Human and nature. the impact of natural conditions on human life and health

- it's all material world Universe, organic and inorganic. But in everyday life, another definition is more often used, in which nature means the natural habitat, i.e. anything that was created without human intervention. Throughout its existence, people have often become the perpetrators of change. environment. But the role of nature in people's lives is also colossal, and it should not be underestimated.


Man is a part of nature, he "grows" out of it and exists in it. A certain atmospheric pressure, earth temperature, water with salts dissolved in it, oxygen - all this is the natural state of the planet, which is optimal for humans. It is enough to remove one of the elements of the "constructor", and the consequences will be disastrous. And any change in nature can cause dramatic changes in the life of all mankind. That is why the assertion that nature can exist without man, and man cannot exist without it, is especially relevant.

The main source of consumer goods

Luxury goods are created by people, but we satisfy our primary needs at the expense of nature. Exactly the world gives us everything we need for existence: air, food, protection, resources. Natural resources are involved in many areas: construction, Agriculture, food industry.

We no longer live in caves, but prefer comfortable houses. Before we eat what grows on the ground, we process and cook it. We do not cover ourselves with animal skins, but we sew clothes from fabrics obtained by processing natural materials. Undoubtedly, a lot of what the planet gives, a person transforms and improves for a comfortable life. Despite all the power, humanity will not be able to develop outside of nature and without the base that it provides us with. Even in space, outside the Earth, people have to use recycled natural goods.

- This is a huge hospital that can heal from various ailments. Numerous medicines and cosmetics have been developed based on plants. Often, to improve health, resources are used almost in their original form, for example, in herbal medicine, hydrotherapy and mud therapy.

Human dependence on natural conditions

For many years, under the influence of climate, relief, resources, customs, features of activity, aesthetic views and the nature of the population of a given country. We can safely say that the role of nature underlies many social processes. Even the appearance of a person depends on the region from which his ancestors originated.

The health of many people depends on weather conditions. Well-being and emotional state may vary depending on the phases of the moon, the activity of the sun, magnetic storms and other phenomena. The level of air pollution, its humidity, temperature, oxygen concentration - all this can also affect a person's well-being. For example, city dwellers after resting by the river notice an improvement in their physical and psychological state.

Cities with a population of one million modern cars, Newest technologies- looking at all this, it seems that a person has learned to successfully exist outside of nature. In fact, humanity is still dependent on conditions that it cannot change. For example, its economy depends on the quantity and condition of natural resources on the territory of the state. Weather conditions determine the features of buildings locality and living conditions. Such a variety of national cuisines arose as a result of the climatic features of the regions, as well as the flora and fauna.

Aesthetic and scientific value

Nature acts as the source of various information which helps to build relationships with the outside world. Thanks to the data that the planet stores, we can know who inhabited the Earth thousands and millions of years ago. Today we can, if not prevent natural disasters, then at least protect ourselves from them. And a person even learned to direct some phenomena in his favor. and human learning. The child is introduced to the world around him, taught to protect, preserve and ennoble him. Without this, no educational process is possible.

It is impossible to ignore the importance of nature in cultural life. We contemplate, admire, enjoy. It is a source of inspiration for writers, artists and musicians. This is what artists have sung and will sing in their creations. Many believe that the beauty and harmony of nature even has a healing effect on the body. Although the spiritual component is not the first necessity for the life of the population, it plays a crucial role in the life of society.


The purpose of the lesson: study of influence natural conditions on human life and health.

Lesson objectives:

To form knowledge about the problems of interaction between man and nature on the territory of Russia;

Develop skills to work with various sources of geographic information;

To form the need for a healthy lifestyle, human responsibility for the preservation of nature as a great healer, understanding of human recreation as a recreational activity to restore the physical and spiritual strength of a person.

Lesson type:

study lesson and primary fixation new knowledge, combined

Students in the class (audience): 15

Used equipment:

Equipment: computers, media projector, presentation with slides "Nature and Man", contour maps, atlases, maps of Russia.

Lesson methods: reproductive, illustrative - explanatory, partially - search.

Forms and methods of the lesson: teacher's story, presentation, work with a textbook, practical work with map, diagram, group work with a table.

