Brief messages about the time machine group. Interesting facts from the biography of the Time Machine group (9 photos)

The ensemble, which was destined to go down in history as the "Time Machine", had not been called at all before, and consisted of 2 guitars (Andrei Makarevich and Mikhail Yashin), and two girls (Larisa Kashperko and Nina Baranova), who sang English american folk songs.

It all really started in 1968, when Andrey Makarevich first heard the Beatles. Then two new guys came to their class: Yura Borzov and Igor Mazaev, who joined the new group "The Kids". The first composition of the group "The Kids" was approximately as follows: Andrei Makarevich, Igor Mazaev, Yuri Borzov, Alexander Ivanov and Pavel Ruben. Another was Borzov's childhood friend, Sergei Kavagoe, at whose insistence the singer girls were fired. After some time, the first album of the group "Time Machine" was recorded (originally planned as "Time Machine", i.e. during plural). The album consisted of eleven songs English language. The recording technique was not difficult - in the center of the room was a tape recorder with a microphone, and in front of it were the members of the group. Alas, this legendary record is now lost.

1971 Alexander Kutikov appears in the group, who brought the spirit of major cloudless rock and roll to the team. Under his influence, the group's repertoire was replenished with joyful songs "Seller of Happiness", "Soldier", etc. At the same time, the first concert of "Time Machine" took place on the stage of the Energetik Palace of Culture - the cradle of Moscow rock.

1972 The first troubles begin. Igor Mazaev is taken into the army, and soon Yura Borzov, who was a drummer in the group, leaves. The resilient Kutikov brings Max Kapitanovsky to the group, but soon he is also taken into the army. And then Sergey Kavagoe sits down at the drums. Later, Igor Saulsky joins the line-up, who left the group so many times and returned

again, that it is simply impossible to determine exactly when he was in the line-up and when he was not.

1973 Between Kawagoe and Kutikov every now and then there are minor frictions. In the end, this leads to the fact that in the spring Kutikov leaves for the Leap Summer group.

1974 Sergei Kavagoe brings Igor Degtyaryuk to the group, who stayed in the squad for about half a year, and then left, it seems, for Arsenal. Kutikov returned from "Leap Summer", and for some time the group played with: Makarevich - Kutikov - Kavagoe - Alexei Romanov. This lasted until the summer of 1975.

1975 Romanov leaves the group, and in the summer Kutikov suddenly leaves, and not just anywhere, but to the Tula State Philharmonic. At the same time, Evgeny Margulis appeared in the group, and a little later the violinist Kolya Larin.

1976 "Time Machine" is invited to Talin to the "Tallinn Songs of Youth-76" festival, where they perform with brilliance, and where they first meet Boris Grebenshchikov and the Aquarium group, which at that time was a nice acoustic quartet. Grebenshchikov invites them to Peter. Their concerts are wildly popular. Violinist Kolya Larin is no longer in the line-up, and his place is taken by a certain Seryozha Ostashev, who also did not stay long. At the same time, Yura Ilyichenko, the soloist of "Myths", joined the group.

1977 Ilyichenko, longing for hometown, leaves for St. Petersburg, and "Time Machine" briefly remains the three of them. And then Andrey comes up with the idea to introduce wind players into the group. So a brass section appears in the group: Evgeny Legusov and Sergey Velitsky.

1978 The composition is being replaced. Instead of Velitsky, Sergey Kuzminok comes to the team. In the same year, the first studio recording of "Time Machine" takes place. Kutikov, who by that time had played in Leap Summer, got a job at the GITIS training speech studio in order to use the studio for its intended purpose. Andrei Makarevich turns to him, Kutikov promises to arrange everything, and a few days later the recording begins, known to us as "It was so long ago ...". It lasted a whole week, and it included almost all (at that time) songs of "Time Machine", with the exception of the first early ones. The recording turned out great, and within a month it sounded everywhere. It is a pity that its original has been lost, and what we are listening to today is a copy that happened to be in the possession of one of Andrei's acquaintances. In the fall, "Time Machine" parted with the pipes, and the synthesizer in the person of Sasha Voronov entered the group, though not for long.

1979 The group is falling apart. Sergei Kavagoe and Yevgeny Margulis leave for Resurrection. At the same time, Kutikov returns to the group, who brings Efremov with him, and a little later Petya Podgorodetsky joins the group. "Time Machine" begins to rehearse in a new line-up, and the group's repertoire is replenished with such things as "Candle", "Who did you want to surprise", "Crystal City", "Turn". In the same year, "Time Machine" becomes a group of the Moscow Touring Comedy Theater at the Rosconcert.

1980 The Time Machine is already very popular, and its name on theater posters is a guarantee that tickets will be sold out. The playbill of the theater looked like this: very large at the top - "The Time Machine Ensemble", and then small, on the verge of legibility - "In the play of the Moscow Comedy Theater" Windsor Merry Wives "based on the play by W. Shakespeare". The only problem is that the audience , going to the sign "Time Machine" could really see a favorite group that sang completely unknown songs on the verge of intelligibility of sound. It was not quite what the audience expected to see, but this was of little concern to the management of the theater, which was making huge profits. It will continue like this for a long time could not. And then Rosconcert decided that it would be much more profitable to use the "Machine" to its fullest. After a successful audition, the "Time Machine" becomes an independent professional rock band. At the same time, the famous festival in Tbilisi - "Spring Rhythms - 80". "Time Machine" shares first place with the group "Magnetic Band"

1981 A hit parade appears in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, and the song "Povorot" is declared the song of the year in it. She stayed in first place for a total of 18 months. All this time, the group had no right to perform it at concerts, because. it was not filled in, and it was not filled in because Rosconcert did not send it to LIT, as it had doubts about which turn was meant. The fact that "Turn" sounded five times a day on "Radio Moscow" did not bother anyone.

1982 Newspaper " TVNZ"burst through the group with the article "Blue Bird Stew." In response, the editors were littered with bags of letters under the general motto "Hands off the Machine." The newspaper, which did not expect such a rebuff, had to reduce everything to a general toothless polemic - the matter, they say, is young, and opinions can be different. "Bluebird Stew" coincided with another split in the band. Petya Podgorodetsky leaves. After some time, Sergey Ryzhenko offers himself, and a little later Alexander Zaitsev joins the squad.

1983 Sergei Ryzhenko, who had to play supporting roles, leaves, and the "Time Machine" remains four.

In general, this time is characterized by Andrei Makarveich himself as a time of relative calm. Although, to say that the group did nothing at all would be a lie. Perhaps, approximately from this period, it began to take shape. as a professional, sustainable team.

1985 Recorded magnetic album "Fish in a Bank" (mini-album), the group is working on recording music for the film "Speed" (dir. D. Svetozarov).

In the same year, "MV" takes part in cultural program XII world festival youth and students in Moscow.

The second magnetic album of Andrey Makarevich's acoustic songs was recorded

The group takes part in the filming of the film "Start over" (dir. A. Stefanovich) One moment of clarification: indeed, the group, and not just one, Andrei Makarevich starred in this film. Although. Of course, AM played the main role.

The film "Begin Again" is released on a wide screen. A new concert program "Rivers and Bridges" is being prepared, almost simultaneously the recording of the double album "Rivers and Bridges" is taking place at the Melodiya company. In the same year, positive changes began in relation to the "MV" on television. The group participates in TV programs "Merry Fellows", "Song-86" and "What, where, when?" (performed: "Dedication to the cow", "Song that does not exist" and "Music under the snow") The group also takes part in the popular music festival Rock-panorama-86 (Moscow), after which. very promptly for those times, the giant disc "Rock-panorama-86" with the songs "Music under the snow", "Good hour" ("Melody") is released. On another disk of the giant "Happy New Year!", the song "Fish in a Bank" ("Melody") appears. Participation in the filming of the film "I return your portrait." And, finally, a disc-minion with two songs "Fish in a Bank" and "Two White Snows" (Yu. Saulsky, I. Zavalnyuk) is released. Yuri Saulsky (as you know, he helped the group in the "difficult" years).

