Adverse environmental situations and global problems of mankind. Ecological problem of mankind

Global ecological problems- these are problems, the negative impact of which is felt anywhere in the world and affects the entire structure, structure and parts of the biosphere. These are all-encompassing and all-encompassing issues. The complexity of their perception by an individual is that he may not feel them or feel them insufficiently. These are problems shared by all the inhabitants of the Earth, all living organisms and the natural environment. A little bit of everything. But here the impact of the problem cannot be divided or distributed among everyone. In the case of global problems, the effect of them must be added up, and the consequences of such an addition will be much greater.

These problems can be conditionally divided into two types, which correspond to two stages in the history of our planet. The first is natural. The second is artificial. The first type refers to the existence of the Earth before the appearance of man on it, or, more precisely, before he performs certain scientific discoveries. Second, these are the problems that arose immediately after the introduction of these discoveries. With the first, nature, as a system striving for a stable existence, coped on its own. She adapted, adapted, resisted, changed. With the second, too, she could fight for some time, but over time her possibilities were practically exhausted.

Modern problems and their differences

Modern environmental problems are problems that have arisen as a result of the active influence of man on the natural processes occurring in nature. Such influence became possible in connection with the development of the scientific and technical potential of mankind, aimed at ensuring the life of people. At the same time, the existence of the surrounding animate and inanimate nature is not taken into account. Their consequence will be that the biosphere will gradually turn from a natural system into an artificial one. For a person, this means only one thing, that, like any ecosystem created by him, it cannot exist without a person, without his help and close attention. The ecological problems of our time will become, if they have not yet become, the ecological problems of mankind. Can a person cope with such a task?

Man-made disasters and accidents are examples of global environmental problems from which no one doubts. These incidents receive international condemnation. They become an impetus for the improvement of security systems. Measures are being taken to eliminate the destruction and other consequences. The environmental problems of our time are that they are trying to deal with the consequences that occurred in the immediate vicinity of the epicenter of the accident. No one can eliminate the consequences resulting from the biosphere. If the Earth's biosphere is compared with glass, and an accident, such as at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, with a hole from a stone that got into it, then the cracks that spread from it are the consequences that still render all glass unusable. A person can and should increase safety, but cannot eliminate the consequences. This is the key difference between an artificial ecosystem and a natural one. Natural can reverse the effects and does so itself.

Global and their types

Relates to global environmental problems and the reduction of natural resources, primarily those that are the main sources of energy production. The amount of energy necessary for the existence of mankind is growing, and alternatives to natural energy sources in sufficient quantities have not yet been created. The existing energy complexes - hydro, heat and nuclear power plants are not only dependent on natural sources of raw materials - water, coal, gas, chemical elements, but also pose a danger to the environment. They pollute water, air and soil, change or destroy adjacent ecosystems, thereby contributing to the loosening and destabilization of the entire biosphere of the Earth. And this applies not only to catastrophes and accidents that periodically occur at stations, the consequences of which are known to the whole world. Hydraulic structures that change the natural flow of rivers, technological warm waters discharged into reservoirs at stations, and much more, which may seem insignificant and small from the point of view of the problems of the entire planet, but still contributes to the imbalance of the biosphere. By changing the ecosystem of a pond, river, reservoir or lake, an integral part of the entire ecosystem of the Earth changes. And since this is not a one-time phenomenon, but a massive one, the effect is global.

"Global environmental problems" is a concept that requires not only universal understanding and scientific research, but also actions, joint and equally global.

It is believed that the main environmental problems of our time are global warming, caused by the "greenhouse effect" and the appearance of "ozone holes", "acid" rains, a decrease in the number of forests and an increase in desert areas, a decrease in the number natural resources, in the first fresh water.

The consequences of warming will be climate change, accelerated melting of glaciers, rising sea levels, land flooding, increased evaporation surface water, the “offensive” of deserts, a change in the species diversity of living organisms and their balance in favor of heat-loving ones, and so on. Warming causes, on the one hand, a decrease in the amount of ozone in upper layers atmosphere, due to which more ultraviolet radiation begins to enter the planet. On the other hand, the heat emitted by the Earth and living organisms is retained in excess in the lower layers of the atmosphere. There is an effect of "excessive" energy. The question is whether the consequences described and assumed by scientists are all possible, or there are "cracks" that we do not know about and do not even assume.


