What is the Vedic culture of vegetarianism. Vedic culture Vedic culture of the ancients

If we turn to the most ancient written monuments found on the territory of Ancient India, then the texts of the Hindu (Harrap) culture (c. 2500 - 1700 BC), which have not yet been fully deciphered, are the first source of information about life (together with archaeological finds) of ancient Indian society - the so-called Vedic literature. We are talking about an extensive set of texts that were compiled over a period of approximately nine centuries (1500 - 600 BC). However, in more late period works are created that, in their content, relate to this literature. Vedic texts are literature of a predominantly religious content, although Vedic monuments are not only a valuable source of information about the spiritual life of that time, but also contain a lot of information about economic development, class and social structures of society, the degree of knowledge of the surrounding world, and much more.

Vedic literature was formed over a long and complex historical period, which begins with the arrival of the Indo-European Aryans in India, their gradual settlement of the country (first in the northern and middle regions) and ends with the emergence of the first state formations uniting vast territories. During this period, important changes take place in society, and the originally nomadic and pastoral tribal societies of the Aryans turn into a class-differentiated society with developed agriculture, crafts and trade, a social structure and a hierarchy containing four main varnas (estates). In addition to the Brahmins (clerics and monks), there were kshatriyas (warriors and representatives of the former tribal government), vaishyas (farmers, artisans and merchants) and shudras (a mass of direct producers and a predominantly dependent population). At the same time, this social structure begins to develop and forms the basis of the later extremely complex system of castes. In the process of the genesis of the ancient Indian culture of the Vedic period, various ethnic groups inhabitants of what was then India. In addition to the Indo-European Aryans, these are, in particular, the Dravidians and the Munds.

Traditionally Vedic literature is divided into several groups of texts. First of all, these are the four Vedas (literally: knowledge - hence the name of the entire period and its written monuments); the oldest and most important of them is the Rigveda (knowledge of hymns) - a collection of hymns, which was formed for a relatively long time and finally took shape by the 12th century. BC e. Somewhat later are the brahmanas (arising from about the 10th century BC) - the Vedic ritual manuals, of which the most important is Shatapathabrahmana (brahmana of a hundred paths). The end of the Vedic period is represented by the Upanishads, which are very important for the knowledge of ancient Indian religious and philosophical thinking. Vedic literature, to which other groups of texts (Yajurveda, Atharvaveda) belong, is extraordinarily extensive, because only the Rigveda contains more than 10 thousand verses arranged in 1028 hymns.

The Vedic texts, emerging against the backdrop of a motley and long historical process, are not a monolithic system of views and ideas, but represent various currents of thought and views from archaic mythological images, liturgical appeal to the gods, various religious (partially mystical) speculations to the first attempts to form philosophical view of the world and man's place in it.

The Vedic religion is a complex, gradually developing complex of religious and mythological ideas and their corresponding rituals and cult rites. Partially archaic Indo-European ideas (dating back to the times when the Aryans lived together with other Indo-European tribes on a common territory long before coming to India) of the Indo-Iranian cultural layer (common to the Indian and Iranian Aryans) slip through it. The formation of this complex is being completed against the background of mythology and cults of the native (not Indo-European) inhabitants of India. The Vedic religion is polytheistic, it is characterized by anthropomorphism, and the hierarchy of the gods is not closed, the same properties and attributes are alternately attributed to different gods. In the Rig Veda, Indra plays an important role - the god of thunder and a warrior who destroys the enemies of the Aryans. A significant place is occupied by Agni - the god of fire, through which the Hindu who professes the Vedas makes sacrifices and thus addresses the other gods. The list of deities of the Rigvedic pantheon continues with Surya (the god of the sun), Soma (the god of the intoxicating drink of the same name used in rituals), Ushas (the goddess of the dawn), Dyaus (the god of heaven), Vayu (the god of the winds) and many others. Some deities, such as Vishnu, Shiva or Brahma, break into the first ranks of deities only in later Vedic texts. In literature in the period VIII - VI centuries. BC e. a new deity comes to the fore and overshadows most of the rest - Prajapati, the creator god, the creator of the universe and the father of other gods, who inherited the features of the ancient Dyaus. The world of supernatural beings is supplemented by various spirits - enemies of gods and people (rakshasas and asuras).

In some of the Vedic hymns we meet with the desire to find general principle, which could explain individual phenomena and processes of the surrounding world. This principle is the universal cosmic order (rta), which rules over everything, the gods are also subject to it. Through the action of the mouth the sun moves, the dawn drives away the darkness, the seasons change; mouth is the principle that guides the flow human life: birth and death, happiness and misfortune. And although the mouth is an impersonal principle, sometimes its bearer is the god Varuna, a formidable judge and punisher of human sins, endowed with enormous and unlimited power, who “placed the sun in the sky”.

The basis of the Vedic cult is the sacrifice, through which the follower of the Vedas appeals to the gods in order to ensure the fulfillment of his desires. The sacrifice is omnipotent, and if it is brought correctly, then a positive result is ensured, because the principle “I give so that you give” works in the Vedic ritual. Ritual practice is devoted to a significant part of the Vedic texts, in particular the Brahmins, where certain aspects are developed before the smallest details. Vedic ritualism, which concerns almost all spheres of human life, guarantees a special position for the brahmins, the former performers of the cult.

Among the many hymns of the Rigveda, addressed to various gods and played during rituals, there are also the first glimmers of doubt about the need for sacrifice, about the power of the gods, and their very existence is also questioned. "Who is Indra?" - asks the author of one hymn and answers: “Many say about him that he does not exist. Who saw him? Who is the one to whom we should offer sacrifices?” “We do not know the one who created this world,” is stated in one place, and in another the question is raised: “What kind of tree was it, what kind of trunk was it, from which heaven and earth were hewn?”

Important in this regard is the hymn in which the primordial being of Purusha appears, which the gods sacrificed and from the parts of the body of which the earth, sky, the Sun, the Moon, plants and animals, people and, finally, social classes (varnas), ritual objects, as well as the hymns themselves. Purusha is described as a cosmic giant of enormous size who is "everything - past and future". In the post-Vedic period, his image loses all anthropomorphic features and, in some philosophical directions, is replaced by an abstract symbol of the original substances. In another hymn, the focus is on the search for the unknown god who gives life, strength, guides all gods and people and who created the world. Each verse ends with the question, "To whom shall we offer sacrifices?" and only the last verse (which is a later addition) answers this question. What is sought is Prajapati, understood here as a personified symbol of the primary force of creation.

