Famous people helping others. Russian stars who do charity work

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Simple and amazing stories of real heroes. Everyone should know their names.

History knows a huge number of people who made outstanding deeds and discoveries, but at the same time remained unnoticed.

website believes that many of them deserve fame and wide recognition. This article contains the stories of seven such heroes - they are all different, but each of them made life on planet Earth a little - or even much - better and happier.

History from Konstantin Paustovsky

“It was the spring of 1912, before the exams, a meeting was arranged in the garden. All the gymnasium students of our class were called to it, except for the Jews. The Jews were not supposed to know anything about this meeting.

At the meeting, it was decided that the best students from Russians and Poles should grab the four in exams at least in one subject so as not to receive a gold medal. We decided to give all the gold medals to the Jews. Without these medals, they were not admitted to the university.

We have sworn to keep this decision confidential. To the credit of our class, we did not let it slip, neither then nor after, when we were already university students. Now I break this oath, because almost none of my schoolmates are left alive. Most of them died during big wars experienced by my generation. Only a few people survived."

A world without nuclear war

September 26, 1983 lieutenant colonel Stanislav Petrov was on duty at Serpukhov-15, a secret bunker near Moscow, and was busy monitoring the satellite system Soviet Union. Shortly after midnight, one of the satellites signaled to Moscow that the US was launching 5 ballistic missiles at Russia. The entire responsibility at that moment fell on the forty-four-year-old lieutenant colonel: he had to decide how to respond to this signal.

The alarm sounded at a difficult time, relations between the USSR and America were strained, but Petrov decided that it was false and refused to take any retaliatory measures. Thus, he prevented a possible nuclear catastrophe - the signal really turned out to be false.

Vasily Arkhipov, an officer in the Russian Navy, also once made a decision that saved the world. During the Caribbean Crisis, he prevented the launch of a nuclear torpedo. The Soviet submarine B-59 was surrounded near Cuba by eleven American destroyers and the aircraft carrier Randolph. Despite the fact that it took place in neutral waters, the Americans used depth charges against the boat to force it to rise to the surface.

The submarine commander, Valentin Savitsky, prepared to launch a nuclear torpedo in return. However, the senior on board Arkhipov showed restraint, drew attention to the signals from the American ships and stopped Savitsky. The signal "Stop the provocation" was sent from the boat, after which the American military forces were withdrawn and the situation was somewhat defused.

The man with the golden hand

Australian at thirteen James Harrison had undergone major breast surgery and was in urgent need of about 13 liters of donated blood. After the operation, he was in the hospital for three months. Realizing that donating blood saved his life, he made a promise to start donating blood as soon as he turned 18.

As soon as Harrison reached the age required to donate blood, he immediately went to the Red Cross blood donation site. It was there that it turned out that his blood is unique in its kind, since its plasma contains special antibodies, thanks to which it is possible to prevent the Rhesus conflict of a pregnant mother with her fetus. Without these antibodies, the Rh conflict leads to a minimum of anemia and jaundice in the child, a maximum to stillbirth.

When James was told what exactly was found in his blood, he asked only one question. He asked how often you can donate blood.
Since then, every three weeks, James Harrison comes to a medical center near his home and donates exactly 400 milliliters of blood. To date, he has donated about 377 liters of blood.
In the 56 years since his first donation, he has donated blood and blood components almost 1,000 times and saved about 2,000,000 children and their young mothers.

Polish Schindler

Eugene Lazowski was a Polish doctor who saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. Thanks to the discovery of his friend, Dr. Stanislav Matulevich, Lazowski simulated an outbreak of typhus, a dangerous infectious disease. Matulevich discovered that healthy person it is possible to inoculate certain bacteria, and then the results of the test for typhus will be positive, and the person himself will not experience any manifestations of the disease.

