Marina Kim: “I gave birth to my second daughter in spite of everything. Marina Kim: a talented presenter with an exotic appearance How old is Maria Kim

Marina Evgenievna Kim. She was born on August 11, 1983 in Leningrad. Russian TV presenter, journalist, actress.

Father is a Russian Korean who grew up in Kabardino-Balkaria.

Mother is Russian, originally from the Baltics.

She has an older brother.

As a child, she was fond of choreography. From the age of 16 she worked as a model, starred in music videos.

After graduating from school, she entered the St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of International Relations (specialty "Regional Studies Specialist, Specialist in European Studies"), where she studied two courses.

At the age of 19, Marina moved to Moscow, transferred to MGIMO at the Faculty of International Relations, received a diploma in North American studies. Graduate work- "Factors of growth of the US economy during the presidency of Bill Clinton."

She completed an internship at the International Affairs Committee of the Federation Council and the Institute of the USA and Canada. She graduated from the courses of TV presenters at the Institute for Advanced Studies of Radio and Television Workers.

In her fifth year at MGIMO, she began her television career.

In 2004, she became the host of the Markets program on the RBC-TV business channel, where she specialized in the analysis of Asian stock indices.

In 2007, she began working in the Vesti program on the Rossiya TV channel, hosting broadcasts on Far East, then - morning and afternoon editions of the program. Since September 2008, she has been hosting the evening editions of Vesti at 20:00 together with Ernest Mackevicius.

Since 2012, she began to host daily editions of the same TV show together with Alexander Golubev. In parallel, as a correspondent, she prepared a series of reports and interviews for the programs Vesti, Vesti on Saturday, Vesti Nedeli.

In 2012, Marina Kim took part in the seventh season of the Dancing with the Stars program, where, together with her partner Alexander Litvinenko, she won second place. Was the host of the entertainment program " big dances close-up".

Marina Kim and Alexander Litvinenko on the show "Dancing with the Stars"

In 2013, for a short time, Marina Kim hosted the author's information and analytical program "A Week in the City" about events in Moscow.

In September 2014, she moved to Channel One, where she became the host of the entertainment program " Good morning».

Acted as host and moderator round tables on various forums. Discussion panel "The role of women in modern power and Economy” at the APEC summit in Vladivostok in 2012, moderator of several discussions at the First International Forum “Anti-counterfeiting-2012” in Moscow, moderator of round tables and conferences within the St. Petersburg Economic Forum SPIEF-2013.

In 2006 she starred in leading role together with Alexei Chadov feature film"Serko" French director Joel Farge (fr. Joël Farges). According to the plot main character Cossack Dmitry Peshkov sets out on horseback on a long journey from Blagoveshchensk to St. Petersburg to bow to the tsar father and get the truth about the Evenki, who are humiliated and robbed by tsarist officials. Serko is a small, hardy Manchurian horse who becomes a friend of the wanderer.

In 2011, she starred in the youth comedy Bishkek, I Love You, which was sold out in cinemas in Bishkek. She played the role of a Kyrgyz girl, deceived by her chosen one.

Considered one of the sexiest Russian TV presenters.

Marina Kim's height: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Marina Kim:


In May 2014, she gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Briana. The girl was born in the USA, and it was there that Marina chose one of the most popular female names in America, which means “strong” in translation. According to Marina, the girl is very similar to her father, but she does not disclose his name. At the same time, in a number of interviews, Marina made it clear that the girl's father is an American film director and producer Brett Ratner (born 1969).

The couple have been together for a long time. They met in 2011 at a New Year's Eve party at Caribbean Islands. They see each other infrequently, but their meetings always turn into an event: “Each meeting with Brett is a real adventure,” Marina said.

She does not want to marry him: “To get married, you must first move to him. And to move, I'll have to give up my whole life here. Work, home, friends. How? This is a very difficult question for me. But somewhere in the depths of my soul, I feel that life itself will put everything in its place.

Once Brett "surprised her very much, saying:" You have to give birth to a child for me. And he firmly said so. At the same time, we did not agree on a future meeting. Probably, we both liked this format of relations: to be together because we ourselves want it, and not because we are bound by some kind of agreement, ”Kim shared.

In July 2016, the TV presenter gave birth to her second daughter, Darina.

