Scientists have proven that there is life after death. Is there life after death: scientific evidence and eyewitness accounts

This is an interview with renowned experts in the fields of afterlife research and practical spirituality. They provide evidence for life after death.

Together they answer important and thought-provoking questions:

  • Who am I?
  • Why am I here?
  • Does God exist?
  • How about heaven and hell?

Together they will answer important and thought-provoking questions, and the most main question in the moment "here and now": "If we really are immortal souls, then how does this affect our lives and relationships with other people?".

Bonus for new readers:

Bernie Siegel, surgical oncologist. Stories that convinced him of the existence of the spirit world and life after death.

When I was four years old, I nearly choked on a piece of toy. I tried to imitate what the male carpenters I observed were doing.

I put a part of the toy in my mouth, inhaled and… left my body.

At that moment, when I, having left my body, saw myself suffocating and in a dying state, I thought: “How good!”.

For a four-year-old child, being out of the body was much more interesting than being in the body.

Certainly, I had no regret that I was dying. I was sorry, like many children who go through this experience, that my parents would find me dead.

I thought: " Well, okay! I'd rather die than live in that body».

Indeed, as you said, sometimes we meet children born blind. When they go through a similar experience and go out of the body, they begin to "see" everything.

At such moments, you often stop and ask yourself the question: “ What is life? What's going on here anyway?».

These children are often unhappy that they have to go back into their body and be blind again.

Sometimes I communicate with parents whose children have died. They tell me

There was a case when a woman was driving her car on a highway. Suddenly, her son appeared in front of her and said: Mom, slow down!».

She obeyed him. By the way, her son has been dead for five years. She drove to the turn and saw ten badly beaten cars - there was a big accident. Due to the fact that her son warned her in time, she did not have an accident.

Ken Ring. Blind people and their ability to "see" during a near-death or out-of-body experience.

We interviewed about thirty blind people, many of whom were blind from birth. We asked if they had near-death experiences and also if they could "see" during those experiences.

We learned that the blind people we interviewed had the classic near-death experience of ordinary people.

About 80 percent of the blind people I spoke to had different visual images during their near-death experiences or .

In several cases, we were able to obtain independent confirmation that they "saw" what they could not know and what was really present in their physical environment.

It must have been a lack of oxygen in their brains, right? Haha.

Yes, it's that simple! I think it will be difficult for scientists, in terms of ordinary neuroscience, to explain how blind people, who by definition cannot see, receive these visual images and report them with sufficient reliability.

Often the blind say that when they first realized that can "see" the physical the world , they were shocked, frightened and shocked by everything they saw.

But when they began to have transcendental experiences in which they went to the world of light and saw their relatives or other similar things that are characteristic of such experiences, this "seeing" seemed quite natural to them.

« It was the way it should be“, they said.

Brian Weiss. Cases from practice that prove that we have lived before and will live again.

Authentic, convincing in their depth of history, not necessarily so in the scientific sense, which show us that life is much more than it seems at first glance.

The most interesting case in my practice ...

This woman was a modern surgeon and worked with the "top" of the Chinese government. It was her first visit to the USA, she did not know a single word of English.

She arrived with her translator in Miami, where I was then working. I regressed her to a past life.

She ended up in Northern California. It was a very vivid memory that took place about 120 years ago.

My client turned out to be a woman chastising her husband. She suddenly began to speak fluent English full of epithets and adjectives, which is not surprising, because she was arguing with her husband ...

Her professional translator turned to me and began to translate her words into Chinese - he did not yet understand what was happening. I told him: " It's ok, I understand English».

He was dumbfounded - his mouth dropped open in surprise, he just realized that she spoke in English, although before that she did not even know the word "hello". That's an example .

Xenoglossia is the ability to speak or understand foreign languages with which you are completely unfamiliar and which you have never studied.

This is one of the most compelling moments of past life work when we hear the client speak in ancient language or in a language with which he is unfamiliar.

There is no other way to explain it...

Yes, and I have many such stories. There was one case in New York: two three-year-old twin boys communicated with each other in a language that was completely different from the language invented by the children, when, for example, they come up with words for telephone or television.

Their father, who was a doctor, decided to show them to linguists at Columbia University in New York. There it turned out that the boys spoke to each other in ancient Aramaic.

This story has been documented by experts. We need to understand how this could happen. I think that it is . How else can one explain the knowledge of Aramaic by three-year-olds?

After all, their parents did not know this language, and the children could not hear Aramaic late at night on television or from their neighbors. These are just a few convincing cases from my practice, proving that we have lived before and will live again.

Wayne Dyer. Why there are "no accidents" in life, and why everything we encounter in life is according to the divine plan.

