A mother's prayer for success in her child's studies. Short Prayer St.

"The main thing is wisdom: get wisdom, and everyone
acquire understanding with your possessions.
Appreciate her highly, and she will exalt you; she
glorify you if you cleave to her"

Book of Proverbs of Solomon (4:7,8)

Education is an integral part of the life of most people in our country. Starting from the most early years a person is immersed in one or another educational system. Many of us have encountered difficulties along the way. Not everything is equally easy for everyone, and it can be difficult to understand what factors are determining in the successful assimilation of knowledge and the healthy development of the individual. Believers in all life's difficulties turn first of all to prayer. And often in the Church the following question is asked by parents: what icon helps children in their studies? And the priest will always remind you that the icons do not work in a magical way but call for establishing a personal fellowship and relationship with the Lord. And any positive changes take place in our lives in sincere faith, with repentance and humility ... It cannot be said that there is a special icon for the study of a child, but help can come from each of the saints and after prayer in front of any icon, since to the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos, to the Angels and Archangels and all saints can be addressed with all good petitions. But traditionally, those who need help in their studies, it is customary to turn to such saints as St. John the Baptist, Sergius of Radonezh, John Chrysostom, Nestor the Chronicler, Cyril and Methodius, John of Kronstadt, Theophan the Recluse, Tatiana of Rome and Durgie. There is also an icon in the Church, which can be described as an icon that helps in learning. This is an icon Holy Mother of God, and it is called "Addition of Mind".

Before we take a closer look at this unique icon, let me reflect a little on the hidden meaning of education, which cannot be sufficiently limited in our lives.

What is knowledge - a set of information, data and facts? And what is education - is it just immersion in the study of the humanities and the exact, backed up by certain skills?

The depth of knowledge is determined not by the volume of what is known, but by the quality of assimilation and the ability to compare and connect knowledge with those previously obtained, the ability to apply knowledge for the benefit of own life and in the life of society. Education, on the other hand, is a holistic, complex and complex concept, which is always in the danger zone of a superficial and downright misunderstanding.

Education is an approach to the full disclosure of the image of God in man. Education is the identification and development of the image originally inherent in a person, called for perfection. But is it enough to have encyclopedic knowledge to reveal the bestowed talents, to create, to benefit others?

We are sure that true education is impossible without the direct assistance of divine grace, bestowed for labors. Student work, ideally, I think, is a kind of fast, rewarded with the purification of the soul, clarity of mind and revitalization of creative forces. The student refuses many pleasures, amusements for the sake of success in the field of knowledge. You have to put aside both laziness, and idleness, and empty thoughts, sacrifice your time and effort. Teaching requires extreme concentration and sobriety - the most important Christian virtues of the soul.

But how difficult it is to maintain an attentive, cheerful attitude in today's world. In a world where everything seems to be focused on dispersal, oblivion, entertainment. Only external labor may not be enough. Inner work is also needed, namely, prayerful offering, purification of the heart and mind.

A life not oiled by piety and not sanctified by the lamp of prayer does not make it possible to resist the pressure of the surrounding world and the internal discords of the soul. It is through prayer, turning to the Lord and his saints, that we can be vouchsafed such a luxury in our time as a peaceful heart and a clear mind.

In Orthodox culture, there is an amazing icon-painting image called "The Addition of the Mind." The icon of the Mother of God, honored on August 28 (on the Feast of the Assumption of Our Blessed Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary) occupies a special niche in the spiritual life of the people.

Before this miraculous icon they pray for help in learning, for enlightenment and strengthening of the mind, for the gift of understanding of the subject being studied. Traditionally, the icon is the patroness of all students: schoolchildren, students. With the onset of the school year, Orthodox Christians perform prayers in front of the icon.

Before the icon Mother of God“Increasing the mind” also prays for the enlightenment of the mind not only of children, not only of Christians, but of all people who are lost or who seek God in a world where various false teachings are so intertwined that they prevent a person’s mind from rising to the Truth. True knowledge is from the Lord, He reveals the essence of things to us and, by His grace, makes it possible to understand what is true and what is not. The icon is also known among the people for many healings of feeble-minded and mentally ill people. These miracles are performed by the sincere faith and prayer of people.

Church tradition says that the Russian icon “Adding the Mind” was painted in the 17th century. one icon painter after seeing the Mother of God to him. That icon painter was a pious man who read many spiritual books. Researcher A.A. Titov recorded the following story from the words of the rector of the Exaltation of the Cross Cathedral in the city of Romanov, Archpriest Vladimir Miroslavsky: “Pious old-timers say that in ancient time many mentally ill flocked to this holy icon, and some of them, according to their faith, received from of the Blessed Virgin healing. Shortly after Patriarch Nikon, a pious man lived in Moscow. He read a lot of church books from the time of Joseph, and then began to read books corrected by Patriarch Nikon. Having read those and other books, he began to think and reflect a lot: would he be right before God and what books should he follow in order to be saved; he thought for a long time, but could not solve the problem and went mad. When consciousness returned to him, he prayed to the Mother of God so that she would return his mind to him. Through his prayer, a vision of the Mother of God followed him. She commanded him to write the image in the form in which She appeared to him, and pray before him, and promised that if he did this, he would be healthy. The man was an icon painter. After the vision, when consciousness returned to him and his reason cleared up, he began to paint the image of the Mother of God. But since the vision was brief, he forgot how to write the image. Then he again prayed to the Mother of God and continued to write as God inspired him. Thus he painted the icon and called it "Increasing the Mind".

