Andrei Makarevich is young. Andrei Makarevich: biography, personal life, scandals and political views

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Andrei Makarevich - popular Russian singer, a talented composer, the permanent leader of the Time Machine group. Andrei Vadimovich composes poetry and lyrics for his songs, paints pictures. His songs are relevant at all times. Many viewers remember him as the TV presenter of the Smak program.

Due to recent high-profile statements, Makarevich was written down almost as a traitor to the Motherland. However, Andrei Vadimovich himself once admitted that he was never interested in politics. More than anything, he wants to do his main business - music.

Parents saw Andryusha as the successor of his father's work - Vadim Grigorievich Makarevich, a famous Soviet architect. But in the first class they still sent him to music school, in the piano class. Musical notation was not given to the boy in any way, and the solfeggio lessons were brought to hysterics. In the end, Andrei left classes.

Khrushchev's "thaw" of the 1960s broadened the horizons Soviet people. Music was one of the discoveries British group The Beatles. Andrei Makarevich first heard Lennon and McCartney at the age of 12 - and also went crazy: “I had the feeling that all my previous life I wore cotton wool in my ears, and then they suddenly took it out. I just physically felt that something inside me was tossing and turning, moving, changing irreversibly. The days of the Beatles have begun. The Beatles listened from morning to evening ...

Sometimes my parents, exhausted by the Beatles, kicked me out onto the balcony along with the tape recorder, and then I made the sound to the fullest so that everyone around would also listen to the Beatles ... ”By the way, the Beatles records appeared in their house thanks to the father of the family, Vadim Makarevich. He asked a colleague for a foreign record and copied it onto a tape recorder. Of course, the enthusiastic teenager also wanted to play "like the Beatles." Together with his father, he even sawed his first guitar out of plywood.

But in the USSR, Beatles were not favored, and English-language songs too. But Andrew found a way. While studying at a school with an English bias, he, together with classmates Misha Yashin, Larisa Kashperko and Nina Baranova, created The group Kids ("Children"), which performed English folk songs. The guys played at the evenings of school amateur performances, where they even performed covers of the Beatles. All this was presented as a process of learning English.

Once the musicians of the famous VIA "Atlanta" came to the school. Supervisor VIA Alexander Sikorsky allowed schoolchildren to play on their equipment. Makarevich was struck by the sound of the bass guitar. But it was difficult to buy it in those years. Then Andrei bought an ordinary acoustic one and put the strings from the cello on it. The sound is quite acceptable.

Another serious step was the decision of the teenager to assemble a new team, which received the name Time Machines (“Time Machines”), drummer Yuri Borzov came up with this name. In the same year, the guys recorded their first album on a home tape recorder.

Performing rock in the USSR was a thankless task. A few rock bands disguised themselves as VIA, playing rock under the guise of folk music. Soviet group with an English-language name and a student body had no chance of becoming famous. Makarevich did not immediately, but agreed to rename the name to "Time Machine". The move turned out to be successful, and in 1973 the Melodiya company recorded a record of the vocal trio Zodiac, accompanied by Time Machine.

“...Even such a trifle helped us to exist: in the eyes of any bureaucratic idiot, the ensemble that had the record is no longer just hippies from the gateway,” the musician recalled. A year later, director Danelia invited Andrey and his team to star in the comedy "Afonya". The group did not get into the frame, but in the scene where Kuravlev's hero comes to the dance, Makarevich's song "You or Me" sounds. But a fee of 500 rubles allowed the musicians to purchase a Grundig tape recorder, which for a long time served as their recording studio.

"Homemade" recordings of "Time Machine" meanwhile spread across the country. Makarevich's voice became familiar to thousands, but not many knew what he looked like. And yet, "machinists" became popular. When the girls found out that this smiling curly guy was Andrei Makarevich, they immediately showed interest in him. But his heart already belonged to Elena Fesunenko, the daughter of a well-known international journalist.

In the wake of popular popularity, the host of the program "Music Kiosk" Eleonora Belyaeva recorded a whole issue with the "machinists". And although the program was taken off the air, the musicians still had high-quality recordings of their songs.

For several years, "Time Machine" did not have access to big stage. In the end, in 1979, a conflict occurred between the founders of the group, Makarevich and Kawagoe, which resulted in the closure of the group. And only six months later, Alexander Kutikov convinced Makarevich to revive the "Machine".

