Magomayev biography personal life children. Muslim Magomayev: biography and bright years of life

Full name- Muslim Magomet ogly Magomayev. His father, Magomed Magomayev, a theater artist, died at the front two days before the Victory; mother - Aishet Magomaeva (nee - Kinzhalova), dramatic actress. Grandfather - Muslim Magomayev, a famous Azerbaijani composer, whose name is the Azerbaijan Philharmonic.
Studied at music school at the Baku Conservatory in piano and composition. In 1968 he graduated from the Azerbaijan State Conservatory in the vocal class of Sh. Mammadova.
All-Union fame came after his performance in Kremlin Palace congresses at the final concert of the Azerbaijan Art Festival in 1962.

The first solo concert of Muslim Magomayev took place on November 10, 1963 in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall.
From 1963 to 1968 - Magomayev soloist of the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theatre. Akhundov, continues to perform on the concert stage.
In 1964-1965, he trained at the Milan theater "La Scala", but at the end of the internship, he refused to work in the troupe Bolshoi Theater.
In 1966 and 1969, Muslim Magomayev's tour of the famous Olympia theater in Paris was a great success. The director of Olympia, Bruno Coquatrices, wanted to get Magomayev for another year and offered him a contract, promising to make him an international star. The singer seriously considered such an opportunity, but the Ministry of Culture of the USSR refused, citing the fact that Magomayev should perform at government concerts.
In 1973, at the age of 31, he was awarded the title People's Artist THE USSR.
From 1975 to 1978 - Magomayev was artistic director created by him the Azerbaijan State Variety Symphony Orchestra, with which he toured extensively in the USSR.
In the 60s and 70s, Magomayev's popularity in the USSR was limitless: stadiums of many thousands, endless tours throughout the Soviet Union, constant appearances on television. Records with his songs came out in huge circulation. To this day, he remains an idol for many generations of people in the post-Soviet space.
Magomayev's concert repertoire includes more than 600 works (Russian romances, classical, pop and Neapolitan songs); he starred in the films: "Nizami" (1982) and "Muslim Magomayev Sings", "Moscow in Notes".
In 1978-1987 he was a soloist of the Baku Opera Theatre.
Muslim Magomayev is the author of more than 20 songs, music for films. Author and presenter of a series of TV shows about life and work American singer Mario Lanza; wrote a book about this singer.

First wife - Ofelia (married at 18, lived with her for one year). Has a daughter, Marina, and a grandson, Allen.
Second wife - Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya (lived together for almost 34 years), singer, People's Artist THE USSR.

In 1997, one of the minor planets was named after him 4980 Magomaev solar system, known to astronomers as 1974 SP1.

He passed away on Saturday, October 25, 2008 at 06:49 am in his Moscow apartment from coronary heart disease.
He was buried in Baku on the Alley of Honor.

People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of international festivals


The unique baritone, high artistry and sincere generosity of Muslim Magomayev conquered more than one generation of listeners. The range of its possibilities is extraordinarily wide - operas, musicals, Neapolitan songs, vocal works Azerbaijani and Russian composers. He became famous at the age of 19, after performing at a youth festival in Helsinki, and at 31 he was awarded the highest award - the title of People's Artist of the USSR. For many decades, the singer continues to be the idol of millions, his name has undoubtedly become a kind of symbol of our art.

Muslim Magomayev was born on August 17, 1942 in Baku in a very famous and respected family. He was named after - so he became his full namesake. Muslim did not find his famous relative alive - he died in 1937, 5 years before the birth of his grandson, but the boy was always interested in his life and work - he looked at archives, read letters, listened to music. Muslim knew that he must repeat his path - to become a composer, conductor, and pianist.

Muslim's grandfather grew up in the family of a blacksmith-gunsmith, where they loved music. Muslim Magomayev Sr. started playing the oriental accordion early, while studying at the Grozny city school he mastered the violin. He continued his education at the Transcaucasian Teacher's Seminary in the city of Gori, where he met Uzeyir Gadzhibekov; both of them subsequently became the founders of Azerbaijani professional musical creativity. In the Gori Seminary, my grandfather learned to play the oboe. As a violinist and oboist, he played in an orchestra consisting of seminary students, and at the age of 18 he became the leading musician of the orchestra and replaced the conductor. Subsequently, Magomayev Sr. created an orchestra from his students, a choir, organized concerts where folk songs, works of popular genres and his own compositions, often performed as a solo violinist. Since 1911, having passed an external exam at the Tiflis Teachers' Institute, my grandfather and his family settled in Baku. Then music became the main business of his life: Muslim Magomayev Sr. made his debut as a conductor, opera composer, wrote two operas - "Shah Ismail" and "Nargiz" and became the founder of Azerbaijani classical music. Currently his name is

Grandfather Muslim and his wife Baydigul had two sons. Jr - , Muslim's father, was a very gifted man. Nowhere specifically studying music, he played the piano, sang - he had a very pleasant and sincere voice. A talented theater artist, he designed performances in Baku and Maykop. Magomet Magomayev inherited masculinity from his father, appreciated the impulse, was responsible for the word, was ambitious and always remained a romantic - just such a person was able to leave everything and go to the front. Senior Sergeant M. M. Magomayev died in the small town of Kustrin near Berlin 9 days before the end of the war. They hid from the boy for a long time that his father was no longer alive, and only at the age of 10 they told the truth.

, Aishet Akhmedovna (based on the stage of Kinzhalova), is a dramatic actress with a multifaceted role. Aishet had a good voice, she accompanied herself on the accordion - she played mostly character roles, and her musicality was an addition to her dramatic abilities. On stage, Aishet Kinzhalova was very impressive - her catchy appearance and talent, apparently, to a large extent came from a mixture of blood: her father was a Turk, her mother was half Adyghe, half Russian. Aishet Akhmedovna was born in Maikop and received her theatrical education in Nalchik. She left for Baku with her future husband, where they got married. When Magomet Muslimovich went to the front, Aishet Akhmedovna lived in the Magomaev family, and after his death she returned to Maikop. An extraordinary person, she was tormented by a thirst for a change of place.

forever became native to Muslim, and the uncle himself replaced his father and grandfather. The boy knew that for him he was the closest person in the world, and Uncle Jamal knew how to love. He had such a heart - everything fit there, both strength and weakness, and severity was a cover for kindness. An engineer by education, he had a penchant for the exact sciences. Having inherited musicality from his father, he played the piano without receiving a special music education. He liked to press the pedal very much so that it was loud, although Muslim taught: "Play quietly and with feeling." Uncle Jamal valued his honor above all else, which became the Magomayev family commandment.

