Comic nomination for a physics teacher. Comic nominations for teachers

Give to all teachers of the school unforgettable holiday on Teacher's Day, fun and funny contests and games for children and heroes of the occasion will help. They can be done in the gym or outside. We also gave examples of games at the table for teachers. Among other things, in this article you will find ideas for comic rewarding teachers in nominations.

Funny Teachers' Day Contests for Teachers - Examples of Cool Contests

To check which of the teachers is ready to fight to the last, cheerful and joke contests. For you, we have selected examples of calm and moving competitions. Funny competitions for teachers will help them to spend an unusual holiday for Teacher's Day. But we recommend including such contests in different parts of the script. A carefully thought-out program of the holiday will help teachers not only actively have fun, but also have a good rest from everyday troubles.

Cool contest "Knowledge test" for all teachers on Teacher's Day

Give each teacher a piece of paper. The facilitator reads out a simple description (for example, bright, yellow, round) and according to it, teachers must draw an encrypted object. The game can be used from 5 to 10 questions. The teacher who managed to guess the encryption and draw objects the fastest will win.

Funny contest "Knowledge is Light" in honor of the Teacher's Day holiday for teachers

The competition is held in the assembly hall or gym with subdued lights. Teachers-participants are given a flashlight. Each of them takes turns writing a word on the wall with a beam of a flashlight. The winner is the teacher who guessed the most words written by opponents.

The original competition "Mathematics" for the competition of teachers on the holiday of Teacher's Day

The teachers are divided into two teams. Each team takes turns calling songs (Russian or foreign) with numbers in the title. For example, a million Red roses"," Two halves ". The team of teachers who names the largest number of songs will win.

Video examples of funny competitions for teachers in honor of Teacher's Day

Choose no less funny and cool contests for teachers on Teacher's Day, the following videos will also help our readers. They include prank giveaways and mobile contests for teachers. Original competitions will surely please all teachers and students themselves.

Fun games for Teachers' Day for teachers and children - for playing at the table and on the street

In addition to individual fun competitions, you can include in the school holiday for Teacher's Day Interesting games for teachers and children. So, students will be able to support their favorite teachers and help them win the victory. Below we have considered exciting competitions for holding on the street, in gym.

Game for the street or gym "What is it about?" for the holiday of Teacher's Day for teachers and children

The teachers are divided into two teams. Each of them takes a note with an encrypted word (ciphered in the form of a riddle, a song describing the object). Each teacher is assigned a student assistant. The task of the teachers in the team is to solve all the riddles and send "their" children to the common basket to find the desired item (or a sheet with its image). The team that collects the required items the fastest wins.

Board game "Oh, these sciences" in honor of the Teacher's Day holiday for teachers

Each of the teachers should remember as many sciences as possible and write down their names on a piece of paper. The teacher who can remember the most names wins.

Game for teachers and students "Guess" for the holiday of Teacher's Day

An equal number of children and teachers are selected. The facilitator tells each student in turn about one of the teachers. Children guess the teacher and approach him (any number of children can stand near one teacher). Those students who managed to find the "right" teacher are awarded.

Video examples of games in honor of the Teacher's Day holiday for teachers

Comic nominations for teachers for the holiday of Teacher's Day - examples with names

Rewarding teachers in funny comic nominations will be a great end to the school holiday. Therefore, for you, we have selected examples of the most interesting names nominations for teachers. If desired, awards can be held with or without appropriate music. musical accompaniment.

