A strong conspiracy "so that a loved one calls" is read correctly. Calling a loved one - magical ways for all occasions

Magic calls are aimed at forcing a person to contact you. It can be a personal meeting, a call or a letter. One call is made per day. But it is better to make a call for one person once every two weeks. Calling a person with the help of magic can be useful not only for love purposes, some of the conspiracies are suitable for calling a debtor or just a friend with whom this moment you don't have contact. Calls are safe for both the caller and the caller. Can be done for both men and women. Calls are made with an open window, window or door, but the room should not "through". That is, if the window is open, the door is closed, etc., it is best to call with the window open. If you have not communicated with the person called for more than a month, you may need to repeat the ceremony. If you have greatly offended the called person and generally parted "badly", such a ritual as a challenge may not be enough to return him. After the ceremony, the person will start thinking about you, he will be drawn to you, but ... In general, if he does not appear, then: either the call did not work properly, or this method is rather weak in this situation. After making a call, do not call your object yourself, do not write, and, if possible, do not think about it at all.

Any moon, it doesn't matter if it is waxing or waning

Made calls and forgot

Terms of a call - from 1 to 7 days.

Ransom is basically 13 white coins per crossroads (if you turned to demons)

All that is left after the call is poured out or taken to the crossroads along with the payoff.

Men's day: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (unique)

Women's Day: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday - You can't do anything on Sunday...

1) The first one is very simple, done with salt. Take a clean, dry frying pan and a handful of salt (you can half a pack). Put the pan on the fire and heat it well. Then pour salt on it with your hand, that is, pour it from the palm of your hand. You start to heat it up and at the same time say the following:


The window in the kitchen should be ajar, it’s good if there is a photo of him nearby, where you can see his eyes and where he is alone. You read the plot 12 times, you can on paper. Then you turn off the fire, and while the salt is warm - pour it out to the entrance to your house - near the entrance you can, on the steps, to the door to the apartment ... Do this every day until the object appears (calls, comes).

2) In a hot frying pan (dry frying pan without oil, hot). Throw peppercorns according to the number of full years called, wait until the pepper starts to crackle and bounce and say to him:

“As this pepper rushes about and toils in a hot frying pan, so let the servant of God (name) rush about and toil until he comes to the servant of God (name). Amen."

7 times Throw pepper into the window in a scattering from the pan. Do as much as you need and do.

3) Accelerate the arrival of a loved one It is read in order to organize a “random” meeting, to create an appearance if you have not met for a long time. A conspiracy helps to attract someone to solve a problem, develop a situation, for example, continue an acquaintance.

"Wherever you go, wherever you wander, wherever you are (name), and you will come to me. Wherever you hide, wherever you hide, whatever you do, but you are drawn to me. Whatever you do, what no matter what you do, no matter what you think, you will come to me. With whomever you are, no matter how busy you are, wherever you go, you will come to me. Fate draws you to me with all roads. Your heart beckons you with all You go around me, you won’t go around me. You go around me, you won’t go around. Our paths converge and cross. I need to decide my business from you. As I decide, you will be free! cling to the shore like a chip."

4) Cause longing To cause love longing in the man you are interested in, you need to open the window in your bedroom on the 31st of any month at sunset and say into it:

“Mil (man's name), not disguised, not narrowed, think of me at dinner. When you start drinking tea, do not yawn, but remember me.

Quickly slam the window and say: “It flew - it flew!” Do this three times.

5) Challenge We install a red candle, light it. We take, we hold the photograph behind the candle (behind the flame). We cut the flame with scissors and read the text:

“I cut off the flame from the red candle, cut off all obstacles, all obstacles, barriers, people that prevent the reunion of the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name). So that you, the servant of God (name), could not sleep, neither eat nor drink, not live without the servant of God (name). As wax melts from Zhguchev's fire, so you are a servant of God (name) from my moguchev slander, appear before God's servant (name), not in thoughts, but alive. Amen. Amen. Amen". On the word AMEN, do not cut fire with scissors.

6) In front of an open window on a candle fire, burn a lock of your hair and say:

"My spirit, my dream - to you (...) in your hand, to you (...) in your heart, to you (...) in your loins, in flour, in thirst. Amen."

Ashes in the window into the wind, that would have scattered. The candle can be left on the balcony to burn out.

7) Go to the open window in your house. (I didn’t do it at home at all) If possible, turn to the side from where he usually came to you. Repeat the words 12 times for 7 days.

“I call (my name) you (name of the man) right up to my porch. I put you (man's name) guide angels - two on the sides, one in front, the other behind, dear (man's name) you lead me, thoughts (man's name) to (your name) look, legs (man's name) to ( your name) carry, bring to my threshold. Remembering, come back to me not in a dream. Amen. Amen. Amen."

They only do it on Saturday. Close all the curtains on the windows, lay an unworn handkerchief on the table, light a candle, hair should be loose, sit at the table and read:

"I'm waiting for you like a hungry-lunch, a beggar-alms, a sick-recovery. I send three messenger angels for you: Gabriel, Zazel and Firiel. And may they not return without you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

9) Take a photo of the caller on your phone. Put the phone on the photo and pronounce (when pronouncing, clearly imagining how he calls you, do it at night, because any call disrupts the action)

"I put the phone on top, it presses with a heavy burden. In order to get freedom (....), I must (....) call me."

10) This call can be made in any room and call anyone. Stand up, grasping the doorposts and say:

"How true it is that the jambs are under my hands, how true it is that the threshold is under my feet, so you, (name) under my will, appear now home (somewhere). So be it."

11) TO CALL. It is done for 3 days, the plot is read after 12 o'clock at night, in open window or on the balcony, the wind must blow in the face. When you go to bed, dream a little about your relationship. CONSPIRACY:

"In an open field, in a clean expanse, there are 4 oaks 4 whirlwinds. 4 oaks 4 whirlwinds go, look for a slave (name), put sadness in his heart - longing so that he is sad about me, a slave (name). I will close my strong conspiracies for 40 locks, I'll give the keys to the pike - the fish, so that it doesn't tell anyone. So be it."

You can remind yourself different ways, but sometimes the usual methods are not suitable. Calling a loved one will make him immediately think about his real or potential soulmate. It is not always appropriate to make a phone call or just drop by to visit the right person. In such a situation, you can use the magic challenge. It works especially well if people are close spiritually and there is a relationship between them. For such a reminder, various interesting and effective rites and rituals are used.

You can remind your loved one about yourself with the help of magic

Briefly about the main

magical actions aimed at specific person in order to make him have an intolerable desire to see or call, this is a powerful challenge. It can be compared to a directed program guide, where the picture is broadcast to only one person.

