Step by step pencil drawing for anime beginners. Choose your anime drawing style

IN last years anime cartoons have become quite popular not only among children, but adults also like them. Everyone has their favorite characters, and many try to copy them by depicting them on their own. How to draw anime with a pencil step by step? This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Anime technique

Anime is classified as a special technique Japanese drawings which are performed with a pencil. This picture has several differences from other genres. First of all, this applies to the image of the face and eyes. There are several types of anime. For example, manga or comics.

Anime cartoons attract the attention of many viewers not only with the originality of the drawing, but also with the meaning of their plot. Often this is what causes the question among fans: “How to draw anime with a pencil?”

The image of anime cartoon characters is quite an exciting thing. Even if you only use a pencil. Depicting facial details is a simple task. So, let's look at a simple way of how to draw an anime with a pencil in stages.

Action algorithm

To achieve accuracy and the desired quality of the drawing, it is necessary to adhere to certain order execution. Now it will become clear to you how to draw anime. Follow the instructions step by step.

1. It must be remembered that all the characters of such cartoons are characterized by some universal details: huge eyes and small mouths. Noses are usually indicated schematically. Some characters have disproportionately long legs.

2. Prepare necessary supplies. You will need an ordinary album. The paper should be thick, and the pencil should be soft. It is recommended to sharpen it with a knife - the sharpener will not be able to properly cut the end of the stylus for more convenient drawing, as thin lines will need to be sketched. Hatching is also easier to apply if the pencil is sharpened at an angle.

3. Application of preparatory markings. A line is drawn from top to bottom in the central part of the sheet - this is the designation of the growth of the future anime hero. We divide the straight line into six identical segments. The first part from above is reserved for the head. Three segments from the bottom remain for the legs. Shoulders, pelvis are indicated. Then you need to outline the remaining contours of the body. Schematically depict the character's hands.

4. In the place where the head should be, draw an oval and divide it into two even parts using a thin horizontal line. On it we mark two points that serve as the centers of the eyes. We make two transverse strokes (lower eyelids).

5. In accordance with the lower eyelids, draw the upper lines. Then we perform the irises and pupils. It is not difficult. Please note that the pupils and irises in anime drawings do not have the correct round shape. In most cases, they are extended from top to bottom. Then we outline thin eyebrows above the eyes.

6. In the central part of the face, draw the nose. Most often it is depicted as small and not detailed. We outline the ears. We draw a small mouth - we draw a small horizontal stroke just below the nose. You can depict lips, but this is optional.

7. The hairline is located high, at a considerable distance from the eyes. It is recommended to draw strands in separate curls. Draw the character's hairstyle in accordance with his character. It can be neat or messy, simple or elaborate. The main thing is to give freedom to imagination.

8. The contours of the character's figure are drawn. This stage of the drawing is similar to the image human bodies in the classical genres of drawing.

9. We erase extra extra lines with an elastic band and color the drawing. He's ready! So we have determined how to draw an anime with a pencil in stages.

Character image

Quite often, the main characters of anime cartoons are girls. They are amazingly beautiful, and many want to learn how to portray them. Let's move on to how to draw an anime girl in stages.

anime girl

Sketching the character's face. We start by drawing a circle. Then we split it in half. If the girl in the figure is shown in half a turn, then the face is divided into two uneven parts. You can make a bias, as if the heroine lowered her eyes. It all depends on imagination and desire. Another circle is drawn, which will serve as the basis for the character's head. The chin is marked under the first circle, then you need to mark the points of the cheekbones and outline the shape of the girl's face. We designate the contours of the mouth, nose and eyes. Let's move on to the hair. Pay attention to the girl's hairstyle: her hair is gathered or loose, perhaps a braid is braided, or curls are laid in an intricate high hairstyle. Pay attention to all the necessary details. Don't forget to sketch out the outlines of the ears.

Eyes are a special nuance in anime pictures. They are usually large in size compared to classical drawings. The eyes should be large and expressive. Let's move on to the proportions of the nose. He is usually not detailed in anime drawings, so it is not difficult to depict him.

When the base of the character is ready, you can draw contours, add hair details, and draw shadows on the face. We draw the eyes so that the main emphasis is placed on them. You can depict only the face or draw a girl in full height. The choice is yours.

Application of skills

Now you know how to draw an anime girl. Then you can start depicting plots with several characters. Now you can draw various moments from anime series. In this case, it will be necessary to depict not only the character, but also environment, background. The upside is that it will help you learn how to portray different kinds of emotions. It's no secret that anime drawings very accurately and quite original convey the feelings and mood of the characters.

Additional benefits of the lesson

Recently, anime drawing contests have become popular. Some artists even arrange exhibitions.

