What Ruslan White said to Yulia Akhmedova. Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely, personal life of stand-up comedians, photo

Now Ruslan Bely is a well-known and successful humorist who was able to work his way from a small town straight to a popular TV channel, radically change his life and do exactly what he loves most - namely humor.

The childhood of Ruslan Bely

Ruslan Viktorovich Bely, a future comedian and stand-up comedian, was born in the capital of the Czech Republic at the end of December 1979. Ruslan's father belonged to the military, so their family was fixed in one place for a short time.

The future actor lived in Prague for 11 years - most of his childhood, and then with his family he left the capital of the Czech Republic and moved to a smaller town in Poland called Leginc.

His family moved to Russia four years later, to a small provincial town Voronezh region- Bobrov. In 1997, Ruslan graduated from the local school number 4.

Although earlier, due to frequent moves and changing cities, he constantly had problems with grades. From the school of the city of Bobrov, he graduated with honors, with silver medal.

Even during his studies, Ruslan Bely began to show his acting talents and differed from his peers in a subtle sense of humor. He was very fond of performing comic skits and making friends laugh. The boy participated in almost all school concerts, various events and children's amateur competitions.

The beginning of the career of Ruslan Bely

The fate of Ruslan, who grew up in a military family, was predetermined. His father insisted on his profession so that his son would follow the beaten path. Therefore, the young man in 1997 entered the Voronezh Military Aviation Engineering University. After graduating from a higher institution and receiving a diploma, Ruslan, to the delight of his father, signed a contract and began to serve for the good of his homeland in the ranks of the army.

But youthful hobbies and desires to reveal himself as an artist did not let him go. While studying, and then serving in the army, he tried his hand at KVN and could no longer imagine his life without him. He became the captain of the Voronezh team "Seventh Heaven" at his university.

Together with his team, Ruslan Bely won the annual music festival of KVN "Voicing KiViN" in Jurmala. So for the first time he received the recognition and love of the audience.

During the service, Ruslan Viktorovich was first awarded the rank of senior lieutenant, and, subsequently, captain. He was also awarded the medal "For Distinction in Military Service".

Ruslan Bely and KVN: performance in Jurmala

In the late 90s, he entered the State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great, and in 2003 he graduated, having received a second higher, but already civil education.

Ruslan not only performed as part of the KVN project, but also often appeared on the stage of the Voronezh comedy club. Here he met Yulia Akhmedova, who to this day is a good friend of Ruslan Bely. In those days, they occasionally performed together. Here he was able to fully reveal his talent as a comedian.

Ruslan Bely and work on the TNT channel

TNT TV channel invited Ruslan to the new show "Laughter without rules", which was launched on a popular entertainment channel. True, the artist accepted the invitation only the third time, fearing to be defeated, he refused to participate. The same fear forced him to carefully work out his jokes and prepare humorous sketches, which allowed him to become a favorite from the first performances and win the main prize.

He spent all the money on buying real estate in hometown Voronezh. But the victory on such a serious project helped to rethink life: Ruslan decided to leave the army and radically change his life. He decided to do what he did best - to make people laugh. Ruslan Bely himself says that he sees his destiny in this profession.

After successful participation in the show "Laughter without rules", Ruslan was invited to the TNT channel and his later career has been associated with many television projects.

Ruslan Bely. Theory of the origin of men and women

In 2006, he appeared in a cameo role in popular series“Happy Together”, the 4th season of which at that time was airing on the channel. On this his actor career did not end - after 6 years he was invited to perform a cameo in the series “Univer. New hostel.

He also often performed as part of the Comedy Club television project, and stand-up became the main style of his performances. Here he worked with famous residents show by Ilya Sobolev, Alexei Smirnov and Anton Ivanov. All together they participated in the filming of the clip "Nuances" of the Trinity group.

Personal life of Ruslan Bely

The personal life of the comedian and presenter is shrouded in mystery, and the details are unknown. Ruslan himself assures that there is simply nothing to talk about. He has practically no free time, the whole day is scheduled, and serious relationship nothing remains. Working on his own show and participating in many projects takes a lot of time and effort, and he spends rare moments of rest with his friends.