Such magic can be coordinated not only to call the right person. With its help, they remind the debtor of his obligations, contact missing friends or relatives, and call her husband home. This scheme has only one drawback: it works if people know each other. Without this condition, it is impossible to establish a full-fledged energy channel. It is better for beginners to start with the simplest conspiracies, gradually moving on to more complex ones.

A strong challenge to a loved one works most quickly if the feelings are mutual. A special emotional connection helps to easily establish a magical channel and convey the necessary thoughts, which will be perceived by the subscriber as their own.

It is much more difficult to send a quick call to a friend, friend or distant relative, where the emotional background is somewhat lower. In this case, it is better to arrange a personal meeting to clarify the misunderstanding. A conspiracy to call an unfamiliar person works even worse, since there are no emotions at all.

To perform rituals and conspiracies, a novice magician who wants to meet the right person must have certain character traits: perseverance, patience, willpower, the ability to concentrate at the right time and a powerful emotional charge.

There are no trifles in magic, so all recommendations must be followed exactly. A beginner must be aware of his moral responsibility for certain actions and not violate magical laws.

Conspiracies for love must be performed, observing all the rules

Calling a loved one, even strong and proven, may not work in the following cases:

  • a person has magical protection;
  • his willpower is stronger than yours;
  • the wrong ritual is chosen;
  • there is not enough energy to send a full message;
  • interfere with extraneous thoughts;
  • if he is sick, unconscious or drunk;
  • ritual rules are violated.

You need to correct all the mistakes and repeat the steps later, or better, on another day.

Stages of rituals to meet your loved one

Energy set

There are a lot of working conspiracies and rituals. Each of them requires a sufficient power charge to send a message. You can gain energy with the help of certain exercises. One of them is suitable for both men and women. It acts like a battery and causes an instant surge of energy.

For this you need:

  1. Go outside or go to an open window, regardless of weather conditions.
  2. Bend your elbows so that the open palms are shoulder-width apart and turned up in a comfortable and relaxed posture.
  3. Close your eyes and mentally imagine how two beams of light come out of the center of the open palms and cross somewhere high in the sky
  4. “See” how the energy of the sun flows through the rays back to the center of the palms, then through the arms and spreads throughout the body.
  5. Stand for 5-10 minutes until slight fatigue sets in.

If the exercise is performed correctly, then a strong heat is felt when gaining energy, and people with a good imagination are thrown into a fever. After 5-10 minutes of rest, you can proceed to the second phase of preparation for the ritual.

Building an energy channel

Channeling for a call is not black or even white magic. This is work with its own energy - the most powerful force for any ritual. Such a channel operates instantly between loving people. Through it, you can make an urgent call at any distance.

Before the ritual, you need to fill yourself with energy

The energy connection allows you to make sure that the husband returns home, the loved one comes, the child, if he does not answer the phone, answers or calls himself. This is the most reliable option for emergencies, in which loved ones respond almost instantly.

When building an energy channel, you can use natural elements: fire, water and air. For beginners, fire is more suitable when it has to think about the object of passion during the ritual with a candle. More experienced magicians you need to whisper water and directly address the air masses.

Effective rituals to challenge a person

Photo manipulation

To call a loved one by photo, you need his picture and a candle. Stages of the ceremony:

  1. Having retired at any time of the day in a room, you need to put a photo in front of you and light a candle.
  2. Then you should mentally recall the image of the beloved man or woman and imagine that he or she is nearby. It does not hurt to remember the habits, gestures and smile of the object desired by the heart.
  3. When the mental image becomes stable, looking at the flame of a candle, you need to convey your thoughts and emotions. A powerful message can make the fire tremble.

Immediately or after some time, the called person will make itself felt. A correctly sent call has an immediate effect. If the call did not work the first time, you need to repeat the message later by completing the exercise to gain energy. In one day, you should not repeat the attempt more than 3 times.

Call on the doorstep

The powerful challenge of a beloved man from Natalia Stepanova acts like black magic (suppression of willpower).

The ritual is carried out on the threshold of the house

In order for a son, husband or beloved man to come, you need to stand on the threshold, turning your face into the room, rest your hands on the doorposts and say the words:

“I call to my doorstep the servant of God (name). As this threshold is under my feet, the jambs are under my hands, so you, the servant of God (name), walk under my will. Servant of God (name), come to me! Amen".

After that, you should light a wax candle and, “cutting” the flame with scissors, say other words:

“As this wax melts from burning fire, so you, servant of God (name), from my mighty slander will come and appear before my clear eyes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

For salt

To return home prodigal son or husband, you can use regular salt. To complete the call, you need to heat the pan and pour a handful of salt. When the salt heats up and begins to crack, you should read the plot 12 times:

“Come to me, do not resist me, slave (name). Let your heart cry, and your soul ache for me, like this salt burns.

After that, you need to open the windows so that the wind walks in the house. You can repeat a proven plot no more than 3 times a day.

On a scarf and a candle

This is a magical rite, so you need to let your hair down, put on your shirt back to front inside out and close the curtains on the windows.

Before the ritual, you need to light a candle

A new headscarf should be laid on the table and a white candle should be lit. Sitting at the table, you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

“I am waiting for you, like a hungry one - dinner, a beggar - alms, a sick person - recovery. I am sending three messenger angels after you: Gabriel, Zazel and Firiel. And let them not return without you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This is white magic, and after it, an instant call of a loved one will work.

To the wind

“I lie down - I pray, I get up - I am baptized. Under the earth is a worm, above the earth is a beast. Above the sun and the moon, and I am alone. As I think, as I think, so may the Lord God bless, the Mother of God helps. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading the plot, you must formulate your desire and mentally send it to your loved one. The call is repeated 3 days in a row.

This conspiracy is good because the one who pronounces it becomes a leader in the relationship and everything happens the way he wants.

There are a lot of working conspiracies and rituals. Everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves. Those who are fond of runes can make a runic challenge that works just as effectively. To make a challenge, you need to at least try to make it.

In magic, there are various conspiracies and rituals to call the right person. Choose the most suitable way for you to call right person or alternately try several of them.

1. Rite to call the desired object "Bassoon".

Read this conspiracy: “Bassoon, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind (name of the right person) with fire, sky, earth, rainbow, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Peppe, Peppe, Elera and in the name of all devils . Burn his heart and soul until he appears before me to fulfill all my orders and wishes! Beat him with lightning, ashes, a storm, so that he doesn’t sleep, he didn’t stand still, didn’t do anything, didn’t think, didn’t eat, didn’t drink, neither with a man, nor with a woman, nor with a girl did he speak until he appeared before me to carry out my orders!

2. Vedic ritual to challenge.

At night, by the light of the moon, stand in the center of the drawn circle, and try to remember the person you are calling as accurately and in more detail as possible. Then close your eyes and read the conspiracy to challenge:

“By the power of my word, by the power of my deed and mine, I came to you! (Name of the right person) come to me, as the waters go to the moon! Your craving for me cannot be appeased, so you want to meet me! As said, so shall it be!"

