What are carts for the wounded. "guardian to my brother": the military medical service of the IDF

Topic: Analysis of the episode "The Scene of the Rostovs' Departure from Moscow"

(based on the novel "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy)

Episode analysis is a way of educating a reader capable of co-creation...

The purpose of the lesson: deepening the knowledge of the image of Natasha Rostova, the formation of her spiritual development, character through the relationship of people.


    Check students' knowledge of the factual material, their ability to evaluate what they read and express their thoughts, draw conclusions, generalizations.


    R develop Creative skills students, monologue speech.

    Develop the ability to highlight the main thing from the material being studied.

    develop creativity and creative thinking, communication culture.


    To reveal the essence of human morality in the understanding of L.N. Tolstoy.

    Cultivate a desire for spirituality.

Type of lesson:study lesson.

Methods: teacher's word, heuristic conversation, creation of a problem situation, experience of problem analysis (group and individual work students).

Equipment: L. Tolstoy's novel “War and Peace”, presentation on the topic “The Image of Natasha Rostova”, illustrations by A.V. Nikolaev.

Episode Analysis Plan:

1. The place of the episode in the development of the plot and composition of the work.

2. Speech system (description, narration, reasoning, the presence of the author's reasoning)

What events take place in the episode?

What aspects of the character of the characters are revealed?

What figurative and expressive means artistic speech does the writer use?

For what purpose?

3. The theme and problem of the episode of the work, which were developed here.

4. The meaning of the episode for revealing the idea of ​​the work.

I. Performance of the 1st group.

In Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, the great Russian writer-philosopher, it is difficult to find a work where the episode would be static.

Dynamism is one of the essential features of Tolstoy's realism, and it is in the depicted object that the principle artistic method. A huge place is occupied in the novel by the most important historical events. On a broad historical background with great depth, Tolstoy reveals throughout the novel, in a chain of episodes, the characters of the characters of the novel, drawing their inner world in development, with all their doubts, mistakes, repentance, searches, contradictions. The narration is the main principle of the composition of the novel, and this is what achieves dynamism in the disclosure of images in episodes.

The action of the heroine Natasha Rostova, her speech, active manifestations of character are the decisive side of the artistic image. The writer introduces the reader into the cycle of events from the first pages of the novel, from the first episodes.

Joint work with students: an episode of hunting, Christmas time.

How does Natasha appear in these episodes?

What character traits did you notice in Natasha? (discussion, recording)

II. 1. Joint analysis of the episode (volume 3, part 3, chapter 13). Reading individual fragments, discussion. The second group is working.

How does Natasha behave during the period when Napoleon invaded Russia?

Conclusions (notebook entry).

Natasha leaves the stage, like many other heroes. Coming to the fore main character epics are people. L.N. Tolstoy prepares the heroine to solve the main question: “What should I do, how to use my will!”

2. Joint analysis of the episode (volume 3, part 1, chapter 16). The third group is working.

Reading and discussion

In a small, everyday episode (volume 3, part 1, chapter 16), L.N. Tolstoy reveals Natasha's high spiritual qualities- humanity, compassion, generosity. The whole panorama of the national disaster opens up before her, and it was this that turned out to be the force that brought her back to life.

“In “War and Peace” it is not the environment, not the relationships between people that are revealed through the characters, but the characters are revealed through the relationships of people,” and this we see, we observe in the disclosure of the image of Natasha.

The attention of all the characters in this episode is aimed at saving their belongings. This is Berg "... he considered it necessary to take time off from the army to Moscow to solve household chores ..." and "he looked after a chiffonier and a toilet with an English secret for his Verusha." The countess-mother arranges a scene for Ilya Andreevich, who agreed to give up the carts to the wounded.

Tolstoy always strives to show milestones hero's life, reveal the process of becoming human personality through ups and downs, but there comes a moment, the main and decisive one, which determines the future direction of life. Therefore, in Tolstoy, the development of the image has its culmination.

At a difficult dramatic moment for Moscow, Russia, the family of Natasha Rostova saves her own property - her marriageable daughter. Nobody understands the drama of the situation. And only Natasha, with her inner instinct, guesses the unnaturalness of actions, actions and understands what is happening and what needs to be done.The emotional state of the heroine is conveyed by the author in detail: she “screamed”, “her throat trembled from convulsive sobs”, “afraid to weaken and release a charge of her anger for nothing, she turned and quickly rushed up the stairs”, “like a storm burst into the room and quickly approached to mother."Natasha rushed to her mother with a demand to give carts for the wounded: “This is impossible ... this is not like anything, you just look in the yard ... Mommy! It can't be!"

Why is the count silent? Why, without turning his face, listens to Natasha's words.

Why "without turning his face", "why is he silent"?

The culmination of the episode is the scene where the count, hiding tears of pride for his daughter, hides his face and says:

Eggs ... Eggs teach a chicken ...

Three dots... And a pause...

What do you think the pause is for? A pause that says a lot, sometimes more than words ... like the three dots ...

It's probably necessary artistic technique to understand, comprehend the count (“through happy tears he hugged his wife, who was glad to hide her shamefaced face ...), the countess of the word, the behavior of Natasha, who turned out to be wiser, stronger in this life situation and experience a sense of pride and happiness for raising a daughter.

What is the climax of this episode

Yes, since the development of the culmination of the image in Tolstoy is the development and culmination of the inner mental life heroines.

Conclusions, writing in a notebook)

III. The fourth group is working. Final scene.

“Sonya, who did not stop fussing, also fussed: but the purpose of her troubles was the opposite of Natasha's. She put away those things that should have been left; I tried to grab as much as possible, "and the wounded" with pale joyful faces "surrounding the carts, the men with a changed mood helping to unload things, and Natasha, who skillfully disposed of all this. Comparison in Tolstoy, as well as the technique of psychologism, is not a speech manner, but a means of conveying a specific idea. In comparison and in the picture inner world the hero is the final assessment of the idea of ​​the episode.

The writer shows in Natasha a person who is able to understand with his heart and mind the threat looming over his homeland without lofty words and does what the situation requires. Completes the formation peace of mind meeting with Andrei Bolkonsky and she was ready to "give herself all" to help him. “Not a single thought about herself, about her relationship to him, was in Natasha's soul” (vol. 4, part 1, ch. 14). The personal is relegated to the background, Natasha's inner conscious impulse is to help alleviate the suffering of Andrei, the mother, the defenders of the Motherland.

Conclusions, writing in a notebook.

IV. What is the role of the episode in the "novel War and Peace"?

How is the image of Natasha Rostova shown by L.N. Tolstoy in this episode?

How can this lesson on the Unified State Examination in Russian language and literature help you?

