What happens to the souls of the dead. Do body parts or cells survive after death? Where do the souls of the dead go?

Death is a natural and irreversible phenomenon that sooner or later will affect every person. This word means a complete stop of all vital processes of the body, followed by the decomposition of the flesh. Where does a person go after death, is there something on the other side - questions that concern all people without exception at all times. After all, it has been scientifically proven that, in addition to the physical body, there is also a soul - an energy substance that cannot be seen or touched. What happens to her after biological death?

Christian teaching says that the human soul is immortal. After the body dies, the spirit begins its hard way to God, passing various tests. Having passed through them, a person appears before God's court, where all the bad and good worldly deeds are weighed. And if the cup of goodness turns out to be more significant, then the deceased goes to heaven. Sinners who have violated the biblical commandments all their lives are expelled to hell.

From a religious point of view, everything is simple: live with love, do good, do not violate God's laws and then you will enter the kingdom of the Lord. And the more good people will pray for the deceased immediately after his death, the easier will be his ordeals on the way to the Heavenly Father. The priests consider death itself not at all as grief and tragedy, but as joy and happiness for the deceased, as he will finally meet his Creator.

For all the time from death to God's judgment 40 days pass, during which the deceased appears before the Lord three times:

  • the first time the angels bring the soul to the Father on the 3rd day after death - after that she will see the life of the righteous in paradise;
  • on the 9th day, the spirit again appears before the Creator and until the 40th day he is shown pictures from the life of sinners;
  • on the 40th day, the deceased comes to Him for the third time - then it is decided where his soul will be determined: to heaven or hell.

All this time, relatives should pray for the newly deceased and ask the Almighty to ease his path of trials, give him peace and a place in paradise.

Three days after death

What happens and where people will go after death is an exciting question. Christianity believes that the first two days the spirit is close to relatives, visits favorite places and dear people. A person does not understand that he has died, he is scared and lonely, he is trying to return to his body. At this time, both angels and devils are next to him - they try to incline the soul each in their own direction.

As a rule, people die unexpectedly, not having time to finish their earthly affairs, to say something important to someone, to say goodbye. The first two days are given to him precisely for this purpose, as well as to realize his death and calm down.

On the third day, the body is buried. From this moment, tests for the spirit begin. He wanders from the grave to the house, not finding a place for himself. All this time, the living feel the invisible presence of the deceased, but cannot explain it in words. Some hear a knock on a window or door, things of the deceased fall in the house, phone calls from the deceased, and other strange phenomena.

9 days after death

On the 9th day, a person gets used to his new state and begins to ascend to the kingdom of heaven. All this time he is surrounded by demons, evil spirits who accuse the newly deceased of various sins, bad deeds, in order to prevent his ascent and drag him with him. They can manipulate the feelings of the soul, in every way trying to stop it.

At this time, the living need to pray for the deceased, remember only good things about him, speak only kind words. Thus, the living help the dead as easily as possible to go through all the ordeals on the way to the Lord.

It is believed that from 3 to 9 days the spirit can see the life of righteous people in paradise, and from 9 to 40 he watches the eternal torment of sinners. This is done to understand what the deceased can expect, to give the opportunity to repent of their deeds. Prayers for the repose and requests of the living also help the soul to receive a brighter fate.

40 days and Judgment Day

The number 40 has an important meaning because it was on the 40th day that Jesus ascended to God, where the soul goes after death. Having gone through all the ordeals, the spirit of the deceased finally appears before the Father at the court, where his future fate is decided: whether he will remain in paradise along with other righteous people and will be expelled to Hell for eternal torment.

Once in the Kingdom of the Lord, the soul stays there for some time, and then again comes to earth. There is an opinion that she can be reborn only after the remains of a person completely rot and disappear from the face of the earth. Those who end up in the underworld await eternal torment for their sins.

It is also believed that the living, sincerely praying for the deceased sinner, can change his fate - the prayed spirit can be transferred from hell to heaven.

Interesting facts about the afterlife

There are several provisions that, if not completely, then at least partially coincide in various teachings and beliefs:

  1. A person who ends his earthly existence with his own hand, immediately after death, will not go to heaven or hell. Suicide is considered one of the biggest sins, so the church forbids the funeral of such people. In the old days, it was even forbidden to bury them in a common cemetery. The soul of a suicide is considered restless, it toils between heaven and earth until the life span measured for a person expires. And only then in heaven is a decision made on where to place it.
  2. After the death of a person in his home, you can not rearrange things and change the situation, make repairs within 9 days. This can only increase the suffering of the deceased. You need to let him say goodbye and leave.
  3. There are no sinless people, and therefore trials on the path to the Lord await each person. Only the mother of Christ managed to escape them, whom he held by the hand to the gates of Paradise.
  4. Immediately after death, two angels come to a person who help him and accompany him for all 40 days until meeting with Him.
  5. Before physical death, a person sees terrible pictures that demons show. They want to intimidate the dying so that he would renounce God while still alive and go with them.
  6. Small children under the age of 14 are considered innocent and not responsible for their actions. And if a child dies before this age, then his soul does not go through ordeals, but immediately enters the Kingdom of Heaven, where he is escorted by one of his deceased relatives.

Of course, this is all unproven information, however, they are quite widespread among people and have a right to exist.

Other popular versions

Where does the soul go from the point of view of science, medicine, esotericism and other points of view? People who survived clinical death and returned back tell about the same thing. Some speak of terrible, terrible visions with demons and demons, a fetid smell and animal fear. Others, on the contrary, were completely delighted with what they saw on the other side of life: a feeling of lightness and complete peace, people in white clothes, talking mentally, bright, colorful landscapes.

The division of these narratives into good and negative allows us to speak about the veracity of the legends about heaven and hell. What they see makes people believe even more in the afterlife and change their way of being. They begin to look at life differently, appreciate it more, love people and the world around them.

Astrologers believe that souls migrate to other planets where they come from. Planet Earth is allegedly a purgatory for sinners. And after living human life, passing many trials, a man returns to his native home.

Clairvoyants and psychics believe that those who left the world of the living go to the other world, invisible to those living on earth. But still, they continue to be close to their relatives, help them and protect them from all kinds of danger. Most often, the deceased appear in a dream to convey some important information, warn of a threat and direct them in the right direction.

Pythagoras, Plato and Socrates held theories about reincarnation. According to this teaching, each soul comes to earth with its own individual, special mission - to gain some important experience, to do something for humanity, or, conversely, to prevent certain events. Not reaching the goal, not learning needed lessons in one lifetime, the spirit returns to earth again in a new body. And so on until he fully fulfills his purpose. After that, the soul enters a place of eternal peace and bliss.

scientific evidence

Most scientific minds are accustomed to dealing with what can be touched, measured, counted. And yet, some of them different times wondered if the soul exists scientifically.

In the 30s of the last century, the Russian biologist Lepeshkin studied the moment of death of a person. He managed to register a violent burst of energy at the moment of the body's death. He also recorded the energy itself with the help of ultra-sensitive photographic film.