The destruction of traditional mythology and Vedic ritualism is manifested, in particular, in the cosmological hymn called Nasadiya, which belongs to the later parts of the Rig Veda. According to this hymn, in the beginning there was neither being (sat), nor non-existent (asat), there was no air space and sky, there was no death and immortality, day and night. There was only that unity (tad ekam), understood as something amorphous, undivided and devoid of concrete content, which itself breathed. “Besides this, there was nothing else, darkness was in the beginning, darkness covered with darkness, all this [was] indistinguishable water”, endowed with the principle of changing itself into more high level impersonal force, stimulating the further process of genesis, which is only indicated in the text. Participate in it, in particular, tapas (warmth) and kama (aspiration, desire) as a self-born force of life, the primary impulse of being. The skepticism, and partly the speculative nature of the text, is manifested in the conclusion, where the author asks: “Who can say where this creation came from? The gods appeared [only] with the creation of this [world]... Where did everything come from, where did everything form? Did it happen by itself or not? He who watches over this [world] in the highest heaven knows. Does he definitely know [this] or not?” The anthem is not a holistic presentation of the genesis of the world, it only designates a lot and formulates questions that it does not answer. This opened wide scope for later speculation and interpretation; this hymn is interpreted in different ways by modern scholars.

And in the later Vedic texts - the Brahmins - there is a statement about the origin and emergence of the world. In some places, old provisions are being developed about water as the primary substance, on the basis of which individual elements, gods and the whole world arise. The process of genesis is often accompanied by speculation about the influence of Prajapati, who is understood as an abstract creative force that stimulates the process of the emergence of the world, and his image is devoid of anthropomorphic features. In addition, there are provisions in the Brahmins. pointing to various forms of breathing (prana) as the primary manifestations of being. Here we are talking about ideas that were originally associated with direct observation of a person (breathing as one of the main manifestations of life), projected, however, onto an abstract level and understood as the main manifestation of being.

While receiving theoretical knowledge, we must balance it by applying it in our real life. Every information we receive should become part of either my activity or my meditation. If I apply spiritual knowledge, translate knowledge into practice, jnana into vijnana, then I rise from the platform of goodness to the transcendental level.

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Vedic education system.

The Vedic Educational System We are beginning to study the Vedic literatures, so we will first discuss the Vedic educational system itself.

There are different systems and they differ in their tasks.

These tasks are shaped by the worldview that is dominant in given time in this country. What is the idea of ​​education now - to give a person a decent salary with the least amount of physical effort. In a word, this idea is the desire to...

First, a few words about the Vedas. The Vedas are the most ancient knowledge, the oldest scriptures, the remains of which have been preserved in India and Russia. Previously, there was only one knowledge on Earth - the Vedas, and only one spiritual culture - the Vedic.

In the Vedic scriptures there are answers, in fact, to all questions, including questions about the end of the world.

The end of the world is inevitable, because life has its cycles and moves "in a circle." It's like day and night in a day - one replaces the other, endlessly repeating, or, better ...

Let us make a brief overview of the content and core of the Vedic religion.

Nothing could be simpler and grander than this religion, in which deep naturalism merges with transcendent spirituality. Before dawn, the head of the family stands in front of an altar erected from the earth, on which a fire burns, kindled with two pieces of dry wood.

In this activity, the head of the family is at the same time the Father, and the Priest, and the King of the sacrifice. At that time, says the Vedic poet, when the dawn...

You may already know some secrets, for example, you have heard the expression that "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach." But, for many, this remains theoretical, as it were, and it is not clear how it is applied at all.

The Vedas are not the creation of human wisdom. Vedic knowledge came from spiritual world, from Lord Krishna. Another name for the Vedas is shruti. The word shruti refers to the knowledge that is acquired through hearing. This is not empirical knowledge.

Shruti can be likened to a mother. We learn a lot from mothers. For example, if you want to know who your father is, who can answer you? Only your mother. If the mother says, "Here is your father," then you will have to agree with it. Establish the father's identity with...

According to Western science, this stage began in the first half of the 1st millennium BC. and continued until about the 7th-6th centuries. BC. According to the ideas of the Hindus themselves, the religion of the Vedas originated much earlier: 6 thousand years ago (or even 100 thousand years ago - as E. P. Blavatsky writes).

The Vedic period takes its name from the Vedas, which were the main sacred text and religious authority of the Hindus not only of the Vedic period, but to this day. Sometimes this period of Indian religion is called Vedism...

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In the spiritual worlds, living beings are constantly in a state of care for everything around them, therefore, in ever-increasing happiness, they do not grow old and live forever.

In our material universe, which is shaped like a ball, there is a tendency to take care of ourselves first, happiness is limited by the framework of matter, which itself is limited both in space and in time. Therefore, inveterate materialists who are exclusively attached to...

We often talk about various types cultures, compare them. Someone claims that his culture is better than the culture of other peoples, showing their advantages. Indeed, one can be convinced of the wealth of knowledge, traditions, and achievements they contain. But there is another culture in the world that originally existed and only 5000 years ago it began to disappear, although we can observe its echoes in the cultures of all countries and peoples. This Vedic culture, the culture that the Aryans, who were considered the perfect race, brought to our world. And if you study it, you can see how much they gave to our world.

People often ask what does expression "Vedic culture"? If we turn to linguistics, the word "Vedic" comes from the Sanskrit word "veda", which means knowledge, wisdom. The word "culture" can be decomposed into two words - "cult" and "ra". The word "cult" means worship, reverence. The word "ra" refers to the God of the Sun, his radiance. All together this means "worship of radiant wisdom". And this was the basis of the culture of the ancient Aryans, who gave us the Vedas.

Their whole life was aimed at self-awareness and establishing a lost connection with God. This applied to everything: science, art, philosophy, medicine, astrology, cooking, politics, family relationships and much more. The aspect of God was present in everything they did, serving God was the meaning of their lives. And they actually managed to constantly communicate with God and the demigods. People often ask why God came to Earth only in what is now India. The answer is very simple - they called him there, they waited, they loved him. After all, we most of all like to come to a place where we are loved and appreciated.

Such a close relationship with God allowed the Aryans improve your quality of life in this world. That is why they were able to achieve such heights in:

  • Architecture (vastu). Archaeologists are amazed at the found cities, which are 5000 years old, perfect architecture. Vastu knowledge is also used by modern architects. Feng Shui was based on Vastu.
  • Medicine (Ayurveda). It formed the basis of numerous areas of oriental and modern medicine. It is now recognized as official alternative medicine.
  • Astrology (Jyotish). It is still considered the most accurate astrology.
  • Cosmonautics. Scientists are trying to unravel the mystery of vimanas - aircraft used by the Aryans. They look like descriptions of UFOs.
  • Military art. Modern scientists have discovered decay products from an atomic explosion in India, which are more than 5000 years old. The military is trying to solve the mystery of nuclear weapons (brahmastra) that existed at that time. And not only him, in recent times they have turned to the ancient Vedic treatises to improve modern martial arts.
  • Music and dance. Until now, it is believed that the study of the art of the Aryans is capable of achieving perfection in life.
  • Politics. Here one cannot fail to mention the social structure of varnashrama-dharma, which helped not only to achieve heights in self-consciousness, but also allowed each member of society to use his abilities as efficiently as possible. The people in the state were happy and satisfied. It should also be noted that once there was a single state on Earth, whose capital Hastinapur was located on the territory of modern India, which indicates competent political leadership.
  • Philosophy and psychology. Based on them, there are currently many directions in these areas, but with a narrower specialization. Following Vedic psychology and philosophy helps a person to get rid of suffering forever and achieve perfection in his life.

