Features of the activity of the class teacher in the modern school. Educational activities of the class teacher

Municipal state educational institution

Methodical center

in the system of additional pedagogical education


Practical - meaningful work

"Peculiarities of activity class teacher

in the educational system of the school"

Done by: math teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 21

Klimanova Ksenia Fedorovna

Checked: methodologist MC

Avdeeva Margarita Viktorovna





Raising children is a risky business, because in case of success, the latter is acquired at the cost of great labor and care, in case of failure, grief is incomparable with any other.

The combination of the words "class teacher" is clear to those who have already graduated from school, and to those who are still studying in it. It often happens that all memories of the school are somehow connected with the name of the class teacher.

In school years for students, this person is the third parent. The responsibility that he bears for the life, health and education of schoolchildren is comparable to that of a parent.

Given the diversity of its functions and the growing workload, today, more than ever, a clear understanding of the role of a competent class teacher in a modern school is relevant.

To solve this problem, it is necessary: ​​taking into account the principle of historicism, consider the genesis of the position of the class teacher, consider the requirements for the bearer of this profession, specify his rights and obligations.


The main structural element of the educational system of the school is the class. It is here that cognitive activity is organized, social relations between students. Representative functions in school self-government bodies are also most often performed on behalf of the class. In the classrooms, care is taken for the social well-being of students, the problems of children's leisure and team building are solved, and an appropriate emotional atmosphere is formed. The organizer of the activities of students in the classroom, the coordinator of educational influences on the student is the class teacher. The class teacher is a teacher who organizes educational work in the class assigned to him. It is he who interacts directly with both students and their parents.

The institution of class leadership has been established for a very long time, practically along with the emergence of educational institutions. In Russia, until 1917, these teachers were called class mentors, class ladies. Their rights and obligations were determined by the Charter of the educational institution - the fundamental document in the activities of any school. It was he who outlined the terms of reference of all teachers of the children's institution.

A class mentor, an educator was obliged to delve into all the life events of the team entrusted to him, monitor the relationships in it, and form friendly relations between the children. The teacher had to be an example in everything, even his appearance was a role model.

The position of the class teacher at the school was introduced in 1934. One of the teachers was appointed as the class teacher, who was given special responsibility for the educational work in this class. The duties of the class teacher were considered as additional to the main teaching work.

At present, the types of such educational institutions as gymnasiums, lyceums, etc. have been revived. The activity of the mass secondary general education school has changed. Accordingly, the institution of class leadership has changed. Now there are several types of class guide:

a subject teacher who simultaneously performs the functions of a class teacher;

a class teacher who performs only educational functions (a released class teacher, he is also called a class teacher);

in some educational institutions, the position of a class teacher (a variant of the position of a released class teacher) has been introduced, as well as a class curator (Latin trustee; a person entrusted with overseeing some work) or tutor (Latin protector, patron, guardian) when students ready to take on a number of organizational functions of the teacher. They may have a minimal teaching load.

The official status of the class teacher largely determines the tasks, content and forms of his work. Thus, it becomes possible for a class teacher to carry out purposeful work with each student, to draw up individual programs for the development of children. In this case, individual forms of work with students and their families dominate.

The educational tasks, content and forms of work of the class teacher cannot be uniform. They are determined by the needs, interests, needs of children and their parents, the conditions of the class, school, society, and the capabilities of the teacher himself.

The position of the class teacher in the children's team is variable. It is determined primarily by the type of joint activity: in educational work, the class teacher, as a teacher, is the organizer and leader of the children's activities; in extracurricular work, it is important for the teacher to take the position of a senior comrade, an ordinary participant.

The role of the teacher varies depending on the age, experience of collective, self-management activities of children: from the direct organizer of work to a consultant and adviser.

Since the activities of the school are regulated by its Charter, the activities of the class teacher are also based on this document.


The main functions of the class teacher are the following:


Organizational and stimulating;

Unifying rallying;


Personal development.

The cognitive-diagnostic function is associated with the need to comprehensively study the characteristics of the development and behavior of students and determine the level of their upbringing in order to take these features into account in the process of extracurricular work and implement an individual approach to their education and upbringing. The class teacher needs to know the state of health of students and physical development, the conditions of home education, the nature of their learning and upbringing, interpersonal contacts and participation in organized activities, their inclinations, abilities and interests, attitude to educational work and the dynamics of progress. These data must be brought to the attention of the teachers working in the class so that they take them into account in the process of teaching and educational activities.

The organizational and stimulating function is due to the fact that the participation of schoolchildren in extracurricular activities is, to a certain extent, a voluntary matter. It is incompatible with either coercion or strict regulation of students' activities, the main thing here is the ability of the class teacher to organize extracurricular work in such a way that it captivates students with high content, variety and freshness of forms, and a constant search for new approaches to its implementation. Even the most traditional types of work (for example, New Year's Eve, birthday celebrations, class hours, etc.) need to be done in a new way each time, giving them bright, colorful forms.

The unifying and rallying function follows from the fact that an effective factor in education is the rallying of students, a healthy psychological microclimate in the classroom, comradely communication, caring for each other, and the influence of the student team. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of negative groupings in the classroom, creating conditions for exciting joint activities of students.

The coordinating function of the class teacher is due to the fact that, since several subject teachers work in the class, it becomes necessary to coordinate their pedagogical efforts in teaching and educating students, coordinating their activities and implementing a unified approach to children. Similar work should also be carried out with the parents of students and involve them in joint educational work with the school. As problems for such work, there may be shortcomings in the home teaching of students, and various deviations in behavior, and the activation extracurricular reading etc.

Personal development function. Its implementation requires giving ongoing educational work an effective pedagogical influence on the development of personal qualities of students: stimulating their need-motivational sphere, educational and cognitive activity, moral and aesthetic formation, development of creative abilities and inclinations, affirmation of dignity in interpersonal communication, etc.2

The considered functions determine the content of the activity of the class teacher.


The class teacher is an administrative person. He has the right:

    receive information about the mental and physical health of children;

    monitor the progress of each student;

    control the attendance of children's classes;

    coordinate and direct the work of teachers of this class (as well as a psychologist and a social pedagogue) in a single direction;

    to organize educational work with students of the class through the holding of "small teachers' councils", pedagogical councils, thematic and other events;

    submit proposals agreed with the class team for consideration by the administration, the school council;

    invite parents (or persons replacing them) to the school; in agreement with the administration, apply to the commission for minors, the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, the commission and councils for family and school assistance at enterprises, resolving issues related to the upbringing and education of students;

    get help from the teaching staff of the school;

    determine an individual mode of work with children (freely, i.e. based on a specific situation);

    to refuse assignments lying outside the scope of the content of his work.

The class teacher is a professional teacher who is for a growing person:

    a spiritual mediator between society and the child in mastering the foundations of human culture;

    protector from moral degradation, moral death;

    organizer of cooperation relations in various types of joint activities cool team;

    the organizer of the conditions for self-expression and development of each child, carrying out (together with a psychologist, social pedagogues) the correction of the process of his socialization;

    assistant, consultant in organizing everyday life and activities, in understanding the socio-economic, political life of society, in professional orientation;

    coordinator of the efforts of teachers, families, society - in a word, all educational institutions of society that influence the formation and development of pupils;

    the creator of a favorable microenvironment and a moral and psychological climate in a children's and adolescent team, association, group.

The work of the class teacher is a purposeful system, planned activity, built on the basis of the education program of the entire educational institution, analysis of previous activities, positive and negative trends public life, on the basis of a personality-oriented approach, taking into account the current tasks facing the teaching staff of the school, and the situation in the class team, interethnic, interfaith relations. The teacher also takes into account the level of upbringing of students, the social and material conditions of their life, the specifics of family circumstances.

The class teacher has the right to conduct experimental work on the problems of didactic (to develop an author's program in his subject, if he is also a subject teacher) and educational (to develop a program of educational work) activities.

The responsibilities of the class teacher are as follows:

    organization in the classroom of an educational process that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of the personality of students within the framework of the activities of the general school team;

    assisting the student in solving acute problems (preferably in person, a psychologist can be involved);

    establishing contacts with parents and providing them with assistance in raising children (personally, through a psychologist, social pedagogue;

    comprehensive study of students;

    clarification and implementation of the rules of student behavior;

    day-to-day monitoring of student progress homework, as well as the regulation of the volume of homework;

    periodic holding of student meetings in the classroom;

    involvement of students in circle work;

    organization of socially useful labor;

    assistance in the work of voluntary children's and youth organizations and associations.

For a pedagogically competent, successful and effective performance of their duties, the class teacher needs to know well the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children, be informed about the latest trends, methods and forms of educational activities, and own modern technologies of education.


The main task of the class teacher is to create conditions for the free development of the physical and spiritual strength of students, guided by the interests of children and their age-related needs. The class teacher should be aware of the problems of the physical and psychological health of his students and do everything possible so that parents and students can talk about their problems without fear.

In their activities, the class teacher can use four areas in working with students and their parents.

The first direction is the problem of the physical health of students, since it is the quality of health that determines academic success and general development. To ensure the normal physical health of students, the class teacher works on the following points: educating children under the Health program, involving physical education teachers and parents in this type of activity, holding class events aimed at students' awareness of self-assessment of health, involving medical specialists in educational work with students' parents and students.

The second direction is communication. Communication is an impact that determines the maximum development of the child's personality, primarily ethical education, aimed at the formation of generally recognized values. Solving the problem of communication leads students to an understanding of universal human values, they should become the norm for students:

The highest value is human life. Interest in life is an indispensable condition for working with children, a condition for the effectiveness of education.

Understanding and perception of a person as a person. Having the right to be understood, able to improve, possessing individual values ​​(family, relatives, hobbies).

Cultural values ​​of the world, their significance in the development and formation of a person, the formation of an understanding of their necessity and importance in life.

the main role teachers - to become a regulator of the norms of communication between people, evaluation of human actions. Culture, like all life, is in constant development and change. The task of the teacher is to help students understand that without accepting cultural property world, without their development they will not be able to take place in adulthood.

The third direction is the cognitive sphere of the child's life. Protecting the student in this area means explaining to all subject teachers the individual characteristics of the student. To solve this problem, you need to pay attention to:

    to develop, together with the family, a unified tactic in the development of the student's learning skills, his cognitive activity, his future and professional definition;

    on the implementation of activities that expand the horizons and cognitive interests of the student, stimulate curiosity and development of thinking;

    to conduct psychological and pedagogical consultations that develop programs for correcting the general educational skills of individual students;

    on the organization of class hours to improve students' learning skills and abilities, self-development.

The fourth direction is a family in which a student grows, is formed, and is brought up. The class teacher must remember that. By educating a student, he influences the educational potential of the family. The object of professional attention is not the family itself and not the parents of the child, but family education. It is within this framework that his interaction with his parents is considered. The teacher needs to know what is the scope of the material well-being of the child, his way of life, traditions and customs of his family. The following points must be taken into account:

    studying the atmosphere in the family surrounding the student, his relationship with family members;

    psychological and pedagogical education of parents through a system of parent meetings, consultations, conversations;

    organization and joint spending of free time of children and parents;

    protection of the interests and rights of the child in “difficult” families.

Consequently, the class teacher implements the function of parental education (information about the educational function of the school, about the methods of education, the goals and objectives of the student's personal development for a given period, spiritual development child, about the peculiarities of the student's school activities, about relationships in the class, about the identified abilities).


The educational work of the class teacher is carried out according to plan. The work plan of the class teacher is a concrete reflection of the upcoming course of educational work in its general strategic directions and the smallest details. Hence the expediency of an organic combination of a long-term plan of educational work and plans for specific educational measures.

It is better when the class teacher has a long-term work plan for the entire academic year, and then consistently develops detailed plans for the academic quarters. However, this is determined by the experience of the teacher, as well as the established traditions of the school and possible instructions from the educational authorities.

L.Yu. Gordin believes that the older the students, the more realistic it is to draw up a plan for a longer period, i.e. for the entire academic year, and in those classes where the class teacher has known the children for more than a year, has an idea of ​​their level of upbringing, opportunities and interests. And vice versa, the younger the students, the less time the class teacher worked with this team, the more expedient it is to plan educational work for a quarter or half a year.

The class teacher must begin work on the plan at the end of the previous school year, when the distribution of the teaching load and class management for the new school year becomes known. If the class teacher accepts a new class, he needs to get acquainted with personal affairs pupils, their families, to study the existing system of educational work in the classroom, traditions, official and informal structure of the team. All this will help to implement continuity in educational work.

At the end of the school year, it is expedient to carry out diagnostic “sections” in the classroom with the help of a school psychologist in order to identify the psychological atmosphere, cohesion, value-oriented unity, and other essential parameters of collective life. It is useful to identify the prevailing attitudes of pupils among themselves, as well as to study, work, nature, art and other phenomena and processes of the surrounding reality.

Thus, the preparatory stage for drawing up a plan for the educational work of the class teacher comes down to collecting information about the class team and individual pupils, which will determine the nature of the dominant educational tasks.

Preparation for the preparation of the work plan of the class teacher ends with the preparation of the characteristics of the class team and individual students. This First stage deployment of the technological chain for the development of a program for the life of the class and students for the coming period.

The next stage involves the acquaintance of the class teacher with the school-wide plan of educational work, which, as a rule, is ready for the beginning of the new academic year. From it it is necessary to select all those school-wide events, as well as socially useful things for parallels and groups of classes in which the class should take part. Being correlated with specific dates, these events will lay the basic framework for the life plan of the team. Here it is necessary to emphasize the inadmissibility of identifying the work plans of the class teacher and the life of the class team.

Experienced teachers after these two stages begin to formulate specific tasks of educational work with the class for the academic year, think through a system of measures and select realistically feasible socially useful deeds. And it is advisable for novice class teachers to first correlate the information obtained at the previous stages with general data on the characteristics of the age of class students and the available recommendations to help class teachers.

