Conversation tools in the preparatory group. Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group

Nizamova Leysan Madekhatovna,



Novy Urengoy

Integration of educational areas:



"reading fiction"






Perception of fiction

Material and equipment: Subject and plot pictures, envelopes with split pictures depicting people with different professions, magnetic board, presentation "Professions", cards with images of people with different professions, cards with the image different instruments.

Program tasks:


Clarify, expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Practice writing descriptive stories

To consolidate the knowledge of children that different things help people in their work - tools.


Continue to orient children in areas human activity(science, art, production and services, Agriculture), their significance for the life of the child, his family, kindergarten and society as a whole

Develop the ability to listen and hear the question; ability to generalize; logical thinking; children's interest in the process joint activities; visual attention and perception.


To cultivate interest in classes, the formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding.

To instill in children an interest in and respect for people working in kindergarten

Activity progress:

IN. : Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you. And today we have a guest. Guess the riddle and find out who it is.

He is, of course, the most important
The mischievous naughty is funny.
He's wearing a big blue hat
Clumsy and muddler. (Dunno)

Children: Dunno

IN.: Right.

Enters Dunno to the music, in the hands of a chest of medium size.

Dunno: Good afternoon! (Wipes his forehead with his sleeve) Tired, found this chest on the moon. Opened and looked at the contents. And there, some kind of envelopes, did not understand anything ?! I thought I had found treasures. Decided to bring it to you. Can you help?

IN.: Well, can you guys help?

Children: yes, yes!!!

Dunno takes out the first envelope and hands it to the teacher.

IN.:"Guess the Riddles"

IN.: guys for this we need to go to the screen. I will read you a riddle, if you answer correctly, a picture will appear on the screen.

Interactive presentation. download professions.pptx (275.26 KB)

Showing the presentation "Professions in riddles"

Dunno: Well done boys!

IN.: And let's play.

Children and Dunno: We agree.

Mobile game "Who needs this item?"
(a pointer, a wand, a book, a ladle, a steering wheel, a violin, a brush, a bucket, a broom, a stethoscope are on the carpet)
Children move in a circle to the music. The music stops - the children take the items and say who needs this item.

Dunno: I have another envelope. (gives to teacher)

IN.: Game "Collect the picture"

For this game you need to stand in pairs. We will distribute to each pair Dunno split pictures and try to collect them.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. How not to get into trouble

Target : To give children knowledge about the rules for using piercing, cutting objects. To give knowledge about items that are strictly prohibited to use (matches, gas stove, stove, electrical sockets, electrical appliances included); about items that adults should store in inaccessible places (household chemicals, medicines, cutting and stabbing tools). To educate children in accuracy in working with dangerous objects (needle, scissors, knife). Familiarize them with high-risk situations and develop tactics correct behavior in them.

Equipment :

Illustrative material on the topic "Dangerous household items", "SDA rules", the book "how not to get into trouble."

Dangerous items: tools - saw, axe, hammer, nail, knife, pincers, matches, etc.

Sewing accessories - a spool of thread, a needle, scissors;

Medicines - tablets, iodine, medicine, thermometer, syringe;

Toys - ball, cube, small rubber toys, doll.

Lesson progress

Topic message:

Guys, today we will discuss some life safety rules. With some you are already familiar with, let's check if this is so.

Organizational moment. The game "Pick up a toy Tanya"

(Children choose pictures of objects from the box: tools, toys, matches, sewing supplies and medicines, those objects that they think children can play with).

When the task is completed, invite the children to justify their choice using complex sentences: “I would not choose matches, because they cannot be lit by children”

Working with illustrative material. The speech therapist shows illustrations depicting dangerous situations (improper use of needles, a knife, a socket, medicines, a hammer, matches, a gas stove, scissors) and comments on each illustration.

1. Don't play with matches - it's dangerous!

I found a matchbox

And he poured it out not a table,

Wanted to make fireworks

Everything blazed, the light dimmed!

I don't remember anything else!

Only the flame burns me all ...

I hear screams, the sound of water ...

How much trouble from the fire!!

