“Yegor Letov was not a star. He was the one and only

On the grave famous singer fans prefer to gather on the anniversary of his death. The largest celebration of fans is considered to be the "party" arranged in 2010, when exactly 20 years have passed since the death of Tsoi.

Fans of Tsoi's work, gathered at the singer's grave. The video was filmed in 2010.

During the "festivities all night until the morning" the fans behaved as if they were at a street concert: smoking, drinking and shouting "Kino" songs with a guitar. True, most of the alcoholic drinks were not in the hands of the fans, but on the singer's tombstone - in the video it is completely filled with glasses, cans and bottles of wine and port. Despite the torrential downpour that fell on August 15, 2010, connoisseurs of creativity put cigarettes and CDs with his recordings in the same place.

On the 25th anniversary of the artist's death, in 2015, the fans behaved more decorously: they gathered, paid tribute to the deceased and dispersed. But by this time, the singer's grave had already become a rather dangerous place: from time to time, Kino listeners welcome guests cordially, but on other days they either drag the bodies of the unconscious victims of the brawl onto the railway tracks.

On August 15, 2016, due to these events, a police squad was on duty at the grave of Viktor Tsoi. Apparently not the last time.

Yuri Klinskikh, Gas Sector

Where is buried: Left Bank Cemetery, Voronezh.

Judging by the collection of videos on the Internet, there are always people standing at the grave of the lead singer of the Gaza Strip group. It can be a variety of characters: fans, punks or just.

The fence within a radius of hundreds of meters from the burial place of the artist is covered with inscriptions "Punky hoy!" and mentions of the cities from which the fans came. Despite this, a popular video for "Yuri Klinskikh" is an instruction on how to get to the singer's grave.

Performance of the song "Collective Farm Punk" at the grave of Yuri Klinsky.

Another popular video is from the incident in 2010, when Igor Kushchev, the guitarist of the first line-up of the Gaza Strip, came to celebrate 10 years since the death of the Klinskys. The musician, who had gone through a lot, became very emotional and at some point became talk to the singer's gravestone and reproach the deceased for "betraying them."

Video of fans singing songs at the singer's grave.

Mikhail Gorshenyov, "The King and the Jester"

Where he is buried: Theological cemetery, St. Petersburg.

Silence and tranquility reign at the grave of the soloist of the group "King and the Shut": no tears of former colleagues or alcoholic parties. A year after the singer's funeral, a monument appeared on the grave. It was installed with money raised from charity concert group "Kukryniksy", in which Mikhail's brother sings.

Amateur video filmed in the year of the singer's death.

On the anniversary of the death of "Pot" his mother Tatyana Ivanovna came to the grave along with the fans of the "King and the Jester", touchingly showed the singer's friends the "goat", read poetry own composition and was glad that the fans of the group dug up her entire garden in the country.

Despite the exemplary behavior of Gorshka fans, the authorities of Russian cities are in no hurry to meet them halfway - projects to erect a monument to the late soloist in Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh and St. Petersburg did not find support.

Egor Letov, "Civil Defense"

Where he is buried: Staro-East Cemetery, Omsk.

The grave of Yegor Letov in Omsk is perhaps the most peaceful place in the city. No one arranges holidays on it, relatives come alone, without dozens of fans.

There are no videos on YouTube with "gatherings" of fans with a guitar and beer. Like the Klinskys, Letov has clear instructions on how to get from the entrance to the Staro-Vostochnoye Cemetery to the burial place of the singer. He has more videos like this than any other. Russian musicians- either the cemetery in Omsk is very large, or it is easy to get lost in it.

Celebrities and politicians come to honor the memory of the singer. In 2011, the head of the Just Russia party, Sergei Mironov, visited Letov's grave, and in 2014, Yuri Shevchuk came to the Staro-Vostochnoye Cemetery.

