Two months after they met, Dmitry took his beloved to rest in Dubai, where he proposed to her. Buzova agreed. The wedding took place in June 2012. The ceremony was held in the circle of relatives and best friends of the couple. Olya took her husband's surname, but left it as creative pseudonym- my maiden name.

Olga Buzova repeatedly said in an interview that she dreams of becoming perfect wife so she spends a lot of time with her husband. The girl abandoned some of her projects and became less likely to appear in TV shows, films and entertainment TV shows.

For a while, their couple was compared with the Beckham spouses. And they were also called the funny nickname Tarabuziki. But after 4 years the fairy tale came to an end. The subscribers of the couple's pages on Instagram were the first to guess about the sad ending of the novel. They noticed that spouses no longer expose cute joint photo. When the fans asked the athlete to comment on this, he advised everyone to contact Olga, who allegedly "likes to comment on everything."

Family life couples at the end of 2016 ended . Soon Dmitry Tarasov had new sweetheart, which is called . She is the second vice-miss of Russia in 2014. In January 2018, young people. In addition to the traditional marriage ceremony, the couple went through a wedding ceremony. And in July 2018, Anastasia ex-husband Buzovoy daughter.

Of course, the web has been actively discussed possible reasons divorce of Dmitry and Olga. Versions were different. First, they started talking about Tarasov's betrayals, then about the fact that in 4 years of marriage the girl never gave birth to the child that the man asked her about.

Later it turned out that a marriage contract was signed between the spouses. According to its terms, during a divorce, everyone remains "in his own way." This was said by an expert in legal matters advocate .

Yes, and Tarasov himself did not deny the existence of an agreement, but it is written in it that half of their property goes to Olga. According to him, it was especially hard to share the house with Buzova, in which he invested so much of his own money and effort.

And soon burst new scandal: someone leaked Olga Buzova to the Network with. Some skeptics claim that the angry beauty herself allegedly published it in order to “annoy” her husband. The screenshots of the correspondence date back to the time when Buzova and Tarasov were married. But most likely, the photos and correspondence were stolen by hackers by hacking the TV star's phone, since conversations not only with Nagiyev, but also with her, got on the Web.

One way or another, but Buzova had a hard time going through a divorce from Tarasov. In interviews, for the most part, she cried and accused her already ex-husband of betrayal. And then, as if to spite him, she became strong and even more popular. The blonde dyed her hair brunette. In addition, some suspect that Olya resorted to plastic surgery.

Sofa "experts" are sure that the TV presenter enlarged her lips, but admit that she did it carefully, without a "duck" effect. They also suspect her of rhinoplasty. But comparing before and after photos rather refutes the arguments about rhinoplasty than confirms them. The maximum that Buzova did was to correct his form. Many noticed that after the divorce, the girl lost weight. Now, with a height of 179 cm, her weight is 54 kg. There is no need to argue, Olga has clearly become prettier.

Be that as it may, Olga plunged headlong into work. She shot a video for her new hit "To the Sound of Kisses" and traveled with concerts to almost all the country's provincial cities. And in 2017, she presented her debut self-titled album, which included the songs “Few Half”, “I Get Used to”, etc. From now on, touring and armies of fans are an integral part of her life.

Olga Buzova - "To the sound of kisses"

She also has haters. Perhaps she is criticized as often as she is praised. For example, in the summer of 2017, a scandal erupted on the Web when, in an interview, she spoke unflatteringly about the audience that was listening to Olga Buzova. The TV presenter did not remain silent and dedicated a post to the artist in "Instagram". She said that she was devoted to her fans, as they were to her. And she asked Loboda to continue to refuse such loud, unfounded and untruthful statements.

Olga Buzova now

In February 2018, news was published on the Web that Buzova was suing the Comedy Club resident for insults. This surprised many, since the artist is a frequent guest comedy show and never took offense even at the sharpest jokes from its participants. It turned out that her offender was in the form of his alter ego rapper Glebati.