Stuart Hammeroff, an American anesthesiologist who has seen more than one clinical death in his life, says that the soul is a kind of substance that contains all the information about a person. After physical death, she is separated from the body and sent into space.

Relatively recently, a series of the same experiment was also carried out, during which it was proved that a person is not only his body. Its essence is as follows: a dying person was placed on a scale and his weight was recorded during his lifetime. His weight indicators were also recorded after the declaration of death. The man "lost weight" by 40-60 at the time of his death! The conclusion suggested itself - these few tens of grams are the weight of the human soul. And then they began to say that each person has a soul of a certain weight.

Another of our compatriots managed to tune in to a certain radio wave, at the frequency of which they were able to make contact with dead people. During this experience, scientists were able to receive a message from the other world that souls are looking forward to their rebirth. The spirits also urged the living not to have abortions, since a killed fetus is a lost chance to come into this world.

There are a great many such experiments with published results. Therefore, it can be argued that life after death, from a scientific point of view, also exists.

We will consider the description of the Subtle World, or rather, exactly that area of ​​it where the soul goes after death ...

Practicing out of the body, Robert Allan Monroe (1915 - 03/17/1995- American writer, world famous as an astral traveler) , over time, he realized that the area of ​​​​action of his subtle body was expanding incredibly. After evaluating his experiences, he concluded that there were several different zones of action. The first zone is our material world. The second zone of the Subtle World is the very world of the physical body.

Monroe made his first trip in the first zone to Dr. Bradshaw. following a familiar route uphill (Bradshaw's house was on a hill), Monroe felt that his energy was leaving him and he would not be able to overcome this climb. “At this thought, something amazing happened. It felt exactly like someone grabbed my elbow and quickly carried me to the top of the hill. Everything he saw during this trip was verified by telephone with Dr. Bradshaw himself.

Because it was the first "distant" trip, it made an indelible impression on Monroe himself. He was convinced - truly for the first time - that everything that happens to him is not just a shift, trauma or hallucination, but something more that goes beyond the limits of ordinary orthodox science.

Gradually, bringing his acquaintances up to date, Monroe began to practice visiting them during the day, trying to remember the most important things he saw, and then clarifying his information using the phone or in a personal “physical” meeting. The facts collected by Monroe accumulated, he felt calmer and more confident in his subtle body, his experiments became more and more complicated. The first zone turned out to be quite convenient for experimental verification of HIT () Monroe. The studies were carried out in the electroencephalographic laboratory of the University of Virginia School of Medicine under the supervision of Dr. Charles Tart from September 1965 to August 1966.

Traveling in the first zone, Monroe became convinced that it is quite easy to get lost. From a bird's eye view, even very familiar places may seem unfamiliar. Almost none of us knows what the roof of his house looks like. And if at the same time the city is unfamiliar! Flying lower also has its own problems. When a person in a thin body swiftly rushes to a building or a tree and flies through them, this, as Monroe wrote, is dumbfounding. He was never able to completely overcome the habit inherent in the human physical body to consider such objects as solid.

True, Monroe did amazing discovery: it is enough to think about the person you want to meet (not about his location, but the thought of the person himself) and, most importantly, hold this thought, as you will be next to him in a few moments. However, thought is not permanent. Thoughts jump like fleas. You can only succumb to some other thought for a thousandth of a second, as soon as you lose your course.

And yet, travel in the first zone was mastered, separation from the physical body became easier and more natural, and problems with returning appeared only occasionally. Sometimes, it happened, he didn’t get home right away.

However, all these travels and sensations were, so to speak, flowers compared to the miracle that awaited him. The study of the so-called Second Zone of the Otherworld began. Let's consider what impressions Monroe made from visiting this world and to what extent this world corresponds to the concepts of science.

In order to prepare a little for the perception of the second zone, it is best to imagine a room with an announcement on the door: “Before entering, please leave all physical concepts!” As difficult as it was for Monroe to get used to the idea of ​​the reality of the subtle body, it was even more difficult to accept the existence of the second zone.

For more than 30 years, Monroe made thousands of visits to the second zone of the Subtle World. Some of them were confirmed thanks to the relatives of those with whom he met in the second Zone. Much was investigated and confirmed by the testers of the Monroe Institute later, who, having mastered the exit from the physical body, repeatedly made visits to. Both the second zone and the distant worlds were subjected to research.

But for the time being, we are only interested in the world where we will all go after physical death, therefore, let us get acquainted in more detail with the ideas about the second zone of the Subtle World that Monroe gave.

First of all, the second zone is a non-physical environment with laws that only remotely resemble those that operate in the material world. Its dimensions are unlimited, and its depth and properties are incomprehensible to our limited consciousness. Its infinite space contained what we call heaven and hell. The second zone permeates our material world, but at the same time it extends boundlessly and goes beyond the limits that are hardly accessible for any study.

Later, thanks to the work of his Institute, Monroe came to a very important conclusion. There is a certain wide range of energy, which he called the M-field. This is the only energy field that manifests itself both in space-time and beyond, and also permeates any physical matter. All living organisms use the M-field for communication. Animals are able to feel M-radiation better than humans, who are often unaware of its presence. Thinking, emotions, thoughts are manifestations of M-radiations.

The transition of mankind on earth to spatio-temporal forms of communication (speech, gestures, writing) to a large extent weakened its need for information systems based on the M-field principle. The other world consists entirely of M-radiations. When people pass into the Subtle World (during sleep, when losing consciousness, when dying), they are immersed in the M-field, more precisely, in the torsion field. Awesome! Knowing nothing about torsion fields, Monroe described exactly them, only in a different terminology.

Monroe was struck by the rule that applies in the second zone: ! This is one of the main properties of torsion fields. It manifests itself instantly when our soul appears in the Other World. Where exactly our soul goes is completely determined by our most persistent motives, feelings and desires. It may happen that the human mind does not want to be in this place at all, but there is no choice. The animal soul turns out to be stronger than the mind and makes a decision on its own. This is not surprising.

The human consciousness represents a torsion field of certain parameters and at the same time is a part of the Consciousness of the Universe, which, for its part, also represents the Primary torsion fields. So consciousness is attracted to a sphere similar to its consciousness.

Rough and strong feelings, so carefully suppressed in our physical world, are released in the second zone of the Subtle World and become unbridled. Dominant position is occupied by fears: fear of the unknown, fear of meeting intangible entities, fear of possible pain, etc. Monroe had to step by step, painfully and stubbornly tame his uncontrollable feelings and passions. At the least loss of control over them, they returned.

It was precisely the control of one's thoughts and emotions that Monroe had to learn in the second zone in the first place. And this is for all of us when we find ourselves in the Other World. Especially if we have not learned this in our material world. How important, how exceedingly important, to be fully aware of the consequences of your desires and to watch vigilantly the thoughts that arise!

Here it would be appropriate to recall the philosophically subtle and piercing in its impact film by G. Tarkovsky "Stalker". Three, longing to be in the "room of wish fulfillment", stop at the threshold, afraid to cross it. Because what their mind wants and what their Soul really craves may not be the same. The stalker told them how a man entered this room with a desire to help his seriously ill brother. And returning back, he quickly became rich, and his brother soon died.

