Red thread on the left wrist how to tie. Amulet for maintaining health

The red thread on the hand is a pretty strong amulet that millions of people around the world have already recognized. Such an accessory can often be seen on celebrities, and ordinary people are increasingly beginning to wear the red attribute. What drives them - fashion, superstition, religious ritual? This remains to be seen.

What does the red thread on the left hand mean

According to one of the oldest Jewish teachings - Kabbalah, against the background of which people's interest in wearing a red thread on the wrist, tied to a loved one or loved one, has increased. left hand the amulet will be able to protect the owner from evil thoughts, the evil eye, bring luck and good luck. It is the ritual of tying the thread that endows the amulet magic power.

Followers of Kabbalah believe that the left hand is the gateway for negative energy into the human aura. According to Kabbalah, negative energy has only one portal to the human aura - through the left hand, and therefore it is necessary to secure it. The thread hung on the left wrist acts as a kind of border, a lock at the entrance.

Most amulets are made of woolen thread, which, when worn, rubs against the hand, provoking the appearance of small electrical discharges. These discharges affect the energy channels in the hand. This mechanism provides the appearance of a protective shell around a person.

All human aspirations to achieve success and achieve something have always been associated with the wrist of the left hand. After the red thread bracelet is worn on the wrist, evil, mystical creatures and supernatural powers emanating from other people, the person will not be afraid.

At the same time, not any scarlet segment can become a good and effective amulet. Ropes of sacred places. The most common of them are the cities of Jerusalem, Netivot.

On which hand is it correct to wear a red thread

The teaching of Kabbalah suggests that a person needs the right hand to give, and the left hand to receive. This theory can be applied both in practice and spiritual meaning. It is believed that if a person takes any objects with his left hand, then along with them, evil of any nature can penetrate into the body through the hand and reach the very heart.

In Kabbalah, red is a sign of danger. It is not in vain that the thread has a similar color, so that evil, envy and evil spirits are immediately understood - all their efforts and efforts are in vain, this person has powerful protection from higher powers.

On which hand do different nations wear a thread:

  1. Admirers of Kabbalah single out exclusively the left wrist.
  2. Slavic peoples since ancient times, they could wear a thread on any hand. Among the Slavs, a thin red thread on the left wrist, according to the instructions of the ancient Slavic goddess Swan, protected people from negative energy directed in their direction. If the rope was worn on the right hand, then they wanted to achieve success, gain prosperity and good luck in business. Children wore such an accessory if they were sick, while tying additional knots on the thread.
  3. Since ancient times, adherents of Hinduism have tied a crimson thread on the right wrist of unmarried women. You can see the attribute on the right hand of Hindu men, but in their case the bracelet protrudes protective amulet. Men can knit a thread on their hands by their sisters, masters tie a red amulet to their students.
  4. Among Buddhists, a red woolen thread is also located on the left hand. To endow the lace with healing power, it must be illuminated in the temple before putting it on. In Buddhism, it is customary to wear a protective accessory not only on the wrist, it is tied on their animals, valuable and important items in order to protect them from an unkind look.

What should the red thread be made of?

The most common amulet is considered to be a red woolen thread. Such a rope can be worn on the wrist even without any magical and protective intent, but just like that. To do this, you can even tie it yourself, without the help of loved ones.

A wool thread will have a favorable effect on capillary circulation, stimulate the speedy healing of wounds, eliminate inflammation, sprains and tendons. Natural wool material is a conductor of a static charge of electricity of small strength, which has a healing effect.

The talisman is able to solve such problems in the body:

  • ache in the joints;
  • spasms in the lumbar region, headache and toothache;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • have a strengthening effect on the body, especially during serious illnesses and during the recovery period after them.

In the event of any failures in the normal functioning of the body, you can safely tie a scarlet protector on your hand.

The second most popular is the red silk thread. It is believed that it is endowed with no less power than a thread of wool. This thread belongs to natural materials, as it is produced by silkworm larvae. It is the natural nature of the appearance of a silk thread that gives the bracelet magical power, protection from the evil eye and the ability to fill it with positive energy. human body.

Taking advantage of the success and popularity of the red amulet, many well-known jewelry companies and brands produce various variations of silk thread wrist bracelets with gold, silver details and stones. Such a thing is a decorative accessory, nothing more. She can't protect a person from evil spirits, no matter how much he believed in the effectiveness of the rope, even the most expensive one.