Environmental problems of mankind have always been and will be associated with environmental pollution. A special role in this is played not only by the quantity of pollutants, but also by their "quality". In some regions, where for one reason or another, the process of getting foreign elements into the environment stops, nature gradually “puts things in order” and restores itself. The situation is worse with the so-called xenobiotics - substances that are not found in the natural environment and therefore naturally cannot be recycled.

The most obvious environmental problems of our time are the decrease in the number of forests, which occurs with the direct participation of man. Cutting down for timber extraction, liberation of territories for construction and agricultural needs, destruction of forests due to careless or negligent behavior of people - all this primarily leads to a decrease in the green mass of the biosphere, and hence to a possible oxygen deficiency. This is becoming increasingly possible due to the active combustion of oxygen in the process. industrial production and vehicles.

Humanity is becoming more and more dependent on artificially produced energy and food. More and more land is being devoted to agricultural land, and existing ones are increasingly filled with mineral fertilizers, pesticides, pest control agents and similar chemicals. The efficiency of such soil filling rarely exceeds 5%. The remaining 95% is washed away by storm and melt waters into the oceans. Nitrogen and phosphorus are the main components of these chemical substances, falling into natural ecosystems, they stimulate an increase in green mass, especially algae. Violation of the biological balance of water bodies leads to their disappearance. In addition, chemical elements contained in plant protection products rise with water vapor to the upper atmosphere, where they combine with oxygen and turn into acids. And then they fall out as "acid" rains on soils that may not require acidity. Violation of the pH balance leads to the destruction of soils and the loss of their fertility.

Is it possible to include the process of urbanization in the main environmental problems of our time? The increasing concentration of people in confined spaces should have given more space for wildlife. That is, there could be hope that the Earth's ecosystem could adapt to such internal changes. But urban "aquariums", and in fact, the ecosystem of cities, especially large ones, megacities and agglomerations, is nothing more than an artificial ecosystem, they require a huge amount of energy and water. Back they "throw out" from themselves no less waste and effluents. All this includes the surrounding lands in the "aquarium" ecosystem of cities. As a result, wildlife exists in small areas that are temporarily not involved in the provision of "aquariums". And this means that nature does not have a resource for its restoration, species richness, sufficient energy, full the food chain and so on.

Thus, the main environmental problems of our time are the totality of all the problems that have arisen in nature in connection with vigorous activity person for their livelihood.

Video - Problems of ecology. Chemical weapon. fires

Environmental problems are a number of factors that signify the degradation of the natural environment. Most often they are caused by human activity: with the development of industry and technology, problems began to arise related to the violation of balanced conditions in the ecological environment, which are very difficult to compensate.

One of the most destructive factors of human activity is pollution. It manifests itself in an increased level of smog, the appearance of dead lakes, technical water saturated with harmful elements and unsuitable for consumption, and is also associated with the extinction of some animal species.

Thus, a person, on the one hand, creates conditions for comfort, and on the other hand, destroys nature and ultimately harms himself. Therefore, in Lately special attention among scientists is paid to the main environmental problems and is aimed at finding alternatives.

Major environmental issues

Initially, environmental problems are divided according to the conditions of scale: they can be regional, local and global.

An example of a local environmental problem is a factory that does not treat industrial effluent before it is discharged into the river. This leads to the death of fish and harms humans.

As an example of a regional problem, we can take Chernobyl, or rather, the soils that are adjacent to it: they are radioactive and pose a threat to any biological organisms located on this territory.

Global environmental problems of mankind: characteristics

This series of environmental problems has a huge scale and directly affects all ecological systems, in contrast to local and regional ones.

Environmental problems: climate warming and ozone holes

Warming is felt by the inhabitants of the Earth through mild winters, which used to be a rarity. Since the first international year of geophysics was held, the temperature of the squat air layer has increased by 0.7 °C. On the lower layers of ice began to thaw due to the fact that the water warmed by 1°C.

Some scientists are of the opinion that the cause of this phenomenon is the so-called "greenhouse effect", which arose due to the large amount of fuel combustion and the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmospheric layers. Because of it, the heat transfer is disturbed and the air cools more slowly.

Others believe that warming is associated with solar activity and does not play here. significant role.

Ozone holes are another problem of mankind associated with technological progress. It is known that life originated on Earth only after a protective ozone layer arose, which protects organisms from strong UV radiation.

