What does the name alevtina girls mean. Alevtina

The name Alevtina is very rare in our territories and practically does not occur in others. Parents who want to give their child special fate can safely choose it. The name came from Greek and has several translation options that are not even similar to each other: “alien to evil”, “reflection”, “rubbing with incense”. The first option is usually taken as a basis, since it is perfectly confirmed by the character of the woman herself.

Alevtina's name in other languages

Astrology named after Alevtin

Favorable day: Tuesday

Years later

Alya s early years growing like a real princess. She is confident in her beauty, irresistibility, in every possible way demonstrates natural talents. He is not shy about new people, easily gets acquainted with children and adults. This is an energetic, cheerful and bright child.

But he defends his territory harshly: he will not allow anyone to offend himself, to make fun of himself. She just loves her dad and follows him with a ponytail. Little Alevtina studies well, it gives her real pleasure.

Parents do not have to spend a lot of time on control homework, because the girl herself is very responsible for her work. If he does not get what he wants, he becomes capricious and irritable. But more often than not, the father tries to please his little angel in everything.

In adolescence, she becomes less capricious, although she still enjoys her influence over her parents. It's self-confident beautiful girl which can easily achieve its goals.

Rightly considered disciplined, hardworking and responsible. Closed, but friendly and sociable person. He has many friends, but he chooses real friends for a long time and carefully. But those people who are important to her can be entrusted with all the innermost secrets.

Guys like it but for a long time does not even think about love and relationships - she is fascinated by achievements in her studies and other activities. A girl with this name loves to be in the spotlight, shining with beauty and talent.

Alevtina in adulthood is imperious, Strong woman. But don't think that it inner rod will allow you to manage a team or develop your own business.

Often, self-confidence is based solely on her internal ideas about herself and is not supported by real skills, knowledge and experience. Alya can occupy a high position, but she cannot be led. Over the years, he studies his appearance perfectly, so he looks luxurious.

He can always stand up for himself, find a place in the sun. Friends who have been with her for many years, she considers family members. Long-term events tire her, and more will be to her taste a short-term, but vivid demonstration of her own merits and abilities. Alya can shine on stage in the spotlight for only a few minutes.

Alevtina's character

Dreamy and creative, this woman is able to generate unusual ideas. Able to work in a team, if not in a leadership position. In the company she likes to laugh, but jokes should not touch her shortcomings.

But she never worries about the gossip that spreads behind her back. He has a keen sense of justice, so he can stand up for another. But at the same time, he will think several times whether he will make it worse for himself. Finds quickly mutual language with men, but as such, this woman has few friends.

Alevtina is too sensitive to criticism and hyper-emotional. He quickly flares up and starts a quarrel. If he is in an unstable emotional state, he can deliberately provoke others into conflicts.

Sometimes her sense of humor turns into causticity, which can offend other people. Demanding and capricious, this woman seeks to subjugate all weak people who succumb to her manipulation. But if he gets a rebuff, he immediately understands that he needs to slightly moderate his ardor.

The fate of Alevtina

Fate favors this woman. If she has no talents or merit, she still gets all the best. This often annoys others, but Alya is a real lucky one, and one can only be happy for her.

She will always come first, and that must be taken with respect. He believes that he will not sacrifice something for the sake of others, just give up his own opinion and often make compromises.

Life often shows that this is the wrong position, but Alevtina continues to insist on her own. As a result, the lady gets everything planned and even something more. I am completely satisfied with my fate and the opportunities provided.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Making a career in different areas, but tries to take on a minimum of responsibility. Strives for power, although it is contraindicated for her. The girl is unlikely to organize her own business, and her husband and father will not be a good assistant either.

She simply will not be able to work in a team where she leads close person, - in such conditions, she still feels superior to the rest. Alya should be engaged in creativity, art, or any other business where she may not live on a strict schedule. There will be no shortage of money, even though she herself does not earn very much.

Marriage and family

It is difficult for Alevtina to make the transition from child to mother. Even having given birth to several children, she cannot get rid of a somewhat naive view of the world and shift all her attention to the heirs.

When raising children, she often resorts to the help of grandmothers, numerous nannies. But this is a tender and affectionate mother who, in case of danger, confidently defends her offspring. She tries to be wise, although it doesn't work well.

If you need to be strict in the case, and not just shout, he does not always choose the right words. She needs to raise kids in tandem with her husband, then he will be able to balance her emotional component with his rational approach.