For fun, for play

Do not take matches in your hands.

No, joke, my friend, with fire,

To not regret later.

Don't light your own fire

And don't let others.

Even a little spark

Not far from the fire.

Gas in the kitchen, is it a vacuum cleaner,

Is there a TV, iron,

Let it include only an adult,

Our trusted old friend.

2. Do not turn on the gas stove.

Like a mother, I want to be able to

Turn all the knobs on the stove

And the matches are deftly lit,

And turn the gas on and off.

But my mother strictly told me:

To the stove so that you don’t stick your hands!

It's dangerous, you know!

While watching me.

And don't touch the gas

Grow up a little first!

3. Be careful when handling the power source.

You, baby, must remember;

Be careful with the socket!

You can't play with her

Poke nails into it.

Stick a carnation inadvertently -

And you get electrocuted

So hit that, I'm sorry

They might not even be saved!

4. Do not throw sharp objects around.

If the buttons are out of the box

Scattered - collect,

If there are nails in the road

You saw - take it away!

These are sharp objects.

Don't drop on the floor.

You yourself will come imperceptibly -

With a wound, they will take him to the doctor.

5. Don't touch unfamiliar objects.

There are many bottles in the apartment.

Creams, pastes and tablets

You don’t need to drag it into your mouth, kids -

Poisoning guaranteed

And health is ruined!

6. Do not eat unfamiliar pills.

All little kids

Required to know:

Pills and tablets

You can't secretly swallow!!

When you got sick

Then the doctor is called

And adults in bed

Tablets will bring!

7. Be careful with boiling water!

Not only fire, but also steam burns,

When it is released from the pan.

So be careful with the boiling water

And make sure you understand these rules.

In addition, children should be asked the following questions:

  • What kind of water do we use for cooking? (from a hot or cold water faucet)
  • What causes carelessness when handling water? (for example, if you forget that you are taking a bath) What if there is electricity near the water?
  • Why can't you use electrical appliances yourself? What can happen if you leave them on unattended?
  • What are the signs of a possible fire? (smell of smoke, heat, soot, loud shouts of neighbors) Your actions (call 01, give the address, last name, first name, then open the windows, but so that they are not through, breathe through a wet cloth, lie on the floor in a safe place, cover the flames with blankets, but not with water)
  • What, besides playing with matches, can lead to a fire (An unturned iron, playing with crackers, Bengal lights, combustible substances, pampering with unfamiliar objects found on the street)
  • What is a gas leak, why does it happen, why is it dangerous, what to do if you smell gas? (call 04, giving information about yourself, open all windows, do not turn on or turn off the lights and other electrical appliances)
  • What to do if you still cut yourself with a dangerous tool, got injured? (bandage with a bandage, any cloth, call 03)
  • Why can't you play on the balcony, sit on the windows, climb on the shelves and other furniture? (You can fall, knock over the closet)
  • What should you say to a stranger who called your apartment if you are alone at home? (that dad is in the bathroom, changing clothes, busy and will open when he is free, and the child is forbidden to open). What if someone tries to open the door? (loudly, near the door call the police 02)
  • What if a stranger follows you on the street, tells you that it was your mother who asked you to meet you, give you a ride home, or your parents are in the hospital? (ask for a password invented with parents). What if he grabbed you? (shout loudly: “Help, I don’t know this uncle!”)
  • Is it possible to enter the entrance or other deserted place with the one who followed you? (No, you need to be closer to people on the street, shout to your parents, neighbors near the house to meet you)
  • What to do if you get lost, lost? Go to the nearest store or school, ask them to call their parents, the police, ask them to wait for their parents.
  • Is it possible to eat mushrooms, berries, and just unwashed fruits growing in your yard? Unknown products from the buffet? Try to sniff the contents of cans, bottles? What if he did eat it? (Don't be afraid to tell parents, call 03)
  • Is it possible to play ball, sledding near the track? (No, a car can hit) Is it worth it to run after a ball or other thing if it falls on the road?
  • What traffic rules do you know? If you are going to cross the road on a zebra, do you need to look around? (Yes, you need to make sure that the driver is really going to slow down)
  • Is it possible to walk outside the yard? (Only if the parents know where I am). Is it possible near the reservoir without supervision? (No)
  • Why can't you swim in an unfamiliar place? (You can hit your head on the bottom, catch on a log, get into a whirlpool, not cope with the depth or current)
  • Why can't you walk on the ice of a lake or river? (the ice may not seem strong enough, you will fall under the water). And if the ice cracked underfoot, what to do? (Lie down and crawl to the shore on solid ice)

3. Training "Put things in their places."

To form the knowledge that for safety all items must be put away in their places.

