Reading in 2 ml gr. Prospective planning for reading fiction in the second younger group

Integrated thematic planning

2017-2018 academic year

OOD (type of activity ) Reading fiction

Age group 2 junior group №1

Part of the program: Variation V

Invariant _

Prepared by: Orlova N.A.

1. Comprehensive educational program preschool education. Developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

2. Planning the educational process preschool organization: modern approaches and technology. Developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

3. Complete reader for preschoolers. Book 1. AST, Series: Planet of Childhood, Released: 2015;

4. Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and development of children's speech. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard,


Organized educational activities

Topics in accordance with the Comprehensive Thematic Planning


A week

OOD theme

Program goal

Additional methodological support


No. 1 OS "How we arrived at the zoo" B. Zhitkov - reading

Learn to understand the main content of the work. Develop the ability to perform game actions in accordance with the content of poems. To acquaint children with the rules for the movement of cars on the road, carefully listen to a new work. Cultivate polite, cultured behavior in public transport.


No. 2 OS "Lesson of Friendship" - reading the story of M. Plyatskovsky.

Learn to use a simple common sentence in speech; the ability to establish the order of events in the text, mentally represent events and characters; form ideas about the actions and deeds in which it is manifested good relations to each other.

A book with a story by M. Plyatskovsky “A lesson in friendship, illustrations according to the content of the work.

“I am good, you are good. How to behave? Learning to be friends"

No. 3 OS "How the rooster was treated" - reading the fairy tale by A. Krylov

To empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale in the process of reading a fairy tale, to improve dialogic speech, to teach children to provide elementary medical care. Cultivate the desire to take the initiative.

Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and development of children's speech. O.S. Ushakov

"Growing up healthy and strong"

No. 4 OS “Grandma had a granddaughter” - Retelling of Tolstoy L.N.

To form the ability to retell a previously unfamiliar story, achieving the transfer of its content without omissions and distortions; Encourage the use of author's words and phrases; To develop the ability to name the location of the granddaughter (outside the window, under the table ...) To cultivate the ability to listen to the interlocutor and not to interrupt him unnecessarily.

Tolstoy L.N.

"My family. Mothers Day"


No. 1 OS "Boy - finger" - memorization

Continue to form the ability to emotionally perceive poetry, understand the content poetic texts, to feel the rhythm of the poem, to convey figurative content intonation. To form the ability to designate by word and action parts and signs appearance subject. Cultivate the desire to communicate calmly without shouting, without interrupting each other.

“Me and my body, what do I know about myself?”

No. 2 OS - "Snow Maiden and the Fox" RNS story

Examining the illustrations

To form the ability to carefully consider illustrations, explaining their content.

To acquaint children with the new RNS, with the image of a fox (different from foxes from other fairy tales). exercise in expressive reading excerpt - the lamentation of the Snow Maiden. To educate children's communication skills (answers in chorus, individually), the ability to listen to each other. Enrich speech with fabulous vocabulary. Cultivate friendships between children.

Fairy tale illustrations

No. 3 OS - "Zayushkina's hut" - The story of the RNS

Dramatization of excerpts

Continue to teach children emotionally, consistently reproduce the content of a fairy tale using the modeling method. Develop the ability to identify and name characteristics fairy tale characters.

Practice word formation. To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards the heroes of a fairy tale, a desire to help them.

Book with illustrations, mnemonic table, glove puppets

"My house"

№4 OS "Yolka" - ReadingK. Chukovsky

Cause joy from the upcoming holiday, activate nouns and verbs in speech. Cultivate a good relationship with each other.

« New Year»

No. 5 OS "Our Tree" - Learning E. Ilyin

Narrative from personal experience

Develop the ability to express your feelings new year holiday in connected statements. To develop the ability to convey joy, triumph with intonation when telling a poem.

Continue to educate respectful attitude to those around you.

Illustrations, plot pictures new year celebrations

"New Year"



No. 2 OS Small folklore forms: “I’m going to my grandmother, to my grandfather ...”, “Tili-bom! Tili-bom!...”; “Like our cat ...”, “Squirrel sits on a cart ...”, “Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi ..”

To acquaint children with the meaning and content of nursery rhymes-calls. Cultivate interest in oral folk art. Exercise in pronouncing nursery rhymes in chorus together with the teacher. To form the ability to answer the questions of the educator on the content in full sentences, listen to the answers of other children.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1.

"Russian Folk Art"

No. 3 OS "Geese-swans"

Reading RNS

To form the ability to answer the questions of the educator on the content in full sentences, listen to the answers of other children. Continue to enrich speech with fabulous vocabulary. Introduce simple ways formation of a diminutive form of nouns.

illustration book, table theater

"Boys and Girls"

No. 4 OS - “Where is my finger?”; - N. Sakonskaya memorization; Reading L. Voronkov "Masha is a confusion"

To continue to form the ability to emotionally perceive poetry, understand the content of poetic texts, feel the rhythm of the poem, and intonation convey figurative content.

To develop the ability to correlate the verb with the action that it denotes and with the subject who performed this action.

To cultivate the ability to listen to the interlocutor and not to interrupt him unnecessarily.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1.



No. 1 OS "The Tale of stupid little mouse» S. Marshak - reading

Enrich lexicon quality adjectives. Cultivate kindness, a desire to help.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1.

"I am in society"

№2 OS "Mitten"

ONS Reading

Using the modeling method, continue to form the ability to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale, memorize actors and sequence of events. Give children the opportunity to finish words and easy-to-reproduce phrases. To acquaint with the saying "In cramped conditions, but not offended."

Exercise in the completion of sentences started by the teacher.

To educate responsiveness in children, to teach to empathize and understand the heroes of a fairy tale.

Book with illustrations, mnemonic table


No. 3 OS "In our army" A. Oshnurov - memorization

Learn to convey the mood of the work, the attitude of the author to the events described. Develop intonation expressiveness of speech. Cultivate a sense of pride in your dad.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1.

"Our dads are railroad workers"

No. 4 OS - "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" RNS story

To form the ability to retell a familiar fairy tale completely and consistently, using fabulous repetitions; Encourage preschoolers to tell their favorite passages expressively, resorting to a change in intonation, tempo of speech, voice pitch. Encourage children to speak clearly. Raise interest in the works of Russian folk art.

Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and development of children's speech. O.S. Ushakov,

mnemonic table

"My house"


No. 1 OS "All of it" reading a poem by I. Kosyakov

To acquaint children with a poem, improve the dialogical speech of children, replenish vocabulary with verbs, cultivate a respectful attitude towards mother. D/U “I love my mother very much, because…”

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1.

