Modern children's composers of the Urals. Ural songs - sheet music for choir

Ural branch of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation

620014 Ekaterinburg, March 8 Ave., 14, office 412.
Phone: +7-371-45-45 Fax: +7-371-65-55
Email: [email protected]

The history of the creation of the Ural branch

late 20s - early 30s
The first professional composers come to Sverdlovsk: V.N. Trambitsky, M.P. Frolov, V.A. Zolotarev, N.R. Bakaleinikov, V.I. Shchelokov. It is thanks to their activities that the Urals have their own school of composition.

April 13, 1929
Premiere of the first Ural opera on the stage of the Sverdlovsk Opera House. Its author was the young Victor Trambitsky. According to the critics of those years, the success of the opera "The Gadfly" was ensured, first of all, by the music, as well as the wonderful work of the conductor V. Lossky.

In the same year, when the Union of Soviet Composers was created in the country by the decision of the party authorities, its Organizing Committee was formed in Sverdlovsk. The composers Frolov, Zolotarev, Trambitsky, who entered it, formulated its goal in the following way: "... to unite the composing forces of the Urals, to organize them to create musical works on the Soviet theme ... ".

autumn 1935
In the recently opened Conservatory, its first director, M.P. Frolov, organizes the composer department, where he leads the class of composition [theory of composition]. The famous Ural composers later became the first students: B.D. Gibalin, G.N. Beloglazov, then N.M. Khlopkov, N.M. Puzey, V.A. Laptev and others.

May 16, 1939
Date of birth of the composer organization in the Urals: on this day, the first meeting of the Union of Soviet Composers of the city of Sverdlovsk took place. MP Frolov was elected the first chairman of the Sverdlovsk organization.

November 1941
The Sverdlovsk branch of the SSK together with the Regional Department of Arts, the Literary Center of the Union of Writers of the Urals and the Union of Composers of the USSR announce a competition for the creation of a mass Red Army song, as well as a song about the Urals - a forge of military weapons. Already by the beginning of 1942, many applications were received. The first prize was given to the song of Tikhon Khrennikov, who lived in Sverdlovsk at that time, "Urals fight great" to the verses of Agnia Barto.

August 5, 1944
The premiere of the first Ural ballet took place at the Sverdlovsk Opera House. " Stone Flower"Alexander Friedlander on the libretto based on the tales of P. Bazhov was put by the choreographer K. Muller, the composer himself was behind the conductor's stand.

late 50s
Under the guidance of B.I. Pevzner, young musicologists N. Andreeva, M. Blinova, I. Grankovskaya, L. Marchenko, V. Mezrina, V. Palmova, Zh. Sokolskaya, V. Khlopkova, L. Shabalina, G. Tarasov and others began work on a book of essays "Composers of the Urals" [published in the Central Ural book publishing house in 1968].

September 1961
The first meeting of the Youth Section at the Sverdlovsk SC, and a month later - the first of a series of numerous concerts. Inspired by the idea of ​​propaganda new music, the section included composers N. Berestov, V. Bibergan, E. Gudkov, V. Kazenin, M. Kesareva, S. Manzhigeev, G. Seleznev; musicologists N. Vilner, L. Marchenko; performers L. Belobragina, L. Bolkovsky, V. Gorelik, A. Kovaleva, Yu. Morozov and others. The youth section existed until 1965.

January 1966
The Sverdlovsk organization of the USSR IC was transformed into the Ural organization of the RSFSR IC, bringing together composers and musicologists from the three largest regions of the Urals - Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Perm, as well as Tyumen and Orenburg. Since then, regularly, once every few years, large creative reports, the so-called Plenums of the Board, are held, presenting the listeners with a wide panorama of Ural music.

May 1972
IV Plenum of the Board of the Ural Composers' Organization "Towards the 50th Anniversary of the Formation of the USSR". Five days included two symphony concerts, opera performance ["Malchish-Kibalchish" by K.Katsman], concerts of chamber, choral, children's music and performances by students-composers, orchestra concert folk instruments.

October 1973
Release of the record "Ural Souvenir", dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Sverdlovsk. Symphonic and chamber works by V. Bibergan, B. Gibalin, M. Kesareva, G. Toporkov are recorded on two discs.

April 1975
The first of a series of concerts of Ural music in the sister city of Sverdlovsk Pilsen [Western Czech Republic]. For the first time, the work of Ural authors is so widely represented abroad. Subsequently, similar concerts, including joint ones with Czech composers, have become a tradition: in the 70-80s, more than twenty of them took place both in Sverdlovsk and in Pilsen.

April 1979
The 4th Congress of the Union of Composers of the RSFSR is taking place in Moscow, the music of the Ural authors is a great success, the criticism especially singles out Gerald Toporkov's Fourth Symphony.

December 1979
The Ural Composers' Organization is celebrating its 40th anniversary. The 10th Plenum of the Board includes six concerts of different genres, from a symphony at the Philharmonic to a song at the Borodulinsky state farm, a demonstration of new music on record and a discussion following the results.

November 1981
The birth of the club contemporary music"Camera". The author of the idea and permanent presenter, musicologist Zh.A. premiere screenings new writings, discussions on problems chamber music".

March 1982 XI Plenum of the Board of the Ural Composers' Organization "Towards the 60th Anniversary of the Formation of the USSR". In nine concerts of the festival, an impressive panorama of the creativity of the composers of the Urals is unfolded. Two symphony [one of them - in Chelyabinsk], two chamber, choral, children's, song concerts, listening to recorded operas and showing music by students of the composer department - the most significant works are presented here recent years, the best performing forces of the region are involved.