The press wrote about Ruslan's romance with his colleague and girlfriend Yulia Akhmedova, but the comedian denies this information.

Ruslan Bely today

Ruslan always wanted to create his own project, and in 2013 was the year of his debut. A new comedy show “Stand Up” was released on the TV channel, in which the artist not only performed independently in his usual style, but also became its creative producer. This TV project has become, in its way, unique on TNT and quickly gained the necessary ratings, viewer love and popularity.

After two seasons, it became clear that the show could go beyond television. A "Stand Up Festival" was organized, which took place on the stage of "Moscow-Hall". On this international show any bands and artists could perform, and for free, the only requirement was to submit an application first.

The actor undoubtedly considers his own show to be his main achievement. According to Ruslan, his own path in the acting field was not easy, but he wants to give everyone a chance to perform on stage as a comedian.

Ruslan Bely stand up about education

Now Ruslan Bely is one of the most popular comedians on the TNT channel, a participant and host of many popular comedy shows. He appeared in such television projects of the popular channel as " killer league”,“ Killer Night ”,“ Comedy Battle ”.

Moreover, Ruslan Bely can not only be seen on TV or on the Internet, but also in some popular magazines and even heard on the radio. There, Bely is a frequent guest on the BiguDi program on DFM radio waves. A couple of times I read jokes on Russian radio.

Despite the fact that almost all the time Ruslan takes work, his colleagues and friends speak of him as wonderful person always ready to help in a difficult situation.

Having had a lot of fun in the studio, Ruslan and Yulia had a serious discussion with THR about how well-being affects the sense of humor, as well as the prospects for stand-up in Russia.

Top rated stars show stand Up, and now also the mentors of the contestants of the new TNT project " open microphone» - Ruslan Bely and Yulia Akhmedova have been friends and have been working together for many years. That is why the THR team suggested that the artists not be separated during the interview. The result exceeded all expectations. Having had a lot of fun in the studio, Ruslan and Yulia had a serious discussion with us about how well-being affects the sense of humor, as well as the prospects for stand-up in Russia.

You are both from Voronezh, and there are many other fellow countrymen who demonstrate wonderful feeling humor in various comedy projects. Is this a city?

Yulia Akhmedova: Voronezh has a very strong KVN school. Suffice it to say that right now two teams from Voronezh are playing in the Premier League and one in the Premier League. For one city, that's a lot!

Ruslan Bely: There are rich KVN-ovsky traditions, for which eternal thanks to Nina Stepanovna Petrosyants ...

Yu.A.: Mom of the Voronezh KVN.

R.B.: At some point, she was actually the second person in the Club after Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov.

Yu.A.: Few people remember, but the 1st KVN festival was held by Nina Stepanovna and it was in Voronezh. We also have the first non-television league. It was once played, for example, " Burnt by the sun" And " county town- before they became stars ...

Do you feel that with the same rapidity as technology, humor is also changing?

R.B.: Everything got faster. Around a solid "instagram" with their heroes ...

Yu.A.:... Thanks to the Internet, the distance between the comedian and the audience has been greatly reduced: it is enough just to film your performance and put it on the Web. Once Stas Starovoitov did just that. Ruslan and I watched this video and invited him to come to Moscow. So Stas became a member of Stand Up.

The main audience of the channel is quite young. Doesn't it scare you that one day you may not find a common language with them?

Yu.A.: Yes, Ruslan and I are growing up, we are starting to joke on more and more serious topics, which, perhaps, are not so interesting for the youngest part of our audience. But it doesn't matter: there are younger guys in the show.

R.B.: We don't follow the viewer's lead. We have a simple task: the main thing is to be funny.

Yu.A.: We have developed a unique show preparation system. We shoot in pools every six months. Before that, we give concerts once a month. And before these concerts, we hold club evenings twice a week, where we run the material. As a result, we come to the shooting with a program that has been tested more than once on a wide variety of audiences.

There are many more Stand Up residents than a single edition of the program can accommodate. How much of what you show and film remains off the air?

Yu.A.: Nothing remains! We can cut some bad joke, but all performances are aired. Ten programs are filmed per season, and each comedian has the task of doing four monologues. If someone has an insight, and he did more - for God's sake, if some kind of crisis, and it turned out less - well, nothing!