It is very difficult, but possible, to understand the most hidden corners of your consciousness and live in harmony with cosmic laws. To an ordinary person for this, it is necessary to educate yourself throughout your earthly life, but, first of all, you need to know about it!

So, the main conclusion that Monroe made about the second zone of the Subtle World is that it is a world of thoughts! “Everything is permeated by one most important law. The second zone is a state of being where the source of existence is what we call thought. It is this vital creative force that produces energy, collects "matter" into a form, lays channels and communications. in the second zone, it is only something like a structured vortex. Like this! “Structured whirlwind! Why, it's a torsion soliton! Hey Monroe! They say the truth, if a person is talented, then he is talented in everything!

In all his visits to the second zone, Monroe did not observe any need for energy from food. How there is a replenishment of energy - Monroe, it was unknown. But today theoretical physics gives an answer to this question: the energy of the physical vacuum, the energy of the Subtle World, is used. That is, thought is the force that, using the energy of the physical vacuum, satisfies every need or desire. And what the one present there thinks becomes the basis of his actions, situation and position in that world.

Monro emphasized that in the Subtle World, something like dense matter and objects common to the physical world are available for perception. As you can see, they are “generated” by the forces of three sources:

First, such objects appear under the influence of the thinking of those beings who once lived in the material world and continue to maintain their old habits. It happens automatically, not consciously.

The second source is those who had attachments to certain material objects in the physical world, and then, once in the second zone, recreated them in order to make their stay there more comfortable.

The third source is probably sentient beings higher levels. It may well be that their purpose is to model the material world - at least for a while - for the benefit of those who have passed into this zone after their "death". This is done in order to soften the shock and horror of the “newcomers”, to offer them at least some familiar images and partly familiar surroundings in the initial stages of addiction.

In support of this, we give Monroe's description of his second visit to his father in the second zone.

“I turned left and actually ended up among tall trees. The path led to a clearing visible in the distance. I really wanted to run along it, but I decided to take a measured step - it was nice to walk barefoot on the grass and leaves. Only now I realized that I was walking barefoot! A light gust of wind enveloped my head and chest! I feel! Not only with bare feet, but with the whole body! I walked among oaks, poplars, plane trees, chestnuts, firs and cypresses, and noticed a palm tree that was out of place here, and plants that were completely unknown to me. The aroma of blossoms mixed with the juicy smell of the soil and it was wonderful. I smelled!

And the birds! ... They sang, chirped, fluttered from branch to branch and rushed over the path, right in front of me. And I heard them! I went more slowly, sometimes dying from pleasure. My hand, the most ordinary material hand, reached up and plucked a maple leaf from a low branch. The leaf was alive, soft. I put it in my mouth and chewed it: it was juicy, it tasted exactly like Maple leaves in childhood".

There is nothing to be surprised here: since everything is created by thought, why not create an exact copy of the earthly situation! And perhaps such a decision suggests itself very much, it is the earthly situation that is an exact copy this layer of the Subtle World?

According to Monroe, the second zone is multi-layered (according to vibration frequency). This is excellent experimental confirmation. scientific research multi-layered Otherworld.

There is a barrier between the physical world and the second zone. This is the same protective screen that descends when a person awakens from sleep, and completely erases from memory his last dreams - and, among other things, memories of visiting the second zone. Monroe believes that all people in a dream regularly visit the second zone. The existence of the barrier was predicted by all esotericists and this is confirmed by theoretical physics!

Closer to the material world, the areas of the second zone (with a relatively low vibration frequency) are inhabited by insane or almost insane creatures, overwhelmed by passions. They include both the living, sleeping or intoxicated with drugs, but staying in a subtle body, and already "dead", but aroused by various passions.

These near areas are by no means a pleasant place, however, such a level becomes, apparently, the place of residence of a person until such time as he has learned to control himself. What happens to those who fail is unknown. Perhaps they linger there forever. At the very moment when the Soul separates from the physical body, it finds itself on the border of this nearest region of the second zone.

Monroe wrote that once there, you feel like bait thrown into the endless sea. If you move slowly and don't shy away from curious, staring entities, you should be able to get past this area without trouble. Try to act noisily, fight off the entities around you - and whole hordes of angry "inhabitants" will rush towards you, who have only one goal: to bite, push, pull and hold. Is it possible to consider this territory the eve of hell? It is easy to assume that fleeting penetrations into this layer closest to our physical world can suggest that “demons and devils” live there. They appear to be less intelligent than a human, although they are no doubt capable of acting and thinking on their own.

The final stop, the final place in the hell or paradise of the second zone, depends to an exceptional extent on the warehouse of the deepest, unchanging and, perhaps, unconscious impulses, feelings and personal inclinations. When entering this zone, the most stable and influential of them serve as a kind of "guiding devices". Some deep feeling that a person did not even suspect - and he rushes in the direction leading to "similar".

The fact that the field world is inhabited by different entities is known. At present, devices have already been created with the help of which we all, and not just psychics, can see these creatures.

Thus, the researcher Luciano Boccone from Italy, in a desert area on a high hill, created a research base, equipping it with modern equipment that recorded electromagnetic and gravitational fields, as well as torsion fields, or, as Monroe called them, M-fields.

As soon as the instruments noted unusual deviations in the parameters, photo and video cameras automatically turned on. And what do you think appeared on the film? Incredible Creatures– huge amoeba hanging in the air, winged creatures, luminous quasi-human beings. Boccone called these creatures "critters" (creatures). They cannot be seen with ordinary vision, but they are remarkably fixed in the infrared and ultraviolet radiation spectra. These creatures are intelligent, can easily change their structure and shape.

Monroe cites stunning examples in this regard.

“Vibrations started quickly… I rose to a height of about eight inches above my body and suddenly noticed some movement out of the corner of my eye. Past, not far from the physical body, some figure of a humanoid creature was moving ... The creature was naked, male. At first glance it looked like a 10 year old boy. Absolutely calm, as if the action was ordinary, the creature threw a leg over Monroe and climbed onto his back.

Monroe felt how the legs of the astral entity engulfed his lower back, and the small body pressed against his back. Monroe was so amazed that it never even occurred to him to be afraid. He didn't move and waited. further development; squinting his eyes to the right, he saw his right leg hanging from Monroe's body half a meter from his head.

This leg looked absolutely normal for a 10-year-old boy ... Monroe decided not to encounter this entity in the environment that is dear to her. For this reason, he quickly returned to the physical body, interrupted the vibrations and made this recording.

10 days later, Monroe's Once again left the body. Two similar entities attacked him at once. He tore them off his back, but they persistently tried to climb back onto Monroe's back of his thin body. Panic gripped him. Monroe crossed himself several times, but this did not give any results. He passionately whispered "Our Father", but it was all in vain. Then Monroe began to call for help.

He suddenly noticed that someone else was approaching him. It was a man. He stopped nearby and simply began to observe what was happening with a very serious expression on his face. The man moved slowly towards Monroe. It was on its knees, sobbing, arms outstretched, holding the two small creatures away from it. The man still looked very serious...