What about the notion that there are “no accidents” in life? In your books and speeches, you say that there are no accidents in life, and there is a perfect divine plan for everything.

I can generally believe it, but what about in the event of a tragedy with children or when a passenger plane crashes ... how to believe that this is not accidental?

“It seems like a tragedy if you believe that death is a tragedy. You must understand that everyone comes into this world when he has to, and leaves when his time is up.

By the way, there is confirmation of this. There is nothing that we do not choose in advance, including the moment of our appearance in this world and the moment of departure from it.

Our personal egos, as well as our ideologies, dictate to us that children should not die, and that everyone should live to the age of 106 and die sweetly in their sleep. The universe works in a completely different way - we spend exactly as much time here as planned.

... To begin with, we must look at everything from this side. Secondly, we are all part of a very wise system. Imagine something for a second...

Imagine a huge dump, and in this dump there are ten million different things: toilet lids, glass, wires, various pipes, screws, bolts, nuts - in general, tens of millions of parts.

And out of nowhere, the wind appears - a strong cyclone that sweeps everything into one heap. Then you look at the place where the junkyard just stood, and there is a new Boeing 747, ready to fly from the US to London. What are the chances that this will ever happen?


That's it! Just as insignificant is the consciousness in which there is no understanding that we are parts of this wise system.

It just can't be a huge coincidence. We are not talking about ten million parts, like on a Boeing 747, but about zillions of interconnected parts, both on this planet and in billions of other galaxies.

To assume that all this is accidental and that there is no driving force, it would be as stupid and arrogant as to believe that the wind can create a Boeing 747 aircraft from tens of millions of parts.

Behind every event in life is the Highest Spiritual Wisdom, therefore there can be no accidents in it.

Michael Newton, author of Journey of the Soul. Words of Comfort for Parents Who Have Lost Children

What words of comfort and reassurance do you have for those who lost their loved ones, especially small children?

“I can imagine the pain of those who lose their children. I have children and I am lucky that they are healthy.

These people are so consumed with grief they cannot believe they have lost a loved one and will not understand how God could allow this to happen.

Perhaps it is even more fundamental...

Neil Douglas-Klotz. The real meanings of the words "heaven" and "hell", as well as what happens to us and where we go after death.

"Paradise" is not a physical place in the Aramaic-Jewish sense of the word.

"Paradise" is the perception of life. When Jesus or any of the Jewish prophets used the word "paradise", they meant, in our understanding, "vibrational reality." The root "shim" - in the word vibration [vibration] means "sound", "vibration" or "name".

Shimaya [shimaya] or Shemaiah [shemai] in Hebrew means "limitless and limitless vibrational reality."

Therefore, when the Old Testament Genesis says that the Lord created our reality, it means that he created it in two ways: he (she/it) created a vibrational reality in which we are all one and an individual (fragmentary) reality in which there are names , faces and appointments.

This does not mean that "paradise" is somewhere else or that "paradise" is something to be earned. "Paradise" and "Earth" coexist at the same time, when viewed from this point of view.

The concept of "paradise" as a "reward" or something above us or where we go after death was all unfamiliar to Jesus or his disciples.

You will not find this in Judaism. These concepts appeared later in the European interpretation of Christianity.

There is a popular currently a metaphysical concept that "heaven" and "hell" are a state of human consciousness, a level of awareness of oneself in unity or distance from God and understanding of the true nature of one's soul and unity with the Universe. Is it true or not?

This is close to the truth. The opposite of "paradise" is not, but "Earth", thus, "paradise" and "Earth" are opposed realities.

There is no so-called "hell" in the Christian sense of the word. There is no such concept in Aramaic or Hebrew.

Did this evidence of life after death help melt the ice of mistrust?

We hope that now you have much more information that will help you take a fresh look at the concept of reincarnation, and perhaps even save you from the very strong fear- fear of death.

Translation by Svetlana Durandina,

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Do you want to learn how to remember past lives on your own?

Thanks to the progress of medicine, the resuscitation of the dead has become almost a standard procedure in many modern hospitals. Previously, it was almost never used.

In this article, we will not provide real cases from the practice of resuscitators and the stories of those who themselves suffered clinical death, since a lot of such descriptions can be found in books such as:

  • "Closer to the Light"
  • Life after life
  • "Memories of Death"
  • "Life at death" (
  • "Beyond the threshold of death" (

aim this material is a classification of what people saw who visited the afterlife and a presentation of what they told in understandable form as proof of the existence of life after death.

What happens after a person dies

“He is dying” is often the first thing a person hears at the moment of clinical death. What happens after a person's death? At first the patient feels that he is leaving the body and a second later he looks down at himself hovering under the ceiling.

