The name of the training courses for younger students. Communication training for younger students

The main stages in the development of a child's personality are school years. Small man actively learns the world, looking for a place in life, learns to distinguish the subtleties of relationships between people and interact with social environment. The period of growing up from 10 to 13 years old is fraught with many problems in itself. psychological nature, which in the school walls are only aggravated. Causes of isolation, depressive inappropriate behavior can be:

  • low self-esteem;
  • fear of communicating with teachers and peers;
  • excessive study loads;
  • conflicts with parents.

As a result, the child loses motivation to learn, in some situations he may refuse to attend school at all. In this case, it is important not to wait for the problems to be solved by themselves, but to sign up for psychological trainings for schoolchildren.

How can training for schoolchildren help a child?

Training allows the child to work through the main internal problems in a playful way and learn to cope with them independently in the future. The lessons include:

  • acting techniques;
  • relaxation exercises;
  • art therapy;
  • various diagnostic methods;
  • role-playing games.

All this is designed to help the child simulate various situations and beat possible options behavior. Classes are conducted by certified experienced psychologists specializing in working with children and their parents.

What will the child get as a result of the training?

Before starting classes, it is worth identifying the problems that disturb the teenager, identify issues that should be worked on especially carefully. During the training conducted by a professional, several important tasks are solved, the main ones are:

  • to teach a teenager to cope with internal excitement and stress, by applying various relaxation techniques;
  • to form the correct self-esteem in the child and teach him to adequately assess his abilities;
  • develop teamwork skills;
  • properly motivate the student to study.

All the skills acquired during the training are acquired by the child in a natural playful way and are fixed during the discussion with the trainer. They allow the student to feel more confident in the classroom and easier to cope with the academic load. In the process of collective studies, he will master the basics of harmonious interaction with the group, which will undoubtedly be useful to him in adulthood.

The psychological center for education and development "Insight" conducts various trainings for schoolchildren that will help the children become more collected and attentive in the classroom, learn how to solve conflict situations that arise in the team.

Classes are taught by teenage psychologist-consultant Uliana Alexandrovna Ivanova.

Duration of the training: 3 hours with two breaks of 10 minutes each.

Training cost: 2000 rub.

In our center, career guidance trainings for schoolchildren are conducted, which will not only allow teenagers to roughly decide on future profession but also reveal their natural inclinations and talents. You can sign up for any training with our administrator by filling out a special form on the website, or by calling. Let your child be confident!

The purpose of the correctional development program: cooperation of children in a group, which provides for the creation of a sense of belonging to a group, a positive emotional background, the ability to understand one's emotional state and recognize the feelings of people around, the development of communication skills.

Lesson 1. We get to know each other.

1. Mood thermometer

The host shows a real thermometer and talks about its action. Children are invited to show their mood (as a thermometer shows the temperature) only with their hands: a bad mood - the palms touch each other, a good mood - the hands are spread apart.

2. "Snowball"

Each child takes turns saying their name and favorite toy.

3. "What I like to do"

Leading. I would like us to get to know each other better. To do this, I offer you the following game. One of you will choose something that he really likes to do and start showing us without words. Everyone else is watching carefully what the speaker is doing and trying to guess what he wants to tell us, but they themselves do not say anything yet. As soon as the speaker has completed his pantomime ( vocabulary work), we can start voicing our guesses. After everyone has spoken, we can ask the speaker if there are those among us who understood him correctly. After the discussion, the next speaker will speak. Let me start the game.

4. Game "River"

The players stand in one column. The host announces that they are all a big river, which in one place “spills” into two branches: two small rivers. At the beginning of the column, it is necessary to put two leaders and, showing how the river “spills”, separate them in different directions. The rest of the children take turns going in different directions. Everyone's wishes are taken into account.

5. The game "Scientist"

The host climbs onto a chair and declares himself a scientist, and all the children are droplets. He asks the children to spread out across the room. The scientist needs to compose a very important substance and send it into space. In the flask he is holding, he will drip 3 different liquids: yellow, green and red. After each “infusion” of color, the droplets (and these are the children in the group) begin to move and merge (join hands) until the scientist says: “Stop!” And so 3 times. Droplets during the experiment merge 2-3-6, etc.

6. The game "Engine"

The guys scatter to different corners of the room and choose a place for themselves - this is their “station”. One of the participants is a "locomotive". His building - bypassing everyone, collect passengers to the music.

Lesson 2. Establishing contact.

2. "Affectionate name"

The host invites each child to affectionately name the neighbor sitting on the right, who must certainly thank the speaker by saying “Thank you”.

3. "Tender hands - a kind look - a pleasant smile"

It is proposed to put your hands on top of the hands of a neighbor sitting on the left, look into his eyes and smile. And so in a circle.

4. "Go away!"

The host offers to “play out” his bad mood. Leading. Children, show your bad mood in the game "Go away!". To do this, meet in pairs and, connecting your palms and frowning your eyebrows, angrily say to each other: “Go away!”. Then go to another boy or girl.

