Scenario on the theme of the little prince. Scenario of the lyrical fantasy "Planet of Dreams" based on the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince" Burykin and the script of the Little Prince

Natalya Kozyuk
Scenario of the play "On the road of friendship with the Little Prince" for children preparatory group

Based on the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery for preschool children

activate cognitive interest at children;

develop visual and auditory attention, memory, observation, resourcefulness, fantasy, imagination, creative thinking;

develop the ability to coordinate their actions with other children; cultivate goodwill and contact in relationships with peers;

develop the ability to evenly place and move along stage area, without colliding with each other, to develop plastic expressiveness and musicality;

to develop the ability to create images of living beings with the help of expressive plastic movements.


1. Host

3. Prince

6. Lamplighter

7. Geographer

9. Rose girls brighten up the action with their beauty.

10. Boys-stars bring movement, with their help, a change of pictures takes place.

Attributes: 3 screens of blue color with stars sewn on, a model of an airplane, a model of an apple tree, a throne for a king, a table with books for a geographer, a lantern, soft toy rose, roses and stars for dancing.

Costumes are designed by children and parents themselves. It is necessary to involve as many students as possible. This will raise their interest in performance and to the subject as a whole.

Performance progress:

Leading: Hello, Dear guests ! Today we will show you staged By fairy tale « A little prince » , which was written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery - beautiful French writer and a pilot who heroically died in an air battle with the Nazis in 1944.

This tale tells about little prince who looks at the world through the eyes of a child. He is inquisitive, tireless and very kind. A rose grows on his planet, very capricious. He wants to punish her for this and ... goes on a journey.

By the end of the tale prince understood what is love, loyalty, friendship. And although he was very sorry to part with friends: Pilot and Fox, he can't stay in the world of people who don't understand him.

He felt that he simply needed to return home to Rose, who could die without him. After all, he is responsible for her.

Phonogram « A little prince» M. Tariverdieva (minus)

Stars bring Prince.

Prince(against the background of music):

Listen! After all, if the stars are lit, it means that someone needs it? So - someone wants them to be?. So - it is necessary that at least one star lights up in the sky every evening!

The music is louder.

A little prince"looks at the sky", then slowly leaves.

Picture 1. The Little Prince and the Pilot.

Music is replaced by the noise of the engine.

Phonogram "Airplane crash sound". Pause.

On the pilot enters the scene. He inspects the plane (the layout-decoration initially stands in the background, picks up a tablet and a pencil, thinks.

Pilot: It had to happen that my plane crashed right here, in this lifeless desert ...

coming out A little prince. Approaches the Pilot from the back, addresses him.

Prince: Draw me a lamb ...

Pilot: What?. What lamb? (The pilot looks around frightened.)

Pilot: You. Who are you? How did you get here? Where are your parents?

Prince: Please draw me a lamb.

Prince shrugs silently.

Pilot: You see, my plane crashed. I need help, I have very little water. Where are people?

Prince: Nobody's here. Just you and me. Well, please draw a lamb. It is important!

Pilot: Well, well, well (draws)

Prince A: No, he's too small, he will not survive with me. Draw another.

Pilot: Yes, you wait with your lambs. You see, if I can't fly, I'll die in this desert.

Prince(surprised): Can you fly?

Pilot: Well, yes! Here is the plane, I fly on it. The plane flies because it has a motor inside. But now the engine has stopped and I can't take off... Baby, tell me, where are the adults you came here with?

Prince: I did not come, but arrived.

Pilot: Arrived? On what?

Prince: Nothing. Just like that - he wanted and flew.

Pilot: One? No adults?

Prince: There are no adults on my planet.

Pilot: So you're from another planet?

Prince: Yes, and there is no lamb on my planet. But there is Rose. She is very beautiful, but she misses me. Draw a lamb. He will be friends with Rose and play with her while I'm away.

Pilot (draws): Here's a lamb.

Prince(joyfully): Thank you! Now I have my lamb...

Pilot: What is your name?

Prince: Prince. …

Pilot: I soon found out that a little prince really lives on another tiny planet, found out why Prince went on a trip...

Picture 2. Little Prince and Rose. Phonogram « A little prince»

A little prince

On my baby planet

The sun rises every day.

I only have a little

But I have enough worries:

Gotta clean up the volcanoes

Baobabs pull out a row.

And when I get sad

I'm going to watch the sunset.

Sometime quite by accident

I found a sprout in the grass.

He reached up desperately

My precious flower.

It was just a miracle

It was some kind of dream:

I don't know where

Suddenly a bud appeared.

Rosa picked up paints,

I gave her water

Tenderness gave her and affection

And spoke softly:

"Do not be afraid of anything,

open up quickly!"

Phonogram. Beautiful gentle melody (on the background)

Stars bring a rose.


So what is the planet?

Those terrible winds

That hot summer

That it rains.

In heat and cold

Take care of Rose

Create for Rose

Comfort and coziness.

Weed weed.

Cap bring.

Well, what are you worth?

Put it here!

Rather be sorry

Rather, water

Rather cherish

My beauty

What a chill!

Put up a fence!

I need a screen

Please, here!

Hurry, protect

Save quickly

Rather save

My beauty!

Phonogram "The Song of Blue-Eyes". (minus)

Rose sings a song.

1. I will tell you, friends, frankly,

What is the only one in the universe

I am the only one in the universe

Amazing like a star!

I am a little capricious

Wayward, prickly a little,

And proud, and a little whiny.

But insanely beautiful!


Oh! Petals of a red rose.

So fresh and so beautiful.

And charms everyone

Their magical scent.

The most gentle and wonderful

Their magical scent.

2. And although this is not modest, probably

But my The prince loves me immensely

And ready to speak daily

About my unearthly beauty.

He surrounds me with care,

And waters the key water,

Saves from winds and heat

And admires me with delight.

In vain he listened to her. Never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. The flower filled his entire planet with fragrance, but he did not know how to rejoice at this. He got angry, decided to punish her and left his planet...

Prince Farewell!

Rose: I was stupid. I'm sorry. And try to be happy!

The stars carry the Rose and bring the following characters, stand in a circle, hiding them from the audience. Release them one by one scenarios.


- little prince I really wanted to find a true friend, and so he went to travel. The King lived on a neighboring planet.

Picture 4. Prince and King.

Phonogram "Kings can do anything..." A. Pugacheva. (minus)

Girls - "asterisks" sing a song.

Lived yes was, lived yes was,

There was only one King.

He wanted to rule the country and people.

I just seem to have forgotten

He completely forgot

That on the planet on his own all alone.

And the King thought

What is endowed with power

And he can command everyone around.

But, unfortunately, that's all.

What is he capable of?

Sit alone on the throne.


And it doesn't seem stupid

That stellar monarch was

And with honor to fulfill

He is ready for his role.

But command the stars

And command the sun

Not one, not one King can. 2 times

Tired of me, like saucers,

Only control the stars.

Resolutions, Revolutions...

Ah, the sad life of a king!

That is not done, that is not filed,

Where are my subjects,

Where are my subjects,

Where can I find subjects?

Where will a sensitive heart be found?

I would order him.

Sympathize, Sympathize

Oh, how difficult it is to live alone!

That is not done, that is not filed,

At least stand on the corner with a crown.

Where are my subjects,

Where are my subjects,

Where can I find subjects?

Prince approaches the King's throne.

King: And here is the subject!

Prince(surprised): Am I a subject?

Prince: Your Majesty. what do you rule?

King: Everyone! (wiggles his hand around) And everything around me obeys!

Prince: And the stars?

King: Well, of course, and the stars obey. I can't stand disobedience!

Prince: Your Majesty, I really like to watch the sunset. Please, do me a favor, command the sun to set!

King: There will be a sunset for you. I will demand that the sun go down. But first, I'll wait for favorable conditions.

Prince: And when will the conditions be favorable?

King: (rummages through his robes, takes out a notebook and looks into it) It will be. today it will be exactly at seven o'clock forty minutes in the evening. And then you will see how exactly my command will be fulfilled.

Prince(disappointed): Alright I have to go.

King: Stay! I will appoint you minister.

Prince: No. This is not for me. Sorry, I have to go. All the best!

Picture 5. The Prince and the Lamplighter.

Music sounds.

Host - No, adults are amazing people. Is it possible to live next to such a person? Well, what's the use of it?

No, this person cannot become a true friend. All the same, these adults are a strange people! The music is quieter.

- Prince orbited several asteroids. Very strange adults live on them ...

He was on the planet where the gentleman lives, who has never smelled a flower in his life and has never looked at the stars. He has been adding numbers all his life and has never loved anyone. He considered himself a serious person. But in fact, he is not a man, but a mushroom ...

And on another planet A little prince met a man in a funny hat. He wanted everyone to admire him. He considered himself more beautiful than everyone, smarter than everyone, more elegant and richer than everyone. Although there was no one else on his planet ... Strange people - these adults.

Here, it seems, is another one - the Lamplighter.

He lives on the fifth planet. There is a point to his work, though. When he lights his lantern, it is as if another star or flower is being born. And when he extinguishes the lantern, it is as if a star or a flower falls asleep. Great job.


I would be glad to sleep through the dawn:

But the agreement expensive.

So I rush to the lantern.

Every day is the same.

Faster every hour

The planet is spinning.

To make it more fun

I sing verses:

Morning, evening - a day away;

The days have gone by

As day follows night.

For one minute.


