Analysis of Eugene Onegin. The image of Eugene Onegin

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A.S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin".
Complex analysis text.
History of creation. Content.
1) Time of creation: May 9, 1823. Southern link. - September 25, 1830 Boldino. 2) September 26, 1830 The last draft of the plan for "Eugene Onegin", including 10 chapters: detailed description Onegin's travels (VІІІ ch.) and the emergence of secret Decembrist societies (X ch.).3) October 19, 1830 - burning of the X chapter by Pushkin.4) 1831. Alteration of the last eighth chapter and writing of Onegin's letter to Tatyana.
Image of life noble youth, contemporary to the author.
Questions of lack of spirituality, education, upbringing.
Showing social and public cultural factors that determined the character of the hero.
realistic method.
Features of a realistic work: Introduction of a broad historical, social, everyday, cultural and ideological background;27 digressions and about 50 small inserts of various content; A form of easy conversation with readers. The author is both the creator of the novel and its hero.
"Eugene Onegin". Pushkin and Onegin. Artist N. V. Kuzmin.
"Encyclopedia of Russian life" (V. G. Belinsky.)
A wide and versatile display of reality. Shown are both capitals (St. and Larina's mother, Uncle Onegin, guests at Tatiana's name day), and bourgeoisie, and peasantry. provinces, what performances were staged in theaters, what kind of life the metropolitan and provincial nobles had, etc. M.M. Bakhtin: “… This is not a mute household encyclopedia. Russian life speaks here with all its voices, all the languages ​​and styles of the epoch.”
Genus. Genre.
Rod - lyrical-epic. Genre - novel in verse.
A novel in verse. The image of the author is the compositional basis: thoughts, feelings, moods of the author determine the composition of the work.
An epic novel. A harmonious narration about heroes and events + In some cases, lyrical digressions.
Consistent denial of the laws of the genre of the novel: the rejection of prose speech, the lack of a coherent narrative about the characters and events (lyrical narratives)
Plot features.
2 storylines
Love story. The relationship between Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina
Relations between Eugene Onegin and Vladimir Lensky
The plot is a chronicle of the life of heroes. Time is sometimes compressed, sometimes stretched. The principle of narration is silence about events, or replacing events with a story about them. Fragmentation. Mirror reflection of parts of the plot.
Literary montage technique
Compositional features:1. Symmetry (parallelism) - the repetition of one plot situation (meeting - letter - explanation), the coincidence of one compositional plan and in some parts even the vocabulary of two characters' letters; 2. Lyrical digressions, not always thematically related to the storyline.
Mirror composition. Exposure. Acquaintance with the main character - the "young rake" Eugene Onegin, showing his life in the capital. (І ch.) The plot of the second storyline. Acquaintance of Onegin with Lensky. (II ch.) The beginning of the first storyline. Acquaintance of Onegin with the Larin family, with Tatyana. Development of the action. Onegin's relationship with Lensky and Tatyana. Prophetic dream Tatyana. Name day. The culmination and denouement of the second storyline. Duel (VІ ch.) The culmination and denouement of the first storyline. Meeting and explanation with Tatyana Larina, a secular lady and “legislator of the hall” in Moscow. (VІІІ ch.) Open final.
"Onegin stanza"
14 lines: 4+4+4+2. This is not a sonnet: quatrains I and II do not have a through rhyme, each quatrain has its own rhyming system (cross, ring, pair), the stanza ends with a couplet (couplet): Many pages were kept and Mark sharp nails; b - cross The eyes of an attentive girl a Are fixed on them alive b Tatiana sees with trembling, with what thought, remark c - the steam room Onegin was amazed, d In which he silently agreed. d In their margins she meets e The features of his pencil, f - Onegin's ring-shaped soul Everywhere f Involuntarily expresses itself e That short word, then with a cross, g - couplet Then with an interrogative hook, gStrofa - a unit of composition. Each stanza is complete in meaning and form small work. If the stanza, as it were, is not finished and its ending is transferred to the next one, then the author thus draws the reader's attention to the action or thought.
Image system.
local nobility
Olga Larina
Tatyana Larina
Eugene Onegin
Noble education + education
Unburdened-ness with service + carefree life + "passionate science"
Reading books + Lord Byron portrait + "column cast-iron doll" (Napoleon)
BoredomSpleenFrustration-skepticism ("sharp, chilled mind") "inimitable-weirdness"
ardent love-ness
Vladimir Lensky
Spiritual antipode of Onegin. Romantic and poet. Onegin + Lensky = friendship: estrangement from the landlord environment, interest in philosophical issues. Lensky. Soft, worried. Loves, makes friends, composes.
"Eugene Onegin". Duel of Onegin with Lensky Artist M. V. Dobuzhinsky
Tatyana Larina
"cute ideal"
"Eugene Onegin". Tatiana on the balcony Artist F.D. Konstantinov.
character development
Love for Onegin, explanation
Marriage not for love Recognition as a “legislator of the hall” Observance of moral duty Social realistic adaptation
Thoughtfulness. Intense inner work Proximity to native nature Interest in the unusual (in "terrible" nanny stories Early passion for novelsSigns romantic heroine
Onegin - "an extra person"
EMPTY FIGHT. Seclusion in the village is a kind of protest against the norms of secular society that suppress the individual. Friendship and love are an attempt to be sincere, unspoiled.
"Eugene Onegin". Tatyana and Onegin Artist N. V. Kuzmin
The test of friendship and love has shown that the external denial of generally accepted prejudices and opinions does not mean an internal liberation from them.
The ideal of a woman in Russian literature
Svetlana (“Svetlana” by V.A. Zhukovsky). Katerina (“Thunderstorm” by A.N. Ostrovsky). Olga (“Oblomov” by I.A. Goncharov. Matryona Timofeevna (“Who Lives Well in Russia” by N.A. Nekrasova ).Princesses Trubetskaya and Volkonskaya (“Russian Women” by N.A. Nekrasov). Natasha Rostova, Maria Bolkonskaya (“War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy). Sonya (“Crime and Punishment” by F.M. Dostoevsky). Natalia (" Quiet Don"M.A. Sholokhov). Matryona ("Matryonin Dvor" by A.I. Solzhenitsyn). Daria ("Farewell to Matyora" by V. G. Rasputin).

