Unusual love in the work of Kuprin and Bunin. The theme of love in the works of Bunin and Kuprin (School essays)

"Is there an unhappy love?" (Ivan Bunin).
(According to the works of Ivan Bunin and Alexander Kuprin).
Every love is a great happiness, even if it is not divided.
I. Bunin
Russian literature of the late 19th and early 20th centuries is represented by the brilliant names of Leo Tolstoy, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin and other great writers. Critical realists reflected in their works the crisis state of the world, the process of distortion of human nature, the loss of human features by people. But, depicting the world in such colors, writers of the turn of the century see positive ideals in high love. They have similar concepts of this feeling. One can compare the opinions of Bunin and Kuprin. The extraordinary strength and sincerity of feeling are characteristic of the heroes of their stories. Kuprin firmly believed in love. In his work, a high system of feelings is resurrected, which was inherent in the works of earlier writers who created inspired hymns of love. Bunin also always succeeded in stories about a high feeling, because they came from the depths of the heart. Love captures all the thoughts of a person, all his strength. But something always goes wrong, and the lovers are forced to leave. Reading the works of these writers, one can assume that love is something that causes people only suffering and misfortune. Indeed, the ending of Alexander Kuprin's "Garnet Bracelet" is tragic: main character commits suicide. Yes, and in "Sunstroke" or "Dark Alleys" by Ivan Bunin there is no happy ending. All "in love" writers live in anticipation of love, looking for it, and most often, scorched by it, they die. But still, let's try to figure out whether the love of the main characters in the works of Bunin and Kuprin was unhappy.
To understand Kuprin's attitude to love, in my opinion, it is enough to understand whether love was happiness for the hero in the writer's most powerful story " Garnet bracelet". The basis of this work, written in 1911, is real event- the love of the telegraph operator Yellow P.P. to the wife of an important official, a member of the State Council - Lyubimov. Lyubimova's son, the author of well-known memoirs, Lev Lyubimov recalls this story. In life, everything ended differently than in the story of A. Kuprin - the official accepted the bracelet and stopped writing letters, nothing more is known about him. In the Lyubimov family, this incident was remembered as strange and curious. Under the pen of the writer, he appears as a sad and tragic story of life. little man whom love exalted and destroyed. Yes, she ruined him, because this love was unrequited, but is it possible to say that she was unhappy for Zheltkov? I think it's impossible. Zheltkov died not with fear of foreboding death, but with a pleasant feeling that this love was still in his life. This is evidenced by the expression on the face of the deceased: "Deep importance was in his closed eyes, and his lips smiled blissfully and serenely ...". For the hero, love, although it was not mutual, was the only happiness. He writes about this in his last message to Vera Ivanovna: “From the bottom of my heart I thank you for being my only joy in life, the only consolation, with a single thought.". “But that means there was no reason for suicide if he was happy ...” - said some critics of that time. Perhaps because he did this act, so as not to cause inconvenience to his beloved. Zheltkov would have to stop writing to her and mention his existence. Vera Ivanovna herself asked him about it, but he was unable to force himself to do it. AND lyrical hero saw no other way but to commit suicide. So we can say that Zheltkov died not from unhappy love, but, on the contrary, because he loved passionately and ardently. According to Kuprin, the real happy love cannot last forever. He was a realist, which is why there is no happy ending in this writer's love stories. The lovers must part.
Now let's turn to the stories of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. His opinion about love is perfectly expressed by the line from "Dark Alleys": "All love is a great happiness, even if it is not shared." As we have already said, this opinion is shared by Alexander Kuprin. That is why I took this line as an epigraph. In thirty-eight short stories of "Dark Alleys" amazing female types pass before readers. Here is Hope from the story " Dark alleys". She carried through her whole life love for the master, who had once seduced her. The lovers had not seen each other for thirty years and accidentally met at the inn, where Nadezhda is the hostess, and Nikolai Alekseevich is a random traveler. He is not able to rise to her high feelings, to understand why Nadezhda did not marry "with such beauty that ... she had." How can you love only one person all your life? Meanwhile, for Nadezhda, Nikolenka remained an ideal for the rest of her life, the one and only: “No matter how much time passed, everyone lived alone. I knew that you were gone for a long time, that it was as if there was nothing for you, but ... It’s too late to reproach now, but it’s true, you left me very heartlessly. Having changed horses, Nikolai Alekseevich leaves, and Nadezhda remains forever at the inn. For one - an accidental hobby of youth, for another - love for life. Yes, perhaps Nadezhda is not happy now, after many years, but how strong that feeling was, how much joy and happiness it brought, that it is impossible to forget about it. That is, love for the main character is happiness.
In the story "Sunstroke" love is something instantaneous, a flash that sweeps past leaving a deep imprint in the soul. Again, the lovers part, which causes suffering to the main character. Life itself without a lover is suffering. He does not find a place for himself either in the apartment or on the street, remembering those happy moments spent with her. Reading a short story after a short story, you begin to realize that in order to make sure of the sincerity of feelings, according to Bunin, a tragedy is certainly needed. But despite all their tragedy, a light feeling seizes the reader when the last page of the collection is turned over: an extraordinary light power and sincerity of feelings are characteristic of the heroes of these stories.
Bunin's love does not live long - in the family, in marriage, in everyday life. A short, dazzling flash, illuminating the souls of lovers to the bottom, leads them to a tragic end - death, suicide, non-existence. In the work of Kuprin, each of the characters has similar features: spiritual purity, dreaminess, ardent imagination, combined with impracticality and lack of will. And they are most clearly revealed in love. All of them treat the woman with filial purity and reverence. Willingness to die for the sake of a beloved woman, romantic worship, chivalrous service to her and at the same time underestimating oneself, disbelief. All Kuprin's heroes with a fragile soul fall into a cruel world. The theme of pure and beautiful feeling runs through all the work of these two Russian writers. "Every love is a great happiness, even if it is not divided" - these words from the story "Dark Alleys" by Bunin could be repeated by all the heroes.


