“the role of the class teacher in achieving the quality of educational activities in the classroom for the implementation of fgos noo. Methods of work of the class teacher of primary classes.docx - Methods of work of the class teacher of primary classes

Annex 8




on the results of the activities of Natalya Dmitrievna Nikovskaya, teacher primary school, as class teacher

Work experience Nikovskaya N.D. in the position of class teacher is 32 years. INCurrently, Natalia Dmitrievna Nikovskaya is the class teacher of 2nd grade students.

During her work as a class teacher, she proved herself to be a creatively working teacher. The teacher has developed a system of educational work with primary school students. The main direction of educational workis carried out on the basis of the YASHIS (P) OO developed in MBOSHI target program"School is an educational space". In 2012, Natalia Dmitrievna developed the author's educational program "Step by Step", which she is currently using. The leading idea of ​​​​the educational system is to create a comfortable atmosphere of life in the class team, based on friendly treatment with each other, contributing to individual and collective creativity.

When checking the plans of educational work, it was revealed that the class teacher Nikovskaya N.D. long-term plans compiled in accordance with the requirements of modern pedagogy, for the entire academic year. The plan of educational work reflects: the characteristics of the class, the social composition of families, a daily, weekly and annual cyclogram of work with the class team is provided. Individual work with students (problem, hyperactive) and their parents, work with class assets, work with diaries is traced. The plans traced the participation of children in both intra-class and school-wide events.

Analysis of visited class hours showed that Natalia Dmitrievna Nikovskaya pays great attention to education: responsibility, discipline, objective self-esteem, the right attitude to one's own successes and failures, the ability to compete with others, the ability to obey, the ability to lead, the ability to achieve success, develop self-confidence.

Working with the class, Natalia Dmitrievna achieved great results in the educational and upbringing process with students. The result is a high level of student achievement in the class. Initiative, activity, a lively response to new things, creative undertakings - these are the main features of the students of the class.The most important aspect of the educational system is to reduce the negative impact of society on the personality of the child. The class teacher and the class team work closely with the cultural center, the Artika sports and recreation complex. All the guys in the class of Natalia Dmitrievna are actively involved in sports sections, participate in school competitions, are participants in events held on the basis of a boarding school.

The key to successful educational activities with students is the cooperation of the class teacher with parents, because the family has a significant impact on the development of the child's personality. Nikovskaya Natalia Dmitrievnaworks closely with parents, building relationships based on respect and cooperation. Cooperation with parents includes the main areas: psychological and pedagogical education; involvement of parents in the educational process. Forms of interaction of Natalya Dmitrievna when working with the family are diverse: both individual, group, and creative(parent meeting, parent lecture hall, meetings of the parent community with the school administration, individual work, group forms of interaction between students and parents, participation of parents in student conferences and festivals, days open lessons, holidays of knowledge, weeks of subjects, forms of leisure: joint holidays, competitions, contests, KVNs, sightseeing trips, etc.)

Organizing the process of education, Nikovskaya N.D. places great emphasis on education moral culture from their students, as this is the basis of the educational system of work with the class team. A series of conversations was held on the topic “Lessons of Tolerance”, a cycle of class hours “I am involved in Russia”, “History of the Yamal region”, “Our school family» , lectures and workshops on the ethics of behavior (open class hours-workshops "Ethics of speech and behavior", "Foul language - fight. Start the fight with yourself!".), A series of conversations on the psychology of friendship (open class hour "Tell me the truth"), cool watch "What can I”, “Hurry to do good”, “Traffic light holiday”, “ Folk games to Christmas time”, “May 9 - Victory Day!”, “We are Earthlings!”, “Sport against drugs”

Students actively participated in the action "Give a smile to children”, “Clean yard and my school”, “Parcel and letter to a soldier”. The children are happy to follow the corner of wildlife "We are responsible for those we have tamed."

The active participation of the class students in the life of the school, the local society (concerts, festivals, KVN, competitions, olympiads, conferences, competitions, excursions) is marked by letters and diplomas from the institutional to the federal level.

Deputy Director for BP ________________ O.V. Lutoshkina

Primary school teacher and class teacher are inseparable concepts. The entire educational process of junior schoolchildren is educational, both in school hours and outside school hours. This is explained psychological features junior schoolchild, for whom the leading activity is educational activity. Therefore, the basis of the work of the class teacher in primary school considered spiritual and moral education, the formation of the "moral foundation" of the student. Formation cool team contributes to the improvement of the educational process in the classroom, increases the motivation of students. How does the formation of a children's team begin? Since this work is possible only in close cooperation with the parents of younger students, the work of the class teacher in the primary grades begins with the formation of the parent team.

Working with parents of students is a priority in primary school. Only in the unity of the activities of the teacher and parents is a positive result achieved. The class teacher thinks through his activities in such a way as to involve all families in school activities as much as possible. This requires great tact from the teacher and individual approach to every family. Parents voluntarily choose the direction in which they would like to cooperate with the school (cultural, educational and social, economic and labor, sports and recreation). When from the first grade it is possible to establish the work of these areas, then in the future all educational work in the children's team is facilitated.

