Three famous composers. Famous Russian composers

About the benefits classical music, perhaps, is known to almost every inhabitant of a civilized society, scientists have long proven its positive impact on the psychological state of a person.

A classic is a classic, it remains forever immortal, each new generation has its own admirers of this direction, while classical music progresses, develops and transforms, while always remaining at the proper level.

Among the impressive variety of composers of the past and present, I would like to single out a dozen of those whose names have already gone down in history, because they managed to compose music the highest level, which significantly expanded the boundaries of classical sounds, reaching a new level of beauty.

This time, our top 10 will not contain numbers and places of honor, because it is somehow stupid to evaluate and compare the greatest and, what to hide, the most famous composers in the world, whose names, in fact, should be familiar to every minimally educated person.

Therefore, we present to you their names, as well as several interesting facts from the biography, without figures and comparisons. If you are not yet an active fan of classical music, then listen, if only for the sake of interest, to several works by these great composers, and you will understand that music that inspires more than a dozen generations cannot be ordinary or, even worse, boring.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

Today it is one of the most respected, popular and performed composers in the world, Beethoven wrote in all musical genres known at that time, but it is believed that the most significant among his works are precisely instrumental creations, including concertos for violin and piano, symphonies, overtures and sonatas.

Little Beethoven grew up in a musical family, and therefore, from a very early age, they began to teach him to play the harpsichord, organ, flute and violin. In the last few years of his life, Beethoven lost his hearing, amazingly, but this did not stop him from writing a whole series of unique works, including the famous Ninth Symphony.

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

The famous and world-famous German composer, who is prominent representative the baroque era. In total, he wrote about 1000 musical works, which were represented by all significant genres of that era, except for opera.

Among the closest relatives and ancestors of Johann Bach were many professional musicians, he himself became the founder of one of the most famous dynasties. Surprisingly, during his lifetime, Bach did not receive a special vocation; interest in his work increased a whole century after his death.

Some connoisseurs argue that Bach's music is too gloomy and gloomy, however, according to the followers of his work, it is rather solid and fundamental.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

The greatest Austrian composer, who is rightfully called a genius in his field: Mozart had a truly phenomenal ear, the ability to improvise, memory, and also showed himself as a talented conductor, a virtuoso violinist, organist and harpsichordist.

He composed more than 600 pieces of music, many of which are recognized as the pinnacle of chamber, concert, opera and symphonic music. It is believed that Mozart's music has a special healing effect, it is recommended for listening to pregnant and lactating mothers.

Richard Wagner (1813-1883)

The most famous German composer, who is considered the most influential opera reformer, he had a tremendous impact on German and European musical culture in general.

Wagner's operas never cease to amaze, amaze, inspire and amaze with their incredible scale, which fit into the eternal human values.

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)

Who is not familiar with famous ballet Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker? Then you definitely need to do it! Pyotr Ilyich is one of the best Russian composers of all time, who, thanks to his musical works, was able to make an invaluable contribution to society musical culture all over the world.

Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828)

Another famous Austrian composer, honored musical genius, as well as the author of the best song compositions of his time. During his work, Schubert managed to write more than 600 compositions, which were put on the verses of more than 100 famous poets.

Unfortunately, Franz lived quite short life, only 31 years old, who knows how much more beautiful and great this brilliant person could have created. Some works of the brilliant author were published only after his death, because Schubert left behind many unpublished manuscripts with unique musical creations.

Johann Strauss (1825-1899)

The recognized "king of the waltz", a brilliant Austrian composer, virtuoso violinist and conductor, who worked all his life in the genre of operetta and dance music.

He wrote about 500 waltzes, quadrilles, polkas and other types of dance music, by the way, it was thanks to him that the waltz rose to the top of its popularity in the 19th century in Vienna. Another interesting fact is that Johann Strauss is the son of a famous Austrian composer, who was also named Johann.

Frederic Chopin / Fryderyk Chopin (1810-1849)

Without exaggeration, it will be said that this is the most famous Pole in the field of classical music, who in his work tirelessly praised his homeland, the beauty of its landscapes, and also dreamed of its future greatness.

Unique is the fact that Chopin is one of the few composers who created music exclusively for the piano, in his work you will not find either symphonies or operas. It is the works of this brilliant composer form the basis for the work of many contemporary pianists.