At this moment, for the first time, a person sees himself from the outside and experiences a huge shock. In a panic, he tries to attract attention to himself, scream, touch the doctor, move objects, but as a rule, all his attempts are in vain. Nobody sees or hears him.

After some time, the person realizes that all his senses remained functional, despite the fact that his physical body is dead. Moreover, the patient experiences an indescribable lightness that he had never experienced before. This feeling is so wonderful that the dying person does not want to return back to the body.

Some, after the above, return to the body, and this is where their excursion into the afterlife ends, someone, on the contrary, manages to get into a kind of tunnel, at the end of which light is visible. After passing a kind of gate, they see a world of great beauty.

Someone is met by relatives and friends, some meet with a bright creature, from which emanates great love and understanding. Someone is sure that this is Jesus Christ, someone claims that this is a guardian angel. But everyone agrees that he is full of goodness and compassion.

Of course, not everyone manages to admire the beauty and enjoy the bliss. afterlife. Some people say that they fell into gloomy places and, returning, describe the disgusting and cruel creatures they saw.


Those who returned from the "other world" often say that at some point they saw their whole life in full view. Each of their actions seemed to be a randomly thrown phrase and even thoughts flashed before them as if in reality. At this moment, a person was reconsidering his whole life.

At that moment there were no such concepts as social status, hypocrisy, pride. All the masks of the mortal world were thrown off and the man appeared before the court as if naked. He couldn't hide anything. Each of his bad thing was displayed in great detail and it was shown how it affected others and those who were hurt and suffering by such behavior.

At this time, all the advantages achieved in life - social and economic status, diplomas, titles, etc. - lose their meaning. The only thing that is subject to evaluation is the moral side of actions. At this moment, a person realizes that nothing is erased and does not pass without a trace, but everything, even every thought, has consequences.

For evil and cruel people, this will truly be the beginning of unbearable internal torment, the so-called, from which it is impossible to escape. The consciousness of the evil done, the crippled soul of one's own and that of others, becomes for such people like an "unquenchable fire" from which there is no way out. It is this kind of judgment over deeds that is referred to in the Christian religion as ordeals.


Having crossed the line, a person, despite the fact that all the senses remain the same, begins to feel everything around him in a completely new way. His sensations seem to start to work one hundred percent. The gamut of feelings and experiences is so great that the returnees simply cannot explain in words all that they had a chance to feel there.

From the more earthly and familiar to us in terms of perception, this is time and distance, which, according to those who have been in the afterlife, flows there in a completely different way.

People who have experienced clinical death often find it difficult to answer how long their post-mortem state lasted. A few minutes, or several thousand years, it made no difference to them.

As for the distance, it didn't exist at all. A person could be transported to any point, to any distance, just by thinking about it, that is, by the power of thought!

The surprising point is that not all of the resuscitated describe places similar to heaven and hell. Descriptions of the places of individual individuals simply stagger the imagination. They are sure that they were on other planets or in other dimensions and this seems to be true.

Judge for yourself word forms like hilly meadows; bright green of a color that does not exist on earth; fields bathed in wonderful golden light; cities indescribable in words; animals that you will not find anywhere else - all this does not apply to descriptions of hell and paradise. People who visited there did not find the right words to intelligibly convey their impressions.

What does the soul look like

In what form do the dead appear before others, and how do they look in their own eyes? This question is of interest to many, and fortunately those who have been abroad have given us the answer.

Those who have been aware of their out-of-body experience report that it was difficult for them to recognize themselves at first. First of all, the imprint of age disappears: children see themselves as adults, and old people see themselves as young.

The body also changes. If a person had any injuries or injuries during his lifetime, then after death they disappear. Amputated limbs appear, hearing and sight return, if it was previously absent from the physical body.

Meetings after death

Those who have been on the other side of the "veil" often say that they met there with their deceased relatives, friends and acquaintances. Most often, people see those with whom they were close during life or were related.

Such visions cannot be considered a rule; rather, they are exceptions that do not occur very often. Usually such meetings act as an edification to those who are still too early to die, and who must return to earth and change their lives.

Sometimes people see what they expected to see. Christians see angels, the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, saints. Non-religious people see some kind of temples, figures in white or young men, and sometimes they see nothing, but feel "presence".

Soul communion

Many resuscitated people claim that something or someone communicated with them there. When they are asked to tell what the conversation was about, they find it difficult to answer. This happens due to the language they do not know, or rather slurred speech.

For a long time, doctors could not explain why people do not remember or cannot convey what they heard and considered it to be just hallucinations, but over time, some returnees were still able to explain the mechanism of communication.