Sex and love

In sex and love it passionate nature a real hurricane. It cannot exist peacefully in any relationship. Needs a strong, caring and condescending man, ready to surround her with warmth and love.

She tries to choose the one who is most similar to her father. It is very important for her that dad approves such a choice and makes friends with the chosen one. If friendship does not occur, it can easily part with the gentleman and start looking for another.

Shopping is a real outlet for the owner of such a name. She likes to spend money on beautiful and expensive things.

Onomastics suggests that female name Alevtina is one of the modifications of another name - Valentina, which in Latin means "strong" or "strong". Naturally, at the same time, the characters of the owners of both names should be similar, but in fact they have practically nothing in common. So where did the name Alevtina come from, what is its meaning and what awaits in life the woman who wears it?

Name origin

There is a version that the name Alevtina came to our lexicon from Ancient Greece. Indeed, in a literal translation from the language of the Hellenes, it means "a woman who delights her body with incense." And Alevtina, as if confirming this meaning of her name, is a big fan of various cosmetic procedures and pays a lot of attention to her appearance.

Another argument in favor ancient origin is the fact that the name of Alevtin existed in the days of the Great Roman Empire. It, in particular, was worn by one of the great martyrs, whose life it would be interesting for her modern namesakes to learn about.

Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea

The Roman emperor Maximinus II Galerius continued the policy of his predecessor Diocletian and led an open struggle against the adherents of faith in Jesus. Christians in African countries were especially brutally dealt with.

At that time, two sisters lived in Egypt - Alevtina and Chionia. Both of them revered Christ and took an active part in spreading his teachings among infidels and pagans. More than once, women were persecuted by the indigenous inhabitants of the country, who continue to revere the ancient Roman gods. They were called atheists, sorceresses and attributed all sorts of crimes, up to inflicting damage on children. Courageous women with a prayer on their lips endured all reproach and continued the work of enlightenment.

Despite the fact that the sisters did not cause any harm, they were accused of malevolence, arrested and brought to the Palestinian city of Caesarea to be judged by Maximinus himself. At first, by promises, and then by threats, they tried to force women to renounce Christ and recognize the Roman gods. When Alevtina and Khionia refused, they were subjected to the most severe tortures.

They gouged out the eyes of the martyrs, flayed their skin alive, burned them with fire, but they could not achieve anything. Then they were brought to a pagan temple and demanded to bow to pagan idols and sacrifice to them. In response, Alevtina took a handful of stones and threw them into the sacred fire.

Realizing that all efforts were in vain, Maximin ordered the execution of women. And on July 29, 308, the sisters Alevtina and Chionia were burned in the city square. A few centuries later, these martyrs were canonized by the Orthodox Church and canonized as saints.

Women bearing this name come to the icon of the martyr Alevtina to pray and ask for help in family matters. And in church calendar July 29 is considered the name day of all Alevtins.

Variety of names

The short form of the name Alevtin is Alya. In addition, there are other options - Ala or Tina. Quite rarely, instead of Alevtin, the abbreviated name Tia is used.

Affectionately diminutively, a girl or woman is called Alevtinochka, Alevtinonka, Alechka, Alyonochka, Alyunya or Alka. Sometimes they say briefly Tinonka, Tinusya, Tinunya or Tinka.

The name Alevtin is used in only three countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Moreover, in the Belarusian language it is not written Alevtina, but Alyautsyna or Alyautyna. In Ukrainian it sounds unchanged.

Famous namesakes

The name Alevtina is one of the rare ones. Maybe that's why among famous women only a few have it.

  1. Alevtina Viktorovna Kolchina (born 1980) - Russian singer, composer, poet.
  2. Alevtina Gennadievna Leontieva (born 1977) – Russian TV presenter, singer, soloist of the group "Alevtina".
  3. Alevtina Alekseevna Rumyantseva (1929-2011) - Soviet and Russian actress.
  4. Alevtina Pavlovna Kolchina (born 1930) - Soviet skier, Olympic champion.
  5. Alevtina Nikitichna Nesterova (pseudonym Mary Levtina) (born 1945) - Chuvash poetess, playwright.
  6. Alevtina Konstantinovna Konstantinova (born 1936) is a Soviet and Russian actress.
  7. Alevtina Viktorovna Aparina (1941-2013) - Russian politician and statesman.

The name Alevtin was also used in literary works. It belongs to one of the heroines of Yuri German's trilogy "My Dear Man". In addition, in the story of Irina Velembovskaya "Women" main character name is Alya Yagodkina.