How to award teachers in nominations - ideas and examples of names

To conduct awards for teachers, you should immediately select the appropriate direction in the nominations. You can create a whole selection of original and funny nomination names using the following hint:

  • nominations for song titles ("The Most, Most" by Yegor Creed - for the head teacher or director, "Infinity" by Incognito - for a mathematics teacher, "The World Opens" by Elka - for a geography teacher, "Shape Of My Heart" by Sting - for an English teacher);
  • nominations according to proverbs ("Language opens the mind" - to the teacher of the Russian language, "Mathematics - gymnastics of the mind" - to the teacher of mathematics, "Biologists come and go, but the frog remains" - to the teacher of biology, "A person with energy - will not be lost" - to the teacher of physics) ;
  • just comic nominations ("Conqueror of integrals" - to a mathematics teacher, "Expert of the Pechenegs" - to a history teacher, "Understanding human essence"- teacher of biology / anatomy, "Lord of the Universe" - teacher of astronomy, " True friend Queen" - English teacher).

To make the awarding as interesting as possible, it is recommended to accompany it with a musical potpourri. You also need to prepare certificates with the name of the nominations or the corresponding paper medals.

Video example of rewarding teachers in nominations in honor of Teacher's Day

Our readers can get acquainted with an example of rewarding teachers in nominations with the help of next video. It will tell you how to hold such a comic award in an original way, and what names of nominations can be used.

By carefully reviewing our funny contests, games and nominations for Teacher's Day, you will be able to choose the best entertaining numbers for the school holiday. These can be cool competitions for teachers and children to be held on the street or in the gym. We also selected video examples of games to be played at the table for the teachers themselves. Mobile and calm competitions, comic awards in nominations will help to give all teachers an unforgettable holiday of Teacher's Day.

Scenario #1

Dear teachers! On this solemn day, we want to thank all of you and present awards in several categories.
So, in the nomination "Titanic Labor" the school administration is awarded: director Zimina Tatyana Nikolaevna and her deputies.

Through storms and fogs
Day and night to navigate the ship -
That's the job of the captain
conquering the distance.
You took care of our happiness
Both hope and dream.
Let bypass all misfortunes
Our school is a mile away.

In the nomination "Our second mother" teachers are awarded primary school:
 Yakhlakova Lyudmila Andreevna
 Byakova Elena Nikolaevna
 Lyubov Borisovna Kasatkina
 Vikhareva Elena Borisovna

You are our second mothers,
We love you - the kindest,
understanding, skillful,
Smart, affectionate and brave,
And in all earthly ways
Forever loved ones.

In the nomination "Master of Integrals" the teacher of algebra and geometry Nikitina Marina Alexandrovna is awarded.

Scientists move science forward
And inspired by experience and knowledge,
But ahead of any practice
A wonderful science is mathematics.

In the nomination "Inexhaustible source of energy" the teachers of physics Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Novoselova and Olga Leonidovna Lezhepekova are awarded.

Your soul cannot be measured
In any measurements
After all, they always knew how to believe
You are your students.

Geography teacher Nina Evgenievna Stebenkova is awarded in the nomination “For the expansion of our horizons”.

As long as the earth is spinning
We all need teachers
That all paths and paths
We were helped to find in life.

Chemistry teacher Klabukova Lyudmila Sergeevna is awarded in the nomination "The Best Experimenter".

No secrets in the world
Won't hide from you
No trials
Do not dull the sparkle of the eyes.

In the nomination "Hero of Our Time" the teacher of biology and life safety Klestova Lyubov Georgievna is awarded.

Bio is life, which means
You taught life, you taught how to live.
We wish you much happiness and good luck,
To teach wisdom for a long time.

For all teachers of the natural-mathematical cycle, our musical gift.

We continue with the awards ceremony. In the nomination "Ray of Light in dark kingdom» the teacher of Russian language and literature Mamaeva Valentina Mikhailovna is awarded.

Probably everyone knows this
The most precious thing is the light in the darkness.
Without this faith there is no happiness,
And you are the light for us!

Teachers are awarded in the nomination "Vyatka Ladies" in English:
 Klabukova Anna Anatolyevna
 Vishnevskaya Galina Mikhailovna
 Kassina Galina Sergeevna

Thank you for your kindness
For your thoughts height,
For modesty of thoughts and needs,
For the humanity of your souls.

