Gua number - how to find your auspicious directions. Personal gua number and formula of eight houses

In the previous article, we learned simply and quickly - in 2 steps -. What are we to do with him now?

How to use the Gua number?

Bazhai Method

Most known way Gua applications - determine which group you belong to and, depending on this, find out what your 4 favorable and 4 unfavorable directions will be.

Like the fact that people with Gua 1, 3, 4 and 9 are in the eastern group and their auspicious directions are north, east, southeast and south. And people with Gua 2, 6, 7 and 8 form the western group and their best directions are southwest, northwest, west and northeast.

Accordingly, “if the entrance to your house faces your favorable direction, if you sit at your desk in your favorable direction, and if your bed is directed by the headboard in your favorable direction, then you will be very, very happy.” And vice versa: if you have all the entrances and tables in unfavorable directions, then you will go broke, get sick and die. Even without reading my article.

Forced to disappoint. As it turned out, the story with “good” and “bad” directions was invented by a feng shui master (I forgot the name, but I’ll clarify on occasion) by order of one of the Chinese emperors. The rumor that the emperor and the nobility use feng shui to strengthen their position reached the common people. There is a lot of interest in Feng Shui. To protect himself and give the curious what they were looking for, the emperor ordered the master to come up with a theory that would look plausible, but would have nothing to do with real Feng Shui. And this master came up with Bazhai.

Proof by reasoning

Judge for yourself. If there are 7 billion inhabitants on Earth, then approximately 870 million people fall on each Gua. And, probably, many have tables and beds in favorable directions. But for some reason, there are much fewer millionaires (in convertible currency) on Earth! And, by orders of magnitude, that even - with a certain preparation - they can be called by name and included in a numbered list.

The second important point: Feng Shui masters in South-East Asia do not apply the Bazhai method in their practice. Would they ignore it, would it be as effective as it is simple? That's the same.

This means that success in life depends not so much on the favorable directions calculated according to Gua, but on other things. Then why did we practice arithmetic?

Real feng shui begins

The fact is that each Gua has its own trigram, and the trigram has its own house (in Feng Shui they say “palace”) in the Loshu square.

The Loshu square is a magical scheme that was inscribed on the back of a turtle. The tortoise came out of the Lo river, so its name was imprinted in the square: Losu - “letters from the Lo river”. Whether it was or not is unknown. But the Loshu square is the most important analysis tool in Feng Shui.

The sum of the numbers in any plane of the Loshu square is 15. When the square is placed in space, a cut of the energies of the earth is obtained. When his Losha is used in the school of time, they learn about the qualitative characteristics of the influence of time on the subject matter.

When we impose the Losu square on the plan of our apartment according to the cardinal points, we can immediately tell how the tenants feel. It is enough to evaluate those palaces where their number Gua fell - a symbol of their life.

We don't like to live in a closet and we don't like being ignored. If in the apartment your Gua number got into the toilet, bathroom, or there is no such sector at all, then you need to sound the alarm and look for other housing.

Why? Because damage to your Gua in the apartment will sooner or later affect your life.

The most typical manifestation of problems:

1. If there is no sector with the Gua of a woman in the apartment, then there are difficulties with conception and pregnancy.
2. If there is no sector with the Gua of a family member, then he will be at home less often than others, he will constantly strive to run away somewhere, coming up with the most incredible reasons.
Imagine this situation: you are a woman, a wife. Dreaming of quiet family evenings when the whole family gathers for dinner. And your husband is constantly late at work. He is not drawn home because his Gua sector is missing.

3. If Gua gets into the bathroom, then there are likely difficulties with self-realization, with advancement in life, in a career, problems with learning in children.
If it turns out that your child's Gua disappears in the toilet, then stop scolding him for poor study. It is better to look with a Feng Shui consultant for a way to remedy the situation.

It is this application of the Gua number that is informative and effective. If you can quickly calculate the Gua of your interlocutor, competitor, opponent and see their apartment or office, then you will be able to identify them with a high degree of probability. weak spots and gain an advantage in negotiations. And, of course, when you find your household members in the Gua apartment, you will quickly understand who in your family needs support the most. It will be a matter of time to render it.

Irina Makovetskaya,
feng shui consultant bazi
Qi Men Dun Jia

In this article, we will consider the scheme for calculating the personal number of gua and the formula of eight houses.
The diagrams below are truly indispensable when using Feng Shui. They are associated with scientific notions Feng Shui. These schemes are quite simple to understand, but require care in use. When you learn how to apply the formula of eight houses in practice, you will see how effective it is.

Gua formula is one of the fastest acting and simple formulas Feng Shui. This formula should be considered when arranging furniture and choosing interior items for your home. Based on this formula, each person has his own personal gua number, calculated according to his year of birth. This number indicates your belonging to the eastern or western group of people, and also determines your favorable and unfavorable directions.