Letov and " sanitary paradoxes everyday consciousness"

Five years ago, on February 19, 2008, Yegor Letov died. His " civil defense” with semi-schizophrenic texts that “grandfather Lenin decomposed into mold and linden honey” became for many compatriots a gloomy symbol of Omsk along with the drug-addicted bird Wingedum and Dostoevsky’s prison. Egor Letov - the most famous musician Omsk, although hometown he did not like and in principle did not give concerts in it. I think I understand why.

My family was friends with the father of Igor (that was the name of Yegor on the passport) and Sergei Letovs. Fedor Dmitrievich Letov differs from his sons in character - he is a participant in the Great Patriotic War, a disciplined Soviet military man with rigid convictions. My parents knew that Fyodor Dmitrievich's sons were musicians, but the name "Civil Defense" did not tell them anything.

And it told me. Grob, along with the legends of Russian rock, along with Yanka, were listened to by my classmates and my friends. It so happened that at first I heard the songs, then I found out that Yegor Letov lives in Omsk, in my area, and moreover, he is the son of a friend of our family.

It was very strange - to study the biography of a musician not from texts on the Internet, but from the words of his father. Catch those things that will never be said in public. And, on the contrary, to know nothing about the legend created from Igor by his fans.

Fedor Dmitrievich Letov, musician's father

Dark apartment on the first floor of a five-story building in Chkalovsky village. (After a couple of stops you will see those very “cemeteries and gardens” from the song “ Eternal spring"). Near the telephone in the corridor there is a huge poster of one of the "Civil Defense" albums "Solstice", here, on the wallpaper, the phone numbers of the band members and managers are written. One of the rooms is equipped as a studio: " Damn, is it really the legendary Coffin Records, whose name is written on the discs?, I think. There is a strong cat smell in the apartment, two cats are running around. I am told that one of them used to belong to Yegor's friend Makhno. Makhno, who is also GrOb's guitarist Yevgeny Pyanov, in a state of drug intoxication at the end of 1999 fell out of a window and crashed. " Bet on a box of vodka, they explain to me. The kitten that Makhno left with the Letovs has already grown up and is rubbing against my legs.

On one of my visits, I was allowed to look into Yegor's room, he and his wife Natalya had just left on tour. On all the walls are colorful, oversaturated collages, like on the covers of Grob's albums. Endless shelves with disks. On the table is a piece of paper with a list of things to go. Very neat handwriting, as if every word was deduced. I was very surprised - you expect more impulsiveness from Letov. On the wall small photo- Members of the Civil Defense in Jerusalem. Egor believed in God and, as I understood, this trip was, in fact, a pilgrimage.

Egor Letov's room

The strangest thing is that neither the house nor the entrance of one of the most famous punks in the country is painted at all by fans. You expect to see something like the wall of Tsoi in St. Petersburg, but you notice only a lonely anarchy badge the size of a 5-ruble coin from front door. I ring the bell - an old shaggy man in horn-rimmed glasses opens. He is wearing a T-shirt with a bright psychedelic pattern, family shorts, old slippers on his feet.

-And Fedor Dmitrievich house A? I mutter stifledly. It seems to me that this same person - Igor Letov, whom I saw for the first time, will definitely scold me and kick me out. Instead, he throws open the door, turns his back, and silently walks down the corridor to his room.

Of course, I told my teenage friends about this meeting. Everyone took "Letov in shorts" as another reason to neigh. And then it became unpleasant for me that our names were put side by side, and soon I began to keep quiet about my acquaintance with Igor Letov.

It turns out that in his youth Yegor Letov was handsome guy I looked at his photos and was amazed by it. Here is Letov, here is Yanka Diaghileva, who is in love with him - in all respects, not a beauty, but even the opposite. And yet some glowing sad girl. Also a legend of Russian rock. She committed suicide at 24. The swollen corpse of Yanka was fished out of the Inya River two weeks later. Many blamed Letov for her death, and his behavior at Yankee's funeral was called "bestiality."

