Pisces zodiac sign. What does the Pisces love horoscope say? At what age will Capricorn meet love?

For Aries, this year is expected to be a special period when there will be a need for romance and care.

Married couples will open each other from a new side, but with a good or not, this is another question. But the movement of the planets promises to bring only positive changes. However, even if you have discovered something in your partner that you do not like, do not rush to chop off your shoulder. After all, your spouse can take it to heart. Also be sensitive to your partner. If you suddenly want to arrange a second Honeymoon or a romantic dinner, know this good idea. Your significant other will love it.

But for those whose relationship has just begun, another period will begin. At this time, you may be carried away by domestic difficulties. Show wisdom and prudence, do not give in to the first impulses. At some point, it may seem to you that those feelings that were before have faded away and mutual understanding between you has disappeared somewhere. Small disagreements can flare up, so be above it all. Your feelings have not faded, you are only being tested. If you pass them with dignity, then at the end of the path there will be a reward.

But for single Aries, a special period will begin. 2018 year of the Yellow Earth Dog will bring many meetings and acquaintances. Perhaps someone to whom you show a special interest will appear, and, most likely, it will be mutual. But do not rush things, because it may turn out that you will quickly be disappointed in your partner. But you don’t need to be too squeezed, or vice versa, extort everything that interests you from your new acquaintance at once. It's scary, best on romantic dates To be youreself.

In the middle of autumn, each of the representatives of this zodiac sign can feel a little lonely. You don't have to give in to this impulse. This is just autumn blues and nothing more. And to cope with it, do something that really fascinates you and brings joy - arrange a movie night at home with popcorn and pizza, or visit shopping mall for shopping, and if the weather permits, then go for mushrooms in the forest. There are a lot of ways to get rid of the autumn blues, find your own.

Love horoscope for Taurus

At the beginning of the year, all Taurus will have a special passion that they will bestow on their partners. At times, it will seem to you that feelings are covering you and it will be difficult for you to cope with them. And it’s not necessary, because sensuality in front of your partner is also important, show that you love your companion. Arrange romantic meetings, give pleasant little things and say words of love. And by no means allow yourself to think that romance is just for teenagers. It is important at any age, because this is what brings us closer to a partner.

Then a measured life will go on - calm, filled with small joint victories. That's what a lot of people dream about, isn't it? But dilute it sometimes with interesting events. Go see your favorite movie at the cinema or cook a romantic dinner together. Be creative and you will soon see the fruits of your labors.

But the lonely Taurus will have to wait a bit. This year there will be new meetings and even some members of the opposite sex will cause you mutual sympathy. But this romance won't last long. You will part by mutual agreement without scandals and remain good friends in the end.

Those who have just found their mate can survive petty quarrels. Do not worry - everything will pass, you are now in a period of grinding in characters. You will get to know each other from the other side and sometimes you will not like it. But you understand that ideal people does not happen, and with some features you will need to put up with. The main thing is not to allow yourself to doubt your partner. This will only bring discord to your union, and subsequently their break.

Love horoscope for Gemini

Married couples will be completely immersed in everyday life. It is during this period that Gemini can feel that something is missing in the relationship. However, you and your partner will not immediately come to an understanding. Do not rush him and in no case allow quarrels. Approach this issue wisely, because your / your spouse / spouse may feel unworthy of you and, even worse, his self-esteem may drop very much.

Lonely Gemini for a long time there will be no new acquaintances and, at some point, you may feel that something is wrong with you. This is not true, do not allow such thoughts! After all, it is this attitude that makes us losers. To prevent this, watch motivational films, listen to similar music and wear what you feel confident in. In the middle of 2018 Gemini will meet someone you like. But this relationship will not last long, and soon you will be disappointed in your new acquaintance. The stars advise you this year to pay attention to those whom you already know. This is the person who can bring you happiness.

Gemini, who have just entered into a relationship, may have a new person. He may seem more interesting than your current partner. At some point, you will even want to end the relationship and start a new one. But do not rush to make such decisions, as soon you will be disappointed in this new person, and you will ignite new ones towards your former partner. strong feelings. However, the past will no longer be returned, therefore, before making such a decision, it is better to remember how it all began, why you fell in love with this person so much and would like you to lose him.