The theme of love is an eternal theme. It will never lose its relevance. There are many poems, songs, poems and stories about love. And each author in his own way defines what love is for him. And how to make sure that this is really true love. A prime example there are such works as: "The Master and Margarita" by Bulgakov, in which the lovers go through all the difficulties of life, and in the end remain together; The Phantom of the Opera by Leroux, where, again, the main characters Christina and Raul, after lengthy "battles", run away together "to the ends of the world", however, one heart still remains broken ...

You can list all the works about love ad infinitum, but nevertheless, among this multitude, the works of two Russian classics stand out: Ivan Alekseevich Bunin and Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. These great prose writers lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. But to this day, reading their works, one cannot fail to notice their relevance. These personalities are of particular interest because their ideas about love were so similar that you can safely call them the same.

In the story “Garnet Bracelet”, a conversation starts between Vera and Anosov, in which Kuprin, on behalf of his hero, tries to explain what love is: “Where is love, then? Love disinterested, selfless, not waiting for a reward? The one about which it is said - "strong as death"? You see, such love, for which to accomplish any feat, to give one's life, to go to torment, is not labor at all, but pure joy. … Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No comforts of life, calculations and compromises should concern her.” Even without reading his stories, only from these lines we understand that we will not see in his works either passionate speeches or happy lovers holding each other by the hand and “leaving into the sunset”. The author wanted to show true love, not invented, but from our life with you.

Other stories of the authors were written on the same principle. For example, "Clean Monday" Bunin. In the story, we immediately notice the absence of the names of the main characters, and by this the author wants to show that everyone can be in their place, and this once again emphasizes the vitality of the work. And it seems that nothing “foreshadowed trouble”, but the lovers eventually parted. And there is no particular tragedy in this, but on the contrary, as if true and sincere love should look like this.

At all times, poets and writers have turned to the theme of love, because it is the ability to love that is the main dignity of mankind. But still, I think no one knew how to talk about this wonderful feeling like Kuprin and Bunin. Reading the works of these writers, most often you come to the idea of ​​how complex and multifaceted love is.
I think that the life of the heroes of Kuprin and Bunin is full of conventions, subject to calculation, incomprehensible ambitions, and everything is so false that it is sometimes difficult to discern true feelings and thoughts. And this, in my opinion, is the main problem that writers deal with. However, there is something life-affirming and beautiful in all the stories of Kuprin and Bunin dedicated to love.
The main characters know how to truly love, which happens very rarely in people's lives. It is this feeling that helps the characters break out of the circle of the ordinary, boring, vulgar. Perhaps escape just for a moment, even paying for this happiness own life, but still to know and experience a feeling that is inaccessible to many people.
I think that I.A. Bunin and A.I. Kuprin, in their works about love, most often resort to contrast, opposition of lovers, because this is too different people both spiritually, morally and socially.
In the stories and short stories of Kuprin and Bunin, one can single out amazing accuracy in describing everyday details, recreating life in every detail. So, Lieutenant Romashov in Kuprin thinks of himself in the third person, which makes him much more significant in his own eyes. IN " easy breathing» Bunin resorts to such a detail as the diary of Olya Meshcherskaya, which gives great truth to this story.
In my opinion, writers have a slightly different understanding of what true love is. For Kuprin, this feeling is always tragic, true love cannot be happy to the end, it is always suffering and pain. According to Kuprin, love must be given without a trace, experiencing constant torment and a feeling of happiness at the same time. For him, love is an ideal, so everyday life and this feeling are incompatible, hence the tragedy of the fate of the heroes. So pure and kind Romashov sacrifices himself for the prudent Shurochka Nikolaeva. Zheltkov's chivalrous, romantic love for Princess Vera Nikolaevna, which swallowed up his whole being, is also tragic. Zheltkov dies without complaint, without reproach, saying: "Hallowed be thy name." Shulamith from the story of the same name, despite all the suffering, thanks King Solomon for the happiness given to her.
The theme of beauty and love in Bunin's work is represented by very complex and sometimes contradictory situations. Love for him is madness, a surge of emotions, a moment of unbridled happiness, which ends very quickly, and only then is realized and understood. This is exactly the meeting of the lieutenant with a beautiful stranger in "Sunstroke". It was a moment of happiness that cannot be returned, resurrected. When she leaves, the lieutenant sits “under a canopy on the deck, feeling ten years older,” for this feeling suddenly arose and suddenly disappeared, leaving a deep wound in his soul, but still it was happiness.
An amazing meeting of people who loved each other many years ago in "Dark Alleys" is also amazing. Nadezhda carried this feeling through her whole life, and could not get married and live a different, new life: “No matter how much time passed, she lived all alone. I knew that for a long time you were gone, that for you it was as if nothing had happened, but now ... It’s too late to reproach now. People passed by each other, and love is alive, despite the past years. Yes, of course, life did not work out for either Nadezhda or Nikolai Alekseevich, however, it could not be otherwise: “But, my God, what would happen next? What if I hadn't left her? What nonsense! This same Nadezhda is not the keeper of the inn, but my wife, the mistress of my St. Petersburg house, the mother of my children?! It was impossible. He closed his eyes and shook his head.
In my opinion, love according to Bunin is realistic, it is not ideal, but still beautiful. It is known not by many, but only by sensual people. I think that Kuprin and Bunin believed that love arises in life only strong people who know how to sacrifice themselves.

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Many writers have written about love, almost all of them. And each work showed his personal worldview, emphasized originality and uniqueness. So it happened with th, and th - famous Russian writers. Each of them showed his view of love.
And love is the most beautiful and noble. We see this in the story "Garnet Bracelet". In the "Garnet Bracelet" the gift of great love is presented as "tremendous happiness", the only meaning of existence for Zheltkov. The poor official Zheltkov differs from the rest of the heroes in the strength and subtlety of his experiences. Zheltkov's romantic love for Princess Vera Nikolaevna ends tragically. The poor official dies blessing the woman he loves before he dies, he says “May the your name". The heroes of the stories are always dreamy individuals with a fiery imagination, but at the same time they are impractical and not verbose. These features are most clearly revealed when the characters are tested by love. Zhelktov is silent about his love for Princess Vera, voluntarily dooming himself to suffering and torment.
And love is not only the feelings of a man and a woman, but it is also love for nature, for the Motherland. All stories about love have a unique plot, original characters. But they are all united by one common “core”: the suddenness of love insight, the passion and short duration of the relationship, the tragic end. For example, in the story "Dark Alleys" we see pictures of everyday life and everyday dullness. But suddenly, in the hostess of the inn, Nikolai Alekseevich recognizes his young love, the beautiful Nadezhda. He betrayed this girl thirty years ago. It's been a lifetime since they broke up. It turned out that both heroes were left alone. Although Nikolai Alekseevich is quite triple in life, he is unhappy at the same time. His wife cheated on him and left him. The son has grown a bad person"no heart, no honor, no conscience."