Nanny Aunt Grunya often took Muslim for a walk ... They went into Orthodox Church. The boy forever remembered the smell of incense, the flickering of candles, the splendor of the Orthodox church, and the Russian church seemed like a fabulous tower. At night, the nanny told him good tales. Later, when Muslim learned to read, he himself read Pushkin's fairy tales, learned about his nanny Arina Rodionovna. As he got older, he became interested in the books of Jules Verne. Muslim was very interested in everything connected with the sea - Captain Nemo, his "Nautilus". At home, he arranged his own "Nautilus" - a whole corner in the room where he made ships. In adulthood, Magomayev became interested in science fiction, but his love for fairy tales remained forever - the famous singer has collected all the films of Walt Disney.

At a time when Muslim's peers were playing with typewriters and tin soldiers, he set up his grandfather's music stand, picked up a pencil and led an imaginary orchestra. At first they wanted to teach Muslim to play the violin. Like many children, he was very curious: he broke mechanical toys to see how they worked. This "technical creativity" was not forgotten - Muslim Magometovich is now in free time amuses himself with modern electronic "toys". When relatives, looking at him playing on the computer, say: "Like a boy!.", - he is not offended, because he is sure that if something childish, naive disappears in a person, this means that old age has come. But then the grandfather's violin suffered from Muslim's childhood curiosity: the boy decided to see what was inside, and the instrument broke. It was glued together, and at present the relic is in one of the Baku museums...

Muslim's path along the path of his grandfather-composer was decided to start from the piano. was big, and Muslim was small, but they got along: from the age of 3 the boy already picked up melodies, and composed the first one at the age of 5 and remembered it for the rest of his life. Subsequently, Muslim Magomayev and the poet Anatoly Gorokhov made the song "The Nightingale Hour" out of it.

In 1949, Muslim was sent to a ten-year music school at the Baku Conservatory. There was only one criterion for admission - natural talent. Magomayev remembered excellent teachers - Arkady Lvovich, who taught geography and English language, and Aron Izrailevich, who taught musical literacy. For the first time, they started talking about Muslim's unique voice when he was 8 years old - together with the choir, he diligently deduced "Sleep my joy, sleep." When the teacher asked everyone to shut up, Magomayev continued to sing, not hearing his voice - still childish, but unusually clear and strong. Then he did not suspect that this first solo was a step towards unprecedented success. Muslim Magometovich is sure that he inherited his voice from his mother, and musicality from the Magomayevs. The singer was greatly influenced by the atmosphere of the family in which he grew up, the music school, and later the conservatory and the opera house.

When Muslim was 9 years old, his mother took him to Vyshny Volochok, where she served in the theater. He forever fell in love with this discreet, cozy Russian town, its simple, gullible people. Here the boy first learned what the Russian soul is. There he continued his studies at the music school with V. M. Shulgina. She was a wonderful woman, a wise, patient teacher. In addition to school, she worked as a musical designer in the city drama theater, selected and processed music for performances and led the choir in one of educational institutions. When Valentina Mikhailovna designed musical performance"Angelo" by A. S. Pushkin, Muslim was sitting in orchestra pit next to the piano and was thrilled with happiness - because he loves music, the theater with its special dusty-sweet smell, with rustling and fuss behind the scenes, with long rehearsals.

Interest in the theater soon resulted in the fact that Muslim captivated the guys with the idea of ​​organizing puppet show. By that time, he had already sculpted a little, and it was not difficult for him to make puppets for a small performance of "Petrushka". The guys took out a mailbox, made a stage out of it, wrote the text themselves, and the puppets on strings played a short performance for about ten minutes. The children wanted to have everything, like in a real theater: they even took "money" for tickets - candy wrappers.

Muslim lived in Vyshny Volochek for about a year and, by the decision of his mother, returned to Baku to continue his musical education. Soon, Aishet Akhmedovna married a second time, she had a new family, and Muslim had a brother Yuri and sister Tatyana.

The main work of his life began with an Italian film , in which the great Neapolitan was voiced by Mario del Monaco. At Uncle Muslim's dacha, every day he could watch best films- trophy, old and new, which have not yet appeared on the screen. It was there that he saw "Favorite Arias", "Clowns", "Tarzan", films with Lolita Torres. His childhood was not only fun, but also meaningful. Muslim continued his studies at a music school, and singing became his hobby.

He listened to records left over from his grandfather - Caruso, Titto Ruffo, Gigli, Battistini. Listening to recordings of vocal works, he analyzed bass, baritone, tenor parts. He took claviers and sang everything, compared what famous singers did with the way he himself sang. By the age of 14, Muslim had a voice, but he was embarrassed to sing in front of strangers and hid his secret from his family and teachers. He was not shy only about classmates, showed popular characters from the children's film "Pinocchio", funny sang the song "My midget" from the film about Gulliver.

Then no one could have imagined that this extraordinary talent would be useful to Muslim in life and he would brilliantly voice the Detective, the Troubadour and the Gypsy in the beloved cartoon At a school concert, Muslim sang Kara Karaev's "Song of the Caspian Oil Workers" - 20 years later he sang it again as a professional singer at government concerts. And then, at school, he deduced in a piercing voice: "The song of courage floats on the expanse of the sea." This was the first performance of Muslim Magomayev on the big stage of the Baku Conservatory.

On the same floor with the Magomaev family in big house, which in Baku was called the "house of artists", lived famous singer Bulbul. Their apartments were adjacent, and Muslim heard the chanting of this legendary artist. With his son Polad, they played in the same yard, and at home they knocked over the wall. As representatives of the "supreme authority" of the court, like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, they competed who was more dexterous "tarzan", jumping from tree to tree. As a child, Muslim became interested in astronomy. Together with Polad, they even made a pipe to see if there are spots on the moon. Polad was younger than Muslim and studied in a different class, but together they constantly designed the school wall newspaper: even then Magomayev felt a penchant for drawing.