Invite children to arrange items in their storage places:

Tools - in the toolbox;

Medications - in the first aid kit;

Sewing accessories - in a special box.

The speech therapist calls the object (in the form of a riddle), the children guess and add.

I am small,

Thin and sharp

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I carry a needle behind me. (Needle).

My Antoshka has

Only a hat, and an iron leg. (Nail).

I don't want to be silent

Let's knock!

And knocks all day long

He has an iron head. (Hammer).

They love to cut

Cut and notch. (Scissors). In a wooden house

Gnomes live.

So good-natured

Give out lights to everyone. (Matches)

I'll sit under my arm and tell you what to do:

Either I'll put you to bed, or I'll let you walk. (Thermometer)

To distant villages, cities

Who is on the wire?

Bright Majesty!

This is ... (Electricity)

I'll walk a little hot,

And the sheet will be smooth.

I can fix bugs

And put arrows on the trousers. (Iron).

She got down to business

She screamed and sang.

Ate, ate oak, oak,

Broken tooth, tooth. (Saw)

Wonderful friend:

wooden hand,

Yes, iron butt

Yes, scalloped scallop.

He is held in high esteem by the carpenter,

Every day with him at work. (Axe)

Where will rest the tail,

There will be a hole later. (Awl)

In the hands of a craftswoman.

We dived into the loops all day ...

And here it is - a scarf for Petenka. (Spokes)

Outcome : Guys, today we got acquainted with the rules for handling dangerous objects and situations that may arise in the life of each of you.

Electrical appliances and tools

Tasks: expand children's understanding of the world around them, educate careful attitude To household appliances, correction of speech and movement disorders.

Equipment: a laptop for demonstrating an excerpt from the cartoon "Fixies" and paintings on the topic.

GCD progress

Children marching into the hall to the music from the cartoon "Fixies"

Organizational moment.

  • Exercise "Scissors", music by E. Makarov (collection "Music for morning exercises in kindergarten", N. Metlov).
  • Exercise "Hatchets".

Lesson topic message.The game "4th extra".Children are invited to select an extra item and explain their choice: 4 pictures are shown: hand saw , screwdriver, blender, jigsaw;needle, scissors, awl, axe;

TV, set-top box, DVD, vacuum cleaner .

Give general names to these objects. (Electrical appliances, tools, household helpers)


Admire, look -
North Pole inside!
There sparkle snow and ice,
Winter lives there.
Forever us this winter
Brought from the store. (Fridge.)

We have a robot in our apartment.
He has a huge trunk.
Robot loves cleanliness
And it buzzes like a TU liner.
He willingly swallows the dust,
Not sick, not sneezing. (Vacuum cleaner.)

I will say without boasting:
I will rejuvenate all my friends!
They come to me sad -
With wrinkles, with folds,
They leave very cute -
Fun and smooth!
So I'm a reliable friend
Electric ... (iron).

Singing "Sawyers"(collection "Correction of speech and movement", Boromykova O.S., p. 5).

TV game(work on the syllabic structure of the word)

The game is aimed at developing visual memory, the ability to reproduce a given rhythmic pattern.

Game material:

"TV", rhythm blocks, thematic pictures,

musical instruments or their substitutes.

Music material:musical fragments of various sizes (march, polka, Russian folk dance, waltz, Charleston, tarantella).

The teacher asks the children to memorize what they will be shown on TV. A certain rhythmic pattern appears on the screen, the children memorize it, and then reproduce it in turn using musical instruments or their substitutes.