Tired of the persecution of the authorities, Makarevich willingly agreed to conclude the first contract with Soyuzconcert. This gave the right to legal touring activities. However, the debut disc "Time Machine" was released not in the USSR, but in the USA "... without any participation and knowledge on our part, it was called" Fortune Hunters and sounded disgusting, - the musician recalled. “Surprisingly, we never saw the money for it.” But Makarevich was summoned to the Lubyanka, where he gave explanations about how the record with his songs was released across the ocean.

The 1980s were the peak of the popularity of "machinists". So, in 1981, the director and husband of the singer Alla Pugacheva, Alexander Stefanovich, invited the group to star in his film "Soul", where leading role performed by Sofia Rotaru. After the film received several prizes, the artists gathered at Makarevich's apartment to celebrate the success. An elderly teacher who lived one floor below decided to teach the musician a lesson and called the police at night.

The door was opened by Mikhail Boyarsky. The patrolmen were in a hurry. When Sofia Rotaru, Rolan Bykov, Ivar Kalninsh began to come out into the hallway, the guys in uniform realized that their arrival did not at all imply hitting a celebrity party. Having apologized, they left - however, the harmful neighbor did not give Makarevich a quiet life for several more years.

Although the concerts of the Time Machine were always sold out, until 1986 the group was forbidden to perform in Moscow. Only perestroika finally brought the "Machine" out of the shadows. Then, in 1987, Makarevich married a second time - to the cosmetologist Alla Golubkina. A son, Ivan, was born in the marriage. But three years later, due to frequent tours family life gave a crack. Then Andrei had civil marriages with radio host Ksenia Strizh and journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. The latter gave birth to his daughter Anna. Third official wife musician, stylist Natalya Golub, lived with him for seven years - from 2003 to 2010.

What was the reason for the group's success in Soviet years? Fans of Makarevich's work saw in his songs a protest against the Soviet system. At that time, he himself eschewed politics. Only in August 1991, "Time Machine" openly sided with Yeltsin, performing a concert at the barricades, and in 1996 the artist became a confidant of the president. Yes, and with Vladimir Putin, he initially had a good relationship, he even became a member of the President's Council for Culture.

Andrey Vadimovich's transition to the camp of fierce critics of the authorities occurred after the events in Ukraine in 2014. He did not accept the return of Crimea to Russia and made loud statements more than once. The keyboard player and the director of the Time Machine, who supported the policy of the authorities, were fired by Makarevich. Fans reacted differently: someone was on the side of the idol, someone was categorically against it, and someone simply did not understand why the musician went into politics. But that's a completely different story. Andrei Makarevich made a significant contribution to the development of Russian music. And the status of an icon of Soviet rock belongs to him by right.

Andrei Makarevich is the permanent leader legendary band"Time Machine". He is considered one of the pillars of Russian rock, and is also a poet, producer, TV presenter, bard, writer and actor.

So in front of you biography of Andrey Makarevich.

Biography of Makarevich

Andrei Vadimovich Makarevich was born on December 11, 1953 in. His father, Vadim Grigorievich, was a member.

During one of the battles against the Nazi Wehrmacht, he lost his leg. In this regard, he spent more than a year in the hospital, after which he was demobilized.

After the war, Vadim Grigoryevich worked as a teacher at the Moscow Architectural Institute, where in 1993 he became a professor.

Makarevich's mother, Nina Markovna, is a doctor of medical sciences, as well as a professor of microbiology. She is the author scientific works concerning the study of non-tuberculous mycobacteria.

Childhood and youth

All childhood Andrei Makarevich lived in a communal apartment. He was a very inquisitive and active child.

At one time he dreamed of becoming a diver, paleontologist and zoologist. IN mature years he managed to work in all these areas.

Young Makarevich

Since the parents wanted their son to become a musician, they sent him to a music school, and in the evenings they played the piano with him.

However classical music did not give him pleasure, as a result of which Andrei dropped out of school.

Most young Makarevich I liked bard music, which was gaining popularity at that time. The young man was delighted with creativity and.

It was thanks to these artists that he wanted to learn how to play the guitar. Having mastered a few chords, 12-year-old Makarevich began to compose his first songs.

Soon he heard the songs " The Beatles", which were not at all like pop compositions. The work of the British group impressed Makarevich so much that he decided to devote his life to music.

While still at school in 1968, Andrei created the group "The Kids", which turned out to be the first in his biography. After classes, he and his comrades immediately left for rehearsals.

"Time Machine"

In 1969, the team was renamed the Time Machine, which in the future will become almost the most popular in the Soviet Union. The author of the vast majority of the songs of the Time Machine group is Makarevich himself.

After graduating from school, Andrei decided to enter the Moscow Institute of Architecture. However, he could not finish it, and was expelled in the fourth year.