When he came close, Monroe stopped fighting and collapsed to the floor, begging for help. He picked up both creatures and began to examine them, swinging them in his arms. As soon as he took them away, they seemed to immediately relax and go limp. Monro thanked him through tears, returned to the sofa, slipped into the physical body, sat down and looked around: the room was empty.

Monroe could not explain the nature of these creatures. Scientists have suggested, and not without reason, that the layer of the Subtle World closest to the physical world is saturated with thought forms and phantoms. So, Professor A. Chernetsky emphasizes that if you create a mental image in any place, for example, in the corner of a room, then the device will fix the shells of this mental image. So the creatures created by us in the Subtle World around us are rushing about, looking for a subtle body similar in vibration frequency in order to penetrate into its field structure.

The ancient Eastern sages in particular emphasized the importance of spiritual aspiration at the moment of death. It is this spiritual impulse that helps the Soul to skip this terrible semi-physical layer and reach the level to which the Soul has matured.

During one of his visits to the Second Zone, Monroe found himself in a garden of carefully manicured flowers, trees, and grass, much like a large recreational park, all criss-crossed with paths lined with benches. Hundreds of men and women walked along the paths or sat on benches. Some were completely calm, others slightly alarmed, but most looked amazed, amazed and completely bewildered ...

Monroe guessed that this was a meeting place where new arrivals were waiting for friends or relatives. From here, from this meeting place, friends must pick up each newcomer and take him to where he “should” be.” Over time, researchers at the Monroe Institute, designating this location as "Point 27", learned to reach it in experiments with the impact on the brain of appropriate acoustic fields.

Yes, Monroe's studies of the second zone give curious picture The Subtle World, the world - where the soul goes after death. A lot of what is happening there is incomprehensible, unfamiliar, and seems incredible to us, earthlings.

Further experiments by Monroe and his collaborators made it possible to learn a lot more about the Other World, but all this information is probably only a tiny part of the infinite knowledge about the Universe.

In the 1960s, when the Monroe Institute was conducting joint experiments, the psychologist Charles Tart coined the concept of "out-of-body experiences", and after 20 years this name became the generally accepted designation in the West. given state existence.

In recent decades, out-of-body experiences have become quite appropriate to speak of in much of the academic and intellectual community. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of representatives of earthly culture are still not aware of this facet of life.

Dr. Monroe's first book, Journeys Out of the Body, fulfilled and even exceeded its goal. It generated floods of letters from all corners of our planet, and in hundreds of them people expressed personal appreciation for the reassuring assurance of their mental health, for the feeling that they were not so alone in their secret experiences that they themselves could not understand before.

And, most importantly, people thanked for the confidence that they were not candidates for a mental hospital at all. That was the purpose of the first book: to help at least one single person avoid such a senseless infringement of freedom.

The information presented by Monroe in his remarkable book is unique in that: firstly, it is the result of multiple visits to the Subtle World over the course of 30 years; secondly, the researcher and performer of unusual visits to the Subtle World is presented in one person.

All people are mortal. This simple truth is perceived differently at every age. Little children know nothing about the existence of death. To teenagers, it is presented as something distant and almost unattainable. This explains the readiness of teenagers to take unjustified risks, because it seems to them that life will never end, and death comes only to others.

In adulthood, the transience of life is felt very acutely. Questions about the meaning of life begin to torment. Why all these aspirations, worries, worries, if only oblivion and decay lie ahead? Older people eventually come to terms with the idea of own death, but with special trepidation they begin to relate to the life and health of their loved ones. In old age, a person alone is left with thoughts about the imminent end of his earthly existence. Someone is terrified of death, others are waiting for it as a deliverance. In any case, the final is inevitable.

What's next? What awaits the human soul? Major world religions agree that death is not the end, but only the beginning.

Buddhism: the soul cannot die

From the point of view of Buddhism, death is not only a natural but also a desirable process. It is only a necessary step for achievement of the Ideal. But the Ideal (Absolute) is not achieved by everyone.

beyond life

The soul does not die with the body. Its fate after death depends on how a person went through his earthly path. There are three options:

  1. Rebirth (relocation).
  2. Achievement of nirvana.
  3. Room in hell.

Among the punishments prepared for sinners are the following:

  • torture with hot iron;
  • freezing punishment;
  • roasting torture.

Having passed all the tests that still follow take symbolically the soul is reborn. According to Buddhists, birth and life are not blessings, but new torments.

Rebirth or Nirvana

Sinners are waiting for an endless series of migrations. At the same time, it is possible to be reborn not only by a person, but also by an animal, and a plant, as well as celestial. It should be noted that it is not the soul itself that is reborn in the usual sense of the word, but karma - a kind of mentality, one of the characteristics of which is the ability to undergo numerous changes or transformations.

Nirvana awaits the righteous after physical death. Literally, "nirvana" is translated as "extinction". But the flame of life does not die out with the cessation of the existence of the human bodily shell, but continues in a different way. One of the Buddhist monks Nagasen describes nirvana not only as the absence of fear, danger and suffering, but also as bliss, tranquility, purity and perfection. More precisely characterize state of nirvana very problematic, because it is beyond the bounds of human thinking.

Islam: conversation with angels

The body is just an instrument that is completely subordinate to the spirit. Death is considered as the cessation of the functions of the body, its individual organs and systems. Life stops by the will of the Lord, but the angels are entrusted with taking the soul of a person and accompanying it to another world.

Azrael - messenger of death

At the time determined by the Almighty, when the earthly path of a person has come to an end, angels descend to him. The former life of the deceased affects how his soul will leave after death, how easily it leaves the body and what awaits it in the afterlife. If the righteous dies, at first luminous and smiling angels of mercy appear to him, and then Azrael himself comes - the angel of death.

Pure souls leave the body smoothly and gently. The martyrs, who accepted death for the glory of the Lord, do not at all immediately realize that they have died, since they do not at all feel the agony of death. They just move to another world and enjoy eternal bliss. Angels everywhere greet the spirit of the righteous, admiring him and praising all the good deeds done by a person during his lifetime.

Sinners die painfully. They expect death with fear and anger, and their souls, without any pity, literally break out of their bodies. Angels don't tell them beautiful words, do not accompany to the Almighty. On the contrary, they are treated with disdain, pushed back into the grave.

Munkar and Nakir - questioners from the grave

After the soul appears before Allah, He tells the angels to carry it back to the grave, which is not only the last refuge of the body, but also initial stage transition to eternal life. It is in the grave that the soul is waiting for a conversation with two angels. Nakir and Munkar ask everyone what religion he professed during his lifetime, whether he believed in God, whether he did good deeds. The righteous have no difficulty in answering all these questions.

If a person led a sinful lifestyle, then he may be punished already in the grave, acting as a kind of purgatory. F. Gülen in the article "Convictions" posted in Islamic information portal, compares the grave with a bitter medicine, which is followed by recovery and deliverance from hellish torments.

