Honored and People's Artist - what's the difference? People's and Honored Artists of Russia and the USSR Which title is higher than the People's or Honored.

Also in Ancient Rome There was a saying "The people demand bread and circuses." Spectacles these days mean not only the entertainment that show business gives people, but also the real great art, preserved and developed in museums and art galleries, puppet and drama theaters, in art schools and even the smallest choirs.
Any crisis in the country begins not with the economy, but with education and art. Artists are constantly fighting a spiritual crisis.

Artists are not made, they are born

However, you can work all your life in the theater or the Philharmonic, and for 35-50 years creative activity do nothing significant, do not give people pure art, do not make every phrase or note a revelation. You can get a specialized education - music, acting or directing, art or dramaturgy and not excite the public at the same time, or you can be self-taught and gather full halls of spectators in love with art.

In a word, not all talented musicians, actors, directors and dancers become famous in their field, because one talent is not enough: diligence is also needed, the ability to read between the lines and hear others, to be sensitive and firm. In a word, a true artist is a gifted person who knows how to tell people the most important dance or music, a role or a staged performance. Such people are noticed and celebrated.

What awards and titles are usually bestowed on the most talented and outstanding artists?

There are a lot of awards, often they are awarded not only and not so much by state leaders or the people, but by various editorial offices of magazines and newspapers, masters of art and special commissions.

When a person really means something in culture and art, he is noticed not only by the audience, but also by the leadership of the region and even the state, because art and bright personalities it has always played and is playing a paramount role in educating the younger generation, preserving the best cultural traditions states, elevation spiritual level each person.

There are only two honorary titles in the field of art and culture, and each of them is very important. It's about about the titles of Honored and People's Artist Russian Federation.

Both of these titles are equally important and honorable, and yet there is a certain difference between them.

A person can become an honored artist:

  1. Having worked in one or another sphere of culture and art for at least ten years.
  2. Achieved significant creative success in his field.
  3. Achieved fame and wide public outcry.
  4. Recognized by viewers (readers, listeners, and so on).
  5. Award-winning leadership of the city, region and country.
  6. Taking an active civic position.

Once a year, the head of an institution of culture and art (theater, philharmonic society, museum, gallery) or the head of the city submits to the Ministry of Culture a petition for conferring the title of Honored Artist to a particular person.

The application is accompanied by a collegial decision of the collective or its members (the arts council of the theater, for example) on the nomination of a professional for the title of Honored Artist and an award list, as well as a list of the most significant achievements of the candidate. The decision to award the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation is made by the President of the State.

The highest rank for creative personNational artist Russian Federation.

Of course, actors, singers and musicians not always beloved by the people officially receive the title of people's artists, but most often the award still finds its hero. What is needed for this?

The title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation is awarded to a person:

  • Not less than five years after receiving the title of Honored Artist of the country.
  • Achieved public recognition.
  • He made a significant contribution to the development of the culture and art of the country.

The artist receives this title once and for all. The title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation is awarded by the President of the country, and every year on the same day - on the eve of the Day of the Worker of Culture. This most important holiday for all artists of the country is celebrated on March 25.

Perhaps this is the only day when actors, singers, composers and ballet dancers not only give themselves to the audience and work for others, but also become the heroes of the day themselves and receive the most stormy applause.

Many brilliant Soviet artists during their lifetime were awarded the highest state awards. However, some domestic movie stars, despite the people's love, were left without honorary titles.
Andrey Alexandrovich Mironov, who played more than a dozen bright, memorable film roles, played in the theater and performed on the stage. Among domestic cinema lovers there is, perhaps, not a single person who would not love this wonderful artist. In August 1987, Mironov was on tour in Riga and during the performance he lost consciousness right on the stage. Two days later, the artist passed away in the hospital - the doctors could not save Andrei Alexandrovich. The cause of his death was a massive cerebral hemorrhage. Seven years before the tragedy in Riga, Mironov was awarded the title of "People's Artist of the RSFSR". Before the recognition of his merits by the state in the form of the title "People's Artist of the USSR" he did not live.
Magnificent Kuravlyov, who was able to create unique lyrical and very funny images on the screen, is the owner of the title "People's Artist of the RSFSR". He was awarded it in 1976. Several decades later, the Soviet country was gone and Leonid Vyacheslavovich did not have time to receive the “People's Artist of the USSR”. Note that in 2012, the beloved artist was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, for his huge contribution to the development of culture and art.