And the hope, which said goodbye to the masters and turned from a former serf into the mistress of a private hotel, never married. Nikolai Alekseevich once voluntarily abandoned love, and the punishment for this was complete loneliness for the rest of his life, without a loved one and without happiness. Nadezhda, in the same way, gave all her life "her beauty, her fever" to her beloved. Love for this man still lives in her heart, but she never forgives Nikolai Alekseevich ...
In the stories, he claims that this feeling is great and beautiful. Despite the fact that love brings not only joy and happiness, but also sorrow, suffering is a great feeling. And with this I fully agree.
The works of a and a teach us to see the real feeling, not to miss it and not to be silent about it, because one day it may be too late. Love is given to us to illuminate our lives, to open our eyes. "Every love is great happiness, even if it is not divided." Project passport

1. Name of the project: The theme of love in the work of I.A. Bunin and A.I. Kuprin: common and different

2. Project manager: Reznikova N. E.

3. Consultant: Reznikova N. E.

4. Academic subject: Literature

6. Type of work: Creative project

7. Purpose of work:studying

8. Tasks:

3) define commonality and difference

9. Annotation:this project consists of an introduction describing the relevance of the design study, its goals and objectives and 2 chapters, including 3 paragraphs describingunderstanding of "love" in the works of I. A. Bunin and A. I. Kuprin, similarities and differences in their understanding.In conclusion, conclusions are given on the topic of the study. There is also a list of used literature.

10. Project product: presentation

11. Stages of work on the project:

1) preparatory - February 2017. The definition of the topic,setting goals, tasks, information search.

2) design - March 2017. Theoretical study of the problem: development didactic material, hissorting, project design.

3) final - April 2017. Summing up the results of the work, preparing for the defense.

Regional state budgetary

professional educational institution

"Achinsk Trade and Economic College"

Individual project

on the topic: "The theme of love in the work of I.A. Bunin and A.I. Kuprin: common and different"

Head: Reznikova N.E.

Achinsk, 2017



Chapter 1. Love in creativity…………………………………………………….

1.1. The theme of love in the works of I. A. Bunin………….…………………..

1.2 The philosophy of love in the understanding of A. I. Kuprin…………………………..

1.3. Similarities and differences……………………………………………………

Chapter 2. Presentation support of the project …………………………


List of used sources…………………………………………….

Annex 1……………………………………………………………………..

Annex 2……………………………………………………………………...


The theme of love is called eternal theme. Over the centuries, many writers and poets dedicated their works to the great feeling of love, and each of them found something unique, individual in this topic: W. Shakespeare, who sang the most beautiful, most tragic story about Romeo and Juliet, A.S. Pushkin and his famous poems: “I loved you: love still, perhaps ...”, the heroes of M.A. Bulgakov’s work “The Master and Margarita”, whose love overcomes all obstacles on the way to their happiness. This list can be continued and supplemented by modern authors and their heroes who dream of love: Roman and Yulia G. Shcherbakova, simple and sweet Sonechka L. Ulitskaya, heroes of stories by L. Petrushevskaya, V. Tokareva.

Relevance studyThe concept of "love" on the example of stories and short stories by I. A. Bunin and A. I. Kuprin is due, first of all, to the special position that this concept occupies in the works of these writers, as well as to the specifics of its perception by each individual.

Object of studyis the understanding of "love" in the works of I.A. Bunin and A.I. Kuprin.

Subject studies are Bunin's love works(according to the story “Grammar of Love” and the collection “Dark Alleys”)and Kuprin(the story "Garnet Bracelet" and the story "Olesya")

aim this work is to studythemes of love in the works of writers of the twentieth century I.A. Bunin, A.I. Kuprin.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) to reveal the philosophy of love in the understanding of A.I. Kuprin (based on the story "Garnet Bracelet" and the story "Olesya");

2) to identify the features of the image of love in the stories of I.A. Bunin (based on the story “Grammar of Love” and the collection “Dark Alleys”);

3) define commonality and differenceunderstanding of love in the works of Bunin and Kuprin.

Hypothesis is that love is a feeling that is universal in its kind, which is inherent in all people, but, nevertheless, it can be perceived differently by different people.

Research methods:

    review and analysis of scientific literature;

    study and analysis of practical material;


Practical significance: This project will be of interest to schoolchildren, students who are interested in literature lessons and the works of I.A. Bunin and A.I. Kuprin.


The theme of love is one of the "eternal" themes of art and one of the main ones in the work of I. A. Bunin and A. I. Kuprin, two Russian writers whose names are often put side by side. Chronology of creativity (both were born in the same 1870), belonging to the same creative method - realism, similar topics, the highest level artistry bring these writers together in reader's perception. The theme of love, the disclosure of its influence on human life, occupies a large place in their works. The best creations - the cycle of stories "Dark Alleys", "Clean Monday", "Easy Breath" by Bunin, Kuprin's "Shulamith", "Olesya", "Garnet Bracelet" - belong to the world masterpieces of prose, and they are dedicated to love, the most powerful human feeling. Both writers interpret ideal love in their own way, within the framework of their worldview, and the style of what is depicted is also different: if Bunin “... a metaphor means a lot, an unexpected assimilation”, then Kuprin “accumulates a lot of everyday features necessary in that ... majestic picture of everyday life that is emerging as a result."

Reflections on the irresistible power of love, attention to the inner world of a person, research into the finest nuances of human relationships and philosophical speculation of the laws of life - this is what gives writers reflection on the possibility or impossibility of embodying this ideal on earth.

The emotional sphere of a person affects many aspects of a person's life as a whole. Love is the most important component of the inner world of a person, his emotional life. The uniqueness of the concept of love is due to the fact that spiritual, personal, biological, and also social factors intersect in it.