5. "Tuh-tibi-spirit!"

Leading. I will now give you a special word. This is a magic spell against bad mood. Start walking around the room without talking to anyone. As soon as you feel like talking, stop in front of one of the children and say angrily three times Magic word"tuh-tibi-spirit!".

The second child should stand quietly and listen as you say the magic word. But if he wants, he can answer you in the same way: say angrily three times: “Tuh-tibi-dukh!” From time to time, stop in front of someone and again angrily say this magic word.

6. "Come to me!"

Leading: And now walk around the room and from time to time, meeting with someone, say: “Come to me!” At the same time, you can smile at your friend and call him, showing with your hands. Approaching each other, hug and stand like that.

7. Game "Snake"

The group stands in a circle. The leader walks in a circle and says the words: “I am a snake, a snake, a snake. I'm crawling, crawling, crawling. Do you want to be my tail?" The one to whom the leader approaches must crawl under his feet and take him by the waist, i.e. become a tail. Now they walk together and lengthen the "tail". When they reach the last player, the “head” closes the “tail”.

8. "Good warmth"

Leading. This exercise is called "Kind Warmth". Stand in a circle and gently hold hands. “Heat” will go from me to the right, that is, I will gently shake my neighbor’s hand on the right, he will next, and so on in a circle. Let's try. And now the same thing, but with closed eyes. Let's see how the group works together.

Lesson 3. Recognition and regulation of one's state.

1. "Mood thermometer" (see lesson 1)

2. "Strange City"

Instructions for the exercise: “We are all residents of a strange city in which people walk along the main street of the city all the time and greet each other all the time. When the city clock on the tower strikes the hour - they greet with the backs of their hands, when two - with their right hand touch the left ear of the oncoming one, three - greet with their backs, four - with their knees. So, let's walk and say hello."

The leader imitates the strikes of the clock with claps. After the game, everyone, as a rule, good mood and the group is ready to go.

3. "Pick apples"

Leading. Imagine that there is a big apple tree growing in front of you with wonderful big apples. Apples hang directly overhead, but it is not possible to get them without difficulty. Look at me, I'll show you how you can pluck them. You see, there is a big apple hanging at the top right. Stretch your right hand as high as possible, rise on your tiptoes and take a sharp breath. Now pluck the apple. Bend down and lay it on the grass. Now exhale slowly. We do the same with the other hand.

4. "Princess Nesmeyana"

A chair is placed in the center. A child sits on it. To cheer up Princess Nesmeyana, you need to say kind words to her about how good she is. The children take turns telling the princess about her good qualities.

5. Thunderstorm

Leading. Guys, who is afraid of thunderstorms? Want to reduce your fear? One child lies on the floor. Further, the leader silently, showing only with his hand, invites the children to take places around the lying one. He speaks words and makes certain movements with his hands, making noise. The children repeat the same after him.

The grass rustled and a light rain fell. The rain began to intensify. Thunder boomed. The hail fell. It poured pouring rain. There was a light rain. A light breeze blew. Finally, the first rays of the sun came out. Wake up baby How do you feel?

6. "Kind animal"

Children stand in a circle and hold hands. Leading. Let's play a game called "Kind Animal". We are one big, kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes. Now let's breathe together. Inhale - everyone takes a step forward. Exhale - step back. Our animal breathes very evenly and calmly. Now let's draw and listen to how it beats a big heart. A knock is a step forward, a knock is a step back.

7. "Hippo"

Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. They say the line “And I was bitten by a hippopotamus” and go to the right side, then go to the left side and say “I climbed a tree out of fear.” “And now I'm here” - right foot forward, “And my foot is there” - right back, “And I was bitten by a hippopotamus” - spun around themselves.

The following text is pronounced and made as if dancing a “twist”:

“Bab Dus, Bab Dus, Bab Dus! Uncle San, Uncle San, Uncle San! Aunt Lus, aunt Lus, aunt Lus! I'm not afraid of the hippo!" - around you. First, picking up the pace.

Lesson 4. Attention to the partner.

1. "Hello friend!"

Hello Friend! Where have you been? I'm so glad you're here! Fine!

2. "Birch"

Leading. Stand up straight, feet together, hands down. Raise your arms up, while the back is straight, the chin is raised. Legs, like the roots of a tree, grow into the ground, feet together and pressed to the floor. Stretch your whole body up as if you were a strong tree that is not afraid of any storm. Your body is slim, beautiful, strong. After 10 seconds, the arms slowly lower. Take 2-3 calm breaths and exhales and repeat the exercise.

3. "Clear your brains"

Leading. Right now, we will all perform a special ritual together (vocabulary work). This ritual should help us remove all the dust that has accumulated in the depths of our mind. Stand with your feet a little apart and keep your hands about 20 cm from your ears. Imagine that you are holding a golden thread in your hands that enters one ear, passes through your head, and exits the other ear. You made it! Now start pulling back and forth, from one ear to the other... Look around you, see how everyone is doing the same thing. Now let's do it in the same rhythm. Ready? One-two, one-two! Left-right, left-right! Do you know who you are now? You are mental chimney sweeps. You have cleared the contents of your head and are ready for new discoveries.

