Who are you by year of birth. Horoscope signs of the zodiac by years, the eastern calendar of animals

First life - Rooster (baby)
Second life - MONKEY (1-3 years)
Third life - GOAT (from 3 to 7 years)
Fourth life - HORSE (7-12 years old)
Fifth life - BULL (12-17 years old)
Sixth life - RAT (17-24 years old)
Seventh life - BOAR (24 - 31 years old)
Eighth Life - DOG(31-42-)
Ninth Life - SNAKE(42-54)
Tenth life - DRAGON (55-70 years)
Eleventh life - CAT (70 - 85 years old)
Twelfth life - TIGER (death)

Horoscope of compatibility of signs of the zodiac.

Chinese astrologers divide all animal signs into four groups (three in each). It is generally accepted that people born under the signs of the same group have similar characteristics that determine the course of their thoughts, which ultimately allows them to get along well with each other, support each other and get along together. This does not mean at all that they have the same character or actions, just the innate features of their personalities successfully complement each other and contribute to the disclosure best sides other people from the same group. It has been observed that partnerships, friendships and especially marriages between those born under the signs of the same group are most successful.

Competitors- Rat, Monkey and Dragon. All these signs are very gravitate toward rivalry and decisive action. Rats need the self-confidence and courage of the Dragon, because. extremely insecure. In turn, the Dragon is too direct and sometimes he just needs the quick wit of the Rat or even the cunning of the Monkey. The latter highly appreciate the intelligence of the Rat and the enthusiasm of the Dragon.
Intellectuals- Snake, Rooster and Ox. People belonging to these signs are great pragmatists, strong personalities, often endowed with great abilities, self-confident, purposeful and decisive. Among them there are thinkers and seers. The Bull is constant and firm, but it is favorably influenced by the brightness of the Rooster and the charm and dexterity of the Snake. The directness of the Rooster is balanced by the diplomatic Snake or the self-confident Ox, and the Snake, with all its ambition, can reach great heights if it is assisted by the Ox or the Rooster.
Independent- Horse, Dog and Tiger. These people - emotional, impulsive, restless and extremely principled - are a kind of "free spirits" of the Chinese zodiac. The Horse is a born strategist, but in order to translate something into reality, she needs a decisive Dog or an impulsive Tiger. He can also give an outlet to the restlessness of the Horse, while only the Dog is able to calm her down. The Tiger will also benefit from communicating with the Dog - her unfailing good nature will keep him from excessive cruelty.
Diplomats -

The Eastern or Chinese calendar consists of five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) and 12 animals (rat, bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig). Full cycle such a calendar is 60 years. The current cycle began in 1984 - the year of the wooden rat.

Let's see: Why does each year in the Chinese calendar correspond to a certain animal? Why are there twelve of them? And why are they in that order?
There are several legends about this:
Legend one
The first legend about how the Jade Emperor - supreme deity Taoist pantheon, the lord of heaven - chose twelve animals, each of which rules the year once every twelve years.
The Jade Emperor ruled the sky and all that was in heaven And he never descended to the bottom of the earth, so he was interested in appearance all creatures living on earth. Somehow the emperor summoned his chief adviser to him.
- I have already for a long time I rule the heavens, - said the emperor to the adviser, - but I have never seen these strange animals and I do not know what they look like. I would like to know them character traits and properties. I would like to see how they move and hear the sounds they make. How smart are they and how do they help people?

