Reading fiction in the 2 ml group. We read fiction in the second junior group

Usage fiction in class at kindergarten- the most powerful means of developing a harmonious personality. Reading helps to improve the mental, aesthetic, speech abilities and skills of the child. In the second junior group more and more attention should be paid to reading, to cultivate a love for the book. You can build the process of the lesson in completely different ways - it depends on the tasks set and the subject of the selected work.

The benefits of reading fiction for children 3-4 years old

In children 3-4 years old, there is an active development of imagination, cognitive processes. The child is already able to emotionally evaluate and comprehend the texts of works: empathize with the characters, give an assessment, draw conclusions.

Reading fiction develops imaginative thinking, fosters a love for reading, nature, the world around. Collective reading in a group helps the teacher to reveal to the kids the world of relationships between people, the features of life in society.

Reading fiction develops imaginative thinking

Reading books is a path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking educator finds a way to a child's heart.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The following goals are set for reading classes in the second junior group:

  • development of a complete picture of the world;
  • skills development colloquial speech;
  • continuation of acquaintance with the artistic word;
  • developing the ability to construct answers to questions;
  • development of perception of artistic images;
  • familiarization with the culture of reading, the formation of love for the book;
  • the development of an emotional reaction to events in works of art.

Books help children explore and understand the world around them.

The objectives of a particular lesson can be:

  • familiarization of children with literary works, acquaintance with new writers;
  • vocabulary replenishment, familiarization with new words;
  • formation of the skill of expressive reading, intonation;
  • expanding knowledge about the world around us (for example, getting to know professions while studying S. Mikhalkov’s poem “What do you have?”).

How to read with children of the second younger group

In the second younger group, it will be useful to use the following techniques in the classroom:

  • artistic word - reading the text;
  • teacher's story - here you can read the text or retell it using various means to help: toys, puppet show, pictures, filmstrips;
  • learning by heart;
  • individual reading and choral pronunciation;
  • combination of two types of arts - viewing pictures, listening to music along with reading;
  • dramatization (for example, playing the fairy tale "Turnip" with the help of finger toys or figurines)
  • didactic games.

Should be read to children daily. A book corner must be equipped, to which the kids will have constant access. There it is necessary to place several books studied under the program, as well as books recommended for study in free time. At the age of 3-4 years, daily reading before going to bed after dinner is mandatory.

It is better when parents also support their child's reading habits.

Before reading the work to the children, the educator should read it himself and analyze it. Here you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Determine what the child can understand himself in the book, and what needs to be explained for better assimilation.
  2. Mark passages and words in the text that will help develop speech when they are repeated (for example, the teacher reads an excerpt: “Kids, kids! Open up, open up! Your mother came - she brought milk ...” (“Wolf and seven kids”), then reads more times the phrase and asks the guys to finish it).
  3. Intonation moment: the teacher should highlight emotional moments with intonation.
  4. Selection of illustrations for the book.

Conducting a more comfortable lesson without overloading children with unnecessary information and fatigue will be facilitated by:

  • changing teaching methods to playing ones (for example, after reading S. Marshak’s poem “The Tale of stupid little mouse"You can play the game" Find the mouse ");
  • alternation of group and individual responses of babies (both verbal and motorized);
  • the inclusion of demonstration materials (toys, figurines, drawings, etc.) in the lesson - this pleases the kids, helps to focus their attention;
  • the use of actions that will require the guys to change their position, move (for example - “Children, let's look for where the cat hid” - and look under chairs and tables). This technique greatly enlivens the lesson, enlivens the baby's imagination and prevents fatigue.

Organization of reading on the example of the Russian folk tale "Kolobok"

The objectives of the lesson are to introduce the children to the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", to teach them word formation.

To the children of the younger preschool age easier to understand the text, accompanied by illustrations

The lesson can be structured as follows:

  1. Introductory part. The teacher conducts a conversation with the children, asks who the Gingerbread Man is, if the guys have heard about him before (from home reading, cartoons).
  2. Then reading out an excerpt from a fairy tale: “I kneaded the dough with sour cream, rolled up a bun ...” (the kids demonstrate with their hands how to sculpt a bun).
  3. Expressive reading of a fairy tale (here it is worth emotionally highlighting the moments of joy when Kolobok manages to escape from animals so that the children rejoice, and the moment of grief when the fox deceived him with his cunning).
  4. The teacher repeats with the children what different animals said to the kolobok ("Kolobok, kolobok, I'll eat you!").
  5. Word game ("Guys, now let's play! I will tell you words that mean a large object, and you pronounce words that mean the same objects, only smaller: table - table, cup - cup").
  6. Then the teacher shows the children drawings for the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", saying that many famous artists portrayed Kolobok.

The teacher must make full use of the necessary methodological techniques for mastering the material, developing listening skills, reading comprehension. Expressive reading of the work helps the children to better remember the material and evaluate it. When discussing what has been read, you can use a comparison of the situation in the book with a comparison of a case from life, suggest when answering.

Expressive reading will help you remember the material better.

When choosing a topic for a lesson, it will be very useful to associate it with some kind of holiday, time of the year for better assimilation of the material by the children.

Table: long-term plan for fiction (fragment, author Natalya Alexandrovna Artyukhova)