Automatic calculation Gua numbers

Enter your date of birth and your gender.
1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1931 1932 1933 1933 1935 1935 1936 1937 1939 1939 1940 1942 1943 1944 1947 1947 1949 1950 1952 1954 1954 1955 1956 1959 1962 1962 1967 1967 1971 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1984 1985 1986 1988 1988 1988 1989 1990 1991 1994 1994 1995 1996 1998 1998 1998 1999 2001 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2014 2014 2016 2017 2019 2019 January 2019 March April April May June July August September October November December 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Male Female

Self-calculation of the Gua number

Do the following:

1. Take the year of your birth. If you were born in January or early February, then check your date of birth with the lunar calendar. If your number falls on the previous lunar year, then to calculate the number of gua you should take exactly the previous year. For example, you were born on January 20, 1982. In accordance with the lunar calendar, 1982 begins only on January 25, and therefore for the calculation gua numbers in this case, 1981 should be taken.

2. Add the last two digits of your year of birth. If you get a two-digit number, add the digits of the resulting number again. For example, you were born in 1975: 7 + 5 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3.

3. Now it all depends on your gender. For men, the resulting number should be subtracted from 10. In the 1975 example, this is 10 - 3 = 7. The resulting gua number 7.
If the calculation is for boys born after 2000, then it should be subtracted not from 10, but from 9.

4. For women, 5 should be added to the resulting number. In the example of 1975, this is 5 + 3 = 8. The resulting number of gua is 8.
If the calculation is carried out for girls born after 2000, then it should be added not to 5, but to 6.

5. If in the last step you get a two-digit number, add the digits of this number. This will be your gua number.

Now that you know your personal gua number, you can determine which group you belong to. Those whose gua number is 1, 3, 4 or 9 belong to the eastern group.
If your gua number is 2, 5, 6, 7, or 8, then you are in the Western group. According to Feng Shui, people belonging to one group of directions are in conflict with another group. That is, it is contraindicated for them to sleep with their heads in this direction, eat, sit, work at the computer with their faces in this direction, and so on.
For people of the eastern group, the favorable directions are East, Southeast, South and North. For people of the western group, the favorable directions are West, Northwest, Northeast and Southwest.
In order to understand what each of the directions gives you, find a diagram in the figure, the number in the center of which is equal to yours. gua number.

Favorable Directions

This sector of the house is responsible for prosperity, material well-being and the prosperity of the whole house and its inhabitants. Always keep order here and place funds to maintain good energy. This is the strongest of the auspicious directions. Always try to look in this direction, no matter what you do, from eating to signing an important contract.
This place is conducive to marriage, successful romantic relationships and enduring love.
This sector of the house is responsible for the good health of its inhabitants. The rooms of this direction are best assigned to the weakest members of the family from a physical point of view.
Personal development
This sector represents the area of ​​personal luck. This sector sharpens your perception of the world and promotes effective mental activity. This area is especially suitable for school-age children.

Bad Directions

This place is the weakest of all unfavorable. If you are often in this room, you will experience irritation, you will be haunted by minor failures and frustrations and disappointments, and your plans will be more difficult to implement.
five spirits
This space is bound by relationship problems: anxiety, gossip, and failure. This place should not have a living room. Six kills
This sector is considered the sector of six types of failures that come together. Among them are illnesses, loss of reputation, legal troubles, separation from children, financial collapse, death of loved ones and other misfortunes.
This sector of the house usually corresponds to general hardships and denotes complete collapse, death or bankruptcy. This is the most unfavorable of the existing directions. If possible, it should be avoided. It is optimal that there are rooms that do not have windows: a pantry, a bathroom, a toilet.

I want to immediately answer the question that torments many people who have just started practicing feng shui: what to do if, suppose, in your apartment, the sector of love coincides with some unfavorable direction, for example, the direction of misfortune? Don't activate it? Nothing like this! Unfavorable directions are calculated only to determine which direction is best to navigate when you sleep, eat, work and do other things. Try to always stick to your better direction or, if this is not always possible, then any other direction favorable for your gua number. You should also consider these directions when orienting the front door and arranging furniture. However, all this should not prevent you from activating this sector in order to achieve best results in the target.

Everyone wants to be happy: healthy, successful, wealthy, loved and desired. And by hook or by crook (alas!) they are trying to achieve just such a quality of life. However, our efforts do not always give the desired effect. And what's stopping you? Or maybe we just do not know how to apply these efforts correctly, and do not know how to correctly distribute our life-giving energy? Then we suggest you turn to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, use the formula and calculate the Gua number.