Giuseppe Francesco Verdi (1813-1901)

Giuseppe Verdi, first of all, is known to the whole world for his operas, a special place among which is occupied by dramatic works. His legacy as the greatest composer can hardly be overestimated, because his music has made a huge contribution to the development of Italian and world opera in general.

Verdi's works are considered incredibly emotional, burning, passionate, interesting, emotions are seething in them and life is seething. And today, despite the centennial age of most of his operas, they remain one of the most performed, popular and famous among classical music lovers.

Hans Zimmer (September 12, 1957)

The famous German composer of our time, who gained wide popularity thanks to his works written for computer games and famous movies. Of course, it is difficult to compare contemporary composers with the geniuses of the past, who have strengthened their fame through the centuries, however, they deserve our attention.

Hans's music can be quite diverse: gentle, touching, exciting, cruel and exciting, you probably heard many of his melodies, but did not know who their author was. You can hear the creations of this author in such films and cartoons as "The Lion King", "Pirates caribbean”, “Pearl Harbor”, “Rain Man” and others.

What would our life be like without music? For years, people have been asking themselves this question and coming to the conclusion that without the beautiful sounds of music, the world would be a very different place. Music helps us to experience joy more fully, to find our inner self and to cope with difficulties. Composers, working on their works, were inspired by a variety of things: love, nature, war, happiness, sadness and many others. Some of the ones they created musical compositions will forever remain in the hearts and memory of people. Here is a list of the ten greatest and most talented composers of all time. Under each of the composers you will find a link to one of his most famous works.


Franz Peter Schubert is an Austrian composer who lived only 32 years, but his music will live on for a very long time. Schubert wrote nine symphonies, about 600 vocal compositions, as well as a large number of chamber and solo piano music.

"Evening Serenade"

German composer and pianist, author of two serenades, four symphonies, and concertos for violin, piano and cello. He performed at concerts from the age of ten, first performed with solo concert at 14 years old. During his lifetime, he gained popularity primarily thanks to the waltzes and Hungarian dances he wrote.

"Hungarian Dance No. 5".

Georg Friedrich Handel - German and English composer of the Baroque era, he wrote about 40 operas, many organ concertos, as well as chamber music. Handel's music played at the coronation English kings, since 973, it has also been played at royal weddings and even used as the anthem of the UEFA Champions League (with a small arrangement).

"Music on the Water"

Joseph Haydn- a famous and prolific Austrian composer of the Classical era, he is called the father of the symphony, since he made a significant contribution to the development of this musical genre. Joseph Haydn is the author of 104 symphonies, 50 piano sonatas, 24 operas and 36 concertos

"Symphony No. 45".

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is the most famous Russian composer, the author of more than 80 works, including 10 operas, 3 ballets and 7 symphonies. He was very popular and known as a composer during his lifetime, performed in Russia and abroad as a conductor.

"Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "The Nutcracker".

Frederic Francois Chopin is a Polish composer who is also considered one of the best pianists of all times. He wrote many piano pieces including 3 sonatas and 17 waltzes.

"Rain waltz".

The Venetian composer and virtuoso violinist Antonio Lucio Vivaldi is the author of more than 500 concertos and 90 operas. He had a great influence on the development of Italian and world violin art.

"Elven Song"

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is an Austrian composer who amazed the world with his talent with early childhood. Already at the age of five, Mozart was composing small pieces. In total, he wrote 626 works, including 50 symphonies and 55 concertos. 9.Beethoven 10.Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach - German composer and organist of the Baroque era, known as a master of polyphony. He is the author of more than 1000 works, which include almost all significant genres of that time.

"Musical Joke"

Each person should know their history, as well as the people who made it. For example, in this article we invite the reader to recall famous Russian composers who are respected and loved not only in our country, but also abroad.

People who have made an unprecedented contribution to Russian and world classical music

IN old days classical music was very popular. The leading composers were well known by sight and even knew how to distinguish the works of one great classic from another. Now time, manners and tastes have changed significantly. And now we often listen to monotonous melodies or rhythmic recitatives, most of which are forgotten the next day. However, a few years ago, scientists proved the fact that the classics have a beneficial effect on the human body. There is even a confirmed hypothesis that children who listen to classical music from childhood are far ahead of their peers in development. That is why it is necessary to get used to elegant and exciting melodies from an early age.