“There are thousands of different creatures on earth,” the adviser answered the emperor, “some of them run, others fly, others crawl. It will take a very long time to collect all the earthly beings. Do you want to see them all?
- No, I can't waste so much time. Select for me the twelve most interesting animals and bring them to me so that I can classify them by color and shape.
The adviser went over in his head all the animals he knew, and decided, to begin with, to call a rat, but asked her to convey the invitation also to her friend the cat. He also sent invitations to the bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, and dog, and ordered them to appear before the emperor tomorrow at 6:00 am.
The rat was very flattered by this invitation, she immediately went to convey the good news to her friend cat. The cat was also very happy, but was alarmed that at 6 in the morning it was too early and he might oversleep. Therefore, he asked the rat to wake him up in time. All night the rat thought about how cute and shiny the cat was and how ugly it would look compared to him in front of the emperor. And I decided that the only way to make sure that all the praise did not go to the cat was not to wake him up in the morning.
At six o'clock in the morning, all the animals except the cat lined up in front of the Jade Emperor, who slowly began to examine them. When he reached the last animal, he turned to the adviser and said:
- All animals are interesting, but why are there only eleven?
The adviser could not answer and immediately sent a servant to earth, ordering him to deliver to heaven the very first animal that he met. The servant went down to the country road and saw a peasant carrying a pig to market.
“Please, stop,” the servant pleaded. - I need your pig. The Jade Emperor wishes to see this creature immediately. Think of the great honor - for your pig will appear before the very ruler of heaven.
The peasant appreciated the words of the servant and gave him his pig. And she was immediately taken to heaven.
Meanwhile, the rat, fearing that it would go unnoticed, jumped onto the back of the bull and began to play the flute. The emperor liked this unusual animal so much that he gave it the first place. The emperor gave the second place to the bull - after all, he was so generous that he allowed the rat to sit on his back. The tiger, for its brave appearance, got third place, and the rabbit, for its delicate white fur, got fourth place. The emperor decided that the dragon looked like a powerful snake with paws, and put it in fifth place. The snake received sixth place for its supple body, the horse seventh place for elegant posture, and the ram eighth place for strong horns. The agile and restless monkey got ninth place, the rooster for beautiful feathers - tenth, and the vigilant guard dog - eleventh. The pig was at the end: it may not have been as interesting as the other animals, but it still went to heaven and therefore was awarded the last place.
When the ceremony came to an end, a cat ran into the palace and began to beg the emperor to evaluate him too, but it was too late: the emperor had already chosen twelve animals. Seeing the rat in the first place, the cat rushed at her with the intention of killing, because she did not wake him up. That is why to this day, the cat and the rat remain the worst enemies.
Legend two
One day the Buddha invited New Year all animals that inhabit the earth. To those who come first to congratulate him and express their respect, he promised to give a whole year each, which will henceforth be called by their names. The mouse was ahead of everyone. A bull followed her, then a tiger, a cat, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a goat, a monkey, a rooster, a dog. The pig came twelfth. Having taken possession of its own year, each animal, as it were, transferred to it the typical features of its character, and the person acquired the properties inherent in the animal in the year of which he was born.
Legend three
Before the Buddha left the Earth, he called all the animals to him to say goodbye to them. But only 12 of them came to this call: the cunning Rat, the diligent Ox, the brave Tiger, the quiet Rabbit, the strong Dragon, the wise Snake, the elegant Horse, the artistic Goat, the quick-witted Monkey, the colorful Rooster and the faithful Dog. The last to run into the sacred meadow was a happy Pig. She was a little late, but she was not at all embarrassed by this circumstance.
When parting with the animals, the enlightened Buddha gave each of them one year of reign as a token of gratitude for coming to say goodbye to him.
  Wise Snake

The eastern zodiac is represented by twelve signs of the zodiac, each of which belongs to a specific animal. According to the most popular legend, only this dozen brave men were able to cross the cold wide river to come to the Buddha. The Buddha called all the animals to him, but they only got there. Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. Each animal received a gift for a year, in accordance with the circulation cycle of Jupiter.

In accordance with lunar calendar, which is taken as a basis in the east, the year does not begin on January 1, but on the first new moon after January 21. Thus, the beginning of the new year according to the Eastern calendar is celebrated in the period from January 21 to February 20. Those who were born during this period need to carefully calculate their year.

The eastern horoscope is 12 signs of the zodiac and 5 elements - Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood. They make up the 60-year cycle of the calendar, which always opens the year of the Rat, the element of wood, and closes the year of the Pig, the element of water. The current 60 year cycle began in 1984 Wood Rat and will end in 2044 Water Pigs.

The combination of animal and element does not determine for a person born in a certain year standard set character trait. The eastern horoscope, unlike the western one, determines the capabilities of a person, while the western one describes his intentions and goals. Thus, the eastern horoscope helps to understand the orientation of the spiritual needs of each, the style of expression and ways of interacting with others and the world as a whole.

Elements of the Chinese horoscope

Each element endows the sign with special qualities, each element has its own color. Fire Release- this is the color red and the qualities of courage and selfishness, invention and curiosity. earth element- this is yellow (brown) color and the qualities of practicality and passivity, as well as reliability and sensuality. Metal Release- this is the white color and the qualities of originality and willpower, kindness, determination and intelligence. Water Release- this is black color and the qualities of intuition and creativity, dynamism and sociability. Wood Release is the green (blue) color and the qualities of individualism, compassion and inertia. The emotions of the elements are defined as follows: fire is joy; the earth is reflections; metal is rage and passion; water is fears; the tree is sorrow.

principles of yin and yang

In addition to the elements, each animal of the eastern zodiac expresses the male principle. Jan or feminine principle yin. The Yang principle personifies the masculine, active principle, the desire for creative development and exploration of new opportunities. The principle of Yin personifies the feminine, passive principle, the ability to accept and preserve, select the most valuable and create a tradition. The Yang years are odd - Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Monkey, Dog. Yin years include even ones - Ox, Rabbit, Snake (yin / yang), Goat (Sheep), Rooster, Pig.