Actor and director Leonid Bykov died in a horrific car accident in 1979. Bykov had many state titles and awards. In 1973, Leonid Fedorovich was awarded the title of "People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR" (Bykov lived in Ukraine and shot his films at a film studio in Kyiv). It is quite possible that he would have been awarded the "People's Artist of the USSR" if not for the ridiculous tragedy that ended the life of 50-year-old Bykov.

About Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky much has been said and written. He was a real people's artist, but without official recognition of this status. Note that the poet and actor was in second place in the list of domestic idols of the 20th century. In the first place is Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. A huge number of streets in various cities of Russia and abroad are named after the poet and actor. He was a man who had a tremendous impact on the development of national culture, but he was not awarded the title of "People's Artist of the USSR". Vysotsky was an inconvenient person for the leadership of the party, since his characters often spoke the truth from the stage and from the screen, and his poems made you think. The work of Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky during his lifetime was not approved by the state, so he did not have official awards. Only in 1986 he was posthumously awarded the title of "People's Artist of the RSFSR".

In the filmography of a bright artist Yuri Kuzmenkov over a hundred paintings. The actor had an amazing, multifaceted talent - his characters (mostly Kuzmenkov starred in small roles) were often remembered by the audience much better than central characters. Like many artists from our selection, Kuzmenkov was the "People's Artist of the RSFSR". Kuzmenkov was not destined to get a higher rank.

For my acting career Elena Koreneva starred in more than fifty films and played in several theatrical performances. The title of "People's Artist of the USSR" Koreneva was not destined to receive, most likely because she married an American and went to her husband across the ocean. Elena returned to her homeland in 1993, but the USSR no longer existed, respectively, this title also sunk into oblivion. Elena Alekseevna is also known as the author of several books.

The presence in the announcement of a performance, movie or any other action after the name and surname of the artist of the title "folk" or "deserved" always attracts a lot of viewers to the show. And the point is not even in the loud and proud sound of such titles, but in the fact that artists of this rank always delight the viewer with a selfless game that penetrates deep into the soul of the viewer, acting on him like a drug, forcing him to come to the performances of great artists again and again. People's Artists of Russia and the USSR- figures of the theater, music, cinema, stage and circus, whose talent and dedication were recognized and appreciated at the state level. This title was the highest honorary award artist.

Creativity and politics

As a rule, the artist takes decades of hard work. creative work and to receive less honorable in the hierarchy of awards, but by no means detracting from the breadth folk love to the artist the title of "Honored Artist". Honored Artists of Russia and the USSR are representatives of the creative elite who have earned recognition by more than one generation of admirers.

During the existence of the USSR creative career The artist's career consisted of three main steps: obtaining the title of Honored Artist of one (and maybe several) of the fifteen republics. Then the title of Honored Artist of the USSR was awarded, and only after that there was a chance to climb to the highest step of the creative career podium - to receive the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

Unfortunately, the management machine in the Union was built in such a way that an artist who received one of the highest ranks could be thrown down from the podium and sent into a distant exile ( a prime example the fate of the favorite and girlfriend of Marshal of Victory Georgy Zhukov Lidia Ruslanova) from which, often, they did not return can serve. There were cases when the creators were deliberately "clamped" and, under all sorts of pretexts, the leaders withdrew their candidacy from promotion to honorary titles. So, by some inexplicable and absurd accident, the favorite of both adults and kids, the performer of the unforgettable roles of Turtle Tortila and Mrs. Hudson - Rina Zelena was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR on the day of her death. On April 1, 1991, a decree was issued conferring the title, and a few hours later the artist died. Yes, Primadonna Soviet stage Alla Pugacheva literally jumped into the closing door, having managed to become a People's Artist THE USSR. Many, whose popularity beat everything, however, did not exist at that moment, the ratings were completely left without the titles of Honored or People's Artist of the USSR. Those were the actor Andrei Mironov, he was prevented from receiving the title by an early departure from life, and Vladimir Vysotsky, who, in the unanimous opinion of the country's leaders, lacked patriotism.

Now, the times are not the same, and state bodies are unlikely to refuse to receive the title of Honored Artist of Russia, which is awarded by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, if they were presented with a reasonable petition.