V. Homework: Write an essay-reasoning: “Natasha Rostova is the favorite heroine of Leo Tolstoy”, “The Spiritual Development of Natasha Rostova”. .

1. htt||warland.org|school|s cat=13794$rade=0

2. Publishing houses of Moscow University, 1959, A.A. Saburov., p. 197.

3. The novel "War and Peace".

4 . Materials of the article by T.I. Shevchenko "The Image of Natasha Rostova"

Back to the origins

Her gray hair had long since gone silver, and her face was lined with wrinkles. And memory is timeless. The interlocutor remembers everything in the smallest detail, does not get confused in dates, names. Quotes Simonov, recalls " Hot Snow» Yuri Bondarev, retells his favorite war films ...

For most of her life, Anna Lebedeva lives in the city above the Neman. For many years, she has taken a liking to Grodno with all her heart, but even today she remembers her life with genuine warmth. small homeland. There, in the Danilovka settlement, in the Stalingrad region (now the working settlement of Danilovka, Volgograd region), it often happens that he returns in his thoughts. She spent her childhood and youth there. parental home it was always warm and cozy, the delicious smell of bread and milk. There Anna graduated from high school and joined the Komsomol. WITH young years dreamed of becoming a historian, therefore, having received a certificate, she became a student of the history department of the Stalingrad Pedagogical Institute. But I didn’t study even two courses, when big changes broke out. In 1940, education at the institute became paid, students were left without scholarships, and non-residents also without a hostel. Anna had to go home. She transferred to the correspondence course and got a job in her native school. She was entrusted with leading ancient history in two 5th grades, besides, the young teacher combined lessons with work in the school library.

trial by fire

The war found Anna Lebedeva an eighteen-year-old girl.

- As soon as they announced on the radio that the war had begun, they heard “Get up, huge country, get up, to a mortal battle! ..”, everyone realized it, - the interlocutor recalls, shaking her head.

Later, she, along with other girls, was sent to a six-month course to train surgical nurses. And already in April 1942, they were called to the military registration and enlistment office, and soon sent to the front. We stopped nearby, in the Stalingrad suburb of Bekhetovka. A two-week quarantine, taking an oath ... So Anna Lebedeva became liable for military service, ended up in the anti-aircraft artillery regiment 1080, or rather, in the regimental medical unit. It was based on several floors of the local school number 21. Doctors, sisters of mercy and orderlies guarded the city, helped the needy, saved the wounded. In the summer, German planes began to reach the territory of Stalingrad, and in August the raids became massive. Anna Nikolaevna especially remembered August 22 and 23, 1942, when the planes took off in groups of 10-15 times a day.

“These days, the wounded were constantly brought to us, the medical unit turned into an emergency room,” the woman recalls. - It was terrible to watch: someone's arm was torn off, someone was left without part of his leg ... God forbid.

She, a young girl, of course, was scared. But the chief physician Nikolai Prokofievich Kovansky quickly brought the youth to their senses, they say, you are Komsomol members, you took the oath, then forget about “Oh!” and about “Ai!”.

These two days in August were truly a baptism of fire for medical officer Anna Lebedeva.

jubilant may

In October, the medical unit in which Anna Lebedeva served was relocated to dugouts, because it was not safe to stay in the school building: shells were constantly exploding, doctors and orderlies walked along the corridors in helmets. The dugouts, according to Anna Nikolaevna's stories, were soundly equipped, and were connected to each other by special passages. Once, on the eve of February 23, the head physician suggested that the workers make a kind of forced march to Stalingrad: medical instruments, dressings, syringes and much more were running out.

The picture that they saw in Stalingrad was shocking: not a single remaining building, destroyed houses, burnt walls ... Anna, together with colleagues from the medical unit, went into the buildings marked with a red cross, in search of the necessary supplies for work. And somewhere nearby explosions were heard - it would shoot there, that one would rumble there ...

In Bekhetovka, the regimental medical unit of the anti-aircraft artillery regiment 1080 stood until the end of 1943, then doctors, including Anna Lebedeva, were sent to Rostov-on-Don. In November of the 44th, an order was received to head to Hungary. We traveled by train, the road was long. We didn’t get to Budapest right away, we first stopped in a small town nearby. In 1945, after soviet soldiers liberated the city, the medical unit was located on the island of Csepel, where it was located until the victory.

When Anna Lebedeva recalls the victorious May of 1945, her mood immediately rises, her eyes light up with joy. The soul rejoiced, like spring in Budapest, which came there earlier than usual: everything was in bloom, fragrant. It seemed that even nature rejoiced at the Great Victory.

The way home was long, by train almost whole month. Anna brought home awards, including the Order Patriotic War 2nd degree, medals "For the Defense of Stalingrad" and "For Military Merit".

Love through the years

In September, Anna came to get a job at her native school in Danilovka, but she was offered a position in the district committee of the Komsomol. She did not work there for long, because fate finally gave her a long-awaited meeting.

They met their future husband Ivan Lebedev before the war. By the way, he was also from the local, Danilov. We first met at a club where Anna and her students took part in a concert dedicated to March 8th. Ivan then just served, returned home. Warm feelings literally from the first meeting connected their hearts. But then the war broke out, Ivan was called to the front on the very first day. They did not lose touch, wrote warm letters to each other.

The lovers met in February 1946, when Ivan Lebedev came home on vacation. He immediately insisted that the wedding should not be postponed - he was afraid to lose his beloved again.

The Lebedevs registered their union a month later and almost immediately left for Romania. Ivan served there, and his wife, of course, went after him. Then they were transferred to Moscow, and in 1956 the family settled in Grodno. For ten years a hero Soviet Union Ivan Danilovich Lebedev was the military commissar of the Grodno region, and Anna Nikolaevna guarded the family hearth, raised children.

When they grew up, she got a job as a librarian in school No. 10. She liked the work, she was familiar with librarianship, and she loved literature very much. She tried to instill a love of reading in schoolchildren, and relied on the patriotic education of young people. It turned out, for which Anna Nikolaevna was repeatedly awarded with diplomas.

Doesn't give up

The family union of Anna and Ivan Lebedev was strong and happy, they lived together for 68 years.

- Ivan Danilovich was a very serious person, I am also stubborn to some extent, - the interlocutor recalls. - But I thought so: he is older, which means that life knows better. And he also listened to me, yielded to each other. Once I was asked if it was hard to be the wife of a Hero, and I answered no. It's much harder to be a hunter's wife.

It turns out that Ivan Danilovich had such a passion, and she worried about him every time. Four years ago, her husband passed away, but he was always a real man for her, a man with a capital letter, her Hero. It remains so in her heart to this day. Photos of him are neatly hung next to her sofa.
- The trouble is that there is no outline by which you live your life. Everything on the way meets, - the war veteran notes.