Compatibility of the signs of the eastern zodiac

Between themselves, the signs of the animals of the eastern zodiac form four triplets kindred compatibility. This compatibility from a psychological point of view corresponds to four types of temperament.

1. Rat, Dragon and Monkey are open signs

2. Bull, Snake and Rooster - closed signs

3. Tiger, Horse and Dog - strong-willed signs

4. Rabbit, Goat (Sheep) and Pig (Boar) are creative signs.

The animals of the zodiac belonging to the same trinity interact well with each other at all levels of life - from friendship and love to partnership and career.

Every year Eastern calendar ascribes a special meaning, which has an impact not only on the fate of those who were born during this period, but also on the events taking place at that time. Astrologers have determined that the characters and habits of people often resemble the behavior of animals, so 12 signs were chosen for the Chinese calendar, one of which personifies the mythical creature - the Dragon. The rest are named after existing animals.

IN eastern horoscope All animals are in certain order, the sequence is preserved and repeated every 12 years, so the years of life that are significant for a person are a multiple of twelve: 12, 24, 36, etc.

When an animal that patronizes at birth comes into power, the most important and crucial events occur: people get married, two halves find each other, and someone breaks up.

But you should not focus only on the characteristics of the sign, because the governing elements are also important. There are only five of them:

  • Metal;
  • Water;
  • Tree;
  • Fire;
  • Earth.

This list, like the order in which the power of a certain animal comes, is repeated in a regular sequence. For example, 1990 is ruled by the Horse, like 2002, but in the first case this period is ruled by Metal, and in the second by Water, so the impact on the events will be different.

It should be noted that the order in which the sign is determined depends on lunar phase. The Eastern calendar counts months from the new moon. Therefore, those born at the beginning of the year may refer to the influence of the previous sign. To find out which animal corresponds to a certain year and which element controls it, just refer to the following table.

