Turgenev sparrow genre. Ideological and artistic analysis of Ivan Turgenev's poem "Sparrow

This is Turgenev's blank verse about the great courage of a little sparrow.

Then something unexpected appears, and the dog reacts by speeding up its steps. It turns out that she smelled (and heard) a little sparrow. The chick, indeed, fell out of the nest, and the dog mistook it for game. The dog inexorably approached the unlucky chick. And suddenly another surprise - on her (right in front of the muzzle) a stone, like a hawk, fell old sparrow. He was protecting his chick. He was not afraid of a dog that is much bigger than him, that has claws and teeth. The author notes that the dog should have seemed like a real monster to the sparrow, but still he was not afraid. Although the author calls it “distorted”, with a disheveled look and a pitiful squeak, a person cannot but admire the courage of a small bird. The miserable (especially in comparison with the dog) sparrow twice even rushed at her muzzle - at bared fangs.

Turgenev emphasizes that Sparrow heroically protects his child. Indeed, he trembles with horror, he is stupefied and hoarse, but does not run. Sparrow sacrifices himself.

Ivan Sergeevich imagines that Sparrow could calmly (or with excitement) sit on his branch - safe. But he jumped into action! Some force greater than himself had inspired him. The bird cared not only for herself, but for her descendants. And it is not enough to say that only instinct spoke in her.

And then Trezor (that same dog) stopped ... And she backed away! She also felt this Power, although she felt embarrassed.

The owner calls the dog, leaves. And there is reverence in his heart. It is this word that characterizes the attitude towards the heroic sparrow.

In the finale, the author appeals to the reader with a request not to laugh at him. And a conclusion is made, in which this force is given a name - love. And this idea is developed by Turgenev. He concludes the poem by saying that it is love that moves the world.

The poem is very logical and concise. There are no unnecessary details in it - even the weather is not described. It is built on the contrast of a miserable sparrow and his heroic deed. Vocabulary is used neutral, and when it comes to this small feat, then solemn. The narrator witnesses the scene and she pushes him to philosophical thoughts.

Analysis 2

The work of I. S. Turgenev with the uncomplicated title "Sparrow", referring to a poem in prose, is a hymn to love in any of its manifestations. It concentrated a bunch of experiences, emotions and other feelings that are associated with surprise, admiration from what he saw. The author proved that not only a person, but also any living creature on earth is able to truly show love, doing crazy things for the sake of someone who is dear to you. It remains an unfathomable mystery to many. But the situation is understandable only to a loving being or a person who is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of another.

The lyrical hero becomes a witness to the fearless actions of the "heroic bird" in relation to his "brainchild" that ended up on earth. An adult bird, flying down with great speed, in turn, finds itself face to face with deadly danger- in front of a hunting dog. The animal looked many times stronger than her, but the bird did not think about its safety. The Trezor, which could have eaten the chick, “backed away.”

The author's attitude to the situation is positive. He remained in awe of the courage of the defenseless bird. But the main thing that the witness of what happened wanted to emphasize was that the bird decided on such a risk out of selfless love for her chick. Sacrificing her life, she acts on the call of instinct, the heart.

The images of the defender and the chick help to create expressive epithets, definitions: “barely sprouting wings”, “old ... sparrow”, “small body”, “with a desperate squeak”. They once again emphasize the physical impotence in front of those who are stronger according to the laws of nature.

However, the author on this example showed that disobedience to fear out of sacrificial love for his children is above all. This applies to all living beings, including humans. The author watches with approval what is happening, since the courage of the bird that protected its chick cannot leave anyone indifferent. After this episode, it seems to him that life is beautiful, since boundless love and heroism take place in it. A special place in the work is given to the description of a force that resembles magic. After all, it is precisely such a conclusion that suggests itself at the moment when the bird consciously goes to death.

In the poem, the author contrasts two concepts - strength and weakness, which animals demonstrate. By their actions, they make you think about what situations each person can find himself in and how to act in order to protect loved ones from trouble. At the same time, Turgenev endows animals with qualities characteristic of people.