How to tie a red thread on your wrist

You can contrive and attach the magic rope to your hand yourself, but you won’t be able to detect any effect from its action. You need to involve for the procedure someone who has learned the mystery of Kabbalah, or at least a close person who sincerely loves you and wants only good.

You need to start the ceremony with pure thoughts and thoughts, during the ritual a prayer should be read. With such a rite, good thoughts and sacred prayers combined together block the channel for the passage of negative energy into the human aura.

The thread should also be tied correctly - seven knots. In most religions, the number 7 has a special sacred interpretation. The thread is tied in such a way that it cannot come off the wrist, but it does not dig into the body. A properly tied talisman will not be felt on the body during wearing.

Slavs may follow slightly different rules when tying a bracelet. It is allowed to tie a bracelet on the wrist of the left hand independently. At the same time, you need to set yourself a pre-necessary positive attitude, without unnecessary evil and negative thoughts. For all peoples, this rule is the same - not to allow threads of bad thoughts during the procedure of putting on, otherwise the negative message will pass into the bracelet and weaken its defenses.

Above each of the seven protective knots, you need to say the cherished phrase - what you want from life and what you lack in it. It is necessary not only to pronounce, but also to think about the cherished, as well as draw its image in your head in bright colors so that it can later materialize.

Do not get upset and worry if the scarlet "protector" suddenly breaks. Kabbalists regard this sign as positive. It means that the amulet was able to avert trouble from a person, sacrificing his own integrity. You just need to tie a new rope around your wrist.

Rules for wearing a red thread on the hand

From diversity useful information about the red thread, it will be useful for everyone to highlight and summarize the basic rules for tying and wearing a talisman:

  1. To protect against the evil eye and slander, the thread must be worn on the left wrist.
  2. The left hand serves as the only portal for evil spirits during inner world person.
  3. Before tying the first knot, you need to conduct a preparatory ritual according to the teachings of Kabbalah.
  4. Trust to tie the lace is necessary only for the closest and loving person.
  5. You need to choose an accessory made of natural material - wool or silk.
  6. The bracelet should be tied slightly loose on the arm so as not to squeeze the veins and not hinder movement.
  7. There must be 7 nodes on the amulet, each of which is a spiritual dimension of reality.

Threads are not only red, other varieties are less common. Each color is responsible for the normalization of the processes assigned to it. Red is the most powerful - it is the color of the planet Mars, symbolizing strength and protection.

How to make a conspiracy on the red thread

With the standard tying of a scarlet amulet, it is important to endow it with magical power. This can be done with the help of a conspiracy, which must be pronounced constantly in the process. Give a special speech close person, which ties knots.

There are 2 other options for tying a bracelet that you can do yourself:

  1. With a conspiracy through candles.
  2. With a conspiracy through holy water.

In the first case, it is necessary to prepare a woolen piece and three church candles. It is necessary to carry out the ritual after sunset at 12 lunar day. The thread must be firmly clamped in the fist of the left hand and carefully moved over the candle flame clockwise three times. You need to feel the warmth of the candles with your hand, but this feeling should not be painful or annoying. In this case, one should pronounce a conspiracy on each of the 3 circles about lighting the thread with fire, like protecting life from the evil eye. This ritual will last for three months, the lace will need to be tied into three knots. After this time, the ceremony will need to be repeated.

Another version of the conspiracy through holy water also requires 1 church candle. The best day for the ceremony is the new moon lunar calendar. At night, you need to put out all the lights in the house, light a church candle for yourself and lower the scarlet rope into a glass of holy water. While the future red thread of fate is placed in a glass, you need to whisper words of comparison that change to better life with energized thread.
After the spell words, the thread must be removed from the water, the candles dried over the fire, repeating all the same speeches. This protective rope is knitted into 9 knots, saying that you are doing good for yourself. Remember to say "Amen" after every speech. You can wear the amulet for as long as you wish.

A bright fiery accessory can also be used in a love ritual in order to attract a certain man to your person. You need to take a long segment for the ceremony, about 20 cm, speak it, winding it around the index and middle finger according to the principle of eight-infinity. It is not necessary to wear this segment, it is stored under the pillow, and then transferred to a secret place in the same position of the eight.

Prayer when tying a red thread on the wrist

The red thread on the left hand will effectively protect its owner if it is saturated with the most sincere and pure intentions and prayers.