R.B.: Such that someone has seven shows, and someone has two, - no.

How many of you are in the person on whose behalf you read your monologues?

R.B.: It's always me and real stories that happened to me. Another thing is that individual circumstances may be exaggerated somewhat for greater comic effect.

Yu.A.: Of course, it cannot be said that everything said from the stage is one hundred percent true, but I can say for sure that the person on stage is absolutely real - this is not an image, not a role, and not some specially invented character.

R.B.: Stand-up is always a tragedy.

I came up with a slightly less expressive definition for myself: stand-up is verbal blues. They say the blues is when good man Badly. Here, too, everything is built on what worries, irritates ... And it turns out that if you are successful, this is bad for creativity.

R.B.: All right! Happy man will never be funny.

Yu.A.: An artist must be hungry.

R.B.: Relatively speaking, it is easy to invent cool joke when you ride the subway, but try to compose it while sitting in a BMW!

Yu.A.: Of course, we are all a little melancholy on stage. Hitchcock said that cinema is life with the boring bits cut out. So in stand-up they are simply “smiled”.

R.B.: If you watch all episodes of Stand Up from beginning to end, you can see how the vector of our humor is changing. We started with jokes on everyday topics, savored our disorder, minor troubles. Now that everyone has families, apartments, cars, we try to look inside ourselves.

Where and how do you usually work on your programs?

Yu.A.: We have an office where we spend time from 12 noon to 9 pm.

So you only rest at home?

R.B.: At the time, we were simply not at home! They arrived at 9 am, and before filming they also stayed up until 3 am. It's a holiday in the country, but we have work to do... Now the reins have been released, because some kind of shaking has already begun among people. It seemed that a shot would be heard somewhere in the office.

Yu.A.: We have such a genre that we talk about life. And if you work all the time, then there will simply be nothing to talk about. And who among your loved ones will put up with the fact that you are head over heels in your papers 24 hours a day, seven days a week?

R.B.: At the same time, we are all hostages of our Russian audience, which will never allow us to take a sabbatical. None of us can say: “Guys, I'm so tired! Now I'll take my money and go to India for a year, travel ... ”You will simply be forgotten in a year! To return, of course, is real, but very difficult. We dream of a standard format in the West, when a famous stand-up artist releases a concert every 2-3 years, which is expected and with which you can go on tour ... You calmly write a program for an hour and a half, run it in clubs and manage your time as you want. This is a great option! But in Russia this is not possible. If you are not shown on TV for a year and a half, then when you finally give birth: “Hey, I wrote such a funny concert!”, in response you will hear: “Who are you?”

Interviewers often ask, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Do you have such plans?

Yu.A.: It somehow happens in my life that everything that happens to me, I did not plan ...

R.B.: I think this is the best!

Yu.A.:…I am a fatalist. I believe in happy meetings. IN different time There were always the right people nearby who decided everything for me.

R.B.: There were plans within the framework of the project, and they are being implemented. At the start, we thought that comedians would shoot their solo concerts In fact, that's what's happening right now...

Yu.A.: I have a dream - to get an Emmy (the main American television award. - THR).

R.B.: Me too! But I want to be awarded it for Stand Up! In general, I’m sure that stand-up in Russia has a great future, but it’s not us who will be cool in it, but the second or third generation of comedians.

You are already cool: in the Open Microphone, where the main prize is a resident place in Stand Up, you are already participating as guest stars.

R.B.: To be honest, I was initially very skeptical about this project. It seemed to me that, if not all, then most of the potential participants I saw, and I can perfectly imagine the general level. And now young guys come on stage one after another, and almost everyone has at least 5 minutes of strong material.

Yu.A.: And this just best demonstrates the rapid development and prospects of the genre! So we are full of optimism.

Photo: Veniamin Friedhelm and Oleg Burnaev

Yulia Akhmedova started writing scripts back in 2007, when her 25th team played in the Premier League, and after KVN she became one of the creative producers of the popular Stand Up project on TNT. Yulia is also a mentor in the Open Microphone show (by the way, the finale of the second season is on TNT today at 21:30!). She told PEOPLETALK about her childhood, her favorite game, the StandUp Store bar and her travels.