Yulia Pavlovna Podshivalova, a teacher of history and social studies, is awarded in the nomination "Keeper of Antiquities".

Years fly by, century after century passes ...
Everything created in the world by man
Historians keep for all people,
For this, people thank you.

Natalya Nikolaevna Russkikh, a teacher at the MHK, is awarded in the nomination "The most world-class and cultured teacher".

beauty saves the world
And, of course, kindness
So you must understand -
You have to save the world!

In the nomination "Incendiary of Hearts" music teachers are awarded:
 Kuznetsov Igor Nikolaevich
 Baranova Irina Vitalievna
 Vorobieva Svetlana Sergeevna
 Toropova Tatyana Alekseevna
 Evgenia Sergeevna Kislitsyna

Your soul is rich in dreams
And in the head - the mind chamber,
And your hands are priceless,
We bow low to you.

For all teachers of the humanities cycle, our next gift.

Our awarding continues with the nomination "The Lord of the Rings ... and the Bars". As you guessed, the teacher is the winner physical education Timkina Ludmila Sergeevna

It's not easy to survive in life
In search and struggle,
An example for us is your endurance,
Self confidence.

Technology teachers Eleonora Viktorovna Gudina and Nikolai Veniaminovich Beznosikov win in the Golden Hands nomination.

A lot of costs
Life and way of life
So you have your lessons
Remembering is very important in life.

Our librarians Galina Desanovna and Zinaida Nikolaevna win in the nomination "Source of Knowledge".

Thank you for being on earth
That they chose a difficult calling,
After all, a book is also a path in the darkness,
And without it, the road to knowledge is more difficult.

In the nomination "The galloping horse will stop, in a burning the hut will enter”is awarded the school manager Rubleva Alexandra Vasilievna.

They don’t put obelisks anywhere for the caretaker,
And how many of their terrible risks are in their work,
All the time in worries, and there he is, and here ...
Thanks for your wonderful work.

In the Golden Heart nomination, medical and psychological services are awarded. This is Lyudmila Alekseevna and Olga Sergeevna.

Always, chasing fatigue away,
Are you ready to help people?
Thank you for this
And again we say thank you.

In the nomination "Fighters of Hunger" the employees of our canteen are awarded.

You cooked skillfully
And the food was very delicious.
And your big deal
Everyone was attracted, fed, warmed.

In the nomination "The First Vyatka Rimbaud" the guard Vladimir Alexandrovich is awarded.

Sometimes without protection it is almost impossible,
And our protection is strong and reliable.
We wish you happiness and true friends,
Good luck in your hard work.

Our award ceremony has come to an end. But we also cannot but mention the people without whom this holiday would not have taken place - these are our parents.

We live well or live badly,
There is one thing that always caresses and warms,
And, of course, this parental home,
Nothing is sweeter, nothing is dearer.

Thank you for everything. And in conclusion, we once again thank all the teachers, school staff for your wonderful work. Happiness to you!

Final song.

Scenario #2

Alina: Dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and give you this concert program.

Denis: Oh, how many smart, kind, wise,
beautiful women sitting here
And how many wonderful discoveries
We still have to do with them.

Alina: There are many talents in our school:
Singers, dancers and reciters
And for your favorite teachers
There will be many kind words.

Denis: But first, a riddle for all of you: What is the most common name among school teachers?
(9 teachers at a school named Natalya).

Alina: And this is the name of the cool mother of our first graders.

Six months ago you came to the first class,
Natalya Sergeevna met you.
Finish school, years pass -
You will never forget her!

Denis: Students of class 1 B are speaking.

* * * * * * Kharms.

Alina: Excellent teachers teach our second graders.

Denis: Elena Nikolaevna - you are the most wonderful,
You are known throughout the school for your kind smile!

Alina: All children love Valentina Ivanovna,
And they consider her the wisest in the world.

Denis: 2nd grade students are performing.

* * * * * * "Three mothers".

Alina: Incomparable masters of their craft also work in the third grade.