Before putting on a woolen amulet on your left hand and thereby protecting your body from damage and adversity, you need to say the following prayer over the amulet:

Have mercy on me (name), Lord, and save, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, father, savior of the world Jesus Christ, all saints. Lord, bless, have mercy and save, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When things are a little different, if not worse, and you are already convinced that you have damage, then a properly ground burgundy talisman will help get rid of it. To do this, when tying a small protector, you need to read a special prayer from the evil eye.

Red threads today are not only a bright detail of the image, it is the strongest amulet that gives protection from the evil eye and damage and eliminates various health problems. Scarlet lace can even attract love. In order for the amulet to work correctly and be useful, it simply needs prayers for energy recharging. Negative energy with such a talisman will no longer be afraid of its owner.

Fashion for wearing a red thread on the hand Lately gained great popularity, not only among those who are prone to superstition, but also among those who simply try to steadily follow fashion trends. In favor of the popularity of wearing a red thread is the fact that this kind of accessory certainly does no harm, it suits everyone and easily combines with any clothing, if necessary, disguising itself under it (for example, under the sleeve of a strict business jacket). Also in favor of wearing a thread is the fact that it is willingly worn. Hollywood stars of the first magnitude, setting an example for millions of fans.

Thousands of beliefs, legends, tales from the epic of the most different peoples. It was worn by Indians, Slavs, Gypsies, Hindus and other representatives Eastern peoples. Regardless of the cultural differences of the peoples, they all sacredly believed in the healing and protective powers of the thread, tying it as a talisman against damage, the evil eye, diseases, as well as to attract good luck and even wealth.

How to make a red thread on the wrist with your own hands?

There are many versions of how to make a red thread to wear on your wrist. Of course, in none of them the words "make a thread" is understood as the process of production of a thread from fibers. It is about which thread to choose, how to tie it correctly, how to wear it, that is, how to make this accessory not just an accessory, but also a talisman that promises good luck and protects against negative energy.

It has long been considered that the most powerful is the red thread of wool. Since ancient times, people have noticed the properties of wool to warm, stimulate blood circulation, and relieve pain. Wearing clothes and scarves made of wool not only gave warmth, but also facilitated the course of the disease. This is due to the fact that wool is, albeit weak, but a source of static electricity that has a positive effect on the body. In addition, it is rich in lanolin, a natural component that is released from wool when heated to a temperature of 35-37 degrees, enters through the skin into the blood, providing muscles with a relaxing and analgesic effect.

So, before you make an amulet from the evil eye with a red thread, you should look for a skein of red woolen thread. If someone in the family knits or you yourself are fond of knitting, such a skein can be found at home, and if not, then you will have to purchase it in stores selling needlework products.

In addition to buying woolen yarn, you can buy a ready-made amulet, that is, a red thread from Jerusalem, which, according to legend, is tied around the grave of Rachel, the heroine of biblical tales, whose fate has become a symbol of boundless motherly love and protection. Wearing such a talisman promises reliable protection from the evil eye and damage.

When a solid red woolen thread is found, you can seriously address the question of how to make a red thread from the evil eye.

In this regard, there are several tips and recommendations about the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of which it is difficult to reason objectively. We will only give a few, and you, by virtue of your convictions, choose the advice that seems suitable to you.

In order for the red thread on the hand to really be a real amulet, it is believed that a close person (relative, friend, parents, lover) should tie it, that is, one who sincerely wishes you well. This opinion is shared by the Kabbalists, that is, the followers of Kabbalah. They are convinced that if the thread is tied on its own, it will not have any protective power.

When tying a thread, a person close to you should make one turn around the wrist and tie seven knots. When tying each knot, you need to read a prayer or just mentally wish the person well.

There is also an opposite opinion about whether it is possible to tie a thread on a hand on your own. Can. The Slavic peoples, on the contrary, believed that a person should do this himself. Among the Slavs, the thread is also tied into seven knots. It is important every time you tie a knot, ask for protection for yourself, and also sincerely believe in the power of the thread.

Regardless of who will tie the thread for you: you or someone dear and close to you, it is important to follow a few rules that guarantee you the protection of this simple but powerful amulet.

You can give the thread protective strength by observing the following rules:

  1. Putting the thread on your hand, you should not wish harm to anyone or offend anyone.
  2. Do not let envy, annoyance, despondency and other base feelings and feelings into your heart.
  3. Do not succumb to anxiety, empty feelings and thoughts about the bad.
  4. Maintain a positive attitude, faith in good and kind.