Terms and concepts: environment, natural conditions, Natural resources, favorable living conditions, unfavorable living conditions, extreme conditions, medical geography, recreational geography, coast-dwellers, highlanders, steppe dwellers, taiga dwellers, natural disasters, natural disasters.

Tokens- assessments: for each answer, children receive a token of a certain color (red - incorrect answer, yellow - partially correct, green - correct)

Knowledge Tokens:

Lesson learned

Lesson not learned

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

    The video "Nature and Man" is used

    Psychological attitude

    lesson topic message.

II. Learning new material.

    Teacher's story.

    Work with schemes.

    Work with the textbook.

III. Practical work

IV. Reflection

Greeting students. Mark absent students with the class attendant.

Before starting our lesson, I suggest you watch the video and independently determine what the topic of our today's lesson is dedicated to.

Video "Nature and Man"

Children's answers.

The theme and purpose of our lesson are devoted to the IMPACT OF NATURAL CONDITIONS ON HUMAN LIFE AND HEALTH.

Man is a part of nature and cannot live outside of it.

Work with schemes.

What does a person need to live?

P natural factors affecting human health

Nature geographical envelope is a HABITAT for a person, since the need for food, water, clothing, shelter and spiritual development a person satisfies due to various objects and properties of nature.

Nature is the source of human existence. Part of nature with which humanity interacts in its life and production activities -

(Scheme on the board)

natural environment

natural conditions natural resources

Properties and features of nature that have a direct impact on the resettlement of people, their life and health, on the location of production, and other forms human activity

Give examples of natural conditions. (climate, relief, swampiness, etc.)

Components of nature and their properties that are used or can be used in human economic activity

- Give examples of natural resources.(forest, water, mineral, etc.)

- What else do we know about natural resources?(they are exhaustible and inexhaustible; exhaustible - renewable and non-renewable)

Obviously, there is a tangible connection between human health and natural conditions. The quality of water, soil, air and basic climatic conditions affect the state of human health and well-being. After all, on what does a person's ability to work and normal life expectancy depend? From the air that he breathes, he is the food that he eats and from the environment in which he lives. For this reason, the issue of ecology is so important in modern world. Natural factors, such as sea and mineral water, sun, forest and mountain air, healing mud, significantly contribute to the improvement of a person.

But natural conditions also play an important role in human health.

natural conditions

Favorable Adverse

have a beneficial effect on the human body

have a negative effect on the human body

-Give me examples of favorable and unfavorable factors affecting human health

-Students give examples

Favorable conditions for human existence

A significant part of Russia is a favorable zone for healthy life of people. This refers to conditions such as reasonably warm, sunny summers, moderate cold winters, and adequate rainfall.

The territory with favorable conditions for life is the middle and young part of the European territory, south North Caucasus And Western Siberia. Since ancient times, these regions have a high population density, since the climate of these territories has a very good effect on people's health.

Extreme conditions

But there are territories that are characterized by unfavorable conditions for human life. What are extreme conditions? These are the conditions of nature that affect the human body badly. they include low temperatures winters and high summer temperatures, high humidity and strong winds. These are the territories of the tundra, deserts, the Far Eastern monsoon zone and regions of a sharply continental climate in Siberia. For example, the region of Eastern Siberia is the coldest region of the Northern Hemisphere, and the largest annual temperature amplitudes are recorded here. In winter, it can be -50 ... -60 °С, and in summer, on the contrary, the temperature is very high up to +30 °С. Such a contrast cannot but affect health. Such a temperature is problematic not only for human life, but also for tools and various materials which must be frost resistant.

Therefore, the development of territories with extreme living conditions is a rather complicated process. which requires significant material costs and new achievements in science and technology.

Exist natural disasters that adversely affect human life and health. This is due to the fact that often spontaneous natural phenomena are unforeseen and destructive violations of the normal course of natural processes. The consequences of these phenomena do not contribute further development and sometimes extremely negatively affect human health for a long time.

Work with the textbook. § 46 page 263

Man adapts to the conditions of life. Natural conditions have a great influence on human life and health. The connection between natural conditions and human health is obvious.

