“Synopsis of OD on the topic “Drawing illustrations for the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom” for the preparatory group

Hello, my dear readers and guests of the blog "My Wunderkinder"! My blog is back summer holidays and I'm glad to be with you again. The holidays, however, were forced, I had to work hard in real life and move the virtual one away for a while.

But now the summer is over, autumn has come. We have not noticed this yet, in our native Saratov there is a thirty-degree heat. But only school days my son is reminded that summer is slowly giving way to autumn.

And autumn is the time to harvest: vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms. It is about the latter that we will remember today. You can find an article on introducing children to mushrooms, and in this article I suggest that you and your children watch a presentation with V. Suteev's wonderful fairy tale "Under the Mushroom".

Tale-presentation by V. Suteev "Under the mushroom"

I found this presentation with Suteev's fairy tale "Under the Mushroom" on the Internet and decided to offer it to you without changing anything. In addition to the voiced fairy tale, at the end of the presentation you will find dynamic games that will help your children remember edible and not edible mushrooms. And after watching the presentation, I suggest that you conduct a small comprehensive lesson with your children, a summary of which you will find below.

To launch the fairy tale-presentation "Under the Mushroom" in flash format, click on the name or picture below. Download the presentation to your computer for viewing in PowerPoint you can from the secret page (button under the site header). If you do not have an access code yet, then fill out the subscription form at the end of the article and the code will be sent to your mail.

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom"

After watching the fairy tale-presentation "Under the Mushroom", I propose to conduct a small complex lesson with the children. The abstract can be used both for a group of children in kindergarten, and for conducting classes at home. Recommended age - 4-5 years old (middle group of kindergarten).

Immediately after watching the fairy tale, have a short conversation on the content. Sample questions:

  1. What is the name of the fairy tale?
  2. Why do you think the story got its name?
  3. Who is the author of the fairy tale "Under the Mushroom"? (Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev)
  4. What other fairy tales by Vladimir Suteev do you know?
  5. Who was hiding under the mushroom?
  6. Why were the animals hiding?
  7. What happened at the end of the story?
  8. How did the Bunny escape the fox?
  9. Why was it crowded for one ant under the mushroom at first, and then there was enough space for everyone?
  10. What do you think it was mushroom - edible or not edible? What was his name?
  11. What time of year do you think this story took place? Why? (children list the signs of autumn)
  12. What did you like the most about the fairy tale?
  13. What could happen next?

Dynamic pause. The game "Sun and rain".

An adult opens a large colored umbrella and says that now it will be a big mushroom, and children (or a child) will be different animals - whoever wants what they want. If an adult says: "Sunny, everyone walk in the clearing" - the children run around the room, with the words: "Rain, run all under the bend to hide!" - Children run to hide under an umbrella.

We fix the ordinal account, learn to correlate the number with the figure.

To conduct this part of the lesson, you will need a large picture with all the animals from the fairy tale (the pictures are in additional materials that you can download along with the presentation on the secret page), cards with numbers up to five, Velcro. If you are conducting a lesson with a group of children, then it is advisable not to seat them at the tables. If you are doing a lesson at home with a baby, it will be more convenient to sit at a table or on a carpet.

A picture with all the animals from the fairy tale is placed on a demonstration board or carpet. An adult asks questions: "Who was the first to come under the fungus? Who was the second?" etc. After each question-answer, the child attaches the numbers to the desired animal. Do not forget to use the gender of the numeral correctly (the ant is the first, the butterfly is the second, etc.)

We consolidate the ability to select adjectives for a noun

For this part of the lesson, children can be placed on the carpet. The adult asks the children to pick up adjectives for the words: Ant - what is it? What about a butterfly? Mouse - what is it? etc

Dynamic pause

Children are invited to depict in motion any of the animals from the fairy tale. An adult guesses who turned into what animal. In a group of children, it will be more convenient to carry out a slightly different option. An adult shows a picture with an animal from a fairy tale, and children depict it in motion. The more often the pictures change, the more fun the game goes.

creative workshop

You will need landscape sheets, pencils or felt-tip pens. Children are invited to draw a mushroom in a forest clearing. A drawing is hung for a sample white fungus. They explain to the children that you need to start drawing a mushroom with a stem, and then they add a mushroom cap. Then you can draw small details: grass, autumn leaves, clouds, etc. The work is exclusively creative and designed for the imagination of children.