The character and fate of Alevtina

The owner of the name Alevtina is not used to listening to the opinions of others. On any issue, she has her own point of view, which she considers the ultimate truth. Therefore, in the life of this woman there are many conflict situations, from which she has to constantly “get out”.


The girl Alya grows up quiet, sweet and harmless. Both in appearance and character, she resembles her father and, probably, therefore, she is more attached to him than to her mother. Since childhood, she likes men's work than women's hobbies. As a teenager, Alechka can easily hammer a nail, fix an electric kettle or deal with wiring. But cooking, washing, ironing and cleaning does not appeal to her at all.

Sometimes in early childhood the girl is embarrassed by her rare and, as it seems to her, common name. But then he sees in him exclusivity and begins to behave accordingly. As a result, Alya grows up quite selfish and categorical in her judgments.

Another quality that is already evident in school years, - causticity. Possessing a sharp tongue and a fair sense of humor, which often turns into sarcasm, Alechka distributes well-aimed remarks right and left, literally dumbfounding not only peers, but also adults. This does not help her find friends at all, since many classmates simply bypass Alya.

Teachers also do not always like Alina's "performances", therefore, even despite her extraordinary mind and diligence, she studies, jumping from three to four. But Alevtinka considers not school grades to be the most important in his life. The girl early begins to show a craving for creativity or sports. If parents pay attention to her abilities in time and give her to the section or music school, then Ali can turn out to be a rather talented singer, musician or athlete.


Even without daring to devote her life to creativity, our heroine tries to choose a profession where she will have the greatest opportunity to reach career heights. After all, the most important thing for Alevtina is to be the first, no matter what sphere of activity it touches. A girl can become a journalist, financial worker or go into politics. Possessing a masculine mindset and strong character, she will certainly achieve her goal.

Often Alevtina starts her own business. However, her imperiousness and inability to reckon with the opinions of others will lead to problems in the team and special success will not bring. It happens, however, that Alya replaces the authoritarian method of leadership with a democratic one, from which not only the whole company benefits, but first of all the boss herself.

With age, Alya does not lose her causticity and hones this quality on acquaintances and strangers. She knows how to wind up out of the blue and does not calm down until she pours out the whole set of witticisms and caustic remarks on her interlocutor. Moreover, Alevtina does not understand ranks and titles and is able to be rude even to her own boss.

A woman named Alevtina has a very attractive appearance. She knows how to dress elegantly and tastefully and will never seem “wasteless” in public. Her hair and make-up is always sophisticated and does not look pretentious or vulgar. As soon as a financial opportunity arises, Alya buys fashionable and expensive things for herself, believing that it is impossible to save on appearance.

Love and family

Beautiful, relaxed and sociable Alevtina likes men. She soon learns all the attractiveness love relationship and skillfully applies the acquired skills in practice. Alya does not even seek to fall in love with her boyfriends, she simply collects them for her own whim or to annoy her girlfriends.

Having walked a lot, the girl begins to think about marriage and look for a suitable candidate for the role of a life partner. Again, not caring about feelings, Alevtina puts practical side. And since it is not easy to find a candidate who meets the high demands of our heroine, then Ali's marriage happens quite late.

Alevtina approaches housekeeping with all the practicality inherent in her nature. She takes matters into her own hands and keeps track of her husband's expenses. Trying to become a zealous housewife, she learns to cook and, we must pay tribute, achieves considerable skill. A woman treats children with love, but brings them up in severity, punishing them for any pranks or bad grades at school.

Name Compatibility

A man who wants to connect himself with family ties with Alevtina should know that at home her explosive caustic character will not go anywhere. Moreover, it will manifest itself more strongly, since it is on the household that our lady will be able to hone her tongue and pluck evil with almost impunity.

Such a moral burden is only within the power of a seasoned, patient and loving person. Who is suitable or not suitable for this role, can be seen from the table.

Despite the eccentricity, Alevtina will be faithful to her husband. And if he finds out about his adventures, he will throw a huge scandal and expel the traitor from the house "without the right to pardon."

Health and hobbies

As a child, Alya gets sick a lot, her weakness- throat, hence tonsillitis and other diseases. Also in early age she needs to have her tonsils removed to avoid the complications of colds.

Women bearing the name Alevtina are prone to hypochondria, that is, they constantly look for the source of an imaginary illness in their body and have a habit of discussing it with others for a long time. Alya not only likes to visit doctors, but also studies medical literature herself, being interested in the latest pharmacology and applying them to herself.

