Aquarius zodiac sign full description. Aquarius zodiac sign: horoscope, meaning and description

General characteristics of the horoscope character of the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Genius sign. They idolize justice, have broad interests, never annoy anyone. Their ideas are original, they have a sharp mind. Born under this sign: Galileo, Edison, Burns, Byron, Mozart, Schubert, Lincoln, Maugham, J. Verne, Roosevelt, Edgar Poe, Charles Dickens, R. Reagan, B. Yeltsin.

Temperament and character

There are weak and strong Aquarians. In general, this is a combination of an angel and a devil. They hate the theatrics, they don't want to make an impact, they don't want to be impressive, but they don't mind shocking. They want to do something nice, but mostly for themselves. Alien to conventions in relation to themselves, but old-fashioned in family affairs. Don't want to be like anyone, don't want to be loved by everyone, want to be free from gravity material world but strive for power, position, prestige. Curious, they are attracted by everything new, until they get bored, until they comprehend the whole truth. They rarely throw themselves into anything. They are contemplators of life, but they can also be generous in soul. There can be something subtle, gentle, smooth in Aquarius. They vacillate between instinct and reason. They can be almost strangers to their own emotions. Many are religious, mystical, understand nature, vegetarian, full of good intentions towards everyone, they do not know hatred. They are polite, simple, some trusting, sometimes too much. They are impenetrable, a little naive, they lack a sense of remorse, guilt, others, on the contrary, restrain their sensitivity, seclude themselves on every mistake, focus their intuition on the future, achieve the highest goals. They want to be not only equal, but also superior, oppose if they are told what to do or hold back, they can become jealous, unfriendly, insensitive, imprudent, putting forward the slogan: “Do as I say, not as I do ". The taste for clothes is diverse, contradictory. Women prefer originality to everything. Some can create a seductive effect in the absence of jewelry and jewelry by subtle selection of colors. Some bring originality to extravagance and eccentricity, looking for something rare, unique, up to shocking and even scandalous, there are also trendy ones.

Sign element

Your element is Air! Wits, cheerful, lively character, talkativeness, sociability. You are a kind of family "translator", an interpreter, you do not like to succumb to emotions. Prefer cold. You are overwhelmed by plans. Several of them are always in your head. Feature - logical, reasonable arguments, explanations. That is why air signs are associated with thinking, imagination. You live in a world of ideas, thoughts. You like to operate with logical arguments, you have a clear, precise thinking. According to your element, you should choose friends and lovers from air and fire. Air is compatible with water if it is not afraid of the wind, and with the earth if it is not against the wind. Your strengths: common sense, objectivity, a sense of collectivism, adaptability, willingness to help; good interlocutor, impartiality, prudence, love of freedom. Your disadvantages: stubbornness, self-confidence, duplicity, talkativeness and love to gossip, coldness and calculation, self-will, licentiousness. If you are Libra, you are a pronounced air: cold, calm, focused, your main force- belief. If you are Aquarius, then you are still air, you are under pressure. You are distinguished by the boiling of thoughts, overcome by plans. You are dying to give freedom, freedom to an unsuspecting world. If you are Gemini, then you are changeable air - sometimes warm, sometimes cold, and sometimes both at once. On your way, you act with intelligence and charm, and in the same way, if necessary, evade. Favorable conditions: you need to live in open, windy places, where there is a lot of fresh air, in extreme cases, air conditioning. When working indoors, choose a table by the window. Stay outside if possible. Your invisible spirit, which protects you and protects you, is a sylph, he prefers places where there is a lot of air - gardens, fields.


Aquarius does not have a specific appearance, the following characteristic cannot be attributed to him absolutely. The face is an elongated triangle, pointed towards the bottom, a prominent forehead, large quick eyes, often beautiful, with a lively interested expression, transparent skin, often problematic: with a rash, acne. Fine facial features. Ideally - the face of an angel with a mobile young expression, a soft voice, clear speech, a slender, fragile, graceful body, a frank, persistent handshake. The general impression of lightness and grace. Aquarius is a difficult patient, he quickly gets bored with treatment, and after a day or two they refuse it. They expect amazing success and are prone to radical means, constantly moving from fasting to overeating, from rest to vigorous activity. Their illnesses are unexpected and cruel, often aggravated by insomnia. Weak spots- calves, ankles, easy to break and stretch. Blood circulation may be disturbed. They often become sick in the heat, hyperacidity, sclerosis, digestive tract problems, serious infections. Primitive measures: vitamins, fresh air, not too sedentary lifestyle. Frequent blood tests force them to do what is good for them. Useful games in the air, walks with friends to change the situation.


No early career passion or ambition. They bring a human touch to everything they do. The profession may take significant place in life. They can be highly conscious, disciplined, responsible. They keep their word, do what is required of them. They have an excellent sense of collectivism and are good at social work. They are not envious and inconsiderate, always ready to accept the point of view of another, good disposition and excellent relationships with superiors. They are often offered promotions. They know how to give orders, how to explain what to do, no one is better than them to guide a newbie in the course of work. They find a way to implement their own ideas, although the quality sometimes suffers because of the quantity. best field applications - the field of art, everything related to cinema, radio, television, pedagogy, education, invention, work as stewardesses, spiritual guidance, sociology, psychology, community service, law, aeronautics, engineering. They are rarely interested in money. Some neglect money foolishly. Most of the famous Aquarians died in deep poverty. Making money is not one of the goals, they rarely want luxury, they prefer simplicity, moderation, which keeps them from "obesity" - physical, mental and moral. These are the worst owners, they hate checking accounts. They would rather spend than save. But there are other Aquarians ruled by Uranus, leading a persistent, strange life, sometimes martyred, which may seem romantic, full of amazing events, unexpected upheavals, good luck and bad luck. They may be happier when they are poor than when they are rich.