Sign Validity Control element
Rat 25. 01. 2020 - 11. 02. 2021 Metal
07. 02. 2008 - 25. 01. 2009 Earth
19. 02. 1996 - 06. 02. 1997 Fire
02. 02. 1984 - 19. 02. 1985 Tree
15. 02. 1972 - 02. 02. 1973 Water
28. 01. 1960 - 04. 02. 1961 Metal
Bull 12. 02. 2021 - 30. 01. 2022 Metal
26. 01. 2009 - 13. 02. 2010 Earth
07. 02. 1997 - 27. 01. 1998 Fire
20. 02. 1985 - 08. 02. 1986 Tree
03. 02. 1973 - 22. 01. 1974 Water
15. 02. 1961 - 04. 02. 1962 Metal
Tiger 14. 02. 2010 - 02. 02. 2011 Metal
28. 01. 1998 - 15. 02. 1999 Earth
09. 02. 1986 - 28. 01. 1987 Fire
23. 01. 1974 - 10. 02. 1975 Tree
05. 02. 1962 - 24. 01. 1963 Water
17. 02. 1950 - 05. 02. 1951 Metal
Rabbit (Cat) 03. 02. 2011 - 22. 01. 2012 Metal
16. 02. 1999 - 04. 02. 2000 Earth
29. 01. 1987 - 16. 02. 1988 Fire
11. 02. 1975 - 30. 01. 1976 Tree
25. 01. 1963 - 12. 02. 1964 Water
06. 02. 1951 - 26. 01. 1952 Metal
The Dragon 23. 01. 2012 - 09. 02. 2013 Water
05. 02. 2000 - 23. 01. 2001 Metal
17. 02. 1988 - 05. 02. 1989 Earth
31. 01. 1976 - 17. 02. 1977 Fire
13. 02. 1964 - 01. 02. 1965 Tree
27. 01. 1952 - 13. 02. 1953 Water
Snake 10. 02. 2013 - 30. 01. 2014 Water
24. 01. 2001 - 11. 02. 2002 Metal
06. 02. 1989 - 26. 01. 1990 Earth
18. 02. 1977 - 06. 02. 1978 Fire
02. 02. 1965 - 20. 01. 1966 Tree
14. 02. 1953 - 02. 02. 1954 Water
Horse 31. 01. 2014 - 18. 02. 2015 Tree
12. 02. 2002 - 31. 01. 2003 Water
27. 01. 1990 - 14. 02. 1991 Metal
07. 02. 1978 - 27. 01. 1979 Earth
21. 01. 1966 - 08. 02. 1967 Fire
03. 02. 1954 - 23. 01. 1955 Tree
Goat (Sheep) 19. 02. 2015 - 07. 02. 2016 Tree
01. 02. 2003 - 21. 01. 2004 Water
15. 02. 1991 - 03. 02. 1992 Metal
28. 01. 1979 - 15. 02. 1980 Earth
09. 02. 1967 - 29. 01. 1968 Fire
24. 01. 1955 - 11. 02. 1956 Tree
Monkey 08. 02. 2016 - 27. 01. 2017 Fire
22. 01. 2004 - 08. 02. 2005 Tree
04. 02. 1992 - 22. 01. 1993 Water
16. 02. 1980 - 04. 02. 1981 Metal
30. 01. 1968 - 16. 02. 1969 Earth
12. 02. 1956 - 30. 01. 1957 Fire
Rooster 28. 01. 2017 - 15. 02. 2018 Fire
09. 02. 2005 - 28. 01. 2006 Tree
23. 01. 1993 - 09. 02. 1994 Water
05. 02. 1981 - 24. 01. 1982 Metal
17. 02. 1969 - 05. 02. 1970 Earth
31. 01. 1957 - 17. 02. 1958 Fire
Dog 16. 02. 2018 - 04. 02. 2019 Earth
29. 01. 2006 - 17. 02. 2007 Fire
10. 02. 1994 - 30. 01. 1995 Tree
25. 01. 1982 -12. 02. 1983 Water
06. 02. 1970 - 26. 01. 1971 Metal
18. 02. 1958 - 07. 02. 1959 Earth
Pig (Boar) 05. 02. 2019 - 24. 01. 2020 Earth
18. 02. 2007 - 06. 02. 2008 Fire
31. 01. 1995 - 18. 02. 1996 Tree
13. 02. 1983 - 01. 02. 1984 Water
27. 01. 1971 - 14. 02. 1972 Metal
08. 02. 1959 - 27. 01. 1960 Earth

The ancient Chinese associated each element with its inherent color:

  • Metal - white;
  • Tree - green;
  • Fire is red;
  • Water - blue;
  • Earth is yellow.

Thus, since 2018 is patronized by the Earth, and the year itself is dominated by the Dog, the animal was identified as yellow. But according to Chinese astrology, color does not have much significance, it is simply easier for many to associate an animal not with an element, but with a color.

How does the element affect?

The zodiac sign of an animal affects the character of a person, but the elements affect environment, give directions in which events develop:

  • The earth balances everything. The years subject to this element pass in works that bring significant results. Such periods are usually marked by large harvests, stabilization of the economic situation. There is an increase in profits and a strengthening of financial position.
  • Water marks changeable years. When this element rules, revolutions, rapid ups and downs occur. general characteristics such years is estimated by astrologers as negative. During these years, everything is shaky and unstable, natural disasters and political disagreements are noted at the global level.
  • The fire brings confusion to calm environment. During periods ruled by this element, many families break up, but there is also a high probability of finding your great love. Such years are conducive to the outbreak of military conflicts, because the influence of fire kindles any disputes.
  • The tree attracts peace and stability. Under the power of this element, not only upward growth takes place, but also the fundamental strengthening of everything created. During such periods, it is very good to marry, have children and start something new. The influence of the elements will give support in any endeavor.
  • Metal marks periods of stagnation. This element does not tolerate change, therefore, in the years subject to it, one should not expect both positive and negative changes in life. If by the onset of such a period everything is going well, you can only rejoice, but those who have life problems, it is worth preparing for their long resolution.

Sign features

The character of a person is influenced by the sign corresponding to the year of birth. Just as animals have certain habits, so people born in such a year are endowed with some features that distinguish them from others.

In the following table, the most characteristic qualities and behavioral features of each sign according to the eastern horoscope are noted.