Love horoscope for Cancer

For representatives of this sign, 2018 will be a successful year in the field of love. You will charm, produce a special effect, you will be paid attention and compliments. Agree, such signs of attention increase self-esteem and inspire self-confidence. But be careful, because you can be conceited, and this is very bad. Remember the immutable truth - beauty is not only external charm, but also wisdom, kindness, spirituality. Do not forget about this balance and then you will be able to succeed with the opposite sex.

You can guess that in family relationships such popularity sometimes does not pass without a trace. Your spouse will be jealous of you and it will be hard to keep the idyll. Not only you will be of interest, but some new acquaintances will also cause sympathy for you. Be careful, because you can get carried away by a stranger so much that you completely forget about your family. Let your marital relationship become not as emotional and romantic as before, but this does not mean that love is completely gone. You can say that you have reached a new level, trust in each other has grown, you have become closer. And if you really want to remember the candy-bouquet period, then it's better to do it with your partner, and not start an affair on the side.

But for those who have not yet decided to legalize their marriage, this a year will pass quite differently. You will be so carried away by your beloved or beloved that you will not notice others. Well, don't waste the moment, enjoy each other, enjoy life and create your own love story. But you should not forget about other areas of life either.

For single Cancers, 2018 is an opportunity to find true destiny. As you are ready for a serious relationship, so is the person you like. This sympathy will be mutual, because you remember that representatives of this sign in the year of the Dog will be especially loving and charming. But be careful, do not spray, otherwise you will miss your chance. The stars also warn that when meeting or at the very beginning of a relationship, a slight embarrassment or misunderstanding may occur. Do not take it to heart, because years later, you will remember with a smile.

Love horoscope for Leo

Those who are preparing for the wedding may be overcome by doubts and fears. And what if the partner is unhappy, and what if the feelings run out, and what if you get bogged down in everyday problems and so on. All these questions and many more will torment you. Do not worry, such questions were visited by almost everyone, this is natural, because you are changing your lifestyle dramatically. Quite a bit of time will pass, and you will still laugh at your thoughts, and doubts will be dispelled. Family life will not be perfect, but you will be happy and every new day spent with this person will bring a lot of joy.

Family life in 2018 will bring many bright moments that will become a pleasant memory for a lifetime. You will enjoy each other, and the children will begin new period- a period of warm and trusting relationships. But such harmony will come not just like that, it will be the result of painstaking work. What exactly needs to be done? To begin with, start admiring your partner, praise him (but do not overdo it), say words of love, compliments. But words must also be backed up by actions. Do not forget about romance and caring for your spouse. Sometimes a delicious dinner or a warm blanket brought on time says more than the most eloquent words of love.

This year you can also become more demanding of your partner. Naturally, this will lead to new quarrels and disagreements, resentment and discontent. But if you think about it, then no one is perfect, you see. Is it worth it to break the idyll for the sake of what you may not remember tomorrow. Think about this every time you decide to express your dissatisfaction with your lover or beloved, whether it is worth it at all.

For single Lions, a chance to meet a person who can become your faithful ally for life. However, you can scare away your happiness. The reason for this may again be the same increased demands. Lower your standards, learn to compromise.

Love horoscope for Virgo

Family Virgos in this area will be calm and quiet. Life will go on as usual, nothing will break your way of life and rules, except perhaps not yourself. Some Virgos may have doubts: “Is my partner cheating on me?” “Is he sincere? Or is he cheating? But paranoia and jealousy have not brought anyone to good. Moreover, your (your) spouse (husband) feels your distrust, and this offends them very much. Agree, there are no grounds for such accusations, and therefore forget all your doubts and enjoy family life. How nice it is to have a person who understands you and accepts you the way you are. Not everyone is given such happiness, appreciate it and cherish this treasure.