The teacher opens several pictures, and the children choose the one whose syllabic structure of the word-name corresponds to the given rhythmic pattern.

Fizminutka "Household appliances".

Vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner,

Where are you sticking your nose? (Tilts, touch your nose like Pinocchio)
I buzz, I buzz(Whirl and buzz)

I'm putting things in order. (bow, spread arms to the sides)

Articulation-breathing and facial exercises

Express the emotional state associated with the events that happened, show: you are happy with the purchase of a computer or set-top box, upset because of a TV malfunction.

Mixer on: circular movements with the lower jaw. Draw the letter “o” with the chin when the mouth is open or closed.
- We turn the handle of the meat grinder: open your mouth as often as possible when pronouncing the syllable with a change of stress: “By-would-would, would-be-would, would-be-would.”
- The photographer looks into the lens: raise the left and right cheeks in turn.
- We iron clothes: with the wide front edge of the tongue, lick the upper lip from top to bottom, and then pull the tongue into the mouth to the middle of the palate. Make movements with the tip of the tongue along the hard palate, trying to touch the soft palate.

Sounds of working electric machines (demonstration of video from the Internet or audio recording): vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, washing machine. Children imitate: “J-zh-zh-zh-zh”, etc.

Hand exercise.

Painters paint the house(The fists are lowered down. At the same time, raise the hands up, spreading the fingers apart.)
For beloved children.
If only I can
I will help them too.

Game for the development of orientation in space "The guys have a strict order."

Children march around the hall and say the words:

The guys have a strict order,
Know all their places
Come on, quickly repeat like this,
How can I show you!

After the last line, the teacher shows how to line up:

  • hands in front of you are rounded - in a circle,
  • arms to the sides at shoulder level - in a line,
  • two arms outstretched in front of you - in a column.

Game-exercise "Vacuum cleaner and dust particles"(collection "Correctional Rhythm" by M.A. Kositsyn, p. 121).

Guys, imagine that you are dust particles dancing merrily in a ray of sunshine. "Motes of dust" spin around themselves and, spinning slower and slower, settle on the floor. Suddenly the vacuum cleaner started working. (The teacher makes the sound of a vacuum cleaner.) He collects dust particles. Whoever it touches gets up and leaves.

The teacher explains that when the "dust particles" sit on the floor, the backs and shoulders should be relaxed and, bending forward - down, lower your arms and tilt your head.

Outcome: Guys, now we know more about our smart home assistants, we can use them, help our parents at home (under their supervision)

GCD in the preparatory group

"Journey into the world of musical instruments"

(using slide presentation)

Target: Enrich the perception of children with the beauty of music.


1. Educational

  1. Deepen children's understanding of the origin of the orchestra and musical instruments, the relationship of music with nature;
  2. Create conditions for the emotional and psychological liberation of children during the lesson;
  3. Fixing the names of musical instruments.

2. Educational

  1. Development musical ability children in the process of listening to music, singing, playing musical instruments;
  2. Development of figurative and associative thinking, creative imagination;
  3. Development of subtlety and sensitivity of timbre hearing, sense of rhythm.

3. Educational

  1. Raising in children a sense of joy and satisfaction from the process, talking about musical instruments,
  2. Education of emotional and valuable attitude to music, listening and performing culture of children.

Equipment: computer, screen, multimedia projector, children's musical instruments, tape recorder with audio recordings, button accordion.

Lesson progress:

Under the waltz, the children run into the hall and greet the music director with a song.

Musical hands Good afternoon I am very glad to see you today, you are in good mood, upbeat and cheerful. Before we start our lesson, I will read the wonderful words of the great musician and composer D.B. Kabalevsky.

“Music doesn’t just give us pleasure.

She teaches a lot. She, like a book, makes us better, smarter, kinder."

1 Slide theme of the lesson

The topic of our lesson is “Journey into the world of musical instruments”.