The explosive character sooner or later becomes the cause of nervous and cardiovascular diseases. At an older age, problems with the intestines and joints may occur.

The addiction to sports, which our heroine had in her youth, subsides over the years, and Alevtina turns into a homebody who is heavy on her feet. Resting in resorts, she only walks between a hotel room, a restaurant and a beach, refusing excursions and sightseeing.

The main character traits of Alevtina

The arrogance that is characteristic of Alevtina in her youth is smoothed over the years. A woman begins to understand that she needs to listen to the opinions of others and try to command less. Nevertheless, many negative and positive qualities inherent in the bearer of this name will remain with her for life.

As you can see, the characterization of the owner of the name Alevtina is not at all flattering. Many features inherent in this lady not only do not help, but also prevent her from achieving success in life. However, if Alya catches on in time and “takes a bridle” on her shortcomings, then fate and luck will surely smile at her.

The meaning of the name Alevtina for a girl, a girl and a woman. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Full parsing character, compatibility and fate of the name Alevtin, read in this article!

Full name: Alevtina

Meaning: strong, strong, healthy

Similar names: Alena, Alya, Albina, Alice, Alana

Church name: Alevtina

What does the name Alevtina mean?

The name Alevtin is not widely used in the territory Russian Federation and almost unknown in other countries. If the parents of a newborn girl want her to have an unusual and interesting fate, then they can safely call it by this name. Its origin is ancient Greek and is translated in different ways - smelling of incense, a reflection, alien to evil. Often the last translation is chosen as the basis, which means that the girl named Alevtina does not accept bad habits and bad human tendencies. Parents often call their daughter Alya.

Name Alevtina in different languages ​​of the world

Armenian: Ալեւտինան

In Belarusian: Alyaўtsina

Ukrainian: Alevtina

Greek: Αλεβτίνα

Georgian: ალეტინა

Spanish: Alevtina

Italian: Alevtina

French: Alevtina

Characteristics and astrology named after Alevtin

Favorable day: Tuesday

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Ruler Planet: Venus

Talisman Stone: Jade

Orange color

plant: carrot

Animal: fox

What does the name Alevtina mean for a girl, girl and woman?

As a girl, Alya behaves like a real princess. Her manner of speaking and walking betrays a young aristocrat in her, although she can be born in an ordinary family of ordinary workers. The girl has many natural talents that she loves to demonstrate. Easily makes new acquaintances, sociable and cheerful.

Alya does not allow herself to be offended, nor in kindergarten, neither at school nor in the yard. And when the offender is stronger and taller than her, the girl can fight with particular cruelty. Of the parents, he loves his father more and constantly follows him like a ponytail. The girl loves to study, she always brings home a diary full of fives and fours. So control, she complied homework or not, you don't have to.

Alya is responsible for parental assignments, loves to help her mother around the house and her father in the workshop. But the girl is not always so sweet and accommodating. If she does not get what she really wants, she can become irritable and moody. But daddy spoils his girl, so foot stomping is rare.

As a girl, Alevtina is less capricious, but she knows how to influence her dad so that he buys her what she wants. The girl easily achieves her goals, strong, attractive and beautiful. Hardworking, responsible, disciplined. In studies executive and obligatory.

Alevtina is sociable and friendly, but sometimes secretive and withdrawn in the company of people she does not know. Although, this is only at the beginning, as soon as you talk to someone, the girl blossoms and she can no longer be stopped. Having many friends, he allows only some of his peers into his circle of close friends. But the one who became for her true friend, can entrust a secret.

Alevtina does not pay attention to the guys, but they like it. When her girlfriends meet and send love notes, she thinks about her studies and her achievements in sports. The girl loves to catch the admiring glances of the opposite sex, but does not dare to accept the invitation even to a slow dance which disappoints and upsets no guy.

As a woman, Alevtina is strong and domineering. Everything must be under her control. However, this is not enough to take a leadership position or start your own business. She is confident in herself, but does not show it to others, and therefore does not take a leadership position.

For entrepreneurial activities, she lacks knowledge, experience and desire. Alevtina can hold a high position at the enterprise, but without a managerial function, because she simply does not know how to manage a team and everything goes topsy-turvy under her leadership.