I. A. Bunin and A. I. Kuprin in their works touch upon and reveal many topics, but one of the most important is the theme of love. Of course, the authors describe this bright feeling in different ways, find its new facets and manifestations, but you can also find common features.

1.1. The theme of love in the works of I. A. Bunin

In the theme of love, Bunin reveals himself as a man of amazing talent, a subtle psychologist who knows how to convey the state of the soul, wounded by love. The writer does not avoid complex, frank topics, depicting the most intimate human experiences in his stories.

IN 1924 he writes the story "Mitya's Love", in next year– “Case of Cornet Yelagin” and “Sunstroke”. And in the late 30s and during the Second World War, Bunin created 38 short stories about love, which made up his book "Dark Alleys", published in1946. Bunin considered this book to be his “best work in terms of conciseness, painting and literary skill” .

Love in the image of Bunin is striking not only by the power of artistic depiction, but also by its subordination to some internal laws unknown to man. Infrequently they break through to the surface: most people will not experience their fatal effects until the end of their days. Such an image of love unexpectedly gives Bunin's sober, "merciless" talent a romantic glow. The closeness of love and death, their conjugation were obvious facts for Bunin, they were never in doubt. However, the catastrophic nature of life, the fragility of human relations and existence itself - all these favorite Bunin themes after the gigantic social cataclysms that shook Russia, were filled with a new formidable meaning, as can be seen, for example, in the story "Mitya's Love". "Love is beautiful" and "Love is doomed" - these concepts, finally combined, coincided, carrying in the depths, in the grain of each story, the personal grief of Bunin the emigrant.

Bunin's love lyrics are not large quantitatively. It reflects the poet's confused thoughts and feelings about the mystery of love... One of the main motives of love lyrics is loneliness, inaccessibility or impossibility of happiness. For example, “How bright, how elegant spring is! ..”, “A calm look, similar to the look of a doe ...”, “At a late hour we were with her in the field ...”, “Loneliness”, “Sadness of eyelashes, shining and black ...” and etc.

Bunin's love lyrics are passionate, sensual, saturated with a thirst for love and are always full of tragedy, unfulfilled hopes, memories of past youth and departed love.

I.A. Bunin has a peculiar view of love relationships that distinguishes him from many other writers of that time.

In Russian classical literature of that time, the theme of love always occupied an important place, and preference was given to spiritual, “platonic” love over sensuality, carnal, physical passion, which was often debunked. The purity of Turgenev's women has become a household word. Russian literature is predominantly the literature of "first love".

The image of love in Bunin's work is a special synthesis of spirit and flesh. According to Bunin, the spirit cannot be comprehended without knowing the flesh. I. Bunin defended in his works a pure attitude towards the carnal and bodily. He did not have the concept of female sin, as in Anna Karenina, War and Peace, Kreutzer Sonata by L.N. Tolstoy, there was no wary, hostile attitude towards feminine characteristic of N.V. Gogol, but there was no vulgarization of love. His love is an earthly joy, a mysterious attraction of one sex to another.

The theme of love and death (often in contact with Bunin) is devoted to works - “Grammar of Love”, “Light Breath”, “Mitina Love”, “Caucasus”, “In Paris”, “Galya Ganskaya”, “Heinrich”, “Natalie”, ” Cold autumn” and others. It has long been and very correctly noted that love in Bunin’s work is tragic. The writer is trying to unravel the mystery of love and the mystery of death, why they often come into contact in life, what is the meaning of this. Why does the nobleman Khvoshchinsky go crazy after the death of his beloved, the peasant woman Lushka, and then almost deify her image (“Grammar of Love”). Why does the young schoolgirl Olya Meshcherskaya, who, as it seemed to her, have an amazing gift, die, just starting to blossom? easy breathing"? The author does not answer these questions, but with his works he makes it clear what is in it. certain meaning terrestrial human life.

The heroes of "Dark Alleys" do not oppose nature, often their actions are absolutely illogical and contrary to generally accepted morality (an example of this is the sudden passion of the heroes in the story "Sunstroke"). Bunin's love "on the verge" is almost a transgression of the norm, going beyond the ordinary. This immorality for Bunin, one might even say, is a certain sign of the authenticity of love, since ordinary morality turns out, like everything established by people, to be a conditional scheme that does not fit into the elements of natural, living life.

When describing risqué details related to the body, when the author must be impartial so as not to cross the fragile line that separates art from pornography. Bunin, on the contrary, worries too much - to a spasm in the throat, to a passionate trembling: “... it just darkened in her eyes at the sight of her pinkish body with a tan on her shiny shoulders ... her eyes turned black and widened even more, her lips parted feverishly "(" Galya Ganskaya "). For Bunin, everything connected with sex is pure and significant, everything is shrouded in mystery and even holiness.

As a rule, the happiness of love in "Dark Alleys" is followed by parting or death. Heroes revel in intimacy, but it leads to separation, death, murder. Happiness cannot be eternal. Natalie "died on Lake Geneva in a premature birth". Galya Ganskaya got poisoned. In the story "Dark Alleys", the master Nikolai Alekseevich abandons the peasant girl Nadezhda - for him this story is vulgar and ordinary, and she loved him "all the century." In the story "Rusya", the lovers are separated by the hysterical mother of Rusya.

Bunin allows his heroes only to taste the forbidden fruit, to enjoy it - and then deprives them of happiness, hopes, joys, even life. The hero of the story "Natalie" loved two at once, and family happiness didn't find any. In the story "Heinrich" - abundance female images for every taste. But the hero remains alone and free from the "wives of men."

Bunin's love does not go into the family channel, it is not allowed happy marriage. Bunin deprives his heroes of eternal happiness, deprives them because they get used to it, and the habit leads to the loss of love. Love out of habit cannot be better than lightning-fast love, but sincere. The hero of the story "Dark Alleys" cannot bind himself by family ties with the peasant woman Nadezhda, but, having married another woman of his circle, he does not find family happiness. The wife cheated, the son is a wast and a scoundrel, the family itself turned out to be "the most ordinary vulgar story." However, despite the short duration, love still remains eternal: it is eternal in the memory of the hero precisely because it is fleeting in life.