According to Chinese philosophy feng shui gua number is calculated individually for each person by the date of his birth. Such a number allows you to determine the favorable and unfavorable cardinal points in the Bagua grid - a magic circle that describes the Universe and divides the space surrounding a person into specific spheres. Each sphere (circle sector) defines a zone in a room (home, office). And the correct and directed activation of these zones allows you to harmonize the living space and influence events and the course of life. According to Feng Shui, a personal number makes it possible to determine which of the directions and which of the zones is the most favorable for a person, and which carries a hidden danger.

To calculate the natal number according to Feng Shui, only the date of birth and its correspondence to the lunar calendar are needed. If you were born in January or February 1-5, then you need to take the previous year for the calculation. For all the following numbers in February and any other month, the personal Gua number is calculated from the actual year of birth. So, to find out your personal feng shui number, follow these steps.

We add the last two digits of the year of birth, and then add the two digits of the amount received. For example, year of birth 1991: 9+1=10; 1+0=1. Year of birth 1983: 8+3=11; 1+1=2.

For men, the resulting figure (number) is subtracted from 10. For 1991: 10-1=9. For 1983: 10-2=8. If a personal feng shui number is calculated for boys and young men who were born after 2000, instead of 10 we take the number 9 and we already carry out the calculation with it. For example, for 2012: 1+2=3; 9-3=7.

For women, the resulting number is added to 5. For 1991: 1+5=6. For 1983: 2+5=7. If a personal feng shui number is calculated for girls and girls who were born after 2000, then instead of 5 we take 6 for calculation. For example, for 2012: 1 + 2 = 3; 3+6=9.

If in the last calculation a two-digit number is obtained, then add both of its digits and get a personal feng shui number. For example, for women born in 1980; 8+0=8; 8+5=13; 1+3=4. Gua number - 4! For men born in 1980: 8+0=8; 10-8=2. Personal number - 2!

The second way to calculate the Gua number

The definition of the Gua number is also possible by another formula. For men, the number consisting of the last two digits of the year of birth is divided by 9, and the remainder is subtracted from 10. For example, the year of birth is 1995. 95 is divided by 9 (95:9=10+5). 5 is subtracted from 10 (10-5=5). The Gua number is 5. If the remainder is zero, then not 0, but 9 is subtracted from 10. For example, for men born in 1990, the calculation looks like this: 1990:9=10 (the remainder is 0); 10-9=1. Gua number - 1.

For women, the last two digits of the year of birth are added to 5, and the resulting amount is divided by 9. The remainder and will be equal to the number of Gua. For example, the year of birth is 1991. Add 5 to 91 (91+5=96); 96:9=10+6. The Gua number is 6. If the remainder is zero, then the Gua number should be considered 9. For example, the year of birth is 1994: 94+5=11. The remainder is 0, so the Gua number is 9.

As you can see, for men and women born in the same year and even on the same day, the Gua numbers will be different. But in addition to your personal Gua number, you also need to know the group to which you belong according to the teachings of Feng Shui.

Eastern and Western Gua Number

According to the philosophy of Feng Shui, the group according to the number of Gua can be eastern or western. People of the East are people whose Gua number is 1, 3, 4, 9. People of the West are people whose Gua number is 2, 5, 6, 7, 8. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, these two cardinal points are in constant conflict . Therefore, the compatibility of the people themselves is also questionable. different groups, as well as the relationship of a person with the opposite side of the world to his group.

So, for example, the Feng Shui teaching believes that it is contraindicated for Western people to sleep with their heads to the East, work at a computer, eat, and generally sit with their faces turned to the East. And vice versa: the western direction is similarly contraindicated for the people of the East. In addition, in Feng Shui practices, the favorable or unfavorable directions of the Bagua grid along the cardinal points are determined, depending on the group.

Auspicious feng shui directions for people with eastern Gua numbers (1, 3, 4, 9):


Auspicious Feng Shui Directions for Western Gua Numbers (2, 5, 6, 7, 8):




Bad and good directions by Gua number

Note that favorable and unfavorable directions according to the number of Gua are also located in the Bagua grid, as well as its main directions in parts of the world. Only depending on the individual Gua number, these directions will correspond to different parts of the world and, therefore, will be placed differently in the Bagua grid. Nevertheless, any number of Gua has only four favorable and four unfavorable zones:

Wealth Zone (material well-being and prosperity);

Love Zone (love, family, romantic relationship, sexual life);

Health (physical and mental health of the inhabitants of the house);

Personal growth (self-improvement, personal luck, success in education and career).

Unfavorable (bad or dangerous) feng shui zones:

The Unhappiness Zone is the most unfavorable place in the room. If a person stays in this zone for a long time and often, then he begins to experience irritation, and in life he will be haunted by minor failures and frequent disappointments.