Did you know that the word "orchestra" has a long history? In ancient times, this was the name of the area in front of the stage in ancient Greek theater. The orchestra is able to reveal almost everything that colorful human speech can convey. He can cry and laugh, imitate thunder and chirp softly like a bird. And all because the orchestra contains the voices of various instruments. (listening to the piece)

2 Slide diagram of musical instruments in the orchestra.

Here's a look at what a symphony orchestra looks like on stage.

What tools are not here!

musical instruments,

I'll tell you - unique.

Their huge number

Passionate about apprenticeship.

Take a closer look and you will see that the instruments in the orchestra are distributed in a strict order. In front are violas, violins, cellos, double basses stand a little further away. Immediately behind the cellos is the Woodwind family - flutes, clarinets, oboes, bassoons. To their right are their relatives Brass - trumpets, horns, trombones and tubas. Behind them are drums and many other instruments. The orchestra is an organized state, has its own laws, and even has a president who manages the orchestra. Guys, tell me, what is his name? (Answers)

The conductor knows how to make the instruments play the way he wants it, although he does not utter a single word. He only uses a wand. He picks it up, taps it lightly on the music stand - music stand - and dead silence reigns in the orchestra. He will wave it, and all the instruments will play in harmony, harmoniously and amicably. Let's hear how the symphony orchestra sounds. .

Guys, what do you think, are there many instruments in a symphony orchestra? ( Children's answers)

Yes, there are a lot of instruments in this orchestra. All of them are divided into several groups.
Slide 3.

String strings(played with a bow)
Wind group (
Play with air)
strike group (
Sounds are extracted by blows)

And the first group we will meet is a string bow group

slide 4

Guys, why is it called that? ( Children's answers)

The most graceful of the strings is the beautiful violin. The curved neck curls adorn the chiselled headstock. Her waist is such that even a ballerina cannot compete with her. The violin is made of wood and is played with a bow. The sound of the violin is very beautiful, high, melodious. A musician who plays the violin is called a violinist. For a melodious and beautiful voice, the violin is called the "queen of music." In ancient times, a man noticed that a stretched bowstring of a hunting bow can sound pleasant. Gradually, people began to make musical instruments with one, two or more strings. They were the ancestors of our violin. Worked hard violin makers before the violin became the first singer in the orchestra; they selected special types of wood, tried to pull different strings. Now the violin looks like this: it has four strings that are stretched over a wooden case. Sounds are produced by the contact of the string with the bow. But in order to make the violin sing, one must be a good musician. Let's listen to her voice and find the words that fit her timbre.

Listening to the violin

Guys in the family string instruments not only the violin lives, she has many relatives. Before us is the viola. It is very similar to the violin, but bigger. His sound is deeper. Therefore, it is called the "cousin" of the violin.

Guys, please look at the slide. You probably thought that before you big violins. Yes, you are right, these are also relatives of the “Queen of Music”, but they look like her only in appearance, in form. But what are their different timbres. Here is the cello. She has a very special timbre of sound and her own character. When it is necessary to express grief, sadness, sadness, despair with music, the cello has no equal, it conveys these feelings so deeply.

The violin family is completed by another representative - the double bass. He has a very thick and dense voice. Let's listen to his beautiful voice.

Listening to double bass.

So we met four relatives from the violin family. And what are they called?
Children: violin, viola, cello and double bass.

slide 4

Guys, now we are waiting for a meeting with the wind group. It is divided into wooden and copper wind instruments.

So, before us are woodwind instruments. The first instrument is called the flute. The flute has a high and slightly whistling voice; it can be recognized immediately. A distant ancestor of the flute was a reed pipe. The flute is mainly made from wood. That's where the sound comes from. That air is blown into the holes on the side. Therefore, they call a woodwind instrument, and a musician playing a flute, a flutist. Now we will listen to how the flute sounds.


There are also many relatives in the family of wind instruments. Oboe, bassoon, clarinet. The principle of playing on them is the same: with the help of air that is blown in. All of them are made of wood. But they have different voices.

Listening to the clarinet

Well guys, we got to know some tools symphony orchestra. I'll check now to see if you recognize them.


1. Smooth bow movements
The strings tremble.
The motive sounds from afar,
Sings about a moonlit evening.
How clear is the overflow of sounds,
They have joy and a smile,
Sounds dreamy.
I'm called violin.