"Our mothers are the best"

№2 OS "What is good and what is bad?" - Reading V. Mayakovsky

Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the work. Talking with children about good and bad, improve their dialogic speech, grammatically correctly reflect their impressions in speech. Cultivate the desire to do only good, kind deeds.

V. Mayakovsky

"We are helpers"

No. 3 OS "Two greedy bear cubs" -


Continue to develop the ability to understand moral sense works, motivated to evaluate the actions of the characters. To form the ability to use plural forms of nouns. in R.p. (became a lot of bears, hares, foxes ...). . Cultivate the desire to share with a friend.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1.


No. 4 OS “Tanya knew the letters” - retelling by L. Tolstoy

Develop the ability to expressively retell using words and speech turns of the text. To form the ability to form a form pl. number of verbs (hands take, draw ...; teeth chew, bite, gnaw ...; eyes look, blink ... Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between children

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1.

"Book Week"

No. 5 OS "Fox and Hare" - Reading RNS

Interested to listen a new fairy tale, to help understand the meaning of the work (small daring, but brave), develop the ability to intonation accurately repeat songs from a fairy tale, exercise in word formation. Cultivate the ability to listen to each other.

Illustrations, fairy tale text

"Safety Week"


No. 1 OS "Spring has come" -

Reading L.N. Tolstoy

Develop listening skills literary text, answer the questions of the teacher, using copyright means of expression. Continue to form the ability to select words with the opposite meaning. Continue to cultivate the habit of working together, negotiating and helping each other.

L.N. Tolstoy, story paintings, illustrations

"Spring is red"

No. 2 OS “The snow is already melting, streams are running” - reading a poem by A. Pleshcheev

Note the appearance of the first puddles and streams. Learn to compare your impressions with the content of a work of fiction. Enrich ideas about changes in nature associated with the arrival of spring, warming. Cultivate the joy of the onset of spring.

consideration book illustrations, plot pictures.

"Cosmonautics Day"

No. 3 OS "Petushki" - Learning V. Berestov

To form the ability to expressively recite a poem by heart. Introduce nouns into the active dictionary, denoting winter natural phenomena, wintering birds and parts of their bodies (What is it? - This is a wing, beak, legs ... Who is it? - This is a dove, crow, tit ... Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, learn to help them) .

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1.

"The nature of our region"

No. 4 OS "Children in a Cage" S.Ya. Marshak

Encourage the desire of children to listen to the poetic text, repeat it with the teacher. Develop auditory attention, coherent speech, visual memory. Raise interest and desire to participate in joint activities.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1.

"Birds and animals of our region"

No. 1 OS "Cat's House" S.Ya.Marshak

Continue to teach children to listen carefully to a fairy tale, understand its content, and answer questions. Continue to teach to emotionally perceive the content of the tale, memorize the characters and the sequence of actions

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1.

« Houseplants»

№2 OS Acquaintance with small folklore forms. Learning the nursery rhyme "Sun-bucket"

To acquaint children with the meaning and content of nursery rhymes-calls. To form the ability to expressively and rhythmically recite the nursery rhyme "Sun-bucket" by heart.

Help remember the saying "Water flowed from the mountains - brought spring." Practice guessing and guessing riddles.

Raise interest in oral folk art.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1.

No. 3 OS The story of K. Chukovsky "Fly-Tsokotuha"

Continue to develop the ability to perceive emotionally poetic work to be aware of the topic, the content. Arouse the desire to memorize and expressively reproduce quatrains. Enrich children's vocabulary. Cultivate respect for others.

K. Chukovsky book with illustrations "Fly-Tsokotuha"


No. 4 "Beloved City" - Reading the story of R.A. Pervutinsky; Conversation "Our city".

Build the habit of listening carefully new story, coherently answer the questions of the educator. Activate the children in the course of the conversation. In the proposed situation, to consolidate the ability of children to apply the acquired knowledge in life; expand vocabulary, cultivate a sense of love and pride in hometown, the desire to learn more about its attractions.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1.

"My city Nakhodka"

Planning for reading fiction in junior group kindergarten

September 1 week


S. Cherny "Private";

G Tsyferov "About friends",

"When there are not enough toys"(from book );

"Two Greedy Little Bears"(Hungarian; arr. A. Krasnov, V. Vazhdaeva) ;

"Finger is a boy ...", "Braves" , English, arr. From Marshak.

September 2nd week


"Cat Rooster and Fox", arr. Bogolyubskaya; K. B.;

K. Balmont "Autumn";

A. N. Tolstoy "Hedgehog";

K. D. Ushinsky "Petushka with family";

“Hare dance…”;

"Wolf and goats".

Mitten", Ukrainian, arr. E. Blaginina;

K. Chukovsky. "Confusion",

B. Zhitkov. "How we went to the zoological garden"(from the book "What I saw");

M. Zoshchenko. "Smart Bird"

P. Voronko. - Sly hedgehog, trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak;

memorization: N. Saxon. "Where is my finger?"

September 3 week

Reading "I'm going to my grandmother, to my grandfather.",.

"Cat, Rooster and Fox", arr. M. Bogolyubskaya;

"What a rumble" , per. from Latvian. S. Marshak;

K. Balmont. "Autumn" ;

A. Maikov. « Lullaby» ,

S. Cherny., "About Katyusha";

A. Milne. "Three Chanterelles"

Ch. Yancharsky. "Games" "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik"

memorization: "Cucumber, cucumber."

September 4 week


"Hare, dance."

"Stubborn Goats" , uzb., arr. Sh. Sagdulla;

Ah, Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are powerful.", (from );

K. Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun",

T. Alexandrova. "Bear Cub Burik";

L. Muur. "Little Raccoon and. The one who sits in the pond

"Help!" per. from Czech. S. Marshak.


“Mice lead a round dance. ,."- Russian nar. songs;

October 1 week


"Hare, dance.",

"Help!" per. from Czech. S. Marshak.

"Stubborn goats", Uzbek, arr. Sh.