Zone of the Five Spirits. Contributes to relationship problems.

Zone of Six Murders - a zone of six failures, following one after another or at one time: financial collapse, illness, loss of reputation, death of loved ones, separation from children, trouble with the law.

The Loss Zone is the zone of the most terrible misfortunes: death, complete collapse, bankruptcy, incurable ailments.

However, not everything is so scary, and it is possible to correct these zones. Good zones, coinciding with zones of influence in the Bagua grid, indicate that these areas dominate your life, and it is here that you will be lucky. If bad Gua directions are superimposed on certain areas of influence, then you should make special efforts to achieve success in these areas of life. Because they are the weak link in the chain of events in your life. The main thing is to calculate exactly where favorable and unfavorable directions are located in the house according to the Gua number, and on which zones of influence they are superimposed.

How the Gua number works

To determine the location of the zones according to the Gua number, you need to draw a regular octagon and superimpose it on the plan of the house or room, aligning the cardinal points in the octagon with the cardinal points in the room.

Upper rib - South,

Lower edge - North;

Right rib - West;

Left edge - East.

Well, between them, respectively, the Northeast and Northwest, Southeast and Southwest will be located.

For each personal Feng Shui number, favorable and unfavorable zones are located in different sectors of the octagon. In addition, the traditional directions on the Bagua grid also turn out to be located in favorable or unfavorable for given number zone. By comparing the location of active feng shui zones with good and bad zones for you according to the Gua number, you can activate or neutralize the effect of the energy of this zone with the help of feng shui talismans, the elements and colors of each zone.

Unfavorable directions are calculated in order to Everyday life correctly navigate while eating, sleeping, working and other things. And it is also desirable to take these directions into account when arranging furniture and orienting the front door and windows (as far as possible).

Gua personal number

The last thing you need to know in order to make your personal Gua number work is the location of the zones of influence in the directions of the light for a personal number. Consider General characteristics each of the nine numbers.

Hidden place. Important for career, study, financial well-being.

Longevity. A more positive zone, responsible for the well-being and harmony in marriage.

Heavenly Doctor. Strong Zone, which is responsible for health and stable prosperity.

Origin of Qi. The strongest positive zone. Brings success to financial affairs and contributes to the growth of prestige.

Misfortune. Slightly negative zone, conducive to failures and accidents.

Six Sha. Bad effect on family relationships and business.

Five Spirits. Leads to quarrels, thefts, fires.

Losses. The strongest negative zone, contributing to the disintegration of the family, illness and death.

And here is how these zones (directions) are distributed for each Gua number. All zones are presented in increasing strength of influence: from the weakest to the strongest.

Gua number 1

North - Hidden Place (same as Career Zone)

South - Longevity (coincides with the Glory zone)

East - Celestial healer (coincides with the Family zone)

Southeast - Origin of Qi (coincides with the Wealth Zone)

West - Unhappiness (coincides with the zone of Creativity)

Northwest - Six kills (coincides with the Assistant zone)

Northeast - Five Spirits (coincides with the Knowledge zone)

Southwest - Losses (coincides with the Love zone)

Gua number 2

South - Six kills (coincides with Glory zone)

Gua number 3

East - Hidden Place (same as Family zone)

Southeast - Longevity (coincides with the Wealth zone)

North - Celestial healer (coincides with the Career zone)

South - Origin of Qi (coincides with the zone of Glory)

Southwest - Misfortune (coincides with the Love zone)

Northeast - Six Sha (coincides with the Knowledge Zone)

Northwest - Five Spirits (coincides with the Assistant zone)

West - Losses (coincides with the zone of Creativity)

Gua number 4

Southeast - Hidden Place (coincides with Wealth Zone)

East - Longevity (coincides with the Family zone)

South - Celestial healer (coincides with the Glory zone)

North - Origin of Qi (coincides with the Career zone)

Northwest - Misfortune (coincides with the Helpers zone)

West - Six Sha (coincides with the zone of Creativity)

Southwest - Five Spirits (coincides with the Love zone)

Northeast - Losses (coincides with the Knowledge zone)

Gua number 5 for men

Southwest - Hidden Place (coincides with the Love Zone)

Northwest - Longevity (coincides with the Helper zone)

West - Heavenly healer (coincides with the zone of Creativity)

Northeast - Origin of Qi (coincides with the Knowledge Zone)

East - Misfortune (coincides with the Family zone)

South - Six Sha (coinciding with the zone of Glory)

Southeast - Five Spirits (coincides with the Wealth zone)

North - Losses (coincides with the Career zone)

Gua number 5 for women

West - Longevity

East - Six Sha (coincides with the Family zone)

Gua number 6

Northwest - Hidden Place (coincides with Helper zone)