Denis: Lidia Ivanovna is the pride of our school,
She is not in the world and smarter and more beautiful.

Alina: Lyudmila Ivanovna is so elegant,
Plus a sea of ​​culture, plus a sea of ​​talent!

Denis: Elena Alexandrovna is sensitive, active,
And in elementary school the most athletic!

Alina: Natalya Filippovna - Kind fairy,
It’s calmer next to her, lighter in the heart!

Denis: Students of the 3rd grade are performing.

* * * * * Yakimova - dance.

Denis: And now another mystery: what is the second most common name? (The second place was shared by Tatyana and Lyudmila - 8 teachers each). And among Lyudmila there are two fourth grade teachers.

Alina: Lyudmila Nikolaevna was awarded the title
Honorary Worker of Education,
But, most importantly, this, of course, is not a title,
And the fact that the school is her vocation.

Denis: Lyudmila Vladimirovna is energetic
And with the class it works just fine!

Alina: In a responsible matter, of course, there is no equal
In all incomparable Galina Petrovna.

Denis: Marina Vasilievna is kind, gentle,
And for children, the love in her heart is boundless.

Alina: A 4th grade student Nastya Gulyaeva sings for you.

* * * * * Gulyaeva Nastya.

Denis: at the teachers elementary school in their responsible work there are good helpers.

Alina: Svetlana Sergeevna is the muse of the museum,
She lives good, eternal sowing.

Denis: And Hard time helps us
Psychologist Zinaida Nikolaevna!

Alina: Galina Desanovna! Zinaida Nikolaevna!
From the most important to the smallest -
Everyone at school loves you and appreciates and honors you.
For your noble and creative work.

Denis: Sergey Kalinin, a student of the 4th grade, is playing for you.

* * * * * Kalinin

Alina: A lot good words deserve teachers of the Russian language and literature.

Denis: Valentina Mikhailovna - mind, honor and conscience,
Time to write a story about her...

Alina: Let's send a telegram to the President,
That this story should be included in the program.

Denis: A worthy example for everyone - Lyudmila Petrovna,
Her love for school and children is huge!

Alina: Tatyana Vladimirovna is respected,
She surrounds everyone with her care!

Denis: We were lucky with Tatyana Borisovna -
A wonderful teacher who brings warmth!

Alina: Natalya Nikolaevna - miss charm,
How much cordiality, how much charm!

Denis: Baeva Evgenia reads poetry for all teachers of the Russian language and literature.

Alina: From grades 1 to 11, physical education teachers are with us.

Denis: Lyudmila Arkadievna is very sincere,
She brings joy to everyone every day!

Alina: Lyudmila Sergeevna is very proud
The whole school - and this is not a secret for a long time,
We were able to achieve a lot in sports,
And we look forward to even more victories in the future!

Denis: Svetlana Veniaminovna is so graceful,
Beauty and intelligence are a perfect combination.

Alina: Trefilov's student Anna will perform an acrobatic sketch for you.

* * * * * * acrobatic sketch

Denis: There are wonderful history teachers in our school.

Alina: Tatyana Nikolaevna is a worthy person
And for the school in the future, you can be calm.
Denis: He will tell you the whole truth about the past,
Zinaida Alexandrovna,
And in the present too
She will help you figure it out.

Alina: We praise Tatyana Gennadievna without flattery
She is a model of nobility and honor.

Denis: Olya Shastina sings for history teachers.

* * * * * * Olya Shastina

Denis: And again - a mystery. What is the most common name among those teachers of our school who also graduated from the forty-eighth at one time? (This is Olga: Olga Alexandrovna, Olga Mikhailovna and Olga Viktorovna).

Alina: And we continue our congratulations. Teachers help us create beautiful things with our own hands visual arts and technology.

Denis: Olga Alexandrovna is loved, appreciated by everyone,
The school shone with her in all its glory.

Alina: We can all be proud of Svetlana Nikolaevna,
Her paintings are wonderful, there are even abroad.