The title of People's Artist of Russia is awarded annually by presidential decree on the eve of Cultural Worker's Day. As a rule, the title of "people's" artist can be obtained no earlier than after 10 years of being in the title of "honored" artist of Russia. For ballet dancers, this period is half as long. For obvious reasons, the age of a ballet dancer is short and titles come to them earlier than theater, circus, stage or cinema artists.

People's Artists of Russia

We present to your attention the list of People's Artists of Russia:

  • Alentova Vera Valentinovna (1992)- performer leading role in the cult, Oscar-winning film Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears.
  • Kamburova Elena Antonovna (1995)- an actress and singer, in whose voice many heroes of fairy tales, films for children sang. The musical prelude of the TV magazine "Yeralash" sounds in her performance.
  • Leontiev Valery Yakovlevich (1996)- singer, actor, winner of many domestic and foreign music awards.
  • Makovetsky Sergey Vasilyevich (1998)- an actor who received an award from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate - Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Kadysheva Nadezhda Nikitichna (1999)- Performer of folk songs.
  • Druzhinina Svetlana Sergeevna (2001)- Actress, director of the popular "Midshipmen, forward!". Her role as the beautiful Anfisa from the ilm "Girls" became calling card movie.
  • Zakharova Alexandra Markovna (2001)- The criticism that constantly rained down on her from the lips of the director's father did not break her and allowed her to achieve high recognition.
  • Pevtsov Dmitry Vladimirovich (2001)- an actor of theater and cinema, actively participating in musicals, has excellent vocals.
  • Tsiskaridze Nikolai Maksimovich (2001)former soloist ballet Bolshoi Theater. Today is a teacher.
  • Liepa Ilse Marisovna (2002)former prima ballerina Bolshoi Theatre, the successor of the famous ballet family. Now Ilse is actively trying herself as a dramatic actress.
  • Shakhnazarov Karen Georgievich (2002)- director, CEO Association "Mosfilm".
  • Bezrukov Sergey Vitalievich (2008)- perhaps the most recognizable and popular Russian actor.
  • Netrebko Anna Yurievna (2008)- Russian soprano. Currently lives in Austria.

Honored Artists of Russia

No less popular are the Honored Artists of Russia, many of which will soon receive the title of "folk":

  • Vdovichenkov Vladimir Vladimirovich
  • Mazaev Sergey Vladimirovich (2010)- Singer, head of his own record company.
  • Epple Zhanna Vladimirovna (2010)- actress of cinema and Moscow drama theater them. Stanislavsky.
  • Drobysh Viktor Yakovlevich (2010)- Composer, music producer.
  • Mikhailov Stanislav Vladimirovich (2010)- Singer, lover of all women.
  • Guseva Ekaterina Konstantinovna (2009)- a singing actress who sang at the North Pole in 2002.
  • Smekhova Alika Veniaminovna (2008)- actress, daughter of the main Athos of the country.
  • Shukshina Maria Vasilievna (2008)- daughter famous actors was simply doomed to a successful acting career.

People's Artists of the USSR

On the theatrical, film and pop stages, many more creators still perform, who also have the title of People's Artists of the USSR:

  • Pugacheva Alla Borisovna (1991)- Just a prima donna.
  • Inna Mikhailovna Churikova (1991)- for her first role as the evil Marfushka in the fairy tale "Frost" she received an award from the then leader of Czechoslovakia.
  • Mark Anatolievich Zakharov (1991)- theater and film director, teacher, professor.
  • Yuri Abramovich Bashmet (1991)- violist, conductor, teacher.
  • Galina Borisovna Volchek (1989)artistic director Theater "Sovremennik", director.
  • Edita Stanislavovna Piekha (1988)- the most refined singer of the Soviet stage. It owes its style and unusual manner of performance to its Franco-Polish roots.
  • Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru (1988)- Singer, national favorite.

Honored Artists of the USSR

Many representatives of the creative environment, having the title of People's Artists of Russia, graduated from the era of the Soviet Union with the title of Honored Artists of the USSR:

  • Serov Alexander Nikolaevich (1991)- Soviet, Russian pop singer.
  • Hvorostovsky Dmitry Alexandrovich (1990)- Russian baritone, after which one of the asteroids is named.
  • Sanaeva Elena Vsevolodovna (1990)- Fox Alice of Soviet cinema.
  • Dogileva Tatyana Anatolyevna (1989)- the most famous blonde of Soviet cinema.
    Buldakov Alexey Ivanovich (1989)- Honored General of Russian cinema.
  • Vinokur Vladimir Natanovich (1984)- master of parody In his real life happy accidents and comical cases beat no less than his stage images.

