Karmic number debt by date of birth. How to determine karma by date of birth

By date of birth, each person can calculate his karmic number and open the veil of the future. The ancient science of numerology helps us with this. We have prepared a detailed article, after reading which you will learn not only to predict your personal future, but also to understand the people around you much better.

So let's get started. Write down your date of birth, for example, you were born on January 1 (first month) 1960. Now add up the numbers: 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 0. Your result is 18, this is the individual karma code. Numbers in the range 10–19 are classified as initial spiritual development. There were few incarnations behind your shoulders, in fact, you are just learning to live. Do not try to change the world, do not torture yourself with introspection and questions like “What if?”. In this incarnation, you have two tasks - to train your will and pump your body. Now more.

Deciphering the karmic number 10

A lot of pure joy awaits you on the path of life. Whatever you undertake, everything turns out, the work flows easily, your loved ones support you, the children make you happy, and your health practically does not fail. You can build a good career strong family. For such a radiant karma, say thank you to yourself - in the previous incarnation you were a hard worker-farmer and did not get involved in crime. Avoid esotericism, it is too tough for you.


A difficult fate, a lot of misfortunes and experiences. You easily succumb to other people's influence and trust everyone indiscriminately. You cannot find peace within yourself, and therefore you rush about all your life, changing people, places and occupations. No wonder you have so many children and ex-partners. In a past life, you stained your karma with murder, self-interest and meanness. Mystical practices will be dangerous for you.

Karmic life number 12

Suffering, deprivation, nervous disorders. Others abuse your innocence and use it as a scapegoat. There is no rest for you anywhere - the partner blames for all his troubles, the authorities load him with thankless work, you become a victim of thieves, rapists, murderers. The constant feeling of anxiety is caused by karmic memories of a past life in which you were an instigator and schemer. If there is a desire to engage in esoteric practices, be sure to enlist the support of an experienced person.

Karmic code 13 and its meaning

Dynamic life, frequent moves and personality transformations, no permanence. Lots of great experiences, both good and bad. Most likely, your soul was previously in the body of a slave or captive. Therefore, in a new incarnation, you implicitly strive to be free and cut off any ties.

Interpretation of karmic code 14

Action-packed fate, upheavals and cataclysms, natural disasters. When traveling, be extremely careful, avoid places where earthquakes, storms, volcanic eruptions occur. Going on a long journey, prefer rail transport, as the safest. In a previous life, you fought or went to sea and died at the hands of the enemy or in a shipwreck. You can do astrology and fortune telling on the cards.

What does karmic number 15 mean

Natural magnetism, the gift of suggestion, sexuality, creativity. Glory and universal love are written to your family. A fly in the ointment in your karma: a tendency to slyness. In the past incarnation, you earned on your charm and beauty. It is better not to engage in the occult, as there is a chance of becoming a Black specialist and spoiling the aura.

What will tell the karmic code 16

You are literally haunted by tragedies: accidents, the collapse of plans, the betrayal of loved ones. Everything falls out of hand, dreams do not come true, dangers lurk at every step. In a past life, you were a serial killer or a bloody tyrant. Now, be on the lookout and try to streamline your being as much as possible. Do not mess with mysticism, so as not to earn a mental breakdown.

Fortune telling by karmic code 17

Your life passes under the banner of unclouded personal happiness. Relations with a partner or partners run smoothly, you are a real team player. In a past incarnation, you were a sickly man, had heart problems, and died alone from physical exhaustion. Witchcraft is not your topic, everything is going well for you anyway.

Interpretation of karmic number 18 from the date of birth

Negative, conflict and short life. You cannot imagine yourself without violence, humiliate your family, engage in petty crime, and are prone to vandalism. Death will overtake you during one of the fights. In a past life, your soul manifested itself in the body of the Black Magician. Now the occult is not available to you.

What does karmic code 19 mean

Recognition and honor in society, harmony in personal life. Your calling is to become a wise and loving parent. Direct descendants will carry the memory of you through the generations, for them you will be an example of success and kindness. In a past life, you were a clergyman who peacefully accepted a natural death in the family circle. You can learn runes and knowledge of the Celts.