The Adding Mind icon is a wonderful gift for every student, pointing and reminding them of the source of all true knowledge.

In the icon-painting workshop "Measured Icon" you can also order or buy various icons of the patron saints of students.

"For the Lord gives wisdom; out of his mouth comes knowledge and understanding; he preserves salvation for the righteous; he is a shield for those who walk upright; he guards the ways of righteousness and guards the path of his saints.
Then you will understand truth and justice and uprightness, every good path.
When wisdom enters into your heart and knowledge is pleasing to your soul, then discretion will protect you, understanding will guard you in order to save you from the path of the evil one, from the man who speaks lies, from those who leave straight paths to walk in the ways of darkness; .."

Book of proverbs

The Holy Great Martyr helps in various life situations.

If you don't have the fortitude to do something, weak character, lack of willpower (for example, you don’t know how to refuse people), study is difficult, there are health problems - then pray to this Martyr.

Saint Tatiana - Tatyana (Tatiana) is the official Orthodox protector and helper for all girls, girls and women named Tatiana.

She was born in ancient rome- at the time of cruel emperors persecuting Orthodox Christians.

Her father secretly professed Christianity and, of course, raised his only, beloved daughter in the Christian faith, who helped so many people in her life - she helped the sick and prisoners, the poor and the homeless.

She renounced happiness in family life for the sake of your faith.

When the pagans found out that the saint professed not their pagan faith, but Christianity, they organized the most severe torments for her, such tortures that not every man would have endured.

But the Saint did not renounce her faith: she died in torture, but spiritually free and invincible.

A BRIEF PRAYER TO HOLY TATIANA for those who wear given name:

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Tatyana, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul. ———


O holy martyr Tatiano, receive us now, praying and falling to your holy icon.

Pray for us, servants of God (names), let us get rid of all sorrows and illnesses of the soul and body and live piously in the present life, and in the next century, vouchsafe us with all the saints to worship in the Trinity the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

PRAYER for all those in need of protection and help

Oh, holy martyr Tatiano, the bride of Your Sweetest Bridegroom Christ, the lamb of the Divine Lamb, the dove of chastity!

Suffering, as if clothed with royal clothes, numbered among the face of heaven, rejoicing now in eternal glory! From the days of her youth, she was promised to God by the servant of the Church, who observed chastity and, more than all the blessings of the Lord, loved!

We pray to you and we ask you: listen to our heartfelt petition, and do not reject our prayers! Grant purity of body and soul, inspire love for Divine truths, lead us to the path of virtues, Ask God for angelic protection for us. Make our wounds and bodily ulcers painless, grant patience in suffering. Heal sinful sores.

Protect our youth, painless and comfortable old age, grant us help in the hour of death! Remember our sorrows, and grant joy! Visit us who are in the prison of sin: instruct us to repentance soon, kindle the flame of prayer! Don't leave us orphans! Yes, glorifying your suffering, we send praise to the Lord of forces, always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Remember that you should pray with your soul, sincerely, with meaning.

Religious reading: a prayer to the holy martyr Tatiana to help our readers.

Commemoration: 12 / 25 January

The Holy Martyr Tatiana was born into a noble Roman family - her father was elected consul three times. He was a secret Christian and raised a daughter devoted to God and the Church. Having reached adulthood, Tatiana remained a virgin and became a deaconess. During the time of Alexander Severa, she was martyred along with her father. During the time of torment, the Lord through her revealed many wondrous and great miracles that put idolatry to shame.

On the day of memory of the martyr Tatiana in 1724, Peter the Great founded Russian Academy Sciences in St. Petersburg, and in 1755 Count Ivan Shuvalov filed a petition to establish Moscow University (now Moscow State University), therefore, since that time in Russia, the martyr Tatiana has been the patron saint of scientists, teachers and students, and of course, Moscow State University itself. IN old time without prayers university temple not a single university celebration and event took place in honor of the martyr Tatiana: whether it was the opening of a laboratory or a new classroom, scientific readings or visiting honored guests. Students were married here, their children and children of teachers were baptized.

Martyr Tatiana of Rome

Troparion to Martyr Tatiana of Rome, tone 4

Following the Lamb of the Most Pure and the Shepherd, the verbal lamb Tatiano, you were not afraid of mental animals, but having armed yourself with the sign of the cross, you deposed them to the end, and you entered the Heavenly fence, where remember us, the wise martyr of Christ.

Kontakion to Martyr Tatiana of Rome, Tone 4

You shone brightly in your suffering, passion-bearer, you are full of your blood and, like a red dove, you flew up to Heaven, Tatiano, the same pray for those who honor you.

Prayer to the Martyr Tatiana of Rome

Oh, holy martyr Tatiano, receive us now, praying and falling to your holy icon. Pray for us servants of God names), let us get rid of all sorrows and illnesses of the soul and body and live piously in the present life, and in the next century, vouchsafe us with all the saints to worship in the Trinity the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Second Prayer to Martyr Tatiana of Rome

Oh, holy martyr Tatiano, bride of Your Sweetest Bridegroom Christ! Lamb of the Divine Lamb! The dove of chastity, the fragrant body of suffering as if with royal garments, counted among the face of heaven, rejoicing now in eternal glory, from the days of youth a servant of the Church of God, observing chastity and more than all the blessings of the Lord loved! We pray to you and we ask you: listen to the petitions of our hearts and do not reject our prayers, grant purity of body and soul, inhale love for Divine truths, lead us on the virtuous path, ask God for angelic protection for us, heal our wounds and ulcers, youth protect, old age painless and comfortable grant, help in the hour of death, remember our sorrows and grant joy, visit us who are in the prison of sin, guide us to repentance soon, kindle the flame of prayer, do not leave us orphans, but glorifying your suffering, we send praise to the Lord, now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Akathist to Martyr Tatiana of Rome:

Canon to Martyr Tatiana of Rome:

Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about the martyr Tatiana of Rome:

  • Martyr Tatiana of Rome– Pravoslavie.Ru
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Prayers to St. Tatiana the Martyr (Tatiana)

O holy martyr Tatiano! Bride of your Sweetest Bridegroom Christ, lamb of the Divine Lamb, dove of chastity! We pray to you and we ask you: listen to our heartfelt petition, and do not reject our prayers! Grant purity of body and soul, inspire love for Divine truths, lead us to the path of virtues, Ask God for angelic protection for us. Make our wounds and bodily ulcers painless, grant patience in suffering. Heal sinful sores. Protect our youth, painless and comfortable old age, grant us help in the hour of death! Remember our sorrows, and grant joy! Visit us who are in the prison of sin: instruct us to repentance soon, kindle the flame of prayer! Don't leave us orphans! Yes, glorifying your suffering, we send praise to the Lord of forces, always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.


Prayer to Saint Tatiana

This page contains Orthodox daily and short prayers to Our Holy Great Martyr Tatyana for protection and help for everyone. Memorial Day is celebrated on church calendars The 25th of January.

If you have problems in your personal life or health, things are not going well at work, study is not given, weak character, lack of willpower or some other problems, then you need to pray, read prayers to St. Tatyana.

Daily prayer to Saint Tatiana for protection and help

A short prayer to St. Martyr Tatyana for everyone

O holy martyr Tatiano, receive us now, praying and falling to your holy icon.

Pray for us, servants of God (names), let us get rid of all sorrows and illnesses of the soul and body and live piously in the present life, and in the next century, vouchsafe us with all the saints to worship in the Trinity the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Orthodox prayer to Saint Tatiana for protection and help

Suffering, as if clothed with royal clothes, numbered among the face of heaven, rejoicing now in eternal glory! From the days of her youth, she was promised to God by the servant of the Church, who observed chastity and, more than all the blessings of the Lord, loved!

We pray to you and we ask you: listen to our heartfelt petition, and do not reject our prayers! Grant purity of body and soul, inspire love for Divine truths, lead us to the path of virtues, Ask God for angelic protection for us. Make our wounds and bodily ulcers painless, grant patience in suffering.

Heal sinful sores. Protect our youth, painless and comfortable old age, grant us help in the hour of death! Remember our sorrows, and grant joy! Visit us who are in the prison of sin: instruct us to repentance soon, kindle the flame of prayer! Don't leave us orphans! Yes, glorifying your suffering, we send praise to the Lord of forces, always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers to Saint Tatiana, martyr for protection and help

This page contains Orthodox daily and short prayers to Our Holy Great Martyr Tatyana for protection and help for everyone.

St. Martyr Tatiana of Rome, Tatyana (Tatiana), helps in all difficult situations and a variety of life situations, being an Orthodox protector and faithful helper for all women, girls and girls named Tatyana.

If you have problems in your personal life or health, things are not going well at work, study is not given, weak character, lack of willpower or some other problems, then you need to pray, read the prayers of this Martyr Saint Tatyana.

Also, remember that you must pray sincerely and with all your heart.

Daily prayer to Saint Tatiana for protection and help:

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Tatyana, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul.

Short Prayer St. Martyr Tatyana for everyone:

O holy martyr Tatiano, receive us now, praying and falling to your holy icon.

Pray for us, servants of God (names), let us get rid of all sorrows and illnesses of the soul and body and live piously in the present life, and in the next century, vouchsafe us with all the saints to worship in the Trinity the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Orthodox prayer to Saint Tatiana for protection and help:

Oh, holy martyr Tatiano, the bride of Your Sweetest Bridegroom Christ, the lamb of the Divine Lamb, the dove of chastity!

Suffering, as if clothed with royal clothes, numbered among the face of heaven, rejoicing now in eternal glory! From the days of her youth, she was promised to God by the servant of the Church, who observed chastity and, more than all the blessings of the Lord, loved!

We pray to you and we ask you: listen to our heartfelt petition, and do not reject our prayers! Grant purity of body and soul, inspire love for Divine truths, lead us to the path of virtues, Ask God for angelic protection for us. Make our wounds and bodily ulcers painless, grant patience in suffering.

Heal sinful sores. Protect our youth, painless and comfortable old age, grant us help in the hour of death! Remember our sorrows, and grant joy! Visit us who are in the prison of sin: instruct us to repentance soon, kindle the flame of prayer! Don't leave us orphans! Yes, glorifying your suffering, we send praise to the Lord of forces, always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Represented Orthodox prayers Holy Martyr Tatyana for protection and help for all those girls and women who bear such a name.

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  • Prayer to the Holy Martyr Tatiana

    Tatyana Rimskaya (in Church Slavonic Tatiana) is a holy martyr, whose memory in Orthodoxy is honored on January 25.

    Tatiana was born in Rome in noble family. Her father was elected consul three times, he was a secret Christian and raised his daughter in the Christian faith. When Tatiana came of age, she decided not to marry and be the bride of Christ.

    Tatyana's piety became known in Christian circles and she was chosen as a deaconess (the duties of a deaconess consisted of visiting sick women and caring for them, preparing women for baptism, "serving the presbyters in the baptism of women for decency", etc.).