MonthSubjectWhat are the lessons for?
SeptemberPoem "Helper" by Sasha Cherny
  • To acquaint with the work of Sasha Cherny;
  • arouse in children sympathy for peers with the help of the teacher's story.
Russian folk tale"Cat, Rooster and Fox"
  • Introduce children to Russian folk tales;
  • learn to answer questions about the content of a fairy tale;
  • develop auditory perception; cultivate interest in literature.
Russian folk tale "Three Bears"
  • Continue to acquaint children with Russian folk tales;
  • to cultivate obedience and a sense of empathy for a girl lost in the forest.
OctoberReading the Russian folk tale "Kolobok"
  • Introduce the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man";
  • learn to listen to a work of art;
  • answer questions about its content;
  • view illustrations;
  • develop auditory perception.
Reading poems by A. Barto from the cycle "Toys"
  • Introduce children to the poems of A. Barto;
  • cultivate good feelings, positive emotions;
  • learn to listen;
  • learn to reproduce phrases from the text and the quatrains themselves.
Reading poems by A. Blok "Bunny" and A. Pleshcheev "Autumn"
  • Attach to poetry;
  • develop a poetic ear;
  • evoke sympathy for the hero of the poem;
  • learn to memorize poetry.
NovemberRussian folk songs-rhymes "Kisonka-murysenka", "The cat went to the market"
  • Introduce children to Russian folk rhymes;
  • evoke an appropriate emotional attitude towards the characters.
Russian folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"
  • To bring the idea of ​​a fairy tale to the consciousness of children;
  • help in assessing the characters;
  • instill in children good feelings for loved ones.
Reading poems about mother
  • Introduce children to poetry;
  • develop poetic taste;
  • form good relations to his mother, the desire to please her.
Reading a fairy tale in verse by K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"
  • To teach children to emotionally perceive a poetic work, to be aware of the theme, content;
  • cause a desire to memorize and expressively reproduce quatrains.
DecemberRussian folk tale "Masha and the Bear"
  • To acquaint with the Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear";
  • help the children understand the hidden intention of the girl Mashenka (how she tricked the bear into taking her to her grandparents).
S.Ya. Marshak "The Tale of the Silly Mouse"
  • Introduce the fairy tale "About the stupid mouse";
  • make you want to listen again;
  • show images of heroes;
  • nurture interest in works of art.
Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Wolf"
  • To acquaint with the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Wolf";
  • to acquaint with the images of the fox and the wolf, with the characters of the heroes of the fairy tale;
  • cultivate love for Russian folk art.
JanuaryL. Voronkova story "It's snowing"To acquaint with a work of art, reviving in the memory of children their own impressions of a snowfall.
Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden and the Fox"
  • Continue to acquaint children with Russian folk art;
  • introduce the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden and the Fox", with the image of a fox from other fairy tales;
  • learn to listen to works, answer questions.
E. Charushin story "Volchishko"
  • To give children an idea about the way of life of animals;
  • to cultivate love for animals, sympathy for their cubs in trouble.
FebruaryRussian folk tale "The wolf and the seven kids"
  • Introduce the fairy tale, make you want to listen to the work again and remember the goat's song;
  • cultivate love for animals;
  • sympathy for the cubs in trouble.
Z. Aleksandrova poem "My bear"
  • Introduce Z. Alexandrova's poem "My Bear";
  • cultivate good feelings;
  • bring positive emotions.
Russian folk tale "Mitten"
  • To introduce children to the Russian folk tale "Mitten";
  • promote general emotional development;
  • learn to speak about the character of the characters in the story.
Russian folktale
"The Cockerel and the Beanstalk"
  • Continue acquaintance with the Russian folk tale;
  • learn to comprehend the characters.
MarchE. Blaginina, poem "That's what a mother"
  • To acquaint with the poem by E. Blaginina “That's what a mother”;
  • educate children good feeling, love for mom.
Reading a poem by A. Pleshcheev "Spring"
  • Introduce the poem
  • learn to name the signs of spring;
  • develop a poetic ear;
  • cultivate an interest in art.
Russian folk tale "Fear has big eyes"
  • Introduce children to the Russian folk tale and recall famous folk tales;
  • learn to retell a fairy tale;
  • practice speaking.
L. N. Tolstoy story "Truth is the most expensive"
  • Bring the author's thought to the consciousness of children (you must always tell the truth);
  • help memorize the story
  • develop memory, thinking.
AprilReading the Russian folk tale "Geese-swans"
  • To acquaint with the Russian folk tale "Geese-swans";
  • contribute to the education of obedience;
  • learn to answer questions about the content of the work.
K. Chukovsky reading the story "Chicken"
  • To acquaint with the story of K. Chukovsky "Chicken";
  • expand children's knowledge about animal life;
  • learn to comprehend illustrations.
Russian folk tale "Goby-black barrel, white hooves"
  • To acquaint with the Russian folk tale;
  • educate a sense of empathy for the heroes of a fairy tale.
MayReading the story "Holiday" by Y. Thais
  • To acquaint with the story of Y. Thais "Holiday";
  • to keep children in a joyful mood and interest in describing the festive event.
V. V. Mayakovsky "What is good - what is bad?"
  • To acquaint with Mayakovsky's poem;
  • learn to distinguish between good and bad deeds.
S. Marshak poem "Children in cages"
  • To acquaint with the vivid poetic images of animals in Marshak's poem;
  • develop poetic ear, memory, attention.

In pedagogical practice, there is a huge amount of materials to help teachers for conducting classes.

Table: examples of GCD abstracts in the second junior group in fiction

Author and title of abstractMaterial Description
Tatyana Osipova. "Reading the Russian folk tale "Geese-swans"Abstract for reading the Russian folk tale "Geese-Swans" (aimed at a general artistic development children, also serves other educational purposes).
Xenia Yakovleva. "Reading the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"The abstract will help in planning a lesson in reading a fairy tale, the purpose of which is to arouse in children a love for animals, to teach them to empathize with them.
Olga Yantsen. "Reading the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"The abstract is aimed at the development of colloquial speech in children of the second younger group.
Galina Kochulova. Integrated lesson in the second junior group on familiarization with fiction "Teremok"Lesson summary using non-traditional technique applications ("Palms").

Video: reading Agnia Barto's poems in the classroom in the second junior group

Reading books teaches kids to take care of nature, love their homeland, contributes to the formation figurative thinking. A carefully prepared lesson on reading fiction in the second junior preschool group guarantees the success of its implementation and good assimilation of the material by children.

Integrated thematic planning

2016-2017 academic year

OOD (type of activity) Reading fiction

Age group2 junior group №1

Part of the program: Variation V

Invariant _

Prepared by: Likhota E.V.


1. Comprehensive educational program preschool education. Developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

2. Planning the educational process preschool organization: modern approaches and technology. Developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

3. Complete S. Tomilova , Publisher: AST , Series: Planet of childhood , Release year: 2015;

4. Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and development of children's speech. In accordance with GEF DO,; Year of release: 2014.


Organized educational activities

Topics in accordance with the Comprehensive Thematic Planning


A week

OOD theme

Program goal

Additional methodological support


No. 1 OS "Autumn" A. K. Balmont

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova ; fall illustrations

Project work« Autumn is a wonderful time»

№2 OS "Autumn has come"

A. Pleshcheev

To create a joyful mood in children in the process of reading a poem, to learn to name the signs of the seasons, to compare the signs of autumn and summer, to cultivate a love for beauty, to enjoy the charm of nature

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova ; fall illustrations

Project work« Autumn is a wonderful time»

No. 3 OS "Visiting a fairy tale" - theater

To evoke an emotional response in children to show a fairy tale. Cultivate a sense of empathy for the characters. Develop intonation. Learn to negotiate sentences with the teacher.