There is a special branch of science - MEDICAL GEOGRAPHY and RECREATIONAL GEOGRAPHY- I ask you to open your textbooks on page .... Find the definition in the textbook and write it down in your notebook..

So what are the definitions...

MEDICAL GEOGRAPHY, which studies the patterns of the spread of human diseases.

RECREATION GEOGRAPHY- the science of the territory of organizing people's recreation.

The analysis of bar graphs makes it possible to compare the territory of Russia in terms of the availability of areas with favorable conditions with other leading countries of the world.

Area favorable for the life of the population of territories by country of the world

(in million sq. km)

- What conclusions can we draw?

Students' conclusions:

Difficult natural conditions create great difficulties in the development of territories, require significant material costs for the construction and maintenance of a certain standard of living.


Practical work:

The next stage of our lesson is practical work.

    What areas of our country have the highest population density? (work with atlases)

    What features of the climate worsen the conditions of human life?

    How do natural conditions affect a person's lifestyle?

Each of you has an atlas, a contour map and a worksheet on your desk. You need to identify areas with favorable and unfavorable effects of nature on humans by placing flags: red - favorable conditions, blue - unfavorable conditions. To get your result, you need to work with an atlas using a climate map - which will make it possible to determine the climate of a given territory, also use a map of natural zones, vegetation and animal world. On this work you have 10 minutes.

And now I suggest you conduct a mutual check - exchange your work with a neighbor. You will see the correct result on the slide. For each correct answer -1 point.

Well done - almost each of you coped with this task.

But not only nature has an impact on human health, sometimes a person violates the laws of nature, thereby negatively affecting the body. Now we will verify this.

Video "Man and nature" part 2


On the tables you have green leaves with phrases, you need to complete them by sticking a leaf on a tree, and in this way we will green our tree, which will only have a beneficial effect on us.

    today I found out...

    it was interesting…

    it was difficult…

    I did assignments...

    I realized that...

    Now I can…

    I felt that...

    I purchased...

    I learned…

    I managed …

  1. I will try…

    surprised me...

    gave me a lesson for life...

    I wanted…

D / z - § 46

To consolidate our knowledge and repeat the material covered, I suggest that you complete the tasks at home and fill out the table:


Ways to protect against the adverse effects of the environment

medical geography


Recreational geography

    Climate and weather


    Landscapes and soil composition

    Flora and fauna

    The nature of inland waters

    natural areas

    Natural resources

    natural phenomena





    Changing the environment (construction of engineering structures, drainage of swamps, irrigation of lands, etc.)


    The development of geography, knowledge about the environment. environment

Studying natural features territories in order to determine their impact on the health status of the population

Studying the patterns of the spread of diseases associated with the characteristics of the environment

The science of the influence of natural factors on recreational activities, the territorial organization of recreation

Tell us how you imagine the way of life of one of these nations?

1 row - taiga

2nd row - steppes

3 row - highlanders

Explain why you think so. Use a response plan.

A. Population occupations.

b. Craft basics.

V. What are clothes made from?

d. What are dwellings made of?

e. Where and how are dwellings located?

e. What means of transportation are used?

After completing the lesson, I ask you to evaluate your knowledge gained during the lesson with TOKENS in our KNOWLEDGE PORTFOLIO

Lesson learned - lesson not learned

Thank you for the lesson!

The connection between natural conditions and human health is obvious. From the quality of water, air, soil, from climatic conditions depends on the state of human health, its ability to work and longevity. In maintaining people's health and treating various diseases, an important role belongs to natural factors: the sun, sea, forest, mountain air, sea ​​water, mineral waters, healing mud.

Favorable conditions for human life and activity. Part of the territory of our country is distinguished by favorable conditions for human life and health: warm sunny summers, moderately cold winters, sufficient rainfall, and an abundance of attractive picturesque landscapes. The climate of the middle and southern part of the European territory, the south of Western Siberia, and the North Caucasus is very favorable for health. For example, for a resident of temperate latitudes, the following conditions are most favorable: temperature in winter -8 ... -10 ° C, in summer +23 ... +25 ° C, wind speed in winter - 0.15 m / s, in summer - 0.2 - 0.4 m / s, relative humidity, respectively, 40 - 60%. These territories have long been mastered and have a high population density.