Denis: Galina Nikolaevna is a miracle craftswoman,
There is so much to learn from her!

Alina: Irina Anatolyevna is a great example for us:
Not every school has a living millionaire!

Denis: For teachers of fine arts and technology, students of grade 11 A perform.

* * * * * * Podium

Alina: Valentina Alekseevna shines with humor,
She is not inferior to Galina Sergeevna.
And with a funny joke from them light hand,
Their graduates walk through life.

Denis: Galina Mikhailovna should be honored
For the fact that in everything she is not indifferent!

Alina: Tatyana Vyacheslavovna is sweet and modest,
But the love for the cause shows great.

Denis: Natalya Yuryevna radiates charm,
Will not bypass you with care and attention.

Alina: With Natalia Leonidovna it is always light in the heart,
In the rays of her cordiality, it is easy to warm your soul.

Denis: For teachers foreign language sings Natasha Bedareva.

* * * * * Natasha Bedareva

Denis: Listen to another riddle. More than 60 teachers work in our school, but there are only 16 different names. Question for teachers: in which methodological associations there are no namesakes? ... (this method is an association of teachers of fine arts and mathematics)

Alina: And now we are turning to teachers educational field"Mathematics", that is, to teachers of algebra, geometry and computer science.

Denis: Marina Alexandrovna is worthy of respect,
And in life, as in algebra, it will tell you the solution.

Alina: Larisa Nikolaevna is a wonderful person,
You will never meet kinder and more caring!

Denis: And now again a mystery: what is the most common middle name among teachers of the educational field "Mathematics" ...
Now let's check!

Alina: Without Rimma Viktorovna at school
You can't live five minutes.
She deserves the best
But they won't let her rest.

Denis: And Olga Viktorovna's children
They can boldly admit that
That her gaze is like a ray of light,
That lit up our school house.

Alina: Natalya Viktorovna is with us
Not so long ago, but everyone will say
What did informatics present
In front of the children in all its glory.

Denis: Sports dance performed by students of 11 B class.

* * * * * Sports dance

Denis: And again, the riddle: Which methodological association is the most titled? ... These are teachers of the natural cycle.
Alina: Of the 7 teachers of natural sciences, 2 are honored teachers, a Soros laureate, winners of city and regional competitions excellence. 43% of the teachers of this cycle have the highest category, and the total teaching experience for seven is 200 years.

Denis: Nina Evgenievna radiates with light,
You can learn well from her.

Alina: Knowledge will give you deep
Elizaveta Georgievna -
Code of Conscience main creator
And she is a model of nobility.

Denis: Olga Leonidovna is smarter than all physicists,
Who in Europe can be put next to her?

Alina: Elena Alexandrovna is beautiful and smart,
And she is talented in various endeavors.

Denis: Lyudmila Sergeevna has no equal here,
In any case, she will give wise advice.

Alina: Many in the city envy us,
What does Lyubov Georgievna teach us!

Denis: Olga Mikhailovna at school in three persons,
Teacher, Parent and Graduate.
And all this is written with a capital letter,
After all, she does everything in life with her soul.

Alina: Oksana Semenishcheva, a 10th grade student, sings for you.

Denis: And now the riddle: teachers of what subject are the most in school? .. Music teachers, or rather, teachers musical instrument. And they are all very talented!

Alina: It's time to go on tour to Italy
With students Tatyana Vitalievna,
And in Spain or Holland
Lyudmila Rafaelievna and Anetta Nikolaevna.
To France - Larisa Vyacheslavovna,
Tatyana Alexandrovna and Galina Ivanovna,
Do not give in and young geniuses
Valentina Evgenievna and Natalia Evgenievna.
Denis: The artists from Carnegie Hall are resting!
On stage - the forty-eighth school!

* * * * * Piano duet, 9a.

Alina: Except individual instrument taught at school choral singing, vocals, solfeggio, musical literature. But the teachers of these subjects are talented not only in art, but in everything else.