Olga Buzova - "Not enough halves"

Soon he stood up for Olya, who promised to resolve the issue with a colleague on his own. By the way, by a happy coincidence, Olga celebrated New Year 2018 with Timur. The guys accidentally ended up on vacation in one place. Subscribers immediately "married" them. But despite the desire of the fans, their joint vacation did not lead to anything serious.

Buzova continues to storm all new areas of activity. In April 2018, the TV presenter announced the release of her own cryptocurrency, which was called Buzcoin. In June 2018, the celebrity opened a restaurant in the center of Moscow - Buz FOOD.

Of course, such an attractive and self-sufficient business woman has enough fans. But after breaking up with Tarasov, she never started a relationship with anyone. On the Dom-2 project, Olga also has a boyfriend among the participants -. The young man tried to win the favor of the TV presenter for more than a year. Buzova either flirted with Roma or staged scenes of jealousy, but it was clearly evident that she was pleased with his courtship. But on the other hand, she did not give the guy any hope.

Olga Buzova - "Accept Me" (Premier 2018)

In August 2018, it became known that Roman began romantic relationship with a member of "House-2". Olga was shocked by this news, with tears in her eyes she left the set.

The singer pays great attention to Instagram, over 13.5 million subscribers have subscribed to her microblog (as of August 2018). Olga regularly publishes new photos and stories, often uploads pictures in a swimsuit from various photo shoots for gloss. She appears in her account and without makeup. On vacation, Buzova prefers not to overload the skin with excessive cosmetics.

And many of her fans are also interested in what her hand gesture with which she so often appears in the frame means. Buzova holds her palm up, raising her index and ring fingers. “L is love. Love rules the world! ”, The girl proclaimed on her Instagram page, thus dispelling all speculation and deciphering secret meaning gesture.

On August 27, the singer announced the release of the new album "Take Me", as well as her new concert show, which she will perform on November 18 at the Crocus City Hall.

Today Buzova is one of the most influential representatives Russian show business. In 2017, according to Forbes magazine, Olga earned $3.9 million. The publication notes that 90% of her income comes from advertising on Instagram.

"Marry Buzova"

In August, TNT launched new project with the participation of the TV personality - "Marry Buzova". In fact, this is the female counterpart popular show"Bachelor". Olya had to choose her dream man from 15 submitted candidates, and Buzova’s “suitors” were selected “for every taste and color.” The girl herself repeated more than once that for her this is not a show, but real life.

Filming has already been completed. Olga frankly admitted that the project literally turned her life upside down, and the TV presenter nevertheless found her man.

Of course, after the first shown series, they started talking about the favorites of the project. Most of the singer's fans believed that this was the owner of a cheese factory. The paparazzi have already caught Olga several times in the company of her alleged chosen one.

In October 2018, Buzova wrote on Instagram the whole truth about her relationship with the cheese maker. According to the girl, she for a long time did not believe the rumors, but the facts began to emerge one after another.

“At the moment, Denis and I are not together, and in the future we won’t be able to be together either! Because I can’t be with a person who deceives me, cheats, uses, betrays and sells! Unfortunately, everything that the media has been exaggerating for so long, It turned out to be a bitter truth!” Olga said.

Lebedev commented on the situation. He acknowledged that the share in the business is not so large, everything is at the stage of development. He really borrowed money from courting Buzova from partners so as not to disappoint his beloved. All these points do not affect his attitude towards Olga. He is still in love and hopes for the continuation of their story.


  • 2017 - "To the sound of kisses"
  • 2018 - Accept me

Olga Igorevna Buzova- Russian TV and radio presenter, model, singer, former participant, and later host of the Dom-2 TV project on TNT channel, since December 2008, editor-in-chief of the World of Reality Show magazine. House 2".

early years and education of Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova was born on January 20, 1986 in Leningrad. Father - Igor Dmitrievich Buzov and mother- Irina Alexandrovna Buzova were military personnel.

Olga Buzova was a very capable child. As is known from the biography, by the age of three she had mastered the skills of reading and writing. Then the girl began to learn English.