Development of territories with extreme conditions. However, in our country there are many places with unfavorable conditions for human life.

Extreme conditions are conditions that are extremely unfavorable for the human body: very low winter temperatures, very high summer temperatures, strong winds, very high humidity.

In our country, the following territories with extreme conditions can be distinguished: tundra, deserts, regions of a sharply continental climate in Siberia, the Far Eastern monsoon zone. In Primorye, for example, a very damp summer. The coldest regions of the Northern Hemisphere are located in Eastern Siberia, where it is extremely difficult to build any buildings due to the presence of permafrost soils. In winter, the thermometer shows -50 ... -60 ° С, and in summer it is sometimes more than +30 ° С. Here are the largest annual temperature ranges on our planet: 95 ° C in the south and 105 ° C in the north, the highest atmospheric pressure in Russia is observed in winter. Frosts at -45 ... -50 ° C can stand here continuously from 1.5 to 3 months.

Such conditions create great difficulties not only for a person, but also for tools. Temperature -45 °C is critical for mechanisms. For the northern regions, they must be made from special frost-resistant materials.

The development of territories with extreme conditions requires significant material costs, the enthusiasm of people, the use of science and technology.

Natural phenomena and their causes. Significant difficulties in human life and activities are associated with natural disasters. Natural phenomena are usually understood as unexpected, severe in their consequences, violations of the normal course of natural processes.

multimedia lesson

Compiled and hosted by:

Posokhova T.M.

geography teacher MBOU "Troitskaya secondary school"

Annotation for the lesson

The study of physical geography completes the section "Man and Nature". One of the last lessons of this section, "The influence of natural conditions on human life and health," sums up the work in the 8th grade on the formation of key competencies in geography through the use of interactive technologies, including information and telecommunication.

The lesson on the named topic systematizes, generalizes knowledge about the importance of nature in the life and economic activity of man, about natural resources, about the role geographical science and provides a transition to the study of economic and social geography our country.

The educational potential of this lesson is huge.

Schoolchildren come to the conclusion that geographical knowledge plays a huge role in solving various problems National economy see the place of man in nature. The possibilities of its positive and negative impact on nature under conditions scientific and technical progress.

And most importantly, students should be aware of the need geographical knowledge V real life in order to be able to preserve and protect nature. It is reasonable to use its wealth, to be able to save one's life in case of adverse events.

Geography lesson in 8th grade.

Lesson topic: Human and nature. The influence of natural conditions on life and

human health..

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

1. Formation of new knowledge and skills about the problems of interaction between man and nature, especially the influence of natural conditions on the way of life of people, their health and occupations.

2. To generalize and systematize knowledge about the relationship of natural factors with the conditions and lifestyle of the population, to teach students to assess unfavorable and comfortable living conditions.

3. To develop rules of conduct in case of adverse and natural phenomena and measures to protect nature from adverse anthropogenic impacts.

4. To acquaint with the objects of natural and cultural heritage in Russia. 5. Develop skills independent work with sources of geographic information.

6. Speak in front of an audience and listen, select the necessary information.

Educational visual complex:

The lesson takes place in the computer class is using a multimedia projector.

interactive maps: physical, climatic, ecological

Lesson type: combined using multimedia resources and Internet resources

Reference and information material; self-composed presentations; electronic textbook “Geography of Russia. Nature, 8th grade.

Terms and concepts: habitat, natural conditions, natural

resources, favorable conditions, extreme

living conditions, medical geography,

recreational geography, Murmonsk, Yakuts, highlanders,

taiga natural disasters, objects of the world

natural and cultural heritage of Russia.

Geographic features: Kola Peninsula. Murmansk, Yakutia, Sochi,

Republic of Komi, Kamchatka, Caucasus, Krasnodar

Required knowledge and skills for learning in the lesson:

The influence of natural conditions on human life and health;

Favorable conditions for human life and activity;

Extreme conditions;

Causes of natural disasters and personal security measures;

The impact of human activities on natural complexes;

Measures for the protection of individual objects of nature (Objects of the World Natural Heritage of Russia)

Reference and information material.