4. "Relay race of good news"

Leading. I want each of you to tell us something nice that happened to him yesterday (this week). Moreover, while you are talking, the tennis ball is in your hands. When you are done talking, pass the baton of good news, that is, pass the ball to a neighbor, and so on in a circle.

5. "Cows, dogs, cats"

Leading. Please stand in a wide circle. I will approach each of you and whisper the name of some animal in your ear. Remember it well, because then you will have to become this animal. Don't tell anyone what I whispered to you. Take turns whispering into the children's ears: "You will be a cow", "You will be a dog", "You will be a cat".

Now close your eyes. Forget human language for a moment. In a minute, I will ask you to "speak" as your animal "speaks". You need to, without opening your eyes, unite in groups with all those animals that "speak" just like you. You can walk around the room and, having heard your animal, move towards it. Then, hand in hand, you two walk together and make the sound of this animal together in order to find other children “speaking” your language. Ready? Did everyone close their eyes? Prick up your ears and listen to the sounds of the cow, dog and cat... Let's get started!

6. "Three faces"

Leading. I will show you three facial expressions. At the same time, I want you to guess what facial expression I show. Showing for the first time. What facial expression was I trying to show you? That's right, a fierce face. Let's all raise our eyebrows, bare our teeth, and clench our fists—show a fierce face. I show you for the second time. And now? (Answers.) And now let each of you make a sad face. What gestures are best for us to make with our hands to express sadness. Showing a third person. Which? The third person is happy. To do this, let's all smile broadly and press our hands to our hearts ... Let's try again: sad, fierce, happy. Now split into pairs and stand with your comrades back to back. Choose one of the three faces we have shown. When I count to three, you will need to quickly turn to each other and show the expression you have chosen. The challenge is to show the same face as your partner without prearrangement. Ready? One two Three…

7. "Confusion"

All participants stand in a circle and stretch their hands forward, then, at the command of the leader, they connect them with the hands of other people, preferably not their neighbors. The leader, by lightly shaking the hand of the person standing on the right, launches an impulse that must pass through the entire circle and return to the leader from the neighbor on the left. Then the group is invited to unravel so that everyone is in the same circle. The task can be repeated several times until the instruction is executed.

8. "Mobile phone"

Lesson 5. Cohesion of children in a group.

1. "Mood thermometer" (see lesson 1)

2. "Find out who's missing"

All participants close their eyes, and the leader at this time touches someone on the shoulder. The one he touched silently leaves. At the leader's signal, everyone opens their eyes and looks who is not there. Whoever calls the missing player first wins.

3. "Ivan da Danila"

Everyone gets up in one big circle. Two players go to the center of the circle. One will be Ivan, and the other will be Danila. Ivan closes his eyes and tries to catch Danila, shouting to him: "Where are you, Danila?". Danila must answer him: “Here I am, Ivanushka!”, with Danila playing with open eyes and tries to elude Ivan. Naturally, both Ivan and Danila must remain within the circle at all times. The rest of the children need to watch so that Ivan does not get lost. Ivan has exactly one minute to catch Danila. After that, the next pair plays.

4. "Four Steps Forward"

5. "Massezhik"

Participants stand in a circle one after another so that their hands rest on the shoulders of the person in front. First, they rub the back of the person in front, going down the spine, then put their hands on the edge and lightly tap on the shoulders with the sound “Aaa”. After 2-3 minutes, the circle unfolds into reverse side, the procedure is repeated.

6. "The Blind Man and the Guide"

Participants break into pairs and distribute among themselves who they will have partner A and partner B. Partner A becomes blind, and partner B becomes a guide. The task of partner B is to show the blind person the room in which they are in such a way that he has a good idea about it, allowing him to touch various things - big ones. Small, smooth, rough, prickly, cold. You can also bring the "blind" to a place where objects emit smells, but nothing can be said at the same time. After a while they change places.

Lesson 6. Self-management (Self-regulation).

1. "Say what you want"

Everyone can do whatever they want everyone to know. The game goes around.

2. "Box of experiences"

Leading. I brought a small box today. I propose to send it around in a circle to collect our unpleasant experiences and worries. You can say it in a whisper, but be sure to put it in this box. Then I will seal it up and take it away, and with it, let your unpleasant experiences disappear.

3. "Magic pillow"

I brought a magic pillow. Everyone in turn can sit on it and tell us about some of their desires. The one who sits on the pillow will always begin the story with the words: "I want ...". Everyone else will listen carefully.

4. "Wake up the spirit"

Stand in a wide circle and, without bending your knees, reach with your hands to the tips of your toes. Then I'll start counting from one to ten. For each count, you will raise your hands, as it were, a step higher. Thus, on the count of ten, your hands will be raised up to the sky. At first, standing with your hands down, touching your feet, you may feel tired. But the higher your hands rise, the more cheerful your spirit will become. Ready? Started!