The tasks of upbringing, and, consequently, the specific content for a strictly defined period of time, should determine the social, age and individual situation of development. The social situation, as it were, dictates the ideas of collective affairs (what the team should do), the age situation determines the choice of forms of activity, and the situation of individual development makes the content side of work with children unique. Accordingly, three main objects of attention of the class teacher are distinguished: the team, activity and individuality.

In order to ensure the harmonious development of the personality of each student, selecting the content, the class teacher must include in the plan, and then in the real pedagogical process, cognitive, labor, artistic and aesthetic, sports and recreational, value-oriented and other activities. At the same time, it is important that within the named types of activity a sufficient diversity of their specific types is achieved.

When the plan as a whole is formed, the period of its "finishing" begins. The class teacher discusses its individual sections with colleagues, teachers working with the class, parents and students, and also makes adjustments to the work plans of the class, children's public organizations. The plan of the class teacher is richer than the plan of the life of the team, since it contains educational activities related to both the team as a whole and individual pupils, their study, and the direction of work with parents. It, figuratively speaking, constitutes a kind of background on which the work plan of the class, its assets, student self-government bodies and individual students is superimposed. In their totality, complementing each other, these plans provide for the necessary content of those educational and socially useful activities, the organization and implementation of which are aimed at developing valuable business and moral qualities in schoolchildren.

The final stage in creating a plan for educational work is its discussion at a class meeting, fixing those responsible for organizing certain events, distributing assignments to the asset and individual pupils.

In real school practice, the work plans of class teachers have a different structure. This is due to the different conditions for the functioning of schools and individual class groups as pedagogical systems. The structure, and consequently, the forms of work plans themselves, also depend on the level of pedagogical qualifications of the class teacher. If an experienced teacher can limit himself short plan work, it is advisable for novice teachers to draw up detailed, detailed plans.

The traditional structure of the class teacher's work plan is as follows:

1. Brief description and analysis of the state of educational work.

2. Educational tasks.

3. The main directions and forms of activity of the class teacher.

4. Coordination of the educational activities of teachers working in the classroom.

5. Working with parents and the public.

All plans of the class teacher should be opened with a brief analysis of the state of educational work for the previous year and a description of the class. The characteristic reflects the level of general upbringing of the team, its performance and discipline, as well as the formation of such qualities as diligence, responsibility, organization, social activity, etc. The structure of interpersonal relationships (leaders, outsiders, microgroups), the prevailing mood in the class, the content of value orientations are analyzed. that determine public opinion. The characteristics of individual pupils are given, in particular, those who deviate from the accepted norms of behavior, who are lagging behind in their studies, etc.

The second section formulates the main, dominant educational tasks that will be addressed in the new academic year. There should be few of them in order to guarantee their effective, and not formal, implementation. It is important that the tasks take into account the state of the class team, the level of its development, as well as the general tasks facing the school. Since there are no identical teams, the tasks cannot be the same even in parallel classes. In many ways, they depend on the experience and qualifications of the class teacher.

The third section bears the main content load, defining the main areas of activity and methods for solving educational problems. It is this section that determines the structural originality of the plan, since it reflects certain approaches to the development and formation of personality.

The fourth section of the plan outlines specific measures to coordinate the educational influences of all teachers working in the classroom. These may be pedagogical meetings, special consultations, individual conversations with individual teachers and other forms of work.

The final section "Working with Parents" contains a range of issues that are supposed to be discussed at parent-teacher meetings, although the topics of lectures and conversations can be adjusted depending on the circumstances; dates are planned for visiting families in order to study the living conditions and the upbringing of children; forms of individual work with parents, communication with the parent committee and opportunities to involve parents in the life of the class and school are planned.

At present, it is generally accepted that planning by sections in accordance with the main areas of education (labor, moral, aesthetic, etc.) "tears" the entire pedagogical process into parts, does not cover the entire variety of pedagogical tasks. In recent years, the variant of the plan proposed by N.E. Shchurkova, in which the complex, activity and personal approaches in his individual creative interpretation are reflected in organic unity. Singling out the collective, the activities of the pupils and the development of individuality as the main objects of education, N. E. Shchurkova suggests on a large sheet (for the sake of efficiency and the possibility of working with the plan throughout the year), after designating the dominant tasks, highlight three relevant sections: the organization of the team, the organization of the educational activities and organization of work on the development of individuality. The form of such a plan of work of the class teacher is as follows.

Two auxiliary sections, which are located on the back of the sheet, should contain a description of the class team and a description of the individual characteristics of the students, which also reflect the living conditions of the pupils in the family (especially if there are difficulties); their interests and inclinations, and in connection with this - which circles, sections, institutions additional education they visit, and if not, why not; health status and the most pronounced personality traits.

In the practice of education, various forms of planning the work of class teachers have developed, so the teacher himself chooses the form of the plan, focusing on the requirements that apply to him, and on his pedagogical "I-concept".

In the course of his activity, the class teacher interacts with:

    With subject teachers: joint development of general pedagogical requirements and approaches to children in the educational process based on the goals of the educational institution; representing the interests of their pupils at the pedagogical council; involvement of teachers in work with parents; the inclusion of students in their class in the system of extracurricular work in subjects: a variety of subject circles, electives, issue of subject newspapers, joint organization and participation in subject weeks, theme evenings and other events.

    With a psychologist the class teacher studies the individuality of students, the process of their adaptation and integration into micro- and macro-society. The class teacher coordinates the communication of the teacher-psychologist with the parents, their advisory, therapeutic support. With the support of a teacher-psychologist, the class teacher analyzes the development of the class team, determining the cognitive, creative abilities and capabilities of pupils. Helps the child to decide on the choice of a future profession; coordinates the choice of forms and methods of organizing individual and group educational extracurricular activities.

    With teachers of additional education. Interaction with them helps to use the whole variety of the system of additional education for children to expand the cognitive, creative abilities of their pupils, stimulate their self-determination, self-development and self-education, the desire to expand the zone of communication; supports pre-vocational training of students. The class teacher promotes the inclusion of students in various creative associations on interests (circles, sections, clubs), operating both in general educational institutions and in institutions of additional education for children.

    With a teacher-organizer. Coordinating joint activities, the class teacher involves him in holding events within the class, organizes the participation of students in his class in school-wide events during extracurricular and vacation time.

    With a social educator , is called upon to be an intermediary between the personality of the child and all social institutions in resolving the personal crises of students. With the direct participation of a social teacher, the class teacher organizes socially significant activities of students, activities aimed at the development of social initiatives, the implementation of social projects.

    Collaborating with a librarian , the class teacher expands the reading circle of students, contributes to the formation of a culture of reading, attitudes towards moral ideals, ethical standards of behavior.

In his work, the class teacher constantly takes care of the health of his pupils, using the information received from the medical workers of the educational institution.


In accordance with their functions, the class teacher selects the forms of work with students. All of their diversity can be classified according to different grounds:

    by type of activity - educational, labor, sports, artistic, etc.;

    according to the way the teacher influences - direct and indirect;

    by time - short-term (from several minutes to several hours), long-term (from several days to several weeks), traditional (regularly repeating);

    by preparation time - forms of work carried out with students without including them in preliminary training, and forms that provide for preliminary work, training of students;

    according to the subject of the organization - the organizers of children are teachers, parents and other adults; children's activities are organized on the basis of cooperation; the initiative and its implementation belongs to the children;

    according to the result - forms, the result of which may be information exchange, the development of a common decision (opinion), a socially significant product;

    according to the number of participants - individual (teacher-pupil), group (teacher - a group of children), mass (teacher-several groups, classes).

Individual forms, as a rule, are associated with extracurricular activities, communication between class teachers and children. They operate in group and collective forms and ultimately determine the success of all other forms. These include: conversation, intimate conversation, consultation, exchange of views, implementation of a joint assignment, individual assistance in specific work, joint search for a solution to a problem, task. These forms can be used individually, but most often they accompany each other. The use of individual forms of work involves the solution by the class teacher of the most important task: to unravel the student, to discover his talents, to discover everything valuable that is inherent in his character, aspirations, and everything that prevents him from expressing himself. Each needs to be interacted with differently, each needs its own specific, individualized style of relationship.

Group forms of work include business councils, creative groups, self-government bodies, micro circles. In these forms, the class teacher manifests himself as an ordinary participant or as an organizer. Its main task is to help everyone express themselves and create conditions for obtaining a tangible positive result in the group, significant for all members of the team. The influence of the class teacher in group forms is also aimed at the development of humane relationships between children, the formation of their communication skills. In this regard, an important tool is an example of a democratic, respectful, tactful attitude towards the children of the class teacher himself.

The collective forms of work of the class teacher with schoolchildren include, first of all, various cases, competitions, performances, concerts, performances of propaganda teams, hikes, tour rallies, sports competitions, etc. Depending on the age of students and a number of other conditions in these forms, class teachers can perform different roles: leading participant, organizer; an ordinary participant in an activity that influences children by personal example; novice participant, influencing schoolchildren by a personal example of mastering the experience of more than knowledgeable people; adviser, assistant to children in the organization of activities.

The variety of forms and the practical need to constantly update them put class teachers in front of the problem of their choice. In the pedagogical literature, one can find descriptions of various forms of conducting class hours, competitions, scenarios, holidays, etc. At the same time, the question of the choice of forms of work with students arises primarily before the class teacher. In doing so, it is advisable to be guided by the following:

    take into account the educational tasks defined for the next period of work, since each form of work should contribute to their solution;

    on the basis of tasks, determine the content of the work, the main activities in which it is advisable to include children;

    make a set of possible ways to implement the intended tasks, forms of work, taking into account the principles of organizing the educational process, opportunities, preparedness, interests and needs of children, external conditions (cultural centers, industrial environment), the capabilities of teachers, parents;

    organize a collective search for forms with the participants of the event on the basis of collective goal-setting, while considering ways to enrich the experience of children with new ideas, forms, for example, through referring to the experience of others, studying published materials, and posing specific questions;

    ensure the consistency of the content and forms of educational work.


The main thing in the work of the class teacher with parents is to ensure the unity of the requirements for the upbringing of students from the family and the school, to create normal conditions for their home teaching and to direct the educational activities of the family.

A great place in the work of the class teacher with the family is systematically informing parents about the progress, behavior and socially useful work of students. To this end, parent meetings are held once per academic quarter, at which the state of progress and discipline of schoolchildren is analyzed in detail and measures are outlined to improve the work of the family in this direction. In necessary cases, when urgent family intervention is required in solving a particular educational problem, the class teacher visits the parents at home or invites them to school, and they jointly agree on what measures need to be taken to improve the learning or behavior of students. For example, a student stopped preparing lessons at home, came into contact with an unhealthy company. In this case, the class teacher advises the parents to increase control over his homework, as well as his behavior outside of school. In other cases, it is found that the student shows increased nervousness and often comes to school in a bad mood. The class teacher needs to visit such a student at home, get acquainted with the conditions of his life and work in the family, and agree with the parents on the need to create a calmer environment for him, and perhaps appropriate treatment.

The duty of class teachers is to provide pedagogical education to parents, especially taking into account the specific approach to students of different age groups. Thus, it is necessary to acquaint parents with the age characteristics of the upbringing and development of those students with whom the class teacher works, and give practical advice on how these characteristics should be reflected in the process of family education. Conversations, lectures and reports for parents usually cover the following issues: features of family education of younger students (teenagers or older students); relationships between parents and children and their impact on family education; how to help children learn; sanitary and hygienic regime of a schoolchild in the family; acceleration and its impact on the education of students; organizing leisure activities for children in the family, etc. The class teacher takes care of attracting parents to participate in the work of the school lecture hall, to attend classes at the People's University of Pedagogical Knowledge, and promotes pedagogical literature on family education.

Influencing the educational activities of the family, the class teacher at the same time relies on parents in carrying out educational work with students. On his initiative, parents often take patronage over "difficult" students who are not properly influenced by the family. Parents - specialists in various fields of knowledge and professions - conduct conversations with students on medical, patriotic and industrial topics, take part in organizing excursions, literary and artistic evenings, etc. Some parents conduct circle classes in manual labor, aircraft modeling, and technical creativity.


This paper outlines the specifics of the work of the class teacher, reflects the importance of his role in the life of each student. It depends on the effectiveness of his work how the student will be able to solve the problems that have arisen before him, what attitude he will have towards life, etc. Therefore, a properly organized educational activity of a class teacher is the basis for achieving the highest results in the education of a cultural and moral personality.

But time is changing. The requirements for the school, students and teachers are becoming different. However, the importance of the role of the class teacher is not reduced.

In contrast to the school of the 1970s and 1980s, when education was mainly associated with outside influences, the position of class teachers is currently changing. Most of them understand education as the creation of conditions for the development of the internal potential of the child. Hence the change in the system of work.

Individual work with children, affecting the foundations of the physical and mental development of each child, is becoming more and more priority. There is a shift in emphasis in the work of the class as a whole. First of all, attention is paid to the emotional support of groups within the class, the creation of a positive psychological climate in the classroom, the development of self-government, the creation of conditions that allow each child to reveal himself in relation to others, and the inclusion of students in a system of real relationships.

Many class teachers talk about expanding the range of their current activities at school. This was a consequence of the destruction of the activities of children's organizations, the fragility of family ties, the alienation of children and adults, as well as the fact that most children's out-of-school institutions became paid and for many children, especially from low-income families, they became inaccessible.

It is not easy to become a good classroom teacher. But every teacher can become one, subject to hard work on himself and a conscientious, loving attitude to the task assigned, in the presence of high moral qualities. In the memory of schoolchildren, labor affairs, exciting excursions and trips, school evenings and merry New Year trees, vivid reports and heated debates on exciting issues often come up. Heart-to-heart conversations with the class teacher, his friendly support in Hard time. Many students do not cut ties with their favorite class teacher after graduation. They write letters to him, ask him for advice, share their joys, their achievements and successes in work, in their personal lives.

Thus, not all class teachers are pessimistic about their activities, and many are for their students, as it were, foster parents, close friends.