Internet resources, glove puppets, screen.

"My Kindergarten"

№4 OS "Aibolit" - theater

To empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale in the process of watching the theatricalization of a poem, to improve dialogical speech, to teach children to provide elementary medical care. Cultivate the desire to take the initiative.

Chukovsky K.I,

Bi-ba-bo dolls, screen


Day of the preschool worker


No. 1 OS "Kid" A. Barto - memorizing a poem

Learning a poem by A. Barto. Learn to understand the main content of the work. Develop the ability to perform game actions in accordance with the content of poems. Game-improvisation based on the text of the poem.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova


No. 2 OS "Hedgehog" - reading the story of L.N. Tolstoy

Listen attentively new story, to teach coherently answer the questions of the educator. Activate the children in the course of the conversation. In the proposed situation, to consolidate the ability of children to apply the acquired knowledge in life; expand lexicon. Learn to solve riddles.

Tolstoy A.N.

Illustrations according to the content of the work


No. 3 OS "Moydodyr" - reading

To cultivate the ability to listen to a fairy tale, to follow the development of the action; give children the opportunity to finish words and phrases that are easy to reproduce; to consolidate knowledge about the need for cleanliness, about hygiene items.

Chukovsky K.I.

"I am human"

No. 4 OS "Hedgehog" a - reading and memorization

To teach children to listen to a poem, understand the plot, answer questions; develop the ability to listen to the explanations of the educator; contribute to the memorization of the poetic text; develop interest in objects of nature, love for them; cultivate a love of literature.

B. Zakhoder

"Wild animals"


No. 1 OS "How we arrived at the zoo" B. Zhitkov - reading

Learn to understand the main content of the work. Develop the ability to perform game actions in accordance with the content of poems. To acquaint children with the rules for the movement of cars on the road, carefully listen to a new work. Cultivate polite, cultured behavior in public transport.

B. Zhitkov


No. 2 OS "Lesson of Friendship" - reading the story of M. Plyatskovsky.

Learn to use a simple common sentence in speech; the ability to establish the order of events in the text, mentally represent events and characters; form ideas about actions and deeds in which a good attitude towards each other is manifested.

A book with a story by M. Plyatskovsky “A lesson in friendship, illustrations according to the content of the work.

“I am good, you are good. How to behave? Learning to be friends"

No. 3 OS "How the rooster was treated" - reading the fairy tale by A. Krylov

To empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale in the process of reading a fairy tale, to improve dialogic speech, to teach children to provide elementary medical care. Cultivate the desire to take the initiative.

O.S. Ushakov

"Growing up healthy and strong"

No. 4 OS “Grandma had a granddaughter” - Retelling of Tolstoy L.N.

To form the ability to retell a previously unfamiliar story, achieving the transfer of its content without omissions and distortions; Encourage the use of author's words and phrases; To develop the ability to name the location of the granddaughter (outside the window, under the table ...) To cultivate the ability to listen to the interlocutor and not to interrupt him unnecessarily.

Tolstoy L.N.

"My family. Mothers Day"


No. 1 OS "Boy - finger" - memorization

Continue to form the ability to emotionally perceive poetry, understand the content poetic texts, to feel the rhythm of the poem, to convey figurative content intonation. To form the ability to designate by word and action parts and signs appearance subject. Cultivate the desire to communicate calmly without shouting, without interrupting each other.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

“Me and my body, what do I know about myself?”

No. 2 OS - "Snow Maiden and the Fox" RNS story

Examining the illustrations

To form the ability to carefully consider illustrations, explaining their content.

To acquaint children with the new RNS, with the image of a fox (different from foxes from other fairy tales). Exercise in the expressive reading of the passage - the lament of the Snow Maiden. To educate children's communication skills (answers in chorus, individually), the ability to listen to each other. Enrich speech with fabulous vocabulary. Cultivate friendships between children.

Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and development of children's speech. O.S. Ushakov,

Fairy tale illustrations


No. 3 OS - "Zayushkina's hut" - The story of the RNS

Dramatization of excerpts

Continue to teach children emotionally, consistently reproduce the content of a fairy tale using the modeling method. Develop the ability to identify and name characteristics fairy tale characters.

Practice word formation. To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards the heroes of a fairy tale, a desire to help them.

Book with illustrations, mnemonic table, glove puppets

"My house"

№4 OS "Yolka" - Reading K. Chukovsky

Cause joy from the upcoming holiday, activate nouns and verbs in speech. Cultivate a good relationship with each other.

« New Year»

No. 5 OS "Our Tree" - Learning E. Ilyin

Speaking from personal experience

Develop the ability to express your feelings new year holiday in connected statements. To develop the ability to convey joy, triumph with intonation when telling a poem.

Continue to educate respectful attitude to those around you.

Illustrations, plot pictures new year celebrations

"New Year"



No. 2 OS Small folklore forms: “I’m going to my grandmother, to my grandfather ...”, “Tili-bom! Tili-bom!...”; “Like our cat ...”, “Squirrel sits on a cart ...”, “Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi ..”

To acquaint children with the meaning and content of nursery rhymes-calls. Raise interest in oral folk art. Exercise in pronouncing nursery rhymes in chorus together with the teacher. To form the ability to answer the questions of the educator on the content in full sentences, listen to the answers of other children.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

"Russian Folk Art"

No. 3 OS "Geese-swans"

Reading RNS

To form the ability to answer the questions of the educator on the content in full sentences, listen to the answers of other children. Continue to enrich speech with fabulous vocabulary. Introduce simple ways formation of a diminutive form of nouns.

Book with illustrations, table theater

"Boys and Girls"

No. 4 OS - “Where is my finger?”; - N. Sakonskaya memorization; Reading L. Voronkov "Masha is a confusion"

To continue to form the ability to emotionally perceive poetry, understand the content of poetic texts, feel the rhythm of the poem, and intonation convey figurative content.

To develop the ability to correlate the verb with the action that it denotes and with the subject who performed this action.