In recent years, due to illness, Anna Nikolaevna has been bedridden. Vision also fails, and hearing is not the same. For the 95th anniversary, the chairman of the Grodno city branch of the NGO "Union of Poles in Belarus" Kazimir Znaidinsky presented the birthday girl with a modern hearing aid. Even earlier - a special stroller. The students and staff of the Kupalovsky University, as well as the activist of the women's movement Tereza Belousova, do not let you get bored. Every day, a social worker comes to Anna Lebedeva, who will cook, wash, do the housework, and most importantly, talk heart to heart. So life is more fun.

Photo by Nikolai Lapin

] and his departure to Belaya Tserkov, where this regiment was formed, the countess found fear. The thought that both her sons are at war, that both of them have left under her wing, that today or tomorrow each of them, and perhaps both together, like the three sons of one of her acquaintances, can be killed, in for the first time now, this summer, came to her mind with cruel clarity. She tried to get Nikolai to her, she wanted to go to Petya herself, to find him somewhere in Petersburg, but both turned out to be impossible. Petya could not be returned otherwise than together with the regiment or by transfer to another active regiment. Nikolai was somewhere in the army and after his last letter, in which he described in detail his meeting with Princess Marya, he did not give a rumor about himself. The countess did not sleep at night, and when she fell asleep, she saw her murdered sons in a dream. After many councils and negotiations, the count finally came up with a means to calm the countess. He transferred Petya from the Obolensky regiment to the Bezukhov regiment, which was being formed near Moscow. Although Petya remained in military service, but with this transfer, the countess had the consolation to see at least one son under her wing and hoped to arrange her Petya so that she would no longer let him out and always enroll in such places of service where he could not get in any way. into battle. While Nicolas alone was in danger, it seemed to the countess (and she even repented of this) that she loved her elder more than all the other children; but when the younger one, a naughty fellow who had studied badly, broke everything in the house and bored everyone with Petya, this snub-nosed Petya, with his merry black eyes, a fresh blush and a little fuzz on his cheeks, got there, to these big, terrible, cruel men who there they fight something and find something joyful in it - then it seemed to the mother that she loved him more, much more than all her children. The closer the time approached when the expected Petya was supposed to return to Moscow, the more the countess's anxiety increased. She already thought that she would never wait for this happiness. The presence of not only Sopi, but also her beloved Natasha, even her husband, irritated the countess. “What do I care about them, I don’t need anyone but Petya!” she thought.

IN last days August Rostov received a second letter from Nicholas. He wrote from the Voronezh province, where he was sent for horses. This letter did not reassure the countess. Knowing one son was out of danger, she became even more worried about Petya.

Despite the fact that already on the 20th of August almost all the acquaintances of the Rostovs left Moscow, despite the fact that everyone persuaded the countess to leave as soon as possible, she did not want to hear anything about leaving until her treasure returned, beloved Petya. Petya arrived on August 28. The painfully passionate tenderness with which his mother greeted him did not please the sixteen-year-old officer. Despite the fact that his mother hid from him her intention not to let him out now from under her wing, Petya understood her intentions and, instinctively afraid that he would not become tender with his mother, not get offended (as he thought to himself), he coldly treated her, avoided her, and during his stay in Moscow exclusively kept company with Natasha, for whom he always had a special, almost amorous, brotherly tenderness.

Due to the count's usual carelessness, on August 28 nothing was yet ready for departure, and the carts expected from the Ryazan and Moscow villages to lift all the property from the house did not arrive until the 30th.

From August 28 to August 31, all of Moscow was in trouble and in motion. Every day, thousands of the wounded in the Battle of Borodino were brought into and transported around Moscow to the Dorogomilovskaya outpost, and thousands of carts, with residents and property, went to other outposts. In spite of Rostopchin's billboards, or independently of them, or because of them, the most contradictory and strange news was broadcast around the city. Who spoke about the fact that no one was ordered to leave; who, on the contrary, said that they had taken all the icons from the churches and that they were all forcibly expelled; who said that there was another battle after Borodino, in which the French were defeated; who said, on the contrary, that the entire Russian army was destroyed; who talked about the Moscow militia, which will go ahead with the clergy to the Three Mountains; who quietly told that Augustine was not ordered to leave, that traitors were caught, that the peasants rebelled and robbed those who leave, etc., etc. But this was only said, and in fact, by those who were traveling, and those who remained (despite the fact that there had not yet been a council in Fili, at which it was decided to leave Moscow) - everyone felt, although they did not show it, that Moscow would certainly be surrendered and that it was necessary to get out as soon as possible and save your property. It was felt that everything should suddenly be torn apart and changed, but until the 1st, nothing had changed yet. Just as a criminal who is being led to execution knows that he is about to die, but still looks around him and straightens his badly worn hat, so Moscow involuntarily continued its ordinary life, although she knew that the time of death was near, when all those conditional relationships of life to which they were accustomed to submit would break.

During these three days preceding the capture of Moscow, the entire Rostov family was in various everyday troubles. The head of the family, Count Ilya Andreich, constantly traveled around the city, collecting rumors from all sides, and at home made general superficial and hasty orders about preparations for departure.

The countess watched the cleaning of things, was dissatisfied with everything and went after Petya, who was constantly running away from her, jealous of him for Natasha, with whom he spent all the time. Sonya alone ordered practical side business: packing things. But Sonya was especially sad and silent all this. Lately. Nicolas' letter in which he mentioned Princess Marya, caused in her presence the countess's joyful reasoning about how she saw God's providence in the meeting of Princess Marya with Nicolas.

I was never happy then, - said the countess, - when Bolkonsky was Natasha's fiancé, but I always wanted, and I have a premonition that Nikolinka will marry the princess. And how good it would be!

Sonya felt that this was true, that the only way to improve the affairs of the Rostovs was to marry a rich woman, and that the princess was a good match. But she was very sad about it. In spite of her grief, or perhaps precisely because of her grief, she took upon herself all the difficult cares of the arrangements for cleaning and packing things, and was busy all day long. The count and countess turned to her when they needed to order something. Petya and Natasha, on the contrary, not only did not help their parents, but for the most part they annoyed and interfered with everyone in the house. And all day long their running, screams and causeless laughter were almost audible in the house. They laughed and rejoiced not at all because there was a reason for their laughter; but their hearts were joyful and cheerful, and therefore everything that happened was for them a cause of joy and laughter. Petya was happy because, having left home as a boy, he returned (as everyone told him) a fine man; it was merry because he was at home, because he had come from Belaya Tserkov, where there was no hope of falling into battle soon, to Moscow, where they would fight one of these days; and most importantly, cheerful because Natasha, whose spirit he always obeyed, was cheerful. Natasha, on the other hand, was cheerful because she had been sad for too long, and now nothing reminded her of the cause of her sadness, and she was healthy. She was also cheerful because there was a person who admired her (the admiration of others was that wheel grease that was necessary for her car to move completely freely), and Petya admired her. Most importantly, they were cheerful because the war was near Moscow, that they would fight at the outpost, that they were handing out weapons, that everyone was running away, leaving somewhere, that in general something extraordinary was happening, which is always joyful for a person, especially for young.