Southwest - Longevity (coincides with the Love zone)

Northeast - Celestial healer (coincides with the Knowledge zone)

West - Origin of Qi (coincides with the zone of Creativity)

Southeast - Misfortune (coincides with the Wealth zone)

North - Six Sha (coincides with the Career zone)

East - Five Spirits (coincides with the Family zone)

South - Losses (coincides with the zone of Glory)

Gua number 7

West - Hidden Place (coincides with the Creativity Zone)

Northeast - Longevity (coincides with the Knowledge zone)

Southwest - Celestial healer (coincides with the Love zone)

Northwest - Origin of Qi (coincides with the Assistant zone)

South - Misfortune (coincides with the zone of Glory)

Southeast - Six Sha (coinciding with the Wealth Zone)

North - Five Spirits (coincides with the Career zone)

East - Losses (coincides with the Family zone)

Gua number 8

Northeast - Hidden Place (coincides with the Knowledge Zone)

West - Longevity (coincides with the zone of Creativity)

Northwest - Celestial Healer (coincides with Helpers zone)

Southwest - Origin of Qi (coincides with the zone of Love)

South - Misfortune (coincides with the zone of Glory)

East - Six Sha (coinciding with the zone of the Family

North - Five Spirits (coincides with the Career zone)

Southeast - Losses (coincides with the Wealth zone)

Gua number 9

South - Hidden Place (coincides with Glory Zone)

North - Longevity (coincides with the Career zone)

Southeast - Celestial healer (coincides with Wealth zone)

East - Origin of Qi (coincides with the Family zone)

Northeast - Harm (coincides with the Knowledge zone)

Southwest - Six Sha (coinciding with the zone of Love)

West - Five Spirits (coincides with the zone of Creativity)

Northwest - Casualties (coincides with Helper zone)

The number of Gua according to the teachings of Feng Shui is yours natal number, a kind of compass given to you at birth. This compass will help you navigate the magic circle of Bagua, where the zones of influence located on the cardinal points determine the course of your life of your life. This compass will be an excellent navigation tool that will save you from sudden crashes and help you choose the right path. Good luck!

The popular Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui offers several ways to change your life. For example, you can calculate the Gua number, thanks to which you can make adjustments to your life and understand in which direction you should develop, and where changes are needed.

What is the Gua number?

A personal number associated with the cardinal points is usually called the Gua number. For its calculation, only the date of birth is used. The resulting value helps to understand how to place objects in the house and at work in order to change the situation in different aspects of life. Gua personal number gives Additional information for self-improvement, attract material flow, find a soul mate, advance in a career, and so on.

How to calculate the number of Gua for women?

For the calculation, you need to take into account your year of birth. Important - if a woman was born in January or February 1-5, then the previous year should be used, and in other cases, you should take your actual date. To calculate the number of Gua for women, be guided by the following scheme:

  1. The first step is to find the sum of the last two digits of your own year of birth. If the result is a two-digit number, then they must also be added. For example, 1989 = 8+9=17, 1+7=8.
  2. For those who are interested in how to calculate the Gua number, at this stage you need to add 5 to the result. For the example in question: 8+5=13, 1+3=4. It is important to consider that those who have a birthday after 2000 should take not 5, but 6.

Gua number 1

The unit refers to east direction, elements Water, and its color is white. The number Gua 1 for women means that its owner is restrained, cautious and independent. It is easy for her to interact with other people and find herself in different situations. Ones are considered good listeners, but loners. Gua number 1 is best compatible with 6. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - the north. The symbol to activate must represent the purpose of the person.
  2. For wealth - southeast. To activate, you must use two important elements: wood or water.
  3. For love - the south. Units - singles must place a figurine of a phoenix bird in the south, and women must choose a male. For people who are already in a pair, it is better to use mandarin ducks.
  4. For health - the east. It is important that this sector be bright and positive. To improve health, units should place the bed with the headboard facing east.

Gua number 2

Twos belong to the western group, the elements of Earth, and the main color can be yellow or red. The number Gua 2 for women means that its owner is reliable and capable of sacrifice for the sake of others. She can be entrusted with any business, knowing that she will cope with it 100%. Twos don't like change in their lives. Perfect Union women with this Gua number can build with 7. Positive Directions:

  1. For personal growth - southwest. The main purpose of twos is to create happy relationship. To activate, use the symbols of Fire, indicating the area in which you want to achieve success. Place the bed so that the headboard is in this direction.
  2. For wealth - northeast. Twos will use their intellectual ability to achieve material stability. It is recommended to place a ceramic round vase here.
  3. For love - northwest. This is the right side for the bedroom. In this room, you can put icons or love talismans.
  4. For health - the west. Twos for treatment are recommended to use non-traditional methods. This is a great dining area.