And meanwhile, in my opinion, the Lamplighter is worthy of respect. Because he is true to his word and thinks not only about himself ...

Prince: - With him, I could make friends. But his planet is already very tiny. There's no room for two.

Music sounds.

Picture 6. Prince and Geographer.

On the sixth planet the prince met the geographer

Music sounds. Girls - "asterisks" open the curtain.

A geographer in a robe is sitting, writing something in a thick book. The prince approaches him.

Prince: Hello.

Geographer: Ah-ah-ah! The traveler has arrived! Where are you from?

Prince: What a huge book! What are you doing here?

Geographer: I am a geographer!

Prince Q: What is a geographer?

Geographer: This is a scientist who knows where the seas, cities, rivers and deserts are.

Prince: How interesting! Your planet must be very beautiful! Do you have oceans?

Geographer: I do not know this.

Prince(disappointed): Oh-oh ... Are there mountains?

Geographer: Don't know.

Prince: What about cities, rivers, deserts?

Geographer A: And I don't know that either.

Prince: But you are a geographer!

Phonogram "Song of the Astrologer" (minus)

1. Among the scientists of the world, geographers are held in high esteem.

They are needed - praise and honor to them!

Seas and oceans, deserts, mountains, rivers -

It's so important to take all this into account.

We write in thick books

The stories of those who roam

Various amazing places.

That's just a pity, of course,

What we write about

Alas, we are not destined to see!


There on earth, on earth

Somewhere in the depths of the sea

A new pitfall has emerged.

And on the moon, on the moon

On the blue boulder

A strange crater appeared.

Lots of mysterious places

In the distances of space there is.

Someone will tell about them someday.

And to new rivers, mountains,

To new seas, cities

The book will always point you in the right direction.

Geographer: I am a geographer, not a traveller. The geographer is too important a person. I cannot leave my office and look for mountains, seas and oceans. I am busy. We geographers accept travelers, we write down their stories, we demand evidence.

Here you are a traveler and came from afar. Tell me about your planet.

Prince: Well, it's not that interesting on my planet... Everything is very good for me. small. There are three volcanoes. Two are active, and one has long died out .... I also have a flower, it is.

Geographer: We are not interested in flowers.

Prince: But why, because this is the most beautiful thing I have.

Geographer: Geography books are the most precious books in the world. They never get old. It is not often that a mountain moves or an ocean dries up.

What about your flower? Today it is, and tomorrow it is gone.

Prince: So my flower should disappear?

Geographer: Certainly.

Prince comes to the fore.

Prince: My rose is so weak. She has nothing to protect herself from the world. She only has four spikes. And I threw it away. And she was left all alone. Rose, my rose...

(resolutely) No! I still have to keep going.

(referring to geographer) Where do you advise me to go?

Geographer: Visit planet earth. They say it's a very good planet!

Prince: Well, well, Earth, so Earth. Farewell!

Picture 7. Prince and Fox.

So the seventh planet visited A little prince, was the Earth.

Earth is not a simple planet! There are kings, and geographers, and drunkards, and ambitious people on it. Lots and lots of different people. But people do not take up much space on earth. The whole of humanity could be lumped together small islet in pacific ocean. Adults, of course, will not believe this. They imagine they take up too much space.

Before Little Prince rose garden(girls).

Roses - Good afternoon. Good afternoon.

A little prince(amazed). - Who you are?

Roses - We are roses. We are roses.

A little prince. Here's how!. And my beauty said that there are no others like her in the whole Universe. I imagined that I own the only flower in the world, which no one else has anywhere else, and it was the most ordinary rose. (Crying).

Phonogram 10.

fox: Hello!

Prince(looking around): Hello!

fox: I'm here. Under the apple tree (Cautiously goes out, comes closer and immediately backs away)

Prince: How beautiful you are! Who are you?

fox: I am a Fox ... And you?

Prince: And I Prince.

fox (surprisedly walks around him): Pri-i-ings?

Prince: Well, yes. Prince. And I'm so sad... Play with me!

fox: I can't play with you.

Prince: Why?

fox: You see, I'm not tamed.

Prince: How is it - tamed?

Phonogram "Song of the Blue Puppy" (minus)

Fox sings.

1. On a clear day and on days of bad weather

I don't have happiness in my life.

My fox age is overshadowed -

I am not tamed by anyone!

2. And for Little Prince

I am an ordinary fox!

I'm sad, cursing fate -

Ah, tame me!

fox: You understand, while you are just for me a little boy just like a hundred thousand other boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me either. I am for you an ordinary fox, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me

we will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. And I will be alone for you in the whole world. Understand?

Leading: You can learn only those things that you tame. People no longer have time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But after all, there are no shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends.

fox: If you want a friend, tame me!

A little prince. And what should be done for this?

We must have patience. Sit down there for now.

Only with each new meeting you sit closer.

Come to me all the time exactly at the same hour.

Try not to be late even for a minute.

Because every time I will prepare my heart to meet you ...

And I know what happiness is.

Prince steps back 7 steps, then takes steps towards the Fox, shake hands

That's how you tamed me.

A little prince(sigh). We need to say goodbye. I have to go.

fox (hiding tears). I will miss you.

A little prince. It's your fault. I didn't want you to get hurt, you yourself wanted me to tame you.

Fox. Yes, sure… (after a pause) Now go and look at the roses again. You will understand that your Rose is the only one in the world.

Roses. We are roses. We are roses.

A little prince You are nothing like my Rose. You are nobody yet. This was before my Fox. But I'm with him made friends and now he's the only one in the world.

You are beautiful, but empty... Of course, a casual passer-by, looking at my Rose, will say that she is exactly the same as you. But to me she dearer than all of you. She is mine. (Lisu). Goodbye.

Leading (Prince) :

Only one heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

your rose is dear to you because that you gave her all your soul.

People have forgotten this truth, but you don't forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed. You are responsible for your Rose.

Song « A little prince» . Words by N. Dobronravov, music by Mikael Tariverdiev.

1. Who invented you, star country?

2. On a windy evening, the cries of birds will cease.

Starlight I notice the light from under the eyelashes.

Quietly towards me, quietly towards me

Will come out gullible A little prince.

3 The most important thing is not to frighten away a fairy tale,

Open windows to the endless world,

My sailboat is rushing, my sailboat is rushing,

My sailboat rushes on a fabulous path.

4. Where are you, where are you, happiness of the island?

Where is the coast of light and goodness?

Where with hopes, where with hopes

The most tender words roam.

5. Who invented you, star country?

I have been dreaming for a long time, I dream of her.

I will leave the house, I will leave the house -

A wave is breaking right behind the pier.

Leading: This story is about star boy, little prince. He was light as a beam of light and even more fragile than he seemed at first glance. He saw with his heart, never explained anything, but gave his laughter as a gift.

Oksana Kuchnova
"We are responsible for all living things." Scene scenario based on A. Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince". (Timed to coincide with the year of ecology)

"We are responsible for all living things"

(scenario based on the fairy tale by A. Exupery "The Little Prince".

Dedicated to the year of ecology)

Sounds the 1st verse of the "Song of the Astrologer" from the fairy tale film "Little Red Riding Hood", music. A. Rybnikov. Children perform the dance of the stars. One of the stars is a girl of the preparatory group, the other two can be children of the middle or senior groups.

Narrator (one of the stars): Do you know the story of the Little Prince?

Asterisks: No

Narrator: This is a magnificent fairy tale that teaches us to love all life on earth!

(The theme “Flower fields” sounds from the film “Little Red Riding Hood”, music by A. Rybnikov. At this time, the stars move to the side. On foreground aside narrator)

Narrator: One day the Little Prince thought:

A little prince: I wish I knew why the stars shine...

Narrator: Probably, then, so that sooner or later everyone could find their own again.

A little prince: I know one planet, there lives such a gentleman with a purple face. He never smelled a flower in his entire life. I never looked at a star. He is busy with only one thing: he adds up the numbers.

Narrator: But it's very boring to add up numbers all your life.

A little prince: It's very sad when friends are forgotten. Not everyone has a friend.

Narrator (to audience): And the Little Prince had wonderful friends - Rose and Fox.

(The theme "Flower fields" from Rybnikov's "Little Red Riding Hood" sounds). Roses run out, dance, sit in the middle of the hall with a flower bed.

A little prince: You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. My flower gave my whole planet a fragrance to drink... If you love a flower - the only one, you look at the sky and feel happy. And you say to yourself: “Somewhere there lives my flower ...”

Narrator: This is where Lis came in.

Fox (to the little prince): Hello.

A little prince: Hello. Play with me. I am so sad.

Fox: I can't play with you. I'm not tamed.

Narrator: every day the prince and the fox got used to each other. And finally, the Fox was tamed.

But it's time to say goodbye.

A little prince: Goodbye.

Fox: Goodbye. Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

A little prince: You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

Fox:- Your rose is so dear to you because you gave her all your soul.

A little prince: Because I gave her my whole soul.

Fox: People have forgotten this truth, but don't forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed. You are responsible for your rose.

A little prince: I am responsible for my rose...

Narrator: There is such hard rule- got up in the morning, washed, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order. Let's love the planet as much as the little prince!

General dance (Song of the Astrologer from the film "Little Red Riding Hood", music by A. Rybnikov - the second half of the second chorus - 1 min.)