The novel "Eugene Onegin" is key work in the context of literature and culture. Connection of several directions, unusual shape presentation and the presence of the author as a character in the work makes the novel unusual and attractive.

Genre of the work

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself defined the genre of his work. In his opinion, this is a novel in verse, tied to the lyric epic. While there were no questions about the definition of Onegin as a novel - several storylines, duration of action, a certain number of characters, the question of lyrical-epic affiliation raised doubts. Pushkin himself dispelled them. He explained his position on this score as follows: in the novel, the lyrical beginning is occupied by the author's reflections and various lyrical digressions, and the epic is represented by the development of events related to the love line of the characters.

The need to choose the form of a work, according to researchers, is also natural and predictable. Pushkin himself repeatedly mentioned that in his time Russian prose was actually undeveloped, since the Russian language was not in demand among aristocrats, as well as among writers, in most cases, so the question of the development of the language and its acquisition of specific forms and turns, allowing a broad coverage of thought, was absurd. In contrast, the poetic form was popular and acquired a certain linguistic base.

The structure of "Eugene Onegin"

Pushkin's novel consists of 10 chapters. However, it is impossible to find all 10 chapters in the novel itself. There are quite objective reasons for this. The first seven chapters do not cause any special difficulties and misunderstandings - presumably they all correspond to the original intention of the author (this postulate cannot be absolute certainty, since some parts, such as the 6th chapter, have not come down to us in the form of a manuscript). The eighth chapter of "Eugene Onegin" was supposed to tell about the journey of the protagonist after the duel with Lensky, and describe Odessa and the surrounding settlements. Some fragments of this chapter were published in the Moscow Bulletin, but later Pushkin refused to place it in the novel. The place of the 8th chapter was taken by the 9th, which, according to Pushkin's plan, was to be the last chapter. In this chapter in question about the meeting of Onegin and Tatyana after Evgeny's trip.

Some time later, after the publication of the novel, Pushkin decided to write a sequel. Fragments of the 10th chapter have come down to us. The incompleteness of the chapter and the ciphering of its text greatly hampered the concern of researchers of Pushkin's work. According to literary critics, in Chapter 10 Pushkin planned to tell about Onegin's trip after meeting Tatyana in Moscow and his death. This chapter was supposed to put an end to his novel, but Pushkin did not have time to carry out his plan.

Heroes of the novel

Like any other novel, Pushkin's work has a wide system of images that can be divided into two categories - main and secondary.