To cultivate the ability to listen to the interlocutor and not to interrupt him unnecessarily.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova



No. 1 OS "The Tale of the Silly Mouse" S. Marshak - reading

Enrich your vocabulary with quality adjectives. Cultivate kindness, a desire to help.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

"I am in society"

№2 OS "Mitten"

ONS Reading

Using the modeling method, continue to form the ability to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale, memorize actors and sequence of events. Give children the opportunity to finish words and easy-to-reproduce phrases. To acquaint with the saying "In cramped conditions, but not offended."

Exercise in the completion of sentences started by the teacher.

To educate responsiveness in children, to teach to empathize and understand the heroes of a fairy tale.

Book with illustrations, mnemonic table


No. 3 OS "In our army" A. Oshnurov - memorization

Learn to convey the mood of the work, the attitude of the author to the events described. Develop intonation expressiveness of speech. Cultivate a sense of pride in your dad.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

"Our dads are railroad workers"

No. 4 OS - "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" RNS story

To form the ability to retell a familiar fairy tale completely and consistently, using fabulous repetitions; Encourage preschoolers to tell their favorite passages expressively, resorting to a change in intonation, tempo of speech, voice pitch. Encourage children to speak clearly. Raise interest in the works of Russian folk art.

Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and development of children's speech. O.S. Ushakov,

mnemonic table

"My house"


No. 1 OS "All of it" reading a poem by I. Kosyakov

To acquaint children with a poem, improve the dialogical speech of children, replenish vocabulary with verbs, cultivate a respectful attitude towards mother. D/U “I love my mother very much, because…”

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

"Our mothers are the best"

№2 OS "What is good and what is bad?" - Reading V. Mayakovsky

Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the work. Talking with children about good and bad, improve their dialogic speech, grammatically correctly reflect their impressions in speech. Cultivate the desire to do only good, kind deeds.

V. Mayakovsky

"We are helpers"

No. 3 OS "Two greedy bear cubs" -


Continue to develop the ability to understand moral sense works, motivated to evaluate the actions of the characters. To form the ability to use plural forms of nouns. in R.p. (became a lot of bears, hares, foxes ...). . Cultivate the desire to share with a friend.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova


No. 4 OS “Tanya knew the letters” - retelling by L. Tolstoy

Develop the ability to expressively retell using words and speech turns of the text. To form the ability to form a form pl. number of verbs (hands take, draw ...; teeth chew, bite, gnaw ...; eyes look, blink ... Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between children

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

"Book Week"

No. 5 OS "Fox and Hare" - Reading RNS

Interested to listen a new fairy tale, to help understand the meaning of the work (small daring, but brave), develop the ability to intonation accurately repeat songs from a fairy tale, exercise in word formation. Cultivate the ability to listen to each other.

Illustrations, fairy tale text

"Safety Week"


No. 1 OS "Spring has come" -

Reading L.N. Tolstoy

Develop listening skills literary text, answer the questions of the teacher, using copyright means of expression. Continue to form the ability to select words with the opposite meaning. Continue to cultivate the habit of working together, negotiating and helping each other.

L.N. Tolstoy, story paintings, illustrations

"Spring is red"

No. 2 OS “The snow is already melting, streams are running” - reading a poem by A. Pleshcheev

Note the appearance of the first puddles and streams. Learn to compare your impressions with the content of a work of fiction. Enrich ideas about changes in nature associated with the arrival of spring, warming. Cultivate the joy of the onset of spring.

consideration book illustrations, plot pictures.

"Cosmonautics Day"

No. 3 OS "Petushki" - Learning V. Berestov

To form the ability to expressively recite a poem by heart. Introduce nouns into the active dictionary, denoting winter natural phenomena, wintering birds and parts of their bodies (What is it? - This is a wing, beak, legs ... Who is it? - This is a dove, crow, tit ... Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, learn to help them) .

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova , illustrations

"The nature of our region"

No. 4 OS "Children in a Cage" S.Ya.Marshak

Encourage the desire of children to listen to the poetic text, repeat it with the teacher. Develop auditory attention, coherent speech, visual memory. Raise interest and desire to participate in joint activities.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

"Birds and animals of our region"


No. 1 OS "Cat's House" S.Ya.Marshak

Continue to teach children to listen carefully to a fairy tale, understand its content, and answer questions. Continue to teach to emotionally perceive the content of the tale, memorize the characters and the sequence of actions

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova


№2 OS Acquaintance with small folklore forms. Learning the nursery rhyme "Sun-bucket"

To acquaint children with the meaning and content of nursery rhymes-calls. To form the ability to expressively and rhythmically recite the nursery rhyme "Sun-bucket" by heart.

Help remember the saying "Water flowed from the mountains - brought spring." Practice guessing and guessing riddles.

Raise interest in oral folk art.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova


No. 3 OS The story of K. Chukovsky "Fly-Tsokotuha"

Continue to form the ability to emotionally perceive a poetic work, to realize the theme, content. Arouse the desire to memorize and expressively reproduce quatrains. Enrich children's vocabulary. Cultivate respect for others.

K. Chukovsky book with illustrations "Fly-Tsokotuha"


№4 "Beloved City" - Reading the story of R.A. Pervutinsky; Conversation "Our city".

Learn to listen carefully to a new story, coherently answer the teacher's questions. Activate the children in the course of the conversation. In the proposed situation, to consolidate the ability of children to apply the acquired knowledge in life; expand vocabulary, cultivate a sense of love and pride in hometown, the desire to learn more about its attractions.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

"My city Severobaikalsk"

Natalya Samotoeva
Prospective planning for reading fiction in the second younger group


№1. The story of Y. Thais "Cube to cube" Develop interest in reading and telling adult works of art; draw attention to the rules of the game with other children in the group. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 29

№2. The story of V. Stepanov "Game" Develop interest in reading and telling literary works to adults; cause a desire to speak out, to enter into verbal communication. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 31

№3. Fairy tale by N. Pavlova "In the car" Develop auditory perception, interest and desire to listen to an adult reading or telling; take part in the general conversation. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 32

№4. Fairy tale by V. Suteev “Apple Develop auditory perception, interest and desire to listen to an adult reading; teach to carefully consider the illustrations, if necessary, ask questions, take part in a general conversation on the content of the tale. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 33