Berg, the son-in-law of the Rostovs, was already a colonel with Vladimir and Anna around his neck and occupied the same quiet and pleasant position of assistant chief of staff, assistant to the first department of the chief of staff of the second corps. On September 1, he came from the army to Moscow.

He had nothing to do in Moscow; but he noticed that everyone from the army asked to go to Moscow and did something there. He also considered it necessary to take time off for household and family affairs.

Berg, in his neat little droshky, on a pair of well-fed, savras little ones, exactly the same as one prince had, drove up to his father-in-law's house. He looked attentively into the yard at the carts and, entering the porch, took out a clean handkerchief and tied a knot.

From the ante-room Berg, with a floating, impatient step, ran into the drawing-room and embraced the count, kissed the hands of Natasha and Sonya, and hurriedly asked about mother's health.

What is health now? Well, tell me, - said the count, - what about the troops? Are they retreating or will there be more fighting?

One eternal God, father, - said Berg, - can decide the fate of the fatherland. The army is burning with the spirit of heroism, and now the leaders, so to speak, have gathered for a meeting. What will happen is unknown. But I will tell you in general, dad, such a heroic spirit, the truly ancient courage of the Russian troops, which they - it is, - he corrected, - showed or showed in this battle on the 26th, there are no words worthy to describe them ... I'll tell you I’ll tell you, papa (he hit himself in the chest in the same way as one general who spoke in front of him hit himself, although a little late, because it was necessary to hit himself in the chest at the word “Russian army”) - I’ll tell you frankly that we, the commanders, not only were not supposed to urge the soldiers or anything like that, but we could hardly hold on to these, these ... yes, courageous and ancient feats, ”he said quickly. - General Barclay de Tolly sacrificed his life everywhere in front of the troops, I'll tell you. Our body was placed on the slope of the mountain. Can you imagine! - And then Berg told everything that he remembered from the various stories he had heard during this time. Natasha, not lowering her gaze, which confused Berg, as if looking for the solution of some question on his face, looked at him.

Such heroism in general, which the Russian soldiers showed, cannot be imagined and deservedly praised! - said Berg, looking back at Natasha and as if wanting to appease her, smiling at her in response to her stubborn look ... - “Russia is not in Moscow, it is in the hearts of her sons!” So, papa? Berg said.

At that moment, the Countess came out of the sofa-room, looking tired and displeased. Berg hastily jumped up, kissed the countess's hand, inquired about her health, and, expressing his sympathy by shaking his head, stopped beside her.

Yes, mother, I will truly tell you, hard and sad times for every Russian. But why worry so much? You still have time to leave...

I don’t understand what people are doing,” said the countess, turning to her husband, “they just told me that nothing is ready yet. After all, someone has to take care of it. So you will regret Mitenka. This will not end!

The count wanted to say something, but apparently refrained. He got up from his chair and walked to the door.

Berg at this time, as if to blow his nose, took out a handkerchief and, looking at the bundle, thought, sadly and shook his head significantly.

And I have a big request for you, dad, - he said.

Hm? .. - said the count, stopping.

I'm driving past Yusupov's house now," Berg said, laughing. - The manager is familiar to me, ran out and asked if you could buy something. I came in, you know, out of curiosity, and there was only a wardrobe and a toilet. You know how much Verushka wanted this and how we argued about it. (Berg involuntarily turned into a tone of joy about his well-being when he began to talk about a chiffonier and a toilet.) And such a charm! comes forward with the English secret, you know? And Verochka has long wanted to. So I want to surprise her. I saw so many of these men in your yard. Give me one, please, I'll pay him well and...

The Count winced and sighed.

Ask the countess, but I do not order.

If it’s difficult, please don’t,” Berg said. - I would only really like for Verushka.

Oh, get out of here, all of you, to hell, to hell, to hell, to hell! .. - shouted the old count. - My head is spinning. And he left the room.

The Countess wept.

Yes, yes, mama, very hard times! Berg said.

Natasha went out with her father and, as if thinking something with difficulty, first followed him, and then ran downstairs.

On the porch stood Petya, who was engaged in arming people who were traveling from Moscow. In the yard, the laid wagons were still standing. Two of them were untied, and an officer, supported by a batman, climbed onto one of them.

Do you know what for? - Petya asked Natasha (Natasha realized that Petya understood: why father and mother quarreled). She didn't answer.

For the fact that papa wanted to give all the carts for the wounded, - said Petya. - Vasilich told me. In my opinion...

In my opinion, - Natasha suddenly almost screamed, turning her embittered face to Petya, - in my opinion, this is such disgusting, such an abomination, such ... I don’t know! Are we some kind of Germans? .. - Her throat trembled from convulsive sobs, and she, afraid of weakening and releasing a charge of her anger for nothing, turned and quickly rushed up the stairs. Berg sat beside the countess and kindly and respectfully consoled her. The count, pipe in hand, was walking around the room when Natasha, with a face disfigured by anger, burst into the room like a storm and quickly approached her mother.

This is disgusting! This is an abomination! she screamed. - It can't be what you ordered.

Berg and the countess looked at her in bewilderment and fear. The count stopped at the window, listening.

Mother, this is impossible; look what's in the yard! she screamed. - They stay!

What happened to you? Who are they? What do you want?

Wounded, that's who! It's impossible, mother; it's not like anything ... No, mama, my dear, it's not that, please forgive me, my dear ... Mama, what do we need, what we will take away, you just look at what is in the yard ... Mama !.. It can't be!..

The count stood at the window and, without turning his face, listened to Natasha's words. Suddenly he sniffled and put his face close to the window.

The countess looked at her daughter, saw her face, ashamed of her mother, saw her excitement, understood why her husband now did not look back at her, and looked around her with a bewildered look.

Ah, do as you please! Am I bothering anyone! she said, not yet suddenly, giving up.

Mother, dove, forgive me!

But the countess pushed her daughter away and went up to the count.

Mon cher, you dispose of it as it should... I don't know that," she said, lowering her eyes guiltily.

Eggs ... eggs teach a chicken ... - the count said through happy tears and hugged his wife, who was glad to hide her ashamed face on his chest.