This list can be continued for a long time. There is no such area in which the arias would not excel. But the main thing is that it was the only culture in the world that did not separate peoples, but united them among themselves. After all, the concept of "Aryan" did not refer to the nation, it meant internal state, way of thinking and acting. And any person who has turned to the service of the Highest Truth and follows the instructions of the sacred Vedic texts can become an Aryan.

The fact that this culture unites people different nationalities and religions, confirms the fact that on the territory of modern India there is still a fairly large number of religious beliefs. The principles that have been preserved in the culture of modern India help them to coexist together and develop.

These principles apply not only to the culture of India, but to the culture of people all over the world. Turning to the ancient Vedic knowledge, building your life in accordance with them, a person can reach unprecedented heights in his spiritual development and gaining material well-being because this knowledge and this culture were given to people by God Himself.

The Vedic culture of the Aryan Slavs arose long before the Baptism of Rus'. It arose and developed into an integral system of pagan worldview in the conditions of a communal tribal system. It was a complex cultural complex: customs, rituals, beliefs, costume, architecture, icon painting, song and musical creativity For a long time(about a thousand years) it was the main spiritual heritage of the Slavs and the rule of everyday behavior.

Then, after the Baptism of Rus' and the development of statehood, this direction of mass folk culture(including by means of state policy) began to be suppressed. Although, traces of pagan culture are still present in everything and give rise to all the features of the Slavic style for contemporaries.

Over the past centuries of historical development, the world has changed a lot. The attitude of people towards their past has also changed. Interest in pagan culture grew. People of the new time are beginning to look in half-forgotten paganism for answers to topical issues of our time. And often, it is paganism that helps them. Acquaintance with the history of Pagan Orthodoxy helps to better understand the present.

I. General terms
1.1. Aryans and Aryan culture.
Culture is based on the concepts of good and good. They called themselves Aryans. So in ancient Slavic (now - Sanskrit) the ancient Slavs (descendants of the Scythians) called themselves. Arius (translated from Sanskrit) means - bringing good. Everyone in the society of the Aryans had to bring good and good (to the clan, tribe) by his behavior (by his actions) to be useful to everyone. It was this kind of behavior and such a person that was called noble (Good - Native). A person who by his behavior gave birth (brought, created) good (good and benefit) to the surrounding nature and people. Hence the terms - a beneficial (healing) influence (impact) surrounded by a noble person.

1.2. catholicity.
The concepts of the good and the good were closely connected with the concept of the collective, society and catholicity. In resolving issues, they sought to reach conciliar decisions. Decisions in which all participants benefit. Such (beneficial for all) ways of behavior (conciliar decisions) were developed and adopted at general councils (meetings). In general discussions, the opinions of all were taken into account. It was believed that at the general council a conciliar decision was found (worked out) when all the members of the council agreed with it (unanimously). All the participants benefited from the decision reached. Today we would say that conciliar decisions are optimal and/or balanced decisions that maximize the improvement of relations in social environment and in society. By virtue of their general advantage, such (weighted) proposals are adopted unanimously. No one's interests are infringed, everyone decision profitable.

Note. Today, from a scientific standpoint, we understand that it is impossible to introduce correctly the concepts of good and good without the concept of catholicity. For the reason that, in the general case, what is beneficial (beneficial) to one may be harmful to another. In Aryan culture, noble behavior is introduced against the backdrop of the demand for catholicity. Bring good and good to all. This is the behavior of maximum harmony and harmony, as with surrounding nature as well as with people. This is a life of maximum benefit to the community of nature and people.

social change.
The Slavs of the Aryans considered good and / or good only those social change, - which were beneficial for all those affected by these changes, were useful for everyone.

For example. There is trade in a civilized market - Good (cathedral). For the reason that each transaction, each operation of a civilized market is made only on the terms of mutual agreement, only if it is beneficial for all partners. Each offer ends with a deal only when the planned offer becomes profitable for all participants. When each partner (separately and independently) begins to understand (realize) their benefits from the completion of the upcoming transaction.

Another cornerstone of culture was Vedism. Understanding the meaning. Understanding, understanding, maintaining the essence of the subject under discussion. On the contrary, he does not know (does not know) what he is doing. That is, he does not understand what he is doing. So they said about a stupid, unreasonable person.

People who know, know and understand (reasonable) were valued. Their usefulness was especially visible to everyone in the development (search) of conciliar decisions at general tribal or tribal councils. When, based on logic and a real understanding of the issue, it was shown that in this way the (best) fair and beneficial solution for all members of the clan (tribe) is achieved.

Today we can say with confidence that Vedism, in fact, is a scientific approach to finding optimal solutions to difficult, vital issues. A scientific approach to the development of reliable (sufficiently true in this particular case) schemes and / or models of behavior in the real conditions of the life of the clan (tribe). In their Vedas, the Aryans presented the results of applying a realistic scientific approach in applications to the consideration of specific life situations(questions).

Section Summary:
The Vedic culture of the Aryan Slavs (in those times of tribal and tribal relations, thousands of years ago) laid the foundations for a realistic scientific approach. She laid the foundation for the science of the Good and the Just social structure of society.

II. worldview
All native Russian speakers know the sequence of words: body, soul, spirit. Aryans have always distinguished and put into practice the knowledge gained from experience. In the model of the pagan worldview (in the pagan model of the world structure) there were objects of three conceptually different (different) qualities (properties). Physical (material) body (arm, leg, face, hair… as such, which can be touched, licked, smelled, etc.). The soul is the receptacle of passions, feelings and experiences. Spirit is an intangible component that determines conceptual attitudes. Conceptual models of life behavior (cowardice or courage, openness or isolation, etc.) For example, the armies of the Aryan Slavs have always been strong in their spirit.

Translating the above sequence: body, soul, spirit - into the modern language of science, today we can say that the Aryans from their experience of communicating with nature brought out the main conceptual position: in the structure of each creature, three qualitatively different terms (components) can be distinguished:
1. physical body - material component
2. soul (area - feelings, experiences, passions, attraction, imagination, fantasies and disgust) - energy (bioenergetic) component
3. His spirit (a set of concepts, attitudes, rules, behavior patterns, style, etc.) (non-material spiritual area) is a spiritual component.