Yegor Letov lived to be 43 years old. In recent years, due to alcoholism and drugs, he often ended up in hospitals. He was taken away from this very apartment. Old Fyodor Dmitrievich, who, due to his age, needed help, knew that everything was moving towards an end, that he would outlive his son. A couple of times the doctors pulled Yegor out, but on February 19, 2008 they did not have time. Cause of death: acute respiratory failure, developed from alcohol poisoning.

A real Siberian punk, a fighter against the system, a lover of Dostoevsky, even in a sense a Russian philosopher, poet. In one of his later songs there are these lines:

"Long happy life

Such a long happy life

From now on, a long happy life

To each of us

To each of us."

For his biography, Yegor Letov lived a really long time.

Everything that I learned about Letov does not fit into a single image. It's like a collage from an album cover: some admire it, some disgust it. The choice, rather, is not meaningful, but intuitive. Having stepped over adolescence, I stopped listening to Letov. His songs reflexively began to cause rejection up to physical ailment and headache. A few more years passed, and I began to treat GrOb like Stas Mikhailov. If there is a need, for example, to write this text, I turned it on and listened.

Photo Your day, KP

The leader of the Civil Defense group, Igor Fedorovich, aka Yegor Letov, died in February 2008. But fans still remember this man. He was the most extraordinary figure in the history of Russian rock, the first punk in the Soviet Union, talented person with a difficult fate.

We have already written about it in more detail. And today, "Your News" was not easily found sibling Igor Fedorovich - Sergey Letov and asked him several exciting questions. And although Yegor is no longer with us, we have an exceptional opportunity to communicate directly with his closest relative and once again recall the legendary personality.

Tell us, please, how do you live and what do you do?

I have been living in Moscow since 1974. Currently I serve in three Moscow theaters: the Taganka Theater, the theater-studio "Man", the Center for Directing and Dramaturgy. I am currently in three productions. In addition, I am the author of music for these performances.

I am engaged in musical accompaniment of silent films. This year he performed with dubbing films in Paris, Brussels, Liege, Dordrecht, Madrid, not to mention St. Petersburg, Moscow and Yekaterinburg. I teach at the Institute of Journalism and literary creativity for 13 years now. In January, he lectured at the University of Niigata and in Tokyo (Japan), at the same time he played in clubs and museums with local free jazz musicians.

With Alexander Sklyar and Oleg "Sharr" (ex-"Aquarium") performed at the festival in Teriberka, on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. It was there, in Teriberka, that the film "Leviathan" was filmed.

Recorded this year with the group "25/17" and Gleb Samoilov. There was a recording with rapper Rich ("Lithium"). Also with Vadim Kurylev ("Electric Partisans", "Adaptation", ex-DDT), this album is still in the works.

I have three daughters - the youngest is 5 years old. Three granddaughters - the eldest went to the 3rd year of the university, the middle one is learning to play the saxophone at a music school.

What happened to the members of the Civil Defense group after the death of Igor Fedorovich Letov?

Natalya Chumakova (wife of Yegor Letov, - author's note) is actively involved in publishing creative heritage Igor, made a film about him. Chesnokov recently performed in Omsk with arrangements of Civil Defense songs. Kuzma Ryabinov is the most active member of the "Defense" on currently. With our participation, his double vinyl album was released this year in Canada. In the Kamchatka boiler house, his project Virtuosos of the Universe celebrated its anniversary this summer. I specially came to this concert from Moscow on the Sapsan.

Do you know about the rumors on the Internet that Yegor Letov is alive and hiding from prying eyes somewhere in the vast expanses of our country. What do you think about it?

The word "Motherland" in Russian is written with a capital letter. Your question did not seem interesting to me, to put it mildly.

Excuse me... What kind of relationship did you have with Igor Fedorovich? I really want to know some new details of his life.