The main characters of the novel

The main characters of Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" are only two characters - Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina.

Eugene Onegin

Eugene Onegin is a young aristocrat by birth (at the time of the story, he is about 26 years old). He is not in any service. Onegin devotes all his time secular life. Lately such a way of life disgusts him, but out of habit, Onegin still follows the usual rhythm of life.

Tatyana Larina

Tatyana Larina is an aristocrat by birth, she is a girl who noticeably stands out in society both in her appearance (her beauty is different from the canons of an aristocratic society) and in her favorite activities (Larina does not do needlework, she does not know how to play smart). Tatyana dreams of becoming a heroine love story, but her dreams are rudely broken on non-reciprocity and the order of society.

Minor characters in the novel

TO secondary characters The novel includes Olga Larina, Vladimir Lensky, Polina Larina, Filpievna, Zaretsky, Princess Alina, Prince N.

Olga Larina

Olga Larina is the main character of the novel sister. However, she is not at all like her older sister - Olga is a classic example of an aristocrat of that time. The girl has external data that is a standard and an example to follow, she loves social life, and in general she is a windy person, a cutesy coquette.

Vladimir Lensky

Vladimir Lensky is a neighbor of Onegin and the Larins. The young man is in love with Olga and is going to marry the girl. He is hot-tempered and very jealous. Vladimir does not know how to restrain his emotions, as well as to think sensibly in moments of emotional stress.

Polina Larina

Polina Larina is the mother of Tatyana and Olga. The woman was forcibly married to Dmitry Larin. Over time, she was able to love her husband and live happily with him in marriage.


Filipievna is the nanny of Tatyana Larina. This is a sweet and kind old woman who knows many unusual and mysterious stories.

Zaretsky is Vladimir Lensky's friend and neighbor. He is present at the duel between Vladimir and Yevgeny, and then takes the body of the deceased Lensky to the family estate.

Princess Alina

Princess Alina is the sister of Polina Larina. The woman could not get married in due time and remained an old maid. She sheltered Tatyana and Polina Larin during the bride fair.

Prince N

Husband of Tatyana Larina. Military general. By all appearances, he is a very virtuous person.


Eugene Onegin is an orphan, his father left only a bunch of debts to his son, so creditors willingly demanded the return of money from his son. Onegin's problem is solved by illness and the possibility of uncle's untimely death - as the only heir, Onegin inherits his uncle's estate. This made it possible to pay off creditors and stay with the estate. Onegin is not in the service - his whole life is devoted to secular life. It is true that Eugene does not enjoy this - balls, theaters, women - all this disgusts him, so Onegin has high hopes for moving to the village - he thinks that he can take a break from all this and find peace here.

Dear readers! We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the poem by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”.

In the village, Eugene meets his neighbors - Vladimir Lensky and the Larin sisters. Despite the fact that Vladimir and Evgeny are completely different both in terms of temperament and in terms of outlook on life, people still find a way to interest each other during communication.

Friendship develops between young people. Vladimir Lensky has long been in love with the younger Larina - Olga. The young man has long been captivated by the girl and even proposed to her. Onegin is extremely surprised by such an act of Lensky - it seems unthinkable to him that such an interesting and clever man chose Olga as his wife, while her sister Tatyana is much more interesting as a person. However, Onegin does not try to dissuade Lensky from such a dubious position regarding the choice of his wife. Eugene perceives what is happening as a fact, without interfering in the process. At this time, Tatyana Larina falls in love with Eugene. The girl writes a letter to Onegin, in which she talks about her feelings - Eugene keeps the fact of writing this letter a secret, but does not reciprocate the girl.

At Tatyana's name day, where Onegin ended up at Lensky's whim, Yevgeny decides to punish Vladimir for dragging him to the Larins - he flirts with Olga, which angers Vladimir. Lensky challenges Onegin to a duel. In a duel, Vladimir dies, and Onegin, after this event, leaves on a trip. Returning to Moscow, Onegin pays a visit to his relative and learns that Tatyana has become his wife. Eugene realizes that he is in love with Tatiana, but now their relationship is impossible - although the woman does not love her husband, she will not cheat on him. The novel ends with a scene explaining the feelings of Onegin and Larina - Eugene realized too late that he loves Tatyana and this provoked a tragedy in their lives.


Analysis of the composition of Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" is complicated by the presence of two storylines. In this regard, some compositional elements are shifted.
The first chapter of the novel is an exposition for both the first line and the second. Here we get acquainted with the main character and his habits.