The lesson ends with an exhibition of children's works. At home, you must hang the picture in a conspicuous place.

presentation and additional material you can download from the secret page. If you don't have an access code yet, please fill out the form at upper corner right site bar.

Thank you all and see you on the blog "My WunderKinder"!!!

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in fine arts (sculpting)

Based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”.

Integration of educational areas:

"Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction», « Artistic creativity- modeling.

Goals: clarify and enrich children's understanding of copyright and Russian folk tales to consolidate the ability to correctly formulate their answers, to emotionally respond to literary work, to develop interest and love for the book, the development of children's creative abilities, through artistic creativity,improve your plasticine skills.

Materials and equipment:portrait of V. Suteev, exhibition of books and drawings, musical accompaniment, plasticine, planks.

Lesson progress:

There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

Do not live in the world for us

No favorite books.

Yes, a fairy tale will come to visit us today ... Yes, not one.

Do you love fairy tales?

What do you know?

Why do you like fairy tales?

So, now we will get acquainted with author's fairy tale"Under the Mushroom" Its author is V. Suteev This writer himself illustrated his works (what did he illustrate?). Suteev also had a secret: he wrote with his right hand, and drew with his left. An artist and a writer rolled into one - this is a real magician!

Listen to a fairy tale.

The teacher reads the fairy tale "Under the Mushroom".


Did you like the work?

What did you like (dislike)?

Who are the main characters fairy tales?

Do you remember where the story begins?

Who asked for an ant under a fungus?

What happened to the rabbit?

What surprised the ant when the rain stopped and he got out from under the mushroom

How did it happen that at first it was crowded under the mushroom and one, and then there was a place for all five?

What helped the heroes of the fairy tale?

What does a fairy tale teach us?


Legs, legs, where have you been?

They went to the forest for mushrooms.

What did you hands do?

We collected mushrooms.

Did you guys help?

We searched and looked -

All the stumps looked around.

Here is Vanyushka with a mushroom,

With a boletus!

The teacher opens the umbrella. "The rain has gone." Children hide under an umbrella.

See how the umbrella looks like a fungus, under which the heroes of a fairy tale were hiding. We have a large green meadow, but there is not a single mushroom on it. Let's help the heroes of the fairy tale, blind a lot of mushrooms and put them in a clearing, what if the rain wets someone else?

Consider the mushroom, what parts it consists of, what color plasticine is needed. Prepare your workspace.

  1. We will make the leg of the mushroom in the form of a "sausage".
  2. For the hat, choose plasticine of a different color. Let's make a ball, and then knead the ball with our fingers: to make a "flat cake". Bend the edges down a little. It turned out a hat for the mushroom.
  3. Now let's put on a hat on the leg.

You can put the mushroom in the clearing.

Tightening result.

Everyone did their job. Everyone got beautiful Mushrooms. Everyone learned to work with plasticine. Well done! Everyone gets the tightness of the fungus. Lesson finished!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Synopsis of the integrated directly educational activity "Based on the fairy tale of V. Suteev" Ship "

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Synopsis of an integrated lesson in fine arts (sculpting) in the 1st junior group "Gift for a bunny"

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Fairy tale

"Under the Mushroom" based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev

1 music

The sun hid behind a cloud
The wind raised a whole storm,
There's a storm here
Like a boisterous goat.
When the rain has passed
The mushroom grew so big ...
The rain is over. Hurry
An ant comes out.

2 music
Under the leaf he lay
And he was trembling with fear.
And his trouble is -
Didn't get to home.
The wind was strong,
The ant didn't make it
Run into an anthill
Began to wait out the storm.
Here he wanders along the path,
He sees - on a huge leg,
Who would you think?
The forest giant is a fungus.