Psychosexual horoscope

Aquarius excites everything new, so they are looking for new interesting people, new partners. They are stimulated by variety in sex. But for them, this is not sexual immorality, but an Aquarian life. In the sign of Aquarius is enclosed internal conflict, because he is a constant sign, he wants to strengthen his status quo, on the other hand, he yearns for change. Therefore, they often come into conflict in various relationships. They hesitate about getting married, and don't get married as much as possible. Their craving for humanity as a whole is very great, but they still choose one as their spouse and for life. Of all the signs of the zodiac, Aquarius is the first to try to free themselves from social and parental guidance, they enjoy resistance and rebellion.

Non-sexual maneuvers

In general, Aquarius is not adept at non-sexual maneuvers. They are usually very sincere in their desires and goals, and often fall victim to injustice. They are easy to take over. IN personal affairs they talk about their intentions openly, and too often sincerity fails them. Aquarius usually happy people and are often rewarded for their originality, despite the fact that other people often get the better of them.

How to Satisfy an Aquarius

Never disrespect the mind and personality of Aquarius, do not let him think that he is a mere tool for your pleasure. He won't tolerate it. Do not offer Aquarius to spend one night with you - they will refuse, they need to get to know their partner. Remember: Aquarius rules the House of Friendship and believes that the result of sexual intercourse is the acquisition of a new friend. Since they are curious, most of them want to have contact with everyone, to know personally all forms of sexual experience, and many Aquarius at least once, but everyone will try. People who have entered into a relationship with Aquarians should remember that they consider themselves different from others. The way it is. He does not fit into the allotted framework, he rises faster than people of other signs, long-term sexual relations with him are not possible, because. after a month of intimate relationships, Aquarius's mistress will become his best friend and then a loved one. Aquarius will rarely leave the same friend to sit at home, when he goes in search of a new lover, they go together.

Positive character traits

Aquarius is a kind, gentle sign, ready to help. They are especially pleased when they are asked for advice and they are one of the best advisers. They are modest and rarely try to gain an advantage over their comrades. In love, they are very faithful and spiritually devoted, but always a little reserved and do not like to show their emotions. Uranus is a powerful friend of Aquarius and often influences the choice of his profession, in general Aquarius is a positive sign, 80% famous people born under this sign. Because Aquarius rules the House of Friendship - he is a master of personal relationships, his devotion knows no bounds.

Negative character traits

The main threat to the success of Aquarius is his habit of wasting his abilities on attempts to occupy a prominent position in society, they talk a lot about the future, but their ideas do not always become a reality. Because of their desire to do whatever they want, regardless of the consequences or other people's opinions, people will judge them by their outward appearance and fail to see their sincerity and other virtues. A wise Aquarius will do well if he understands that he will more likely achieve his goals, if he acts within a conditional framework, even if this is a temporary compromise, there is a danger for him to become superficial, he requires an extraordinary combination of virtues from people, especially in the intellectual field, but if he does not find this, then he can reduce his demands and be "together with everyone." They shouldn't have done this: it would have been better for them to move on and look for new, smarter friends.

Economy of love

I'm afraid Aquarius is the biggest loser in the love economy. In fact, the average Aquarius tends to shy away from all matters relating to the economy. They are too busy with human values, the secrets of human existence, the world of the soul and mind, to even notice that most people are on their knees before the golden calf. Because Aquarius knows how to adapt to people below him. In order to achieve a sense of belonging, they are often content with what they currently have at hand, instead of being more selective. In other words, they rarely compete for economic power to buy love and sex. The naive Aquarius allows his nobility to go to such an extreme that he ends up without any means of subsistence. But not all people of this sign are such carefree philanthropists, Aquarius is a permanent sign and is determined to achieve his goals. Few of the people of this sign can not come to the rescue when they are called and therefore they are considered simpletons, but despite this, they will always have the wealth of soul and mind.

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 29.5, they need to look for the most suitable partners among Gemini and Libra. All three - air signs, their relationship is fragile and changeable. Gemini offers intellectual stimulation, fun camaraderie, while Libra offers balance and harmony. After 29.5 years, they are more interested in practical earthly life and then they are often compatible with the signs of Virgo and Aries. Virgo's sharp mind and ability to work tirelessly can help Aquarius enter the realm of practicality. Aries offers Aquarius flaming ambition and serves as a good example of his "I" for him. After 41.5 years, Aquarius acquires a positive direction in his personal life and work, and he is ready to enter into high society. At this time, he is very compatible with his opposite sign - Leo, who has also already begun to go in this direction. If previous connections between Aquarius and Leo were unsuccessful, our grown-up Aquarians can try again, because. by this time they have become more diplomatic and know what can and cannot be expected from the Lions.