May 1982
Under the leadership of A. Nimensky, the Youth Section arises " new wave". It included composers V. Barykin, A. Byzov, T. Kamysheva, T. Komarova, A. Korobova, N. Morozov, E. Samarina, S. Sidelnikov, M. Sorokin, A. Tlisov, musicologist L. Barykina, as well as Permians I. Anufriev, V. Gruner, I. Mashukov, V. Pantus, N. Shirokov. Regular meetings of the section are dedicated to showing and discussing new, including unfinished works, listening to new modern music. Numerous concerts in the cities Sverdlovsk region, in Perm, radio and TV programs introduce listeners to the work of young Ural authors.

May 23, 1983
An independent branch of the Union of Composers of Russia is being created in Chelyabinsk. Its basis was formed by members of the Ural Composers' Organization - V.Vekker, E.Gudkov, V.Semenenko, M.Smirnov and others.

December 1983
XII Plenum of the Board of the Ural Composer Organization "Creativity of the Young". The concert halls of the Philharmonic, the Conservatory, the Palace of Pioneers are provided to young authors - recent graduates and students of the composer's faculty.

May 1985
The Union of Composers of the RSFSR holds a Plenum of the Board in Sverdlovsk. Big music Festival named "Great feat front and rear" [Composers of Russia - the 40th anniversary of the Victory Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War]. The halls are crowded Opera House["The Prophet" by V.Kobekin and "My Sisters" by K.Katsman], the Musical Comedy Theater ["The Queen and the Bicycle" by S.Sirotin], the Philharmonic Society, the Conservatory, the Cosmos Cinema and Concert Theatre, the UZTM Palace of Culture, the Palace of Youth. Along with the works of the Urals, the music of the leading Soviet composers- R. Shchedrin, A. Petrov, B. Tishchenko, A. Schnittke, M. Tariverdiev, M. Kazhlaev and many others.

February-March 1987
XIV Plenum of the Board of the Ural composer organization "Music and Life". Two symphonic, three chamber, choral, song, student, children's and folklore concerts. In a few days, the Sverdlovsk audience met with already familiar works and witnessed a large number of premieres at various concert venues[Philharmonia, Conservatory, Musical College, Musical and Pedagogical Institute, District Officers' House, UZTM Palace of Culture, etc.].

November 1987
Awarding the State Prize of the USSR to Vladimir Kobekin's opera "The Prophet" [Sverdlovsk Opera and Ballet Theatre, director A. Titel, conductor E. Brazhnik, staged in 1984].

December 1989
Music festival dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Ural composer organization. retrospective the best works past and premiere. Concerts of symphonic, chamber, choral, organ and children's music, opera performance, performance by Uralsky folk choir, and the Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments on the stage of the Opera House; song concert-meeting with the participation of A. Pakhmutova, L. Lyadova, E. Rodygin, V. Kazenin, V. Bibergan and others. musical culture and creativity of composers of the Urals".

April 1990
The creative report of the Ural Composer Organization in Moscow, which has already become traditional in previous years. On the stage of the All-Union House of Composers, works by A. Byzov, V. Goryachikh, L. Gurevich, K. Katsman, M. Kesareva, V. Kobekin, O. Nirenburg, N. Puzey, E. Samarina are heard.

October 1, 1990
The Studio of electro-acoustic music was created at the Ural Conservatory. Since then, the works of its leader T. Komarova, as well as graduates V. Volkov and Sh. Gainetdinov have been included in the programs of Russian and foreign festivals electronic music[Bellagio, Italy, 1994; DeKalb, USA, 1994; Bourget, France, 1995, 1997].

December 1990
Festival "Young Composers of the Urals". The scope of creative searches, the gallery of new and already familiar names, the variety of genres of concerts and the subsequent resonance made the Festival a kind of result of many years of activity of the Youth Section of the 80s.

March 1992
On the stage of the All-Union House of Composers in Moscow, the music of the Ural authors again sounds. This time the young people are reporting. Chamber compositions by I. Anufriev, V. Barykin, V. Gruner, E. Samarina, D. Suvorov, A. Tlisov, N. Shirokov are performed.

April 1992
Festival " Contemporary composers- children and youth". Along with venerable performers and groups, many concerts are attended by children - students of music and choir schools of the city. But they have to go on the stages of the Conservatory and the Philharmonic! In addition, the Concert-presentation of the new collection "Pieces of the Ural composers for piano" [publishing house "Soviet composer"] and the author's concert by M.Bask, a composer actively working in the genres of music for the young.

June 15, 1993
Organization of the Perm branch of the Union of Composers of Russia. Its basis was formed by members of the Ural Composers' Organization - I. Anufriev, O. Belogrudov, V. Gruner, I. Mashukov, N. Shirokov.

October 1993
First in Yekaterinburg International Festival new music "Game and contemplation". The five philharmonic concerts feature works by composers from Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Canada, as well as music from Muscovites and the Urals; at the Conservatory creative meetings with guests. The festival offers a new concept of the life of the Ural music: now it sounds in the context of world novelties, performed by top-class musicians [M. Pekarsky's ensemble and others] and attracts unprecedented attention of the public.

April 1994
International festival "Three days of new music at the Ural Conservatory". IN great hall The conservatory sounds the musical avant-garde from Austria, Sweden and Yekaterinburg; the festival also includes an author's evening of the Armenian composer Avet Terteryan.

June 1995
Release of the album piano pieces Ekaterinburg authors "Children about children". With this action, the Ural branch of the Union of Composers of Russia starts its own publishing: the collection is completely prepared on their own. The album "Children about Children" is the first professional musical publication in the city.