At the same time, Marina does not like to comment on her personal life. In one of the interviews, answering a question, she said: “When everything was going great for me, I told reporters about my personal things, and soon after that, not just unpleasant, but terrible events began to happen that I nightmare could not imagine. I raked over full program! Someone can talk about his man, and nothing happens to him for this, but, as practice has shown, the rule “happiness loves silence” works for me. Maybe then it just coincided, but I'm afraid to check. I can only say that officially I am not married.

Briana and Darina - daughters of Marina Kim

Filmography of Marina Kim:

2006 - Serko (Serko, France)
2011 - Bishkek, I love you

Marina is not one of those mothers who disappeared into children, she cannot live without her work and self-development, she is not averse to publishing beautiful photo on Instagram and go to a secular party. By the way, Marina does not talk about her personal life, as well as about the father of her girls, whose name is still unknown. The host of Good Morning on First has two daughters - 4-year-old Briana and 2-year-old Darina. About how she hates playgrounds, why it is difficult for her to spend the whole day with children, haters on Instagram, about new projects and dreams, Marina told in a special project PEOPLETALK and ..

You are in great shape and are not shy about showing off your figure on Instagram. How do subscribers react to such photos?

I won’t feel my boobs, but even if you can see a little something, immediately write in the comments: “God, what a nightmare, what a shame, shame, fire her from Channel One, take away her children!” Really, we have such a dense society in this regard! Moreover, they do not stop, they salivate, they cannot digest it at all, they write again, disputes begin, but I must say that there are those who stand up for me.

And “live” are you ready for comments?

We have conservatives at work. For example, the Good Morning program cannot be conducted with an open chest. But for me, for example, when the chest is like this ( shows) is not open, this is normal. But for the program on the federal channel - no. Orthodox activists, pensioners call, swear. On May 9, I had a dress where the shoulders are visible, it turns out, and this is impossible, it looks naked.

And where do you get the strength not to get involved in a fight? After all, you have two more children!

I must admit that I am not interested in spending all day with children, dissolving in them, being Natasha Rostova during the period of motherhood. If I'm with the kids all day, it breaks me. I don't know anything more boring in life than a playground. The children there seem to be smeared with honey, they ride on the same creaky swing a million times. And when I get there, I feel like the most unhappy person in the world, it seems to me that life is passing by. And I decided for myself that I did not want to spend my life on the playground, so I delegated these powers to the nanny. I am for spending quality time with children and not pretending to be in front of them. But the only thing I want to say is that women who do not have money for a nanny, and this is a completely normal story in our country, such 60–70%, and so, these women accomplish a feat, I say without jokes, without irony. How they manage, I don't know. I wouldn't be able to do that.

Girls. Dress, IL GUFO. (DANIELONLINE.RU) Marina. Dress, shirt, Sorelle; shoes, Ekonika.

How do you explain to children that something can not be done? How do you punish?

I was not beaten as a child, I have no idea how to do it. I explain my position, however, my children taught me that not everything happens at once. They cannot immediately understand everything, and I did not know this before them. I did not know that it was necessary to give people time to adapt to my request or wish.

Do your daughters know who you work for, do they watch you on TV?

Yes. I come from work. They say: “Mom, well, was Timur today? I was at work?" And we also have on the channel new project in which Briana took part. To drag her there, I had to say that she would be a TV presenter. She came, and there was an interview with Dima Shepelev. And she goes on stage, all the cameras are tuned to her, sits on a chair, Dima sits opposite, and she tells him: “Who is this? What TV presenter? I'm supposed to be the TV presenter here." I think the theater is crying for her.

Speaking of work, are you planning new projects?

There are new projects, but I can't talk about it yet. I participate a lot in the programs of Channel One as a guest. Right now there was the World Cup, we had forecasts, special broadcasts, besides, I lead concerts. Soon we are going to St. Petersburg and from there we do Good Morning all week, because there is a big holiday in honor of the Navy Day. I also really enjoyed working on Red Square. It was the Day of Russia, and the First Channel organized a big holiday. On stage, on Red Square, there are 100 thousand people in front of you, and this is a very cool impression. I always work in the frame and do not see the audience, only the cameraman who eats “Doshirak”, and here there is such a crowd, a completely different energy, completely different sensations. Now I understand why, for example, at his concerts, he descends to the audience from the stage, because it's such a thrill, such a recharge!

