Scenario about to Chukovsky using applications. Extra-curricular event dedicated to the work of Chukovsky


  1. to acquaint with the life and work of the children's writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, to generalize knowledge about the writer's works;
  2. develop attention, memory, the ability to expressively read poems, analyze fairy tales, develop the creative abilities of students;
  3. to cultivate aesthetic feelings, discipline, culture of communication.

Event progress

(a group of children read poetry)

    The holidays are about to start
    We read a lot of books at school -
    Dahl, Zhukovsky, Fet, Tolstoy,
    Bianki, Charushin, Kharms, Krylov.
    Tales, fairy tales, stories, poems -
    We all read this in school.

    When we were kids, we didn't know how to read.
    And molested dad and mom.
    We listened to stories all day long.
    There were countless fairy tales;
    About the Cockroach and the Crocodile,
    About Aibolit and Moidodyr,

    Mom and dad told us
    They knew these heroes for a long time.
    Grandmothers read fairy tales to them in childhood -
    They learned these heroes from them.

    We pestered grandmothers for a long time -
    Where did they get these stories from?
    About Cockroach and Crocodile
    About Aibolit and Moidodyr,
    About Barmaley in the fabulous sea,
    About the phone and Fedorino grief.

    Grandmothers told us -
    They read these stories in books.
    These little books were written by grandfather Korney -
    Storyteller, critic, poet, sorcerer.

    We felt sorry for grandfather Korney -
    In his childhood, he did not know Barmaley.
    How much has he lost in his life?
    That these fairy tales in childhood did not know.
    About the Cockroach and the Crocodile,
    About Aibolit and Moidodyr.
    About Barmaley in the fabulous sea,
    About the Telephone and Fedorino grief.

    From them we all learned little by little
    For friends to come to the rescue,
    To feel sorry for and love animals,
    In order not to brag and not to be cunning,
    So as not to sip Fedorino's grief for us -
    It is necessary to maintain order in the house;
    In order not to get to lunch with Barmaley -
    You need to listen to someone who is smarter.

    Grandfather Korney wrote good books.
    He raised adults and children.
    There will be our grandchildren and children
    These stories are fun to read.

Leading: So, our dear guests!

As you already understood, today we will talk about Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Everyone knows about him since childhood. First, his works are read to us, then we read them. Everyone knows about him since childhood. First, his works are read to us, then we read to our children, then to grandchildren, then to great-grandchildren, and so on. Let's remember together today K.I. Chukovsky and his wonderful books.

1 student: Korney Ivanovich was always cheerful and cheerful person. He was even born on April 1st. And the first of April, as you know, is considered the day of jokes, fun and laughter. It was April 1, 1882. All his life around him, the sonorous speech of a child has never ceased for a moment. “Sweet childish speech. I will never get tired of enjoying it!” - wrote K.I. Chukovsky.

2 student: He wrote the book "From 2 to 5" and dedicated it to children. Here are excerpts from it

- When Lyalya was 2.5 years old, some stranger asked her: “Would you like to be my daughter?” She majestically replied: "I am my mother's and more of a nickname."

And one day, walking along the seaside, for the first time in her life she saw a steamer in the distance and shouted: “Mom, mom, the engine is bathing!”

Yes, it’s nice to learn from children that a bald man has a barefoot head, that a draft is in the mouth from mint cakes, that the dragonfly’s husband is a dragonfly.

Chukovsky was very amused by children's statements:

  1. Dad, look how your trousers are frowned!
  2. Our granny slaughtered geese in winter so they wouldn't catch a cold.
  3. Once upon a time there was a shepherd, his name was Makar. And he had a daughter Macarona.
  4. Well, Nyura, that's enough, don't cry!
  5. I'm not crying for you, but for Aunt Sima!

Leading: That's great! Is it true? No less joy is brought to us by the poems of K.I. Chukovsky. Let's remember them now. Little guests will help us with this.

Took a lamb
I took it and wrote:
"I am Bebeka,
I am Memeka
I am a bear
Animals got scared
They fled in fear.
And the frog by the swamp
Pours, laughs:
"That's so good fellows!"

striped kittens
They crawl, they squeak.
Loves, loves our Tata
Little kittens.
But the sweetest Tatenka
Not a striped kitten
Not a duck
Not a chick
And a snub-nosed pig.

How on typewriter
Two pretty pigs:
And they knock
And they grunt:

Elephant reads
The elephant had a wife
Matrena Ivanovna.
And she thought
Read a book.
But read, muttered,
She murmured, she murmured:
"Tatalata, matalata" -
Disassemble nothing!

Poor Fedotka the orphan.
The unfortunate Fedotka is crying:
He has no one
Who would take pity on him.
Only mom, yes uncle, yes aunt,
Only dad, and grandpa and grandma.

Like ours at the gate
Over the mountain
Once upon a time there was a sandwich
With sausage.
He wanted
take a walk
On grass-ant
And he lured with him
For a walk
Red-cheeked butter
But tea cups in sorrow
Knocking and strumming, they shouted:
Don't go out the gate
And you will go -
you'll be lost
Moore in the mouth will fall!
Mure in the mouth
Mure in the mouth
Mure in the mouth
You'll get in!"

Leading: Do you know that K.I. Chukovsky was a very hardworking person. “Always,” he wrote, “wherever I was: on the tram, in line, in the dentist’s office, so as not to waste time, I composed riddles for children.

Now we will solve them together.

    Was White House, wonderful house,
    And something thumped in him.
    And he crashed, and from there
    A living miracle ran out -
    So warm, so fluffy and golden.
    (egg and chicken)

    Red doors in my cave
    White animals sit at the door.
    And meat and bread - all my booty
    I gladly give to the white beasts.
    (Mouth and teeth)

    I walk - I wander not through the forests,
    And in the mustache and hair,
    And my teeth are longer
    Than wolves and bears.

    The wise man saw the wise man in him,
    A fool is a fool, a ram is a ram,
    A sheep saw a sheep in him,
    And a monkey - a monkey.
    But then they brought Fedya Baratov to him.
    And Fedya saw the shaggy slut.

    Without wheels!
    What a miracle - a steam locomotive!
    Hasn't he lost his mind?
    Went straight to the sea!

    She grows upside down
    It does not grow in summer, but in winter.
    But the sun will bake her -
    She will cry and die.

    I lie under your feet
    Trample me with your boots
    And tomorrow take me to the yard
    And hit me, hit me
    So that the children can lie on me,
    Flounder and somersault on me.

    I'm a one-eared old woman
    I'm jumping on the canvas
    And a long thread from the ear, Like a cobweb, I pull.

Leading: K.I. Chukovsky wrote many fairy tales. Now let's check if you know them well?

Try it, guess from what fairy tales these guests came to you.

(On the board are drawings of heroes from the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky)

Leading: Fine! But that is not all. I have different things in my bag. Someone lost them and you must find the owner. But you must name not only who owned this thing, but also read the lines from the work that speaks of it.

(In the bag there is a phone, a balloon, soap, a saucer, a galosh, a thermometer).

Leading: And what other fairy tales by K.I. Do you know Chukovsky? (Children call).

Leading: Well done, you know fairy tales. And now we will learn about the history of the creation of these fairy tales.

1st student: Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by chance. And it turned out like this. His little son got sick. Korney Ivanovich was taking him on the night train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to tell him a fairy tale. The boy suddenly calmed down and began to listen: “Once upon a time there was a crocodile, he walked the streets...»

