Control test on the history of Russia on the topic Russian culture of the XVIII century (Grade 7). Preparing for the Unified State Examination in History: Russian Culture of the 18th Century Russian Culture of the 18th Century

Option number 1
The establishment of the Academy of Sciences refers to: A) 1700; B) by 1709; C) by 1721; D) by 1725
2. Arrange in chronological order: A) Opening of Moscow University;
B) the opening of the Russian Academy; C) opening of the Academy of Sciences; D) Bering's expedition
3. The style in which the architect V. Rastrelli built the Winter Palace, distinguished by its decorative splendor and splendor, was called: A) modern; B) classicism; B) baroque D) empire
4. Who is called the "father of the Russian theater": A) A.P. Sumarokov; B) G. Gregory; C) F.G. Volkov; D) A.P. Chekhov
5. The author of the comedy "Undergrowth", where the author denounced the ignorance and arbitrariness of officials: A) D.I. Fonvizin; B) G.R. Derzhavin; C) A.N. Radishchev; D) N.M. Karamzin
6. Writer, journalist, published the magazines "Drone", "Purse", "Painter", was imprisoned in the Shlisselburg Fortress: A) D.I. Fonvizin; B) G.R. Derzhavin; C) A.N. Radishchev; D) N.I. Novikov
7. First President Russian Academy: A) I.I. Shuvalov; B) M.V. Lomonosov; C) Catherine II; D) E.R. Dashkova
8. The author of the world's largest Tsar Bell, cast in 1735: A) father and son of Matorina;
B) I.P. Kulibin; C) A. Chokhov; D) father and son Cherepanovs
9. Russian inventor of lathes and screw-cutting machines: A) I.P. Kulibin; B) I.I. Polzunov; C) A. Nartov; D) K. Frolov
10. Inventor, mechanic of the 18th century, author of the model of a single-arch bridge across the Neva, an elevator, the first ships that sail against the current along the rivers: A) I.P. Kulibin; B) I.I. Polzunov; C) A. Nartov; D) K. Frolov
11 The year of the opening of the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens - the first higher educational institution for girls of the nobility:
A) 1725; B) 1755; C) 1757; D) 1764
12. Style and direction in literature and art, translated from Italian as “quaint, ancient”: A) baroque;
B) classicism; B) gothic D) Romanesque style.
13. Famous portrait painters of the 18th century were: A) A.P. Antropov, I.P. Argunov, F.S. Rokotov;
B) D.G. Levitsky, V.L. Borovikovsky; C) F.I. Shubin, I.E. Repin; D) G.I. Ugryumov; A.P. Losenko
14. Among the serf theaters of the XVIII century, the theater stood out: A) in the estate of A.V. Suvorov; B) Counts Sheremetevs;
C) merchants Strogonovs; D) factory owners Demidovs
15. Sculptor, his most famous work " Bronze Horseman", installed in the center of St. Petersburg in honor of Peter I:
A) F.I. Shubin; B) K. Rastrelli; C) E. Falcone; D) I.P. Martos
16. Architect, author Peter and Paul Fortress: A) D. Trezzini; B) V.V. Rastrelli; C) M.F. Kazakov; D) I.E. Starov
17. The founder of Russian classicism in architecture, the author of the Pashkov House in Moscow, created the Tsaritsyno palace ensemble near Moscow, the Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg: A) D. Trezzini; B) V.V. Rastrelli; C) M.F. Kazakov;
D) V.I. Bazhenov

Control section on the topic: "Culture of Russia in the XVIII century"