S. Cherny "Private";

K. Chukovsky. "Moydodyr",

B. Zhitkov. "Zebra", (from the book "What I saw");

M. Zoshchenko. "Smart bird";

E. Vieru. "Hedgehog and Drum", per. with mold. I. Akima;

memorization:. A. Pleshcheev. "Country Song";

October 2 weeks


"Kolobok" , arr. K. Ushinsky;

"What a rumble" , per. from Latvian. S. Marshak;

S. Marshak. "Zoo", (from the cycle "Children in a Cage");

K. Chukovsky., "Moydodyr",

B. Zhitkov. "How the elephant bathed"(from the book "What I saw");. A. Milne. "Three Chanterelles" , per. from English. N. Slepakova; L. Mileva."Swift Foot and Gray Clothes", per. from Bulgarian M. Marinova;

memorization:. V. Berestov. "Petushki";

October 3 week


"Forty, forty.,

"Kolobok" , arr. K. Ushinsky;

Songs. "Ship" , English, arr. S. Marshak;

A. Pleshcheev. "Autumn has arrived.",

S. Marshak. "Giraffe", "Zebras", (from the cycle "Children in a Cage"); B. Zhitkov. "Elephants" (from the book"What I saw");

Ch. Yancharsky. "Games", "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik", per. from Polish. V. Prikhodko

October 4 week


A. Blok. "Bunny";

“Tili-bom! Tili-bom.";

A. Pleshcheev. "Autumn has arrived.",

A. Maikov. "Lullaby",.» (from modern Greek songs);

S. Marshak "Polar Bears", "Ostrich", (from the cycle "Children in a Cage");

K. Chukovsky. "Confusion",

M. Zoshchenko. "Smart bird";

D. Bisset. "Frog in the Mirror", per, from English. N. Shereshevskaya; A. Barto, P. Barto."Dirty Girl";

November 2nd week


"Forty, forty.,

"Cat, Rooster and Fox", arr. M. Bogolyubskaya;

Ah, Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are powerful.", "(from "Tales of dead princess And. seven heroes");

S. Marshak. "Penguin", "Camel", (from the cycle "Children in a Cage"); G. Tsyferov. "About Friends", from the book "About the chicken, the sun and the teddy bear");

K. Chukovsky. "So and not so";

memorization:. V. Berestov. "Petushki";

November 3 week


"Mitten" , Ukrainian, arr. E. Blaginina

S. Marshak. "Where the sparrow dined"(from the cycle "Children in a Cage");

K. Chukovsky. "Stolen Sun",. "So and not so";

A. Milne. "Three Chanterelles" , per. from English. N. Slepakova;

November 4 week


"The night has come." ,

"Two Greedy Little Bears", Hung., arr. A. Krasnova and V, Vazhdaeva;

K. Balmont. "Autumn" ;

A. Blok. "Bunny";

K. Chukovsky "So and not so";

E. Vieru. "Hedgehog and Drum", per. with mold. I. Akima;

L. Muur. , per. from English. O. Exemplary

memorization: K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree"

December 1 week


"Snow Maiden and the Fox" arr. M. Bulatova

"Like our cat.",

"The sun is visiting"

S. Grodetsky, "Who is this?" ;

D. Mamin-Sibiryak.;

memorization: A. Pleshcheev. "Country Song";

December 2nd week


"Snow Maiden and the Fox" arr. M. Bulatova

"A squirrel is sitting on a cart.",

"Little Fairies" , English, arr. S. Marshak;

"Nanny Fox" , per. from Finnish E. Soini;

Ah, Pushkin. "Our light, the sun!", (from "Tales of the Dead Princess" seven heroes");

D. Mamin-Sibiryak."The Tale of the Brave Hare - Long ears, slanting eyes, short tail";

N. Zabila. "Pencil"

December 3 week


"Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi".»,

"Swan geese" ;, arr. M. Bulatova;

"Buy an onion." "Brave fellow", per. from Bulgarian L. Gribovoy;

Ah, Pushkin. "Month, month." (from "Tales of the Dead Princess" seven heroes");

S. Kapugikyan. "Who is more likely to finish drinking", per. with arm. T. Spendiarova

E. Bekhlerova. "Cabbage Leaf", per. from Polish. G. Lukin;

A. Bosev. "Three" , lane, from Bulgarian. V. Viktorova;

December 4 week


"We lived with my grandmother." ,

"Snow Maiden and the Fox"; arr. M. Bulatova

V. Berestov. "Hen with Chicks",

L. Voronkova. "It's Snowing" (from It's Snowing);

A. Bosev. "Three" , lane, from Bulgarian. V. Viktorova

memorization: E. Ilyina. "Our Christmas tree" (abbreviated);

January 2nd week



"Swan geese" ; arr. M. Bulatova;

"Little Fairies" , English, arr. S. Marshak;

S. Marshak. "Quiet Tale"

A. N. Tolstoy. "Petushki".

Y. Chapek. "Hard Day", "(from the book , trans .. Czech. G. Lukin;

January 3 week



"Swan geese" ; arr. M. Bulatova;

V. Berestov. "Bull";

N. Nosov "Steps";

B. Potter. "Uhti-Tukhti" , per. from English. O. Exemplary;

January 4 week


"Swan geese" ;

"Mitten" , Ukrainian, arr. E. Blaginina


"The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl;

"Nanny Fox" , per. from Finnish E. Soini;

N. Zabolotsky. "How mice fought with a cat";

D. Kharms. "Brave hedgehog";

memorization: K. Chukovsky. "Christmas Tree" (abbreviated);

February 1 week


"Like our cat.",

"Buy an onion." , per. with shotl. N. Tokmakova;

"The sun is visiting", per, from Slovak. S. Mogilevskaya and L. Zorina;

Y. Chapek. "In the Forest", (from the book "The Adventures of Dog and Kitty", trans .. Czech. G. Lukin;

February 2nd week


"A squirrel is sitting on a cart.",

"The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl;

K. Chukovsky. " "Fly Tsokotukha" ,

Y. Chapek. "Difficult day"Doll Yarinka" (from the book "The Adventures of Dog and Kitty", trans .. Czech. G. Lukin;

memorization: N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?"

February 3week


"Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi".»,

D. Kharms. "Brave hedgehog";

N. Zabila. "Pencil" , per. from Ukrainian 3. Alexandrova;

"Like our cat.",

memorization: K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree"

February 4 week


V. Berestov. "Petushki";

"We lived with my grandmother." ,

Ah, Pushkin. "Our light, the sun!", "Month, month." (from "Tales of the Dead Princess" seven heroes");

E. Bekhlerova. "Cabbage Leaf", per. from Polish. G. Lukin;

memorization:. V. Berestov. "Petushki";

March 1 week


"Brave fellow", per. from Bulgarian L. Gribovoy;

S. Marshak. "Silent fairy tale"

V. Mayakovsky. "What is good and what is bad?",A. N. Tolstoy. "Hedgehog", "Cocks".

B. Potter. "Uhti-Tukhti" , per. from English. O. Exemplary;

March 2 weeks


P. Kosyakov. "All of her";

“Weed-ant. ,.”,

arr. M. Bulatova;

"Puff" , Belarusian, arr. N. Myalika;

K. Balmont, "Mosquitoes-Makariki";

L. Tolstoy. "The bird has made a nest.";

March 3 week


"There are three chickens outside."