1987 The group takes part in the New Year's " blue light-87 "and the TV program" Morning Mail "with the song" Where there will be a new day. "MV" is once again invited to the TV program " Music ring"(Leningrad TV, host T. Maksimova), in which she played brilliantly. The program was then broadcast on Central Television .. Concerts are held at the Druzhba USZ together with the Secret group, shown on Central Television. Attention! This year on Melodiya releases the first giant disc of the Time Machine group "Goodbye" The big minus of this disc is that, oddly enough, it was formed without the direct participation of musicians, and for this reason it is considered insufficient for such a high-profile title , as the First Disc. And yet, from a discographic point of view, it is so. Following this, the double album "Rivers and Bridges" ("Melody"), already fully processed and recorded by the musicians, is released, which is a holistic ordered musical composition. Along the way, they are recorded as a retrospective of the film "Soul" of the song "The Way", "Bonfire" on the disc-minion "Bonfire" together with S. Rotaru, ("Melody")

1988 "MV" pleases viewers again with its participation in the New Year's "Blue Light -88" (song "Fluger") Work is underway to record music for films: "Without a Uniform" and "Bards". The retro-disc "Ten years later" ("Melody") is released. The group is preparing a new concert program"In the circle of light", which premiered in the summer at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia". At the same time, a giant disk of this program is being recorded. A CD-cassette "Rivers and Bridges" is released on Melodiya. In the same place, on Melodiya, a giant disc "Musical Teletype-3" is released, which also includes the song "MV" "She goes through life laughing", a compact cassette "Rock group" Time Machine "(together with the group Secret) "songs: Turn, Our house, You or me and others

Foreign tours begin: this year Bulgaria, Canada, USA, Spain and Greece

On the radio station "Youth" (the program "World of Hobbies", presenter T. Bodrova), two radio programs about the work of "Machine" are broadcast.

1989 The giant disk "In the circle of the world" ("Melody") is released. Foreign tours in Africa, England.

This year is also marked by a six-hour anniversary concert dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the group (Small sports arena of the Luzhniki stadium, Moscow). And on "Melody" single recordings of songs continue, such as: "Heroes of yesterday" and "Let me dream" (music by A. Kutikov, lyrics by M. Pushkina, performance by A. Kutikov) - the giant disc "Radio station Yunost. Hit parade Alexander Gradsky", a giant disk Radio station Yunost. Hit parade of Alexander Gradsky. This year, Andrei Makarevich's first solo album, the giant disc "Songs to the Guitar", is being recorded and released.

1990 It becomes a good tradition to take part in the New Year's Blue Light. Now this is a light -90 (the song "New Year"). The year was marked by the return of Evgeny Margulis and Peter Podgorodetsky to the group. Work is in full swing at Synthesis Records on the giant disk Slow good music". The company "Melody" releases a compact cassette "Andrei Makarevich. Songs with a guitar ", and on" Senitez "" In the circle of light ".

In addition to musical events, there is the Exhibition "Graphics by Andrey Makarevich" and the film "Rock and Fortune. 20 years of Time Machine" (dir. N. Orlov) is released

1991 MV takes part in International festival"Musicians of the World to the Children of Chernobyl" (Minsk), as well as in the Charity Action of Solidarity with the "Vzglyad" program (USZ Druzhba, Andrei Makarevich's initiative). Political moment: Andrei Makarevich's speech at the barricades on August 19-22 before the defenders of the White House during the days of the coup d'état. Musical moments: the release of the double album and compact cassette "Time Machine is 20 years old!" ("Melody"), release of a giant disc and CD "Slow Good Music", recording and release of Andrey Makarevich's giant disc "At the pawnshop" ("Synthesis Records"). Presentation in GTsKZ Russia.

Exhibition of graphic works by Andrei Makarevich in Italy

1992 Participation of Andrei Makarevich in the filming of the film "Crazy Love" in the role of Dr. Barkov (dir. A. Kvirikashvili). Andrei Makarevich's book "Everything is very simple" (Stories from the life of the Time Machine group) is published At the Synthesis Records studio recording of the giant disc "Freelance Commander of the Earth"

1993 As usual - participation in the New Year's Blue Light -93 ("Christmas Song") Synthesis Records release: double album "Time Machine. It was so long ago". (Recorded in 1978), giant disk "Freelance Commander of the Earth", retro disks "Time Machine. Best songs. 1979-1985 "(2 discs), CDs" Freelance Commander of the Earth" and "The Best" are released. The CD "Slow good music" is released at the Russian Disk company, and this year marks 40 years Andrey Makarevich! On this occasion, a wonderful benefit performance was arranged at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall - a concert with the participation of a large number of good musicians and friends A.M.

1994 The year began with participation in the New Year's Blue Light -94 (the song "This Eternal Blues") The presentation of the disc "Freelance Commander of the Earth" is taking place in the Moscow Youth Palace Solo concerts Andrei Makarevich in Moscow (c / t "October", Big hall Olympic Village). In addition, a solo disc by A.M. "I draw you." The former drummer of the group and sound engineer Maxim Kapitanovsky wrote the book "Everything is very difficult" This year, "Time Machine" turns 25 years old! What was marked by grandiose holiday concert on Red Square in Moscow.

1995 The disc "Who did you want to surprise" is released - the collection has long and well famous songs.

1996 The release of the album "Cardboard Wings of Love". In December, joint concerts of Andrei Makarevich and Boris Grebenshchikov are held at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", + the disc "Twenty years later" will be released

1997 The release of the disc "Bringing Off", the presentation of the album took place in the Gorbunov Palace of Culture.

1998 In May, the presentation of Andrey Makarevich's solo disc "Women's Album" took place at the Oktyabr Concert Hall. In December, a press conference was held at the "Rhythm-Blues-Cafe", at which it was officially announced the start of a world tour dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the group. At the same press conference, the imminent appearance of the "Clock and Signs" was announced.

1999 January 29, the first concert of the anniversary tour - a concert in Tel Aviv, Israel. June 27. The official birthday of "Time Machine", 30 years. The rock group was awarded "For merits in the development musical art"by President Boris Yeltsin with the Order of Honor. The awards were presented on June 24 with a live broadcast on TV. In November, the MV press conference dedicated to the release of the album Clocks and Signs was held at the Central Universal Store. On December 8, at the Olimpiysky sports complex in Moscow the grandiose final concert of the anniversary tour of the 30th anniversary of "MV" took place.After the concert, the next day, changes in the group took place: the keyboardist, Pyotr Podgorodetsky, was fired, and Andrei Derzhavin was taken in his place

year 2000. In January, the band's first concert took place in the Olympic Village in Moscow with a new keyboard player, Andrey Derzhavin, a former pop musician who previously helped Kutikov record his "Dancing on the Roof" (1989) and Margulis in "7 + 1" (1997).

In February, a joint tour with the Resurrection group called "50 for Two" began. It took place in Moscow in March. It continued as "50 for two at the request of listeners" in a number of cities in Russia and abroad. June 17 "Time Machine" plays at the rock festival "Wings" in Tushino.

On September 2, Andrei Makarevich took part in a 7-hour rock marathon in New York. In addition to him, the following took part: Resurrection, Chaif, G. Sukachev and others. Since August, Makarevich has been working with Artur Pilyavin, head of the Kvartal group, on the project Time for Hire.

In mid-October, a maxi-single by Andrey Makarevich and Artur Pilyavin is released with three old songs "Time Machine".