Analysis of the poem Sparrow according to plan

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I.S. Turgenev - the initiator special genre in Russian literature. It is named uncomplicated, even too simple for what it is - poems in prose. This is how he combined, it would seem, two opposites, the genius of the pen and the word.

A feature of the genre is the comparison of the prose form of short sketches and poetic speech, philosophical and romantic direction writer's thoughts. This unity allows you to create unique, drawn out, refined, where required, images. A hymn of love and selflessness for the life of a loved one

The poem in prose "Sparrow" sounds.

sketch real picture about the wisdom of human perception of reality is built, oddly enough, on the images of animals and the relationship between them. The main characters are the hunting dog Trezor, whose instincts must be stronger than humanity, and the sparrow, who desperately rushed to the attack in order to save the most precious thing. Animals exhibit behavior that is often inaccessible to humans.

The story is told in the first person. The hunter tells a story that he once happened to observe. The plot is simple but deep meaning embedded in literally every sentence

Compensates for the amount of what the writer said. Structure this work is as follows: first there is an exposition, the hero introduces us to the essence of the matter, then the rapid development of events, and then morality - the conclusion that the hero made from what happened before his eyes. Thus, the work was created not only for spiritual satisfaction or additional information but also for the benefit of the reader, reflections. The writer teaches while entertaining. Some of these prose poems resemble fables, in which the compositional morality is also found after the completion of the plot.

I.S. Turgenev's attention to detail conveys the importance of a particular event for the author. Extensive descriptions of the main characters, as for a small work, are needed for better perception, because it does not happen in literary work something just like that, everything has a meaning, but it needs to be seen and unraveled, and maybe even felt by the soul.

The inconsistency of speech, excitement, feelings, and then admiration reflects the form of the record, which consists in intermittent phrases when the dog began to approach the chick. Reflections and surprise are conveyed by dots and repetitions of words. And proximity to the reader, influence on him is achieved through the construction "I thought" - the writer lets in his thoughts, shares them, and appeals to the reader.

Many phrases can be considered aphorisms, you can think about them for a long time: "a force stronger than his will threw him out of there"- here it is, the power of love and devotion, here is the ability to cherish and appreciate. Love, I thought stronger than death and fear of death. It is only by her, only by love that life is sustained and moved.”- and indeed it is!

Acquaintance with the content of the story "Sparrow" (reception "Reading with stops" and filling out the "Tree of predictions", group work - 4 groups) (Appendix 2)

What can happen in a text with such a title? Write down your guesses on a piece of paper.

Reading 1 part of the text.

“I was returning from hunting and walking along the alley of the garden. The dog ran ahead of me.

Suddenly she slowed down her steps and began to creep, as if sensing game in front of her. I looked along the alley and saw a young sparrow with yellow around the beak and down on the head. He fell from the nest (the wind shook the birches of the alley strongly) and sat motionless, helplessly spreading his barely sprouting wings. My dog ​​was slowly approaching him, when suddenly...

First stop

Reading 2 parts of the text

“.. breaking down from a nearby tree, the old black-breasted sparrow fell like a stone in front of her very muzzle - and all disheveled, distorted, with a desperate and pitiful squeak, jumped twice in the direction of her toothy open mouth.

He rushed to save, he shielded his offspring with himself ... but his whole little body trembled with horror, his voice grew wild and hoarse, he froze, he sacrificed himself!

What a huge monster the dog must have seemed to him! And yet he could not sit on his high, safe branch ... A force stronger than his will threw him out of there ... "

Second stop.

How do you think it will end? Write down your guesses

Reading 3 parts of the text.

My Trezor stopped, backed away... Apparently, he also recognized this power.

I hurried to call the embarrassed dog away - and withdrew, reverent.

Yes; do not laugh. I was in awe of that little heroic bird, of its love impulse.

Love, I thought, is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only it, only love keeps and moves life.

primary perception.

Did you expect such a denouement?

What did you feel when you listened?

Let's take another look at what seems to be small image, with great deeds.

What is our hero?

What do we learn from the text about the sparrow?

Name other characters in the story.