    Education of individuality: Educational and methodical manual / Ed. E.N. Stepanova. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 224 p.

    Educational system of the class: Theory and practice: Guidelines / Ed. E.N. Stepanova. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 160 p.

    Gonchar E.V. Documentary support of the educational process // Class teacher. - 2006. - No. 5.

    Stepanov E.N. Development of students' individuality in the process of education // Class teacher. - 2006. - No. 6.

    Shustova L.B. Education of tolerance: Techniques for individual and group work // Class teacher. - 2006. - No. 4.

A well-organized life is like a safety net.
Thanks to it, you can perform more complex tricks high on the wire.

Jane Pauley.

The educational system of the class is a way of organizing the life and education of members of the class community, which is a holistic and ordered set of interacting components and contributes to the development of the individual and the team.

Key concepts characterizing the essence of the educational system of the class are individuality, independence, kindness, creativity, activity, team, which at the same time play the role of the principles of the class community life system being built.

priority activity in the educational system is a collective creative activity. The basis of this activity is a collective (joint) creative work.

The educational system is based on:

  • "Convention on the Rights of the Child".
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".
  • School charter.
  • A student-centered approach in accordance with the developed "Model of the school graduate".

At the center of the system are spiritual and moral and civil and patriotic education, aimed at the formation of the basic qualities of the individual.

Along with traditional forms of work, I am looking for new ones. The goal is to educate the personality:

  • free
  • spiritual
  • intellectual
  • creative
  • with a socially active personal citizenship.


  • Respect for the personality of the child, teacher, parent;
  • Orientation of the whole process to the needs of the child, family, society;
  • Orientation in the choice of content, forms and methods of education on the traditions of the school;
  • Personally oriented approach in education.

Spiritual and moral values, love for the Motherland, patriotism begins with love for a loved one, for home, for school. That is why the two main directions in my educational system, spiritual and moral and military and patriotic, have a clearly marked line: school - Don region - Russia.

The educational process is aimed at:

  • organization of diverse and versatile activities of students;
  • communication with peers and adults from the surrounding society;
  • formation of socially necessary and personally significant personality traits;
  • formation of the correct attitude to the world around, nature, people, science, culture, healthy lifestyle.

The object, subject, subject of influence and the result of the activity of an educational institution is the personality of a graduate, which is formed and develops in the conditions of school and out-of-school space, which are constantly affected by the macrosociety.

Target: the formation of the student's personality in the system of value attitudes of the society of the class and school through the socialization and development of the individual abilities of the child.


  • To study the needs, interests, inclinations and other personal characteristics of students.
  • To create in the classroom a favorable environment for the student's self-awareness of his individuality, self-development and self-realization.
  • Education of a tolerant attitude towards people of different faiths, nationalities, ages, to oneself.
  • To promote the development of students' desire, to contribute to the common cause, the traditions of the school.
  • To create conditions for the intellectual, communicative, aesthetic and physical self-expression of the student's personality.

Explanatory note

Educational work, closely related to education, is a process of purposeful, systematic formation of the personality in order to prepare it for active participation in industrial, cultural and social life. This process is multifaceted. He plays a leading role in the individual, moral, mental and physical development of man. Landmarks for the development and education of the individual are humanization and democratization.
The basic principle in educational work is the attitude towards each child as a free individual, worthy of respect and desire for cooperation. Such an educational system, in my opinion, creates the conditions for the formation of such personality traits in children that will help them to take place in adulthood in the future, namely: interest in oneself, self-recognition of oneself as a person, self-management, respect for other people's opinions, curiosity and involvement in activities, the desire to act and perform actions.

"Classroom leadership is not a job, it's a way of life." This expression is the code of my work.

In 2011-2012, I was the class teacher of the 10 "A" class. On the basis of the 10 "A" class, a specialized physical and mathematical class was created. Most of the team studied together from the first grade. I have been their class teacher since 5th grade. After the 9th grade, 3 people moved to this class from a parallel one, 5 people came from another school, about 70% of the team study at "4" and "5", 5 people entered an additional two-year physical and mathematical school at SRSTU (NPI). Having compiled a description of the class, I concluded that it will work not simply because there is 1 ward, 5 low-income students, 6 students from single-parent families, 6 leaders in the class. She focused her activities on team building.

To achieve the goal, I was guided by school traditions and values. Knowing that not a single organized business is carried out only for the sake of the event itself or just for the sake of celebrating the “red day” of the calendar, I developed my own educational system.
The created system helps me to build educational work more purposefully and reasonably, to focus my efforts on solving the most important pedagogical problems, to coordinate the aspirations of the actions of the teacher, students and parents when planning and organizing life in the classroom. This, undoubtedly, should help to increase the efficiency of pedagogical activity, achieve more significant results in the spiritual and physical development of students, and form the individuality of the class community and its members. The system of educational work has been developed taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children.

The principles that guide me in educational work.

  • Live life to the fullest with your children. Rejoice and grieve with them. Get involved and be surprised. Joke and instruct.
  • Learn to be impatient with lies and violence. Teach justice, perseverance, truthfulness.
  • Be always self-possessed, patient, balanced.
  • Do not educate the overconfident - they will be shunned; too modest - they will not be respected; too talkative - they will not pay attention; too silent - they will not be considered; too harsh - brush them aside; too good - they will be trampled.
  • Don't be afraid to apologize if you're wrong. Your authority in the eyes of the pupils will only increase. Be patient with their mistakes.
  • Do not hide your good feelings from children, but remember: among them there should never be a special place for “favorites”. Try to see in each child his abilities, open them to him and develop in him that hidden thing that he does not suspect.
  • Know how to rejoice even in the small successes of your students and empathize with their failures.
  • Try to instill in the student faith in himself, faith in success. Then many peaks will become surmountable for him.
  • Don't demand "perfect" discipline. Don't be authoritarian. Form in the child an open, enthusiastic, uninhibited personality, able to create, comprehensively developed.
  • Enter class with a smile. When meeting, look into everyone's eyes, find out his mood and support if he is sad.
  • In dealing with the parents of your students, remember that their children are the most precious thing in their lives. Be smart and tactful. Find the right words. Try not to offend or humiliate their dignity.
  • Each meeting with the teacher for parents should be useful and productive. Each meeting is to equip them with new knowledge from the field of pedagogy, psychology, the learning process.
  • Raise your children by example. Treat your students the way you want them to treat you.

In addition, together with students, we have developed rules that we try to follow:

  • Don't take someone else's, but don't give yours either.
  • They asked - give, they try to take away - try to defend yourself.
  • Don't fight for no reason.
  • Call to play - go, do not call - ask permission to play together, it's not a shame.
  • Play fair, don't let your comrades down.
  • Don't tease anyone, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone for anything twice.
  • Be careful wherever you need to be careful.
  • Don't cry over grades, be proud. Do not argue with the teacher because of the grades and do not be offended by the teacher for grades. Try to do everything on time and think about good results, you will definitely have them.
  • Don't snitch and don't slander anyone.
  • Try to be careful.
  • Say more often: "Let's be friends, let's go home together."
  • Remember! You are not the best, you are not the worst! You are unique for yourself, parents, teachers, friends!

Directions of the educational system:

I direction - "Intellect"

1. Determination of the range of real possibilities of the student and the zone of his proximal development.
2. Creation of conditions for the advancement of students in intellectual development.
3. Formation of the intellectual culture of students, development of their outlook and curiosity.
4. Preservation of curiosity and information hunger.

II direction - "Morality"

1. Formation of a moral culture of understanding of the world.
2. Development of the desire to act in real life situations in accordance with the acquired moral knowledge.
3. Formation of the ability to defend one's moral position in a situation of choice.

III direction - "Health"

1. Formation of students' own "I-position" to the problem of maintaining and protecting their own health.
2. Formation of skills of self-regulation and self-education.

IV direction - "Citizen"

1. Learning to solve problems related to the rules of law and problems of moral self-development.
2. Formation of a legal culture, free and responsible self-determination in the field of legal relations with society.
3. Formation of a humanistic worldview capable of realizing one's own rights and the rights of other people, the ability to self-development.

V direction - "Communication"

1. Acquaintance of students with the traditions and customs of communication of different generations.
2. Formation of a culture of communication in the system "teacher-student", "student-student", "adult-child".
3. Creation in the class team of the same conditions for communication of all students in the class.
4. Teaching students how to overcome communication problems.

VI direction - "Leisure"

1. Creation of conditions for equal manifestation by students of the class of their individual abilities in extracurricular activities.
2. The use of active and non-standard forms of extracurricular activities of students that meet their interests and capabilities.
3. Development of abilities to adequately assess one's own and other people's achievements, rejoice in one's own successes and others', and be upset for other people's failures.
4. The use of leisure activities as a means of developing the aesthetic skills of students and the formation of ethical concepts.

The following holidays are traditional at the school, KTD:

  • Solemn line "September 1 - Knowledge Day";
  • Feast of initiation into first-graders, first-graders into pedestrians;
  • KTD. Festive concert “Teacher, before your name…”;
  • Subject decades;
  • KTD. Month of patriotic education
  • Decade of the Disabled;
  • Decades and months according to traffic rules
  • KTD "To remember!" (Victory Day);
  • Competitions of drawings, posters, wall newspapers, crafts, poems, essays;
  • Health Day, “Come on, guys!”, Fun starts;
  • Days of protection from environmental hazards.
  • Campaign "I choose sport as an alternative to bad habits"
  • Charity events;
  • Holiday last call, prom!

VII direction "Injury prevention".

Organization of preventive conversations with schoolchildren and their parents, carrying out preventive activities on the topics: “Training in fire safety measures”, “Training in traffic rules”.

VIII direction - "Family".

1. Organization and joint leisure activities for children and parents.
2. Organization of psychological and pedagogical education of parents through a system of parent meetings, thematic and individual consultations, conversations.
3. Creation of conditions for favorable interaction of all participants in the educational process - teachers, children, parents.
4. Teaching parents the ability to be a parent, master the techniques of education and interaction with children.

The principles on which educational work is based:

1. The principle of openness.
2. The principle of the attractiveness of the future business.
3. The principle of activity.
4. The principle of feedback.
5. The principle of co-creation.
6. The principle of success.

Expected results:

conditions for achieving results.

Formation of the basic culture of the individual, the culture of life self-determination.
Creation of a wide information field for the assimilation of basic cultural principles.
Joint Search moral images spiritual culture and the development on this basis of their own values, norms and laws of life, forming an active personal position of the student.
Formation of a personality with strong convictions, democratic views and a strong life position.
The main thing is the child himself, his inclinations, interests, attitude towards life and himself.
Building the process of education on the principles of voluntary participation of students in an educational event.

The duration of the implementation of the educational system: 20011-2013 academic year.

Project participants:

  • class students;
  • teachers;
  • Parents;
  • Public.


The theoretical basis of the educational system was the work of Azarov Yu.P. "Family Pedagogy", Ananyeva B.G. "Man as an object of knowledge", Nemova R.S., Kirpichnik A.G. "The path to the team: a book for parents about the psychology of the student team", Petrovsky A.V. "Children and tactics of family education", Rozhkova M.I. "Class leader. Educational and methodological manual”, also the works of Bondarevskaya E.V., Verbitsky A.A., Slastenin V.A., considering the concepts of student-centered education, theoretical and empirical studies of Amonoshvili Sh.A., Bondarevskaya E.V., Belkin A.S. devoted to the theory of pedagogical interaction.
In practice, as a class teacher, I faced the problem of having 6 leaders in the team.
The scope of my duties as a class teacher is divided into blocks:

Organization of the activities of the class team:

  • logging,
  • assignment distribution,
  • class organization,
  • observance of the sanitary condition of the attached office,
  • care for the appearance of pupils,
  • catering.

Rice. 4

lesson activity

Strict control over attendance, taking care of sick students who missed many lessons, providing them with help in their studies, attention of classmates, creating an environment conducive to learning, coordinating the activities of teachers working in the classroom, Working with student diaries, contacting parents about student progress , creating conditions for the development of the most gifted children, for the development of cognitive interests, expanding the horizons of students (involvement in circles, electives, organizing excursions).

Extracurricular activities.

Creation of a microclimate in the classroom, formation of interpersonal relations, their correction, regulation of relationships, development of communication skills, education of responsibility to the team through the task assigned, assistance in its execution, control over its execution, organization of creative affairs with the involvement of the whole class, education of kindness and mercy, health protection, taking into account deviations in the health of each student, health promotion.

The study of personality and correction in the education of schoolchildren: the study of the personality of schoolchildren in accordance with the available methods (observation method, questionnaire, tests, questionnaires), work with the characteristics of students, the use of characteristics to correct the personality of the pupil, the organization of moral education, the formation of aesthetic culture, the education of a responsible attitude to work and the formation of labor skills, instilling sanitary and hygienic skills.

Preparation and participation in extracurricular activities. This is how cooperation, empathy, mutual assistance develops between children in the class. Preparing and holding extra-curricular activities develop the child's communication skills, responsibility to classmates, creativity, reveal unknown opportunities for children to the class teacher and classmates. Therefore, when preparing and conducting extracurricular activities, I try to involve all students in the class.

Cool hours, conversations, role-playing games. We first prepare class hours and spend together. The theme of class hours and material for events are selected by the guys. In the senior classes, they themselves will be engaged in the search, processing and design of class hours. Role-playing games are a kind of activity that allows students to beat this or that problem that arose the day before. Thus, last year the following issues were discussed: "Communication", "Violence and the law", "Parents and children", "We are against drugs". Role-playing arouses interest among students, helps them open up, better understand the problem. Watching children from the side, you notice the relationship between them in the classroom, with parents, adults, relationships with the opposite sex. You begin to feel what and how your guys live. You see the world around them through their eyes.

Work in the school organization "Council of High School Students".

Traditionally, in September, as part of the Health Day at the school, our class takes part in a school trip. In October, the traditional cleaning of the territory.

For Teacher's Day, schoolchildren annually prepare a number of amateur performances in the form of a gift.