What does karmic code 20 mean

Next comes the karmic step 20-29. The main purpose of people who got to this level is to work on mistakes. Purposefulness, activity and analytical skills are extremely important. Fight your passions, improve yourself, be attentive to your loved ones, do not spare kind words even for strangers. Previously, your soul could reside in the body of a financial worker. You have a good magical potential, feel free to use it in Everyday life, unless otherwise indicated in the individual forecast.

Interpretation of fate according to karmic code 21

Born Winner! You achieve success in your work and dominate your rivals. Your main enemy- boredom. In a past life, you were a respected and skilled blacksmith. Be careful with the occult, it is best to find a mentor.

What does karmic number 22 mean by date of birth

Rich imagination, daydreaming, kindness, meekness, a tendency to self-deception. Even a child can fool you, the only thing that brings you down to earth is a direct threat to life or health. In a past incarnation, you were a good-natured person and traded in petty thefts. There are supernatural abilities, but you have to train them for years.

Interpretation of the karmic number of karma 23

Enviable luck, learning, fast execution desires. From the outside, it seems as if some invisible force protects you from failures and defeats. In a past life, you were engaged in sewing, and now your real calling is magic.

Karmic code 24 - meaning

Luck in all areas of life, few adversities, happy marriage and parenthood. But all this can be lost if you systematically mistreat people. In the past incarnation, you were engaged in icon painting, and now you will achieve success in the occult, especially in predictions.

Karmic codekarma 25 - interpretation by date of birth

Outstanding magical talent critical thinking and learning. At the dawn of life, you will make many mistakes, you will offend good people. As you grow older, you will repent, take the path of correction and gradually cleanse your aura. Definitely waiting for you happy ending. And in a past life you were noble birth, lived in the eastern part of India and loved to travel.

What will tell the karma code 26

Developed flair, the ability to recognize dangerous situations and solve problems at the last moment. A lot of trials will fall to your lot and the sixth sense will be the main guide in this maelstrom of threats. In the past incarnation, you happened to be a doctor or an occult healer. Study karmic connections well and you can practice Love magic.

Fortune telling by date of birth - karmic code 27

Your soul has moved from an astrologer who has known family happiness. You were kind, hardworking and merciful, and now you are reaping the karmic fruits of past righteousness. Try your hand at Money Magic, everything should work out.

Interpretation of karmic code 28

What will tell the karmic number 29 from the date of birth

Your life is riddled with lies: loved ones betray, loved ones secretly cheat, partners cheat, acquaintances misinform. To find harmony, look for a soul mate, and when you find it, try with all your might to connect life with this person. Otherwise, the fate of a hermit awaits you. In the past, your soul manifested itself in the body of a dishonest salesman. Occult practices are not dangerous for you, but they will not bring any benefit either.

We have come close to the third stage of development - these are numbers that fall into the interval 30–39. People with such a karma code are born for enlightenment, missionary work, teaching others. The main task for every day is to change yourself in better side and set a living example for others, help with advice.

Interpretation of karmic code 30

Brilliant mind, selfishness, mystical talents, snobbery, excessive addiction to money and flattery. You do not seek to help people, you are only interested in personal success. This behavior seems optimal to you, but in fact, you can only be happy through virtue. We recommend learning to understand and accept people. In a past life, you were a sensitive poet or prose writer.

The meaning of karma number 31

You voluntarily doom yourself to loneliness. Do not make friends and family, deny careerism and material values. You like to read, think and contemplate aside from other people, appreciate solitude and strictly guard the boundaries of personal space. In a previous birth, you were a bright comedian: an actor, a jester or a clown. You had many children from various marriages, but you preferred to spend time in public. You can try your hand at the occult, just show diligence - this is important.

The value of the karmic number 32

Sociability, luck, an ideal reputation, charm - that's distinctive features your personality. You sincerely love the world and the people who inhabit it. Everything is in harmony with you: there are sources of income, a comfortable life, health, an interesting profession, grateful children. And you spent your past life as a lonely wanderer. Try to show off less and not say too much at all - this way you will be happier. You can do divination.

What will tell the karmic number 33

Success, sex appeal, the ability to win over people and inspire great things. Your vocation is to teach others, train, set on the right path. In a past life, you were a powerful magician whose deeds influenced the course of history. In this incarnation, you are still supernaturally gifted - you can devote yourself to magic and achieve excellent results.