Briana. Dress, MSGM. (DANIELONLINE.RU) Marina. Dress, Sorelle; shoes, Ekonika.

Does sport help keep you awake?

Yes, I'm in the studio because it's five minutes from home, with a Pilates teacher, but we're doing a mix. I can't practice for an hour. I'm bored, I'm ready to run, I do everything except the classes themselves. Therefore, I only work out for 30 minutes, but every day, if there is no work. We take something from Pilates, we do something with dumbbells.

Briana. Dress, IL GUFO. (DANIELONLINE.RU) Marina. Dress, shirt, Sorelle; shoes, Ekonika.

Do you teach girls to play sports?

Briana went to anti-gravity, she liked it. But we have the youngest, Darina, very athletic, “whipped”, it hangs so cool on the horizontal bar, I want to send her somewhere.

Tell me, why don't you reveal the name of the girls' father?

Father or fathers? ( laughing.) When they ask me, I say: “Look at my eldest daughter - a blonde, at my youngest daughter, who is also becoming a blonde, so what do you want if dad is African American?” I just got so used to joking about it that I stopped responding to it altogether. To be honest, I had an experience when I spoke about the details of my personal life, and I did not like it. I didn't like how it affected the relationship itself. I didn’t like how it affects the work, when everyone comes up and starts to learn something, ask, comment. That's not mine. I am ready to be very frank about motherhood, about work, about what kind of person I am, but everything that concerns personal ...

Darina. Dress, Simonetta Mini. Briana. Dress, MSGM. (DANIELONLINE.RU) Marina. Dress, Sorelle; shoes, Ekonika.

Your biggest confession was about an affair with Hollywood director Brett Ratner, and you didn't comment on it again.

Well, it was just a bad experience. This interview had a terribly bad effect on all facets of my life, and I will not do this again.

Darina. Dress, IL GUFO. (DANIELONLINE.RU) Marina. Dress, shirt, Sorelle; shoes, Ekonika.

So you're not together anymore?

While some stars are hyping their every breath online, others are so secretive that the public does not even know about the most important events in their lives. There are few such people in the world of show business, but they exist. A striking example- TV presenter Marina Kim. For a long time TV viewers could watch her pretty face on the main channels of the country. But here's what happens in the personal life of a journalist - only a few knew about it. And only now Kim herself told in detail about her fate.

At work, I forgot about my personal life

Marina Kim has Korean roots and therefore a colorful appearance. At twenty-four, she became a news presenter on the country's main TV channel. Later she made serious documentaries. And in the new television season of Channel One, she began to wish us good morning in the program of the same name. This year, the TV presenter turns thirty-two years old.

At some point, the girl realized that there was too much work around her. She confessed:

“While my girlfriends were thinking about a new handbag and sandals, I was captured by the problems of Syria, Ukraine and relations with the United States. I realized that I needed to change something, to be included in my own life worry about her. That my future is not only news releases, but also something more. Before that, I have repeatedly tried to combine personal life with work. But nothing came of the order. Only when I realized the importance of what was happening, while not rushing myself and not setting any deadlines, did I launch irreversible processes in my life. And after some time, a child appeared in her.

News about the child Korean Kim keeps a secret

Yes, back in 2014, Marina became a mother. But the public, despite the efforts of journalists, still does not know either the gender or the name of the child. There is no exact data about who is the father of the baby. Although, judging by the stories of Kim herself, this is not difficult to guess.

Marina explained:

“According to Korean traditions, strangers should not know anything about the identity of the baby. To protect him from negative energy.

But Kim talks about her lover willingly. Together with the American director Brett Ratner (the films The Family Man, Skyline, Beverly Hills Cop, etc.), she was noticed in 2014. But Marina herself admits that their relationship has been going on for several years. She recalls:

“At first it was a short, meaningless meeting. We chatted for about ten minutes and scattered around different countries and the continents. Then there were text messages from Brett, which I did not attach too much importance to. The flight in an airplane became symbolic for me a year after our meeting. I decided to watch the movie. And out of five hundred options, she chose Ratner's movie. When I landed, I received an SMS from him on my phone with the question “How are you?”. I realized that this is a sign. Our next meeting in Budapest was much more romantic. Although she, too, was almost random. I was sent to Hungary on a business trip, where Brett was filming. I remember that he really surprised me then, saying that he wanted a child from me.