Papa, mama! Can you arrange? Is it possible? .. - Natasha asked. “We’ll still take everything we need,” Natasha said.

The count nodded his head in the affirmative, and Natasha, with the quick run with which she ran into the burners, ran down the hall into the hall and up the stairs to the courtyard.

People gathered near Natasha and until then they could not believe the strange order that she transmitted, until the count himself, in the name of his wife, confirmed the orders to give all the carts under the wounded, and carry the chests to the pantries. Having understood the order, people with joy and trouble set to a new business. Not only did this not seem strange to the servant now, but, on the contrary, it seemed that it could not be otherwise; just as a quarter of an hour before, not only did it not seem strange to anyone that they were leaving the wounded and taking things, but it seemed that it could not be otherwise.

All the households, as if paying for the fact that they had not taken up this earlier, set about with troublesome new business of accommodating the wounded. The wounded crawled out of their rooms and surrounded the wagons with joyful pale faces. A rumor also spread in the neighboring houses that there were carts, and the wounded from other houses began to come to the Rostovs' courtyard. Many of the wounded asked not to take things off and only to put them on top. But once the business of dumping things had begun, it could no longer stop. It was all the same to leave all or half. In the yard lay uncleaned chests with dishes, with bronze, with paintings, mirrors, which they had so carefully packed the previous night, and everyone was looking for and found an opportunity to put this and that and give more and more carts.

You can still take four, - said the manager, - I give my wagon, otherwise where are they?

Yes, give me my wardrobe, - said the countess. - Dunyasha will sit in the carriage with me.

They also gave a dressing wagon and sent it for the wounded through two houses. All the household and servants were merrily animated. Natasha was in an enthusiastically happy animation, which she had not experienced for a long time.

Where to tie it? - people said, fitting the chest to the narrow back of the carriage, - you must leave at least one cart.

What is he with? Natasha asked.

With graph books.

Leave. Vasilyich will remove it. It is not necessary.

The cart was full of people; doubted where Pyotr Ilyich would sit.

He's on the goats. After all, you are on the goats, Petya? Natasha screamed.

Sonya busied herself without ceasing, too; but the aim of her troubles was the opposite of Natasha's. She put away those things that should have been left; wrote them down, at the request of the countess, and tried to take with her as much as possible.

With God blessing! said Yefim, putting on his hat. - Pull it out! - Postilion touched. The right drawbar fell into the yoke, the high springs crunched, and the body swayed. The footman jumped on the goats on the move. The carriage shook as it left the yard onto the shaking pavement, the other carriages shook in the same way, and the train moved up the street. In the carriages, the carriage and the britzka, everyone was baptized at the church, which was opposite. The people who remained in Moscow walked on both sides of the carriages, seeing them off.

Natasha rarely experienced such a joyful feeling as the one she now felt, sitting in the carriage next to the countess and looking at the walls of abandoned, alarmed Moscow slowly moving past her. From time to time she leaned out of the carriage window and looked back and forth at the long train of wounded that preceded them. Almost ahead of everyone she could see the closed top of Prince Andrei's carriage. She did not know who was in it, and every time, thinking about the area of ​​\u200b\u200bher convoy, she looked for this carriage with her eyes. She knew that she was ahead of everyone.

In Kudrin, from Nikitskaya, from Presnya, from Podnovinsky, several trains of the same type as the Rostov train had arrived, and carriages and carts were already traveling along Sadovaya in two rows.

Driving around the Sukharev Tower, Natasha, curiously and quickly examining the people riding and walking, suddenly cried out with joy and surprise:

Fathers! Mom, Sonya, look, it's him!

Who? Who?

Look, by God, Bezukhov! - said Natasha, leaning out the window of the carriage and looking at a tall, fat man in a coachman's caftan, obviously a well-dressed gentleman in gait and posture, who, next to a yellow, beardless old man in a frieze overcoat, approached under the arch of the Sukharev Tower.

By God, Bezukhov, in a caftan, with some old boy! By God, - said Natasha, - look, look!

No, it's not him. Is it possible, such nonsense.

Mom, - Natasha shouted, - I'll give you a head to cut off, that it's him! I assure you. Stop, stop! she shouted to the coachman; but the coachman could not stop, because more carts and carriages drove out of Meshchanskaya, and they shouted at the Rostovs to move off and not detain others.

Indeed, although much further away than before, all the Rostovs saw Pierre or a man unusually resembling Pierre, in a coachman's caftan, walking down the street with his head bowed and a serious face, next to a little beardless old man who looked like a footman. This old man noticed a face sticking out at him from the carriage and, respectfully touching Pierre's elbow, said something to him, pointing to the carriage. For a long time Pierre could not understand what he was saying; so he seemed to be immersed in his own thoughts. Finally, when he understood him, he looked at the instructions and, recognizing Natasha, at that very moment, surrendering to the first impression, quickly went to the carriage. But after walking ten paces, he, apparently remembering something, stopped.

Natasha's face, leaning out of the carriage, shone with a mocking caress.

Pyotr Kirilych, come on! After all, we found out! It is amazing! she cried, holding out her hand to him. - How are you? Why are you like this?

Pierre took the outstretched hand and on the move (as the carriage continued to move) awkwardly kissed her.

What's the matter with you, Count? asked the Countess in a surprised and condoling voice.

What? What? For what? Don’t ask me, ”said Pierre and looked back at Natasha, whose radiant, joyful look (he felt it without looking at her) showered him with its charm.

What are you, or are you staying in Moscow? Pierre was silent.

In Moscow? he said inquiringly. - Yes, in Moscow. Farewell.

Oh, if I wished to be a man, I would certainly have stayed with you. Ah, how good it is! - said Natasha. - Mom, let me stay.

Pierre looked absently at Natasha and wanted to say something, but the countess interrupted him:

You were at the battle, did we hear?

Yes, I was, - answered Pierre. “Tomorrow there will be another battle ...” he began, but Natasha interrupted him:

But what about you, Count? You don't look like yourself...

Ah, don't ask, don't ask me, I don't know anything myself. Tomorrow... No! Farewell, farewell, he said, terrible time! - And, lagging behind the carriage, he moved to the sidewalk.

Natasha still leaned out of the window for a long time, beaming at him with an affectionate and slightly mocking, joyful smile.

I am a soldier of the medical troops of the Israel Defense Forces,

I swear today that I will provide all necessary assistance to every wounded and sick,
regardless of whether he is seriously injured or lightly wounded, or is an enemy,
because every person is a person

I vow to heal the bodies and souls of the wounded and sick
Keep a secret, trust and respect,
give all your knowledge, initiative
and love for humanity

I swear to be always "Guard to my brother" - whether in battle,
during the evacuation of the wounded and in the hospital ward

I swear that the words will forever be engraved in my heart
commandments of self-sacrifice:
The oath of military doctors of the Israel Defense Forces

All rights belong to Alexander Shulman(c) 2003-2009
© 2007 by Alexander Shulman. All rights reserved
Use of material without the written permission of the author is prohibited.
Any violations are punishable by copyright law in force in Israel.

