What color brings good luck to each zodiac sign? Khayal Alekperov. What color brings luck to the zodiac signs

Do not think that the fashion trend called Feng Shui, which came to us from the East, is applicable only to the house and apartment. The clothes we wear according to Chinese teaching also plays a very important role in the delicate matter of attracting good luck and love.

IN ancient China emperors wore yellow robes, symbolizing the light, the power of the sun and the divinity of imperial power. At the same time, none of the ordinary subjects, under pain of death, had the right to use this sacred color in their clothes. And we venture to suggest that behind this historical fact hides not just the tyranny of the Chinese monarchs, but something more. Why were they so carefully guarded?

Feng Shui practitioners know the answer to this question. Their observant gaze immediately recognizes what information a gray cloak or pink blouse carries about the owner, and what energy a bracelet in the form of a snake or a heart with rhinestones attracts to its owner. The colors and textures that prevail in a wardrobe or in a particular outfit have a special power. Red satin, white chiffon, black cashmere - all of them mysteriously influence a person's aura and even predetermine his future. Perhaps this secret information was guarded so zealously by the ancient Chinese.

Now, turning a captious look at your wardrobe, and we will try to determine what invisible forces are in charge there. For example, whether they will help us kindle passions and lure love.

COLOR creates a mood, sets the tone for the entire wardrobe. It is on him that we first pay attention, and only then to the texture of the fabric and style. It has been noticed that people who are "the same color in winter and summer", especially if it is black, much more often complain about loneliness and the absence of it - big and clean. According to Feng Shui, romance in our lives is attracted by the color red and its various shades, no matter how trite. It is they who organize the energy flows around a person in such a way that love adventures attracted to him like a magnet. Especially if the red color is in contact with the chest or head of its wearer.

So, red - the color of sensual love, vital energy, joy, strength and passion. Wear red clothes or accessories if you are internally ready for an explosion of feelings and emotions. No wonder red lipstick is considered the sexiest, and choosing underwear of this color, a woman becomes especially desirable for a partner.

Another thing - pink, symbolizing tenderness, youth, trust. He promises his owner - a fan of the most reverent feelings, a sense of security and warmth.

Crimson - the color of self-confident femininity, optimism, readiness for easy flirting.

peach and orange - colors of trust, warmth, bodily sensuality.

Bordeaux - a mysterious color that promises others a lot of interesting things in closer communication with its bearer. It goes well with gold, then you get the impression of charm and power.

Yellow considered the color of the Earth and the Sun, it does not irritate and sets others in an optimistic mood. Its relatives - sand and beige colors are suitable for everyday wear, this is the most harmonious women's clothing, they go well with other colors and do not spoil the overall color background.

White color has nothing to do with red, but it is considered the color of purity and charm. I immediately remember the white dresses of the brides. But for romantic purposes, it is still better to add pink or red jewelry and accessories.

Green - life-giving and soothing color, the color of grass and trees. This color promotes merging with nature, and its combination with delicate pink symbolizes love and happiness. This is due to the fact that dating, the romantic time of meetings and gifts is associated with a bouquet of flowers - pink buds and green leaves, and using the image of the flowering process in clothes, a person, as it were, creates life around him.

Thus, say Feng Shui experts, you should not go to romantic date dressed in black or blue, which are very discouraging. Yes, black is very elegant, but not to attract love! As a last resort, it is recommended to dilute cold black with accessories of "love" colors.

Feng shui jeans are also very cool, these clothes were created for farm workers, and now everyone wears them, from small to large. It is believed that blue is the color of the sky, the color of the highest enlightenment, and people, using it in the colors of trousers, thereby block their connection with the Cosmos. If you choose jeans, then not classic blue color.

Fabric texture and silhouette also affect luck in matters of the heart, although this may seem surprising. In many feng shui books, you can find recommendations to bring more silk, velvet, and satin into your home so that love lives there well and comfortably. The same can be said about clothing. This means "flying" silk blouses, soft bathrobes, lingerie, stockings, knitted sweaters and dresses caressing the skin, soft stoles made of the finest cashmere - all this has miraculous power.

