What is real art from life experience. What is real art? Real life examples

Art is the activity of the individual. With the help of it, he learns the world, rests and creates something new. The role and importance of art in human life cannot be underestimated. Without it, it would be almost impossible. This is a kind of foundation for further discoveries.

What is art

This creative activity which allows a person to realize his inner world. You can create with the help of sounds, dances, drawings, words, colors, various natural materials and so on. Art is one of the many forms of consciousness of intelligent beings. It arises due to the creativity of specific individuals who touch on topics that are interesting not only to the author, but also to other people. Many people ask: “Does a person need art?” The answer is definitely yes, because it is a way of knowing the world. Science is also one of the types of acquiring knowledge from the surrounding reality. Art can be:

  • Craft. Any kind of human activity is considered a creative process. Skill in some area: sewing, beadwork, furniture making and so on is considered an art. After all, a person tries to convey his vision of the world into reality.
  • cultural activities. People have always strived for something beautiful. By creating something good, a person emphasizes his love and peacefulness.
  • Any expressive form. With the development of society and aesthetic knowledge, art can be called absolutely any activity that expresses some meaning with the help of special means.

This term is quite broad. If it is interpreted on the scale of the whole human society, then this is a special means for cognition or reflections of the surrounding world, spirituality and consciousness of the individual. There is practically no person who could not give him an explanation. Listen to your inner world and determine what art is for you. After all, it is valuable both for a particular author and for all people in general. During the existence of mankind, a lot of works of art have already been created that you can admire and that can inspire you to your own creative ideas.

The history of the emergence of art

According to one theory, for the first time a person began to engage in creativity during primitive society. Witnesses to this are rock inscriptions. These were the first mass art forms. They were applied mainly for practical application. About 40 thousand years ago, art became an independent way to explore the world. It was represented by various rituals, musical compositions, choreography, wearable decorations, images on rocks, trees and skins of dead animals.

IN primitive world art performed the function of transmitting information. People could not communicate using language, so they transmitted information through creativity. Therefore, art for the people of those times was an integral part of existence. For drawing images, objects from the surrounding world and various colors from them were used.

Art in the ancient world

It was in ancient civilizations, such as: Egypt, India, Rome, and so on, that the foundations of the creative process were laid. Even then, people began to think about whether art is necessary for a person. Each developed center of civilization had its own unique style, which survived for many centuries and did not change. At this time, the first works of artists had already begun to be created. The ancient Greeks portrayed human body the best. They could correctly depict muscles, posture and respect the proportions of the body.

Art in the Middle Ages

People of these times focused their gaze on biblical stories and spiritual truths. In the Middle Ages, they no longer wondered whether a person needed art, because the answer was obvious. A gold background was used in painting or mosaics, and people were depicted with perfect proportions and body shapes. Art of various kinds penetrated into the sphere of architecture, beautiful statues were built. People were not interested in what real art was, they just created their own beautiful works. Some Islamic countries attributed divine power to such creations. The people from India used the art for religious dancing and sculpture. The Chinese preferred bronze sculptures, woodcarving, poetics, calligraphy, music and pictorial drawings. The style of this people changed every era and bore the names of the ruling dynasties. In the 17th century, it spread in Japan. By this time, people already knew what real art was. After all, it has already seriously influenced the upbringing of a useful person for society. It also served good rest and relaxation.

The Renaissance and the Modern World

Mankind has returned to humanism and material values. This influenced the development of art. Human figures have lost their idealized forms. During these eras, artists tried to show the Universe and various ideas of that time. There were already a lot of interpretations of "what is art". Creative people perceived it as a way to convey human individuality. Already to XIX century a lot of styles were formed, such as symbolism or fauvism. However, in the 20th century a lot happened scientific discoveries and developing technologies. In this period creative personalities were looking for new ways to display their inner world and reflect modern beauty.

In the second half of the twentieth century, the direction of modernism joined the art. People tried to find the truth and followed strict standards. During this period, there were a lot of critics of painting who suggested that it was over.

What is art

IN modern world creative process achieved unprecedented development. Using the World Wide Web different kind skill spreads with great speed. Art is as follows:

  • Spectacular art. It includes theatres, operas, circuses, cinema and so on. With the help of visual perception, the authors convey their vision of the world and various events. Directors create films that reflect the existing problems of the world. Many branches of art serve as entertainment for a person, for example, the circus.
  • Art. This area includes photography, painting, comics, sculpture and silent films. The authors, with the help of a static picture, convey the nature, the life of a people, the problems of mankind. Silent cinema is a dynamic art form. In the modern world, this phenomenon has already lost its popularity.
  • Expressive art. People reflect their views in literature, create beautiful buildings. They also express the inner world in music and choreography. In most works rise global problems and vices of mankind. Thanks to this, people improve and move away from evil and self-flagellation.