Sign Peculiarities
Rat (Mouse) The cunning and very sociable Rat always has many friends and buddies. The representative of this sign does not like to be alone, therefore he is very friendly, but is capable of betrayal if something goes against his interests. Such people are prone to momentary desires, which they do not have the patience to think about, so Rats often get into unpleasant situations because of their own stupidity.
Bull (Buffalo) The bull is serious beyond his years, since childhood he has shown an increased interest in any type of work, and in adulthood he becomes an inveterate workaholic. You can always rely on him and in everything, the Ox will never leave friends and relatives in difficult times
Tiger The proud Tiger is insightful and does not tolerate criticism. False and envious people do not linger in his environment, but for his family and friends he becomes a favorite. It is reliable and devoted friend, but from relatives he requires the same attitude towards himself
Rabbit (Cat) The modest and unpretentious Rabbit easily adapts to any environment. He loves to dream very much, but he lacks inner rod. It is very easy to manage, this sign is subject to other people's influence, but with good leadership, it proves to be an excellent performer.
The Dragon He is a strong and determined person. You should not fall under his arm if he is in a bad mood, as this sign is characterized by increased temper. However, he moves away very quickly and always admits his mistakes. He is fair to others, but not attentive enough, so people often take offense at him.
Snake The insidious and vindictive Snake is good only for very close people, while with others she behaves arrogantly and coldly. You don't have to stand in her way. If interests intersect, a representative of this sign will always circle those around him, and will find a way out of any situation.
Horse The simple-minded and kind Horse lives simply and practically. From the outside it seems that everything is fine with her, but this is extremely sensitive person who is very easy to offend. Only the Horse will never show his true feelings. It’s not worth hurting her pride, because she will give a significant rebuff, and sometimes she can hit back
Goat (Sheep) The frivolous and eccentric Goat is always the soul of the company. No need to take her promises seriously, this sign is too irresponsible about everything to be trusted and hoped for. You won’t get bored with the Goat, but sometimes you need to stop her so that she doesn’t do stupid things
Monkey The playful Monkey loves very much when they pay attention to her. All her life goals are aimed at the recognition of others. She is very suspicious, so she listens carefully to everyone. negative feedback and then tries to correct his shortcomings
Rooster This is a very eccentric and quick-tempered person. The rooster is always ready to fight with the enemy, and he sees ill-wishers everywhere. It is very difficult to get along with him, but his bright personality and charisma attract others to him, so he is never left alone.
Dog A faithful and devoted Dog does not change not only those around him, but also his own principles. The representative of this sign easily finds mutual language with people, but if they do not live up to his expectations, then he mercilessly breaks off all contacts with them
Pig (Boar) The stubborn and headstrong Pig lives on its own. She is not interested in anyone except her own person, but this sign cannot be denied charm and enthusiasm. Therefore, the Pig has many friends, and close people are afraid to leave her unattended so that she does not commit some reckless act.

Table distribution of animals by years for a quick search:

Refers to the Chinese millennium calendar and Feng Shui directions of the compass school. It is known that each year, month and main direction in the Lo Pan compass corresponds to some kind of animal. In any compass of Lo Pan, the most important ring is the “24 mountains” ring, which consists of the hieroglyphs of 12 animals, four trigrams and 8 celestial stems. Twelve animals are associated with the elements and seasons of the year. For example, the year according to the Chinese calendar begins on February 3-4 with the month of the tiger, the first month of spring. And the tiger symbolizes the yang tree, since spring is the most strong element- this is a tree. There is a peculiar relationship between animals, some are friends and love each other, others attack or clash.
Here are the main descriptions of 12 animals, as well as the dates of the years they belong to.

RAT(creativity). Yang water, winter, December. Born under the sign of charm and aggressiveness. At first glance, it seems calm, balanced and cheerful. But this apparent appearance hides constant excitement. It is enough to talk with her longer to discover her nervousness, anxiety and choleric temperament. Any rat prefers to live by cunning, rather than work, and often achieves a lot in life at the expense of others working for her by the sweat of her brow. Years: 1900/12/24/36/48/60/72/84/96.

BULL,(performance, diligence). Yin land, end of winter, January. Patient and silent, restrained and slow, inconspicuous and balanced, precise and methodical, the Ox hides an original mind under a somewhat rustic appearance. He has a gift to call for frankness, this is one of the trump cards of his success. He is a contemplative. Maybe that's why he loves being alone. He is a true hard worker who brings prosperity to his family. Years: 1901/13/25/37/49/61/73/85/97.