On December 9, the final concert of the MV and Resurrection tour "50 Years for Two" was held at the Moscow TsKD. The television version, slightly truncated, was shown on the TVC channel. On the New Year's Eve channel TV-6, the premiere of the film "Showcase" took place, in which Andrei Makarevich's songs were performed, accompanied by "Quarter".

year 2001. On February 27, the presentation of the new Web project "Time Machines" "Strange Mechanics" took place. It was stated that this new official site would be the only place to get reliable and up-to-date information about the band and its musicians.

On May 18, a live double album went on sale, the songs of which were recorded during the tour together with the Resurrection band.

On August 1, the single "Stars do not ride the subway" was released with four songs from the album "A place where the light is."

The publishing house "Zakharov" published a book by Andrey Makarevich "Sam Sheep", consisting of three parts: "Sam Sheep", a previously published history of the group "Everything is very simple" and last section"House".

On October 31, the album "A place where the light" was released, which was received very warmly by the public. A lot of revelations, excellent sounding did their job. According to a poll of listeners, the new keyboard player A. Derzhavin on this disc fit into the sound of the group.

2002 On May 9, A. Makarevich performed on Red Square in a concert dedicated to the Victory Day, performing "Bonfire" and "Life is more than death" with the guitar.

In October, Sintez Records releases two combined albums "The Best" by A. Kutikov and E. Margulis, consisting of songs performed by them as part of the group. Throughout 2002, the group actively performs with concerts in Moscow clubs, in the KZ of the Olympic Village, not forgetting about visiting tours.

On October 29, A. Makarevich presented to the public his new solo album "Etc.", recorded with the musicians of the newly created Creole Tango Orchestra, with a concert at the Moscow Operetta Theater.

Since December, "MV" has been performing with the program "Just a Machine", which, as stated, best songs for 33 years of existence of the group.

On March 19, the first concert "Russian Rock in Classic" was held at the Kremlin Palace, where symphony orchestra The theme "MV" "You or me" sounded.

2003. In May, the Kultura TV channel showed a film dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the composer Isaac Schwartz, for whom Makarevich recorded the song "Cavalier Guards do not last long" to B. Okudzhava's verses.

On October 15, Andrey Makarevich presented on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater the program "A thin scar on his beloved priest" with songs by Mark Freidkin and the participation of Max Leonidov, Evgeny Margulis, Alena Sviridova, Tatyana Lazareva and the Creole Tango Orchestra. On the same day, the album of the same name appeared on sale.

On December 5, "Sintez records" for the anniversary of AM releases a gift disc "Favorites of Andrey Makarevich", on 6 CDs with bonuses: unreleased songs "I've been inclined to change places since childhood" and "It was in the dens of San Francisco" (previously recorded for cinema and the album "Pioneer thieves' songs"), as well as several song dedications to friends.

December 11, 2003 - Andrei Makarevich's 50th birthday. In the State Concert Hall "Russia" a holiday-concert of the hero of the day and his friends was arranged.

2004 Anniversary year.

May 30 on Red Square "Time Machine" celebrates its 35th anniversary. The concert took place within the framework of the action "Future without AIDS". "Time Machine" joined the AIDS movement along with Elton John, Queen musicians, Mstislav Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya. This project was continued in St. Petersburg and other largest cities countries.

On July 5, the premiere of the detective "Dancer" took place on the first channel, removed year back by Dmitry Svetozarov. Andrei Makarevich and Andrei Derzhavin took part in the creation of the soundtrack for "Dancer". A. Makarevich acted not only as a composer and poet, but also as a general producer and initiator of filming.

This autumn, two more significant events. The release of the Anthology "Time Machine", which included 19 albums of the group for 35 years, a DVD collection of 22 clips and a lot of pleasant souvenirs for fans of the musicians (circulation 1200 copies).

And November 25, 2004 saw the light new album"Machinically" (for the first time in the history of the group, a competition was announced for best name album among fans).

Cavalry guards, the century is not long
Valery 2006-10-29 21:16:36

Interesting and rewarding. But there is an error that "pricks" the eye. Bulat Okudzhava's poem is called "Cavalry guards, the age is not long" and not "Cavalier guards are not long" as in this text. Which significantly changes the meaning. For the rest, I liked it. I learned something unknown for myself about the group "Time Machine". Sorry for the meticulousness, but I just saw the cheat. On this page in the line "Return to the Time Machine page ...." there is a typo in the second word.

We bring to your attention some interesting facts about the famous group.

1. The group began to form within the walls of the Moscow school No. 19 in 1968. Under titled The Kids at the evenings of school amateur performances with English folk songs were performed by two guitarists - Andrey Makarevich, Mikhail Yashin and two vocalists - Larisa Kashperko, Nina Baranova. Some of the recordings have survived to this day and were included in the Time Machine collection Unpublished.

2. One day, VIA Atlanty came to school No. 19, and during the break, the head of the ensemble allowed the members of The Kids to play some of their compositions on “professional” equipment and even played along on his bass guitar. The schoolchildren were greatly impressed by the performance and updated the composition of the group. Andrei Makarevich (guitar, vocals), Igor Mazaev (bass guitar), Yuri Borzov (drums), Alexander Ivanov (rhythm guitar), Pavel Ruben (bass guitar) and Sergey Kavagoe (keyboards) performed under a new name - Time Machines .

3. Previously, Makarevich saw the bass guitar only in photographs with McCartney and did not understand at all why it was needed. During the performance of the Atlantes, Makarevich heard the instrument “live” and set about trying to master it, but in those years the bass guitar was a rarity, it was almost impossible to find it. The young man bought an ordinary acoustic one and rearranged the strings from the cello on it. Then he found out that at one time McCartney secretly pulled bass strings from the school piano.

4. Time Machines after several concerts released their first magnetic album, which included 11 songs in English. The recording of the album took place in an ordinary apartment: in one of the rooms in the center there was a tape recorder with a microphone connected to it. The band members took turns approaching the tape recorder and performed their parts.

5. The composition of the group in the early 70s was constantly updated. Only Makarevich, Kutikov and Kawagoe were constant participants. Once one of the participants in the Time Machine was Alexei Romanov, the future founder of the Resurrection group. In the entire history of the group's existence, this was the only "liberated vocalist".

6. The first official mention of the group "Time Machine" appeared in 1973 on a vinyl disc with a recording of the vocal trio "Zodiac" accompanied by the group. In 1973, the name was changed to a single number - "Time Machine", which remains to this day.

7. In 1974, the "machinists" were invited to shoot the film "Afonya" by Georgy Daneliya. The director wanted to show the usual "street" musicians of that time. In the final version of the film, almost all the shots with the group were cut out. "Time Machine" flashes in the frame for only a few seconds, performing the song "You or Me". The group "Araks" was filmed as a performing group on the stage. For filming, the "drivers" received the first official fee, which amounted to 600 rubles. It was immediately spent on the purchase of a tape recorder.

8. Having performed in 1976 at the Tallinn Songs of Youth festival in Estonia and received the first prize, Time Machine becomes popular.

9. Semi-legal recording good quality most of the group's songs appeared in the summer of 1978. The recording of the record was carried out at night in the speech studio of GITIS. This record was the beginning of the fact that the group's work spread throughout the country. The album with these songs officially appeared only in 1992 and was called "It was a long time ago ...".

10. The first official album of the Time Machine, Good Hour, was released by Melodiya in 1986.

11. In the mid-eighties, the team went on a joint tour of Russia with the Nautilus Pompilius group. At one of the concerts, when "Nautilus Pompilius" performed "Bound in One Chain", the participants of the "Time Machine" walked around the stage with a real rusty metal chain on their shoulders, pretending to be barge haulers. The musicians of "Nau" stopped playing in amazement, and only Butusov continued to perform the song in complete silence (he had a habit of singing with his eyes closed). After some time, the incident was forgotten, and the participants of the Nautilus similarly played a joke on the Time Machine. During the performance of the song "Caravan", Bedouins suddenly appeared on the stage. They scuttled from one stage to another, dancing and clapping in the Arabic manner. The musicians of the "Time Machine" were in amazement, and the audience felt that it was so intended.