The reason for this was rock music, which Makarevich devoted too much time to, and frequent absenteeism.

In 1975, Andrey was restored at the institute in the evening department, and at the end of his studies he received a diploma in graphic art and architecture.

Musical career

In 1975, a significant event took place in the biography of Makarevich. He and the group were invited to the TV show "Music Kiosk", which was never destined to go on the air.

A year later, the musicians became winners music festival V . There they managed to get acquainted with the already famous Boris Grebenshchikov, who in the future will repeatedly support them.

In 1980, the group signed a contract with Rosconcert. This was done so that the "Time Machine" became legal and could fully tour the country.

Meanwhile, Makarevich's songs were becoming more and more popular and in demand, and soon they were being sung in all the courts of the vast country.

In the 80s, Makarevich, together with the members of the team, starred in the films Soul (1982) and Start Again (1986). In parallel with this, several records of "Time Machine" were recorded, as well as solo albums Makarevich.

In the 90s, he repeatedly performed songs in duets with various musicians, and also produced Russian artist Yuz Aleshkovsky.

In 1993, Makarevich began to conduct cooking show"Relish", which immediately gained immense popularity.

The viewers liked the program, as it was hosted by Andrey Makarevich, who invited him to his kitchen famous people, together with which he later cooked various dishes.

Interestingly, this project lasted 12 years, after which Ivan Urgant became the host of Smak.

For his biography, Makarevich wrote about 30 books on different topics. An interesting fact is that in one of them he seriously criticized the pop group "Tender May".

Makarevich's songs were covered by many famous rock bands: "Spleen", "Agatha Christie", "Aquarium", "Mikhei", "Underwood", "Lyapis Trubetskoy", etc.

Political activities of Makarevich

In 1967, Andrei Vadimovich joined the Komsomol, where he was a member for more than ten years. In his interviews, he repeatedly stated that he had an extremely negative attitude towards this organization, and was in it for formality.

In the work of Makarevich, you can find many songs that have political overtones, for example: "Puppets", "Turn", "Wind of Hope", "Barrier" and others.

An interesting fact is that after the leader of the "Time Machine" actively supported who ran for the post of head of state.

After that, Makarevich campaigned for and. At the same time, it is worth noting that he supported these candidates not because of the benefits, but because he shared their views on the development of Russia.

In 2011, Andrei Makarevich harshly criticized the current government, accusing it of corruption and the venality of the judicial system. It was then that he began to support the actions of the opposition leader Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

When in 2014 Russian Federation annexed Crimea, Makarevich publicly condemned the actions of the Kremlin, harshly criticizing the actions of Vladimir Putin.

In this regard, he began to have serious problems in Russia. By presidential decree, he was expelled from the Council for Culture.

In addition, in a number of Russian cities, Makarevich was refused to give concerts.

Because of his position on the annexation of Crimea, many citizens called him a traitor.

Makarevich's personal life

The first wife in the biography of Makarevich was Elena Fesunenko, whom he married in 1976. However, this marriage broke up after 3 years.

The next wife of the artist was the cosmetologist Alla Golubkina. An interesting fact is that before that she was the wife of one of the musicians of the Time Machine.

A year later, their boy Ivan was born. But this marriage lasted even less than the previous one. It is worth noting that Ivan also began to be interested in music and act in films.

From 1998 to 2000, Andrei Makarevich lived with journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, from whom his daughter Anna was born.

In 2003, the artist married for the 3rd time to make-up artist Natalya Golub, with whom he lived for 7 years.

Andrei Makarevich also has an illegitimate daughter, Dana (1975), who lives today in. They support a good relationship and meet periodically.

Andrei Makarevich today

Andrey Makarevich, who has long become a legend, continues to perform with "Time Machine" and give solo concerts. Once he was a co-owner of the Andreevsky Smak restaurant club, but soon left this business.

Today he is one of the owners of the dental clinic "Dental Art".

Makarevich is fond of diving, billiards, archeology and underwater fishing. He collects various folk musical instruments and Omega watches.

Andrey Makarevich pays great attention to the homeless and is a member of the Board of Trustees of the BIM Animal Welfare Foundation.

He occasionally participates in charity concerts and still often appears on television.

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Andrey Makarevich - legend Russian rock, bard, composer and talented performer, actor and TV presenter, and now infamous public figure, a native Muscovite, was born on 12/11/1953.


The head of the Makarevich family was Father Vadim Grigorievich, a man with difficult fate, participant of the Great Patriotic War, who, at the age of 19, was seriously wounded in battles on the Karelian front, which resulted in the amputation of his leg.