1. The name is associated with the culture of the 18th century:
A) Simon Ushakov; B) Simeon of Polotsk; B) Vasily Bazhenov; D) Ivan the Red
2. D.I. Fonvizin, A.N. Radishchev, G.R. Derzhavin, N.I. Novikov were contemporaries:
A) Catherine II; B) Peter I; C) Princess Sophia; D) Catherine I
3. About whom did A.S. Pushkin: “Historian, rhetorician, mechanic, chemist, mineralogist, artist and poet, he experienced everything and penetrated everything”: A) about I.I. Polzunov; B) about M.V. Lomonosov; C) about I.P. Kulibin; D) about N.M. Karamzin
4. The founder of sentimentalism in Russian literature:
A) D.I. Fonvizin; B) G.R. Derzhavin; C) A.N. Radishchev; D) N.M. Karamzin
5. The author of the book “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”, about which Catherine II said: “A rebel worse than Pugachev”:
A) D.I. Fonvizin; B) G.R. Derzhavin; C) A.N. Radishchev; D) N.I. Novikov
6. Author of the "History of Russia", "father of Russian history":
A) N.M. Karamzin; B) M.V. Lomonosov; C) V.N. Tatishchev; D) V.O. Klyuchevsky
7. Famous navigator, led the First Kamchatka expedition, proved the existence of a strait between Asia and America: A) V. Bering; B) S. Dezhnev; B) V. Poyarkov; D) E. Khabarov
8. Inventor of the first steam engine: A) I.P. Kulibin; B) I.I. Polzunov; C) A. Nartov; D) K. Frolov
9. Who G.R. Derzhavin called "Archimedes of our days": A) I.P. Kulibin; B) I.I. Polzunov; C) A. Nartov; D) K. Frolov
10. Year of opening at the Moscow State University Academy of Arts: A) 1725; B) 1755; C) 1757; D) 1764
11. The style and direction in literature and art dominated in Russia in the middle - the second half of the 18th century, the signs of which are symmetry, strict forms, yellow and white, nobility, majestic simplicity:
A) baroque B) classicism; B) gothic D) Romanesque style.
12. A whole family of painters and architects came out of the serfs of the Sheremetevs:
A) Kovalyovs; B) Zhemchugovs; B) Argunovs; D) Rokotovs
13. Among the outstanding creations of the sculptor F.I. Shubin has a sculptural bust: A) M.V. Lomonosov; B) Emperor Paul I; C) Empress Catherine I; D) Empress Catherine II
14. An Italian sculptor who worked in Rome and Paris moved to Russia in 1716 with his son; most famous sculptures"Anna Ioannovna with a black boy"; equestrian monument of Peter I: A) F.I. Shubin; B) K. Rastrelli; C) E. Falcone; D) I.P. Martos
15. The first architect of St. Petersburg: A) D. Trezzini; B) V.V. Rastrelli; C) M.F. Kazakov; D) I.E. Starov
16. Architect, author Winter Palace- Hermitage: A) D. Trezzini; B) V.V. Rastrelli; C) M.F. Kazakov; D) I.E. Starov,
17. Architect, supervised the drawing up of the master plan of Moscow, according to his projects, the buildings of the Senate were erected in the Moscow Kremlin, Moscow State University, Golitsyn Hospital: A) D. Trezzini; B) V.V. Rastrelli; C) M.F. Kazakov; D) V.I. Bazhenov

Attached files

culture Russia XVIII century. 1 option.
1. Moscow University was founded in:
1) 1755 2) 1687 3) 1725 4) 1762
2. The name of the architect of the author of the projects of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg and the Great Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo:

3. Which of the following individuals were outstanding portrait painters of the 18th century?
1) F. Rokotov, R. Levitsky
2) V. Bazhenov, M. Kazakov
3) V. Rastrelli, I. Starov
4) V. Trediakovsky, A. Sumarokov
4. Kamchatka expeditions in the first half of the 18th century, which paved the eastern sea ​​route from Russia to North America, led by:
1) V. Bering: 2) S. Khabarov; 3) S. Dezhnev; 4) V. Atlasov.

5. Creator of the first Russian professional theater was
1) D.I. Fonvizin 2) F.P. Shubin 3) F.G. Volkov 4) V.I. Bazhenov
6. The publisher of the satirical magazines "Truten", "Painter" was (a):
Catherine II
E. R. Dashkova
A.N. Radishchev
N.I. Novikov
7. Set match:
Lomonosov A) theater
Kulibin B) science
Borovikovsky B) architecture
Rastrelli D) technique
D) painting
8. Which building does not belong to classicism:
Moscow University building
Pashkov's house
Tauride Palace
Smolny Monastery
9. The initiator of the creation of Moscow University was (a) ...
1) Empress Catherine II
2) E.R. Vorontsova-Dashkova
3) M.V. Lomonosov
4) G.A. Potemkin
10. Specify the correct match
architectural monument architect
1) Winter Palace a) V. Bazhenov
2) Tauride Palace b) V. Rastrelli
3) Ladies of the Noble Assembly in Moscow c) D. Ukhtomsky
4) Pashkov House d) M. Kazakov
11. About whom in question?
Self-taught mechanic, whom G. R. Derzhavin called the "Archimedes of our" days. Ekaterina P appointed him a mechanic at the Academy of Sciences. Under his leadership, various machine tools, devices, tools were manufactured in the mechanical workshop. He did a lot for the royal court. So, a striking sight is presented by his “egg figure” clock, which is stored in Petersburg Hermitage. Clock mechanism still fixed