Lonely Virgos, although they will get to know the opposite sex a lot, will not be able to find a person who will arouse their sympathy. But there is no need to worry about this, because your destiny is already on the way to you. And this means that you need to prepare for her meeting. You can go to the gym or delve into the knowledge of yourself. After all, the opposite sex is attracted to already established individuals who know exactly what they want from life. Therefore, this time is worth spending on yourself.

For those Virgos who are in a relationship for a long time, it may seem this year that you have reached an impasse and your meetings have become less warm. But, most likely, you are just winding yourself up. After all, there will not always be a storm and emotion in a relationship, basically it’s everyday life and vanity. And if you are so lacking in spark, try to rekindle it. How? For example, go on a trip, or just write a love letter. Improvise and fantasize, everything is in your hands!

Love horoscope for Libra

Lonely Libra will be lonely for a long time in the coming year. Despite the courtship and attention of the opposite sex, your relationship will not work out. It is good, because in this way the Yellow Dog is trying to protect you from bad people or mistakes. But by the end of the year, you may find yourself between two fires, namely, two people will like you at once, and they will cause sympathy in you.

It will be difficult for you to decide and it is quite possible that this triangle will be transferred to next year. Do not allow this, solve the problem immediately and immediately. And if it’s really so hard for you to choose, then maybe you shouldn’t bind your fate with them at all? And therefore, if in a short period of time you have not made a decision, then you should not start any relationship. Still ahead of you.

But family, and those who are in a relationship, may begin to conflict. It's all because of the same desire to be in charge. Remember that such pulling on the blanket leads to a tear, which is always painful. But there is no need to firmly defend your position, do not aggravate relations. Be smarter and wiser, especially since, as we have already mentioned, this is inherent in you by nature. Show in every situation individual approach and carefully understand, and then make a decision at the family council.

Also, astrologers say that a person from the past may appear in your environment, to whom you will again ignite special feelings. Well, this passion is possible and has a future, but only if the heart of each of you is completely freed from past relationships and so that it doesn’t turn out that you are trying to forget about love through a new relationship. Such relationships are initially doomed to failure and sooner or later one of you will return to his / your beloved / beloved.

Love horoscope for Scorpios

This year, representatives of this sign are waiting for a lot of romantic adventures. But can married couples stand the test of loyalty? Well, the main thing is to understand what is more important for you - a strong family or a light fling on the side. And even if your new relationship lasts a long time, will it survive the test of routine? But free Scorpions should take a closer look at new acquaintances of the opposite sex. With some you will have a good and strong relationship, but others will disappoint you. The only question is, can you guess who is who?

However, the stars also say that, nevertheless, the relationship of some Scorpios can quickly break. But do not worry about them, this means that soon you will meet your man. And during new acquaintances, try to be yourself, show your best strengths and be confident. You deserve real feelings and romance.

At family scorpions the year will start calmly, moreover, you will be pleased with such stability. But, already, starting from the second half of the year, you will suddenly want to change this calmness for romantic adventures. Well, follow your heart, you can't hurt a little shake. The main thing is not to overdo it and pick up what you both like. Otherwise, it may turn out that the date went off with a bang, but your significant other will think differently.

Couples in love will also be drawn into this romantic mood. You want to surprise your partner in a special way. Well, the idea is good, everything will go with a bang. The main thing is to feel your partner. But you don’t need to arrange adventures and surprises for your soulmate constantly and continuously. Sometimes you need to enjoy peace, tranquility and harmony.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius, who have been in a relationship for a long time, will be expected to take a serious step - from women to agree to a wedding, and from men - proposals. However, the horoscope says that if you are still not confident in yourself and think that you are not yet ready for such a serious step, then it is better not to rush. Talk about it with your partner, because you need to start family life when both partners are ready for it.

At the beginning of the year, there may be small conflicts over who is the boss in the house, especially among young families. No need to go into conflict and pull the blanket over yourself. Remember that a family is, first of all, a team and your task is to go all the way to the end together, making each other and yourself happy. Therefore, to begin with, clearly allocate responsibilities, and make important decisions together at the family council.