    In 222, Alexander Severus became emperor. He was the son of a Christian woman and did not persecute Christians. However, the emperor was only 16 years old and all power was concentrated in the hands of Ulpian, who fiercely hated Christians. Christians began to be persecuted.

    Tatyana was also captured. She was brought into the temple of Apollo and forced to bow to his statue. She did pray true God and the idol of Apollo fell and shattered, part of the temple collapsed with it.

    “First they began to beat her in the face and tear her eyes with iron hooks. After a long torment, the tormentors themselves were exhausted, for the body of Christ's sufferer for those who inflicted wounds on her was hard, like an anvil, and the tormentors themselves accepted the torment more than the holy martyr. And the angels stood invisibly near the saint and struck blows at those who tormented Saint Tatiana, so that the tormentors appealed to the lawless judge and asked him to order an end to the torment; they said that they themselves suffered more than this holy and innocent virgin.

    Tatiana, courageously enduring suffering, prayed for her tormentors and asked the Lord to reveal to them the light of truth. And her prayer was heard. Heavenly light illumined the tormentors, and their spiritual eyes were opened. Eight executioners who tortured Tatiana converted to Christianity and were executed for it.

    The next day, Tatyana was again tortured (she was healed from past tortures). They began to cut Tatyana's body, but milk poured out of the wounds.

    “Then they spread it crosswise on the ground and for a long time they beat with rods, so that the tormentors were exhausted and were often replaced. For, as before, the angels of God stood invisibly near the saint and inflicted wounds on those who inflicted blows on the holy martyr.

    The torturer's servants were exhausted, declaring that someone was hitting them with iron sticks. Finally, nine of them died, struck by the right hand of an angel, and the rest fell to the ground barely alive.

    The next day, Tatyana was persuaded to make a sacrifice to the goddess Diana. She prayed to the true God and fire fell from heaven, scorching the statue, the temple and many pagans.

    “Then they took Saint Tatiana to the praetor [judicial place], hung her up there and tormented her with iron hooks, and even tore out her nipples. After this, the saint was imprisoned, and again the radiant heavenly angels appeared to the holy martyr, completely healed her of her wounds and praised her courageous suffering.

    In the morning they brought Saint Tatiana to the circus [Coliseum] and released her scary lion to tear the saint to pieces. But the ferocious animal did not touch the saint. The lion caressed her and obediently licked her feet.

    When they wanted to take the lion back from the theater to the cage, he suddenly rushed at one noble dignitary, named Eumenia, and tore him to pieces. WITH

    The holy Tatiana was hanged again and again they began to plan her body, but again the Angels invisibly struck blows at her tormentors and they fell dead. Then the saint was thrown into the fire, but the fire did not harm her.”

    The pagans explained the miracles of Tatyana by the fact that she was engaged in divination. They decided that Tatyana's strength was in her hair and cut her off. After that, thinking that Tatyana had lost her strength, she was imprisoned in the temple of Jupiter. Two days later, the pagans opened the gates of the temple and saw that the idol of Jupiter was defeated. After that, Tatyana and her father were executed.

    Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Tatyana helps in a variety of life situations. If you do not have enough fortitude to do something, weak character, weak willpower, study is difficult, there are health problems - then read the prayer to St. Tatyana.

    Also, the Holy Great Martyr Tatyana - Tatyana (Tatiana) is the official Orthodox protector and helper for all girls, girls and women with the name Tatyana.

    BRIEF ORTHODOX PRAYER TO SAINT TATYANA for those who bear this name:

    Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Tatyana, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul.


    ORTHODOX PRAYER TO SAINT TATYANA for all those in need of protection and help, as well as for students, teachers, schoolchildren, teachers and educators:

    Oh, holy martyr Tatiano, the bride of Your Sweetest Bridegroom Christ, the lamb of the Divine Lamb, the dove of chastity!

    Suffering, as if clothed with royal clothes, numbered among the face of heaven, rejoicing now in eternal glory! From the days of her youth, she was promised to God by the servant of the Church, who observed chastity and, more than all the blessings of the Lord, loved!

    We pray to you and we ask you: listen to our heartfelt petition, and do not reject our prayers! Grant purity of body and soul, inspire love for Divine truths, lead us to the path of virtues, Ask God for angelic protection for us. Make our wounds and bodily ulcers painless, grant patience in suffering. Heal sinful sores.

    Protect our youth, painless and comfortable old age, grant us help in the hour of death! Remember our sorrows, and grant joy! Visit us who are in the prison of sin: instruct us to repentance soon, kindle the flame of prayer! Don't leave us orphans! Yes, glorifying your suffering, we send praise to the Lord of forces, always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

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    Prayer to the Martyr Tatyana

    They pray to Tatyana in a variety of life situations. When there are health problems, when not mental strength to endure one or another life test, when a person faces a difficult choice.

    Holy Great Martyr Tatyana- patroness of students The people judged the coming summer by the weather on Tatyana's day. Snow - to rainy, and the sun - to fruitful.

    Prayer to Saint Tatiana

    Martyr Tatiana

    O holy martyr Tatiano, receive us now, praying and falling to your holy icon.

    Pray for us, servants of God (names), let us get rid of all sorrows and illnesses of the soul and body and live piously in the present life, and in the next century, vouchsafe us with all the saints to worship in the Trinity the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

    Prayer to Tatyana

    Martyr Tatiana

    O holy martyr Tatiano! Bride of your Sweetest Bridegroom Christ, lamb of the Divine Lamb, dove of chastity!

    Suffering, as if clothed with royal clothes, numbered among the face of heaven, rejoicing now in eternal glory!