The Germans were afraid of typhus because it was highly contagious. At a time when Jews infected with typhus were routinely executed, Lazowski was inoculating the non-Jewish population in the neighborhoods surrounding the ghetto, near the town of Rozvadov. He knew that the Germans would be forced to give up in order to get close to the Jewish settlements, and in the end they simply quarantined the area. This saved approximately 8,000 Polish Jews from certain death in concentration camps.

The scientist who saved millions of lives

American biologist Maurice Ralph Guilleman created 36 vaccines in his lifetime - more than any other scientist in the world. Of the fourteen vaccines that are now in general use, he invented 8, including those for measles, meningitis, chickenpox, hepatitis A and B.

In addition, Gilleman was the first person to determine how the flu virus mutates. Almost single-handedly, he worked to develop a vaccine that prevented the 1957 Asian flu outbreak from becoming a repeat of the 1918 Spanish pandemic that killed 20 million people worldwide.

Donor of immortal cells

African American Henrietta Lacks died of cancer in 1951 at the age of thirty-one. However, she became the donor of the cellular material that allowed Dr. George Otto Gay to create the first ever immortal human cell line, known as the HeLa line. "Immortality" meant that these cells did not die after a few divisions, which means that they could be used to conduct many medical experiments and studies.

In 1954, the HeLa cell strain was used by Jonas Sok to develop a polio vaccine. In 1955, HeLa became the first successfully cloned human cells. Demand for these cages grew rapidly. They were put into mass production and sent to scientists around the world to study cancer, AIDS, the effects of radiation and other diseases. Now scientists are growing about 20 tons of Henrietta cells, there are almost 11,000 patents related to them.

Inventor of the seat belt

July 10, 1962 employee of the Volvo Corporation Nils Bolin patented his invention - a three-point seat belt. It was exactly the system that is still used in cars today: Bolin spent a little less than a year, and was first introduced on Volvo cars in 1959.

The corporation made the seat belt design free to other automakers, and it soon became a worldwide standard. According to recent studies, Bolin's invention has saved about a million lives during its existence.

The delight of the fans, the applause of the audience, the first roles on stage and in the cinema are not the main thing for these men. They are convinced that an artist should bring good to people. And they do it personally - in charitable projects.

The press and the audience call him a sex symbol Russian cinema, but the status of actor Danila Kozlovsky is far from limited to this. Almost nine years ago, he began to actively help the work of the Ksenia Rappoport "Children of Bel" foundation, which takes care of "butterfly people" suffering from a rare incurable disease, and this year he became a member of its board of trustees. Also, since 2013, Danila has been an official of the Exit in St. Petersburg Foundation, which works with autism problems, helps the Maxim Matveev Doctor Clown Foundation, visits children in hospitals, participates in numerous charity events and auctions.

The Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation was established in 2008 after his wife tragically passed away. famous actor Anastasia. Its motto is "One life saved is one life saved". The foundation's activities are dedicated to children who suffer from oncological and other serious brain diseases. Here they provide assistance in organizing treatment and buying medicines, are engaged in rehabilitation programs and psychological support for families of young patients. In addition, the fund helps medical institutions that specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of brain diseases.

Gosha Kutsenko

Ironic look and brutal appearance, not everyone will tell about star actor. Founded by him in 2011, the Step Together charity foundation helps children with cerebral palsy. "In this world, what makes us rich is not what we get, but what we give" - ​​written on home page his website. The Foundation takes care of the most needy little patients, provides consulting and legal assistance, purchases medicines and the necessary medical equipment. And twice a year, Gosha Kutsenko gathers movie, theater and show business stars to please children undergoing treatment and their parents with festive concerts.

Together with actress Maria Mironova, two selfless knights of the stage and the movie screen in 2008 created the charitable foundation "Artist" to provide all possible support to older people who have devoted their entire lives to art, as well as orphans and disabled children. Numerous projects and cultural events organized by the foundation allow collecting cash and send them to help the most vulnerable.