2. Which instrument has both strings and a pedal?
What is this? Undoubtedly, this is our sonorous .... ( piano.)

3. Louder than flutes, louder than violins,
Louder than the trumpets is our giant.
It is rhythmic, it is excellent, our cheerful ....( drum.)

4. I put a tube to my lips -
A trill poured through the forest,
The instrument is very fragile.
It's called ....( flute.)

5. Very few strings were given to me,
But so far I've had enough!
You are my strings behind
And you will hear: long, long, long!
Well, who am I? Guess!
Naughty ... .. (balalaika.)

Well, guys, answer, were all the instruments from the symphony orchestra? ( children's answers.)

And now we will continue our acquaintance with brass instruments. Why are they called copper? ( Children's answers)

Voltorna - it looks like a snail and it has a very beautiful sound.


The trumpet is a bright, sharp sound. The trumpet sounds invitingly like a heroic cry. Previously, pipes were used for hunting.


And now we will get acquainted with the shock group. Tens of thousands of years ago, a man took a stone in both hands and began to knock them against each other. This is how the first percussion instrument appeared. This is a simple device that cannot yet give music, but can already give rhythm. Percussion instruments much older than wind instruments. Now drums are a very large group of instruments. I won't be able to introduce you to all of them, but I'll try to choose the brightest ones. So, timpani, they have a metal case, from barely audible to thunderous. Let's listen to this unique instrument.

Some people think that playing the drum is easier - simple. Pick up sticks and knock. But after all, the musician must maintain the rhythm throughout piece of music. And this is very difficult. Let's hear how the drum sounds.


So we got acquainted with some of the instruments of the symphony orchestra. What groups are all the instruments of a symphony orchestra divided into?

Well done! You have completed this task. And now I will give you a more difficult task. We will determine which instrument sounds.

"Guess what instrument sounds?"

Musical hands Let's summarize our lesson. We took a closer look at the main groups of musical instruments. We learned about their diversity, listened to the sound of instruments, identified them by ear. What did you like most about the lesson?(Answers ) Guys, please draw at home one of the musical instruments that you liked the most. And then in music hall from your drawings we will create our own symphony orchestra.

Goodbye, see you again!

Children under "Waltz" leave the hall.

Lesson summary

on vocabulary-grammar

in an integrated

preparatory group

MBDOU No. 10, Miass

teacher - speech therapist: Portnykh A.V.

Educational area: "Communication"

Subject: "Tools"


Improve word-formation and inflection skills.

Activate the verb vocabulary in children of older preschool age.

Help children organize work in groups.

Course progress.

Org. Moment

Guys, today I came to work and saw this chest. And it has a note on it. Read it please. (For children of the preparatory group)

There is also a disk here, let's look at it, maybe we will find out whose chest it is.(Video letter from Brownie Kuzi)

Main part

Breathing exercises

What a dusty chest, let's dust it off.

Articulation gymnastics

Now let's open it up and take a look. Image cards articulatory gymnastics (Spatula, Needle, Brush your teeth, Painter)

We can do these exercises.

What else is in the chest?

Musical instruments

(violin, metallophone, drum, fife, spoons, triangle, balalaika, cymbals, xylophone)

How many different things! Let's call them affectionately.

Violin, metallophone, drum, pipe, spoons, triangle, balalaika, cymbals, xylophone.

Who is using these items?(Musicians)

Each musician has his own profession, name it(presentation)

The pianist plays the piano.

The drummer plays the drum.

The guitarist plays the guitar.

The balalaika player plays the balalaika.

The harmonica player plays the harmonica.

The trumpeter plays the trumpet.

Guys, what can we do with these tools?

That's right, we play in the orchestra.


Let's put the tools in the basket. How can we name them?


But there is something else in the chest.

Hammer, axe, tongs, saw, screwdriver.

We know the stick game about these items.

finger game tools

Guys, what can you do with these objects, name the word action:

hammer - knock

with an ax - chop

pincers - pull out

saw - saw

screwdriver - twist, unscrew

How to name these items?