As noted by I.I. Yudin, I.V. Kamenev, extra-curricular educational work in the primary grade, focused on the development of spiritual needs, creativity And national identity children, should be based on joint activities with parents, representatives of the intelligentsia and the public of the district and city. To make parents active participants in the pedagogical process is an important and responsible task of the teacher. The solution of this problem seems possible if the following activities of the class teacher with parents are reflected in the work plan of the class and the school:

studying the families of students; pedagogical education of parents; ensuring the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of collective affairs in the classroom; pedagogical management of the activities of the parent council of the class; individual work with parents; informing parents about the progress and results of training, education and development of students.

Work in each of these areas consists of a certain set of forms and methods of activity. Their choice is determined by the goals and objectives of educational work in the classroom, the personal and professional characteristics of the class teacher, the traditions of the school, the class, the originality of the composition of students and their parents, the trends in the development of educational relations in the class community, the principles of interaction between the teacher and parents.

The work of the class teacher in the primary grades is a purposeful system, planned activity, built on the basis of the education program of the entire educational institution, analysis of previous activities, positive and negative trends public life, on the basis of a personality-oriented approach, taking into account the current tasks facing the teaching staff of the school, and the situation in the class team, interethnic, interfaith relations. The teacher also takes into account the level of upbringing of students, the social and material conditions of their life, the specifics of family circumstances.

The work of the class teacher begins with diagnostic activities. Diagnostic activities are carried out taking into account the following conditions: research is aimed at identifying the developmental features of each child; diagnostic results are compared only with the previous results of the same student in order to identify the degree of his progress in development; study of the student's personality and student team carried out throughout the years of schooling; the prospects for the development of the student and the team are determined; research is of a complex systemic nature; diagnostics is carried out in the natural conditions of the educational process.

The study of children and the team is carried out not only with the help of special psychological techniques, but also through individual conversations, observations, conversations with parents, teachers.

After the diagnosis and determination of the goals and objectives of education, class teachers choose the areas of educational work, the implementation of which becomes the first brick for the formation of a system of educational work in the classroom.

The position of the primary school class teacher in the school management system is determined, firstly, common tasks training and education facing this school; secondly, the place of the class as an organized association of students, the main and stable unit of the general school community and the main sphere of self-realization of each child; Thirdly, functional responsibilities class teacher and the needs of the class; fourthly, the characteristics of the personality of the teacher.

In the course of his activity, the class teacher interacts with:

WITH educational psychologist the class teacher studies the individuality of students, the process of their adaptation and integration into micro- and macro-society. The class teacher coordinates the communication of the teacher-psychologist with the parents, their advisory, therapeutic support. With the support of a teacher-psychologist, the class teacher analyzes the development of the class team, determining the cognitive, creative abilities and capabilities of pupils, helps the child make a choice future profession; coordinates the choice of forms and methods of organizing individual and group educational extracurricular activities.

WITH teachers additional education . Interaction with them helps to use the whole variety of the system of additional education for children to expand the cognitive, creative abilities of their pupils, stimulate their self-determination, self-development and self-education, the desire to expand the zone of communication; supports pre-vocational training of students. The class teacher promotes the inclusion of students in various creative associations on interests (circles, sections, clubs), operating both in general educational institutions and in institutions of additional education for children.

WITH teacher-organizer. Coordinating joint activities, the class teacher involves him in holding events within the class, organizes the participation of students in his class in school-wide events during extracurricular and vacation time.

WITH social educator. The class teacher is called upon to be an intermediary between the personality of the child and all social institutions in resolving personal crises of students. With the direct participation of a social teacher, the class teacher organizes socially significant activities of students, activities aimed at the development of social initiatives, the implementation of social projects.

1. Formation and development of the classroom educational system

The main thing in the educational system of the class- creation of an appropriate moral and psychological climate, creativity of the atmosphere, a benevolent style of relations - all that contributes to the development of the personality of each student, the team as a whole; helps in the formation life position, general attitude to life; recognition of the human personality as an absolute value.

I welcome the path of education based on patience and conversation (democratic). If this path is followed to the end, then I think that the result will exceed expectations. A person will grow up as a person who has determined his position in life and the path to its achievement. People of this category arouse the interest of society, as they are calm, confident, responsible, their words do not differ from their deeds, they are friendly, responsive and know how to love.

My pedagogical goal is to educate just such people: cheerful, creative, honest, kind, responsible and active in their lives. In a word, educate the individual. But for this you need to gradually improve the personality. That is why I use personality self-development system in educational work. This system is based on the following provisions:

  • the student is the subject, not the object of the process of education and training;
  • upbringing and training is a priority in relation to development ahead of development;
  • education and training is aimed at comprehensive development with a priority area (self-affirming mechanisms of personality).