"Goby - black barrel, white hooves", arr. M. Bulatova;

"Three trappers" English, arr. S. Marshak;

"The forest bear and the naughty mouse", Latvian, arr. Yu. Vanaga, trans. L. Voronkova;

P. Kosyakov. "All of her";

K. Ushinsky. "Vaska"

March 4 weeks


"Shadow, shadow, sweat.",

"Fear has big eyes", arr. M. Serova;

D. Kharms. "Brave hedgehog";

A. Maikov. "The swallow has come running."(from modern Greek songs);

K. Chukovsky "Aibolit"

L. Tolstoy. "Tanya knew the letters.";

"The finch sings"

memorization:. “Mice lead a round dance. ,."- Russian nar. songs;

April 1 week


"Rain, rain, more.",

"Teremok" , arr. E. Charushina

"Rooster and Fox" , per. with shotl. M, Klyagina-Kondratieva;

K. Chukovsky "Aibolit"

L. Tolstoy. "Vari had a siskin.",

M. Carem. "My cat" , per. from French M. Kudinova.

April 2 week


A. Pleshcheev. "Spring" (abbreviated);

« Ladybug. ,» ,

"Intractable hoopoe", per. from Czech. S. Marshak.

"The Pig and the Kite", a fairy tale of the peoples of Mozambique, trans. from Portuguese. Y. Chubkova

A. Barto, P. Barto."Dirty Girl";

K. Ushinsky. "Lisa-Patrikeevna";

"The finch sings" , per. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova;

S. Kapugikyan. "Masha does not cry"per. with arm. T. Spendiarova;

O. Alfaro. "Goat Hero" , per. from Spanish T. Davityants;

April 4 week


"Rainbow-arc." ,

"Rooster and Fox" , per. with shotl. M, Klyagina-Kondratieva; S. Marshak."The Tale of the Smart Mouse";

K. Chukovsky. "Turtle" ;

L. Tolstoy. "Spring came." ;

O. Panku-Yash. "Good night, Dooku!", per. from Romanian. M. Olsufieva,"Not only in kindergarten"

May 1 week


A. Pleshcheev. "Spring" (abbreviated);

"Ribouche hen."

"Frog Talk", per. from Czech. S. Marshak.

V. Mayakovsky “Whatever the page is, then the elephant, then the lioness”;IN. Bianchi. "Bathing the cubs";

"Not only in kindergarten" (abbreviated, translated from Romanian. T. Ivanova.

May 2 weeks


“Weed-ant. ,.”,

S. Mikhalkov. "Song of Friends";

E. Moshkovskaya. "Greedy";

Y. Dmitriev. "Blue hut";

"The finch sings" , per. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova;

May 3 week


"Goby - black barrel, white hooves", arr. M. Bulatova;

"Shadow, shadow, sweat.",

"Intractable hoopoe", per. from Czech. S. Marshak.

"Puff" , Belarusian, arr. N. Myalika;

I. Tokmakova. "Bear" .

K. Chukovsky. "Wonder Tree"

S. Prokofiev. Masha and Oika

A. N. Tolstoy "The Fox",

"The finch sings" , per. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova;

May 4 week


"Ribouche hen.",

L. Muur. "Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond", per. from English. O. Exemplary

K. Balmont, "Mosquitoes-Makariki";

P. Kosyakov. "All of her";

S. Prokofiev. "The Tale of the Ill-mannered Mouse"(from the book "Machines of a fairy tale");

“Mice lead a round dance. ,."- Russian nar. songs;

Sample list reading literature for children

in the 2nd junior group.

Russian folklore

Songs, rhymes, incantations. “Finger-boy ...”, “Hare, dance ...”, “Night has come ...”, “Forty, forty ...?,“ I’m going to my grandmother, to my grandfather ... ”,“ Tili-bom! Tili-bom!...”; “Like our cat ...”, “A squirrel is sitting on a cart ...”, “Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi”, “We lived with my grandmother ...”, “Chiki-chiki-chikalochki ...”, “Kisonka-murysenka ...”, “Dawn-dawn ...”; “Grass-ant ...”, “There are three chickens on the street ...”, “Shadow, shade, sweat ...”, “Ribushka hen ...”, “Rain, rain, more ...”, “ Ladybug ..,", "Rainbow-arc ...".

Fairy tales."Kolobok", arr. K. Ushinsky; "Wolf and goats", arr. A. N. Tolstoy; "Cat, rooster and fox", arr. M. Bogolyubskaya; "Swan geese"; "Snow Maiden and the Fox"; "Goby - black barrel, white hooves", arr. M. Bulatova; "The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl; “Fear has big eyes”, arr. M. Serova; "Teremok", arr. E. Charushina.

Folklore of the peoples of the world

Songs."Ship", "Braves", "Little Fairies", "Three Trappers" English, arr. S. Marshak; "What a Rumble", trans. from Latvian. S. Marshak; "Buy a bow ...", trans. with shotl. N. Tokmakova; "Frog Talk", "Intractable Hoopoe", "Help!" per. from Czech. S. Marshak.

Fairy tales."Mitten", "Goat-Dereza" Ukrainian, arr. E. Blaginina; "Two Greedy Little Bears", Hung., Arr. A. Krasnova and V, Vazhdaeva; "Stubborn goats", Uzbek, arr. Sh. Sagdulla; “Visiting the sun”, trans., from Slovak. S. Mogilevskaya and L. Zorina; "Nanny Fox", trans. from Finnish E. Soini; "The brave fellow", trans. from Bulgarian L. Gribovoy; "Puff", Belarusian, arr. N. Myalika; “Forest bear and naughty mouse”, Latvian, arr. Yu. Vanaga, trans. L. Voronkova; "The Rooster and the Fox", trans. with shotl. M, Klyagina-Kondratieva; "The Pig and the Kite", a tale of the peoples of Mozambique, trans. from Portuguese. Y. Chubkova.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. K. Balmont. "Autumn"; A. Blok. "Bunny"; A. Koltsov. “The winds are blowing ...” (from the poem “Russian Song”); A. Pleshcheev. “Autumn has come ...”, “Spring” (abbreviated); A. Maikov. "Lullaby", "The Swallow Rushed..." (from modern Greek songs); Ah, Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are mighty!..”, “Our light, the sun!.”, “Month, month...” (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”); C. Black. "Private", "About Katyusha"; S. Marshak. "Zoo", "Giraffe", "Zebras", "Polar Bears", "Ostrich", "Penguin", "Camel", "Where the Sparrow Dined" (from the cycle "Children in a Cage"); "Quiet Tale", "The Tale of the Smart Mouse"; K. Chukovsky. "Confusion", "The Stolen Sun", "Moidodyr", "Fly-Sokotuha", "Hedgehogs Laugh", "Christmas Tree", "Aibolit", "Wonder Tree", "Turtle"; S. Grodetsky, "Who is this?"; V. Berestov. "Hen with chickens", "Goby"; N. Zabolotsky. "How mice fought with a cat"; V. Mayakovsky. “What is good and what is bad?”, “Whatever the page is, then an elephant, then a lioness”; K. Balmont, "Mosquitoes-makariki"; P. Kosyakov. "All of her"; A. Barto, P. Barto. "Girl grimy"; S. Mikhalkov. "Song of friends"; E. Moshkovskaya. "Greedy"; I. Tokmakova. "Bear".