What else is in the chest?

Chopper, shovel, rake, pruner, pitchfork.

Guys, let's prepare a surprise for Kuzi and come up with riddles about these items.

Let's split into two teams. The first team will make a riddle about a shovel.

The second is about looting. With the help of a table.

(children voice their riddle)

How can you call these objects in one word. (collect in a basket, sign)


Now I will put all the baskets in the chest ....

Oops, looks like it's broken...

Outdoor game: Gather the tools.

Let's check if everything is correct.

Garden - Misha will check.

Musical - check Ksyusha.

Carpentry - Sasha will check.

Let's put everything in the chest. How can you call all these objects, in one word?(Tools)

Let's sign the chest and now Kuzya will know exactly what is in it!

Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group. Topic: Properties of wood Educator: Ustinova I.A. Program content: - Introduce children to the properties of wood (does not sink, burns, can be processed, painted). To expand the knowledge of children about the trees that grow in our region. Fix the symbols of the Komi Republic (coat of arms, flag). To develop the skills of conducting laboratory experiments, to consolidate the ability to work with equipment, while securing the necessary safety measures. Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner, as well as master your own opinion, prove your own case, instill a respect for wood. - Activation and enrichment of the children's vocabulary with nouns, adjectives and verbs on the topic of the lesson: exhibits, planer, hacksaw, plan, process, birch bark. Demonstration material: cards with the properties of wood, wooden and birch bark products, a multimedia projector, a planer, a vise, a hacksaw, a wooden block, a CD with a song about birch. Handout: jars of water, paper clips, magnets, wooden blocks, sawdust, glue, brushes, paints, napkins. Preliminary work: Excursion to the rowan square, visiting the forest with parents, watching the film "Nature native land”, looking at photographs with views of Usinsk nature, visiting an exhibition at Vortas, learning the poem “White Birch”. Course of the lesson: - Hello guys! Today I want to invite you to the Museum of Wooden Products. Let's remember the rules of conduct in the museum. (do not speak loudly and do not touch the exhibits with your hands). Do you know what exhibits are? Exhibits are those items that are in the museum. -Come in, please, and stand in a semicircle near these (display) exhibits. What material do you think these items are made of? All these items are made by human hands. in a different way. These spoons are made by chiseling, bunnies by sawing. And who do you think decorated these products so beautifully? That's right, the products are decorated by artists. Tell me, please, what else can be done from wood? (houses, furniture, toys) Toys made from natural materials are without a doubt the most useful - Please go to these exhibits. What do you think they are made of? (from birch). Birch bark is upper layer birch bark. This is an amazingly plastic and warm material, please feel it. (children pass each other a piece of birch bark) Try to bend it, it turns out with difficulty. The birch bark has several layers. Now I will show how you can divide the birch bark (show). And now touch the birch bark, what has it become? (soft, plastic). Yes, a variety of crafts can be made from such birch bark. Products from birch bark are truly unique in their own way, their beauty and environmental friendliness deserve admiration. For example, a bread box made of birch bark from time immemorial allowed to save any bakery products fresh for a really long time. Also, a tues or a basket made of birch bark - a truly wonderful bactericidal material, makes it possible to store any edible supplies for a rather long period: in the heat, the products lying in them did not deteriorate, and in the cold they did not freeze. As a rule, birch bark tuesas used to be widely used for storing various liquid substances - butter, sour cream, milk, and others, while the seams of the products were constantly perfectly sealed by skilled craftsmen, due to which they did not let water through at all. Now bread bins, caskets, paintings, jewelry and many other interesting and useful things are made from birch bark. Masters, making products from birch bark, use various processing technologies: weaving, stitching, gluing. -Now go to the chairs. Tell me, please, what country do we live in? What symbol of the Komi Republic do you see on the screen? How rich is our republic? (forests, rivers, oil, gas, coal) What can we see in the forest? (trees, berries, mushrooms, flowers) Now listen to the riddle: The trunk turns white, the hat turns green, stands in white clothes, hanging earrings. What is this? (Birch) (slide 1) Birch is a