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Annex 1

Scenario of the play "The Little Prince"


    Leading - 2 readers; guitar recitative - 1 (2) performer

    Girl in a pink dress

  1. ambitious

  2. business man

    Reader of the poem "Rains" (on the edge of the stage)


    1st geographer

    2nd geographer

    snake (dance)

    Roses (2-3 people) (dance)

    Performer(s) of the song "Conversation"

    Performer of the song "The Time Has Come, It's Time to Go"

    Performer of the song "A star fell on my palm"

    Performer of the song "Little Country"

Explanatory note

The stage is decorated in yellowish tones. On the left side of the stage - an elevation (chairs covered with curtains), on the right - a lamppost (clothes hanger). A red paper lantern made by children's hands will then hang on it. Behind the background are stars, planets. On a portable board - 2 drawing paper, a marker is prepared. Quotations are written out in advance on separate strips of paper:

“Everyone should be asked what he can give”

“Power must first of all be reasonable”

"You are forever responsible for those you have tamed"

“Lamps must be protected: a gust of wind can extinguish them”

They can be attached to the background during the play (specially appointed students). Costumes are designed by children and parents themselves. It is necessary to involve as many students as possible. This will raise their interest in the play and in the subject in general.


Introduction to the play

Option 1 (for Teacher's Day)

1st host: "Childhood is a huge land, where everyone comes from," wrote Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

2nd host: On a day like this, it is customary to give gifts. And we, who also once came from childhood, give with all our hearts, our dear mentors, the play "The Little Prince", staged based on the fairy tale of the same name by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

To look at the surroundings through the eyes of a child, to try to understand his world, his soul, to help him not to die - this is what Antoine calls for, a French pilot who died heroically in an air battle with the Nazis in 1944.

1st host: The greatness of the teaching profession is that it unites souls. There are too many people in the world who have not been helped to wake up.

Look through the eyes of a mother or father at your students: they need your friendly disposition, your love and participation. “The only true luxury is the luxury of human communication,” said Exupery. “Remember, you are always responsible for those you have tamed.”

Option 2 (to the children's audience)

1st host: Hello, dear guys! Today we will show you the play "The Little Prince", based on the fairy tale of the same name by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, a wonderful French writer and pilot who heroically died in an air battle with the Nazis in 1944.

2nd host: In this fairy tale, Antoine tells about the Little Prince, who looks at the world through the eyes of a child. He is inquisitive, tireless and very kind. A rose grows on his planet, very capricious. He wants to punish her for this and ... goes on a journey.

By the end of the tale, the prince understood what love, loyalty, friendship are. And although he was very sorry to part with his friends: the Author and the Fox, he cannot remain in the world of businessmen, ambitious people and drunkards, in the world of people who do not understand him.

2nd host: He felt that he simply needed to return home to Rosa, who could die without him. After all, he is responsible for her.

Author: I am the author of the fairy tale "The Little Prince" and I want you to tell me what it is. Hat? And you didn't understand me... It's a boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant. That's why I had to give up my career as an artist and become a pilot as a child.

So I lived alone for a long time. But one day I had to make an emergency landing in the Sahara. Something broke in the engine of my plane. There was no one to help me, and I decided to fix everything myself. Tired, I fell asleep. At dawn I was awakened by a small voice.

PRINCE: Please draw me a lamb.

PRINCE: Draw me a lamb.

PRINCE: That's what I need. Where did you come from?

PRINCE: From the sky? And from what planet?

PRINCE A: I have very little space there.

PRINCE: Do lambs eat bushes?

PRINCE: That's good, so they eat baobabs too. I got baobabs, and I'm afraid they will destroy the planet, they will tear it to shreds. There is a hard and fast rule. Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.

PRINCE: I really like the sunset. You know, when it gets really sad, it's good to watch the sun go down. Does your lamb eat flowers?

PRINCE: And the spikes don't help them? Well, why, why do lambs and flowers fight each other? Why this war? Isn't that a serious matter, understand? And if I know the only flower in the world, it grows only on my planet, and suddenly a lamb will take it and eat it? It's the same as if all the stars nearby went out...

Dance of a girl in a pink dress.

PRINCE: My flower. He was wonderful. He made my whole planet drunk with fragrance, but I did not know how to rejoice in him. I sometimes even got angry with the rose, she was sometimes capricious. And I left her there alone. I did not understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her fragrance, lit up my life. I had to guess the tenderness, I still did not know how to love.

Prince music (like a refrain)

King: And here is the subject! Come, I want to see you. ( The prince yawned from exhaustion and looked around for a seat.). Etiquette does not permit yawning in the presence of a monarch. I forbid you to yawn.

PRINCE: I accidentally. I was on the road for a long time and did not sleep at all.

King: Then I command: yawn! That is my order.

PRINCE: But I'm shy, I can no longer. May I sit down?

King: I command, sit down!

PRINCE: Where is your kingdom?

King: Everywhere ( spread his hand).

PRINCE: Do the stars obey you?

King: Well, of course. I do not tolerate disobedience.

PRINCE: Then order it to be sunset now.

King: Everyone should be asked what he can give. Power must first of all be reasonable. If you command your people to throw themselves into the sea, they will start a revolution. I have the right to demand obedience because my commands are reasonable. And you'll see the sunset when it's sunset time.

PRINCE: Strange you people, adults.

ambitious: Oh, here comes the admirer!

PRINCE: Hello! What a funny hat you have.

ambitious: This is to bow. Clap your hands. ( The prince patted, the ambitious bowed). To honor means to recognize that on this planet I am the prettiest of all, the smartest of all, the richest and smartest of all. I'm smarter than everyone.

PRINCE: Really, adults are very strange people.

Sad, tragic music

PRINCE: What are you doing?

Drunkard: Drink.

PRINCE: For what?

Drunkard A: To forget.

PRINCE: Forget what?

Drunkard: Forget that I'm ashamed. Conscientious to drink.

PRINCE: Yes, strange people, these adults.

business man: One, two, three... Five hundred million. Why are you here, don't interfere.

PRINCE: What five hundred million?

business man: Stars. I count them. I love precision. I own these stars.

PRINCE: And why do you own them?

business man: To be rich.

PRINCE: And how can you own the stars?

business man: Whose stars?

PRINCE: Draws.

business man: So, mine, because I was the first to think of it.

PRINCE: It's funny. These adults are weird. Nobody understands me, and I can't understand them.

Poem "Rain"

V. Egorov

I love you my rains

My heavy, autumn,

A little funny, a little distracted

I love you, my rains.

And the leaves caress the trunks,

And the sidewalks are like a mirror

And I float on mirrors

In which there is no one to reflect.

Where, like stooped walruses,

Cars snort their engines

And monotonous rails wind,

Like silver snakes.

Where are the ragged lanterns

They wander in a line of stained,

And autumn fiery wig

Rip off rain paws.

Thank you my rains

Thank you my autumn

For all that you have sown in me.

Thank you my rains.

Lantern dance.

PRINCE: Maybe this person is ridiculous. But he is better than an ambitious man, a businessman and a drunkard. At least his work makes sense. When he lights his lantern, it is as if another star or flower is being born. Great job. It's really useful because it's beautiful. ( Addressing the lamplighter) Why do you either extinguish or light the lantern?

Lamplighter: Such an agreement.

PRINCE: Which?

Lamplighter A: It used to make sense. I lit the lantern in the morning, extinguished it in the evening. But the planet is spinning faster and faster. The day only lasts a minute.

PRINCE: You are so true to your word! I would like to be friends with you, but your planet is so small and you are so busy!

1st geographer: I am describing mountains and seas, but I have never seen them myself, and I am very glad to see you. I will write down everything you tell me. And if I don’t write it down, then all this will die, disappear, and no one will know about it.

PRINCE: And my flower should soon disappear?

2nd geographer: Yes of course.

PRINCE: You know everything! Which planet would you recommend me to visit?

2nd geographer: Visit planet earth.

Prince Music.

Author: So, the seventh planet he visited was Earth. Earth is not a very simple planet. There are kings, and geographers, and drunkards, and ambitious people on it. Lots and lots of different people. But when the prince came to Earth, he did not see a soul, except perhaps a snake in the desert.

The dance of the snake.

PRINCE: I wish I knew why stars glow. Look, here is my planet - just above us.

Snake: Beautiful planet. But she is far away, and I am here, and very powerful. Whoever I touch, I return to the earth from which he came.

I feel sorry for you. You are so weak on this planet. On this day, when you want to return to yours, I will help you.

PRINCE: What a strange planet. Dry, salty. And how lonely it is in this world of people. But what is it?

Rose dance.

PRINCE: Good afternoon!

roses: Good afternoon.

PRINCE: Who you are? You are so like my flower!

roses: We are roses!

PRINCE: Roses? Oh, I'm so unhappy. My rose told me that there was no one like her in the entire universe. And there are so many roses in front of me. So she's as ordinary as they are. What kind of prince am I after that?

fox: Hello!

PRINCE: Hello. ( But I didn't see anyone).

fox: I'm here.

PRINCE: Who are you? How beautiful you are!

Fox: I'm a fox.

PRINCE: Play with me.

Fox: I can't play with you. I'm not tamed. What are you doing here?

PRINCE: I am looking for friends. And how is it to tame?

fox: It means being needed for each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. And I'll be the only one for you.

PRINCE: How is my rose? I'm starting to understand something.

fox: Life is boring for me. I hunt chickens and people follow me. But if you tame me, my life will definitely shine with the sun. I will distinguish your steps among thousands of others. They will be music to me. There is a wheat field, and on it are golden ears. Golden wheat will remind me of you. Tame me please!