Loyalty score

Aquarius is very faithful in all areas of human relationships. This is a constant sign, and these people feel best when they see familiar faces and places around them. In his youth, Aquarius is a devoted and trusting friend, he usually brings his friendship to old age. What about matrimony? Well, first try to get him to marry at all. But when he finally marries, he is faithful to the end, in his own way, maybe not always romantic, but always consistent, calm and a little reserved.

Erotic horoscope


There are always many guests in her house, who are attracted by the intelligence, charm, and sociability of the hostess. However, this does not mean that she is also diverse in intimate relationships. Being a good wife, skillfully leading the house, she transfers her love for regularity and order to the bedroom. Seduced by her external charm, a man seeks her in search of new sensations. But after intimacy, only the flickering of candles and freshly ironed sheets remain in her memory. She is not familiar with violent erotica, and she doesn’t need it, because she sees the joy of life in cheerful company, interesting communication. And although her desire to please makes her husband jealous, he can be calm - she will remain faithful to him. Aquarius is an excellent partner for a man with a weak temperament, who is looking not so much for sex as for calmness and attention.


For a temperamental woman, this is most likely "not a gift." His sexual sphere is small and is located somewhere in the back of his soul. Erotic claims are minimal, and he completely manages with rare connections in which he is attracted not so much by physical pleasure as by the very fact of possession beautiful woman. Her temperament and experience are completely indifferent to him. In many ways, his sexual behavior is determined by conversations with friends, books. During intimacy, he calmly and willingly submits to a woman, because he is simply not ready for another role. In marriage, he does not allow betrayal, because his head is full of work and family affairs. Despite this, you cannot call his wife happy, since he gives her very little sensual pleasure. However, for women with a sluggish temperament, he is quite suitable, because in the rest of his life he is an interesting and gifted person, a faithful comrade and assistant. Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius are ideal for you. To a greater or lesser extent, Aries, Cancer, Virgo suit you. Contraindicated, Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Capricorn are definitely not suitable for you.

Support in life

As a rule, money means little to Aquarius women. For most of them, happiness is a spiritual life, not its material side. In a husband, lofty ideals are valued. Their motto is "not by bread alone". They inspire husbands to be creative in order to achieve high position. Aquarius women - ideal partners men employed in public work and public service. Their virtue is the absence of suspicion and jealousy. They never test their husbands.

life companions

According to the proverb “To love is to rule the world”, falling in love, we are looking for our idealized image. In astrology, the most important role in love is played by Venus - in the horoscope of women, and Mars - in men. The sun in the female horoscope indicates a man who is preferred, in male horoscope the moon plays a similar role. The position of Saturn in relation to the Moon is associated with divorces. AQUARIUS is usually an idealist and is more interested in high matters than romance. In love, he is faithful and constant, as a rule, monogamous. It's nice to be in company with him. Friends has a different level and position in society. Satellites are chosen carefully, the demands are high. Loves strong in spirit of people. Aquarius is usually multilaterally developed, leads an interesting and multifaceted life. For him, love is never the only outlet. Easily compromises without being jealous. He needs life partners who have similar interests, who are able to appreciate and trust. Gets along well with Pisces, Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius Dislikes Taurus for lack of imagination, Scorpio - for jealousy, Leo - for too much demands in love.

love horoscope

Emotionally, Aquarius is difficult to reveal, his sensuality merges with his own imagination. They like to dream about the unusual, especially in their youth, they surround the object of love with a mystical halo, rarely corresponding to reality. In other words, they often idealize the chosen one, then become disappointed and refuse love in the name of friendship. Some dwell on "relative" happiness, in which the former sentimental traits play a subordinate role. Others hide their inner vulnerability under a layer of ice mixed with brilliant cruelty, some may even become cynical, aloof, deliberately obnoxious, disgusting, but this is rarely the case. The thirst for prestige is a trap for Aquarius. The idea that life, especially love, can easily hurt them is an illusion. Passion may pass through them, but it will not destroy the heart. They invariably return to the purity of their source (Aquarius) - friendship and chosen affections. They rarely have hatred, even less than Gemini and Libra. Relationships are unbearable for them when they are a “bird in a cage”. Aquarians rarely wear wedding rings. If they are enslaved by the relationship, they only think about the release that they are silently preparing. Aquarians have the highest divorce rate. They are more willing to give themselves to a company than to one person. They can give more to strangers than to their own family members. Women can be intractable in matters of love, do not pay attention to public opinion, religion, nationality, like men, they want freedom. They are extremely feminine, sensual. If a man disappoints them, then their ardor decreases and may disappear altogether, but if he tries to restore a good opinion of himself, a woman will do everything possible to help him until she puts him on a pedestal. Lesson for Aquarius: Don't sacrifice love for friendship. For marriage, friendship and cooperation, Aquarius needs to look for Libra, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini. Avoid Taurus and Scorpio.

Horoscope for parents

Aquarius children inherit wide circle the interests of the parents. The latter enjoy trust among children, easily convince them that they are right. Aquarius in the family has complete mutual understanding and friendly relations. Sometimes they don't give enough time and attention to the family.