Alexander Shulman
"Guard to my brother": IDF Medical Service

In Israel, unlike other countries, there are no stationary military hospitals. The military medical service of the IDF is fully integrated with the country's healthcare system, and its purpose is to provide first aid to the wounded on the battlefield and in military medical units, followed by the fastest possible evacuation by air and vehicles to hospitals in the interior of the country.

The interaction of military and civilian medical services is honed by regular exercises and training. The Israeli model of organization of the military medical service has shown its high efficiency in the course of numerous wars and is an example for the armies of many countries of the world.

Emblem of the IDF Medical Troops
"And the Lord said to Moses, 'Make a brass serpent and raise it up on a pillar in the midst of the camp.
Raise it so that everyone can see it, and when people look at it,
they will immediately be healed” (Numbers 21:1-9).

How to become a military medic
The military medical service of the IDF was created in 1948 on the basis of the medical units of the Haganah. Colonel Chaim Shiba was appointed the first commander of the Medical Corps, during the years of the 2nd World War he served as a military doctor in british army and then leading medical service Haganah.

Already at that time, the main structures of the Medical Corps were formed: headquarters, departments in military districts, medical units in military units and formations, the Military Institute for Medical Research and the training center for medical troops were opened.

Today, three main categories of military personnel of the medical troops can be distinguished in the military: they are hoshmi (sanitary instructors), paramedics (military paramedics) and military doctors.
Hoshim are conscripts. Hospital education includes ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) and PHTLS (PreHospital Trauma Life Support) courses. Hoshmi operate in platoon combat formations and in addition to the usual fighter equipment, they are equipped with first aid equipment and a folding stretcher. In companies and battalions there are senior hoshims (hopel and hoged, respectively), who are responsible for hoshims in their units

Paramedics are reenlisted warrant officers or reservists who provide medical care in companies, evacuation centers and field hospitals. They are trained in the Magen David Adom (Red Shield of David - Ambulance Service) courses, as well as in training center medical troops. The training of paramedics includes intensive courses for EMS (Emergency medical services), ATLS and PHTLS.

They become military doctors after 7 years of study at medical faculties of universities. As a rule, after graduation, future military doctors will have to take Ashlama Helit - a 16-week military medical training course, which studies EMS, ATLS, PHTLS, CTLS (combat trauma life support) and the organization of the military medical service. Military doctors of combat units also undergo an intensive training course for infantry officers. Military doctors of special forces and reconnaissance and sabotage units are trained as soldiers of such units.
Military doctors begin their service in the troops with the position of a battalion doctor.

Graduates of medical universities give a subscription for a 5-year term of service in the army, after which the contract with the army can be extended or the military physician goes into the reserve. Every year doctors-reservists are drafted into the army for 1 month. In addition, in the event of the outbreak of hostilities, medical reservists can be urgently mobilized to the military units to which they are assigned.

How the military medical service of the IDF is organized
The Israeli army has accumulated vast experience in organizing military medical service during hostilities. Depending on the severity of the wound, medical care is provided with the subsequent evacuation of the wounded to rear hospitals or to medical units that have more opportunities to provide care to the wounded.

In the infantry battalion, under the command of the battalion doctor, there is a medical platoon, consisting of three departments: search and evacuation of the wounded, identification of the dead - together with the military rabbinate, and a battalion station for receiving the wounded (abbreviated in Hebrew - TAAGAD). TAAGADA personnel provide emergency assistance, filter the wounded according to the severity of the injury and prepare them for evacuation.

The interior of the tank bulance

The medical platoon of the infantry battalion for the evacuation of the wounded and the transportation of personnel and equipment includes armored vehicles "Zeev", a car "Hammer", 3 armored personnel carriers equipped for transporting the wounded. In tank battalions, tank bulances equipped at the Merkava tank bases are also used to transport the wounded.
On the march, the evacuation officer controls the convoy of the medical platoon; upon arrival, the senior battalion hovesh is responsible for deploying the battalion first-aid post. When receiving the wounded, the control of the medical platoon passes to the battalion doctor.

TAAGAD usually turns around a few hundred meters from the front line. Often the reception of the wounded is under fire. The wounded arrive either on foot, or they are delivered by motor transport or on a stretcher by platoon hoves.

The battalion doctor conducts the reception of the wounded. Khovesh works with him, who registers the wounded who have arrived. Since it is supposed to bring the wounded with personal weapons, it is the duty of the hovesh to also unload the weapons. The military doctor determines the type and severity of the injury and gives instructions for the provision of medical care.

It is important to note that all paramedics and those who are in TAAGAD do not have the right to contact the doctor directly so as not to distract him from performing his duties. They report all information about the condition of the wounded to the battalion hovesh, who then reports to the doctor.
Usually, during the course of hostilities, another military doctor is seconded to the TAAGAD battalion.

After providing first aid in the battalion TAAGAD, the wounded, depending on the complexity of the injury, are evacuated as quickly as possible to regimental, brigade or divisional evacuation centers and from there to hospitals. However, evacuation to hospitals can also be carried out directly from the battalion TAAGAD using armored vehicles or helicopters.

During the operation in Lebanon in 2006, Air Force UH-60 Black Hawk (Yanshuf) helicopters performed about 120 evacuation flights, about half of them to enemy territory, where the evacuation took place under enemy fire. In these sorties, about 360 victims were evacuated. The evacuation of the wounded by air from the battlefield to the hospital lasted an average of about 3.5 hours. For one flight, an average of 4.5 soldiers were evacuated. It should be noted that not a single wounded soldier died during the air evacuation.

Wounded in Lebanon, Major Tomer Buadana was taken by helicopter to a hospital in Haifa. 2006

A medical company is deployed at the regiment (brigade) level. The divisions have a medical battalion, on the basis of which a field hospital can be deployed, the equipment of which allows complex surgical operations to be carried out. The medical battalion has a surgical company in which complex operations are performed by experienced surgeons.
However, recently there has been a replacement of surgical mouths with intensive care companies. Instead of a surgical company, teams of emergency surgical care are being created, consisting of a surgeon and an anesthesiologist, equipped with the necessary equipment. On a special vehicle, such a brigade can be immediately sent to the place where there is a need to save the life of a wounded soldier.