At the very beginning of the year, lonely Sagittarians will also most likely be lonely. Although this is the sign that is comfortable with itself and this will not cause them any special difficulties. But in the second half of the year, you may have several fans, but do not rush to start a relationship with them, because during this period you will meet an old friend whom you will open from a completely new side, and, quite possibly, you will not even have time to look back how your relationship will develop rapidly.

Love horoscope for Capricorns

The family representatives of this sign in this area are expected to be completely calm, which cannot but please such practical Capricorns. Will be waiting for you after work reliable rear who will provide great support in hard times. Do not lose this happiness and try to protect it.

But those Capricorns who are in a relationship are waiting for a change. You suddenly decide to move to a new level, and it will happen suddenly, when no one expects it from you. This is not inherent in Capricorns, but this fact in 2018 will even somehow provoke you. If there are people who are somehow against your relationship and such a serious step, then do not pay any attention to it. After all, this is your life and such decisions are made depending on your preferences and desires. And others will always find something to blame you for.

Even lonely Capricorns this year will not be left without Cupid's attention. His arrows will hit you especially hard. The person who so suddenly appears in your life will not only change your destiny, but also you.

The main thing is that these changes should not be destructive for you, but you are a flint and are able to immediately understand that you are not changing in better side and immediately stop it. However, according to all forecasts, this will be a relationship that will bring only bright colors to your life.

Love horoscope for Aquarius

Those who have been in a relationship for a long time and would like to take them to a new level, but a little later you will realize that your partner is not at all ready for this. In this case, you do not need to rush him with a decision, you will suggest to him that it would be time to change the status of free / free to a stamp. And he, in turn, let him decide whether he is ready for it or not. But in any case, if you put an ultimatum and ask for a wedding, you will only make it worse. After all, a person who is not ready for such a serious step will always think that he missed something and regret the lost time. Do you need it? Wait until he is ready for it.

Family Aquarius on the love front will have a special harmony, happiness and mutual understanding.

You will feel a special closeness with your partner, and those who were in a quarrel will finally make peace and understand their mistakes. If possible, then spend this time together, because you have so much to catch up, right? But if there are any unresolved problems or questions, then try to solve them before the end of this year, because celebrating this bright holiday in a quarrel is a bad idea. Moreover, it is during this period that any misunderstandings and problems are perceived less sharply, and therefore do not waste time and speak on the most sensitive topics.

Single Aquarians are in great demand this year - the opposite sex will continually try to make acquaintance with you. You will still have to sweat a lot to find your soul mate, and, most likely, in the end, it will turn out to be a person whom you have known for a long time, but do not notice. Also beware of office romances with new colleagues. After all, in the end, everything can reach the point that only one will remain at the workplace.

Love horoscope for Pisces

Family representatives of this sign may be faced with the fact that the opposite sex will begin to actively flirt with you. For some, this will be extremely embarrassing and infuriating. Well, if you do not respond in kind and do not provoke, then you do not need to blame yourself in vain. You are attractive, smart and kind, and therefore it is only natural that people will show interest in you, even though you are married. Be persistent and do not pay attention, all the more, you will agree, it flatters and increases your self-esteem. What else is needed for happiness?

For single Pisces, and those who have been in a relationship for a long time, such a paradox can happen. The first - will not feel lonely and oppressed, on the contrary, they will feel freedom, the opportunity to realize themselves without distractions. They finally realize what it means to live in harmony with oneself. But the latter, on the contrary, will feel a little lonely. It will seem to you that your partner does not understand you at all and does not want to understand that a wall has suddenly grown between you, which prevents you from feeling intimacy. But this, fortunately, is only your feelings, which have nothing to do with reality.

Understand that your relationship reaches a new level when emotions are a little dulled and gray everyday life begins. And if you lack bright colors so much, then what prevents you from diluting your everyday life with new impressions.

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For some, love is a backwater, for another it is a seething stream, and for a third, it is an opportunity to maintain its full independence. Perhaps the person you like this moment, is your ideal life partner, or maybe vice versa, his ideas about life together and love is completely different from yours?