    From the days of her youth, she was promised to God by the servant of the Church, who observed chastity and, more than all the blessings of the Lord, loved!

    We pray to you and we ask you: listen to our heartfelt petition, and do not reject our prayers!

    Grant purity of body and soul, inspire love for Divine truths, lead us to the path of virtues, Ask God for angelic protection for us. Make our wounds and bodily ulcers painless, grant patience in suffering.

    Heal sinful sores. Protect our youth, painless and comfortable old age, grant us help in the hour of death!

    Remember our sorrows, and grant joy! Visit us who are in the prison of sin: instruct us to repentance soon, kindle the flame of prayer! Don't leave us orphans! Yes, glorifying your suffering, we send praise to the Lord of forces, always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

    Embroidered icons

    Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow

    Human life is full of various situations, the success of which is impossible to predict. For example, examinations during admission to a university, when moving from one class to another. Even high achievers experience excitement before such an event. No matter how much you would like it, you cannot be sure of success in advance.

    This is what makes many on the eve resort to the help of prayers, which should ensure success and good luck in their studies. Not only schoolchildren and students can read them, but also their parents, friends - everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of a future young specialist. Who can you turn to in such a need, what saints help you study successfully? Find out from our article.

    Prayer for study before the icon Addition of the Mind

    Believers call on the Most Holy Theotokos in the most different situations. Prayers for studying at school are said before a rare image of the Queen of Heaven. It was painted by one artist who lived in Rybinsk in the 17th century. The story took place after the church schism, which took place during the reign of Patriarch Nikon. A certain icon painter tried to understand the theological subtleties that led to disputes, but could not. As a result, the unfortunate man lost his mind.

    In moments of enlightenment, which sometimes happened, the master began to pray to the Mother of God. And then one day she herself appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to paint an icon. But the artist had to accurately convey his vision, in every detail. The work did not go quickly, but in the end it was over, a clear mind returned to the man. And the image has since been known in Russia under the name "Addition of the mind."

    • The icon has a non-standard composition - the figures of Christ and the Mother of God are almost completely hidden under the vestment (it copies the phelonion, part of the robes of the Orthodox clergy).
    • The heads of the saints are covered with large crowns.
    • Above them are angels.
    • Jesus has an orb in his hand.

    Surprisingly, it turned out that the same composition exists in the Catholic Church, only not in the form of an icon, but in the form of a wooden statue. She was kept in Italian city Loreta, in the small church of Santa Casa (holy house). It is believed that it was built by St. Helena in the place where the Virgin Mary lived. Then he was miraculously transported to Italy. Unfortunately, both the original icon and the statue were lost.

    You can pray before the image not only on the eve of responsible offsets. It is better to do this daily, because success in any business consists of constancy.

    Prayer for Academic Success:

    "O Blessed Virgin! You are the Bride of God the Father and the Mother of His Divine Son Jesus Christ! You are the Queen of Angels and the salvation of people, the accuser of sinners and the punisher of apostates. Have mercy on us too, who have seriously sinned and not fulfilled the commandments of God, who have violated the vows of baptism and vows of monasticism, and many others that we promised to fulfill. When the Holy Spirit departed from King Saul, then fear and despondency attacked him, and the darkness of despair and a joyless state of soul tormented him. Now, for our sins, we have all lost the grace of the Holy Spirit. The mind has become bustled with the vanity of thoughts, forgetfulness of God has darkened our souls, and now all kinds of sorrows, sorrows, illnesses, hatred, evil, enmity, vindictiveness, malevolence and other sins are oppressing the heart. And, not having joy and consolation, we call to You, Mother of our God Jesus Christ, and beseech Your Son to forgive us all our sins and send us the Spirit of the Comforter, as He sent Him to the apostles, but comforted and enlightened by him, we will sing to You a song of thanksgiving : Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos, who has added to our minds for salvation. Amen".

    Prayer to Saint Tatiana for study

    Oh, holy martyr Tatiano, bride of Your Sweetest Bridegroom Christ! Lamb of the Divine Lamb! The dove of chastity, the fragrant body of suffering as if with royal garments, numbered among the face of heaven, rejoicing now in eternal glory, from the days of youth a servant of the Church of God, observing chastity and loving the Lord more than all the blessings! We pray to you and we ask you: listen to our heartfelt petitions and do not reject our prayers, grant purity of body and soul, inhale love for Divine truths, lead us on the virtuous path, ask God for angelic protection for us, heal our wounds and ulcers, youth protect, old age painless and comfortable grant, help in the hour of death, remember our sorrows and grant joy, visit us who are in the prison of sin, guide us to repentance soon, kindle the flame of prayer, do not leave us orphans, but glorifying your suffering, we send praise to the Lord, now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen

    History of St. Tatiana

    She lived at the end of the 2nd century. in Rome, her memory falls on January 25th. The girl's parents were Christians and passed on their faith to their daughter. Having become an adult, Tatyana decided to devote her life to God. During the persecution organized by Emperor Severus, she was arrested. The martyr was brought to a pagan temple to force her to sacrifice to the gods. But through the prayer of Tatyana, the idol was destroyed. Then they began to cruelly torture her - they beat her, threw her into a pit with wild lions.

    But the torment, which lasted for several days, did not bring results. The saint was beheaded. Why did the martyr come to be considered a teaching assistant? The fact is that the first Russian university opened in Moscow celebrates its birthday exactly on the day when the church remembers the Christian feat of St. Tatyana and her parents. Over time, Tatyana's Day began to be celebrated not only in Moscow State University but all over Russia.