Together with the guys, Muslim created secret society music lovers. They gathered at his friend, Tolya Babel, a passionate admirer of I. S. Kozlovsky and the Bolshoi Theater, listened to vocal recordings, jazz music. Gradually moved from listening to practice. Then Magomayev had many musical tastes: he loved classical music, jazz, and pop music. The guys organized a small jazz band, played at home with clarinetist Igor Aktyamov. Muslim gathered a circle of string players and arranged Figaro's cavatina for two violins, viola, cello and piano. Later, having learned about the writing talents of Muslim Magomayev, he was transferred to the class children's creativity, where he began to write plays and romances based on the verses of A. S. Pushkin.

When the school learned about how Magomayev sings, he became a vocal illustrator at the lessons of musical literature - he sang arias and romances. Since there was no vocal department at the music school, Muslim was assigned to the best teacher of the conservatory - Susanna Arkadievna. He came to study at her home, and, to the delight of the student, his neighbor Rauf Atakishiyev, an excellent singer who served in the Baku opera house. Subsequently, Muslim more than once sang with him on opera stage. The talented student was also noticed by the excellent cellist, professor of the Baku Conservatory V. Ts. Anshelevich. He began to give lessons to him free of charge, for the sake of love for the cause and creative interest. Anshelevich did not interfere with the vocals, did not set the voice, but showed how to fillet it. Lessons with a cellist professor were not in vain: Muslim learned to overcome vocal technical riffs. The experience gained in the classroom with Vladimir Tsezarevich came in handy when Magomayev began working on the part of Figaro in the Barber of Seville.

Magomayev could not continue his studies at the music school. Singing captivated him so much that all other subjects began to distract him, and he moved to a music school, which gave him a meeting with the excellent accompanist T. I. Kretingen. Tamara Isidorovna was looking for unknown romances for Muslim, works of ancient composers. With her, Magomayev often performed at the evenings of the vocal department on the stage of the Philharmonic. In the opera class, they prepared an excerpt from "Mazepa" by P. I. Tchaikovsky - this was Muslim's first opera performance. And then came the student performance "The Barber of Seville". Life in the school was in full swing, concert practice was encouraged, the guys performed a lot. Magomayev forever remembered his romantic mood, as he was doing what he loved, and teachers did not limit the freedom of students.

During these years, Muslim married his classmate Ophelia, they had a daughter, Marina, but later the family broke up. Marina currently lives in America - she is a very close person to Muslim Magometovich. Once her grandfather, an academic chemist, persuaded her to study geodesy and cartography. Although Marina graduated from school as a pianist and was destined for a great future as a musician, she chose a different path. Now at Muslim Magometovich friendly relations with his daughter, and he appreciates it infinitely.

When Muslim was accepted into the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Baku Air Defense District, he began touring the Caucasus. His repertoire included pop songs, opera classics, arias from operettas. Once, when Muslim came from Grozny on vacation, he was summoned to the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Azerbaijan and informed about his upcoming trip to the VIII World Festival of Youth and Students in Helsinki. The large delegation of the USSR from the republic included the orchestra of radio and television of Azerbaijan under the direction of T. Akhmedov and the only soloist - Muslim Magomayev. The Helsinki Festival began in Moscow with the Frunze Central House of the Soviet Army, where future participants gathered for rehearsals cultural program. I liked Magomayev's songs, and according to these positive feedback he foresaw success.

In Finland, with the orchestra of T. Akhmedov, Muslim performed on the streets, in the halls. For some reason, on Finnish soil, he sang like never before. After the end of the festival, the first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee S. P. Pavlov presented medals to the most distinguished participants. Among them was Muslim Magomayev. Arriving in Moscow, Muslim saw in the Ogonyok magazine his photograph with a note: "A young man from Baku conquers the world." And in the autumn he was invited to the Central Television with the orchestra of T. Akhmedov. After the transfer, Magomayev began to be recognized - this was the first recognition, but real fame came later. After Helsinki, Muslim returned to Baku and entered the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater as an intern.

The turning point in the singer's biography was March 26, 1963. The Decade of Culture and Art of Azerbaijan was held in Moscow - the best art groups of the republic, recognized masters and young people came to the capital. Concerts in which Muslim participated were held in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. He was received very warmly. The young singer performed the verses of Mephistopheles from Gounod's Faust, Hasan Khan's aria from national opera"Ker-ogly" by U. Gadzhibekov, "Do the Russians want wars". Something happened to the audience when he took the stage in the last televised concert and sang the song "Buchenwald alarm", which shocked the audience in his beautiful performance, and Figaro's cavatina. After a cavatina performed on Italian, the listeners began to chant and shout "bravo". In the box sat E. A. Furtseva and I. S. Kozlovsky, who also applauded continuously. Muslim nodded to conductor Niyazi and repeated the cavatina in Russian.

On March 30, 1963, TASS information appeared in the newspapers from a concert of Azerbaijani artists, where it was reported: "The biggest, one might say, rare success went to Muslim Magomayev. His excellent vocal abilities, brilliant technique give reason to say that a richly gifted young artist came to the opera ". The press responded very actively to Magomayev's success - enthusiastic ratings, analysis of the performance, but the most expensive for the singer was the review of the ticketers of the Kremlin Palace, who wrote on the concert program: "We, ticketers, unwitting witnesses of the delight and disappointment of the audience, rejoice at your success in such a wonderful hall We hope to hear you and your Figaro on our stage again. big ship- great swimming". After a performance in the decade, which had such a resonance, Muslim Magomayev was offered to perform solo at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. Subsequently, life developed in such a way that the singer often had to do something first: record at the Melodiya company in the studio (in the building of the Anglican Church on Stankevich Street) opera arias, accompanied by a symphony orchestra conducted by Niyazi, with sound engineer V. Babushkin to master digital recording.

On November 10, 1963, many people flocked to the building of the Moscow Philharmonic. Only then Muslim became aware that there were so many people who wanted to get to his concert that the fans demolished front door into the lobby. Starting to sing, he managed to notice that the hall was full and people were standing in the aisles. went better than the singer expected. Bach, Handel, Mozart, Rossini, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Gadzhibekov. Instead of the 16 things announced in the program, Muslim sang 23 that evening: in an unplanned third part, he performed Italian and modern songs. The lights had already been turned off, and a crowd of fans was still standing at the forefront. Muslim sat down at the piano - and the time came for the stage: "Come prima", "Guarda che Luna", A. Celentano's twist "Twenty-four thousand kisses". Subsequently, Magomayev began to build concerts in this way: from classical works And variety numbers. TO symphony orchestra guitar, drums and bass joined - and the orchestra turned into a pop-symphony. Demanding K. I. Shulzhenko recalled: "As soon as Magomayev appeared, it became a phenomenon. He was head and shoulders above all the young. Everyone liked him madly." It was on that day that Muslim Magomayev felt that doubts had been overcome and youthful timidity would never return.