(on the desktop of each student)




Astrakhan delta

Delta of the Volga River

Reserve with unique flora and fauna

Lake Ladoga

Unique nature. Monastery 14th century

North-West of Russia

Moreno - hilly landscape, lake. Seliger, the source of the Volga

The bend of the Volga river

Mountains cut by ravines. Peculiar nature

Martial waters

The first resort in Russia, founded in 1719

Valdai Hills

Lake with a unique landscape

Virgin forests of Komi

Komi Republic

untouched forests

Unique natural objects of the Russian Plain.

A set of exercises for the eyes.

Exercises are performed sitting or standing. Turning away from the screen, with rhythmic breathing with a maximum amplitude of eye movements.


    Close eyes. Without straining the eye muscles, at the expense of one - four, then close your eyes, relaxing the muscles of the eyes, look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

    Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your eyes on the count of 1-4. Do not bring your eyes to fatigue. Then open your eyes to look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times

    Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your eyes on the count 1-4, then look into the distance directly on the count 1-6. Exercises are carried out in a similar way, but with fixation of the gaze to the left. Up and down. Repeat 3-4 times.

    Move your eyes quickly diagonally: up to the right - down to the left, then straight into the distance at the expense of 1-6; then left up right down and look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment. Setting goals and objectives of the lesson.

Presentation "Man and Nature" - slide 1

2. Working with terms

Presentation "Man and Nature" - slide 2. (on screen)

(trainees work with the handbook electronic textbook"Geography of Russia" Educational collection Grade 8. Edited by V.P. Dronov.


Individual working folder of students on the desktop - Presentation No. 1 "Interaction between man and nature"

(Work in pairs.) Tasks:

1para.-Study the materials and establish: how a person interacts with the lithosphere;

2nd - what natural phenomena occur in the lithosphere and measures to protect life and health during natural phenomena;

3rd - the impact of climate on human life and activity;

4th-interaction - water and man;

5th - natural phenomena associated with water;

6th pair - study security measures organic world and offer your

Coordinating Council: prepare questions for couples and come up with a leading task “How people protect nature.” Natural monuments of Russia

Working with information and reference material.

Presentation #2

Physical education (rest for the eyes)

3.Teamwork. Continue presentation… Natural and anthropogenic landscapes” Presentation №3

We know that a person adapts to the environment (clothing, housing, lifestyle). But man also changes the environment: he drains swamps, extracts minerals, irrigates. Often changes nature unintentionally, without expecting final, unpredictable results. Give your examples....


Fizkultminutka (mobile)

    New topic

The influence of natural conditions on the life and health of people.

Group work.

Natural conditions affect human life and health. Let's. Let's take a look at this impact today.

Group 1 - Murmonsk work with presentation No. 4. - Yakuts work with presentation No. 5

3. group - highlanders work with presentation No. 6

Group 4 - Krasnodar work with presentation No. 7

5. group - residents of the tundra work with presentation No. 8

6. group - residents of Valdai work on the site http :// www . li 4 ki . en

Describe living conditions, lifestyle:

The main occupation of the population;

Additional lessons population;

Natural conditions in which peoples live;

What are clothes made from?

Explain the reasons for this lifestyle.

A representative of each group makes a presentation showing a presentation.


Man adapts to the conditions of life. But in the conditions of the North, where 10 million people live (out of 12.5 million people in the world northerners), people have to spend a lot of energy to overcome difficulties. In the North, more fuel is needed, more fuel, more consumption of building materials (thicker walls of houses), warmer expensive clothes, warmer, more expensive clothes, more high-calorie food.

- Why do people live in difficult natural conditions of the North?

Why oil production costs us more than in the Gulf countries. More expensive coal and other resources?

- Natural conditions affect health. Find in the text of the textbook what medical geography does?