But if in childhood such a hobby seemed unfashionable to a child, or if he simply did not think about changing his taste, you can correct the situation at any time. And it is best to start acquaintance with Russian composers, famous and beloved. Such as:

  • Mikhail Glinka (1804-1857).
  • Alexander Dargomyzhsky (1813-1869).
  • Alexander Borodin (1833-1887).
  • Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881).
  • Pyotr Tchaikovsky (1840-1893).
  • Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908).
  • Sergei Rachmaninov (1872-1915).
  • Aram Khachaturian (1903-1978).
  • Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975).

The stories of their lives are not simple, and the fates of many are quite tragic. You can talk about these people endlessly, but we will try to note only the most important facts biographies to give the reader an idea of ​​what the great Russian composers were like.

Mikhail Glinka

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka was born on May 20, 1804. His family was large and wealthy, lived on the territory of the Smolensk province ever since the Polish nobleman, who laid the foundation for the family, preferred Russia to his country. The parents of the future composers were second cousins ​​to each other. Perhaps that is why the upbringing of the baby was taken over by the grandmother. This continued until her death. The craving for music at the young talent woke up at the age of ten. Soon he was sent to study in St. Petersburg. There he met Pushkin, Griboyedov, Zhukovsky, Odoevsky and others. famous personalities those times. And he realized that he wanted to make music his destiny.

After that, Mikhail Glinka wrote the first romances, but he was not completely satisfied with the result. His own music seemed to him everyday, he sought to expand the boundaries. And then, working on himself, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka went to Italy, and then to Germany. There he got to know such people as Donizeti and Bellini, as a result of which he completely changed the style of his music.

Upon arrival in Russia, the composer again showed his operas to the country. But some of them were heavily criticized, and Glinka decided to leave the country. And he returned many years later, becoming a singing teacher and actively influencing the formation of classical music.

Mikhail Ivanovich died on February 15, 1857 in Berlin. His ashes were brought to St. Petersburg, where the composer rests to this day.

Alexander Dargomyzhsky

This unrecognized in life musical figure and now almost forgotten was born on February 2, 1813 in the Tula province. The craving for music in Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky woke up at the age of seven. And it was then that he mastered the art of playing the piano to perfection. And at the age of ten he already wrote his first plays and romances. After future composer entered the service, and after he met Mikhail Glinka, he significantly improved his skills.

Alexander Sergeevich read notes like a book, and tried to make his works such that the music did not overshadow the voices of the performers. At a certain period of his life, he gave singing lessons to non-professional singers completely free of charge, and after that he became one of the consultants of the Russian Musical Community. His greatest opera, The Mermaid, almost burned down in a fire at the St. Petersburg Opera House. But even now it is performed quite infrequently, therefore only true connoisseurs of classical music know Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky. This is very sad, because another unusual opera by the composer, The Stone Guest, consists of recitatives that fully correspond to the rhythm of Pushkin's verse, and not the usual drawn-out arias.

This is what distinguishes the composer from others. He did not succumb to the influence of Italy and France, did not indulge the tastes of the public, was not afraid to try something new. He went his own way, relying on his own taste. And inextricably linked the sound and the word.

Alexander Borodin

Alexander Porfiryevich was born on November 12, 1933 as a result of an extramarital affair between a Georgian prince and a military daughter. The age difference between the parents was just over forty years. That is why the newborn was recorded in the name of the valet. But the mother still paid great attention to her baby and selected the best teachers and tutors for him.

From an early age, the future composer was attracted to music. And after a while he wrote his first plays, which were taken care of by his mother. It was then that the country learned about young talent- sixteen-year-old composer. By the way, Alexander Porfiryevich was also attracted by young (at that time) chemistry. He carried out various experiments with special interest in his own room, which is why his mother sometimes came to indescribable horror. And then Borodin did enter the Medical and Surgical Academy. At one time, he met Mendeleev, who believed that Alexander should forget about music. However, the future famous Russian composer did not abandon his second hobby, but brought it to such a level that Borodin's work was recognized not only in the country, but also abroad.