A distinctive feature of love in the image of Bunin is a combination of seemingly incompatible things. The strange connection between love and death is constantly emphasized by Bunin, and therefore it is no coincidence that the title of the collection "Dark Alleys" here does not mean "shady" at all - these are dark, tragic, intricate labyrinths of love.

True love is a great happiness, even if it ends in separation, death, tragedy. To this conclusion, albeit late, but many Bunin's heroes come, who have lost, overlooked or destroyed their love themselves. In that late regret, late spiritual resurrection, enlightenment of heroes, and that all-cleansing melody is hidden, which also speaks of the imperfection of people who have not yet learned how to live. Recognize and cherish real feelings, and about the imperfection of life itself, social conditions, the environment, circumstances that often interfere with truly human relationships, and most importantly, about those high emotions that leave an unfading trace of spiritual beauty, generosity, devotion and purity. Love is a mysterious element that transforms a person's life, giving his fate a uniqueness against the background of ordinary everyday stories that fills his earthly existence with a special meaning.

This mystery of being becomes a theme Bunin's story"Grammar of Love" (1915). The hero of the work, a certain Ivlev, having stopped on his way to the house of the recently deceased landowner Khvoshchinsky, reflects on “incomprehensible love, which turned a whole human life into some kind of ecstatic life, which, perhaps, should have been the most ordinary life”, if not for the strange charm of the maid Lushki. It seems to me that the mystery lies not in the appearance of Lushka, who “was not at all good in herself,” but in the character of the landowner himself, who idolized his beloved. “But what kind of person was this Khvoshchinsky? Crazy or just some kind of dazed, all-on-one soul?” According to neighbors-landlords. Khvoshchinsky “was known in the county as a rare clever man. And suddenly this love fell on him, this Lushka, then unexpected death her, - and everything went to dust: he shut himself up in the house, in the room where Lushka lived and died, and spent more than twenty years sitting on her bed ... ”How can you call this twenty years of seclusion? Madness? For Bunin, the answer to this question is not at all unambiguous.

The fate of Khvoshchinsky strangely fascinates and worries Ivlev. He understands that Lushka entered his life forever, awakened in him “a complex feeling, similar to what he once experienced in an Italian town when looking at the relics of one saint.” What made Ivlev buy from the heir of Khvoshchinsky “for a high price” a small book “Grammar of Love”, with which the old landowner did not part, cherishing the memories of Lushka? Ivlev would like to understand what the life of a madman in love was filled with, what he ate long years his orphaned soul. And following the hero of the story, the “grandchildren and great-grandchildren” who heard the “voluptuous legend about the hearts of those who loved” will try to uncover the secret of this inexplicable feeling, and with them the reader of Bunin’s work.

An attempt to understand the nature of love feelings by the author in the story "Sunstroke" (1925). “A strange adventure”, shakes the soul of the lieutenant. After parting with a beautiful stranger, he cannot find peace. At the thought of the impossibility of meeting this woman again, “he felt such pain and the uselessness of all his later life without her, that he was seized by the horror of despair. The author convinces the reader of the seriousness of the feelings experienced by the hero of the story. The lieutenant feels "terribly unhappy in this city." "Where to go? What to do?" he thinks lostly. The depth of the hero's spiritual insight is clearly expressed in the final phrase of the story: "The lieutenant sat under a canopy on the deck, feeling ten years older." How to explain what happened to him? Maybe the hero came into contact with that great feeling that people call love, and the feeling of the impossibility of loss led him to realize the tragedy of being?

The torment of a loving soul, the bitterness of loss, the sweet pain of memories - such unhealed wounds are left in the fate of Bunin's heroes by love, and time has no power over it.

The peculiarity of Bunin, the artist, is that he considers love to be a tragedy, a catastrophe, madness, a great feeling, capable of both infinitely elevating and destroying a person. "Love" in I. A. Bunin is many-sided and diverse: sometimes unhappy and unrequited, sometimes, on the contrary, happy and all-consuming.

1.2 The philosophy of love in the understanding of A. I. Kuprin

"Olesya" is the first truly original story of the artist, written boldly, in his own way. "Olesya" and the later story "The River of Life" (1906) Kuprin attributed to his best works. “Here is life, freshness,” the writer said, “the struggle with the old, obsolete, impulses for a new, better”

"Olesya" is one of Kuprin's most inspired stories about love, man and life. Here the world of intimate feelings and the beauty of nature are combined with everyday paintings rural outback, romance true love- with the cruel customs of the Perebrod peasants.

The writer introduces us to an atmosphere of harsh rural life with poverty, ignorance, bribes, savagery, drunkenness. To this world of evil and ignorance, the artist opposes another world - the true harmony and beauty, written out just as realistically and full-blooded. Moreover, it is the bright atmosphere of great true love that inspires the story, infecting with impulses “towards a new, better”. “Love is the brightest and most understandable reproduction of my I. Not in strength, not in dexterity, not in mind, not in talent ... individuality is expressed not in creativity. But in love, ”Kuprin wrote to his friend F. Batyushkov, obviously exaggerating.

In one thing, the writer turned out to be right: the whole person, his character, worldview, and structure of feelings are manifested in love. In the books of great Russian writers, love is inseparable from the rhythm of the era, from the breath of time. Beginning with Pushkin, artists tested the character of a contemporary not only by social and political deeds, but also by the sphere of his personal feelings. Not only a man became a true hero - a fighter, figure, thinker, but also a man of great feelings, capable of deeply experiencing, inspired to love. Kuprin in "Oles" continues the humanistic line of Russian literature. He checks modern man- an intellectual of the end of the century - from the inside, the highest measure.

The story is built on a comparison of two heroes, two natures, two world relations. On the one hand, there is an educated intellectual, a representative of urban culture, a rather humane Ivan Timofeevich, on the other hand, Olesya is a “child of nature”, a person who has not been influenced by urban civilization. The ratio of natures speaks for itself. Compared to Ivan Timofeevich, a man of a kind, but weak, "lazy" heart, Olesya rises with nobility, integrity, and proud confidence in his strength.