Video: How to make a red thread on your hand yourself

A red thread on the wrist is worn by adherents of Kabbalistic beliefs (an esoteric movement in Judaism). In the Orthodox tradition, such a symbol is not common and is even prohibited. It is believed that a person who puts on such an element opposes Orthodoxy and associates with unclean spirits, so they may not even be allowed into church with such a thread. But in Judaism, a completely different meaning - such a product acts as a talisman, protection and talisman that drives away all bad things and attracts good luck.

Does anyone else have this tradition?

If you are an adherent of pagan beliefs and are more passionate about communicating with nature than reading spiritual books, you can also choose such a symbol for yourself. Among the ancient Slavs, the red thread was also a strong amulet, so it is related not only to Kabbalah. To learn how to tie a red thread on your wrist, read our article. But still a few interesting facts about this thread.

Why does the thread have to be wool?

There is no magical meaning here. It's just that people began to notice that wool has interesting properties. It is a source of weak static electricity, which allows you to get a healing effect. So, thanks to this material, wounds heal faster, tendons are stretched, joint problems disappear, headache and toothache are eliminated. Blood circulation improves and the person as a whole begins to feel better. It is from these considerations that the woolen thread was chosen. But since this is already a tradition, it’s worth tying just that.

Which hand is tied with a red thread?

In general, in Judaism, there is a tradition to tie a red thread on the right hand of an unmarried girl. But it is rather a symbol of freedom and a sign that this girl is still waiting for her soul mate. If we are talking about it is about the amulet, in this case the answer is unequivocal - you need to choose the left hand. It is believed that it is she who is associated with a person with outside world. With this hand a person takes wealth, through it evil finds its way to the heart. The red thread will protect and will not allow all the bad to get into life, and will also attract all the good.

How to tie a thread: tradition and ritual

If you want to tie a thread taking into account Kabbalistic traditions, you can buy it only in a sacred place: on your own and by paying your own money. But you need to tie with the help of a person who is very important to you. This is not necessarily a lover or beloved - it may be one of the parents, brothers, sisters. But it is important that the person treats you very well. The thread is tied on the left hand with seven knots, in the process the tying man reads the Jewish prayer.

Option two: for health and from the evil eye

If you do not strive to follow the tradition, but simply want to receive a talisman from the evil eye according to Slavic traditions, there are no rules here. The thread can be tied independently, on any hand. You don’t need to read any prayer, but be sure to control your thoughts at this moment. They should be as pure and positive as possible.

If the amulet is torn: what to do?

When the thread breaks, you should not worry - it means that its time has come, this does not mean any bad sign. You should thank the amulet for help and burn it, and then replace it with another, new one. You can wear a red thread all the time, even all your life - here the tradition does not limit a person in anything.

Hello dear visitors of my blog. Today I want to tell you about such a unique amulet as a red thread.

Watching over famous actors And famous personalities, I paid attention to the red thread tied on their wrist, but what does the red thread on the left hand mean.

It turned out - this is a powerful amulet from the evil eye. Many believe that it gives you the opportunity to become invulnerable, succeed in business and protect yourself from negativity. But is this talisman really so strong and what does it mean? In the article I will tell you what such a thread means, why people wear it and how to use it.

What does the red thread protect from?

The evil eye is negative energy that harms a person, affects health, success, can lead to death. Everyone was afraid of him simple people, know even kings.

Cabalists believe that bad energy seeps into a person through a channel on the left arm. By tying a charm on your wrist, you repel evil, which can be directed from ill-wishers or supernatural beings.

It turns out that people who wear a scarlet thread on their wrists experience significant changes in their lives. Good luck accompanies a person, health improves, he is not influenced by negative energy from the outside.

What exactly should be the thread

There are threads of various colors, but only one can protect against diseases, spoilage and change life for the better. It is the red woolen thread that has such power. Many peoples have their own version of the explanation for this.

The Slavs worshiped the goddess Swan, who ordered people to hang a scarlet thread on the wattle fence to protect the house from ailments.

And in the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, it was believed that a red thread tied by a girl on a tree attracts love to her and helps her to get married safely.

The Jews say that everything started from Israel, when a red thread was tied around the grave of Rachel. She is considered the mother of the whole world and wanted to protect her children. On her grave, believers charge red strings maternal love.

That's what the thread is for - by putting it on, a person establishes a connection with the energy of Rachel, which blocks evil. Imagine, we can enjoy a huge protective power while we just wear a thread on our wrist.

Another condition is wool. Why use wool thread? And here, it turns out everything is very simple. Woolen thread affects blood circulation in the vessels. By tying it on your hand, you will accelerate the healing of wounds, relieve inflammation.