For the third year now, the educational system of the class has been aimed at self-development and self-improvement of the individual. The system is based on the course of G.K. Selevko "Self-improvement of personality". From my point of view, this course is very relevant at the present stage of development of society, since the transition of society to a new socio-economic and political order causes an urgent need for highly educated, enterprising and enterprising people with a sense of social responsibility, able to increase spiritual and material wealth society.

In addition, according to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the content of education should be focused on “ensuring the self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for its self-realization”, should ensure, in particular, “the integration of the individual into the national and world culture; the formation of a person and a citizen, prepared for performance in contemporary society and the national improvement of this society…”.

These tasks are provided by the organization of pedagogical conditions, influences, but at the same time, internal processes of self-knowledge, self-education, self-determination, self-affirmation, self-actualization are going on in the child's psyche. The course "Self-Improvement of the Personality" puts the whole pedagogical guidance on these processes, the activation of psychogenic development factors, and the encouragement of schoolchildren to self-improvement.

IN curriculum high school there are no disciplines that would explain to students the basis of the content and patterns of formation of their personality. This course is intended for theoretical orientation, methodological understanding of students of their school and extracurricular activities, to create a theoretical foundation for their self-development. The course is presented in a systematic way (from the 5th to the 11th grade), which sets out knowledge about a person, relations between people with each other and society, about moral values, a culture of behavior and life - about many things that a developing person needs.

The course system is based on the fact that in each age period especially favorable conditions are created for the formation of certain areas of self-improvement of the individual. In addition, needs, rationale A. Maslow.

The entire circle of “Self-Improvement of the Personality” is divided into 7 sections by class and covers all the main stages and components of the self-improvement process.

Class Section of the general course of self-improvement of the individual Benefit titles
5 self-knowledge Know thyself
6 self-education DIY
7 self-education Teach yourself to learn
8 self-affirmation assert yourself
9 self-determination find yourself
10 Self-regulation Manage yourself
11 Self-actualization, self-realization Realize yourself

The process of self-knowledge underlies any act of self-improvement. The guys should realize who they are, how they evaluate themselves, what happens to them and why. Therefore, the system of technology begins with an overview of the psychological qualities of a person that is accessible to fifth graders, brings into some system the ideas that the children have about their personality, helps either to understand themselves, to create a conscious image of their “I”.

A feature of work on the technology of self-development of the personality is work with inner world child, with his experiences, intellectual manifestations, interests, relationships.

The experience of working on the technology of personal self-development allowed me to see that many guys are rethinking their behavior, life activities, attitude towards each other and the world as a whole. An analysis of work using this technology made it possible to understand what kind of hierarchy of values ​​is formed in individual children, to build an individual approach to them. When playing out various situations together with the guys, I saw mutual trust and interest. It is under such conditions that enrichment occurs. life experience students.

2. Development of self-government in the classroom

Class self-government is one of the modes of joint and independent activities of students, in which each student can determine his place and realize his abilities and capabilities. This is the independence of an organized social community in solving its own affairs.

For the third year in my class, self-government has been developing. The initial goal of self-government was to rally students into a friendly and strong team.

Class self-management develops in stages.

First stage came in 5th grade. First of all, students were informed about the meaning of self-government. Then there was a gradual formation of positive motives among students for self-management activities. In order to achieve all this, I mainly cited examples from my personal school life and the life of the previous class team. At this stage, the students began to keep a "Class Life Record". At first, the function of the guys was performing. My position as a class teacher was a teacher. A survey was conducted to identify inclinations and interests in something. Having identified their interests, the guys received tasks and assignments. On initial stage in order to attract them to self-government, I myself appointed those responsible, looked closely at who was capable of what. Gradually

students began to evaluate events in the classroom, exercise self-control and mutual control. They have their first self-esteem. Already after the first half of the year, the results of self-government were visible. I was glad that the guys stopped being indifferent to each other, they began to take the initiative in the life of the class and school. Children themselves began to suggest activities in which they would like to take part. The class revealed a group of leaders who were fair to their classmates, those who had clear achievements in valuable activities (sports, studies, creativity) and those who could lead other children along.

An asset of the class was chosen, which developed class norms of communication, behavior, relationships in the form of class commandments, rules, laws, mottos for the year. During the year, the asset of the class changed three times and almost all the guys carried out some assignments in the class. At the end of the year, the birth of a real team was already visible. The original goal is almost reached. This was confirmed by the results of the annual school competition “Student of the Year”. Of the four nominations among grades 5-7, two students of our class became winners: “The best student - 2005” and “The most talented - 2005”.

Second stage It is designed for two years - 6th and 7th grades. At the beginning of the 6th grade, a permanent class asset was formed for a year in a democratic way - through election. For a more interesting class life, it was proposed to rename the class to “state”. At the meeting of the asset, it was decided:

  • form of self-government - Republic (RID)
  • head of the Republic of Interesting Affairs (RIA) - president (class teacher)
  • ministers of state (deputies of the head of RID):

The "Ministers of the State" adopted and approved the charter, the coat of arms, the anthem of the "republic", proposed by all members of the "State Duma" - students of the class.