Alexander Porfirievich died unexpectedly. After a rhythmic dance, his heart could not stand it and stopped forever. It happened on February 27, 1887.

Modest Mussorgsky

The next greatest composer was born on the territory of the Pskov province on March 9, 1839. All that is known of his early years is that until the age of ten he was tutored at home and mastered the piano. Then he went to Petersburg, where he became interested church music tried his hand at writing. Soon his works began to be performed in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Russian composer Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky is a true genius, innovator, the third most performed in the world. His work is familiar to many, especially the music from the opera Boris Godunov. However, he was a deeply lonely person, so at a certain point he plunged into apathy and became addicted to the bottle. As a result, Modest Petrovich developed a delirium tremens. The first serious attack was stopped, but it was not possible to get rid of the composer's illness. And March 16, 1881 greatest genius died.

Pyotr Tchaikovsky

Perhaps the work of this composer is the most recognizable, not only among adults, but also among kids. After all, who does not know the famous "Dance of the Little Swans"? And it was Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky who wrote it.

The future genius was born in April 1840 in the city of Watkins (Udmurtia) and already at the age of five he read notes perfectly and played the piano. In his youth, he began to visit Opera theatre Petersburg, where he was especially impressed by the works of Glinka and Mozart. As an employee of the Department of Justice, he gave up everything for the sake of the "pipe", as his relatives said. But the contribution that Pyotr Ilyich made to Russian and world classical music is so great that it fully justifies the decision of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

The great genius died suddenly on March 25, 1893. By official version cholera was the cause. But there is also a hypothesis that he was poisoned. Moreover, many believe that the composer did it on his own, deciding to commit suicide. However, this is not known for certain, so the public prefers to stick to the first option.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

The most popular Russian composer who could write music without an instrument was born on March 18, 1844 in Tikhvin (not far from St. Petersburg). The child began to study music very early, but she did not attract him much. Nikolai Andreevich was attracted by the sea, so at the age of twelve he entered the Marine cadet corps, but did not give up making music. A little later he meets life path such great people as Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky and Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin. Then he sails on a ship and serves in the navy, continuing to compose music and drawing inspiration from the nature of the Russian lands, domestic fairy tales, epics, songs and sayings. And then he became a teacher at the conservatory in St. Petersburg, which now bears his name.

However, despite his merits, Nikolai Andreevich is very critical of himself, highlighting only two of his operas - The Tsar's Bride and The Snow Maiden.

The great Russian composer Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov died on June 8, 1908 due to an exacerbation of heart disease.

Sergei Rachmaninov

The great musical figure was born in the Novgorod province on March 20, 1873. He was fond of music almost from infancy, at the age of five he already played the piano, and at nine he entered the conservatory. At thirteen he met Tchaikovsky, who became the mentor of the young Rachmaninov. young genius writes his works, which are a huge success. But one work is still negatively evaluated by Rimsky-Korsakov. This causes Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff to be depressed for a long time, as a result of which he has not written works for three years. Shortly after the start October revolution the composer leaves his homeland, setting off on a tour of European cities.

The last years of the life of the Russian genius pass on the territory of America. March 28, 1943 Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov dies, living at that time in the city of Beverly Hills.

Aram Khachaturian

A musical genius from a simple Armenian family was born on May 24, 1903. IN early years Aram Ilyich's future is determined by his father, who sees a biologist in the boy. But everything changes when in 1921 the future composer goes to study in the capital and lives with his brother, the famous director. He introduces him to the creative world. This turns the mind of Aram Ilyich Khachaturian. He enters the Gnessin Technical School, and then quits biology for the sake of music. The composer writes many works that are received with great enthusiasm by the domestic and foreign public.

The last years of the life of the Russian genius are very difficult. He is fighting a hard fight with the disease - cancer. He endures many operations, but the sudden death of his wife greatly cripples him. And on May 1, 1978, Aram Ilyich Khachaturian dies.

Dmitry Shostakovich

The last great Russian composer, whom we would like to tell the reader about, was born in St. Petersburg on September 25, 1906 in a musical family. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the fate of Dmitry Dmitrievich was to some extent a foregone conclusion. He wrote his first work at the age of nine, and at thirteen he entered the conservatory.