Research with text "Sparrow"

Formation of one's own position

- Analyze the behavior of each of the characters: a dog, a chick, an old sparrow, an author (in groups). You write keywords, combinations of words that characterize each of these images. What words help to introduce each character, what feelings do the characters experience?

Compilation of the "CLUSTER". What is a cluster (on screen) 3 min.

1 group dog

She ran ahead, reduced her steps, began to sneak, slowly approaching.

Toothy open mouth. Stopped, backed away, recognized this force. Confused dog.

2 group Young Sparrow

With yellowness around the beak and down on the head. He fell from the nest, sat motionless, helplessly spreading his barely sprouting wings.

Group 3 Old black-breasted sparrow

Having fallen from a nearby tree, he fell like a stone, all disheveled, distorted, with a desperate and pitiful squeak, he jumped twice in the direction of a toothy open mouth. Rushed to save, shielded his offspring. His small body trembled with horror, his voice grew wild and hoarse, he froze, he sacrificed himself! I couldn't sit on my high, safe branch. A force stronger than his will threw him out of there.

Hunter, loves nature, respects all living things, knows how to feel subtly, sympathizes, worries

Cluster scoring

How do you understand the sentence: ".... he sacrificed himself"?

What made the sparrow sacrifice itself?

What is Ivan Turgenev's story about?

Is love really power? How does the author say about it?

What kind of love is here in question?

So what is main idea(thought) of this poem?

Find a sentence that contains the main idea this poem.

What do you think is more important in this work, feelings or action?

What genre are works that talk about the feelings and experiences of the hero?

- So this is…

Methodical development of the lesson.

8th grade. Russian language. Textbook “Russian language. Grade 8 "M.M. Razumovskaya. Ed. Moscow. Bustard. 2008

Nizhny Novgorod

MBOU secondary school No. 45,

N.M. Podkovyrina

teacher of the highest category


Complex text analysis (I.S. Turgenev "Sparrow").


Consolidation of the topic "Types of predicates."

Repetition of basic speech concepts (main idea, style, type of speech, text structure).

Holding complex analysis text in terms of its main features and structure, belonging to certain functional varieties language, features of language design, use of expressive means (pay special attention to ANTITHESIS).

Work on moral concepts: love, duty, respect, heroism.

Development creativity in building your own text.

Ability to independently find material on the proposed topic.

During the classes.

$11. Working with the text of exercise No. 59

$12. Expressive reading of the text. Phonochrestomathy.

$13. Teacher's word.

So, we have a poem in prose "Sparrow". This lyrical miniature, a wonderful "study from nature" is integral part small poems included in the cycle of "Poems in Prose" by the remarkable Russian writer I.S. Turgenev.

Joyful and sad memories about the past, reflections on life and death, love and truth, kindness, honor and honesty, conscience and faith merge here with the writer in the polyphony of sincere human feelings, inspire deep hope for the best of his homeland.

$14. Class work.

What is a prose poem?

(Small prose work lyrical character, graphically presented as prose. Perceptible repetitions of rhythmically similar syntactic constructions, sound echoes (i.e. those means of expression that are used in poetic speech).

Spelling work. Explain spelling in words:

Along the alley, along the alley, he dropped, motionless, helplessly, slowly, spreading, sprouting, nevertheless, as it were, disheveled, distorted, desperate, embarrassed, close, yellowness.

Punctuation work. Find sentences with adverbial phrases. Do parsing one of them.

write out grammar basics all offers. Determine the types of predicates.

5. Text analysis:

- What style of speech does this text belong to?

(This art style, the main task of which is to draw, depict an event, convey your perception. Such style features as concreteness, figurativeness, emotionality, expressiveness.)

Determine the type of speech.

(This is a narrative with elements of description. In the center of the image is a picture of successive actions. A young sparrow, an old sparrow are described).

Determine the main idea of ​​the text.

Write down the adverbs and determine their role in the text.

6. Let's observe how the actions are described in this text:

- was returning and walked- homogeneous predicates. Imperfect past tense verbs joined by conjunction AND, indicate a leisurely action, and these are synonyms denoting the same action.

Adverb all of a sudden as if a signal for a sharp turn of events, for the beginning of action. Let's pay attention to the explosive sound side of this word: 4 voiced consonants and 1 vowel. Lack of harmony, harmony.