A woman is able to protect herself. There are friends in her circle, communication with which has been going on for more than a dozen years. She considers such people to be members of her family - their problems are her problems. Alevtina does not like noisy events and parties. He prefers to sit quietly at home with his friends and acquaintances, watch a movie, discuss something interesting.

The nature and fate of the name Alevtin

  • cheerfulness
  • romance
  • obligation
  • punctuality

Alevtina constantly comes up with something new and interesting. The woman is creative and dreamy. If he does not hold a managerial position, then he has a trusting relationship with colleagues. Likes to joke, but does not support those who laugh at human feelings or appearance someone from the team.

The woman knows that neighbors and colleagues spread various gossip behind her back, but this does not bother Alevtina at all. But if he hears some bad word addressed to his girlfriend, he will definitely stand up for her in order to achieve justice and truth. Among friends, a woman has more men, because it is easier for her to find a common language with the opposite sex.

  • sarcasm
  • capriciousness
  • pride
  • excessive emotionality

It is difficult for Alevtina to accept criticism, especially in adolescence. A woman is hyper-emotional, therefore she often starts quarrels and conflicts at work and at home. Then he can't calm down for a long time. The emotional state is not stable, especially during the period of premenstrual syndrome.

Alevtina does not notice when she switches from white humor to black, and this offends her interlocutor. Can be sarcastic in someone's direction, and then not understand why this person no longer wants to communicate with her. A woman loves to manipulate people who are weaker than her. The strong do not succumb to this kind of provocation. From such, she receives a fitting rebuff and understands that this person is too tough for her.

The fate of Alevtina

The fate of Alevtina is easy and unconstrained. From childhood, she gets all the best - beautiful dolls, bright outfits. In adolescence - a popular boyfriend in adulthood - a prestigious job with a decent salary. A woman is often called the darling of fortune.

She loves herself more than anyone else. She is rarely ready to compromise and act at her own expense. own opinion and will not give up his position. life path shows her that such an attitude towards others is not always justified, but Alevtina continues to live as she lived. She is satisfied with her position and rejoices in everything that she has achieved. Her dreams come true and her wishes come true.


and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

In work and career, he does not like a lot of responsibility, he tries to shift some of it to another colleague. He wants to have some power in the team, to become the head of at least a small staff, but the wise director understands that such a position is contraindicated for Alevtina and does not give her such an opportunity.

Study entrepreneurial activity will not, because it requires a lot of labor and nerves. Even her husband will not be able to become a good assistant in business. It is better for her to work in production, from call to call, and where her friends and acquaintances are not among the leaders, because in this case she will not be able to observe subordination.

Work without a strict schedule is closer to Alevtina. This is something creative and not limited by time frames. She does not know how to earn a lot of money, but thanks to the wise distribution of funds, she has enough for everything. Not poor, but not chic. Everything that needs to be bought is acquired.

Marriage and family

Alevtina can hardly endure the fact that, having become a mother, she needs to behave more seriously and for some life situations look like an adult. Even after giving birth to several children, she talks about many things like a little naive girl. To reassess her worldview, she lacks the desire and determination.

While raising children, she can be constantly busy with something (work, hobbies, training), so she resorts to the help of nannies, grandmothers or friends with children. But this does not mean that she does not pay enough attention to children. When they are with her, she is completely immersed in games and conversations with her heirs.

When irritated, Alevtina can yell at children, and then regret it. A woman does not always choose the right words when explaining why a child is punished for a particular offense. Her excessive emotionality is not so clearly reflected in the children if the upbringing of the offspring takes place together with the spouse. They find a golden mean in this matter.

Sex and love

In sex, Alevtina is a real tsunami, covering his partner with his head. In no relationship can this woman be calm and completely balanced. With men, there are always some conflicts and quarrels. She is suitable for someone who will condescendingly relate to outbreaks of her character.

He wants to see his father's charisma and habits in his chosen one. In his youth, he tries to introduce every guy to his dad, because he wants to get approval from him for building a relationship. If the father does not like the chosen one, then breaks off friendship with him and begins to look for another candidate.

Alevtina can sort things out and swear with her man in front of friends and colleagues. At such a moment, she is not interested in what others might think, because she is unrestrained and jealous. But after she calms down, she begins to apologize to everyone for her behavior. What causes confusion. If Alevtina meets a man who fulfills all her desires, she becomes calm and complaisant.


As a child, Alya is healthy. And when classmates one by one fall ill with seasonal flu and miss classes, they don’t even suffer from a runny nose. Such strong immunity is given to her by nature and is supported by parents who are in favor of proper nutrition and hardening.