Together with his wife, actress Ksenia Alferova, Yegor Beroev in 2012 became the founder of the I Am! Charitable Foundation, where they help "special" children - with Down syndrome, autism and cerebral palsy. Egor and Ksenia are convinced: to learn and develop, to live a full, joyful life and communicate with other children - every child should have such an opportunity.

Together with his wife, producer Varya Avdyushko, film director, screenwriter and producer Timur Bekmambetov in 2006 created the Sunflower charity foundation for helping children. Here, targeted help is given to babies suffering from congenital immunodeficiency and autoimmune diseases: they find funds to buy expensive but necessary medicines, spend creative pursuits with children, organize holidays and concerts for small patients.

The chief of the Moscow Virtuosos, a well-known violinist and conductor, created his own foundation in 1994 to help young talented artists, musical and art schools, art schools. Also, the Vladimir Spivakov International Charitable Foundation takes care of children's health programs, helps orphans, disabled children, orphanages and hospitals.

One of the pioneering philanthropists, Andrew Carnegie, once said, "No one can become truly rich without giving their wealth to those in need." According to him, a man who dies rich dies dishonest. Many millionaires and billionaires and just generous people around the world have followed his example, donating millions to various charitable campaigns.

Here is a list of the most generous people planets, compiled taking into account how much money each of them gave in total. In total, from the bank accounts of these noble people$106 billion has been donated to charity.

Dietmar Hopp

One of the largest German entrepreneurs, Dietmar Hopp founded the SAP IT company, a software manufacturer for large companies and corporations. Twenty years ago, this German billionaire founded a charitable foundation to support education, sports and healthcare.

Total donations: $1 billion

Current Status: $6.3 billion

Pierre Morad Omidyar

This billionaire has not yet reached the age of 50 and is already one of the richest entrepreneurs. The founder and chairman of the board of directors of eBay, Pierre and his wife Pamela founded a charitable foundation dedicated to the fight against the slave trade. He is also the founder of the philanthropic investment fund Omidyar's Network. From a fortune of $6 billion, Omidyar donated a billion to charity.

Michael Dell

The Chairman and CEO of Dell Computer Company has led the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation for 17 years. The foundation is engaged in education, humanitarian and social assistance as well as the development of culture and art. In 2015, the foundation announced plans to build a new $25 million hospital in Austin, Texas. Total donations: $1.1 billion out of a personal fortune of $19 billion.

James Simons

The founder and president of the world's most successful investment fund, Renaissance Technologies, has a fortune in excess of $12 billion, of which $1.2 billion has been given to his charitable foundation. Basically, the fund's money was used for educational purposes. A separate line is considered to be Simons' donations to the study of autism and to support those suffering from this deviation.

In 2015, the fortune of the founder of the CNN television channel amounted to two billion dollars. Throughout his career, Turner has donated half of that amount to charity. He leads international foundation Turner Global Foundation dedicated to issues and conservation environment. He is also a regular trustee of the United Nations Foundation. The entrepreneur is concerned about the problems of overpopulation, security and infant mortality.

John Huntsman Sr.

Founder of the HuntsmanCorporation chemical industry, is the owner of a fortune of 940 million dollars. At the same time, the entrepreneur gave more than a billion dollars to fight cancer.

One of the richest and most powerful people in Asia, investor Li Ka-shing made a fortune of $26.6 billion. For more than 35 years, he has led a charitable foundation in support of education, cultural development and healthcare. In total, Li Ka-shing donated one and a half billion dollars to various fund projects.

Mark Zuckerberg

The Facebook founder is one of the youngest billionaire entrepreneurs. His fortune totals 41 billion US dollars. In 2015, Zuckerberg pledged to donate more than half of his fortune to charity over the course of his life. To date, the education sector has received more than $1.5 billion from Mark and Priscilla.

The Microsoft co-founder and head of Vulcan, a private equity fund, has $17 billion. The Allen Family Foundation is involved in a variety of charity projects, including public health, environmental protection and the study of Alzheimer's disease. In total, the fund received two billion dollars from Paul Allen.