Marina and Bratt have a relationship of free birds

But Kim got pregnant between two trips to Northern and South Korea about which she filmed a documentary.

Regarding the fact that Marina gave birth quite late, the TV presenter shares her experience of childbirth in the United States:

“You know, I was the youngest woman in labor in our ward. Next to me gave birth to women who are already over forty and under fifty. In America, the limits of reproductive age are expanded. And everyone is calm about such age-related pregnant women. Also, a man is not called a “bobyl” if he did not marry after forty. Even at sixty-five, such a nickname does not stick to him. At this age, some still create families and rejoice in their family successes.

It should be noted that before meeting with Marina, forty-five-year-old Brett Rattner had never been married, not counting less Serious relationships. The director also had no children. He was completely absorbed in his work. The current format of relations with Kim also does not fit into the usual family framework. These man and woman can hardly even be called a couple. They are like two free birds that sometimes fly to the same place, enjoy each other's company, and again fly away each to their own business. At the same time, cherishing the thought of a new meeting.

Marina does not force events, understanding with what creative personality tied her life path. But still, she hopes that in the future, the relationship with the father of her child will be as strong as it is free.

Marina Kim spoke about her documentary"Unceremonious Pyongyang":

1 year ago

TV presenter Marina Kim told BeautyHack about how to look perfect at 6 in the morning, combine motherhood with live broadcasts and cope with psychological difficulties.

-How do you look so fresh in the early morning?

This is a tough question. Once a month I have a crazy week: live every morning from Monday to Friday. Filming starts at 6:50 am, at 6 am I'm already on the set. Every week our mobile studio is on new point. Filming is taking place today Manezhnaya Square- 15 minutes from my house, lucky! Sometimes I go to the other end of the city - for example, if the studio was installed in Tsaritsyno, I would set the alarm for 4:30 in the morning.

Living in such a regime regularly is very difficult! Even when you're young and on your own. I have a different situation: for example, today at one in the morning the child had a fever, we immediately went to the doctor. At three o'clock in the morning we went home, and after an hour and a half I started preparing for the broadcast. Let's add to this the crying of the child: "Mom, stay."

My whole life is to seek and find some kind of balance. But it begins to seem to me that as soon as I find it, it immediately ceases to exist.

-How do you bounce back after a hectic week of filming?

I try to spend a couple of days alone with myself. Sometimes I even stop by the hotel to sleep! I have two children, constant noise effect in the apartment. It is impossible to sleep: I will still lie and hear how someone fell, someone fights or wants to eat. Over the years, I came to the idea that you need to be able to recover. This is what I'm currently working on.

I always had the feeling that life was passing me by, even though the days were very active. As a child, I went to all kinds of amateur circles, then I started working as a model, acting in videos, learning and managing to combine all this.

It always seemed to me that I was sitting somewhere at a bus stop and waiting for a train. Now I have a different impression - that this train carried me so quickly through all the stations, what happiness and just to sit on the green lawn. Exhale, inhale the aroma of flowers. I know I can't live at slow speed, but I want to start making stops. So that they do not slow me down, but replenish and restore.

I think I have one right now milestone. He is in everything: in relationships with a man, with children, with my work. I strive for a transition to a different quality - and not at the expense of "movement". Now I refuse from many events. Yesterday at three o'clock in the morning, for example, was the premiere of "Game of Thrones" in the subway. You know, at first I even considered this option. Then I realized that it was impossible: at 6 o’clock they were waiting for me on Manezhnaya Square, and at home - a child with a fever.

-Marina, how did your life change when you had your second child?

She turned into a nightmare. What are you laughing at? You probably simply do not have two children.

-No, but it seems to me that this is happiness.

Yes, this is a nightmare. I wasn't ready for this. I didn't have a first or second child. With the first daughter, everything was covered with some kind of romantic mood. Child, new life, new me. After all, everyone who does not have children thinks that this is an endless state of euphoria and happiness. 5% - maybe 10% - for the lucky ones. For the other 90% - it's a lot of problems!