PRINCE: I would be glad, but I do not have time, and I need to find people, learn different things.

fox: You can learn only those things that you tame. People no longer have time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made and in stores. But after all, there are no shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends. I can be your friend.

PRINCE: And what should be done for this?

Fox: You have to be patient. You come at the appointed hour, by which time I will begin to worry and worry. I know the price of happiness.

fox: I will cry for you. And remember, looking at these golden ears. Go take another look at the roses. You will understand that your rose is the only one in the world. And when you return to say goodbye to me, I will tell you a secret. This will be my gift to you. ( The prince looks at the roses).

PRINCE: Yes, they are beautiful, but they don't look like my rose at all. Nobody tamed them. After all, I watered it every day, protected it from drafts. And these are strangers to me. (He returns to the fox) Goodbye!

fox: Goodbye! Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes. Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it all your days, as a mother gives herself to a child, and from this he becomes dearer to her than anyone in the world. You are forever responsible for those you have tamed.

PRINCE: Yes, yes, we are all responsible for those we have tamed.

Song "Conversation"

Poems by M. Cherkasova

Music by A. Dulov

And about nothing, and about nothing

Our conversation, our conversation.

For you and me alone noticeable

We knit a wonderful pattern

From light words - simple and bright.

You give me, you give me

A crowd of birches, a crowd of birches.

And like a magician, without deceit

You are a rainbow transparent bridge

You take it out of my pocket.

And the silver ... And the silver river -

Around the river

Lies down with a smooth canvas.

Weave into the strings of the clouds

And waves like a gentle river.

Your warmth, your warmth

Your shoulder, your shoulder

And sweet songs of sadness and tenderness,

And our conversation is about nothing,

PRINCE: I'm also thirsty. But I didn't find any water here, and I'm tired, let's rest after such a long journey. Look, the stars are very beautiful, because somewhere there is a flower, although it is not visible. And the desert is beautiful. Do you know why the desert is good? Somewhere in it springs are hidden ...

PRINCE: I am very glad that you agree with my friend Fox. ( fell asleep).

The most touching thing in the Little Prince is his fidelity to the flower, the image of a rose that radiates in him like a flame of a lamp, even when he sleeps ... Lamps must be protected: a gust of wind can extinguish them ...

And then we found a well, and there was water in it. That water was like a gift to the heart, because we were looking for it for a long time.

The song "The hour has come, it's time to go"

The time has come, it's time to go

But a first step is needed.

All paths will diverge

And the clock is running fast.

Music of your steps

I remember by heart.

This song is for two

Forgive her for being sad.

In the quiet music of steps

The last beat sounds.

I'm ready for this too

Well, that's all, shut up.

You are above the world of gray roofs,

The sun at half a candle

You always burn for me

That's all, shut up.

At parting, you stretch

To me the rays of their hands.

I'm warm in your shadow

Well, that's all, shut up.

PRINCE: You know, tomorrow it will be a year since I came to you on Earth.

PRINCE (snake): You will find my footprints in the sand. And then wait. I will come tonight. Do you have good poison? Won't you make me suffer for a long time?

Snake: No, I have a good poison.

PRINCE: I'll be back home today. I will have your lamb.

PRINCE: When you gave me a drink, that water was like music. My star is very small. And you will love to look at the stars, they will all become your friends.

PRINCE: My laughter is a gift to you. You will look at the sky, my star will be there, on which I laugh, and you will hear that all the stars are laughing, and you will be joyful.

Song Fulfillment of Desires

A. Dolsky

A star fell on my palm.

I asked her: "Where are you from?"

Let me rest a little.

Just like a bell rang:

Don't worry that I'm small

I can do many things.

You only need to remember

What is most important to you in the world

I can make a wish come true

I do this all the time.

I know what I need

I don't need to remember for a long time

I want to love and be loved,

I want my mother not to get sick.

So that on our woeful planet

If only the stars would fall from the sky.

Would all be gullible, like children,

And they loved the rain, flowers and the forest.

So that the grass, as of old, mowed obliquely.

Every day they flew to the moon.

To carry women in their arms.

There would be no disease and war.

A star fell on my palm.

And you look at the sky. And ask yourself, “Is that rose still alive, or is it gone? Suddenly the lamb ate it? And the laughing stars will ring with bells!

Song "Little Country"

Sl. I. Reznik

Muses. I. Nikolaeva

There are mountains, forests

Little country,

There are animals with kind eyes,

There life is full of love.

There is a wonderful lake sparkling,

There is no evil and grief -

There's a firebird in the yard

And gives people light.

Who will tell me, who will tell me

Where is she, where is she?

Little country, little country

Where the soul is light and clear,

Where it's always spring.

This country I only dream of

But a bright moment will come

And on a winged chariot

I will take flight.

I have a goodbye hour

In my starry country

There's a handsome boy waiting for me

On a golden horse

There are mountains, forests

Little country,

There are animals with kind eyes,

There life is full of love.

The autumn rain is pouring outside the window,


SCENARIO TO PERFORMANCE « Scarlet Sails» Scene 1 (Before the curtain ... you. (Assol - a girl in dreams sings « Small country.”) Scene 2 (The market, the traders are laying out ... the ship will move towards it. The brave, handsome prince take her to a brilliant land. But...

  • Ecocup short film program 12.00 13.00 Small Stage, Cinema


    Children, together with the screenwriter, will come up with scenario their film, make props out of... bubbles. Project "Read_Clearly!" Interactive Literary play « SMALL PRINCE AND OTHERS". 16.00. Big stage...

  • Scenario in the life of an adult


    Tomb, castle, one of princes or a fence. Imagine yourself as a hedge... -something else? What is the name of this playplay about your own life? And ... at the earliest stages of formation script small the child "...already has certain...

  • Kononkova Svetlana Alexandrovna, teacher-organizer
    State regional budgetary educational institution"Murmansk correctional boarding school №3"
    Scenario musical fairy tale for school theater
    "A little prince"
    (based on the fairy tale by A. de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince")
    A little prince