In October, students take an active part in the school round of subject Olympiads.
In November and December, a city tour of subject Olympiads is held (in many subjects, students from the school perform 10 "A".

Most of the class takes an active part in the design of the school museum.

Working with institutions of additional education

- Collaboration with the library Pushkin;
– cooperation with the museum of the Don Cossacks;
– cooperation with the GDK;
– cooperation with UIA DOD TsEVDiM;
– cooperation with MOU DOD TsDYUTiE
- cooperation with SDYUSSHOR No. 2.

70% of the students in the class attend out-of-school interest groups and, therefore, encounter children of different ages who are students of another school there. These associations develop communication skills, creativity, worldview, independence, help children to take their place in society. Together with the children we organize events for the students of our school. When preparing and holding events, we use the knowledge gained in these organizations. So, for example, in the 7th and 8th grades, thanks to the classes of schoolchildren in the "theatrical" circle, the class took 1st place in the literary and musical composition dedicated to the "Defender of the Fatherland Day". Thanks to classes in the orienteering section, over the course of several years, prize-winning places were won both in the team and individual championships in orienteering, the "School of Safety" at the level of city and regional competitions.

To educate patriotism, citizenship, morality, the children and I participate in events held by the library. Pushkin and the Museum of the Don Cossacks, the Museum. Krylov, the museum. Grekov.

Cooperation with the police.

Over the past three years, police officers have held conversations with children and their parents about administrative responsibility for violating the Regional Law of 12/16/2009 No. 346-ЗС. A close connection with the police allows you to control the actions of students, prevent troubles, and helps teach children to respect the law. This year, this work will continue in the same direction.

Working with parents:

– holding parent-teacher meetings, psychological consultations;
- visiting students at home;
– individual consultations for parents;
– the work of the parent committee of the class;
- joint educational activities.

Working with parents is aimed at creating morally and emotionally favorable conditions for maintaining relationships of trust, respect and mutual assistance in the class team and the development of the child's personality in it. Joint activities held in the classroom give parents the opportunity to see children in relationships with peers, the activity or passivity of the child in comparison with classmates. There is communication between parents and children at school. This strengthens the bond between family and school. The parent committee meets once a month on Fridays. We raise issues of discipline, academic performance.

The process of monitoring learning at school, based long years at work, the "magazine - class teacher" should now be replaced by something modern. Currently, we work with students who are more advanced in modern technologies than teachers. The current generation is growing and developing in the age of computers and cell phones. The generation that grew up on the ultra-fast development of computer technology needs new technique learning control. Modern parents are very busy at work and cannot find time to come to school and talk to teachers. The Internet will allow, without leaving home, at any time to track the attendance of lessons and the progress of children. This will lead to timely response and control by parents of their children, without disturbing the usual rhythm of work. The school is working on the program "Electronic diary".

The class teacher can create a page on his website for this, where he will place all the material on one file using hyperlinks, which ensures a quick change of information about each student.
All information displayed on the site can be saved, printed, sent by e-mail. The saved materials can be used not only by the teacher, parents, but also by the child who wants to improve their learning outcomes or report on subjects, close the deuce. In the future, I believe, every class teacher will have such a page on the Internet. In the future, I plan to have such a page on my site.

Working with the teaching staff.

Interaction with a psychologist.
- Interaction with subject teachers.
– Interaction with social pedagogue.
- Interaction with the librarian.
– Interaction with a healthcare professional.
- Liaison with school administration.

This work is aimed at self-education of the child in relationships with the environment. The psychological service at the school assists in organizing research, relationships in the class team, etc. Together with the psychologist, it is planned to work with the children in accordance with the results of testing and examination of students.

Interaction with the social teacher of the school is aimed at working with truants, violators of discipline, and correcting the behavior of individual students.

During the summer, the girls helped the librarian take inventory of school textbooks. Joint work with the librarian is aimed at holding events of a patriotic, moral nature. Interaction with subject teachers allows you to control progress and discipline in the classroom.

Working on this system, I carried out the following diagnostics: the level of upbringing of students, which is reflected in the appendix "Level of upbringing".
During the preparation and holding of the event, you can learn so much new things, show off your erudition, erudition, ingenuity, this creates a commonality of interests, experiences, unites the class and enriches the life of the school.

Efficiency: participation of students in all school-wide events, positive dynamics of the level of upbringing of students, positive dynamics of the class team, development of self-government in the class team.

In 2010, for the “Fighting Friends” competition, the girls independently prepared an amateur performance number and performed excellently.

As a result of all the activities, the performance in the classroom for 5 years has been stable at the level of 56%. There are no absences from classes for an unexcused reason. Students enjoy going to school.

In the course of my work, I can conclude that for the self-education of students, the entire system surrounding the child must work. This requires the creation of a set of pedagogical conditions that imply an increase in the communicative culture of all participants in the pedagogical process, the inclusion of students together with teachers and parents in socially significant activities.

The role of the class teacher in this is high. The class teacher can and should:

- be a role model;
- to recognize in each student a personality, to respect the feeling and position of each;
- to be able not only to listen, but also to hear and understand each child;
- to develop students' self-esteem and respect for others;
- enable students to solve problems on their own;
- to prevent the manifestation of authoritarianism;
– encourage joint activities;
- Treat all students equally.

Analyzing the results of past years, I conclude that I am working in the right direction.

The work of the class teacher:


1. Dealing with latecomers and finding out the reasons for the absence of students
2. Catering for students.
3. Organization of duty in the classroom.
4. Individual work with students and parents.


1. Checking student diaries.
2. Conducting a class hour.
3. Holding an information and educational hour.
4. Carrying out extra-curricular activities (according to plan).
5. Work with subject teachers, social pedagogue, psychologist, nurse (according to the situation)
6. Working with parents (according to the situation)

Every month

1. Conducting a thematic class hour.
2. Attending lessons in your class.
3. Consultations with the head teacher on educational work , school psychologist, social pedagogue.
4. Presence at meetings with the director and deputy directors.
5. Home visits to students and registration of acts (if necessary).

Once a quarter

1. Registration of a class magazine at the end of the quarter.
2. Participation in the meetings of the MO class teachers.
3. Presence at instructive and methodological meetings of class teachers following the results of the HSC and work planning.
4. Analysis of the implementation of the work plan for the quarter, correction of the plan of educational work for the new quarter.
5. Holding a parent meeting.

Once a year

1. Preparation of statistical data of the class (lists, social passport, acts of examination of the housing conditions of students, psychological and pedagogical characteristics, etc.)
2. Registration of personal files of students.
3. Holding an open extra-curricular event according to the developed scenario.
4. Conducting an analysis and drawing up a plan of educational work.

Documentation and reporting

1. Cool magazine.
2. Personal files of students.
3. Pedagogical diary of the class teacher.
4. Plan of educational work with the class.

The class teacher prepares a report:

1. Class statistics.
2. Results of diagnostics of the level of upbringing
3. Reports on educational work with the class.

Working with parents.

  • Study of families of students;
  • Pedagogical education of parents;
  • Ensuring the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of collective affairs in the classroom;
  • Pedagogical management of the activities of the parent committee in the classroom;
  • Individual work with students;
  • Informing parents about the progress and results of education, upbringing and development of students.

The result of my work is a high level of learning motivation, security and comfort, which can be traced on the basis of the analysis of class performance.

The percentage of the quality of knowledge in the 10th grade increased compared to the 9th grade due to the fact that, on the basis of the 9th grade team, a physics and mathematics class was opened, and 3 people from a parallel class with high academic performance moved into it. The percentage of the quality of knowledge in the 11th grade increased due to the fact that each student was preparing to enter a higher educational institution. During the final state certification, there were no students who did not score the minimum passing score. 3 students received a special certificate and a medal "For Special Achievement in Education". The performance rating throughout the years of study in grades 5 to 11 remained at a significantly high level.

Satisfaction of parents with the educational system of the class (according to the results of questionnaires, surveys)

The main principle of my work with parents is the rejection of the repressive nature of communication. The traditional “reporting” to parents about the progress of children, about their actions and sins with the requirement to take action without a pedagogical analysis of the reasons, results of observation, recommendations is unacceptable for my style of communication with parents.
The constructive nature of our communication presupposes an understanding by the parties of what we are doing, so our communication with parents is based on an understanding of what a school is, what it can, should, and what are the limits of its capabilities and responsibilities.
At meetings, I conduct anonymous surveys and surveys in order to find out the most truthful opinion of parents about my work with children, with their consent to my forms and methods of work, to further adjust my work and achieve maximum positive results of education. I compose questionnaires so that parents do not have to write anything, ensuring complete anonymity. Children put questionnaires on my table only when I'm not there.

Conclusions on the degree of parental satisfaction with the quality of educational and upbringing services based on the results of the study according to the methodology for studying parental satisfaction (modification of the methodology of E.N.Stepanova) are presented in the table:

The intensity of the educational environment, the emotional and psychological climate, satisfaction with the educational environment, the democratic nature of the educational environment, promoting the formation of cognitive motivation, satisfaction with the quality of educational services provided by the school showed that the vast majority of parents are generally satisfied with the work of the class teacher.

Classroom teacher- this is the direct and main organizer of educational work in the school, an official appointed by its director to carry out educational work in the classroom.

The institution of class leadership has been established for a very long time, practically along with the emergence of educational institutions. In Russia, until 1917, these teachers were called class mentors and class ladies. They were obliged to delve into all the life events of the student groups entrusted to them, monitor the relationships in them, and form friendly relations between the children. The teacher had to serve as an example in everything, even his appearance was a role model.

In the Soviet school, the position of class teacher was introduced in 1934. One of the teachers was appointed class teacher, who was given special responsibility for the educational work in this class. The duties of the class teacher were considered as additional to the main teaching work.

At present, the institution of class leadership has changed significantly, since there are several types of class leadership: a) a subject teacher who simultaneously performs the functions of a class teacher; b) a released class teacher who performs only educational functions; c) a class curator (trustee) who is entrusted with the supervision of any work; d) a tutor (protector, patron, guardian), exercising control in conditions when students take on a number of organizational functions of the teacher.

Main functions class teacher are:

Educational (social protection of the child);

Organizational (work on all pedagogical aspects of the life of the class and school, the formation of the individual and the team, the study of students);

Coordinating (establishment of positive interaction between all participants in the educational process - teachers, students, parents, the public);

Management (control over the dynamics of the development of the individual and the team based on the conduct of personal files of students and other types of documentation).

The priority among them is the function social protection child, which is understood as a purposeful, consciously regulated system of practical social, political, legal, psychological and pedagogical, economic and medical and environmental measures that provide normal conditions and resources for the physical, mental and spiritual and moral development of children, prevent infringement of their rights and human dignity. The implementation of this function involves providing conditions for the adequate development of the child. The work of a class teacher in this direction is not only the activity of a direct executor, but also a coordinator helping children and their parents to receive social support and social services. Performing this function, he must, solving acute momentary problems, be ready to anticipate events and, relying on an accurate forecast, protect the child from possible problems and difficulties.

The object of social protection and social guarantees are all children, regardless of their origin, well-being of parents and living conditions. However, it is especially important to perform this function in relation to children who find themselves in a particularly difficult situation: children from large families, disabled children, orphans, refugees, etc., who need emergency social protection more than others.

Main purpose organizational functions - support for a positive children's initiative related to the improvement of the life of the region, the microenvironment, the school and the schoolchildren themselves. In other words, the class teacher not only organizes students, but helps them in self-organization of various activities: cognitive, labor, aesthetic, as well as free communication, which is part of leisure. Important at this level is the function of team building, acting not as an end in itself, but as a way to achieve the goals set for the class. One of the tasks of the class teacher is the development of student self-government.

The success of the educational activities of the class teacher largely depends on a deep penetration into the inner world of children, understanding their experiences and motives for behavior. To this end, he studies schoolchildren not only in class, but also outside school hours, when visiting families of students, during excursions and hikes.

coordinating The function of the class teacher is manifested primarily in the fact that he carries out educational activities in close cooperation with other members of the teaching staff and, first of all, with those teachers who work with the students of this class (the micro-pedagogical team of the class). On the one hand, he uses the information that he receives about children from teachers, and on the other hand, he enriches the ideas of teachers about the child, offering them his own information that will help regulate the actions of the teacher, his methods of working with the student.

The class teacher is the link between the teachers and the child's parents. He informs teachers about the state of the pupil, the characteristics of the parents, organizes their meetings with subject teachers. The class teacher should pay special attention to new teachers, whom it is important to acquaint with the characteristics of the class team and individual students, as well as with the requirements of the previous teacher and class teachers.

One of the forms of interaction between the class teacher and subject teachers, which ensures unity of action and contributes to the development of common approaches to education, is the pedagogical council, which forms a comprehensive view of the child.

As part of managerial functions the class teacher carries out diagnostics, goal-setting, planning, control and correction of educational activities. The implementation of the diagnostic function involves identifying the initial level of upbringing of students and constantly monitoring changes. It is aimed at the study and analysis of the child's individuality, the search for the causes of the inefficiency of the results and the characterization of a holistic pedagogical process.

The goal-setting function can be viewed as a joint development of the goals of educational activities with students. The share of participation of the class teacher in this process depends on the age of the students and the level of formation of the class team. The logic of goal-setting is reflected in the process of planning the activities of the class teacher.

The main purpose of the function control and correction- ensuring the continuous development of the educational system of the class. The implementation of the control function involves identifying both positive results and the causes of shortcomings and problems that arise in the process of education. Based on the analysis of the control results, the work of the class teacher is corrected either with the class as a whole, or with a specific group of students or an individual student. Control of the work of the class teacher is not so much control by the school administration as self-control for the purpose of correction. Correction is always a joint activity of the class teacher and the class team as a whole, a group or individual students.