April 1996
Festival "New Music - New Names". There are works by students and recent graduates of the Ural Conservatory. The festival ends with a concert-meeting with the participants of the Youth section of the 60s.

December 1997
Festival "Music before Christmas". Municipal chamber orchestra"BACH", Ural orchestra folk instruments, the Municipal Choir "Domestik" and other performers introduce the audience to the new music of composers from Yekaterinburg, Perm, Chelyabinsk.

April 1998
At the initiative of the Union of Composers, a Competition for best performance works of Yekaterinburg authors among students music schools cities. The April concert of young laureates is the result of competitive selections.

September 1998
Under the guidance of young composers Olga Viktorova and Oleg Paiberdin, the Contemporary Music Club was founded, which was later reorganized into the New Music Workshop "AUTOGRAPH". Regular meetings are dedicated to listening to and discussing new European music. Numerous concerts and actions in Yekaterinburg, Moscow, the virtual journal of the Workshop introduce listeners to the work of young Ural authors.

October 1998
The book "Composers of Yekaterinburg" [the author of the project and compiler Zh.Sokolskaya] is published - a fundamental 400-page publication, which for the first time reflects the history of the formation of a composer organization in the Urals. A series of essays-portraits about each member of the SC was written by musicologists of different generations. The book is provided with serious reference material and richly illustrated.

November 1998
Festival "Musical offering to Yekaterinburg". Timed to coincide with the 275th anniversary of the city, it includes chamber, choral and symphonic premieres. There are also works that participated in the competition for the creation of an overture, anniversary Yekaterinburg, including the winners of "Anniversaries" by A. Nimensky.

September 1999
Festival "60 years of Ural music".

September 2001
Festival "Sound and Space".

December 2001
Chamber Music Festival "December Evenings".

May 2002
International festival "Lines of Avet Terteryan".

September 2003
New Music Festival "Festspiel".

October 2005
Days of new music in Yekaterinburg.

September 2006
On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of its founding, the Ural Academic Philharmonic Orchestra announced an international competition for the creation symphonic music for children. Composers A. Zhemchuzhnikov participated from the Ural Branch of the NC of Russia (“Lion’s Holidays” for the reader and symphony orchestra), V. Kobekin ( Symphonic tale“Kolobok”), A. Krasilshchikova (“A simple story about little Ludwig”, forest sketches for a symphony orchestra), A. Pantykin (a fairy tale for a reader, flute, bassoon, 3 trombones, tuba and symphony orchestra “Flum-pam- memory").

A. Pantykin was awarded the Second Prize and the Audience Choice Award
A. Krasilshchikova became a diploma winner of the competition

November 2006
November 5 marks the 70th anniversary of the Honored Worker of Arts of the Russian Federation, composer Leonid Gurevich. His anniversary creative evening was held in the Big Concert Hall of the Ural State Conservatory. M. P. Mussorgsky. The concert included works different years. Participated: Symphony Orchestra of UGK Students (conductor Enhe), Folk Instruments Orchestra of UGK Students (conductor V. Petushkov), Choir of Students of the Conducting and Choral Faculty of the UGK (head - Professor V. Zavadsky), Concert Children's Choir "Gloria" (head E. Bartnovskaya ). Soloists: N. Kaplenko, I. Parashchuk, S. Pozdnyakova, Y. Kravchuk.

December 2006
"Days of New Music in Yekaterinburg".

EVENTS of the season 2006-2007
Musicologist Tatyana Kaluzhnikova awarded honorary title"Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation"
Composer Evgeny Shchekalev became a laureate of the Sverdlovsk Region Governor's Prize for outstanding achievements in the field of literature and art in 2006 (project "Fifteen Dedications native land» for soloists, three choirs, symphony orchestra, reciter, synthesizer and piano). In addition, Vladimir Kobekin's composition, Symphonic Tale for Children "Gingerbread Man", was nominated for the Governor's Prize.
Laureate of international competitions, composer and pianist Elena Samarina was awarded a Diploma international competition Piano Duets in Japan (Tokyo, March 2007).
On February 22, the first performance was held with great success in the Yekaterinburg Musical Lounge "LEYA" chamber opera"Tick" by the honored worker of arts of the Russian Federation, composer Maxim Bask, written on the plot of the story of the same name by A. Averchenko.
February 27 in Yekaterinburg (DK named after M. Lavrov) and March 16 in the Organ Hall of Chelyabinsk was the author's evening of the honored worker of arts of the Russian Federation, composer Yevgeny Shchekalev. March 18 in the Chamber Hall of the Sverdlovsk State academic philharmonic society a creative evening of the honored worker of arts of the Russian Federation, composer Andrey Byzov took place.
On March 25, in Paris, within the framework of the Music of Our Time festival, the choral cycle of the composer Olga Viktorova "Homo cantans" was performed (Performers: Artemis Chamber Choir, director Cyril Rolt-Gregorio and female choir"Pour raison de beaute", directed by Bernard Thomas).
On March 27, the Saratov State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater hosted the world premiere of the opera "Margarita" by the Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, composer Vladimir Kobekin.
The book Neuhaus: Gustav. Henry. Stanislav”, one of the authors of which is a member of our organization, musicologist, doctor of art history, professor Boris Borodin. The presentation of the named book took place in Moscow: March 19 - in State Museum musical culture. M. I. Glinka, March 21 - at the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky, March 23 - in the B. Pasternak Museum in Peredelkino.