After demobilization from the army, he worked as an architect, co-authored several famous sculptural compositions. He drew beautifully, loved music very much, which was transferred with genes to his offspring.

Andrew in childhood

Mom, Nina Markovna, also graduated from a music school, but devoted her life to science, namely microbiology, worked on the study of bacteria that provoke tuberculosis, and methods of dealing with this serious disease.

Andrei's childhood years were spent in a communal apartment on Volkhonka. WITH early years the boy grew up very smart and talented. He was the first in his kindergarten group to learn to read and draw beautifully. The father could not get enough of the success of his son and in every possible way indulged him in everything.

Leaving for frequent trips abroad, he invariably brought all kinds of gifts for Andrei from them, fulfilling all requests and whims. For example, after reading the stories of O. Henry and watching the Western " The Magnificent Seven"The order was a toy Smith-Wesson revolver, which was skillfully disposed of by American cowboys.

In general, Andryusha was not deprived of childhood fantasies. Either after visiting Evpatoria at the age of six, he dreams of becoming a diver, then, later, he begins to like paleontology. A little later, the boy becomes interested in a collection of butterflies, and also keeps snakes in the house. From the age of ten, swimming becomes a hobby, then skiing.

Early passion for music

But his main hobby for all the years was music. Parents constantly listened to it on their old tape recorder, which introduced their son to this type of art. In addition, his father himself played the piano well and became Andrei's first teacher.

The boy enters the music school in the class keyboard instruments However, this study does not impress him, and contrary to the will of his father, he stops this occupation. He is getting closer to the guitar, idols for Andrey - Yuri Vizbor and, of course, Vladimir Vysotsky.

Friends in the yard show him the "three chords" with which young musician tries to perform bard and yard songs. From this time begins his passion for rock music.

And at the age of thirteen for Andrey comes new period time. From one trip abroad, dad brings him a record with the music of the Beatles, the first listening of which Makarevich himself later compares with a finger in hot milk, a broken leg or a visit to a dentist who does not use anesthesia.

The music of the Liverpool Four influenced Andrey's worldview so much that he seemed to "take out the cotton wool from his ears, which had been there until that time." He listened to the Beatles from morning till night, and when his exhausted parents are driven out onto the balcony, he turns on the sound of the tape recorder to the fullest so that everyone around him imbues this music.

Together with three classmates in 1968, Andrei organizes the ensemble "The Kids", which sings cover versions of songs in his special school with in-depth study of English foreign performers. However, the age of this group turned out to be short-lived, and a year later the "Time Machine" appeared.

Yes, that's exactly what Andrei Makarevich, Alexander Ivanov, Pavel Rubin, Igor Mazaev and Yuri Borzov called their team. Our hero will connect his whole life with this group. He begins to write lyrics for her, and sometimes music.

The first album "Machines" consisted of 11 songs performed in English. It is 1969 that is considered the year of birth of the famous domestic rock band.

Creativity and social activities

Although after graduating from school, Makarevich goes to study at the Moscow Architectural Institute, all his thoughts are connected with rock and roll. Young musicians do not stop their rehearsals and give underground concerts that invariably attract a full house.

And this, of course, could not suit one of the authorities, and in the third year, the Komsomol member Makarevich was expelled, allegedly because he left work at the vegetable base, which was patronized by students, earlier than the designated time.

He takes a job as an architect, but music continues to be his main occupation. Recordings of "Time Machines" are distributed among young people on cassettes. The host of the Music Kiosk program on Channel One, Eleonora Belyaeva, on the advice of her daughter, is going to invite this group to her air.

However, censorship does not sleep, and this idea had to be abandoned, although the musicians were not upset - firstly, they did not really count on being shown on TV, and, secondly, they recorded six songs at a professional studio.

A little later, “Time Machines” was invited to shoot in the episode of the film “Afonya” by Georgy Danelia. During editing, this scene was cut from final version, but the song "You and I" remained sound, for which the leader of the group received an unimaginable sum of five hundred rubles for those times. Then there were the films "Soul" (c) and "Start over", where Andrei Makarevich starred.

In 1979, due to a scandal, the group broke up, but literally a year later the main "driver" put together a new one, which was now officially recognized by the Rosconcert. Since that time, the triumphal procession of the "Time Machine" to the heights on the national stage begins, and Andrei Makarevich often performs with solo concerts.

In addition, he produces many musical projects, acts as the host of a TV show about the cuisine "Smak", conducts conversations with the stars in "Abajour", talks about the underwater world in the program of the same name.