Ancient healers noticed this feature of wool. From headache, lumbar pain were treated by applying a woolen cloth. Even weak children in the old days were wrapped in sheep's wool and saved in this way.

But in order to acquire such a talisman, it is not enough just to have a thread on your wrist. You need to know which hand to tie it on, to put meaning into such an action.

How to tie a thread

Since the red thread is considered a Jewish talisman, some go to Israel to get it. There, a monk or pious women who carry light energy tie a protective thread to them. Along with this, they read a prayer and put good emotions into this action.

However, do not be upset if you do not plan a trip to Israel, it is possible to tie a thread at home. But you need to do it right. Just tied scarlet thread will not protect against the evil eye. Many believe that such a talisman should be purchased on their own, and not accepted as a gift.

To tie a charm on your left wrist should be entrusted to a close person who sincerely wants good for you. He must tie seven knots on it. During their formation, protective energy is fixed, which will stop negative influences.

In the process, a loved one puts messages into the knots so that the thread brings prosperity, health and good luck, protects it from negativity, that is, programs it.

While the thread is being tied to you, you need to ask the higher powers for mercy, kindness and protection. No need to be upset if the thread breaks while tying knots. It is believed that passed you by great danger.

How to wear red thread

If you did everything correctly, the wonderful thread will become a talisman, it will protect you from negative energy. But that's not all!

As soon as the magic thread is on your wrist, you must make a promise to yourself that from now on you will refrain from bad deeds, words and thoughts. It is important not to condemn, not to offend, not to interfere in quarrels. Own negative behavior will weaken the protective effect of the thread. Good deeds will feed it with pure energy.

Putting on a red thread, you make a promise to live according to the covenants spiritual world. You need to get rid of everything negative and live positively, treat others kindly. And the thread will help the owner - it will drive away the bad and will attract prosperity, health and good luck.

Recently, I also became the owner of such a thread. She brought pleasant changes in my personal life into my life, I feel a surge of strength, things are great at work. And most importantly, I began to look at the world with different eyes, smile and see a lot of good in people.

Do you want your loved one to have everything wonderful? Tie a magic thread on his wrist with the wish of protection and goodness from the bottom of my heart.

On this I say goodbye to you. If my article was interesting, and you found something useful and valuable for yourself in it, share it with your friends on social networks.

Protective amulets have always been very popular. One of the most popular talismans is a red thread that is tied around the wrist. But in order for such a talisman to work, a special prayer should be read on it.

Recently, more and more often a red thread on the wrist appears in people who are engaged in show business or simply lead a public lifestyle. As a result, many fans famous people, trying to get closer to idols, they also begin to use such attributes. But the red thread on the wrist is not a simple decoration and not a way to attract attention. It is a talisman, the history of which goes back to ancient times.

The history of this amulet

The ancient talisman has its roots in Kabbalah. This is the oldest teaching in Judaism, which has recently become more and more popular. Kabbalists believed that a red thread tied around the wrist had powerful protective properties. Thanks to it, you can successfully resist any negative impact.

The history of the emergence of the amulet is very simple and uncomplicated. She is associated with the biblical foremother Rachel, who, according to Kabbalah, is considered the mother of the world. Her life dream was to protect all people on earth from evil, she wished that all people were successful and lived in a peaceful world. But during the life of Rachel for a long time couldn't get pregnant. After her repeated prayers and requests, an angel descended from heaven and told that she could solve her problem with the help of a red thread. After that, Rachel successfully gave birth to many of her children. After the biblical foremother died, adherents of the faith tied a red thread around her grave, as a sign of protection from any negativity.

The red thread is often found in other biblical legends. First of all, it is mentioned that the son of Rachel Joseph, thanks to the protection given to him by his mother, while in Egypt, managed to avoid death, and failures bypassed him.

Princess Lybed told about the power of a protective amulet in the Slavic world. She told the ancient Slavs that with the help of a red thread, you can save your home, protect your family and household, and also improve your harvest. And the chronicler Nestor in his works mentioned that the red thread can improve health and protect from the evil eye.

How to tie a red thread

It is important to know that the red thread on the wrist should be tied correctly. Otherwise, it will not protect you from negative energy and will simply become an absolutely useless attribute. According to the Kabbalistic tradition, a red thread should be tied by a close and loving person.