Andrei Makarevich will celebrate his 55th birthday with the release of the collection of songs "55", which was prepared by his friend and colleague in the Time Machine group Alexander Kutikov.

The Soviet and Russian rock group from among the pioneers of rock music of the USSR "Time Machine" was founded by Andrei Makarevich in 1969.

Back in 1968, Andrei Makarevich in the Moscow special school No. 19, where he studied, created an ensemble with his classmates. The ensemble included two guitarists (Andrey Makarevich himself and Mikhail Yashin) and two vocalists (Larisa Kashperko and Nina Baranova). The ensemble performed Anglo-American folk songs. Then Yuri Borzov and Igor Mazaev came to the class in which Makarevich studied. They also became part of the ensemble.

Soon, on the basis of the ensemble, a group was formed, called "The Kids". It included Andrei Makarevich, Igor Mazaev, Yuri Borzov, Alexander Ivanov and Pavel Ruben. Another member of the group was Borzov's childhood friend Sergei Kavagoe, at whose insistence girls were excluded from The Kids. In 1969, the group began to be called "Time Machines", in 1973 the name of the group was changed to a single number - "Time Machine".

In 1971, Alexander Kutikov appeared in the group, under whose influence the group's repertoire was replenished with the songs "Seller of Happiness", "Soldier", etc.

At the same time, the first concert "Time Machine" took place on the stage of the Energetik House of Culture - the cradle of Moscow rock.

In the first years of the group's existence, the team was amateur, and its composition was unstable. In 1972, Igor Mazaev was drafted into the army, and soon Yuri Borzov, the drummer of "Machine", left. Kutikov brought Max Kapitanovsky to the group, but soon he was drafted into the army. Sergey Kavagoe became the drummer. Later, Igor Saulsky joined the line-up, who left the group several times and returned again.

In the spring of 1973, Kutikov left the Time Machine for the Leap Summer group. A year later he returned, and until the summer of 1975 the group played as part of Makarevich - Kutikov - Kavagoe - Alexei Romanov. In 1975, Romanov left the group, and Kutikov went to the Tula State Philharmonic.

At the same time, Evgeny Margulis appeared in the group, and a little later the violinist Nikolai Larin. For a year and a half, at least 15 musicians passed through the group, among whom were drummers Yuri Fokin and Mikhail Sokolov, guitarists Alex "White" Belov, Alexander Mikoyan and Igor Degtyaryuk, violinist Igor Saulsky and many others.

At the beginning of their concert activity, the group performed cover versions songs The Beatles and their songs in English, written in imitation.

The group gained wide popularity and official recognition in 1976 after performing at the Tallinn Youth Songs 76 festival in Estonia, where it won the first prize.

In 1977, musicians playing wind instruments appeared in the group - Evgeny Legusov and Sergey Velitsky.

In 1978, the group recorded their debut album "It was so long ago ..." and an audio fairy tale " A little prince Based on the fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

In the summer of 1979, the "Time Machine" broke up: Kavagoe and Margulis, having gathered old friends, formed the Resurrection group, and Makarevich in the fall of the same year brought a new composition of the MV to the stage: Alexander Kutikov - bass, vocals; Valery Efremov - drums, Peter Podgorodetsky - keyboards, vocals. They prepared a new repertoire, went to work at the Moscow regional theater comedies, and in March 1980 they became the main sensation and laureate of the All-Union Rock Festival "Spring Rhythms-80" in Tbilisi.

"Time Machine" gained all-Union fame, they began to invite her to television (the program "Musical Ring"), radio, the songs "Turn", "Candle", "Three Windows", written back in the 1970s, became popular.

The touring and concert association Rosconcert signed an agreement with the group, and in the early 1980s the rock group actively toured the cities of the USSR.

In the spring of 1982, a campaign was launched against the group, inspired by the article "Blue Bird Stew" in Komsomolskaya Pravda. The first album on Melodiya never came out, the MV program was corrected and revised several times by countless artistic councils. Pyotr Podgorodetsky left the Time Machine, joining the troupe of Joseph Kobzon. The place of Podgorodetsky was taken by Alexander Zaitsev.

In 1986, with a change in the entire cultural policy countries, the group was able to work normally. New programs "Rivers and Bridges" and "In the Circle of the World" were prepared, which served as the basis for the records of the same name. A retrospective disc "10 years later" was also released, on which Makarevich tried to restore the sound and repertoire of the group in the mid-1970s.

In 1987 "Time Machine" made the first tour abroad.

In the summer of 1989, Alexander Zaitsev left the MV; Evgeny Margulis and Petr Podgorodetsky returned to the group. The MV repertoire again included songs from the "classical" repertoire of past years.

Alexander Kutikov, who created the recording company Sintez records, becomes the producer of the group, thanks to which the double album "It was so long ago ..." was released. In the 1990s, seven albums of the group were released, the most popular of which were Freelance Commander of the Earth, Breaking Away, Cardboard Wings of Love, and Hours and Signs. Among the most famous songs of this period is "One day the world will bend under us", the video for which was broadcast on Russian TV channels.

In 1999, "Time Machine" celebrated its 30th anniversary. The group was awarded the Order of Honor "for merits in the development of musical art"; in December 1999, a triumphal concert of MV took place in the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the band. The next day after the concert, there were changes in the group: keyboardist Pyotr Podgorodetsky was fired, and Andrei Derzhavin took his place.

In 2004, "Time Machine" celebrated its 35th anniversary. On May 30, the group's concert took place on Red Square. In the autumn of the same year, the Anthology "Time Machine" was released, which included 19 albums of the group for 35 years and a DVD collection of 22 clips, on November 25, 2004, the new album "Machinically" was released.

In 2005, the groups "Time Machine" and "Resurrection" prepared and showed the program "50 for two", in 2006 the two legendary Moscow groups returned to joint concerts and presented in the State Kremlin Palace new program"Handmade music".

In 2007, the band's last album, Time Machine, was released, recorded at London's Abbey Road Studios.

Dedicated to the "Time Machine" group documentaries"Rock cult", "Rock and Fortune", "Six letters about a beat". The group itself took part in the soundtracks for many films, and in some the members of the group even starred themselves: "Soul" (1981), "Speed" (1983), "Start over" (1986), "Dancer" (2004), "Day elections" (2007), "Loser" (2007).

IN modern composition groups include: Andrey Makarevich - author, vocals, guitars, Alexander Kutikov - author of music, producer, bass guitar, vocals (1971‑1974, since 1979), Evgeny Margulis - author, guitars, bass guitar (1975‑1979, since 1989), Valery Efremov - drums, percussion (since 1979), Andrey Derzhavin - author, keyboards, vocals (since 1999).

Several times in my life I had the same dream. Its essence was that I had to get somewhere where they were waiting for me. On the way, various everyday difficulties arose, I lingered here and there and as a result I was late, but somehow very much - say, for a whole day - and came when there was no one else, the lights were dimmed, the chairs were turned over and the cleaning lady mop the floor. I don't know why, but I've never experienced a more acute sense of loss.

A.V. Makarevich.

In 1968, Andrei Makarevich and his classmates organized an amateur rock group called The Kids. In 1969, it became known as "Time Machines" ("Time Machines"), and the songs were performed in English. In 1973, the name was changed to a single number - "Time Machine", which remains to this day.