ABOUT October

№5. Belarusian folk tale "Puff" Maintain interest in reading books; develop the ability to listen carefully, look at illustrations, join the discussion, answering questions from an adult. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 34

№6. Rhymes about a cockerel Develop auditory perception, interest and desire to listen to poetic speech, understand its main meaning; engage in memorizing a small poem by heart; teach to carefully consider the illustrations. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 35

№7. Fairy tale by V. Stepanov "House for a Sparrow" Develop reading listening skills artwork together with a group of children, understand the main meaning; develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to participate in the conversation. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 37

№8. Stories by V. Bianchi "Belkin's dryer", G. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplina "How a squirrel hibernates" Develop the ability to carefully listen to the reading of a work of art, to understand the main meaning; develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to participate in the conversation. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 39


№9. Fairy tale by S. Marshak "Mustachioed - striped" Develop interest in reading books; improve auditory perception, emotional responsiveness; cause a desire to participate with other children in some game activities. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 40

№10. Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear"(in the arr. M. Bulatov) Develop the ability to listen to the teacher's story together with a group of peers; develop interest in fairy tales, emotional responsiveness, a desire to participate in a conversation, responding to simple questions. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 42

№11. Ukrainian folk tale "Mitten"(translated by E. Blagina) To develop interest in reading books, the ability to perceive the text by ear; cause a desire to take on the role of one of the characters, to participate in role play according to a fairy tale. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 43

№12. Fairy tale by M. Plyatskovsky "A hedgehog that you can stroke" To arouse interest in reading books, an emotional response to the read work. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 44


№13. Lullabies Develop auditory perception, emotional responsiveness, interest in the poetic word; create a game situation that in the future children will be able to transfer to independent role-playing games. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 45

№14. The story of L. Voronkova "It's snowing" Develop auditory perception, the ability to carefully listen to a descriptive text, understand the general meaning, arouse a desire to answer questions; relate the content of the work to personal experience children. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 48

№15. Poems about birds Develop auditory attention, interest in the poetic word; through literary works to enrich ideas about the life of birds in winter; enrich vocabulary. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 49

№16. New Year's poems Learn to follow the progress of the action in short works; correlate the content of the works with personal experience. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 52

№17. E. Moshkovskaya's poem "The Greed" Develop interest in reading books, auditory perception, emotional response; to accumulate experience in conveying the content of the work with gestures and actions; cultivate a negative attitude towards greed. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 54


№18. Folk songs and nursery rhymes about a cat and a kitty To form interest in the poetic word, the ability to carefully consider the illustrations to the text, to correlate their content with what they heard; develop emotional responsiveness, the ability to convey the actions of characters with gestures. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 56

№19. Polar bear (stories by E. Charushin and S. Sakharnov) To develop interest in reading, attention and concentration when listening to a descriptive natural history story, understanding its general meaning based on an illustration. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 58


№20.Fairy tale by S. Kozlov "The Lion and the Turtle" Create conditions for literary characters, re-meeting them through watching a cartoon; develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to take part in general imitation actions, singing along. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 59

№21. Fairy tale by V. Suteev "Cat - fisherman" To form interest in reading books, attention and concentration when listening, understanding the general meaning of the work (based on illustrations); develop a desire to answer questions, speak out. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 61

№22. Tale of V. Suteev "Different wheels" Develop interest in reading, the ability to listen carefully, understand the general meaning; give an idea of ​​the spinning wheel, well, mill; enrich the vocabulary with new words. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 62


№23. Fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Fly-clatter" Develop auditory and visual perception, interest and desire to listen to reading, emotionally respond to events occurring in the book, answer questions; introduce new words into the dictionary: samovar, cowardly, brave, villain, win. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 63

№24. Russian folk tale "The wolf and the seven kids"(in the arr. A. Tolstoy) To develop auditory and visual perception, an emotional response to the events of a fairy tale; arouse interest in reading books, the desire to answer questions, speak out. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 64

№25. Sun, show yourself (folk songs and nursery rhymes) To develop children's interest in the genre of folklore, emotional response, desire to take part in the conversation; to teach to carefully consider the illustrations, correlating the text of the nursery rhyme with the picture, noticing small parts talking about what they saw. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 66

№26. Tale of K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr" Develop interest in books, reading; emotional responsiveness to literary work, the ability to carefully listen to the reading of an adult, the desire to speak on the meaning of what was read; teach to consider illustrations, correlating them with the text of the work. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 68

№27. Meet the birds Develop auditory attention, understanding the general meaning of poems; enrich ideas about the life of birds. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 70


№28. Fairy tale by M. Plyatskovsky “How two foxes shared a hole” Develop emotional responsiveness; follow the development of the action, convey the general plot with words, gestures, answer questions. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 72

№29. The story of E. Charushin "Sparrow" Develop emotional responsiveness to a literary work; be able to relate what they read with personal experience, to talk about it. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 74

№30. Stories by V. Charushin about animals Learn to listen carefully prose texts, correlate verbal description with illustrations, express your impressions; lead to riddles verbal description. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 75

№31. Rain, rain, stronger, the grass will be greener Develop the ability to listen poetic works, emotionally respond to their content; create conditions for various improvisations based on read songs and nursery rhymes. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 77

№32. Russian folk tale "Goby - tar barrel" Develop interest in a fairy tale, the ability to listen, understand the main content, join in general conversation when answering an adult; learn to change the intonation and timbre of the voice, pronouncing the text on behalf of different characters. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 80

№33. S. Marshak's poem "Good day" Learn to listen carefully expressive reading poems, understand its meaning, follow the development of the plot; relate content to personal experience, talk about it. N. E. Vasyukova Fiction for children aged 3-5 p. 82

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  • Details Published: 27.04.2014 19:37 Views: 29599

    An approximate list of literature for reading to children in the 2nd junior group.

    Russian folklore

    Songs, rhymes, incantations. “Finger-boy ...”, “Hare, dance ...”, “Night has come ...”, “Forty, forty ...?,“ I’m going to my grandmother, to my grandfather ... ”,“ Tili-bom! Tili-bom!...”; “Like our cat ...”, “A squirrel is sitting on a cart ...”, “Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi”, “We lived with my grandmother ...”, “Chiki-chiki-chikalochki ...”, “Kisonka-murysenka ...”, “Dawn-dawn ...”; “Grass-ant ...”, “There are three chickens on the street ...”, “Shadow, shade, sweat ...”, “Ribushka hen ...”, “Rain, rain, more ...”, “ Ladybug..,", "Rainbow-arc...".