Children's horoscope

Aquarius children are like other children born under an air sign, that is, Gemini and Libra. So, everything that is written about Gemini, for the most part applies to Aquarius. They have the same active mind, in need of constant intellectual food. Solving a problem or exploring a problem, these children, in addition to the beaten track, want to try all possible, including their own, original methods to achieve the goal. Aquarians easily and imperceptibly assimilate any knowledge, facts, information. It seems that knowledge itself is born in them and they are not able to explain it. Unlike Gemini, Aquarians are quite persistent in achieving their goal. If Aquarius is interested in something, he will bring the matter to the end and leave it if interest is gone. Problems with studies in Aquarius are rare. True, they have a curious feature: they can learn lessons and generally acquire new knowledge only in complete solitude. Therefore, it is desirable that your child has in the house, if not a room, then at least a fairly secluded corner. Sometimes it seems that the child has a bad memory. This is not so, your child perfectly remembers what he is interested in. If something is not interesting to him, he will show amazing forgetfulness. These kids are capable of the arts. They are suitable for a broad liberal arts education. But they are also capable of exact sciences. Most people born under this sign have a literary or scientific talent, therefore, with appropriate training and knowledge, they make good journalists and scientists. In general, they can manifest themselves in any creative activity. The Aquarius child is extremely shy and timid. It's hard to believe, but it's true: a sociable adult can grow out of him, who will often be the soul of the company. Unfortunately, these children are most often indifferent to sports. Parents should make an effort to ensure that their child still spends enough time doing physical activity in the fresh air. Mountain air is especially useful. If the child will spend all his free time reading books or just daydreaming, this will affect his health badly, and he may grow up frail and weak. Traditional fairy tales leave him indifferent. He is generally indifferent to tradition. Miracles attract his attention, especially if it takes place on other planets. His favorite reading is science fiction literature. The overall viability of the child is very moderate. He has a tendency to the following diseases: anemia, anemia, poisoning, ankle troubles, varicose veins and, of course, nervous diseases, like all air signs. Parents should ensure that their child's diet contains enough iron and vitamins. Quarrels and conflicts in the family between adults have an extremely harmful effect on the child. The neighborhood of mentally unbalanced or nervous people is harmful. It may seem that the child does not take an emotional part if adults quarrel next to him, but in fact this has a destructive effect on him. nervous system. Parents should also make sure that the child does not get into the company of unbalanced peers who have a bad effect on his state of mind. Mental overwork can lead to nervous tension, cause headaches, indigestion, and insomnia. The best remedy for this is a calm environment and physical exercise outdoors, away from the noisy city. During school and adolescence, your child may sometimes cause you concern with their unusual and even extravagant behavior. He may suddenly start dressing strangely, behaving strangely. Do not take this desire of his to heart. In adolescence and especially adolescence, Aquarians love to shock others. Do not feed them with bread, but let someone surprise or outrage. If the effect is achieved, Aquarius is satisfied, although in fact there was no serious platform behind his behavior. Sometimes his behavior is tactless. Tell him about it. Aquarians listen to the opinion of the one they like, and for the sake of peace and tranquility, they are ready to make concessions. Aquarians usually do not have problems with friends. Peers are drawn to them because it is interesting with them. Aquarians themselves are sometimes characterized by extreme ethical assessments. It would be nice to enlighten Aquarius that people are not only divided into good and bad, they are much more complicated.

Influence: Saturn.

Plant: violet, myrtle, narcissus.

Metal: tin.

Mascot: key, icon.

Happy Days: Wednesday Saturday.

lucky numbers: 2, 4 (all numbers divisible by 4), 9, 11, 13.

born from January 21 to February 1- humble people who carefully hide their feelings from others. In love, they are sophisticated and romantic. Important age: 12, 22, 32, 42, 52. Born from 2 to 12 February- natures with a sense of humor, conceited. They rarely show their emotions, considering it a sign of bad taste. Important age: 10, 20, 42, 50, 60. Born from 12 to 20 February- people who are easily disappointed in life, as their truthful nature is often at odds with harsh reality. They try to stay true to their principles no matter what. They have pleasant manners. Important ages: 16, 24, 32, 40, 42, 48, 56.

General description of the character of people of the zodiac sign Aquarius

People of this sign are guided in their personal lives and careers by true Values. Outward appearances are of little interest to them. They have the gift to judge everything impartially and objectively, without hesitating between opposing points of view. It's hard to convince them when own opinion already formed on the basis of careful analysis. The zodiac sign Aquarius is characterized by a craving for solitude, they strive with all their might to preserve the individuality that comes first for them. Aquarians are often prone to utopian projects and ideas, but they are always respected by others for honesty and objectivity.

It should be noted that not the last quality in describing the Aquarius zodiac sign is their inconsistency. On the one hand, they are not attached to things and material values, but on the other hand, they strive for power and high social status. They give themselves great inner and outer freedom and often become tyrants towards their loved ones. Aquarians are individualists, the opinions of those around them are indifferent. They know how to achieve their goal, and slowly but steadily move towards it, planning their next steps. Such tactics often produce brilliant results and arouse the jealousy of other people who have not achieved such significant success in life.

Astrological knowledge can help a person find himself in this world, understand his destiny and see his Path.

Description of the tendencies of those born under the constellation Aquarius

By temperament, the zodiac sign Aquarius is a contemplative. He is attracted by everything new and unknown, but they do not rush headlong into various adventures or enterprises of a dubious nature. He watches the object or person he likes from the side, like a true philosopher. Aquarians often vacillate between instinct and reason. They do not give in to the first impulses, but, unlike other signs of the zodiac, they will never carefully weigh the pros and cons, they will listen to themselves, to their inner voice, which will tell them what to do in this or that situation.