A sense of humor was passed on to me from my dad - he was always a comedian and the soul of the company. But in childhood, this did not manifest itself in any way: I was a downtrodden girl, a gray mouse. Then it was a hard time, the dashing 90s. It was hard for everyone, I remember my mother sewed me a blue jacket from my father's officer's uniform so that I would have something to go to school.

In the 10th grade I went to theater school"Quint". We went to rehearsals, put on performances, and I even wanted to enter Theatre Institute. But at the end of the 11th grade, our teacher said: "Yul, well, this is just not yours." ( laughing.) And I abruptly changed my mind. As a result, I chose the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

After the "Student Spring" (festival of student talents. - Note. ed.) they took me and my friends to new composition KVN VGASU team, which back in 1972 became the champion of the Major League. At first, of course, we painted screens, went for props. I remember I read the script of the VGASU team and thought: “Damn, it consists of jokes! How can you sit down and come up with a joke?” But the editors worked with us and explained how it was done. And then the "School of KVN" was opened in Voronezh, and we went there. One of the teachers at this school was the captain of the Seventh Heaven team. I remember being in his squad. ( laughing.) He told how he plays in the Premier League, and only me and Stasik from our team listened to him. And one day, Nina Stepanovna Petrosyants, the Voronezh “KVN mother”, looked into the school. She looked at us and said: "You are cool, play separately." She believed in us and we believed in ourselves. We became the “25th” team - we took such a name, because it was in the 25th auditorium at the institute that the cavalrymen gathered. Unfortunately, Nina Stepanovna did not see how we became a television team. But I think she would be very proud of us.

Trouser suit, Moschino (Petrovsky Passage shopping center); top, Girlpower; pumps, Stuart Weitzman

I was 25 years old, I played in the Major League and simultaneously worked at the 7art company - we wrote Univer and comedy woman. And since all the work was in Moscow, I also moved. It was 10 years ago. At first it was, of course, very difficult. Moscow is Big city with a fast beat and it's a little deafening. For the first three months I lived with friends. And then she began, like everyone else, to rent an apartment. It was difficult for me, because I didn’t have anyone here, I didn’t know anyone, I didn’t even have anyone to go to the cinema with. Several times there was a desire to quit everything and return to Voronezh to parents and friends.

At 27 I finished playing KVN, and at 29 Ruslan and I started doing the Stand Up project. During these two years, while I was not on the screens, I received some proposals for filming, but I always thought that it was not necessary to spread out and act in everything for the sake of money, but to wait for “my own” project.

I worked as a creative producer for Stand Up for five years, but I quit six months ago. Tired. A producer is an administrative job, you need to follow a lot, make decisions. That's not mine. It's too big a responsibility. Now only my creativity depends on me.

Now I am a mentor of the Open Microphone show on TNT. This project is good because, first of all, it gives jobs and a chance for comedians to prove themselves, find their audience, and gain experience in television performances. I don't consider myself an experienced comedian enough to teach anyone, but the show has its own format, and we follow it.

Sweater, coat, Uniqlo; trousers, Girlpower; Sneakers, Econika

Recently, Ruslan and Timur Karginov and I opened the StandUp Store club - you can go there and watch the performances of comedians, and television, and unknown young guys. Since we are comedians ourselves, we made a club for ourselves. We had a lot of testing parties, where we "run in" the material. And it was difficult to find a suitable site. We had a clear understanding of what we want in our head. For example, so that there is no coffee machine in the hall, because it works loudly and distracts. We went to Los Angeles, New York, looked at how similar clubs work there.

It's hard for me to work in front of a large audience. It is important for me to feel the audience, to see their faces, so that I can talk to someone in the hall. For me, the format of bars and micro-clubs is much more comfortable.

In our country, comedians cannot yet be called media personalities. In America, these are people who are on a par with any show business star, from hosting the Oscars to a figure in Madame Tussauds. And we are niche. We are popular in a certain (and not the most numerous) circle of people who watch Stand Up.