But at the end of the 20th century, scientists discovered that ozone was extremely low over Antarctica. This situation remains to this day, while the damaged area is equated to the size North America. Such anomalies have also been found in other areas, in particular, there is an ozone hole over Voronezh.

The reason for this - active and satellites, as well as aircraft.

Environmental Issues: Desertification and Forest Loss

The reason for which - the work of power plants, contribute to the spread of another global problem - the death of forests. For example, in Czechoslovakia more than 70% of forests are destroyed by such rains, and in Great Britain and Greece - more than 60%. Because of this, entire ecosystems are disrupted, however, humanity is trying to fight this artificially planted trees.

Desertification is also a global problem today. It consists in the impoverishment of the soil: large territories unsuitable for agricultural use.

Man contributes to the emergence of such areas, demolishing not only the soil layer, but also the parent rock.

Environmental problems caused by water pollution

fresh water reserves clean water, which can be consumed, is also significantly reduced in recent times. This is due to the fact that a person pollutes it with industrial and other waste.

Today, one and a half billion people do not have access to clean drinking water, and two billion live without filters to purify polluted water.

Thus, we can say that humanity itself is guilty of present and many future environmental problems and it will have to deal with some of them in the next 200-300 years.

The environmental crisis is characterized by the presence of a number of problems that threaten sustainable development. Let's consider only some of them.

Destruction of the ozone layer . The content of ozone in the atmosphere

insignificant and amounts to 0.004% by volume. Ozone is formed in the atmosphere under the action of electrical discharges, synthesized from oxygen under the action of cosmic UV radiation. Within the atmosphere, elevated concentrations of ozone form the ozone layer, which is essential for life on Earth. The ozone shield attenuates deadly UV radiation in the atmosphere between 40 and 15 km above the earth's surface by about 6,500 times. The destruction of the ozone shield by 50% increases UV radiation by 10 times, which affects the vision of animals and humans and can have other detrimental effects on living organisms. The disappearance of the ozonosphere would lead to unpredictable consequences - an outbreak of skin cancer, the destruction of plankton in the ocean, mutations of flora and fauna. The appearance of the so-called ozone hole over Antarctica was first recorded by ground-based and satellite measurements in the mid-199970s. The area of ​​this hole was 5 million m², and the ozone in the air column was 30-50% less than the norm.

Several suggestions have been made about the causes of the destruction of the ozone layer: the launch of spacecraft, supersonic aircraft, the significant production of freons. Subsequently, based on scientific research, it was concluded that freons, which are widely used in refrigeration and aerosol cans, are the main cause.

The international community has taken a number of measures aimed at preventing the destruction of the ozone layer. In 1977, the United Nations Environment Program adopted an action plan on the ozone layer, in 1985 a conference was held in Vienna that adopted the Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, a list of substances that adversely affect the ozone layer was established, and a decision was made on mutual information states on the production and use of these substances, on the measures taken.

Thus, the harmful effects of changes in the ozone layer on human health and the environment were officially declared, and that measures to protect the ozone layer required international cooperation. The signing of the Montreal Protocol in 1987 was decisive, according to which control over the production and use of freo-

new The protocol was signed by more than 70 countries, including Russia. In accordance with the requirements of these agreements, the production of freons harmful to the ozone layer must be stopped by 2010.

Greenhouse effect. The release of many gases into the atmosphere: carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrocarbons, i.e. methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6), etc., which accumulate as a result of the combustion of fossil fuels and other production processes, leads to the appearance greenhouse effect, although these substances pose almost no danger as independent pollutants (with the exception of high concentrations).

The mechanism of the greenhouse effect is quite simple. Ordinary solar radiation in cloudless weather and a clean atmosphere relatively easily reaches the Earth's surface, is absorbed by the soil surface, vegetation, etc. Heated surfaces give off thermal energy again to the atmosphere, but in the form of long-wave radiation, which is not scattered, but absorbed by the molecules of these gases (CO2 absorbs 18% of the heat given off), causing intense thermal movement of molecules and an increase in temperature.