So learning several ways of how to draw an anime with a pencil in stages will be quite useful. This can bring not only pleasure, but also profit.

Even without having art education, you can create unique anime characters at home! In this article, MirSovetov will describe the main anime drawing techniques, and you will see how simple and exciting it is.

Anime history

Initially, anime was positioned as stories in pictures. The most ancient archaeological finds Japanese culture testify that the foundations of anime originated long before the advent of animation and printed craft. In the tombs of ancient Japanese rulers, drawings are still found, the structure and ideology of which clearly resembles the classic anime.

Creator modern style anime and manga are considered to be Osamu Tezuka. He created his own unique style, which fell in love with people around the world, and became an example to follow. Behind long years his creative activity Osamu drew more than 500 comics, some of which were not limited to a couple of pages, but took up to 5 volumes! He was a true comic book fan. Obsessed with passion for anime, Tezuka passed on his emotions to artists around the world and left a great legacy that lives on to this day.

Unlike many other cultures, Japanese animation is not afraid of losing its identity and is constantly borrowing artistic techniques other peoples. Despite this, anime only becomes more diverse and rich, while remaining a unique and recognizable style. It is so firmly rooted that even if Japanese animators try to create something purely "European", they fail to get away from the traditional manner of anime.

Style Features

The main feature that distinguishes the anime style from other comics styles is the developed symbolic graphics, which allows you to display the most complex human emotions with just a few strokes. The smallest nuances convey the character of the hero, tell his story ... In this anime, it looks like ancient Eastern drawing techniques, when one line could tell the viewer the whole story.

One of the most important distinguishing features anime is the image of the eyes. Their size and degree of brilliance indicate how young the hero is - the younger the character, the larger and brighter his eyes.

The growth of the hero also plays an important role. Tall and stately figures indicate that this is a bold and courageous character, and caricature-small size is a sign of youth and childishness.

Western comics tend to focus on superhero stories and fantasy. Anime is not limited to fiction, but covers the full spectrum human life. Among the anime stories there are fairy tales, historical chronicles, horrors, dramas. This is a full-fledged genre that is open to any subject. It follows that target audience are not only children and adolescents, but also adults.

Drawing a girl's face

Anyone can become a professional anime artist, regardless of the level of artistic skill. All you need is practice and patience. All drawing is carried out in pencil, and only the final contours are made with a pen, marker or ink. You can color the drawing with watercolors or with the help of graphic editor if you prefer to draw on a tablet.

Draw a circle and divide it in half with a vertical line. This is necessary for the symmetrical display of facial features. Over time you can spend vertical line in different variations depending on the type of face and the turn of the head.

Slightly above the middle of the circle, draw a horizontal line to indicate the location of the character's eyes. Again, depending on the type of face, the position of the eyes may vary. Since you are drawing a girl, her eyes will be large (young character). This important point, which should always be kept in mind when drawing anime.

Pupils also play a big role. Large pupils with a few flashes indicate that the character is surprised or delighted, and wide open eyes with tiny pupils denote horror and fear.

Draw the details of the girl's face. The nose is usually straight and slightly pointed, the mouth is small with narrow lips. Boys have bigger noses than girls. If the character is joyful, the nose is drawn a little higher than it should be and make it more rounded.

Eyebrows are a powerful tool for expressing emotions, as in real life as well as in anime comics. If the character is angry, they will have slanted eyebrows. Raised eyebrows reflect astonishment, straight eyebrows - indifference, etc.

Draw the hair. Here you can show all your imagination, because there are no special rules for drawing hair in anime. The hairstyles of the characters, as well as the structure of the hair, can be very diverse and unusual!

Finish the drawing by drawing the outlines with paint or ink. Traditionally, anime artists use watercolor or natural ink for this.

eye drawing

Eyes are the most important means of expression in the art of drawing anime. Before you start inventing characters, learn how to draw eyes. Pay special attention to this, because the slightest mistake can ruin your drawing or convey the wrong mood of the hero. By and large, if you learn how to draw anime eyes, then you have practically mastered this interesting science!

Despite the clear rules graphic image eye, there are no strict patterns that can be applied to a particular character. The eyes can be with or without eyelashes, with one glare or with a scattering of small reflections, with a round iris or without it at all.

When depicting eyes, you can show all your imagination, but you should remember a few simple rules:

  • how more eyes, the younger the character;
  • a large number of highlights indicates the "openness" of the hero to the world;
  • men's eyes are narrower and smaller, and unlike women's.