We offer you to get acquainted with Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The second chapter is the beginning of the first storyline - "Onegin-Lensky". In this chapter, Eugene sees Lensky for the first time, friendly relations develop between young people.
The third chapter is the beginning of the second storyline - " Onegin- Larina". Evgeny first comes to the Larins' house and meets Tatyana and her family.

The fourth and fifth chapters are naturally presented as a development of the action - a series of events outlines the general situation around the personality of the protagonist, exposes his essence.

The sixth chapter is the culmination and at the same time the denouement for the storyline "Onegin-Lensky": in this chapter, there is a quarrel between Vladimir and Eugene, a duel and, as a result, the death of Vladimir.
The seventh chapter in the storyline "Onegin-Larin" is a continuation of the development of the action - after Onegin's departure, Tatyana discovers new qualities of Onegin, hitherto unknown to her.
The eighth chapter is the climax and denouement within the Onegin-Larin storyline.


The theme of the superfluous

Within literature, Eugene Onegin is a classic example of extra person is a personality in art who is "ahead" of his time. That is why and life position Onegin and his despondency and disappointment are not clear to everyone around. High society recreated the erroneous position about the meaning of life in the essence of aristocrats - in fact, one can say that this is precisely what provoked Onegin's apathy.

Love Theme

The theme of love, in fact, is the second most important in the novel. Love in people's lives is one of the most strong feelings, so it is not surprising that Pushkin also pays a lot of attention to this topic. In "Eugene Onegin" this theme is embodied in two forms - Onegin and Tatyana and Vladimir and Olga.

Both in the first and in the second pair there is an element of truth, selfless love. In the case of Onegin and Tatyana, she is represented by Tatyana, who loves Yevgeny despite all his negative qualities. In the case of Lensky-Olga, Vladimir is such a person.

The theme of friendship and devotion

This theme, like the theme of love, is covered in two ways: Vladimir Lensky sincerely believes in friendship and devotion. Eugene Onegin, on the contrary, believes that true friendship, like true love- sheer fiction. Eugene is selfishly occupied with his feelings and thoughts, he does not care about the feelings of other people. He does not appreciate people and does not feel attachment to them - Onegin easily "says goodbye" to people. Olga Larina in this position is a character similar to Eugene - a girl who was anxiously waiting for her wedding with Lensky, easily forgets her lover and marries another person.

Theme of education and way of life

Pushkin on the pages of the novel denounces the traditional principles of education and their results. The main provisions in the life of aristocrats, the typical behavior of people in this category. The author reflects on the necessity of some positions accepted in society and their absurdity.


The influence of society on the individual

Pushkin claims that certain stereotypes and rules operate in a person's life.

Very often, people in their actions are guided precisely by them, as they are afraid of condemnation, or they thoughtlessly live according to the principle “it is customary”. Very often, at the same time, a person feels uncomfortable, he understands that this system does not allow him to find happiness, but he does not dare to deviate from stereotypes.

The Problem of Happiness

Every person strives for happiness. Revealing this problem in the novel, Pushkin leads the reader to the idea that the problem of happiness includes many components - ethical, political, religious nature And so on. Only if a person experiences harmony in all forms, he will be able to find true happiness.

essence of life

This question is philosophical, both in general social terms and in Pushkin's novel. On the example of Onegin's life path, Pushkin tries to figure out what makes our life useless. Are there such activities and activities in the world that would not only entertain us, but would be useful and expedient.

Byronic gloom

This problem is very closely related to the previous one. Very often in life we ​​experience dissatisfaction, as it seems out of the blue (Onegin is rich, noble, handsome - he has everything to be happy, but as a result he is deeply unhappy). What are the reasons for such dissatisfaction and whether it is possible to get rid of it - that's what Pushkin is interested in.

Personality and selfishness

While society strives to educate individualistic people, it immediately educates egoists who are indifferent to life and to the feelings of other people. They are ready to sacrifice everything, because of a mere trifle or boredom, while these sacrifices are not justified - they could easily have been avoided.

novel idea

The idea of ​​"Eugene Onegin" is a description of Pushkin's modern way of life of the aristocracy in the context of pre-revolutionary times. Based on this position, the novel acquires an important historical and social significance.