Section summary.
Thousands of years ago, in the pagan culture of the Aryan Slavs, a fundamental Vedic (scientific - evolutionary) statement was formulated. When choosing reliable (sufficiently correct) models (schemes) for describing objects real world, (real objects of real nature) it is necessary to use a complex basis:
1. Matter
2. Energy
3. Information

Today this approach scientific knowledge of the surrounding world we could call complex realism. In fact, the approach used by the ancient Slavic pagans, in its universality and power of plausibility, overlaps the entire history of the development of classical materialism and idealism. Covers all the achievements of natural science in the entire history of the development of world culture: religion, philosophy and science.

To verify the last statement, you can turn to any quorum of luminaries with a question - specialists and professionals of modern science who are familiar with the latest achievements and the history of modern natural science, can you today point out at least one academician and / or laureate who uses in his scientific descriptions real world similar basis?

No matter how sad. These are not known. And this, despite the self-confidence and bragging of modern natural science, science and philosophy, after hundreds of years of rapid development, and hundreds of years of oblivion. When hundreds of years in the world there was a constant propaganda of bastard worthlessness and backwardness of the pagan culture of the Slavs.

The Aryans not only understood, singled out and shared the above three qualities (three components) in the structure of the world, but also constantly practiced this skill, constantly used their knowledge in practice.

The following case from the history of Pagan Orthodoxy is widely known. An Orthodox priest prayed before the icon of the Great Martyr George. A traveler entered the chapel, a stranger. In his hearts, he struck with a spear at the icon of St. George. But, then, having cooled down, he began to ask for forgiveness from the elder. To which he heard a wonderful speech for himself.

Calmly looking up at the stranger, the pagan priest said that the stranger's act did not offend him in the least, for the reason that he did not pray on the blackboard.

Note. In this case, the pagan priest prayed to the symbol (he prayed to an intangible, spiritual object). Spiritual symbol courageous, noble behavior of the Holy Great Martyr George, who during his lifetime openly (not being afraid of torment) rebelled against the deceitfulness of the princely courtyard. The stranger, in his soul, feeling the rightness of the old man, began to be even more ashamed. Gradually, more and more, he began to realize the clumsiness of his wild behavior and the spiritual superiority of the old man.

Section summary.
The level of realism (scientific intensity) of the pagan worldview in the culture of the ancient Slavs of the Aryans (carriers of the Aryan Vedic culture) was incredibly high. In the main question - in the question of the nature of the basic concepts of natural science, they were in many ways ahead of the science of natural science, even today. For example, they realized that God (a spiritual object, a class of intangible objects) cannot be seen (in the everyday sense of the word). Like all spiritual objects, it cannot be felt, touched, smelled, licked, etc. But it is possible to master the art of seeing (in the sense of understanding) the result of his activity. You can learn to see (in the sense, understand, perceive) and use (your vision) the presence of God in the entire environment of animate and inanimate nature.

They knew and practiced: - It is possible to communicate with the variety of personalities (disguises, hypostases) of God. In this communication, from a comparison of the fruits of creativity (creation), it is revealed to a person how insignificant the mind and capabilities of man are in comparison with the mind and capabilities of the Universe. And he, as a child of nature (the son of the Lord), using the wealth and abundance of gifts, can only thank and praise the Lord for his generosity and abundance. Where do the terms come from - Slavs and Orthodoxy - (to glorify and correctly glorify the Lord).

Cosmos and cosmism in the culture of the Slavs (formed much later as independent scientific and philosophical constructions) are a direct consequence of cultural heritage pagan culture of the Slavs of the Aryans. Planet Earth in the works of Chizhevsky begins to be called the cosmic cradle of life. The pagan sign of svadhisthana (swastika) is so common in Everyday life Slavs until the decline of Tsarist Russia. (Later, in the 20th century, it was used as the coat of arms of the Reich of Nazi Germany.) In fact, the pagan sign of svadhisthana (swastika) is a map (scheme) of the near (near-solar) space. A map (scheme, symbol) of both a round dance and the actual movement of matter in near outer space (a diagram of beams solar wind). It is noteworthy that official science, given fact, became known only at the end of the 20th century with the onset of the space age. And then, not immediately, but only when spaceships began to fly beyond the Earth's magnetosphere into "deep space".

All this indisputably indicates the presence in the life of the Aryan Slavs of a highly developed cultural superstructure. A highly developed system of collective knowledge, education and upbringing. In those days, such a perfect system could only be implemented on the basis of a complex educational structure (network) of monasteries, churches, chapels and parishes. Today, not seeing and not understanding the complex way of monasteries and monastic life pagan Slavs Aryans, laymen from science can only be perplexed - where could such a high class culture come from among ordinary villagers with thatched huts, with a tribal and tribal way of life.

At the same time, questions of sacred music, the art of icon painting and monumental architecture are specifically omitted here. Since such discussions would have overloaded an already loaded article even more.

From the pagan positions of the Slavs of the Aryans, modern people, with difficulty mastering the basics of the usual 3-dimensional (Byzantine) perspective, the foundations of conciliar morality and (in mathematics) the class of only real (no complex) numbers (for many specialists today, even with a higher technical education , the root of a negative number - mysticism) - a strange people. From the pagan position of the Slav, the Aryan, such people are in many ways reminiscent of a bunch of savages. A bunch of schoolchildren, for whom only today a window into the world of reality is beginning to open. It is only today that the fact of the existence of non-material objects in the surrounding world is beginning to be revealed.
The simplest example of this (of an intangible object) is meaning. This is a real object of the real world. And how can one discuss the topic at this level - the comprehension of the meaning, the Vedas and Vedism? When these concepts, identical to the concept of intent and meaning, are so important for understanding the essence and existence of the Lord, so important for the education of faith.
The Bible is often quoted today, "In the beginning there was the word, the word was with God, the word was God." Although, in this case, it is much better to use a more correct translation from the Greek term: "logos" - an idea. In more correct translation this line sounds, - “At first there was a plan (of the world order), the plan was with God, the plan itself was God.”

The phrase deals with intangible objects. The connection and development (evolution, time dynamics) of intangible objects is considered. These objects lie openly, there are no secrets here. In nature (which is the criterion of truth and the source of all our knowledge), no one has ever tried to hide anything from anyone. Modern "woe - scientists" are simply not mature enough spiritually, they are not able to see (identify) spiritual objects. They try to hide their blindness with tales like "parallel worlds". Or absurd statements - they say, thought is also material.

Pagans and paganism.
Because of the closeness to nature, that they so highly valued the understanding of nature and revered God in it and considered everyone a son of nature (son of God), the Slavs of the Aryans rightly called themselves pagans. It was closeness to nature that endowed them with a particularly high understanding of the structure of the world. “The abyss has opened, it is full of stars. No stars - count. The abyss, the bottom. - wrote M.V. Lomonosov. The Greek philosopher Anaxagoras also considered himself a pagan. When he was reproached for impracticality, that he constantly looks at the stars, instead of thinking about the Motherland. “On the contrary,” he answered, “looking at the stars, I constantly think about the Motherland.” The poet Alexander Pushkin considered himself a pagan. "What a charm - these (pagan) tales" - he admired folk art. Alexander openly sneered and laughed at the ideological insignificance of the bearers of Christianity in The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda. From the comparison of the power of nature with the deeds (deeds) of the earthly rulers, the pagans made a conclusion about the "insignificance of worldly values." Therefore, “the Magi were not afraid of mighty rulers, and they did not need a princely gift, Their prophetic language is powerful and free. And friendly with the will of the Lord. In their worldview, the bearers of Pagan Orthodoxy stood much higher than the political intrigues of organized Christianity.