3. Conspiracy to call through the door jamb.

Stand in the doorway facing the street and grab onto the doorposts. Then read this conspiracy-call:

“Like jambs under my hands, like a door threshold under my feet, so you (name of a person) come here at my request, now show yourself in front of me! Let it be so!".

4. Satanic conspiracy to challenge.

On the photo of the right person, draw an inverted cross with a black pencil, marker or charcoal (the crosshairs should be at the level of the heart), light a black candle and say:

“I ask, and Satan commands you (the name of the person)! Respond, appear, show yourself before your eyes! My request is strong, and the word of Satan is the law! You can’t argue with him, you can’t disobey! It's not the needle that pierces your heart, it's the word of Satan that pierces you! Let it be so!".

This conspiracy must be read nine times, each time piercing the heart of the person depicted in the photograph with a sharp needle heated in the flame of a candle.

After making the call, leave the photo in place and do not touch until the person appears at your place.

5. Witch's call of the desired object.

This ceremony should be performed on Saturday. Curtain all the windows in the house with dark curtains, lay a new scarf on the table, light a candle, and let your hair down.

Sitting in front of the table, read the spell:

“I am waiting for you, like a hungry one - food, a beggar - alms, a sick person - relief. I am sending three messenger angels after you: Gabriel, Zazel, and Firiel. And let them not return without you. In the name of the father, son and holy spirit, Amen!

6. How to call the right person through sewing.

Sit facing east. Take your undershirt and sew twelve buttons onto it with black thread. Each time cut the thread with a knife and read the following plot:

“Theophan the recluse, have mercy on me! Come to the servant of God (the name of the person) and bring him to me, the servant of God (your name). Free the way to the meeting and don’t delay the meeting, don’t delay and don’t let the old, or the young, or believers, or sinners, or wives or husbands, or higher ranks or lower ranks, neither the first nor the last. Twelve apostles, may this meeting come true! Amen!".

After sewing on the last button and reading the last plot, you need to put this T-shirt on your naked body and do not take it off for twelve days. Usually, a meeting with the right person takes place on these days.

7. How to call the right person with a candle.

On the candle with a sharp needle, scratch the name of the person you wish to meet. Then stick this needle into the candle parallel to the wick up to the eye. Light a candle and say a conspiracy seven times to call the right person:

“The candle was not pierced with a needle, but the heart of a servant of God (name of a person), I pierced with my desire! Let him rush to me, let the desire of the meeting come true!

Leave the candle to burn out, and at this time imagine how your meeting will take place.

8. How to call a person through the water.

Pour water slowly from a decanter into a glass and say (three times): "Here is your water, come (person's name) to get drunk!". You need to read the conspiracy to water so that your breath touches the water.

Put the charmed water on the threshold of your house for the night. The right person should come the next day.

9. Conspiracies and rites of calling out the window.

Light a candle, and holding it in your hand, go to an open window or door and say:

“Come to me, clear falcon, not along one path, but along all at once! Listen to my order, here is my threshold for you - here you live, here you go! Servant of God (name), come to me. I stand before you and wait for you now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen!".

10. Call to the wind.

Wave your hand into the wind and say;

“As the wind carried the dust, drove the clouds, so let my words carry! Take, wind, my words to the servant of God (name). Damn the wind, hell against the wind and my challenge with him. Wherever you are, wherever you live, you will come to me and bring your soul! Amen!".

11. Fiery call of the right person.

On a piece of paper you need to write full name and the date of birth of the person you want to see. This note should be put in a fireproof dish, covered with dried rose petals and burned. While the paper is burning, you need to read the following text:

“By the forces of love (name of a person), I conjure to come to me, to meet with me. Wish me a meeting and hurry up on a date! Disperse the resulting ashes in the wind.

12. How to call the right person through the air.

On paper, draw a symbol for the element of Air. Under the picture, write the name of the person you need, imagine that your meeting has already taken place and say:

“I ask you, element of Air, Help me convey my message to (person's name). Let him call me quickly or make an appointment!”.

13. How to call the right person using the energy of the crossroads.

On a windy day, stand in the middle of a pedestrian crossing and shout out the name of the person in question. Once you need to shout into the wind, and once into the wind. After that, you need to silently go home, and do not look back.

14. Rite to call a loved one in the window.

At night, stick your head out the window and say nine times:

“(Name of a loved one) was walking, tired and I called him. Let (person's name) rush about and suffer until whoever calls him recognizes. I call (name), come to me to get to know me. Carry, wind, to (name) my words. May what she said come true!

To make your rituals, ceremonies and conspiracies work, use visualization of the final result and concentration in them. To do this, spend some time learning the basics of magical art and self-improvement. If the rite of call is very complicated rite then contact the experts for help.

The right person disappeared, forgot about you, or simply does not know about your existence? To influence him and arouse interest, there are strong workers magical ways. The object, under their influence, will remember you, inflame with desire or gladly fulfill your request.

Call for mirror water

On any Thursday, take a mirror, immerse it in a container of water, look through the water into the mirror and read the plot seven times:

“Two secret smooth surfaces, one water, the second mirror
Yes, I send a cry across the surface of the water
Yes, through the mirror surface I call out the messenger
Spirit of the dark, hellish rati minion
Go to him in a dusty way
Through the rivers, where there is no water, but tears.
Through the mountains those brawlers,
Through those forests of darkness,
Through the meadows those graveyards,
Yes, everything is shrouded in a cursed mist.
wolf howl everything is tangled up
Blackbook rumor, witch blood
Yes, that distant thrice damned edge.
Yes, in the edge of that soul that is rejected.
Bodies that do not know the spirit, that they are thrown by a movie,
Yes, wanderers are collected there.
Who in the crowded world disappeared,
During the day with fire, at night you can’t find a cry,
Do not shed tears, do not reprimand with prayer.
In that land, the lost darling,
In that region, a stray darling, a sick woman.
Yes, look for you with a roar, spin, spin,
Yes, a crow's eye, find there (name),
Yes, with a firm grip of his speck,
On this crowded path, wear it.
Lead him incorruptible, dear blasphemy,
Yes, through the stones that are created with bones,
Lakes and rivers that are full of tears,
Yes, deadly edges, funeral prayers,
Yes, the path is straight, drag him (name) with an arrow.
Indulgent, hellish rati servant,
Lead him, stray, lead him with a chain,
Rainbow, yes forty days a resting place,
Yes, thirteen devils point to you,
The seventh psalm is by wondrous power.
With such a move, black care,
Lead him (name), yes straight to (name).
Take me, yes, through the surface of the first cry, let the rumor go,
As it goes, so (name) will reach the edge of that,
As it reaches the edge, so (name) will come to (name)
The second smooth surface, which is mirrored, is conjured,
Way, soul, spirit like body (name) to (name) fit
Together they are now one fate,
Do not disperse, do not leave, do not go through.
This is a black deed, a spell of two smooth surfaces.
I send a messenger, what I am told to do, I fulfill it.