Karmic number of karma 34 - interpretation

Until the age of 35, you will have a hard time, and upon reaching this age, a continuous white streak will begin. You will be rewarded for all suffering, financially secure, happy and loved. In a past life, you were a warrior and died an early death on the battlefield. Start training in the occult no earlier than at the age of 40.

Fortune telling by date of birth - karma number 35

Troubles, hardships, possible death in middle age. You can not be called lucky, rather the opposite. You experience all the hardships of this world - the treachery of your loved ones, drug problems, the ingratitude of children, the hatred of rivals. In a previous incarnation, you belonged to the artistic profession, had a stormy youth and met a lonely old age. You should turn to esotericism only for protection.

Interpretation of karmic number 36

Genius of pure labor. You can do everything, but at the cost of incredible efforts. Do not expect help from others, rely only on yourself. Similarity family happiness possible only in a marriage of convenience, and you will receive the loyalty of a loved one only if you manage to bribe him. In the last incarnation, you were serving a life sentence in hard labor. Feel free to use Money Magic.

Karmic number 37 - meaning

In your youth, you will meet a large number of true friends and great lovers. In maturity you will build a strong, happy family. In a previous incarnation you were a religious hermit, some people talked about your holiness. There are abilities for magic, try the ancient Slavic practices.

Interpretation of karmic code 38

You are surrounded by scammers, hypocrites and ill-wishers. Don't trust anyone, especially when it comes to money. If you decide to open a business, carefully check each partner. Do not relax your vigilance and remember: the first impression of a person can be deceptive. In a past life, you traded in the body. Avoid magic.

Deciphering the number of fate 39

High intelligence and resourcefulness. You could be called wise man if not for your envy. This character trait spoils the aura and pushes to rash acts. You are addicted and mental disorders. Previously, your soul was in the body of a card cheat or drunkard. You are shown runic magic.

So we have come to the highest level of development - these are the codes of fate from 40 to 48. If your karmic number falls into this interval, become a Teacher with a capital letter or devote yourself to exploring the secrets of the universe.

Karmic number 40 from date of birth

Closeness, taciturnity, lack of money. You are a classic lone wolf: acquaintances hardly understand your speech, and relatives often become uncomfortable because of your detachment. You are not very interested in other people and the lack of social connections hardly bothers you. In a past life, you were known as a talented writer. If you really want to, you can study the occult, but you will not achieve significant results along this path.

Deciphering the karmic code 41

Your animal magnetism is amazing: fans swarm around in crowds, you cause genuine admiration, even without being handsome or beautiful. You tend to be narcissistic, emotionally dependent on your status in society, and adore flattery. You cannot be relied upon. In the previous incarnation, you were fond of poetry, had a beautiful appearance and a cold heart, and rejected many admirers. Magic is available to you, but only for personal enjoyment. You can practice fortune-telling and astrology.

What does karmic code 42 mean

Realism, cheerful disposition, luck. You know how to solve problems, rely on common sense in all matters and live happily ever after. Previous birth was a German brewer. The occult is not for you.

What will tell the karmic code 43

You are haunted by sorrows and illnesses. Everything good that appears in your life is bound to collapse. Are you unable to build long-term relationships? profitable business. In a past life, you were executed for infidelity - marital or state. The occult is dangerous for your karma.

Interpretation of Karma Code 44

You are destined to walk on the edge of a knife. Enemies are chasing and attacking you from all sides, you are constantly taking risks and solving a bunch of problems. In a former life, you were a reckless and proud military leader who ruined many destinies. Esotericism will literally drive you crazy.

Karmic code 45

Until the age of 40, watch your karma with all your might: improve yourself morally, do charity work, never be lazy. As a result, the second half of life will be filled with abundance. In the previous incarnation, you were fond of medicine and successfully healed people. Now the occult is of no use to you.

What does karmic number 46 mean?

If you marry or marry for love, you will be serene until the end of your days. Do not pursue material gain, it will not bring happiness. Before, your soul was incarnated in the body of a high-ranking person, and you accepted death in an epochal battle. Learn numerology.

Interpretation of karmic number 47

You have a wide open soul, you are hospitable and very sociable. Unfortunately, the circle of your acquaintances leaves much to be desired. You are surrounded by deceitful people, unprincipled traitors. In a previous life, you led a religious community. An alternative version of the past incarnation is hermitage. Esotericism will bring you troubles and illnesses.