Gua number 3

Threes belong to the eastern group, the elements Wood, but the colors that are suitable for them are blue and green. The number 3 for women indicates sensuality, straightforwardness and short temper. They are distrustful and responsible, so they try to do everything on their own. Such women always strive for self-improvement. Threes are perfect for sevens. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - the east. For women triplets great importance has a family from which they draw inspiration. It is recommended here to use symbols of well-being that relate to the element Water, for example, an aquarium or a fountain.
  2. For wealth - the south. If the calculation of the Gua number showed a three, then the woman must clearly define in which area she wants to achieve success. It is allowed to put a couple of money talismans: a toad on coins and others.
  3. For love - southeast. To activate the direction, use the attributes of the elements of Wood or Water, and Fire must be avoided.
  4. For health - the north. Here is a suitable place for the dining room and the front door. To avoid health problems, you need to sleep with your head to the north.

Gua number 4

Fours belong to the eastern group, the elements Wood, and the appropriate colors are green and blue. The number Gua 4 for women means the presence in the character of such traits: openness, independence and changeability. Fours love to fight injustice, and they are also caring and patient. For women with this Gua number, 9 is ideal. Positive Directions:

  1. For personal growth - southeast. The woman-four knows how. Suitable Talismans for this zone: fountain and "double luck knot".
  2. For wealth - the north. Suitable direction for workplace and front door.
  3. For love - the east. It is allowed to use any traditional love talismans.
  4. For health - the south. Suitable area for dining and sleeping. Can be used different mascots, but only with the element of Fire you need to be careful.

Gua number 5

Fives suit the western group, the element Earth, and the best color is red and yellow. Gua number 5 for women indicates a love of adventure, self-sufficiency and perseverance. For such people, there are no barriers to achieving their goals, and they are always looking for an option for self-development. For women of fives, men with the same Gua number are also ideal. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - northeast. It is recommended to organize here workplace, workshop or bedroom.
  2. For wealth - southwest. The number Gua 5 does not recommend using a lot of love symbols and it is better to simply arrange this zone in a suitable color scheme.
  3. For love - the west. Socialists recommend placing and organizing a bedroom here.
  4. For health - the northwest. For good health, it will be useful to place in this zone front door or dining room. It is recommended to sleep with your head to the northwest.

Gua number 6

Sixes belong to the western group and the elements of Metal, but white and yellow are suitable colors. The number Gua 6 for women indicates traits such as self-sufficiency, rationality and organization. Sixes are demanding of themselves and others. For them, people with a Gua number of 1 are ideal. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - northwest. It is important to place a talisman in this zone, symbolizing success in the chosen field.
  2. For wealth - the west. To activate this direction, you can use crystals, a horseshoe and objects that indicate a suitable creative area.
  3. For love - southwest. The head of the bed should face the indicated direction. Choose any talismans of the Earth element.
  4. For health - the northeast. To activate this zone, use the figures of an owl, snakes and a lotus. When decorating the interior, be guided by suitable colors and their shades.

Gua number 7

Sevens belong to the western group and the elements of Metal, but white and yellow are suitable colors. The number Gua 7 for women indicates prudence, sociability and hard work. Such ladies are friendly and not afraid of problems. Men of deuce are ideal for them. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - the west. It is necessary to decorate this zone in a suitable range, using different shades. Use horseshoes and crystals.
  2. For wealth - northwest. It is recommended to put here the icon of the patron saint or the image of the guardian angel.
  3. For love - the northeast. Experts advise putting beds in this direction, as well as organizing a lot of light and space.
  4. For health - southwest. To maintain health, a dining room should be organized in this direction, and in case of chronic diseases, a personal room.

Gua number 8

For eights, the western group, the element Earth, is intended, and yellow and red are the appropriate colors. The Gua number 8 for women indicates the perseverance and self-sufficiency of a person. Such ladies are conservative, secretive and their beliefs practically do not change. For them perfect couple will become a person with the number Gua 2. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - northeast. Arrange this area in a suitable color scheme. It is recommended to use talismans here that symbolize the chosen target. Figurines of a snake and an elephant are universal.
  2. For wealth - southwest. It is not recommended to oversaturate this area with money talismans. Feng Shui experts are against placing a workplace in this area.
  3. For love - the west. It is not recommended to use talismans related to fire to activate this zone. Ideally, if the front door is located in the west and the head of the bed should be placed in this direction. An excellent talisman in the west will be the icon of the patron saint.
  4. For health - the northwest. It is important to rearrange the bed so that the head of the bed is in this direction. It is recommended to put an icon here and periodically use incense.