The Slavs of the Aryans understood and practiced the postulate of One - God - the world is one. The world is open to the gaze of everyone, the gaze of a reasonable, the gaze of an inquisitive observer. By observing the world, we come to know the truth. (Leonardo da Vinci). The world is the source of all our knowledge, is the criterion of the truth of all our statements. In the world (in the universe) conceptual unity (God) triumphs. In the world triumphs - the Highest Reasonable Beginning of Life.
People, on the other hand, perceive the presence of the living (spiritualized, intelligent) principle of the Universe as the presence of a person in all manifestations of the nature of living and inanimate nature.

Thus, the bearer of Pagan Orthodoxy, Nicholas Roerich, called insight (enlightenment) the understanding of the fact of the spirituality of nature. Agni Yoga is a teaching (instruction, development guide) - how to reach and join the living fire of the creative soul of the World. The path of awareness and communication with higher mind and the highest spirituality of the Universe.

Another representative of Pagan Orthodoxy, Seraphim of Sarov, is known for his attainment of spiritual harmony and harmony with the universal environment. Path spiritual development he called the acquisition of the Holy Spirit. Seraphim valued this achievement so highly that he singled it out in particular, pointing out the goal of life. According to Seraphim of Sarov: The purpose of life is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit.

Let us explain a rather unusual term, the Acquisition of the Holy Spirit:
1. In the definition of the purpose of life is chosen rare word"acquisition". Specifically, to indicate the constant work (constant efforts) of spiritual ascent. He did not reach and rested on his laurels. No, constant ascent. There may be rest breaks. But, having rested and looked around, getting used to the new achievement, - again on the road. And the higher, the greater prospects open up for further ascent. This is the path of acquisition, the path of one who follows the path of ever new achievements (in philosophy in the East, the term is often used - Tao).
2. Behavior is not arbitrary, they say, my life, I do what I want. Complete democracy and complete arbitrariness. I want - I drink, I smoke, I inject drugs, I rape, I fuck. No, behavior must be conciliar. Complete freedom only in choosing the direction of conciliar behavior. Behavior that brings good and good to society and the environment in the conciliar sense. Complete freedom in choosing the path of the Good - Native behavior. Directions of personal specialization and personal efforts on the path of the Cathedral Good and the Cathedral Healing.

The goal of life - the acquisition of the Holy Spirit, is quite suitable for a systemic definition in the case of earthly Civilization. When the activity of any participant, any state and / or association begins to bring the Common Good. It is conciliar to improve and / or heal the earthly Civilization.

Evolution and development
The Slavs of the Aryans perfectly saw and understood the fundamental importance of the change of generations in the evolutionary development of society. They perfectly saw and understood that eternal life is not a fictional existence of the ephemeral soul of a dead body of a loner (contrary to all the laws of science and practice). Eternal life can only be achieved by a group. When a group (genus, tribe or society) observes the basic evolutionary law of development, the change of generations is carried out correctly and reasonably. The natural rejuvenation of the entire group (ensemble, the entire social organism) is carried out in a timely and reasonable manner. This fundamental proposition about eternal life was introduced by the Slavs Aryans into the pagan canon of the trinity of the Lord. The evolutionary postulate of the structure (architectonics and / or device) of the Lord: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen. They glorified the Lord the Father, they glorified the Lord the Son, they glorified the Lord the Holy Spirit.

The pagans were well aware that fertility alone (like rabbits) cannot be ensured eternal life social organism of high life-affirming culture (society of people). It is necessary to be able to pass on upbringing and education to the new generation. For the perplexed, you can recall. On all the icons of Pagan Orthodoxy in the hands of the Savior, there is a symbol of edification. In reverse perspective, always - the image of the book. Symbol (spiritual image) - upbringing, education, literacy and knowledge.

Naturally, it is better to create harmonious conditions among the workers of the creators (creators) of the immediate environment, in the circle of the hearth of the family. On the example of elders to pass on their culture. The old and the new in the environment of a life-affirming culture (in the environment of the Holy Spirit) should create a single harmonious formation. Create a triple divine union (pagan canon of the trinity). (In newfangled schools today, this technique is called the technique of immersion in the environment of creation and creativity.) Such a technique has already been used for millennia (by the Aryan Slavs) and more reasonably and more stably as the spiritual norm of the family institution. The focus on creation and creativity was the core (most important part) social life and world order of the Slavs of the Aryans.

Therefore, the pagans in unity glorified: the Lord the Father, the Lord the Son and the Lord the Holy Spirit. There was a cult of the patriarchal family structure. With caress and love, with dignity and respect, parents treated their children. With high respect and reverence (as to their wiser mentors), the children turned to their parents: “Sovereign (God) Father. Empress, my beloved Mother. See, for example, the language of ancient folk tales.

Life and politics
Basically, the Aryans led a sedentary lifestyle. They preferred wide open spaces of free nature, in some places intersected by forests.

In the life of the Slavs of the Aryans, a reasonable (noble, beneficent, benevolent) community triumphed in everything. This also applied to the “politics of conduct” with neighboring tribes, including nomadic tribes. A policy of reasonable (cathedral), mutually beneficial exchange was pursued. Settled tribes received from the nomads: skins, meat, cattle breeding products in exchange for honey, canvas, hemp, medicinal herbs, birch bark and pottery (although in some places the forging art of the nomads was higher).

Reasonable, noble behavior (conciliar, mutually beneficial exchange), among the Slavs of the Aryans was in everything. (The predatory wars were contrary to their spirit, which is preserved in the chronicles, like tribes not waging wars.) So they did in the field and on the river and in the swamp. So they treated creepers and birds. So families lived in harmony with bears and other animals from the forest. So they kept apiaries with bees, pumped honey, providing bee colonies with protection and shelter in winter.

By the way. The myth of the Tatar yoke is just a fiction. It was born on the initiative of the dynasty of the Romanov tsars. A political ploy to justify (ignorant behavior) when seizing power through a palace coup (from the Ruriks to the Romanovs).

During the time of specific principalities and later, during the formation of statehood, bloody military skirmishes (showdowns) between specific princes regularly took place. But on both sides in the armies of the warring princes (instigators), both foot Slavic warriors (stakhs) and Tatar cavalry were involved. And always, the Tatar cavalry was valued higher by the warring princes, driven by greed. As a more maneuverable part of the army.