Money and luck can be lured not only by active actions. There are several "passive" ways to attract good luck and money. In philosophy and teachings, where success and wealth are given due attention, the issues of passive attraction of wealth are worked out carefully and comprehensively. The most relevant methods of attracting wealth and good luck are considered right choice colors and smells that attract these quantities.

What color attracts money and good luck

There are several such colors and their shades. To enhance the effect, they can be combined with each other, this will avoid boring monotony in the design of the apartment and the preparation of the wardrobe. Do not deny the influence of color energy. Even skeptics can try, experiment with color. Perhaps their views on traditional philosophies and practices will change.

Colors that attract money in the design of an apartment, room, house

  1. Emerald color. This is the energy of water, a well. It is suitable for decorating a room where the family's savings are stored, since the strength of its field is not in creating wealth and good luck, but in their retention and concentration. Although this color is quite bright and unusual, its energy is colossal.
  2. Diluted blue. The energy of his field of descent from the emerald. But he is calmer, and therefore less active, effective. It is recommended to dilute it with bright, for example, orange, spots, accents. In this case, the force of attraction will increase many times over.
  3. Lilac. This is absolutely not a monetary color, but a shade of peace. It is good for attracting non-financial luck, family well-being. Good for decorating bedrooms and children's rooms.
  4. Pistachio. This is a symbiosis of emerald and another monetary color - brown. In this color, it is recommended to decorate the hallway - an important entry point and activation of the positive energy of wealth and good luck.
  5. Beige. Despite the fact that it is familiar, to some extent boring, money simply “sticks” to beige.

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Feng Shui recommends choosing the color of the walls, or at least active shades, in exact accordance with the color of the wallet, which contains the most money in the family. Clothing colors also play an important role in attracting wealth and good luck. Many have noticed that this or that wardrobe is “happy” or, conversely, “unlucky”. This is known by athletes who perform the entire series of victorious competitions in one uniform, and actors, and politicians. But going by trial and error is not constructive. Better follow ready-made advice knowing for sure which color attracts money and good luck.

Colors that attract money and good luck in clothes

Violet. Help find the right decision or the right amount when losing money. It has a return vibration, so it is better to wear it for those who want to return something. You should not dress in purple if you have made a decision to drastically change your life or some circumstances. Yellow. Extremely active. But he concentrates powerful feminine energy. Quickly brings easy money to women. Turquoise. Risky. It can bring good luck in the game, lottery, but just as quickly and contribute to the loss of money and good luck acquired by excitement. Grey. This is the color of power. The expression "gray cardinal" has the same energy as the color itself. Its depth allows you to manage consciousness, luck, finances not directly, but gradually, through third-party solutions. It is better to wear it not for business owners, but for hired managers and advisers. Red. Active and powerful. But also clean. It can save you from unnecessary, unreasonable expenses, attract money and good luck not only in the financial sector. The magic of color, charging for wealth, is especially relevant when choosing wallets, because these are stores of money and their energy.

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What color wallet attracts money

To attract wealth and concentrate it in a small space of the wallet, the colors inherent in the elements of the Earth and Metals are ideal. It is they who are the main "suppliers" of money to the wallet, not allowing them to leave the owner, contributing to their increase and attraction. Brown, black, yellow are the calm colors of the Earth. In such a wallet, it is better to keep money for those whose income is distinguished by the constancy of receipt, regularity. For example, rentiers, employees who receive wages in due time.Gold, silver and all their shades - for people creative professions and businessmen whose income is not regular and is associated with the implementation of the task. Such a wallet will allow for more frequent periods of receipt of bills and coins, activates the energy of attraction of funds. Red - suitable for everyone without exception. Active, energetically strong, it not only attracts money, but also allows you to save, collect the required amount in your wallet. It is preferred by women, although red wallets also promise good luck for men in attracting money.