The medical battalion also has a psychological service, including a psychologist officer and social workers. Their purpose is to remove the "combat reactive state" from the wounded and from the fighters who received mental trauma during the battle. Such assistance, provided in a timely manner, makes it possible to restore the readiness for battle among the injured fighters.

It should be noted that the structure of the military medical service of the IDF responds very flexibly to the changing conditions of modern warfare. Yes, in last years, the command of the Medical Corps has changed the level of use of military doctors. If in the recent past the presence of military doctors was limited to the level of the battalion TAAGAD, today it is becoming common to second military doctors during combat operations directly to combat units. The military doctor goes into battle with the soldiers. In this case, the chances of rescuing the wounded on the battlefield are noticeably increased, but the losses of military doctors also increase.

About the IDF doctors

The military doctor captain of the reserve Igor Rotshtein was urgently mobilized on July 24, 2006. He was assigned to the 13th Battalion of the Givati ​​Infantry Brigade, with which he entered Lebanon. Captain I. Rotshtein was an experienced military doctor - for 5 years he served as a battalion doctor in the Southern Military District, took part in hostilities. After demobilization in 2004, he worked as a surgeon at the Poriya Hospital in Tiberias.

In memory of military doctor Captain Igor Rotshtein

On the night of August 3-4, 2006, near the village of Markabe in southern Lebanon, Captain I. Rotshtein died in battle, saving the life of a wounded soldier: a shell that exploded ahead wounded a soldier. Captain I. Rothstein hurried to the place of injury ... and the next shell covered them both.
For his feat of self-sacrifice, Captain I. Rotshtein was posthumously awarded the Order “For Distinction”

A doctor from Netanya, captain of the reserve Aleksey Kalganov was twice awarded with distinctions for his heroism in saving the lives of wounded soldiers. The IDF press service said: "He demonstrated dedication in carrying out a combat mission, showed personal example and professionalism in the battles at the village of Aita al-Shaab on August 5, 2006 and in the battles at Jbeil Abu Twil on August 13, 2006. Kalganov showed dedication, courage and coolness."

Military doctor captain Alexei Kalganov

Captain A. Kalganov received his first award for saving the life of a serviceman who was seriously wounded in Beit Lehem during the "Defensive Wall" operation in the spring of 2002. . He told the Haaretz newspaper:
“We covered our commandos who started a fight with militants in a Palestinian refugee camp. Four soldiers were seriously wounded. One was hit in the mouth by a bullet. I looked - all the airways were torn apart. I thought that he had died, but the pulse was still felt. He quickly inserted a tube into his throat, pumped out the blood from his lungs, and we evacuated him along with other wounded. In truth, I had no doubt that he was not a tenant, and he not only survived, but almost fully recovered, unlike the other soldiers that we evacuated with him that day. Everything was decided in a matter of seconds. He was just lucky that there was not just a doctor nearby, but a surgeon.”

The military doctor captain Kalganov was wounded on the last day of the Lebanese war, August 13. “Hezbollah fighters fired laser-guided anti-tank missiles at our soldiers. One of them hit the house where part of the unit was located: one was killed, two were seriously wounded. Kalganov ran there. One soldier was wounded in the head - he behaved very restlessly, the second did not show signs of life - a large fragment hit him right in the chest. The doctor rushed to him, wanted to put drains in order to resuscitate, and at that moment another rocket hit the shelter. It was a direct hit.

The officer who helped the doctor to save the seriously wounded was killed on the spot. And the soldier who stood next to him also died. If the projectile was high-explosive, no one would have survived. But the militants fired an anti-tank missile: it pierces the tank's armor and is not intended for fragmentation of the enemy. However, at that moment the doctor could not know this. He was simply blinded by the flash of the explosion, and he realized that he had died: after all, if a rocket hit you, you cannot stay alive.

But then he suddenly came to his senses and immediately began to feel his arms and legs, trying to understand what was torn off and what was intact. There was no pain. In a state of concussion, you do not feel anything. When the doctor realized that the wound was not severe, shrapnel, he tried to get to his feet. There were dead and wounded all around. Having given the order to quickly bandage the wounded and leave, the doctor tried to find the pulse of the guy he was helping before the rocket fell: he was already dead.”

Military doctor Captain Marina Kaminskaya during the operation in Lebanon was the head of the medical service of the 52nd battalion of the 401st armored brigade. As part of her battalion, she entered Lebanon on the first day of the war and took part in the battles for settlements Qanatra, Maroun-ar-Rash and the city of Bint Jubail.

Military doctor captain Marina Kaminskaya.

Captain Kaminskaya fought on a tank bulance. Tank Bulance is a conventional Merkava tank converted into a mobile medical station and equipped with additional weapons and medical equipment. During the battle, the bulance tank is used as an "ambulance", for first aid and evacuation of the wounded.

On her tank bulance, Captain Kaminskaya was in the thick of the fighting on July 24, 2006 for the city of Bint Jbeil, the "capital" of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.
Tankers of the 52nd battalion participated in the battle for Bint Jbeil To evacuate the wounded tankers and infantrymen from the battlefield, the command sent a tank bulance of captain Kaminskaya. Tank Bulance was covered by two conventional tanks. One of the cover tanks accompanied the Bulance tank directly, and the second controlled the situation on the nearest approaches.

In the midst of the battle, wounded fighters from the Golani infantry brigade began to enter the Bulance tank. Among them was the commander of the elite special forces battalion "Egoz", Lieutenant Colonel Ariel Gino, who was seriously injured - a bullet from an enemy sniper hit him in the face. Captain Kaminskaya, right on the battlefield, gave him first aid, which saved his life and took the wounded on her tank bulance to the helipad, from where the wounded were taken by helicopters to the hospital in Haifa.

During this battle, a tank was hit, covering the tank-bulance of Captain M. Kaminskaya. Of the 4 crew members of the wrecked tank, one was killed - the platoon commander, Lieutenant Lotan Slavin, two tankers were slightly wounded.
Moving to help the crew of a wrecked tank, the tank of the commander of the 52nd tank battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Guy Kabili, was blown up by a land mine containing approximately 300 kg of explosives. Of the 7 people in the tank - crew members and officers of the battalion headquarters, one was killed - gunner Sergeant Kobi Smilga, the rest were injured.
All the wounded, despite the shelling of the enemy, received medical assistance, they were successfully evacuated.

After the evacuation of the wounded, Captain Marina Kaminskaya again returned to the battle formations of her battalion. In total, during the fighting, military doctor Captain Marina Kaminskaya assisted more than 25 wounded soldiers.
For her feat, Captain M. Kaminskaya was awarded the Badge of Distinction of the Commander of the Armored Forces.