Student self-government is not so much introduced as cultivated in the collective itself. The meaning of student self-government in our class is not to manage some children by others, but to teach all children the basics of democratic relations in society, to teach them to manage themselves, their lives in a team.

Participation in self-government helps students develop the skills of democracy, the ability to act independently, think outside the box, make decisions and implement them.

At the end of the 6th grade, the following results of class self-government were achieved:

  • well-established duty in the classroom and school;
  • well-established labor affairs (cleaning the territory, warming the classroom, landscaping and spring-cleaning in class);
  • organization of leisure (holding cool lights, evenings, trips, excursions, competitions and other events);
  • issue of various thematic newspapers;
  • holding sports events; - holding thematic classroom hours;
  • collection Money for travel.

In the competition "Student of the Year - 2006" we took all four nominations: "The best student - 2006" I and II degrees, "The most active - 2006", "The most athletic - 2006" and "The most talented - 2006". Each winner of the competition has a portfolio of achievements.

The results of the 7th grade confirmed the correct orientation of our class self-government. Members of the active class (ministers) became the organizers of work with children of interest. Not everything goes smoothly, of course, there are difficulties. But we are already coping with these difficulties together, i.e. my position changed - I became a consultant.

During class hours, my role as a class teacher became mainly consulting and rather “shadow”. In my opinion, classroom hours provide an opportunity to develop both organizational talent and acting talent at the same time.

A class team always has some goals, tasks. My pupils adhere to ten main verbs:

1) think;
2) set goals;
3) decide;
4) do;
5) help;
6) respect;
7) be friends;
8) have fun;
9) create;
10) be responsible for everything and everyone.

In my opinion, self-management in the classroom is a necessary component of modern education. Self-government contributes to the personal growth of schoolchildren, the development of their responsibility and independence. They acquire organizational, communication, labor and creative skills. D. Webster said: “People can do together what they cannot do alone; the unity of minds and hands, the concentration of their forces can become almost omnipotent.” In everything and always I tried and try to go through life with my pupils.

I often think and imagine what my children will be like - they will be SELF-INDEPENDENT and SELF-active individuals who have understood their SELF-value, who have achieved SELF-determination and SELF-realization.

In his pedagogical activity Sh.A.'s statement is close to me. Amonashvili: “You need to see yourself in children to help them become adults; one must accept them as a repetition of one's childhood in order to improve oneself; one must finally live the life of children in order to be a humane teacher.”

3. Interaction of the class teacher with the parents of students

Today, many parents are interested in the successful education and development of the child. However, there is not always an understanding that good results can be achieved only with the active interaction of parents and the class teacher.

The organization of interaction between the class teacher and the families of students requires compliance with certain rules and norms of communication.

When interacting with parents, I use various psychological and pedagogical methods: observation, conversation, testing, questioning, training, materials for children's creativity.

Starting to work with the children's team, I tried to study the family situation as much as possible, to understand the way of life of each student's family, traditions, customs, spiritual values, and the style of relationships between parents and children. This is necessary in order to plan educational work in the classroom with maximum efficiency. Already at the first meeting (in September) with my parents, I used the following diagnostics.

My child.

1. Full name ___________________________________

2. Interests of my child ______________________________

3. About the health of my child, I can tell you the following _______________________

4. In elementary school, he (she) was treated in such a way that we ____________________

5. His (her) relationship with an elementary school teacher was _________

6. My child likes it when ___________________________________________

7. My child does not like it when ____________________________________________

8. Him (her) positive qualities is that he (she) always __________

9. Him (her) negative qualities is that he (she) can ___________

10. Difficulties in raising our child are due to the fact that ___________________

11. I would like the class teacher to pay attention to his (her) ability to _.

12. We hope that with the help of the class teacher we will be able to develop in our child the following qualities ____________________ and overcome the following qualities.

The results of this diagnosis helped me get to know the children better and gave me an idea about their parents.

There are many different diagnostics of studying the family, relations between teachers and parents, children and parents, etc., which are used in my teaching activities.

Parent meetings are one of the main forms of work with parents, as they usually include many important elements of the work (from individual conversations to group discussions). But I decided to change the very approach to organizing and holding traditional parent-teacher meetings. The main goal of the new approach is to involve the majority of parents in decision making in the classroom. Issues of discipline and performance of individual students are not discussed at general meetings. Such issues are resolved, as a rule, individually, in separate conversations with parents. To do this, in addition to meetings with any teacher, open days (on Saturdays) are also provided, when parents can resolve issues with any teacher and administration. And at parent meetings, parents themselves sometimes become active participants and even organizers, at which topical issues of life in the classroom and at school are discussed. In 2005 - 2006 academic year In 2009, parents, in particular members of the parent committee, held two thematic meetings (“The role of the family in the development of the moral qualities of a teenager”, “Encouragement and punishment in raising a child”). It was nice that the parents were excited about these problems and in a heated discussion they discussed how to raise children without resorting to cruelty and corporal punishment. Many parents have noticed unused opportunities for encouragement and praise. I introduced parents to the results of scientists' research on the influence of the family atmosphere on the development of children's moral qualities. In my opinion, such parent-teacher meetings are of great educational efficiency.