IN public life his voice is also very significant. Makarevich never stood aside from the events taking place in his homeland. At one time he was called the "Beatle of Perestroika". In his last songs, he expresses his vision of the political situation in every possible way, protesting against the official policy of the Kremlin.

Personal life

Throughout his life, Andrei Makarevich was distinguished by his love of love. Since the school bench, the teenager has not experienced a lack of interest from the opposite sex. Still - beautiful singing and playing the guitar has always seduced girls. In his memoirs, the musician often writes that beautiful women he had many, but he never met the one for the rest of his life.

The first wife is Elena Igorevna Fesunenko, the daughter of a well-known political observer at that time, remembered for her memoirs about Brazilian football. On the wedding day, the wife's parents presented the newlyweds with a royal gift - spacious apartments in the center of Moscow, which did not affect the short duration of the marriage - three years later the couple broke up.

For seven years, Andrei savored the delights of a bachelor's life, after which he decided to tie the bonds of Hymen with cosmetologist Alla Golubkina, the ex-wife of his friend Alexei Romanov, one of the founders of the Resurrection group.

With Alla Golubkina

The son of Ivan became the fruit of love, for whom his father is a real support, although, in his own words, he does not care about the glory of the pope, and he is trying to reach the heights in cinema on his own. Ivan has already starred in several films, including "Shadow Boxing" and "Brigade-2".

The second marriage also lasted only three years. Romantic relationship The yellow press attributed Makarevich with the singer, radio host Ksenia Strizh and other beauties.

From 1998 to 2000 civil wife The leader of the "Time Machine" was Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, who gave birth to his daughter Anya. However, just a deliberate pregnancy destroyed their family idyll, and Andrei left his beloved, although he continues to communicate with his daughter even now.

By the way, he also has an eldest illegitimate daughter, Dana, who was born in 1975 and lives in Philadelphia, whose existence Makarevich found out only in the late nineties.

The film "1814" about the life of graduates of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum is released on the screens of the country. The role of the Decembrist Pushchin was played by the son of Andrei MAKAREVICH - Ivan. The guy learned about the style of life in the 19th century from the script, and the first love of his famous father, Larisa KASHPERKO, admitted to the Express Newspaper special correspondent that she literally lives in the era of PUSHKIN: she sings romances based on poems by Alexander Sergeevich, plays the mother of Natalia GONCHAROVA in the play and admires the outfits that time. She also fondly remembers her school years. After all, it was then that Andryusha MAKAREVICH, who celebrated his 54th birthday on December 11, courted her.


English special school No. 19, where I studied in a parallel class with Makarevich, stands next to the legendary house on the Embankment, - Larisa Kasperko began the story. - It is not surprising that many students were not from simple families- the grandson of Mikoyan Stas Namin, the son of the composer Mokrousov Max, the grandson of the revolutionary Nogin Sasha. Mishka Yashin, the son of the poet and writer Alexander Yashin, was one of the members of the school ensemble "The Kids" ("Children"), which was created by Andrei Makarevich. I also sang in this band. Probably, this brought us together with Andryusha.

- Did Makarevich somehow stand out?- He was a quiet leader. He did not openly call his friends to action, but he enjoyed great prestige. Following the then fashion, he tried to mow under the Beatles. To straighten his curls and become like Lennon, he slept in a bathing rubber cap and tried several times to smooth his hair with an iron ... Andryushka wrote lyrics in English and composed melodies. But his voice, especially before, was nasty, gundos. Such a shket, and even this voice! My parents called him the frog.

Fickle with women

Was Makarevich an excellent student?

Studied mediocre. But collected unique collection butterflies, dreamed of becoming a specialist in the study of snakes. From the fourth grade, he became addicted to scuba diving, and later to mountain skiing.

- Do you often visit him at home?

They had an atmosphere of harmony and tranquility. Mom Nina Markovna was an excellent cook! Probably Andryusha inherited talent from her. He added to everything outlandish for those times soy sauce, which I simply hated! And many things in his life seemed strange to me. I always marveled at the liberality of his parents. They gave the guy such freedom! What can I say, for me, the daughter of a despotic military father, it was even wild to hear Andrei calling his parents “mother” and “dad” in an over-familiar way. In those years, few of the children could boast of their own room. Makar had her, and with her had the right to privacy.

- As far as I understand, you and Andrey were connected not only by friendship ...- We had a platonic relationship rather than carnal. I will not hide, Andrei and I went to school together, he accompanied me home. I could wait at school for hours - we studied in different classes and the end time of classes did not always coincide. We loved to walk around the city together. And if they accidentally touched each other, bashfully blushed. Later, of course, there were kisses and caresses ... But I did not take Andryusha seriously - he was so funny, small in stature. Once I even caught myself thinking that I like Misha Yashin more: he is bigger, and he wrote very beautiful poems to me.