Prose. K. Ushinsky. "Cockerel with family", "Ducks", "Vaska", "Lisa-Patrikeevna"; T. Alexandrova. "Bear cub Burik"; B. Zhitkov. “How we went to the zoo”, “How we arrived at the zoo”, “Zebra”, “Elephants”, “How the elephant bathed” (from the book “What I saw”); M. Zoshchenko. "Smart bird"; G. Tsyferov. "About friends", "When there are not enough toys" from the book "About a chicken, the sun and a bear cub"); K. Chukovsky. "So and not so"; D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "The Tale of the Brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail"; L. Voronkova. "Masha the Confused", "It's Snowing" (from the book "It's Snowing"); N. Nosov "Steps"; D, Kharms. "Brave hedgehog"; L. Tolstoy. "The bird made a nest..."; "Tanya knew the letters..."; "Vari had a siskin, ..", "Spring has come ..."; W. Bianchi. "Bathing cubs"; Y. Dmitriev. "Blue hut"; S. Prokofiev. “Masha and Oika”, “When You Can Cry”, “The Tale of an Ill-mannered Mouse” (from the book “Machines of a Fairy Tale”); V. Suteev. "Three kittens"; A. N. Tolstoy. "Hedgehog", "Fox", "Cocks".

Works of poets and writers from different countries

Poetry. E. Vieru. "The Hedgehog and the Drum", trans. with mold. I. Akima; P. Voronko. "Cunning Hedgehog", trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak; L. Mileva. "Swift Foot and Gray Clothes", trans. from Bulgarian M. Marinova; A. Milne. "Three Chanterelles", trans. from English. N. Slepakova; N. Zabila. "Pencil", trans. from Ukrainian 3. Alexandrova; S. Kapugikyan. "Who will rather finish drinking", "Masha does not cry" trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova; A. Bosev. "Rain", trans. from Bulgarian I. Maznina; "The Finch Sings", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova; M. Carem. "My cat", trans. from French M. Kudinova.

Prose.D. Bisset. "The Frog in the Mirror", trans., from English. N. Shereshevskaya; L. Muur. "Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond", trans. from English. O. Exemplary; Ch. Yancharsky. "Games", "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko; E. Bekhlerova. "Cabbage Leaf", trans. from Polish. G. Lukin; A. Bosev. "Three", lane, from Bulgarian. V. Viktorova; B. Potter. "Uhti-Tukhti", trans. from English. O. Exemplary; Y. Chapek. “A Hard Day”, “Into the Forest”, “Yarinka Doll” (from the book “The Adventures of a Dog and a Kitty”), trans. . Czechs. G. Lukin; O. Alfaro. "Goat Hero", trans. from Spanish T. Davityants; O. Panku-Yash. "Goodnight, Dooku!", trans. from Romanian. M. Olsufieva, “Not only in kindergarten” (abbreviated), trans. from Romanian. T. Ivanova.

Sample list for memorization

"Finger-boy ...", "Like our cat ...", "Cucumber, cucumber ...", "Mice lead a round dance.,.", Rus. nar. songs; A. Barto. "Bear", "Ball", "Ship"; V. Berestov. "Petushki"; K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree" (abbreviated); E. Ilyina. "Our Tree" (abbreviated); A. Pleshcheev. "Rural song"; N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?"

Integrated thematic planning

2016-2017 academic year

OOD (type of activity) Reading fiction

Age group2 junior group №1

Part of the program: Variation V

Invariant _

Prepared by: Likhota E.V.


1. A comprehensive educational program for preschool education. Developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

2. Planning the educational process of a preschool organization: modern approaches and technology. Developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

3. Complete S. Tomilova , Publisher: AST , Series: Planet of childhood , Release year: 2015;

4. Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and development of children's speech. In accordance with GEF DO,; Year of release: 2014.


Organized educational activities

Topics in accordance with the Comprehensive Thematic Planning


A week

OOD theme

Program goal

Additional methodological support


No. 1 OS "Autumn" A. K. Balmont

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova ; fall illustrations

Project work« Autumn is a wonderful time»

№2 OS "Autumn has come"

A. Pleshcheev

To create a joyful mood in children in the process of reading a poem, to learn to name the signs of the seasons, to compare the signs of autumn and summer, to cultivate a love for beauty, to enjoy the charm of nature

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova ; fall illustrations

Project work« Autumn is a wonderful time»

No. 3 OS "Visiting a fairy tale" - theater

To evoke an emotional response in children to show a fairy tale. Cultivate a sense of empathy for the characters. Develop intonation. Learn to negotiate sentences with the teacher.

Internet resources, glove puppets, screen.

"My Kindergarten"

№4 OS "Aibolit" - theater

To empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale in the process of watching the theatricalization of a poem, to improve dialogical speech, to teach children to provide elementary medical care. Cultivate the desire to take the initiative.

Chukovsky K.I,

Bi-ba-bo dolls, screen


Day of the preschool worker


No. 1 OS "Kid" A. Barto - memorizing a poem

Learning a poem by A. Barto. Learn to understand the main content of the work. Develop the ability to perform game actions in accordance with the content of poems. Game-improvisation based on the text of the poem.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova


No. 2 OS "Hedgehog" - reading the story of L.N. Tolstoy

Listen carefully to the new story, learn to coherently answer the teacher's questions. Activate the children in the course of the conversation. In the proposed situation, to consolidate the ability of children to apply the acquired knowledge in life; Expand words knowledge. Learn to solve riddles.

Tolstoy A.N.

Illustrations according to the content of the work


No. 3 OS "Moydodyr" - reading

To cultivate the ability to listen to a fairy tale, to follow the development of the action; give children the opportunity to finish words and phrases that are easy to reproduce; to consolidate knowledge about the need for cleanliness, about hygiene items.

Chukovsky K.I.