2nd student: Once Korney Ivanovich sculpted with children from clay for 3 hours different figures. The children wiped their hands on his trousers. Home was a long way to go. Clay trousers were heavy and had to be supported. Passers-by looked at him in surprise. But Korney Ivanovich was cheerful, he composed poetry on the go. It was "Fedorino grief."

3rdstudent: And here is another case from the life of Korney Ivanovich. He said: “One day, while working in my office, I heard a loud cry. It was my youngest daughter crying. She roared into 3 streams, violently expressing her unwillingness to wash. I left the office, took the girl in my arms and quite unexpectedly for myself quietly said to her:

Gotta, gotta wash
Mornings and evenings
And unclean, chimney sweeps
Shame and disgrace!

4th student: recalling the Black Sea, Korney Ivanovich wrote: “And once inspiration came to me in the Caucasus, while swimming in the sea. I swam quite far, and suddenly, under the influence of the sun, the wind and the Black Sea waves, the verses formed by themselves:

Oh if I drown, if I sink
What will become of them, the sick,
With my forest animals?

(A staging from the tale of the good Aibolit is shown).

4th student: Many more times we will meet with the works of K.I. Chukovsky. We will get acquainted with his memories of the writer Zhitkov, with whom he studied in the same class. And Chukovsky will always remain a wonderful translator for us. He gave us the joy of meeting such heroes as Baron Munchausen, Robinson Crusoe, Tom Sawyer, The Prince and the Pauper, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and others.

5th student: Korney Ivanovich read his works with unusual beauty. Here, listen to the recording of the fairy tale "Wonder Tree", which he himself reads. (The teacher turns on the recording to listen to)

Leading: The works of K. Ivanovich bring up the precious ability to empathize, sympathize, and rejoice. Without this ability, a person is not a person. Irakli Andronikov wrote that Chukovsky's talent is inexhaustible, intelligent, brilliant, cheerful and festive. Do not part with this writer for life!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 11"

Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region

Literary holiday for students elementary school

"Journey through the tales of Korney Chukovsky"

prepared by the librarian Serdobintseva Valentina Fedorovna

City of Novy Urengoy



“In my opinion, the goal of storytellers is in educating at any cost in a child humanity - this wondrous a person's ability to worry about others misfortunes, rejoice in the joys of another, experience someone else's fate as your own" K.I. Chukovsky

Literary holiday for elementary school students.


Leading, Fly-Tsokotuha, Spider.


To expand the knowledge of children about the writer K.I. Chukovsky, to instill love for his work. To teach to understand the entertaining plots of the writer's fairy tales, the peculiarity of his language. On the works of Korney Chukovsky, to show that good conquers evil, to instill in children a sense of compassion for the weak and defenseless. Build a strong interest in reading.

Decoration and equipment:

Portrait of a writer book exhibition, a stand with a model of a tree and children's drawings, a basket with things from the writer's works, a samovar and cups and saucers, a table with treats for tea drinking, a recording of poems and songs.

Event progress:

(Children's songs play)

Presenter 1:

Hello dear guys! We are glad to see you again in our library. Today we are going to take a little trip. And where - look around and guess for yourself ... Some strange tree has grown in our library, simply "A miracle tree." And the leaves on it are very interesting. Do you guys know? (Answers of children). Yes, these are your drawings with the heroes of fairy tales by Korney Chukovsky. Who doesn't know his stories? Even adults, now fathers and mothers themselves, grandparents, remember his funny poems and fairy tales from childhood. And today we will go on a journey through the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Host 2:

But this is his pseudonym. And who will be able to name the real surname, name and patronymic of Chukovsky? Nikolay Vasilievich Korneichukov. Korney Ivanovich had a large and interesting life. Born in 1882 in St. Petersburg. Early began to work as a painter, but at the same time he was engaged in self-education: he studied English language, read a lot. And then he passed the exam for the course of the gymnasium and began working in the newspaper. His talent is very multifaceted: a literary critic, translator, storyteller. Chukovsky wrote his books at a dacha near Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino. The children of the village and the whole country called him affectionate name"Chukosha". He had a large and friendly family: four children, five grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Presenter 1:

Korney Ivanovich, by his own admission, wrote his first fairy tale for children by accident. It was a fairy tale "Crocodile". He composed it on the road, on the train, reassuring his sick son. Remember this fairy tale?

lived and was


He walked the streets

Smoking cigarettes,

spoke Turkish,

Crocodile, Crocodile Crocodile!

And behind him the people

And sings and yells:

Here's a freak so freak!

What a nose, what a mouth!

And where does this monster come from?

High school students behind him

Chimney sweeps behind him

And push him

offend him;

And some kid

Showed him shish

And some barbos

Bite him on the nose,

Bad watchdog, ill-mannered.

Guys, who remembers how the story about the Crocodile ended?

(The crocodile flew to Africa, came to visit the writer and drank tea with him)

And what interesting events happened in this fairy tale, you will remember when you re-read it. Guys, please tell me, in what poems and fairy tales of Chukovsky did you meet the Crocodile? Children's answers. (“Confusion”, “Cockroach”, “Moydodyr”, “Phone”, “Barmaley”, “Stolen Sun”, “Crocodile”). Korney Ivanovich wrote many wonderful poems and fairy tales. In our library, some of them are presented at the exhibition. Today, we will meet with the heroes of these books. (Telephone rings).

Host 2:

My phone rang. Who is speaking?

Children: Elephant.

Host 2: Where?

Children: From a camel.

Host 2: What do you need?

Children: chocolate.

Host 2: Guys! How do you know all this?

Children: From the book of Chukovsky "Telephone".

Host 2: That's right guys! Well done!

Do you recognize these heroes from the fairy tale of Korney Ivanovich? (Fly-Tsokotuha runs out).

Fly Tsokotukha:

I am the Tsokotuha Fly, gilded belly!

I'm waiting for guests today, I'm a birthday girl today!

I went to the market and bought a samovar.

I will treat my friends to tea, let them come in the evening.

I have a lot of delicious sweets for all the guests!

Ah, I forgot, I forgot who I invited to visit.

Guys, help.

Call me all the guests!

Children: Insects, fleas, cockroaches, grandmother bee, grasshopper, moths ...

Fly Tsokotukha:

Thanks guys! I have many guests.

I will set the table and meet all the guests!

(Fly-Tsokotukha circles around the table with a samovar. Suddenly a Spider appears and grabs Fly-Tsokotukha).

Fly Tsokotukha:

Dear guests, help!

Kill the villainous spider.

Presenter 1:

What's happened? Who do we offend at the holiday?


I'm an evil spider long legs and hands!

Dragged your Fly into a corner

I want to kill the poor, destroy Tsokotukha!

Presenter 1:

Let her go. Why are you so angry?


Presenter 1:

All clear. Guys, will you help save Mukha-Tsokotukha? (Answers of children).

Spider riddles for us. And we will guess them with the guys.


I have two horses, two horses,

They carry me on the water.

And the water is as hard as stone!


Oh don't touch me

I'll burn it without fire!


It grows upside down

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake it -

She will cry and die.


I walk, I wander not through the forests,

And in the mustache, in the hair,

And my teeth are longer

Than wolves and bears.


Little houses run down the street

Boys and girls are taken to houses.


Here are the needles and pins

Creep out from under the bench

They look at me

They want milk.