Take a mirror out of the water, pour water into a bowl and set it to boil, as soon as the water boils, throw in there, either a part of some thing, or a part of the clothes of the person called, you can take a photo. If there is no such item, then throw a note with its name. When all this boils, look at the steam and say nine times:

“I create a black call, a messenger for the soul,
I send (name) in spirit and body.
You are seething, boil, yes, through this call, the blood in the veins of (name) boils, but boil the heart with melancholy.
It will be a move he will go, but to (name) escape to wander.
That call is black, the messenger is sent in a move,
(name) and (name) bring him together.

Boil the water a little more so that the steam goes, then cool it and pour it at the crossroads or into any body of water.

Challenge for a glass of salt

At midnight, put a crystal glass on the table and fill it halfway with salt. Turn the church candle over and stick it in the salt. Sit in front of a candle, light it, and, looking at the fire, read:

“Angel Satan, the Lord has given you strength, that strength is to do evil, punish and conquer.
Inclining my relics to you, I ask you for help.
Release your devils, my 12 brothers.
Fly, my brothers, to the slave (name), take with you sorrow-longing for me in his heart, put it in his heart, torment him with heavy longing. Push in the back, turn his legs towards me.
Damn brothers, help, subdue the slave (name) to my will. Until (name) stands in front of me, longing will get him.
My words are orders, damn orders. No sooner said than done. And it will be so!

The candle must burn out. Then throw salt out the window along with the ransom - any coins, and say: "Brothers to work."
Go to bed.

Call to the wind

Wait for a windy night, and through the window, into the wind, say the spell nine times:

“Wind howling, crying, but demonic deeds in one binder and in whom to braid. Howling howling, yes, grinning like a wolf, fly in a terrible lump to the house of a slave (name), crush him, torment, shake him so that he suffers, but he ran to me, fell on his knees, kissed my legs, did not leave me, but he loved me alone , pardoned and honored, but without me he would howl and whine. Cursed! Cursed! Cursed!”

Payback: small coins in the window.

Call for two candles

Do it in any environment. The phase of the moon doesn't matter. Weave together two wax candles and say:

“As they used to walk in two ways, now they walk alone, (name) to (name) through a candle. Amen".

Place the twisted candle in the middle of the plate. On each side of the plate, draw a cross in advance - 4 crosses in total. To the left of the plate, put a piece of black bread and say:

“On the way, the road (name) to walk,
Yes, not with one flame, but with two,
It burns, burns, (name) drives to (name). Amen".

Place a piece to the right of the plate white bread and say:

“To the black messenger that drives prodigal souls,
So let (name) drive to (name) with a fit.
My words are strong, that messenger is on the tooth. Amen".

Put a nickel in front of the plate and behind it and say:

“I pay off with a nickel, but I invite my darling (name) on the way to (name). Whirlwind him to fly to me. Amen".

Light the twisted candles and say:

“As one flame went out from two, so will the body be one, which is given to two. As this flame blazes like a blaze, so (name) hurries to (name), black paths for him to go, but not to go astray.
It is conjured, it is entrusted, everything is paid for everyone. Amen".

The candle must burn out completely. Then the bread must be given to stray dogs or taken to a place where the dogs will eat it. Pyataki to give as alms.

Smoke call for smokers

Smoke a cigarette, do not blow the smoke, but let it come out on its own, with the words of a conspiracy. Hold the cigarette so that the ashes do not fall. We dragged on, we pronounce a line from the plot, releasing smoke, and so on each line:

"King of Smoke-Smoke,
Bring (name), to me (your name),
Past all the yards, past all the houses,
Direct road to my doorstep!
It's been said! Made!".

Read 3 times without distraction. Then silently wait for the cigarette to smolder itself, shake off all the ashes on your hand, and blow it into the wind. Wrap the cigarette butt in a piece of paper with the name of the person you are calling. Once the meeting happens, you can throw everything away.

Call for bay leaves

Do it at night time. Throw three bay leaves into a fire or a pot of fire. When they flare up, say:

"Laurel leaves,
that are on fire,
Let (name)
Come to me!"

The leaves must be taken with the left hand, thrown into the fire, read the plot. Do this three times.

Button Challenge

Sit facing east, and sew on 12 buttons, read the plot on each. You can sew on any fabric - not necessarily a thing called. Cut the thread only with a knife.

“Lord, have mercy on me.
O Theophan the recluse, come to inner man
And excite the attention of the slave (name) to me, the slave (name).
Open the road to meet and do not delay the meeting.
Do not delay, and do not let delay
Neither old nor young
Neither believers nor sinners
Neither wives nor husbands
Neither the higher ranks, nor the lower ranks,
Neither the first nor the last.
Twelve Disciples of Christ
May they help my meeting. Amen".

photo challenge

Read 9 times on photo:

“Day and night, the blood beats in the temples.
Let your heart begin to whine with longing
I will be your constant vision
In a dream you will see me as an obsession,
I take all your thoughts
Dream about me, I conjure you.
As soon as longing creeps into you,
Your path will turn to me.
Amen, amen, amen."

Call for three messengers

Close all the curtains, lay an unworn handkerchief on the table, light a candle, let down your hair if it is long, sit at the table and read:

“I am waiting for you like a hungry dinner, a beggar - alms, a sick person - recovery. I am sending three messenger angels after you: Gabriel, Zazel and Firiel. And let them not return without you. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Calling the missing to the nodes

At sunset, they tie knots on a rope with the words:

“Loss (name) tie up, to me, (name) respond!”.

The rope is placed in the western corner.
At dawn next day knots are untied with the words:

"Loss (name), untie me, (name) respond."
The rope is placed in the east corner.
If there is clothes of the missing person, then for a man it is possible to tie a knot on the shirt of the sleeve, for a woman - a dress with a knot at the waist.

A call to burnt paper

Take a strip of paper, write the name of the call object from top to bottom three times, with a space of 2-3 cm.
Take a piece of paper in your hand and set it on fire with a match from above (holding the bottom edge). While the top name is burning, you must have time to say:

“How this name burns, so let the heart of the slave (name) kindle to the heart of the slave (name). So that he could neither drink, nor eat, nor sleep, but would still think about the slave (name), but run in her direction. Amen".

So three times, during the burning of each name. Wash the ashes into the water.

Three day challenge

The moon and day do not play a role. If a person is missing, then this prayer-call is read for three days.
Lay a black tablecloth on the table, light 9 wax candles and say to each when you light:

"Know the way".