D. S. Bortnyansky, V. A. Pashkevich, E. I. Fomin
13. What is extra in a row?
Buildings erected according to the projects of M. V. Kazakov: the Senate in the Moscow Kremlin, Moscow University, the Golitsyn and Pavlovsk hospitals, the Tauride Palace, the house of the princes Dolgoruky

Russian culture of the 18th century. Option 2.
1. The Academy of Sciences in Russia was founded in:
1755 2)1725 3) 1757 4) 1762
2. The name of the architect - the author of the projects of the Senate in the Kremlin, Moscow University:
1) V. I. Bazhenov; 2) V. V. Rastrelli; 3M. F. Kazakov; 4) And E. Starov.
3. Russian architects of the XVIII century:
Tatishchev, Shcherbatov
Kazakov, Bazhenov
Shubin, Argunov
Kulibin, Polzunov
4. Author of "Description of the land of Kamchatka":
5. Which of the representatives of the Russian nobility had a famous serf theater:
6. "A rebel worse than Pugachev" Catherine II called
Biron 2) Radishchev 3) Novikov 4) Bazhenov
7. Set match:
Derzhavin A) theater
Rokotov B) painting
Bazhenov B) technique
Polzunov D) literature
D) architecture
8. Whose literary creativity refers to the direction of sentimentalism:
9. The creation of Moscow University is associated with the activities of:
N.I. Novikov and Catherine II
F. Prokopovich Peter I
M.V. Lomonosov and I.I. Shuvalova
A.T. Bolotova and E.R. Dashkova
10. Match:
Tatishchev A) "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow"
Radishchev B) "Russian History"
Levitsky C) The painting "Catherine the legislator"
Bazhenov G) comedy "Undergrowth"
D) Pashkov's house
11. Who are we talking about?
To whom A. S. Pushkin dedicated these lines: “Combining extraordinary will power with extraordinary power of concepts, he embraced all branches of education. The thirst for science was the strongest passion of this passionate soul. Historian, rhetorician, mechanic, chemist, mineralogist, artist and poet, he experienced everything and penetrated everything ... "
12. By what principle is a series formed?
Literacy schools, gymnasiums, closed educational establishments, vocational schools.
13. What (who) is superfluous in a row?
Portrait painters A. P. Antropov, N. I. Argunov, F. I. Shubin, F. S. Rokotov, D. G. Levitsky, V. L. Borovikovsky

Russian culture XVIII century.

1. The legislative act of Peter I on the reform of church administration and the subordination of the church to the state was called:

a) "Table of Ranks",

b) "Decree on single inheritance",

c) "Spiritual regulation",

d) command.

2. Connect the names of the sculptors with their works:
1 F. I. Shubin a) The Bronze Horseman

2 M. I. Kozlovsky b) "Minin and Pozharsky"

3 I. P. Martos c) "Samson..."

4 E.M. Falcone d) "A. V. Suvorov"

e) "Bust of M. V. Lomonosov"

3. What was the name of the first Russian printed newspaper:

a) news

b) "Chimes",

c) Vedomosti?

4. Name the state document that determined the procedure for the passage of civil, military and court service by the nobles.

5. Name the first Russian book that taught good manners:

A) “Butts, how compliments are written”,

b) "Symbols and Emblem",

c) "An honest mirror of youth."

6. Buildings of St. Petersburg of the time of Peter the Great, which have survived to this day (find the odd one and underline):

The building of 12 colleges, the Shlisselburg Fortress, the Menshikov Summer Palace, the Hermitage Palace, the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the Kunstkamera, the Peter and Paul Fortress.

7. Name the scientist who revived the forgotten art of mosaic in Rus':

a) Kulibin

b) Lomonosov

c) Tatishchev

8. Under Elizabeth Petrovna, three decrees were issued that had great importance for Russian culture, remember their names:

a) 1755,

b) 1756,

c) 1757

9. The main signs of classicism (find the extra):

a) Exemption from religious-church morality,

b) Rationalism,

c) Appeal to antiquity,

d) dynamism,

e) Rigid regulation of the creative process.

10. The main goals of "Enlightenment" (find the extra):
a) The introduction of just laws,

b) Enlightenment of the nation,

c) Propaganda national idea,

Propaganda of the great truths of freedom.