- decreased and began to sneak, as if sensing... - here it is the plot of the action. Sharply decreased and slowly began to sneak (slowness is shown at the lexical and morphological level);

- looked and saw... the instantaneous action is shown by the suffix WELL. So, the action and its result.

- fell down and sat splayed… sequencing. Additional action expressed participle turnover, helps to create the image of a small sparrow.

How is the helplessness of the little sparrow shown?

(At the lexical and morphemic levels. Adverbs STILL, HELELELESS, participial turnover BARELY SPREADING THE WINGS; suffix - YSHK- diminutive. Wings are not just small, they BARELY sprouted.

Why are there so many homogeneous predicates?

(Concretization, fragmentation of action helps to draw a figurative picture).

Again, events are developing smoothly, leisurely - this is indicated by the adverb SLOWLY

And again the adverb ALL OF A SUDDEN changes the situation drastically.


Let's try to replace the participle with a verb. What will change?

(Suddenly an old black-breasted sparrow fell from a nearby tree and fell like a stone in front of her very muzzle). The dynamics are lost, the action slows down. With a participial turnover, actions are performed simultaneously, with lightning speed

Let's go back to the description.

How is the young sparrow described? And the old sparrow?

Is the dog described?

(there are only signs of the object, the actions of which are narrated ... TOOTH OPEN MOUTH, HUGE MONSTER).

What is the description based on?


At what linguistic level is the opposition given?

(First of all on lexical).

Who is opposed to whom?

(Young sparrow with yellowness near the beakold black-chested sparrow.)

Antonyms: young - old. Colours: yellow - black. Chest - near the beak (small breast)

- SMALL BODY IS A HUGE MONSTER(the difference is too obvious. Not just small - big, but small - huge, i.e. polar points). - Select suffixes, determine their meaning.

- ENK- diminutive.

- ISCH-magnifying-scornful (but there is no tinge of disdain here). This means that the opposition is given not only at the lexical, but also at the morphemic level.

So behind BABY, and ahead MONSTER. Why a monster is understandable, but why a brainchild? (Equally, the sparrow is dear to its offspring and the monster is scary)

Is there another antithesis in the text? (Muzzle, toothy open mouth - a desperate pitiful squeak).

- Muzzle and Mouth. What is the stylistic coloring of these words? (Conversational, rude. But in this text it is appropriate).

- STONE FALLED. What picture does this metaphor help paint?

(The metaphor is based on a comparison that helps to paint a picture of a rapid fall.)

Find words in the text that vividly describe the behavior of the "little heroic bird." The author uses emotionally expressive vocabulary (... all disheveled, distorted, with despair and a miserable squeak, he jumped twice). Sparrow not only protects, but also attacks.

How is it shown that the old sparrow sacrificed himself? ( HE RUN TO SAVE, HE SHADED HIS BABY WITH HIMSELF ... BUT HIS ALL LITTLE BODY THROATED WITH HORROR, THE VOICE WAS WILD AND hoarse, HE FEATHERED, HE SACRIFICE YOURSELF!) The role of verbs is especially expressive here. They convey accurately and figuratively all the smallest shades of action. Syntax is also a means of expression. (Repetition of rhythmically similar syntactic constructions).

What is this suggestion for intonation? (exclamation point).

What is the function of the ellipsis here? (The figure of default makes it possible to complete the picture, to imagine all the inexpressible horror that the “heroic bird” experienced.)

What is the role of the adversarial union BUT? (Despite all the heroism, the sacrifice is obvious, the forces were too unequal. It shows hopelessness, despair, the fear of a small bird in front of a huge monster).


What is an intonation sentence? Pay attention to the word order in the sentence. (Here means of expression is the inversion).

Why couldn't the sparrow sit on a high, safe branch? (He did not fall himself, but some force threw him out of there).

What is this power? ( LOVE IS STRONGER THAN DEATH).

What does reverence mean?

At what time is the story being told? Pay attention to the verbs.

(These are past perfect tense verbs.)