Deciphering fate by the number of karma 48

A born leader, careerist and master of minds. You have a great future in sports, politics or the military field. In a former life, you were enthusiastically engaged in weapons, your services or products were highly appreciated. You do not believe in esotericism and you should hardly look for magical potential in yourself.

Karma, according to Indian philosophy and religion, is a retribution for the deeds of a person committed by him in past lives. In the current incarnation, karma is given to people so that they can realize their past actions and mistakes, free themselves from the influence of the past and purify their souls.

We can say that karma is a kind of cosmic force that gives everyone what they deserve, a kind of scales that outweigh the cup of life either towards good or towards evil. Each person has his own karma, which determines life and Fate, and numerology karmas by date of birth will help to find out what sins a person could have committed in a past life, how to correct everything in the current incarnation, and what is his future Destiny.

With the help of karma numerology, by date of birth, you can find out the digital code - karmic number, which will tell about past incarnations, about character, abilities, future and even Destiny. The number of karma makes it possible to learn about your debt and obligations that arose in previous lives. It indicates what a person in the current incarnation needs to change in order to get rid of his karma.

ATTENTION! Karmic number not to be confused with the number of karmic debt. , and are also present in the fate of not every person, but karmic number karmic number everyone has. There is also one that describes a person’s past life, tells when and where he was born, what kind of life he led. However, it also has nothing to do with the karmic number and is calculated using a different algorithm.

How to calculate karmic number by date of birth

There are several ways calculation of karmic number by date of birth A: The number of karma can be calculated, according to the Tarot cards, can be calculated from the last two digits of the year of birth.

Some experts suggest calculating the number of karma by the day a person was born, or by the number obtained from the calculation of the day and month of birth, and the number of the year.

There are many alternative algorithms for calculating the karmic number that it offers. However, the most complete and accurate, in our opinion, is the classical method, in which, when calculating, the numbers that make up full date the birth of a person.

With this calculation number of karma by date of birth most fully reveals the purpose for which a person is on earth, and what exactly will bring him satisfaction, success, nullification of bad karma. In addition, when using the classical method, you can get Additional information- at what level is the karmic number.

There are seven levels of karma in total. Here it should be taken into account that earlier they spoke only about six levels, since the number of karma less than "10" was impossible to obtain as a result of the calculation. Currently such karmic number by date of birth began to occur - among those people who were born at the beginning of the 21st century, so some experts began to allocate the number of karma less than a number 10 into a separate, "zero" level.

Karmic number by date of birth - online calculation

To calculate the number of karma by date of birth online, you only need to select the date of birth in the form below, press the button, and you will immediately find out the level to which your karmic number belongs, the number of your karma itself and you can read the decoding of its meaning.

Day Month Year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900
Calculate karma by date of birth


Level 0

Absence as such karmic tasks(except for the tasks of the Sort). People of this level do not set any goals, do not require self-development. You can do anything. The only condition is that these people must live in harmony with their own conscience and reason.

1st Level

These people are at the first stage of spiritual and ideological development. They need to humbly accept the fate of the disciple. In this reincarnation, you should make every effort to improve your personality and not try to change the world.
Do not worry that the karmic number of the first level requires constant cognitive process. Being an eternal student means discovering the joys of the world and learning from your mistakes, becoming a more benevolent and merciful person. If you accept and process the information that is given to the Universe correctly, then in the next incarnation the number of karma will certainly be an order of magnitude higher.

2nd Level

In order to determine the real earthly goals in this reincarnation, it is extremely important to live in accordance with the number of karma. People whose karmic number is within the second level are united by the need to develop an inner voice to connect with the ancestors.
The task of these people is to atone for the mistakes made in previous incarnations. Throughout life, it is of paramount importance to work off the manifested karma, to keep the noble, merciful image life.

3rd Level

Being at the third level, a person is faced with the task of transferring knowledge and even prophecy, his mission is to transfer wisdom to others. However, even the absence and teaching purpose should not become a reason for self-confidence for people of this level. Self-improvement should remain their life goal.