It turned out that there people communicate mentally! Therefore, if in that world all thoughts are "heard", then we need to learn here to control our thoughts, so that there we will not be ashamed of what we involuntarily thought.

Cross the line

Almost everyone who has experienced afterlife and remembers her, talks about a certain barrier that separates the world of the living and the dead. Having crossed over to the other side, a person will never be able to return to life, and every soul knows this, even though no one told her about it.

This limit is different for everyone. Some see a fence or a fence at the edge of a field, others see a lake or sea shore, and still others see it as a gate, a stream or a cloud. The difference in descriptions follows, again, from the subjective perception of each.

After reading all of the above, only an inveterate skeptic and materialist can say that afterlife this is fiction. Many doctors and scientists for a long time denied not only the existence of hell and paradise, but also completely ruled out the possibility of the existence of an afterlife.

The testimonies of eyewitnesses who experienced this state on themselves drove everyone to a standstill scientific theories denying life after death. Of course, today there are a number of scientists who still consider all the testimony of the reanimated to be hallucinations, but such a person will not be helped by any evidence until he himself begins the journey to eternity.

It is believed that human soul is a bundle of energy. And if we consider energy from the point of view of physics, then it cannot arise from nowhere and disappear without a trace. The energy must go into another state. It turns out that the soul does not disappear into nowhere. So maybe this law answers the question that has been tormenting humanity for many centuries: is there life after death?

The Hindu Vedas say that every living being has two bodies: subtle and gross, and the interaction between them occurs only thanks to the soul. And so, when the gross (that is, physical) body wears out, the soul passes into the subtle, so the gross dies, and the subtle seeks a new one for itself. Therefore, there is a rebirth.

But sometimes it happens that, it would seem, the physical body has died, but some of its fragments continue to live. A clear illustration of this phenomenon is the mummies of monks. Several of these exist in Tibet.

It's hard to believe, but, firstly, their bodies do not decompose, and, secondly, they grow hair and nails! Although, of course, there are no signs of breathing and heartbeat. It turns out that there is life in the mummy? But modern technology cannot catch these processes. But the energy-information field can be measured. And it is many times higher in such mummies than in ordinary person. So the soul is still alive? How to explain it?

Rector International Institute Social Ecology, Vyacheslav Gubanov, divides death into three types:

In his opinion, a person is a combination of three elements: the Spirit, the Personality and the physical body. If everything is clear about the body, then questions arise about the first two components.

Spirit- a subtle-material object, which is represented on the causal plane of the existence of matter. That is, it is a kind of substance that moves the physical body in order to fulfill certain karmic tasks to get the necessary experience.

Personality- formation on the mental plane of the existence of matter, which implements free will. In other words, it is a complex of psychological qualities of our character.

When the physical body dies, consciousness, according to the scientist, is simply transferred to a higher level of existence of matter. It turns out that this is life after death. People who managed to transfer to the level of the Spirit for a while, and then returned to their physical body, exist. These are those who experienced "clinical death" or coma.

Real facts: what do people feel after leaving for another world?

Sam Parnia, a doctor from an English hospital, decided to conduct an experiment to find out what a person feels after death. At his direction, several boards with colored pictures painted on them were hung under the ceiling in some operating rooms. And every time the patient's heart, breathing and pulse stopped, and then it was possible to bring him back to life, the doctors recorded all his sensations.

One of the participants in this experiment, a housewife from Southampton, said the following:

“I passed out in one of the stores, went there for groceries. I woke up during the operation, but realized that I was floating above my own body. Doctors crowded there, they were doing something, talking among themselves.

I looked to my right and saw a hospital corridor. My cousin was standing there talking on the phone. I overheard him telling someone that I bought too many groceries and the bags were so heavy that my aching heart gave out. When I woke up and my brother came up to me, I told him what I had heard. He immediately turned pale and confirmed that he spoke about this while I was unconscious.

A little less than half of the patients in the first seconds perfectly remembered what happened to them when they were unconscious. But what is surprising, none of them saw the drawings! But the patients said that during the "clinical death" there was no pain at all, but they were immersed in peace and bliss. At some point, they would come to the end of a tunnel or gate, where they would have to decide whether to cross that line or go back.

But how to understand where this trait is? And when does the soul pass from the physical to the spiritual body? Our compatriot, Dr. technical sciences Korotkov Konstantin Georgievich.

He did an incredible experiment. Its essence was to examine the bodies of people who had just died with the help of Kirlian photographs. The hand of the deceased was photographed every hour in a gas-discharge flash. Then the data was transferred to a computer, and an analysis was carried out there according to the necessary indicators. This survey took place over the course of three to five days. The age, sex of the deceased and the nature of death were very different. As a result, all data was divided into three types:

  • The amplitude of the oscillation was quite small;
  • The same, only with a pronounced peak;
  • Large amplitude with long oscillations.