What color of wallets should be avoided: Water colors are not the best choice for attraction money energy. They are more suitable for concentration, for example, as the color of a safe. In shades of wallets, they are best avoided.

How to attract money to a new wallet when the color is already selected

Important! In addition to color, there are several ways to attract money to a new wallet. Immediately upon purchase, you should put a coin or a bill in it so that it does not remain empty for a minute.

It is believed that each day of the week corresponds to a certain planet solar system, which has its own color and individual characteristics. Hence the pattern: if you want your day to be as productive and successful as possible, wear clothes of the shade that is patronized by one or another heavenly body.


Moon patronizes the first day of the week, so if you want good luck to accompany all your endeavors, then wear things in light neutral shades - pale yellow, cream, silver, milky white.


Tuesday is "led" by the fourth planet of the solar system - Mars. As you know, its surface has a reddish color, hence the rule that on this day it is best to wear clothes of this shade, as well as brown, crimson and pink things.



Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, which means that on this day it is best to wear crimson, blue and purple, as well as indigo colors. In addition, it is worth noting that Thursday is considered a particularly auspicious day for starting new business.


The hottest planet in the solar system is Venus, and it is under her rule that the fifth day of the week is located. On Friday, it is best to give preference to things in silver, blue, turquoise, pink and red.


Forget about bright colors - on Saturday, it is best to wear things in dark muted shades like deep blue, dark gray and, of course, black. This is because Saturn, ruling this day, is the heaviest and slowest planet that does not like a riot of colors.


By the way, in Vedic astrology Sunday is considered the first day of the week. He is patronized by the Sun, which means that in the next 24 hours give preference to things and accessories of bright colors - white, gold, orange and yellow.

Is such a coincidence possible? 100% hit! This color is really my favorite and brings me good luck!

Of course, colors play an important role in human life. They surround us everywhere, it is thanks to them that we have the opportunity to see a bright and colorful world around us.

The color scheme can affect internal state person, on his mood and emotions, and most often this happens at a subconscious level.

Each zodiacal representative can recognize the color that determines his character, awakens in him positive traits, endows him with positive energy and attracts success.

We will tell you which color scheme will bring success to your Zodiac Sign.


Bright and artistic Aries have strong character. Their presence is impossible not to notice, as in any company they can boldly announce themselves. For these representatives of the zodiac circle, red is the color of good luck. It symbolizes power, strength and victory. That is why the desire for leadership is characteristic of this Zodiac Sign. Any shades of red can give Aries confidence and cheer up.


Taurus have creative nature: since childhood they are inclined towards music, poetry or fine arts. In addition, they are calm, patient and able to resolve any conflict. Your characteristic color is blue. you aspire to harmonious life and are able to make any effort to achieve their goal. Also, green and yellow colors provide you with additional help and support.


The color of luck for Gemini is yellow. It is associated with joy, harmony and freedom, helps to get rid of negative emotions and gives lightness. For representatives of this Zodiac Sign, the main goal in life is the knowledge of everything new. Gemini love communication, seek to get acquainted with interesting people trying to visit unfamiliar places. Yellow color helps them in obtaining new knowledge, gives them confidence and optimism.


By nature, Cancers are calm and sensitive, but few people know what mysteries they hide. inner world. They rarely share their thoughts even with the closest people, and the reason for this is their secrecy. Your lucky color is silver. It gives harmony, clarity of mind, and also has calming properties. When choosing jewelry, astrologers recommend that Cancers give preference to silver accessories. Thanks to their energy, they can become your protection and talisman to attract prosperity.

a lion

Leos are regal and charismatic. They love to be surrounded by beautiful things and do not approve of cheap imitations and fakes. The characteristic colors of this Zodiac Sign are gold and orange. Thanks to their influence, Leos are always confident in themselves and are not afraid to speak in public. Catchy colors for you are an energy signal that you need not to stand still, but to take action. Try to wear bright clothes more often, and then Fortune will always be on your side.