For creative expression man has invented a lot of materials. Artists use paint, canvases, ink, and so on. Architects - clay, iron, gypsum and more. Thanks to modern ways storing information, a person can transfer his creations to an electronic version. Already, there are many musicians, artists, directors and writers who use the computer to create works of art.

Modern world and art

The creative sphere of life teaches the individual true beauty, makes him more merciful and kinder. Also, art teaches to look at simple things from a different angle, most often positive. In all creations there is not one certain meaning, each person in them is looking for something of his own. Also, everyone individually chooses the type of activity for themselves. It can be painting, ballet or even classic literature. People, through creativity, learn compassion, sensitivity and emotionality. Everyday life can oppress a person, and art reminds us how beautiful the world around him can be. Many people eat simply positive energy from various works of art.

From an early age, an individual is instilled with a love for creativity. Introducing children to art allows them to learn to understand literature, painting, architecture, music and much more. It develops the personality. However, there are times when a person does not understand why art is needed. Such behavior is one of the stages of personality development, after which people have an involuntary craving for something new unknown. This allows you to broaden your horizons, improve and form individual moral values. The most important thing is that creativity makes a person better.

How art affects personality development

Man is a creature that is formed with the help of surrounding events and other opinions. Art occupies a special place in this process, it influences both specific person and on society as a whole. Thanks to him, pleasant feelings are formed in a person, interesting thoughts, moral principles, and the development of contemporary art helps him in this. Life without this industry is almost unreal. It would be dry, and for individuals with a rich inner world it would appear only in black and white. occupies a special place in existence. fiction like art. She is able to fill a person like a jug of water, life principles and looks. Leo Tolstoy believed that spiritual beauty could save humanity. With the study of the work of various authors, people become internally attractive.

IN fine arts a person tries to convey his point of view on the world sometimes from your imagination. After all, he cannot recreate what does not exist. Each image conveys a specific thought or feeling of the creator. Man eats these works of art. If the message was good, then the person will radiate positive emotions. Aggressive creativity gives rise to negative feelings in a person. In life, people must have positive thoughts and deeds, otherwise humanity is threatened with extinction. After all, if everyone around him wishes evil, then mass acts of violence and murders can begin.

Introducing children to art

Parents begin to engage in the cultural education of their child almost from birth. Introducing children to art is an important part cultivating a positive personality. School age considered the most favorable for the development cultured person. At this stage, schools form a child's sympathy for classical works. In the lessons they consider the great artists, writers, musicians and their significant contribution to the culture of mankind. In the future, they will better perceive the work of various authors and not ask about why art is needed. However, when children enter the middle classes, teachers do not pay due attention to creativity. In this case, many parents send them to special art schools. Children are brought up with the ability to learn something new, interest in art, the ability to create and be kind person. After all, artistic creations play a significant role in the development of a mature personality.

Art and literature

The word is an integral part of creativity. Thanks to him, you can very accurately convey information, events, feelings, and so on. is able to convey to a person the widest range of emotions and views on life. Also, imagination helps to convey pictures of indescribable beauty. Thanks to the word, people can experience joy, feelings, condolences, sadness, and so on. The text in the book is somewhat reminiscent of an alternate reality.

The writers also talk about their assumptions that relate to the future of mankind. There are a lot of popular dystopias that reflect a not at all bright future, for example: “Oh wonderful new world Aldous Huxley, George Orwell's 1984. They serve as a warning to a person so that he does not forget to love and tries to appreciate everything that he has. This fact shows why the art of negative literature is needed. After all, such books ridicule the problems of people: insane consumption, love of money, power, and so on. After all, these things do not bring happiness at all, and you only need to do noble deeds and be honored.

What is the art of photographs and paintings for?

Almost every person likes to decorate the walls of his house with the work of artists or photographers. However, not everyone thought why they hang there and how they affect mood. Psychologists believe that the images on the walls can affect a person. The picture primarily affects the subconscious, and it is very important what color it is. Effects of coloration of images:

  • Orange color. He is able to create a warm and warm feeling in a person. However, some works can, on the contrary, irritate.
  • Red paintings. This is one of the most influencing colors on people. healthy people it can feed with passion and warmth. Patients with psychological disorders may develop aggression.
  • Green. This is the color of the entire plant world, which creates a feeling of security and freshness in a person.
  • Blue images. They are able to give people peace and some coolness. All light colors have a positive effect on the emotional state of a person.