Drawing any eye can be divided into several standard steps:

  1. First sketch out the eyeball according to the proportions of the face.
  2. Draw a line of the upper and lower eyelids, create an eye section. The wider the eyes, the more naive and "childish" the character will appear.
  3. Draw an iris in accordance with the direction of the hero's gaze.
  4. Draw eyebrows. The shape of the eyebrows can be chosen as you wish, but remember that men's and women's eyebrows are significantly different. The position of the eyebrows on the face (high, low, oblique, straight) creates the mood and character of the hero.
  5. Finish the details - a highlight on the pupil, eyelashes, etc.
  6. Erase the guide lines and enjoy the result!

Particular attention should be paid to glare. They can be located on the iris itself, or they can cross it. Highlights are not only bright white, but also translucent, with clear or blurry borders. The brighter and thicker the outline of the iris and pupil, the more expressive your character's eye will be. Try to draw different types eye and choose the one you like the most!

Spring is already on the threshold, nature begins to come to life, and with this circle there is more and more beauty. And speaking of beauty, we mean not only the singing of birds returning from warm countries, the green carpet gradually covering the earth, but also the people around us and the beautiful. In the spring, all women, without exception, bloom similarly, but, unlike the latter, their beauty shines brighter every day. So let's find out how to draw beautiful anime girl in stages. It's actually quite simple, so if you think you can't do it, don't skip this lesson. Remember, fear has big eyes. So go ahead!

Step 1.

We make a sketch: we draw an oval for the head, in which we draw the facial lines, and the basis for the body.

Step 2

We begin to gradually draw the shape of the face. So far, only the cheek and chin.

Step 3

Let's do the girl's hair. Let's go on top and draw a girl bangs, with torn individual strands, then denote the part of the hair framing the visible part of her face on the right side. Having finished with this, we will draw a part of the neck and next draw one of the long curls.

Step 4

With the help of the facial lines, draw big bottomless eyes in the best traditions of anime. Let's color the eyeballs, as shown in the example, and then denote the eyebrows, nose and mouth with thin lines.

Step 5

The sixth stage and we draw part of the back, shoulders and chest. At hand, you still need to finish a few folds.

Step 6

It's almost over. It remains only to outline the magnificent hairstyle of the girl. Hair should be slightly curly and long. And after that, you can already begin to put the drawing in order, getting rid of unnecessary strokes and dirt.

Step 7

beautiful and charming girl ready. What did we say? It was really simple, but for those who did not think so, we can only say that practice is always useful. And our lesson how to draw a beautiful anime girl' came to an end.

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In that detailed photo lesson you will learn how to draw own anime character with a simple pencil on paper step by step. The lesson consists of 15 photo steps.

How to draw your own anime character step by step

  • Step 1

    To begin with, let's analyze the position of the head in three quarters a little. Drawing anime characters usually starts with axes. On line 13, the nose and mouth should be located, between lines 11 the eyes, in a circle 18, a place for the ear

  • Step 2

    Now let's analyze the profile side view. Everything is simple here, between lines 11 there will be eyes, on line 18 - mouth, above this line - nose, circle 18 - place for the ear

  • Step 3

    Above, I have analyzed 2 positions of the face, but still they are more difficult to draw than full face (IMHO), so let's start with it. The first thing we do is draw a circle

  • Step 4

    This step will be more difficult, we need to draw a chin, mark lines 11 and 13, you can also mark where you will have eyes, the distance between the eyes is approximately equal to the size of the eye, pay attention to this.

  • Step 5

    In this step we draw the eyes, mouth, nose and eyebrows of our character.

  • Step 6

    Some people are not good at drawing eyes, so I took them apart in detail. female eyes:

  • Step 7

    Male eyes:

  • Step 8

    In this step, we draw the ears of our character, Also at this stage, you can correct the line of the chin

  • Step 9

    Here are some examples of ears: 1.Regular.2. Ear of a vampire (demon) 3-4. These are elven ears.5.Dog.6. Feline.

  • Step 10

    We draw hair to our character. They should be located above the line of the head.

  • Step 11

    Types of hairstyles:

  • Step 12

    I think you have no problem drawing straight hair, so let's look at curly hair:

  • Step 13

    Now we can circle our character with a black pen/marker/pencil

  • Step 14

    You can also color it however you like.

  • Step 15

    Apart from female character you can draw a male, it is drawn in almost the same way. (The chin in men is more elongated than in women)

Most of us dream of having artistic talent, being able to depict different landscapes on paper or canvas. But in Lately, Anime has become very popular, they not only want to watch it, but also learn how to draw. Many people wonder how easy it is to learn how to draw anime with a pencil. Human abilities are limitless, you just need a little theory and go.