Note. In an effort today to understand the causes of the systemic crisis of civilization, it would be nice to realize that the image of unity between: noble behavior and people in power, in general, is a fiction (myth). For the vast majority of cases of the modern world and the world of the past, this is not so. Noble behavior is lacking in people of power. For the vast majority of cases, the observations of Grigory Klimov are true. The higher we rise in the levels of power, the more immoral the environment and surroundings of government officials become. At all times, there have been raids (gangster privatization) and criminal showdowns of the highest echelons of power. Time Kievan Rus and the times of developed socialism of the USSR are no exception. For all these times it is true - The true face of power is not the one that it shows. The true face of power is the one it hides.

On the other hand, it would be a mistake to believe that the pagan life of the ancient Slavs of the Aryans was an idyll. Some pastoral commoners. Vice versa. There was a struggle for life and for leadership. But all this (and in a more rigorous form) was carried out within the framework of the complex way of monastic and church life. The way of the most severe discipline of asceticism, tonsure and penance. And, of course, the creators of culture were not ordinary villagers. They lived according to the fashion and rules of culture emanating from the centers of Pagan Orthodoxy. So the terms - "Aryan Slavs" and "Pagan Orthodoxy" are more suitable not for ordinary villagers, but for monasteries and monastic inhabitants. Where constantly from the surrounding villages they came with yellow-mouthed babies, and came out as gray-haired and wise wise men. These were harsh schools for the acquisition of the Holy Spirit. In other provincial monasteries at the institutes of elders, this pagan practice has been preserved to this day.

Bani culture occupied a special place in the life of the Slavs. Thanks to the presence of a bath, the Slavs got rid of diseases and the dominance of insects. The fragrance of a clean body, a clean undershirt in a village hut in the family circle, good, plentiful food - were an ideal place for leisure after an intense day of work.

In the Middle Ages, the “Silk Road” passed through the places of settlement of the Slavs (a source of income and coin burials in the territory of western Ukraine and modern Belarus). Foreigners on the world market valued silk more than gold (among the Slavs, it did not have much demand, it was a worthless commodity, only for exchange). The Slavs preferred fabrics from the natural herbs of the region. At the same time, the Slavs were endowed with a sense of beauty and appreciated a beautiful costume. The costumes were decorated with trim and embroidery. Freshwater pearls were in great demand. On average, the festive costume of a simple peasant woman had up to 200 river pearls. Jewelry was made: pendants, rings, chains, colts and cloisonné enamel.

Note: Later in the centuries, with the growth of statehood and the influence of Byzantine Christianity, the impoverishment of the Slavs of the villagers went on. But the costume of the kings continued to copy the original pagan costume of ordinary Aryan villagers in cut and components until recent times (although it was made for new rulers from more expensive materials).

The Slavs of the Aryans transferred their benevolent relationship with nature to later times (to the period of the creation of cities). In the Slavic pagan culture, a garden city appears. These were: Moscow, Putivl, Kyiv, Yaroslavl, Nizhny and Velikiy Novgorod, Vladimir, Murom, etc. Each building is a separate house in the urban ensemble with a personal plot (garden), a separate well and a bathhouse.

The Slavs of the Aryans highly valued the benefit of the environment of the pristine forest, fragrant fields and crystal dews, clean air. Any communication with nature turned into a course of aromatherapy with herbs, tree sap, healing growths. Nettle, wormwood, hemp, flax were used in everyday life in abundance. They served as raw materials for the manufacture of various varieties of linen, infusions, odorous and healing fees.

Prosperity and abundance in the life of the Aryan Slavs were the result of not only a reasonable organization, but also high diligence. All members of society (from old to young) were in an environment of constant work. In each room in a bright place (near the window) there is a spinning wheel or spindle, a thin carved juniper comb for combing the tow. Everywhere there are traces of constant work.

Among the surrounding nomads and Gentiles, the Slavs of the Aryans were known as magicians. good settlers. “There are miracles, a goblin roams there, a mermaid sits on the branches.”

The villagers naturally transferred their relationship with the patroness of nature to prayer churches. There was also Plakun-grass (hemp, which grows in abundance in the possessions of the Aryan Slavs). Gentiles (idolaters) of biblical Christianity could not understand the behavior that was wonderful for them. The bearers of Pagan Orthodoxy were subjected to persecution. But, at the same time, they treated sorcerers and their rituals with superstitious fear. The sorcerers, in turn, marveled at the new generations, selfish people. What a stupid people. He does not see his direct benefit from respectful and honest communication with wildlife. Worship dead idols.

Parishioners of Pagan Orthodoxy with fragrant (intoxicating) herbs in a village Christian church.

Passed centuries.
After the baptism of Rus' and the strengthening of the political influence of Byzantine Christianity, the pagan culture of the Aryan Slavs was monotonously expelled and destroyed. Pagan Orthodoxy found a cruel enemy in the form of an army of greedy clergy acting under the banner of Christianity. A decisive role was played by the fact that from the position of the current government (the sovereign of Russia), Byzantine Christianity was a more convenient religion. More convenient for building a political system of unification and subjugation of the masses. There came a time after (XV - XVII centuries) when only traces remained of the former presence of paganism and the Vedic culture of the Slavs of the Aryans.

But even then the peasant community lived in abundance. Under the tsars, food was still sold in carts.

Note. One example of the new time. After October revolution world-famous publicist John Reed published the work: "10 days that shook the world." The first edition of the published book had an appendix. How they lived poorly in Russia, and why they rebelled. Later, the application was withdrawn by the Bolshevik authorities. And more when reprinting the book, the application itself was not reprinted. The appendix provided statistical data. Cloths were purchased in pieces (factory rolls). The schoolteacher's family, having 5 to 7 children, did not go hungry. She was not rich, but she could rent (rent) the second floor in a provincial city mansion, have a basement in the house with provisions and quarters of wine. The mother of the family was at home, she did not go to work, she managed the housework. Until the years, while the elders (children) had not yet grown stronger and became her real helpers, a young girl from the village helped her in the household.

The head of the family (a simple rural teacher), drunk, could grin at the table. What strange Christians. They call themselves Orthodox Slavs, but worship the corpse of a Jew.

Of course, today there are no longer those villagers from the times of 500 - 700 years ago. But if, at least for a moment, imagine that we are looking at our world through their eyes. How surprised our ancestors would be. Yes, they would see the power of modern industry, and marvel at many things, but...

Cities - gardens to turn into cities of garbage. Traffic jams. Foul, dusty air. The oak groves and forests of valuable species that surround the capital cities have disappeared. Instead, they are piles of rubbish and rubbish. In the summer heat they are set on fire. Smog and smoke creeps over the neighborhood. Stocks clean water on the limit. In a society of degeneration, homeless children huddle in basements and train stations. Conciliarity is forgotten. The culture of the family is lost.