"I am human"

No. 4 OS "Hedgehog" a - reading and memorization

To teach children to listen to a poem, understand the plot, answer questions; develop the ability to listen to the explanations of the educator; contribute to the memorization of the poetic text; develop interest in objects of nature, love for them; cultivate a love of literature.

B. Zakhoder

"Wild animals"


No. 1 OS "How we arrived at the zoo" B. Zhitkov - reading

Learn to understand the main content of the work. Develop the ability to perform game actions in accordance with the content of poems. To acquaint children with the rules for the movement of cars on the road, carefully listen to a new work. Cultivate polite, cultured behavior in public transport.

B. Zhitkov


No. 2 OS "Lesson of Friendship" - reading the story of M. Plyatskovsky.

Learn to use a simple common sentence in speech; the ability to establish the order of events in the text, mentally represent events and characters; form ideas about actions and deeds in which a good attitude towards each other is manifested.

A book with a story by M. Plyatskovsky “A lesson in friendship, illustrations according to the content of the work.

“I am good, you are good. How to behave? Learning to be friends"

No. 3 OS "How the rooster was treated" - reading the fairy tale by A. Krylov

To empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale in the process of reading a fairy tale, to improve dialogic speech, to teach children to provide elementary medical care. Cultivate the desire to take the initiative.

O.S. Ushakov

"Growing up healthy and strong"

No. 4 OS “Grandma had a granddaughter” - Retelling of Tolstoy L.N.

To form the ability to retell a previously unfamiliar story, achieving the transfer of its content without omissions and distortions; Encourage the use of author's words and phrases; To develop the ability to name the location of the granddaughter (outside the window, under the table ...) To cultivate the ability to listen to the interlocutor and not to interrupt him unnecessarily.

Tolstoy L.N.

"My family. Mothers Day"


No. 1 OS "Boy - finger" - memorization

To continue to form the ability to emotionally perceive poetry, understand the content of poetic texts, feel the rhythm of the poem, and intonation convey figurative content. To form the ability to designate by word and action the parts and signs of the appearance of an object. Cultivate the desire to communicate calmly without shouting, without interrupting each other.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

“Me and my body, what do I know about myself?”

No. 2 OS - "Snow Maiden and the Fox" RNS story

Examining the illustrations

To form the ability to carefully consider illustrations, explaining their content.

To acquaint children with the new RNS, with the image of a fox (different from foxes from other fairy tales). Exercise in the expressive reading of the passage - the lament of the Snow Maiden. To educate children's communication skills (answers in chorus, individually), the ability to listen to each other. Enrich speech with fabulous vocabulary. Cultivate friendships between children.

Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and development of children's speech. O.S. Ushakov,

Fairy tale illustrations


No. 3 OS - "Zayushkina's hut" - The story of the RNS

Dramatization of excerpts

Continue to teach children emotionally, consistently reproduce the content of a fairy tale using the modeling method. To develop the ability to identify and name the characteristic features of the characters of the fairy tale.

Practice word formation. To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards the heroes of a fairy tale, a desire to help them.

Book with illustrations, mnemonic table, glove puppets

"My house"

№4 OS "Yolka" - Reading K. Chukovsky

Cause joy from the upcoming holiday, activate nouns and verbs in speech. Cultivate a good relationship with each other.

"New Year"

No. 5 OS "Our Tree" - Learning E. Ilyin

Speaking from personal experience

To form the ability to express their impressions of the New Year's holiday in coherent statements. To develop the ability to convey joy, triumph with intonation when telling a poem.

Continue to cultivate respect for others.

Illustrations, narrative pictures of the celebration of the New Year

"New Year"



No. 2 OS Small folklore forms: “I’m going to my grandmother, to my grandfather ...”, “Tili-bom! Tili-bom!...”; “Like our cat ...”, “Squirrel sits on a cart ...”, “Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi ..”

To acquaint children with the meaning and content of nursery rhymes-calls. Raise interest in oral folk art. Exercise in pronouncing nursery rhymes in chorus together with the teacher. To form the ability to answer the questions of the educator on the content in full sentences, listen to the answers of other children.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

"Russian Folk Art"

No. 3 OS "Geese-swans"

Reading RNS

To form the ability to answer the questions of the educator on the content in full sentences, listen to the answers of other children. Continue to enrich speech with fabulous vocabulary. To acquaint with simple ways of forming a diminutive form of nouns.

Book with illustrations, table theater

"Boys and Girls"

No. 4 OS - “Where is my finger?”; - N. Sakonskaya memorization; Reading L. Voronkov "Masha is a confusion"

To continue to form the ability to emotionally perceive poetry, understand the content of poetic texts, feel the rhythm of the poem, and intonation convey figurative content.

To develop the ability to correlate the verb with the action that it denotes and with the subject who performed this action.

To cultivate the ability to listen to the interlocutor and not to interrupt him unnecessarily.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova



No. 1 OS "The Tale of the Silly Mouse" S. Marshak - reading

Enrich your vocabulary with quality adjectives. Cultivate kindness, a desire to help.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

"I am in society"

№2 OS "Mitten"

ONS Reading

Using the modeling method, continue to form the ability to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale, remember the characters and the sequence of events. Give children the opportunity to finish words and easy-to-reproduce phrases. To acquaint with the saying "In cramped conditions, but not offended."

Exercise in the completion of sentences started by the teacher.

To educate responsiveness in children, to teach to empathize and understand the heroes of a fairy tale.

Book with illustrations, mnemonic table


No. 3 OS "In our army" A. Oshnurov - memorization

Learn to convey the mood of the work, the attitude of the author to the events described. Develop intonation expressiveness of speech. Cultivate a sense of pride in your dad.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

"Our dads are railroad workers"

No. 4 OS - "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" RNS story

To form the ability to retell a familiar fairy tale completely and consistently, using fabulous repetitions; Encourage preschoolers to tell their favorite passages expressively, resorting to a change in intonation, tempo of speech, voice pitch. Encourage children to speak clearly. Raise interest in the works of Russian folk art.

Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and development of children's speech. O.S. Ushakov,

mnemonic table

"My house"


No. 1 OS "All of it" reading a poem by I. Kosyakov

To acquaint children with a poem, improve the dialogical speech of children, replenish vocabulary with verbs, cultivate a respectful attitude towards mother. D/U “I love my mother very much, because…”

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

"Our mothers are the best"

№2 OS "What is good and what is bad?" - Reading V. Mayakovsky

Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the work. Talking with children about good and bad, improve their dialogic speech, grammatically correctly reflect their impressions in speech. Cultivate the desire to do only good, kind deeds.