Practical and hardworking, Virgos are closely connected to their earth element, which is why your color of luck is brown. Natural energy gives you strength and embodies the most positive qualities in you. However, despite their tact and restraint, representatives of this Sign always secretly strive for the ideal. Their main desire is to change the world for the better and find their place in it. Once in favorable conditions, you can achieve your goals, most importantly - do not forget to have a couple of things with you Brown.


These representatives of the zodiac circle do not have the goal of getting everything from life at once. Libra dreams of maintaining balance in everything, and the blue color helps them in this. From all colors it is he who is one of the most spiritual flowers. He plays an irreplaceable role in the life of Libra. With it, you can not only attract good luck, but also achieve the desired balance in life.


The Sign itself has a strong energy, and with its help, Scorpios are able to achieve any goals. Dark reds and purples give them extra strength. They have strong energy and push to action. Unfortunately, sometimes they are able to awaken in you negative emotions, namely irritability, anger, excessive self-confidence. At such moments, try to dedicate yourself to work and direct your strength to achieve success.


According to astrologers, Sagittarians are lucky purple and green colors. They symbolize abundance, wealth and success. Such shades can often be found in nature, so you can reach your goal faster than other Zodiac Signs. In the warm season, your colors of luck surround you almost always and everywhere. In winter, you can decorate your home with purple plants and flowers so that they always give you energy and an extra boost.


Capricorns differ from other zodiacal representatives in their determination and diligence. If they want to succeed, they will try to do it by any means. The energy of brown color helps them in this. Stability and practicality are the main characteristics of this shade, which are also characteristic of Capricorns themselves. The influence of brown will help you look at the world more realistically. This is manifested in a careful attitude to money, concentration and a serious approach to the work performed.


Aquarius patronizes air element, therefore they are so freedom-loving and do not like to drive themselves into frames. To increase your luck, surround yourself with things in light blue. He possesses medicinal properties, helps to achieve harmony, and at the right time will be able to drive away negative emotions from you. This color carries positive energy, it is desirable to use it in clothes - in this case, luck will always be with you.


Pisces is the most mysterious, dreamy and unpredictable Sign. Even the closest people will not be able to know the secret of their soul. Several shades at once can bring good luck into your life. Purple awakens hidden talents in you. Blue gives peace of mind stressful situations. Silver gives you patience and endurance. The combination of these colors is your key to success. Use them in clothes or decor in your home, and then your life will soon change for the better.

Each person has their own lucky color, which can be used as a talisman. To find out it, you just need to make the simplest numerological calculations by date of birth.

Thanks to numerology, you can not only know your destiny, but also change it. This article will show you the right path to good luck and wealth. Many people take out financial well-being to the fore, so for them the information provided will be extremely important. In principle, luck is important in any field, so every person needs to know how to attract it.

Numerological calculations

Each of us has our own destiny number. To calculate it, you need to add up all the numbers that make up the date of birth. For example, you were born on 11/02/1990. 0+2+1+1+1+9+9+0=23. Now, as in any other numerological calculations, add the numbers again: 2 + 3 = 5. 5 is the number of destiny for you. It happens that when the sum is obtained, the number 37, 38, or any other, when adding the constituent digits of which, 10, 11 or more is obtained. Then you add up the numbers again until you get a number from 1 to 9.

But that is not all. If you have at least three repeated digits in the day and month of your birth, then this is a special case. For obvious reasons, only one or two can be repeated three times. If there are three units, then your destiny number is the fourth digit of the day and month. For example: 11/15/1977 - at 15.11 there are three ones and a five, therefore, your destiny number is 5. If it is 10.11, then your destiny number is last number of the year. In the case of, for example, 11/10/1970, zero is again obtained. When the second time you get zero, then you need to take the next number, that is, 7.

When there are three deuces in the date of birth, then you immediately have two talisman colors that attract good luck and wealth. The first is determined by the number of fate, which is calculated in the same way as in the case of three units. The second is obtained by adding two to the first.

There are times when a person has all the units in the day and month in the date. This is a huge rarity. You have three lucky colors: white, blue and red. White is needed in order to keep you calm. Red is for helping people overcome obstacles, and blue is for connecting with other people and stimulating brain activity.