Owner news agency and founder of media company Bloomberg is one of the world's most celebrated philanthropists. From my general condition of 40 billion, he gave three to solve the problems of education, the environment, health and community development.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the financial corporation BOK, Kaiser is the owner of more than nine billion dollars, of which 3.3 billion were given to his family charitable foundation dealing with education, community development, religious tolerance and healthcare.

Through his charitable foundation, this $7 billion billionaire continues to invest in healthcare, education and the arts. To date, his contribution to global philanthropy has amounted to three and a half billion dollars.

One of the richest people on the planet, this Mexican billionaire is the head of the GrupoCarso holding. His fortune today is 27 billion, of which four entrepreneur gave to charity. He is engaged in the improvement of life in Mexico and the protection of the nature of this country.

Moore founded Intel in 1968 and has been active in charitable work ever since. During his long career, his own foundation has donated $5 billion to environmental protection and the advancement of science. Moore's financial assets today amount to six and a half billion dollars.

Suleiman bin Abdul Al Raji

In 1957, this Arab entrepreneur and his brothers founded the AlRajhi Bank, which grew into one of the largest banks in the world. Arab world. His fortune is 590 million, while since 2013, Al Raji has donated almost six billion dollars to charity.

The founder of the Duty Free chain of stores, Charles Feeney, has been called a philanthropic genius. This merchant magnate decided to give all his fortune to the needs of society. Today, his modest wealth is $1.5 million, while his AtlanticPhilanthropies foundation has given away more than six billion of his fortune to charity.

Azim Premji

Azim Hashim Premji, the founder of IT company Wipro, is one of the two richest people in India. His capital is sixteen billion US dollars, of which Premji gave half to improve the educational system of India.

One of the most famous philanthropists in the world, the founder of a network of charitable foundations, Soros gave $ 8 billion to charity, which is 33% of his total capital. The Soros Foundation works around the world, helping to solve problems of social development, education and health care.

The world's largest investor and richest man, Buffett is also the most generous of all philanthropists. In 2006, he promised to give 85% of his money, which is more than 60 billion, to the Bill and Melinda Gates Charitable Foundation by the end of his life. To date, Buffett has donated more than $21 billion.

Known as the creator of Microsoft and richest man on the planet, Bill Gates is now doing charity work. His fund invests in various social projects Worldwide. Of the 85 billion dollars, the Gates spouses gave more than 30% to improve the world.

Charity is very popular with celebrities. Especially among the Western ones - almost everyone donates there for good deeds, the difference is only in the amount of contributions - for some it is more, for others it is less. Perhaps some of the benefactors there can be accused of looking for extra reasons for PR in this way, but the very meaning of their actions does not change from this - their money helps someone to survive, and someone to recover. Unfortunately, domestic stars, with rare exceptions, prefer to promote themselves through love affairs and scandals.

Michael Jackson

The most generous star benefactor was, who acted on the principle: you can’t help everyone, but you can and should strive for this. He was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the pop star who supports the largest number of charitable foundations - he had almost four dozen of them. Among the organizations Jackson paraded over were the Los Angeles AIDS Project, the American Cancer Society, the Fraternal Burn Center, the United States Children's Fund, and many others. And how many people he helped individually, and do not count. For example, Jackson donated almost $300 million to those who suffered during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He also donated money to the Sick Children's Fund and supported schools for African Americans.

Now the work of the pop king is continued by his children, in particular, they support the Foundation for the Fight against Alcohol and Drugs among Youth, founded by their father.