V. Mayakovsky

"We are helpers"

No. 3 OS "Two greedy bear cubs" -


Continue to develop the ability to correctly understand the moral meaning of the work, motivatedly evaluate the actions of the characters. To form the ability to use plural forms of nouns. in R.p. (became a lot of bears, hares, foxes ...). . Cultivate the desire to share with a friend.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova


No. 4 OS “Tanya knew the letters” - retelling by L. Tolstoy

Develop the ability to expressively retell using words and speech turns of the text. To form the ability to form a form pl. number of verbs (hands take, draw ...; teeth chew, bite, gnaw ...; eyes look, blink ... Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between children

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

"Book Week"

No. 5 OS "Fox and Hare" - Reading RNS

It is interesting to listen to a new fairy tale, to help understand the meaning of the work (a small daredevil, but a brave man), to develop the ability to accurately repeat songs from a fairy tale intonation, to exercise in word formation. Cultivate the ability to listen to each other.

Illustrations, fairy tale text

"Safety Week"


No. 1 OS "Spring has come" -

Reading L.N. Tolstoy

To develop the ability to listen carefully to a literary text, to answer the questions of the teacher, using the author's expressive means. Continue to form the ability to select words with the opposite meaning. Continue to cultivate the habit of working together, negotiating and helping each other.

L.N. Tolstoy, story paintings, illustrations

"Spring is red"

No. 2 OS “The snow is already melting, streams are running” - reading a poem by A. Pleshcheev

Note the appearance of the first puddles and streams. Learn to compare your impressions with the content of a work of fiction. Enrich ideas about changes in nature associated with the arrival of spring, warming. Cultivate the joy of the onset of spring.

Examination of book illustrations, plot pictures.

"Cosmonautics Day"

No. 3 OS "Petushki" - Learning V. Berestov

To form the ability to expressively recite a poem by heart. Introduce nouns into the active dictionary, denoting winter natural phenomena, wintering birds and parts of their bodies (What is it? - This is a wing, beak, legs ... Who is it? - This is a dove, crow, tit ... Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, learn to help them) .

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova , illustrations

"The nature of our region"

No. 4 OS "Children in a Cage" S.Ya. Marshak

Encourage the desire of children to listen to the poetic text, repeat it with the teacher. Develop auditory attention, coherent speech, visual memory. Raise interest and desire to participate in joint activities.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

"Birds and animals of our region"


No. 1 OS "Cat's House" S.Ya.Marshak

Continue to teach children to listen carefully to a fairy tale, understand its content, and answer questions. Continue to teach to emotionally perceive the content of the tale, memorize the characters and the sequence of actions

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova


№2 OS Acquaintance with small folklore forms. Learning the nursery rhyme "Sun-bucket"

To acquaint children with the meaning and content of nursery rhymes-calls. To form the ability to expressively and rhythmically recite the nursery rhyme "Sun-bucket" by heart.

Help remember the saying "Water flowed from the mountains - brought spring." Practice guessing and guessing riddles.

Raise interest in oral folk art.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova


No. 3 OS The story of K. Chukovsky "Fly-Tsokotuha"

Continue to form the ability to emotionally perceive a poetic work, to realize the theme, content. Arouse the desire to memorize and expressively reproduce quatrains. Enrich children's vocabulary. Cultivate respect for others.

K. Chukovsky book with illustrations "Fly-Tsokotuha"


№4 "Beloved City" - Reading the story of R.A. Pervutinsky; Conversation "Our city".

Learn to listen carefully to a new story, coherently answer the teacher's questions. Activate the children in the course of the conversation. In the proposed situation, to consolidate the ability of children to apply the acquired knowledge in life; expand vocabulary, cultivate a sense of love and pride in their hometown, a desire to learn more about its sights.

Reader for preschoolers. Book 1. S. Tomilova

"My city Severobaikalsk"

Reading fiction in the 2nd junior group is great way for intellectual and aesthetic education the rising generation. It has a positive effect on communication skills, as well as on the development of speech skills.

The Importance of Reading in Preschool

Collective reading of fiction in the 2nd junior group allows the teacher to open through poetic and artistic images to his pupils the world of relationships and human feelings, the beauty of nature, the peculiarities of life in society. That is what enriches emotional world children, contributes to the development of their imagination, introduces amazing images literary Russian language. Such images differ in the mechanism of influence on the child's psyche.

For example, reading fiction in the 2nd junior group in the form of stories introduces children to the accuracy and conciseness of the word. Poems give an idea of ​​musicality and rhythm.

Hygiene aspects

Reading the work "Moydodyr" in the 2nd junior group is aimed not only at introducing preschoolers to poetry. Together with the children, the teacher highlights the basics healthy lifestyle life, forms hygiene habits in their wards. This work can be considered a reference book for the first acquaintance with human hygiene. Reading the work "Moydodyr" in the 2nd junior group can be carried out in the form puppet theater so that the guys not only hear, but also see how to wash themselves, so as not to be sloppy people.

What is the best way to exercise dow reading fiction? The 2nd junior group (a card index of books can be compiled for convenience) is distinguished by the use of a large number of poems, fairy tales that will help the teacher to form a stable interest in reading among children.

Poems: “Grass-ant ...”, “Finger-boy ...”, “Squirrel sits on a cart ...”, “Rainbow-arc ...”, “Magpie, magpie ...”, “Chiki-chiki-chikalochki ...”, “Like our cat…”, “There are three hens on the street…”, “Zarya-Zaryanitsa”. “We lived with a grandmother ...”, “Shadow, shadow, sweat ...”, “I’m going, I’m going to my grandmother, to my grandfather ...”, “Tili-bom! Tili-bom!

In addition to reading fairy tales, poems also in preschool institutions the educator uses memorable children's songs to develop creativity and communication skills in his pupils.

For example, while learning the song “Ship”, the children form an idea of ​​the sea, the first acquaintance of the kids with the world of professions is carried out.

“Rhyme with riddles” by J. Baltvilks; "Rain" by A. Bosev; "Hedgehog and Drum", G. Vieru; "Cunning hedgehog", P. Voronko; "Pencil", N. Zabila; “Who will finish drinking sooner?”, “Masha does not cry” by S. Kaputikyan; "Swift and Gray Clothes" by L. Mileva.

Sample Reading List for Children

in the 2nd junior group.

Russian folklore

Songs, rhymes, incantations.“Finger-boy ...”, “Hare, dance ...”, “Night has come ...”, “Forty, forty ...?,“ I’m going to my grandmother, to my grandfather ... ”,“ Tili-bom! Tili-bom!...”; “Like our cat ...”, “A squirrel is sitting on a cart ...”, “Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi”, “We lived with my grandmother ...”, “Chiki-chiki-chikalochki ...”, “Kisonka-murysenka ...”, “Dawn-dawn ...”; “Grass-ant ...”, “There are three chickens on the street ...”, “Shadow, shade, sweat ...”, “Ribushka hen ...”, “Rain, rain, more ...”, “ Ladybug ..,", "Rainbow-arc ...".