The topics of parent meetings are very diverse, since the range of problems that parents face is wide.

It has already become a tradition in our class to hold the last final parent meeting together with children and parents. This meeting is always festive, as if a creative report on the work done and their achievements. The good news is that parents do not stand aside, they always show their “answer word”.

In addition to parent meetings, parents take an active part in many class events (as members of the jury, in class hours, joint trips, literary evenings, etc.). Only with the help of joint affairs, parents can become allies, as they will no longer treat the school as outside observers. Such a connection between generations, in my opinion, is the most effective way to transfer socio-cultural values, since the younger generation, through the life example of parents, can be convinced of the inviolability of such concepts as kindness, decency, honesty.

Individual conversations with parents, questionnaires, discussions at parent meetings showed that basically all children have good relations with their parents. But in some families there is excessive severity and exactingness towards the child, and in some, on the contrary, there is not enough control from the parents. Thanks to joint activities, parents began to realize that it is necessary to communicate with the child as an equal, treat him as a person who has the right to independence and respect, that patience and condescension towards the child is the main means in education.

4. Active participation of students in the life of the school

2005-2006 academic year year

The results of the traditional school competition "Student of the Year - 2006" proved the activity of the class team in the life of the school. All four nominations of the competition among

5-7 classes were won by pupils of my class: “The most active” - Laryushkina A.; “The most creative” - Kolpakova V.; “The most sporty” - Lupenkova L.; “The best student of the 1st degree” - Gukova V.; “The best student of the 2nd degree” - Salomatina T.

In addition to the winners, other members of the class team also take part in the life of the school. For the period 2005 - 2006 academic year 6 "A" took part in such events as:

1. Participation in the holiday: "Day of the first grader". (8 people).

2. Participation and victory in the autumn and spring school Olympic Games(whole class)

3. Pioneerball competition among 6th - 7th grades (victory).

4. Participation in urban review of theatrical art - the play "Little Red Riding Hood". (14 people)

5. school graduation calendar of significant dates:

1) geologist V.A. Rusanov;
2) storyteller - director A. Rowe.

6. Participation in regional Ecology Olympiad (school tour) - 9 people

7. Participation in New Year's performance for 5 - 8 classes (3 people)

8. Participation in the concert: “Meeting with veterans” (4 people)

9. Participation in International mathematical competition - the game "Kangaroo" (11 people)

10. Participation in urban review of creativity: "I sing about what I love." (10 people)

11. Participation and victory in the school educational and practical conference (4 people)

12. Participation and victory in urban educational - practical conference (3 people)

13. Active participation and victories in sports competitions ( mountains, region) - 5 people.

2006-2007 academic year year. For participation in the traditional school competition “Student of the Year – 2007”, 9 applications were submitted from the class. All four nominations of the competition among

5-7 classes were won by pupils of my class: “The most active 1st degree” - Zabolotny E.; “The most active 2 degree” - Laryushkina A.; “The most creative” - Gukova V.; “The most sporty” - Lupenkova L.; “The best student of the 1st degree” - Laryushkina A.; “The best student of the 2nd degree” - Salomatina T.

Each student in the class has their own package of achievements - portfolio.

2006-2007 academic year d. 7 “A” took part in such activities as:

1. Participation in the holiday: “First Grader Day” (10 people).

2. Active participation and victory in the autumn school Olympic Games (I place)

3. Volleyball competition among 7-8th grades (I place)

4. Mini football competition among 6-7 classes (I place)

5. Presentation of the school play "Cat's House" on new way V New Year's greetings for students in grades 5-6 and 7-8. (18 people)

6. School issue of the calendar of significant dates:

1) 100th anniversary of the birth of rocket designer Sergei Korolev
2) 270 years since the birth of the architect Vasily Bazhenov

7. Participation in regional Ecology Olympiad (school tour) - 11 people

8. Participation in the New Year's performance for grades 5-8 (7 people).

9. Participation and victory in the song contest: “And the saved world remembers” (14 people)

10. Active participation and victories in sports competitions ( mountains, region) (7 people).

11. Participation in the school review of creativity: “Glory, native city”, (10 people)

12. Issue of newspapers on "School Arbat": 1) "What is the New Year preparing?"

2) “Hero City– Kursk” 3) Military commanders, natives of the city of Kimovsk and the Kim district.

13. Participation and victory in regional(II place) scientific and practical conference. (2 people)

14. Participation in literary drawing rooms (7 people)

15. Participation and victory in school and urban educational - practical conference (9 people)

Used Books: 1. G.K. Selevko, N.K. Tikhomirova Self-improvement of personality. M.: Public education, 2001.