In 1964, Muslim Magomayev left for an internship at the La Scala Theater in Milan along with Vladimir Atlantov, Janis Zaber, Anatoly Solovyanenko and Nikolai Kondratyuk. Italy is a country of innumerable treasures of art, the birthplace of bel canto, and this not only had a beneficial effect on Muslim's performing abilities, but also significantly expanded his spiritual horizon. He forever remained a supporter of the Italian school of singing, admiring the work of Beniamino Gigli, Gino Becky, Tito Gobbi, Mario del Monaco. Magomayev himself was superbly successful in the arias of Figaro and Scarpia, Mephistopheles and Onegin. In Milan, Muslim had a favorite record store, where he purchased records. During the internship, he met the director of the theater, Signor Antonio Giringelli, who treated the young singer with special attention and sympathy. Vocal lessons were conducted by maestro Genarro Barra, a famous singer with enviable energy and zest for life. Enrico Piazza, who once assisted the great Arturo Toscanini, became a teacher-tutor for learning opera parts. During Muslim's internship, he worked at La Scala as a consultant and accompanist. For classes, Magomayev chose the opera "The Barber of Seville".

The performance "The Girl from the West" by G. Puccini left an unforgettable impression on the singer - the young and already famous Franco Corelli performed in the main part of the cowboy Johnson. Bright impression left and the performance of Giuseppe di Stefano. It was in Milan that Muslim heard Mirella Freni in La Boheme, met Robertino Loretti and former Italian partisans, chief among whom were the dentist Signor Pirasso and Nikola Muchacha. The hospitable family of Luigi Longo, the son of the secretary of the Communist Party of Italy, also took care of the Soviet interns in a friendly manner. During the second internship at La Scala, Muslim prepared the part of Scarpia in Puccini's Tosca. Vladimir Atlantov, Hendrik Krumm, Virgilius Noreika and Vagan Mirakyan became his colleagues during the trip. On April 1, 1965, the trainees gave a concert on the small stage of the theater - "La Piccolo Scala". Muslim sang "Along the Piterskaya" among other songs. The hall was full, received wonderful. So on a Russian note to the cries of the Italian "bravo" his Italian epic ended. Based on the records brought from Italy, Magomayev made a series of programs about Italian opera singers for the Yunost radio station and recorded a whole record with the State Chamber Orchestra of Azerbaijan under the direction of Nazim Rzayev early music with works composers XVI-XVIII centuries.

In the summer of 1966, Muslim Magomayev first came to France, where he was to perform on the stage of the famous Olympia theater as part of large group Soviet artists. The Russian Thought newspaper wrote: “The young singer Muslim Magomayev was sent from Baku and represents Azerbaijan. He performs the last number, and the audience does not want to let him go, gives him a more than well-deserved ovation. - in Italian, with excellent diction, excellent pronunciation and corresponding liveliness, the audience literally begins to rage. Then he sits down at the piano and, excellently accompanying himself, sings in Russian "Stenka Razin" and " Moscow Nights"- two things that seemed to set the teeth on edge even among the French, but everything is interesting in his performance" ... After 3 years, Magomayev , but already with the Leningrad Music Hall.

While in Baku, Muslim graduated from the conservatory in a year. He studied easily, perfectly harmonized melodies, and for the piano exam he prepared Mozart's Sonata in C major, arranged for four hands, Rachmaninov's Prelude in C sharp minor, the first two parts of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata and played the program in such a way that the members of the commission said: we have the feeling that we are taking the exam not at the vocal department, but at the piano department." People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR Muslim Magomayev was attended by so many people that no hall could accommodate everyone. I had to open windows and doors, people listened to their idol from the street. At his final exam, he sang the works of Handel, Stradella, Mozart, Schumann, Grieg, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov.

Soon, Muslim Magomayev was again in France - in Cannes, where the next International Festival records and music publications (MIDEM). Muslim participated in the competition in the section "Pop music". The records he recorded sold a fantastic circulation of 4 and a half million copies. The singer from the USSR received the "Golden Disc". In total, Muslim Magometovich has two such disks - he received the second one at the 4th MIDEM in early 1970.

At the end of the summer of 1969 in The IX International Pop Song Festival took place. Muslim Magomayev was sent from the USSR. For the singing competition, he chose the song of Krzysztof Sadowski "Exactly on this day", presenting it as a beautiful melodic song in the Italian spirit, and received the 1st prize. At the 2nd song contest of the participating countries, Muslim performed "Heart in the Snow" by A. Babajanyan. The song was received excellently, but according to the conditions of the competition, one performer could not receive two awards at once. Having received the 1st prize as a performer, Muslim Magomayev broke the tradition of the Sopot festival, becoming the second singer in the history of the competition to win the main award. He visited Sopot once again as a guest at the 10th anniversary festival held in 1970.

During trips to Poland, Muslim looked for his father's grave. And with the assistance of the Society of Polish-Soviet Friendship, they managed to find a mass grave in the city of Chojna, Szczecin Voivodeship. 27 years after the death of his father, the son was able to visit his grave - this was in the spring of 1972. And on August 17, 1972, a friend of Muslim Magometovich Robert Rozhdestvensky presented him with an invaluable gift on his thirtieth birthday - the poem "Father and Son". Later composer Mark Fradkin wrote music for it, but Muslim did not perform this song - it was personal, not for the public. He dedicated a song to his father, also written to the verses of his friend - Gennady Kozlovsky. entered the film "Muslim Magomayev Sings".