It will not be an exaggeration that Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich lived for music. Constantly improving his skills, he could envelop the listener with sounds and feelings. In addition, he was an improviser and invented musical masterpieces literally on the go.

The musical genius died due to a tumor that doctors could not diagnose for a very long time. But when they succeeded, it was too late. On August 9, 1975, Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich died.

Notable works by mentioned composers

Earlier we mentioned that classical music has a beneficial effect on the human body, improving brain activity, increasing susceptibility to science, calming and giving a sense of peace. That is why further we will present the reader with the best and most popular musical works Russian composers, whom we have described above.

Let's start in order:

  • Mikhail Glinka - "Pathetic Trio", "Waltz-Fantasy", operas "Ivan Susanin", "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Kamarinskaya".
  • Alexander Dargomyzhsky - operas "Esmeralda", "The Triumph of Bacchus", "Mermaid", "The Stone Guest".
  • Alexander Borodin - operas "Bogatyrs", "Mlada", libretto "Prince Igor".
  • Modest Mussorgsky - operas "Marriage", "Boris Godunov", "Khovanshchina", "Sorochinsky Fair".
  • Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Russian composer, most famous works which everyone knows: "Slavic March", " Swan Lake”,“ Eugene Onegin ”,“ Sleeping Beauty ”,“ Queen of Spades"," The Nutcracker.
  • Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - operas The Golden Cockerel, The Tale of Tsar Saltan, The Snow Maiden, Scheherazade, Sadko, royal bride”, “Mozart and Salieri”.
  • Sergei Rachmaninov - "Aleko", " Miserly knight”, “Francesca da Rimini”.
  • Aram Khachaturian - ballets "Happiness", "Gayane", "Spartacus".
  • Dmitri Shostakovich - "The Nose", "Big Lightning", "Lady Macbeth" Mtsensk district”, “Katerina Izmailova”, “Players”, “Moscow, Cheryomushki”.

Here they are famous Russian composers, to whom every citizen should pay special attention.

One of the main directions of art, which remains a miracle modern world, capable of influencing the emotional state and mood of a person - music. It came to us through the centuries and began its formation in the period of creation classical works. It was the composers of that time who gave impetus to its development and became the founders of various forms and types of works of the classical direction:

  • Libretto.
  • Symphony.
  • Opera.
  • Overture.

It was to these composers that the ability to express feelings through notes came. Their music allows modern man plunge into the world of emotions of people who lived centuries ago. It teaches not only to listen to the melody and sounds, but also to imagine, visualize the emerging images, without which the development of the personality is impossible. Not all of them received recognition during their lifetime, but their work was in demand among their descendants, which continues to this day. The works become immortal and pass from generation to generation, making you think about the eternal and imbued with the emotions of that time.

Buy works of classical music composers on CD

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Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven- The greatest composer of the early 19th century. Requiem and Moonlight Sonata immediately recognizable by anyone. The immortal works of the composer have always been and will be popular because of the unique style of Beethoven.

- German composer of the 18th century. No doubt the founder contemporary music. His works were based on the versatility of consonances various tools. He created the rhythm of music, so his works are easily amenable to modern instrumental processing.

- The most popular and understandable Austrian composer end of the 18th century. All his works are simple and ingenious. They are very melodic and pleasant. A little serenade, a thunderstorm and many other compositions in rock arrangement will have a special place in your collection.

- Austrian composer of the late 18th, early 19th century. A true classical composer. The violin for Haydn was in a special place. In almost all the works of the composer, she is the soloist. Very beautiful and captivating music.

- Italian composer of the first half of the 18th century No. 1. National temperament and a new approach to arrangement literally blew up Europe in the middle of the 18th century. The symphonies "The Seasons" are calling card composer.

- Polish composer of the 19th century. According to some information, the founder of the combined genre of concert and folk music. His polonaises and mazurkas blend seamlessly with orchestral music. The only drawback in the composer's work was considered too soft style (lack of strong and incendiary motives).

- German composer of the late 19th century. He was spoken of as the great romantic of his time, and his "German Requiem" eclipsed other works of his contemporaries with its popularity. The style in Brahms' music is qualitatively different from the styles of other classics.