Determine what kind of relationship your chosen one is set up for, as well as sort out your own soul and make right choice love horoscope will help you. For thousands of years, astrologers have made observations about the extent to which a person’s character, including his ideas about family happiness depends on the time of his birth.
In India still without compiling love horoscope almost no wedding will take place: the conclusion of an astrologer about the compatibility of the bride and groom is binding document giving permission for marriage.
However, famous astrologers have always argued that a real love horoscope is never “bad”. In the end, each sign of the zodiac is fraught with both its advantages and disadvantages. True love will be able to overcome any obstacles, and the role of a love horoscope is to suggest how this can be done.

Zodiac and love: Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Aries is a person with a fiery heart. He is very sincere and gives himself entirely to love. Having fallen in love, he will not hide his feelings or suffer in silence, but will act energetically and without delay. In courtship, few can compare with an Aries in love!
He is very romantic, able to convince with inspiration, show genuine care and tenderness, but most importantly, behind all his words lies strength and determination. Few people can resist such pressure.
Aries is very faithful, and his marriage is able to last a lifetime. The only thing he will never put up with is if a dependent, subordinate role is imposed on him in the family. Such a situation for a proud Aries is unacceptable and may end in a break.

Zodiac and love: Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

Taurus can choose the object of his passion for a long time, but when the choice is nevertheless made, he will not even listen to the opinion of others on this matter. All the assurances of friends or relatives that this person does not suit him at all, he will calmly pass by his ears.
A Taurus in love is full of tenderness, romance and perseverance. The Taurus man is able to give flowers every day and make gifts to his beloved. As a rule, such tactics turn out to be correct - a woman gives up, unable to resist the onslaught of a stubborn Taurus.
Taurus is set for a serious, strong relationship, and ideally for a marriage that will last a lifetime. Having tied his life with marriage bonds, Taurus will be faithful, reliable and completely devoted to the family.

Zodiac and Love: Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

In love, Gemini is unpredictable and fickle like the wind. Their mood is extremely changeable, and they can demonstrate either lightness and charm, easily charming their partner, or being gloomy and withdrawn into themselves.
And in romantic courtship, and in love relationships, and even in marriage, Gemini does not accept rigid obligations - at least in relation to themselves. They are able to disappear for several days and suddenly appear, they can forget about the date and even not come to it at all.
It is not surprising that their partners change quite often, and Gemini, as a rule, are married several times. They do not promise fidelity and constancy to their chosen ones, but they are able to bring unpredictability and a bright, unforgettable feeling of novelty into family life.

Zodiac and love: Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

In love affairs, Cancer manages to combine sensitivity and romanticism with practicality and rationality. Before starting (or accepting) courtship, Cancer can think for a long time - after all, he is determined to connect his life seriously and for a long time.
In courtship, experiencing the most tender feelings, he is able to talk with his chosen one about the most prosaic things - for example, about where and on what they will live after the wedding. But such foresight becomes the basis for a strong and serious relationship.
In marriage, Cancer becomes a wonderful family man: by nature he is a homebody, and like no one knows how to appreciate all the delights and conveniences of a home. In addition, Cancers are wonderful and caring parents, which makes their family a real stronghold of mutual understanding, comfort and family values.

Zodiac and love: Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Love for Leo is the meaning of his whole life, he simply cannot imagine existence without it. Lions are naturally very amorous, and each new novel is treated sincerely and seriously, as if it were the first and last in their life. That is why Lions can enter into their first marriage early enough, and be married (married) more than once or twice.
Being in love, the Leo man is able to beautifully look after, make broad gestures and exquisite compliments, and give expensive gifts to his chosen one. He is a charming and gallant gentleman to whom it is almost impossible to say no.
When it comes to family life, for him the most important thing is to feel like a complete master in the house - the pride and pride of Leo simply will not tolerate a different state of affairs.