Having performed in 1976 at the festival "Tallinn Songs of Youth - 76" in Estonia and received the first prize, "Time Machine" becomes popular.

In the 1980s, the group gained all-Union popularity. "Time Machine" is allowed on television (program "Musical Ring"), radio, songs written in the 1970s "Turn", "Candle", "Three Windows" become popular. "Turn" for 18 months leads the hit parade of the "Soundtrack" of Moskovsky Komsomolets. "Time Machine" takes part in the filming of the musical film "Soul" with Sofia Rotaru in the title role.

The rock band actively tours the cities of the USSR. The hits "Jumps", "Blue Bird", "Puppets" are heard in restaurants and at weddings. The group's underground magnetic albums circulate in large numbers.

As part of the "Time Machine" in different years such musicians as Alexander Kutikov, Evgeny Margulis, Pyotr Podgorodetsky and others became famous. Due to the large number of composers musical style groups are eclectic. In their work, musicians use elements classic rock, rock and roll, blues, bard song.

"Time Machine" received official recognition in post-perestroika Russia. In 1991, during the putsch of the State Emergency Committee, all five "machinists" took part in the defense of the White House, for which they were subsequently awarded medals "Defender of Free Russia". In 1999, the musicians also received the "Order of Honor", and in 2003 - "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree.

The ensemble, which was destined to go down in history as the "Time Machine", had not been called at all before, and consisted of 2 guitars (Andrei Makarevich and Mikhail Yashin), and two girls (Larisa Kashperko and Nina Baranova), who sang English American folk songs.

It all really started in 1968, when Andrey Makarevich first heard the Beatles. Then two new guys came to their class: Yura Borzov and Igor Mazaev, who joined the new group "The Kids". The first composition of the group "The Kids" was approximately as follows: Andrei Makarevich, Igor Mazaev, Yuri Borzov, Alexander Ivanov and Pavel Ruben. Another was Borzov's childhood friend, Sergei Kavagoe, at whose insistence the singer girls were fired. After some time, the first album of the "Time Machine" group was recorded (originally planned as "Time Machine", i.e. in the plural). The album consisted of eleven songs in English. The recording technique was not difficult - in the center of the room there was a tape recorder with a microphone, and the members of the group were in front of it. Alas, this legendary record is now lost.

1971 Alexander Kutikov appears in the group, who brought the spirit of major cloudless rock and roll to the team. Under his influence, the group's repertoire was replenished with joyful songs "Seller of Happiness", "Soldier", etc. At the same time, the first concert of "Time Machine" took place on the stage of the Energetik Palace of Culture - the cradle of Moscow rock.

1972 The first troubles begin. Igor Mazaev is taken into the army, and soon Yura Borzov, who was a drummer in the group, leaves. The resilient Kutikov brings Max Kapitanovsky to the group, but soon he is also taken into the army. And then Sergey Kavagoe sits down at the drums. Later, Igor Saulsky joins the line-up, who left the group so many times and returned
again, that it is simply impossible to determine exactly when he was in the line-up and when he was not.

1973 Between Kawagoe and Kutikov every now and then there are minor frictions. In the end, this leads to the fact that in the spring Kutikov leaves for the Leap Summer group.

1974 Sergei Kavagoe brings Igor Degtyaryuk to the group, who stayed in the squad for about half a year, and then left, it seems, for Arsenal. Kutikov returned from Leap Summer, and for some time the group played in the line-up: Makarevich - Kutikov - Kavagoe - Alexei Romanov. This lasted until the summer of 1975.

1975 Romanov leaves the group, and in the summer Kutikov suddenly leaves, and not just anywhere, but to the Tula State Philharmonic. At the same time, Evgeny Margulis appeared in the group, and a little later the violinist Kolya Larin.

1976"Time Machine" is invited to Talin to the "Tallinn Songs of Youth-76" festival, where they perform with brilliance, and where they first meet Boris Grebenshchikov and the Aquarium group, which at that time was a nice acoustic quartet. Grebenshchikov invites them to Peter. Their concerts are wildly popular. Violinist Kolya Larin is no longer in the line-up, and his place is taken by a certain Seryozha Ostashev, who also did not stay long. At the same time, Yura Ilyichenko, the soloist of "Myths", joined the group.

1977 Ilyichenko, longing for his native city, leaves for St. Petersburg, and the "Time Machine" stays together for a short time. And then Andrey comes up with the idea to introduce wind players into the group. So a brass section appears in the group: Evgeny Legusov and Sergey Velitsky.

1978 The composition is being replaced. Instead of Velitsky, Sergey Kuzminok comes to the team. In the same year, the first studio recording of "Time Machine" takes place. Kutikov, who by that time had played in Leap Summer, got a job at the GITIS training speech studio in order to use the studio for its intended purpose. Andrei Makarevich turns to him, Kutikov promises to arrange everything, and a few days later the recording begins, known to us as "It was so long ago ...". It lasted a whole week, and it included almost all (at that time) songs of "Time Machine", with the exception of the first early ones. The recording turned out great, and within a month it sounded everywhere. It is a pity that its original has been lost, and what we are listening to today is a copy that happened to be in the possession of one of Andrei's acquaintances. In the fall, "Time Machine" parted with the pipes, and the synthesizer in the person of Sasha Voronov entered the group, though not for long.

1979 The group is falling apart. Sergei Kavagoe and Yevgeny Margulis leave for Resurrection. At the same time, Kutikov returns to the group, who brings Efremov with him, and a little later Petya Podgorodetsky joins the group. "Time Machine" begins to rehearse in a new line-up, and the group's repertoire is replenished with such things as "Candle", "Who did you want to surprise", "Crystal City", "Turn". In the same year, "Time Machine" becomes a group of the Moscow Touring Comedy Theater at the Rosconcert.

1980"Time Machine" is already very popular, and its name on theater posters is a guarantee that tickets will be sold out. The playbill of the theater looked like this: very large at the top - "The Time Machine Ensemble", and then small, on the verge of legibility - "In the play of the Moscow Comedy Theater" Windsor Mockery "based on the play by W. Shakespeare. "The only problem is that the spectators walking on the inscription "Time Machine", they really could see their favorite group, which sang completely unknown songs on the verge of intelligibility of sound. It was not quite what the audience expected to see, but this did not care much for the management of the theater, which received huge profits. It could not go on like this for a long time And then Rosconcert decided that it would be much more profitable to use the "Machine" to its fullest. After a successful audition, the "Time Machine" becomes an independent professional rock band. At the same time, the famous festival in Tbilisi - "Spring Rhythms-80" happened. "Time Machine" shares first place with the group "Magnetic Band"

1981 A hit parade appears in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, and the song "Povorot" is declared the song of the year in it. She stayed in first place for a total of 18 months. All this time, the group had no right to perform it at concerts, because. it was not filled in, and it was not filled in because Rosconcert did not send it to LIT, as it had doubts about which turn was meant. The fact that "Turn" sounded five times a day on "Radio Moscow" did not bother anyone.

1982 The newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" burst into a group of articles "Blue Bird Stew". In response, the editorial office was littered with bags of letters under the general motto "Hands off the Machine." The newspaper, which did not expect such a rebuff, had to reduce everything to a general toothless controversy - the matter, they say, is young, and opinions may be different. "Blue bird stew "Coincided with another split in the group. Petya Podgorodetsky leaves. After a while, Sergey Ryzhenko offers himself, and a little later Alexander Zaitsev joins the line-up.

1983 Sergei Ryzhenko, who had to play supporting roles, leaves, and the "Time Machine" remains four.

In general, this time is characterized by Andrei Makarveich himself as a time of relative calm. Although, to say that the group did nothing at all would be a lie. Perhaps, approximately from this period, it began to take shape. as a professional, sustainable team.