- And Makarevich did not write, did not give gifts?

Daryl. The most memorable present was the guitar he bought in " Children's world". Handed over with the words: "Play!" And the poems... Somehow, together with our friend Olya Buldina, he made and gave me an album: Olya pasted pictures there, and Andrey signed each photo with lines from poems by different authors. It turned out funny. And on the last page, Makar brought out Shakespeare’s sonnet: “Her eyes do not look like stars ...” This, as I realized a few years later, was the cry of his restless soul, his love message to me ... Now I often remember how much I offended Andrey, when she refused to dance with him in front of everyone graduation party, giggling, loudly called him shorty. Simply, I was too shy in front of my friends to show that he is not indifferent to me. Andryusha did not answer me then. He just turned around and left, and I sobbed all night.

- Did you break up after that?- After that night, our relationship cracked, but before that we had never quarreled at all and were really very close people.

After leaving school, Andrei entered the institute, and I failed the exams. At the university, he formed his own party, where he came up with the "Time Machine". If we accidentally got into the same company, he ignored me. His parents really liked me, and they were worried about our quarrel. Once Nina Markovna was even indignant in her hearts: “Don’t be offended by this fool!” But I did not humiliate myself and follow him with a ponytail in the hope that he would pay attention to me again.

By the way, with the school past, he decided to finally break. For all the time after studying, he never came to the meetings of graduates. And when one day he nevertheless decided to perform with his group within the walls of the school, our most strict teacher David Raitsman forbade him to perform. Looks like he got it too late. - Don't you regret that you didn't become Andrey's wife?- Probably not ... We still different people. In addition, Andrei is a very restless person and, apparently, therefore, he cannot do one thing for a long time. He is just as fickle with women. I think if I became his wife, it could hardly have ended in something good. - Are you married?- My first husband was the famous saxophonist Nikolai Moiseenko. Unfortunately, relations with him did not work out. A few years after we broke up, I married a tech scientist. He is straight and figuratively real colonel - graduated from the Zhukovsky Academy.


My sexual development was rather late. That is, love visited me from the very early age- even before kindergarten, I fell in love with a girl Mila from Norilsk - she came to the Voitsekhovskys to the dacha. IN kindergarten my love was called Sveta Loginova, and, in my opinion, she even answered me in return. Then, from the second to the seventh grade, inclusive, I was secretly and therefore unrequitedly in love with my classmate Natasha Golovko (term, by the way!), then Larisa Kashperko appeared in a parallel class, and we even made an ensemble and sang together, platonic feelings were about to to find flesh - and then the Beatles fell upon me with all the rock and roll and completely occupied my heart. And only in the first year of the institute, the bass guitarist of the group "Perpetual motion machines" Dima Papkov, having learned that I had not yet known female affection, took my hand, led me to Kalininsky Prospekt, immediately took off the girl in a plush skirt and explained to her the task . On the evening of the same day, a girl in a plush skirt did everything to me, leaving me in a strange combination of horror and admiration. From the book of Andrei Makarevich "The Sheep Himself"


* For the first time, the leader of the "Time Machine" married a student of the Historical and Archival Institute Lena. Parents bought a spacious apartment for the newlyweds. But their life together ended after three years. Andrei toured a lot, and the family could not stand the test of frequent separations.

* The second wife of Makarevich - Alla. In 1987, she gave birth to his son Ivan. According to Andrei Vadimovich, love quickly evaporated, and a divorce followed three years later. Despite family troubles, Vanya's son grew up very talented: he successfully graduated from school with an in-depth study of English, is professionally engaged in music, and acts in films. By the way, the young man sees his father quite often and their relationship can be called friendly.

* Relationship with a journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya Andrei did not formalize it, despite his gentle courtship and ardent declarations of love. The lovers lived in a civil marriage for a little less than two years. When Makarevich found out that the missus was pregnant and intended to give birth, his feelings quickly disappeared. Baby Anechka was born on September 23, 2000. famous father although she helps her mother financially, she does not burn with the desire to communicate closely with her daughter. He developed a warmer relationship with the first illegitimate child- 32-year-old Dana, whose existence the musician found out when the girl turned 19. Eldest daughter Andrea lives in the USA and works as a lawyer.