EVENTS of the 2007 season

Fifth Children's and Youth Competition "Musical Stars"


EVENTS of the 2008 season

Days of new music in Yekaterinburg:
Festival Music of Yekaterinburg composers for children and youth (dedicated to the Year of the Family)

The third competition for young musicians of Yekaterinburg for the best performance of works by Ural composers "Look into the Future"

EVENTS of the season 2009

Sixth Children's and Youth Competition "Musical Stars"

"Jubilee festival" 70 years of Ural music ".

The Youth Section of the Ural branch of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation was created, the chairman Zhemchuzhnikov Alexander.
On the basis of the Youth section, the PENGUIN CLUB functions, which conducts interesting extraordinary non-standard projects.

Chairmen of the Ural Composer Organization:

1939-1944 Frolov M.P.

1944-1948 Trambitsky V.N.

1948-1952 Shchelokov V.N.

1952-1959 Gibalin B.D.

1959-1961 Beloglazov G.N. chairmen Ural branch ,

Birthday February 16, 1925

Ural composer, author of many songs popular among the people, front-line soldier, Honorary Citizen of the Sverdlovsk Region and Yekaterinburg, People's Artist of Russia


Evgeny Rodygin was born in the family of Pavel Alexandrovich, an accountant, and Elena Nikolaevna, a housewife. He spent his childhood in the city of Lysva, was fond of reading, chess, photography, showed an ability in mathematics and music. In 1937 he moved with his parents to Nizhnyaya Salda. By that time, the boy had mastered the button accordion and was accepted into a circle led by Mikhail Staroorletsky.

Shortly before the war, Yevgeny was enlisted in the commandant's platoon of the 158th motorized rifle division based in Kalinin. During the war years, he went from private to senior sergeant, often spoke at the forefront. In 1944 he was awarded the medal "For Courage". On April 23, 1945, he was seriously wounded on the Oder River.

After the end of the war, he entered the composition department of the Ural State Conservatory. In 1950 he graduated from the conservatory, after which he worked with the Ural State Russian Folk Choir. Songs written in the 50s brought young composer popularity. He toured extensively Soviet Union, also visited Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany.

Now Evgeny Pavlovich continues to work musical creativity, in winter he enjoys winter swimming - he bathes in an ice hole in Lake Shartash. In 1998 he became an honorary citizen of Yekaterinburg. Well-known is the classic song by E. P. Rodygin “Oh, curly mountain ash”.

Most famous songs

  • Ural mountain ash (Oh, curly mountain ash)
  • New settlers are coming (Hello, virgin land)
  • white snow
  • Where are you running, dear path
  • Song about Sverdlovsk
  • Linen is mine

Film music

  • In the power of gold (Sverdlovsk Film Studio, 1957)


  • The space is wide
  • Happiness difficult roads

Bakaleinikov Nikolay Romanovich(1881-1957) Composer, performing musician. Teacher. In 1919-1931 he was a conductor at the Sverdlovsk Opera and Ballet Theatre. In 1933-1949 he worked in the drama theater. In 1940-1956 he was the head of the department of wind instruments of the Ural Conservatory. Sverdlovsk

Beloglazov Grigory Nikandrovich(1902-1988) Composer. Teacher. Ural Conservatory teacher. Member of the Union of Composers. A significant milestone in the work of the vocal-symphonic poem "Ekaterinburg-Sverdlovsk" (1936). Sverdlovsk

Blinov Evgeny Grigorievich(born 1925) Conductor. Balalaika. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1985). Since 1963 he has been working at the Ural Conservatory: first as rector, then as head of the department. Ekaterinburg

Gibalin Boris Dmitrievich(1911-1982) Composer. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1956) and Buryatia (1971). He worked a lot at the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic and the Ural Conservatory. Sverdlovsk

Gilev Sergey Vasilievich(07 (19) 08.1854, the village of Kudymkorskoye, Perm province - 06.10.1933, Ryazan), singer (baritone), teacher, musical public figure, the first performer of the part of Eugene Onegin in the opera of the same name by P. Tchaikovsky (performance by students of the Moscow Conservatory 03/16/1879). Graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in the class of G. Galvani (1879). WITH opera troupe P. Medvedeva arrived in the Urals and stayed in Yekaterinburg. In 1880-82 he organized music class and an amateur choir. Concerts of the S. Gilev Chapel were held in the Urals and other provincial cities of the country. In the 1880s he was one of the foremen of the Yekaterinburg musical circle. In the 1890s, he conducted musical and educational activities in Kazan. In the first 10 years of the XX century. - professional singing in the Moscow Philharmonic Society. From 1925 he taught at the musical-pedagogical school of Ryazan.

Glagolev Vladimir Alexandrovich(1911-1983) Choral conductor. Teacher. Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR (1965). Since 1946 he taught at the Ural Conservatory. Sverdlovsk

Gorodtsov Alexander Dmitrievich(1857-1918) Choral conductor. Musician. Opera singer. The organizer of the singing business in the Urals. Organizer of singing classes in Perm and Yekaterinburg. Permian

Katsman Klara Abramovna(born 1916) Composer. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1969) and People's Artist Russia (1992). Since 1943 in Sverdlovsk. Opera "Flood" (1962), ballet "Kasli Pavilion" (1967), etc. Ekaterinburg

Lidsky Mikhail Isaakovich(1886-1949) Violinist. Teacher. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1933). In 1919-1945 he was an accompanist of the Sverdlovsk Opera and Ballet Theatre. taught at music school and the Ural Conservatory. Worked as head of the department. Sverdlovsk

Liss Dmitry chief conductor Ural Academic Philharmonic Orchestra. Ekaterinburg

Lukoshkov Ivan Timofeevich(d.1621) Master of Znamenny singing. Singer (composer) of the Stroganov school in Russian music.