11. In the XVIII century, historical knowledge develops. Notable historians were (find the odd):

F. Polikarpov, G. Miller, N. Novikov, A. Mankiev, L. Schlozer, K. Kavelin, M. Lomonosov.

12. Match the names of scientists with their achievements:
1 G. I. Shelikhov a) the founder of epidemiology;
2 Samoilovich D. S. b) description of the Aleutian Islands;
3 I. P. Kulibin c) universal steam engine;
4 I. I. Polzunov d) the father of domestic astronomy;
5 Razumovsky S. Ya. e) a single-arch wooden bridge across the Neva,

prostheses for the disabled

13. Who are we talking about?

He was a poet, playwright and classicist theorist. 9 tragedies and 12 comedies belong to his pen, he is rightfully considered the creator of the Russian theater. His most famous tragedies are: "Dmitry the Pretender", "Khorev". This man published the first Russian literary magazine"Hard working bee"

14. In the last quarter of the 18th century, the formation of a national composer school in Russia. Match composers and musical genres:

1 Kozlovsky O. A. a) spiritual choral singing

2 Bortnyansky D. S. b) lyric song

3 Fomin E. I. c) opera

4 Sokolovsky M. M.

5 Berezovsky M.S.

15. Name the term:

The style and direction in literature and art, which turned to the ancient heritage as a norm and ideal, was based on the ideas of rationalism, on ideas about the rational laws of the world, proclaimed sublime heroic and moral ideals, strove for a strict organization of images, pursued an educational program of art.

16. Match the names of famous travelers and their discoveries:

1 Krasheninnikov S. P. a) Northern Sea Route

2 Laptev brothers b) description of Kamchatka

3 Atlasov V. c) expedition to Siberia and Far East

4 Krylov I. A. d) "Felitsa"

5 Derzhavin G. R. e) Philomena

Thank you for your work!



2 1 –e; 2 – c, d; 3 - b; 4 - a.

3 - in

4 "Table of Ranks"

5 - in

6 - Menshikov Summer Palace

7 - b

8 a) - opening of Moscow University

b) - the opening of the theater

c) - opening of the Academy of Arts

9 - g

10 - a

11 - N. Novikov

12 1-b; 2 - a; 3 - d; 4 - in; 5 - g

13 Sumarokov

14 1-b; 2 - a; 3 - d; 4 - in; 5 - a

15 classicism

16 1-in; 2 - a; 3 - b; 4 - d; 5 - g

36 - 32 points = "5"

31 - 27 points = "4"

26 - 22 points = "3"

21 points or less = "2"

Test "Culture and education in the middle - second halfXVIIIV.".

1. The largest Russian scientist-encyclopedist:

1.M.I.Shein 2.M.V.Lomonosov 3.G.V.Rikhman 4.S.P.Krasheninnikov

2. The opening of the Academy of Sciences of Russia took place in:

1. 1724 2. 1725 3. 1730 4.1745

3. A trend in literature and art, characterized by an appeal to the ancient heritage as a model:

1. Baroque 2. Romanticism 3. Classicism 4. Realism

4. Founder of the first Russian professional theater:

1. F.G.Volkov 2. D.I.Fonvizin 3. G.I.Ugryumov 4. G.R.Derzhavin

5. Indicate the correct statements:

a) The Academy of Sciences in Russia was not only scientific, but also training center

b) the main form of education for the lower strata was vocational schools

c) belonging to a certain class did not interfere with the receipt of any education in Russia

d) the founder of sentimentalism in Russian literature was N. M. Karamzin

e) for the first time in the eighteenth century. street numbering appeared

f) Western European clothing in the second half of the 18th century. introduced into the upper strata of society by force

g) men and women from the upper strata of society were required to wear powdered wigs

h) widespread in the second half of the eighteenth century. received the assemblies

i) leisure of peasants and ordinary townspeople by the end of the 18th century. was very varied

j) one of the most popular activities of the nobility was collecting

6. Who are we talking about?

To whom A. S. Pushkin dedicated these lines: “Combining the extraordinary strength of will with the extraordinary power of concepts, he embraced all branches of education. The thirst for science was the strongest passion of this passionate soul. Historian, rhetorician, mechanic, chemist, mineralogist, artist and poet, he experienced everything and penetrated everything ... ".

7. Who is superfluous in a row:

Portrait painters: 1. A.P.Antropov, 2. N.I.Argunov 3. F.I.Shubin 4. F.S.Rokotov 5. D.G.Levitsky, 6. V.L.Borovikovsky.

8. Mark architectural monuments relating to classicism:

1 2