4. Work with geographic features. Apply to / to Russia; slide number 2 presentation "Man and nature"

5 . Reflection

6. Homework: ind. tasks: prepare messages (presentations are possible) - about floods, earthquakes, hurricanes;

About measures of protection against natural phenomena

Activities for the protection of nature

Monuments of the World Natural Heritage of Russia


1.Geography of Russia. In 2 books. Book 1: Nature. Population. Economy. Grade 8: textbook. for 8-9 cells. general education Institutions/V.P.Dronov, I.I.Barinova, V.Ya.Rom, A.A.Lobzhanidze; ed. V.P. Dronova. – 10th ed., stereotype. - M .: Bustard, 2009

2.Geography of Russia: Proc. for 8-9 cells. general education Institutions / Ed. A.I. Alekseeva: In 2 books. Book 1: Nature and population. Grade 8 - 4th ed., stereotype - M .: Bustard, 2003

3.Geography of Russia. Grades 8-9: Methodical manual. Barinova I.I. Rum V.Ya - M .: Bustard, 1997.

4.Geography of Russia. Nature. Grade 8: Your reference book. Materials for lessons. Elkin G.N. - St. Petersburg: "Parity", 2005

5.Geography of Russia.Nature. Grade 8: Method. Benefit. Elkin G.N. - St. Petersburg: "Parity", 2003

6. Geography lessons using information technologies. 6-9 grades. Methodological guide. Kugut I.A., Eliseeva L.I et al. - M.: Globus, 2008

7. Internet resources.

The natural environment in which a person has been formed and lives is constantly changing, affecting his health and safety.

Thanks to natural conditions in Ukraine, generous harvests are harvested. Here they breed fish, raise livestock and poultry, and are engaged in beekeeping. Farming in various natural zones, Ukrainians produce food products necessary for life and health.

As a result of many years of economic activity, people cause positive and negative changes in nature.

The composition of the atmosphere, the World Ocean, soils, and the background of radioactivity are changing. The earth is warming. This leads to a violation of the ecological balance in nature.

The deposits of oil, gas, coal are exhausted, which gives rise to the threat of "energy starvation". There are places on Earth where soils have lost their fertility. There is an urgent need for food.

Modern man cannot imagine life without achievements technical progress: TV, refrigerator, telephone, radio, detergents, paints, plastic products, etc. Effective drugs have been developed. By car, train, plane, it is convenient and easy to overcome significant distances.

Astronauts from the orbital station speak with family and friends. Every day a person receives new information- in the classroom, on the road, at home, during the holidays, because everywhere people listen, read, watch. Even in the subway, a passenger can watch TV, call a mobile phone.

It is with the help of technological progress that you can do everything on time and well, defeat illnesses, dress beautifully and comfortably, eat tasty food, and have an interesting rest.

But technological progress has another side. Human activity harms nature due to the incorrect, thoughtless use of mechanisms whose work is associated with emissions of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into the atmosphere, other substances that have a detrimental effect not only on plants and animals, but also on people. Unfortunately, the requirements regarding the use of atomic energy are also violated.

Pollution of soil, air and water with chemicals, waste from technological processes, vehicle exhaust gases causes allergic diseases in people, skin and respiratory tract lesions, and causes the occurrence of malignant tumors. The morbidity of people exposed to radioactive irradiation as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has increased. Therefore, the protection of the natural environment is so important for human life and health. International laws have been developed regarding the use of the World Ocean and outer space, the protection of unique natural zones (the Black and Mediterranean Seas, Antarctica), the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, etc.

To preserve life and health, it is necessary to know the state of the natural environment of the area in which you live. It is evaluated by special indicators (see table). It is important that negative changes in the environment do not become irreversible.

Human health depends on the state of the environment only by 20%, and 50% - on lifestyle.


The level of environmental pollutionmaterial from the site

Null Absence of pollution of the natural environment and violations of the health status of the population
Short Noticeable changes in natural environment. The natural environment is satisfactory for human existence
Average Significant changes in the natural environment. The health of the population has noticeably deteriorated under the influence of adverse environmental conditions
High The use of soils for the production of food products is impossible. Significant decline in the health status of the population
Catastrophic Soil productivity is zero. The natural environment is dangerous for human health and existence

Ecology - from Greek words"housing" and "knowledge" - the science of relationships in nature.