Thank you guys! Now I will know the answers. Now help me remember the names of fairy tales. I will start the line, and you will continue the phrase and name the fairy tale.

cockroaches came running

(All glasses drank)

"Fly Tsokotukha"

The bears rode

(By bike)

And behind them a cat




ran away

The sheet has flown

And a pillow

(Like a frog

got away from me)


Not leaves on it

Not flowers on it

And stockings and shoes,

(Like apples)

"Wonder Tree"

Suddenly from somewhere a jackal

Rode on a mare:

"Here's a telegram for you

(From Hippo)


Small children!

No way

Don't go to Africa

(To Africa for a walk!)


Hey you stupid cymbals

What do you ride like

(squirrels) "Fedorino grief"

But the shameless laughs

So that the tree shakes:

"If I only want

(And I'll swallow the moon!)

"Stolen Sun"


Thanks guys! Well done! How much have you read. Which funny fairy tales at Chukovsky. And I had fun with you. Now I am kind. Can I have fun with you at the holiday?

Fly Tsokotukha:

Forgive him guys? (Answers of children). I liked the way you saved me and answered Spider's questions in unison. Can you answer my questions too? If you do not know the answer, the good Spider will help you. In the basket under the Miracle Tree, we have collected various things from the works of Chukovsky. You must help us find the owners. Name who owned the thing, and read the line from the work that says about it:

(Takes things out of the basket and shows them to the children).


(And behind him are mosquitoes in a balloon)

Mosquitoes. "Cockroach"


(And behind them saucers -

Ring-la-la! Ring-la-la!)

Fedora. "Fedorino grief"


(Here the soap jumped

And caught in the hair)

Moidodyr. "Moydodyr"


(And puts, and puts thermometers for them!)

Aibolit. "Aibolit"


(Gingerbread mint,


Surprisingly pleasant.)

Barmaley. "Barmaley"

So our basket is empty. But I have more in store for you. interesting questions quiz. Let's remember the funny poems of Korney Ivanovich together:

    What grew on the trees in the poem "Joy"?

    • On a birch; (Roses)

      On an aspen. (Oranges)

    What did the tadpoles ask for their grandmother-toad in the poem "Tadpoles"?


    Who was Murochka afraid of in the poem "Zakalyaka"?

(His drawing "Byaki-Zakalyaki Biters")

    What did Bibigon sail on in the fairy tale "The Adventures of Bibigon"?

(on galosh)

    Who saved Bibigon in his adventures?

(Pig, toad, Fedosya, granddaughters)

    What fell on the elephant in the fairy tale "Cockroach"?


    How did the good doctor Aibolit treat sick animals in Africa?


    Why did the pig from the poem "Telephone" ask to send a nightingale to her?

(To sing with him)

Fly Tsokotukha:

Well done boys! And you answered my questions in unison. I know that many of you remember Korney Chukovsky's poems by heart. And now we will be happy to listen to the poems that the students of the second grade have prepared for you. (Children read poems)

Presenter 1:

Today we remembered many heroes of fairy tales and poems by K.I. Chukovsky: Mukha-Tsokotukha, Moidodyr, Aibolit and even the evil Barmaley, who became kind. Without these wonderful fairytale heroes we would be sad to live. Many more times we will meet with the works of Korney Ivanovich. When you get older, get acquainted with the translations of Chukovsky's works foreign writers and get to know new heroes: Robinson Crusoe, Tom Sawyer, Baron Munchausen and others. Chukovsky's talent is inexhaustible, smart, cheerful. In all his books, good always triumphs over evil. Fairy tales and poems by Chukovsky are very musical. Almost all of them are written musical operas, songs. Let's listen small excerpt from musical fairy tale Chukovsky "Telephone". (Sounds like a fairy tale.)

Host 2:

So our journey through the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky has come to an end. A wonderful and funny storyteller and poet. You have new meetings with the heroes of his books ahead. And our heroes Fly-Tsokotuha and Spider say goodbye to you. See you soon! We are waiting for you in the library!

Fly-Tsokotuha and Spider treat children with sweets. The melodies of children's songs are heard.

List of used literature

    Petrovsky, M. Korney Chukovsky.- M.: Det. lit., 1989.-125p.

    Russian writers. XX century. Biographical Dictionary: At 2 o'clock. Groznova and others; Ed. N.N. Skatova.- M.: Enlightenment, 1998.- 656 p.: ill.

    Tubelskaya, G.N. Children's writers of Russia. One Hundred Names: Bio-Bibliographic Reference. Part 2. M-Ya.- M.: School library, 2002.- 224p.

    Chukovsky, K.I. Collected works in 2 volumes / Korney Chukovsky. - M .: Pravda, 1990.

T.1: Tales; Two to five; Live like life. - 653s.

T.2: Critical stories. - 620s.

5. Chukovsky, K.I. Favorite poems.- M.: AST-PRESS, 1997.- 256 p.: ill.

6. Chukovsky, K. Poems and fairy tales. From two to five / Foreword. V. Smirnova;

  1. Recall with children the names and content of the works of K. I. Chukovsky, with whom they got acquainted, to awaken in children the joy of meeting their favorite fairy-tale characters, to develop their imagination.
  2. To form the ability to determine the content of literary works from excerpts from books and illustrations.
  3. Encourage "help" the heroes of these works - together with them to pronounce familiar verses, using intonational means of expressive speech.
  4. To develop the dialogic speech of children, the intonational expressiveness of speech.
  5. develop in children creative imagination, to learn to get used to the artistic image.
  6. Develop improvisation skills.
  7. Cultivate interest in literature.

Let's take a look at our favorite proverb.

He-he-he - my phone rang.

Yr-yr-yr - Moidodyr loves water.

Il-il-il - Crocodile swallowed the sun in the sky.

Tsa-tsa-tsa - now Fly-Tsokotuha is a birthday girl.

It-it-it is the kind doctor Aibolit.

And who wrote all the books in which the heroes of the tongue-twister live?

Children: K. Chukovsky.

Yes, guys, this is the most favorite children's writer.

Do you remember how K. I. Chukovsky began to write fairy tales?

Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by chance. And it turned out like this. His little son got sick. Korney Ivanovich drove him in the night train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to tell him a fairy tale: "There was a crocodile, he walked the streets." The boy suddenly fell silent and began to listen. Waking up the next morning, he asked his father to tell him yesterday's tale. It turned out that he remembered it all, word for word.

Visit Grandpa Roots

All children are invited.

But he is especially happy

invite these guys.

Who knows how to listen to fairy tales

Children's answers

I suggest you go to the magical fairyland, Where live good tales Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Do you agree?

Here we come to visit. Here we are already waiting for the books written by K.I. Chukovsky.

Come in and make yourself comfortable.

(Children sit in a semicircle on chairs.)

Today, we will talk about the writer K. I. Chukovsky, we will remember his fairy tales.

Chukovsky is a pseudonym. Real surname writer Korneichukov Nikolai Vasilyevich. Born March 31, 1882 in St. Petersburg. He would have turned 130 this year. At the age of 87, K. Chukovsky died on October 28, 1969 in Kuntsevo. Buried in Peredelkino, where he lived long years. And after his death in the house, they organized the Museum.

The museum is not like a museum at all. There are no ropes, no signs, no objects living a dusty and lonely life. museum exhibits. Exhibits can be touched.

In this house, everything has been preserved, as it was under Chukovsky. In his office, as before, serious books coexist with children's toys and gifts from young readers from all over the world.

The house is filled with wonders. Some came here directly from the poems of Korney Chukovsky.

In the garden, for example, a real Miracle tree with shoes grows, on which discerning visitors discover new fruits that have ripened during the tour. And on the table stands in miniature - a gift from students of the Moscow school for the 80th anniversary of the writer.