4th Level

People who have received the karmic number of the fourth level are philosophers, sages who are entrusted with the creation, knowledge and education of others. Their main goal in life is to reach the next level of consciousness, to highest point personal and spiritual development.
The number of karma of these people is not a sentence or an exact scenario of life. Each of them is able to become respected and successful person not prone to self-interest, meanness and crime. Being at the fourth level, one should avoid thoughts and actions that give birth to karmic debt, you need to strive for harmony with yourself and others, and then spiritual growth will be provided.

5th Level

In this life, a person who is at the fifth level acts as an outside observer of life. This person seems mysterious to those around him, but he will do everything for the spiritual development of his Family. Despite the desire for self-improvement, a person with such an indicator does not always know how to live life with a clear conscience and a burning heart.
Being a favorite of Fortune, such a person may stop educating his own soul, sinking to the social bottom or simply plunging headlong into consumption. It should be noted that such a way of life is considered by karma as a misdemeanor requiring punishment. So, most likely, in the next incarnation, a person will have to work off debts by 1-4 orders of magnitude.

6th Level

Such people can be safely equated with the celestials, because they have completely moved away from the chaos and worries of worldly life. They like to be alone with themselves and develop spiritually in silence.

"Karma" in Sanskrit means "action". It is the basis of the law, according to which, everything done by a person necessarily returns to him, determining the fate of subsequent births. But karma is not a punishment or a reward. It is the energy of deeds done in each life. If errors are not corrected, negative energy accumulates, difficulties and failures are repeated in each new incarnation. In there are four main karmic numbers - 13, 14.16 and 19. They indicate the presence of this person karmic debt and explain its meaning.

Calculation of karmic number by date of birth.

To find out if you have a karmic debt, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth to a two-digit number. For example, 01/02/1960. 2+0+1+1+9+6+0=19. Further addition (1 + 9) is not necessary. 19 is one of the main

Karmic number may be contained in the date of birth itself. All people born on the 13th, 14th, 16th and 19th have karmic debts that have a negative impact on their lives.

The meaning of the main karmic numbers.

Karmic number 13.

In the past, man was concerned only with his own well-being, thoughtlessly about life, put his own pleasures above all else, and tried in every possible way to shift his work to other people. In the present, karmic debt must be worked out with hard work. Numerous obstacles can be overcome if you concentrate on one thing, do not rush from side to side, and most importantly - work and work.

Karmic number 14.

Karmic debt arose due to the fact that a person preferred to indulge in physical pleasures and did not at all engage in his spiritual and moral development. He not only limited his own freedom, but also deliberately oppressed people close to him. At present, the circumstances of life are constantly changing, a whole “collection” of bad habits is possible. A high goal and inner growth are needed.

Karmic number 16.

In the past, a person caused irreparable mental or bodily injury to someone who was devoted to him and loved him. Now selfishness and narcissism make it difficult to establish warm relationships even with close people. This can lead to complete loneliness. Humility and meekness are needed.

Karmic number 19.

In a past life, a person did not at all consider others, demanded unconditional submission from everyone. He was guided solely by his own ambitions and desires. Now difficult situations arise due to the fact that he has no one to rely on, no one to expect support from. It is important to learn how to interact with people, not only to “take”, but also to be able to “give”.

When they talk about karma, most often they mean the purpose of a person in life. But in addition to the mission, each person has a kind of "account" on which debts accumulate. Karmic debt is a load of unfulfilled obligations that haunt the soul throughout all its incarnations. To find out what is the purpose of a person in life and his karmic debt, one should turn to numerology.

What is destiny

To understand what fate means, one should study the philosophical teachings, according to which the human soul is embodied in a material body more than once. During its reincarnations, the soul works on lessons and mistakes, forming a chain of events.

A similar phenomenon can be compared with a school report card. If a student finishes the semester with twos, he will have to work off bad grades in the next semester. So the soul of a person, having not fulfilled its destiny, passes into the next life with debts.

According to karma, the soul itself chooses its next incarnation. Her current life is a lesson to be learned. Good deeds and a righteous life purify karma. Life becomes easier for a person. Bad deeds, on the contrary, burden the soul. She goes through life with a load of sins.

At the same time, past actions that seemed to get away with it can suddenly turn into failure in the future. Human consciousness will not connect these events, but such a turn will be evidence of retribution.