The facilitator performs this exercise together with the children, while counting loudly and slowly from 1 to 10.

5. "Earthquake"

The group is divided into threes. 2 people join hands and form a "house". The rest is a "resident". He gets up in the "house". At the command of the host "houses", all residents remain in their places, and the houses are looking for new residents. On the command "residents" - vice versa. If the host says “earthquake”, then everyone scatters and creates new houses with new residents.

6. "Boring-boring"

Children sit on chairs along the wall. As soon as the leader says the rhyme:

It's boring, it's boring to sit like this, to look at each other all the time. Isn't it time to run and change places, -

It is necessary to run to the opposite wall, touch it with your hand and, returning, sit on any chair. The host at this time removes one chair. That game can be lost until the end, until there is only one, the most dexterous child. Dropped out children can play the role of judges, monitor compliance with the rules of the game.

7. "Monolith"

All players stand in a circle very close to each other, looking at each other in the back of the head. Then they slowly lower themselves and sit on each other's knees. At the leader's command, everyone takes a few steps, being in this position. If everything is done correctly, then none of the group members will fall and remain "crushed".

8. "Thank you for a nice day"

please stand in general circle. I want to invite you to participate in a small ceremony that will help you express your feelings of friendship and gratitude to each other. The game goes like this: one of you stands in the center, the other approaches him, shakes hands and says: “Thank you for a nice day!”. Both become in the center, still holding hands. Then a third child comes up, takes either the first or the second by the free hand, shakes it and says: “Thank you for a pleasant day!”.

Thus, the group in the center of the circle is constantly growing. Everyone is holding each other's hands. When the last person joins your group, close the circle and end the ceremony with a silent threefold firm handshake. This is how the game ends.

Lesson 7. Ability to interact.

1. "Mood thermometer" (see lesson 1)

2. "Gift"

A friend is going on a long journey. He has already boarded the train. You want to give him a parting gift, but they are no longer allowed into the car. The gift must be presented in front of the window with the help of facial expressions and gestures.

3. "Mirrors"

One participant becomes the leader. Everyone should imagine that he came to a store where there are a lot of mirrors. He stands in the center, and other children, "mirrors", stand in a semicircle around him. The driver will show different movements, and the "mirrors" should immediately repeat these movements.

4. "Masks"

The player is put on an animal mask, but he does not know which animal, and no one tells him. To guess whose mask he is wearing, he can invite one of the children to depict this animal. If the animal is guessed, the child who so skillfully depicted this animal will be the driver.

5. "Listen to silence"

The facilitator invites the children to close their eyes and listen to the silence. Then it turns out who and what heard. The game can be repeated several times. For a change, you can make any noise.

6. "Zoo"

The players are divided into two groups. The first group - children depicting animals in the zoo, the second group - children walking around the zoo and guessing which animal is in front of them. After all the animals have been guessed, the children switch roles.

7. "Foreigner"

You are in another country, you do not know the language, you are not understood. Ask for directions to the zoo (pool or to the beach, to the square where the monument stands, to the cinema, to the post office, etc.).

8. "We hunt a lion"

Children expressively repeat the rhyme “We are hunting a lion” after the leader, and make the appropriate movements.

We are hunting a lion. We are not afraid of him. We have a huge gun And a very sharp sword, WOW! Oh what is it? Oh what is it? Oh what is it? Field! You can't fly over it, you can't crawl under it, The road is straight! Top-top-top! Swamp! Chav-chav-chav! Sea! Boo-boo-boo! Desert! Shur-shur-shur! They went out to the meadow. Who is this lying here? Let's touch him! (Children touch an imaginary lion) “Yes, it's a lion! Oh, mothers!” - we were afraid of him and ran home through the desert Shur-shur-shur! across the sea through the swamp Chav-chav-chav! across the field Top-top-top! They ran home and closed the door. Wow! Tired.

9. "Friendly hugs"

Say goodbye, please, to those who have become dear to you, more warmly: hug like very good friends and say to each other: "Thank you."

Target: increased cohesion classroom, the development of the team as an integral group subject.

Training objectives:

1) Formation of a friendly and trusting relationship with each other;

2) Formation of the skill to coordinate their actions with others and learn to resolve conflict situations;

3) Teaching cooperation and the ability to jointly solve tasks;

4) Development of emotional empathy for a classmate;

5) Development creativity students.

All this contributes to the rapprochement of children and the development of a sense of "We" in the children's team. Thus, the communication skills of students are formed. elementary school, and group cohesion is dynamically developing on their basis.

The training includes group cohesion exercises, outdoor games, competitions and creative tasks (drawing, appliqué, collage, singing) adapted for students in grades 1-4. The number of tasks and the duration of the lesson depend on the age of the students. The session takes 1.5-2 hours. The training is conducted with one class, divided into 4 equal teams. Each team chooses a captain.