Many Aquarius are restrained, polite, have impeccable manners. In the description of the Aquarius zodiac sign, there is gullibility, such people are easily deceived and betrayed. Aquarians have a hard time experiencing betrayal and failure, but they do not dwell on them for a long time, but focus on the future, using a well-developed intuition. Sometimes Aquarians are victims of their own delusions and utopian projects, but this does not affect their character. As a result of worldly failures, they do not become embittered and do not wish anyone bad. In any situation, they are looking for an opportunity to resolve the brewing conflict through diplomacy. They are picky in choosing friends, but some detachment from life sometimes fails them, and Aquarians fall into the network of dubious acquaintances.

Born Under the Sign of Aquarius: Galileo Galilei, Thomas Alva Edison, Robert Burns, George Gordon Byron, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Schubert, Abraham Lincoln, William Somerset Maugham, Jules Verne, Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Dickens.

What zodiac sign can be called the most unpredictable, appreciating freedom and independence? Of course, these qualities are inherent in Aquarius! Today we will talk about the features of the representatives of this sign, consider their advantages and disadvantages!

a brief description of

The Aquarius zodiac sign is highly intuitive. It is the sixth sense that helps him make decisions and find a way out of difficult life situations. By the way, for many people born between January 21 and February 18, life is just an experiment. It is Aquarians who attract attention with their non-standard approach to the events taking place in their lives, their amazing ability to think abstractly.

By the way, surprisingly, it has absolutely nothing to do with the water element! Aquarius is an air sign. Any business that a representative of this constellation undertakes will certainly receive a logical conclusion: Aquarians show all their talents, perseverance and ingenuity. People of this sign are prone to dreams and fantasies. Often, not finding a worthy place for themselves in society, they are completely immersed in inner world. The same thing happens if reality seems too gray and gloomy to them.

The representative of the zodiac sign Aquarius is a very open person: he has many friends. In addition, he always respects the opinions of others. However, it is almost impossible to convince him of something. Like other representatives of the air element, Aquarius is a creative person who cannot bear strict restrictions. By the way, this concerns not only their career, but also their personal lives!

Little nihilist: characteristics of the Aquarius child

January and February (zodiac sign Aquarius) is the time of the birth of children who differ from representatives of other signs in their views on life, beliefs and philosophy. These children are always drawn to the unknown and unusual. To satisfy this need, little Aquarians are able to break any prohibitions. Astrologers warn parents that a young representative of this sign will not stop halfway to a new one, and therefore it is important to understand it and not prohibit what can be resolved, because unnecessary conflicts have not yet made a single child happy.

In general, the small representative of the Aquarius zodiac sign is an independent creation. It is extremely difficult to argue with him, because he is categorical and quick-tempered. And he is alien to generally accepted moral and spiritual values. It is worth saying that often this child is more reasonable than adults, so it is important for him to be accepted as an equal. By the way, Aquarius children are friends with those who are older than them: adult guys win the hearts of representatives of the air element with a lot of knowledge and the ability to explain. By the way, Aquarians overtake their peers, so older friends are quite interested in him.

Children born under this constellation are energetic, inventive. They are extremely unpredictable: they can be seen doing unusual activities, in different companies. It is with these children that the most incredible (including accidents) cases occur!

According to the horoscope of the Aquarius zodiac sign, from the very young years its representatives are distinguished by strong intuition. Very often, the Aquarius child cannot even explain how exactly he came to any conclusion - his impulses are almost lightning fast. Another one characteristic- love of reading. He prefers books to everything: toys and conversations, cartoons and computer games.


Usually Aquarians suffer from depressive conditions, increased anxiety, nervousness. Impressions and sensations never find discharge in their organism, but, on the contrary, accumulate. That is why astrologers advise such people to learn to relax, relieve stress. Maintaining the health of Aquarius is not difficult - you need to be in the fresh air more often, to be at rest. This air sign cannot stand cold and noise. Being alone will help him avoid a breakdown.

In general, all Air signs are united by the inability to observe a diet: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra can eat everything indiscriminately. The stars are advised to pay attention to foods that improve hematopoietic function, include cereals and fish in the diet, and reduce the amount of animal food. It is equally important to take care of your eyesight - eye diseases that appear once become chronic very quickly! Slopes of Aquarius to varicose veins.

Study: a combination of intelligence and excellent memory

By nature, representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign are endowed with a clear mind and an amazing memory. And because training is given to them much easier than many of their peers. If some school discipline captured them, do not hesitate - they will devote all their free time to it! Please note: in order for Aquarius to learn new information, he may need time and silence!

Literary talents are often found among people of this sign. Astrologers advise Aquarius to receive a humanitarian education, although, they say, there will be no particular problems with the exact sciences. By the way, the standard amount of knowledge of these people does not suit them - they prefer to study all their lives, often enter graduate school and master's programs, receive a second higher education. It is worth noting that studying for them is a way to express themselves, show all their talents and abilities.

Progress and work on the conscience: what kind of work to choose Aquarius?

The characteristic of the zodiac sign Aquarius makes it clear that these people are unlikely to work under duress, which means that they should choose a profession at the behest of their hearts. By the way, some representatives of this air sign cannot make the final choice of profession until old age! The thing is that they evaluate the work according to several criteria: freedom, respect for the individual, progress, new ideas are important to them.