Experts have long known that different colors paintings and photographs can elevate mood, put emotions in order and, in some cases, heal. However, some people may still have a question about why image art is needed. They can be observed in schools, kindergartens, educational institutions and some jobs. Often these are peaceful landscapes, forests and portraits of some beautiful people.

True art is a work of generally recognized artistic value. To expand this concept the best way, The wise Litrekon uses examples from literature, which always help him express his thoughts. It's for you, dear readers, he dedicated his next collection.

  1. F.M. Dostoevsky, "Poor people". The heroine of the work, Varenka Dobroselova, often corresponds with her patron Makar Devushkin and notices that he is not at all developed. If he reads, then it is second-rate literature, devoid of the charm of genuine art. Then she advises him the books of N.V. Gogol and A.S. Pushkin. After that, even the reader himself sees how Makar has changed: he has become more interesting to write and feel deeper. Only true creativity can transform a person.
  2. I.S. Turgenev, "Singers". The narrator witnessed a competition of singers in a tavern. One of them sang clear and loud, many thought that he would win. However, the second performer sang hoarsely and drawlingly, but so soulfully and warmly that he made the listeners feel every note. There is no doubt that this is the real art - to awaken genuine emotions in the public.
  3. ON THE. Nekrasov, "Elegy". The famous poet has repeatedly touched on the topic of art. In his opinion, it should not be sweet-voiced and soft, but honest and uncompromising. “I dedicated the lyre to my people,” he wrote. Real creativity is always dedicated to people and serves them, but not the interests of a particular class, but the whole society.
  4. N.V. Gogol, "Portrait". Main character story was a gifted painter, but greed and a thirst for luxury pushed him to the path of an artisan: he began to make paintings to order. In each of them, he went against the truth and against himself, doing what the customers want from him. In the end, he realized that he had lost his talent, because real art is always free and sublime, it does not obey the philistine taste of the crowd.
  5. N.V. Gogol, " Dead Souls» . IN digressions the narrator argues that writers are divided into two categories: some write what people want to read, while others write the truth. Some flatter the world and receive its recognition, others become victims of those who do not want to see the truth and hide from it. Judging by the tone of his reasoning, the author considered the real art to be precisely that literature that contains truthful, albeit critical, food for thought.
  6. A.S. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin". The heroine of the novel was distinguished by her erudition and taste in the choice of literature. Tatyana spent all her time thinking about books and learned adult life even before full entry into it. Therefore, Olga's frivolity was alien to her, the heroine deeply felt and fell in love once in her life. Such a wealth of the inner world can be explained by the fact that Tatyana understood true art and drew wisdom from it.
  7. M.Yu. Lermontov, "A Hero of Our Time". Grigory Pechorin was unusually captivated by Bela's dance. The girl moved easily and gracefully, her movements were impeccably beautiful. In them he saw the ideal of naturalness and simplicity, which he sought in vain in secular life. It is real art, which has become for Gregory the reason for falling in love with a stranger, that can give a person aesthetic and spiritual pleasure.
  8. M.A. Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita. Real art is always aimed at eternity, it does not take into account the present, so it is often not recognized during the lifetime of the creator. Bulgakov portrayed a similar example: Masters who wrote a really talented thing are buried alive in a lunatic asylum. He is not accepted and condemned only because his book did not fit into the tight ideological framework. But the author proves by this example that genuine creativity will survive the persecution and remain for centuries.
  9. A.T. Tvardovsky, "Vasily Terkin". To entertain his comrades, Vasily plays the accordion, and it is often these uncomplicated melodies that inspire tired soldiers and allow them to remember home, peaceful days and their joys. Music helps them gather strength and make a miracle, which we call the Great Victory. This is real art, which sets people in a good mood.
  10. 10.A.P. Chekhov, "A work of art". According to the plot of the story, the boy brings the doctor a beautiful chandelier in gratitude for his help. However, a man will be ashamed to leave the thing with him: she is beautiful and elegant, but the leg of the candlestick was made in the form of naked women. The hero is afraid that people visiting him will think badly of him. In the same way, all his acquaintances refuse this gift. So the author showed that people cannot always understand real art, which is out of the ordinary and frightens the layman.

Essay 1

Real art, according to the article " explanatory dictionary Russian language "S.I. Ozhegov, is "a creative reflection, a reproduction of reality in artistic images". But is it possible to define the meaning of this word in one phrase? Of course not! Art is charm and sorcery! This is exactly what T. Tolstoy says in the text.