Denis: We know that everything will be in order at school,
Elena Ivanovna if on duty,
And if Tatyana Ivanovna is paired with her,
Then you can wait for the perfect order.

Alina: Svetlana Sergeevna is a star lady,
And her work is in our every victory.

Denis: All children love Tatyana Alekseevna in the choir,
After all, with her, their mood is always in a major.

Alina: There are a lot of advantages in Natalya Alekseevna
She is smart, talented and a musician from God.

Denis: Always sincere and stylish on stage
Beloved by all Natalya Vasilievna.

Alina: Svetlana Leonidovna is always kind with children
And it is high time to give her the Order of Mercy.

Denis: For all teachers, the choir of the 2nd class sings.

* * * * * Chorus

Denis: The school exists not only thanks to the teachers. We want to thank all the women who work in the office and on duty, in the cloakroom and dining room, ensure cleanliness and order, protect our health.

Alina: All women of the school are congratulated by male teachers.

Here we continue the nominations for teachers and school staff, without even changing the numbering.

Nominations for teachers and staff.

  1. Teacher of economics and world artistic culture wins in the nomination "Bunny! To the blackboard!" - benevolent attitude towards children, careful attitude to world culture and a philosophical approach to the national economy.
  1. In the nomination "Mon cher" the teacher wins French- for smiling, easy-going, as well as for the ability to pronounce the phrase "My dear!" with true French flair.
  1. The nomination "Grower of Kinder Surprises" goes to the teacher of Russian language and literature, the first teacher of some of today's graduates - for growing these same kinders from the 1st grade to the last.
  1. The nomination “This is what you need first of all” is taken by the class teacher of such and such a class, the teacher of Russian language and literature, the counselor and the head of the school theater studio- for the ability to creatively combine four in one and for the skill to intelligibly announce the last Chinese warning to the students, immediately entailing the correct prioritization in their heads.
  1. Deputy director of educational work, a teacher of mathematics and economics wins in the nomination "My children!" - for the incredible ability to treat students like their own children with all the ensuing consequences (from requiring a school uniform to bringing clear examples plebeians).
  1. The math teacher is awarded the "Mrs. X" nomination for the ability to teach children to bring X and Y (x and y) to a common denominator.
  1. In the nomination "Hey, ale, Newton!" the teacher of physics wins - for communication skills beyond titles and time, as well as for exactingness not only to his students, but also, as we believe, to the forefathers of physics.
  1. In the nomination "What are you doing there under the desk?" the chemistry teacher wins - remembered by the graduates of 2014 as a competent, cheerful, principled teacher, as well as the legendary phrase "So, whoever is in jeans, sit on a bucket."
  1. The physical education teacher wins in the double nomination “Do not kick the ball with your feet, do not step over the line” for good spirits, respect for physical education equipment and a sincere educational approach to children (“Whoever loses will do push-ups”).
  1. In the nomination "Checked with London" the English teacher wins - for a principled approach to teaching and attention to detail.
  1. The nomination "Smile of Themis" goes to the teacher of social science and law - for cheerfulness, openness and optimism.
  1. Mathematics teacher wins in the nomination "You are our gifted!" - for boundless optimism in assessing the abilities of students and the fairness of assessments for proving theorems.
  1. In the nomination "Around the World in the Academic Year" the winner is a geography teacher and a library employee - for the ability to tell about the seas and countries in such a way that you want to escape from the lessons and immediately start traveling.
  1. The teacher of biology and ecology is awarded the nomination "There is no doubt" - for the ability to convincingly express new topic and just as convincingly demand the fulfillment homework. Darwin is proud of you.
  1. The nomination "Strictly GMT" is awarded to an English teacher - for her inherent punctuality, almost English restraint and tact.
  1. The unequivocal winner of the nomination "Give me a ski track!" - Physical education teacher. For the skillful preparation of children for skiing competitions. Even in the absence of snow.
  1. Nominations "My wonderful lady"honored by a fitness teacher - for grace and beauty in teaching their subject.
  1. Nominations "Lady light hand” awarded to the school nurse - for the ability to make injections and vaccinations so pleasant that sometimes you even want to miss the test because of them.
  1. The nomination "Mrs. Muscle" goes to .... technical staff - for maintaining cleanliness and order in the school. What would we do without you!
  1. "Queen of Pies and Buns" - this nomination is awarded to a school cafeteria worker for hourly rescuing starving students.
  1. A library employee wins in the nomination “Lord of the World”: if you own information, you own the world. Where can you find more information at school than in the library? The question is rhetorical, because there is nowhere.
  1. “A person close to the emperor” - this nomination goes to ... guess who? Secretary - for faithful service to the native school, regardless of the change of reigning persons.
  1. The Deputy Director for Schoolchildren's Health wins in the "Always On Guard" nomination - for vigilant control and constant concern for the health of students. Even against their will
  1. The accountant takes the nomination "Eminence Gray" - for the shadow influence on the financial possibilities of the school, not covered by the money of the parents.