But the ease of karma is affected not only by good and evil deeds. Each soul comes into this world with its own mission. That is why destructive events often occur in people's lives, turning life upside down - this karma returns a person to his destiny. Fate pushes the traveler back to the path he left.

That is why it is extremely important to understand your mission. Following fate, a person not only facilitates own life, but also makes its next incarnation better.

Where do debts come from

Thus, failures in life may well be the result of accumulated debt in past lives. Unfulfilled debt prevents the individual from arranging his personal life, getting the desired profession, or simply developing. Having corrected the existing debt, the person opens the way for himself to new tasks. They, too, will either have to be fulfilled or transferred to the next life.

Stained karma complicates existence. There are some factors that lead to karmic debts:

  • Promises that were not kept;
  • Unwillingness to develop and follow one's destiny;
  • Desire to get rich at the expense of others, dishonest life;
  • Violation of elementary moral laws and rules.

There are also events that not only complicate karma, but also lead to almost tangible debts. It is rather difficult to list all the errors, but they can be generalized into several groups:

  • Violation of the commandments of God;
  • Apostasy from religion or atheism;
  • Denial of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount;
  • Unwillingness to recognize shrines;
  • Questioning the power of prayers;
  • Disrespect for parents
  • Failure to fulfill one's own parental duty.

Debt Analysis

Before proceeding to the analysis of karmic debt, its type should be determined. There are several types of debt:

  • Failure to fulfill the mission in the current life;
  • Duty, passed with the soul into a new incarnation;
  • Lineage debts, or the so-called acquired karma.

If everything is more or less clear with the first two points, then the last one is often puzzling. Having calculated the karmic destiny according to the date of birth, a person turns out to be “rewarded” with other people's sins.

Some religions develop such a concept as succession. In simple words The debts of parents go to their children. By the way, such a legacy can pass to younger generation only after his consent. Such humility can be traced back to religious traditions. For example, the phrase "about the dead is either good or nothing" carries a hidden consent to the fulfillment of someone else's duty. At the same time, the soul, which has been forgiven of sins, is freed from its debt. It goes to the one who sincerely forgave the deceased. The same principle is inherent in the tradition of performing last will dying.

But present generations are far from the fate of Christ. Not every soul is able to cope with its own debts, so the burden of other people's sins follows the soul from life to life. At the same time, the accumulated sins in each of the subsequent incarnations will manifest themselves more and more aggressively. Such injustice of karma can be compared to bank interest. This explains the injustice that people often cry about. “One is everything, and the other is nothing.” Or terrible events that fall to the lot of people. To the question "why me?" karma will answer.

Calculations by date of birth

Finding out if a particular soul has debts is very simple. Some people feel the invisible pressure of karma without counting. Personal life is destroyed, it is difficult to communicate with others, diseases do not recede.

To understand where the troubles that fell on your head came from, you should calculate your karmic debts. To do this, it is enough to know the exact day and year of birth.

According to numerology, there are numbers indicating karmic debts. These are 13, 14, 16, 19. Those whose birth number fell on these dates definitely carry a “trail” of past mistakes. This also includes those who were born in 2014 or 2016. This is the karmic significance of the date of birth.

To carry out a more detailed calculation, you should use the formula:

  • Date of birth, for example, May 27, 1986.
  • Add up the numbers of the birthday: 2 + 7 = 9.
  • The same is done with the month: 0+5=5.
  • Numbers of the year: 1+9+8+6=24. A two-digit number should be added: 2+4=6.
  • All the results obtained are summarized: 9+5+6=20. The result indicates the absence of karmic debts.

In the case when, as a result of the calculation, 13, 14 or other numbers of debtors were received, you should reconsider your life rules and try to work on karma.

Some services on the Internet allow you to automatically determine karmic debt by date of birth. You can calculate your code online by entering your date of birth in the appropriate fields.

To understand what the debt is, you should analyze the number indicating the debt. Each of them points to certain sins, which you can get rid of only by understanding their true essence:

Working methods

By date of birth, you can calculate not only karmic debts, but also your destiny. Knowing what is the fault of the soul and what is its mission, a person discovers the true path for himself.

The first step in the fight against debt is the realization of wrongdoing. Religion also offers reflection and repentance. This can be done through confession.