- Austrian composer of the early 19th century. One of the greatest composers unrecognized during his lifetime. A very early death at 31 prevented the full development of Schubert's potential. The songs he wrote were the main source of income when the greatest symphonies were gathering dust on the shelves. Only after the death of the composer, the works were highly appreciated by critics.

- Austrian composer of the late 19th century. Ancestor of waltzes and marches. We say Strauss - we mean waltz, we say waltz - we mean Strauss. Johann Jr. grew up in the family of his father, a composer. Strauss senior treated the works of his son with disdain. He believed that his son was engaged in nonsense and therefore humiliated him in every way in the world. But Johann Jr. stubbornly continued to do what he loved, and the revolution and the march written by Strauss in her honor proved the genius of his son in the eyes of European high society.

- One of the greatest composers of the 19th century. Maitre operatic art. "Aida" and "Otello" by Verdi are extremely popular today thanks to the true talent of the Italian composer. The tragic loss of his family at the age of 27 crippled the composer, but he did not give up and delved into creativity, writing several operas at once in a short time. High society highly appreciated Verdi's talent and his operas were staged in the most prestigious theaters in Europe.

- Even at the age of 18, this talented italian composer wrote several operas that became very popular. The crown of his creation was the revised play "The Barber of Seville". After its presentation to the public, Gioachino was literally carried in his arms. The success was intoxicating. After that, Rossini became a welcome guest in high society and gained a solid reputation.

- German composer of the early 18th century. One of the founders of opera and instrumental music. In addition to writing operas, Handel also wrote music for the "people", which was very popular in those days. Hundreds of songs and dance melodies of the composer thundered in the streets and squares in those distant times.

- Polish prince and composer - self-taught. Having no music education became famous composer. His famous polonaise is known all over the world. At the time of the composer, a revolution was taking place in Poland, and the marches written by him became the hymns of the rebels.

- Jewish composer, born in Germany. His wedding March and "Dream in midsummer night"have been popular for more than one hundred years. The symphonies and compositions written by him are successfully perceived all over the world.

- German composer of the 19th century. His mystically - anti-Semitic idea of ​​the superiority of the Aryan race over other races was adopted by the Nazis. Wagner's music is very different from the music of his predecessors. It is aimed primarily at connecting man and nature with an admixture of mysticism. His famous operas"Rings of the Nibelungs" and "Tristan and Isolde" - confirm the revolutionary spirit of the composer.

- French composer mid 19th century. Creator of Carmen. From birth he was a brilliant child and at the age of 10 he already entered the conservatory. Behind short life(died before the age of 37) wrote dozens of operas and operettas, various orchestral works and ode symphonies.

- Norwegian composer - lyricist. His works are simply saturated with melody. During his life he wrote a large number of songs, romances, suites and sketches. His composition "Cave mountain king" is very often used in cinema and modern stage.

- An American composer of the early 20th century - the author of "Rhapsody in Blues", which is especially popular to this day. At 26, he was already Broadway's first composer. Gershwin's popularity quickly spread throughout America, thanks to numerous songs and popular shows.

- Russian composer. His opera "Boris Godunov" is the hallmark of many theaters in the world. The composer in his works relied on folklore counting folk music- the music of the soul. "Night on Bald Mountain" by Modest Petrovich is one of the ten most popular symphonic sketches in the world.

most popular and greatest composer Of course, Russia is. "Swan Lake" and "Sleeping Beauty", "Slavic March" and "The Nutcracker", "Eugene Onegin" and "The Queen of Spades". These and many more masterpieces musical art were created by our Russian composer. Tchaikovsky is the pride of Russia. All over the world they know "Balalaika", "Matryoshka", "Tchaikovsky"...

- Soviet composer. Stalin's favorite. The opera "The Tale of a Real Man" was strongly recommended to listen to Mikhail Zadornov. But mostly Sergey Sergeyevich has serious and profound works. "War and Peace", "Cinderella", "Romeo and Juliet", a lot of brilliant symphonies and works for orchestra.

- Russian composer who created his own inimitable style in music. He was a deeply religious person and a special place in his work was given to writing religious music. Rachmaninov also wrote a lot of concert music and several symphonies. His last work "Symphonic Dances" is recognized as the greatest work of the composer.