  1. Music center, multimedia equipment, laptop.
  2. Presentation.
  3. Task cards.
  4. Sheets of A3 format.
  5. Felt pens, markers, pencils
  6. Scissors, glue.
  7. Colored cardboard or paper.
  8. Magazines with bright pictures for collage
  9. Phonograms of songs about friendship.
  10. Player with headphones, scarves.
  11. Tokens



Game training "FRIENDSHIP" for younger students.

Target: increasing the cohesion of the classroom, the development of the team as an integral group subject.

Training objectives:

  1. Formation of a friendly and trusting relationship with each other;
  2. Formation of the skill to coordinate their actions with others and learn to resolve conflict situations;
  3. Training in cooperation and the ability to jointly solve tasks;
  4. Development of emotional empathy for a classmate;
  5. Development of creative potential of students.

All this contributes to the rapprochement of children and the development of a sense of "We" in the children's team. Thus, the communication skills of primary school students are formed, and on their basis, group cohesion is dynamically developing.

The training includes group cohesion exercises, outdoor games, competitions and creative tasks (drawing, appliqué, collage, singing) adapted for students in grades 1-4. The number of tasks and the duration of the lesson depend on the age of the students. The session takes 1.5-2 hours. The training is conducted with one class, divided into 4 equal teams. Each team chooses a captain.


  1. Music center, multimedia equipment, laptop.
  2. Presentation.
  3. Task cards.
  4. Sheets of A3 format.
  5. Felt pens, markers, pencils
  6. Scissors, glue.
  7. Colored cardboard or paper.
  8. Magazines with bright pictures for collage
  9. Phonograms of songs about friendship.
  10. Player with headphones, scarves.
  11. Tokens

Accompanying text for the game training "FRIENDSHIP"


Song "True Friend"(Spanish participants)


  1. What is friendship?


  1. The word Friendship has many cognate words, for example, the word FRIEND, and the first

the task for each team is to find as many of these words as possible within 3 minutes.

View slide.


  1. The word FRIEND is sometimes replaced by synonymous words that are close in meaning - who can name such words?

(friend, comrade)


  1. Do you think it's hard to be a true friend? How do you need to treat people so that you have friends and what is needed for this?

A friend is someone who...(continue this sentence and try to make 2-3 more sentences)

(team answers, scoring)

View slide.


  1. What person would you like to be friends with? What do you think it should be a true friend what qualities should it have?

« A friend must be...(adjectives, continue this sentence and try to identify as many qualities of a true friend as you can)

(team answers, scoring)

View slide.


  1. To become good friend, necessary…

GAME "Bird Flocks"

Leading: “Now everyone is turning into a small lonely bird. You birds begin to fly to the music. in this case, slight collisions with each other are possible. Be careful. At my command, you unite in small flocks, I will name the number of birds in your flock.

Some time after the start, the leader says a number, for example, "five". Participants form groups of five. Those who did not enter any of the flocks are eliminated from the game. Then, another number of birds in flocks, etc., but no more than 4-5 times. As a result of the game, the group is divided into two subgroups: those who left and those who remained on the site.

Analysis: Why didn't everyone enter? What is the difference between those who remained outside the game?


  1. But not only people can be friends, but also our smaller brothers. Let's look at them.


  1. And now I ask the guys to come out here, who will tell us a wonderful poem about friendship."Let's be friends with each other..."


  1. Of course, you know that the Russian people have many different wise proverbs, among which there are proverbs about friendship. Let's remember them, I will read the beginning of the proverb, and the one who knows the continuation must answer by raising his hand.

(read proverbs)

(team answers, scoring)


  1. Game - contest "Guess the melody"

Today all the songs of our contest are dedicated to friendship.

For a correct answer, the team receives a note token.


  1. Probably, there were moments in your life when you were very lonely, and you thought that no one needed you, but then you were convinced of the opposite, because there were friends nearby. There are times in life when a friend needs help.

Each team will be given this or that situation from which it is necessary to find a way out, find a solution, so as not to lose either oneself in the eyes of a friend or a friend. Teams are given 3 minutes to discuss.

(team answers, scoring)

View slide.


  1. And now a creative task awaits you, each team is invited to complete a collage on the theme "Friendship". You have magazines, sheets of drawing paper, scissors and glue, using all these materials, you can make a joint creative work, which will be called "Friendship". And the jury at this time will calculate the number of points scored by the teams.

Summing up, rewarding all participants.

You and I worked very closely together, and therefore I think that today there are no vanquished. FRIENDSHIP won today!


Additional options for games and exercises.