In the afterlife, the spirit of the righteous feels the bliss of paradise. Good deeds done during life, prayers read will appear before him in the form of good friends and helpers. Bad deeds will haunt sinners in the form of ill-wishers, as well as snakes and scorpions. The soul, which has unresolved sins, will suffer punishment in order to be cleansed and, having risen at the appointed hour, go to heaven.

After the transition to another world, the accounting of good and evil deeds of a person stops, but everything that he left on earth after himself is taken into account. It can be written books, created things, properly brought up children, a contribution to the development of society. Everything will be counted. If any deed of a person, committed during his lifetime, caused evil and continues to harm people even after his death, then sins will accumulate. For them, too, will need to answer and be punished.

On the appointed day, Allah will resurrect not only the soul of man. His body will also be resurrected from the particles that did not decompose after being buried.

Judaism: the immortality of the disembodied spirit

The continuation of the life of the human soul after physical death is the main idea of ​​Judaism. In the Torah, the concept of immortality is not fully disclosed; it touches upon the issues of people's earthly life. The prophets tell the Jews about the other world.

The connection between the perishable body and the eternal spirit

The uniqueness of a person, unlike representatives of the animal world, is given by the presence of a soul, which is nothing but the innermost essence of God. Each human soul until the day of his earthly birth is in heaven. The connection between body and spirit begins at conception and ends at death.

After the death of the body, the disembodied spirit is in confusion: it sees its physical shell, but cannot return to it. The soul mourns and mourns for its body for 7 days.

Awaiting the verdict

Within a year after death, the soul has no place where it can find peace. Watching the decay of the tissues of the body that served her in life, the soul is in turmoil and suffers. This is a strong and very painful test for her. It is easiest for the righteous and those who did not give of great importance external forms focusing on internal content.

The soul is sentenced after 12 months. Judgment may take less time, but for sinners and wicked people it lasts exactly one year. Then the soul enters Gegein, where a purifying spiritual fire awaits it. After that, she can claim eternal life.

Christianity: ordeals of sinners

The soul in the next world needs to go through ordeals, each of which is a punishment for a certain sin. Having overcome the first test, the easiest, the soul moves on to the next, more difficult and serious. Having gone through all the ordeals, either purification or overthrow into Gehenna awaits her.

20 torture

A person's personal experience gained during his lifetime, his views and beliefs affect the passage of ordeals and their perception. There are twenty trials in total:

  1. Idle talk or love of empty talk.
  2. Deceit.
  3. Slander and gossip.
  4. Laziness.
  5. Theft.
  6. Love of money.
  7. Covetousness.
  8. Unrighteous condemnations.
  9. Envy.
  10. Pride.
  11. Anger.
  12. rancor.
  13. Murders.
  14. Sorcery.
  15. Fornication.
  16. Adultery.
  17. Sodom sin.
  18. Heresy.
  19. Cruelty.

Each of the addictions to which a person was prone during his lifetime, after his death, will turn into a demon (publican) and will torment the sinner.

From the fortieth day to the Last Judgment

After the completion of the ordeals, the soul is shown heavenly abodes and the abyss of hell, and on the fortieth day they determine the place where the Last Judgment is to be expected. Now some souls exist in anticipation of eternal joy, while others - endless torment.

There is an exception to this rule. The innocent soul of a child after death will immediately be granted peace and bliss. And the Lord will allow children who suffer during their lifetime from all sorts of ailments and ailments to choose any place in paradise that they like.

When the appointed hour arrives, all bodies will be resurrected, united with their souls and brought before the judgment seat of Christ. It is not entirely correct to talk about the resurrection of the soul itself, since it is already immortal. Eternal life full of joy awaits the righteous, and the wicked - the flames of hell, by which one should understand not the fire familiar to man, but something known only to God.

eyewitness accounts

There are testimonies of people who, having suffered clinical death, literally returned from the next world. They all describe the events that happen to them in approximately the same way.

After the soul separates from the body, it is not immediately aware of what has happened. Watching her lifeless body, she gradually begins to understand that earthly life is over. At the same time, the consciousness of a person, his thoughts and memory remain unchanged. Many recall how all the events of their earthly life flashed before their eyes. Someone is sure that, being in another world, he was able to learn all the secrets of the universe, but this knowledge was later erased from memory.

Looking around, the soul notices a bright glow, radiating love and bliss, and begins to move towards the light. Some hear at the same time a sound reminiscent of the sound of the wind, others seem to hear the voices of dead relatives or the call of angels. On the other side of life, communication takes place not at the verbal level, but with the help of telepathy. Sometimes people heard a voice commanding the soul to go back to earth, because there were unfinished business and the mission of man was not completely fulfilled.

Many experienced such peace, calmness and joy that they did not want to return to their body. But there are those who felt fear and suffering. Then they needed a lot of time to recover and get rid of painful memories.

Often people who have experienced clinical death change their attitude to life, religion and begin to do things that were previously unusual for them. At the same time, everyone claims that the experience gained had a strong influence on their future fate.

Scientists who adhere to materialistic views are sure that the visions described by people in a state of clinical death are just hallucinations caused by a lack of oxygen. There is no evidence for the reality of post-mortem experiences.

Without transgressing the line separating life from death, no one is given to know what is prepared for him in the other world. But everyone can worthily pass his earthly path and not commit evil deeds. Not because of the fear of heavenly punishment, but because of the love of goodness, justice and one's neighbors.

Without exaggeration, we can say that every person from a certain age thinks about death and asks himself: When a person dies, what happens ...

What happens after death to a person

And, in general, is something going on? It is hard not to ask such questions simply because death is the only inevitable event in the life of every living being. Many things may or may not happen to us during our lifetime, but death is something that will happen to everyone.

At the same time, the idea that death is the end of everything and forever seems so frightening and illogical that it in itself deprives life of any meaning. Not to mention the fact that the fear of one's own death and the death of loved ones can poison the most cloudless life.

Perhaps partly for this reason, throughout the existence of mankind, the answer to the question: "When a person dies, what happens to him?" searched for mystics, shamans, philosophers and representatives of various religious movements.

And, I must say, there are as many answers to this question as there are religions and various spiritual and mystical traditions.

And today, information about life after death can be found not only in religious and mystical traditions. The development of psychology and medicine, especially since the second half of the 20th century, has made it possible to accumulate a large number of recorded, registered testimonies from people who have experienced clinical death or coma.

The number of people who have experienced separation from the body and traveled to the so-called afterlife or subtle worlds today is so large that it has become a fact that is difficult to ignore.

Books have been written and films made on the subject. One of the most famous works Raymond Moody's Afterlife and Michael Newton's Journey of the Soul trilogy, which have become bestsellers and have been translated into many languages.

Raymond Moody has worked as a clinical psychiatrist and for a long time In his medical practice, he encountered so many patients who had near-death experiences and described them in surprisingly similar ways that even as a man of science, he admitted that this could not be explained simply by chance or coincidence.

Michael Newton, Ph.D. and hypnotherapist, during his practice managed to collect several thousand cases where his patients not only remembered their own past lives, but also recalled in great detail the circumstances of death and the journey of the soul after the death of the physical body.