Atmospheric gases (nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor) do not absorb heat radiation, but scatter it. The concentration of CO2 annually increases by 0.8-1.5 mg/kg. It is believed that with a doubling of the CO2 content in the air, the average annual temperature will rise by 3-5ºС, which will cause global climate warming, and in 125 years we can expect massive melting of the ice of Antarctica, a rise in the average level of the World Ocean, flooding of a significant part of the coastal territory and other negative consequences. . In addition to the greenhouse effect, the presence of these gases contributes to the formation smog.

Smog comes in wet, dry, and icy forms. wet smog (London type) - a combination of gaseous pollutants, dust and fog droplets. Thus, in a 100-200-meter layer of air, a poisonous thick dirty yellow fog-moist smog arises. It is formed in countries with a maritime climate, where fogs are frequent and relative humidity is high.

dry smog (Los Angeles type) - secondary air pollution as a result of chemical reactions accompanied by

resulting in the appearance of ozone. Dry smog does not form fog, but a bluish haze.

ice smog (Alaskan type). It occurs in the Arctic and Subarctic at low temperatures in the anticyclone. A dense fog is formed, consisting of the smallest crystals of ice and, for example, sulfuric acid.

Global warming - one of the most significant consequences of anthropogenic pollution of the biosphere. It manifests itself in climate and biota changes: the production process in ecosystems, shifting the boundaries of plant formations, and changing crop yields. Especially strong changes concern the high and middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. The rise in ocean level due to warming will be 0.1-0.2 m, which may lead to flooding of the mouths of large rivers, especially in Siberia. At the regular conference of the countries-participants of the Convention on Prevention of Climate Change, held in Rome in 1996, the need for coordinated international action to solve this problem was once again confirmed.

Tropical forest destruction. Over the past 50 years, with the participation of man, 2/3 of the forests covering the Earth have been destroyed. Over the past 100 years, 40% of the forests that existed on Earth have been irretrievably lost. The tropical rainforest is one of the most important suppliers of oxygen to the atmosphere and plays a huge role in maintaining the oxygen balance. Rainforests are called the "green lungs of the planet". The problem is that these forests have already been destroyed by 40%. Every year, 15-20 million hectares of tropical forest are lost in the world, which is equivalent to half the area of ​​Finland. The greatest losses were suffered by 10 countries of the world, including Brazil, Mexico, India, Thailand. If the destruction of tropical forests continues at the same pace, then in 30-40 years it will no longer remain on Earth.

Due to the deforestation of tropical forests, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere decreases annually by 10-12 billion tons, and the content of carbon dioxide compared to the middle of the 20th century. increased by 10-12%. There is a risk of oxygen imbalance.

The main causes of deforestation are: the plowing of forest land for agricultural land; increase in demand for timber

spring fuel; industrial deforestation; implementation of large-scale development projects.

According to the UN, approximately 90% of the rural and 30% of the urban population in Asia, Africa and Latin America use mainly woodfuel. Commercial logging

The main works are carried out without taking into account environmental requirements and, as a rule, are not accompanied by planting trees in clearings.

After the UN conference in Rio de Janeiro (1992), developing countries confirmed their readiness to reach an international consensus on the problem of conservation of forest resources, intending to take measures on their part to ensure the sustainable development of forestry.

Water shortage. Many scientists associate it with continuous last decade an increase in air temperature due to an increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is not difficult to make a chain of problems that give rise to each other: a large energy release (solution of the energy problem) - the greenhouse effect - lack of water - lack of food (crop failures). Over the past 100 years, the temperature has increased by 0.6ºС. In 1995-1998 there was a particularly large increase. Carbon dioxide, methane and some other gases absorb thermal radiation and increase the greenhouse effect.

An even more important factor is the sharp increase in water consumption for industrial and domestic purposes. The lack of water has sharply worsened the ecological situation in many regions and caused a food crisis.

Desertification. This is the name of the totality of natural and anthropogenic processes that lead to the destruction (violation) of the balance in ecosystems and to the degradation of all forms of organic life in a particular area. Desertification occurs in all natural areas of the world.

The main reason for the current increase in desertification in various countries of the world is the discrepancy between the existing structure of the economic use of natural resources and the potential natural possibilities of this landscape, population growth, an increase in anthropogenic pressures, and the imperfection of the socio-economic structure of a number of countries. According to UNEP*, now deserts of anthropogenic origin

more than 9 million km² are occupied, and up to 7 million hectares of land are annually removed from productive use.