Pregnant girls always think - well, how to keep in shape, get rid of stretch marks, recover, so that a man loves, to take place in society ... What small problems these are compared to what happens in life later! All the ways that you had before the child are collapsing (it doesn’t matter if he is the first or the second). You build life anew, from scratch. Plus - not only for yourself, as you are used to. We have been studying ourselves all our lives, trying to somehow include ourselves in society, to build what we want. And here there are desires specific person- and this is terribly unfair, but you adjust everything for her or for him. Such is the law of life, of nature. So it turns out that for the first three years a woman and a child are inextricably linked physiologically. Such interesting point happens - you do everything just out of instinct. Anxious, worried, caring for the baby. At the same time, your needs remain inside, but you do not admit it to yourself. Needs for love, for moving on career ladder. They grow and then "explode".

Once I did an interview with Shakira, and she told me this general phrase: "Children are the best thing in life." And then this thing: “It’s not just something amazing that happens to you. Something impossible is happening to you."

A woman who gives birth to a child really discovers a new person in herself. At the same time, the mother may not be very caring. Everyone talks about postpartum depression, but this is a very inaccurate description: it's just that all the walls of your personality are crumbling - to the ground. Of course, in the end you really become smarter, stronger, more resilient, more cunning. There is personal growth in this, but it happens as big renovation- that's how the whole of Moscow is now riddled with technology.

After the birth of my first child, I quickly returned from maternity leave and zealously got involved in work, events, even went to work for new channel. I decided to try myself in aerial gymnastics on the show "Without Insurance". And so, while I was learning to do somersaults, I realized that I had been pregnant for three months. felt big disappointment. For me it was an iron ball hit, like Miley Cyrus in the song Wrecking Ball - here I met him again.

It probably makes some sense too. You think that you are fit for one thing - for example, I have been focused on a career all my life, so I got everything very quickly. I was 150% "sharpened" for work purposes. Life unfolds everything in such a way to reveal new options to you.

With my second child, I needed to again change the active lifestyle that I reveled in and enjoyed. This despite the fact that both of my pregnancies were easy - I felt great and worked until the 7th month. I did not leave work - but, of course, I left the project "Without Insurance". I could no longer jump a triple back somersault on a trampoline, but I did all these “somersaults” on the Internet - I became a blogger. She created a YouTube channel about motherhood, went to give birth in America to show people what such an experience is.

I carefully distracted myself from the very event of the birth of a child. Someone lays down for preservation, there are girls who lie all 9 months. I - on the contrary, occupy myself in such a way that I don’t even remember that I’m pregnant. I don’t remember whether I ate or didn’t eat, what tests I passed or didn’t pass. I turn to doctors in the first months and already at the birth itself. Thank God, my physiology and genetics allow.

The second child was born, and again I realized that I could do nothing. In addition, all my children are very nervous - for the first three months they yell and cannot calm down. They tried to use drugs, but realized that this is such a feature. I had 4 nannies this time and no one could handle it.

I think that these are certain signals to cope with me! Therefore, there are moments when I get distracted by what I do not need. This is a sacrifice that I consciously make - and now I am learning to make sure that motherhood is not a sacrifice.

You can not afford such things - to sacrifice something for the sake of children. When they grow up, you psychologically demand feedback from them. And you can't do that. Everyone needs to live in harmony, each with his own life. I'm trying to fix this.

After 30, some wisdom should come. I am learning to accept that there is a natural course of life. It is difficult for me to swim along it, to be flexible, to look around and be in the flow - but life teaches this. I am three different person: before the first child, between two children and now. For me it is very difficult - children, children's load, children's experiences. I don't understand women who have it all flowing smoothly. Apparently, just a different nature. My kids are constantly trying to curb me.

- Marina, by what criteria do you select nannies?

To be honest, it's all luck. There are no criteria to look at here.

I had a nanny who worked with us for almost three years. I trusted her more than myself and my own mother, but the trust, unfortunately, was not justified. Now I do not create excessive requirements - when you start to "dig into", perfectionism begins to harm. You do not see the person behind these requirements, and this, unfortunately, is just as important as the professionalism of the nanny. The nanny practically lives with you, you can’t just take her and put her somewhere.

Therefore, unfortunately, this is another member of the family, but only in the sense of being nearby. And so, I always emphasize the distance. I never allow a nanny into my circle, into my experiences. I think that this is an employee, an employee, and I always have such a conversation with her.

Have you already noticed any talents in your children? Tell us about your observations.

My eldest daughter Briana is an actress. It is obvious! She goes through the whole day like great performance, we beat him together. Briana wakes up and says: “Mom, the performance!” I say: "What?" She: "Now you will be an old woman, I will be a fisherman, and grandmother is a goldfish."