    Fairy tales."Kolobok", arr. K. Ushinsky; "Wolf and goats", arr. A. N. Tolstoy; "Cat, rooster and fox", arr. M. Bogolyubskaya; "Swan geese"; "Snow Maiden and the Fox"; “Goby - black barrel, white hooves”, arr. M. Bulatova; "The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl; “Fear has big eyes”, arr. M. Serova; "Teremok", arr. E. Charushina.

    Folklore of the peoples of the world

    Songs. "Ship", "Braves", "Little Fairies", "Three Trappers" English, arr. S. Marshak; "What a Rumble", trans. from Latvian. S. Marshak; "Buy a bow ...", trans. with shotl. N. Tokmakova; "Frog Talk", "Intractable Hoopoe", "Help!" per. from Czech. S. Marshak.

    Fairy tales. "Mitten", "Goat-Dereza" Ukrainian, arr. E. Blaginina; "Two Greedy Little Bears", Hung., Arr. A. Krasnova and V, Vazhdaeva; "Stubborn goats", Uzbek, arr. Sh. Sagdulla; “Visiting the sun”, trans., from Slovak. S. Mogilevskaya and L. Zorina; "Nanny Fox", trans. from Finnish E. Soini; "The brave fellow", trans. from Bulgarian L. Gribovoy; "Puff", Belarusian, arr. N. Myalika; “Forest bear and naughty mouse”, Latvian, arr. Yu. Vanaga, trans. L. Voronkova; "The Rooster and the Fox", trans. with shotl. M, Klyagina-Kondratieva; "The Pig and the Kite", a tale of the peoples of Mozambique, trans. from Portuguese. Y. Chubkova.

    Works of poets and writers of Russia

    Poetry. K. Balmont. "Autumn"; A. Blok. "Bunny"; A. Koltsov. “The winds are blowing ...” (from the poem “Russian Song”); A. Pleshcheev. “Autumn has come ...”, “Spring” (abbreviated); A. Maikov. " Lullaby”,“ The swallow rushed ... ”(from modern Greek songs); Ah, Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are mighty! ..”, “Our light, sun!.”, “Month, month ...” (from “The Tale of dead princess And. seven heroes"); C. Black. "Private", "About Katyusha"; S. Marshak. "Zoo", "Giraffe", "Zebras", "Polar Bears", "Ostrich", "Penguin", "Camel", "Where the Sparrow Dined" (from the cycle "Children in a Cage"); "Quiet Tale", "The Tale of the Smart Mouse"; K. Chukovsky. "Confusion", "The Stolen Sun", "Moidodyr", "Fly-Sokotuha", "Hedgehogs Laugh", "Christmas Tree", "Aibolit", "Wonder Tree", "Turtle"; S. Grodetsky, "Who is this?"; V. Berestov. "Hen with chickens", "Goby"; N. Zabolotsky. "How mice fought with a cat"; V. Mayakovsky. “What is good and what is bad?”, “Whatever the page is, then an elephant, then a lioness”; K. Balmont, "Mosquitoes-makariki"; P. Kosyakov. "All of her"; A. Barto, P. Barto. "Girl grimy"; S. Mikhalkov. "Song of friends"; E. Moshkovskaya. "Greedy"; I. Tokmakova. "Bear".

    Prose. K. Ushinsky. "Cockerel with family", "Ducks", "Vaska", "Lisa-Patrikeevna"; T. Alexandrova. "Bear cub Burik"; B. Zhitkov. “How we went to the zoo”, “How we arrived at the zoo”, “Zebra”, “Elephants”, “How the elephant bathed” (from the book “What I saw”); M. Zoshchenko. -Smart bird"; G. Tsyferov. "About friends", "When there are not enough toys" from the book "About a chicken, the sun and a bear cub"); K. Chukovsky. "So and not so"; D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "The Tale of the Brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail»; L. Voronkova. "Masha the Confused", "It's Snowing" (from the book "It's Snowing"); N. Nosov "Steps"; D, Kharms. "Brave hedgehog"; L. Tolstoy. "The bird made a nest..."; "Tanya knew the letters..."; "Vari had a siskin, ..", "Spring has come ..."; W. Bianchi. "Bathing cubs"; Y. Dmitriev. "Blue hut"; S. Prokofiev. “Masha and Oika”, “When You Can Cry”, “The Tale of an Ill-mannered Mouse” (from the book “Machines of a Fairy Tale”); V. Suteev. "Three kittens"; A. N. Tolstoy. "Hedgehog", "Fox", "Cocks".

    Works of poets and writers from different countries

    Poetry . E. Vieru. "The Hedgehog and the Drum", trans. with mold. I. Akima; P. Voronko. "Cunning Hedgehog", trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak; L. Mileva. "Swift Foot and Gray Clothes", trans. from Bulgarian M. Marinova; A. Milne. "Three Chanterelles", trans. from English. N. Slepakova; N. Zabila. "Pencil", trans. from Ukrainian 3. Alexandrova; S. Kapugikyan. "Who will rather finish drinking", "Masha does not cry" trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova; A. Bosev. "Rain", trans. from Bulgarian I. Maznina; "The Finch Sings", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova; M. Carem. "My cat", trans. from French M. Kudinova.

    Prose. D. Bisset. "The Frog in the Mirror", trans., from English. N. Shereshevskaya; L. Muur. "Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond", trans. from English. O. Exemplary; Ch. Yancharsky. "Games", "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko; E. Bekhlerova. "Cabbage Leaf", trans. from Polish. G. Lukin; A. Bosev. "Three", lane, from Bulgarian. V. Viktorova; B. Potter. "Uhti-Tukhti", trans. from English. O. Exemplary; Y. Chapek. “A Hard Day”, “Into the Forest”, “Yarinka Doll” (from the book “The Adventures of a Dog and a Kitty”), trans. . Czechs. G. Lukin; O. Alfaro. "Goat Hero", trans. from Spanish T. Davityants; O. Panku-Yash. "Goodnight, Dooku!", trans. from Romanian. M. Olsufieva, “Not only in kindergarten” (abbreviated), trans. from Romanian. T. Ivanova.