Pollution of the oceans. The World Ocean, covering 2/3 of the earth's surface, is a huge reservoir, the mass of water in which is 1.4 10²¹ kg. Ocean water makes up 97% of all water on the planet. The oceans provide 1/6 of all animal proteins consumed by the world's population for food. The ocean, especially its coastal zone, plays a leading role in maintaining life on Earth, because about 70% of the oxygen entering the planet's atmosphere is produced in the process of plankton photosynthesis. Thus, the World Ocean plays a huge role in maintaining a stable balance of the biosphere, and its protection is one of the urgent international environmental tasks.

Of particular concern is the pollution of the oceans harmful and toxic substances, including oil and oil products, radioactive substances.

The most common ocean pollutants are oil and oil products. An average of 13-14 million tons of oil products enter the World Ocean annually. Oil pollution is dangerous for two reasons: firstly, a film forms on the surface of the water, which deprives marine life of oxygen; secondly, oil itself is a toxic compound that has a long half-life; when the oil content in water is 10-15 mg/kg, plankton and fish fry die. Major oil spills during the crash of supertankers can be called real environmental disasters.

Especially dangerous is Nuclear pollution in the disposal of radioactive waste (RW). Initially, the main way to get rid of radioactive waste was the disposal of radioactive waste in the seas and oceans. This was usually low-level waste, which was packed in 200-liter metal drums, filled with concrete and dumped into the sea. The first such disposal of radioactive waste was carried out by the United States 80 km from the coast of California. Until 1983, 12 countries practiced RW discharge into the open sea. Into the water Pacific Ocean in the period from 1949 to 1970, 560,261 containers with radioactive waste were dumped.

Recently, a number of international documents have been adopted,

whose main goal is to protect the oceans.

Lack of food. An important reason for the lack of food is the reduction since 1956 of arable land per capita due to soil erosion and the withdrawal of fertile land for other purposes. Thanks to the "Green Revolution" of the 1970s. managed to compensate for the decline in yield through the introduction of new varieties, irrigation, the use of fertilizers and herbicides. However, this was not achieved in Australia and Africa - there was not enough water for irrigation. Now it is clearly lacking in Asia and America.

Fish stocks have been drastically reduced. From 1950 to 1989, the world catch increased from 19 to 89 million tons, after which there was no increase. An increase in the fishing fleet does not lead to an increase in catch.

Population growth. The rapidly growing population is the most serious problem of the Earth.

Numerous attempts to reduce the birth rate have been unsuccessful. A population explosion is currently taking place in the countries of Africa, Asia and South America. IN Russian Federation An unfavorable situation for population growth has developed due to a drop in the birth rate.

Questions for self-examination

    What signs characterize the modern ecological crisis?

    What are the main causes of pollution of the biosphere.

    Give examples of depletion of energy resources.

    What global changes are taking place in the atmosphere?

    What are the causes and what are the consequences of ozone layer depletion?

    What are the causes and what are the consequences of the greenhouse effect?

    What global continental problems do you know?

    What are the main causes of rainforest destruction?

    What are the main sources of pollution in the oceans?

    What are the consequences of population growth?

Global problems are generated by contradictions community development, the sharply increased scale of the impact of human activities on the world and are also associated with the uneven socio-economic and scientific and technological development of countries and regions. The solution of global problems requires the development of international cooperation.

The most important global environmental problems facing modern man are as follows: environmental pollution, greenhouse effect, depletion of the "ozone layer", photochemical smog, acid rain, soil degradation, deforestation, desertification, waste problems, reduction of the biosphere's gene pool, etc.

The greenhouse effect is the heating of the inner layers of the Earth's atmosphere, due to the transparency of the atmosphere for the main part of the Sun's radiation (in the optical range) and the absorption by the atmosphere of the main (infrared) part of the thermal radiation of the planet's surface heated by the Sun.

In the Earth's atmosphere, radiation is absorbed by the molecules H2O, CO2, O3, etc. The greenhouse effect increases average temperature planet, softens the difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures.

As a result of anthropogenic influences (fuel combustion and industrial emissions), the content of carbon dioxide, methane, dust, fluorochlorocarbon compounds (and other gases that absorb in the infrared range) in the Earth's atmosphere is gradually increasing. The mixture of dust and gases acts like a plastic film over a greenhouse: it transmits sunlight well to the soil surface, but retains the heat dissipated above the soil - as a result, a warm microclimate is created under the film.