Zodiac and love: Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

Love for Virgo is a long-term and, first of all, partnership, even friendship, relationship. Fleeting novels, and even more so casual relationships, are not for her: she needs a strong alliance in which partners will truly understand and support each other.
She does not agree to anything less and does not intend to exchange for trifles. That is why the first marriage and even the first love of a demanding Virgo can happen quite late.
But having entered into a love relationship, and even more so into a legal marriage, Virgo is ready to do everything for her chosen one. To bring prosperity to the family, she is able to work at several jobs, her house will surely shine with cleanliness, and the children will not feel the lack of parental care. Virgo is honest, loyal, caring and you can completely rely on her.

Zodiac and love: Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra is loving, but able to pull to the last before taking a decisive step. During the period of falling in love, their mood fluctuates even more than usual: it either drops to zero or rises to the very stars, so that they demonstrate to their chosen one the full range of their changeable feelings. However, when Libra is happy, few can compare with them in charm and ability to charm.
In a love relationship, it is difficult to expect any certainty from Libra: if they feel discomfort with a partner, they may not decide to break the relationship for a long time, and having found their soul mate, they can also take a long time to decide on marriage.
In general, it is very difficult for Libra to decide on marriage (as well as on any responsible step in his life), but when this step is taken, there is no way back for them.

Zodiac and love: Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

In choosing a life partner, Scorpio is very demanding. Despite all his passion, short-term novels are of little interest to him - he is set to long, serious relationship. He is looking for a partner who could share with him the fullness of his stormy feelings, and also have intelligence, a clear life position, sense of humor, etc…
Having met his ideal in the flesh, Scorpio is ready to turn the world upside down in order to achieve reciprocity. In this case, neither a tangible difference in age, nor a social or financial situation will become an obstacle for him.
And in love relationships, and even more so in marriage, the owner of Scorpio should not even for a second doubt the fidelity of his life partner. He is very jealous, and his burning jealousy, like fire, is too dangerous to play with.

Zodiac and love: Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarius is very amorous, but windy and fickle. Being in love, he can demonstrate to the object of his passion all his irresistible charm. The Sagittarius man is ready both literally and figuratively carry his chosen one in his arms, but at the same time he hardly thinks about a joint future, even about the very near future.
The fact is that independence is an integral character trait of Sagittarius, which he is not ready to give up to the last. Feeling that his freedom is being encroached upon, he will most likely run away without hesitation.
However, even having entered into marriage, it is difficult for Sagittarius to limit himself to rigid limits, to the point that he can advocate free relations between spouses. If his life partner does not agree to this or is simply jealous, their marriage is unlikely to last too long.

Zodiac and love: Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Impulsive actions are not characteristic of Capricorn, he will not rush into the whirlpool of his love, as if into a pool with his head. He is generally of little interest in fleeting hobbies: his intentions are serious and involve a long, lasting relationship. Preferably for life.
That is why Capricorn is so thoughtful and thorough in choosing his partner. He can look closely for a long time, weighing all the pros and cons, before he decides to open his feelings to him. But having made a choice, Capricorn is ready to stubbornly seek reciprocity and is able to indulge his chosen one every day with manifestations of care and love.
Having entered into marriage, Capricorn will do everything to ensure that his house is a full bowl, and mutual understanding, harmony and comfort reign in the family. He is very faithful and constant, the strength of family ties for him is everything.

Zodiac and love: Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

Aquarius is interested in everything in the world, including the opposite sex. However, for love relationship first of all, he is looking for a reliable friend, with whom he will have fun and interesting.
Having fallen in love, Aquarius is able to act eccentrically and unpredictably. For example, an Aquarius man, trying to impress his chosen one, can swim in an ice fountain before her eyes or commit some other crazy act that goes beyond any limits.
In this regard, the artist from the song, who traded his house for a million Red roses, acted like a real Aquarius. However, behind all the follies of Aquarius, as a rule, there is not so much passion as the desire to impress.
However, despite all his love follies, freedom-loving Aquarius will run away from marriage to the last. He starts a family rather late, and although he is not prone to treason, however, too much responsibility in this regard cannot be expected from him. As, however, in all other areas of life.