    Sample list for memorization

    "Finger-boy ...", "Like our cat ...", "Cucumber, cucumber ...", "Mice lead a round dance.,.", Rus. nar. songs; A. Barto. "Bear", "Ball", "Ship"; V. Berestov. "Petushki"; K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree" (abbreviated); E. Ilyina. "Our Tree" (abbreviated); A. Pleshcheev. "Rural song"; N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?"




    S. Cherny "Private";

    G Tsyferov "About friends",

    "When there are not enough toys" (from the book About the Chicken, the Sun and the Bear Cub);

    “Two greedy bear cubs” (Hungarian; arr. A. Krasnova, V. Vazhdaeva);

    “Finger is a boy ...”, “Braves”, English, arr .. From Marshak.


    "Cat Rooster and Fox", arr. Bogolyubskaya; K. B.;

    K. Balmont "Autumn";

    A. N. Tolstoy "Hedgehog";

    K. D. Ushinsky "Cockerel with his family";

    “Dance the hare…”;

    "Wolf and goats".

    Mitten", Ukrainian, arr. E. Blaginina;

    K. Chukovsky. "Confusion",

    B. Zhitkov. “How we went to the zoological garden” (from the book “What I saw”);

    M. Zoshchenko. "Smart Bird"

    P. Voronko. - Sly hedgehog, trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak;

    Learning by heart: N. Saxon. "Where is my finger?"

    Reading"I'm going to go to my grandmother, to my grandfather...".

    K. Balmont. "Autumn";

    A. Maikov. "Lullaby",

    S. Cherny., "About Katyusha";

    Ch. Yancharsky. "Games" "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko

    Learning by heart:"Cucumber, cucumber..."

    List of fiction

    « I and my family"



    "Hare, dance..."

    "Stubborn goats", Uzbek, arr. Sh. Sagdulla;

    Ah, Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are mighty!..” (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and. Seven Bogatyrs”);

    K. Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun",

    T. Alexandrova. "Bear cub Burik";

    K. Chukovsky. "So and not so";

    L. Muur. "Little Raccoon and. The one who sits in the pond, trans. from English. O. Exemplary;

    Learning by heart:



    "Hare, dance ...",

    "Help!" per. from Czech. S. Marshak.

    "Stubborn goats", Uzbek, arr. Sh.

    S. Cherny "Private";

    K. Chukovsky. "Moydodyr",

    B. Zhitkov. "Zebra", (from the book "What I saw");

    M. Zoshchenko. "Smart bird";

    Learning by heart:. A. Pleshcheev. "Rural song";

    List of fiction

    " Autumn"



    "Kolobok", arr. K. Ushinsky;

    "What a Rumble", trans. from Latvian. S. Marshak;

    S. Marshak. "Zoo", (from the cycle "Children in a Cage");

    K. Chukovsky., "Moydodyr",

    B. Zhitkov. "How the elephant bathed" (from the book "What I saw"); . A. Milne. "Three Chanterelles", trans. from English. N. Slepakova; L. Mileva. "Swift Foot and Gray Clothes", trans. from Bulgarian M. Marinova;

    Learning by heart:. V. Berestov. "Petushki";


    "Forty, forty ...?,

    "Kolobok", arr. K. Ushinsky;

    Songs. "Ship", English, arr. S. Marshak;

    S. Marshak. "Giraffe", "Zebras", (from the cycle "Children in a Cage"); B. Zhitkov. "Elephants", (from the book "What I saw");

    Ch. Yancharsky. "Games", "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko


    A. Blok. "Bunny";

    “Tili-bom! Tili-bom!...”;

    A. Pleshcheev. "Autumn has come..."

    A. Maikov. "Lullaby", ... "(from modern Greek songs);

    S. Marshak "Polar Bears", "Ostrich", (from the cycle "Children in a Cage");

    K. Chukovsky. "Confusion",

    M. Zoshchenko. "Smart bird";

    D. Bisset. "The Frog in the Mirror", trans., from English. N. Shereshevskaya; A. Barto, P. Barto. "Girl grimy";

    List of fiction

    "My house, my village"



    "Forty, forty ...?,

    "Cat, rooster and fox", arr. M. Bogolyubskaya;

    Ah, Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are mighty!..”, “(from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and. Seven Bogatyrs”);

    S. Marshak. "Penguin", "Camel", (from the cycle "Children in a Cage"); G. Tsyferov. "About Friends", from the book "About the Chicken, the Sun and the Bear");

    K. Chukovsky. "So and not so";

    Learning by heart:. V. Berestov. "Petushki";


    S. Marshak. “Where the sparrow dined” (from the cycle “Children in a Cage”);

    K. Chukovsky. "Stolen Sun" "So and not so";

    A. Milne. "Three Chanterelles", trans. from English. N. Slepakova;

    List of fiction

    " New Year"



    The night has come...

    "Two Greedy Little Bears", Hung., Arr. A. Krasnova and V, Vazhdaeva;

    K. Balmont. "Autumn";

    A. Blok. "Bunny";

    K. Chukovsky "So and not so";

    E. Vieru. "The Hedgehog and the Drum", trans. with mold. I. Akima;

    Learning by heart: K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree"



    "Like our cat..."

    "The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl;

    S. Grodetsky, "Who is this?";

    Learning by heart: A. Pleshcheev. "Rural song";


    "Snow Maiden and the Fox" arr. M. Bulatova

    "A squirrel is sitting on a trolley..."