How surprised our ancestors would be. What kind of stupid people live here? The wild people are not even able to see the direct conciliar benefit from honest, direct communication with wildlife.

Acquaintance with ancient culture Slavs Aryans leaves a dual impression. On the one hand, it is rather rough primitive culture"stone age". On the other hand, like rock paintings from ancient antiquity, carries a healthy force of life. Everything is very clear here. Everything is subordinated to the idea of ​​collective creation and development. And this ancient pagan culture gave the world such a valuable pearl - Aryan Orthodoxy.

According to the most modern ideas of scientists, Vedic culture was once spread throughout the planet Earth and affected all spheres of human life. Written sources () of those times that have come down to us contain information about literally everything. Starting from planting tomatoes and establishing favorable, harmonious ones, to creating ships that can surf the galaxy. Eminent scientists are racking their brains over the monuments of Vedic culture even today. These are incredibly accurate and expediently built cities, knowledge about the structure of space and celestial bodies that cannot be seen with the naked eye. All this makes adherents think.

Vedic culture has preserved to this day information about the meaning of performing mystical rites and religious sacraments. It answers questions of natural science, philosophy and metaphysics. The study of the heritage of Vedic culture helps us in finding the answer to one of our main questions "". The ancient texts of the Vedic culture aim to bring a person to understand his own and reveal the true.

At the moment, India can be safely considered the center of Vedic culture, although really powerful echoes still remain in Burma, Thailand (which is depicted on the state emblem) and Cambodia, where the worship of the Vedic Deities continues today. There are also people who tend to look for traces of Vedic culture in national patterns and language on the territory of Ukraine and Russia. The impetus for this search is the obvious affinity ancient language and languages Slavic group. (Materials marked with the tag are devoted to this topic on our site.)

The concept of "Vedic culture" is used in Hinduism not only in relation to the Vedas themselves and the texts adjacent to them, compiled in Sanskrit (shruti), but also to other scriptures that supplement them. The use of the term "Vedic" is strongly conditioned by whether the context is Indological, philological or religious. For example, Hindus themselves often refer to their religion as the "Vedic tradition".

The path of Russia and the Veda

Russia is still closer to the east or Western culture? Interaction of cultures. About globalization. What is the basis of the conflict between East and West? What is yoga? attitude towards spirituality. If you want to change the world, start with yourself. Why is the idea of ​​a better government, a better president, utopian? What is the point of changing yourself? The idea of ​​service in art. The similarity of the Vedic culture and the culture of the samurai. Is there any rational grain in what Muldashev writes? What Vedic idea is hidden in Avatar movie? How to determine which of the predictors is telling the truth? Causes of intolerance towards another religion. The culture of the East and its influence on Europe. The idea of ​​the project "Etnolife" and "Samurai: Art of War". The lofty idea of ​​the samurai. Has the East fallen before the West? Where does the evolution of consciousness begin? Russia's potential.

Vedas of the Slavs

Review of the study of the paganism of the ancient Slavs. Vedas and the discovery of the culture of the Indo-Europeans. Hinduslavs. Russian and Sanskrit. Sanskrit in geographical names. Three main words. Monotheism and polytheism in the Vedas. Sanskrit in the names of the Slavic gods. Sanskrit in the names of elemental spirits. Ancient history of the Slavs. High technologies and superweapons in antiquity. "Troubled Millennium" and the stages of the settlement of the Slavs. Vedas record. Expeditions to the Himalayas. Vedic predictions. Arctic Homeland in the Vedas. Origin of Rus'. Monotheism and the evolution of the worship of the Slavs. Vishnu and Krishna in the culture of the Slavs. The Age of Rodoslavia. phallic cults ancient Rus'. Perun is the patron of the princely squad. Polytheism and the advent of Christianity. Keys to folk Russian fairy tales. Wise and mantras among the Slavs. Traditional costume as a charm.

Acquaintance with the Vedic worldview

What is the Vedas? The evolution of the soul in many bodies. The main difference between man and animal. Spirituality is the basis of the stability of society. Awakening of consciousness. Love is the fifth goal of human life. The whole world is permeated with the consciousness of the Creator. Beauty is the innermost aspect of the Supreme. The unique right of every soul. Preaching is like meditation. Why are we not attracted to Krishna? Genuine spirituality is not imposed - it is fascinated. Material wealth and spiritual life. Faith is the path to gaining divine love. Life has to become meditation. Nothing will ever give rise to something. How to get closer to God? Kali Yuga is the era of degradation. Many talk about the Vedas, but few understand them. Prayer for the knowledge of the Truth. different levels of spirituality. Spiritual life is real freedom. On the attitude towards women in the temple. Rajnesh is a psychiatrist guru.

Origin, structure and purpose of the Vedas

Origin of the Vedas. Origins. Two aspects of true knowledge. Veda is the original vibration in space. Who are the Rishis? The appearance of writing is a sign of degradation. features of Sanskrit. Four defects of human nature. The peculiarity of the present era is the narrowness of thinking. The merits of the sage Vyasa. The Vedas are authoritative and self-sufficient knowledge. Authoritative statements of the Vedas. Evidence of the authority of the Vedas. External structure of Vedic literature. 1 The first section of the Vedas is shruti. 2. The second section of the Vedas is smriti. 3. The third section of the Vedas is nyaya. Sri Isopanishad. Srimad Bhagavatam. Internal structure of the Vedas. 1. Karma-Kanda - a section of the Vedas that describes the material approach to life. 2. Gyana-kanda - a section of the Vedas that describes a philosophical approach to life. 3. Bhakti-Kanda - a section of the aesthetic realization of the individual. The purpose and purpose of the Vedas. The Parable of the Scientist and the Boatman. The most important thing is to know the higher science of the soul. Questions - answers. How can harmony be achieved between the spiritual and material side of life. How to avoid kinks in any direction? To what extent is it necessary for a person to go through all these stages of development? Is it possible to go directly to spiritual practice?

Eternal Wisdom of the Vedas

History of the Vedas and Sanskrit. The system of Vedic scriptures. Six Schools of Vedic Philosophy. Time scale in Vedic philosophy. Satya Yuga. Third of the south. Dvapara yuga. Kali Yuga. The three periods of each yuga are Sankhya. Traces of Vedic culture in the works of antiquity. Five levels of consciousness - Pancha Krosha. Anumaya. Pranamaya. Manamaya. Vigyanamaya. Anandamaya. Five stages of purification from lust. Karma-kami. Siddhi-kami. Bhukti-kami. Mukti-kami. Bhakti is yoga. five kinds human activity- Pancha-dharma. Adharma. Asura-dharma. Chala-dharma. Upa-dharma. Varnashrama-Dharma. Levels of perception of knowledge. Shabda. Pratyaksha. Modern discoveries of scientists are just lost knowledge of the Vedas. Three kinds of suffering. Adhyatmika. Adhibhautika. Adhidaivika. Vedic predictions described in the Bhavishya Purana. The coming of Lord Buddha. The coming of Jesus Christ. The arrival of Shiva. The arrival of Mohammed. The arrival of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. The advent of Bhakti Vedanta. Other minor predictions. How is the destruction of the Vedic roots? Similarities between the Russian language and Sanskrit. speech degradation.