How to learn to draw anime

If you are thinking about how to draw a mango correctly, then you most likely know what it is. And yet, it is worth mentioning the involvement in what kind of art it belongs to. Anime is an abbreviated word for animation, that is, cartoon. Very popular in Asia and Western countries. The main difference between anime and cartoons is that for the most part, it is intended for an adult audience. Distinctive feature is the image of the characters themselves, their disproportion appearance. The most prominent element is the huge eyes, special attention is paid to each particle during their depiction. The characters are always emotional, their mood is shown by all sorts of lines on the face, additional non-natural pictures, for example, a drop of sweat, swollen veins, and so on. The main production of Anime takes place in Japan, where there are more than four hundred specialized studios.

How to learn to draw anime from scratch

If you already have basic drawing skills, great, then in the future it will be generally easy. If you are a beginner and want to learn the basics of drawing Anime from scratch, that's fine too, it's quite achievable. In this genre big variety characters, and even very fantasy ones, take at least Pikachu. But for the first steps, you need to start with human forms, gradually moving on to more detailed sketches. In general, drawing all kinds of Anime is quite exciting, because there is where to turn around, it comes out in contrast, and especially with a pencil. Drawing faces in anime style is easy, it works here general rule, the eyes are large, and the outline of the oval is approximate. Further, the clothes are always bright and varied.

How to learn to draw anime step by step

As with any image, you first need to outline the outline and outline of the picture. For a better understanding, let's take a step-by-step look at the images of one of the anime characters. Make a rectangle on paper for the head, below the neck, going down, two stripes of the shoulders. Starting from the left lane, take one down, this is a hand. On its edge, draw a circle - an elbow, continuing to draw a hand, use rectangles, simple lines. At the end right line, also, draw the circle of the elbow, going from the line with the rectangle for the brush. And here we can begin to depict the clothes of our character, we will not focus on it yet.

Let's start the most interesting part of the characters - the face. Its shape is also approximate, to a rectangle that connects to a triangle. Make these two shapes, and then erase the line that formed after the joints. The result is an oval face, with a pointed chin, draw the final shape. Then, an arc is drawn on top of the face, the character will have a cap, ears, hair slightly pointed at the ends. Next, draw the legs, arms, erase the extra lines with an eraser. And we came to the detailing of the front part. Do large form slightly elongated eyes, with large black pupils. Growth is small, just draw with an inverted triangle. Actually, it remains to paint the remaining details, shade and give more contrast. A simple pencil is suitable for this, make more bright shadows.

How to learn to draw anime with a pencil

Drawing with a pencil is always an entertaining activity; despite the plot, the drawings are slightly gothic, but no less beautiful than watercolors. In the anime, as already mentioned, all the characters are quite bright, there is a great emphasis on emotions, it is important to convey the character and mood. Let's break it down point by point:

  1. For the most realistic image and simplifying it, draw the body in blocks. Change the angle and inclinations of the parts, in the future we will beat it with shadows. You can delve into fantasy and depict a non-real being, since in Anime there is no concept of strict realism.
  2. Let's take everything for a beginner, an image of a schoolgirl girl. We draw circles that guide the curves of the position and the contour of the face.
  3. We draw first the upper part of the eyes, then the lower one, you can use a slightly thinner pencil. Then an oval, using a pencil with a thicker neck.
  4. Since we are depicting a girl, we will make the eyes more expressive, the pupils with highlights, and the arcs of the upper part, make them thicker, as if with eyeliner, and add three cilia to the upper arc.
  5. The point of the nose, in anime it is most often depicted as being slightly prominent. Let's draw a laughing girl, the already familiar inverted triangle, but wider and more drawn to the chin. Teeth are usually not depicted, only the tongue.
  6. Now shading the eyes with a pencil, shading the entire oval, leaving highlights, and highlighting the dark areas.
  7. Hair in this genre is drawn angular, with sharp strands and reflections of light. To do this, shade them completely with a pencil, and walk in some places with an eraser. Well, the eyebrows are simple, ticked, in the form of a thin line.

How to learn to draw an anime character

Learning the basics of anime drawing human image, You might also want to try to portray fairy tale character. The all-known Pokemon named Pikachu is a cute and kind animal from a popular comic book. So, we draw a good man:

  1. We depict a figure similar to a mushroom, without a pronounced lid. We make more oval outlines.
  2. Draw three circles in one different size, these will be the eyes. We shade the one in the middle, it turns out a nice reflection.
  3. The nose is slightly lower in the form of a small triangle, there are two circles on the cheeks, and the mouth is in the form of an inverted tick and a dog pulling down. Looks like he's getting excited.
  4. His ears are slightly directed to the sides with black tips. And the tail is in the form of an elongated zigzag.
  5. The paws are small, crossed on the tummy.
  6. There is a resemblance to a well-fed squirrel.

By studying anime, you can delve into the variety of their styles, connect your imagination and maybe even come up with your own character.