    Ah, Pushkin. “Our light, sun!.” (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and. Seven Bogatyrs”);

    D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "The Tale of the Brave Hare - Long ears, slanting eyes, short tail";


    "Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi"...,

    "Geese-swans";, arr. M. Bulatova;

    "Buy a bow ...", trans. with shotl. N. Tokmakova; "The brave fellow", trans. from Bulgarian L. Gribovoy;

    Ah, Pushkin. “A month, a month ...” (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and. Seven Bogatyrs”);

    S. Kapugikyan. “Who will finish drinking sooner”, trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova

    A. Bosev. "Three", lane, from Bulgarian. V. Viktorova;


    "We lived with my grandmother ...",

    "Snow Maiden and the Fox"; arr. M. Bulatova

    V. Berestov. "Hen with chickens"

    L. Voronkova. "It's snowing" (from the book "It's snowing");

    A. Bosev. "Three", lane, from Bulgarian. V. Viktorova

    Learning by heart: E. Ilyina. "Our Tree" (abbreviated);

    List of fiction

    " Winter"




    "Little Fairies", English, arr. S. Marshak;

    S. Marshak. "Silent fairy tale"

    A. N. Tolstoy. "Petushki".

    Y. Chapek. "A Hard Day", "(from the book" The Adventures of a Dog and a Kitty "), trans. . Czechs. G. Lukin;



    "Swan geese"; arr. M. Bulatova;

    V. Berestov. "Bull";

    N. Nosov "Steps";


    "Swan geese";

    "Mitten", Ukrainian, arr. E. Blaginina

    "Kisonka-murysenka ...",

    "The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl;

    "Nanny Fox", trans. from Finnish E. Soini;

    N. Zabolotsky. "How mice fought with a cat";

    D. Kharms. "Brave hedgehog";

    Learning by heart: K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree" (abbreviated);

    List of fiction

    " Defender of the Fatherland Day"


  • a week
  • Reading

    "Like our cat..."
    "Buy a bow ...", trans. with shotl. N. Tokmakova;

    “Visiting the sun”, trans., from Slovak. S. Mogilevskaya and L. Zorina;

    Y. Chapek. "In the Forest", (from the book "The Adventures of a Dog and a Kitty"), trans. . Czechs. G. Lukin;


    "A squirrel is sitting on a trolley..."
    "The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl;
    K. Chukovsky. " "Fly Tsokotukha",

    Y. Chapek. "Hard Day" Yarinka Doll "(from the book" The Adventures of a Dog and a Kitty "), trans. . Czechs. G. Lukin;

    . Learning by heart: N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?"


    "Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi"...,
    D. Kharms. "Brave hedgehog";

    N. Zabila. "Pencil", trans. from Ukrainian 3. Alexandrova;

    "Like our cat..."

    Learning by heart: K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree"

    List of fiction



    V. Berestov. "Petushki";
    "We lived with my grandmother ...",
    Ah, Pushkin. “Our light, sun!.”, “Month, month ...” (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and. Seven Bogatyrs”);

    E. Bekhlerova. "Cabbage Leaf", trans. from Polish. G. Lukin;

    Learning by heart:. V. Berestov. "Petushki";


  • a week
  • Reading

    "The brave fellow", trans. from Bulgarian L. Gribovoy;

    S. Marshak. "Silent fairy tale"

    V. Mayakovsky. What is good and what is bad?, A. N. Tolstoy. "Hedgehog", "Petushki".

    B. Potter. "Uhti-Tukhti", trans. from English. O. Exemplary;

    List of fiction

    " Health"


  • a week
  • Reading

    P. Kosyakov. "All of her";


    L. Tolstoy. "The bird made a nest...";


    "There are three chickens outside..."

    “Goby - black barrel, white hooves”, arr. M. Bulatova;
    "Three Trappers" English, arr. S. Marshak;

    “Forest bear and naughty mouse”, Latvian, arr. Yu. Vanaga, trans. L. Voronkova;

    P. Kosyakov. "All of her";

    K. Ushinsky. "Vaska",


    "Shadow, shadow, sweat ..",
    “Fear has big eyes”, arr. M. Serova;

    D. Kharms. "Brave hedgehog";

    A. Maikov. "The swallow has rushed..." (from modern Greek songs);

    K. Chukovsky "Aibolit"

    L. Tolstoy. "Tanya knew the letters...";

    Learning by heart:. "Mice lead a round dance.,." - Russian nar. songs;

    List of fiction




    "Rain, rain, more ...",
    "Teremok", arr. E. Charushina

    "The Rooster and the Fox", trans. with shotl. M, Klyagina-Kondratieva;

    K. Chukovsky "Aibolit"

    L. Tolstoy. "Vari had a siskin, ..",

    M. Carem. "My cat", trans. from French M. Kudinova.


    A. Pleshcheev. "Spring" (abbreviated);


    "The Pig and the Kite", a tale of the peoples of Mozambique, trans. from Portuguese. Y. Chubkova

    A. Barto, P. Barto. "Girl grimy";

    K. Ushinsky. "Lisa-Patrikeevna";

    "The Finch Sings", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova;
    S. Kapugikyan. "Masha does not cry" trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova;

    O. Alfaro. "Goat Hero", trans. from Spanish T. Davityants;

    List of fiction

    "Victory Day"



    "Rainbow-arc ...",
    "The Rooster and the Fox", trans. with shotl. M, Klyagina-Kondratieva; S. Marshak. "The Tale of the Smart Mouse";

    K. Chukovsky. "Turtle";

    L. Tolstoy. "Spring came...";

    O. Panku-Yash. "Goodnight, Dooku!", trans. from Romanian. M. Olsufieva, “Not only in kindergarten” (abbreviated), trans. from Romanian. T. Ivanova.


    A. Pleshcheev. "Spring" (abbreviated);

    "Ribouche hen..."

    "Frog Talk", trans. from Czech. S. Marshak.

    V. Mayakovsky “Whatever the page is, then an elephant, then a lioness”; V. Bianchi. "Bathing cubs";

    "Not Only in Kindergarten" (abbreviated), trans. from Romanian. T. Ivanova.

    List of fiction

    " Safety"


    S. Mikhalkov. "Song of friends";

    E. Moshkovskaya. "Greedy";

    Y. Dmitriev. "Blue hut";

    "The Finch Sings", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova;


    “Goby - black barrel, white hooves”, arr. M. Bulatova;

    "Shadow, shadow, sweat ..",
    "The Intractable Hoopoe", trans. from Czech. S. Marshak.

    "Puff", Belarusian, arr. N. Myalika;

    I. Tokmakova. "Bear".

    K. Chukovsky. "Wonder Tree"

    S. Prokofiev. "Masha and Oika",

    A. N. Tolstoy "Fox",

    "The Finch Sings", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova;


    "Chicken-ryabushechka ...",
    L. Muur. "Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond", trans. from English. O. Exemplary

    K. Balmont, "Mosquitoes-makariki";

    P. Kosyakov. "All of her";

    S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Ill-mannered Mouse" (from the book "Fairy Tale Machines");

    "Mice lead a round dance.,." - Russian nar. songs;

    Kolybelnikova Olga Vladimirovna