It is possible that an increase in the greenhouse effect as a result of this process can lead to global changes in the Earth's climate, the melting of glaciers and an increase in the level of the World Ocean.

Acid rain is precipitation (including snow) acidified (pH below 5.6) due to the high content of industrial emissions in the air, mainly SO2, NO2, HCl, etc. As a result of acid rain entering the surface soil layer and water bodies develops acidification, which leads to degradation of ecosystems, death certain types fish and other aquatic organisms, affects soil fertility, reducing forest growth and drying out. Acid rain is especially characteristic of Western and Northern Europe, for the USA, Canada, industrial regions of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, etc.

Depletion of energy resources. The most important factor limiting the development of human industrial activity is the energy limit. The modern world energy consumption of mankind is about 10 TW. The basis of energy today is fossil fuels: coal, oil, gas and uranium-235.

The growth of world energy consumption over time is exponential (as well as the growth of the world's population). The time interval between the development of the first 10% and the development of the last 10% of the stock of a non-renewable resource is called the useful period of using a raw material source. The calculations performed showed that, for example, for gas useful period will last 20 - 25 years, for oil - 30 - 40 years, for coal - up to 100 years. Thus, in the basis of its energy strategy, mankind has clearly not put the option that could ensure a sufficiently long stable development of mankind. If we assume that the population of the planet in a certain period of time stabilizes at around 15 billion people and at the same time its energy budget will be only 2 times higher than the modern energy budget of the United States (20 kW per person), then it turns out that all the reserves explored today oil will be used within 3 months, and coal reserves - 15 years.

At present, an alternative and, perhaps, the only way out of this situation is the development of inexhaustible (and, moreover, environmentally friendly) energy sources, the potential of which is very significant.

The biosphere is polluted by various chemically inert organic matter, pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals (mercury, lead, etc.), radioactive substances, etc.

The World Ocean is polluted with oil and oil products, the plankton of which provides 70% of the oxygen entering the atmosphere.

The scale of pollution is so great that the natural ability of the biosphere to neutralize harmful substances and self-purify is close to the limit.

Ecological crisis(ecological emergency) - environmental trouble, characterized by sustainable negative changes in the environment and posing a threat to human health. This is a tense state of relations between humanity and nature, due to the discrepancy between the size of human production and economic activity and the resource and environmental capabilities of the biosphere. The ecological crisis is characterized not so much by the increased impact of man on nature as sharp increase influence of the nature changed by people on social development.

Ecological catastrophy(environmental disaster) - ecological trouble, characterized by deep irreversible changes in the environment and a significant deterioration in the health of the population. This is a natural anomaly, often arising from the direct or indirect impact of human activity on natural processes and leading to severe economic consequences or mass death of the population of a certain region.

Among the most important problems affecting the existence of mankind as a whole is the rapid growth and change in the structure of the Earth's population, as well as the question of the consequences and the possibility of preventing thermonuclear war. It cannot be said that both these questions did not interest philosophers before. They always paid attention to at least the second of them, because wars have been known since the time when humanity acquired its certainty and embarked on the path of social, economic and cultural development. Both of these issues have reached their extreme acuteness in the last four decades, when the so-called population explosion began, and major countries world began to create atomic and missile weapons.

What is the essence of the demographic problem, what place does it occupy in the context of other global problems? Back in the 18th century the English economist T. Malthus in his book An Essay on the Law of Population... (1798) outlined difficult situation which today is called the demographic problem. Malthus saw it in the fact that the population is growing in geometric progression, i.e., it increases at an incredible rate, while the increase in the food necessary to feed it is carried out in arithmetic progression.

One of the global problems is the problem of preventing a world thermonuclear war. Computer modeling has shown that if only a part of the lethal potential of atomic and hydrogen weapons is used in a nuclear conflict, then a "nuclear winter" or "nuclear night" will come on Earth. From the combined effect of radiation, explosions and fires, a huge amount of dust particles will enter the air, which will drastically reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface and reduce the air temperature to such a level that it will become impossible for humans and most plant and animal species to exist on Earth. The number of countries that have or can become possessors of nuclear weapons is steadily growing, and at the same time the danger of thermonuclear war is growing.

An important global problem that also arose in the era of scientific and technological revolution is environmental.