TIGER(master of the situation, aggressive invader of the territory). Yang tree, beginning of spring, February. Tiger - Fronder. Undisciplined, he has a short temper. It's hard to resist its magnetism. Always goes forward, despises established authority, hierarchy and conservative minds. Likes all kinds of activities in which there is a risk. This is a warrior, sensitive, emotional and capable of deep reflection, strong love. Years: 1902/14/26/38/50/62/74/86/98.

RABBIT(calm, charming person). Yin tree, spring, March. The cat always falls on its paws. This is the lucky one. Gifted, ambitious, pleasant companion, modest, reserved, refined, virtuous. He speaks well and knows how to evaluate himself, but he is superficial and his best qualities are superficial. This is a secular person, likes to receive guests. Usually not out of balance, calm and unruffled. Conservative, committed to comfort and safety. Years: 1903/15/27/39/51/63/75/87/99.

THE DRAGON(Showman, bright personality). Yang land, end of spring, April. The Dragon has an excess of health, life force, activity. Open and pure, he is incapable of pettiness, hypocrisy or slander. Scrupulous, demands a lot, but brings much more. Proud, capable, strong-willed, hardy and generous. He is powerful and does not need anything all his life. He is a winner! Years: 1904/16/28/40/52/64/76/88/2000.

SNAKE(wisdom, spirituality). Yin fire, the beginning of summer, May. Intellectual and philosopher, not talkative and deep in thought. He dresses elegantly and pretentiously. Strongly developed intuition, which trusts more than facts. Calm by nature, she makes decisions quickly and always decisively brings her work to the end. But be vigilant, think before turning to the Snake for help: it tries to wrap itself around the debtor and strangle it. Just. Because of the tendency to exaggerate. Years: 1905/17/29/41/53/65/77/89/2001.

HORSE(honesty, activity). Yang fire, summer, June. Representative, she has a good stature, knows how to dress. He loves spectacles, theater, concerts, everything connected with the crowd. Knows how to make a compliment, cheerful, talkative, pretty and popular. Can succeed in politics, brilliant, loves and knows how to manage people. The mind grasps people's thoughts before they are spoken. A hard worker, dexterous in handling money, a good financier. Years: 1906/18/30/42/54/66/78/90/2002.

GOAT(home). Yin land, end of summer, July. Elegant, artistic, in love with nature. Brings despair to those around him with his whims. Timid and feminine, likes to complain. She likes to be talked about, guided and advised. Not knowing which direction to choose, always relies on others. She has good taste and talent, but she is not able to lead, as she was created for obedience. Smart. Of the year: 1907/19/31/43/55/67/79/91/2003.

MONKEY(ability to use technology). Yang metal, early autumn, August. The most eccentric character of all signs. The soul of society, but crafty and cunning. Very selfish. Playful, amiable, even obliging, she masks her miserable opinion of others with her ostentatious courtesy and affability. Monkey is an intellectual. She read everything, knows a lot of things, is aware of everything that happens in the world. Well educated and possessing wonderful memory. Inventive and capable of solving the most difficult problems with surprising speed. Years: 1908/20/32/44/56/68/80/92/2004.

ROOSTER(original ideas, fashion). Yin metal, autumn, September. He is not shy in expressions and sometimes manifests himself sharply aggressively. He really says what he thinks. But this is a tendency towards selfishness: he is indifferent to the vulnerability of others and believes that there is no reason to spare them. Likes to be noticed and dresses accordingly. At the same time, he is deeply and completely conservative, thinks that he is completely right and knows what he is doing. Does not trust anyone, relying only on himself. Courageous and brave. Years: 1909/21/33/45/57/69/81/93/2005.

DOG(loyalty, protection of the home). Yang land, late autumn, October. Always restless, as if on guard, never resting. Closed, rarely shows his feelings. She is stubborn and often a cynic: she is feared for her harsh and unpleasant remarks. Always boldly acts against injustice. A skeptic, but her critical mind, sense of humor and greatness of spirit save her from pettiness. Dislikes gatherings, crowds. But at the same time she is loyal, faithful, honest and has a sense of duty. You can rely on her: she will not betray. Years: 1910/22/34/46/58/70/82/94/2006.

PIG(kind, loving comfort). Yin water, beginning of winter, November. Knight character. Gallant, helpful, scrupulous to the extreme. Naive, trusting, defenseless. Will never sell. She has few friends, but those few she keeps all her life and for them she is capable of great sacrifices. Attentive. Will never argue or object to you if he loves you. Due to his sensitivity, he can succeed in art. Clever, but ingenuous. Helpless against hypocrisy and entangled in attempts to justify herself. Years: 1911/23/35/47/59/71/83/95/2007.