Features of the work of the class teacher in elementary school

  1. The role and importance of the class teacher in education.

Everyone knows that the work of a teacher is difficult and multifaceted. And one of these facets is being a class teacher. It accommodates many professions at once. The class teacher should be a teacher, psychologist, educator, artist, innovator, controller, lawyer, friend and mentor at the same time. The problem is that there is only one person behind it all. How much strength, health, knowledge, energy, patience the teacher gives when working with children, regardless of his personal time. Teacher - class teacher - this is not a profession, it's a way of life!

Currently, a primary school student is at school most of the time and comes home in the evening with his parents, as after a full day's work. Education falls on the shoulders of those who are nearby, and this is most often a teacher - a class teacher! Social and everyday problems do not allow parents to pay due attention to children in the formation of their worldview, the education of morality. Yes, and the school is completely absorbed in the tasks of teaching, preparing for exams, caring for improving the quality of knowledge, indicators, and completing many reports. There is not enough time for everything! When faced with the incorrect behavior of students in one or another life situation, you hear the indignant voices of adults: “What do they only teach you at school?” But we understand that we, teachers, teach them at school, and we teach them well. So, whether we like it or not, we can or not, the school really needs a class teacher!

  1. Features of the work of the class teacher in elementary school.

The work of the class teacher of an elementary school has its own characteristics.

1. Primary school age is the most favorable age in the moral development of a person. It is during this period that the child is aware of the relationship between himself and others, masters new social roles: student, member of the class team; begins to be interested in social phenomena and understand the motives of behavior and moral assessments of people. He begins to think about his "I", experiences a surge of creative activity.

2. The main goal for the class teacher is to create psychological comfort in the classroom and the basis for the formation of a friendly close-knit team. To achieve this, you need to go through a series milestones. Conventionally, the first half of the 1st grade can be considered the first stage. The main task in this segment of the path is the adaptation of students to school life. For the first time, the class brings different children together. The task of the teacher is to introduce them and teach them how to communicate with each other. The teacher draws for himself an image of the class, how he would like to see it as a whole. At the initial stage, the class teacher manages himself, and rightly so. For young children, he is a role model in everything.

At the second stage, and this is the second half of the 1st grade and the entire second grade, the teacher helps the students to accept the rules of life and work of the team. He studies the interests of each child, his needs, character. Helps strengthen interpersonal relationships between children, begins to rally the team so that the children do not feel isolated.

The third stage starts from the 3rd grade. During this period, conditions are created for the development of personality, creative individuality revealed brighter, defined clear leaders. Now we need to develop self-government, listen to the opinions, interests and needs of children. The asset of the class is a great support for the teacher during this period. Education plays a big role.

In the 4th grade, at the fourth stage, children discover their own "I" in themselves, they can boldly express themselves. The class can do something independently, distributing responsibilities among themselves, something under the guidance of a teacher. At this stage, the teacher cooperates with his children. The forms of work with the class are very diverse. These are thematic excursions, holidays, contests, quizzes, interesting projects, collective creative work. All these activities contribute to the unity of the class. When conducting classroom hours and conversations, the teacher should try to take into account actual problems class or individual students.

3. The class teacher must be passionate about his work, so that the children follow him with pleasure and help in everything. Children do not like empty, far-fetched activities, it is important for them to feel the result and encouragement. It is best to set an exciting goal for them so that it beckons them and moves them to activity. Team building is facilitated by any joint activity that organizes them. free time. Whether it's live communication, outdoor games, field trips, walks, subbotniks, work assignments that benefit others.

4. Important point in the work of the class teacher of an elementary school is the ability to work with parents. For a child who has crossed the threshold of school, the community of the teacher and parents is very important for holistic development. School and family are equally important to him. In elementary grades, the teacher communicates with parents. He takes the first step towards interaction. It is very important that parents become his like-minded and helpers. If good, trusting relationships are created, everyone is comfortable in such a team.

Forms of work of the class teacher with parents:

Parent meetings, exchange of experience;

Individual and thematic conversations, consultations;


Studying and visiting families of students;

Assistance in organizing and conducting extra-curricular activities (trip to museums, theaters, excursions, trips, holidays);

Parent readings and conferences;

Work with the parent committee.

To evaluate the results in education, the class teacher can monitor once a year to find out at what level of cohesion his team is, sociometry - what are the interpersonal relations between students in his class. There are many interesting methods for studying the personality of younger students. Children take them for a game, and the class teacher, using the method of pedagogical observation and his experience, can see a lot in children.

Let me give you an example of some of these methods.

ΙΙΙ . Methods for studying the personality of younger students.

To study desiresschoolchildren, you can use the technique "If you were a magician" or "Flower-seven-flower".

Technique "If you were a wizard." Children are invited to name three desires that they would like to fulfill: for themselves, for loved ones, for people in general.