    Therefore, any applicant, no matter where he studied - at an institute or college, knows that the martyr Tatyana helps to acquire knowledge. Parents can also turn to her, asking for help for their son or daughter. Many universities today have prayer rooms or even chapels. Anyone can come in before class, light a candle, gather their thoughts.

    Prayer, as proven by scientists, calms the mind, the brain begins to work at a special frequency. It helps to calm down, focus on the main thing. In this state, any business will be argued.

    Holy righteous John of Kronstadt - how to pray for a good study

    He was born in the 19th century in a poor family. His ancestors were priests, and little Vanya also dreamed of this. But in order to become a clergyman, it was necessary to study - to master many subjects, to read a lot of books. The parents were not rich, but they sent their son to a seminary in the city of Arkhangelsk.

    But things didn't go well young Ivan had difficulty learning to read. He was very worried about this. After all, the family gave almost all available funds for the child's education. The boy did not sleep at night and prayed, asking God to help him. And so, things gradually improved. The future shepherd began to study so well that he was sent to continue his education at public expense. The Saint graduated from the St. Petersburg Theological Academy with the title of Candidate of Sciences.

    • One woman shared the story of how her patron saint helped her son get into medical school. On the eve of the exams, Tatyana went to the monastery of St. John, where the relics of the popularly beloved father are buried. She kissed his tomb, prayed before the icon. Her son was not only enrolled, but was also able to get a budget place, as he showed excellent knowledge.

    During his lifetime, Saint John of Kronstadt was known for his simplicity. He never refused to help anyone, people followed him in droves. Every day, the poor received alms from the righteous, which helped them live until evening. And after his death, the priest remained responsive to any requests - if they come from pure heart. Knowing that in childhood the righteous had difficulties in learning, anyone can safely ask him for help in mastering the sciences.

    For a good study, they read a prayer:

    “O great saint of Christ, holy righteous Father John of Kronstadt, wonderful shepherd, quick helper and merciful intercessor! Lifting up praise to the Triune God, you prayerfully cried out: “Your Name is Love: do not reject me who am mistaken.

    Your name is Strength: strengthen me, exhausted and falling. Your name is Light: enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions. Your name is Peace: die my restless soul. Your name is Grace: do not cease to have mercy on me.

    Now the all-Russian flock, grateful to Your intercession, prays to you: Christ-named and righteous servant of God! With your love, illumine us, sinners and the weak, vouchsafe us to bring worthy fruits repentance and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ without condemnation.

    Strengthen your faith in us by your strength, support us in prayer, heal illnesses and diseases, deliver us from misfortunes, enemies visible and invisible. With the light of the face of your servants and primates of the altar of Christ, move to the holy feats of pastoral work, grant education to babies, instruct youth, support old age, shrines of temples and holy cloisters illuminate.

    Die, O miracle worker and seer, the peoples of our country, by the grace and gift of the Holy Spirit, deliver from internecine strife; Gather the squandered, convert the deceived, and gather the Holy Ones of Your Catholic and Apostolic Church.

    By your mercy, keep marriages in peace and unanimity, grant prosperity and blessings to those who monastic in good deeds, give cowardly comforts, freedom to suffering unclean spirits, have mercy on the needs and circumstances of those who exist, and guide us all on the path of salvation.

    Living in Christ, our Father John, lead us to the non-evening light of eternal life, may we be vouchsafed with you eternal bliss, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen".

    Prayer to the Holy Matrona for help in passing the exam

    The great old woman is especially revered by the inhabitants of the capital. This is due to the fact that the relics of the righteous are buried in one of the Moscow monasteries. Many sought help and consolation from Matronushka, and received what they asked for. There are cases when she blessed and good study.

    • When Oksana arrived, she wanted to enter Moscow State University. The competition there is huge, the girl did not count on her own strength. On the eve of the exam, she went to the relics of St. Matrons, stood in line for several hours. At that moment, when she approached the tomb, her soul became very light. Exams passed successfully!

    The old woman herself never studied, because she was blind from birth, and besides, she was born into a poor family. She knew only one teacher - the Lord, one textbook - the Holy Scriptures. But God gave her the opportunity to help everyone who shows faith and perseverance.

    Before the exam, read a prayer:

    O blessed mother Matrono, now hear and receive us, sinners, praying to you, who have learned to accept and listen to all those who suffer and mourn in all your life, with faith and hope for your intercession and the help of those who come running, quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; may your mercy not fail now to us, unworthy, restless in this world of many vanities and nowhere to find consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our sicknesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, passionately fighting, help me convey my worldly Cross, to endure all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, keep the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, have strong hope and hope in God and unfeigned love for neighbors; help us, after departing from this life, reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, in the Trinity of glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

    Prayer for a good study to Sergius of Radonezh

    Collector of lands, peacemaker, spiritual teacher of our country - Sergius of Radonezh. Perhaps someone does not know this, but he is not only a healer and spiritual mentor. Saint Sergius will always answer the student's prayers, because he is the patron of all students.

    At a young age, the future monk had absolutely no ability to study. He couldn't even read. Classmates laughed at Bartholomew (he received the name Sergius already in monasticism). How did the boy manage to overcome difficulties? With the help of God. Once a schemnik in black robes appeared to him and gave his blessing. It is believed that under the guise of a monk, the Angel of God himself descended from heaven.

    On the same evening, Bartholomew loudly and expressively read the necessary passage from the Holy Scriptures. The people around immediately realized that a miracle had happened, since then they stopped laughing at the boy. Studying was easy for the lad, but he decided to leave for a monastery, preferring live communication with God to academic science. However, St. Sergius gladly helps those who themselves make efforts in the process of gaining knowledge.