Nikolskaya Lyubov Borisovna(1909-1984) Composer. Teacher. Since 1948 he has been a teacher at the Ural Conservatory. A special place in his work is occupied by compositions for children and youth. Sverdlovsk

Paverman Mark Izrailevich(1907-1993) Conductor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1962). In 1934-1943 he worked in Sverdlovsk, including in the Philharmonic. From 1941 to 1986 he taught at the Ural Conservatory. Founder of the Ural School of Opera and Symphony Conducting. Sverdlovsk

Puzey Nikolai Mikhailovich(born 1915) Composer. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1977). He teaches at the Ural Conservatory. Professor. Ekaterinburg

Rodygin Evgeny Pavlovich(born 1925) Composer. Honored Artist of Buryatia (1963) and the RSFSR (1973). Author of many songs. The most famous are "Ural mountain ash", Where are you running, dear path?", "Song of Sverdlovsk". Yekaterinburg

Smirnov Mikhail Dmitrievich(born 1929) Composer. Musician-performer. Honored Art Worker of Russia (1981). Since 1961 he has been teaching in Chelyabinsk. In his work, works based on poems by Ural authors are widely represented. Chelyabinsk

Toporkov Gerald Nikolaevich(1928-1977) Composer. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1973). Teacher at the Ural Conservatory in 1955-1977. In the work of five symphonies, many songs. Sverdlovsk

Utkin Vladimir Fyodorovich(1920-1994) Composer. Conductor. Pianist. Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR (1969). In 1947-1970 he was a conductor of the musical comedy theater of Sverdlovsk. Operettas, dance suites, songs. Ekaterinburg

Fridlender Alexander Grigorievich(1906-1980) Composer. Conductor. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1958). 1947-1974 - conductor of the symphony orchestra of the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic. Since 1946 he has been teaching at the Ural Conservatory. Sverdlovsk

Frolov Markian Petrovich(1892-1944) Composer. Pianist. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1944). Compositions: oratorio, overtures, chamber-instrumental works. Sverdlovsk

Khlopkov Nikolai Mikhailovich(1908-1986) Composer. Conductor. Teacher. Compositions: symphonies, symphonic poems "Girl and Death" (1946) and "Kuban Sea" (1969), oratorio "The Word of the Mother" (1973), etc. Sverdlovsk

Tsomyk Gerts Davidovich(1914-1981) Cellist. Teacher. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1981). He worked at the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic, the Ural Conservatory. Sverdlovsk

Tchaikovsky Pyotr Ilyich(born 1840-…) Worldwide famous composer. Votkinsk

Schwartz Naum Abramovich(1908-1991) Violinist. Teacher. From 1941 to 1991 he taught at the Ural Conservatory. Sverdlovsk

Schelokov Vyacheslav Ivanovich(1904-1975) Composer. Teacher. He taught at the Ural Conservatory. Left 10 concertos for trumpet and orchestra, etudes, Symphonic poems and other writings. Sverdlovsk

Songs of Ural composers
compiled by Zh.A. Sokolskaya
for voice (choir) accompanied by piano (bayan)
"Soviet composer", 1985
number s7060k


When they talk about Russia
I see my blue Ural
Like girls, pine trees are bare
They run down the snowy cliffs.

I love the fire of creation
In its harsh beauty,
Martenov and the domain of breathing
And high speed winds.

I love simple faces
And people who melt metal.
When they talk about Russia
I see my blue Ural.

These lines from a poem by the famous poetess Lyudmila Tatyanicheva make it possible to recreate in the imagination the pictures of the Urals. The land of untold riches, rare minerals, harsh and courageous people - such is this ancient land, stretching in a wide strip along the mountain ranges from north to south, greeting Asia with its eastern spurs, and saying goodbye to Europe with its western spurs. The Urals is famous for its art, the originality of the song culture.

Difficult ethnic composition The region left its mark on the specifics of the intonational structure of the local musical songwriting. Russian epics, lyrical and round dance melodies not only Slavic origin, but also Ukrainian,
Tatar, Bashkir, mutually influencing each other, determined the originality of the Ural folklore, which became one
from origins professional creativity, song including.

Although the Ural school of composers is still very young - it is a little over forty years old - authors living "far from Moscow" created many works, the fame of which has long transcended not only the borders of their region, but also the borders of the Motherland in general. How can one not recall here E. Rodygin's "Ural, mountain ash" to the verses of M. Pilipenko, which, having been born more than a quarter of a century ago, continues to be constantly heard today in Czechoslovakia, the GDR, Italy, France, Finland, Japan?! The songs of B. Gibalin, V. Goryachikh, V. Laptev, E. Rodygin, M. Smirnov, E. Shchekalev performed as true "plenipotentiaries" of Soviet art abroad more than once during the foreign tours of the Ural Folk Choir in Italy, Yugoslavia, the GDR, Czechoslovakia , North Korea, Mongolia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, France, Germany. Every year the river of the Ural professional song becomes wider and fuller. More and more extensive - the circle of her admirers.