If in relations with Yarmola and the village people Ivan Timofeevich looks bold, humane and noble, then in communication with Olesya, the negative aspects of his personality also come out. His feelings turn out to be timid, the movements of the soul - constrained, inconsistent. “Fearful expectation”, “mean fear”, the indecision of the hero set off the wealth of the soul, courage and freedom of Olesya.

Freely, without any special tricks, Kuprin draws the appearance of a Polissya beauty, forcing us to follow the richness of her shades. spiritual world always original, sincere and deep. There are few books in Russian and world literature where such an earthly and poetic image of a girl living in harmony with nature and her feelings would appear. Olesya - artistic discovery Kuprin.

A true artistic instinct helped the writer to reveal the beauty of the human person, generously endowed by nature. Naivety and dominance, femininity and proud independence, “a flexible, mobile mind”, “primitive and vivid imagination”, touching courage, delicacy and innate tact, involvement in the innermost secrets of nature and spiritual generosity - these qualities are distinguished by the writer, drawing the charming appearance of Olesya, whole, original, free nature, which flashed like a rare gem in the surrounding darkness and ignorance.

Revealing the originality, talent of Olesya, Kuprin touched those mysterious phenomena of the human psyche that are unraveled by science to this day. He speaks of the unrecognized powers of intuition, premonitions, the wisdom of millennia of experience. Realistically comprehending Olesya's "sorcerous" charms, the writer expressed a fair conviction that "that Olesya had access to those unconscious, instinctive, foggy, obtained by random experience, strange knowledge, which, having outstripped exact science for whole centuries, live, mixed with funny and wild beliefs, in a dark, closed mass of the people, passed on like the greatest secret from generation to generation.

In the story, for the first time, Kuprin's cherished thought is so fully expressed: a person can be beautiful if he develops, and does not destroy, the bodily, spiritual and intellectual abilities bestowed on him by nature.

Subsequently, Kuprin will say that only with the triumph of freedom will a person in love be happy. In Oles, the writer revealed this possible happiness of free, unfettered and unclouded love. In fact, the flourishing of love and the human personality is the poetic core of the story.

With an amazing sense of tact, Kuprin makes us experience the disturbing period of the birth of love, "full of vague, painfully sad sensations", and her happiest seconds of "pure, complete, all-consuming delight", and long joyful meetings of lovers in a dense pine forest. The world of spring jubilant nature - mysterious and beautiful - merges in the story with an equally beautiful overflow of human feelings.

The light, fabulous atmosphere of the story does not fade even after the tragic denouement. Over everything insignificant, petty and evil, real, great earthly love wins, which is remembered without bitterness - "easily and joyfully." The final touch of the story is characteristic: a string of red beads on the corner of the window frame among dirty mess hastily abandoned "hut on chicken legs." This detail gives compositional and semantic completeness to the work. A string of red beads is the last tribute to Olesya's generous heart, the memory of "her tender generous love".

The cycle of works of 1908 - 1911 about love completes the "Garnet Bracelet". Curious creative history story. Back in 1910, Kuprin wrote to Batyushkov: “This - remember - sad story little telegraph official P.P. Zheltkov, who was so hopelessly, touchingly and selflessly in love with the wife of Lyubimov (D.N. - now the governor in Vilna) ” . We find further deciphering of the real facts and prototypes of the story in the memoirs of Lev Lyubimov (son of D.N. Lyubimov). In his book “In a Foreign Land”, he says that “Kuprin drew the outline of the “Garnet Bracelet” from their “family chronicle”. "Prototypes for some actors members of my family served, in particular, for Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein - my father, with whom Kuprin was on friendly terms. The prototype of the heroine - Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina - was Lyubimov's mother - Lyudmila Ivanovna, who, indeed, received anonymous letters, and then a garnet bracelet from a telegraph official hopelessly in love with her. As L. Lyubimov notes, this was “a curious case, most likely of an anecdotal nature.

Kuprin used an anecdotal story to create a story about real, great, selfless and selfless love, which "repeats only once in a thousand years." “A curious case” Kuprin illuminated with the light of his ideas about love as a great feeling, equal in inspiration, sublimity and purity only to great art.

largely following the life facts, Kuprin, however, gave them a different content, comprehended the events in his own way, introducing a tragic ending. In life, everything ended well, suicide did not happen. The dramatic ending, fictional by the writer, gave extraordinary strength and weight to Zheltkov's feeling. His love conquered death and prejudice, she raised Princess Vera Sheina above the vain well-being, love sounded like the great music of Beethoven. It is no coincidence that the epigraph to the story is Beethoven's Second Sonata, the sounds of which sound in the finale and serve as a hymn to pure and selfless love.

And yet, "Garnet Bracelet" does not leave such a bright and inspirational impression as "Olesya". K. Paustovsky subtly noticed the special tonality of the story, saying about it: “the bitter charm of the “Garnet Bracelet”. Indeed, the “Garnet Bracelet” is permeated with a lofty dream of love, but at the same time it sounds a bitter, mournful thought about the inability of contemporaries to a great real feeling.

The bitterness of the story - and in tragic love Zheltkov. Love won, but it passed by some kind of incorporeal shadow, reviving only in the memories and stories of the heroes. Perhaps too real - the everyday basis of the story prevented author's intention. Perhaps the prototype of Zheltkov, his nature did not carry that joyfully - majestic force that was necessary to create the apotheosis of love, the apotheosis of personality. After all, Zheltkov's love was fraught with not only inspiration, but also inferiority associated with the limitations of the very personality of the telegraph official.

If for Olesya love is a part of being, a part of the multicolored world surrounding her, then for Zheltkov, on the contrary, the whole world narrows down to love, which he admits in his dying letter to Princess Vera. “It so happened,” he writes, “that I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people - for me all life lies only in you.” For Zheltkov, there is only love for a single woman. It is quite natural that the loss of her becomes the end of his life. He has nothing more to live for. Love did not expand, did not deepen his ties with the world. As a result, the tragic finale, along with the hymn of love, expressed another, no less important thought(although, perhaps, Kuprin himself was not aware of it): one cannot live with love alone.