ANT (walks around the mushroom)

Ah, you are handsome!
You are not a mushroom, but a daredevil.
You have such a hat
As if you are not a mushroom - a palace!
Thunder rumbles again, do you hear?
Hide me under your roof.
I'll wait here for the rain
And then I'll go home.


Okay, okay, ant,
Get in quick.
So be it, I love you
I'll hide, I'll hide from the rain.

Here comes the mosquito
And addressed them with a speech.

3 music


Oh dear friends!
Don't you leave me
Get wet here, in the rain.
Three will be more fun.


You, mosquito, are small,
Enough space for you and me.


So be it, we are you
Hide, hide from the rain.

Here comes the fly
Gilded belly.
All wet from the rain
She spoke softly.

4 music


Oh you dear friends
I got wet from the rain
I won't lift my wings
I cannot fly.


What to do? How to be?
Where can you find a place?
It got a little tight
We don't have enough space for all of us.

ANT AND KOMARIK (together)

So be it, from the rain
We'll hide, we'll hide you
Somehow we'll get by
Maybe we can all fit in!

Then suddenly the mouse runs out
And the mushroom notices.

5 music

MOUSE (requests)

I am a field mouse
Don't leave me.
I won't run to the mink -
I'll drown in these puddles.


What to do? How to be?
Where can you find a place?
It got a little tight
We don't have enough space for all of us.


So be it, from the rain
We'll hide, we'll hide you
Somehow we'll get by
Maybe we can all fit in!

(The mouse goes under the fungus)

The people calmed down.
They see - a butterfly wanders.

6 music


All my wings are wet
Yes, I got wet too.
I tried to fly away
Just fail in the rain
I'm going up to the sky
And get to the house.


What to do? How to be?
Where can you find a place?
It got a little tight
We don't have enough space for all of us.

ALL (in chorus)

So be it, from the rain
We'll hide, we'll hide you
Somehow we'll get by
Maybe we can all fit in!

(Butterfly goes under the fungus)

They see - a frog wanders towards them,
Barely drags the belly.

7 music

FROG (complaining)

Trouble happened - here,
I have a stomach ache.
Sitting in the rain for a long time
And she probably got sick.
Don't hide me
So I will die from the rain.


What to do? How to be?
Where can you find a place?
It got a little tight
We don't have enough space for all of us.


Here's what I want to say:
The frog needs to be saved!
Though for flies she is an enemy,
But I won't leave it like that.

ALL (in chorus)

So be it, from the rain
We'll hide, we'll hide you
Somehow we'll get by
Maybe we can all fit in!


Well, I'll tell you out loud:
Didn't like flies before
But now I must say
Let's be friends with the flies.

(Goes under the fungus)

Animals are standing, they are surprised -
How are they all placed?
Under just one fungus
Like under a big umbrella?

MOUSE (pushing everyone away)

Come on, I'll take a look, let's go!
Oh, the bunny is running like an arrow!

He pressed his ears
His tail was trembling.

8 music

HARE (asks)

Oh, save my beast...
I have a bad life
The fox is chasing me
She will be here soon.
Chased me all day
Just terribly scared
Promised right here
Catch up with me and eat me right there!


Oh! We need to save him!
Get closer!
Don't be afraid, oblique, you -
Let's hide, hide from the fox.
(The hare hides behind the little animals)

Here is she -
Red-tailed fox.

(Comes, examines everyone)

9 music

FOX (important, proudly)

Hello my friends!
Do you know who I am?
Well, beast, answer me:
The hare did not run here?
It's time for me to have lunch.
Is he hiding among you?
Here he is, I know for sure!
Now I'm eating everyone!

ANT (steps forward)

And you, little fox, do not be angry,
Fight me first!

MOUSE (coming forward)

There are many of us here, you are one!
You can deal with us - then
You will see a bunny
The standard of your dreams.

FOX (advancing on a beast To)

Oh oh oh! I am afraid of you!
I'll deal with everyone!