The considered levels of functions determine the content of the activity of the class teacher. In the educational system of the school, the class teacher acts as an administrative person, endowed with the appropriate rights and obligations, namely:

– receive information about the mental and physical health of each child;

- monitor the progress of each student;

- control the attendance of children in school;

- coordinate and direct the work of teachers of this class (as well as a psychologist, a social pedagogue) in a single direction;

- organize educational work with students in the class: hold "small teachers' councils", pedagogical councils, thematic events, etc.;

- submit proposals agreed with the class team for consideration by the administration, the school council;

- invite parents (or persons replacing them) to the school to resolve issues related to the upbringing and education of students, in agreement with the administration, contact the commission for minors, the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, the commission and councils for family and school assistance in enterprises;

- get help from the teaching staff of the school;

- to determine an individual mode of work with children based on a specific situation;

- refuse assignments that lie outside the scope of the content of his work;

– conduct experimental work on the problems of didactic and educational activities;

- to organize an educational process that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of the personality of students within the framework of the activities of the general school team;

- assist the student in solving acute problems (preferably in person, you can involve a psychologist);

- establish contact with parents and assist them in raising children (personally, through a psychologist, social pedagogue).

For a pedagogically competent, successful and effective performance of their duties, the class teacher needs to know well the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children, be informed about the latest trends, methods and forms of educational activities, and own modern technologies of education.

Activities of the class teacher

The life and upbringing of a class group in a modern school is led by a teacher in the position of a “class teacher”, but such a position was not always.

In pre-revolutionary secondary educational institutions, the functions of educators of students were assigned to class mentors(in men's gymnasiums) and cool ladies(in women's gymnasiums), who supervised the students of their classes, were responsible for their behavior, but did not act as an organizer of educational work. This work was hardly carried out in the schools of those times.

In the early years of the existence of the Soviet school, the organization and conduct of educational work in the classroom and after school hours was entrusted to all teachers. There was no class teacher at that time. Life demanded the harmonization and unification of the educational activities of teachers, the elimination of depersonalization in the organization of the education of students, especially during extracurricular time. Therefore, leaders of educational work began to appear in many schools already in the 1920s. They were attached to study groups and were called group leaders. IN 1934 after renaming groups into classes, group guides began to be called class teachers . The regulation on the class teacher was approved by the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR on June 28, 1934.

The essence of the activity of the class teacher

The class teacher is the central person of the educational process. The class teacher is appointed by the principal of the school from among the most experienced and authoritative teachers. He is responsible for organizing the lives of children, the formation and education of the team, for educational work in the classroom. As an educator of students, he takes care of their comprehensive development, of instilling diligence and teamwork in them, of improving the quality of knowledge and strengthening discipline and order in the classroom. All this work is carried out by the class teacher not as an amateur, but as an official official. The class teacher is responsible to the leadership of the school and public education authorities for the content and organization of educational work in the class assigned to him.

The main duties of the class teacher are formulated in the Charter of the secondary school.

The educational activity of the class teacher is complex and multifaceted. He conducts various educational work with a group of students, with teachers of his class, with parents and the public. The tasks of his upbringing activity are determined by the general tasks of upbringing and the specific conditions of the life of the class. At different stages of the development of the team, the class teacher puts forward specific tasks of education and, relying on the student team, conducts a variety of educational work with the class and individual students. When defining these tasks, he takes into account the age characteristics of students, their level of knowledge and the state of academic performance, discipline in the classroom, the presence of such qualities as diligence, collectivism, consciousness of public duty.

The activity of the class teacher achieves its goal and gives best result provided that it is carried out in a certain system. The system of work of the class teacher is a set of interrelated educational activities arising from the goals and objectives of education. It involves a thoughtful selection of educational material feasible for students and the skillful use of the most effective means and methods of influence. Let's try to consider the main sections of the class teacher's activities, which in their totality constitute the system of his educational work.

Firstly, student learning. Classroom leadership usually begins with studying the class and each student individually. As a result, the necessary conditions are created for the correct, rational organization of educational work, for the implementation of an individual approach. The study of students continues throughout the entire period of their education.

Organization and education of the classroom student team - This is one of the main, leading sections of the work of the class teacher. By uniting students into a friendly and purposeful team, the class teacher creates the prerequisites for the successful solution of educational problems.

The next section of the class teacher's activity is improving the quality of knowledge and strengthening discipline. A high level of knowledge and conscious discipline are the most important indicators of the correct organization of educational work. The class teacher takes care to improve the quality of knowledge of schoolchildren, seeks to prevent the backlog of individual students and repetition in their class.

Organization and conduct of extracurricular and extracurricular educational work - one of the most important sections of the activity of the class teacher. Various forms of this organization have developed and are successfully used in schools. Education in the classroom, in the learning process is complemented by extracurricular educational activities. The organization of extracurricular work usually combines two of its main directions - ideological and educational work and the organization of practical affairs of schoolchildren.

A very important part of the activity of the class teacher is coordination of educational activities of teachers . The class teacher must coordinate and direct the educational work of teachers in his class. The charter of the school states that the duties of each teacher include not only equipping students with knowledge, but also the formation of a worldview, the development of cognitive interests and abilities. The task of the class teacher is to ensure close cooperation with the teachers of his class, to achieve unity of requirements and pedagogical influences. From time to time, the class teacher meets with the teachers of his class, discusses the implementation of uniform requirements, the quality of knowledge and the state of discipline. Active communication between teachers and the class teacher helps to improve the state of educational work in the classroom.

The next section of the class teacher's activity is work with parents of students . Each teacher maintains contact with the parents of the students. A closer connection between the school and the family is carried out through class teachers. They communicate with parents more often, inform them about the educational work and behavior of children, outline ways of joint activities for their upbringing.

Here, perhaps, the main sections of the activity of the class teacher. In their totality, they constitute a complex system, which is the basis of the activity of any class teacher.

The class teacher, in comparison with other teachers, performs additionally very important functions for the education of students. Therefore, high pedagogical requirements , the implementation of which creates favorable conditions for improving the quality of his educational activities.

Let's consider some of them.

The strength of the educational influence of the class teacher on students largely depends on his moral authority. The personality of the educator, his moral character have a decisive influence on the formation of consciousness and on the behavior of schoolchildren. This influence is comparable to nothing and cannot be replaced by anything.

The educator himself must be educated. He himself needs to have high moral qualities, which he seeks to instill in his pets. This is an undeniable position. If the class teacher demands disciplined behavior from his students, and he himself violates the order in the school, then his demands will not achieve the goal. If he calls his students to truthfulness, honesty, and he himself shows dishonesty, then his call will not be heard.

The moral character of the class teacher, his strong-willed qualities and positive qualities are the most important prerequisites for increasing the effectiveness of educational influence. Authority is won, formed as a result of hard work, exemplary behavior, responsible attitude to the task assigned.

2. Pedagogical excellence

The success of the educational activities of the class teacher largely depends on his skill. It does not come by itself, but is the result of the persistent and daily work of educators to improve their pedagogical qualifications, to expand their political and cultural horizons.

Pedagogical skill presupposes a thorough knowledge of one's subject, an understanding of the patterns of education and training. Even A.S. Makarenko said: “The guys are carried away in the educator by confident and clear knowledge, skill, golden hands, laconicism, constant readiness for work.”

An important indicator of pedagogical skill is the availability of skills and abilities to conduct educational work. Each teacher is required to be able to organize a class, rally it into a friendly team, ensure control over the behavior of students and help form their moral personality traits. A.S. Makarenko believed that “the ability to educate is still an art, the same art as playing the violin or piano well, painting well, being a good milling machine or turner.” An important indicator of pedagogical skill is the search for new ways of approaching children, the ability to influence them. The effectiveness of the educational impact on students largely depends on establishing the right contact with the class. This matter is not easy. It is difficult to immediately find a common language and contact with the class. Moreover, this requires long time. In the process of work, conflict situations are inevitable. The skill of the educator lies in prompting the students the right course of action in time, convincing them, awakening their thoughts, supporting and believing in their strengths and capabilities.

3. Broad cultural horizons

The complex functions and duties of the class teacher require him to be highly cultured, constantly expanding his cultural horizons. Without this, he will not be able to satisfy the diverse needs and interests of students.

Teenagers and young men are very curious. They often ask questions about a new book, a new movie. They are interested in what is happening in our country and abroad. If the class teacher satisfies these requests, then his authority and influence increase. If schoolchildren do not find an answer to their question, they lose confidence and respect for the teacher.

4. Pedagogical tact

A necessary condition for increasing the effectiveness of the educational work of the class teacher is the observance of pedagogical tact. This is an indicator of the external and internal pedagogical culture of the educator. The pedagogical tact implies, first of all, respect for the personality of the pupil, a sensitive and attentive attitude towards him, trust and, at the same time, unobtrusive control over his behavior, which does not allow excessive guardianship and administration. In the presence of pedagogical tact, it is easier to find the correct line of conduct and apply the most rational measures of pedagogical influence. Experienced educators usually do not abuse reproaches and lectures. They patiently ascertain the causes of shortcomings in the student's teaching and behavior and give sound advice to remedy them. Ignorance of the reasons usually leads to hasty, thoughtless assessments and decisions. It is especially not worth making decisions under the influence of the first impression or in a moment of irritation. Irritation often leads to a deterioration in relationships with students, to a loss of authority. A tactful educator weighs everything and acts with great caution and delicacy. He strives to understand, to understand the inner motives of the actions and actions of students, and only after that he takes certain measures of pedagogical influence. The attitude of the class teacher to the student should be based on deep respect and trust in his personality. Usually, conflicts between teachers and children arise where there is no trust and respect for the pupils, where the pedagogical tact is violated.

5. Love and respect for children

Reasonable love and respect for children is an indispensable condition for increasing the effectiveness of educational work. Who does not love children, he cannot become their real educator, mentor. Caress and love, respect can evoke a good feeling in children, bring up the necessary qualities, accustom them to work and order, to obedience and respect for elders. Nothing brings a class teacher closer to his pupils like a trusting, sincere and attentive attitude. If he treats his students with indifference, and even more so with disdain and arrogance, this separates him from them and undermines his authority. And without authority it is impossible to be an educator. Love and respect for schoolchildren does not exclude, but necessarily presuppose high demands on them. It is impossible to ignore the misconduct of students, their violation of discipline and order. Love and trust in students and at the same time high fair demands cause reciprocal love for the educator and deep respect for him. Schoolchildren respect strict and demanding, but fair teachers. They highly appreciate in them those qualities that help them become knowledgeable and full-fledged people.

6. Having organizational skills

The upbringing of children is, first of all, the organization of their life.

The class teacher, who has organizational skills, usually does not take on all the affairs himself. He skillfully attracts the activists and all other students, assistants from among teachers, parents, members of production teams. As a result, with less effort, he manages to do much more than those class teachers who take on everything themselves and often do not finish the job.

7. Creative approach to educational work

The organization of educational work should be approached creatively. We must constantly think, take the initiative and skillfully solve pedagogical problems. When the class teacher works without a twinkle, his activity becomes boring, monotonous. If he takes the initiative and does not allow patterns in his work, then he achieves serious success in education.

8. Improving the qualifications of the class teacher

Complex and multifaceted educational activities require regular and systematic work to improve skills. Not only young, novice class teachers, but also experienced teachers who have worked at the school for many years need to improve their skills. It is impossible to achieve serious success in the upbringing of children if the educator will rely only on previously memorized pedagogical rules and methodological techniques.

Here are the basic requirements that any class teacher should know and fulfill.

Criteria for the effectiveness of the work of the class teacher.

The study of the results and effectiveness of the work of the class teacher is one of the most difficult issues of pedagogical theory and practice. The complexity is primarily due to the fact that the state, results and efficiency of its work are influenced not only by the conditions of the school itself, but also by the external environment in relation to it. In a "pure form" it is impossible to determine the result in this case.

To assess the effectiveness of the work of the class teacher, it is necessary to determine the appropriate criteria and indicators. There are two groups of criteria for the effectiveness of the work of the class teacher:

the first group - performance criteria, showing how effectively targeted and socio-psychological functions are implemented. The performance indicators reflect the level that the pupils of the teacher reach in their social development. And the second group - procedural indicators. They also reveal how the pedagogical activity and communication of the teacher is carried out, how his personality is realized in the process of work, what his working capacity and health are, as well as what processes of activity and communication of students he organizes.

However, indicators cannot be the same for everyone. They are specified by the participants in the pedagogical process, taking into account specific goals and objectives, and serve as a tool for introspection and self-evaluation of the class teacher, children, teachers, and parents. They should be specific enough, measurable, understandable for children and adults.

When studying the effectiveness of the work of the class teacher, it must be borne in mind that the dynamics of indicators may not be the same. Moreover, some of them may hardly change, and sometimes be worse than in the previous stage. The general conclusion is made on the basis of a comparison of all the obtained data characterizing the pedagogical process.

The question arises: "How often is the effectiveness of the class teacher's work assessed?". On the one hand, this is carried out constantly, when it comes to observation or the use of research methods that organically fit into the pedagogical process, and on the other hand, periodically, through specially organized “sectional” studies (for example, a questionnaire survey of students and parents). In this regard, we can talk about current, periodic, final, separated in time results.

For a deeper study of the work of the class teacher, it is advisable to take into account and analyze the information obtained in different periods and by various methods.


The role of the class teacher in the organization of educational activities by students

1.1. Class teacher at school, the specifics of his work

The socio-economic changes that have taken place in Russia have left their mark on the upbringing of the younger generation. Today in society there are numerous negative phenomena that serve as a "nutrient medium" for the appearance of immorality, rudeness, aggressiveness among schoolchildren and young people. What can be opposed to this? Of particular importance today is the purposeful process of education, where the priority is the development of the child's individuality, taking into account his interests and needs, relying on the essential forces of the individual. A specially trained professional in the field of education, which is the class teacher, is capable of carrying out such a complex process.

In the work of almost every teacher there is a difficult, but very important mission - to be a class teacher. The class teacher is the central person of the educational process. Education is not a set of certain actions and operations that a teacher can be taught and by performing which he is guaranteed to achieve success, but an activity that the teacher must build himself, defining its goals, saturating it with values, selecting methods and means, in accordance with the existing conditions, reflecting the process of this activity. The activity of a modern class teacher is the most important link in the educational system of an educational institution, the main mechanism for implementing an individual approach to pupils.