In adolescence, Alevtina may start having nervous problems due to the stress associated with preparing for university entrance exams. A girl's eyesight may deteriorate, headaches, migraines may begin, pressure may increase or decrease.

Any ailment of Alevtina is connected with her emotional state, therefore doctors recommend her not to take everything to heart, not to sort things out with her husband, not to yell at her children. But the woman is skeptical about this, because she understands that it is almost impossible to do this. To herself to admit that she simply does not want to behave calmer.

Interests and hobbies

Alevtina is a creative person. This remains until the end of his days. Likes to invent things. As a child, she can do everything - sing, dance, compose songs and poems, do gymnastics, draw, play on any musical instrument. A teenager may be interested in photography.

If by nature Alevtina has a beautiful appearance, then she can try herself as a fashion model. But he will not dare to devote himself to this profession, because he will meet a lot of lies and falsehood on the way. Often you have to give up your desires and dreams, and the girl categorically disagrees to do this. Spoiled since childhood, Alevtina will not be able to endure the tough schedule of filming and touring.

Most of all, a woman likes shopping - she can walk for hours in hypermarkets. If she is lonely, she can devote all day to shopping. She loves beautiful and expensive things for which she does not spare money. Knows how to earn enough to buy branded products. And if he can’t afford something, then he turns to dad again, as in childhood. He won't refuse her.

Alevtina name compatibility with male names

Relations will be harmonious and joyful with Alevtina with Boris, Varlaam, Viktor and Kuzma. What is non-standard and more unusual name chosen one, the closer will be the relationship of a woman with a partner.

Alevtina will be crazy about Bronislav, Vasily, Zakhar and Svyatoslav, but none of them will be able to withstand her emotionality and unwillingness to sort things out without quarrels and conflicts. They will look for common ground with a woman, but they will not be able to find it.

Among the men who could become Alevtina's worthy husband and keep her character in a tight rein are Arthur, Plato and Julius. Quarrels are inevitable, but any of them will be able to find an approach to a woman, will be like her dad, and this will achieve respect and recognition from Alevtina.

A woman should avoid Igor, Dmitry, Andrey, Stepan and Rudolf, because during the conflicts, failing to calm the woman, they will often resort to violent methods, for which, of course, they will pay before the law, but they will manage to inflict a lot of emotional wounds on Alevtina, which provoke diseases associated with the nervous system.

Origin and meaning: 1) Presumably comes from the Greek aleuō - "to reflect", "to beat off". 2) The Russian Orthodox tradition attributes the origin of the name Alevtin to a distorted Latin name Valentina (strong). 3) Presumably this is the female form of ancient Greek male name Alevton (Alet), which means "wanderer": that was the name of the descendant of Hercules.

Main character traits: Alevtina has a sharp and impetuous character. Devotee, knows how to keep other people's secrets. Quite ironic. Categorical in judgments.

Emotional manifestations: In terms of energy, this name is rather soft and light, but it still feels some explosiveness. In addition, the melody of the name is able to awaken in Alevtina dreaminess and a feeling of being different from others. Her sensitive pride and lack of restraint often allow her to start up, as they say, from a half turn - and where there could be slight discontent, a serious conflict arises.

Health: As a child, Alevtina is prone to tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

Appearance and sexual temperament: Alevtina strictly monitors her appearance, she will not go out into the street without her hair. And yet, not every man can withstand her commanding tone.

Work and career: Alevtina finds it difficult to tolerate the female team: she often stops communicating with the female half of the team altogether, preferring to communicate with men, with whom she feels much better and much more confident. Conflicts in a team led by Alevtina are inevitable, even if she takes care of her subordinates.

Love and family: Most likely, Alevtina will choose her husband for a long time, and she will try to choose him from any high circles, which is connected both with her daydreaming and ambition, and with the search for an opportunity to assert herself. It is difficult to marry Alevtina, although she is a homebody, an economical housewife, and a good mother.

Derivatives: Alevtinka, Tina, Alya, Ala.

Favorable alliances: Anatoly, Victor, Peter

Unfavorable alliances: Alexander, George, Nikolai, Ostap, Semyon

Zodiac sign: Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, Aries.

Heavenly body: Mars

Color: Red, blue, light green, green, white.

Talisman stone: Emerald, jade, onyx.

Totem Creature: Mirror carp.