Success in professional activity Aquarians can achieve when they are given complete freedom of action. These people can most fully reveal their talents in such areas as light industry, physics, aviation, biology, surgery, and television. Wherever Aquarius is, he will always strive to find something new, to experiment. It is this sign that always promotes some projects, develops religious teachings. It is important to understand that they never become utopians.

Women and men born under the Aquarius zodiac sign become excellent translators, teachers, and educators. They can also engage in gardening, cooking. People of this sign achieve success in programming, jurisprudence.

Characteristics of the Aquarius man

The man of the zodiac sign Aquarius is a person who can be called a loner. And this despite the fact that he is extremely charming and always ready to sacrifice his interests for the sake of his family and friends. People of this sign are incredibly fair, loyal and restrained. They cannot be called generous, but they are always ready to provide financial assistance. At the same time, Aquarians are very poor, because money is not the goal of his life.

Such men have a negative attitude towards marriage. He will offer his hand and heart only to the lady with whom he can make friends! And he will do it unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment for this. An Aquarius woman should share his interests, be philosophical about poverty and wealth. In addition, her ability to support any topic for conversation is also important. The life partner of this man will never be bored: life with Aquarius is full of impressions and emotions. By the way, you should not demand from him Great love- the fact is that the representative of this sign loves all of humanity. Such a man will not be jealous either, nor will he be able to understand the possessive claims of a woman.

Astrologers note that it is simply impossible to keep a representative of the air element in the family grip. Even after marriage, he does as he sees fit. It is useless to shed tears and throw tantrums - they only irritate him. Attempts to incite his jealousy will also not give any result. How to win the heart of an Aquarius man? The stars reveal the secret: you must accept it the way nature created it! Astrologers note that the representative of this sign is a romantic. His first love always occupies a special place in his life.

It is with the first woman that he will compare all subsequent ones. It is worth saying that the feelings of Aquarius directly depend on his mental and physical condition. He can go underground if he is in a bad mood. Therefore, it is important to be patient and know that he will definitely return! For their children, Aquarius is an indisputable authority! They can always trust him. In addition, it is this parent who always shows a genuine interest in the life of his children.

Characteristics of the Aquarius woman

What can be said about the young lady-Aquarius? She is witty and graceful. Even if her appearance is not particularly attractive, she definitely has no equal in charm. The main unusualness of this woman is manifested in her manner of dressing: she can wear both a dress from her grandmother's chest and trendy clothes. Yes, and the choice of hairstyles, she is extremely responsible.

The woman of the zodiac sign Aquarius is constantly changing, it is simply impossible to get bored with her. Passionate nature combined in it with timidity, modesty and an incredible mind. She can act as she pleases, say what she pleases. It is impossible to squeeze it into the framework of conventions! Among the advantages of the representatives of this sign, it is worth noting the useful ability to adapt to any conditions. In addition, they are the owners of excellent intuition: they often foresee some events. Perceiving a woman of the zodiac sign Aquarius is not adequately given to everyone. To do this, you need to live the way she lives - in tomorrow.

The working capacity of Aquarius deserves special attention - they always work at full strength, they are not lazy. At the same time, even in seemingly insignificant cases, these persons show all their grace. The only thing that women born under this sign do not like is strict discipline.

The young lady-Aquarius is distinguished by independence, but it cannot be said that her every action is subject exclusively to common sense. The fact is that this woman always sets a goal for herself, and then goes to it. That is why people can perceive the decisiveness of Aquarius for insolence. But we must not forget that this person is endowed with another unique skill - she can carry on a conversation at various levels with the most different people. In addition, she does not impose her opinion, and also will not tolerate this from others! It is this woman who is able to see a personality in every person and treat her with respect. But the one who tries to suppress Aquarius will forever remain on her ignore list!

Marriage rarely makes this woman happy. The reason is fear, unwillingness to dissolve in one person. After all, this inevitably leads to the loss of freedom! Aquarius can marry only the person he knows well. But even in this case, life next to her will not be easy - this woman will never be able to belong to the whole family. It is important to note that she is incredibly faithful to her chosen one! A man who decides to connect his life with a representative of this air sign of the zodiac should know that she will always be surrounded by friends, often she will leave her family in order to help those who are dear to her heart. The young lady-Aquarius deeply delves into the problems of people close to her, tries to analyze and helps not only with advice, but also with deed! We will talk about the compatibility of the Aquarius zodiac sign with other signs a little later.

Jealousy, according to this lady, is a prejudice. She also rejects snobbery. She loves a man not for a successful career or the ability to earn money, intelligence, the ability to become a friend are important to her. Aquarius will not check the phone of his chosen one or suspect him of treason. However, she will never forgive infidelity! Relationships must be honest.

Advantages of the sign

The positive features of Aquarius include their softness and kindness. In addition, they are always ready to help. You can always turn to them for advice, while they do not show their superiority. Another plus can be called fidelity in love. Unfortunately, representatives of this sign are overly restrained, and therefore they rarely show emotions.


The disadvantages of Aquarians include the fact that they talk too much and often about plans for the future, while doing nothing to implement them. They are also subject to self-destruction. Often, due to their extraordinary intelligence, people of this sign are left alone.

Aquarius zodiac sign love compatibility

We propose to consider what kind of relationship Aquarius has with representatives of other signs. For example, a couple consisting of two Aquarius is an extremely rare phenomenon. Such an alliance is concluded solely on the basis of equality and friendship.