In our time, the problem of man's relationship to nature attracts close attention. There are important reasons for this. The unprecedented increase in scientific and technological potential has raised man's ability to transform his natural environment to a qualitatively new level and has opened up extraordinary prospects for him. At the same time, in the interaction of man with his natural habitat, more and more alarming symptoms of the danger threatening the existence of the planet Earth and everything human race. This refers to the negative aspects of modern scientific and technological revolution (progressive pollution of the natural environment by products of technogenic origin, the threat of depletion of natural resources, climate change, etc.), as well as the problems that humanity faced in the past (lack of food, etc.), but are now noticeably aggravated, especially in developing countries due to the population explosion and other circumstances.

A wide range of issues related to the interaction of modern society with the natural environment are united under the general name of the environmental problem. The word "ecology" has become very fashionable in recent years. And the scope of its application has expanded significantly since the moment when E. Haeckel proposed it more than a hundred years ago to designate a specific scientific direction that studies the relationship of animals and plants with their environment. The word "ecology" is now found in the slogans under which there are demonstrations in Western countries (the so-called "green" movement); is mentioned in official state documents, in articles by scientists, lawyers, journalists and representatives of other professions. In the broadest sense of the word, an ecological view of the world involves, in determining values ​​and priorities, human activity taking into account the consequences of the impact that this activity has on the natural environment, as well as the impact of the natural environment on humans.

Planets are a real scourge of the 21st century. Also, many think about the issue of preserving and restoring the environment. After all, otherwise future generations will get only a lifeless surface.

No man is an island!

It is likely that at least once in a lifetime each of us asked ourselves the question: "What environmental problems of the planet exist at the present time and what can I do to solve them?" It would seem, indeed, that only one person can? Nevertheless, each of us is capable of much. First, start taking care of yourself environment. For example, throwing garbage into strictly designated containers, and it will not be superfluous to also pay attention to the separation of waste into specific materials (glass in one tank, and plastic in another). In addition, you can regulate and gradually reduce the consumption of both electricity and other resources (water, gas) necessary for your comfortable living. In the event that you are a driver and are faced with the choice of a suitable vehicle, then you should pay attention to cars that have a low content of harmful compounds in exhaust gases. It will also be right - both for you and for the whole planet - a small engine size installed in the selected car model. And, as a result, reduced fuel consumption. With such simple and accessible activities for everyone, we can solve the environmental problems of the planet.

Let's help the whole world

Despite everything described earlier, you will not be left alone in this struggle. As a rule, the policy of many modern states is aimed at the well-known environmental problems of the planet and, of course, ways to solve them. In addition, there is an active propaganda program, the purpose of which is to limit and exterminate rare representatives of flora and fauna. Nevertheless, such a policy of world powers is quite purposeful and allows you to create conditions for the normal life of the population, which at the same time do not violate natural ecosystems.

Environmental problems of the planet: list

Modern scientists identify about a few dozen basic issues that require special attention. Such planets arise as a result of significant changes in the natural environment. And those, in turn, are the result of devastating natural disasters, as well as the ever-increasing environmental problems of the planet, it is quite easy to list. One of the first places is air pollution. Each of us knows from an early age that, due to the content of a certain percentage of oxygen in the air space of the planet, we are able to exist normally. However, every day we not only consume oxygen, but also exhale carbon dioxide. But there are still plants and factories, cars and planes are traveling all over the world and knocking on the rails of the train. All of the above objects in the process of their work emit substances of a certain composition, which only aggravates the situation and increases the environmental problems of the planet Earth. Unfortunately, even though modern production facilities are equipped with the latest developments in cleaning systems, the state of the airspace is gradually deteriorating.


Ever since the school biology course, we know that representatives of the plant world contribute to maintaining the balance of substances in the atmosphere. Thanks to natural processes, such as photosynthesis, the green spaces of the Earth not only purify the air of harmful impurities, but also gradually enrich it with oxygen. Thus, it is easy to conclude that the extermination of flora, in particular forests, only exacerbates the global environmental problems of the planet. Unfortunately, the economic activity of mankind leads to the fact that felling is carried out on an especially large scale, but the replenishment of green spaces is often not carried out.