And strangely enough, each type of death was suitable for one single type of data received. If we correlate the nature of death and the amplitude of fluctuations of the curves, it turned out that:

  • the first type corresponds to the natural death of an elderly person;
  • the second is accidental death as a result of an accident;
  • the third is unexpected death or suicide.

But most of all Korotkov was struck by the fact that he photographed the people of the dead, but there were still fluctuations for some time! But this corresponds only to a living organism! It turns out that devices showed vital activity according to all physical data of a deceased person.

The oscillation time was also divided into three groups:

  • With natural death - from 16 to 55 hours;
  • In case of accidental death, a visible jump occurs either after eight hours or at the end of the first day, and after two days the fluctuations come to naught.
  • At unexpected death- the amplitude becomes smaller only by the end of the first day, and completely disappears by the end of the second. In addition, it was noticed that in the time interval from nine in the evening to two or three in the morning, the most intense bursts are observed.

Summing up the Korotkov experiment, we can conclude that, indeed, even a physically dead body without breathing and heartbeat is not dead - astral.

It is not for nothing that in many traditional religions there is a certain period of time. In Christianity, for example, it is nine and forty days. But what does the soul do at this time? Here we can only guess. Perhaps she is traveling between two worlds, or her future fate is being decided. No wonder, probably, there is a rite of burial and prayer for the soul of the deceased. People believe that one should speak about the dead either well or not at all. Most likely, our kind words help the soul make the difficult transition from the physical to the spiritual body.

By the way, the same Korotkov tells a few more amazing facts. Every night he went down to the morgue to take the necessary measurements. And the first time he came there, it immediately seemed to him that someone was following him. The scientist looked around, but saw no one. He never considered himself a coward, but at that moment it became really scary.

Konstantin Georgievich felt a close look at him, but there was no one in the room besides him and the deceased! Then he decided to establish where this invisible someone is. He took steps around the room, and finally determined that the entity was not far from the body of the deceased. The following nights were just as frightening, but Korotkov nevertheless curbed his emotions. He also said that, surprisingly, he got tired quite quickly with such measurements. Although during the day this work was not tiring for him. It felt like someone was sucking the energy out of him.

But what happens to the soul after it finally leaves the physical body? Here it is worth citing another eyewitness account. Sandra Ayling is a nurse in Plymouth. One day she was watching TV at home and suddenly felt a squeezing pain in her chest. Later it turned out that she had a blockage of blood vessels, and she could die. Here is what Sandra said about her feelings at that moment:

“It seemed to me that I was flying at great speed through a vertical tunnel. Looking around, I saw a huge number of faces, only they were distorted into disgusting grimaces. I was scared, but soon I flew past them, they were left behind. I flew towards the light, but still could not reach it. As if he was moving away from me more and more.

Suddenly, at one moment, it seemed to me that all the pain was gone. It became good and calm, I was embraced by a feeling of peace. True, it did not last long. At one point, I sharply felt my own body and returned to reality. I was taken to the hospital, but I kept thinking about the sensations that I experienced. scary faces that I saw, for sure, was hell, and the light and the feeling of bliss were heaven.

But then how can the theory of reincarnation be explained? It has been in existence for thousands of years.

Reincarnation is the rebirth of the soul in a new physical body. This process was described in detail by the famous psychiatrist Ian Stevenson.

He studied more than two thousand cases of reincarnation and came to the conclusion that a person in his new incarnation will have the same physical and physiological characteristics as in the past. For example, warts, scars, freckles. Even burr and stuttering can be carried through several reincarnations.

Stevenson chose hypnosis to find out what happened to his patients in past lives. One boy had a strange scar on his head. Through hypnosis, he remembered that in past life they crushed his head with an axe. According to his descriptions, Stevenson went to look for people who might have known about this boy in his past life. And luck smiled at him. But what was the surprise of the scientist when he found out that, indeed, in the place that the boy pointed out to him, a man used to live. And he died from a blow with an axe.

Another participant in the experiment was born almost without fingers. Once again Stevenson put him under hypnosis. So he learned that in the last incarnation a person was injured while working in the field. The psychiatrist found people who confirmed to him that there was a man who accidentally put his hand into the harvester and cut off his fingers.

So how to understand whether the soul will go to heaven or hell after the death of the physical body, or be reborn? E. Barker offers his theory in the book “Letters from the Living Deceased”. He compares the physical body of a person with a shitik (dragonfly larva), and the spiritual body with the dragonfly itself. According to the researcher, the physical body walks on the ground, like a larva on the bottom of a reservoir, and the thin one, like a dragonfly, soars in the air.