Put a photo or thing of the person called on the fabric, a small mirror on top. Cut the finger on the right hand, and draw a circle on the mirror with blood, and a cross in the circle.
Read 9 times:

"By the power given by start started,
I conjure, I create this call.
Let my words fly like a black crow,
Circling over the world.
Yes, the church that is in the city of the damned is to look for,
Yes, that church is prayerful - not prayed for.
There is heresy like a fast river,
Nameless prayer book
The lamp that crackles - crackles,
Yes, the priest - an anathema to the service calls.
Yes, that excommunicated priest, censer him with a censer,
Black words, not prayers, pronounce in a dialect.
A tallow candle in front of an image, not an icon,
Yes, that image is black, like the face of a mother, but not God's.
Yes, on the image of 13 saints, but not church ones,
They lived their lives in sin.
Yes, that Satanic offspring, recognized by flour,
Yes, that priest, an anathema, will give praise to this image.
Yes, praise that blasphemy on mother of god,
Yes, that blasphemy will flow into his veins with the power of hell,
Yes, he is endowed with the power of hell.
If someone calls out with a click,
He will call either to himself or to another.
His cry is loud, but through the black vaults,
May he fly like a raven, a fatal arrow.
Yes, he will collect 13 longingly corroded,
Torment terrible tormented.
May they all fly to the human side,
May they find (name) there,
Yes, his heart will be pierced, his blood will boil with boiling water.
From now on, he can’t find a place, forget the rest of the night.
Those 13 eat him with food, with a whip, with a whip.
Yes, hurry (name) to (name), do not know another way, do not find it.
No one will knock him off this path, reject him, or dissuade him.
Fly him with an arrow quick words,
Search for (name), only (name),
Hurry, hurry, hurry to the threshold. Amen".

Then pull out a photo or a thing, put it face down on a bloody cross, in a circle of a mirror and say:

“The cross that is around, so are you (name) to (name) in a hurry. Amen".

Do this for 3 days in a row.

Call fast

Put a photo of a person in front of you, look at him without blinking, and say to yourself:

“The day has passed, the night has passed. I waited for the day, I waited for the night, now I'm waiting for you, (name). Let it be so".

Do this at sunrise and before going to bed for two days. The ritual is simple but very effective. After him, the person, as a rule, is announced.

Calling Thousand and Eight Crows

Open the window at night. Lay a black blanket on the floor. On the bedspread - 5 white coins (only not yellow). Get up on the cover and say:

“Mother Night, in your worlds there is an oak, 1008 ravens sit on the oak. May they find and bring the missing servant of God (name of the missing person)."

Let everything lie until the morning. In the morning, collect and hide the black veil, and give 5 coins to the poor. After a while, the missing person will appear.

Call to return from the road

You need three church candles and a photo of the person called.
We put and light candles in a triangle around the photo.
1 (upper) we say: "Stop."
2 (on the right) we say: "Hold up."
3 (on the left) we say: "Come back to me."
Then we read 9 times:

“I am sending alarm to you (name), I am blocking your roads everywhere. Stop and come back to me."

When the candles burn out, turn the photo over and drip a drop of wax from each candle with the words: “Sealed. Amen".
After the ceremony, we put the photo under our pillow for 3 days.

Anti-call - prevent you from coming to you

Read on the doorstep:

“Lord, help, Lord, bless!
Like a stone on the ground does not stir,
Won't get up, won't go, won't roll over
So are you (name), until I call, do not go,
Don't come near my doorstep.
I close my word, I close my business.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Most Full description in all details - a conspiracy to call a loved one is effective with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

A love spell is always associated with forcing a person to make contact with the performer of the rite. This can happen in many different ways. For example, after the rite, a chance meeting may occur or follow phone call. All rituals of this kind are quite powerful and almost always give results within a week. The main thing is to believe in magic and not doubt your own abilities.

Effective ritual

Any love spell does not bewitch a person and does not awaken in him strong feelings, but is aimed at ensuring that he comes to a meeting or returns from departure faster, so the rite cannot harm either the performer or the victim. In order for the rite to act, it is enough to have a strong desire to see a person.

Using photo

If you have not met a man you liked for a long time and want to see him again, then you can perform the following ceremony. For the ritual you will need a photo of the chosen one.

On Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings for one week, waking up, you need to pick up a photo and first read any prayer with an appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos, after which a special magical conspiracy is spoken three times. Similar actions are performed in the evenings just before bedtime on the same days.

The magic words sound like this:

Household rituals

Very popular are the love calls of the chosen one for certain things. These are very effective rituals and most of them are time-tested, as they came to us from ancient times.

On your doorstep

One of the strong calls of the chosen one is read on the threshold of his own house. You should take a shoe and knock it on the threshold.

Then say these words:

Such a conspiracy to challenge can be used not only by women, but also by men. All that is needed is to slightly modify the magic words.

Calling the chosen one for smoke

A love spell on smoke is very strong and can be used if you urgently need to meet a person in order to talk and clarify the situation. It acts instantly. An important condition of the ritual is the presence of a fireplace or stove. Therefore, such a ceremony is recommended to be carried out in a country house.

For the ceremony, you first need to take a walk in the park or forest where aspen grows, and collect nine pieces of thin small branches from it, which should be broken off directly from the tree. They need to be brought home and folded for kindling in a fireplace or stove. It is important to use other dry branches or tree bark for kindling, but not paper. It is necessary to make sure that the aspen branches are completely burned.

After you set fire to the stacked firewood, you should, looking at the flame, say the following words:

Aspen is a good energy conductor, so it can greatly enhance the directional message.

With salt

Salt is used in various magical rites. It also turns out to be effective if you need to call a chosen one or a chosen one.

The ceremony is held late at night in the kitchen in complete privacy. It is important to remove pets from the premises and turn off all communication equipment. It is necessary to open a window or window and pour salt into a hot frying pan.

Then say these words:

After that, the salt must be poured into an open window.

A conspiracy for a loved one to come to you

There are many various ways using magic to call a loved one. Below are collected the most powerful and effective conspiracies so that the one who is conceived comes.

An important rule for any conspiracy is complete concentration on the person in whose biofield you want to interfere. To feel his personality, find and touch objects belonging to him (her), if there are photographs, carefully look at them, imagine your beloved (beloved) as accurately as possible, feel his (her) presence next to you.

Well, and, of course, unshakable faith in the desired result, full awareness of what you are doing and what you want to get is very important.

Conspiracies for a candle

The plot to read closer to midnight, left alone. Put on any unworn item (preferably beautiful), put a new piece of fabric on the table (tablecloth, scarf), light a church candle. With your head uncovered and your hair loose, sit down at the table and read, mentally focusing on your loved one and the desire that he come to you.