Standing out from the crowd, Tatyana Larina was forced to come to terms with the rules and hide her true essence. Alexander Sergeevich in the novel shows that society is trying to put everyone who somehow stands out from the crowd on a Procrustean bed. As a result, society loses unusual personalities that could actively develop environment and relationship system.

Direction in literature

Roman A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" is unusual not only for its form and problems, but also for its orientation in literature. It is this work that personifies the transition from romanticism to realism. It is logical that such a transition was carried out smoothly, which means that in Pushkin's work it is possible to find both features of romanticism and features of realism.

The first chapters of the novel are clearly marked by romanticism - this is reflected in the description of the image of Tatyana, her manner of presenting information and the images used in the letter to Eugene.

Yes, and the very image of Eugene in the first half of the novel is purely romantic and akin to the Byronic images of Childe Harold and Don Juan. Then Pushkin starts using realistic manner writing. It is unlikely that the author specifically planned such a transition, it is likely that this happened historically - the novel was written for almost 7 and a half years, so the transition from romanticism to realism was due to real historical events and new positions in society. IN recent chapters Pushkin adds pragmatics, which would be quite natural for realism, but against the backdrop of a romantic beginning, it looks tragic and brutal.

Influence on the further development of literature

Pushkin's novel, as well as all his works, had a significant impact on the development of literature. In fact, this novel, despite being written in verse, became the catalyst for the development of prose. However, the paradoxes did not end there - the more prose novels began to appear, the less importance contemporaries attached to Pushkin's work.

Pushkin showed innovation in creating images of the main characters. Eugene Onegin became the first image of the "superfluous person" - a character who had a significant difference from the classical Byronic character, but was also endowed with a sense of dissatisfaction with the world.

The image of Tatyana Larina is also innovative in its essence - for the first time in literature, the reader was provided with female image, endowed with "male" character traits along with traditionally female ones.

Thus, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin managed to create a unique and unique novel. The events described in it made me think about the truth human life and provoked the emergence of a new kind of people who are ready to change the environment in the direction of loyalty and humanity. In the field of literary criticism and art, this work also had a significant impact - it became the impetus for the development of atypical images.

"Eugene Onegin" rightfully stands apart among the works of Russian literature of the 19th century. This is one of the most harmonious in composition and rich in content of Pushkin's works. Alexander Sergeevich devote more than 8 years to his offspring: having started work on a novel in verse in the spring of 1823, he completed the work only by the autumn of 1831. This was the most painstaking and lengthy work on a work in his life.

He then quit work on "Eugene Onegin", then again proceeded to it. Conventionally, the work on the novel can be divided into four stages, during which many events happened in Pushkin's life: the southern exile, the Boldin autumn, and a series of stormy novels. All chapters were published gradually, as they were written, one after another. The last author's version saw the light in 1837. According to the description, the actions in the novel cover a period of time for 6 years. In the process of narration, the characters grow up, go through some life path and turn from dreamy boys and girls into mature, accomplished personalities.

Thanks to the expression of the emotions of the characters through the poetic form, the novel gets more lyricism and expressiveness, thus, the reader becomes understandable and accessible to the whole palette of feelings that the author laid in the foundation. In addition, Pushkin introduces himself into the novel as one of the heroes of the story, he keeps Tatyana's letter and meets with Onegin in St. Petersburg. There are many lyrical digressions in the novel, where Pushkin shares his thoughts and experiences with the reader, as if alienating himself from the course and the main line of the story.

Analysis of the work

The main plot of the work

The plot is based love line: young Tatyana Larina falls in love with the bright extraordinary personality of Eugene Onegin. Still quite young, he is already tired of the noisy fuss and tinsel surrounding him, and calls his soul cooled. A young girl in love decides to desperate step and writes a letter of recognition, where, with the ardor characteristic of her youthful nature, she pours out her soul to Eugene and expresses hope for the opportunity romantic relationship between them. The hero does not reciprocate Tatyana, which hurts her very much. A decisive explanation takes place between the young people, and Onegin gently tells Tatyana that his callous soul is no longer able to love, even such a young and beautiful girl as Tatyana. Later, when Larina becomes married woman and, it would seem, finds a quiet family happiness, the paths of the heroes intersect again. Onegin understands what a terrible mistake he made, but, unfortunately, it is no longer possible to fix anything. Tatyana pronounces her famous "... but I am given to another, and I will be faithful to him for a century ...", which puts an end to the failed love story.