All children act out the situations they see, the stories they hear. But she does it really well. Grabs instantly and submits stories very beautifully.

When Briana enters the room, she will talk to everyone, everyone will play in her performance, but she cannot concentrate on something for a long time.

The second daughter is more consistent, stubborn, stubborn. The girls are terribly jealous. The eldest even bit her hand through and through. They have the real one is coming fighting for my attention.

- Do you follow children's cartoons?

Well, of course! Moreover, I know all the songs from there by heart.

Can you compare yourself to any character?

For some reason, I never thought that it was possible to get into a fairy tale. For example, my daughter - she is all at once: Moana, and Rapunzel, and Rose. I have it the other way around. The only fairy tale in childhood that I liked was about the Proud Queen.

She was so proud! She woke up, and after the ball all her servants were asleep. The queen was above warning someone that she wanted to eat, bathe and put on a dress. She spent a week in her room, and then she died.

- What do you learn from your children?

I learn freedom and expression of feelings from the eldest. She does it so naturally, I don't. I'm still a product of society, education. Feelings taught me to hide. Now that they are, I just don't know how to show them.

But the child knows everything. I look at her and think: “Oh, I should do that too!”

Briana has a passion for adventure. She even, when she goes out into the street, says: “Well, mom, are we going towards adventure?” She talks like that - phrases from cartoons. And it's cool!

From the youngest I learn patience, diligence. Until she learns to get off the couch, she will climb back and forth 40 times to understand how. I'm also a workaholic, but I quickly lose interest, like a flash.

- Marina, do you have beauty rituals?

I am not a slave to my appearance, I can do without beauty procedures. Was recently in North Korea, did plots for my program. People there live very limitedly, as if on another planet. There is no good water, no care products, not even normal food! But when I have work to do, I can live without food and sleep.

I always looked at decorative cosmetics from the perspective of a TV presenter. Tone-plaster, matte textures, contrasting colors, "Kabuki theater make-up". I am currently rethinking this approach. For example, I fell in love with a highlighter - a make-up artist's nightmare. I still can’t apply gloss on my lips - for me it’s a taboo.

Before the broadcasts, I paint myself, ten minutes is enough for me.

- What is in your cosmetic bag?

Charlotte's Magic Cream, Charlotte Tilbury (works as a make-up base), Radiant Skin Satin Finish Foundation, Becca (I hooked my Channel One colleagues on this brand), cream corrector and highlighter in the Instant Look in A Palette palette , Charlotte Tilbury I glue tufts on the edges of the eyelashes, line the eyebrows with Long-Wear Brow Pencil, Bobbi Brown and fill in the contour with Charlotte Tilbury shadows from the palette.

- Marina, do you have any favorite salons in Moscow?

For 15 years I have been cutting and painting with Olga Scar - I will never cheat on her! I paint once every 4 months. I use Oribe hair products - they give my hair the perfect look.

I like new salons with a fresh approach - for example, BBBMoscow. On grandiose exits, I turn to the “grey eminence” Russian television- a secret make-up artist who works on the Rossiya TV channel. If you see the perfect make-up on the screen - know that this is his handiwork.

- Marina, I know that you go to Pilates in the studioPMP. Is Pilates replacing functional training for you?

The effect of Pilates is amazing - you immediately feel all the muscles. Pilates performs two functions: it gives a load and restores. To enhance the result of functional training, it is still better to add, find your balance.

If I go to Pilates 2 times a week and add one or two functional workouts to this, the body responds to me with gratitude.

I go for anti-cellulite massages to Lyusya Petrusenko, to the Fijie salon on the Patriarchs. Now it is not easy to sign up with Lucy - there are more and more clients. This is a special massage - Lucy has it from God. I don’t even know what she is doing and I’m not interested - I just feel that the body is reacting to her. Lucy is famous for her ability to "put her ass in place", "blind" your figure.

- Tell me honestly, do you eat bread and sweets?

Now I have no restrictions, but after the second birth, I felt a shock. Weight did not go away as quickly as after the first birth. A stomach appeared, which became a psychological trauma for me.

I tried various procedures, but I realized that they don’t work without a diet - then I ordered a course of Provkus boxes from Katya Krasavina, a fitness bikini. I liked it - the weight went away effectively, in a week I got used to this nutrition system, it was not difficult to endure.