Firstly, the famous writer builds the heroine's argument about real art, opposing the seemingly incompatible in meaning: theater and cinema ... Incompatible because she does not like the theater! All the sympathies of the lyrical heroine are given to the cinema that enchanted and bewitched her! Here is how she enthusiastically writes about her favorite art form: “It is precisely from the cinema that I expect a complete transformation, a final deception -“ so as not to think why, so as not to remember when.

My point of view about real art differs from the opinion of the heroine of T. Tolstoy: I love the theater! A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to attend a wonderful performance of the opera-mystery Juno and Avos. Everything that was there: wonderful scenery, and the wonderful music of Alexei Rybnikov, and romantic story love of two wonderful people- said that I was in the temple of art! And "the gods in it ... are mine!"

Thus, real art is different for each person: someone loves cinema, and someone loves theater.


Essay 2

Art is component culture of mankind. However, only that art that has a positive effect on a person, touching the innermost strings of his soul, we can call real.

We find examples of real art in the text of T.N. Tolstoy. The hero of the story, on behalf of whom the narration is going on, compares two types of art - theater and cinema. He comes to the conclusion that the theater is not his temple and the gods in it are not his (4-7). He really loves cinema, because there you can relax and dream, there are no flaws that are forgiven to artists in the theater in exchange for their art (8). In his opinion, “cinema for those who love dreams is miracles”, “cinema is for children”.

In addition, you can give examples of real art from life. I really like pictures that depict real objects. And I can't understand why people are willing to pay money for works of incomprehensible purpose. For example, recently a rather interesting exhibit- a garbage container with household waste, for which the author offered almost 3 million rubles. So why can't the janitor, who has a lot of this "good", do the same, because nothing is required for this? It seems to me that this is not real art, but just a pathetic imitation of it.

Thus, we were convinced that real art should be done with a soul and serve people as spiritual food, helping them to become happier and kinder to others and to themselves.

Horny Anna, student of I.A. Suyazova

Essay 3

Real art, in my opinion, is the depiction of reality in artistic images. These are those works of painting, literature, architecture, which reflect the inner world of man. Real art is not created for the sake of fame and money, it's just a way to express your thoughts and feelings. I will give examples to support what has been said.

T. Tolstoy's text raises the problem of choosing between two types of art. The heroine from childhood tried to fall in love with the theater, as she was "told". She understood that the theater was a temple, but not for her. She, like most people, enjoyed the cinema, because everything is perfect on the screen, and the theater does not hide imperfections. The author wanted to express her opinion about contemporary art: "The theater is for adults, cinema is for children."

Since I did not manage to visit the audience in the theater, I prefer cinema. A lot of both old and modern films have influenced my worldview, my life. Another advantage of cinema is that you can watch it at any time. One of those films that made a deep impression on me is " Green Mile". This is a film about humanity, it makes you think a lot. At the heart of this work is love for the world and all living things. The film really teaches to see the soul of a person, not to judge people by external impressions, superficially.

Thus, I proved that, whatever art, it should bring people pleasure, morally educate. Real art plays an important role in the life of every person, because it introduces us to everything beautiful.

Kozhanova Polina, student of S.N. Mishchenko

Text 5. T. Tolstaya. Cinema (story from the cycle "Small Things", coll. "River")

(1) As a child, I tried very, very hard to love the theater, as I was told: after all, this Great Art, Temple. (2) And I, as expected, should feel awe, but at the same time remember that there are theatrical conventions in the theater. (3) I remembered, but when an elderly uncle in a camisole with puffy sleeves, with a large velvet belly swaying over thin legs, menacingly, like classroom teacher, asked: “Tell me, Laura, what year are you?” - and the overweight aunt barked in response: "Eighteen years old!" - terrible confusion and shame crushed me, and all my efforts to love the theater were finally crossed out.

(4) Meanwhile, it was warm in the theater, the hall smelled pleasant and complex, smart people walked in the lobby, the windows were wrapped in parachute silk curtains, like cumulus clouds. (5) Yes, the temple. (6) Probably. (7) But this is not my temple, and the gods in it are not mine.

(8) But it’s a completely different matter - the Ars cinema, an inferior shed on the square. (9) There are uncomfortable wooden seats, they sit there in coats, there is garbage on the floor. (10) There you will not meet “inveterate theater-goers”, dressed-up ladies, offended in advance by the fact that they, decent people, are forced to spend three hours in the company of ignorant profane people. (11) There the crowd tumbles in and sits down, rattling their seats and spreading the sour smell of damp coats. (12) Now they will begin. (13) This is happiness. (14) This is a movie.

Text 9.3

What is real art?