    Phonogram 1. "The Little Prince" by M. Tariverdiev (minus)
    The Little Prince appears on the scene.
    Prince (against music):
    Listen! After all, if the stars are lit, does it mean that someone needs it? Does it mean that someone wants them to be? .. So, it is necessary that at least one star lights up in the sky every evening?!
    The music is louder. The little prince "looks up at the sky", then slowly walks away.
    Picture 1. The Little Prince and the Pilot.
    Music is replaced by the noise of the engine.
    Phonogram 2. "The sound of a falling plane." Pause.
    The pilot takes the stage. He inspects the plane (the layout-decoration is initially in the background), picks up a tablet and a pencil, thinks.
    Pilot: It must have happened that my plane crashed right here, in this lifeless desert...
    The Little Prince comes out. Approaches the Pilot from the back, addresses him.
    Prince: Draw me a lamb...
    Pilot: What?.. What lamb? The pilot looks around fearfully.
    Pilot: You... who are you? How did you get here?
    Prince: Please draw me a lamb...
    Pilot: Are you alone? Where are your parents?
    The prince shrugs his shoulders silently.
    Pilot: You see, my plane crashed. I need help, I have very little water. Where are people?
    Prince: There's no one here. Just you and me. Well, please draw a lamb. It is important!
    Pilot: Well, well, well (draws)
    Prince: No, he's too small, he won't survive with me. Draw another.
    Pilot: Yes, you wait with your lambs. You see, if I can't fly, I'll die in this desert.
    Prince (surprised): Can you fly?
    Pilot: Well, yes! Here is the plane, I fly on it. The plane flies because it has a motor inside. But now the engine has stopped and I can't take off... Baby, tell me, where are the adults you came here with?
    Prince: I did not come, but flew in.
    Pilot: Arrived? On what?
    Prince: Nothing. Just like that - he wanted and flew.
    Pilot: One? No adults?
    Prince: There are no adults on my planet.
    Pilot: So you're from another planet?
    Prince: Yes, and there is no lamb on my planet. But there is Rose. She is very beautiful, but she misses me... Draw a lamb. He will be friends with Rosa, and play with her while I'm away...
    Pilot (draws): Here's a lamb for you.
    Prince (happily): Thank you! Now I have my own lamb... Listen, do lambs eat bushes?
    Pilot: No, why?
    Prince: Sorry. If the lambs ate bushes, then mine would probably eat all the baobabs ..
    Pilot: What kind of baobabs?.. You know, baby, it's probably time to go to bed already... Maybe tomorrow we'll come up with something with you... What's your name?
    Prince: Prince. (The prince lies down near the model aircraft in a sleeping position. The pilot runs his hand over his head.)
    Pilot: Sleep, Little Prince. Good night... (sits down next to him, “falls asleep”)
    Phonogram 3. "Song of the Stargazer" (from the film "About Little Red Riding Hood")
    Dance of girls - "stars".
    Phonogram 4. “Make a wish” (minus) The pilot “wakes up”, approaches the edge of the stage, speaks against the background of soft music
    Pilot: Soon I found out that the Little Prince really does not live on Earth, but on a tiny planet. We humans call such planets asteroids. They are so small that they are not even given names, only numbers. The Little Prince lived on asteroid B-612.
    Music sounds louder. Then it subsides. The pilot moves to the center of the stage. The Little Prince comes up to him from the airplane model.
    Picture 2. Prince and baobabs.
    Prince: Yes, my home planet is only about the size of a house. I live there completely alone, and I really miss a friend ... (thinks, looks at the picture)
    Music gradually subsides, off.
    (sighs) Isn't it a pity that lambs don't eat baobabs?
    Pilot: Why?
    Prince: There are terrible, very harmful seeds on my planet... These are baobab seeds. The seeds sprout and I have to weed them out every morning.
    Pilot (surprised): Why?
    Prince: Well, how can you not understand! If you do not weed out the sprouts, then the baobabs will grow and fill the entire planet. And their roots will go through and tear the planet apart. And then…. (pause) It's scary to even think about!
    Stars open an impromptu curtain.
    Phonogram 5. “Little children, don’t go to Africa for a walk” (from the m / film “Doctor Aibolit”) (minus)
    “Baobabs” appear on the “stage”, they sing a song.
    1. We will tell you, children,
    About a wonderful planet
    On which the Prince alone lives!
    This Prince, guys -
    little bastard.
    We do not give a quiet life!
    Chorus: We would germinate,
    Roots run
    And tear this planet to shreds.
    We are not crocodiles
    And not evil toads.
    We are simple ba-o-ba-a-be!
    2. This Prince, kids,
    bad boy,
    Early in the morning he gets up a little light.
    He loves to work
    We, the unfortunate ones, are destroyed
    And we, the poor, don't let us grow!
    Chorus: Ah...
    The curtain closes.
    Prince (to the hall):
    I have a firm rule - get up in the morning, wash, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order ... Who else will take care of it, if not me? Who will weed out the baobabs every morning? Who will clean the volcanoes? There are three of them on my planet - two are active, and one has long died out. They are, of course, small - the height of my knee. But every week I make sure to clean them - all three and the extinct one too. Is there anything that can happen? (thoughtfully) Everyone should take care of their planet...
    Phonogram 1. "The Little Prince"
    Scene 3. The Prince and the Rose.
    Prince: Small, simple, very modest flowers grow on my planet. But one day... One day, a tiny sprout appeared from a grain brought from nowhere. He was not like other sprouts and I watched him closely. And then ... then an unusual bud appeared on it. I waited impatiently for some miracle to happen.
    Phonogram 6. Beautiful gentle melody (on the background)
    And it happened… One day at dawn, the bud opened and turned into an amazingly beautiful flower.
    The music is louder. Stars open the curtain.
    Rose "wakes up", stretching slightly.
    Rosa: Ah, so I woke up.
    Prince: How beautiful you are! Who you are?
    Rose: I am Rose. The most beautiful and gentle creature in the entire universe. And mind you, I was born with the sun! And you have to protect me and take care of me ... It seems it's time for breakfast.
    Prince: Of course, of course, now. (runs away, runs with a watering can, waters)
    Rose: Brr, what a cold water. Well, what are you waiting for! I'm cold. (coughs) Well, hurry up, bring something, you have terrible drafts. (coughs harder).
    The prince brings and sets up a screen.
    "Now help me spread the paper!"
    The prince helps her, impales herself on a thorn.
    Prince: Oh, you have such prickly thorns! Rose: Of course! This world is impossible without thorns. But I'm not afraid of anyone! Let the tigers come! I'm not afraid of their claws!
    Prince: But there are no tigers here. And besides, tigers don't eat grass.
    Rosa (offended, indignantly): I'm not grass!
    Prince: Excuse me... (to the audience) What a difficult character this flower has!... And yet she is so beautiful...
    Phonogram 6.
    The prince returns to the rose.
    Rose: You're ungrateful and don't care about me at all! And when they don't take care of me, I wither and wither.
    Prince: Excuse me. I didn't mean to offend you...
    Rose: And still offended! And quickly remove this stupid screen, don't you see that it blocks the sunlight for me?
    The prince removes the screen, comes to the fore.
    Prince: First she asks to put up a screen, then she is offended that I did not remove it. She is very capricious! .. But I ... I still love her. Because she is wonderful!
    Phonogram 7. "Sineglazka's Song". (minus)
    Rose sings a song.
    1. I will tell you, friends, frankly,
    What is the only one in the universe
    I am the only one in the universe
    Amazing like a star!
    I am a little capricious
    Wayward, prickly a little,
    And proud, and a little whiny.
    But insanely beautiful!
    Oh! Petals of a red rose.
    So fresh and so beautiful.
    And charms everyone
    Their magical scent.
    The most gentle and wonderful
    Their magical scent.
    2. And although this is not modest, probably
    But my Prince loves me immensely
    And ready to speak daily
    About my unearthly beauty.
    He surrounds me with care,
    And waters the key water,
    Saves from winds and heat
    And admires me with delight.
    Prince (to the hall): I fell in love with this beautiful flower so much. I was glad to serve him - to protect him from the cold wind and the scorching sun. Every day I watered Rosa with the purest spring water. But she was always dissatisfied. Her empty words hurt my heart so much. I began to feel very unhappy...
    Phonogram 8.
    In vain I listened to her! Never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent...
    Then I didn't understand it. I decided to leave my planet, go on a journey and see what happens in other places... And the rose? (pause) Let him live as he wants!
    Silent scene, the Prince turns away, but the Rose stretches "petals" towards him. He waits for her to say something to him, but she is silent.
    Prince: Goodbye.
    Rose: Are you leaving me?... (sadly) Oh well! Just know that I still love you. I was so stupid. Forgive me and try to be happy.
    Prince: ... (standing silently)
    Rose: Now go...
    Phonogram 8.
    The curtain closes.
    Prince (to the hall): It's hard for me to leave her, but I've already decided ...
    (to Rose) I will miss you. Goodbye Rose!
    Scene 4. The Prince and the King.
    Prince: To begin with, I decided to visit the nearest asteroid. The King lived on that asteroid.
    The curtain opens. The King sits on the throne.
    Phonogram 9. "Kings can do everything ..." A. Pugacheva. (minus)
    Girls - "stars" sing a song.
    Lived yes was, lived yes was,
    There was only one King.
    He wanted to rule the country and people.
    I just seem to have forgotten
    He completely forgot
    That on the planet on his own all alone.
    And the King thought
    What is endowed with power
    And he can command everyone around.
    But, unfortunately, that's all.
    What is he capable of?
    Sit alone on the throne.
    And it doesn't seem stupid
    That stellar monarch was
    And with honor to fulfill
    He is ready for his role.
    But command the stars
    And command the sun
    Not one, not one King can. 2 times
    The Prince approaches the King's throne.
    King: Here comes the subject!
    Prince (surprised): Am I a subject?
    King: Well, yes! For me, all people are subjects. After all, I am the King! Come, I want to see you! (Prince yawns).
    King: Etiquette does not allow you to yawn in the presence of a monarch... I forbid you to yawn.
    Prince: Sorry, I didn't mean to. I was on the road for a long time and did not sleep at all ...
    King: Well, then I command you to yawn. I haven't seen anyone yawn in years. I'm curious. So, yawn! That is my order!
    Prince: But... I can't take it anymore...
    King: Hm, hm... Then... then I command you to yawn, then not to yawn.
    Prince: Your Majesty, may I ask you something?
    King: I command, ask!
    Prince: Your Majesty... what do you rule?
    King: Everyone! (wiggles his hand around)
    Prince: Everyone? And is it all yours?
    King: Yes! And everything around me obeys!
    Prince: And the stars?
    King: Well, of course, and the stars obey. I can't stand disobedience!
    Prince: Your Majesty, I love to watch the sunset. Please, do me a favor, command the sun to set!
    King: There will be a sunset for you. I will demand that the sun go down. But first, I'll wait for favorable conditions.
    Prince: And when conditions are favorable?
    King: (rummages in his robes, takes out a notebook and looks into it) It will be ... today it will be exactly at seven o'clock forty minutes in the evening. And then you will see how exactly my command will be fulfilled.
    Prince (disappointed): Okay, I've got to go.
    King: Stay! I will appoint you minister.
    Prince: Minister of what?
    King: Well... Minister of Justice.
    Prince: But there is no one to judge!
    King: Who knows. I haven't explored my entire kingdom yet.
    Prince: (looks around, looks backstage) But it's true, there's no one here... Except you!
    King: Then judge yourself. This is the hardest part. Judging oneself is much more difficult than judging others.
    Prince: I can judge myself anywhere. There is no need for me to stay with you for this.
    King: It seems to me that somewhere on my planet lives an old rat. I often hear her scratching at night. You could judge her. From time to time sentence her to death. But then every time it will be necessary to pardon her. We must take care of the old rat, because we have only one.
    Prince: No. This is not for me. Sorry, I have to go. All the best!
    Phonogram 10. The voice of the king is heard.
    King: I appoint you as an ambassador! ..
    Prince (to the hall): Strange people - these adults!
    Scene 5. The Prince and the Geographer.
    The music is quieter.
    Prince: I've circled a few asteroids. Very strange adults live on them ...
    I was on a planet where a gentleman lives who has never smelled a flower in his life and has never looked at the stars. He has been adding numbers all his life and has never loved anyone. He considered himself a serious person. But in fact, he is not a man, but a mushroom ...
    And on another planet, I met a man in a funny hat. He wanted everyone to admire him. He considered himself more beautiful than everyone, smarter than everyone, more elegant and richer than everyone. Although there was no one else on his planet ... Strange people - these adults! ..
    Here seems to be another one.
    Girls - "stars" open the curtain.
    A geographer in a robe is sitting, writing something in a thick book. The prince approaches him.
    Prince: Hello.
    Geographer: Ah! The traveler has arrived! Where are you from?
    Prince: What a huge book! What are you doing here?
    Geographer: I am a geographer!
    Prince: And what is a geographer?
    Geographer: This is a scientist who knows where the seas, cities, rivers and deserts are.
    Prince: How interesting! Your planet must be very beautiful! Do you have oceans?
    Geographer: I don't know.
    Prince (disappointed): Oh... Are there mountains?
    Geographer: I don't know.
    Prince: And cities, rivers, deserts?
    Geographer: I don't know that either.
    Prince: But you are a geographer!
    Phonogram 11. "Song of the stargazer" (minus)
    1. Among the scientists of the world, geographers are held in high esteem.
    They are needed - praise and honor to them!
    Seas and oceans, deserts, mountains, rivers -
    It's so important to take all this into account.
    We write in thick books
    The stories of those who roam
    Various amazing places.
    That's just a pity, of course,
    What we write about
    Alas, we are not destined to see!
    There on earth, on earth
    Somewhere in the depths of the sea
    A new pitfall has emerged.
    And on the moon, on the moon
    On the blue boulder
    A strange crater appeared.
    Lots of mysterious places
    In the distances of space there is.
    Someone will tell about them someday.
    And to new rivers, mountains,
    To new seas, cities
    The book will always point you in the right direction.
    Geographer: I am a geographer, not a traveller. The geographer is too important a person. I cannot leave my office and look for mountains, seas and oceans. I am busy. We, geographers, host travelers, record their stories, demand evidence.
    Here you are a traveler and came from afar. Tell me about your planet!
    Prince: Well, it's not that interesting on my planet... Everything is very small for me. There are three volcanoes. Two are active, and one is long gone.
    Geographer: How can you prove that one really went out?
    Prince: I don't know...
    Geographer: Bad. (pause) Well, what else can you say?
    Prince: I also have a flower, it...
    Geographer: We are not interested in flowers.
    Prince: But why, it's the most beautiful thing I have.
    Geographer: Geography books are the most precious books in the world. They never get old. It is not often that a mountain moves or an ocean dries up.
    What about your flower? Today it is, and tomorrow it is gone.
    Prince: So my flower must disappear?
    Geographer: Of course.
    The prince comes to the fore.
    Prince: My rose is so weak... She has nothing to protect herself from the world. She has only four thorns... And I left her.. And she was left all alone... Rose, my rose...
    (decidedly) No! I still have to keep going.
    (to the geographer) Where would you advise me to go?
    Geographer: Visit planet Earth. They say it's a very good planet!
    Prince: Well, well, Earth, so Earth! .. Farewell!
    Phonogram 10.
    Scene 6. The Prince and the Fox
    Lis: Hello!
    Prince (looking around): Hello!
    Fox: I'm here. Under the apple tree (carefully walks out, comes closer and immediately backs away)
    Prince: How beautiful you are! Who are you?
    Fox: I am Fox ... And you?
    Prince: I'm Prince.
    Fox (surprisedly walks around him): Pri-i-ints?
    Prince: Well, yes. Prince. And I'm so sad... Play with me!
    Fox: I can't play with you.
    Prince: Why?
    Fox: You see, I'm not tamed.
    Prince: How is it - tamed?
    Phonogram 12. "Song of the Blue Puppy" (minus)
    Fox sings.
    1. On a clear day and on days of bad weather
    I don't have happiness in my life.
    My fox age is overshadowed -
    I am not tamed by anyone!
    2. And for the Little Prince
    I am an ordinary fox!
    I'm sad, cursing fate -
    Ah, tame me!
    Fox: You see, while you are just a little boy for me, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me either. I am for you an ordinary fox, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. And I will be alone for you in the whole world ... Do you understand?
    Prince: I think so. There is one Rose... she must have tamed me...
    Fox: Maybe, but it's not about her now ... I have a boring life. But, if you tame me, my life will definitely be illuminated by the sun. Then, among the thousands of steps of other people, I will recognize your steps and come out to you ... And over there, you see, wheat is ripening in the fields. She will always remind me of your golden hair... Please tame me!
    Prince: I'd love to. But I don't have much time. I still need to find friends!
    Fox: Tame me and you will have a friend.
    Prince: What should I do?
    Fox: And you come to this place every day. I will wait for you, and this will make my life much happier...
    Prince (to the hall): So I became friends with the Fox. I tamed him. But there... somewhere there, on a small planet, a rose was waiting for me. My rose. And I had to hurry to her.
    Fox (sighing): I will cry for you.
    Prince: I wouldn't want you to get hurt, but you yourself wanted me to tame you.
    Fox: Yes, I really wanted it.
    Prince: Now you will feel bad!
    Fox: No, okay. I will remember you, remember your steps, your golden hair. I can not forget you. And I know I'll never see you again, but I'll still hope, hope... and wait.
    And you ... you must understand that your rose is the only one in the world. And she is so dear to you, because you gave her all your soul.
    Prince: The rose gave me its fragrance, illuminated my life. I shouldn't have run... But then I was too young and didn't know how to love yet...
    Fox: Remember, you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed. You are responsible for your rose. Come back to her... Farewell... And know that only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes. (leaves).
    Prince (into the hall): Farewell...
    Scene 7. The Prince and the Pilot
    The prince is left alone. He sits downstage, looks up at his star. Then he lowers his head, burying his face in his knees.
    Phonogram 1.
    The Pilot comes out and sits next to the Prince.
    Pilot: This is the story the Little Prince told me...
    By the time I was almost out of water. There was no way I could fix my plane, and I was destined to die of thirst.
    The pilot goes to the plane, continues to repair it.
    The prince wakes up.
    Prince: Good morning! What are you doing?
    Pilot: Just like yesterday, I'm repairing the plane.
    Prince: Strange people - adults. They think they are busy with a serious matter, and do not see that they are wasting their time...
    Pilot: What are you talking about?
    Prince: Look how beautiful the sun is rising! Isn't it more important than fixing the plane, seeing the sun rise?
    Pilot: (briefly) I don't know.
    Prince: The fox I befriended...
    Pilot: My dear, but you understand, I'm not up to Fox now!
    Prince: Why?
    Pilot: You don't understand how great the danger is. You have never experienced hunger or thirst. Enough sunshine for you. And I ... I really need water, otherwise I will die of thirst ...
    Prince: Well, if you have a friend, even if you have to die. So I'm very glad that I became friends with the Fox. Water is also necessary for the heart...
    Pilot: Yes, of course (leaves the plane, approaches the Prince)
    Prince: It's like a flower. If you love a flower - the only one that is not on any of the millions of stars - that's enough: you look at it and feel happy.
    Phonogram 1. (in the background)
    Prince: My star is very small. I can't show it to you. That's better. She will be just one of the stars for you. And you will love to look at the stars ... They will become you
    friends. You will look at them and remember me... (pause)
    And now I have to go home. Farewell! .. (disperse)
    Pilot: Farewell, Little Prince...
    Phonogram 13. "The Little Prince" (plus).
    All participants in the performance come on stage.

    Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
    Adapted dramatization of the play
    For Sunday School Temple
    Assumption of the Virgin in Pechatniki.

    A little prince:
    business man:

    Moscow August 2, 2011 Svetlov A.A.

    1) The Pilot and the Little Prince

    Pilot: Six years ago I had to make an emergency landing in the Sahara. Something broke in the engine of my plane. I had to fix the engine myself or ... die.
    A little prince: Please draw me a lamb!
    Pilot: Here's a box for you. And your lamb sits in it.
    A little prince: This is what I need! Do you think he eats a lot of herbs? Because I don't have much at home...
    Pilot : He's had enough. I give you a very small lamb.
    A little prince: He's not that small... Look, he's asleep! ... What is this thing?
    Pilot: This is my plane. He is flying.
    A little prince: Have you fallen from the sky? Funny! You, too, came from the sky. And from what planet?
    Pilot: Did you come here from another planet?
    A little prince: Well, you couldn't fly this thing from far away.
    Pilot: Where is your home? Where do you want to take your lamb?
    A little prince : Tell me, is it true that lambs eat bushes?
    Pilot: Yes its true.
    A little prince: That's good! So they eat baobabs too?
    Pilot: But does your lamb have little baobabs?
    A little prince : On my planet there are terrible, evil seeds... These are the seeds of baobabs. And if the planet is small. And there are many baobabs - they will tear it to shreds. … There is such a hard rule. I got up in the morning, washed myself, put myself in order - and immediately ... bring .... in order ... your planet! … If a lamb eats bushes, does it also eat flowers?
    Pilot: He eats everything he comes across.
    A little prince : Even flowers with thorns?
    Pilot : Yes, and those with spikes.
    A little prince : Then why spikes? … Why do we need spikes?
    Pilot: The thorns are not needed for any reason, the flowers release them simply out of anger.
    A little prince : That's how! I don't believe you! The flowers are weak and ingenuous. And they try to give themselves courage. They think that if they have thorns, everyone is afraid of them ... Do you think that flowers ...
    Pilot: No! I don't think anything! You see, I'm busy with serious business.
    A little prince : A serious matter? You talk like adults! … I know one planet. Such a gentleman lives there... In all his life he has never smelled a flower, never once looked at a star. He never loved anyone. He is busy with one thing, he adds up the numbers, and from morning till night he repeats: “I am a serious person! I am a serious person! In fact, he is not human. He is a mushroom.
    Pilot: What?
    M scarlet prince: Mushroom. ... For millions of years, thorns have been growing on flowers, and for millions of years, lambs have been eating flowers. Is it really not important that lambs and flowers are at war with each other. … And if I know the only flower in the world, it grows only on my planet. And a little lamb one fine morning will suddenly take it and eat it. And he won't even know what he's done? And don't you think it matters?... My flower lives there... But if the lamb eats it, it's the same as if all the stars went out at once! (crying)
    Pilot: Don't cry baby. The flower you love is not in danger. I'll draw a muzzle for your lamb, and armor for your flower... Better tell me about your planet, and about all your travels.