During Operation Cast Lead in January 2009. the award for courage was received by the military doctor Major Pavel Kataev. Major P. Kataev is a regular military man, he has been serving as a military doctor since 1996, he took part in many military operations. Currently, Major P. Kataev serves as the chief physician of the District Military Medical Center in Jerusalem.
During the operation “Cast Lead”, Major P. Kataev was seconded as a second doctor to the 13th battalion of the Golani brigade.

Military doctor Major Pavel Kataev

Major P. Kataev says in an interview with Channel Seven:
“That night we were in the building next to the house that was hit by two of our tank shells by mistake. Naturally, as soon as the radio reported a lot of casualties, we rushed there and arrived before the dust from the explosion had settled. Picture was this: all the commanders were wounded, there was no one to command the soldiers, the soldiers were shooting in all directions from all windows, and miraculously did not hit us. The hardest thing in the first minutes was to command the soldiers and provide medical assistance at the same time. groans, screams, severed limbs, shooting. The first thing I did was to order a cease fire, carefully lower all the wounded down and take up positions in cover, guarding the building and not firing without reason. Among the wounded were the Golani brigade commander and the commander of the 13th battalion brigade to which I was assigned.

All this happened in the course of perhaps no more than a minute, but it seemed like an eternity.

Then the deputy battalion commander arrived and took command. He organized the evacuation of the wounded, bringing in tanks and armored personnel carriers and several vehicles.

There were more than 20 victims, of which three were killed, whom we could no longer help, 8 were seriously wounded, among them Ben Spitzer, who had both his hands torn off, and several more soldiers and officers. We immediately began doing surgical and resuscitation procedures to save their lives. Beni had the hardest time: when they finished his resuscitation, it turned out that there were no armored personnel carriers and tanks left that evacuated the rest of the wounded, and it was decided to take a nearby jeep and evacuate Beni on it. But the jeep got stuck on the road in the mud, there were just four of us, and we ran on foot with a stretcher, guided by the terrain, the shortest way to the border.

When we crossed the border and handed over the last wounded man, Beni, the first thing I did was contacted the district doctor of the Southern District, reported to him on the condition of the wounded, specifying what kind of specialists - for example, microsurgeons, etc. - urgently need to be prepared in hospitals to receive the wounded, since every minute can be decisive.

As soon as I was allowed to go home after the operation, I first of all went to the hospital, went to the intensive care unit to Beni, saw that his hands were sewn on (unfortunately, only one of them took root, the second had to be amputated), lifted the sheet and saw that the legs are in place, and breathed a sigh of relief.”

  • Acts performed out of mercy, at first glance, may seem ridiculous and meaningless.
  • A person can show mercy even in the most difficult situations for him
  • Actions related to helping orphans can be called merciful
  • The manifestation of mercy often requires sacrifices from a person, but these sacrifices are always justified by something.
  • People who show mercy are worthy of respect


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Natasha Rostova shows mercy - one of the most important human qualities. When everyone begins to leave Moscow, captured by the French, the girl orders to give carts to the wounded, and not to carry her own things to them. Helping people is much more important for Natasha Rostova material well-being. And it does not matter at all that among the things that should have been taken away, the dowry is part of her future.

M. Sholokhov "The fate of man." Andrei Sokolov, despite the difficult life trials, has not lost the ability to show mercy. He lost his family and home, but he could not help but pay attention to the fate of Vanyushka - little boy whose parents died. Andrei Sokolov told the boy that he was his father and took him to him. The capacity for mercy made the child happy. Yes, Andrei Sokolov did not forget his family and the horrors of the war, but he did not leave Vanya in trouble. This means that his heart is not hardened.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The fate of Rodion Raskolnikov is difficult. He lives in a miserable, dark room, malnourished. After the murder of the old pawnbroker, his whole life resembles suffering. Raskolnikov is still poor: he hides what he took from the apartment under a stone, and does not take it for himself. However, the hero gives the last to Marmeladov's widow for the funeral, he cannot get past the misfortune that has happened, although he himself has nothing to exist. Rodion Raskolnikov turns out to be capable of mercy, despite the murder and the terrible theory he created.

M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". Margarita is ready to do anything to see her Master. She makes a deal with the devil, agrees to be the queen at Satan's terrible ball. But when Woland asks what she wants, Margarita asks only that Frida stop serving the handkerchief with which she gagged own child and buried it in the ground. Margarita wants to save a completely alien person from suffering, and this is where mercy is manifested. She no longer asks for a meeting with the Master, because she cannot but take care of Frida, pass by someone else's grief.

N.D. Teleshov "Home". Little Semka, the son of migrants who died of typhus, most of all wants to return to his native village of Beloye. The boy escapes from the barracks and hits the road. On the way he meets an unfamiliar grandfather, they go together. Grandpa also goes to his native land. On the way, Semka falls ill. Grandfather takes him to the city, to the hospital, although he knows that he cannot go there: it turns out that he has escaped from hard labor for the third time. There, grandfather is caught, and then sent back to hard labor. Despite the danger to himself, grandfather shows mercy towards Semka - he cannot leave a sick child in trouble. Own happiness becomes less significant for a person than the life of a child.

N.D. Teleshov "Yelka Mitrich". On Christmas Eve, Semyon Dmitrievich realized that everyone would have a holiday, except for eight orphans living in one of the barracks. Mitrich at all costs decided to please the guys. Although it was hard for him, he brought a Christmas tree, bought a fifty-kopeck piece of candy, issued by a resettlement official. Semyon Dmitrievich cut each of the children a piece of sausage, although sausage was his favorite delicacy. Sympathy, compassion, mercy pushed Mitrich to this act. And the result turned out to be really beautiful: joy, laughter, enthusiastic cries filled the previously gloomy room. The children were happy from the holiday arranged by him, and Mitrich from the fact that he had done this good deed.

I. Bunin "bast shoes". Nefed could not help fulfilling the wish of a sick child who kept asking for some red bast shoes. Despite the bad weather, he went on foot for bast shoes and fuchsin to Novoselki, located six miles from home. For Nefed, the desire to help the child was more important than ensuring his own safety. He turned out to be capable of self-sacrifice - in a sense the highest degree mercy. Nefed is dead. The men brought him home. In the bosom of Nefed they found a vial of fuchsin and new bast shoes.

V. Rasputin "French Lessons". For Lidia Mikhailovna, teacher French, the desire to help his student turned out to be more important than saving own reputation. The woman knew that the child was malnourished, which is why she gambled. So she invited the boy to play for money with her. This is unacceptable for a teacher. When the director found out about everything, Lidia Mikhailovna was forced to leave for her homeland, for the Kuban. But we understand that her act is not bad at all - it is a manifestation of mercy. The seemingly unacceptable behavior of the teacher actually brought kindness and care for the child.