If the regalia were handed out by the people, then the list, which included 1006 names over 55 years, would be many times larger

At the end of August, another Decree of the President of the Russian Federation was issued on conferring the title of Honored Artist of Russia. In creative and around creative environment and, of course, a heated discussion broke out in social networks: who is worthy, who is not very good, who was not given and why. And in the end, everyone unanimously agreed that “now” the title is not at all the same as “then”.

What did the highest title of people's artist of the country mean for art workers in Soviet times and on what principles it was awarded - about this in the material website.

Stalin's ruled elite

The title "People's Artist of the USSR" replaced the title "People's Artist of the Republic", which had existed since 1919. Joseph Stalin he loved art, as well as the principle of "divide and conquer" and rightly believed that the creation of a select creative elite would help him manage the intelligentsia, from whom you never know what to expect.

It is not known how pleased the first 13 laureates of the title were. So, Konstantin Stanislavsky, one of the leaders of the Moscow Art Theater, in 1936, already seriously ill, put all his strength into ensuring that Artistic theater did not become completely courtier. A, a former tsarist officer, later a student Evgenia Vakhtangov, probably played other roles no worse than the roles Lenin, for which he was awarded a high rank.

How to walk up stairs without railings

It was very difficult to get the highest title in the creative environment until 1991. Soviet Union had a very ramified administrative division, and first it was necessary to become an honored artist of a union or autonomous republic.

Someone had to put in the effort, give impetus to the collection of documents, then it was necessary to go through numerous instances. Moreover, it was impossible to guess where you would stumble on this ladder. Nationality could interfere or help, party membership also did not matter, for example, People's Artists of the USSR Maya Plisetskaya, Yuri Yakovlev and many others were not members of the CPSU.

Barbara Brylska and Yuri Yakovlev in the film The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!, 1975

Popularity and demand were not decisive conditions either, it is enough to name Vladimir Vysotsky who died at 42 without any titles. A brilliant actor who did not sing any "opposition" songs Oleg Dal died at the age of 39. The whole country mourned him and was surprised that Dal, it turns out, was not even “deserved”.

Oleg Dal in the film Vacation in September, 1979

After the well-deserved one, it was necessary to get a "people's" one of the republics, and only then was the title of People's Artist of the USSR awarded. But, as with every rule, there were exceptions.

When age doesn't matter

It was tacitly believed that the title of People's Artist of the Republic can be applied for by the 40th anniversary, and even higher - only by the seventh decade.

But even in the very first list of people's artists of the USSR, there was a 24-year-old Kazakh Opera singerKulyash Baiseitova. A year later, this title was received by her peer from the Uzbek SSR Halima Nasyrova.

In 1973, a 31-year-old singer from Azerbaijan was awarded the honorary title. long years became the "golden voice" of the USSR.

Muslim Magomayev was a truly people's artist. Photo: KP

When Joseph Stalin saw the movie " Taras Shevchenko”, then demanded to immediately assign the title of People’s Artist of the country to the 32-year-old Sergei Bondarchuk, bypassing the entire system.

There was also a completely curious case, which eventually turned into an anecdote. They say that when Brezhnev hinted that it was time to give the title of Honored Artist to the sonorous representative of the peoples Far North Cola Beldy thinking about something Leonid Ilyich declared: “The well-deserved still needs to be earned, let it be like the people for now!”

Representatives of court culture immediately fulfilled the instructions of the Secretary General, and Cola Beldy became a people's artist, bypassing the stage of the honored one.

Years of recognition

Most often, artists have been going to the title of folk for decades, sometimes literally dying along the way. So the popularly beloved died just a few days before receiving this title, and the actress who loved to joke Rina Green died on April 1, 1991, right on the day the relevant decree was signed.

Mark Bernes did not live up to the rank of only a few days. Photo: TASS

Despite the fact that there was an unspoken instruction not to award the title of People's Artists of the USSR to very elderly artists, 18 representatives of the arts received it at the age of 80 or more.