Oh, guys, look, and our Miracle Tree has grown:

And at our gates

The miracle tree is growing.

Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle


Not leaves on it

Not flowers on it.

And funny books

Yes, with fairy tales.

What has grown on our tree?

Funny little books by Korney Ivanovich and the heroes of these books

1. In which work of Chukovsky is the sparrow glorified?



congratulations to the daring sparrow!

2. And the mosquito?

"Fly Tsokotukha"

Glory, glory to Komaru - the Winner!

3. And the bear?

"Stolen Sun"

Happy bunnies and squirrels,

happy boys and girls

hug and kiss the clubfoot:

“Well, thank you, grandfather, for the sun!”

4. And Aibolita?


Glory, glory to Aibolit!

Glory to good doctors!

Let's play a game: "Remember a fairy tale."

Game "Remember a fairy tale"

Remember what words the line ends with, name the fairy tale.

1. And with him the hare-mother

She also went to dance.

And she laughs and cries:

"Well, thank you, … (Aibolit)!”

Children: fairy tale "Aibolit"

2. And behind her are forks,

Glasses and bottles

Cups and spoons

jumping on ... (track).

Children: fairy tale "Fedorino grief"

3. The Bear approached quietly,

Pushed him lightly.

"I'm telling you, villain,

spit out the sun … (quickly)!”

Children: fairy tale "The Stolen Sun"

4. Suddenly flies from somewhere

little mosquito,

And in his hand it burns

Small ... (flashlight).

Children: a fairy tale« Fly Tsokotukha"

5. And then the hares called:

- Could you send ... (gloves)?

And then the monkeys called:

- Please send ... (books)!

Children: a fairy tale« Telephone"

6. Suddenly from my mother's bedroom,

Bow-legged and lame,

Washbasin runs out

And shakes ... (head).

Children: fairy tale "Moidodyr"

7. But one morning

Jumped a kangaroo

I saw a mustache

She screamed in anger:

"Is it a giant?

(Ha ha ha)

It's just… (cockroach)!

(Ha ha ha)

Children: fairy tale "Cockroach"

Moidodyr lives on the table in the living room, straight from the first edition of the fairy tale. The one who from the very early childhood teaches kids to cleanliness and order.

And who remembers how the famous Moidodyr appeared?

One day, while working in his office, he heard a loud cry. That cried him

youngest daughter. She roared into three streams, violently expressing her unwillingness to wash. He left the office, took the girl in his arms and quite unexpectedly for himself quietly said to her:

Gotta, gotta wash

Mornings and evenings

And unclean chimney sweeps

Shame and disgrace

Shame and disgrace!

Yes indeed. And then there were many other fairy tales and poems. Love for poetry and love for children made Chukovsky the author of children's poems and fairy tales.

Look at our exhibition of Chukovsky's books. This is only a small part of his works.

What fairy tales K.I. Do you know Chukovsky?

"Fly Tsokotukha"; "Cockroach"; "Moydodyr"; "Aibolit"; "Confusion"; "Telephone"; "Stolen Sun"; "Fedorino grief"; "Crocodile" "Peacock tail"; "Barmaley"

And in this museum there is a magic box of oriental work that belonged to Chukovsky. If you look in the mirror on the inside of its lid and make a wish, it will surely come true.

Oh, guys, look, some kind of box, and the box is an envelope. Let's see what's in the envelope. Letter.

From the heroes of fairy tales K.I. Chukovsky:

"Dear guys, you all know the fairy tales of the wonderful children's author therefore, you can easily guess the riddles that we have prepared for you and learn. what is in the black box

I take out tickets for the trolley bus from the envelope

I wonder why there are riddles on trolleybus tickets. Guys, do you know why there are riddles on trolleybus tickets?

Korney Ivanovich was the kind of person who could not sit idle, and even when riding in a trolleybus, he was sure to write down something, and these riddles are one of K.I. on tram tickets

Game: Black box.

1 What fell from the mountain in the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief"?

2. In the box is what the crocodile swallowed in the fairy tale "Moidodyr".

What is this?


3. In the box, what was treated to the butterfly in the fairy tale "Fly-sokotuha".

What is this?


4. In the box is what mosquitoes flew in the fairy tale "Cockroach".

What is this?


5. What did the girl Mura dig in the garden in the fairy tale "Wonder Tree"?


6. How chanterelles set the sea on fire in the fairy tale "Confusion"


7. What did the jackal bring to Aibolit?


8. . In the box is the favorite delicacy of crocodiles from the fairy tale "Telephone".

What is this?

In the next room, there is a black rotary telephone, on which Chukovsky spoke with the characters in the fairy tale "Telephone"

Who called him on the phone?

Elephant, crocodile, hares, monkeys, bear, herons, seal, deer, gazelles, Kangaroo, Rhinoceros.

Look at the portrait, what an affectionate and cheerful look he has. Korney Ivanovich has always been a cheerful and cheerful person.

He gave joy to everyone. "Joy!" how loud and Magic word! Listening to it, you want to laugh, sing, jump and have fun. And who among you will say which poems of Chukovsky speak of joy?

  • "Cockroach" -

"I'm glad, I'm glad

The whole animal family ... "

  • "Confusion" -

“Behold, the animals rejoiced,

They laughed and sang…”

  • "Stolen Sun"

"Hares and squirrels are happy,

Happy boys and girls ... "

  • "Fedorino grief"

"The pans laughed,

The samovar winked:

"Well, Fedora, so be it,

We are glad to forgive you!

  • "Barmaley" -

“Glad, glad, glad, happy kids,

She danced, played around the fire! ... "

Well done.

Guys, what are the nature of all the tales of Korney Ivanovich

funny, naughty, funny, instructive.

1.what does the fairy tale "Moydodyr" teach - a neatness and neatness.

2. "Aibolit" - be kind, take care of others.

3. "Cockroach" - be bold.

4. "Fly-Tsokotuha" - courage be able to help others.

5. "Fedorino grief" - careful handling of dishes, order.

But what a playful poem the writer Valentin Berestov dedicated to Korney Ivanovich.

We feel sorry for grandfather Korney:

Compared to us, he lagged behind,

Since in childhood "Barmaleya"

And "Crocodile" did not read,

Did not admire the "Phone"

And I didn’t delve into the “Cockroach”.

How did he grow up to be such a scientist,

Not knowing the most important books?

Indeed, it is difficult to imagine that once there were no "most important books".

Korney Chukovsky never walked alone - Peredelkino children regularly kept him company. It was for them that he built a children's library next to his house. The children in the pictures hanging on the walls of the library now bring their grandchildren here

"We spent everything here free time, - recalls Valentina Sergeevna, - they ran from school - and immediately to the library. They did homework, played checkers, chess. Korney Ivanovich went to the library every day, told something interesting.

Let's play a game of competition.

Competition game.

On the table are attributes from different fairy tales K. Chukovsky. Each team must select those that fit their fairy tale. The first team collects attributes for the fairy tale "Moidodyr", the second for the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief"

Well done.

Korney Ivanovich spent the famous "bonfires" on his territory.

Twice a year on these bonfires - one was called "Hello, summer!", And the other, respectively, "Farewell, summer!" - were invited

all residents of Peredelkino and surrounding villages. Entrance fee - ten cones. The children took this seriously - shortly before the start of the fire, you could see children all over Peredelkino, crawling and collecting "entrance fee" in the grass. And initially the idea of ​​​​bonfires arose during the daily walks of grandfather Korney and children.