The social structure of the Vedic society

Description of the kingdom of Kashala from the Ramayana: the ideal life of people, the architecture of the city, temples, warriors of that time, the duties of the trading class, politicians, rulers to society. Examples of the government of the pious royal dynasties and examples of government in modern world. On the influence of the qualities of a ruler on the life of society on the examples of the kings Chindragupta, Erich Khonice, Vapsnai, Vikramaditu, Queen Lakshmibari. Birth story of Lord Ramachandra. How should a husband and wife behave towards each other. Examples of the attitude towards their wives of the ruler of the Moon Chandra, Ravana, Krishna. On the importance of the word of the king on an example from the Ramayana of King Dasaratha. About the ideal behavior of the ruler on the example of Lord Ramachandra. Questions and answers. Where is it better to make an altar in a modern apartment. How to relate to manifestations of ignorance in oneself, laziness, lust. How to relate to the statement of some popular psychologists about the benefits of self-satisfaction for women. How to deal with the desire to live separately from your spouse. Should husband and wife have separate bedrooms. Is it harmful for women to engage in spiritual practices. Is it favorable for a man to be in childbirth. Is it possible to give flowers in pots. Is a given flower in a pot useful for any room in an apartment. What time of day is best for kids to do homework? Is it necessary to take children to sections or circles after school and on weekends. How to properly explain to a child about the benefits of vegetarianism and teach them how to properly refuse meat and fish treats. How can you develop more of the moon in a woman through products. What is better to give to parents for the celebration of the wedding day, if the opinions of the husband and wife are divided.

Vedic concept of time

The Vedas are primordial knowledge. Where did the Vedic texts come from? Four Vedas. Rig veda. Veda herself. Yajur Veda. Atharva Veda. The discoveries of modern scientists have long been described in the Vedas. Vedas - practical knowledge. The hidden power of the Vedas. Puranas in the goodness of passion and ignorance. Sutra. Vedic time scale. Maha kalpa. Satya Yuga - golden age. Tretta yuga - silver age. Dvapara Yuga - Copper Age. Kali Yuga is the Iron Age. Evidence in ancient scriptures. ancient Greek sources. Traditions of the Indians. Scandinavian sagas. astronomical records. Bible confirmation. Kali Yuga Society. The story of Siddhartha Gautama. History of Isha putra. Levels of consciousness. Level 1 - anomaly. Level 2 - pranamaya. Level 3 - manomaya. Level 4 - vigyanamaya. Level 5 - anandamaya. Different perception

What do the Vedas say about ancient civilizations?

How do different sources describe the ancient history of mankind? Four epochs: golden, silver, bronze and iron ages. Revival of the Vedic culture. How will it all end from the point of view of the Vedas? Save by sword or prayer? Spiritual practice in different eras. You guys don't know what era is coming... Features of the golden age.

Eternal Wisdom of the Vedas

Where did the Vedas come from? Cyclic concept of time. Features of Satya Yuga. What is yoga? Paramatma is the absolute truth and is it possible to see spirits? The amazing abilities of people in the age of Satya. The cycle of birth and death. Ashtanga yoga, what is yoga? Asanas, channels in human body and pranayama. Our abilities have fallen, but our ambitions remain. Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga. Kali Yuga. Vi-karma is activity on one's own whim. How did writing appear and who wrote down the Vedas? What amazing people live in the Himalayas? Why can't people talk about certain things? Other civilizations and parallel dimensions. Where do sweet fruits, onions and garlic come from in our land? To whom were mystical mantras available? What is karma? Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda. What is white and what is black magic? Atharva Veda is practical knowledge for the material world. What do the Vedas contain? The Puranas and the Correct Interpretation of Folk Tales

A single picture of the world

What is true knowledge? Brief scheme of the device of the World. Time as a manifestation of the will of God. Karma as the relationship of God and the soul through matter. The task of human life: the development of love for God. What happens to consciousness immersed in matter? Scheme of the elements of living beings in material world. On the laws of harmony in the environment of subtle and physical bodies. Laws of harmony in society and a living being. Laws of harmony of the Cosmos and living beings. Four principles that guide us to the mode of goodness. The principle of mercy is "Thou shalt not kill." The principle of sense control is restraint. The principle of external and internal purity. The principle of truth. It is impossible to exclude the connection between God and the soul from the picture of the world.

Vedic and Vaishnava culture. Lecture 3

What should be done in the morning? People in goodness, passion and ignorance. Good and evil. Are there laws of luck? When and why do people start to think about the meaning of life? Is it difficult to change your mindset? Mind control. Vedic culture and family. How to pay off all debts? The main duty of man. Big money. Good or bad? The purpose of Vedic culture. Service to God. Dangerous or favorable? Purpose of Vedic culture. Vaishnavas. What are they? Buddha. Why did he come? Sex. Why is it needed? Sexual relations. Problems. What does Vaishnava culture teach?

Spiritual Ministry of Emergency Situations

What is the specialty of the Krsna consciousness movement? Initiation into Krishna Consciousness. The task of Vedic culture is the salvation of souls. The mission is carried out in cooperation. False spiritual attachment. Humility needs to be worked on. Mistakes should become the backbone of our successes. The more difficult the service, the more emotions. How to overcome difficulties. The story of Radharani.

Common features in Vedic and Slavic culture

The division into estates among the Slavs and in Indian society. Wedding among the Slavs and in the Vedic tradition. Trimurti. Tilaka. Holy drink. similarity in music. Honoring cows. Folklore and Literature. Bird Gamayun and Mother Swa, Garuda and Mate Riswan. About the fashion in Europe for Islam. More about Gamayun or Garuda. Mace. Universal Tree Elm and Banyan. On the Exodus from India. Arjuna. Who is Arya. Three great arias. The community of culture of the Slavs and Indians of the state of Punjab. Oseledets, Shikha. The question of the arrival of the Aryans from the north. The question is why there are different races on Earth. Summary of lectures. Belonging of the Slavic and Indo-European cultures to the culture of Bharata Varsha. The border position of the Slavs in opposition to the spiritual and material culture. The gradual destruction of the roots, the replacement of history. About interest in the past, about how Vasily Tushkin conducted research. Why historical truth is not profitable. The question is why the concept of reincarnation was removed from Christianity. Prediction in the Vedas about the Golden Age. About astrological time periods. On the purpose of Vedic culture. Krishna consciousness is above polarity. About what degradation comes to - "Sect of cat worshipers". What is the difference in showing respect to cows in India. Seminar results. About how V. Tushkin prepared materials.