It is important to use a woolen thread, it must be tied into seven knots and it must cover the wrist freely, without overfishing it. It should also be remembered that the red thread must be purchased for money, you cannot use the donated thread. Also, such a charm does not need to be weaved on its own. The person who ties the thread must read a special prayer. Only by following all the rules, you can count on the fact that the talisman will be truly effective and protect a person from any negative impact.

The power of the red thread, which is used as a talisman, is not connected with the power of nature. The protective properties of the talisman entirely depend on the energy of the person tying the thread and on inner strength the person who will wear the thread on the wrist.

What does the red thread on the hand protect from?

A red thread is tied as a talisman on the left and right wrist. In most of the most diverse beliefs, it is believed that in this case the red thread is a talisman against the evil eye and damage. In addition, the talisman attracts good luck in a person's life.

It is believed that the amulet on the left hand is able to direct a person on the true path, but at the same time it does not change his character and behavior. It’s just that a person strives to improve and develop, and, consequently, in a short time becomes very successful.

Some people believe that the red thread on the wrist normalizes blood flow, which means it improves general state person. Traditional medicine does not confirm this fact, but at the same time, the popularity of the amulet does not decrease, because, as you know, well-being largely depends on a person’s conviction in this.

The thread on the left wrist is tied when a person is sick. It is believed that it is able to absorb the energy of the disease to a certain extent and speed up recovery. After the person recovers, the thread must be burned.

The red thread on the right wrist is tied less often. The Hindu tradition in this case says that the thread on the right hand was always tied unmarried girls when leaving the temple. That is, in this case, it is evidence of a visit by a young girl to the temple.

Among the Slavs, the thread on the right hand indicates a desire to draw in own life luck and luck. Our ancestors believed that the talisman would improve well-being, as it would attract money into life.

Prayer for the red thread

When tying, you need to use a special prayer that will turn an ordinary woolen red thread into strong amulet. There are a lot of options for prayer conspiracies.

The simplest prayer goes like this:

“Have mercy on the Servant (s) of God (s) ( given name), Lord, save me and save, Holy Mother of God, Savior of the world Jesus Christ and all saints. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

But in order to make the protection more effective, a different prayer should be used.

Its peculiarity is that the prayer phrase is pronounced for each knot tied:

“I call you, Lord, into my life: Great strength your merciful untie the fetters on the Servant of God (the name of the person). "Oh, Great Heavenly Father, accept my prayer, strengthen and cleanse the soul of the Servant of God (name of the person)." “Bless the servant of God (name of the person), cleanse the soul of the Servant of God (name of the person), show the Servant of God (name of the person) your mercy and grant the Servant of God (name of the person) Your justice.” "Eternal and Infinite, Lord Almighty, rule with great goodness the Servant of God (name of the person)." “The only Almighty, the Lord the Merciful and Just, protect with your light the Servant of God (the name of the person) from all evil. Hear my prayer and the cry of the soul. May it be blessed Your name and the glory of your kingdom. Forever and ever". “The Almighty, Almighty and All-Merciful Lord, the Only One, turn Your goodness to the Servant of God (the name of the person). He remembers and glorifies Your holiness!” “Hear my prayer and accept, feel the cry of my soul, before Your eyes all the secrets of my soul are open.” "Blessed is the name of the Lord God and his kingdom forever and ever!"

After seven knots are tied, you need to say the words of the prayer, an example of which was given earlier.

You can also use the original old Jewish prayer Ben Porat to speak a red thread. It is better to read it in translation, in order to understand all the spoken phrases, that is, to be able to invest in them the power of one's own energy.

The prayer text reads as follows:

“Just as all the fish on earth are covered with water, so the evil eye will not harm them, so evil eye will not harm the descendants of Joseph. The eye that does not envy and does not covet the things of others is not subject to the evil eye.

Strong prayer conspiracy

There is also a strong prayer conspiracy that guarantees strong protective properties threads for three months. That is, after this period, the amulet will need to be changed. It is necessary in the room where the ceremony will be held to light 3 church candles. Next, the person who will tie the thread must squeeze the amulet into a fist and hold it over the flame of each of the candles.

While saying these words:

"I sanctify you with the flames of the saints church candles. From now on, you are my reliable protection from damage and the evil eye. I will not become a victim of an unclean person, and I will not suffer from a bad word. Amen!"

When it happened that the red thread on the wrist suddenly broke, this indicates that the amulet averted a terrible misfortune from you. If this happens, then you need to tie a new thread on your wrist, having previously spoken it with a special prayer. The torn thread should be picked up and thanked for its reliable protection, and then burned.