Also philosophy advises to ask for forgiveness from those offended by a person and get rid of all sorts of debts. This is not about financial debts, but about given promises. It should be remembered that broken oaths follow the soul from life to life.

Ways to cleanse karma:

  • Rejection of revenge;
  • Favor for loved ones and loved ones;
  • Feeling of compassion and mercy to others;
  • Ability and willingness to help those in need;
  • Take responsibility for your own failures;
  • Analyze your actions
  • Do not wish evil to people and do not harm them;
  • Do not expect reward for good deeds;
  • Do good deeds more often.

Knowing your mistakes and starting to work on them, it is important to know your own purpose. Each person comes into this world with a specific purpose. Not following its mission, the soul acquires a burden that will follow it in the next incarnations. It is not excluded that the current life will be unsweetened if the person leaves the path prescribed for him.

To find out your karmic destiny, you should write down the date of birth starting from the year, month and ending with the day.

For example, 1964, 06 month and 25 day. 19640625. last number(5) indicates the main mission of man. This is the code for the main karmic task. The remaining codes are determined by those numbers that are not in the row. In this case, it's 3.7 and 8.

By the way, the numbers already available are the tasks that the soul successfully completed in a past life. The missing numbers are task codes that, in addition to the main one, the individual will have to work on.

Karmic debts - interesting feature human destiny. Knowing your purpose will be very useful for those who think about the meaning of life. The science of numerology answers these questions.

The number of the karmic lesson, which is calculated from the date of birth of a person, determines his fate and the destiny indicated by the Universe.

So people who have received a karmic number of 40-49 reincarnate into philosophers, sages who are entrusted with the creation, knowledge and education of others. The main life goal is to reach the next level of consciousness, to the highest point of personal and spiritual development.

Karma number 40

Personalities with this numerological characteristic voluntarily plunge into loneliness, seclusion. This is partly due to a lack of understanding in relationships with others. This character helps them to become good composers and writers. In financial matters, a person is not collected, therefore he is not rich in money. If he manages to create a family, then in it he behaves selfishly.

Magical practices once captivate a person, but attempts do not lead to significant success. The karmic code of fate 40 goes to those who in a previous life were a writer who, despite all his efforts, did not become famous. He was very much in demand among women, but true love did not experience.

Karmic number 41

People of this number have extraordinary charisma and emotionality. Attractiveness has a certain magical nature, since personality is not inherent outer beauty or virtuosity in dealing with people. Nevertheless, charm gives the individual many friends and good acquaintances. He is open with them, but keeps his personal plans secret. Has selfish character traits, but successfully hides them. He does not feel strong remorse when he deceives.

people with it karmic code often become victims of the evil eye, and in magic they themselves prefer astrology and predictions. Significant results are not achieved. Past life, most likely, was associated with poetic activity. She was a famous and beautiful woman. Despite constant moving and traveling, she managed to have several children.

Number 42 - karma

This code is considered very lucky, because it predicts love and business luck. A person necessarily finds support in his endeavors, easily achieves success in a team and individual work. Karmic number 42 predicts a favorable life without falls to the social bottom and tragic events. To create a strong and happy family, you should choose a person with a karmic number of 24.

The past earthly incarnation of man is associated with animal husbandry in the German lands. The man, most likely, was a Bavarian in every way: he adored beer and was fond of women. For this, by the way, he had constant conflicts with his wife. This may be due to the emergence of constant difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex in the current reincarnation.

Karmic Code 43

This is not the most positive numerological symbol. The number itself is the embodiment of change, upheaval, revolution, associated with suffering and tragic events. Therefore, in the future, karma code 43 does not bring much luck. A person is forced to deal with difficulties both in the family and at work.

They even say about him that he is a magnet for troubles, conflicts and blows. Despite this, he is able to achieve success if he shows enviable performance and resilience in the face of obstacles.

People with this karmic code are forbidden to practice or turn to magic. Bad karma can harm both the magician himself and those he is trying to help. In a previous life, the personality reigned in southern countries, was a woman. She cheated on her husband and was severely punished - she was walled up in a crypt alive.

Karmic number 44

Karmic code 44 is a warning about the proximity of deadly risks in the future. However, this rarely leads to tragedies, since a person is saved by an innate foreboding of catastrophes. Fate does not favor friendly and business relations, and over the years, the experience of betrayal and deceit only grows.