1985 Recorded magnetic album "Fish in a Bank" (mini-album), the group is working on recording music for the film "Speed" (dir. D. Svetozarov).

In the same year, "MV" takes part in the cultural program of the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow.

The second magnetic album of Andrey Makarevich's acoustic songs was recorded

The group takes part in the filming of the film "Start over" (dir. A. Stefanovich) One moment of clarification: indeed, the group, and not just one, Andrei Makarevich starred in this film. Although. Of course, AM played the main role.

1986 The film "Begin Again" is released on a wide screen. A new concert program "Rivers and Bridges" is being prepared, almost simultaneously the recording of the double album "Rivers and Bridges" is taking place at the Melodiya company. In the same year, positive changes began in relation to the "MV" on television. The group participates in TV programs "Merry Fellows", "Song-86" and "What, where, when?" (performed: "Dedication to the cow", "Song that does not exist" and "Music under the snow") The group also takes part in the popular music festival Rock-panorama-86 (Moscow), after which. very promptly for those times, the giant disc "Rock-panorama-86" with the songs "Music under the snow", "Good hour" ("Melody") is released. On another disk of the giant "Happy New Year!", the song "Fish in a Bank" ("Melody") appears. Participation in the filming of the film "I return your portrait." And, finally, a disc-minion with two songs "Fish in a Bank" and "Two White Snows" (Yu. Saulsky, I. Zavalnyuk) is released. Yuri Saulsky (as you know, he helped the group in the "difficult" years).

1987 The group takes part in the New Year's "Blue Light -87" and the TV program "Morning Mail" with the song "Where there will be a new day." "MV" was once again invited to the TV program "Musical Ring" (Leningrad TV, host T. Maksimova), in which she played brilliantly. The program was then broadcast on Central Television. Attention! This year, the Melodiya company releases the first giant disc of the Time Machine group, Good Hour. The big minus of this disc is that, oddly enough, it was formed without the direct participation of musicians, and for this reason it is considered insufficient for such a high-profile title as First Disk. And yet, from a discographic point of view, it is. Following this, the double album "Rivers and Bridges" ("Melody"), already fully processed and recorded by the musicians, is released, which is a holistic, ordered piece of music. Along the way, they are recorded as a retrospective of the film "Soul" of the song "The Way", "Bonfire" on the disc-minion "Bonfire" together with S. Rotaru, ("Melody")

1988"MV" pleases viewers again with its participation in the New Year's "Blue Light -88" (song "Fluger") Work is underway to record music for films: "Without a Uniform" and "Bards". The retro-disc "Ten years later" ("Melody") is released. The group is preparing a new concert program "In the circle of the world", the premiere of which took place in the summer at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia". At the same time, a giant disk of this program is being recorded. A CD-cassette "Rivers and Bridges" is released on Melodiya. In the same place, on Melodiya, a giant disc "Musical Teletype-3" is released, which also includes the song "MV" "She goes through life laughing", a compact cassette "Rock group" Time Machine "(together with the group Secret) "songs: Turn, Our house, You or me and others.

Foreign tours begin: this year Bulgaria, Canada, USA, Spain and Greece

On the radio station "Youth" (the program "World of Hobbies", presenter T. Bodrova), two radio programs about the work of "Machine" are broadcast.

1989 The giant disk "In the circle of the world" ("Melody") is released. Foreign tours in Africa, England.

This year is also marked by a six-hour anniversary concert dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the group (Small sports arena of the Luzhniki stadium, Moscow). And on "Melody" single recordings of songs continue, such as: "Heroes of yesterday" and "Let me dream" (music by A. Kutikov, lyrics by M. Pushkina, performance by A. Kutikov) - a giant disc "Radio station Yunost. Hit parade Alexander Gradsky", a giant disk Radio station Yunost. Hit parade of Alexander Gradsky. This year, Andrei Makarevich's first solo album, the giant disc "Songs to the Guitar", is being recorded and released.

1990 It becomes a good tradition to take part in the New Year's Blue Light. Now this is a light -90 (the song "New Year"). The year was marked by the return of Evgeny Margulis and Peter Podgorodetsky to the group. Work is in full swing at "Synthesis Records" on the giant disc "Slow Good Music". The firm "Melody" releases a compact cassette "Andrei Makarevich. Songs for the guitar", and "Senitese" "In the circle of the world".

In addition to musical events, there is the Exhibition "Graphics by Andrey Makarevich" and the film "Rock and Fortune. 20 Years of Time Machine" (dir. N. Orlov) is released

1991 "MV" takes part in the International Festival "Musicians of the World to the Children of Chernobyl" (Minsk), as well as in the Charity Action of Solidarity with the "Vzglyad" program (USZ Friendship, Andrei Makarevich's initiative). Political moment: Andrei Makarevich's speech at the barricades on August 19-22 before the defenders of the White House during the days of the coup d'état. Musical moments: the release of the double album and compact cassette "Time Machine is 20 years old!" ("Melody"), release of a giant disc and CD "Slow Good Music", recording and release of Andrey Makarevich's giant disc "At the pawnshop" ("Synthesis Records"). Presentation at the State Central Concert Hall Russia.

Exhibition of graphic works by Andrei Makarevich in Italy

1992 Participation of Andrei Makarevich in the filming of the film "Crazy Love" in the role of Dr. Barkov (dir. A. Kvirikashvili). Andrei Makarevich's book "Everything is very simple" (Stories from the life of the Time Machine group) is being published At the Sintez Records studio, a disc is being recorded -giant "Freelance Commander of the Earth"

1993 As usual - participation in the New Year's Blue Light -93 ("Christmas Song") Synthesis Records is released: a double album "Time Machine. It was so long ago". (Recorded in 1978), giant disc "Freelance Commander of the Earth", retro discs "Time Machine. Best Songs. 1979-1985" (2 discs), compact discs (CD) "Freelance Commander of the Earth" and "The Best ". The company "Russian Disc" releases a CD "Slow good music", and this year marks the 40th anniversary of Andrei Makarevich! On this occasion, a wonderful benefit performance was arranged at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall - a concert with the participation of a large number of good musicians and friends of A.M.

1994 The year began with participation in the New Year's Blue Light -94 (the song "This Eternal Blues") The Moscow Palace of Youth hosts a presentation of the disc "Freelance Commander of the Earth" Andrei Makarevich's solo concerts in Moscow (c / t "October", the Great Hall of the Olympic Village). In addition, a solo disc by A.M. "I draw you." The former drummer of the group and sound engineer Maxim Kapitanovsky wrote the book "Everything is very difficult" This year, "Time Machine" turns 25 years old! Which was marked by a grandiose festive concert on Red Square in Moscow.

1995 The disc "Who did you want to surprise" comes out - a collection of well-known songs for a long time.

1996 The release of the album "Cardboard Wings of Love". In December, joint concerts of Andrei Makarevich and Boris Grebenshchikov are held at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", + the disc "Twenty years later" will be released

1997 The release of the disc "Bringing Off", the presentation of the album took place in the Gorbunov Palace of Culture.

1998 In May, the Oktyabr Concert Hall hosted the presentation of Andrey Makarevich's solo disc "Women's Album". In December, a press conference was held at the "Rhythm-Blues-Cafe", at which it was officially announced the start of a world tour dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the group. At the same press conference, the imminent appearance of the "Clock and Signs" was announced.