Exercise "Five kind words"

Each team member circles his palm on a piece of cardboard and writes his name in the center. Then he passes the drawing to the neighbor on the right, and he himself receives the drawing from the neighbor on the left. In one of the “fingers” of the received alien drawing, everyone writes some attractive quality that one would like to wish its owner (for example, “you are kind”, “you are cheerful”, “you are witty”, etc.). The drawings go around. Thus, all "fingers" are filled. If there are not enough fingers, you can write on the palm itself around the name of the participant. At the end of the exercise, the palms return to their owners and you can read what your comrades wished for you and leave the palm as a keepsake(our palms turned into rays of a cheerful sun)

If we want to have friends, we must have a firm idea and a subtle feel for what the other person needs. People differ from each other in nationality, habits, clothing, but they live together and one must respect the young and the old, the healthy and the sick, the poor and the rich. Any person wants to be loved and respected, appreciated and understood, and very often we just need to hear kind words and wishes from the people around us. Really, guys, every person is unique. He is an individual, a person with his own characteristics. If we were all the same, life in the world would simply be uninteresting.

Dialogue poem by B. Zakhoder “We are friends”

Game "Understand me"

3 participants from each team are invited to participate in the competition. Moreover, each of them performs a certain role: one of the participants does not see anything, i.e. he is blind, the second one does not hear anything, i.e. he is deaf, and the third one cannot speak, he is mute. The task of the team is to arrange a meeting: where (meeting place), when (day and time), for what (for example, go to the cinema, birthday, take a walk, go skiing or skating, etc.) You have 3 minutes to complete the task.

2.1.1. Communication training for children of primary school age
Lesson 1

Task: Acquaintance of group members, networking.


I. Begins with an acquaintance that takes place in the form of a game "Snowball"(5 minutes.): everyone standing in a circle before giving his name repeats all the names that were named before him.

  1. Name with exit”(5 minutes.) . Each participant in turn goes to the center of the circle and loudly says his name, while making some kind of gesture or taking a pose characteristic of him.
It is better if the host starts the game so that it is clear.

III. ball game(5 minutes.). Leading: Do you remember each other's names? I'm not done yet. Now we will play a game that will help us remember the names better. The one who catches the ball says his name. And then, throwing the ball to another person, calls his name. If someone has forgotten the name of a group member, you can ask him to be reminded.

The exercise helps to better remember the names of the group members.

IV. "Pairs Show" (20 minutes.). The exercise helps the participants to get to know each other better.

Each member of the group must choose a pair for himself - any person from the circle, sit next to his partner and agree on who will be the first and who will be the second.

The first part of the game is work in pairs. First, the first tell the second a little about themselves (whatever you want; you can talk about your favorite activities, your family, friends, your character, preferences, or something else). The latter listen carefully to their partner and try to remember what he says. After the Leader says: "Stop", the roles are exchanged.

The second part of the game is the introduction of the partner (that the second part will be announced immediately after the end of the first). The circle is organized again. Each participant should now introduce their partner, standing behind his back and holding his hands on his shoulders (the Facilitator shows). You need to tell in the first person what you heard from your partner; like you are him.

Children learn this instruction with difficulty, so the facilitator must demonstrate how the exercise is performed. Here it is also important to closely monitor what is happening and give the participants timely feedback. The exercise often provides rich material for advisory work, but one should not overdo it, because. this is the very beginning of the work of the group and the children are not yet ready for a deep penetration into their problems, and especially for their demonstration to others.

Setting to work: tasks and rules (50-60 min.). The facilitator explains the tasks and rules of the group, organizing a dialogue to make sure that it is understood correctly.

Leading:"We have 4 classes ahead of us, participation in which can help each of you:

Understand your relationships with others and begin to build these relationships, resolving emerging conflicts for the benefit of yourself and others;

Understand what is happening to you, what caused this or that attitude of those around you and yours towards them;

Know your strengths and weak sides and learn how to use both;

Build yourself and influence your life.

In order for our classes to proceed most effectively, so that everyone can benefit from them as much as possible for themselves, I will introduce several rules of behavior and work in our group:

1. the rule of activity and responsibility of everyone for the results of work in the group: the more active each member of the group is, the more he contributes to the work of the group, the more benefit the whole group and himself will receive;

2. rule permanent participation in work: participation in the work is mandatory for each member of the group;

3. the rule of the closedness of the group: what happens in the group is not discussed outside it;

4. rule of frankness and sincerity: group members should try to be themselves here, to say what they think and feel;

5. "I - statements": speak only about yourself and on your own behalf (I think, I feel, etc.);

6. "Stop!" rule: a group member who does not want to answer a question or participate in a particular exercise can say "Stop!" and thus exclude yourself from participation; it is desirable to use this rule as little as possible, because. it limits both the participant himself and the whole group in development, movement, and cognition.

Discussing and adopting rules of conduct is very great importance. Acceptance of the rules by the group means taking responsibility for the life and work of the group. This is, in my opinion, the moment of the band's birth. Therefore, the leader should not: rush, be formal, ignore discontent or disagreement. More than half of the time of the first session can be devoted to the adoption of the rules, since this is extremely milestone work. Sparing no time for it, the facilitator increases the likelihood of getting a cohesive, responsible, ready-to-work group. And a few more comments on the procedure for making rules: " Discuss each rule separately, immediately after reading it. The following questions asked by the lead group members can help here: "How do you understand this rule?", "How ready to follow it?", " Are there any concerns, what and with what?