A. I. Kuprin - great artist- captured in the works of his idea of ​​love. We can agree with him or not, that's our right. Unfortunately, even today love wonderful feeling of a person, can be sacrificed to his own indecision and prejudice, like the love of Ivan Timofeevich for Olesya. Commercialism and calculation in love become the basis of relationships and another important detail: love can be a subject of sale, but, despite this, A.I. Kuprin gives the reader the opportunity to choose what kind of love each person will have.

1.3. Similarities and differences

Of course, these are two great geniuses that cannot be compared, these are two absolutely different person with your mindset. But they are united by the theme that is touched upon in their works - the theme of love. One can talk about love ad infinitum for a long time and still it is impossible to cover everything, love has many images and guises. Everyone is given to know this or that side of love. Bunin's works show different plots and pictures of love, all of them are beautiful and at the same time tragic. In Bunin's work there are frank notes of love between a woman and a man, a detailed revelation of the feelings of earthly love, at the same time - this cannot be called a vulgar ordinary platonic love, the works tell about pure love that does not carry vulgarity. Kuprin elevates love to the skies, he writes about love that happens once in a lifetime, fatal love, often tragic, carrying tragedy in the life of lovers. In turn, Bunin also has fatal love, with its tragic plots, but it is more "earthly" than that of Kuprin.

In the theme of love, Bunin reveals himself as a man of amazing talent, a subtle psychologist who knows how to convey the state of the soul, so to speak, wounded by love. The writer does not avoid complex, frank topics, depicting the most intimate human experiences in his stories. The peculiarity of Bunin the artist is that he considers love to be a tragedy, a catastrophe, madness, a great feeling that can both infinitely elevate and destroy a person.

Classical literature in all colors reveals to us the essence of life, teaches us the correct perception of good and evil, love and hate. Writers convey to us, their readers, their understanding of these things that are so important in life. They do not impose their worldview on us, they simply open their eyes to the true essence of humanity with its malicious attitude towards everything good and innocent. People use love, kindness, sincerity only for selfish purposes, thereby destroying these feelings. I hope that someday people will look back and see the ruins of the feelings they left behind. Mankind is walking along a rope stretched over the abyss, and the most important thing is not to make wrong steps, because every wrong step can be fatal.

Chapter 1 Conclusions

At and love is the most beautiful and noble. We see this in the story "Garnet Bracelet". In The Pomegranate Bracelet, the gift of great love is presented as "huge happiness", the only meaning of existence for Zheltkov. The poor official Zheltkov differs from the rest of the heroes in the strength and subtlety of his experiences. Zheltkov's romantic love for Princess Vera Nikolaevna ends tragically. The poor official dies, blessing the woman he loves before dying, he says "Hallowed be thy name." Heroes of stories but always dreamy individuals with a fiery imagination, but at the same time they are impractical and not verbose. These features are most clearly revealed when the characters are tested by love. Zheltkov is silent about his love for Princess Vera, voluntarily dooming himself to suffering and torment.

At and love is not only the feelings of a man and a woman, but it is also love for nature, for the Motherland. All stories and about love have a unique plot, original characters. But they are all united by one common “core”: the suddenness of love insight, the passion and short duration of the relationship, the tragic end. For example, in the story "Dark Alleys" we see pictures of everyday life and everyday dullness. But suddenly, in the hostess of the inn, Nikolai Alekseevich recognizes his young love, the beautiful Nadezhda. He betrayed this girl thirty years ago. A whole life has passed since they broke up. It turned out that both heroes were left alone. Although Nikolai Alekseevich is quite triple in life, he is unhappy at the same time. His wife cheated on him and left him. The son grew up to be a very bad person “without a heart, without honor, without a conscience”, and the hope that said goodbye to the masters and turned from a former serf into the owner of a private hotel never married. Nikolai Alekseevich once voluntarily abandoned love, and the punishment for this was complete loneliness for the rest of his life, without a loved one and without happiness. Nadezhda, in the same way, gave all her life "her beauty, her fever" to her beloved. Love for this man still lives in her heart, but she never forgives Nikolai Alekseevich ...

In stories claims that this feeling is great and beautiful. Despite the fact that love brings not only joy and happiness, but also sorrow, suffering is a great feeling. And with this I fully agree.

Artworks a and but they teach us to see a real feeling, not to miss it and not to be silent about it, because one day it may be too late. Love is given to us to illuminate our lives, to open our eyes. "All love is a great happiness, even if it is not divided."

Chapter 2. Presentation support of the project


Bunin and Kuprin are writers in whose work the image of ideal love is clearly revealed. They are characteristic close attention to all sides of this feeling: both sublime and sensual, "earthly", for which both were often reproached for the excessive naturalism of love scenes. For both Bunin and Kuprin, the love collision becomes the starting point for reflections on human nature, on the patterns of human existence, on the brevity of life and the inevitability of death. Despite the difference in worldview, there are common features in their views: love is portrayed as an all-consuming element, in front of which the human mind has no power. It brings with it the possibility of familiarization with the secrets of Being, the realization of the uniqueness of each human life, the value and uniqueness of each lived moment.

But Bunin's love, even ideal, bears the stamp of destruction and death, and Kuprin sings it as a source of creation. For Bunin, love is " sunstroke", painful and blissful, for Kuprin - a transformed world, filled with deepest meaning free from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Kuprin, firmly believing in the initially good nature of man, gives him the opportunity to become perfect in love. Bunin explores the "dark alleys" of the human soul and compares the tragedy of love with the tragedy of the human race. But for both Kuprin and Bunin, true, ideal love is always the highest, ultimate point of a person's life. The voices of both writers merge into a "passionate praise" of love, "which alone is more precious than wealth, glory and wisdom, which is more precious than life itself, because it does not even value life and is not afraid of death."

Love in Russian literature is portrayed as one of the main human values. According to Kuprin, “individuality is expressed not in strength, not in dexterity, not in mind, not in creativity. But in love! .

The extraordinary strength and sincerity of feeling is characteristic of the heroes of the stories of Bunin and Kuprin. Love, as it were, says: "Where I stand, it cannot be dirty." The natural fusion of the frankly sensual and the ideal creates an artistic impression: the spirit penetrates the flesh and ennobles it. This, in my opinion, is the philosophy of love in the truest sense.