Color by destiny number

Unit. If you get the number 1, then your color is red. You have a desire for selfishness and a desire to solve problems alone. You rarely ask anyone for help. Red color and its shades will help you to stay in an ambitious state all the time. Red motivates to action and does not allow you to give up even in the most difficult situations. This is your lucky charm. Financial victories for people like you are given only in case of maximum return.

Deuce. If you get the number 2, this means that your color that attracts good luck is yellow. It will fill the holes in communication with people. You have problems with communication, with the creation of new connections. Also, this color has some ability to increase vitality. You will be less tired and spend more time at work. You will more often manage to find something pleasant in a string of cases and problems. Any problems you will see differently, using it to your advantage. Yellow will make you look lighter and brighter. You will be able to find your love or friendship faster. Wear yellow to important meetings if possible. It is not necessary to dress completely in yellow - some small accessory will be enough.

Troika. Those who have a destiny number of 3 often pay attention to small parts, overlooking big picture. So many of you are into folk omens and signs of destiny. Of course, this has its share of necessity, but sometimes it goes beyond all bounds for you. You are filled with doubts for any reason, so your lucky color is black. It is the color of wisdom that awakens in people the desire to use life experience not feelings. Bioenergetics experts say you should wear black as often as possible to stay focused. A black car will reduce the chance of accidents. financial luck is that black will help you spend money wisely.

Four. If you were born under the auspices of the four, you most likely do not deal well with emotions. Blue color will help you to control yourself. It is not always possible to wear such clothes, but you can always make such a screensaver on your phone. You don't need a lot of blue to calm down in time. It's enough just to see it somewhere. It will magically reduce the desire for impulsive actions. The blue color will allow you to waste less energy in vain, it is easier to focus on something.

Five. The number 5 is an indicator that you cannot sit still. You want bright emotions and rarely think about health. Because of this, your life rhythm may be wrong, you may not get enough sleep. You are constantly haunted by small health problems. That is why your happy color is green. This color helps the body to cope with problems faster. It normalizes sleep and gives an additional boost of energy. Green can ignite a spark in you, adding a drop of positivity to a string of gray days. This color will bring you good luck.

Six. This destiny number means that the best color for you is white. It helps to erase unnecessary emotions and doubts. Your life is filled with experiences and various thoughts that make you feel uncomfortable. You need inner freedom, but without white next to you, you cannot achieve it. Try to surround yourself with white things as often as possible. This will help you focus on work, love, and finances. Good luck will always be with you, because you will stop thinking about what is not worth it.

Seven. The number 7 is a high and spiritual number of destiny. If you got a seven, then you need a timely return from the world of dreams and illusions to the real world. The intellectual activity of your brain is often reduced due to the fact that you cannot choose the path that you need to go. Blue color increase intuition and help reduce decision-making time. Your determination will increase, and without compromising the final result. Many experts say that your lucky color is even a little closer to purple than to blue.

Eight. The number eight is a symbol of the fact that you always think too linearly. For inspiration to help you find non-standard ways to solve problems, try to use in creating an image Orange color. It should be as much as possible in your life. If he is not around, you can mentally imagine him. There is a touch of red in this color, which awakens the desire to act, so that you can get everything you need. Your financial situation will improve.

Nine. Black color will bring you good luck, because you are always at the intersection of two or more roads. Your worldview is often wrong exactly the opposite. It can be dangerous for business and work. This does not mean that you need to run to the store and change everything to black, repaint the car and redecorate the house. It is enough to have at least one black one. This color will magically make you see everything as it should, without embellishment and fear.

A happy color does not have to be worn as clothing. You can use it when choosing accessories, you can buy a car of this color or paint a house, walls in this shade. You can put a screen saver with a predominance of a happy color on the desktop of a personal computer. In a word, the use of lucky flowers is not limited by anything. You can use the color of luck as a color therapy tool. He is essentially