Zodiac and love: Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

In love, Pisces also go with the flow, as in all other areas of their lives. This applies not only to women, but also to men. They are unlikely to take the first step towards you, preferring only to secretly dream of love and trust Fate.
If their love turns out to be mutual, they will be at the pinnacle of bliss, illuminating everything around with their serene happiness, however, they will prefer to completely shift any organizational issues and volitional decisions (when to go to the registry office, where to live, etc.) on the shoulders of their partner.
In marriage, Pisces are not going to claim the troublesome role of the head of the family. They are tender loving spouses and very caring parents.

In the horoscope of each person is written fateful meeting. The stars can answer the age-old question, at what age will the Zodiac Signs meet love and “give” you a karmic partner, and then the relationship will not be simple. A long-awaited meeting can occur at 20, 30, and 40 years. It depends on the planet - the significator of your 5th house. Usually the connection of the ruler with the cusp of the house means bright and unforgettable love.

At what age will Scorpio meet love?

scorpions strong-willed and heavy to lift. They show wisdom in early years, so numerous novels are alien to them. You will choose a successful, purposeful, stable and calm chosen one. The opposite sign of Scorpio is Taurus. Scorpio is a sign of a fixed cross, which means that marriage is likely to be one. Focus on the time interval from 30 to 50 years. Scorpios can survive a crazy and passionate romance. Even young couples will envy you. On average, Scorpios meet their love at the age of 36.

At what age will Libra meet love?

Libra is a sign of partnership. They cannot imagine life without relationships, so they actively fall in love. The opposite sign of Libra is Aries. He inclines to a series of bright, but short novels. No one will judge Libra. They are looking for true love. Having walked enough, a secret feeling comes to Libra, and Libra will meet his love in the period from 30 to 40 years. The satellite will be business, active. You can do business together, there will be no place for boredom.

At what age will Pisces meet love?

Pisces, like the heroes of fairy tales, a real feeling can wait a lifetime. The opposite sign is Virgo. The partner will be older than you, reasonable, economic and businesslike. He will be able to direct fish romance in the right direction and surround you with tenderness. For such a person, fish will definitely want to marry! The stars say that Pisces will meet their love at the age of 32-40.

At what age will Leos meet love?

Your bar is set very high. Leos do not want to be content with little! Wait for your betrothed after 25 years. It will be an unusual, interesting and versatile partner. Because your opposite sign is Aquarius. A whirlwind of feelings will spin the lion, and he will understand that he has found a real companion. The possibility of a second marriage is present in your life. And it can happen after 40 years. Based on the foregoing, Lions will meet their love at the age of 42-45 years.

At what age will Capricorns meet love?

Do not rush, everything will be in time. Capricorns responsibly approach the choice of the chosen one. Do not wait Great love earlier before the age of 35, Capricorns will meet their love after 35 years. Your opposition sign is Cancer. For Capricorns, fate will give a soft, sensitive and domestic partner. With it, you will forget what boredom, routine is. Wait and get the best.

To be continued…

The patroness of the coming year is the good-natured and sociable Yellow Pig. This family and devoted creature loves care and affection. This means that 2019 will be especially favorable for building reliable family relations. The pig will patronize both those who are already married, and so far single people. New Year will be a calm year, during which those who are looking for their love have every chance to change their lives and meet a soul mate.

New Year 2019 is the time when many marriages will be made. Most marriages will be for love, not for convenience. However, from the Yellow Pig you can expect not only kindness and patronage, but also perseverance on the path to your happiness. The devoted Pig fearlessly fights to achieve its goal - therefore, the symbol of 2019 will bring good luck to those who are ready to make efforts for their happiness.

Gemini, do not miss your happiness!

Good luck will smile on Gemini in 2019. They are waiting for a lot of new acquaintances with the opposite sex. It can also remind you of yourself old love. Lonely Gemini have every chance to find a soul mate and even start a bachelor life. However, you need to be careful - because of their habit of hovering in the clouds, many Gemini run the risk of missing their happiness. In order to prevent this, it is worth periodically descending from heaven to the sinful earth, paying attention to others.

Libra, beware of fatal temptations!