Reducing fertile land

Similar ecological problems of the planet arise as a result of the previously mentioned deforestation. In addition, the misuse of various agricultural techniques and improper farming also leads to the depletion of the fertile layer. Pesticides and other chemical fertilizers long years poison not only the soil, but also all living organisms that are interconnected with it. But, as you know, the layers of fertile land are restored much more slowly than forests. It will take more than one century to fully replace the lost land cover.

Reducing fresh water supplies

If you are asked: "What environmental problems of the planet are known?", you have the right to immediately recall the life-giving moisture. Indeed, in some regions there is already an acute shortage of this resource. And as time goes on, this situation will only get worse. Therefore, the above topic can be considered one of the most important in the list of "Ecological problems of the planet". Examples of misuse of water can be found everywhere. Starting from the pollution of lakes and rivers by all kinds of industrial enterprises and ending with the irrational consumption of resources at the household level. In this regard, already at the present time, many natural reservoirs are closed areas for swimming. However, the environmental problems of the planet do not end there. The list can be continued with the next paragraph.

Extermination of flora and fauna

Scientists have calculated that in modern world every hour, one representative of the animal or plant world of the planet dies. At the same time, it is important to remember that not only poachers are involved in such actions, but also ordinary people who consider themselves respectable citizens of their country. Every day, mankind conquers more and more new territories both for the construction of their own housing and for agricultural and industrial needs. And animals have to move to new lands or die, remaining to live in an ecosystem destroyed by anthropogenic factors. Among other things, it must be remembered that all of the above factors also adversely affect the state of flora and fauna, both present and future. For example, pollution of water bodies, destruction of forests, etc., entails the disappearance of the diversity of the animal and plant world that our ancestors used to see. Even over the last hundred years, the species diversity has significantly decreased under the direct or indirect impact of the anthropogenic factor.

Earth's protective shell

If the question arises: "What environmental problems of the planet are currently known?", then holes in the ozone layer are easily remembered. Modern human economic activity involves the release of special substances that cause thinning of the Earth's protective shell. Consequently, the formation of new so-called "holes", as well as an increase in the area of ​​existing ones. Many people know this problem, but not everyone understands how all this can turn out. And it leads to the fact that dangerous solar radiation reaches the Earth's surface, which negatively affects all living organisms.


The global environmental problems presented earlier are causing the development of a severe catastrophe. It's about about desertification. As a result of improper agriculture, as well as pollution of water resources and deforestation, there is a gradual weathering of the fertile layer, drainage of soils and other Negative consequences, under the influence of which the land covers become unsuitable not only for further use for economic purposes, but also for human habitation.

Reduction of mineral reserves

A similar topic is also present in the list "Ecological problems of the planet." It is quite easy to list the currently used resources. These are oil, coal of various varieties, peat, gas and other organic components of the solid shell of the Earth. According to scientists, in the next hundred years, mineral reserves will come to an end. In this regard, humanity has begun to actively introduce technologies that work on renewable resources, such as wind, solar, and others. However, the use of alternative sources is still quite small compared to more familiar and traditional ones. In connection with this state of affairs, modern governments of countries are conducting various incentive programs that contribute to a deeper introduction of alternative energy sources both in industry and in the everyday life of ordinary citizens.


Over the past century, a significant increase in the number of people has been observed on the globe. In particular, over a period of just 40 years, the world's population has doubled - from three to six billion people. According to scientists, by 2040 this number will reach nine billion, which, in turn, will lead to a particularly acute shortage of food, water and energy resources. The number of people living in poverty will increase significantly. There will be an increase in deadly diseases.

Municipal solid waste

In the modern world, a person daily produces several kilograms of garbage - these are cans from canned food and drinks, and polyethylene, and glass, and other waste. Unfortunately, at present, their secondary use is carried out only in countries with a highly developed standard of living. In all others, such household waste is taken to landfills, the territory of which often occupies vast areas. In countries with a low standard of living, heaps of garbage can lie right on the streets. This not only contributes to soil and water pollution, but also increases the growth of disease-causing bacteria, which in turn leads to widespread acute and sometimes fatal diseases. It should be noted that even the Earth's atmosphere is filled with tons of debris left after the launch of research probes, satellites and spacecraft into the vastness of the Universe. And since it is quite difficult to get rid of all these traces of human activity in a natural way, it is necessary to develop effective methods solid waste processing. Many modern states are implementing national programs that promote the spread of easily recyclable materials.