    New article: strong prayer mother for her child who is taking an exam on the site site - in all the details and details from the many sources that we managed to find.

    When your child is preparing for the first difficult trials in life, you want to help him, so the prayer for passing the mother's exam for the child has been known and has been passed from mouth to mouth for several centuries. Caring mothers are always close to their child, even mentally and in prayers. mother word you can protect the child, believe in it and read prayers.

    Prayer for passing the mother's exam for the child

    Wherever a child studies: at an institute or at school, he cannot avoid exams. But the exam is like a lottery. You can not learn anything, you'll be lucky with a ticket, and the teacher will be in good spirit and passed the exam. And you can cram the whole semester, and you will get a difficult ticket, and even a bunch of additional questions. Hope only good luck it's not worth it, it's better to learn, and also know the prayers who help pupils and students in exams.

    Mom can help too son or daughter during the exam. You will learn what prayers to read when the child passes the exam, how to behave at this time.

    “Holy Matronushka, protector of children and mothers, I ask you one thing at this very moment, but I don’t ask, but I beg. Give strength to my dear blood, do not leave her in difficult trials, help me, show me an easy way. So that the tickets are simple, and the answer is kept by the Servant of God (name of the child), and good luck to be over him "

    I advise you to read such a prayer three times when the child leaves the threshold of his home. Can you take handkerchief and read this prayer, holding it in your hands, and then give it to the child, but tell him not to part with this handkerchief.

    Prayer for parents so that the child passes the exam (for the mother)

    I will also teach you one prayer that you need to read at the very time when the exam begins for the child. Suitable for both student and student. This prayer can be for the daughter and for the son. The strongest is the prayer to the holy martyr Tatyana.

    “The Holy Great Martyr Tatyana, the patroness and protector of all those who go on a thorny path to their knowledge and earn it with honest labor. Help the Servant of God (name of the child) pass the exams, overcome all difficulties. Let only clear thoughts be in your head, and all questions will be on the shoulder. Do not leave my soul, my child, in a difficult moment for him. Amen. Amen. Amen"

    Martyr Tatiana is the patroness of students and all students. Therefore, pray to her, and she will definitely help you and your child. Such a prayer for passing exams at school will definitely come in handy for caring parents.

    Prayers for the child to pass the exam well

    A few more prayers that can be read during the child's exams, whether Unified State Examination, OGE or university entrance exams. It can be read when the child passes on the rights or is subjected to any other tests. This is a prayer to the Holy Archangel Michael.

    “Holy Archangel Michael, protector of all children and mothers. Help me this very day Hard time, on this difficult day, when my blood test will hold. Give him strength to show his knowledge. May the judges be merciful to him, may luck be on his side. I know you won't leave us alone. Amen. Amen. Amen"

    Each prayer for passing a mother's exam for a child is strong if read from the heart.

    With motherly prayers, it will be easier to study

    And the exam is a kind of stress for the body. And a test for independence in adult life.

    Our Father is merciful and attentive to those who ask.

    Our Father is merciful and attentive to those who ask. Especially when it comes to children. And your prayer will be fulfilled. As the saying goes: "According to our faith let it be to us!".

    You can always read for the child of your prayer about any issues:

    • About health in infancy;
    • About the mind in ice age, more precisely teenage; Not for nothing, she called it glacial. The period of icebergs and cold ice, brittle snow. When a teenager is cold as ice to parental advice. No matter how much they say, they will beat their bumps. And until it thaws, it will not let anything into its brain.
    • About peace of mind;
    • About choosing the right one;
    • About spiritual values.
    • Yes, and in general in need of any. Now is the time for graduation exams. To whom, if not mothers, to put in a word before the Almighty. And there are still entrance exams. The child needs help. So you are the forces of heaven to help and call.

    To start, write cheat sheets for your dear one. Take little white leaves, cut them into small squares.

    Light a church candle and say the right words.

    So that each question is on a separate paper.

    “Forces of heaven, honest angels, I ask not for myself, but in the name of my foolish child. Help him pass his exams and get cheat sheets quietly. Cover it with your wings. Show great knowledge. Let it be easy for him to answer. These decisions are up to you. Please accept my gratitude, maternal gratitude.”

    When you finish saying these words, put all these clues into the child’s clothes imperceptibly. Be sure, at the most crucial moment, the angels will tell him which pocket to get into.

    “Lord, our Father Almighty, hear my prayer, do not turn away your Holy face from me, your sinful servant (name). I ask not for myself, but for my slow-witted child, a servant of God (name). Help him pass the exam today and score the necessary points. Throw out all stupid thoughts from his head, and put smart ones in. Let the questions be easy for him, and the examiners be kind. I trust in you, my Lord. And thank you from the bottom of my heart."

    Believe me, dear, everything will be fine. Your offspring will pass any exam.

    “Heavenly powers, Holy powers. Messengers of God, you are my family. Soften the hearts of scientific educators, send them blessings and smoked fish. Let there be salmon, caviar and lobster. And so that the answers do not put couples. Let the child forgive mistakes, shortcomings. Let them not notice the errors in the calculations. May they be happy, benevolent. And I will bow for them in the church. Thank you folks, thank you Saints. I trust in you, my golden ones.”

    Here are some tips for you, dear. And know that there is no one in the world better and smarter than your child. There will be help for him, and peace for you.