The class teacher is appointed by the principal of the school from among the most experienced and authoritative teachers. He is responsible for organizing the lives of children, the formation and education of the team, for educational work in the classroom.

The purpose of the class teacher's activity is to create conditions for self-development and self-realization of the student's personality, his successful socialization in society. Today, the role of the class teacher in a comprehensive school is steadily increasing. This is primarily due to the introduction of new federal state educational standards. (FGOS), where special importance is attached to the education and socialization of students. Since the main function of the class teacher is educational, he oversees the implementation of the modern strategic educational goal - the spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia.

Tasks of the class teacher:

– formation and development of the class team;

- creation of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the potential abilities of the individual;

- Preservation of the health of pupils and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in them;

- organization of the educational activities of the class team, the inclusion of pupils in various systems of relations;

– protection of the rights and interests of students;

- organization of systematic individual work with students in the classroom;

– humanization of relations between students, between students and teachers;

- the formation of moral meanings and spiritual life guidelines among pupils;

- organization of socially significant, creative activities of pupils.

What are the functions of the class teacher?

A class teacher is, first of all, a manager. In accordance with the management concept developed by Academician R.Kh. Shakurov, there are three levels of functions:

- target: educational function and function of social protection. These functions are associated with the implementation of educational goals and objectives in the classroom, with the preparation of students for independent living, as well as protecting children from adverse environmental factors. By implementing these functions, the class teacher integrates the efforts of all teaching staff;

- socio-psychological: organizational function and the function of team building. The organizational function is connected with the help of the class teacher to students in the self-organization of various activities that solve educational problems (cognitive, labor, artistic and creative, sports and recreation, the task of free communication, etc.). The function of team building involves the management of its progressive development and the solution of educational tasks through the team. One of the tasks of the class teacher is the development of children's self-government;

- managerial: diagnostic function, goal-setting, planning, control and correction functions.

The implementation of these functions is associated with the fulfillment by the class teacher of a number of duties assigned to him.

The class teacher has the following job responsibilities:

- maintains documentation reflecting the progress and effectiveness of educational work (personal files of students, diaries, class journal, etc.);

- carries out diagnostics of upbringing, analyzes the state of progress and the dynamics of the general upbringing of their students;

– organizes the educational process in the classroom, involves students in various activities of class and school groups;

- works for the formation of a class team (organizes collective creative affairs, works with the asset, oversees the distribution and execution of instructions, etc.);

- involves in the educational activities of teachers working in the classroom, parents of students, specialists in various fields of science, art, sports, representatives of public organizations, coordinating educational efforts;

- promotes a healthy lifestyle;

- provides psychological and pedagogical support to pupils, assists pupils in solving acute life problems;

- works with parents, informs them about the successes or failures of students, holds parent meetings, meetings of the parent committee;

- regulates interpersonal relations between children and between children and adults, contributes to a general favorable psychological climate in the team;

- ensures the protection and protection of the rights and freedoms of students;

- helps the activities of various children's organizations;

– conducts individual work with children of the “risk group”;

- organizes the duty of students of their class in the school, canteen, class;

- organizes meals for pupils, including free;

- Improves professional skills and qualifications.

The main duties of the class teacher are determined by the Charter of the secondary general education school. In turn, the class teacher works under the direct supervision of the school principal and his deputies. They also provide him with the necessary organizational and pedagogical assistance.

The class teacher is responsible for the content of the educational process, its compliance with the goals of humanistic democratic education and the active participation of children in it. This requires diagnostics, a fairly complete awareness of the educator about the child's participation in various activities, his relationships in groups, the nature and content of communication, emerging needs and interests, incentives and motives for behavior. Based on the information received from the children themselves, from the direct organizers of their lives, the class teacher controls the state of educational relations, gives advice, and makes pedagogical adjustments throughout life.

The work of the class teacher is a purposeful, systematic, planned activity, built on the basis of the education program of the entire educational institution, analysis of previous activities, positive and negative trends in social life, based on a student-centered approach, taking into account the urgent tasks facing the teaching staff of the school, and the situation in a classroom team, interethnic, interfaith relations. The teacher also takes into account the level of upbringing of students, the social and material conditions of their life, the specifics of family circumstances.

The activity of the class teacher is primarily aimed at working with students in their class. It forms the motivation for the teaching of each individual child, studying his age and individual characteristics for the development and stimulation of cognitive interests; through a variety of forms and methods of individual work creates favorable conditions for the development of citizenship, worldview culture, skills of creative work, creative individuality, the successful entry of the child into society, the formation of a democratic culture in the system of class self-government.

Among the main qualities of the personality of the class teacher, first of all, one should name such qualities as communicative ideological content, social activity, moral maturity. These qualities, of course, are necessary for every teacher. But it is especially important to have them for the class teacher. After all, he educates his students not only by word, but also by personal examples, by his behavior. Of no small importance for the class teacher are such qualities of his personality as passion for the profession, humane attitude to children, high demands on themselves and their students. The class teacher also needs such qualities as communication, friendly disposition, politeness in communication. The success of the class teacher also depends on the availability of information knowledge and skills. It is especially important to have the ability to clearly, expressively, logically express your thoughts, to be able to convince, attract. The main qualities necessary for a class teacher include tact, endurance and self-control, responsiveness, observation, sincerity, resourcefulness, accuracy and external neatness. The success of the class teacher's work largely depends on his ability to have a number of applied, creative skills: the ability to sing, play musical instruments, dance, draw, read expressively. The class teacher is the closest mentor to the students in their class. It is designed to organize the life of schoolchildren, manage their development. His honorable work is the direct upbringing of children and youth, the formation of a cheerful, hardworking, physically and morally healthy generation.

The class teacher sets and implements uniform educational tasks. So, he seeks to accustom children to hard work, organization, truthfulness. But the ways, means and methods of achieving these tasks may be different depending on the individual characteristics of the students. Some need to be encouraged in time, others should be skillfully punished for violating the rules of conduct. And for this you need to deeply and comprehensively study them. The class teacher needs to know everything about his students well, understand them, be able to organize useful educational and social activities, taking into account their individual characteristics and interests. Knowing the students well will help to correct behavioral deficiencies.

The effectiveness and quality of the educational activities of the class teacher largely depends on the systematic work to improve their skills. In order to educate students well, he himself must be well educated and highly educated, constantly replenish and improve his knowledge and pedagogical skills. The most important form of professional development of the class teacher is self-education. The systematic work of the class teacher on advanced training ensures his constant movement to the heights of pedagogical skill.

Currently, the class teacher keeps up with the times, he is methodically and psychologically savvy, has knowledge of the theory and methodology of educational work, is well versed in labor legislation, and also knows how to navigate the main regulatory documents.

1.2. Planning of educational activities

The main purpose of planning is to determine the optimal boundaries of pedagogical activity, mobilize creative the efforts of the teaching staff to improve the process of education ... programming work and opportunities teaching and student teams.
P.T. Frolov

The success of multifaceted educational work with the class largely depends on the quality of its planning. Planning of educational work is the process of scientifically substantiated determination of ways, means and methods for achieving goals in the formation and development of an individual or a team. The activity of the class teacher is unthinkable without carefully thought-out planning. The work plan of the class teacher is a document on the basis of which educational work in the classroom is built. It allows you to determine the prospects for work and concrete ways solving pedagogical problems in the classroom. The class teacher in the course of his work carries out several types of planning:

- a program of educational work in the classroom. It can cover a fairly long period of time (from three years or more);

- an annual plan of educational work, a plan for half a year, a quarter, a month, a week and a day;

- a plan of educational activity in some direction of activity that is most important for a given class (patriotic, moral, civic education, etc.);

- a plan of work with the student, parent committees, public organizations;

- a plan for the preparation of educational activities, class hours, hours of communication;

- a plan for the preparation of parent meetings, conferences, round tables, etc .;

- a plan for improving the professional skills of the class teacher;

- plan of self-education.

The main document is the work plan for the academic year. This is a very important document that should reflect a clear system of educational work in the classroom, its main directions, forms and methods. Despite the fact that each of the sections of the plan carries a certain pedagogical load and has its own purpose, in the practice of general education schools today there has not been a unified approach to the structure of the annual plan. Each educational institution chooses the structure that is optimal for this institution. The most common is the following structure of the annual plan of the class teacher.

1. Characteristics of the class:

- the composition of the class, its general characteristics (number of students in the class, boys and girls, level of education, state of health, academic performance, participation of students in extracurricular activities, interests of pupils, attitude to public affairs);

- the level of development of the team, the microclimate in the class, the nature of relations, customs, traditions of the team, value orientations, a combination of common and personal interests of students, an asset of the class, its authority, the connection of the class team with the general school, etc .;

- characteristics of the parent team: the educational level of the parents, social status, large families, single-parent families, families in need of increased pedagogical attention, the national composition of families, etc.

2. Analysis of educational work for the previous academic year.

3. Goals and objectives of the educational activities of the class teacher. They should flow from the analysis and cover the most important areas of work.

4. Educational activities with a team of students. This section provides for the planning of educational activities in various areas of activity.

5. Individual work with students.

6. Interaction with teachers working in this class.

7. Work with the parent community, public organizations, society.

A special place in planning is occupied by work with a team of students. The class teacher should reflect in this section all types of activities that include pupils: cognitive, artistic and creative, value-oriented, sports and recreation, social, labor, etc. In this section, it is important to plan work on the development of individuality (work with gifted children , socially unprotected, children requiring special pedagogical attention, etc.). In practice, there are several options for the forms of plans, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important that the structure of the plan allows you to see the goals and objectives of the work, current and future affairs, and reflect the degree of participation of pupils in its implementation. These plan forms are optional. The class teacher independently chooses the best option, focusing on the modern requirements for this type of document. Of no small importance are the pedagogical values ​​of the class teacher and his work experience. When starting to plan educational work, the class teacher should think about how to avoid stereotypes, formalism, petty care, and involve all members of the team in planning. When organizing planning, the class teacher, first of all, must take into account the following principles:

- scientific character - the use of advanced achievements of the psychological and pedagogical science;

- specificity - the definition of a specific type of activity, deadlines, participants in a particular case;

- collectivism - participation in planning of all members of the class team;

- taking into account age characteristics - precise definition content, means, methods, forms in accordance with the age characteristics of schoolchildren;

- complexity - overcoming the fragmentation of educational work, solving a complex of goals and objectives by a system of means;

- consistency - a vision of the educational system of the class as a single whole of all areas of the school; - reality - planning activities, the implementation of which is realistically feasible;

- connections with life - a reflection of the main events of the country in the life of the team;

- focus on the implementation of the needs and interests of children;

- expediency - the subordination of all planning components to a single goal.

Thus, clear planning by the class teacher of educational activities makes it possible to include all students in a holistic educational process.


The work of the class teacher to create and educate the student team

2.1. Development of the class team

Only by rallying students into a friendly and efficient team, it is possible to successfully carry out their education and upbringing. The team (from lat. collectivus - collective) is a social community of people united on the basis of socially significant goals, common value orientations, joint activities and communication. To achieve the goals of education, the class teacher organizes educational activities with the class team. Educational activity is understood as a special type of pedagogical activity aimed at improving students and relations between them; creation of favorable conditions for personal development; habitat; the microclimate of the communities, which include the pupil (N.M. Borytko). One of the most important tasks of the class teacher is the task of forming a class team, since it is he who is the environment for the child and plays a crucial role in his upbringing. No matter how much the opponents of the collective claim that the collective "levels" the personality, not giving the opportunity to self-realize, it should be noted that general activity students and the common space of their life activity lead to a special system of relationships that are fertile ground for raising a child. According to A.N. Lutoshkin, the team goes through several stages of its development: "Sand Placer", "Soft Clay", "Flickering Lighthouse", "Scarlet Sail" and "Burning Torch". It is important for the class teacher to know the characteristics and methods of development of each of them.

"Sand Scatter". If you look closely at the sand placer, you can see that a large number of grains of sand are collected together, and at the same time, each of them is on its own. A weak breeze will fly in and carry part of the sand to the side, scattering it around the site. The wind blows stronger - there will be no placer. It also happens in groups of people. There, too, everyone is like a grain of sand: everything seems to be together, and at the same time, each separately. There is nothing that would “hook” and connect people. Here people either still know each other little, or simply do not dare, and perhaps they do not want to meet each other halfway. There are no common interests, no common deeds. The absence of a solid, authoritative center leads to looseness, friability of the group. This group exists formally, without bringing joy and satisfaction to all who enter it.

"Soft Clay" It is known that soft clay is a material that is relatively easy to influence, and various products can be molded from it. In hand good master, and such in a group, class, student team can be a commander or organizer of a case, this material turns into a skillful vessel. But it can remain a simple piece of clay if no effort is made to it. When soft clay is in the hands of an incapable person, it can take indefinite forms. In a group at this stage, the first efforts to unite the team are noticeable, although they are timid, the organizers do not succeed in everything, there is not enough experience in working together. The binding link here is still the norm; discipline and demands of elders. Relations are different - benevolent, conflict. Children on their own initiative rarely come to the aid of each other. There are closed friendly groups that communicate little with each other, often quarrel. There is no true master - a good organizer - yet, or it is difficult for him to prove himself, since there is no one to really support him.

"Flickering Lighthouse" It is worth noting that the lighthouse does not burn constantly, but periodically throws out beams of light, as if saying: "I'm here, ready to help." The emerging team is concerned that everyone goes the right way. In such a student team, the desire to work together, to help each other, to be together prevails. But desire is not everything. Friendship, comradely mutual assistance require constant burning. The group has someone to rely on. Authoritative "caretakers" of the lighthouse, those who will not let the fire go out - the organizers, the asset. This group differs markedly from other groups in its individuality. However, it can be difficult for her to fully gather her will, find a common language in everything, show perseverance in overcoming difficulties, some members of the group do not always have the strength to obey the collective demands. The initiative is not shown enough, proposals are not so often made to improve things not only in one's own, but also in a more significant team, of which he is a part. You can observe the manifestation of activity in bursts, and even then not for everyone.