What is real art? These are not pitiful, meaningless songs composed in the name of glory, not paintings that can be used to hang a hole in the wallpaper, and not poems where the rhyme can still be seen, but the meaning is not. By real art we will refer those works in which the author has invested himself and which excite the souls and minds of people.

One of the arts is music. However, not all musical works we call true art. Main hallmark authenticity - the positive impact of a work of art on the human soul. For evidence, we turn to the proposed text of Marina Lvovna Moskvina and life experience.

First, sentences 1-6 talk about how much music, namely jazz, means to the boy and his dog. They love to perform musical compositions to the guitar as a duet, and most importantly, what feelings they experience at the same time. After all, art lies in the ability to give emotions to people. And the boy's uncle was right: jazz is not music, jazz is a state of mind. (38)

Secondly, music can change a person, life and the world as a whole, but only if it is real. Personally, my worldview is greatly influenced by creativity. contemporary musician Lady Gaga. For example, in Born this way, she says that we are all unique, which is not extra person on the planet. In the composition “Marry the night”, the singer talks about the pain that she had to feel because of her, as it seemed to her, unrealized creativity, and this pain is easy to feel together with the performer, listening to her song.

Having considered two arguments, we were convinced that art can be real only when people perceive musical compositions with their heart and soul.

(1) For me, music is everything. (2) I love jazz like Uncle Zhenya. (3) What did Uncle Zhenya do at a concert in the House of Culture! (4) He whistled, shouted, applauded! (5) And the musician kept blowing recklessly into his saxophone! ..

Essay-reasoning at the OGE (According to the text 9.4.)

Real art, in my opinion, is the depiction of reality in artistic images. These are those works of painting, literature, architecture, which reflect the inner world of man. Real art is not created for the sake of fame and money, it's just a way to express your thoughts and feelings. I will give examples to support what has been said.

T. Tolstoy's text raises the problem of choosing between two types of art. The heroine from childhood tried to fall in love with the theater, as she was "told". She understood that the theater was a temple, but not for her. She, like most people, enjoyed the cinema, because everything is perfect on the screen, and the theater does not hide imperfections. The author wanted to express her opinion about contemporary art: "The theater is for adults, cinema is for children."

Since I did not manage to visit the audience in the theater, I prefer cinema. A lot of both old and modern films have influenced my worldview, my life. Another advantage of cinema is that you can watch it at any time. One such film that made a deep impression on me is The Green Mile. This is a film about humanity, it makes you think a lot. At the heart of this work is love for the world and all living things. The film really teaches to see the soul of a person, not to judge people by external impressions, superficially.

Thus, I proved that, whatever art, it should bring people pleasure, morally educate. Real art plays an important role in the life of every person, because it introduces us to everything beautiful.

Kozhanova Polina, student of S.N. Mishchenko

Everyone knows that art is a reflection of reality in artistic images. But not every work, be it a painting, a sculpture, a poem, will remain for centuries, glorify the name of its creator, become a truly talented and unsurpassed creation. What is real art? In my opinion, this is something that causes not just aesthetic pleasure, but makes you tremble, cry, laugh, prompts you to think about the world and man, about yourself. Real art is always a mystery that you want to comprehend.

About what real art is and what impact it can have on a person, the Russian writer Alexander Grin reflects in his story “The Winner”. The protagonist of the story, the sculptor Gennison, had every chance of winning the sculpture competition for the building of the university under construction.

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His statue was impeccably and talentedly executed, in addition, the members of the jury treated him with sympathy. The only one who could compete with Gennison was the sculptor Ledan. But he, according to Gennison, had no chance, since his style was not in favor with "positive people" and he was not loved for his unbearable character and extreme conceit. Winning the competition is very important for Gennison, because he is in great need of money. This victory is already what is called “in the pocket”, because one of the jury members Sters hinted to him that the decision in his favor was almost made. However, Gennison is haunted by the thought of Ledan's creation, which no one has yet seen. On the eve of the competition, he goes to the studio and, seeing Ledan's sculpture, breaks his own. Why? The protagonist realized that his statue could not compete with Ledan's statue, in which everything breathes with simplicity, lightness and talent. “After all, it’s like catching a beam. How does he live. How to breathe and think. Yes, it's art,” muses Gennison with a sense of downfall and delight. Recognizing the creation of real, genuine art in Ledan's sculpture, Gennison does not leave himself a chance to win and destroys his work. The problem of the authenticity of art is connected in the story with the problem moral choice. Gennison deliberately commits his act. Having recognized himself defeated, he becomes a winner in the name of the triumph of truth and justice.

According to A. Green, true art can create real miracles. The protagonist managed to correctly assess himself and his place in art and make the right decision.

Updated: 2018-09-15

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