In my monologues, I tell the whole truth about myself. It is clear that I take some example from life and spin it, make fun of it and exacerbate it to the point of comicality. But basically, my situation. I like irony on myself. Stand-up is a project that allows you to say something to your viewer, who is one on one with you.

Trouser suit, Escada; top, Girlpower; sneakers, Econika

My average day is no different from a day ordinary person. I wake up, I can go to the gym, then I go to the office and write monologues. In fact, this is a rather long and laborious process. Mostly during the day we write, and in the evening we check new material in front of the audience, this format is called - checking new material. If you are interested in seeing this, come to the StandUp Store Moscow." class="images-share-box__icon-mail">

Like any person, I get tired at work. But this is not hard labor. My work is interesting, varied and gives me a lot of emotions. If you're tired, go on vacation. For example, I love to travel. This is what gives me strength. I love surfing, so every first of January in the morning I ride - this is already a tradition. I have a theory: there are so many cool places on earth where you will never visit that I just feel sorry for going to the same place twice. I really like the photos of the Maldives and I want to go there. But I clearly said to myself: I will go there only with a man. Same heavenly place where you need to be together. So you know where to look for me when I go to Honeymoon. Better not look. ( laughing.)

Thank you smart place Socket and coffee» for help in organizing the shooting!

Inhabitant Lipetsk region Alexander Chernikov asks to cancel the concert of comedian Ruslan Bely, which is to be held in Voronezh on March 15. The Lipchanian argues his proposal by the fact that Bely, they say, does not keep his word and in general “contributes to the moral decay younger generation". No more, no less.

The reason for such accusations was one of the screensavers of the TNT channel, in which Ruslan Bely starred. “If they don’t call me to shoot the next Bachelor, I promise I will marry Akhmedova,” the humorist says in the micro-video.

And since he was still “not invited” to the shooting, and there were no reports of the wedding of the former KVN players Ruslan Bely and Yulia Akhmedova, the Lipchan resident was indignant at this state of affairs and created an online petition.

“The number of marriage registrations in 2016 in the Voronezh region decreased by 20%. A frivolous attitude to the institution of family and marriage provokes young people not to formalize their relationship officially, and pushes them towards banal cohabitation. Famous people should uphold the prestige of the family by their example, but the behavior of Ruslan Viktorovich testifies to the opposite, ”the creator of the petition believes. And he proposes as an educational measure: “to ban the tour of Ruslan Viktorovich Bely throughout the Voronezh region, until the artist apologizes to his fans, publicly admits his lie, or makes a public offer to conclude a family union with Yulia Akhmedova.”

The Lipchan plans to send an appeal to CEO Comedy Club Production Andrey Levin and… Governor of the Voronezh Region Alexey Gordeev.

By the way, the petition is signed rather sourly: this moment the proposal was supported by 112 people from different cities of Russia - Yelets, Arkhangelsk, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Murmansk, Krasnoyarsk, Serpukhov, Novosibirsk, Voronezh, Sochi, Kazan, Ulyanovsk and others. It should be noted that the Lipchanin has his own agency for organizing holidays and, apparently, the creator of the petition was going to promote himself in this way.

By the way, the statistics “protector of personal happiness Akhmedova” cited are almost correct: in 2016, the number of marriages in the Voronezh region decreased by 18%. However, the head of the regional Civil Registry Office Marina Severgina connects this with the fact that last year was a leap year, and the inhabitants of our region are very superstitious. In her opinion, it is impossible to wean couples to ignore May and leap year.

- We have a statistical curve for many years, and we know for sure that in a leap year there will be a decline in marriage registrations. Nothing but prejudice, not justified. And if this year there will be a decline in marriages, then what will happen in next year? That's right, a decline in the birth rate. It’s all predictable,” Severgina concluded.

Residents of the stand-up genre are incredibly popular in Lately. In 2012, a unique project was launched, which allowed talented guys from different cities to reveal themselves.