They started a fight here.
Ant like a razor
Hit the fox in the nose
Mosquito brought a stick here
And hit her on the paw -
"Don't paw the bunnies forward!",
And the frog, the frog
He beats the fox in the abdomen with his paw.
The mouse also got it right
And bit the fox.
Here comes the bunny
And he hit the fox.
Butterfly of all above winds,
And the fox is giving up.


Oh, what is it, friends!
Don't hit me!
You all forgive me
Release quickly.
I promise for sure
We will be friends with the hare.
I'll be a hare, so be it
Bypass the side!


Well, the question is already clear to us.
Get out on your own.
Just know with us now -
Don't you dare hurt the hare!

The fox's tail is tucked in,
Back home ran away.
The rain has stopped and now
Our forest people crawled out.
They all stood side by side
Under the handsome mushroom.


Amazing question...
And the fungus grew and grew ...


From the mushroom from the rain
I am growing very fast!


You and I, yes we are with you (2 times)

I am a white mushroom, I am a white mushroom,
Without you, I would have died too.
Let's all spin around
Let's all be friends.
I'm white, not a toadstool
Oh, my life, tin can!
And I save, now save
Everyone, everyone to save the hunt!

Fairy tales are loved by everyone in the world,
Adults and children love it!
Fairy tales teach us good
And diligent work
They say how to live
To be friends with everyone!

Tatiana Bogantsova
Outline of the integrated GCD for drawing based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom" for children of the older group

Target: shaping cognitive interest senior preschoolers to the author's fairy tale.

Tasks: to teach children to understand simple texts, analyze the actions of heroes, enrich ideas about author's fairy tales, clarify ideas about the world around them; develop children's oral speech, visual memory, figurative and logical thinking, fine motor skills of hands. Creative skills children, to form the ability to convey a simple plot in a drawing, to consolidate the ability to draw with watercolors, the ability to analyze and generalize, draw conclusions, and instill in children a sense of kindness, responsiveness. the ability to make friends.

Material for the lesson: exhibition of books by V. G. Suteev, portrait of the writer. phonogram of the play "The Seasons" by P. I. Tchaikovsky, computer, illustrations for the fairy tale "Under the Mushroom". A4 landscape sheet, paints, brushes, simple pencils, stand for brushes, oilcloth, non-spill jar, umbrella, ball.

Vocabulary work: illustration, mushroom, anxiety, sadness, sadness, joy, friendship, care.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator( makes a riddle)

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

If the birds flew away to a distant land.

If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring,

This time of the year is what we call it autumn).

Teacher: That's right guys! Today we will go on a trip to the autumn forest. ( children close their eyes, the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" sounds, children open their eyes) Here, guys. We are with you and ended up in the autumn forest. Look how beautiful it is here! And what happened here, we will find out by reading the fairy tale of a wonderful children's writer Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev "Under the Mushroom", but first let's get acquainted with the writer.

2. Conversation on the topic.

Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev was born in Moscow. (show presentation). This amazing person he lived 90 years. He was not only a writer. but also an artist. V. Suteev wrote many fairy tales, which are distinguished by their simplicity and accessibility for the smallest readers. almost every sentence was accompanied by a vivid illustration. V. Suteev himself illustrated both his own works and the works of other authors. And now it's time to get acquainted with the fairy tale, listen carefully. ( showing a presentation)

3. Why did the fairy tale get such a name?

4. Who was hiding under the mushroom?

5. Why did the heroes of the fairy tale hide?

6. What happened at the end of the fairy tale?

7. Why at first one ant was cramped under the mushroom, and then there was enough space for everyone?

3. Fizminutka "Rain"

To us on a thin long leg

It's raining down the path. (jumping on one leg in a circle)

In a puddle - look, look! -

He blows bubbles. ( children stand facing in a circle, perform rhythmic squats)

The bushes became wet, ( hands up, shaking hands)

the flowers are wet. ( tilt, hands to the floor, shaking hands)

Wet, gray sparrow

Dries feathers faster ( stood up, arms along the body, shaking hands)

The teacher opens the umbrella: "It's raining." (children hide under an umbrella)


Thunder is everywhere, thunder is roaring

Lightning shines in the sky!