What about the conclusion? ( ONLY HER, ONLY LOVE HOLDS AND MOVES LIFE).

The main idea, which has become an aphorism, carrying a philosophical life-affirming sound, inspiring hope, is expressed by imperfect present tense verbs. Those. it is eternal, there is always, at every moment and will never exhaust itself.

In what other works have we met with a similar situation?

(L. Tolstoy "The Eagle", Ushinsky "The Eagle and the Cat", Nosov "The White Goose").

Why did Turgenev call the sparrow a "heroic bird"? What do you think is a heroic act?

(HEROISM is an act that involves a risk to life. When you are scared, you are afraid, but you still sacrifice yourself, because what you sacrifice for contains much more than your life. This is is the harmony of life, nature.)

And can we call any act associated with a risk to life heroic?


Write an essay-reasoning “Heroism ... what is it? ..” - 1st option, “Love is stronger than death - 2nd option. (Give examples from fiction).


Podkovyrina Nina Mikhailovna

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Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818 - 1883) - one of the greatest representatives Russian classical literature XIX century. Writer, poet, playwright, publicist. Six novels, short stories, novellas, articles, plays and poems make up his work.

Creativity Turgenev

The artistic system that Ivan Sergeevich created had a noticeable influence on the Russian and Western European novel of the second half of XIX century. He was engaged in wide propaganda of Russian literature in the West. IN Russian literature he was the first to show interest in studying the personality of a new man, contemporary to the author. Turgenev analyzes the moral and psychological qualities of a person, tries to understand his relationship with society. Thanks to Ivan Sergeevich, the term "nihilist" penetrated into the Russian language and became widely used.

Poems in prose

In the work of Turgenev, poems in prose occupy a small, but significant place. Lively and figurative, they cannot leave the reader indifferent. Love for people, nature, animals, native land pervades each of them. One of these poems in prose is Turgenev's "Sparrow", the analysis of which demonstrates incredible strength the spirit of a tiny being.


The narrator walks down the alley, returning from hunting. He notices a small sparrow that has fallen from its nest to the ground. Sparrows are very small and completely helpless.

The narrator's dog sees the chick. She smells game and prepares to pounce on the baby. But suddenly another sparrow flies from the tree to the ground. He shields the chick. With courage born of desperation, he tries to attack the dog and protect the child. An analysis of Turgenev's "Sparrow" shows the power of love and the readiness for self-sacrifice of a small creature. Compared to a feathered one, the dog looks huge. To a sparrow, she probably seems like a terrible monster, but this does not stop him. It costs nothing for a dog to swallow both birds. But, to the amazement of the narrator, his dog retreats, as if embarrassed.

An analysis of Turgenev's "Sparrow" shows that the point is precisely in the strength of the spirit of a small bird that the dog felt. The narrator calls the dog and leaves with it, in awe of the courage of the sparrow. A person is again convinced of the all-conquering power of love.

Character characteristics

In this poem in prose there are four actors. After analyzing the poem "Sparrow" by Turgenev, we see that only two of them are active - this is a sparrow and a dog. The chick and the man are only observers of the unfolding events.

The dog is the personification of fate. At first merciless and menacing, it advances on the sparrow. What can resist the power of fate? Even the greats of this world bow before her, everything is subject to her. With fate, it remains only to come to terms and accept it as a given. But the challenge to fate throws love. And fate recedes.

Sparrow is a sacrificial all-conquering love. He sees that the threat is great, but he still stands between the chick and the dog to protect his child.

The little sparrow is a helpless creature that needs love and care. He can't resist the dog.

The narrator is a hunter. But he freezes in awe as he watches the sparrow protect the chick. A person does not consider that the dog showed weakness by retreating before the attacking bird. He admires the ability of a small bird to sacrifice itself for the sake of love. From the analysis of Turgenev's "Sparrow" it is clear that the hunter in this poem in prose is only an observer. He does not try to interfere in events. It seems that the dog and the sparrow teach a person an important life lesson.

"Sparrow" makes the reader think: is there enough fortitude in him, whether he can protect his loved ones. The work teaches never to retreat in the face of danger, if your neighbor is in trouble.