Fairy tales."Kolobok", arr. K. Ushinsky; "Wolf and goats", arr. A. N. Tolstoy; "Cat, rooster and fox", arr. M. Bogolyubskaya; "Swan geese"; "Snow Maiden and the Fox"; "Goby - black barrel, white hooves", arr. M. Bulatova; "The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl; “Fear has big eyes”, arr. M. Serova; "Teremok", arr. E. Charushina.

Folklore of the peoples of the world

Songs."Ship", "Braves", "Little Fairies", "Three Trappers" English, arr. S. Marshak; "What a Rumble", trans. from Latvian. S. Marshak; "Buy a bow ...", trans. with shotl. N. Tokmakova; "Frog Talk", "Intractable Hoopoe", "Help!" per. from Czech. S. Marshak.

Fairy tales."Mitten", "Goat-Dereza" Ukrainian, arr. E. Blaginina; "Two Greedy Little Bears", Hung., Arr. A. Krasnova and V, Vazhdaeva; "Stubborn goats", Uzbek, arr. Sh. Sagdulla; “Visiting the sun”, trans., from Slovak. S. Mogilevskaya and L. Zorina; "Nanny Fox", trans. from Finnish E. Soini; "The brave fellow", trans. from Bulgarian L. Gribovoy; "Puff", Belarusian, arr. N. Myalika; “Forest bear and naughty mouse”, Latvian, arr. Yu. Vanaga, trans. L. Voronkova; "The Rooster and the Fox", trans. with shotl. M, Klyagina-Kondratieva; "The Pig and the Kite", a tale of the peoples of Mozambique, trans. from Portuguese. Y. Chubkova.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. K. Balmont. "Autumn"; A. Blok. "Bunny"; A. Koltsov. “The winds are blowing ...” (from the poem “Russian Song”); A. Pleshcheev. “Autumn has come ...”, “Spring” (abbreviated); A. Maikov. "Lullaby", "The Swallow Rushed..." (from modern Greek songs); Ah, Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are mighty!..”, “Our light, the sun!.”, “Month, month...” (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”); C. Black. "Private", "About Katyusha"; S. Marshak. "Zoo", "Giraffe", "Zebras", "Polar Bears", "Ostrich", "Penguin", "Camel", "Where the Sparrow Dined" (from the cycle "Children in a Cage"); "Quiet Tale", "The Tale of the Smart Mouse"; K. Chukovsky. "Confusion", "The Stolen Sun", "Moidodyr", "Fly-Sokotuha", "Hedgehogs Laugh", "Christmas Tree", "Aibolit", "Wonder Tree", "Turtle"; S. Grodetsky, "Who is this?"; V. Berestov. "Hen with chickens", "Goby"; N. Zabolotsky. "How mice fought with a cat"; V. Mayakovsky. “What is good and what is bad?”, “Whatever the page is, then an elephant, then a lioness”; K. Balmont, "Mosquitoes-makariki"; P. Kosyakov. "All of her"; A. Barto, P. Barto. "Girl grimy"; S. Mikhalkov. "Song of friends"; E. Moshkovskaya. "Greedy"; I. Tokmakova. "Bear".

Prose. K. Ushinsky. "Cockerel with family", "Ducks", "Vaska", "Lisa-Patrikeevna"; T. Alexandrova. "Bear cub Burik"; B. Zhitkov. “How we went to the zoo”, “How we arrived at the zoo”, “Zebra”, “Elephants”, “How the elephant bathed” (from the book “What I saw”); M. Zoshchenko. "Smart bird"; G. Tsyferov. "About friends", "When there are not enough toys" from the book "About a chicken, the sun and a bear cub"); K. Chukovsky. "So and not so"; D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "The Tale of the Brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail"; L. Voronkova. "Masha the Confused", "It's Snowing" (from the book "It's Snowing"); N. Nosov "Steps"; D, Kharms. "Brave hedgehog"; L. Tolstoy. "The bird made a nest..."; "Tanya knew the letters..."; "Vari had a siskin, ..", "Spring has come ..."; W. Bianchi. "Bathing cubs"; Y. Dmitriev. "Blue hut"; S. Prokofiev. “Masha and Oika”, “When You Can Cry”, “The Tale of an Ill-mannered Mouse” (from the book “Machines of a Fairy Tale”); V. Suteev. "Three kittens"; A. N. Tolstoy. "Hedgehog", "Fox", "Cocks".

Works of poets and writers from different countries

Poetry. E. Vieru. "The Hedgehog and the Drum", trans. with mold. I. Akima; P. Voronko. "Cunning Hedgehog", trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak; L. Mileva. "Swift Foot and Gray Clothes", trans. from Bulgarian M. Marinova; A. Milne. "Three Chanterelles", trans. from English. N. Slepakova; N. Zabila. "Pencil", trans. from Ukrainian 3. Alexandrova; S. Kapugikyan. "Who will rather finish drinking", "Masha does not cry" trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova; A. Bosev. "Rain", trans. from Bulgarian I. Maznina; "The Finch Sings", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova; M. Carem. "My cat", trans. from French M. Kudinova.

Prose. D. Bisset. "The Frog in the Mirror", trans., from English. N. Shereshevskaya; L. Muur. "Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond", trans. from English. O. Exemplary; Ch. Yancharsky. "Games", "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of the Ushastik Bear"), trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko; E. Bekhlerova. "Cabbage Leaf", trans. from Polish. G. Lukin; A. Bosev. "Three", lane, from Bulgarian. V. Viktorova; B. Potter. "Uhti-Tukhti", trans. from English. O. Exemplary; Y. Chapek. “A Hard Day”, “Into the Forest”, “Yarinka Doll” (from the book “The Adventures of a Dog and a Kitty”), trans. . Czechs. G. Lukin; O. Alfaro. "Goat Hero", trans. from Spanish T. Davityants; O. Panku-Yash. "Goodnight, Dooku!", trans. from Romanian. M. Olsufieva, “Not only in kindergarten” (abbreviated), trans. from Romanian. T. Ivanova.

Sample list for memorization

"Finger-boy ...", "Like our cat ...", "Cucumber, cucumber ...", "Mice lead a round dance.,.", Rus. nar. songs; A. Barto. "Bear", "Ball", "Ship"; V. Berestov. "Petushki"; K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree" (abbreviated); E. Ilyina. "Our Tree" (abbreviated); A. Pleshcheev. "Rural song"; N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?"