If a person has “worked out” all the necessary tasks in his physical body (shitika), then he “turns” into a dragonfly and gets new list, only for more high level, the level of matter. If he has not worked out the previous tasks, then reincarnation occurs, and the person is reborn in another physical body.

At the same time, the soul keeps memories of all its past lives and transfers mistakes to a new one. Therefore, in order to understand why certain failures occur, people go to hypnotists who help them remember what happened in those past lives. Thanks to this, people begin to more consciously approach their actions and avoid old mistakes.

Perhaps, after death, one of us will go to the next, spiritual level, and will solve any extraterrestrial tasks there. Others will be reborn and become human again. Only in a different time and physical body.

In any case, I want to believe that there, beyond the line, there is something else. Some other life, about which we can now only build hypotheses and assumptions, explore it and set up various experiments.

But still, the main thing is not to get hung up on this issue, but just to live. Here and now. And then death will no longer seem like a terrible old woman with a scythe.

Death will come to everyone, it is impossible to escape from it, it is the law of nature. But it is in our power to make this life bright, memorable and full of only positive memories.

If we look at the history of mankind from afar, we will notice: Every era has its own prohibitions. And often entire layers of culture were formed around these prohibitions.

The prohibition of the pagan rulers of Europe of Christianity turned into an incredible popularity of the teachings of Jesus Christ, which gradually destroyed paganism as a belief.

Theories about the central position of the sun and round earth appeared in the strict Middle Ages, where it was supposed, under fear of the Inquisition, to believe only in the opinion expressed by the church. In the 19th century, the topics of sex were tabooed - Freudian psychoanalysis arose, which swept the minds of contemporaries.

Can you believe in life after death?

Now, in our age, there is an unspoken ban on everything related to death. First of all, this applies to Western society. The deceased rulers of medieval Mongolia were mourned for at least 2 years. Now, the news of the victims of disasters is forgotten literally the next day, grief for relatives lasts only for their closest descendants. Reflections on this topic are supposed to be done only in churches, during national mourning, at commemorations.

The Romanian philosopher Emil Cioran once remarked:"To die is to bring inconvenience to others." If a person seriously considers whether there is life after death, then this becomes a note in the psychiatrist's notebook (study at your leisure the DSM 5 manual on psychiatry).

Perhaps this is all created because of the fear of world governments too smart people. Anyone who has known the frailty of being, believes in the immortality of the soul, ceases to be a cog in the system, an uncomplaining consumer.

What's the point of working your ass off to buy a branded piece of clothing if death multiplies everything by zero? These and similar thoughts among citizens are not beneficial to politicians and transnational companies. That is why the general suppression of the themes of the afterlife is tacitly encouraged.

Death: the end or just the beginning?

Let's start off with: whether there is life after death or not. There are two approaches here:

  • this life does not exist, a person with his mind simply disappears. The position of atheists;
  • there is life.

In the last paragraph, another division of opinion can be disassembled. They all share a common belief in the existence of the soul:

  1. the soul of a person transmigrates into a new person or into an animal, plant, etc. This is the opinion of Hindus, Buddhists and some other cults.;
  2. the soul goes to specific places: heaven, hell, nirvana. This is the position of almost all world religions.
  3. the soul remains in the world, can help their relatives or, on the contrary, harm, etc. (Shintoism).

Clinical death as a way to study

Often doctors say amazing stories associated with their near-death patients. This is a condition when a person's heart has stopped and he is as if dead, but at the same time, with the help of resuscitation measures, he can be brought back to life within 10 minutes.

So, these people talk about different objects that they saw in the hospital, "flying" through it.

One patient noticed a forgotten shoe under the stairs, although she had no way of knowing about it because she was brought unconscious. Imagine the surprise of the medical staff when there really was a single shoe in the indicated place!

Others, thinking that they had already died, began to "go" to their home and see what was happening there.

One patient noticed a broken cup and a new dress of blue color at her sister. When the woman was revived, the same sister came to her. She said that indeed, at the time when her sister was in a state of half death, her cup broke. And the dress was new, blue...

Life after death Confessions of a dead man

Scientific evidence for life after death

Until recently (by the way, for good reason. Astrologers talk about the coming era of Pluto's mind control, which arouses people's interest in death, secrets, the synthesis of science and metaphysics), pundits answered the question of the existence of life after death unambiguously negatively.

Now this seemingly unshakable opinion is changing. In particular, quantum physics directly speaks of parallel worlds representing lines. A person constantly moves through them and thereby chooses fate. Death means only the disappearance of an object on this line, but continuation on another. That is eternal life.

Psychotherapists cite regressive hypnosis as an example. It allows you to look into the past of a person, and into past lives.