The relationship was different. In the early 80s, Igor came to me in the Moscow region and began to take his first steps in music, began to write poetry. We tried playing free jazz together. He could not adapt to Moscow life, he was expelled from vocational school, and his parents demanded that he return to Omsk. In the first years after his return to Omsk, he wrote me long letters weekly - often accompanied by handwritten lyrics of the songs "Time Machine", "Sunday" and the like. I sent him tape recordings of the albums "DK", in the recording of which I participated. Then he had a conflict with the KGB. He was forcibly placed in a psychiatric hospital, and the letters stopped reaching. In 1988 when I was on jazz festival in Estonia, our mother died. I found a telegram about this at the door when I returned. mobile phones And there was no internet back then. Nevertheless, Igor was very worried that I did not come to the funeral (and I simply did not know that she had died). There was a pause in communication for a while. In 1993, Igor and his group, together with the Barkashovites, defended the Supreme Council, and I was very worried about him. Since 1993, we have again begun to converge. Yevgeny Grekhov, the director of Civil Defense in the first half of the 90s, turned to me in connection with the fact that Igor had problems with alcohol, asked me to use all his influence as an older brother ...

In 1997, Igor, Kuzma and Makhno came to the performance of my ensemble TRI "O" in the Marat Gelman Gallery. We were drinking at some construction site and there we first talked about playing together again. From 1998 to 2004, I began to participate in the concerts of "Civil Defense" and even together with Igor. Although such duets have happened before - in 1997, for example, at my birthday party in the Skrin Internet cafe ...

From 1998 to 2004, I was mastering discs for HOR Records, a company that mainly released CDs and cassettes for Igor and his circle. IN last years 2004-2008 we communicated much less.

What are your plans for the future? Will there be any other musical projects?

In October, together with Oleg Sharr, I dubbed the Argentinean film Antenna at the Bashmet Center. Then I fly to Sochi for the festival of youth and students with the play “Revolution Square, 17”. In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk I play with Va-Bank musical accompaniment to a Japanese silent film. On the day of my return from Sakhalin, I fly to Brussels - I accompany there in the evening French actress Valerie Chenet, who will recite Mayakovsky's "About This". There is still a tour of Siberia ahead - first solo, and after a couple of months with Oleg Garkusha (soloist of the Auktyon group, - author's note).

What do you think about the current order, how do you like the situation in the country as a whole?

Everything goes according to plan!

This is how simple, but informative, our short conversation with Sergei Fedorovich Letov, brother of the great Russian rock musician Yegor Letov, went. As can be seen from the interview, these two are completely different person, With different destinies, but, of course, both are absolutely outstanding people.

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Since the death of Igor "Egor" Letov, one of the most famous musicians USSR and Russia, more than 9 years have passed.

Having created a large number of projects and developing in different directions, Yegor excited the minds of several generations. There are still disputes about his work, but it is impossible not to recognize his gigantic contribution to art.

Yegor Letov was found alive in Siberia: life, creativity, cause of death

Yegor Letov died on February 19, 2008 in his apartment in Omsk. The leader of the "Civil Defense" was 43 years old. Letov's cause of death was a heart attack. This, in particular, was stated by Letov's colleagues in Gr.Ob. and the musician's widow.

By the way, she said that the prosecutor's office did not initiate any case, in their own words, due to the absence of crime.

Everything that was written about it was some kind of sick fantasies, one more ridiculous than the other. He died at home, in bed, without even changing the position in which he slept. My heart stopped, my breath stopped...

Most of all, Yegor did not want any hype around his person, and wanted to be buried so that no one would know this place. But it was unreal… unfortunately. He was buried with that pectoral cross that he wore everything Lately- Jerusalem.

Letov founded the Civil Defense group in 1984 and until recently remained its only permanent member. The group "Gr.Ob" recorded several dozen albums, in addition, Letov managed to release 9 solo records. The last album of "Civil Defense" called "Why Dreams" was released in 2007. At the end of work on this disc at the end of January 2008, Letov said in an interview that "the last album took all the strength" and new recordings of "Gr.Ob." are unlikely to appear at all.