The abilities of a child prodigy daughter prompted her parents to send her to school from the age of five. Olya successfully coped with academic loads, was an excellent student.

At the age of 13, Olga Buzova worked as a counselor in the camp, and at the age of 15 she mastered the profession of a model in a small modeling agency.

Olga Buzova graduated from the gymnasium in 2002 with a silver medal. Like many of her peers, Olga dreamed of becoming an actress, but her parents persuaded her daughter not to devote her life to such a “frivolous” profession.

Olga Buzova entered St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Geoecology and Geography.

Olga Buzova: the beginning of a career

And soon - a sharp turn in life. Olga went into show business. Buzova became a member of the television project "Dom-2" (2004). Relatives were worried that Olga would not receive a higher education. But the talented girl not only graduated from the university, but also received a red diploma.

Olga Buzova was recognized as the best participant in the "scandalous" television project "Dom-2". The girl received the nickname "Buzyonysh" and captivated viewers with a gentle "alcove" relationship with showman Roman Tretyakov.

Participation in the TV project "Dom-2" (Photo: dom2.ru)

And the Moscow Wax Museum was replenished with exhibits of the most popular participants of Doma-2 - Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov. In addition, Olga wrote two books during this time - “Romance with Buzova” and “It's about the hairpin. Tips for a stylish blonde.

Olga Buzova became popular. She hosted the youth talk show Roman with Buzova on TNT and radio Popsa, was the host of her own column Caution, Stylists, and also hosted a TV show in computer game"Black Mark".

In the show "Romance with Buzova" Olga became the host for the first time (Photo: dom2.ru / TNT channel)

Buzova was both the host of the reality show Dom-2 and the editor-in-chief of the magazine World of Reality Show. House 2".

Behind last years Olga Buzova took part in the filming of other TNT programs, such as Cosmopolitan. Video version”, “Attack of the Clowns”, “Robot Child”, “Taxi”, “Battle of Psychics”.

Olga Buzova in the TV show "Battle of psychics" (Photo: bitvaextrasensov.tv)

Olga Buzova was often invited to participate in programs on other channels - Muz-TV, MTV, NTV and others.

Musical career and filmography of Olga Buzova

Since 2011, Olga Buzova has presented to the audience her vocal ability. The first single was the song "Don't Forget", performed by a duet with rapper T-killah. In addition to singing, Olga tried her hand as a DJ. In 2016, she performed her first solo song "To the Sound of Kisses", which in the first two days hit the first place on the iTunes chart in Russia.

Olga Buzova and T-killah (Photo: loveradio.ru)

In 2017, Buzova recorded new clip in USA.

True, not everyone is delighted with Olga's vocal abilities. “Nuding where necessary and where not, at the same time he continues to stubbornly master the singing Olympus, posting a video on his page on the social network, which is better to watch with the sound turned off. Buzova sings there, but draws more attention to this action not with her very modest vocal abilities, but with frank outfits designed to hide the lack of a voice, ”T. Alekseeva wrote in SP.

Olga Buzova also tried her hand at the theater stage. On stage, the artist made her debut in 2010 in the play "Honeymoon" with the participation of Tamara Tsatsanashvili and Anastasia Stotskaya. In the play "Elegant Wedding" in the same year, Olga Buzova replaced Maria Kozhevnikova.

TV presenter Olga Buzova and singer Anastasia Stotskaya (left to right) in a scene from Ekaterina Semyonova's performance based on the play "Honeymoon" by Austrian playwright Gabriel Barilli at the Shkola Theater modern play", 2010 (Photo: Maxim Shemetov / TASS)

Buzova's acting biography continues successfully. In 2016, Olga Buzova starred in the TNT series Poor People as herself. In the same year, the star played along with Igor Vernik and Mikhail Porechenkov in Ara Oganesyan's comedy "Take the hit, baby!".

Shot from the film "Take the hit, baby!"

Olga Buzova played the role of a TV presenter of the show in Kirill Pletnev's film "Burn", this film took part in competitive program XXVIII Film Festival "Kinotavr".