So, in the USA, one American woman, after a session of such hypnosis, declared herself the embodiment of a Swedish peasant woman. One could assume a clouding of reason and laugh, but when the woman began to speak fluently in an ancient Swedish dialect unknown to her, it was no longer a laughing matter.

Facts about the existence of the afterlife

Many report dead people who came to them. There are many of these stories. Skeptics say it's all fiction. That's why look at documented facts from people who were not prone to fantasy and insanity.

For example, the mother of Napoleon Bonaparte, Letizia, reported how her dearly loving son, imprisoned on the island of St. Helena, somehow came to her house and reported today's date and time, and then disappeared. And only two months later, a message came about his death. It happened exactly at the same time when he came to his mother in the form of a ghost.

IN Asian countries there is a custom to make marks on the skin of a dead person so that after reincarnation, relatives can recognize him.

A case of a boy being born has been documented who had birthmark exactly in the same place where the mark was made on his own grandfather, who died a few days before the birth.

By the same principle, they are still looking for future Tibetan lamas - leaders of Buddhism. The current Dalai Lama Lhamo Thondrub (14th in a row) is considered to be the same person as his predecessors. Even as a child, he recognized the things of the 13th Dalai Lama, had dreams from a past incarnation, and so on.

By the way, another lama - Dashi Itigelov, has been preserved since his death in 1927 in an incorruptible form. Medical experts have proven that the composition of the mummy's hair, nails, skin have lifetime characteristics. They could not explain this, but they recognized it as a fact. Buddhists themselves speak of the teacher as having passed into nirvana. He can return to his body at any time.

This information is of interest to most people. Previously, mankind only speculated whether there was life after death, scientific evidence was provided by modern scientists, using the latest technologies And research methods. Belief in the continuation of life in some other form, perhaps in another dimension, allows people to achieve their goals. If there is no such confidence, then the motivation for further development, there is no improvement.

No one draws final conclusions. Research continues, new evidence of various theories is emerging. When irrefutable evidence is provided for the existence of life after death, then philosophy human life will change completely.

Scientific theories and evidence

According to Tsiolkovsky's scientific explanation, physical death does not mean the end of life. In his theory, souls are presented in the form of indivisible atoms, therefore, saying goodbye to perishable bodies, they do not disappear, but continue to wander in the Universe. Consciousness persists even after death. This was the first attempt to scientifically substantiate the assumption that there is life after death, although evidence has not been presented.

Similar conclusions were made by English researchers working at the London Institute of Psychiatry. Their patients completely stopped the heart, and clinical death occurred. Various nuances were discussed by the medical staff at this time. Some patients recounted the topics of these conversations very accurately.

According to Sam Parnia, the brain is an ordinary human organ, and its cells are in no way able to generate thoughts. The entire thought process is organized by consciousness. The brain, on the other hand, works as a receiver, receiving and processing ready-made information. If we turn off the receiver, then the radio station will not stop broadcasting. The same can be said about the physical body after death, when consciousness does not die.

Feelings of people who have experienced clinical death

The best proof of whether there is life after death is the testimonies of people. There are many eyewitnesses to their own death. Scientists are trying to systematize their memories, to find a scientific justification, to explain what is happening with the usual physical process.

The stories of people who have experienced clinical death differ sharply from each other. Not all patients had different visions. Many do not remember anything at all. But some people shared their impressions after an unusual state. These cases have their own characteristics.

During a complex operation, one patient experienced clinical death. He describes in detail the situation that was in the operating room, although he was taken to the hospital in an unconscious state. The hero saw all his saviors from the side, as well as his body. Later, in the hospital, he recognized doctors by sight, surprising them. After all, they left the operating room before the patient regained consciousness.

The woman had other visions. She felt a rapid movement in space, during which there were several stops. The heroine communicated with figures that did not have clear forms, but she was able to remember the essence of the conversation. There was a clear awareness that she was outside the body. Such a state could not be called a dream or a vision, because everything looked too realistic.

It also remains inexplicable that some people who have experienced clinical death acquire new abilities, talents, appear psychic abilities. A lot of potential dead people had a vision in the form of a long light tunnel, bright flashes. States are very different: from blissful peace to panic fear, shackling horror. This can only mean one thing: not all people are destined for the same fate. People's testimonies of such phenomena can more accurately say whether there is life after death.

Major religions about life after death

The question of life and death interested people in different times. This could not be reflected in religious beliefs. Different religions in their own way explain the possibility of continuing life after the onset of physical death.