The best Ural songs of B. Gibalin, V. Goryachikh, L. Gurevich, K. Katsman, N. Puzey and others were performed more than once folk choirs And academic chapels, pop orchestras and ensembles, are recorded in the "golden fund" of the All-Union Radio.
The collection "Songs of the Composers of the Urals", which brings together works of different years, created by several generations of authors, can give a fairly broad idea of ​​the diversity of searches in the mass genre creativity. The life of the people, its achievements, striving for high ideals, the struggle for the bright future of the Motherland, the world of the contemporary, his reflections on life, joy and hope - such is the figurative range of these works, reflecting wide circle moods and feelings - from highly pathetic to warm lyricism, from pathos to bright joy.
An undoubted contribution to the Soviet song Leniniana is the song "Lenin" by E. Rodygin to the verses of I. Dremov, which opens the collection. Continuing the line of solemn hymn statements about the great leader of the proletariat of the whole world, S. Tulikov and A. Kholminov, in the embodiment of a theme that was quite diversified by Soviet composers, Rodygin finds his own perspective, his innermost intonation.
Events of the Great Patriotic War, memories of the years scorched by fires, the feat of the glorious sons of the Fatherland - all these pages of the heroic chronicle, refracted through the prism of perceptions today, induces Soviet composers to secret statements.

The images of labor, struggle with the harsh nature of the region continue to live and develop in the modern Ural song. still active life rhythmically elastic in its melodic pattern, full of internal activity, the song “Magnitnaya Mountain Calls” by B. Gibalin to the verses of I. Tarabukin and combines both marching clarity and lyrical warmth “New Settlers Are Coming” by E. Rodygin lives in the performing and listening experience. Attracts with its romantic-dreamy tone, as if covered with a light sad haze, the song "Samotlor" by E. Gudkov to the verses of V. Turkin.
With all the versatility of the creative interests of the Ural composers, with all the diversity of themes, the breadth of the imaginative amplitude, one can clearly trace a particularly “own” theme in their work. The past of the Urals, its present day, the world of fellow countrymen, their achievements - these are just some of the angles of the embodiment of the local theme in the songs born in the heart of the Stone Belt.
I would like to believe that the songs born in the Urals, created famous masters and young authors, will be able to find their way to the audience. It seems that music lovers and professional performers in all parts of the country, having met with songs born "in the depths of Russia, in the land of lakes and ore rocks", will find in them true friends and companions in their lives.
J. Sokolskaya

  • LENIN. Music by E. Rodygin, lyrics by I. Dremov
  • MOTHERLAND. Music by S. Sirotin, lyrics by G. Syunkov
  • I am the SON of RUSSIA. Music by K. Katzman, lyrics by L. Sorokin
  • WHEN THEY TALK ABOUT RUSSIA. Music by E. Shchekalev, lyrics by L. Tatyanicheva
  • THREE CITIES. Music by E. Gudkov, lyrics by I. Tarabukin
  • SAMOTLOR. Music by E. Gudkov, lyrics by V. Turkin
  • THE MOUNTAIN CALLS MAGNETIC. Music by B. Gibalin, lyrics by I. Tarabukin
  • THERE IS A VILLAGE IN THE URALS. Music by N. Puzey, lyrics by G. Syunkov.
  • IT IS NOT EASY TO SERVE A SOLDIER. Music by K. Katsman, lyrics by L. Sorokin.
  • SOLDIER'S MOTHER. Music by M. Smirnov, lyrics by G. Suzdalev
  • TOPOLA. Music by G. Toporkov, lyrics by V. Eliseev
  • WHITE TEARS OF BIRD BIRD. Music by V. Hot, lyrics by I. Tarabukin.
  • WHITE SNOW. Music by N. Puzey, lyrics by G. Syunkov
  • ONLY SWANS FLYED. Music by V. Pestov, lyrics by E. Dolmatovsky

Encyclopedia of the Chelyabinsk region

Musicians, composers

Lemeshev Sergey Yakovlevich, singer (lyric tenor), folk. artist of the USSR (1950), laureate of the State. etc. USSR (1941). In 1925 he graduated...

Leonova Larisa Nikolaevna (b. 04/11/1944, Chelyabinsk), teacher, Honored. cultural worker of the RSFSR (1992). Graduated from Nizhny Tagil State University. ped. institute (art.-graphic faculty, 1967), ChGIK (cultural-enlightenment faculty, 1976). In 1967-72 the teacher...

Lips Friedrich Robertovich (b. 11/18/1948, Yemanzhelinsk), musician, teacher, people. artist of Russia (1994), professor, honored. artist of the RSFSR (1982), honor. citizen of the Yemanzhelinsky district (2006). Graduated from the Magnitogorsk Musical teach them ....

Likhobabin Sergey Pavlovich (born June 5, 1952, Magnitny village, Agapovsky district), singer (tenor), Honored. artist of the Russian Federation (1997). Graduated from the Magnitogorsk vocational school No. 41 (1972, specialty "electrical fitter"), conductor-choir department ...

Lopukhova Natalya Mstislavovna (born February 28, 1946, Pervouralsk, Sverdlovsk Region), teacher, choir conductor. Graduated from the conductor-choir department music teach them. P. I. Tchaikovsky (1964, class of teacher Yu. S. Zvonitskaya),...

Luder Efim Borisovich (b. 1.04.1930, settlement of Chudnov now Zhytomyr region, Ukraine), singer (tenor), teacher, honored. artist of the RSFSR (1973). Graduated in 1956 vocal faculty Ural. state conservatory (Sverdlovsk). In 1965-74...

Lundstrem Oleg Leonidovich, conductor, composer, people. artist of the RSFSR (1984), laureate of the State. etc. RF (1998). The leader of the oldest jazz orchestra in the world (listed in the Book of Records...

Lysenko Vladimir Dmitrievich (born February 21, 1948, Chelyabinsk), musician, concertmaster. Prof. music He began his career in the jazz orchestra of the Palace of Culture "Yunost" in 1967. In 1975-78 he was the leading trumpeter of the big band PO "Polyot", who became a laureate ...