Many years later. But until now, his poems and fairy tales are greatly loved by both children and adults.

Let's play a game

"Letter Game"

Let's read these words.

(Elevator, ate, house, Moura, here.)

It is necessary to cross out the same letters and the remaining words will remain

children do the task

What was the word?

Fedorushka enters, crying:

Oh, poor me, poor me!!! (Crying.)

Presenter: Why are you crying, grandmother? What trouble happened to you?

Fedora: - But listen:

I would sit at the table

Yes, the table went out the gate.

I would cook cabbage soup

Go look for the pot!

And the cups are gone, and the glasses,

Only cockroaches remained.

Oh, woe to me

Guys, did you find out what fairy tale this grandmother came from?

(“Fedorino grief.”)

Let's help Fedor. We have a magic book, if we go through it, we will get into Fedorin's fairy tale

One two Three

children hold hands

Get into a fairy tale.

Scene "Fedorino grief"

Summary of the lesson:

  • Did you like visiting Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky?
  • what did you like the most?
  • Which character in the poem would you like to be like?

Fyodorushka enters with a tray, bagels on it:

I just came to say thank you so much for helping me with my problem. I want to treat you to bagels!

Holiday script

"Family Day", dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of K.I. Chukovsky.

For older preschool children.

(Team work music director, educators, parents and children)


To form interest in the work of K.I. Chukovsky.

Cultivate respect for the book.

Equipment : multimedia installation, tables with pre-prepared albums and pencils.

preliminary work: read the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

On the central wall (or on the screen) there is a portrait of K.I. Chukovsky, the walls are decorated with children's drawings for poems and fairy tales

To cheerful music, children with their parents enter music hall and are located at the tables (for 4-5 people).

Host: Good afternoon dear parents and guys! Today we have gathered in our hall to celebrate the anniversary of the wonderful children's writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Interesting fact- Korney Ivanovich was born on April 1. Did you know that April 1st is April Fool's Day? And Korney Ivanovich was very cheerful person, he wrote a lot of funny fairy tales and poems for children. And this year he turns 130 years old! What a wonderful anniversary! And today we will remember the works of this wonderful writer, whose poems were known to your mothers and fathers, grandparents. That's why today you guys, it's no coincidence that you're sitting next to your parents at these tables.

1 parent: No wonder children love a fairy tale.

After all, the fairy tale is good

What is in it a happy ending

The soul already feels.

2 parent: And for any test

Brave hearts agree

In impatient anticipation

Happy end.

(V. Berestov)

Host: Thank you. Guys, do you know who wrote this poem? (Valentin Berestov) And to whom is it dedicated? (K.I. Chukovsky) That's right.

Fedora enters the hall to cheerful music, holding a large book in her hands.

Fedora: I hurried to your holiday,

Washed all the dishes

I didn't forget to brush

Captured this book.

Hello guys, hello guests.

Host: Hello, please introduce yourself. Who you are?

Fedora: And let the guys guess who I am and what fairy tale I am from?

Host: Well, okay. Listen to the riddle:

Run away from dirty
Cups, spoons and pots.
She is looking for them, calling
And along the way, tears are pouring. (Fedora, from the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief"))

Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief" of the family ………………

Fedora: No, this riddle is not about me. My name is Fedora, of course, but I've corrected myself a long time ago. And I brought you a gift.

Host: What gift?

Fedora: Here big book. Here fairy tales are visible - invisible. And all of them were written by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Let's get a look. (opens the book - there are no pages in it) How so! All pages were in place. Where did they disappear to? Have you seen them? (He turns first to the children, then to the parents, then to the presenter)

Host: No, we didn't. It looks like pages from this book have run away.

Fedora: But why?

Presenter: It seems to me that you Fedor did not handle the book correctly. Children, tell Fedora how to properly handle a book?

Children: The book must be protected, taken with clean hands, do not wrinkle the pages, do not tear.

1 r-to: In the library for children
The books are lined up on the shelves.
Take, read and know a lot
But don't hate the book.
She will open the world is big,
And if you make it sick
You are a book - forever
The pages will be silent then.

(T. Blazhnova “We will be friends with the book.”)

Fedora: Oh, so many difficult rules. How can I be? What am I to do now? Help me guys.

Presenter: Guys, can we help Fedora return the pages from the book?

Children: Help.

Host: But it won't be easy. After all, you and I need to remember all the fairy tales that lived in this book. Let's try to remember - add the missing word in the title of the poems and fairy tales of the writer K.I. Chukovsky:

"Fly - ... (Tsokotukha)", "Kotausi and ... (Mausi)", "Fedorino ... (woe)", "Stolen ... (sun)", "Miracle - ... (tree"), "Adventures ... (Bibigon)" , “Ay ... - it hurts”), “Tele- .... (background)”, “My ... (dodyr)”, “Kro .... (kodil)”.

Very well, we remembered the names. Look at our screen - the first page appeared there - “Fedorino's grief”. slide number 1

I am the second page

The page is small

I ran away from the book

I messed up, I messed up.

But you called me

Here I am, my friends!

The presenter takes page 2 and puts it in the book.

Presenter: Do you know what was the very first fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky? Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky composed the very first fairy tale by accident. He and his son were on the train, the boy felt bad, cried, and dad, in order to console him, began to compose for him a fairy tale about a crocodile that walked around the city and spoke Turkish - “crocodile, crocodile, crocodile”. Fairy tale "Crocodile" ... .. K.I. Chukovsky wrote many fairy tales, where the favorite character was a crocodile. slide number 2

A girl runs out - page:

And on my page

The page is small

The fairy tale "Crocodile" lives,

And he calls me, he calls.

You run faster to the children,

Everyone will welcome you there.

The host takes page 3 and puts it in the book.

Presenter: Fedor, look, we have already found 3 pages from your book.

Fedora: Oh, how glad I am, my pages are back. Thank you. And here I am recalling verses from my book, but what kind of fairy tale is this from?

"And the grasshopper, and the grasshopper,

Well, just like a man,

Jump, jump, jump, jump!

Behind the bush, under the bridge and silence!

Children: "Fly - Tsokotuha" slide number 3

Children perform Russian. nar. the song "Like at our gates"

Fedora: Right, right!

Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale "Fly - Tsokotuha" - family ... ... ...

Children perform the dance "Insects"

A girl runs out - page:

On my page

The page is small

Fly - Tsokotuha sings merrily,

He invites all guests.

The host takes page 4 and puts it in the book.

Presenter: All his life, Korney Ivanovich listened to the cheerful words and expressions that children say. He often went to visit children - to kindergartens and schools, to book holidays. From the collections of his recordings of children's sayings, he created famous book, which is called "From two to five." This book has been published many times not only in our country, but also in many other countries around the world.

Find out what fairy tales these lines are from:

1. “He sparkles with terrible eyes,

He knocks with terrible teeth,

He lights a terrible fire,

He shouts a terrible word:

Karabas! Karabas! I'll have lunch now!" ("Barmaley") slide number 4

The boys perform the dance "Barmaleychikov"

2. “And mountains stand in his way,

And he starts to crawl over the mountains,

And the crusts are higher, and the mountains are steeper,

And the mountains go under the very clouds ”(“ Aibolit ”) slide number 5

Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale "Aibolit" - family ……… ..

3. "I'm to the Tauride Garden,

Jumped over the fence

And she follows me

And bites like a wolf." ("Moidodyr") slide number 6

Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale "Moydodyr" - family……………..