symbol of the beauty of Russian nature. There are many poems, songs, fairy tales written about her. She can be admired at any time of the year. Guys, where can you meet, see a birch (in the forest, in a clearing, near the house, etc.). What is the name of the forest where only birches grow ( Birch Grove) Slide number 2 This tree fell in love with our people for its beauty. And people also danced around the birch, sang songs. Slide number 3. What songs about birch do you know? - No other country in the world has as many birches as ours.. Our people love the green beauty for her beauty. It grows in all corners of our vast country. (The teacher demonstrates the tree in different seasons) . In winter - on the branches lies White snow. Slide number 4 In the spring - sticky, tender leaves on the branches. slide No. 4 In summer - the tree is covered with dense green foliage. slide No. 4 In autumn - the birch is covered with golden foliage, leaves spinning in the air, fall to the ground. Children, what is the name of this phenomenon? (Leaf fall). slide No. 4 Look, guys, the picture of the artist, with what love they depicted the corners of their nature. The picture depicts a beauty - a birch. For its beauty, the birch has become a symbol of our country. Birch is not only beautiful tree Even in ancient times, people noted many useful properties. In the spring, kidneys are harvested, medicines are made from them. (Slide number 5) Birch earrings serve as food for birds. (Slide No. 6) In the summer, birch brooms are prepared, they are steamed in baths, as there are a lot of useful substances in birch leaves. (slide number 7) - Guys, today we watched interesting slides, had a short conversation. What do you think the topic of our lesson is? That's right, the topic of our lesson is "Properties of a birch." Game "Grow a tree" (Add pictures of the sequence of tree germination (a tree grows and all its parts grow. Children name and lay out pictures in sequence birch seed, shoot, trunk, twigs with buds, leaves, earrings) -And now I want I will invite you to my workshop. But to get there you need to show a pass. And the pass will be the name of a tree or shrub that grows in our republic. I will be the chief master, and you will be my assistants. Put on aprons, show a pass, take jobs. "So, the first property that we are investigating requires us to conduct a serious experiment. You have glasses of water on your tables, put a paper clip, a button, a magnet there. What happened to them? (they drowned). Now take a wooden brick and let it go into the water. What happened to the brick? (the brick floats). We have identified the first property of the tree. It does not sink. What scheme will we choose for it? - I have a torch made of wood in my hands. Let's try to set it on fire. What happens to the torch? (she's on fire). We found out the second property - the tree burns. And now we will select a scheme for this property. (game "Good-bad"). - Move your bowls towards you. Take the foam rubber and try to bend it, wrinkle it. Happened? Now take a wooden brick and try to bend it, break it. Happened? (no) Why? (wood is a dense material). What can be made from wood? (houses, toys, dishes, furniture). Select a card for this property. Let's take a look at this piece of wood. How do you think you can color it? What color would you like to paint it? (we color and choose the appropriate card with the property) We have to conduct one more experiment. Get a sharpener and try to sharpen your pencil. Happened? (choose a card with the appropriate property). Look at this block of wood (I let the children touch it). Is he smooth? What needs to be done to make it smooth? (cut out). To do this, I take a planer and I will plan. Now try, touch the bar. The tree became smooth. We select the appropriate card with the property of the tree. I need two wooden blocks, but I have one, what should I do? (to cut). And what tool will we cut? (with a hacksaw, I saw it myself). See what's left after sawing? (sawdust). And now I suggest you make a birch in winter, which is covered with frost. With frost, we will have colored sawdust, the trunk will be made of birch bark, which I prepared in advance. You have sheets of cardboard with a birch top painted on your tables. First, we glue the birch bark trunk, then we smear the upper part of the birch with glue and sprinkle with sawdust, pressing lightly with a napkin (I help children who are at a loss). I really liked your work. After they dry, we will organize an exhibition. Now come to me and we will remember the properties of the tree. Reflection: Guys, did you learn something new for yourself? What was the most difficult? What do you remember the most? Now close your eyes, prepare your palms and those children who I liked will receive small gifts from me. (All children receive gifts - birch saw cuts)