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    Prayer before the exam

    There is no such person among us who would not turn to God, would not ask him for anything. Many may note that if you ask, you sincerely believe in help, and you hope, the Lord will definitely help. When an important event happens in our life, we always ask for support from above.

    The exam is definitely important event, a test and a kind of test that everyone must pass. Everyone must pass their exam, they must pass it well. Of course, we are very worried and worried, so you should definitely pray. Prayer before the exam calms, gives strength, good spirits and faith in a good outcome. Prayer for good luck always helps. The one who prays knows this for sure. The cherished lines of prayer help you focus and fulfill your goals and objectives. A person is so arranged that he needs support and help both in sorrow and in joy. And, for sure, this very support is prayer. And in sorrow and in joy. That's how it's been done since time immemorial. After all, how many exams we have to pass in life, how many worries and fears to go through. And with prayer, it’s not so scary, it’s not so scary. After all, you are no longer alone.

    Of course, going to the exam, you must definitely pray, believe in the miraculous power of prayer. And to thank for this force, for the help.

    Strong prayer to the Lord for study / exam

    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless me for study / exam, send Your holy help, until I can achieve what I want: what is pleasing to You, Lord, and useful to me. Amen.

    Good Lord, send down to us the grace of Your Holy Spirit, bestowing and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that, attentively taught to us, we may grow up to You, our Creator, to the glory, to our parents for the consolation, the Church and the fatherland for the benefit. Amen.

    Prayer to all the saints and incorporeal heavenly powers about teaching aid

    Holy God and rest in the saints, with a three-holy voice in heaven from an angel sung, on earth from a man in His saints praised: giving by Your Holy Spirit grace to anyone according to the measure of the gift of Christ, and then setting up Your Church of the Holy Apostles, ov prophets, ov evangelizers ovy shepherds and teachers, their own word of preaching. To You Himself acting all in all, many have been made holy in every kind and kind, pleasing Thee with various virtues, and to Thee we have left the image of our good deeds, in the joy of the past, prepare, in it the temptations of the past themselves, and help us who are attacked. Remembering all these saints and praising their charitable life, I praise You Samago, who acted in them, I praise, and one of Your blessings of believing, I diligently pray to Thee, Holy of Holies, give me a sinner to follow their teaching, more than Thy omnipotent grace, heavenly with them be worthy of glory, laudatory of the most holy your name, Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

    Prayer to the Guardian Angel for good luck before the exam

    Holy angel of Christ, faithful servant of God, warrior of His heavenly army, I call upon you in prayer, overshadowing myself with the holy cross. Send me heavenly grace on my spiritual strength and grant me meaning and understanding, so that I sensitively listen (attention) to the charitable teaching that the teacher conveys to us, and my mind has grown extremely for the glory of the Lord, people and the Holy Orthodox Church for good. I ask you about this, the angel of Christ. Amen.

    Prayer to Sergius of Radonezh for successful delivery exam

    O reverend and God-bearing Father Sergius! Look at us (name) mercifully and, to the earth of adherents, raise us to the heights of heaven. Strengthen our cowardice and confirm us in the faith, and we certainly hope to receive all that is good from the mercy of the Lord God through your prayers. Ask for your intercession for every gift to everyone and anyone who is beneficial, and all of us, with your prayers, vouchsafe on the day of the Last Judgment, part of the shuiya will be delivered, but the right countries of the community of being and the blessed voice of the Lord Christ to hear: come, bless my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world . Amen.

    Even the virtues of the ascetic, like a true warrior of Christ God, on the passion of the greats, you labored in temporary life, in singing, vigil and veneration, being your disciple; the same, the Most Holy Spirit dwelled in you, by His action you are brightly adorned; but as if having the audacity to Holy Trinity, remember the flock, hedgehog gathered thou wiser, and do not forget, as you promised, visiting your children, Sergius Reverend Our Father.

    Wounded by Christ's love, Reverend, and following that with an irrevocable desire, you hated all carnal pleasure, and as the sun of your fatherland shone forth, thus Christ enrich you with the gift of miracles. Remember us, who honor your blessed memory, let us call you: Rejoice, Sergius the Wise.

    Prayer to Matrona of Moscow before study / exam

    Holy Righteous Mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me too (say out loud what you need help with). Do not leave me with your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for study / before the exam

    Oh Saint Nicholas, the People's Pleasure! We remember and honor Your holy kindness, Do not leave God's (God's) servant (slave) sinful (sinful) even now! Clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts, deign to calm my soul, Grant, be indulgent, my wits for the exam to come! I believe that You are blessed and just, I hope holy for Your salvation, Hear my prayer for the sake of our Lord. Amen.

    Parents' prayer for daughter or son to pass the exam

    Lord, Jesus Christ, we fall down to You and pray to You, look at us who pray to You. Lord, remember Thy promises: “Where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them,” remember also after Your Resurrection what You said: “I am with you until the end of time.” Blessing Thy holy disciples and apostles after Thy Ascension and promising them the Grace of the Holy Spirit and vouchsafed them the gift of wisdom and reason on the day of Fifty, making some of them teachers of the wisdom of faith. Grant to our youth (names) those who are now undergoing examination tests of the same Spirit of Wisdom and Reason, as you once gave to Your holy disciple. Vouchsafe our youths without fear and embarrassment, do not forget anything from the teachings taught to them and reasonably state what is required during the test. Make those who examine those who are peaceful and benevolent, as you once did such a thing to St. Sergius and righteous John and your other saint. By their prayers, together with the martyr Tatiana, with Saints Basil the Great, John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian, through Your Holy Spirit from the Father, be merciful to all of us forever and ever. Amen!