This is an emotional, sociable, cheerful, but stubborn girl. Little Alevtina often has poor health and gets sick a lot. At school, this girl studies well, but sometimes she behaves noisily in the classroom, she is mischievous. Alevtina is often friends with boys, loves to play football and hockey with them. She does little to help her mother around the house and does not like household chores.

Adult Alevtina is sociable by nature, but very independent. She is independent, does not tolerate when they try to lead her. Alevtina can be accommodating and friendly, but it’s better not to annoy or piss her off. This woman rarely considers anyone an authority for herself, but if she does admit it, then it will be very difficult to convince her. In general, Alevtina relies solely on her experience in everything, she never takes a word and prefers to see, hear and check everything herself. A woman with this name is usually punctual and does not like it when someone is late. Alevtina is self-critical, but also very strict towards the shortcomings of others, often intolerant. This woman is principled, she will never remain silent if she notices injustice, as well as dishonesty. She always keeps her promises and never forgets them. Alevtina does not like to throw words into the wind, she speaks a little and is always to the point, however, she is not silent, in the company of friends, of which this woman has quite a lot, she is talkative. In an unfamiliar society or at work, this woman is usually reserved.

Alevtina often chooses difficult, male professions. And since in her youth she begins to play sports, the adult Alevtina no longer has health problems. At work, she is responsible, reliable, collected and perfectly copes with her duties, in no way inferior to men. Before doing something, Alevtina carefully thinks everything through. She is persistent and not afraid of difficulties. A woman with this name always achieves what she strives for. She is very driven, ambitious and usually has a career. Always trying to help others. She is not selfish, and, despite her difficult nature, she is a kind and sympathetic woman. She is not boastful and does not like to draw attention to herself. IN free time Alevtina usually works in the garden or goes hiking; She also enjoys walking and cycling.

Alevtina always dresses fashionably and very extravagantly, but to her face. Usually this woman attracts the attention of men and gets married early. Her family life is not always successful. A woman with this name easily gets acquainted with men. Although she has many male friends, Alevtina never forgets that she is a woman. But she is not flirtatious and does not like to play with the feelings of fans. Usually Alevtina chooses a partner who is close to her in interests and equal in experience. This woman is very demanding of a partner.

Alevtina, born in winter, is often simple, trusting and curious. She is always aware of all the gossip and affairs of her friends and colleagues. This woman is lazy. She is kind, willingly helps, but she absolutely cannot be trusted with any secret - she will definitely spill it. She dresses well, is easy to communicate with and very popular with men. This woman often changes partners. Alevtina is married several times, but usually only the last marriage is successful.
Summer Alevtina is a smart, secretive and often proud woman. She never forgets about her own benefit in all her actions. This woman is getting married by calculation. Since she knows how to get along with people in order to use them to her advantage, this Alevtina's relationship with her husband is developing perfectly. Being under her heel, he, however, considers himself the head of the family.

Energy and Karma of the name: in terms of energy, this name is rather soft and light, but it still feels some explosiveness. In addition, the melody of the name is able to awaken in Alevtina dreaminess and a feeling of being different from others. This is further enhanced by the fact that today such a name is quite rare, which makes Alya noticeable in almost any team. Moreover, it is very likely that it is this visibility that will play a role in the development of Alevtina's significant pride, since, on the one hand, the name is quite beautiful, on the other hand, something old-fashioned is heard in it, and in youth it can cause a lot of trouble. It is possible that Ali's self-esteem will be very painful, and she will feel somewhat uncomfortable among her girlfriends, although in her soul she may have confidence in her uniqueness and even in her superiority. Perhaps, if the name had been firmer and more tense, then it would not have been so dangerous, but it is precisely the firmness in the name that is not enough.

All this leads to the fact that most often Alevtina is not able to calmly endure the usual exchange of barbs in the women's team, her sensitive pride and lack of inclination for restraint often allow her to start up, as they say, half a turn, and where there could be slight discontent, there is serious conflict. I must say that in such a situation it is already difficult to figure out where the cause is, where the effect is, since here a vicious circle is obtained - the more conflicts arise, the easier Alevtina begins to break into causticity, which, accordingly, gives rise to new conflicts. Often, Alya stops communicating with the female half of the team altogether, preferring to communicate with men, with whom she feels much better and much more confident.