Lyapustin Nikolai Andriyanovich (b. 06/14/1953, Zlatoust), musician, poet, composer, organizer of music. teams. Graduated from Zlatoust. metallurgist, technical school (1983), folk. department College of Culture (2003). Mastered the game...

Makarenko Alexander Vasilyevich (born September 29, 1946, Chelyabinsk), pianist, teacher, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1997). Graduated from Moscow. the conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky (1970), postgraduate study at the Conservatory (1979, class of Prof. T. P....

Makedon Vladimir Mitrofanovich (b. 03.08.1938, village of Korsunka, Talnovsky district, Cherkasy region, Ukrainian SSR), conductor, teacher, Honored. cultural worker of the Russian Federation (1997). In school for years he was engaged in the choir, often soloed; on one's own...

Makedon Regina Olegovna (born February 25, 1940, Chelyabinsk), teacher, accompanist, merit. cultural worker of the Russian Federation (1993). She graduated from the Chelyabinsk Musical School (1959, teacher R. G. Gitlin), Ural. state conservatory (1964). WITH...

Mamonov Viktor Vasilyevich (04/27/1949, Bakal - 05/12/1995, Moscow), crooner. He has been singing since childhood; the first public performance took place in Bacala in 1960; in 1961, M. participated in a concert at the opening of the Palace of Culture ...

Masterova Irina Nikolaevna (b. 6.08.1949, Skugareevka village, Terengulsky district, Ulyanovsk region), singer (soprano). In 1967 she entered the vocal department of Chel. music teach them. P. I. Tchaikovsky (class of V. G. Rakov), in 1975...

Matveev Nikolay Leonidovich (07/06/1950, Kirov region - 06/13/2001, Chebarkul), artist. Graduated from the Penza Arts. teach them. K. A. Savitsky (1976; specialty "theatrical artist"). Lived and worked in Chebarkul;...

Matveev Yury Borisovich (b. 01/09/1949, Nizhnie Sergi, Sverdlovsk region), choir conductor, teacher, Honored. cultural worker (1989). In school For years he was engaged in a circle of accordion players at the House of Pioneers. Graduated from the Sverdlovsk Communist Party (1967),...

Medvedenko Olga Nikolaevna (07/03/1931, Bobrinets, now Kirovograd region, Ukraine - 04/20/2006, Snezhinsk), singer, teacher, director, honored. cultural worker of the Russian Federation (1999). She graduated from the vocal department of the Kyiv...

Melnikova Natalia Ivanovna (b. 07/22/1944, Gorky), musician, teacher, Doctor of Arts (2002). Graduated from the faculty of the Gorky Musical Academy. student (1966; class of prof. I. Z. Fridman), Php Faculty of Moscow. state music-ped. in-ta them ....

Menshikova Nadezhda Ivanovna (b. 06/22/1937, Magnitogorsk), singer, choirmaster, organizer of cultural and mass work. In 1957-61 she studied at the choral department of the Magnitogorsk Musical Academy. uch-schA, at the same time. was a hand. and choir soloist...

Minin Ivan Grigorievich (1918, Nizhny Novgorod province - 1988, Kyzyl, Tuva ASSR), conductor, honored. cultural worker of the RSFSR (1976), participant of the Grand. Fatherland war. In the beginning. 1930s M.'s family came to Magnitostroy. By...

Misachenko Alexander Yakovlevich (b. 06/10/1936, Rudnya-Kamenevo village, now Loevsky district, Gomel region, Republic of Belarus), MMK worker, singer (lyric tenor), honored. cultural worker of the RSFSR (1982). At the end of the Magnitogorsk ...

Miftakhov (Gainanov) Kayum Gainanovich, orientalist, folklorist, participant of the Grand. Fatherland war. Genus. V...

Mikhailov Alexander Adamovich (pseudo-Alexander Mikhailov-Uralsky; born February 15, 1956, Magnitogorsk), poet, singer, composer, honored. artist of Russia (1995). He graduated from the vocal and conductor-choral departments of the Magnitogorsk Muses. uh...

Mikhailov Alexander Vasilievich (b. 06/29/1954, Chelyabinsk), accordionist, teacher, composer. Graduated from Ural. state the conservatory. M. P. Mussorgsky (1978, class of Prof. Yu. P. Klyukin). Since 1978 in music. school (now college) city of Persons-65 ...

Mikhailov Alexander Georgievich (09/11/1937, Troitsk - 04/30/1996, Moscow), composer, conductor, honored. artist of the USSR, laureate of the State. etc. USSR (1985). He graduated from music. school at Leningrad. state conservatory, then Leningrad ....

Mikhailova Vera Filippovna (born February 28, 1942, Chebarkul), choirmaster. Graduated from the conducting department music teach them. P. I. Tchaikovsky (1965), ChGIK (1978, specialty “leader of an amateur academic choir"). WITH...

Mikhalchenko Valery Vasilyevich (b. 04/05/1941, Chelyabinsk), musician, choirmaster, folk. artist of the Russian Federation (2007). Studied at Children's music school “No. 4 in violin class (teacher N. N. Levinson). Graduated from the conductor-choir department music teach them. P....

Mikhalchenko Eleonora Viktorovna (b. 06/19/1937, Piryatin, Poltava region, Ukrainian SSR), teacher, honored. cultural worker of the RSFSR (1985). Graduated from the State music-ped. in-t im. Gnesins (1964; specialty "teacher ...

Mikhel Valery Aleksandrovich (b. 06/25/1953, Chelyabinsk), musician ( percussion instruments), honored artist of the Russian Federation (2002). Graduated from Chel. music teacher (1973; now the Tchaikovsky Institute of Music). Since 1964 he has performed as part of the Russian orchestra ....