4. Bast shoes are ripe,

The boots are ripe

What are you yawning

Do you not cut them off? ("Wonder Tree") slide number 7

4 girls run out - pages:

We are pages - sisters,

They ran so fast

Through the fields, through the valleys,

Visiting you…

Fedora hugging girls:

Here they are my pages, how glad I am that you are back.

You could get lost

Fall into the swamp

Get wet in the rain

Cold, gray day.

The presenter takes 4 pages and puts them into the book.

The ringing of a telephone is heard, lying on one of the tables.

Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale "Telephone" - family ... ... ... .. Slide number 8

A girl runs out - page:

All my sisters are here

And the guests - then you can’t count,

I will find two sisters

I will bring you to the holiday.

Brings two more girls:

1 d-ka: Guess, guys,

You another riddle:

The sun walked across the sky

And it ran over the cloud.

It's scary and dark

On a summer afternoon outside the window.

Why did the light dim?

Is it the crocodile's fault?

The animals have all gone astray.

They can't get home.

In the dark, poor fellows, prowl

And looking for their kids

Animals ask: - Clubfoot,

Scratch the crocodile

Tear it apart

Get the sun out of your mouth!

There will be light in all windows

In a fairy tale... ("The Stolen Sun")

Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale "The Stolen Sun" - family ...... ...

Slide #9

2 days:

He is thin

Like a twig

He is small


Height, poor fellow, no higher

Here's a little mouse. (Bibigon)

Family performance …………….. slide number 10

The presenter takes 3 pages and puts them into the book.

Presenter: Well, the book is almost ready. But in order to make it interesting to read, what is missing in it? (Illustration) Yes, that's right. And now I suggest you draw illustrations for the book by K.I. Chukovsky on fairy tales, the pages of which we have found today.

Children with their parents draw illustrations based on the fairy tales "Fly - Tsokotuha","Kotausi and Mausi", "Fedorino grief", "The Stolen Sun", "Wonder Tree", "The Adventures of Bibigon", "Aibolit", "Telephone", "Moydodyr", "Crocodile".

Host: Now the book is ready! Fedora, we helped you find the pages that ran away from you. Now you understand how to handle the book?

Fedora: Oh, thank you! How you helped me, kind guys and your kind parents. Now I will never take books with dirty hands, I will not crush and tear pages. And if this suddenly happens, I will immediately cure my book - I will seal it, wrap it with a cover and use special bookmarks.

Presenter: Look what a wonderful illustrated book we have turned out to be. After all, only together amicably and together we were able to help Fedora. And I want to wish you - read books with your children, teach careful attitude to the book and be happy and healthy. Thanks to all!

Children stand in a semicircle near the central wall, each parent stands behind their child.

Roll call:

Terribly interesting read:
You can sit, lie
And - without leaving the place -
Through the eyes of the book RUNNING!
Yes Yes! Read - WALK WITH EYES
Hand in hand with mom, after - themselves.
Walking - it's a trifle,
Don't be afraid to take the first step!
Stumbled once, twice...
And suddenly you
Read four letters in a row
And you went, went, went -
And read the first word!
From word to word - as if over bumps -
Rush merrily along the lines ...
And so learn to read -
How to run
How to fly!
I know soon across the page
You will flutter like birds!
After all, immense and great,
Like the sky
The world of magical books!(A. Usachev)

Final song: “My family” by A. Yermolov Slide No. 11 (on which parents read a book with their children)

Literary holiday based on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky for 1-4 cells.


1. To acquaint students with the life and work of K.I. Chukovsky, to identify reader interest.
2. Show to children wonderful world fairy tales of the writer, their wisdom and beauty.
2. Develop thinking, speech, imagination, memory.
3. Contribute to the development of a sustainable interest in the book and the desire to read.
4. To cultivate faith in goodness, friendship and love, in triumph over evil.

5. Development creativity students.


    Portrait of K.I. Chukovsky (1882 - 1969).

    Exhibition of children's drawings for the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

    Exhibition of books "Wonder Tree".

    Poster "Chukovsky's talent is inexhaustible, smart, brilliant, cheerful, festive."

Vedas. Today's holiday is dedicated to children's writer, the founder of Soviet children's literature, storyteller, critic, translator Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. He was born in 1882 in St. Petersburg. Korney Ivanovich was a cheerful and cheerful person, he was even born on April 1 on the day of jokes, fun and laughter. If he were alive, this year on April 1 he would have turned 130 years old.

For many years he lived not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in a small house and all the children of the country knew him. It was he who invented many fairy-tale characters: Muhu-Tsokotukha, Barmaleya, Moidodyr, Aibolit. And although this wonderful person he has not been with us for many years, his books live, and will live for a very long time.

By the way, Korney Chukovsky is not the real name and surname of the writer, he invented them for himself, this is called a literary pseudonym. And his real name isNikolay Vasilievich Korneichukov. From myreal surname, he created for himself the name Korney, and the surname Chukovsky, which he then inherited from his relatives.

Korney Chukovsky was tall, long arms with large hands, large facial features, a large curious nose, a brush of a mustache, a naughty lock of hair hanging over his forehead, laughing bright eyes and a surprisingly light gait.

Chukovsky was very amused by children's statements. At one time he lived by the sea, and under his windows, on the hot sand, a myriad of small children swarm under the supervision of adults. As Korney Ivanovich himself wrote: “Around me, without ceasing for a moment, the sonorous speech of a child was heard. Sweet baby talk! I will never tire of enjoying it." He dedicated his book "From Two to Five" to children, in which he collected children's "sayings" all his life, as he called them. Here are some excerpts from this book.

Lala was 2.5 years old. The stranger asked her: “Would you like to be my daughter?” She majestically replied: "I am my mother's and more of a nickname." Once, for the first time in her life, she saw a steamer and shouted fervently: “Mom, mom, the engine is bathing!” It’s nice to learn from children, wrote Chukovsky, that a bald man has a barefoot head, that mint cakes in his mouth make a draft, that the dragonfly’s husband is a dragonfly. And he was very amused by such children's sayings and exclamations:

Dad, look how your trousers are frowned.

Our granny slaughtered geese in winter so they wouldn't catch a cold.

Georges cut with a spatula earthworm in half.

Why did you do that?

The worm was bored. Now there are two. They became more fun.

There was a shepherd, his name was Makar. And he had a daughter Macarona.

Today we will make an unusual journey with you, we will meet the heroes of fairy tales by Korney Chukovsky.

1 competition "Learn a fairy tale by illustration". (slide or book show)

2 competition "Remember a fairy tale from an excerpt."

Remember what words the line ends with and name the fairy tale.

People are having fun
The fly is getting married
For dashing, daring
Young ... (mosquito )
"Fly Tsokotukha"

No no! Nightingale
Doesn't sing for pigs.
Call better ... (crow )

And I don't need
No marmalade, no chocolate
But only small ones
Well, very small ... (children )

Heals young children
Heals birds and animals
Looking through his glasses
Good doctor ... (Aibolit )

Only suddenly from behind a bush
Because of the blue forest
From distant fields
Arrives ... (sparrow )

And the dishes go on and on
He walks through the fields, through the swamps.
And the kettle said to the iron
- I have to go more ... (I can not ).
"Fedorino grief"

And behind him is the people
And sings and yells:
- That's a freak, so a freak!
What a nose, what a mouth!
And where is this from ... (monster ).