Olga Buzova and Dima Bilan in the movie "Burn"

Personal life, twist of fate and hobbies of Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova became the wife of the famous football player Dmitry Tarasov in the summer of 2012. The TV star and the football player had their honeymoon only in December, Buzova and Tarasov flew to the Maldives, where they once again played a wedding local traditions, without guests, but with spa treatments, an oath in eternal love and romantic rituals by the ocean.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov (Photo: Instagram)

After that, the couple, along with relatives, flew to Dubai, the city where, according to Buzova, Dmitry proposed to her in 2012.

It is worth noting that, as a gift to her husband, Olga Buzova rented the entire Luzhniki stadium back in March 2016 and arranged fire show. However, in the fall of 2016, the marriage cracked.

The notable news of the Russian show business at the end of 2016 was reports of Olga Buzova's divorce from her husband Dmitry Tarasov. The subscribers of the couple's pages on Instagram were the first to guess about the sad ending of the novel. They noticed that the couple no longer posts cute photos together. In November, Dmitry Tarasov confirmed the break in relations with Olga Buzova. “Olya loves to comment on everything, so call her. And I will comment on it right after it, ”Tarasov told the press.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov (Photo: Dmitry Golubovich / Russian Look / Global Look Press)

Now the personal life of Olga Buzova is characterized by the words "in active search". The girl's friends tried to woo her Romana Abramovich who recently broke up with Daria Zhukova. But so far there has been no news about the oligarch's interest in Olga.

Buzova herself became so homesick that she wrote on her Instagram page that she was looking for a man who was ready to accept her shortcomings, including small breasts. “I need the best, faithful, kind. The one who loves me with small breasts and wrinkles. And won't hurt me. I won’t survive the second time, ”Olga Buzova wrote on Instagram.

During a holiday in the Seychelles (Photo: instagram.com/buzova86)

Roman Abramovich did not respond to this message, but one journalist offered himself to Buzova as a husband.

At the same time, they showed particular interest in Olga during the search at Sheremetyevo. “The girl is probably my big fan, because I have never been so thoroughly searched in any country! It feels like she was really waiting for me, and she was wildly interested in what kind of panties Buzova wears, ”said Olga.

On a nervous basis, Olga Buzova's health deteriorated. At the end of December, it was reported that Olga Buzova called an ambulance to her house. The doctors who arrived at the scene diagnosed the 30-year-old celebrity with acute bronchitis. As a result, the TV presenter was put on a drip, but the girl was not hospitalized. Olga Buzova continued to work and fainted right during the shooting New Year's show, during the performance of the personal song of the TV presenter “To the Sound of Kisses”.

Business and income of Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova with her sister Anna (Photo: instagram.com/buzova86)

Olga is fond of and interested in the fashion industry. Since 2013, Olga Buzova and her sister Anna Buzova have been the owners of the Bijoux jewelry brand and the Bijoux Room chain of stores.

In addition, Olga Buzova released several clothing collections together with the C&C brand, and in 2012 she took part in the Dancing with the Stars show, Andrey Karpov was a partner.

Olga Buzova continues writing activity. Came out her A new book titled "The Price of Happiness".

Instagram, in which Olga Buzova actively uploads her photos, as befits a celebrity girl, also generates income. As reported, Buzova publishes an average of 40 advertising posts per month on Instagram.

Photoshoots by Olga Buzova

As already noted, Olga Buzova loves to be photographed. For any reason, she posts her photos on Instagram. For example, while she was in the Seychelles, she delighted fans daily with a variety of exotic photo shoots. Demonstration of his back and another part of the body, which both Russian and world celebrities like to focus on so much, caused a flurry

Olga Buzova can probably be called one of the most successful "graduates" of the television project "Dom-2", on a par with Alena Vodonaeva. She got on a reality show as a very young girl, captivating the male half of the participants and spectators with her naivety and bright appearance.