Mishurova Lyubov Alexandrovna (born May 1, 1947, Magnitogorsk), teacher, singer (drama soprano), Honored. artist of Russia (2004). Graduated from department choral conducting(1970; class of V. T. Surnina) and solo singing(1976; class H....

Mozheevsky Evgeny Ivanovich (b. 08/24/1939, Magnitogorsk), musician, teacher, honored. cultural worker of the Russian Federation (1993). Graduated from the Magnitogorsk Musical teach them. M. I. Glinka (1959), Leningrad. state the conservatory. ON THE...

Morgulis Grigory Davydovich [Shmul-Girsh Davidovich; April 29 (May 11), 1877, Tobolsk - April 10, 1942, Chelyabinsk], musician, conductor, theater and public figure. After training in the military.-Music. school entered the Warsaw Museum ....

Mordasov Alexander Alekseevich (b. 06/14/1951, Temnikov, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), director, teacher. In 1970-83 the actor and director was a student. theater "Mannequin". Graduated from the ChGIK (1987), the Higher School of Stage Workers. lawsuit at Ros ....

Mordukhovich Alexander Mordukhovich (b. 03/28/1946, Zlatoust), teacher, musician, composer, honored. cultural worker of Russia (1995). Graduated from the Magnitogorsk Musical teach them. M. I. Glinka (1965), Gorky State University. the conservatory. M.I....

Moroz Victor Dmitrievich (b. 03/08/1951, Valyavo village, Kitsmansky district, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR), musician, conductor, teacher, Honored. artist of Russia (1999). Graduated from Chernivtsi Music. school (1970), ChGIK (1975; specialty ...

Morozov Anatoly Ivanovich (b. 10/24/1938, the village of Beloyarka, now Dalmatovsky district, Kurgan region), choirmaster, honored. cultural worker of the Russian Federation (1996), journalist, member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR (1966), honor. citizen of Kyshtym (1997). Graduated...

Morozov Yury Petrovich (08/22/1938, Rasskazovo, Tambov region - 08/10/2003, Chelyabinsk), singer (baritone), Honored. artist of the Russian Federation (2001). He graduated from the vocal department of the Tambov Muses. uch-shcha (1960), vocal f-t Ural. gos....

Mravinsky Evgeny Alexandrovich, conductor, teacher, National artist USSR (1954), Hero Socialist. Labor (1973), winner of the Stalin (1946) and Lenin (1961) pr. The son of a lawyer ...

Mukhatdinov Sharifulla Khadiatovich (b. 02/12/1947, Chelyabinsk), guitarist, teacher, Honored. artist of the Russian Federation (2002). Brother of N. Kh. Mukhatdinov. Graduated from Chel. metallurgist. technical school (1966), Sverdlovsk music. teach them. P. I. Tchaikovsky (1973)....

Munster Vadim Germanovich (b. 10/14/1946, Karaganda, Kazakh SSR), conductor, laureate of the State. etc. in the field of music. claims (1999). He studied at the Karaganda Musical Academy. school (until 1965). In 1965 - 67 teacher in the class of FP in ...

Myakutin Alexander Ivanovich, military figure, colonel, publicist, folklorist. Colonel's son. Graduated...

Nagorny Valery Sergeevich (born February 16, 1954, Chelyabinsk), jazz musician, saxophonist, composer, teacher, honored. artist of the Russian Federation (2000). Graduated from Chel. music student in the clarinet class (1973, teacher G. N. Smirnov), ChGIIK in ...

Nazalyonova Nina Nikolaevna (b. 05/24/1943, Chelyabinsk), art critic, theater critic, journalist, member of the WTO of the USSR (since 1970). Graduated from GITIS. In 1966-75 and 1977-89 head. lit. part of Chel. Youth Theatre. On the recommendation of N. in the repertoire ...

Neuhaus, musicians, teachers. Genrikh Gustavovich, pianist, founder of the school of piano performance, doctor of art history (1940), people's ....

Nenasheva Galina Alekseevna (born February 18, 1941, Chebarkul), pop singer(contralto). At the end of Wed. school (1958) accepted into the choir Chel. theater of opera and ballet. M. I. Glinka. In 1961-63 she performed on the stage of musical drama. theater g...

Nesterov Lev Dmitrievich, pianist, accompanist, conductor, composer. Graduated from Orenb. ped. technical school (1930), Orenb. music technical school in the class of the piano, conducting and choral faculty ...

Nefedov Evgeny Nikolaevich (born September 17, 1970, Chelyabinsk), pianist. Graduated from Chel. music school (1989), Ural. state the conservatory. M. P. Mussorgsky (1994, class of Prof. E. A. Levitan), postgraduate studies at the Conservatory (1996). During the period...

Nechaev Andrey Yurievich (b. 05/20/1957, Sverdlovsk), teacher. Graduated Wed. specialist. music school near the Urals. state conservatory in the special class. fp (1976), Ural. state the conservatory. M. P. Mussorgsky (1982; meritor...

Nikitin Yuri Mikhailovich (02/12/1944, Nizhny Ufaley - 01/01/2001, Upper Ufaley), poet, songwriter and performer. He worked at the Ufaleisk metallurgist. z-de (1959-63); member of the Nizhneufaleisky team ...

Nikitins, a family of musicians and teachers. Alexander Vasilievich (b. 05/21/1944, Magnitogorsk), choir conductor, teacher, art critic, honored. doer lawsuit in Russia(2007). Graduated from the Magnitogorsk Musical teach them. M....

Alphabetical search