Gua number 9

For nines, the eastern group, the element Fire, is intended, and what is the right color is red and green. Gua number 9 for women indicates impulsiveness and vanity. They are sociable and well versed in people. Nines are easily carried away by a new business, but can quickly cool down to it. good compatibility Gua numbers 9 with 1. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - south. Coinciding with the glory sector means that nines will easily achieve recognition. It is recommended to place the front door and the talismans of the elements of Fire and Wood here.
  2. For wealth - the east. In this zone there should be talismans symbolizing financial well-being.
  3. For love - the north. It is forbidden to put love paraphernalia associated with fire, such as candles. You can put the bed headboard to the north.
  4. For health - southeast. To improve health in this direction, it is recommended to equip the dining room and use the bamboo style.

To help you properly attract favorable Qi energy into your life will help gua number, calculate which is quite easy. How to do this, as well as how to use the information received and what each value means, this is what will be discussed in this publication.

feng shui gua number

To begin with, a few words about what this mysterious meaning is, in fact, this is a kind of formula that allows you to harmonize your personal Qi energy with the Qi of the entire space around us. It is her that the Chinese consider one of the most significant and effective formulas. Having information about the meaning of the Gua number, you can very easily determine the directions that are favorable and dangerous for you and, accordingly, properly arrange your life in such a way that in most cases you are in your element. In addition, you will be able to predict important events for you in advance, decide to start new things on certain days or postpone them for a while, because each of the areas has a certain impact on one of the qualities of your life - health, love, relationships, career etc.

Gua number calculate online

How to find out your Gua number? This can be done in several ways, thanks to modern progress and the popularization of the World Wide Web, today many thematic sites offer to find out their gua number online, to do this, you just need to enter the requested data into the program (day, month, year of birth, and sometimes time - hours, minutes and hourly time), and in just a few minutes necessary information will be displayed on the monitor screen.

It's also not that hard to determine required value using special tables, which are also very common on Internet resources. One of the options for such a table is offered to you below, carefully study it and find out your numerical Feng Shui formula. Here you need to select your year of birth, as well as gender, this is a fairly significant factor for some numbers.

Gua number calculation

It is not so difficult to calculate the desired numerical value on your own, not only for yourself, but for all members of your family, as well as relatives and friends. In order to properly complete the task, three important points should be taken into account.

Firstly, the starting point should not be our usual calendar year, which traditionally begins on January 1, but the Chinese lunar year. According to Eastern calendar, each year starts on a different date between the end of January and the beginning of February. This moment is especially important for those whose date of birth falls in this period, it is necessary to clarify what year it is indicated - it coincides with our calendar or is still distorted by the previous lunar one. Similar lunar calendars, like many other useful information you can easily find on the net.

Secondly, it must be taken into account that gua number for women and men are performed in completely different ways.

Thirdly, for those who were born already in the twenty-first century (after 2000), gua number for men and women, is calculated by a completely different method.

So, to find out the desired numerical value, you should take the last two digits of your year of birth and add them together, if after that you still get a two-digit result, repeat the addition until the answer is unambiguous.

Example for women: year of birth 1975, 7+5 = 12, 1+2 = 3, 3+5 = 8.

Example for men: year of birth 1984, 8+4 = 12, 1+2 = 3, 10-3 = 7.

It should be noted that those born after 2000 should use the numbers 6 (for women) and 9 (for men) in the formula.

Also note that for men born in 1999, the number-gua without any calculations will be equal to 1, and for 2000 - 9. For women born in 1999 - 5, and 2000 - 6

The values ​​determined by the methods described above are divided into two groups, the first eastern group includes 9,1,3 and 4, the second eastern 2,8,7,5 and 6.

Its main element is water.

The owners of such values ​​have a serious, cold, reasonable, independent, thoughtful, stubborn, focused personality, good intuition, diligence, courage and the ability to fend for themselves.

Such people easily adapt to any situations, they are very sociable, therefore they constantly strive for movements, movements and changes in life. They are interested in new acquaintances, places, establishing new business contacts, new knowledge, they want and can improve themselves.

They know how to quickly and correctly assess any situation, they like to listen a lot, but they don’t speak much, so sometimes it’s quite difficult to understand what’s on their mind. They are capable of doing unexpected things, which often surprise others. They love solitude and tranquility.

Good destinations are:

North - responsible for peace and stability;

South - provides love, longevity and romance;

East - health, harmonious attitude;

Southeast - respect and prosperity.

Its element is earth, which corresponds to.

Calm and conservative personalities correspond to similar values. They gladly help others and easily sacrifice themselves. They are characterized by such qualities as observation, devotion, diligence, dependence, dedication and care for loved ones. Tenderness, caring attitude and altruism often help them gain authority, selfless love and devotion. They create warmth and comfort in the house, often compromise and do not like to quarrel. They are distinguished by reliability, responsibility and stability, love social activities and easily find mutual language in any team - it is these qualities that help them reach their heights in their careers.

favorable directions.