The storm is over and we're back

Let's have fun playing!

4. Didactic game with the ball "Name affectionately the heroes of the fairy tale"

Ant (ant)

Sparrow (Sparrow)

Mouse (mouse)

Hare (bunny, bunny)

Fox (chanterelle, fox)

Mushroom (fungus, fungus)

Dynamic pause

The teacher shows a picture of a hero from a fairy tale, and the children depict him in motion.

6. Practical part.

The teacher invites the children to draw an illustration for a fairy tale, hangs a drawing of a white mushroom, explains to the children that you need to start drawing a mushroom from a stem, then a mushroom cap is drawn. Then the children draw the heroes of the fairy tale. The work is decorated small details: grass, leaves, clouds. rain, etc.

7. Final part.

1. What a fairy tale teaches us (friendship, care)

2. How did this story make you feel? (anxiety, sadness, joy)

3. What proverbs and sayings do you know about friendship? (In tight quarters, but not offended; friendship is a great strength).

Related publications:

Summary of educational activities during regime moments with children of the middle group based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom” Abstract educational activities during routine moments with children middle group Lefler T. P. teacher of the first qualification.

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in senior speech therapy group FFNR.

based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom"

Program content:

  1. Formation of intonational expressiveness of speech through theatrical and game activity based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom".
  2. Expansion of ideas about mushrooms, clarification and activation of the dictionary
  3. To form the skill of cooperation, to cultivate moral and aesthetic feelings in communication with nature.

The grammatical structure of speech:

  1. development fine motor skills and coordination of speech with movement;
  2. the formation of single-root words (mushroom-mushroom picker, mycelium, mushroom, fungus);
  3. use of the form plural nouns in the genitive case;
  4. agreement of nouns with numerals and adjectives;
  5. drawing up sentences according to a given scheme using the prepositions "in",
  6. "on", "under"; exercise in the selection of antonyms
  7. the formation of a sound culture of speech: a clear pronunciation of tongue twisters, working out the pace of speech and the strength of the voice;
  8. learn to identify common and distinctive features.

Material for the lesson:

Masks of fairy tale characters of an ant, a butterfly, a mouse, a sparrow, a hare, a fox. ICT.

Previous work:

Reading the fairy tale "Under the Mushroom" by V. Suteev, using diagrams in working with sentences, tongue twisters.

Course progress.

I. Introduction

Organizational moment (children in a circle).

Hello kids!

Girls and boys!

Good to see everyone now.

I walked along the path to you, I found a beautiful box.(slide1)

And the box is not simple, it is magical - so!

I wonder what is there? Children's guesses…….

And the box is magical, fabulous, maybe there is a fairy tale? The fairy tale hid in a riddle. (slide2)

He grew up in a birch forest.

Wears a hat on his leg.

A leaf stuck to it from above.

Did you know? This is ... (mushroom) (slide 3)

What fairy tale do you know about the mushroom?

That's right, the fairy tale is called "Under the Mushroom" by Vladimir Suteev.(slide 4)

II part

Get your ears and eyes ready. We will go to a fairy tale today. And to go on a fabulous journey, we put on masks.

- Guys, do you hear it seems to be raining?(slide 5)

  • Speech game "Rain"

Evil cloud got angry

And a light rain fell.

Drop - one, drop - two

Very slowly at first.

And then, and then

All run, run, run!

Rain, rain, we need

Disperse home!

Thunder, thunder, like from cannons

Today is a holiday for frogs.

A rain cloud sends

And the water flows like a wall.

Where can you hide from the rain?

Under the mushroom, a fairy tale awaits us.

Under the bush

Shaking the head from side to side, "shaking your finger."

Slow rhythmic tapping of the finger on the palms.

Running in a circle with acceleration.

Walking in place.

Bang fist on fist.

Hands in front of you, palms up and down

Shrug, look around.

Raise your hands up, depict a mushroom cap above your head.

Here are the raindrops dancing along the paths.

Oh, what a heavy rain, you can’t get away from it.