There are many chances to acquire new relationships with Libra. Moreover, both family and single Libra will have a chance to meet. If for the latter this is a good opportunity to find their happiness, then for family Libra dating on the side can be fatal. Therefore, it is better to refrain from temptations. The Year of the Yellow Pig will bring Libra free from relationships a lot of chances to fall in love again, and falling in love will have a good effect on the general tone and energy of the representatives of this zodiac sign.

Sagittarians, go for adventure!

The coming year promises to be full of adventures for representatives of the Sagittarius constellation. In particular, luck awaits lonely Sagittarius in the middle of the year - they will be in the very center of attention of the opposite sex. Having shown their natural charm, Sagittarius will be able to conquer any heart. But you need to hurry - this period will not be long: by autumn, passions will subside. Also, the stars are advised to refrain from showing off new acquaintances and love exploits. Behind the mask of friends, there may be spiteful critics.

Capricorns, seize the moment!

The “green light” in love affairs will also burn for this sign. In the year of the Yellow Pig, many lonely Capricorns will come to grips with appearance, which will allow them to become slimmer and more often to be the center of attention in society. Many Capricorns in 2019 will meet people of very attractive appearance. Pleasant communication has every chance to develop into love affair, so Capricorns can only take advantage of the moment and choose a worthy partner.

Aquarius, be open!

As a rule, Aquarians are closed and lonely. Therefore, representatives of this zodiac sign will be very surprised when the Yellow Pig surprises them in the form of a loving and devoted person. Perhaps at first there will even be a desire to distance yourself from a new relationship. However, this should not be done. It will soon become clear that Aquarius can be loved not only for appearance, but simply for what he is.

Pisces, work on yourself!

Good luck in love and Pisces awaits. The first six months will be full of new meetings. In such a romantic atmosphere, Pisces will feel just wonderful. This period will last until about the beginning of autumn. Then Pisces' new partners will be able to see their shortcomings more soberly, so relationships in 2019 can be fleeting. Some Pisces will have a chance to find out new information about a past passion, and possibly restore relationships.

Sleep theme:

Want to know what kind of love you will find in 2018? Then this horoscope is for you!


(March 21 - April 19)

your true love. In 2018, you no longer have to worry about finding that one and only. You will find your betrothed by realizing that your failed relationship and pain has finally paid off.


(April 20 - May 21)

Your love best friend . In 2018, you will find someone you can rely on during the most difficult times. You will no longer be alone, you will finally have a friend to whom you can tell everything in the world, and who will never judge you.


(May 22 - June 21)

Self love. You spent so much time feeling sorry for yourself and trying to fill the void in your heart with new relationships and empty promises. But in 2018, you have the courage to be alone and make yourself happy.


(June 22 - July 22)

Temporary love. The love you find in 2018 will not be long-lasting, but it will change you forever. New relationships can start in a bar or on the beach, but no matter where you find a match, she will open you up in a new way, and you will understand who you really want to see next to you.

a lion

(July 23 - August 22)

Gone love. In 2018, love awaits you from those who left your life, but decided to return. Perhaps this is an old friend or acquaintance, but he will make you happier. Whatever you do, don't let that person get away.


(August 23 - September 22)

The love of your life. In 2018, you will meet true and sincere love that can last until the end of your life. Therefore, act - talk to the guy in line for coffee, flirt with the man at the bar. Don't miss your chance to hear wedding bells sooner than you think.


(September 23 - October 22)

Love for the former. You were alone for a while because you couldn't get over your ex leaving. Fortunately, in 2018 he will return to you. Do not rush to say goodbye to him. Listen. Sorry. You can still try your luck with this person.


(October 23 - November 22)

Love for life itself. Forget about relationships, just fall in love with life! 2018 is the year you will regain confidence in yourself and in the world. You will feel so happy and satisfied that you will not want to be attached to anyone. You will want to go on adventures on your own.


(November 23 - December 21)

you will meet soulmate in the form of a friend. In 2018, all you need is a person who will share your worries, sufferings with you and will be there no matter what. You will not even think about entering into a relationship or marriage, because your best friend will be next to you.