The sun walked across the sky
And ran behind the cloud.
The hare looked out the window,
It became a hare ... (dark ).
"Stolen Sun"

The pigs meowed - meow - meow,
Kittens… (grunted, oink-oink )

Vedas. WITH early years the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky bring joy to all of us. Not only you, but also your parents, your grandparents cannot imagine their childhood without “Aibolit”, “Fedorin grief”, “Telephone”, “Cockroach”, “Barmaley”, “Flies-Tsokotukha”, etc. Poems by Korney Ivanovich educate the precious ability to empathize, sympathize, rejoice. Without this ability, a person is not a person. Chukovsky's poems sound great, develop our speech, enrich us with new words, form a sense of humor, make us stronger and smarter.

Children read poetry.

GARDEN (1 class)

The ram sat on the steamerAnd went to the garden.In the garden, in the gardenChocolates are growingCome, eat, lick!

And noodlesAnd noodlesBorn good!Big and juicySweet, milkyJust know - waterYes, drive the sparrows:Sparrow thieves love, love her!

ZAKALIAKA (grade 2)

They gave Murochka a notebook,Moore began to draw."This is a furry Christmas tree.This is a horned goat.This is an uncle with a beard.This is a house with a chimney."

"Well, what is this?incomprehensible, strange,With ten legsWith ten horns?

"This is Byaka-Zakalyakabiting,I made it out of my head."

"Why did you leave your notebook,Have you stopped drawing?

"I'm afraid of her!"

TURTLE (Grade 3)

Go far to the swamp.Going to the swamp is not easy.

"Here lies a stone by the road,Let's sit down and stretch our legs."

And the frogs put a bundle on the stone."It would be nice to lie down on a stone for an hour!"

Suddenly a stone jumped to its feetAnd grabbed them by the feet.And they cried out in fear:

"What is it!This is RE!This is PAHA!


JOY (Grade 4)

Happy, happy, happybright birches,And on them with joyRoses are growing.

Happy, happy, happydark aspens,And on them with joyGrowing oranges.

It didn't rain from the cloudAnd not hailThat fell from the cloudGrape.

And the crows over the fieldsSuddenly the nightingales began to sing.

And streams from undergroundSweet honey flowed.

Chickens have become peahensBald - curly.

Even the mill - and thatDanced on the bridge.

So run after meTo green meadowsWhere over the blue riverA rainbow has risen.

We are jumping on the rainbow,Let's play in the cloudsAnd from there down the rainbowOn sledges, on skates!

Vedas. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was distinguished by his great industriousness: “Always,” he wrote, “wherever I was: in the tram, in line for bread, in the dentist’s office, I, so as not to waste time, composed riddles for children. It saved me from mental idleness!”

Grandfather Roots was very fond of making riddles for children, inventing tricky tasks and questions.

3 competition "Mysteries". (on the slides in the presentation)

    There was a white house
    wonderful house,
    And something thumped in him.
    And he crashed, and from there
    A living miracle ran out -
    so warm, so
    Fluffy and golden. (Egg and chicken. )

    Oh don't touch me
    I'll burn it without fire! (Nettle. )

    I have two horses
    Two horses.
    They carry me on the water.
    And the water
    Like stone! (Skates and ice. )

    She grows upside down
    It does not grow in summer, but in winter.
    But the sun will bake her -
    She will cry and die. (Icicle. )

    I walk, I wander not through the forests,
    And in the mustache, in the hair.
    And my teeth are longer
    Than wolves and bears. (Comb. )

    Suddenly from the black darkness
    Bushes grew in the sky
    And they are blue
    Crimson, gold
    Flowers are blooming
    Unprecedented beauty.
    And all the streets below them
    They also turned blue
    Crimson, gold,
    Multicolored. (Firework. )

    Here are the needles and pins
    They crawl out from under the bench.
    They look at me
    They want milk. (Hedgehog. )

    Little houses run down the street
    Boys and girls are taken to houses. (Cars. )

    red doors
    In my cave
    white beasts
    At the door.
    And meat, and bread - all my booty -
    I gladly give to the white beasts. (Lips and teeth. )

    The wise man saw the wise man in him,
    Fool - fool
    ram - ram,
    A sheep saw a sheep in him,
    And a monkey - a monkey,
    But they brought Fedya Baratov to him,
    And Fedya saw the shaggy slut. (Mirror. )

    If the pines would eat
    Were able to run and jump
    They would run away from me without looking back,
    And you would never see me again
    Because - I'll tell you, not boasting -
    I am steel, and angry, and very toothy. (Saw. )

    I lie under your feet
    Trample me with your boots
    And tomorrow take me to the yard
    And hit me, hit me
    So that the children can lie on me,
    Flounder and somersault on me. (Carpet. )

4 competition "Competition of experts".

Solve the crossword puzzle based on the works of K. Chukovsky and find out the name of the first fairy tale of the writer.


    The name of the shark in Chukovsky's fairy tales.

And Shark Karakula
Right eye winked
And laughs, and laughs,
Like someone is tickling her. (Aibolit)

    A monster from a fairy tale that devours baby animals.

So the Cockroach became the winner,

And forests and fields lord.

Beasts submitted to the mustachioed.

(May he fail, the damned one!)

And he walks between them

The gilded belly strokes:

"Bring me, animals, your kids,

I eat them at dinner today!" (cockroach)

    The name of the fly is the birthday girl.

Fly, fly-Tsokotuha,
Gilded belly!
The fly went across the field,
The fly found the money.

    The name of one of the crocodiles who met the dirty one.

Suddenly towards my good,
My favorite crocodile.
He is withTotoshey and Kokoshey
Walked along the alley

    Washbasin chief and washcloths commander.

I am the Great Washbasin,
Washbasin Head
And washcloths Commander!

    Who returned the stolen sun?

Bear could not stand
The bear roared,
And ran into an evil enemyBear.

Already he crushed it and broke it:
"Give us our sunshine!"

What word did Aibolit repeat on the way to Africa?

And Aibolit got up, Aibolit ran.
He runs through the fields, but through the forests, through the meadows.
And only one word repeats Aibolit:
" Limpopo , Limpopo, Limpopo!"

    The name of the poem in which the animals dragged a hippopotamus from the swamp.

Our hippo fell into the swamp...
- Fell into the swamp?
- Yes!
And neither here nor there!
Oh if you don't come -
He will drown, drown in the swamp,
Dies, disappears
Hippopotamus!!! (Telephone)


Chukovsky's first fairy tale. CROCODILE

Vedas. Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by accident at the age of 35. By profession he was literary critic(wrote critical articles O literary works). He loved his profession very much and did not even think that very soon children's poems and fairy tales would glorify him.

And it turned out like this. His little son got sick. Korney Ivanovich took him home on a night train from Helsinki. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. And in order to somehow entertain his son, Korney Ivanovich began to tell him fairy tales. When he started, he did not know what would happen next. It was important not to stumble, not to stop for a second, but to speak quickly to the sound of wheels:

Once upon a time there was a crocodile

He walked the streets

Smoking cigarettes,

spoke Turkish,

Crocodile, Crocodile Crocodile!

And the boy began to listen to his father, calmed down and calmed down. It was important for the father to distract his son's attention from his illness, and he continued, chattering:

And give him a reward

One hundred pounds of chocolate

One hundred pounds of marmalade

One hundred pounds of grapes

And a thousand servings of ice cream.

The boy stopped being capricious and fell asleep. And in the morning, waking up, he asked his father to tell yesterday's tale.It turned out that he remembered it all, word for word. So the first fairy tale "Crocodile" was written.