Aquarians get along with Aries, though for this both the first and second sides need to show respect for each other, engage in joint creativity. No matter how contradictory the characters of Aquarius and Leo may seem, this union also has the right to exist. Ideal relationship develop with representatives of the air element and with Libra - they not only understand each other, but also perfectly complement.

Speaking about the compatibility of the Aquarius zodiac sign (both men and women), one cannot but mention their relationship with Sagittarius. This couple begins with a strong friendship and sympathy, which only grows stronger over the years. Marriage with Gemini is also possible, however, these relationships do not always go smoothly. Between the signs of the zodiac Aquarius and Capricorn, spiritual intimacy can arise. However, most of the time it's just an illusion. The heroes of our article today also have a difficult relationship with Taurus - conflicts, alienation and restrictions await them.

Astrologers do not recommend tying their lives in marriage to the signs of the zodiac Aquarius and Pisces - there will never be understanding between them. Scorpio will also bring only quarrels and conflicts to life. An alliance with Virgo can only last through patience. True, it may end too quickly. Another partner that does not suit Aquarius is Cancer. They are attracted to each other, but immediately repelled!

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac, the fixed sign of the element air. The sun enters Aquarius zodiac sign January 20th. Date (numbers) of the beginning and end of the sign Aquarius 20.01 - 18.02. The main characteristic of the Aquarius zodiac sign is a great love of freedom and independence. Aquarians are obscure to others, they are distinguished from other signs by an inexplicable mystery. The personality of Aquarius is always shrouded in mystery.

Outwardly typical Aquarians are very friendly people and at first glance they may seem quite open. But in reality, Aquarius is usually aloof from others and lives in his own unusual inner world.

Aquarius, like other air signs, loves communication and collective events. But people born under the Aquarius zodiac sign are more often self-sufficient and they do not need feedback to assert themselves and realize themselves. Aquarius doesn't care what others think of him.

It can be said about Aquarius that once, in past lives, he realized his Divine nature and keeps this secret in himself from birth. Just what they write about in books on positive thinking and psychology - about non-attachment to things, people and the fruits of their creativity - all this is inherent in a typical Aquarius. Although for the people around, Aquarius looks very strange, and sometimes even cold and indifferent.

It may seem that Aquarians love understatement in relationships, but this is most likely because Aquarius simply cannot convey in words everything that he feels, because the Divine language is untranslatable! But seriously speaking, Aquarians very often have extraordinary hobbies that most people do not share. And to talk about what is not interesting to him, Aquarius will not, it is better to remain silent.

Typical Aquarius do not tolerate boredom and routine. In order for Aquarius to feel happy, his life must be very diverse, filled with new impressions, communication with interesting people. And, of course, not everyone will endure such a lifestyle, so being close to Aquarius is sometimes difficult and restless. You never know what Aquarius will want tomorrow, what original idea will visit his head!

Aquarians are the most change-prone people in the entire zodiac. Moreover, the changes in their lives are abrupt and unexpected. The mind of Aquarius and his intuition are so closely intertwined that his ideas can be compared to insights - sudden and lightning fast. As the thoughts of Aquarius are fast and electrified, so his actions are risky and not quite logically explainable. But Aquarius himself always knows which decision will be right and rarely makes mistakes.

Fully understand and unravel typical representative zodiac sign Aquarius is impossible. Yes, and you shouldn't do it. Aquarians do not like it when someone breaks into their personal space, and even more so into their soul. And Aquarius will never fully reveal itself to anyone, even to the closest and dearest people. And if you want to have good contact and understanding with Aquarius, then do not hold Aquarius too tightly. The best thing you can offer Aquarius is friendship.

Aquarians know how to make friends like no other sign of the zodiac. Here they are faithful and devoted, reliable and will always come to the rescue. But you should not cross the boundaries that Aquarius himself set if you want to save long relationship with him.

Fixed signs in astrology are considered the most permanent and stubborn. Aquarius really knows how to insist on his own, and the constancy of Aquarius is that he will never deviate from his principles. Aquarius always plays by his own rules and his beliefs are the main law for him.

As already written in the article "", that justice is inherent in the three signs of the zodiac - Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. We will not repeat ourselves here, but we recall that the justice of Aquarius is freedom of choice, according to Aquarius, everyone is free to do what they think is right.

A distinctive characteristic of a typical Aquarius is a quick fascination with both new things and people. Often from Aquarius you can hear the phrase "I really want ... !!!". But this madness ends when things start to lose their novelty or if Aquarius gets bored.

Aquarius people are extraordinary in everything, their external image, style of behavior and manner of communication surprise, and sometimes even shock. To others, it may seem as if Aquarius wants to stand out. But in fact, for Aquarius, this is an internal need for bright colors, new experiences, non-standard hobbies. Classics and stereotypes are not for Aquarius.

With low spiritual development Aquarius can turn into an antisocial person. Such an Aquarius does not accept any moral and ethical standards at all. It's a real revolutionary breaking everything possible rules behavior and can give nothing but destruction to the world. Such an Aquarius is always dissatisfied with everything and is ready to rudely ridicule others. The main task of the "low" Aquarius is to attract attention in any way.

Aquarians who stand on a high level spiritual development bring freshness into our lives. These Aquarians are innovators, discoverers and inventors, without whom progress would not have been possible.