Caution saves from the loss of money, well-deserved posts and social status. Marriage is rarely successful, because the other half rarely keeps life on the verge of risk.

You should be more careful in magical practices, since there is a high risk of inflicting psychological trauma. Astrology is not recommended due to poor calculation accuracy and erroneous data analysis. Most likely, in the previous incarnation, it was a royal person from Europe.

This man had a craving for alcohol and did not know the measure, which was the cause of his death. The karma of the number 44 makes a man cheat on his wife, since in a previous life he was a cuckold - the queen preferred young favorites to him. Women with this karmic code continue to cheat on their chosen one in their current life, and three times more often than in the past.

Karmic number 45

Favorable numerological indicator. Productive mental work, selflessness in creation and excellent intellectual qualities bring a person a reward from life.

The future of individuals with this code is almost always easy and cloudless, although in the first half of the life path one has to endure many disappointments. The ability to analyze past mistakes allows you to later life calm and beneficial. Success is most likely in professions related to financial transactions.

Astrological and magical hobbies do not give a tangible result. Moreover, such an individual becomes an easy target and test subject in tantric and sexual magic. Most likely, in the previous incarnation it was a woman who wooed people. Many wonderful unions were created through her efforts, but she herself did not comprehend family happiness. Her death was accidental and somewhat stupid - having gone through one feast, she died from frostbite.

Karma Number 46

A good sign foreshadowing a person strong friendship and sincere love. On life path he himself will share good things with people and receive the same from them. Fate has prepared good luck in collective activities and relationships with the opposite sex. Life after marriage is highly dependent on the partner. If he is good in all respects, there will be harmony and happiness. If the marriage was forced, everything will go sideways not only in the family, but also in the business sphere.

Astrological and magical activities are of little interest to the individual, and do not bring significant success. Past life was associated with military career. This was a man not of the lowest position in army society - a commander, or at least an officer. There were many battles in his life, in one of which he died, retaining courage, honor and respect.

Karmic code 47

Dooms a person to lies, betrayal, hypocrisy and meanness on the part of others. Severe life tests will fall on him throughout his life. Even close friends and love partners. In the future, there is a serious danger to life and social status. Care is needed in all areas.

Astrological and magical activities are of little interest. In general, it is potentially dangerous, as it has a strong impact that undermines health. In the previous earthly incarnation, it was a lonely man who lived in isolation from society. This is due to the presence great circle friends and acquaintances in real reincarnation.

Karmic number 48

This code speaks of a pronounced intellectual and mental elevation of the individual over his environment. The number itself does not promise bad or good events in the future, it is neutral. Therefore, fate largely depends on the thoughts and actions of the carriers of the number of karma 48. A person has a passion for wealth and openly demonstrates his willingness to fight for them. An innate passion to be the best helps you excel in the legal profession and in sports.

None of the magical branches becomes for these individuals a lifelong business or a hobby. They simply lack endurance if a tangible result does not appear immediately. The former life was strongly associated with weapons. Most likely, a person designed it, collected it or sold it.

In the current incarnation, the personality strives for family well-being, since I could not reach it in the previous one. An individual with a karmic number of 48 rarely cheats on his partner. However, the reason for this is not strong moral principles but sexual narrowness and insecurity.

Karma Number 49

The code of a lonely, deep self-contained person. He maintains an introverted demeanor even while participating in high-profile events and campaigns. The number does not portend a good future in material terms, so foresight is needed in the business and financial sphere. This person is stubborn and ready to wait, so he will certainly bring his plans to life. Obstacles are not terrible, they only temper character.

You should only get carried away with magical directions if you have an experienced mentor. Self-practice is likely to undermine health. In the previous incarnation, the person was in the center of attention. And he did things that surprised and delighted others. Most likely, this is a tightrope walker, a juggler or another circus performer. His life was cut short as a result of an accident directly during the execution of the number. It happened on tour in Africa.

The number of the karmic code is not a sentence or an exact scenario of life. Even the one who received the number of karma 44 is able to become a respected and successful person, not prone to self-interest, meanness and crime.

Avoid thoughts and deeds that give rise to karmic debt, strive for harmony with the world and the environment, and spiritual growth will be ensured. With due diligence, self-improvement and the transition to the next level of development are more than real.