Southwest - peace and stability;

Northwest - longevity, love, romance;

West - health, harmonious relationship;

Northeast - respect, prosperity.

The main element is a large tree.

By nature, people whose Gua number is 3 are characterized by excessive mobility, they constantly violate the established orders and even sometimes simply blow them up, causing everyone to worry and worry. Easily make simple and risky decisions without thinking about the consequences. They always have in stock a few productive ideas and extraordinary solutions, even for the most difficult problems. They value friendship and good relationships with people dear to them.

favorable directions.

South - success;

North - health;

Southeast - love;

East - stability.

The element is a small tree corresponding to .

The owners of this numerical value are not very decisive, but they are incredibly gentle, calm, easily establish warm relations with others and keep them for a long time. Patience, attentiveness, a gentle mind easily help them find the right way out of even the most difficult and seemingly insoluble situation. But indecision often deprives such people of the opportunity to get closer to their dream. Therefore, they often prefer to work for others, giving their all, rather than try to create something of their own.

Favorable destinations:

North - success in any endeavors;

South - good health;

East - love relationship and fidelity;

Southeast - stability in everything.

The main element of the element in Feng Shui is a large metal.

In their lives, such people take on too much responsibility and desire to have a lot of power. They are given a great creative power that can transform and change the world. They are smart, wise, but at the same time very quick-tempered, with difficulty and misunderstanding, they relate to the mistakes and weaknesses of others, I demand from them the same that they themselves can give. They can’t stand other people’s criticism, they don’t listen to advice from the outside, they are very ambitious and always set only to win.

favorable directions.

West - success;

Northeast - health and wellness;

Southwest - love-romantic relationships;

Northwest - stability in business.

The element is a small metal.

These are very soft and affectionate people on the outside, but incredibly stubborn and strong inside. Their main properties are love of life, cheerfulness, openness, friendliness, sincerity. Their behavior is always uninhibited, unlimited, but at the same time does not go beyond generally acceptable boundaries. They talk a lot in their usual manner, are very witty and charming, which wins the favor of others. Possess observation, thoughtfulness and sharp intuition, they like to have a good time. free time, and they treat money spending very easily and calmly, motivating this by the fact that they both came and left.

Favorable direction.

Northwest - success;

Southwest - health;

Northeast - love and romance;

West - stability.

The main element is the small earth.

Such people have a very strong will, they are quite independent and independent, they do not like to do something together, only if this does not give them a clear advantage. They are quite restless and suspicious of everything, which is why they often miss many opportunities. They like to lead a calm and secluded lifestyle, they are not very sociable and even slightly hidden. They do not want change and are very conservative. Often they are seriously interested in collecting, they create albums, herbariums themselves, they like to systematize and organize everything.

Favorable direction.

Southwest - success;

Northwest - health;

West - love;

Northeast - stability.

The main element is fire.

Outwardly, such people look very strong, hard and stubborn, although in fact they are malleable and soft inside, sometimes even submissive. Possess inner strength understanding and consciousness of any situation, finding it real essence and even possess the gift of clairvoyance. They love everything expensive and often live beyond their means, have a large circle of influential friends and acquaintances, but few of them can say that they are well acquainted with the owners of the number gua 9. They have good health and a stable psycho-emotional state, they know how to sympathize with their neighbor and always ready to help.

Favorable direction.

East - success in everything;

Southeast - good health and stable health;

North - love relationships;

South - complete stability in any business and undertakings.

Pay attention among the listed numbers, we did not meet the number 5, the fact is that it is among all that it is the center of Lo-Shu, it does not have its own trigram and, accordingly, its own direction. However, there is the following rule, which was established by the Chinese sages through complex and lengthy calculations, it says that the resulting value of 5 for women will correspond to 8, and for men - 2.

The numerical values ​​​​of Gua in Feng Shui in certain combinations can indicate the compatibility or incompatibility of a man and a woman. So, for example, the values ​​​​of 1 and 6 indicate that this joint marriage will bring a lot of wealth. Spouses with the numbers 2 and 7 are provided with a long and happy living together, as well as harmonious relationships until old age. Those husband and wife who, after calculating personal formulas, got 3 and 8 will never get bored next to each other, and passionate relationships will accompany them all their lives. Married couple in which 4 and 9 will unite will go side by side hand in hand through life, seeking joint recognition and fame.

In addition, it is believed that a partner can be chosen according to the characteristics of the group, in other words, the husband and wife must belong to the same one, this will make it much faster and easier to achieve harmonious and warm relations.

Now that you know what your Gua number is, you can competently and harmoniously arrange your life using the basics and rules of Feng Shui.

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