To date, the books of Michael Newton contain perhaps the largest and most detailed number of post-mortem experiences and the life of the soul after the death of the physical body.

Summing up, we can say that there are many theories and stories about what happens to a person after the death of the body. Sometimes, these theories are very different from each other, but they are all based on the same basic premises:

Firstly, a person is not only a physical body, in addition to the physical shell there is an immortal soul or consciousness.

Secondly, nothing ends with biological death, death is just a door to another life.

Where does the soul go, what happens to the body after death

In many cultures and traditions, the importance of 3, 9 and 40 days from the death of the body is noted. Not only in our culture it is customary to commemorate the deceased on the 9th and 40th days.

It is believed that within three days after death it is better not to bury or cremate the remains, because during this time the connection between the soul and the body is still strong and burial or even moving the ashes over a long distance can break this connection and thus disrupt the natural separation of the soul with body.

According to Buddhist tradition, in most cases, the soul may not realize the fact of death for three days and behave in the same way as during life.

If you watched the movie "The Sixth Sense", then this is exactly what happens to the hero of Bruce Willis according to the plot of the film. He does not realize that he has died for some time and his soul continues to live at home and visit familiar places.

Thus, within 3 days after death, the soul remains close to relatives and often even in the house where the deceased lived.

Within 9 days, the soul or awareness that has accepted the fact of death, as a rule, completes, if necessary, worldly affairs, says goodbye to relatives and friends and prepares for a journey to other subtle, spiritual worlds.

But what exactly does the soul see, whom does it meet after the end?

According to most records of people who survived a coma or clinical death, there are meetings with relatives and loved ones who have died earlier. The soul experiences incredible lightness and peace, which were not available during life in the physical body. The world, through the eyes of the soul, is filled with light.

The soul, after the death of the body, sees and experiences what the person believed in during his life.

An Orthodox person can see angels or the Virgin Mary, a Muslim can see the Prophet Muhammad. A Buddhist is likely to meet a Buddha or Avalokiteshvara. An atheist will not meet any angels and prophets, but he will also see dead loved ones who will become his guides to spiritual dimensions.

With regard to life after death, we can rely either on the views of religious and spiritual traditions, or on the descriptions of the experiences of people who have experienced near-death experiences or remember their previous lives and post-mortem experiences.

On the one hand, these descriptions are as diverse as life. But, on the other hand, almost all of them have a common moment. The experience that a person receives after the death of the physical body is largely determined by his beliefs, state of mind and deeds in his life.

And it is difficult to disagree with the fact that our actions throughout life were also determined by our worldview, beliefs and faith. And in spiritual world, free from physical laws, the desires and fears of the soul are realized instantly.

If during life in a material body our thoughts and desires could be hidden from others, then on the spiritual planes everything secret becomes clear.

But, despite the differences, in most traditions it is believed that before the expiration of 40 days, the soul of the deceased is in thin spaces, where it analyzes and sums up the life lived, but still has access to earthly existence.

Often, relatives see the dead in their dreams during this period. After 40 days, the soul, as a rule, leaves the earthly world.

Man feels his death

If you happen to lose someone close, then perhaps you know that often on the eve of death or the onset of a fatal illness, a person intuitively feels that his time of life is ending.

Obsessive thoughts about the end or just premonitions of trouble can often arise.

The body feels the approach of its death and this is reflected in emotions and thoughts. Dreams that are interpreted by a person as a harbinger of imminent death.

It all depends on the sensitivity of a person and how well he can hear his soul.

So, psychics or saints, almost always not only foresaw the approach of death, but could know the date and circumstances of the end.

What does a person feel before death?

What does a person feel before death is determined by the situations in which he leaves this life?

A person whose life was full and happy or a deeply religious person can leave calmly, with gratitude, in full acceptance of what is happening. A person dying from a serious illness may even view death as a release from physical pain and an opportunity to leave the decrepit body.

In the event of an unexpected serious illness that occurs to a person in young age there may be bitterness, regret and rejection of what is happening.

Experiences on the eve of death are very personal and there are hardly any two people with the same experience.

One thing is for sure, what a person feels before crossing depends heavily on what his life was like, how much of the desired he managed to realize, how much love and joy there was in life, and, of course, on the circumstances of death itself.

But, according to numerous medical observations, if death was not instantaneous, a person feels how gradually forces, energy leave the body, the connection with the physical world becomes thinner, the perception of the senses deteriorates noticeably.

According to the descriptions of people who have experienced clinical death as a result of an illness, death is very similar to falling asleep, but you wake up in a different world.

How long does a person die

Death, like life, is different for everyone. Someone is lucky and the end happens quickly and painlessly. A person can simply fall into a dream, experience a cardiac arrest in this state and never wake up again.

Someone who battles a deadly disease such as cancer for a long time and lives on the edge of death for a while.

There is not, and cannot be, any scenario. But the soul leaves the body at the moment when life leaves the physical shell.

The reason why the soul leaves this world may be old age, illness, injuries received as a result of an accident. Therefore, how long a person dies depends on the cause that led to death.

What awaits us "at the end of the road"

If you are not a person who believes that everything ends with the death of the physical body, then at the end of this path a new beginning awaits you. AND we are talking not only about the new birth or life in the Garden of Eden.

In the XXI century, many of the scientists no longer consider the death of the physical body as the end of the soul or the human psyche. Of course, scientists, as a rule, do not operate with the concept of the soul, instead they often use the word consciousness, but most importantly, many of modern scientists no longer deny the existence of life after death.

For example, Robert Lanza, American, MD and professor at Wake Forest University of Medicine claims that after the death of the physical body, human consciousness continues to inhabit other worlds. In his opinion, the life of the soul or consciousness, unlike the life of the physical body, is eternal.

In addition, from his point of view, death is nothing more than an illusion, which is perceived as a reality due to our strong identification with the body.

He describes his view of what happens to the human consciousness after the death of the physical body in the book Biocentrism: Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe.

Summing up, we can say that although there is no unequivocal answer to the question of what will happen after death, but according to all religions and the latest discoveries in medicine and psychology, life does not end with the end of the physical body.

What happens to the soul after death in different religions

From the point of view of various religious traditions, life after the death of the physical body definitely exists. Differences by and large only in where and how.


In Christian traditions, including Orthodoxy, there are concepts of judgment, doomsday, heaven, hell and resurrection. After death, every soul will be judged, where charitable, good and sinful deeds are weighed, and there is no opportunity to be reborn.

If a person's life was burdened with sins, then his soul can go to purgatory or, in the case of mortal sins, to hell. Everything depends on the severity of sins and on the possibility of their expiation. At the same time, the prayers of the living can affect the fate of the soul after death.

As a result, in the Christian tradition it is important to perform a funeral ceremony over the grave on the day of burial and periodically pray for the repose of the souls of the dead during church services. According to Christian religion sincere prayers for the departed are able to save the soul of a sinner from an eternal stay in hell.

Depending on how a person lived, his soul goes to purgatory, heaven or hell. The soul enters purgatory if the sins committed were not mortal or in the absence of a rite of absolution or purification in the process of dying.