Another film is dedicated to Muslim Magometovich - , which is based on a recording of Neapolitan songs. Together with A. A. Babajanyan they created wonderful songs - "Waiting", "Queen of Beauty", "My Destiny". Magomayev was also gifted with his songs by another old friend, O. B. Feltsman. "The Return of the Romance", "With Love for a Woman", "Lullaby", "Loneliness of a Woman" were remembered by the listeners. Muslim Magomayev has always been interested in giving songs a new sound. He was one of the first to perform new way"Dark night", "Scoots full of mullet", "Three years I dreamed of you", "What is so disturbing the heart", "Merry wind" and "Captain". The famous singer had a chance to work with the most wonderful performers. In "Tosca" he sang with Maria Bieshu, in "The Barber of Seville" - with the prima donna of the Kirov Theater Galina Kovaleva. When Magomayev performed Scarpia in Leningrad, E.E. Nesterenko sang the part of the Jailer.

In the Baku Philharmonic, which bears the name of his grandfather, Muslim Magometovich met Tamara Ilinichnaya Sinyavskaya. Perhaps there was some kind of sign in this: the Philharmonic is like the Magomayevs' family home, in which the spirit of their ancestors lives. Even before Sinyavskaya left for Italy, Magomayev became a regular at the Bolshoi Theater - he listened to all the performances with her participation, gave the biggest and beautiful bouquets... And then there was a test of feelings of separation - Tamara Sinyavskaya left for an internship in Italy for six months, and Muslim called her every day. It was at that moment that "Melody" arose ... When A. Pakhmutova and N. Dobronravov showed Magomayev new song, he liked it immediately, and after a few days it was recorded. Tamara Ilyinichna was one of the first to hear her on the phone in distant Italy. Muslim Magometovich admits that he could not marry another woman - he and Tamara Ilinichnaya real love, common interests and one thing ...

Muslim Magomayev has always had full-fledged foreign tours. Of the Soviet pop artists through the State Concert, he was the first to go to the USA. Toured by big cities: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles. The audience received the artist very warmly. Muslim Magometovich often visited this country in connection with work on a book about the legendary Mario Lanza. When he did a cycle of 5 broadcasts on the radio, dedicated to creativity this great performer, and shared with the audience plans to write a book about him, many disinterested helpers responded. In 1989, Muslim Magomayev and Tamara Sinyavskaya received an invitation to take part in the annual evening dedicated to the date of the singer's death (October 7, 1959). They met with unusual joy - for the first time in 30 years after Lanz's death, artists from Soviet Union.

All his love for Lanza, the great singer of the 20th century, Magomayev expressed in , written about him in the USSR, which was published in 1993 by the Muzyka publishing house. After the stories about Mario Lanza on the radio, many letters of thanks came from radio listeners, and it was decided to continue the cycle. There were broadcasts about other outstanding singers - Maria Callas, Giuseppe di Stefano. After some time, Magomayev was offered to do the same, only for television, - this is how with Svyatoslav Belza "Visiting Muslim Magomayev". They talked about Mario del Monaco, Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Barbra Streisand, Liza Minnelli. The last work in this cycle was a story about the great conductor Arturo Toscanini.

Muslim Magomayev's discography includes 45 records, dozens of recordings published in the popular music magazine Krugozor, as well as 15 CDs: Thank You (1995), Arias from Operas and Musicals. Neapolitan Songs (1996), Stars Soviet stage. Muslim Magomaev. The best" (2001), "Love is my song. Dreamland" (2001), "Memories of A. Babadzhanyan and R. Rozhdestvensky" (series "Stars that do not go out", 2002), "Muslim Magomayev. Favorites" (2002), "Arias from operas" (2002), "Songs of Italy" (2002), "Concert in the hall named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, 1963" (2002), "Great performers of the XX century. Muslim Magomayev" (2002), "With Love for a Woman" (2003), "Performances, Musicals, Movies" (2003), "Rhapsody of Love" (2004), "Muslim Magomayev. Improvisations" (2004), "Muslim Magomayev. Concerts, concerts, concerts" (2005).

At one time, Muslim Magomayev gave preference to the stage and brought a new rhythm and style to it. As is often the case with talented people, famous singer he is multi-talented: he is not only an excellent singer and actor, but also writes music for theater and cinema, composes songs, Muslim Magometovich has been drawing since childhood, most often according to his mood. Being in Baku in the summer, he painted sunsets on the sea day after day - behind the easel his soul rests. Muslim Magomayev managed to realize another old dream - to create a pop orchestra. At first he worked with the famous big band under the direction of L. Merabov, and then he gathered the best jazz musicians. The Azerbaijan State Variety Symphony Orchestra had a base in the Moscow Palace of Culture of the Likhachev Automobile Plant - the musicians gave 20-30 concerts a month.

Another hobby of Muslim Magomayev is film music, which he writes mainly for the films of Eldar Kuliev. In the mid-1980s, the film director conceived a film about the poet and thinker of the Middle Ages Nizami and invited Muslim to this role. Filmed in Azerbaijan and Samarkand. it turned out beautiful - everything in it is exquisite, ornamentally beautiful, truly oriental. Poetry, philosophy, fluidity of thoughts, actions, reflections on life, love and death. Muslim Magomayev for the first time played the role of his great compatriot in the cinema.

In the mid-1980s, the director of the Yaroslavl Drama Theater named after F. Volkov, Gleb Drozdov, suggested that Magomayev write music for the play "The Bird Gives Birth to the Bird." Muslim Magometovich wrote a song that received the same name as the play, which he later recorded on the radio. The premiere of the performance was a success. Subsequently, Drozdov invited Magomayev to write music for the play based on "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". Muslim Magometovich, in the depths of his soul, had long wanted to test his strength in the Russian theme, and as a result, interesting musical numbers. Calling to each other, weaving into a Russian wreath, three themes sounded: the lament of Yaroslavna, which was recorded by Tamara Sinyavskaya, the song of Boyan (aka the Lead of the performance) performed by Vladimir Atlantov, the aria of Prince Igor, which was recorded by Muslim Magomayev. The premiere took place in August 1985. The performance was not on the stage of the theater, but near the walls of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, where in the 18th century a manuscript of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" was discovered. These walls have become the best decoration.

Everyone loves Muslim Magomayev. At one time, L. I. Brezhnev listened with pleasure to his song "Bella, Chao", and Shahin Farah, after her official visit to Baku, invited the singer to take part in the celebration of the anniversary of the coronation of the Shah of Iran. Good and warm relations for many years connected Muslim Magomayev with the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Azerbaijan SSR G. A. Aliyev. Muslim Magometovich was even elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan. He received letters with various requests, sent them to the appropriate authorities, tried to help people. Living in Moscow, he specially came to sessions in Baku.