* The third official wife of Makarevich - Natalya Golub. They got married in December 2003. Natalya worked as a make-up artist for Artemy Troitsky, Leonid Parfenov and the Mumiy Troll group. The pigeon is 14 years younger than the "driver". A couple of years after they life together rumors began to circulate that Natalya and Andrei wanted to have a baby - they were even seen at the Moscow Family Planning Center, where they donated blood for Rh factor compatibility. However, the desired pregnancy either did not occur or was interrupted, but the spouses continue to live together.

Andrey Makarevich - Russian musician and composer, singer, bard, lyricist, TV presenter, founder and permanent leader of the Time Machine group.

Once Andrei gave his group such an unusual name, and did not even know that in a year it would reflect the whole essence of what they had been doing for many years on stage. After all, the music of the group does not age, it reaches a new generation through the years, the members continue to perform with a new line-up, and the fans will always associate the name of Makarevich with “Machine ...”

Height, weight, age. How old is Andrei Makarevich

When the group first appeared on the Soviet scene, their music and lyrics immediately sunk into the souls of many listeners, and then young Makarevich first became popular. Even then, newspapers wrote about him as about a real breakthrough in Russian music, and today the middle-aged and gray-haired members of the team still remain idols for a whole generation.

It is not surprising that people are still interested in their work, and Makarevich himself has become a legend of rock and roll, about which fans want to know everything, even height, weight, age. You can find out how old Andrei Makarevich is on his Wikipedia page, as well as on many music sites on the net. Today, the composer is 64 years old, but he is not going to leave the stage, and in 2018 the group is still performing.

Biography of Andrei Makarevich

The biography of Andrei Makarevich originates in 1953 in Moscow. From an early age, the young man played the piano, composed simple melodies and dreamed that someday he would play for the public. The boy was very versatile, taught English language in a special school, and was also fond of collecting butterflies. In high school, he dreamed of becoming a reptile specialist, and even kept a live snake at home. In general, Andrey is an enthusiastic person, and his desires changed very often. Either he wanted to become a musician, then a biologist, then an athlete, he even became seriously interested in swimming, and after school he generally entered the Architectural Institute.

As a student, the guy played the guitar well, analyzed the songs of the Beatles, and with the same "Beatles" he created his own musical group, which the guys poetically called "Time Machine". After university, Makarevich worked as an architect, and music was his hobby, the guys performed on stage for themselves and a few spectators, and recorded several songs, including "Time Machines". At first they played in small clubs, at sessions, and did not earn any money at all, and then in 1979 they signed a contract with the Soyuzconcert, and that's when the popularity came.

Andrei Makarevich began to be invited to programs and television, and in 1993 he became the host culinary program"SMAK", which he led for 12 years.

Personal life of Andrei Makarevich

Andrey Makarevich became a good confirmation that good music, like water, is capable of sharpening a stone. So the unknown group that created good music“For myself” people liked it, and became known all over the Union, not thanks to money and connections, but due to the fact that it was real. Many fans who have lost sight of the group today are wondering where Andrei Makarevich is now, but the answer is simple - everything is right there, on stage. In 2018 they give a new tour in Russia.

The personal life of Andrei Makarevich, like his biography, has never been boring. The singer was officially married three times, but divorce followed three times in his life.

Family of Andrey Makarevich

The fact that Andrei grew up as a very versatile child and collected butterflies as a child, and also loved reptiles, is an absolute regularity, because his father, Vadim Grigoryevich, was an architect, taught at the Moscow Architectural Institute (where the future musician eventually entered), and his mother, Nina Markovna , worked as a microbiologist. The family of Andrei Makarevich, like many Soviet citizens, then lived in a communal apartment on Volkhonka. Here the young naturalist spent his childhood until the age of 10, until they moved to a dedicated apartment on Komsomolsky Prospekt.

In his free time, Makarevich's father played the guitar and sang Vysotsky's songs, so Andrei is a good student of his father, who taught the guy to play musical instruments.

Children of Andrei Makarevich

During his life, the singer was officially married three times, and for a short time cohabited with different women. Maybe, creative person it’s hard to be in the company of someone who does not understand his hobbies, because Makarevich’s wives had nothing to do with music and show business, which is probably why the spouses did not find mutual language after marriage and how the first love passed.

Andrei Makarevich has three children from three women. The children of Andrei Makarevich - two daughters and a son today live separately from the singer, but he keeps in touch with his offspring, and on his birthday, his entire large family gathers in the singer's apartment.

The son of Andrei Makarevich - Ivan Makarevich

The son of Andrei Makarevich - Ivan Makarevich was born in 1987 in the second marriage of the actor with Alla Golubkina. Ivan grew up with his mother, but today it is clear to the naked eye that he is the son of Makarevich, since Ivan is simply exact copy singer. After school, the guy entered the Moscow Art Theater School, and then transferred to the Academy of Theater Arts, from which he graduated.