It is necessary to obtain the consent of each participant to follow these rules. Do not be afraid to change the rules, let the children come up with a new rule to replace the one they didn’t like, take an active part in the discussion and acceptance yourself. This is a creative process, and the rules are not dogmas.

Emphasize in conclusion that 10 15%, everything else from the participants themselves. Your role is to suggest exercises, organize discussions, help bring to light some ulterior motives and problems; the role of the child it is an active participation in what is happening. Remember that most children are not accustomed to and do not like to take responsibility for their actions.

After adopting the rules, carefully monitor their implementation, do not pass by episodes of breaking the rules, because children love to check the hosts for "lice". Remind them of the rule itself, their personal responsibility, and make it clear that you have noticed a violation. In the vast majority of cases, the above actions on the part of the host are enough to call the offender to order and prevent the work from falling apart.

Main part

V. "Molecules"(5 minutes.). Atoms (group members) move randomly. At the signal of the host, they combine into molecules of a certain size (2–5 atoms) for 10 seconds, while the bell rings. Atoms that are not included in the composition of the molecules are eliminated. The host must each time name such a number of atoms that make up the molecule so that one participant remains superfluous.

Presenter: “Imagine a birthday. Each of you has attended this holiday more than once both as a birthday person and as a guest. Now each of you will receive a piece of paper on which the role that you will play in our impromptu performance will be written. (performance) will last 20 minutes. You must try during this time to constantly be in the specified image. "

This role-playing game. Possible roles: Birthday man, his (her) Assistant, Argumentator, Peacemaker, Passive, Dissatisfied, Original, Tactless, Detached. The facilitator selects a specific role for each child. It can be either corresponding to its type or opposite, depending on the goals that you are pursuing. You can also define each role in more detail. For example, "Peace-lover. Tries to resolve all disagreements that arise. He is afraid of conflicts, therefore he avoids in every possible way sharp corners in conversations."

It should be borne in mind that for the successful development of the game, the participants must be sufficiently relaxed, and, therefore, very well warmed up by the previous warm-up. In any case, this game initially increases the tension in the group and causes some confusion due to the vagueness of the instructions and the uncertainty of the rules.

This exercise provides rich opportunities for participants to become aware of their own behavior patterns, as well as to model behavior. From such a game, the facilitator, with sufficient skill, can pull out a lot of material for further development during the discussion. You can also try to work individually in a circle with one of the children after this exercise. The task of the leader is to carefully observe the course of the game, noting the behavior of each of the participants, the compliance with the proposed role. The following questions can be asked in the discussion:

To what extent did your behavior during the game correspond to the role?

Was it difficult to play the proposed role?

Does your behavior in the game look like how you usually behave in life?

In addition, you can ask children about a particular role:

How does this behavior make you feel?

IV. "Take a chair" (10 min.) . One person sits in the center of the circle on a chair, the task of the restby all means, except for physical violence, take the chair of the leader.

This exercise arouses constant interest in children, is a good relaxation, and, in addition, gives good feedback to everyone on how he can ask and convince other people. Here it is important, after each change of the presenter, to ask the replaced questions: "Why did he give up the chair to this particular child?"; "Who would he never give up his chair to, why?"

At the end of the game, it is useful to conduct a lightning survey of who has been the leader how many times, to ask those who have never been - what they associate it with.

V. Discussion of homework (15 minutes.). The facilitator asks those who wish to read their essays. After the child has read his work, he can ask certain participants (or all) to give him feedback.

VI. Issuance of homework: Write a fairy tale where the main character is one of the group members.

VII. "A dark horse"(20 minutes.) . The exercise is performed in pairs. Of these two, one is the leader, the other is the slave. The latter closes his eyes, and the former takes him by the waist and leads him around the room, where chairs and other objects are arranged."obstacles". The leader's task is to lead his partner in such a way as to bypass all obstacles and not collide with other couples. after 25 minutes. Walking partners change roles. It is not bad that each child, in addition, changes one or two partners.

This bodily exercise, performed after a good warm-up, promotes awareness of the problems associated with pressure (control) - submission, activity - passivity, trust - distrust. For example, one boy, who was considered by teachers and parents to be irresponsible and infantile, with a predominance of aggressive behavior, after changing three partners in this exercise, said that it was never pleasant for him to be led. This state of mind made him angry and protested. But he liked being the leader, he was pleased to take care of the comfort of his partners. And this boy's partners gave him positive feedback, noting that they felt great trust in him and confidence that they would go all the way unhindered.

VIII. Instant sociometry (5 minutes.).

Instruction: "Take hands (with one handone, the otheranother) two people with whom you are most pleased to communicate in this group.

The exercise is fast, motor and very informative. Literally in two minutes you will receive a "sculpture" of the group. Whether the facilitator will participate in the exercise is also an important diagnostic point.