The life principle of Muslim Magomayev is "Don't wait, don't be afraid, don't ask." To all other virtues, it is necessary to add the fact that the soul of Magomayev does not get tired of working. He keeps in touch with his numerous fans via the Internet, likes to "conjure" his recordings in his home studio. For his anniversary in 2002, a collection of 14 CDs was released, giving an idea of ​​how much the great singer did for our art.

Muslim Magomayev is proud of his homeland, loves it and always says that Azerbaijan is his father and Russia is his mother. He never forgot both his Baku courtyard and the boulevard on the shores of the warm Caspian Sea. Muslim Magometovich often comes to Baku as to the holy land. For Baku people, their city is not just a place of birth, it is something more. Baku citizen is a special character, individuality, a special lifestyle. Having been born, having received a good education, having taken the first steps in the profession in the beautiful land of the great Nizami, Khagani, Vurgun, Gadzhibekov, Bul-Bul, Niyazi, Karaev, Beibutov, Amirov, he came to Moscow very young, and she instantly made him famous and surrounded by love.

Robert Rozhdestvensky wrote: “I attended many concerts in which Muslim Magomayev sang, and there was never a case when the presenter had time to give the full name and surname of the artist. Usually, after the name “Muslim”, such applause is heard that, despite the most powerful speakers and all the efforts of the presenter, the name "Magomaev" is hopelessly drowning in an enthusiastic roar. They are used to it. As they are used to the fact that his name has long become a kind of landmark of our art. And also to the fact that any opera aria, any song in his performance is always an expected miracle."

In 1997, one of the minor planets of the solar system, known to astronomers under the code "1974 SP1", was named after "4980 Magomaev".

M. M. Magomayev was awarded the Orders of Honor (2002), the Red Banner of Labor (1971), Friendship of Peoples (1980), the Orders of Azerbaijan "Istiglal" (2002) and "Shohrat" (1997), the badge of honor "For services to Polish culture" , badge"Miner's Glory" III degree. In 2004 he was awarded the Order of M. V. Lomonosov of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement Problems of the Russian Federation. In 2005, for an outstanding personal contribution to the development of Russian culture, he was awarded National Prize named after Peter the Great. Is a Knight of the Order awarded for outstanding achievements in the development of Russian culture.

"Who's Who in contemporary culture"
[ Exclusive biographies. - Issue 1-2. - M.: MK-Periodika, 2006-2007. ]


Sincerely, without much pathos Muslim Magomaeva called the golden voice of the era. The one that is gone, but thanks to his songs lives in the hearts of millions of fans. And if not everyone from the younger generation remembers his name, then almost everyone has heard “A ray of the golden sun ...” from “ Bremen Town Musicians» in execution Muslim Magomaeva. The singer not only had a divinely beautiful, extraordinary voice, he put a particle of his own soul into each song, so the songs performed Muslim Magomaeva- an example of the highest art!

Muslim Magomayev: “Luck is a reward for courage”

People's favorite, which literally carried on his hands, had an amazing baritone, which fascinated more than one generation. He was born in a famous Azerbaijani family in 1942. Grandfather was a pianist, composer and conductor. The grandson was named in his honor - Muslim, and he fully continued the work of the famous ancestor. Father did not return from the front, he died a few days before the victory. Muslim's mother, Aishet Kinzhalova, was a dramatic actress.

Uncle Jamal's house became forever dear to the boy, and the uncle himself replaced his father and grandfather. At a time when Muslim's peers were playing with typewriters and tin soldiers, he set up his grandfather's music stand, picked up a pencil and led an imaginary orchestra.

In 1949, Muslim was sent to a music school at the Baku Conservatory. For the first time, they started talking about the boy’s unique voice when he was 8 years old - together with the choir, he diligently deduced “Sleep my joy, sleep.”

The main work of his life began with the Italian film "Young Caruso". At Uncle Muslim's dacha, every day he could watch the best films: captured, old and new. He continued his studies at a music school, but singing became his hobby. He was embarrassed to perform something in front of strangers and hid his secret from his family and teachers. Together with friends, Muslim created a secret society of music lovers, where they listened to vocal recordings and jazz music. Gradually moved from listening to practice.

Big ship - big voyage

Magomayev could not continue his studies at the music school. Singing captivated him so much that all other subjects began to distract him, and he moved to a music school. Life was in full swing there, and concert practice was even encouraged, and then Muslim was accepted into the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Baku Air Defense District. Once he was summoned to the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Azerbaijan and informed about his upcoming trip to the VIII World Festival of Youth and Students in Helsinki. The performances were a great success. Arriving in Moscow, Muslim saw his photograph in the Ogonyok magazine with a note: “A young man from Baku conquers the world.”

The turning point in the biography of the singer was 1963. The Decade of Culture and Art of Azerbaijan was held in Moscow. The young performer was received very warmly. A couple of days later, TASS information appeared in the newspapers from the concert of Azerbaijani artists, where it was reported: “The biggest success went to Muslim Magomayev. His magnificent vocal abilities, brilliant technique give grounds to say that a richly gifted young artist has come to the opera.

He was offered to perform solo at the Concert Hall named after him. And already in next year The Baku Opera and Ballet Theater nominated 22-year-old Muslim for an internship at the La Scala theater in Milan. He went along with Anatoly Solovyanenko. It was an unprecedented luck for those times - to get into the holy of holies of operatic art at such a young age.

In the summer of 1966, he went to France for the first time, where he was to perform on stage. famous hall"Olympia" as part of a large group of Soviet artists. The director of the concert hall, Bruno Coquatrix, offered him to stay on tour for a year, but Muslim refused. The newspaper "Russian Thought" wrote: "The young singer is the last number, and the audience does not want to let him go, gives him a more than well-deserved ovation."

Muslim Magomayev: “And there was not enough space for this song”

Soon he was again in France - in Cannes, where the next International Festival of Recording and Music Publishing. His records have sold a fantastic circulation of 4.5 million copies. The singer from the USSR received a "golden disc". The next few years were years of victories in various creative competitions and music festivals where the audience gave Muslim a standing ovation.

At Muslim Magomaeva there have always been full-fledged foreign tours. Of the Soviet pop artists through the State Concert, he was the first to go to the USA. And at the age of 31 he was awarded the highest award - the title of People's Artist of the USSR. This was also a rare case when a singer who did not have the title of People's Artist of the Republic was awarded the title on the scale of the Union.