A lot of mistakes that people tend to make, especially in their youth, prevented young heroes from being together, despite their mutual love. Only after going through a series of emotional upheavals, Onegin realizes that Tatyana is the same girl with whom he could be very happy, but, as usual, he understands this too late. All this, of course, makes the reader think about whether he is making a similar mistake. And, perhaps, it immerses you in memories of past sad experiences or makes you relive passionate and tender first feelings.

Main characters

One of the main characters is Eugene Onegin. Closed young man complex nature. The author deliberately does not idealize his image, endowing him with all the shortcomings that are usually inherent in real person. Since childhood, he did not know the need for anything, being the son of a St. Petersburg nobleman. His soul did not gravitate towards work, was pampered by novels, balls and scientific works favorite authors. His life was as empty as that of a million of the same lordly offspring of that time, filled with revelry and debauchery, senseless burning of life. As usual, as a result of this lifestyle, Eugene became a real callous egoist, thinking only about his own pleasures. He does not put a penny on other people's feelings and easily offends a person if he does not like him or utters a phrase that is inappropriate in his opinion.

Meanwhile, our hero is not without positive traits: for example, throughout the novel, the author shows us how much Onegin gravitates towards science and knowledge. He is constantly in search of what can replenish and expand his consciousness, studies the works of philosophers, conducts intellectual conversations and disputes. In addition, unlike his peers, he very quickly gets bored with the fuss of balls and senseless pastime. Very soon, the reader can observe his personal growth, while his friends inevitably degrade one by one, turning into flabby landowners.

Despite his disappointment and dissatisfaction with the way of life that he is forced to lead, he does not have enough mental strength and motivation to break this vicious circle. He did not grab onto that saving straw that the pure and bright girl Tatyana holds out to him, declaring her love.

The turning point in his life is the murder of Lensky. At this moment, Onegin's eyes open, he understands how insignificant all his former existence is. From a sense of shame and remorse, he is forced to flee, and sends him to conquer the expanses of the country in the hope of hiding from the “bloody shadow” of his murdered friend.

From a three-year voyage, he returns a completely different person, mature and conscious. Having met Tatyana again, who was already married at that time, he realizes that he has feelings for her. He sees her as an adult smart woman, an excellent companion and a holistic mature nature. He is amazed at her grandeur and secular coldness, not recognizing in her that timid and gentle country girl, as he knew her before. Now she loving wife, tactful and benevolent, restrained and calm. He falls in love with this woman without memory, and he is mercilessly rejected by her.

This was the end of the novel. future life Onegin and Tatyana remain unknown to the reader. Pushkin does not give any answer to questions about whether Eugene was able to reconcile and forget his love and how did he spend his subsequent days? Was Tatyana happy in the future married to an unloved man? All this remained a mystery.

No less important image described in the novel is the image of Tatyana Larina. Pushkin describes her as a simple noblewoman from the provinces. A modest young lady, not endowed with special beauty and external attractiveness, however, possessing a surprisingly deep multifaceted inner world. Her romantic poetic nature captivates the reader and makes her sympathize and empathize with her suffering from the first to the last line. Pushkin himself more than once confesses his love for his fictional heroine:

« Forgive me: I love so much

My dear Tatiana!

Tanya grows up quite withdrawn, immersed in own feelings, Closed Girl. Her best friends books became very early, in them she looked for answers to all questions, through the pages of novels she learned life. All the more strange for the reader is the unexpected impulse of Tatyana and her candid letter Onegin. Such behavior is not at all characteristic of her character and indicates that the feelings that flared up for Eugene were so strong that they overshadowed the mind of a young girl.

The author makes us understand that even after the refusal, and after the long departure of Onegin, and even after marriage, Tanya does not stop loving him. However, the great nobility and self-esteem does not give her the opportunity to throw herself into his arms. She respects her husband and protects her family. Renouncing Onegin's feelings, she manifests herself as an exceptionally reasonable, strong and wise woman. Duty is above all for her, and this decision of hers makes the reader feel deep respect for the heroine. Suffering and late regret Onegin is the logical finale of his lifestyle and actions.

(Painting by K. I. Rudakova "Eugene Onegin. Meeting in the garden" 1949)

In addition to the main characters, the novel describes many secondary characters, however, no one else receives such a vivid characteristic as Tatyana and Onegin. Unless the author pays some attention to Lensky. Bitterly he describes it tragic fate with an unfair ending. Pushkin characterizes him as an exceptionally pure young man, with an unsullied reputation and high moral character. He is talented and impetuous, but at the same time very noble.