“I’m waiting for you, I’m waiting, I boast of new things. I send for you the servant of God (name) of my guardian angel. Let me bring you to me. My word is strong. Amen"

To make a loved one appear, a plot with seven candles works well. Arrange seven candles around on the table. In the center, put any thing belonging to the called person (you can have his photo). Light a flame on one candle, then use it to light all the others, saying:

“The wax of the candle melts - it melts, it toils from the fire. So you, the servant of God (name), cannot find a place without me, you long to come to me. You will come and I will take you. Amen. Amen. Amen"

The plot must be read seven times. Then say: "As you said, so be it." Blow out the candles and hide them in a secluded place. The next time you need to call the same person, you can use them again.

On a lit candle, cut off the tip of the wick with scissors and read:

“I don’t cut candles - I torment your heart, I don’t melt wax - I torment your soul. Here is my command to you, come to me that hour! Appear before my eyes as I command. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Conspiracies to the wind

At the crossroads, shout the name of your beloved (beloved), calling to you, on each of the four sides.

During strong wind stand facing him. It is best to read the plot on a hill.

“The wind is glorious, you walk everywhere. Whisper to my dear (my dear), how I am waiting for him (her). Let it fly to me on your wings, let it strive towards me with your strength. Fly from me with news, come back to me with (name) "

The call is valid only in windy weather.

“Millenok, come, look at my beauty. I locked your darling under a barn lock, come to me for the key. The word is strong, the challenge is holy"

conspiracy for food

In the evening, going to bed, you need to put on the table various goodies for the brownie (the products must be natural: porridge with butter, milk, honey, dried fruits, and so on). Say this spell:

“You are a brownie, wise and powerful. Accept gifts, yes a new guest in the house. Invite well, but courte better. Let (name) come to this house and stay for a long time. Amen"

In the morning at breakfast, eating treats for the brownie, say:

“The brownie ate, but he called his beloved. So that (name) comes and tastes my sweets. As my food is delicious, so am I pleasant (name) "

Calling to myself own will a person and feeling some power over your lover, you may be tempted to use these conspiracies as often as possible. Should not be doing that. Use magic not for fun, but only when necessary.

Spell and love magic

Forum about magic and magical help - astarta.pp.ru

High-quality problem solving: love magic, love spell, lapel, love plot, removal of the crown of celibacy

They take a dress or shirt, tie it in a knot, hang it from the ceiling by a rope,

put the knife with a sharp end in a corner and say:

Bring the slave (name)!

Until he comes to his house,

will not find peace in the heart.

Through the spark plugs

torture and suffering.

The apple is broken into 2 halves, one must be eaten immediately, the second is placed next to the knife.

They light a candle, and when it burns out, the next one, and so 40 candles.

The call will make the missing person make himself known: call, write or return.

Spell to meet a person

come to the inner man

and excite the attention of the slave (name)

to me, slave (name).

Open the way to meet

and don't delay the meeting

do not delay and do not let delay

neither old nor young

neither believers nor sinners,

neither wives nor husbands,

nor the higher ranks,

nor the lower ranks,

neither the first nor the last.

12 disciples of Christ

May they help my meeting. Amen.

Call for a handkerchief

"la, il-la, il, alla, alla ekber."

Try to read through an open window or an open window such calling on a loved one:

Four brothers, four winds

Fly and find me a servant of God (name).

Grab him tight, hold him tight

Let him toil with his soul, rush in my direction.

He yearns for me, for God's servant (name).

How a mother cries for her child

A mare over a foal, a sheep screams over a lamb.

Smoke next to the fire, hooves along with the horse,

Land near water, melancholy near trouble.

Go, brothers, to the cemetery,

The dead sleep there, the coffins of the dead guard.

People cried for them, suffered,

They did not know peace in their hearts.

May the servant of God (name) miss me the same way,

According to the baptized servant of God (name).

By my word it will appear,

At my feet, will remain.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen! Amen! Amen!

Call a man, make a man come

Call a loved one to the street:

Candle conspiracy

I trust in you, I come running to you.

My hope is in you and in ever-virgin Mary

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Water is good, oozing,

Reach out to the narrowed mummer,

So that he knows how I wait for him,

How I miss him

How do I get out without him.

Voditsa water, spill today,

Spread over the earth

Merge with the oceanic sea,

Run to the sweetheart

Show me the way.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Read after nine times "Our Father".

On Saturday, you cover the table with an unworn white handkerchief, light a candle and read the following: “I am waiting for you like a hungry dinner, a beggar, a sick person to recover. I am sending three messenger angels Gabriel, Zazel and Fariel after you, and may they not return without you. In the name of father and son and holy spirit. Amen".

Another call option

If it happened big quarrel between you and your beloved, as they say, rested his horn and revels in his own resentment, then call him as follows.



Bassoon, take possession, BURN THE HEART, BODY, SOUL, BLOOD, SPIRIT, MIND (NAME)





Magic rituals to call a loved one to a meeting

Love is essential to happy life each person. They strive for it, seek it and cherish it, as the very treasure of the world. Sometimes, on the way to the bright wonderful feeling the most unexpected obstacles arise, and sometimes love cools down and emptiness appears in its place. The call of a loved one is a call that does not affect the will of a man, but assents him to you.

Magic rituals will help arouse interest in a man

Magic will help you call your loved one

Such a conspiracy is easy to perform and is in great demand among women of all age categories. Your energy, combined with an irresistible desire to see your beloved guy, work real miracles. Rites that give an instant effect or long rituals that gradually reveal the power of the call - the choice is yours. The stronger your connection with your loved one, the better the conspiracy will work and soon the man you miss will make itself felt. A powerful challenge will not solve all problems in your personal life, but it will help restore former harmony and love.

The nature of calling a loved one and the principle of its action

Often a powerful call of a loved one is confused with a similar love spell. The main distinguishing feature of these rituals is the power of influence on the energy of another person. The love spell is much tougher, taking away a part of their own will from men. Conspiracies for a person to come to you, and not just like that, but with an open mind - only affect the temporary impulses and actions of your companion.

Thus, the charmed person has a choice, and if your connection with him is not strong enough, the call will not work. Black magic and runes in rituals are always purposeful coercion, requiring abolition in the form of lapel rituals. No kind of magical manipulation can create a new bright feeling out of nothing.

Magic will increase attraction

Reinforcing old relationships is possible, restoring old attachments is quite realistic, but making someone fall in love with you is a meaningless task. A magician with many years of experience in cases involving love magic often encounters women who crave unrequited love. Despite the strength of such a desire, even the strongest love spells are doomed to failure.

Minimal, quick effect only creates the appearance good result. Before you make a ritual to achieve a particular male addiction, consider the consequences of your actions. Do you need this person? And will it really make you happy? If you are confident in your own intentions, then feel free to go to sorcerers, experienced and skilled magicians, or, if we are talking about making a call, make a simple call at home.