Magomayev did not like intermissions - he preferred to sing in one breath, he admitted that if he accelerates, then it is difficult for him to stop. In the first part of the concert he he performed the classics, and in the second he delighted the audience with popular songs and foreign hits. He became one of the first who began to perform them in the USSR. Minister of Culture Furtseva, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, and Andropov were supportive of his popularity. Once, having received a triple rate for performing at the stadium, the artist incurred the wrath of officials. There was a ban on his speeches for a year, but two months later the State Security Committee celebrated the anniversary. The head of the department, Yuri Andropov, called the Minister of Culture Ekaterina Furtseva and asked Magomayev to speak. "He's banned from us!" - said Ekaterina Alekseevna. “And here it is clean,” Andropov said after a pause. - Provide!

"I'm connected with you forever"

In his student years, classmate Ophelia achieved the location of the attractive Magomayev. Grandmother Muslim it scared her so much that she even began to hide the passport of her beloved grandson so that he would not “foolishly marry”. At the age of 19, the marriage was nevertheless formalized. A daughter, Marina, was born, but a year later the family broke up.

Magomayev's great love in the 1960s and 70s was the music editor of the All-Union Radio, Lyudmila Kareva. This time there was no official formalization of the relationship. On tour they refused to settle in one room. Once, at a banquet, Magomayev spoke about his problem to the Minister of the Interior, Shchelokov. He issued a certificate: “Marriage between a citizen Magomaev Muslim Magometovich and Kareva Lyudmila Borisovna, I ask you to consider it factual and allow them to live together in a hotel. Minister of the Interior Shchelokov. But this union was not forever.

with Tamara Sinyavskaya

WITH main woman all his life, an opera singer, Magomayev met in 1972, when she was still married. A passionate romance broke out between them, but then the lovers broke up for two years, considering such a relationship a mistake. She left for an internship in Italy, but he called her every day, waiting for her return. Only after some time, fate again pushed them on tour. Since then, they have not been separated. Traveled to many countries, toured together. The range of his possibilities was unusually wide: operas, musicals, Neapolitan songs, vocal works of Azerbaijani and Russian composers.

"What is the heart so disturbed"

His departure from the stage is amazing. No anniversaries, long wires and combined concerts. He preferred to collect old movies, paint pictures and communicate with fans on the Internet. I could sit at the computer for hours, recording new compositions, making arrangements, or just answering questions from visitors to your personal site. Magomayev managed to leave the stage before the moment when Soviet songs began to sound on TV more often than in the evening itself. Soviet time. He said about the termination of performances: “God has determined a certain time for each voice, each talent, and there is no need to step over it.” When he was reproached for looking somewhat worse than, he objected: “So Frank had masseurs all day long, but I can't stand it when other people's hands do something to me. He did not complain about his health, but sometimes he ended up in the hospital, heart problems made themselves felt. Muslim Magometovich passed away in 2008.

He lived, giving himself without a trace to his family, the stage, his fans, his beloved work. Left behind creative heritage era, which still has not gone anywhere, because the memory of it is alive, and has remained out of time.


Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev listened with pleasure to his song "Bella, Chao", and Shahin Farah, after an official visit to Baku, invited the singer to take part in the celebration of the anniversary coronation of the Shah of Iran.

In 1997, one of the minor planets of the solar system was named after "4980 Magomaev".

In October 2010, the first international competition named vocalists Muslim Magomaeva. In the same year, a concert hall named after Muslim Magomaeva at Crocus City Hall.

Updated: April 14, 2019 by: Elena

On August 17, 1942, in the capital of the Azerbaijan SSR, Baku, a boy was born who was to become a legend not only on the Azerbaijani and even Soviet stage, but also on the world stage.

Muslim Magometovich Magomaev - that was the name of this boy. Outstanding Opera and crooner and a composer, whose baritone has repeatedly become the voice of the largest power on the planet, he soon became a people's artist of the USSR, and later, when only memories remained of the Soviet Union, and a people's artist of Russia. Muslim Magomayev was one of the few Soviet performers who received worldwide recognition in his youth. November 10, 1963 Magomayev performed at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall with solo program and left this hall already a star.

And what can I say, if throughout the sixties and seventies Muslim Magomayev had unheard of popularity. At his concerts, the stands of stadiums and concert halls were packed to capacity. He often appeared on television, and records with his recordings were released in gigantic circulations and never lingered on the shelves. Muslim Magometovich gave concerts wherever possible, from small rural clubs to concert halls Kremlin and the largest stages of the world.

All over the world, Magomayev's voice was listened to, loved, and records of his concerts and albums were collected. Moreover, not always admirers of creativity Azerbaijani singer were his compatriots and the mass of the Russian-speaking population of the planet. And to this day, Muslim Magomayev has a huge number of fans throughout the post-Soviet space and beyond.

More precisely, he would have, if he had survived. Muslim Magometovich all his adult life was a heavy smoker. It's amazing that it didn't do any harm to his wonderful voice. Until his death, Muslim Magomayev had a beautiful voice, not at all spoiled by smoking. Yes, indeed, tobacco did no harm to the singer's voice. But on the rest of the body dealt a mortal blow.

However, in relation to tobacco, it is difficult to say "hit", since death from tobacco is never sudden. She is always slow and painful. At first, the smoker does not even notice how tobacco, step by step, inexorably begins to destroy his health. First, teeth, skin, whites of the eyes, fingernails begin to turn yellow. Then shortness of breath begins, the sense of smell and taste become dull, vision falls. And after a few more months, the "smoker's cough" begins - the first sign that irreversible processes have begun in the body. This is the first signal that there is nothing left before the threshold, when it becomes useless to quit smoking.

Muslim Magometovich went through all the torment caused by tobacco. For many years, all his adult life, tobacco every day, without being lazy, regularly did its job of destroying the singer's body. For tobacco, there is no difference in who to kill. A smoker can have billions, and he will smoke only elite tobacco, and some gypsy boy will have nothing, and until the end of his days he will smoke cigarette butts thrown by other smokers.