In the technique "Flower-Semitsvetik". Each child is given a seven-color flower made of paper, on the petals of which he writes down his desires. The processing of the results can be done according to the following scheme: group desires according to their meaning: material (things, toys), moral, cognitive, destructive, etc.

To study the character, experiences of the studentThe technique of "Joys and sorrows" is used. The sheet of paper is divided in half. Each part has a symbol: a sun and a cloud. Children in the corresponding part of the sheet draw their joys and sorrows. Or children get a chamomile petal made of paper. On one side they write about their joys, on the other about their sorrows. At the end, the petals are collected in a chamomile. Children in grades 3-4 are invited to complete two sentences “I am most happy when ....” “I am most upset when…”

To identify the direction of needsThe selection method is used.

Imagine that you were given (or you earned ...) rubles. Think about what you would spend this money on? The dominance of spiritual or material individual or social needs is analyzed.

To study learning motivationyou can use the technique "Unfinished sentences". The beginning of the sentence is given, and the student must come up with a sentence for it as soon as possible. For example:

  1. I think a good student is one who….
  2. I think a bad student is one who….
  3. I'm happy when I'm at school...
  4. I'm afraid when at school...
  5. If I don't know how to solve a problem, I...
  6. If I need to remember something, I...

Children's answers can be assessed by different indicators of learning motivation.

To diagnose the student's attitude to specific academic subjects using the Weekly Scheduling Method. We imagine that children study in the school of the future, and they can make their own schedule of lessons. For each day, the student writes any number of lessons and the names of the necessary subjects. Then this schedule is compared with the real one and items are highlighted, which are more or less, the percentage of non-compliance, etc. Diagnostics, discussion with children.

To determine the models and ideals that the child wants to imitate,the “My Hero” technique is suitable. Children are invited to verbally or in writing answer the question "Who would you like to be like and why?" or an essay-story-tale is written “I want to be like ...”

To identify children's interest in professions, there is a technique "Whom to be". Children are invited to draw what they would like to become in the future, write a caption under the drawing or write a mini-story "Who do I want to become and why?"

The results of the methods give good material for further topics and conversations with students and parents.

Ι V. Planning of educational work.

For the consistency and effectiveness of their work, the class teacher draws up a program of educational activities for 4 years and an annual plan of educational work. Planning is a significant link in the activity of a teacher. It provides a clear organization, outlines the prospects and contributes to the implementation of the educational program.

I will give a brief example of an educational work plan for the upcoming 3rd grade. Presentation.

V. Tips for teachers and parents.

Tips for teachers and parents


  • the child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate
  • the child is ridiculed, he becomes withdrawn
  • the child is praised, he learns to be noble
  • the child is supported, he learns to value himself
  • the child grows up in reproach, he learns to live with guilt
  • the child grows up in tolerance, he learns to understand others
  • the child grows up in honesty, he learns to be fair
  • the child grows up in safety, he learns to believe in people
  • the child lives in enmity, he learns to be aggressive
  • the child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learns to find love in this world

Thank you for your attention! I want to wish everyone good health, creative success, talented students, grateful parents!

“The most dangerous result of education

are well-informed people

unburdened by conscience"

(Ernst Bower, American educational psychologist).

IN recent decades the conditions of life of our state and individual have changed significantly. Fast development information technologies, unprecedented pace scientific progress led to an acutely felt "humanitarian starvation". An analysis of the events under the influence of which society lives in Lately, leads to the idea that he is given ideals that contradict not only the spiritual life, but also the natural essence of man. In pedagogical activity, moral guidelines have ceased to be dominant. In the mind of a maturing schoolchild, they do not find a place for themselves, and "a holy place is never empty." The formation of man cannot be reduced to rational cognition alone. sharpness moral problems at the present stage of development of society requires significant changes in the approach to the educational process of the school. One of the main tasks of pedagogy is to open to a new generation of people the world of universal cultural and moral values. Lack of the necessary moral foundation laid down in the junior school age, dooms a student who does not have the necessary moral guidelines to follow external forms behavior that is far from ideal.

The problem of moral education as a system of knowledge about the moral values ​​of society was first officially posed in the Federal State Educational Standard. How to build an educational process at school so that students are socially in demand? A person as a personality is manifested only through a system of relations with other people. A carefully thought-out system of extracurricular work under the supervision of a class teacher will be able to teach this system of relations.

If we consider the PRIORITY NATIONAL PROJECT "EDUCATION", then among the seven areas implemented within the framework of this project, we will see the direction "class leadership" in the first place.

- Cool guide

The best teachers

Talented youth

Federal Universities

World class business schools

school meals

Education of contract servicemen

For the class teacher modern school bears a great responsibility. Together with the parents and the support service (psychologist and social teacher), the class teacher solves the problems of adaptation and socialization of the child. Their joint activity provides a growing person with real assistance in the process of mastering their sociocultural experience.