Ruslan Bely - the beginning of the show

December 28, 1979 in Prague. Ruslan comes from a military family, so he spent his entire childhood traveling and changing schools. However, this did not prevent the boy from completing his studies with a silver medal. Even then, being a student of an ordinary Voronezh school, he showed humorous abilities, he could easily make his classmates and teachers laugh. It would be impossible to imagine any performance without him. school team. After graduating from school, on the instructions of his father, Ruslan entered the Military Aviation Engineering University, which he successfully graduated from and went to pay his debt to his homeland.

Like most TNT comedians, Ruslan played in KVN. His team managed to win the annual music festival"Voicing KiViN". After that, people began to recognize him, which prompted in him the desire to create further. In the late 90s, he decided to get a civic education. In 2003, Ruslan graduated from the State Agrarian University.

Cooperation with television

All this time, creativity did not let him go far from himself. He took part in all humorous events. At one of the performances of the Comedy Club in Voronezh, he meets Yulia Akhmedova, with whom they move to Moscow. Ruslan's cooperation with the TNT channel began with the show "Laughter without rules". The decision to participate in this project was given to him with great difficulty. He refused three times, but still gave up. As practice has shown, he was afraid in vain, because his jokes and sketches blew up the hall. As a result, White won this contest. He spent a large cash prize on the purchase of real estate in Voronezh.

Yulia Akhmedova - a woman with a male core

Yu. Akhmedova was born in Kyrgyzstan in the small town of Kant on November 28, 1982. Yulia was brought up in a military family, although, according to her, her parents did not greatly limit her in choosing a profession. In 1999, Akhmedov moved to Voronezh. There, a diligent and responsible student entered the university, where her career as a comedian began. At that time, there was a KVN team at the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, where girls were strictly forbidden to enter, then Yulia Akhmedova, together with the girls from the university, went on their own to conquer the Student League. There they were noticed by Nina Petrosyants, who took them under guardianship. Together they organized the team "25th" with which year after year they made their way to the Higher League of KVN.

Since 2008, Akhmedova has become an integral part of the TNT team. For the first time she took part as a screenwriter of the series "Univer". Four years later - in the female comedy show Comedy Woman, and then became its creative producer. Fateful for the humorist was the proposal of Ruslan Bely to organize his own show. So the project that is popular today appeared. As a resident, Julia entered the stage some time after the first release.

Akhmedova appears before the audience in the role of a lonely independent girl. It's not difficult to play her, because by the age of thirty she has no personal life, since work takes everything from her free time. In addition, the strong-willed nature of the girl repels men. She knows how to point out her own shortcomings with great self-irony, so Julia has a huge army of fans. There are rumors about her affair with Ruslan Bely, but she denies this, saying that she does not accept novels at work. Residents of "Standup" note the strong-willed character of the girl and treat her with due respect.

Viktor Komarov is a native Muscovite

V. Komarov was born in Moscow on May 9, 1986. In 2003, he graduated from school No. 843. Since childhood, he was distinguished by a mathematical mindset, so he decided to enter the Moscow Technological University at the Faculty of Computers and Systems. Thus, the now famous comedian has a very serious education as an engineer in security systems. Work in Mosfilm in the specialty did not bring joy. First steps in humorous genre were made at school, however, it was not possible to achieve great popularity there. According to him, first of all, freedom and the possibility of growth are important for him. Komarov decided that he was a true stand-up comedian and went to try his luck at the Comedy Cafe. His jokes became a real bomb and gave rise to great career. After that, he became quite popular, and a large number of people gathered at his concerts, which made it possible to give solo concerts.

Viktor Komarov joined Stand Up at the very beginning of the program's foundation, in 2012. Standup residents acted at their own peril and risk. Then he positioned himself as a loser who lives with his mother because of problems in his personal life. Today they write and talk a lot about him, but he does not consider himself a superstar. Victor frankly admits that his jokes are relevant, and for sure next generations don't get his humor. A cynical guy always evaluates his abilities fairly, this is his main feature.

How to get into the show

Looking at these talented guys, one gets the feeling that the residents of "Standup" - professional actors. In fact, almost none of them have acting education. It's hard to believe, but everyone will be able to experience their happiness to get on stage.

The "Open Mic" section brought our favorite stand-up comedians to the stage. Stand Up for whom has become a huge boost in his career, calls for active participation in order to receive a coveted invitation to the show.