He played in the films "Shadow Boxing", "1814", and also played young Andrey Makarevich in the film "House of the Sun". The actor also plays in the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, and in the Moscow Praktika Theater.

Daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Dana Makarevich

The daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Dana Makarevich was born in 1975. Makarevich was then 22 years old, and he lived with a girl who gave birth to Andrei illegitimate daughter, but she didn’t say anything to the man, she left for America. Already adult daughter the singer found him in Moscow and offered a meeting. The composer once said that he didn’t even doubt that Dana was his daughter, he saw right away.

The girl graduated from college with a degree in law, and works in Philadelphia. Dana is married to a businessman. Makarevich has already flown to his daughter in America, they often call back.

Daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya

Andrei Makarevich's daughter, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, was born in 2000 in the artist's third marriage to Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. When the girl was born, the parents immediately decided to name their daughter in honor of their mother, so two Anya appeared in their family. After the parents divorced, Makarevich's daughter stayed with her mother and grandmother.

Last year, the girl graduated from high school and made her debut at the Tatler 2017 ball in Moscow. The girl appeared in a purple dress and high heels, arm in arm with a young man. This year, Anya entered the university.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Elena Glazova

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich, Elena Glazova, was the daughter of the famous Soviet political observer Igor Fesunenko, who at that time helped Makarevich's group Time Machine, wrote reviews about their performances and style in music. So they met Lena, and immediately fell in love.

The girl was then still a student at the historical institute, and Makarevich did not start long round dances around the relationship, but immediately got married. In 1973, they had a wedding, although the young did not live long, only 3 years. Andrei does not like to talk about personal things, so the journalists do not know the reason for the collapse.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Alla Golubkina

Makarevich was unlucky with marriages, either love really lives for three years, or the singer just feels uncomfortable in a legal marriage, but Andrei Makarevich's ex-wife, Alla Golubkina, also lived with a man for only three years. After the first divorce, Andrei was alone for a long time, and then he met Alla and married her almost immediately. The girl worked as a cosmetologist.

Within a couple of months, she became pregnant, and soon the couple had a son, Ivan, who today is an actor. Alas, their relationship began to deteriorate even during Alla's pregnancy, so soon after the birth of their son, they divorced.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya

After his second wife, Makarevich had several more novels in which he briefly cohabited with women, and soon the media began to say that the singer had fallen in love again. This time, Makarevich's chosen one was the press officer of his Time Machine group, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, with whom he lived in a civil marriage. For a long time they just talked and looked at each other, then they began an affair, and in 1999 Anya became pregnant.

In 2000, their daughter was born, who today youngest daughter performer, but Makarevich got scared again and ran away from responsibility. Ex-wife Andrei Makarevich - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya raised her daughter herself.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Natalya Golub

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich is Natalya Golub, so far the last ex-wife of Makarevich. They met at work, Natalya, a stylist and photographer, helped with the design of the concerts, and somehow the couple gradually became closer. Even though the girl was much younger than the singer, it didn't bother them.

Makarevich had several unsuccessful marriages behind him, and Natalya just fell head over heels in love. So they started dating, and in 2003 they got married. With Natalia, the singer lived longer than all his women, they divorced in 2010.

Andrei Makarevich latest news

Andrei Makarevich has open oppositional views, which may be why the actor has been “buried” in the media several times. In 2015, one of the news sites reported that he had died, and then various Internet portals published such information for several years in a row. Last news the singer’s death was picked up very quickly, and the musician got tired of it, he even wrote on his Facebook page so that the journalists “Don’t dig in the manure.”

Fans of the artist today are very interested in whether the Time Machine group and its permanent leader Andrei Makarevich are performing. The latest news from the life of the singer says that the group not only continues to actively record songs, but also in 2018 they started a new tour in Russia.

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrei Makarevich

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrei Makarevich will tell a lot of interesting things about his work. And the artist himself has repeatedly mentioned many funny stories from his privacy. For example, when their song was first taken as a soundtrack (the film "Soul"), after the premiere, all Makarevich's friends, including Mikhail Boyarsky and Sofia Rotaru, celebrated the event in his apartment on Leninsky Prospekt.

The pop stars were very noisy and the neighbor called the police, what was the surprise of the arriving patrol when Boyarsky himself opened the door for them, and behind him stood a whole crowd of all-Union famous artists. The scandal was hushed up, but this situation was remembered by the artist for life. The article was found on