    2) Rose and the Little Prince

    Rose: Ah, I hardly woke up ... I beg your pardon ... I'm still completely disheveled ...
    A little prince: How beautiful you are!
    Rose: Yes its true? And mind you, I was born with the sun. … Looks like it's time for breakfast. Be so kind as to take care of me...Let the tigers come, I am not afraid of their claws!
    A little prince: There are no tigers on my planet. And besides, tigers don't eat grass.
    Rose: I am not grass. (hard)
    A little prince : Excuse me…
    Rose: No, tigers don't scare me. But I'm terribly afraid of drafts. Don't have a screen? When evening comes, cover me with a cap. It's too cold for you here. A very uncomfortable planet. Where I came from... And where is the screen?
    A little prince: I wanted to follow her, but I couldn't stop listening to you!
    Rose: Farewell! I don't need a screen anymore!
    A little prince: But the wind...
    Rose: I'm not that cold. Night freshness will do me good. After all, I am a flower!
    A little prince: But animals, insects...
    Rose : I must endure two or three caterpillars if I want to get acquainted with butterflies. They are probably lovely. Who will visit me? You'll be far away. And I'm not afraid of big animals, I also have claws!
    A little prince : Farewell!
    Rose: Don't wait, it's unbearable! Decided to leave - so leave!
    A little prince: (sharply) Goodbye!
    Rose: I was stupid... Forgive me... Come back!!
    A little prince: ... In vain I listened to her. Never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. And I got angry! I shouldn't have run! We must judge not by words, but by deeds!

    3) The King and the Little Prince

    A little prince: The king lived on the first planet.
    King: Ah, here comes the servant! Come, I want to see you. ... Etiquette does not allow yawning in the presence of the monarch. I forbid you to yawn.
    A little prince: I accidentally. I was on the road for a long time and did not sleep at all ...
    King : Well, then I command you to yawn. I'm even curious. So, yawn! That is my order!
    A little prince: But I... I can't take it anymore.
    King: Then, hmm... Hmm... Then I command you to yawn, then not to yawn.
    A little prince: May I sit down?
    King: I command: sit down!
    A little prince: Your Majesty, may I ask you?
    King: I command: ask!
    A little prince : Your Majesty... Where is your kingdom?
    King: Everywhere!
    A little prince: Everywhere? And all this is yours?
    King: Yes!
    A little prince: And the stars obey you?
    King: Well, of course, the Stars obey instantly. I do not tolerate disobedience.
    A little prince: Your Majesty, I would like to watch the sun go down... Please do me the favor of setting the sun.
    King : If I order some general to flutter a butterfly from flower to flower, or compose a tragedy, or turn into a sea gull and the general does not follow the order, who will be to blame for this? Him or me?
    A little prince: You, your majesty!
    King: Quite right. Everyone should be asked what he can give. Power, above all, must be reasonable. If you command your people to throw themselves into the sea, they will start a revolution. My orders must be reasonable.
    A little prince: What about sunset?
    King: You will have sunset. I will demand that the sun go down, but first I will wait for favorable conditions, for this is the wisdom of the ruler.
    A little prince: When will conditions be favorable?
    King: It will be... Hmm... Today it will be at 7:40 pm. And then you will see how exactly my command will be fulfilled.
    A little prince: I have to go. There's nothing else for me to do here.
    King: Stay!
    A little prince : I have to go.
    King: No, it's not time!
    A little prince: If it pleases Your Majesty that your orders be carried out unquestioningly, give a prudent order. Command me to set off on my journey without a moment's hesitation... It seems to me that the conditions for this are the most favorable.
    King: I appoint you as an ambassador!
    A little prince: Strange people, these adults.

    4) Ambitious and the Little Prince

    Ambitious: And here comes the admirer!
    A little prince: Good afternoon
    Ambitious: Good afternoon
    A little prince: What a funny hat you have!
    Ambitious: This is for bowing when they greet me. Unfortunately, no one looks here. … Clap your hands.
    A little prince: It's more fun here than at the old King's. (claps his hands) And what must be done to make the hat fall?
    Ambitious: Are you really my enthusiastic admirer?
    A little prince: And how is it to read?
    Ambitious: To read means to recognize that on this planet I am more beautiful than everyone, more elegant, smarter and richer than everyone.
    A little prince: Why, there is no one else on your planet!
    Ambitious: Well, please me, admire me anyway.
    A little prince: I admire! But what is your joy in this? Really, adults are very strange people.

    5) The Drunkard and the Little Prince

    A little prince: Hey, what are you doing?
    Drunkard: Drink.
    A little prince: For what?
    Drunkard: To forget.
    A little prince: What to forget?
    Drunkard: I want to forget that I'm ashamed.
    A little prince: What are you ashamed of?
    Drunkard : Drink ashamed.
    A little prince: Why are you drinking?
    Drunkard: To forget.
    A little prince: Forget what?
    Drunkard: What am I supposed to drink.
    A little prince: Yes, really, adults are very, very strange people. The next planet belonged to a business man.

    6) The business man and the little prince

    A little prince: Good afternoon.
    business man: Three and two is five. Five to seven is twelve. Twelve and three are fifteen.
    A little prince: Good afternoon.
    business man: For many years I have been living on this planet for all the time I have been disturbed only three times. Went here for the first time Chafer. He made a terrible noise and then I made four mistakes.
    in addition. The second time I had an attack of rheumatism from a sedentary lifestyle. I have no time to walk around, I'm a serious person. Third time - here it is! So, therefore, 500 million ...
    A little prince : Millions of what?
    business man: 500 million of these little things that are sometimes visible in the air.
    A little prince: What is it, flies?
    business man : No, they are so small, shiny ...
    A little prince: Bees?
    business man: No. So small, golden, every lazy person, as soon as he looks at them, he starts dreaming. And I am a serious person, I have no time to dream.
    A little prince: A?! Stars!
    business man : Exactly. Stars.
    A little prince: 500 million stars? What are you doing with all of them?
    business man : 501 million 622 thousand 731. I am a serious person. I love precision.
    A little prince: What are you doing with all these stars?
    business man: What do I do?
    A little prince: Yes.
    business man: I don't do anything. I own them.
    A little prince: Do you own the stars?
    business man : Yes.
    A little prince: But I've already met the King, who...
    business man: Kings own nothing. They only reign. It's not the same at all.
    A little prince: Why do you own the stars?
    business man: To buy new stars if someone opens them.
    A little prince: How can you own the stars?
    business man: Whose stars?
    A little prince: Don't know. Draws.
    business man: So mine, because I was the first to think of it.
    A little prince: And is that enough?
    business man: Well, of course. If you find a diamond that does not have an owner, then it is yours. If you find an island that has no owner, it is yours. If an idea comes to your mind first, you take out a patent on it; She's yours. I own the stars, because before me no one thought to take possession of them.
    A little prince: And what do you do with them? With stars?
    business man : I manage them. I count and count them. It is very difficult. But I am a serious person.
    A little prince: If I have a silk handkerchief, I can tie it around my neck and take it with me. If I have a flower, I can pick it and take it with me. You can't take the stars, can you?
    business man: No, but I can put them in the bank.
    A little prince: Like this?
    business man: And so, I write on a piece of paper how many stars I have. Then I put this piece of paper in a drawer and lock it with a key.
    A little prince: And that's it?
    business man : That's enough.
    A little prince: I have a flower and I water it every day. I have three volcanoes, I clean them out every week. I clean all three, and the extinct one too. Few things can happen. And it is good for my volcanoes and my flower that I own them. And the stars are of no use to you. ... No, adults are really amazing people.

    7) The Lamplighter and the Little Prince

    A little prince : Good afternoon. Why did you turn off your lantern now?
    Lamplighter: Such an agreement. Good afternoon.
    A little prince: And what is this agreement?
    Lamplighter: Extinguish the lantern. Good evening.
    A little prince : Why did you light it again?
    Lamplighter: Such an agreement.
    A little prince: I don't understand.
    Lamplighter: And there is nothing to understand. A deal is a deal. Good afternoon. This is hard work. Once it made sense. I put out the lantern in the morning and lit it again in the evening. I still had a day to rest and a night to sleep.
    A little prince: And then the deal changed?
    Lamplighter: The agreement has not changed, that's the trouble! My planet rotates faster and faster every year, but the agreement remains the same.
    A little prince: And how now?
    Lamplighter: Yes, like this. The planet makes a complete revolution in one minute, and I don't have a second to breathe. Every minute I turn off the lantern and light it again.
    A little prince: That's funny! So your day only lasts one minute!
    Lamplighter : Nothing funny. We've been talking for a whole month now.
    A little prince : Whole month?!
    Lamplighter : Well, yes. Thirty minutes, thirty days. Good evening.
    A little prince: Listen, I know a remedy: you can rest whenever you want ...
    Lamplighter : I always want to rest.
    A little prince : Your planet is so tiny. You can bypass it in three steps. You just need to go at such a speed that you stay in the sun all the time. And the day will last as long as you wish.
    Lamplighter: More than anything, I love to sleep.
    A little prince : Then your business is bad.
    Lamplighter: My business is bad. Good afternoon.
    A little prince: Here is a man whom the king, and the ambitious, and the drunkard, and the businessman would despise. And yet, of all of them, he alone is not funny. Maybe because he thinks not only about himself. Here's someone to make friends with. On this planet, you can watch sunsets a thousand times.