Attitude towards earthly life Christianity very disrespectful. Real, true existence begins in another world, for which one must prepare. The soul departs a few days after death, being close to the body. In this case, there is no doubt about whether there is an afterlife after death. When moving to another state, thoughts remain the same. In the other world, angels, demons and other souls await people. The degree of spirituality and sin determines further fate specific soul. All this is decided at the Last Judgment. Unrepentant and great sinners do not have a chance to go to heaven - they are destined for a place in hell.

IN islam people who do not believe in the afterlife are considered malicious apostates. Here they also consider earthly life as a transitional stage before Achiret. Allah decides on the length of a person's life. Having great faith and a few sins, the believers of Islam die with with a light heart. Infidels and atheists do not have the opportunity to escape from hell, while the believers of Islam can count on it.

Do not attach of great importance matter of life or death in Buddhism. The Buddha identified several other undesirable questions. Buddhists do not think about the soul, because it does not exist. Although representatives of this religion believe in reincarnation and nirvana. Rebirth into different forms continues until a person enters nirvana. All believers in Buddhism aspire to this state, because this is how an unhappy carnal existence ends.

IN Judaism there is no clear emphasis on the issue of interest. Exist different variants which sometimes contradict each other. Such confusion is explained by the fact that other religious movements became the source.

In any religion there is a mystical beginning, although many facts are taken from real life. The afterlife cannot be denied, otherwise the meaning of faith is lost. The use of human fears and experiences is quite normal for any religious movement. IN holy books clearly confirmed the possibility of continuing their existence after earthly life. If you consider the number of believers on Earth, it becomes clear that most people believe in an afterlife.

Communication of mediums with the afterlife

The strongest proof of the continuation of life after death is the activity of mediums. This category of people has special abilities that allow them to establish contacts with dead people. When there is nothing left of a person, then it is impossible to communicate with him. Based on the opposite, it is easy to understand that another world exists. However, there are many charlatans among mediums.

No one will doubt now the abilities of the famous Bulgarian seer Vanga. She was visited by a large number famous people. The prophecies of a clairvoyant and a real medium are still relevant and important. Many were struck by what Vanga said about life after death. This woman told her guests in great detail about their deceased relatives.

Vanga argued that death occurs only for the body. In the soul, everything goes on. In another world, a person looks the same. The seer even told what clothes the deceased was wearing. According to the description, relatives recognized the favorite clothes of the deceased. Souls glow. They have the same character as in life. Communication with the dead is not interrupted. People from the next world try to influence the course of events in the lives of friends and relatives, but this is not always possible. They experience the same feelings, trying to help. In the other world, the existence of the soul continues with all the former memories.

As soon as visitors came to Vanga, their dead relatives immediately appeared in the room. The interest of living people in them is very great. People like Vanga can see ghosts and fully communicate with them. She had conversations with souls, learning from them future events. The woman served as a kind of bridge between the two worlds, through which their representatives could communicate. The fear of death, according to Vanga, is too common among people. In fact, this is just another stage of existence, when a person gets rid of the outer shell, although he experiences discomfort.

American Arthur Ford for several decades did not tire of surprising people with his abilities. He communicated with people who had not been in this world for a long time. Some sessions could be seen by millions of viewers. Various mediums talked about life after death based on their own experiences. For the first time, Ford's psychic abilities manifested themselves during the war. From somewhere he received information about his colleagues who died in the coming days. Since that time, Arthur took up the study of parapsychology and developed his abilities.

There were many skeptics who explained the phenomenon of Ford by his telepathic gift. That is, the information was provided to the medium by the people themselves. But too many facts disproved such a theory.

The example of the Englishman Leslie Flint was another confirmation of the existence of the afterlife. He began communicating with ghosts as a child. Leslie at a certain time agreed to cooperate with scientists. The study of psychologists, psychiatrists, parapsychologists confirmed the extraordinary abilities of this person. They tried to convict him of fraud more than once, but such attempts were unsuccessful.

Sound recordings of voices have appeared famous personalities different eras through the medium. They reported themselves Interesting Facts. Many continued to work on what they loved. Leslie was able to prove that people who have moved to another world receive information about what is happening in real life.

Psychics were able to prove by practical actions the existence of the soul and the afterlife. Although the non-material world is still shrouded in mystery. It is not entirely clear under what conditions the soul exists. Mediums work like receiving and transmitting devices, without affecting the process itself.

Summing up all the above facts, it can be argued that human body is nothing more than a shell. The nature of the soul has not yet been studied, and it is not known whether this is possible in principle. Maybe there is a certain limit human capabilities and knowledge that people will never cross. The existence of the soul instills optimism in people, because they can realize themselves after death in a different capacity, and not just turn into ordinary fertilizer. After the above material, everyone must decide for himself whether there is life after death, but the scientific evidence, however, is not yet too convincing.