After experiencing unpleasant soul-tormenting sensations and gaining repentance and redemption, the soul gets a chance to go to heaven. Where she will live in peace among angels, seraphim and saints until the day of judgment.

Paradise or the kingdom of heaven is a place where the souls of the righteous are in bliss and enjoy life in perfect harmony with all things, and do not know any need.

A person who committed mortal sins, regardless of whether he was baptized or not, a suicide or just an unbaptized person, cannot go to heaven.

In hell, sinners are tormented by hellfire, torn apart and experience endless torment as punishment, and all this lasts until the day of judgment, which should take place with the second coming of Christ.

Descriptions of the hour of judgment can be found in the New Testament in the Bible, in the Gospel of Matthew verses 24-25. God's judgment or the great judgment day will forever determine the fate of the righteous and sinners.

The righteous will rise from the grave and gain eternal life at the right hand of God, while sinners will be condemned to burn in hell forever.


The concept of judgment, heaven and hell in Islam as a whole is very similar to the Christian tradition, but there are some differences. In Islam, much attention is paid to the rewards that a holy soul receives in paradise.

The righteous in the Muslim paradise not only enjoy peace and tranquility, but live surrounded by luxury, beautiful women, delicious food, and all this in wonderful gardens of Eden.

And if heaven is a place for the just reward of the righteous, then hell is a place created by the Almighty for the legal punishment of sinners.

The torment in hell is terrible and endless. For someone who is condemned to be in hell, the "body" is increased in size several times, to multiply the torment. After each torture, the remains are restored and subjected to suffering again.

In the Muslim hell, as in the Christian one, there are several levels, which differ in the degree of punishment depending on the severity of the sins committed. Enough detailed description heaven and hell can be found in the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet.


According to Judaism, life is inherently eternal, therefore, after the death of the physical body, life simply passes to another, higher, if I may say so, level.

The Torah describes the moments of the transition of the soul from one dimension to another, depending on what kind of inheritance from the actions of the soul has accumulated during life.

For example, if the soul was too strongly attached to physical pleasures, then after death it experiences inexpressible suffering, because in the spiritual world, without a physical body, it does not have the opportunity to satisfy them.

In general, we can say that in the Jewish tradition, the transition to higher, spiritual parallel worlds reflects the life of the soul in the body. If in the physical world life was joyful, happy and filled with love for God, then the transition will be easy and painless.

If the soul, while living in the body, did not know peace, was filled with hatred, envy and other poisons, all this will go to the afterlife and intensify many times over.

Also, according to the book "Zaor", the souls of people are under the constant patronage and supervision of the souls of the righteous and ancestors. Souls from the subtle worlds help and instruct the living, because they know that the physical world is only one of the worlds created by God.

But, although our familiar world is only one of the worlds, souls always return to this world in new bodies, therefore, taking care of the living, the souls of the ancestors also take care of the world in which they will live in the future.


In the Buddhist tradition, there is a very important book that describes in detail the process of dying and the journey of the soul after the death of the body - the Tibetan Book of the Dead. It is customary to read this text in the ear of the deceased for 9 days.

Accordingly, within 9 days after death, do not commit funeral rite. All the while, the soul is given the opportunity to hear step-by-step instructions about what it can see and where it can go. Conveying the essence, we can say that the soul will feel and experience what it was inclined to love and hate in life.

What the soul of man felt strong love, attachment or fear and aversion will determine what kind of pictures a person will see during his 40-day journey in the spiritual world (bardo). And in what world the soul is destined to be reborn in the next incarnation.

According to the Tibetan book of the dead”, during the journey in the posthumous bardo, a person has a chance to free the soul from karma and further incarnations. In this case, the soul does not receive a new body, but goes to the bright lands of the Buddha or the subtle worlds of Gods and Demigods.

If a person experienced too much anger and showed aggression during life, such energies can attract the soul to the worlds of asuras or half-demons. Excessive attachment to physical pleasures, which has not dissolved even with the death of the body, can cause rebirth in the worlds of hungry ghosts.

A very primitive mode of existence, aimed only at survival, can lead to a birth in the animal world.

In the absence of any strong or excessive attachments and aversions, but in the presence of attachment to the physical world as a whole, the soul will be born in a human body.


The view of the life of the soul after death in Hinduism is very similar to the Buddhist one. Which is not surprising since Buddhism has Hindu roots. There are slight differences in the description and names of the worlds in which the soul can be reborn. But the point is also that the soul receives rebirth according to karma (the consequences of those actions that a person performed during his lifetime).

The fate of the human soul after death - can it get stuck in this world

There is evidence that the soul can be stuck for some time in the physical world. This can happen if there is a strong affection or pain in relation to those who remain or if it is necessary to complete an important task.

Often this happens due to an unexpected death. In such cases, as a rule, death is too great a shock for the soul itself and for the relatives of the deceased. The severe pain of loved ones, their unwillingness to come to terms with the loss, important unfinished business does not give the soul the opportunity to move on.

Unlike those who die of illness or old age, people who die unexpectedly do not have the ability to make a will. And often the soul wants to say goodbye to everyone, help, ask for forgiveness.

And if the soul does not have any painful attachments to a place, a person, or physical pleasure, then, as a rule, completing all things, it leaves our earthly world.

Soul on the day of the funeral

The soul of a person on the day of the burial or cremation ceremony, as a rule, is present next to the body among relatives and friends. Therefore, it is considered important in any tradition to pray for the easy return of the soul home.

In Christian customs, these are funeral services; in Hinduism, these are sacred texts and mantras, or simply good and kind words uttered over the body of the deceased.

Scientific evidence for life after death

If the testimonies of eyewitnesses who survived near-death experiences, psychics who see souls and people who can leave the body can be considered evidence, then there are now, without exaggeration, hundreds of thousands of such confirmations.

A large number of recorded stories of people who have experienced a coma or near-death experience, with comments by research doctors, can be found in Moody's book Life After Life.

Several thousand different unique stories about life after death, received as a result of regressive hypnosis by Dr. Michael Newtan, are described in his books, dedicated to travel souls. Some of the most famous are Journey of the Soul and Destiny of the Soul.

In the second book, The Long Journey, he describes in detail what exactly happens to the soul after death, where it goes, and what difficulties it may encounter on its way to other worlds.

Quantum physicists and neuroscientists have now learned how to measure the energy of consciousness. They have not yet come up with a name for it, but have recorded a subtle difference in the movement of electromagnetic waves in a conscious and unconscious state.

And if it is possible to measure the invisible, to measure consciousness, which is often equated with the immortal soul, then it will become obvious that our soul is also a kind of very subtle, but energy.

Which, as you know, from Newton's first law is never born, will not be destroyed, energy only passes from one state to another. And this means that the death of the physical body is not the end - it is just another stop in the endless journey of the immortal soul.

9 signs that deceased loved ones are nearby

Sometimes, when the soul lingers in this world, it stays for a while in order to complete its earthly affairs and say goodbye to loved ones.