    8) The Geographer and the Little Prince

    Geographer : The traveler has arrived! Where are you from?
    A little prince: What are you doing here?
    Geographer: I am a geographer.
    A little prince: What is a geographer?
    Geographer: This is a scientist who knows where the seas, rivers, cities and deserts are.
    A little prince: How interesting! This is the real deal! Your planet is very beautiful. Do you have oceans?
    Geographer: I do not know this.
    A little prince: Are there mountains?
    Geographer: Don't know.
    A little prince: What about cities, rivers, deserts?
    Geographer: I am a geographer, not a traveller. The geographer is too important a person, he has no time to roam. But he hosts travelers and writes down their stories. And if one of them tells something interesting, the geographer makes inquiries and checks whether this traveler is a decent person. If the traveler begins to lie, then everything will be confused in geography textbooks. And if he drinks too much, that's a problem too.
    A little prince: And why?
    Geographer: Because drunkards see double. And where there is actually one mountain, the geographer will mark two.
    A little prince : And how do they check the discovery? Go and watch?
    Geographer: No. They simply require the traveler to provide proof. Tell me about your planet. I am listening you.
    A little prince: Well, I'm not that interested there. Everything I have is very small. There are three volcanoes. Two are active, one is out. Then I have a flower.
    Geographer: We do not celebrate flowers.
    A little prince : Why? It's the most beautiful!
    Geographer: Because flowers are ephemeral. We write about eternal and unchanging things.
    A little prince : What is ephemeral?
    Geographer: This means something that should soon disappear.
    little prince C: And my flower should soon disappear?
    Geographer: Of course.
    A little prince: My Rose "should disappear"? And I left her, she was left on my planet all alone.

    9) The snake and the little prince

    A little prince: I would like to know why the stars shine? Probably, then, so that sooner or later everyone can find their own. Here is my planet... But how far it is...!
    Snake: Beautiful planet. What are you doing here on Earth?
    A little prince: I quarreled with my flower...
    Snake : Oh, that's it...
    A little prince : Where are the people?
    Snake: Lonely among people...
    A little prince: You are a strange creature… Small…
    Snake: But I have more power than the King.
    A little prince: Well, are you that powerful?
    Snake : I can carry you further than any ship. Anyone I touch, I return to the Earth from which he came ... On the day when you bitterly regret your abandoned planet, I will be able to help you. I can…
    A little prince: I understand perfectly... But why do you always speak in riddles?
    Snake: I solve all mysteries.

    10) The Fox and the Little Prince

    Fox: Hello!
    A little prince: Hello.
    Fox: I'm here... Under the apple tree.
    A little prince : Who are you? How beautiful you are!
    Fox: I am Lis.
    A little prince: Play with me. I'm upset.
    Fox: I can't play with you. I'm not tamed.
    A little prince: And how is it to tame?
    Fox: You are not from here. What are you looking for here?
    A little prince: I'm looking for people. And how is it to tame?
    Fox: People have guns, they go hunting. It is very uncomfortable. And they also raise chickens. That's the only thing they're good at. Are you looking for chickens?
    A little prince: No. I am looking for friends. And how is it to tame?
    Fox: This is a long forgotten concept. It means "create bonds"
    A little prince: Bonds?
    Fox: That's it. You are still just a little boy to me, like a hundred thousand other boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me either. I am only a fox for you, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. And I will be the only one for you in the whole world.
    A little prince: I'm starting to understand... There was only one Rose... She must have tamed me...
    fox A: Very possible. There is nothing on earth that just happens.
    A little prince: It wasn't on Earth.
    Fox: On another planet?
    A little prince : Yes.
    Fox: Are there hunters on this planet?
    A little prince : No.
    fox : How interesting! Are there chickens?
    A little prince : No.
    Fox: There is no perfection in the world! My life is boring. I hunt chickens and people hunt me. All chickens are the same and people are all the same. And my life is boring. But if you tame me, my life will shine like the sun. Your steps I will distinguish among thousands of other steps. Hearing human footsteps, I always run and hide. But your walk will call me like music... Please tame me!
    A little prince : I'd love to, but I don't have much time. I still need to find friends and learn different things.
    Fox: You can only learn things that you tame. People no longer have time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But there are no such stores where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends. If you want to have a friend, tame me!
    A little prince: And what should be done for this?
    fox A: You have to be patient. First, sit down there, a little way away... Like this. I will look askance at you, and you keep quiet. Words only make it difficult to understand each other. But every day, sit down a little closer… closer. You must always come at the appointed time, I will already know what time to prepare my heart for ... You need to follow the rites.
    A little prince : So I tamed the Fox
    Fox: I will cry for you.
    A little prince : You yourself are to blame ... I didn’t want you to be hurt, you yourself wished me to tame you ...
    Fox: Yes, sure!
    A little prince : But you will cry!
    Fox: Yes, sure.
    A little prince: So you feel bad about it.
    Fox: No, I'm fine!... Here's my secret, it's very simple! Only one heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.
    A little prince: You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.
    Fox: T Howling Rose is dear to you because you gave her all your soul.
    A little prince: I gave her all my soul.
    fox : People have forgotten this truth, but don't forget: you are always responsible for everyone you tamed. You are responsible for your Rose.
    A little prince: I am responsible for my Rose.

    11) The Pilot and the Little Prince

    Pilot: Yes, everything you tell, baby, is very interesting ... But I haven't fixed my plane yet and I don't have a drop of water left.
    A little prince : The fox I made friends with...
    Pilot: My dear, I'm not up to Fox now.
    A little prince: Why?
    Pilot: Yes, because you have to die of thirst ...
    little prince C: It's good to have a friend, even if you have to die. Here I am very glad that I was friends with the Fox.
    Pilot: You don't understand how great the danger is. You have never experienced either hunger or thirst... A ray of sunshine is enough for you...
    A little prince: I'm thirsty too... Let's go look for a well....
    Pilot: So you also know what thirst is?
    A little prince : Water is also needed by the heart ...
    A little prince : The stars are very beautiful, because somewhere there is a flower, although it is not visible ...
    Pilot: Yes, sure.
    A little prince: And the desert is beautiful... Do you know why the desert is good? Somewhere in it springs are hidden ...
    Pilot: Yes, whether it's the stars or the desert, the most beautiful thing about them is what you can't see with your eyes.
    A little prince: Look! Well! Everything seems to be prepared for us. Hey! Hey hey! Do you hear? We woke the well and it sang. Water is a gift to the heart! On your planet, people grow five thousand roses and don't find what they're looking for.
    Pilot: They don't find it.
    A little prince : But what they are looking for can be found in one single rose, in one sip of water.
    Pilot: D ah, of course.
    A little prince : But the eyes are blind. Search with your heart!
    Pilot : You're up to something, and you don't tell me.
    A little prince: You know, tomorrow it will be a year since I came to you on Earth.
    Pilot: So, it was not by chance that you ended up here alone, did you return to the place where you fell then? … I'm scared…

    12) The snake and the little prince

    Snake : I'll come here tonight. You will find my footprints in the sand. And then wait.
    A little prince : Now go away... I want to be alone.

    13) The Pilot and the Little Prince

    Pilot: What do you want, baby? Why are you talking to snakes?
    A little prince: I'm glad you found what was wrong with your car. Now you can go home...
    Pilot: How do you know?
    A little prince : And I'll be back home today too. It's much further... and much... harder.
    Pilot: I want to hear you laugh again, baby!
    A little prince: Tonight my star will be just over the place where I fell a year ago ...
    Pilot: Look, baby, this whole thing, the snake and the date with the star, is just a bad dream, right?
    A little prince: The most important thing is what you can't see with your eyes. My star is very small, I can't show it to you. That's better. She will be just one of the stars for you. And you will love to look at the stars ... All of them will become your friends. And then I'll give you something.

    Laughing loudly

    Pilot: Oh baby, baby, how I love it when you laugh!
    A little prince: This is what my gift is. For all the stars are dumb, for scientists they are like a task to be solved, for a businessman they are gold, for others they are just small lights. And you will have very special stars.
    Pilot: How so?
    A little prince : You will look at the sky at night and hear that all the stars are laughing. You will have stars who know how to laugh! You will open the window at night, and you will laugh yourself, looking at the sky. As if I gave you a whole bunch of laughing bells instead of stars ... You know ... Tonight ... Better not come.
    Pilot: I will not leave you.
    A little prince: It will seem to you that it hurts me ... It happens that way. Don't come, don't.
    Pilot: I will not leave you.
    A little prince : You see ... This is also because of the snake. Suddenly she will sting you... After all, snakes are evil. To sting someone is a pleasure for them.
    Pilot: I will not leave you!
    A little prince : There's nothing sad... Think about it! How funny! You will have five hundred billion bells, and I will have five hundred million springs... You know... My rose.... I am responsible for her. She's so weak and so innocent. OK it's all over Now…

    The pilot turns away

    Pilot: That's all. If you have to visit Africa, stop under this star. And if a little boy comes up to you…. And he won't answer your questions... Of course, you can guess who he is!