But for both, if they do not quit smoking, the end will still be the same - a whole set of diseases, then a heart attack or cancer and death. Tobacco kills! Always! And the only way to defeat him is not to smoke and, if possible, not to let others smoke. Muslim Magomayev could not overcome his own habit, although he said at the end of his life that if it were possible to live own life again, the only thing he would change is never lit a cigarette. But not a single person since the creation of the world has been able to live his own life twice. And we must always remember that by taking a cigarette in our mouth, we begin to bring our death closer with our own hands.

Years of life of one of the most beloved singers of the Soviet Union listeners Muslim Magomayev: 1942-2008. He started musical career at a very young age, and almost immediately became popular due to his unique voice. What did Magomayev die of, and where is he buried?

The cause of death of Muslim Magomayev was coronary heart disease. “He was simple and at the same time great, predictable and unexpected…”, one of the oldest men's American magazines Esquire described the departed maestro in such words.

When the singer died

Date of death of Muslim Magometovich Magomayev October 25, 2008 Variety and Opera singer, who performed compositions in a low-sounding lyrical baritone, died at the age of 66 in the arms of his wife Tamara Sinyavskaya in Moscow.

Cause of death

On November 11, 2008, Muslim Magomayev was supposed to undergo a complex operation, as a result of which his heart could still work long time. However, he did not reach her for several days.

The musician courageously endured the disease, but it progressed, and in last days Muslim Magometovich felt very bad. A disruption in the functioning of the circulatory system caused a fresh flow of blood to stop flowing into a separate area of ​​the heart. The latest examination at the Bakulev Cardiology Center revealed a number of other deviations that could have caused the death of the artist at any time:

  • tachycardia;
  • hypertension;
  • pathology of the heart muscle.

Shortly before this, an operation was performed on his vessels, but it did not give the expected results. The only way out was the introduction of catheters into the circulatory system, which was undertaken.

The performed series of procedures did not make life easier for Magomayev, as before, he was tormented by terrible headaches. In order to save the life of the great composer, it was decided to perform the most difficult operation - coronary bypass surgery. Preparatory work began in the cardio center, but Muslim Magometovich could not live to see it completed.

“We planned to insert a shunt into the clogged vessel and redirect the blood around the cork. A long thought was due to the fact that the operation must be done using local anesthesia, which for his venerable age is a significant risk. There is no certainty that a worn heart can withstand the load. But there was no other way out ... ”, - this is how one of the attending physicians recalls the situation.

Farewell and funeral

The farewell ceremony for the departed Russian Orpheus was held in the capital of the historical homeland of his ancestors, Baku, on October 29. The coffin with the body was placed in State Philharmonic Azerbaijan, the day before, on October 28, 2008, he stood in Moscow, in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall.

Thousands of fans, friends and even those who had never heard his voice came to say goodbye to the deceased. Young girls were hardly fans of his talent, but like everyone else, they stood in line to honor the memory of the great Azerbaijani, who became the very first people's artist from their small homeland.

The procession, which proceeded along Svoboda Avenue, left behind a road strewn with flowers. Arriving at the memorial cemetery, intended for the burial of honorary citizens of the country, they said a prayer. After the mullah finished, the coffin was lowered into the ground to applause. The grave of Muslim Magometovich Magomayev is located next to the burial place of his grandfather, a famous Soviet composer and conductor.

short biography

People's Artist of the USSR Muslim Magomayev was born during the war, on August 17, 1942 in Baku. A terrible time for the country and all mankind was reflected in the boy. From childhood, he was brought up as an orphan: his father died during the capture of Berlin, his mother was forced to leave for Maykop, then to Vyshny Volochek.

Childhood of Muslim

Until the age of 9, little Muslim was brought up by his father's brother Jamail Muslimovich. Uncle did everything he could for him: he brought up love for the motherland and music, respect for elders. In general, he did everything necessary to ensure that the child does not feel like an orphan.

In 1951, his mother takes him to Volochek. Here the child continues to go to school, plays music, plays the piano. However, a year later he returns to Baku.

Having somehow finished school, Muslim enters the music school in Baku named after Asaf Zeynalli, which he successfully graduated in 1959. Surprisingly, during the period of study, the teenager's voice does not change, which significantly affected his further popularity.

Muslim Magometovich himself recalls his school years with the following words: “Everything related to music: piano, solfeggio, choir, musical literature– perfect perception. In other subjects, he barely pulled out a three. Sometimes I got the impression that when I see the formula, the brains turn off.

First appearances

The date of the first performance on stage falls on 1957. In his youth, he secretly sang from his uncle and grandfather at the local House of Culture. The adults were against this, as they feared that the unformed voice of the boy could break forever.

Later, in 1961, he made his debut in the song and dance ensemble and became a laureate of the world youth festival in Finland.


Fame came to the soloist after he performed in Moscow at a concert of Azerbaijani art. Subsequent solo concerts led to the fact that a young, promising boy was sent for an internship in Italy. From there, on tour, he ends up in Paris. The unique voice becomes an object of admiration for the local public, as a result of which the singer receives an offer to stay and become a world-class star. The young man did not mind, but the intervention of the Ministry of Culture of the Soviet Union did not allow him to stay.

Upon reaching the age of 31, he was awarded the title of People's Artist, which became a kind of record for the Azerbaijan SSR. After 2 years, in 1975, the singer created the Azerbaijan Variety Symphony Orchestra and led it until 1989. Throughout his life, Muslim Magometovich was popular, admired, and invited to the most significant events in the country.

last years of life

In the last 10 years, Magamaev practically did not sing. This is due to the fact that in the early 2000s the maestro began to feel unwell, years of everyday stress affected him. He devoted more time to drawing and writing his autobiography.

After the musician ended his career in 1998, he no longer returned to the stage, only occasionally taking up the performance. One of his last works was regarded by critics as a farewell to the world, it was called "Farewell, Baku."


A handsome young man with a unique voice, he was very popular among his peers, he had many fans. Magomayev married one of them in 1960. The marriage with classmate Ophelia, which lasted only a year, gave Muslim an only child, Marina.

The woman with whom he lived all his life, Tamara Sinyavskaya, People's Artist of the USSR, was 1 year younger. The acquaintance happened at one of the concerts in 1972, after 2 years the young people got married.

The news that the great Magomayev had died shocked the whole world. There are connoisseurs of his work in almost every civilized country. The maestro's repertoire includes famous opera arias, pop songs, romances and foreign hits.


Video clip dedicated to the life, work and death of a musical genius