And here is the second case. Here is how Korney Ivanovich himself recalls this: “Once, while working in my office, I heard a loud cry. It was my youngest daughter crying. She roared into three streams, violently expressing her unwillingness to wash. I left the office, took her in my arms and quite unexpectedly for myself quietly said to her:

Gotta, gotta wash

Mornings and evenings.

And unclean chimney sweeps

Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

This is how Moidodyr was born.

Children 1 class. dramatize an excerpt from a fairy tale "Moydodyr".

5 competition "Who is who".

Which characters belong to these fabulous names?

Aibolit - (doctor )
Barmaley - (
robber )
Fedora - (
grandmother )
Doodle - (
shark )
Moidodyr - (
wash basin )
Totoshka, Kokoshka - (
crocodiles )
Tsokotuha - (
fly )
Barabek - (
glutton )
Red, mustachioed giant - (
cockroach )

Vedas. Fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky help all children navigate the world around them, make them feel like a fearless participant in imaginary battles for justice, for goodness and freedom. Each line of Korney Ivanovich's poems shines with laughter and a smile. Among all his characters, we feel the presence of the author himself: “My phone rang” or “I live in Peredelkino.

Listen to how Chukovsky talks about the idea of ​​creating the work "Flies-Tsokotukha". Initially, this tale was called "Mukhina's wedding."

I often had bursts of joy and merriment. You walk down the street and senselessly rejoice at everything you see: trams, sparrows. Ready to kiss everyone you meet. I especially remember one such day - August 29, 1923.

Feeling like a person who can work miracles, I did not run in, but took off, as if on wings, into our apartment. Grabbing some dusty piece of paper, finding a pencil with difficulty, he began to write a cheerful poem about Mukhina's wedding, and he felt like a groom at this wedding.

There are two holidays in this tale: name day and wedding. I celebrated both with all my heart."

Children 2 cl. dramatize an excerpt from a fairy tale "Fly Tsokotukha".

Fizminutka: a common dance to a Russian folk tune, as if at Mukha's wedding.

6 competition "Heroic deed" (on the slides in the presentation)

Connect the hero of the fairy tale with the act that he committed.


Healed the animals.


Ate a cockroach.


Swallowed the sun.


Saved Fly - Tsokotukha.


I washed my dishes.


Returned the sun to the sky.


Put out the sea.


They set the sea on fire.

7 competition "Decipher the names of fairy-tale characters." (additional competition)

Insert vowels into the encrypted words, you will get the names of fairy-tale characters.









(Barmaley, Moidodyr, Aibolit, Karakula, Tsokotuha, Fedora, Cockroach, Crocodile)

Vedas. Listen to how Chukovsky recalled what prompted him to create the fairy tale "Aibolit".

“And once inspiration came to me in the Caucasus, while swimming in the sea. I swam quite far, and suddenly, under the influence of the sun, the wind and the Black Sea waves, the verses formed by themselves:

Oh if I drown

If I go to the bottom, etc.

I ran naked along the rocky shore and, hiding behind the nearest rock, began to write down verses with wet hands on a wet cigarette box, lying right there, by the very wave. I immediately wrote 20 lines. The fairy tale had neither beginning nor end.”

Children 3 cl. dramatize an excerpt from a fairy tale "Aibolit".

Vedas. Guys, the postman came to us. (Boy enters.) He brought telegrams, but they were unsigned. The postman asks us to help him determine who sent these telegrams.

Oh if I don't get there

If I get lost along the way

What will become of them, with the sick,

With my forest animals? Aibolit

I am bloodthirsty

I'm merciless

I am an evil robber ... Barmaley

Come doctor

Go to Africa soon.

And save me doctor

Our babies. Hippopotamus

Where is the killer?

Where is the villain?

Are you afraid of his claws? Mosquito

Wait, don't rush

I'll swallow you up in no time!

I will swallow, I will swallow

I won't pardon! Cockroach

Dear guests, help!

Kill the villainous spider! Fly Tsokotukha

8 competition "Basket with lost things."

There are different things in the basket. They got lost from some fairy tale by Korney Ivanovich. Help me remember the fairy tale and the lines that talk about this subject.

Phone (My phone rang)

Balloon (Bears rode on a bicycle ... followed by mosquitoes in a balloon)

Soap (So the soap jumped)

Saucer (And saucers behind them)

Galosha (Send me a dozen new galoshes)

Thermometer (And puts a thermometer on them)

Sieve (Sieve jumps through the fields)

Gloves (And then the hares called: “Can you send gloves?”)

Coin (The fly went across the field, the fly found the money)

Chocolate (And gives everyone in order chocolate)

Washcloth (And the washcloth is like a jackdaw, as if swallowed a jackdaw)

Vedas. Here is another fact from the life of Chukovsky. Once, Korney Ivanovich spent three hours sculpting different figures from clay with the children. The children wiped their hands on his trousers. It was a long way to go home. Clay trousers were heavy and had to be held up. Passers-by looked at him in surprise. But Korney Ivanovich was cheerful, he had inspiration, poetry was composed freely. This is how “Fedorino's grief” was born.

Children 4 cl. dramatize an excerpt from a fairy tale "Fedorino grief".

Vedas. Our holiday is coming to an end. Many more times we will meet with the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Learn to read well, read more complex works of his, as well as books translated from English.

We feel sorry for grandfather Korney:
Compared to us, he lagged behind,
Since in childhood “Barmaleya”
And I didn’t read Crocodile,
Did not admire the “Phone”
And I didn’t delve into the “Cockroach”.
How did he grow up to be such a scientist,
Not knowing the most important books?

Here is a playful poem dedicated to Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky by the poet Valentin Berestov.

Irakli Andronikov wrote that “Chukovsky's talent is inexhaustible, intelligent, brilliant, cheerful, festive. Never part with such a writer for the rest of your life.”

Outcome. Rewarding.The most active will be awarded with medals " The best connoisseur fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky "

Additional questions for pauses.

1. In what work did the dishes re-educate their mistress? ("Fedorino grief" )

2. What hero was a terrible villain, and then re-educated? ("Barmaley" )

3. In what fairy tale is the sparrow glorified? ("Cockroach" )

4. Name the fairy tale, main idea which can be expressed by the words: “Cleanliness is the key to health!” ("Moydodyr", "Fedorino grief" )

5. Name a fairy tale in which a terrible crime takes place - an attempted murder? ("Fly Tsokotukha" ).

6. What did the animals ask for in the poem - the fairy tale "Telephone": (Elephant - chocolate, Gazelles - carousels, Monkeys - books, Crocodile - galoshes)

7. On whom did Aibolit and his friends travel to Africa? (Wolves, whale, eagles )

8. What "horned beast" were the tailors afraid of from the poem "The Braves"? (snail )

9. In what fairy tales is the crocodile the hero? (“Confusion”, “Cockroach”, “Moydodyr”, “Phone”, “Barmaley”, “Stolen Sun”, “Crocodile”)

10. What was the name of the boy who defeated the Crocodile? (Vanya Vasilchikov )

11. What did the bunnies ride in the fairy tale “Cockroach”?(By tram)
12. Why did the stomachs of the herons, who asked to send them drops, hurt in the poem “Telephone”?
(They ate frogs)
13. What did Dr. Aibolit regale sick animals in Africa?
14. Continue the phrase from the fairy tale “Moydodyr”. “Long live fragrant soap and…”
15. Who attacked the buzzard fly?