- I know that you gave your daughters for massage from the age of 3 months. Was it the right decision?

Yes! Our country is at the forefront of this. For example, you are talking about baby massage in America - people roll their eyes and are completely sure that massage interferes child development. In Russia and India, the practice of massage for the smallest has existed for a very long time. According to my observations, children sleep better after this, and the baby’s body develops before our eyes, the result is noticeable every week. I advise you to look for a massage therapist by word of mouth - this is how you will find a specialist who you will truly trust.

- Marina, imagine that you met yourself on the street at the age of 17. What would they say?

I would smile. You know, sometimes in life you don't have to say anything. It is useless to try to explain something, to suggest. The only thing that I lacked at the age of 17 was warmth, human exchange, a feeling of free, open. When you are young, everything “boils” in your head, you are hostile to society, to the world, to yourself. It is very important that in this society there is someone who will tell you “Good morning”, “Good afternoon”, and smile.

- With whom would you like to have breakfast from the people who have ever lived?

I love the breakfast format. I would have breakfast with four people. With my grandparents...

- Marina, what qualities help you to live?

They help… Nothing helps, but there are qualities without which I am not me. Emotionality, haste... Unconsciously I'm in a hurry all the time - I understand that it's not necessary, but I continue to rush.

There is a quality that I would like to possess - to love for real. Some get it right away, some get it over time. I wish I had it.

Interview and text: Dilyara Telyasheva

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To begin with, Marina Kim said that the birth of a second child for her is a gift of fate. Actually, that's why she named her daughter Darina. It turns out that the TV presenter actively trained for the show "Without insurance", taking special supplements twice a day. The fact that the baby was born absolutely healthy, Marina considers a miracle.

Darina has been fed formula almost from birth. Kim decides to bottle feed after breastfeeding has been stressful for her eldest daughter Briana. "I was very nervous, I left milk all the time. Then it started" glacial period", daily training. And it was, of course, a nightmare! I sent milk with a driver, he got stuck in a traffic jam, at that time the child was screaming from hunger at home ... Everyone was on edge. A month later I transferred Briana to the mixture, and then we exhaled " Kim explained.

According to the TV presenter, in the second month of life, both of her girls became some kind of "mad": either colic, or something else. For example, with Darina I had to work out an unusual feeding scheme. “Now Darina has a peculiarity: we feed the child only in a dream. She needs to be rocked, put to sleep, and only then can she eat. If you feed her in a waking state, she gets worried, worries, gasps for air. to eat. Here is such a feature. While we ourselves understood this, three months passed. We just had to settle down to this, "said Marina.

“I was very scared then for her and for the younger one - I was afraid that she would also catch this infection. It was a real horror!”

Briana is jealous of Darina for her mother. “He lays down on the changing table, his legs hang down at the same time, and says: “Mom, swaddle me. Mom, change the diaper." She takes her sister's nipples, sucks. "Mom, take me in your arms too. Mom, give me some milk. He climbs into her bed. Rides on her rocking chair. He tries in every possible way to show that she can also be small, so the second girl is not needed. He tells me: “Leave her. Put. Give it to the nanny, "TV program quotes Marina Kim.

Now, while Darina is still very small, the host tries to devote all the time to Briana. However, when the youngest daughter grows up, Marina is sure that between the girls will unfold real war for mom. “Briana is still a commander by nature. She tells everyone what to do. She will build a little one,” Kim stated.

There was also talk about the father of the girls, whom the presenter does not advertise. According to Marina, dad prefers to keep his distance from girls. “You know, there is a category of husbands who help a lot. Now there is even such a fashion: mom is at work, and a young dad is making circles with a stroller in the park. This has never happened in my life. Love, attention - all this is there. But for dad girls has become an analogue of a nanny - this does not work. I take this calmly. To each his own, "said the presenter.

Marina thought that the second birth would be easier, because she already knew what to prepare for. However, the process was still a big blow for her. In addition, the first month after the birth of Darina seemed like hell for the presenter. “All this is due to the fact that you are not sleeping, you are solving the problem with the breast, you are adjusting feeding. Then, on the contrary, you are trying to reduce. The child either does not take the breast, then the nipple. . I experienced a lot of stress, "Marina admitted.