One day the ant was caught in heavy rain. Where to hide?
Ant saw a small fungus in a clearing(slide 6)

Ant : Mushroom, mushroom! Hide me under your roof. I'll wait out the rain here, and then I'll go home.

  • Didactic game "Tell me a word" (slide 7)

Purpose: to form related words to the word mushroom.

- Time is running out. The rain doesn't end. A wet butterfly crawls towards the mushroom.(Slide8)

Butterfly: All my wings got wet, I tried to fly away, only I couldn’t manage to rain. Let me go under the fungus.

- Butterfly, an ant will put you under a mushroom if you help him name which mushrooms are many in the forest.

  • Didactic game "A lot of things?" (slide 9)

Purpose: the use of nouns in the genitive plural.

(N-r: a lot of mushrooms, russula, boletus, etc.)

- . (slide 10)

Suddenly, the mouse runs out and the mushroom notices.

Mouse: Pi-pi-pi. I will not run to the mink. I'll drown in these puddles. Let me go under the fungus.

- And in order to hide under the mushroom, there is a task for you, a mouse. And the kids will help you.

  • Didactic game "One-two-count". (slide 11-12)

Target: learn to coordinate nouns with numerals and adjectives.

(1 red fox-2 red foxes-5 red foxes)

- They made room, let the mouse under the mushroom.Nothing! In crowded but not mad. (Slide 13)

The rain doesn't stop. A sparrow jumps past the mushroom and cries softly.

Sparrow: Wet feathers, tired wings! Let it under the fungus, dry, relax, wait out the rain.

- And in order to get a sparrow under the fungus, there is a task for you. And our children will help.

  • Didactic game "Where did the mushroom hide?" (slide 14-15)

Purpose: to make sentences with the prepositions "in", "on", "under" using the mnemonic table.

  • Finger gymnastics.

I take a basket to the forest, I will collect all the mushrooms.

My friend is surprised how many mushrooms are around here!

Boletus, butterdish, boletus, honey agaric,

(Bend all fingers in turn.)

Borovik, chanterelle, breast - let them not play hide and seek!

Gingers, waves I will find at the edge

I won’t carry a fly agaric - let it stay in the forest!(thumb down).

- We moved, and there was a place for a sparrow. Nothing! In crowded but not mad.( slide 16)

Oh, look, friends, the hare is running here. He pressed his ears, his tail trembled.

Hare: Oh, help, help! The fox is chasing me, she will be here soon!

- Bunny, don't be afraid.

  • Didactic game "Say the opposite" (slide 17)

Purpose: to learn to select words that are opposite in meaning.

(The boletus is old, but the boletus .... (young).)

Sorry Bunny. Still made room. ( slide 18)

Here it is - the red-tailed fox.

Fox: Hello my friends! The hare did not run here?

Here he is, I know for sure! I'm eating everyone now!

- You don't have to bite the fox. Better yet, get up with us to tell a tongue twister.

  • Patter
  • The goal is to work on the formation of a sound culture of speech, to teach to change the pace of speech and the strength of the voice

In order not to get wet in the rain, a hare sat down under a load.

The rain has passed - the sun has come out.

Ah, you are handsome!

You are not a mushroom, but a daredevil!

You have such a hat

as if you are not a mushroom - a palace!

Hid everyone, well done!

Summary of the lesson

- What helped the heroes? (friendship)

And who is the friend? How do you understand?

Children's answers A friend is someone who ... ..- will help in Hard time, help out.)

when you find yourself in trouble, understands you better than anyone, spares nothing for you, shares the last piece of bread.

  • Speech game "Friends"

Smile to the one on the right, smile to the one on the left.

Give your hand to the one on the right, give your hand to the one on the left.

And you step into the center of the circle. Walk with your friends.

Wink at the one on the right, wink at the one at the left.

Hug the one on the right, hug the one on the left.

Well, the game is over, that's how we are friends, that's all! Hooray!

- It's time to part

And say goodbye to the heroes

But let's not be discouraged

Let's wait for the story.

Everyone tried, they were great!