Stanislav Lyudkevich in the 50s.

Not all actors, singers and musicians receive the title of Honored Artist. To become one, you need to go through a long thorny path where troubles, obstacles will come across, there will be people who are not averse to putting talented person spokes in the wheels, even if he is their friend and colleague. But there is no need to give up, you need to work long and hard. And then the reward and recognition will find you.

Who is entitled to the title?

The honorary status is assigned to persons working in the field of cinema, variety art, theater, ballet, workers in the music and circus fields, as well as radio and television workers, and so on. A person applying for the title of "Honored Artist" must work 20 years or more and achieve public recognition.

How is it possible to receive a state award?

In 2010, a special decree issued by the President of the Russian Federation was issued stating that this high title is awarded to an employee only when he has worked in the field of art for more than 20 years. But that's not all. The candidate for the title must have any awards or promotions (diplomas, certificates, grants) issued by federal or state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This means that the future honored artist of the theater, cinema, etc. will receive the title due to him only upon reaching the age of 38, provided that the person has started working in various creative teams from 18 years old.

Of course, just 20 years of work in the cinema or theater to get the status of an honored artist is not enough. It is necessary to make a great contribution to art or its development, for example, to make a film that will become popular, to play successfully in many performances, to achieve fame and recognition of one's name. If the future honored artist meets all of the above requirements, you can safely apply for the title. But before you write an appeal, you need to draw up a petition for an award. This is usually done by the director or head of the institution where the talented employee works, or his team. In other words, in place permanent job person. If, for some reason, the future honored artist does not work anywhere, then the petition is drawn up where he spent vigorous activity in the field of arts.

What is the difference between an honored artist and a folk artist? What title is preferred?

It is more difficult to become a people's artist than a well-deserved one. This does not mean that getting the status of the second is easier than a lung. You have to work hard. To receive the title of "Honored Artist of Russia", you need to work for the benefit of art for at least 20 years. For those who have chosen ballet as their specialty, this period is reduced to 10 years. But to become a people's artist, you need to work another 10 years after receiving the title of honored. For those who do ballet dances, the time is again reduced to 5 years.

Summing up, we can say that to the question of which title is better - honored or people's artist, one can confidently answer that it is better to be second. However, they cannot become until the status of the first is obtained.

Special privileges in the USSR

Of course, this is not the only difference in titles. A people's artist is now entitled to more privileges and awards than a well-deserved one. If the second in the days of the USSR, when traveling on tour, was given a place in a compartment and a shabby hotel room, then the first was given more honors. The car stood out no lower than the sleeping one, and the place where the actor was located was chic. In addition, folk artists received and receive a good salary increase, vouchers to a sanatorium, and earlier, when going to a performance and leaving it, an art worker was given a car that drove and brought him back and forth. Now this privilege, unfortunately, has been canceled.

Honored Artists of Russia

Singer Leonid Agutin got into the honorary lists of recognized artists. He is the son of a musician and teacher, followed in the footsteps of his father and at the age of six he studied at music school. Then he graduated from the Moscow jazz school, served in the army, and then seriously took up the career of a singer and musician. His award found an addressee in 2008.

The singer Tatyana Bulanova also has this status. Although her relatives are not at all connected with music, like Leonid Agutin (Tatyana's father graduated from the Naval Academy, and her mother was a photographer), the girl showed a love for music from childhood. And although the singer still decided to show off her talent on stage. The beginning of her career, or debut, took place in 1990, and after 14 years she received the title of "Honored Artist".

Mark of distinction

The awarded person will receive not only a certificate, but also a special Chest sign. It is made of silver and has a very beautiful and unusual shape. The award looks like an oval wreath, which is obtained with the help of two crossed tree branches - oak and laurel. At the bottom of the award there is a beautiful bow, and at the top - the state emblem. In the center, right on the wreath, there is an inscription that reads: "Honored Artist". There is a pin on the back of the badge so that it can be attached to a jacket. Traditionally, this is done on the right side of the chest.

Summing up

This award, which was carefully considered in the article, is difficult to obtain, but possible. It should only be remembered that not a single achievement will be obtained if one does not make titanic efforts and does not devote oneself to achieving the cherished goal. It's not for nothing that they say that dreams do come true. Just enough strong desire. And then the title will not be just a title.