Grob's music is traditional punk rock. At that time there were many bands that played about the same, but Letov had exceptional genius and charisma. Therefore, both in terms of texts and music, he was the number one hero among informal youth.

Since I called myself a punk, I have to match it. Letov began with appearance, and ended up changing the name. His real name was Igor. But it seemed too ordinary to him, but he considered the name Yegor stupid, that's why he chose it.

Most of Letov's songs were regarded as openly anti-Soviet, but after 1991, Civil Defense refused to support Boris Yeltsin, going over to the side of the "national patriots".

In October 1993, Letov actively supported the Supreme Soviet, and then for some time took part in the political projects of Dugin and Limonov.

Yegor Letov found alive in Siberia: fact or fiction?

Sensation! Yegor Letov is alive! He left the taiga in Ust-Kamenogorsk.

On February 19, in Omsk, in his apartment at the age of 44, the founder and permanent leader of the cult rock group Civil Defense Yegor Letov suddenly died. The musician died in his sleep from cardiac arrest.

With the departure of Igor (Egor) Letov, an entire era in Russian rock ended. The so-called "Siberian punk" has finally gone into oblivion. It wasn't so much musical genre how much a way of life characterized by a total rejection of the Soviet system and, as a result, rabid anarchism.

It was Letov who brought protest in Soviet rock music to radicalism. And it was he who became a kind of ideologist of the rebellious youth of the 80s - 90s of the last century.

Created by him in 1984 at the age of 20, "Civil Defense" was initially doomed to an "underground" existence and persecution by law enforcement agencies. Perfectly understanding and accepting this, Letov concentrated on studio work, recording in own apartment five or even ten albums a year. The "Grob" magnetic albums of that time ("Mousetrap", "Red Album", "Good!", "Totalitarianism", "So the Steel Was Tempered", "War", "Nausea") were made deliberately dirty, carelessly and simply, with a large amount of anti-Soviet and profanity in the texts.

The revolutionary approach found a lively response among the masses. Self-made recordings of the group spread throughout the country, after which the authorities had to intervene. GrOb co-founder Konstantin "Kuzya Uo" Ryabinov was urgently sent to the army, despite heart problems, and Letov landed in mental asylum, where he was drugged with psychotropic drugs for several months (he even went blind for a while).

Leaving the hospital, Letov realized that now he had nothing to lose at all, and began to create with a vengeance. In addition to "Defense", he participated in the projects "Communism", "Egor and Op ... Denied" (with Igor "Jeff" Zhevtun), "Great October" (with Yanka Diagileva), "Gypsies and I with Ilyich" (with Oleg " Manager" Sudakov), "Instruction for Survival" (with Roman Neumoev), "Black Lukich" (with Vadim Kuzmin).

By 1990, the popularity of "Grob" had become so huge that Letov, like a true anarchist, disbanded the group in order to prevent its commercialization. Soon he begins to cooperate with the National Bolshevik Party of Eduard Limonov and the Russian Breakthrough movement, and in the 1996 presidential election he supports the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov.

In the late 1990s, Letov became disillusioned with politics and disappeared from view of the general public, touring with the revived "Defense" in outlying cinemas.

Zero became a real renaissance for him. For four years, "Grob" has released the trilogy "Long happy life" - "Resuscitation" - "Why do you have dreams?", Which opened the lyrical side of Letov's work.

The more unexpected was the death of the musician, when, it would seem, he finally reached peace of mind. However, in a recent offline interview for visitors to the group's website, Letov admitted that the last album took a lot of strength from him and the new record may not come out at all. However, he continued to make plans for the future.

With his work, Yegor Letov erected a monument to himself during his lifetime. Probably in every Russian city in the sleeping areas you can meet teenagers singing imperishable to the guitar "Everything goes according to plan", "About the fool" and " Russian field experiments."

43 years is, of course, negligible. But by the standards of such a revolutionary as Letov, it seems like a long and happy life. Rest in peace, Igor Fedorovich...