Most likely, Alevtina will choose her husband for a long time, and she will try to choose him from any high circles, which is connected both with her daydreaming and ambition, and with the search for an opportunity to assert herself. However, here, as in communicating with her friends, she should be more careful, because any living together, even if the husband is a 100% angel, it is fraught with many misunderstandings and insults, so if Alevtina does not overcome her explosiveness, frequent family quarrels can put the family on the brink of divorce.

Secrets of communication. A man may not be afraid when he accidentally entrusts Alevtina with any secret related to women - if she gossips with someone, then certainly not in the women's team. In addition, in the case of communication with Alevtina, it would be useful to prepare for her causticity and barbs. Often they are quite painful.

The name Alevtina has an ambiguous etymology, which in turn gives rise to several versions of the meaning of the name. Unfortunately, all versions do not have sufficient scientific justification, so you can choose any of them.

The first one can be called the Greek version. According to this version, the name Alevtina comes from Greek word aleuō, which translates as "beat" or "reflect". It turns out that the meaning of the name Alevtina is "beating" or "reflecting". Often used meaning "protective", which in principle has a more precise meaning.

According to the second version, the name Alevtina is just one of the forms of the name Valentine. If this version is correct, then the meaning of the name Alevtina is "strong" or "healthy". This version is followed by the Russian Orthodox Church, and therefore the church name of Alevtina is Valentina.

According to the third version, the name Alevtina is a female form ancient Greek name Alevton. This name was borne by one of the descendants of the mythical Hercules. According to ancient Greek mythology, the name Alevton is translated as "wandering". If you stick to this version, then Alevtina's name means "wandering". However, there is another version of the translation of the name Alevton. Another name is translated as "alien bad" and even "using incense."

The meaning of the name Alevtina for a girl

Little Alevtina is growing good, although enough difficult girl. She strives to be loved and certainly wants to be the center of attention. This excessive desire prevails in Alevtina's behavior, which naturally affects relations with others. The girl shows jealousy for any manifestation of attention that is not intended for her. Even more painful Alevtina refers to the comments addressed to her. All this indicates a weak and unstable nervous system, although of course there are pleasant exceptions.

Alevtina studies quite well, although there are not enough stars from the sky. But Alevtina is a creatively gifted girl who usually has many natural talents. Often Alevtina is endowed with good hearing, lively imagination and natural grace. This allows her to perform different ways. Often she chooses a hobby for herself, which will have a huge impact on her entire future destiny.

Unfortunately, Alevtina is not in good health. Rather, on the contrary, she grows up as a rather sickly girl. As you get older, things change a bit. better side, but still Alevtina's health is below average. She is quite weak nervous system and predisposition to digestive problems. She should follow a diet and of course avoid stress.

Abbreviated name Alevtina

Alya, Alka, Tina, Tinka.

Diminutive names

Alevtinka, Alevtinushka, Alevtinochka, Alichka, Alyushka, Alenka, Tinochka, Tinonka, Tinchik.

Name Alevtina in English

IN English language Alevtina's name is spelled as Alevtina.

Name Alevtina for a passport- ALEVTINA.

Translation of the name Alevtin into other languages

in Belarusian - Alyaўtsina
in Ukrainian - Alevtina

Church name Alevtina(in the Orthodox faith) - Valentine.

Characteristics of the name Alevtina

Adult Alevtina is quite sharp in her judgments about other people, which often leads to conflict situations. This often becomes the background of her life and it is difficult for her to break out of this vicious circle. She has especially strained relationships with other women, but she quarrels much less often with men. It is also worth noting that Alevtina is purposeful and ambitious. She strives to achieve success, and with a vital approach "the end justifies the means." Quite often she succeeds, but she does not feel much joy from this.

Alevtina does not like to work, but she knows how. At the same time, it is interesting that Alevtina achieves high level in any profession. Unfortunately, Alevtina rarely chooses her profession according to her vocation, and more often focuses on material well-being. It is the financial component that is the main one for Alevtina when choosing. Although Alevtina herself sees absolutely no problem in this.

Alevtina's family relations are quite successful. Her problematic nature is noticeable to everyone and will not be a surprise to her husband. Her husband is usually a patient and caring man who is crazy about her. Alevtina, though often breaks down on her beloved, but she reveals herself only with him. It is for what she becomes next to him that her husband loves her. But Alevtina is an excellent hostess and caring wife. It is marriage that reveals Alevtina's ability to take care of others.

The secret of the name Alevtin

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- A lion.

totem animal- Carp mirror.

Name color- White.

Tree- Poplar.

Plant- Angelica.

Stone- Quartz.