A friendly class is the dream of any teacher, child, parent. It is very easy to implement it. Work should be done to ensure that every child in the children's team feels like a person in demand, feels psychological comfort from his stay here, and receives the necessary support from his comrades.

Every teacher knows from his own experience that year by year the number of children with various problems in behavior, in the ability to build relationships with friends, to find a worthy way out of any situation is increasing. It is possible to help these children only by applying various adequate methods of influencing the team as a whole and each student individually.

Psychological researchers convincingly argue that having the qualities of psychological health often become a stronger foundation for a long and active life than direct concern only for physical health. This means that the activity of a practical child psychologist should be aimed at developing in a child useful skills and habits that contribute to successful adaptation in society and productive development for the benefit of himself and society.

The younger student is still at that transitional stage when the inner is better acquired through the outer and gets out first of all through action.

We offer a system of games that can be conducted by a teacher or a psychologist. In one of the lessons, 10-15 minutes should be allocated for playing with the children. It is important that this becomes a system, and not used occasionally. If the teacher considers this type of work obligatory and necessary, organizes it correctly, then this joint activity will ensure that each child finds himself in a situation of success, which reduces psychological stress, increases self-esteem, and improves mood.

As practice shows, children love these minutes of the game very much, they are waiting for them, they are able to make an effort on themselves in the lessons and breaks in order to bring them closer and not miss the desired lesson. With a decent organization of classes, after 2-3 weeks, children react more calmly to situations that arise in the classroom, behave more peacefully, balanced, better contact with their comrades to solve a specific pedagogical or psychological problem. Thus, tolerance is brought up in children, which is the necessary basis for building any relationship in everyday life.

Lesson number 1.

Games that set children up for joint activities and communication.

Game Please. The children are in their seats. The teacher names an action that children should perform only if the word “please” is uttered (for example: “Please raise your hands up”, etc.).

Game "Affectionate name". Children stand in a circle. The host offers to remember how he is affectionately called at home. Then he offers to throw the ball to each other and the one to whom the ball hits calls his affectionate name. After everyone has called their names, the ball is thrown in the opposite direction. At the same time, you need to remember and name the affectionate name of the person to whom you throw the ball.

Lesson number 2. Self-support.

Game "I can do it". The facilitator offers the children different situations. The one who thinks he can handle the situation raises both hands up, and the one who does not know the way out hides his hands behind his back.

Discussion. Children tell how they will behave. If the proposed option is approved by the majority of children, then you should put the chip in the “I did it” box.

Lesson number 3. Thoughts control actions.

Game "I am strong". The facilitator invites the children to check how words and thoughts affect the state of a person. He approaches each child in turn and asks him to stretch his hand forward. Then he tries to lower the child's hand down, pressing on it from above. The child must hold his hand, while saying out loud: “I am strong!”. At the second stage, the same actions are performed, but with the words: “I am weak.”

Ask the children to pronounce the words with the appropriate intonation. Then discuss when it was easier for them to hold their hand and why.

Try to lead the children to the conclusion that words of encouragement help us cope with difficulties and win.

Lesson number 4. Games with fingers and on fingers.

Children love to move their fingers and talk. These games help develop speech, form communication skills, teach the harmony of gestures and simply cause a smile.

Sparrow game. Five sparrows were sitting on the fence (hands in front of them, fingers spread out). The participants in the game grab each other with any finger (by agreement of the right or left hand) and pull in their direction. The winner is the one who draws the neighbor closer to him.

Lesson number 5. Games with fingers and on fingers.

The game "Lunokhod". The facilitator reads the poem:

See: lunar rover
Walking on the moon is easy
He walks very importantly
In it the hero sits brave.

Children keep their hands on the table, fingers move along the surface, imitating the movement of the moon rover.

Finger control game. 4 people play. Two people should sit opposite each other with their eyes closed and stretch towards each other. index fingers(you can start with the palms). The other two players stand behind those who are seated. Then, in turn, each of them begins to “control” the hand of the person sitting, giving verbal commands. The goal is to bring the fingers (palms) of friends together.

A group of classes on the development of imagination and creative interaction.

The game "Bridge of Friendship".

The teacher asks the children, if they wish, to form pairs and “build” a bridge (with the help of arms, legs, torso). If there are no volunteers, an adult can pair up with a child and show how to draw a bridge (for example, touch their heads or hands).

The game "Human Machine".

It is important to explain to the children that the result of their work will depend on how well all the “parts” of the machine work together.

Divide the children into groups and ask them to design their own machine (eg washing machine, mixer, etc.).

You can demonstrate one of the machines, for example, a washing machine. Ask two children to hold hands so that the third one can freely spin in the middle, depicting “underwear”.

Proposed forms of work of a psychologist in the lower grades high school we have tested in practice. We observed in the course of working with children how they gradually became more open, liberated, friendly, contact. The use of games in which the arms are mobile develops the motor skills of small muscles, which affects the activity of the brain, the speed of thought processes, which, in turn, affects the educational activities of schoolchildren.