After the ceremony, the man will immediately feel a powerful craving for the woman.

  • an obsessive thought about you;
  • a strong desire to call you;
  • irresistible craving for a personal meeting.

A simple conspiracy acts in any available direction, if the object of the ritual is far from you (the caller lives in another city) - he will make every attempt to contact you remotely. A persistent man in love will find a reason to meet or arrange a chance meeting.

Each conspiracy needs paraphernalia, auxiliary things or items that help direct energy in the direction you need. You can perform rituals in any secluded place where no one will disturb you. Calling on a lover is more of a necessity than a whim. If you miss a man, help him make the first move.

Calling a loved one by photo

Magical influences on a person through his picture are one of the most common techniques in love spells. If you have a chance to find a photo of your lover, then such rituals work quickly and without a hitch. The main condition under which this powerful challenge is effective is that the picture should not contain an image of strangers. All your strengths and desires will be directed only to the object of sympathy.

For a simple ritual, you don’t have to look for ingredients that are rare in nature for a long time. All you really need for the call to work correctly is:

  • a picture of a loved one;
  • marker;
  • a candle bought in a church.

How to conduct a ritual

Such rituals are performed several times, depending on the distance between you and your loved one, as well as the degree of expected binding. To strengthen the call, take the following actions:

  1. Flip your lover's photo so you can't see the image. On reverse side legibly write the name of the object of sympathy.
  2. Put the photo aside, light a church candle and say in a whisper:

“As the day has passed, and the night has gone, so I am waiting for you, the servant of God (name of the chosen one).”

  • As soon as you finish the plot, put out the candle, and sprinkle the photo with liquid wax (3 times).
  • Expect news from your loved one.
  • The rituals of calling the object of sympathy by his photo work on the second day. Otherwise, repeat the main part of the ritual again. You can perform magical actions of this type at any time of the day and at any position of the moon.

    Calling a loved one with the help of gypsy magic

    Rituals using ancient gypsy knowledge have always been very popular. Thanks to powerful rituals, you will be able to quickly and without special skills remind your loved one of yourself, attract his attention and take possession of all his thoughts. The challenge acts in such a way that you will become a real flood for your beloved. Having performed a secret rite once, you will get a lasting long-term effect that allows you to finally bind the object of sympathy by other methods.

    What is needed for the ritual

    To perform the ritual, you do not have to run around shops or special magical shops, everything you need will be found at home:

    For the ceremony you will need a dry bay leaf

    • dry bay leaf;
    • red threads;
    • nearest natural body of water.

    The threads used in the ceremony, choose especially carefully. Synthetic variants will not work in such a strong challenge.

    How to conduct a ritual

    To carry out a magical action, so that a person feels a strong attachment to you, it will take no more than a day. The call is made in the exact sequence:

    1. Take three bay leaves and fasten them with red thread.
    2. Go to the river or stream, release the bundle with the words:

    "The leaf that clean water floats, to me the beloved (Name) will bring.

  • Return home and with peace of mind expect the soonest changes in your personal life.
  • Do not abuse powerful magic. Carry out manipulations with the thread once a month, and in no case earlier. The ideal moment for the ritual is the period of the growing moon.

    Calling a loved one through dreams

    Another echo of gypsy magic is a strong challenge to the right person through their own dreams. A love spell through such a phenomenon as a dream on the growing moon is able to call (call) even the most distant man from you. Rites are performed only at night, after sunset. The call passes quickly, and its effect is noticeable after a couple of days. So, your main weapon is patience.

    What is needed for the ritual

    All rituals, both black and white, need to be recharged, therefore, in gypsy rituals, things consecrated in temples, water or other items you need are used. To call a loved one through dreams, you will need:

    A pocket mirror is one of the main attributes for the ceremony.

    • an ordinary candle from a church;
    • photo of your passion;
    • pocket mirror;
    • natural thread.

    Traditionally, a thread for such effects is chosen in bright red colors (immediately conspicuous).

    How to conduct a ritual

    Experienced healers recommend undergoing purification from bad thoughts, before making the main call to the love object. If it is impossible to carry out a full-fledged energy cleansing, go to the temple and confess. Ask God for help and humility. For the summoning ritual, you must follow the exact sequence of actions:

    1. Arrange the items for the ritual in the right order: a mirror is left in front of a picture of a loved one, and candles are placed on two opposite sides.
    2. The fire must be displayed in the mirror.
    3. Repeat to yourself three times:

    “I will come to you in a dream. Do not drive me away, accept me as my own.

  • Wait until the candles burn out completely.
  • Tie the rest of the wax with thread.
  • At dawn, find the crossroads of two roads and leave a bundle at the crossroads.
  • Return home with peace of mind.
  • On the night of the ceremony, the man you wished for will see a dream where you call him. In the morning, the object of your sympathy will have an obsessive desire to see, talk, meet, or regularly come under your house. The spell works like an instant call.

    A sharp conspiracy to return a lover

    You can call your loved one in many ways. Some will be stirred up by a simple call, while others need a significant push. A challenge made using hot peppers gives quick and lasting results. Everyone in the kitchen cabinet will find pepper, most often used in cooking spicy dishes. Seasonings in the form of peas are preferred for the ceremony.

    What is needed for the ritual

    Conspiracies that bring quick results are always not expensive money and fairly easy to implement. For an acute ceremony to return a loved one, you will need:

    Hot pepper is necessary for the "hot" return of a loved one

    For the ceremony, both pure pepper and its mixtures will do. The main thing is that the main "ingredient" has a holistic structure.

    How to conduct a ritual

    It is difficult to imagine a simpler and more effective ceremony. You just need to retire to the kitchen, and spend no more than 20 minutes of free time. The conspiracy is pronounced under the following conditions:

    1. Turn on the stove, put the pan on the fire.
    2. Drop the pepper and repeat three times:

    “As this pepper is heated, so the servant of God (the name of the chosen one) will cling to me. Amen".

  • Bury the pepper under a healthy tree in your yard.
  • It is advisable, with the help of such a rite, to call a person with whom the connection has abruptly ended. A man called with the help of an acute love spell will remind you of himself the very next day.
  • A love spell so that he, that is, the man you dreamed about and secretly always loved, could come with eyes full of love and longing, solve all problems? Black magic and runes, white magical challenge or any other influence only open an already existing attachment inside a person. You can't rely on magic.

    Happiness lies in sincerity, in reciprocity, and therefore it is simply impossible to force someone to love that he did not ask for. If the called object, after all the manipulations (powerful magic, calls and runic black love spell) remains indifferent, think about whether it is worth the effort. Take care of yourself, and a love spell or simple help in binding will return only really worthy people. People say “what is not mine does not come to me” and this phrase contains the whole meaning of love spells.