"Scarlet Sail" - it is a symbol of striving forward, restlessness, friendly fidelity, devotion to one's duty. Here they operate on the principle of "one for all, and all for one." Friendly participation and interest in each other's affairs are combined with adherence to principles and mutual exactingness. The command staff of the sailboat are knowledgeable and reliable organizers, authoritative comrades. They turn to them for help, and they disinterestedly provide it. Most members of the "crew" have a sense of pride in their team; everyone experiences bitterness when they fail. The team is keenly interested in how things are in other teams, for example, in neighboring ones. It happens that they come to help when they are asked about it. Although the team is united, there are times when it is not ready to go against storms and bad weather. One does not always have the courage to admit one's mistakes right away, but gradually the situation can be corrected.

"Burning Torch" - This living flame, the fuel of which is close friendship, common will, excellent mutual understanding, business cooperation, the responsibility of each not only for himself, but for the entire team. All the qualities of the team that can be seen at the Scarlet Sail stage are well manifested here, but that's not all. You can also shine for yourself, making your way through the thickets, bumping into rocks, descending into gorges, breaking new paths. But is it possible to feel happy if it is difficult for someone to be around, if there are collectives behind you, groups that need your help and your strong hand? A real team is one where they selflessly come to the rescue, do everything to benefit people.

These stages give an idea of ​​the stages of development of the team. Having learned the meaning of these stages, one can determine at what stage any team is located, and decide what needs to be done in order to step to a higher level.

2.2. Means of forming a children's team

The process of development of a classroom team is a complex and contradictory process. The class teacher must know the means of team development and skillfully use them. The development and rallying of the team takes place in the course of the joint purposeful activity of schoolchildren. It is a variety of socially significant activities (educational, labor, artistic and creative, sports and recreation, value-oriented) that creates a special emotional mood, a “major tone” in the team, and a friendly unity of its members. Pedagogical requirement is considered to be the most important factor in the formation of the team. It helps to strengthen discipline in the classroom, brings a spirit of organization into the activities of pupils; as a method of pedagogical activity, it stimulates the development of students, helps to strengthen relationships and gives them a social orientation. Presenting requirements at the first stage of team formation allows the class teacher to predetermine the transition of the team to more high level development. One of the means of forming a team is public opinion in the team. It represents the totality of those generalized assessments that are given among pupils to various phenomena and facts of collective life. The function of public opinion is to stimulate everything positive in the life of the team and overcome negative phenomena and trends. The creation of public opinion is facilitated by the various practical activities of the members of the team and the holding of organizational and explanatory events in the form of conversations, meetings, gatherings, etc. Without relying on public opinion, it is impossible to effectively manage the team and educate its members. The nature and content of public opinion, its maturity can only be revealed by observing pupils in real life conditions or by creating situations of free choice. The organization of promising aspirations of pupils is of great importance for the development of the team. Distinguish between short, medium and long-term perspectives. Near-term prospects are connected with the expectation of children of an interesting and joyful event that will happen in the near future. Medium perspectives are somewhat distant in time: preparations for holidays, summer vacations, and so on. Long-term prospects affect the life plans of children, most often associated with the choice of profession. It takes several years to realize long-term prospects. Near, medium and long-term prospects determine the law of movement of the collective. A halt in the development of the collective leads to its weakening and disintegration, therefore, a necessary condition for its development is the advancement and gradual complication of prospects. An important condition for the development of the team is the organization of self-government. Student self-government is a form of organizing the life of a group of students, ensuring their independence, activity in accepting and implementing important problems. Self-government cannot be created "from above", i.e. to begin with the creation of organs, it must naturally grow "from below", from the self-organization of certain types of activity in the classroom. Self-management develops only when students themselves determine the ways of solving the problem and solve it themselves. In self-management, the so-called law of three “ourselves” operates: “we ourselves are looking for a business”, “we ourselves plan and carry it out”, “we ourselves sum up the results on the basis of a collective analysis”. Self-government is often referred to as the "school of citizenship and maturity". An important factor in the formation of the team are traditions, which are understood as forms of collective life that most clearly embody the nature of collectivist relations and public opinion. Nothing strengthens a team like tradition. The traditions of the class have a positive effect on the formation of the worldview and worldview of the child. They are capable of doing miracles. Because of this, to educate and preserve traditions is the most important task in educational work with the team.


Organization of educational activities in the classroom

3.1. educational activity

Educational activity is a special kind of pedagogical activity aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of the individual, improving people and relationships between them. The educational activity of the class teacher, like any other activity, begins with the definition of a goal. Pedagogical goals should be understood as a mentally planned image of the result of the pedagogical process in relation to the actions and conditions that generate it. The pedagogical goal is a modeled, predicted, but not yet implemented result of the teacher's activity, the desired image of a graduate. This image of the future determines the present, determines the real actions of a person, group, collective, society (V.V. Davydov). As for the goal of education, it can be defined as a mentally presented result of the teacher's educational activity. According to the Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen in the field of general education, the modern national educational ideal is a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his personal, aware of the responsibility for the present and future of his country, rooted in spiritual and cultural traditions multinational people of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the most important goal of modern domestic education and one of the priority tasks of society and the state is education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, initiative, competent citizen of Russia. When starting to organize educational activities, it is important for the class teacher to remember that the achievement of the goal is carried out only in a variety of activities aimed at solving emerging problems, and taking into account the principles governing the process of education. The new Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) define the following principles that must be taken into account by the class teacher organizing educational work:

- the principle of orientation to the ideal;

- an axiological principle that focuses on the formation of a system in students national values;

- the principle of following a moral example;

- the principle of identification, which implies the child's stable identification of himself with people significant to him, which allows him to develop the value-semantic sphere of the personality;

- the principle of polysubjectivity of education and socialization, which determines the consistency of the educational activities of an educational institution and various social institutions;

- the principle of dialogic communication, which implies an equal intersubjective dialogue, recognition of the child's right to choose and have his own point of view;

- the principle of jointly with the pupil solving personal and socially significant problems (pedagogical support);

- the principle of system-activity organization of education.

The usefulness of educating students directly depends on their inclusion in a variety of activities. The new educational standards provide the following list of activities that have educational potential: gaming, cognitive, leisure and entertainment (leisure communication), artistic and creative, socially transformative volunteer activities, technical and creative, labor (industrial), sports and recreation, tourist and local history, problematic value communication. The effectiveness of the implementation of educational tasks depends on many factors and, above all, on the methods used. The system of upbringing methods that has developed today in pedagogy does not meet the more complicated requirements for the implementation of diverse educational activities. This served as the basis for the development of more effective methods of education that the class teacher can use in their practical activities:

- traditionally accepted (beliefs, exercises, encouragement, example, coercion);

- innovation-activity (modeling, algorithmization, creative invariance, etc.);

- training and gaming;

- informal interpersonal;

- reflexive (E.N. Gusarova).

The more methods the educator (class teacher) owns, the more chances he has for success, the higher the result of educational activities. One of the invariant characteristics of educational activity is the result. The study of the results of educational activities is one of the most difficult issues of pedagogical science and practice. Firstly, the result of education is delayed in time and does not manifest itself momentarily, and secondly, it is difficult to single out it in a “pure” form, since the child is influenced not only by the activities of the teacher and school conditions, but also by parents, peers, adults and in general environment. Nevertheless, it is necessary to take into account the results of educational activities, because otherwise the upbringing of the child will become spontaneous: without determining the results, it is easy for the teacher to slip into the path of spontaneity and template. The result of educational activity can only be correlated with a positive outcome and be expressed in changes in the states and properties of the subject (child) that occurred as a result of purposeful activity. The result of educational activity correlates with the goal and is an indicator of its achievement.

3.2. Forms of educational work of the class teacher

The forms of work of the class teacher are determined on the basis of the pedagogical situation prevailing at school and in this class, the traditional experience of education; the degree of pedagogical influence - the level of development of students' personalities, the formation of the class team as a group in which the development and self-determination of children takes place. Form (recreate) - a way of existence of the educational process, a shell for its inner essence, logic and content. The form is connected with the number of participants, time, place of education, the order of its implementation. One of the most common forms of organizing educational work is the class hour. The class hour is a form of frontal educational work, flexible in composition and structure, which is a communication of the class teacher with the students of the class, specially organized during extracurricular time, in order to promote the formation of the class team and the development of its members. During the organization and conduct of class hours, it is possible to solve the following tasks:

  • enriching the consciousness of students with knowledge about nature, society, technology, man;
  • the formation in children of the skills and abilities of mental and practical activities;
  • development of the emotional-sensory sphere and the value-semantic core of the child's personality;
  • promotion of the formation and manifestation of the subjectivity and individuality of the student, his creative abilities;
  • formation of a classroom team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren. A class hour can be represented as a technological chain of sequentially performed actions:

- preparation by the teacher, together with students and their parents, of the topics of class hours for the new academic year;

- clarification of the topic of a student-oriented class hour and the generation of ideas for its preparation and conduct;

- determination of the purpose, content, choice of the form, date and place of the class hour, the formation of a community of its organizers and the development of a plan for their actions;

- individual and group activities for the preparation of the class hour, drawing up by the teacher together with other organizers of the scenario plan for the class hour;

- holding a class hour;

- analysis of activities for its preparation and conduct, evaluation of the effectiveness of the class hour.

The class teacher can use various forms of group activities in his work, such as competitions, quizzes, literary and musical salons, tournaments, gatherings, auctions, fairs, talk shows, discussions, dialogues, collective creative activities, Socratic conversations, hotlines and etc. It is important that when organizing them, the technology of conducting a particular case, the interests and age characteristics of children are taken into account. Technology of organizing and conducting group business. At the present stage of development of educational institutions, the technology of organizing and conducting group work has become widespread (N.E. Shchurkova). It is a kind of incentive for the activity of pupils, as it has a number of advantages: in group activities, mutual control, mutual support, and cooperation are carried out. In a group, children emotionally influence each other, wanting to perform the same activities as others. Group activity becomes a more effective means of education if it is value-oriented and includes the child in a system of socially and personally significant relationships. The technology of organizing and conducting a group business has the following technological chain:

  • preparatory stage (preliminary formation from carrying pupils to group work);
  • psychological mood or the beginning of the educational work (the opening speech of the teacher, musical accompaniment, greeting, etc.);
  • meaningful activity;
  • completion, or "final chord";
  • projection for the future.

Violation of the technological side of the matter reduces its effectiveness. According to N.E. Shchurkova, for the successful implementation of this technology, the following rules must be observed:

- organization and conduct of educational work, strict observance of its logical structure;

- a high cultural level of the content and forms of this case;

- organization of "spiritual tension" during the educational work;

- minimal preparation of the case;

- use of all three channels of perception: auditory, visual, sensory.

It is important to remember that the overall goal of any group business is the formation of value relations to the world, people, and oneself. In a certain class, this goal is transformed into a specific task, taking into account the age and individual characteristics and interests of children. When organizing group activities, it is necessary to think over an assessment system that is significant for the student, interesting and objective. Any group activity is completely voluntary. Freedom of choice, independence in decision-making - this is one of the ways of personality-oriented organization of group activities. The educator needs to remember that any business must meet the general cultural norms of human existence. Group business is prepared quickly using a variety of means of pedagogical influence, without oversaturation of the child's emotional state. The means is understood as everything that the teacher places between himself and the student in order to achieve the goal and with which he can operate freely enough. Any means must be related to the end; it is selected, comprehended, used in accordance with the end result. Without the end, the means ceases to be a means. Activities, relationships, speech, natural objects and phenomena - this is an incomplete list of means that can create an environment for the child's natural habitat and development. Thanks to the means, the harmony of life itself is revealed, and the child absorbs the sociocultural experience of generations. To small man could comprehend himself in the world and act independently, actively and creatively, he needs help to enter into relations with the natural environment, the man-made world, people and himself through various forms of activity.

Practice shows that educational activity does not always achieve its goal. One of the reasons for this situation is the passivity of its participants (pupils). Today, the class teacher needs to carry out interactive educational activities, the basis of which is the equality of its subjects, on the one hand, and their internal activity, on the other. Interactive educational activity (from Latin interims - internal) is an activity that stimulates the internal activity of the pupil. Interactive activity is characterized by reflexivity, clash and upholding of various positions by pupils, openness, the ability to be critical and self-critical, dialogue, and the adoption of a free position. Interactive educational activity involves:

- changing the relationship between the educator and the pupil, which are based on understanding, acceptance and recognition of the child's personality;

- the disappearance of the coercive nature of activity, the conscious regulation and activation of one's behavior (freedom of choice);

- the presence of creativity in the activity;

- intense mental activity;

- the predominance of a personal approach to solving emerging problems;

- purposeful creation by the teacher of a complex of external conditions that contribute to students' satisfaction, the manifestation of positive emotions (a situation of success);

- openness to culture and society, openness of the subject's own inner world;

- the subjectivity of the position of the pupil, expressed in the maximum acceptance of all subjective functions;

- based on polylogue, dialogue, partnership, cooperation with a consistent increase in the activity of the pupil.

Interactive methods include:

  • discussion of complex and debatable problems (discussion, debate);
  • case-study (analysis of specific situations, situational analysis);
  • creative tasks;
  • collective creative affairs;
  • role-playing, business, organizational and activity games;
  • design (social projects);
  • exhibitions, performances, performances, etc.;
  • symposium;
  • video conference;
  • use of public resources (invitation of specialists, interactive tour);
  • negotiations and mediation;
  • competitions;
  • round table;
  • training, brainstorming (brainstorm, brainstorming).