There are sensitive people and psychics who clearly feel the presence of the souls of the dead. For them, this is the same part of reality as our world is for ordinary people, without psychic abilities. However, even people without special abilities talk about feeling the presence of a deceased person.

Since communication with souls is possible only at the level of intuition, this contact often occurs in dreams, or manifests itself in subtle, psychic sensations, which are accompanied by pictures from the past, or the voice of the deceased, sounding in the head. In those moments when the soul is open, many are able to look into the spiritual world.

The following events may be a sign that the soul of a deceased person is near you

  • Frequent appearance of the deceased in dreams. Especially if in a dream the deceased asks you for something.
  • An unexpected and inexplicable change in smells around you. For example, an unexpected smell of flowers, despite the fact that there are no flowers nearby, or coolness. And if you suddenly smelled the perfume of the deceased or his favorite scent, then you can be sure that his soul is nearby.
  • Unclear movement of objects. If you suddenly find things where they could not be. Especially if it's the things of the deceased. Or you suddenly began to discover unexpected objects in your path. Perhaps the deceased so attracts attention and wants to say something.
  • A clear undoubted feeling of the presence of a departed person nearby. Your brain, your feelings, still remember what it was like to be with the deceased before they died. If this feeling becomes as distinct as during his lifetime, do not hesitate, his soul is near.
  • Frequent and obvious violations in the operation of electrical appliances and electronics can be one of the signs of the presence of the soul of the deceased nearby.
  • Unexpectedly hearing your favorite or significant music for both of you, while you are thinking about the departed, is another sure sign that his soul is near.
  • Explicit sensations of touch when you are alone. Although for many it is a frightening experience.
  • If any animal suddenly shows special attention to you, or persistently attracts you with its behavior. Especially if it was the beloved animal of the deceased person. It could also be news from him.

All over the world there are a huge number of religions, sects and preachers who are trying to tell what happens to a person after death. Even scientists are interested in getting an answer to the question. However, no one to date has advanced far enough to get the only correct answer to this question. So we can only consider different theories.

What does a person feel before death?

One question can be more or less truthfully answered, given the success of resuscitation measures:

  • Each patient speaks his own, because before death, the perception of reality is often disturbed.
  • All stories largely converge in patients with the same injuries or lesions of the same organs.
  • Depending on the situation, a person may not even have time to understand anything. This usually happens during accidents or episodes of violence.
  • The situation is much worse when death occurs as a result of chronic diseases. In this case, prolonged agony and full awareness of what is happening is possible.
  • Death in a dream really is one of most painless, the person does not have time to understand what happened to him.

Schematically, the process of dying from the point of view of medicine occurs as follows:

  • Failure of one of the organ systems, pain is possible.
  • Violation of blood circulation and heart function. Pain and heaviness in the chest.
  • Respiratory failure. Sensation as if something heavy were pressing down on the chest.
  • Stopping breathing and heartbeat, after which a person can be conscious for up to ten seconds.
  • Direct agony. Disruption of all control systems, pain, panic, muscle spasm.
  • Dying. Shutdown of all organs and systems, complete cessation of life.

How long does a person die?

Not everything has to happen according to a strictly described scheme. As already mentioned, all depends on the nature of the injury.

  • It is extremely painful for people to leave kidney dysfunction This spectacle is not for the faint of heart.
  • Victims heart attacks experience more panic and horror than actual pain. By the way, in such a situation, it is important to pull yourself together, because emotional stress only adds stress to the heart muscle.
  • About brain death figures vary, some argue that after 3-4 minutes irreversible changes occur. But at the same time, there are examples of successful resuscitation and almost complete recovery after 10, 15, and even 20 minutes after cardiac arrest. A matter of luck and functionality of the body. But in any case, the count goes on for minutes, and without oxygen, all the neurons of the brain will die, the connections between them will be broken, and everything that formed our personality will disappear forever.

What awaits a person after death?

But it was a materialistic view of life. You can sweeten the pill a little, and at the same time make a comparison:

In terms of religion

From the point of view of science

The soul is immortal.

There is nothing but the physical shell.

After the death of a person, heaven or hell awaits, depending on lifetime actions.

Death is finite, it is impossible to avert or significantly prolong life.

Immortality is guaranteed to everyone, the only question is whether it will be eternal pleasures or endless torment.

The only kind of immortality you can have is in your children. genetic extension.

Earthly life is only a brief prelude to infinite existence.

Life is all you have and that is what should be valued the most.

From a long-term perspective, the statements of religious figures are much more pleasant. It is difficult to give up the idea of ​​eternal life, gardens of Eden, houris and other joys of life.

But if we consider present day, one specifically taken moment, scientists and atheists are already taking over.

After all, it is much more interesting to try to achieve something in this life. than to hope for an eternal existence, which may not be.

Does the person feel his death?

But this is not the easiest question. If in terms of premonitions, then there are examples in history when people predicted their death over the next few days. But this does not mean that everyone is capable of this. Yes and oh great power coincidences should not be forgotten.

It may be interesting to know if a person is able to understand that he is dying:

  1. We all feel the deterioration of our own condition.
  2. Although not all internal organs have pain receptors, in our body there are more than enough of them.
  3. We even feel the arrival of a banal SARS. What can we say about death.
  4. Regardless of our desires, the body does not want to die in a panic and activates all resources to fight a serious condition.
  5. This process may be accompanied by convulsions, pain, severe shortness of breath.
  6. But not every sharp deterioration in well-being indicates. Most often, the alarm will be false, so you should not panic in advance.
  7. Do not try to cope with conditions close to critical on your own. Call for help from everyone you can.

The psychological aspect of death

Sometimes the harbinger of death can be much worse than the process itself. The oppressive expectation of an imminent end can drive anyone crazy. Most often, these thoughts haunt the seriously ill and the elderly; against this background, severe depression.

Here, as with panic during a heart attack - only an additional load will be created, which will contribute to the deterioration of the condition. Therefore, in all life situations You have to be, if not an optimist, then at least a realist.

None of us can know what is destined for a person after death. Perhaps death is indeed the last stop, after which there will never be anything. Or maybe just a new beginning of something really amazing.

Don't waste your time reflecting on this topic. However, don't get discouraged either.. No wonder in most religions despondency is considered a mortal sin.

What awaits us "at the end of the road"?

In terms of various teachings after death:

  • The human soul will go to judgment.
  • After that, it will be determined either in a better place or in hell.
  • In Asia, the idea of ​​transmigration of souls and births in other bodies is popular.
  • The quality of life in all subsequent incarnations depends on the actions in previous lives.
  • After the death of the body life path man ends, there is no hidden veil and afterlife.
  • The existence of ghosts and other restless souls has not been confirmed, but not refuted either.
  • The idea of ​​quantum immortality boils down to the fact that at least in one of the infinite set of universes we still remain alive.

All this is insanely interesting, but you should never check it on your own experience.

There is no single answer to the most important question, what happens to a person after death - everything is the same mystery as many thousands of years ago. Neither science, nor religion, nor medicine helped to get closer to the solution. However, not everyone wants to think that death is really the end.

Video: what will happen to us after death?