1999 January 29, the first concert of the anniversary tour - a concert in Tel Aviv, Israel. June 27. The official birthday of "Time Machine", 30 years. The rock group was awarded "For Merits in the Development of Musical Art" by President Boris Yeltsin the Order of Honor. The awards ceremony took place on June 24 with a live broadcast on TV. In November, a press conference "MV" dedicated to the release of the album "Clocks and Signs" was held at the Central Department Store. On December 8, the grandiose final concert of the anniversary tour of the 30th anniversary of MV took place at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex in Moscow. After the concert, the next day there are changes in the group: the keyboard player, Peter Podgorodetsky, was fired, and Andrey Derzhavin was taken in his place.

year 2000. In January, the band's first concert took place in the Olympic Village in Moscow with a new keyboardist, Andrey Derzhavin, a former pop musician who previously helped Kutikov record his "Dancing on the Roof" (1989) and Margulis in "7 + 1" (1997).

In February, a joint tour with the Resurrection group called "50 for Two" began. It took place in Moscow in March. It continued as "50 for two at the request of listeners" in a number of cities in Russia and abroad. June 17 "Time Machine" plays at the rock festival "Wings" in Tushino.

On September 2, Andrei Makarevich took part in a 7-hour rock marathon in New York. In addition to him, the following took part: Resurrection, Chaif, G. Sukachev and others. Since August, Makarevich has been working with Artur Pilyavin, head of the Kvartal group, on the project Time for Hire.

In mid-October, a maxi-single by Andrey Makarevich and Artur Pilyavin is released with three old songs "Time Machine".

On December 9, the final concert of the MV and Resurrection tour "50 Years for Two" was held at the Moscow TsKD. The television version, slightly truncated, was shown on the TVC channel. On the New Year's Eve channel TV-6, the premiere of the film "Showcase" took place, in which Andrei Makarevich's songs were performed, accompanied by "Quarter".

year 2001. On February 27, the presentation of the new Web project "Time Machines" "Strange Mechanics" took place. It was stated that this new official site would be the only place to get reliable and up-to-date information about the band and its musicians.

On May 18, a live double album went on sale, the songs of which were recorded during the tour together with the Resurrection band.

On August 1, the single "Stars do not ride the subway" was released with four songs from the album "A place where the light is."

The publishing house "Zakharov" published Andrey Makarevich's book "Sam Sheep", consisting of three parts: "Sam Sheep", the previously published history of the group "Everything is very simple" and the last section "House".

On October 31, the album "A place where the light" was released, which was received very warmly by the public. A lot of revelations, excellent sounding did their job. According to a poll of listeners, the new keyboard player A. Derzhavin on this disc fit into the sound of the group.

2002 On May 9, A. Makarevich performed on Red Square in a concert dedicated to the Victory Day, performing "Bonfire" and "Life is more than death" with the guitar.

In October, Sintez Records releases two combined albums "The Best" by A. Kutikov and E. Margulis, consisting of songs performed by them as part of the group. Throughout 2002, the group actively performs with concerts in Moscow clubs, in the KZ of the Olympic Village, not forgetting about visiting tours.

On October 29, A. Makarevich presented to the public his new solo album "Etc.", recorded with the musicians of the newly created Creole Tango Orchestra, with a concert at the Moscow Operetta Theater.

Since December, "MV" has been performing with the program "Prosto Mashina", which, as stated, consists of the best songs for 33 years of the group's existence.

On March 19, the first concert "Russian Rock in Classic" was held in the Kremlin Palace, where the MV theme "You or Me" was performed by the symphony orchestra.

2003 In May, the Kultura TV channel showed a film dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the composer Isaac Schwartz, for whom Makarevich recorded the song "The Cavalry Guard does not last long" to B. Okudzhava's verses.

On October 15, Andrey Makarevich presented on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater the program "A thin scar on his beloved priest" with songs by Mark Freidkin and the participation of Max Leonidov, Evgeny Margulis, Alena Sviridova, Tatyana Lazareva and the Creole Tango Orchestra. On the same day, the album of the same name appeared on sale.

On December 5, "Sintez records" for the anniversary of AM releases a gift disc "Favorites of Andrey Makarevich", on 6 CDs with bonuses: unreleased songs "I've been inclined to change places since childhood" and "It was in the dens of San Francisco" (previously recorded for cinema and the album "Pioneer thieves' songs"), as well as several song dedications to friends.

December 11, 2003 - Andrei Makarevich's 50th birthday. In the State Concert Hall "Russia" a holiday-concert of the hero of the day and his friends was arranged.

2004 Anniversary year.

May 30 on Red Square "Time Machine" celebrates its 35th anniversary. The concert took place within the framework of the action "Future without AIDS". "Time Machine" joined the AIDS movement along with Elton John, Queen musicians, Mstislav Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya. This project was continued in St. Petersburg and other major cities of the country.

On July 5, Channel One premiered the detective story "Dancer", filmed a year ago by Dmitry Svetozarov. Andrei Makarevich and Andrei Derzhavin took part in the creation of the soundtrack for "Dancer". A. Makarevich acted not only as a composer and poet, but also as a general producer and initiator of filming.

Two more significant events take place this autumn. The release of the Anthology "Time Machine", which included 19 albums of the group for 35 years, a DVD collection of 22 clips and a lot of pleasant souvenirs for fans of the musicians (circulation 1200 copies).

And on November 25, 2004, the new album "Machinically" was released (for the first time in the history of the group, a competition for the best album name among fans was announced).

Alexander Kutikov: "Long turn" is a completely author's book. But at the same time it will be called "Biography of the Time Machine".

Current and former "machinists" took up memoirs early, and fans of "MV" already, I believe, have formed a certain retrospective library. It can include not only the writings of Andrei Makarevich, Maxim Kapitanovsky, Pyotr Podgorodetsky, but also a lot of memoirs of people wandering on the Internet and in the printed press, who at different periods were somehow involved in the group.

However, the "Machine" rides and rides. Four decades! And its history is expanding and being rethought. No one has succeeded in such a long-range and hyper-successful flight in domestic rock music and is unlikely to succeed in the foreseeable future. This fact alone makes the "Time Machine" a unique phenomenon in our Palestinians. Starting as the Soviet Beatles, Makar and his comrades today turned into Russian "rollers", at least from a chronological and status point of view.

Domestic rock band founded in 1969 Andrey Makarevich And Sergei Kavagoe and being one of the founders of "Russian rock".

About a year before the present legendary band « Time Machine”, in 1968, students of the Moscow school No. 19 organized an ensemble called The Kids, which included Andrey Makarevich , Igor Mazaev, Yuri Borzov, Sergey Kavagoe, Alexander Ivanov And Pavel Ruben. At the very beginning of the existence of the ensemble, it also included two soloists - Larisa Kasperko And Nina Baranova. The guys performed at school evenings, where they sang songs of famous English and American bands.

In 1969, the first composition was formed new group « Time Machine"(Initially they wanted to call the group "Time Machines"). The team recorded their first magnetic album of 11 English-language songs. The recording was made on an ordinary tape recorder with a microphone, standing in the center of the room.

Until the mid-70s, the composition of the group was constantly changing, with the exception of the trio Andrey Makarevich(guitar, vocals) Sergey Kavagoe(drums) and Alexander Kutikov(Bas-guitar).

In 1971 " Time Machine"gives his first concert in the "cradle of Moscow rock" - DC "Energetik".

In 1972 it began creative collaboration "Time Machines" With famous group « Best years» ("The Best Years"), which lasted for several months. After that, the former drummer of the band "The Best Years" Yuri Fokin been playing for a while "Time Machine". In the same year, they are drafted into the army Igor Mazaev, also the drummer leaves the band Yuri Borzov. The team comes Max Kapitanovsky, but soon he was also sent to the service of his homeland. Sergey Kavagoe sits down at the drums. Later in the group appears Igor Saulsky from the team "Best Years".

In 1973 from "Time Machines" to the group "Leap Summer" leaves Alexander Kutikov. In the same year, the record company "Melody" releases a record Dmitry Linnik together with "Time Machine". This is the first official mention of the group.