Lady Gaga

Today, Lady Gaga has replaced Michael Jackson. The outrageous singer confidently takes first place in the ranking of charity stars. First, she not only actively helps children. Secondly, she fights for gay rights - the singer came to the MTV awards ceremony accompanied by an escort of the military, who were dismissed from the army for their non-traditional sexual orientation. For the same purpose, Lady Gaga organized her own charitable foundation Born This Way Foundation, the purpose of which is to educate homosexuals in self-respect, and in everyone else - tolerance towards them. . Thirdly, it eradicates, telling young women about the possibility of infection and safety methods, for this they use the proceeds from the sale of their own line of Viva Glam lipstick. By the way, the lipstick was chosen by the singer for this purpose not by chance. "When you go to someone's house for the night," she says, "put a condom in your purse next to a tube of lipstick." Lady Gaga also takes part in one-time promotions. So, after the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, she donated a total of more than 500 thousand dollars to the victims.

Justin Bieber

Canadian pop singer Lately works hard and has already succeeded so much that he has risen to the second line of the rating (last time he was on the tenth), giving way only to Lady Gaga. And Bieber acts unconventionally, like everyone else, but with fiction. In fact, it doesn’t take much to donate royalties from concerts or CD sales to those in need, whether it’s to put up for auction a suit that he had been wearing for a whole (!) day before, or a lock of his hair. Justin also collects a lot of money on the Internet with the help of user votes. He gives the proceeds to cancer patients, animal shelters, and even just to buy food for Christmas dinner at the House of Blessing in his hometown Stratford, in the province of Ontario. The singer believes that donating to charity is part of his work. "If I don't hand over some of the money," he says, "I feel like I haven't done my job."

George Clooney

In third place in the ranking of charitable stars is. The main bachelor of Hollywood actively supports Christian humanitarian organizations that provide assistance to the population in the hot spots of the planet. One of the places under the special protection of Clooney is the province of Darfur in Western Sudan. According to the UN, a genocide of the local population organized by local authorities is taking place there - since 2003, more than 300 thousand people have died there. The actor not only regularly visits Darfur, and not alone, but with a film crew, but also organizes events to draw attention to this problem. During one of them - a rally near the Sudanese embassy in Washington - he and his father were arrested for refusing to stop this very rally. On it, Clooney called for "humanitarian assistance to Sudan until the situation there reached the limit, and to stop the killing of men, women and children."

In early May, the actor organized a charity dinner in support of US President Barack Obama. To put it mildly, expensive tickets (in total, Clooney managed to collect $ 12 million) were sold out in a matter of hours.

Eva Longoria

The "Desperate Housewife" is concerned about the problems of people with disabilities - mentally retarded and deaf-mutes. The fact is that the actress has an intellectually handicapped sister, Lisa, so she takes everything connected with such people to heart. Eva not only opposes the reduction of social programs for the needs of the disabled, but also makes charitable contributions that go to the maintenance of boarding schools for the mentally retarded. To this end, Longoria even created her own charitable organization.

Leonardo DiCaprio

One of the highest paid Hollywood actors, also does not spare money for charity. DiCaprio heads the charitable foundation he created, whose main task is to protect the environment. The actor helps victims of natural disasters (earthquakes and floods), makes a feasible contribution to the protection of rare animals (for example, tigers), participates in programs to ensure drinking water countries in distress and the preservation of the biosphere of the oceans. Well, since the fund's treasury needs to be replenished, the actor recently decided to produce organic Lion coffee, the raw materials for which are planned to be grown in Peru, Brazil, Ethiopia and Haiti. Proceeds from the sale of this miracle drink will go to charity.


The famous singer is also no stranger to charity. The amount of her donations is simply amazing: in 2007, Shakira donated $ 40 million to help those affected by the earthquake in Peru and the hurricane in Nicaragua, in 2010 - $ 660 thousand, a fee for shooting in an advertisement for champagne, for the construction of two schools - in Colombia and Haiti .

The singer also founded the Fundación Pies Descalzos, a charity that helps underprivileged children, both in her native Colombia and elsewhere. Latin America. The UN even awarded Shakira a medal for many years of helping Latin American children from poor families. The singer, who is a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, travels the world encouraging girls from poor families to get an education so that, as adults, they will not be financially dependent on their husbands. She recently traveled on a humanitarian mission to the Indian state of Rajasthan, where only 5 percent of women can boast of an education. Shakira is sure that after her visit the situation will change in better side. In an interview, the singer admits that she is one of those people who cannot sit idly by - she must do something.