Short student speech

upon completion of the nomination

Dear teachers and all nominated school staff! To everything that you have just heard, please treat with great humor!

The nominations are comic, we beat your favorite words, phrases, habits and character traits that we could notice in them.

No matter how each nomination sounds, know one thing - we love you all, especially today.

And that some nominations came out shorter, others longer - well, it happened. In the end, future graduates should also be given the opportunity to tell you something interesting next year.

Bow, applause, move on to the next paragraph of the script.


With a wish for a vivid reaction of the nominees to their nominations,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

P.S. The numbering still went astray, and I couldn’t start it from point 17.

All teachers are always serious and sometimes scary. But on the day of the teacher, you can and should laugh, especially at teachers, at their seriousness. Comic nominations for teachers on the day teachers will help you arrange a mini holiday, which can be called a school Oscar! Comic nominations will help to give each teacher a prize, and they, in turn, will think about why I was given this nomination, and then, perhaps, they will reconsider their policy in their studies.

When to arrange these nominations will tell you. And they will help to make your demanding audience laugh even more.

Chemistry teacher:
Chemistry? We are all for!
For this, the reward has found you!

The award is presented to the master of flasks and test tubes!

Mathematics teacher (algebra and geometry):
You taught us to count
And now do not deceive us!
We will definitely count the change
And if necessary, we will cheat ourselves!

The award is given to the best accountant for the time on the accounts!

Teacher of Russian language and literature:
She knows all the rules
And a comma, and a point will always put!

The award is given to the expert in all the rules of the Russian language, the master of suffixes and endings, the best word parser by composition, and so on.

Astronomy teacher:
She showed us another world
And now we never sleep at night!

The award is given to the main star of our school!

Biology teacher:
In her class all natural beauty
I invite biology teachers!

The award is given to a person who knows firsthand what a pistil and stamen are and what they serve for!

English teacher:
Simply and easily she says
Knows what each word means!

The award is given to a person who understands Psaki without an interpreter!

Physical education teacher:
Once the whistle - and we run.
Two whistles - and we are standing.
We roll on mats,
There is no better lesson than physical education!

The award goes to the Hercules of our time!

Physics teacher:
There will be a lesson with a bang
If you study physics!

The award is given to a person who personally tested Newton's law of gravity of the earth with the help of an apple growing on a tree.

History teacher:
He knows all the fights and battles,
And even who was afraid of Napoleon!

The award is given to the best "digger" of the past who does not need a time machine to return to the past.

Class teacher:
Responsive and kind she is always,
She helps us and she helps us!

The award is given to our most important teacher, who cannot be evil by definition, because she is our school mother!

She always knows everything
Who and when received two.
Who got sick and who skipped
Who did not pass the test!

The award is given to the main head, main eyes and main ears of the school!