Also, at present, class teachers widely use the technology of collective creative affairs (KTD). The core and essence of this technology is such an organization of joint activities of adults and children, in which all members of the team participate in the organization and conduct of the case, and the activity is in the nature of collective creativity and is aimed at the benefit and joy of distant and close people. The main goal of the KTD is to ensure that all members of the team on a voluntary basis, with interest and desire, are involved in the implementation of the case, and can reveal their creative potential. KTD is, first of all, a way of organizing an emotionally saturated life with work, play, creativity, aimed at serving people and the Motherland. In order to have a clearer understanding of QTD, one needs to know the ideas behind it. There are six such important ideas (I.P. Ivanov):

- collective organization of activities;

- collective creativity;

- collective goal setting;

- organization of sample situations;

- emotional saturation of the life of the team;

— public orientation of the team.

The content of KTD is taking care of yourself, your team, close and distant people. Competitiveness, improvisation excite the activity of the child and create conditions for the formation of independence, the creative principles of the individual. Along with this, each KTD forms a civic position to improve the overall life, which is very important for the value orientation of the pupil. At the forefront in KTD is the creation by students of a new life experience, enrichment of each participant with their own experience of civic attitude to the life around them and to themselves as a friend of other people. Each KTD forms the humanistic qualities of the individual and his moral position, since the concern for improving the common life, collective activity for others comes to the forefront of collective work.

The use of the game in the educational activities of the class teacher is due to its versatility. The essence of the game is the ability to transform reality and put the child in a subjective position, giving him the opportunity to fulfill himself. During the game, the student, first of all, is aware of his own "I", demonstrates and develops personal experience, creative, reflective and evaluative abilities. Play is a space for “the child’s internal socialization, a means for him to assimilate social attitudes” (L.S. Vygotsky). All of the above allows the class teacher to use the game in educational activities with the class team. The following technological stages of the game are distinguished.

  1. Preparation stage:

- game development (scenario development, game plan, general description of the game, briefing content, preparation of material support);

- introduction to the game (statement of the problem, goals, conditions of the game, briefing, regulations, rules, distribution of roles, formation of groups, consultations).

  1. Carrying out stage:

— group work on the task (brainstorming, training, work with a game technician);

— intergroup discussion (group presentations, defense of the results of the work, work of experts).

  1. Stage of analysis and generalization (withdrawal from the game, analysis, reflection, assessment and self-assessment of work, conclusions and generalizations, recommendations).

In game interaction, the activity of pupils is essential, since physical, social and cognitive activity is “provoked” in the game.

Discussion - an interactive method of education Today, the method of discussion is widely used in the practice of class teachers. The discussion is interpreted as a way of organizing joint collective activities aimed at an intensive and productive solution of a group problem and finding the right answer. The main task of the discussion is to identify the existing diversity of participants' points of view on a question or problem and, if necessary, a comprehensive analysis of each of them. This is a method that allows using logical arguments to influence the opinions and positions of the participants in the discussion. The discussion is referred to as interactive methods due to the fact that its participants can express their point of view, demonstrate personal experience, reason and formulate a problem, and interact with each other. The discussion gives rise to thought, activates thinking, develops communication skills, the ability to conduct a dialogue. A necessary condition for the discussion is that the pupils have the necessary amount of knowledge on the problem under discussion.

The discussion highlights the following technological stages.

  1. Preparatory stage (selection of a topic, leader, study of the problem, acquaintance with the literature, development of questions, consultation with specialists, analysis of existing points of view, preparation of visual aids, etc.).
  2. Organizational stage (leader's introduction: substantiation of the topic, its relevance, issues for discussion, tasks facing the participants, terms of the dispute, etc.).
  3. The stage of solving the debatable problem (at this stage, all the rules of the discussion are especially strictly observed).
  4. The final stage is analysis (conclusions, degree of achievement of goals, commonality of positions, observance of the rules of discussion, etc.).

The outcome of the discussion should reflect the opinion of the majority of the participants, and the results should be compared with the goals set. When choosing the forms of educational activity, it is advisable for the class teacher to take into account:

- educational goals put forward in the classroom;

- the level of upbringing of students, their interests and needs;

- the possibilities of forms of educational activity in the formulation of the pupil in the subjective position;

- external conditions of education (institutions of additional education, cultural centers, sports facilities, etc.);

- taking into account the capabilities of parents, students, teachers, schools.

The class teacher approaches the choice of forms of work creatively, taking into account the living conditions of the school, the capabilities and characteristics of children, the content of children's life, which will be comprehended, analyzed, generalized and corrected together with children.


Interaction of the class teacher with teachers and parents

4.1. Interaction of the class teacher with teachers

Carrying out educational work with students, the class teacher should maintain close contacts with teachers in order to establish uniform requirements for students and improve the quality of the educational process. What form does this work take?

One of these forms is the attendance by the class teacher of the lessons conducted by teachers in his class. In the process of attending classes, he observes the work of students, their discipline, analyzes the quality of their knowledge and cognitive activity. At the same time, the class teacher is studying the issue of accumulating grades and using their stimulating role in learning, dosing the amount of homework, etc.

Active life position the schoolchild is manifested in his conscious and interested teaching.

To educate such an attitude to learning is the business of all teachers and parents, but the class teacher has his own opportunities in solving this problem.

Observing the work of students in the classroom, the class teacher helps teachers take into account the individual characteristics of students, at the same time he regulates the workload of schoolchildren so that it does not exceed the norms established by the Charter of the school.

The class teacher studies learning difficulties and, together with parents and teachers and class members, eliminates them. Some students need additional classes, others need increased control, others need increased attention and even treatment, and others need to be taught mental work techniques. It is important to organize mutual help between students in the class. It is carried out on a voluntary basis in the form of comradely cooperation.

The class teacher, in unity with the teachers, forms a cognitive interest in schoolchildren. It promotes the inclusion of students in the work of subject circles, organizes conversations on scientific topics and meetings with scientists, etc.

An important problem in the work of the class teacher with teachers is the organization of assistance to poorly performing students. Of course, this work should be done by every teacher. But the class teacher, being in constant contact with the students, can sometimes suggest the reasons for the decline in the quality of knowledge of a particular student and ask the teacher to take them into account in his work. An equally significant aspect of the work of the class teacher with teachers is the activation of extracurricular educational work, and in particular, circle classes, subject Olympiads, exhibitions of student creativity.

Finally, the class teacher himself needs the help of teachers in organizing extracurricular educational work. At his request, teachers conduct conversations with students on scientific, moral and aesthetic topics, participate in class meetings, in organizing socially useful work, etc. Thus, the close interaction of the class teacher with teachers helps him to increase the content and effectiveness of educational work.

The class teacher contributes to the inclusion of schoolchildren in various creative associations of interest (circles, sections, clubs) operating both in general educational institutions and in institutions of additional education for children.

In the organization of extracurricular, out-of-school work of the class team, leisure and vacation activities, the class teacher actively interacts with the organizing teacher. Coordinating joint activities, the class teacher involves him in holding events within the class, organizes the participation of students in his class in school-wide events during extracurricular and vacation time. With the support of the teacher-organizer, the class teacher attracts representatives of culture, sports, and the public to work with the class.

The class teacher should work closely with a social teacher, who is called upon to be an intermediary between the child's personality and all social institutions in resolving students' personal crises. With the direct participation of a social teacher, the class teacher organizes socially significant activities of students, activities aimed at the development of social initiatives, the implementation of social projects.

A variety of children's public associations are becoming widespread in general educational institutions, contributing to the inclusion of children and adolescents in new social relations; their self-realization, the manifestation and development of civic and moral positions, the socialization of the individual. In this direction of activity, it is important for the class teacher to decide in cooperation with the senior counselor. In particular, joint efforts are organized to inform students about existing children's and youth public organizations and associations.

To successfully address the issue of education, upbringing and development of the child's personality, it is necessary active interaction all participants in the educational process, differentiation, integration and coordination of pedagogical work in a single educational space and socio-cultural environment. In this regard, the pedagogical council of general educational institutions, when determining the functions of the class teacher, must first of all clearly identify his rights, duties and responsibilities, correlating them with the official duties of other participants in the educational process.

4.2. Communication between the teacher and parents

The great evil of our time...is that
that our fathers and mothers have almost completely lost
awareness of what ... can do
to raise their children.
I.G. Pestalozzi

The effectiveness of raising children largely depends on how closely the class teacher interacts with the child's family, since the family is the main ally in raising children. The main functions of the class teacher in working with parents:

- informing parents about the state of affairs in the classroom and school;

— psychological and pedagogical education of parents;

– organization of joint activities of adults and children;

- individual activities with parents to adjust family education;

- coordination of interaction along the line "School - family - public and professional organizations".

The specifics of the interaction between the class teacher and the family is that both parties are interested in studying the child, developing him best qualities and properties, assistance in determining the strategy of life. Principles of interaction between the class teacher and parents:

— mutual trust and respect;

- cooperation;

- no pressure on children and parents;

- taking into account the individual characteristics of family education;

— mutual support and assistance;

- differentiation of pedagogical influences on parents;

- patience and tolerance towards each other;

— confidentiality;

— pedagogical optimism.

Taking into account these principles helps the teacher and parents to combine their efforts in creating conditions for the formation in the child of those qualities and properties that are necessary for his self-determination and self-realization. Organizing interaction, the class teacher performs the following types of work:

- plans and organizes psychological and pedagogical education of parents;

- introduces parents to the organization of the educational process at school and the strategy for its development;

- includes parents in the management of the educational process;

- involves parents in joint activities with children;

- interacts with labor and public organizations of parents;

- corrects educational influence individual families on a child.

When organizing interaction, the class teacher takes into account the types of families that are classified:

- by the number of children (large children, small children, one-child, childless);

- by composition: one-generation (only spouses), two-generation (parents and children), intergenerational (children, parents and parents);

single-parent families (the child is brought up by one of the parents);

- illegitimate families;

- by the nature of the relationship (ideal, average, negative).

Very often, practitioners divide families into prosperous and dysfunctional, taking as a basis the degree of favorable educational influence of the family on the child. The cooperation of the class teacher and the family is the result of purposeful systematic work, which involves a comprehensive study of the family, the characteristics and conditions of family education using various forms of joint activities. General information necessary for parents whose children study in this educational institution may include various aspects and be offered in different options. Below are some of the ways in which parents can be informed about the school, as well as some examples of the content of the information.

Parents whose children study at this school should have the following information about the educational institution:

  • The charter of the school and the mode of its work;
  • the content of education at school (i.e. the curriculum and the list of educational programs implemented at the school);
  • school development prospects;
  • schedule of circles and electives;
  • organization of extracurricular activities: traditional school and class activities, key activities of the year, excursion programs, visits to museums, theaters, etc.);
  • information about additional educational services;
  • information about the qualifications of teachers, their achievements;
  • the main achievements of the school and its students;
  • logistics of the school;
  • information about the sources of extrabudgetary funds, the distribution of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds;
  • information about the results of the final attestation of students, the results of the exam;
  • information about the social structure of graduates.

Informing parents can be carried out through the design of stands, booklets, periodic bulletins, the publication of special magazines and newspapers. An important role in informing parents is played by the media, parent forums, conferences, parent meetings, personal conversations and consultations. In the future, great importance will be attached to the design and presentation of the student's individual portfolio. Differentiated information can be transferred to separate groups of parents (for example, information for parents of students entering a particular university); a recommended list of books that parents should read with their children in elementary school (basic, secondary); recommendations on the organization of the daily regimen, nutrition of schoolchildren during exams, etc. Individual information is transmitted for specific parents (for example, information on the examination of the child by a psychologist, speech therapist; data on the presence of certain problems or difficulties in the child).

Consider the main forms of work with the family. Cool meeting. At class meetings, problems are discussed that reflect the common interests of parents and children. Voluntary participation, taking into account the wishes of the meeting participants, and cooperation are important. This is a conversation of equal interested people. The meeting is especially active and interested if group work, creative assignments, problem solving, discussion of situations from the life of the class are used. The meeting may take the form of a conference, debate, collective creative work, role-playing or business game. Workshops with the involvement of specialists (lawyers, doctors, police officers, etc.) arouse considerable interest among parents. Forms of cognitive activity: public reviews of knowledge, creative reports on subjects, days of open lessons, a holiday of knowledge and creativity, tournaments of connoisseurs. Children, parents and teachers jointly determine the subject, topic, methodology for conducting a public review of knowledge. The teacher composes assignments, helps to form groups, organize preparatory work, correcting the relationship between children. Parents participate in the design, preparation of incentive prizes, evaluation of results. The day of open lessons is held at a convenient time for parents, most often on Saturday. On this day, teachers conduct lessons in an unconventional way, trying to show their skills, to reveal the abilities of children. The day ends with a collective analysis: achievements are noted, the most interesting forms of the lesson, the results of cognitive activity, problems are posed, prospects are outlined. The Connoisseur Tournament can be held either between parents and children, or between mixed family teams. The number of groups corresponds to the number of tours. Each is the organizer of one tour and a participant in all the others. The tournament can be held on one topic, for example, "The Tournament of Connoisseurs of Poetry", or on different topics (at the choice of the group). Forms labor activity: office design, labor landing for the improvement and landscaping of the school yard, planting a memorial alley in connection with a significant event in the lives of children and their parents, creating a classroom library. Forms of leisure: joint holidays, preparation of concerts, performances: watching, discussing films and performances: competitions, contests, KVN; weekend clubs; interest schools for parents. Parent hobby schools are organized by parents for a small group of students. In classes that are held at home, children not only acquire specific labor skills and abilities, but also learn to communicate with each other, with adults outside of school.

Here, perhaps, the main sections of the activity of the class teacher. In their totality, they constitute a complex system, which is the basis of the activity of any class teacher. The teacher, acting as the leader of the children's team, implements his functions in relation to both the class as a whole and individual students. He solves problems in accordance with the specifics of the age of children and the relationships that have developed between them, building relationships with each child, taking into account his individual characteristics. The main thing in the activity of the class teacher is to promote the self-development of the individual, the realization of his creative potential, the provision of active social protection of the child, the creation of the necessary and sufficient conditions for intensifying the efforts of children to solve their own problems.


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