In 1974, the first filming took place. "Time Machines" in one of the episodes of the film "Afonya" (Georgy Danelia). The group receives their first fee of 600 rubles, which they spend on buying a tape recorder for recording songs. Reappears in the composition new member- guitar player Igor Degtyaryuk.

In 1975, the group comes Evgeny Margulis who plays bass guitar and writes for "Time Machines" blues songs.

In 1976, winning first place at the Estonian festival "Tallinn songs of youth - 76", "Time Machine" becomes popular all over the country. This is where you get to know the group. Aquarium" And Boris Grebenshchikov who invites "Machine" on tour in Leningrad. Concerts are hugely popular. Second performance in Tallinn in 1977 it was already not so successful.

Appears in the group new soloist from the Leningrad group "Myths" Yuri Ilyichenko, as well as ovens Evgeny Legusov And Sergey Velitsky, who was replaced in 1978 Sergei Kuzminok.

Spring 1978 of the year "Time Machine" took part in Sverdlovsk at the festival "Spring UPI" and also recorded her first studio album "It was so long ago…". The work took place semi-underground, at a speech studio GITIS. The album consisted of songs repeatedly performed by the band at concerts. The recording was played all over the country and brought the group great popularity.

In 1978, the group was on the verge of breaking up due to a serious conflict between Makarevich And Kawagoe. Sergey Kavagoe And Evgeny Margulis go to "Sunday", and returns to the team Kutikov. Later joins the group Pyotr Podgorodetsky. New composition "Time Machines" produces songs like "Candle", "Crystal City", "Turn" which became real folk hits.

In 1979 "Time Machine" enters into a contract with Rosconcert and becomes part of the touring theater troupe, and later tours as an independent group.

By 1980 "Time Machine" already popular rock band . Yet some songs are still banned for performance as politically incorrect. This year "Time Machine" makes a splash with his performance Tbilisi rock festival, leaving behind "Aquarium" And " Favorite". The group leaves the underground and becomes all-Union. Hits "Time Machines" sound on radio and television. The band receives an offer to record a soundtrack for the film "Soul".

In 1982, during campaigns against amateur ensembles in the newspaper "TVNZ" an article appeared "Blue Bird Stew", sharply criticizing creativity "Time Machines" for which the editorial office of the newspaper was inundated with letters from outraged fans. During this period, the group leaves Podgorodetsky, and it includes Sergei Ryzhenko And Alexander Zaitsev.

1983 - the time of a temporary creative lull "Time machines".

Until 1985 concerts "Time Machines" banned in Moscow, it is actually not shown on television, not a single official album has been released. Nevertheless, the group's songs are very popular. They are distributed on magnetic records. Also "Time Machine" performs a song for the animated series "Monkeys", writes soundtracks for films "Speed", "The Mystery of the Blackbirds".

In 1987, the first official album was released. "Time Machines" entitled "Good time." Andrey Makarevich starring in a de facto autobiographical film "Start from the beginning". The group actively takes part in various musical TV programs: "Merry Fellows", "Song-86", "Musical Ring".

Albums released in 1988 "Rivers and Bridges" And "Ten years later". The group goes on their first foreign tour ( Bulgaria, Canada, USA, Spain, Greece).

In 1989 " Time Machine" gives a grand concert in Luzhniki, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the group. Former and present members of the band performed at the concert. The 89th year was also marked by the release of the first solo album Andrey Makarevich "Songs for the guitar".

In 1990 "Car" performs "New Year's song" in "Blue Flame" Return to the group Margulis and Podgorodetsky. "Time Machine" recording an album "In the Circle of Light" at the studio Synthesis Records.

In 1991, after the cessation of activities Rosconcert, "Time Machine" becomes an independent group. All members of the group take part in the defense white house during the putsch.

During the 90s, the group released 7 albums, among which "Freelance Commander of the Earth", "Breaking Off", "Cardboard Wings of Love". There's a hit like "One day the world will bend under us" on which the video is being filmed.

During this period, the group has two anniversaries: the 25th anniversary (1994), marked grand concert on Red Square in front of an audience of 300,000 people, as well as the 30th anniversary (1999) - the concert takes place in SC "Olympic".

In 1999, the keyboardist was fired from the group. Peter Podgorodetsky, and a singer is invited in his place Andrey Derzhavin.

In 2000, a joint tour with the group begins. "Sunday", named "50 years for two". From the same year "Time Machine" becomes a permanent member of the annual rock festival "Wings".

Since 2001 "Time Machine21 century" registered as an open joint stock company, and the name of the group becomes a trademark. Albums released from 2004 to 2009 "Mechanically", "Time Machine"(Studio " Abbey Road").

Eau de toilette launched in 2009 "Time Machine" presented by the group at the exhibition InterCHARM 2009. The band is celebrating its 40th anniversary by embarking on a 40-city tour ending final concert V SC "Olympic".

2010 was marked by performances at festivals "Rock over the Volga" And "Invasion".

The current composition of the group:

  • Andrey Makarevich- lead vocals, guitars, songwriter (since 1969)
  • Alexander Kutikov- bass guitar, guitars, vocals, songwriter (1971-1975, since 1979)
  • Evgeny Margulis- guitars, bass guitar, vocals, songwriter (1975-1979, since 1989)
  • Valery Efremov- drums, percussion (since 1979)
  • Andrey Derzhavin- keyboards, vocals, songwriter (since 2000)


Studio albums:

  • 2007 – Time Machine
  • 2004 - Mechanically
  • 2001 - A place where there is light
  • 1999 - Watches and signs
  • 1997 - Breaking out
  • 1996 - Cardboard Wings of Love
  • 1993 - Freelance commander of the Earth
  • 1992 - It was so long ago ... (recorded in 1978)
  • 1991 - Slow good music
  • 1989 - In the circle of light
  • 1987 - Rivers and bridges

Live albums:

  • 2010 - Day 14810th
  • 2005 - Kremlin Rocks!
  • 2001 - Time Machine and Resurrection. 50 for two
  • 2000 - XXX years of the Time Machine
  • 2000 - The Little Prince (recorded 1979-1980)
  • 1994 - Unplugged
  • 1991 - Time Machine - XX!


  • 2010 - Typescript
  • 2009 - Do not park cars
  • 2006 - Time Machine. Part 1
  • 2004 - Unreleased. Part 2
  • 2001 - Best Songs 1989-2000
  • 1998 - The Best (Supplement to Stereo & Video magazine)
  • 1996 - Unreleased
  • 1996 - Megamix
  • 1996 - Whom did you want to surprise?
  • 1993 - Best Songs 1979-1985
  • 1987 - Ten years later
  • 1986 - Good afternoon

Other notable recordings and works:

  • 2007 - Old Days (Compilation of rare songs 1973-2005)
  • 2005 - Recorded on TV (recorded in 1975)
  • 1999 - Unreleased. Part 2
  • 1997 - Turn (recorded in 1980)
  • 1985 - Fish in a jar
  • 1984 - Strangers among strangers
  • 1982 - Running in a circle
  • 1982 - Failed concert
  • 1982 - Fortune Hunters
  • 1981 - Moscow - Leningrad
  • 1979 - Time Machine - 79
  • 1978 - Birthday


  • House of the Sun (2010)
  • Loser
  • Election Day (2007)
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas (2006) - cartoon, dubbed
  • Dancer (2004)
  • Thieves in law (1988)
  • Captain of the Pilgrim (1986)
  • Bartender from Golden Anchor (1986)
  • Start Again (1986)
  • Breakthrough (1986)
  • The Blackbirds Mystery (1983)
  • Speed, dir. D. Svetozarov (1983)
  • Monkeys - animated series (1983)
  • Soul (1981)
  • Six Letters on a Beat (1976)
  • Athos (1975)