Creativity, both Bunin and Kuprin, is attracted by their love of life, humanism, love and compassion for man. Image convexity, simple and clear language, accurate and fine drawing, lack of edification, psychologism of characters - all this brings them closer to the best classical tradition in Russian literature.

They remind not so much that “know how to cherish love”, but about the complexity of life in a world of freedom and seeming permissiveness. This life requires great wisdom, the ability to look at things soberly. It also requires greater psychological security. The stories that modern authors have told us about are certainly immoral, but the material is presented without disgusting naturalism. Emphasis on psychology, not physiology. This involuntarily recalls the traditions of great Russian literature.

"Love" has many different incarnations and semantic facets in the works of both authors. In the works of I. A. Bunin and A. I. Kuprin, “love” appears as an unusually complex and multifaceted phenomenon: the theme of love occupies a key, one might even say fundamental, place in the writers’ work. Bunin's "love" is distinguished by the power of predestination of human behavior and actions, duality and ambiguity, mystery. In the works of the Russian classic, “love” often appears as a diabolical temptation, delusion, the bittersweet fruit of knowledge; it is deep, sometimes tragic and unhappy, but at the same time - everything is subordinating and immortal.

The works of A. I. Kuprin are permeated with the author’s inherent love for natural people. Despite the fact that most often love is tragic for the author, it is the greatest happiness for the characters. They understand each other on an emotional, biophysical level. A.I. Kuprin's faces of "love" are often sad and sad, eaten away by pain and unhappiness from separation from his beloved.

Thus, from the above, we can conclude that the understanding of "love" by I. A. Bunin and A. I. Kuprin are similar in many respects, but still demonstrate subtle differences in the perception and interpretation of literature of the 20th century by the great writers.

List of used literature:

1. Agenosov V.V. Russian literature of the XX century.- M.: Bustard, 2012.

2. Bunin I.A. Poems. Tales. Stories. - M .: Bustard: Veche, 2013.

3. Ivanitsky V.G. From women's literature- to the "women's novel". - Social sciences and modernity No. 4, 2015.

4. Krutikova L.V.A. I. Kuprin.- M.: Bustard, 2012.

5. Kuprin A.I. Tale. Stories. – M.: Bustard: Veche, 2013.

6. Matveeva A Pa-de-trois. Tales. Stories. - Yekaterinburg, "U-Factoria", 2014.

7. Remizova M.P. Hello, young prose ... - Banner No. 12, 2014.

8. Slavnikova O.K. Forbidden Fruit - New World No. 3, 2013.

9. Slivitskaya O.V. On the nature of Bunin's "external depiction". – Russian Literature No. 1, 2014.

10. Shcheglova E.N. L. Ulitskaya and her world. - Neva No. 7, 2013 (p. 183-188)

Annex 1

1. “The cup of his love was full and brimful. And just as carefully he carried it in himself for the next days, quietly, happily waiting for a new letter "(" Mitina's Love ");

2. “The narrator looks at her with adoration. She notices this and is sincerely surprised: he really loves her so much ”(“ Clean Monday ”).

Hatred, jealousy, blindness

“I can’t live without you, for these knees alone, for a skirt, for felt boots, I’m ready to give my life!” ("Muse").


1. “He kissed her cold hand with the love that remains somewhere in the heart for life, and she, without looking back, ran down the gangplank into the rude crowd on the pier” (“Dark Alleys”);

2. “Emil showers his beloved with flowers and shoots her twice in the temple” (“Son”).

Anguish, languor

"Have a brother, female souls who are forever languishing with some sad thirst for love and who from this themselves never love anyone ”(“ Chang’s Dreams ”).

Inability to resist the feeling

1. “I’m afraid that I’m becoming like air for you: you can’t live without it, but you don’t notice it. Isn't it true? You say that this is the greatest love. But it seems to me that this means that now you alone are not enough for me ”(“ Lita ”);

2. “When you love, no one will force you to believe that the one you love can not love you” (“Chang's Dreams”).

Comparable to sin

“Probably, each of us has some especially dear love memory or some especially serious love sin” (“Dark Alleys”).

Brings suffering

1. “Everything, everyone requires my body, not my soul ...” (“Mitya's love”);

2. “He felt such pain and uselessness of his whole life without her” (“Sunstroke”).


“He also becomes more attached to the girl who gave him such unexpected happiness” (“Tanya”).

Annex 2

The verbal embodiment of the concept

in the prose of A.I. Kuprin

pure, sincere

“Think of me and I will be with you, because you and I loved each other for only a moment, but forever” (“Garnet Bracelet”).


1. “He loved you, but he wasn’t crazy at all. Love is a talent” (“Garnet Bracelet”);

2. “I know that I can never stop loving her ...” (“Garnet Bracelet”).

Stronger than all distances and any time intervals, human prejudices, love is stronger than death

1. “Think about what I needed to do? Run away to another city? All the same, the heart was always near you, at your feet, every moment of the day was filled with you, the thought of you, dreams of you ”(“ Garnet Bracelet ”);

2. “... for the sake of love for him, she is ready to overcome this superstition” (“Olesya”).

Inspired by nature

“I was also attracted to Olesya by a certain halo of mystery surrounding her, the superstitious reputation of a witch, life in the thicket in the middle of a swamp, and in particular - this proud self-confidence, which was seen in the few words addressed to me” (“Olesya”).

Influences on a person (love forever remains in memory)

“A fatal mistake is revealed in the dedication: instead of “O” there is “Yu” (such is the power of first love) ”“ True love, it, like gold, never rusts or oxidizes" ("Junkers").

Brings suffering

“Now this proud, freedom-loving man would give all his pride, and his freedom, for the opportunity, for just one moment, to see the woman he abandoned” (“Stronger than death”).


1. “She saw in him an unusual, supreme being, almost a god ... She would go into the fire if he took it into her head to order” (“Allez!”);

2. “Contempt is born in her soul, destroying the love for“ her idol ”(“ In the Dark ”).


1. “Thus visited King Solomon - the greatest of the wisest of wise men - his first and last love"(" Shulamith ");

2. “Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No comforts of life, calculations and compromises should touch her” (“Garnet Bracelet”).


“At the next regimental ball, Romashov tells his mistress that it’s all over. Petersonikha swears revenge. ("Duel").