The description of nature in the novel stands apart: the author devotes a lot of time to it. We can find beautiful pictures on the pages of the novel that recreate before our eyes Moscow, St. Petersburg, Crimea, Odessa, the Caucasus and, of course, the wonderful nature of the Russian hinterland. Everything that Pushkin describes is ordinary pictures of the Russian village. At the same time, he does it so masterfully that the pictures created by him literally come to life in the reader's imagination, fascinate him.

Despite the disappointing ending of the novel, it cannot be called pessimistic at all. On the contrary, the abundance of bright living moments makes the reader believe in a wonderful future and look into the distance with hope. There are so many bright, real feelings, noble impulses and pure love that the novel is more capable of bringing the reader to positive emotions.

The whole composition of the novel is built surprisingly harmoniously, which is surprising, given the long breaks with which the author again began to work on it. The structure has a clear, slender and organic structure. Actions flow smoothly from one another, throughout the whole novel, Pushkin's favorite technique is used - a ring composition. That is, the place of initial and final events coincides. The reader can also track the specularity and symmetry of the events taking place: Tatyana and Evgeny find themselves in similar situations several times, on one of which (Tatyana's refusal) the action of the novel is interrupted.

It is worth noting that none love story in the novel does not have a successful ending: like her sister Tatyana, Olga Larina was not destined to find happiness with Lensky. The difference between the characters is shown through the opposition: Tatyana and Olga, Lensky and Onegin.

Summing up, it is worth noting that "Eugene Onegin" is truly a confirmation of Pushkin's remarkable poetic talent and lyrical genius. The novel is read literally in one breath and captures from its first line.

In this article we will do brief analysis"Eugene Onegin", but no longer the main character of Onegin's poem, but directly Alexander Pushkin's poem "Eugene Onegin". In addition, we will discuss the main characters of "Eugene Onegin" and all the characters.

Brief analysis of "Eugene Onegin"

The novel "Eugene Onegin" is a work that is one of the most important and important in the work of Alexander Pushkin, and even Pushkin himself considered it as such and called it a "feat" along with the play "Boris Godunov". We can safely say that "Eugene Onegin" had a powerful influence on all Russian literature. Pushkin worked on the poem "Eugene Onegin" for about eight years, and this is a gigantic period, given the talent of the writer and his capabilities - Pushkin could create a masterpiece in one day, and here he worked for eight whole years.

In addition, speaking about the analysis of "Eugene Onegin", it should be noted that these years, namely the end of the 1820s, are considered years in which Pushkin's creative maturity was especially deeply manifested. Finally, in 1831, Pushkin finished work on the novel, and in 1833, "Eugene Onegin" was published.

Story line the novel "Eugene Onegin" is well known, the central plot is a love affair, and the main idea during the analysis of "Eugene Onegin" becomes clearly visible the idea that only those who think little, think little, know little, and who do not aspire to high spiritual ideals. Conversely, those who have a subtle spiritual nature will suffer.

The main characters of "Eugene Onegin"

The main characters of the novel "Eugene Onegin" are Eugene Onegin, Tatyana Larina, Vladimir Lensky and Olga Larina. These characters represent two love couples who are never happy.

The protagonist of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is, of course, the character Onegin himself, but what the novel and main character equally named, shows Pushkin's idea to emphasize the importance of the protagonist, the significance of this particular character in the novel. Indeed, when compiling an analysis of Eugene Onegin, it is immediately clear that Pushkin wanted to show the image of the hero of that time with the image of the protagonist of "Eugene Onegin". Pushkin believed that the younger generation of the 19th century was distinguished by indifference to life and its pleasures, and even gave this state of youth such a formulation as "premature old age of the soul."

Another main character of "Eugene Onegin" is Larina Tatyana. Pushkin created her as a "sweet ideal," and Pushkin's ideas of a Russian woman, of the Russian soul, were reflected in her character.

Vladimir Lensky is also presented as the main character of "Eugene Onegin". He acted as a representative of the Russian nobility, but Lensky is not at all like Onegin and the others - he is a young dreamy romantic.