Planet ruler of the zodiac sign Aquarius - Uranus

Uranus in astrology is the first planet of human contact with the Divine mind. Uranus is new technologies, electricity, computer, television, cellular communications are amazing things. Now they have firmly entered our lives, we do not think about how they work and how it all works. The ideas and thoughts that Uranus sends are often ahead of time and Aquarius are the conductors between the material world and the Higher Mind.

The intuition that Uranus has endowed Aquarius with acts like lightning and is like a quantum leap. This gives Aquarius original approaches to problem solving. After all, all great discoveries are made contrary to existing laws. Aquarian ideas may seem absurd and paradoxical to people around, but often they are brilliant!

Uranus is the planet of drastic changes, the destruction of outdated structures, this planet does not allow life itself to stagnate. Our life without the influence of Uranus, i.e. without change, it would turn into a real swamp! Therefore, Aquarius so often has a desire to change something in his life.

Characteristics of the career of the zodiac sign Aquarius. Professions most suitable for Aquarius.

Aquarians are very often self-taught. They like to understand new areas of knowledge without outside help, and the more non-standard science, the greater the interest of a typical Aquarius. Therefore, it is not for nothing that Uranus is the patron of the most unusual science - Astrology, and the muse of all astrologers has the name Urania.

The most suitable professions for people of the Aquarius zodiac sign are all areas related to science and technology. Aquarius often choose work in the field of computer technology.

Aquarians are attracted by everything unknown, unusual, so they are interested in taking part in various studies that relate to both occult knowledge and those knowledge that go beyond the material world. For example, discoveries related to space, UFOs, the structure of the Universe, information technology.

Aquarius zodiac sign symbolically rules the 11th house in astrology natal chart. The 11th house is responsible for collective activity, work in groups, for the position of a person in society. And people born under the Aquarius zodiac sign are perfectly able to fit into the team and take into account the interests of the group. But it is desirable that the collective itself consists of equal members. For Aquarius, it is important that he be able to freely implement his ideas, without rigid frameworks and without strict control. And also the work of Aquarius should be interesting and exciting with the prospect of further development.

Characteristics of the financial sphere of the zodiac sign Aquarius. Aquarius attitude towards money.

In material affairs, as in other areas of life, Aquarians have frequent changes. But financial failures do not unsettle Aquarius, but force him to look for new sources of income.

Typical Aquarius can make money on their own in unusual ways. Thanks to their intelligence and extraordinary abilities, people of the Aquarius zodiac sign almost always have a good income.

It can be said about typical Aquarians that they are impractical people. If Aquarius is passionate about something and his hobby requires large financial investments, then without hesitation he will acquire expensive thing, be it a book or some necessary device. Aquarius will not save on his hobbies.

Highly spiritual Aquarius people are not stingy and they understand that the material side of life is not the main thing. They will not regret spending their savings on relatives and friends.

Aquarius, who are at a low level of spiritual development, will spend their finances on things “out of the ordinary”, just to attract attention and look like everyone else.

What you need to learn the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Aquarius should not strive to take a leading position in life, to be the “center”, not to flaunt their achievements. A person of the zodiac sign Aquarius is part of the team and he must work for overall result. You have to be modest, do the job for the sake of the cause itself, and not in order to show off your original mind. Aquarius should remember that it is others who should appreciate his contribution to the common cause and his outstanding abilities.

Article publication date Characteristic Zodiac Sign Aquarius" 19.02.2013

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Curiosity - that's them main feature. There is no such riddle that Aquarians would not try to solve. They have their own opinion about everything, but they also treat the opinions of others with respect.

Aquarius zodiac sign

Aquarius is one of the largest constellations in the sky. The ancient Greeks called it Hydrohos, the Romans - Aquarius, the Arabs - Sakib-al-ma. all these names mean the same thing: “master of the waters”. The constellation Aquarius is associated with the Greek myth of Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha, the only people who escaped the Flood.

  • Aquarius stones: aventurine, amethyst, sapphire, beryl, turquoise, hyacinth.
  • Aquarius Metal: lead.
  • Aquarius Totem: stork.
  • Auspicious numbers for Aquarius: 3, 5, 7.
  • Auspicious day: Saturday.

Qualities of Aquarius

Positive qualities: independence, friendliness, kindness, ability to think outside the box.
Negative qualities: impulsiveness, authoritarianism, inconsistency in actions.

Love and family

Aquarians choose a companion for themselves, with whom it will not be boring, with whom you can talk about something unusual, for example, about space flights, discuss new book or a movie. If, moreover, this person does not constrain the freedom of Aquarius, does not require a report on that. where and with whom he was and what he spent the money on, then Aquarius falls in love completely and irrevocably.

Aquarius compatibility with other signs

  • Harmonious relationship: with Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries.
  • Troubled Relationships: with Capricorn and Pisces.
  • Complicated relationships: with Leo. Scorpio and Taurus.

Parents - Aquarius

  • tend to easily forgive children for petty pranks;
  • V critical situations can be strict
  • often become children's best friends.

Child - Aquarius

  • fidget, it is boring for him to always be obedient;
  • matures early and becomes independent;
  • loves friends, spends a lot of time with them.

Aquarians like it

  • be the center of attention in any company;
  • clothes of the most fashionable trends and styles;
  • spend the weekend with friends.

Aquarius doesn't like

  • when he is forced to observe discipline;
  • classic suits in dark tones;
  • stay alone for a long time.