"Dom-2" helped Buzova break into television and quickly become widely known. However, this was not enough for the girl, so she decided to try herself in different areas life: music, sports, journalism, model business. In addition, Olga opened a chain of C&C clothing stores. Despite the busy schedule, Buzova finds time for her personal life. Of the thousands of fans, only Dmitry Tarasov, a famous Russian football player, received the right to call himself Olga's husband. Now, on her Instagram page, Buzova uploads not only “working” pictures, but also photos of a happy married couple.

Instagram Olga Buzova

Buzova's (@buzova86) page clearly reflects the girl's character and lifestyle. Glamorous, sometimes sweetly sugary, it consists of photographs that, for sure, do not allow thousands of Russian girls and girls to sleep peacefully. It seems that Buzova’s Instagram is a revived comic book about a modern Barbie living in happy marriage with Ken the football player. Together they make bright trips, go to luxurious restaurants, celebrate holidays and share all the events with their subscribers with pleasure.

By the way, Instagram Buzova 86 is one of the most popular in the Russian community: the number of subscribers has already exceeded 460 thousand. Among them there are both fans of the Dom-2 television project, and just girls who use Buzova’s page as a powerful motivator for action. Indeed, for beautiful picture regular workouts, Full time job above themselves, sleepless nights, which many simply do not know about. For this reason, Olya Buzova posts “working” pictures on Instagram, showing not only the result, but also the process of achieving it. As a result, her image becomes more real, and successes deserved.

Of course, Buzova's Instagram is another reason for ill-wishers to envy a girl. Comments often contain insults and condemnations, but positive feedback still prevails. Olya herself does not participate in the discussions, so the attempts of embittered commentators to unsettle the girls turn out to be futile.

So, Olga Buzova started Instagram for the same purposes as most users: to show herself, to tell about her life. It’s worth subscribing to Buzova’s page if you admire this comprehensively developed girl or just love photos beautiful people and beautiful life.

Buzova Olga is one of the most popular and successful participants in the Dom 2 project, as well as. Olga got to the Dom-2 project as a young girl, and charmed the male part of the participants and spectators with her naivety and bright appearance.

"Dom-2" helped Buzova break into television and quickly become widely known. However, this was not enough for the girl, so she decided to try herself in different areas of life: music, sports, journalism, modeling. In addition, Olga opened a chain of C&C clothing stores. Despite the busy schedule, Buzova finds time for her personal life. Of the thousands of fans, only Dmitry Tarasov, a famous Russian football player, received the right to call himself Olga's husband. Now, on her Instagram page, Buzova uploads not only “working” pictures, but also photos of a happy married couple.

Olga Buzova on Instagram

Buzova's (@buzova86) page clearly reflects the girl's character and lifestyle. Glamorous, sometimes sweetly sugary, it consists of photographs that, for sure, do not allow thousands of Russian girls and girls to sleep peacefully. It seems that Buzova’s Instagram is a come to life comic book about a modern Barbie living in a happy marriage with Ken the football player. Together they make bright trips, go to luxurious restaurants, celebrate holidays and share all the events with their subscribers with pleasure.

By the way, Instagram Buzova 86 is one of the most popular in the Russian community: the number of subscribers has already exceeded 460 thousand. Among them there are both fans of the Dom-2 television project, and just girls who use Buzova’s page as a powerful motivator for action. Indeed, behind a beautiful picture lies regular training, constant work on oneself, sleepless nights, which many simply do not know about. For this reason, Olya Buzova posts “working” pictures on Instagram, showing not only the result, but also the process of achieving it. As a result, her image becomes more real, and successes deserved.

Of course, Buzova's Instagram is another reason for ill-wishers to envy a girl. Comments often contain insults and condemnations, but positive feedback still prevails. Olya herself does not participate in the discussions, so the attempts of embittered commentators to unsettle the girls turn out to be futile.

So, Olga Buzova started Instagram for the same purposes as most users: to show herself, to tell about her life. It’s worth subscribing to Buzova’s page if you admire this comprehensively developed girl or just love photos of beautiful people and a beautiful life.