All the characters in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Let's mention other actors novel, in addition to the main characters of "Eugene Onegin":

  • Eugene Onegin
  • Vladimir Lensky
  • Tatyana Larina
  • Olga Larina
  • Nanny Tatiana
  • Zaretsky (second)
  • Husband of Tatyana Larina (Pushkin does not indicate his name)
  • Author (Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself)

In conclusion, we can say that the novel "Eugene Onegin" is an encyclopedia of the life of a Russian person with the subtleties of the characters' characters, with the full disclosure of images and with amazing historical accuracy. If you have not yet fully read the novel "Eugene Onegin", we strongly recommend that you do so.

We presented a brief analysis of the novel "Eugene Onegin", as well as the main characters. For those who have already read the entire novel and want to remember the main events, we suggest reading

If the first two chapters of the novel "Eugene Onegin" can be called introductory, in which the author introduces readers to his characters, then analyzing the third chapter, we see the plot plot. Lensky says goodbye to Onegin in order to go to the Larins, but Yevgeny becomes interested in where and with whom Vladimir spends his evenings, and he also begs to visit. Knowing the hospitable nature of the Larin family, Vladimir invites him to go with him.

The third chapter of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is one of the most romantic chapters. And at the same time, it is very dramatic and dedicated to Tatyana and her suddenly flared feeling. Therefore, the analysis of the 3rd chapter of Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" will be devoted to Tatyana. This chapter contains experiences main character after the first meeting with Onegin, her love excitement. Although at the time of the first meeting, Pushkin does not draw the attention of his reader. He devoted only 7 lines to this episode.

Appeared; im lavished

Sometimes difficult services

Hospitable antiquity.

Rite famous treats:

They carry jam on saucers,

On the table put waxed

Pitcher with lingonberry water.

How did this meeting happen? What was said? All this the poet invites readers to think for themselves. Most likely, nothing out of the ordinary happened in those moments. The Larin family gave the young gentlemen a warm welcome. Tatyana, perhaps, looked at Yevgeny the way she looked at other young and not very landowners who visited their house. She did not immediately, and did not suddenly realize that she was visited by the first feeling of love, about which she read a lot in French novels, and dreamed in the depths of her soul. Love dreams were fueled by gossip gossip about the upcoming wedding of Lensky and Olga. The whole chapter of the novel is filled with the love of a young girl for Onegin. It fully reveals the image of Tatyana.

Tatyana expected that Onegin would come to them with Vladimir, but the days went by and he did not appear. Reading books, now she imagined herself in the place of the main characters of her favorite novels. She dreams of Eugene sitting in a room by the window, or walking in the garden, and one fine day she decides to confess her love to him.

Tatyana writes a letter to Onegin. This letter is one of the best parts in Pushkin's poem. By the construction of verses, rhyme, rhythm, writing differs from the general composition of a work presented in the genre of a novel in verse. And at the same time, it serves as a vivid characteristic of a girl who is ready to fight for her happiness.

The main plot of the poem is set out in 14-line stanzas, and in writing the stanzas are different in length, and the poetic rhythm also changes.

Tatyana decides to be the first to confess her love for Onegin. It was not accepted in noble society, and Tatyana understands perfectly well that she can become the talk of the town of all county gossips if her bold act is known in society. That's why she confesses:

Now I know in your will

Punish me with contempt.

But you, to my unfortunate fate

Even if you keep a drop of pity, you will not leave me.

And at the end he adds:

I'm cumming! Scary to read...

I freeze with shame and fear ...

But your honor is my guarantee,

And I boldly entrust myself to her ...

Pushkin notes that the declaration of love was written in French. In the 19th century, in Russian noble society, knowledge of the French language was mandatory. Pushkin himself wrote his first children's poems in French. French emphasized education, distinguished the nobles from the mob, allowed them to communicate with each other so that the servants did not understand them, which made it possible to preserve family secrets within the family.

Each line of Tatiana's Letter is like a pearl in a poem's necklace. It is no coincidence, therefore, that over the next years, in every generation, there were always girls who, confessing their love to young people, rewrote Tatyana's letter.

This letter was written so touchingly, and with such a sense of genuine sincerity, that it touched even such a skeptic as Onegin.

Drama is also filled with Tatyana's expectation of an answer to her letter. She understood that after her act, Eugene could not but answer. Since he has not yet written an answer to her, it means that he will come himself and explain himself to her. She had been waiting for this moment with excitement and anxiety. The song of the girls, which diluted the "Onegin stanzas", only emphasizes, adds an accent to the dramatic picture of the moment.