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    Effective conspiracies to call a loved one


    Challenges are one of the most popular short spells in love magic. You direct all your energies for one purpose - to call your loved one, to remind him of yourself. If your magical abilities well developed, the challenge works wonders. A person responds to the call within a few minutes. Achieving such results is not easy, but over time you will succeed. The closer the connection with a person, the sooner he will hear you and come, call, meet. Try different challenges and decide which one is right for your lover. Challenge spells have been known since ancient times, they were especially popular in gypsy magic. Everything you need for the ritual can be found at your home or in the church shop. Draw the attention of your loved one, call him using your abilities.


    The call resembles a love spell, but only in a very mild form. love spell, black or white, it's always a compulsion. No mage can create love out of nothing. If there is no sympathy and communication between people, little can help. Challenge does not create love, but pushes a person to action. If you like a guy or a man, you feel sympathy, hope for his reciprocity - try the challenges. This is your energy message, which a person receives in the form of:

    Strong desire to call, meet;

    The need to see you soon.

    Each such conspiracy involves a small ritual. You use a photo of a person, a candle, a mirror, sometimes it is enough just to write his name, date of birth on a piece of paper. There is one important rule: if you are not familiar, do not communicate - the call will not work. If you are not familiar, then the person simply will not receive any information. When we communicate, our energy channels are intertwined, leaving thin threads, thoughts, by which your spell will find a person. If they don't, it's just a waste of time and your energy.

    If you are not familiar, then the person simply will not receive any information. When we communicate, our energy channels are intertwined, leaving thin threads, thoughts, by which your spell will find a person. If they don't, it's just a waste of time and your energy.

    For strong practitioners with a predisposition to love magic, calls work almost immediately: a call or a message in the very first 10-15 minutes. When you are just starting out, this effect may not be there. A call or a chance meeting should be expected 2-4 days after the ritual. Let it not bother you. The closer you know each other, the more often you talk, the sooner the conspiracy will unfold. Great for shy girls who don't want to make the first move. Push your lover to action, inspire him to call you as soon as possible. It's easier than it looks.


    You will need a photo of your loved one or loved one. On the back, write your names in black marker. Put the photo on the table, pick up a lit church candle. The plot is simple, but it must be learned by heart:

    “The day has passed and the night has passed. I waited for the day and I waited for the night. Now I'm waiting for you, (name of the callee)."

    Say it once. The candle must be quickly blown out, and wax dripped on the photo three times. This conspiracy is quite fast - it will take 1-2 days and the person will make itself felt. If this does not happen, then you can repeat the ritual. It is done on any day of the week and on any moon. If it didn’t work out three times in a row, then wait a month. This is a strong ritual, if it does not work, then the person feels for you negative emotions does not want to communicate at all.

    This option is suitable for those who are just starting to communicate. You are in love, but you don’t know if the person reciprocates or not. It's easy to check. Holy water must be taken from the church on Friday.

    1. Pour holy water into a new cup, and put a needle under the cup.

    2. Lean very close to the water, say three times:

    “I am waiting for you like a hungry-lunch, a beggar-alms, a sick-recovery. I am sending three messenger angels after you: Gabriel, Zazel and Firiel. And let them not return without you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    3. You need to drink water, and leave the needle where you are. last time saw a loved one.

    Works from 3 days to 1 week. This is an effective option that can push people to communicate, help develop sympathy. The plot can be repeated only if nothing happened in 1 week.


    This ritual is very simple, but do not underestimate it. He will literally pull your loved one to you. Can be random encounters, sudden calls. You need to buy dry bay leaves and a new ball of red woolen thread. The call will come by water, so you need to work near the river. Fasten three laurel leaves with a thread, let them into the water, each time saying:

    “A leaf floats along the river, He will call my beloved (name) to me.”

    It is done once a month, not more often. The most ideal time is the growing moon. The moon is growing, and the longing for you in your loved one increases.


    This method also applies to gypsy magic. A short conspiracy must be pronounced at night, when the moon has already entered the sky. Take a photo of a loved one, two church candles and a mirror.

    1. Place a mirror in front of the photo, and two candles on the sides.

    2. Let the flame of the candles be reflected in the mirror.

    “I will come to you in a dream. Do not drive me away, but come to me yourself.

    4. Let the candles burn out completely. Cinders need to be tied with a red thread and thrown away at the crossroads in the morning.

    The beloved will dream about you. In a dream, you will call him, and in the morning he will really want to see or call. The plot works very quickly if you are well acquainted. It is suitable for those who are in a quarrel. Love energy encourages you to forget insults, rather call you.

    Heat the pan well on the fire, throw peppercorns on it. Peppers will start to jump, burst, fry. Then say:

    “As this pepper rushes about and toils in a hot frying pan, so let the servant of God (name) rush about and toil until he comes to the servant of God (name) Amen.”

    The person will toil until he contacts you. This conspiracy is used when you need to see or phone as quickly as possible. Works in the first 2-3 days. You can do it on any moon, but the full one works best.


    Love magic practitioners are ready to give you some useful tips. Start with challenges, and then move on to more complex rituals and love spells.

    Notice the ritual.

    Follow the rules for a successful ritual challenge:

    The ritual must be completed in full. If the moon phase, day or hour is indicated when you need to make a call, follow these rules. Sometimes you have to wait for optimal conditions. Do not rush, because the rituals are designed to take into account all possible beneficial and harmful factors;

    Use only the ingredients and items that are required. If it is indicated that you need to take church candles, then an ordinary one will not work. Be sure to go to church, buy a new candle. Do not neglect the conditions, do not spare money for what you need;

    Don't make a call if you're in a bad mood, angry. You send a piece of your energy to a person.

    If it doesn't work the first time, don't fret. Try another day, another challenge.

    Even such a simple ritual as a challenge requires preparation. Try meditation and visualization:

    1. Sit in a comfortable position on the floor. It is best to cross your legs in the east.

    2. While meditating, turn off your phones, computer, TV. Only quiet relaxing music is allowed. Mantras, sounds of nature.

    3. Relax completely, leave all thoughts at the door.

    4. Remember your loved one, think about him, imagine. Visualization already works wonders. For strong practitioners, the challenge occurs during a clear visualization of the object. Hold his image in front of your eyes for as long as possible.

    5. After 5-10 minutes, you can start the ritual.

    Calling a loved one is not difficult, but it is worth preparing for the ritual thoroughly. The more often you practice this magic, the faster it works. A loved one will feel an irresistible force drawing to you. The more you practice, the greater the effect. This is a powerful and proven way to draw attention to yourself. Do not neglect a great opportunity, try the vintage challenges. Rituals must be performed completely, because the result depends on them.