Chulpan Khamatova

The star of Russian cinema, the actress of the Sovremennik Theater is one of those involved in charity work in the post-Soviet space. The mother of three daughters founded the Podari Zhizn fund to help sick children. When Chulpan is asked in an interview what inspired her to this noble cause, she replies that these were meetings with doctors who do not leave children alone with terrible diseases, and volunteers who help them. On the website of her foundation, you can read how much money was collected and donated to sick children, today it is almost 162 million rubles. Moreover, there is also a detailed report - "Give Life" can account for every penny of donations.

Khamatova calls herself ... selfish, because doing charity work gives her incomparable pleasure: "When I see how recovered children are discharged and go into life, when I look into their eyes and the eyes of their parents, who know that they have not been abandoned when I'm in trouble, my spirits lift. It gives me so much love and happiness that no actor's tinsel in the form of fame and success can compare with it. "

Natalia Shvachko

"Miss Ukraine-96", now living in the United States, organized the Foundation to Combat oncological diseases(UCDF). Natalia has special accounts with cancer - her father and first husband, millionaire Charles Kotik, died from her. Shvachko repeatedly arranged charity evenings and fashion shows in New York, to which she invited the American beau monde. With the money that she managed to raise, her foundation bought medical equipment for the Donetsk Regional Antitumor Center.

Now Shvachko has taken a short break in charitable activities. The fact is that in January of this year her daughter Polina was born, and now Natalya devotes all her attention to her.

Vlada Prokaeva (Litovchenko)

"Miss Ukraine-95", and now helps children with special abilities, who in the future will be able to glorify our country, for which she organized the Gifted Children - the Future of Ukraine charity foundation. It has been in existence for the fifth year already, and Vlada says that every event organized by the foundation, every undertaking is passed through her heart and soul.

Taisiya Kondratieva

Fans of some of today's celebrities are condemning them for the lavish lifestyle they show off in their photos. in social networks. However, there are celebrities who consider it their duty to help those who are less fortunate in life. The most generous stars of Russia and Hollywood involved in charity - in the selection of the editors.


Ukrainian singer- Founder of the charitable foundation "Pole of Attraction". Missions of this organization travel around the cities of Ukraine, visiting children's oncology centers.

As part of the foundation's work, the singer communicates with sick children and hospital managers, and also provides medical institutions with the necessary equipment and medicines. The star allocates funds for all charitable operations from his personal budget.


The singer regularly transfers considerable amounts of money to accounts charities to help people affected by natural disasters in Latin America. In addition, the star created own center Fundación Pies Descalzos, helping underprivileged children.


Well-known patrons of the 21st century include and. The Russian actor's charitable foundation helps children with cancer and other severe brain diseases. Khabensky created this fund in memory of his first wife, Anastasia Khabenskaya, who died in 2008 after a battle with brain cancer.


The young Canadian singer considers charity a part of his work. The contractor deducts a significant percentage of the earned funds to the accounts of various public organizations and arranges unusual auctions on the Web.


The Russian supermodel is also considered to be a well-known patron of the arts. The Naked Heart Charitable Foundation is building new playgrounds and play parks across Russia. In addition, Vodianova helps families raising children with special needs. This is due to the fact that the youngest Natalya is disabled since childhood and suffers from a severe form of autism.

Angelina Jolie, "created the Give Life Foundation, which helps seriously ill children from Russia. Khamatova is sure that everyone can help the kids and for this it is not necessary to own a fortune.

The Foundation collects money for the treatment of children, looking for blood donors and volunteers. The actress is sure that the children will be happy if there are people who are ready to just come to the hospital, chat and play with them.