Any experience begins with understanding the basics. IN educational institution- This is an elementary school. Primary school teacher and class teacher are inseparable concepts. The entire educational process of junior schoolchildren is educational, both in school hours and outside school hours. This is due to the psychological characteristics of the younger student, for whom the leading activity is educational activity. Therefore, the basis of the work of the class teacher in the primary grades is spiritual and moral education, the formation of the "moral foundation" of the student. The formation of a class team contributes to the improvement of the educational process in the classroom, increases the motivation of students. How does the formation of a children's team begin? Since this work is possible only in close cooperation with the parents of younger students, the work of the class teacher in the primary grades begins with the formation of the parent team.

Working with parents of students is a priority in elementary school. Only with the unity of the teacher and parents is a positive result achieved. The class teacher thinks through his activities in such a way as to involve all families in school activities as much as possible. This requires great tact from the teacher and an individual approach to each family. Parents voluntarily choose the direction in which they would like to cooperate with the school (cultural, educational and social, economic and labor, sports and recreation). When from the first grade it is possible to establish the work of these areas, then in the future all educational work in the children's team is facilitated.

The main forms of work with parents in elementary school are as follows:

parent meetings;

School-wide conferences;

Questioning and testing;

Open events for parents;

Joint excursions;

Involving all parents in cool holidays;

Acquaintance with the genealogy of the family.

Speaking about our creative work in primary school, I would like to note the enthusiasm and great desire with which students and their parents take up work. With the right prioritization, each family makes a feasible contribution to the common cause. The forms of work are very diverse:

Thematic workshop of crafts and toys;

Sports relay races;

Folklore holidays;

Participation in various promotions and competitions;

Calendar and school holidays.

Analyzing my experience as a class teacher, I would like to note that at first (grades 1-2) children need the help of their parents, but gradually they become more independent, take the initiative, expand their horizons, learn to plan their work. In grades 3-4, children are already able to create collective creative work, which are used in lessons, quizzes, competitions, class holidays, etc. By the end of elementary school, students take part in a project in which they not only realize their accumulated experience, but actively learn about the world around them (projects "Wonderful City", "School of Mutual Understanding", "Planet of Knowledge" and many others). So the work of my and my students on the project "School of Mutual Understanding" was reflected in the regional competition of class teachers of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg " The coolest "coolest". The regulation of the competition prescribes participation in it for two years. In the first year, a folder of pedagogical achievements of the class teacher is formed, which includes scenarios, methodological developments class hours, BP plans and other materials. In the second year, a presentation "My pedagogical credo" is created, which is evaluated by the jury members and presented to fellow participants. The result of the competition is an open extracurricular activity. In my case, this is a folklore festival on the theme “Kalevala Day”, which was attended not only by the jury members of the competition, but also by all the parents of the students. This extra-curricular activity gave scope to the imagination of students. They easily got involved in game activities, became direct participants national holiday. The children realized that the cultural event "Kalevala Day" is of an interethnic nature. The result of participation in the competition was 2nd place in the region.

Four years of class leadership in primary school have significant expected results. Summing up the pedagogical impact, it is important to remember that we are talking about the impact on the moral side of the individual, a special world where they do not always let another person in. The situation is facilitated by the fact that the younger student himself seeks to clarify the assessments of the adult, is guided by his opinion. The adult thus exercises social control. A number of diagnostic techniques will help you navigate some of the results of the work. Diagnosis is not the basis for assessing the personality of the child. This is information for the teacher and for his individual work with kids. The results cannot be considered final, because the child is constantly changing and improving. But an elementary school graduate can:

Understand the moral norms and rules adopted in society;

Strive to be moral;

Come to an understanding of the relationship between moral and material values, the priority of the former over the latter

“Real genuine morality is the desire for morality” (Blonsky P.P. Selected pedagogical works. - M., 1961).

Modern society not only makes new demands on the education system, but also opens up new opportunities for the work of teachers. A special role is given to the use of Internet resources and information technology in the pedagogical practice of the class teacher. Effective application information resources expands the educational space of the teacher, makes educational and upbringing more intense and productive.

Htpp://www.innovativeteachers.ru is a network of creative teachers.

Finishing this article, I would like to quote the words "Classroom management is not a duty, but an endless creativity."

Yours faithfully - the teacher of Lyceum No. 395 of St. Petersburg Natalia Viktorovna Zyazenkova.

List of used literature:

ABC moral education/ Ed. I.Kairova.- M.: Enlightenment, 1975;

The ABC of moral maturation / Petrova V.I., Trofimova N.M., Khomyakova I.S., Stulnik T.D. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007;

Blonsky P.P. Selected pedagogical works. - M., 1961.

Education of a culture of behavior of students in grades 1-3 / Bogdanova O., Petrova V. - M .: Education, 1978;

- "Primary School" (scientific and methodological journal), 2008, No. 7 - Z.A. Bulatova. Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren on the traditions of folk pedagogy;

- "Primary School" (scientific and methodological journal), 2008, No. 12 - M.V. Limina. Think well - and thoughts will ripen into good deeds;
